
Defines functions mutations .diffHaplo.loci all.equal.haploNet LDmap LDscan.loci LDscan.DNAbin LDscan LD2 LD dist.haplotype.loci dist.hamming plot.haplotype.loci haplotype.loci labels.haploNet cophenetic.haploNet as.igraph.haploNet as.network.haploNet as.evonet.haploNet as.phylo.haploNet print.haplotype summary.haplotype subset.haplotype sort.haplotype plot.haplotype plot.haploNet .setWindow4haploNet replot .labelSegmentsHaploNet .mutationDots .mutationRug .drawAlternativeLinks .drawSymbolsHaploNet diamond .rotateSquares square .squarePegas circle print.haploNet haploNet .TempletonProb diffHaplo haploFreq haplotype.numeric haplotype.character haplotype.DNAbin haplotype mst msn rmst getAllCombs

Documented in all.equal.haploNet as.evonet.haploNet as.igraph.haploNet as.network.haploNet as.phylo.haploNet cophenetic.haploNet diffHaplo dist.hamming dist.haplotype.loci haploFreq haploNet haplotype haplotype.character haplotype.DNAbin haplotype.loci haplotype.numeric LD LD2 LDmap LDscan LDscan.DNAbin LDscan.loci msn mst mutations plot.haploNet plot.haplotype plot.haplotype plot.haplotype.loci print.haploNet print.haplotype replot rmst sort.haplotype subset.haplotype summary.haplotype

## haplotype.R (2023-11-21)

##   Haplotype Extraction, Frequencies, and Networks

## Copyright 2009-2023 Emmanuel Paradis, 2013 Klaus Schliep

## This file is part of the R-package `pegas'.
## See the file ../DESCRIPTION for licensing issues.

getAllCombs <- function(n) {

    foo <- function(set, i) {
        if (j > K) return()
        for (z in set) {
            v[i] <<- z
            if (i == n) {
                res[, j] <<- v
                j <<- j + 1L

            } else {
                foo(set[set != z], i + 1)

    res <- matrix(NA_integer_, n, K <- factorial(n))
    j <- 1L
    v <- integer(n)
    foo(1:n, 1L)

rmst <- function(d, B = NULL, stop.criterion = NULL, iter.lim = 1000,
                 quiet = FALSE)
    updateMat <- function(mat, rep) {
        i <- match(mat, MAT)
        Nnew <- length(inew <- which(is.na(i)))
        if (Nnew) {
            TAB <<- c(TAB, rep(1L, Nnew))
            MAT <<- c(MAT, mat[inew])
            NOnew <<- 0L
            if (Nnew < n - 1) {
                i <- i[-inew]
                TAB[i] <<- TAB[i] + 1L
        } else {
            TAB[i] <<- TAB[i] + 1L
            NOnew <<- NOnew + 1L

    ## do MST and return vector of mode character with the labelled-links
    foo <- function(d) {
        d <<- as.dist(d)
        rnt <<- rnt <- mst(d)
        m <- rnt[, 1:2]
        dm <- dim(m)
        mat <- attr(rnt, "labels")[m]
        dim(mat) <- dm
        mat <- apply(mat, 1, sort)
        paste(mat[1, ], mat[2, ], sep = "\r")

    if (!is.matrix(d) && !inherits(d, "dist"))
        stop("'d' must be a matrix or a 'dist' object")
    D <- as.matrix(d)
    n <- nrow(D)
    randomize <- TRUE
    if (n < 6 && is.null(B)) {
        B <- factorial(n)
        COMBS <- getAllCombs(n)
        randomize <- FALSE
        if (!quiet)
            cat("Less than 6 observations: doing complete enumeration.\n")
    MAT <- character()
    TAB <- integer()
    NOnew <- 0L # number of iterations without new links
    if (is.null(B)) {
        rep <- 1L
        if (is.null(stop.criterion)) stop.criterion <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
        repeat {
            if (rep >= iter.lim) {
                B <- rep
            ri <- sample(n)
            d <- D[ri, ri]
            mat <- foo(d)
            updateMat(mat, rep)
            if (!quiet)
                cat("\rIteration:", rep, "  Number of links:", length(MAT))
            if (NOnew >= stop.criterion)  {
                B <- rep
            rep <- rep + 1L
    } else {
        for (rep in 1:B) {
            if (!quiet) cat("\rIteration:", rep)
            ri <- if (randomize) sample(n) else COMBS[, rep]
            d <- D[ri, ri]
            mat <- foo(d)
            updateMat(mat, rep)
    if (!quiet) cat("\n")
    if (length(TAB) == n - 1) {
        attr(rnt, "weight") <- rep(B, n - 1)
    links <- names(TAB) <- MAT

    ## define the backbone-network:
    labs <- rownames(D)
    forest <- 1:n
    k <- 0L
    done <- FALSE
    alt.logi <- !logical(length(TAB))
    ## the backbone-network is built by checking the links in the order
    ## of pairs of observations, and including the links which were
    ## found during the iterations of RMST.
    for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
        labi <- labs[i]
        for (j in (i + 1):n) {
            tmp <- paste(sort(c(labi, labs[j])), collapse = "\r")
            m <- match(tmp, links)
            if (is.na(m)) next
            if (forest[i] == forest[j]) next
            alt.logi[m] <- FALSE # so this is not an alternative link
            k <- k + 1L
            rnt[k, 1L] <- i
            rnt[k, 2L] <- j
            if (k == n - 1) {
                done <- TRUE
            forest[forest == forest[j]] <- forest[i]
        if (done) break
    rnt[, 3L] <- D[rnt[, 1:2]]

    ## An alternative is to use the last MST and recode the haplotypes
    ## in the same order than in the input distance matrix:
    ##labs <- rownames(D)
    ##recode <- match(attr(rnt, "labels"), labs)
    ##rnt[, 1L] <- recode[rnt[, 1L]]
    ##rnt[, 2L] <- recode[rnt[, 2L]]

    attr(rnt, "labels") <- labs
    alt <- unlist(strsplit(links[alt.logi], "\r"))
    alt <- match(alt, labs)
    alt <- matrix(alt, length(alt)/2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
    alt <- t(apply(alt, 1, sort))
    alt <- cbind(alt, D[alt])
    colnames(alt) <- c("", "", "step")
    attr(rnt, "alter.links") <- alt
    names(TAB) <- gsub("\r", "--", names(TAB))
    attr(rnt, "weight") <- TAB

msn <- function(d)
    getIandJ <- function(ij, n) {
        ## assumes a lower triangle, so i > j
        ## n must be > 1 (not checked)
        ## ij must be <= (n - 1)*n/2 (not checked too)
        j <- 1L
        N <- n - 1L
        while (ij > N) {
            j <- j + 1L
            N <- N + n - j
        i <- n - (N - ij)
        c(j, i) # return the smaller index first
    if (is.matrix(d)) d <- as.dist(d)
    MST <- mst(d)
    n <- attr(d, "Size")
    if (n < 3) {
        warning("less than 3 observations: function mst() was used")
    m <- matrix(NA_real_, 0, 3)
    forest <- 1:n
    ud <- sort(unique(d)) # unique distances in increasing order

    i <- 1L
    while (length(unique(forest)) > 1) {
        delta <- ud[i]
        for (iud in which(d == delta)) {
            p <- getIandJ(iud, n)
            f1 <- forest[p[1L]]
            f2 <- forest[p[2L]]
            m <- rbind(m, c(p, delta))
            if (f1 != f2) forest[forest == f2] <- f1
        i <- i + 1L
    ## define the alternative links wrt the MST:
    MST.str <- paste(MST[, 1], MST[, 2], sep = "\r")
    m.str <- paste(m[, 1], m[, 2], sep = "\r")
    k <- match(m.str, MST.str)
    nak <- is.na(k)
    if (any(nak)) {
        alt <- m[nak, , drop = FALSE]
        colnames(alt) <- c("", "", "step")
        m <- m[!nak, , drop = FALSE]
        attr(m, "alter.links") <- alt
    colnames(m) <- c("", "", "step")
    attr(m, "labels") <- attr(d, "Labels")
    class(m) <- "haploNet"

mst <- function(d)
    if (is.matrix(d)) d <- as.dist(d)
    n <- attr(d, "Size")
    if (n < 2) stop("less than 2 observations in distance matrix")
    m <- .Call(mst_C, d, n)
    colnames(m) <- c("", "", "step")
    attr(m, "labels") <- attr(d, "Labels")
    class(m) <- "haploNet"

haplotype <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("haplotype")

haplotype.DNAbin <- function(x, labels = NULL, strict = FALSE, trailingGapsAsN = TRUE, ...)
    nms.x <- deparse(substitute(x))
    if (is.list(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (!n) {
        class(x) <- c("haplotype", "DNAbin")
        attr(x, "index") <- list()
        attr(x, "from") <- nms.x
        warning("empty DNAbin object")
    if (trailingGapsAsN) x <- latag2n(x)
    segs <- seg.sites(x, strict = strict, trailingGapsAsN = FALSE)
    if (length(segs)) {
        xb <- x[, segs]
        s <- ncol(xb)
        res <- .C(haplotype_DNAbin, xb, n, s, integer(n), c(0L, 0L),
                  as.integer(strict), NAOK = TRUE)
        if (res[[5]][1]) warning("some sequences of different lengths were assigned to the same haplotype")
        if (res[[5]][2]) warning("some sequences were not assigned to the same haplotype because of ambiguities")
        h <- res[[4]]
        u <- h == 0
        h[u] <- i <- which(u)
    } else {
        i <- 1L
        h <- rep.int(1L, n)
        warning("no segregating site detected with these options")
    obj <- x[i, ]
    if (is.null(labels))
        labels <- as.character(as.roman(seq_along(i)))
    rownames(obj) <- labels
    class(obj) <- c("haplotype", "DNAbin")
    attr(obj, "index") <- lapply(i, function(x) which(h == x))
    attr(obj, "from") <- nms.x

haplotype.character <- function(x, labels = NULL, ...)
    nms.x <- deparse(substitute(x))
    if (!is.matrix(x))
        stop("x must be a matrix")
    h <- apply(x, 1, paste, collapse = "\r")
    hnotdup <- !duplicated(h)
    obj <- x[which(hnotdup), , drop = FALSE]
    hnotdup <- h[hnotdup]
    N <- nrow(obj)
    if (is.null(labels))
        labels <- as.character(as.roman(1:N))
    rownames(obj) <- labels
    class(obj) <- c("haplotype", "character")
    attr(obj, "index") <- lapply(1:N, function(i) which(h == hnotdup[i]))
    attr(obj, "from") <- nms.x

haplotype.numeric <- function(x, labels = NULL, ...)
    haplotype.character(x = x, labels = labels, ...)

haploFreq <- function(x, fac, split = "_", what = 2, haplo = NULL)
    if (missing(fac)) {
        fac <- strsplit(rownames(x), split)
        fac <- factor(sapply(fac, function(xx) xx[what]))
    } else {
        if (length(fac) != nrow(x))
            stop("number of elements in 'fac' not the same than number of sequences")
        if (!is.factor(fac)) fac <- factor(fac) # added 2021-02-10

    if (is.null(haplo)) haplo <- haplotype(x)
    h.index <- attr(haplo, "index")
    l <- nlevels(fac)
    if (l == 1) {
        res <- sapply(h.index, length)
        dim(res) <- c(length(res), 1L)
    } else {
        res <- sapply(h.index, function(xx) tabulate(fac[xx], l))
        res <- t(res)
    rownames(res) <- rownames(haplo)
    colnames(res) <- levels(fac)

diffHaplo <- function(h, a = 1, b = 2, strict = FALSE, trailingGapsAsN = TRUE)
    x <- h[c(a, b), ]
    s <- seg.sites(x, strict = strict, trailingGapsAsN = trailingGapsAsN)
    data.frame(pos = s, toupper(t(as.character(x[, s]))))

.TempletonProb <- function(j, S, b = 2, r = 1)
    br <- b * r
    P <- numeric(max(j))
    L_jm <- function(q, j, m) {
        jm1 <- j - 1
        qonbr <- q/br
        (2*q)^jm1 * (1 - q)^(2*m + 1) * (1 - qonbr) *
            (2 - q*(br + 1)/br)^jm1 *
                (1 - 2*q*(1 - qonbr))
    for (i in seq_along(P)) {
        M <- S - i
        denom <- integrate(L_jm, 0, 1, j = i, m = M)$value
        ## eq.7 from Templeton et al. 1992:
        out <- integrate(function(q) q*L_jm(q, j = i, m = M), 0, 1)$value/denom
        P[i] <- 1 - out

haploNet <- function(h, d = NULL, getProb = TRUE)
    if (!inherits(h, "haplotype"))
        stop("'h' must be of class 'haplotype'")
    freq <- sapply(attr(h, "index"), length)
    n <- length(freq) # number of haplotypes
    link <- matrix(0, 0, 3)
    if (is.null(d)) {
        ## d <- dist.dna(h, "N", pairwise.deletion = TRUE)
        d <- .C(distDNA_pegas, h, as.integer(n), ncol(h), numeric(n * (n - 1)/2), NAOK = TRUE)[[4]]
        attr(d, "Size") <- n
        attr(d, "Labels") <- rownames(h)
        attr(d, "Diag") <- attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
        class(d) <- "dist"
    d <- as.matrix(d)
    d[col(d) >= row(d)] <- NA # put NA's in the diag and above-diag elts
    one2n <- seq_len(n)
    dimnames(d) <- list(one2n, one2n)
    step <- 1
    gr <- one2n
    altlink <- matrix(0, 0, 3) # alternative links
    while (length(unique(gr)) > 1) {
        newLinks <- which(d == step, TRUE)
        if (length(newLinks)) {
            del <- NULL
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(newLinks))) {
                h1 <- newLinks[i, 1]
                h2 <- newLinks[i, 2]
                a <- gr[h1]
                b <- gr[h2]
                ## if both nodes are already in the same
                ## subnet, then count the link as alternative
                if (a == b) {
                    del <- c(del, i)
                    if (d[h1, h2] <= step)
                        altlink <- rbind(altlink, c(newLinks[i, ], step))
                } else gr[which(gr == b)] <- a
            if (!is.null(del)) newLinks <- newLinks[-del, , drop = FALSE]
            newLinks <- cbind(newLinks, rep(step, nrow(newLinks)))
            link <- rbind(link, newLinks)
        step <- step + 1
    Probs <- if (getProb) .TempletonProb(link[, 3], ncol(h)) else NA
    link <- cbind(link, Probs)
    dimnames(link) <- list(NULL, c("", "", "step", "Prob"))
    attr(link, "freq") <- freq
    attr(link, "labels") <- rownames(h)
    if (nrow(altlink)) {
        Probs <- if (getProb) .TempletonProb(altlink[, 3], ncol(h)) else NA
        altlink <- cbind(altlink, Probs)
        dimnames(altlink) <- dimnames(link)
        attr(link, "alter.links") <- altlink
    class(link) <- "haploNet"

print.haploNet <- function(x, ...)
    cat("Haplotype network with:\n")
    cat(" ", length(attr(x, "labels")), "haplotypes\n")
    N <- n <- nrow(x)
    altlinks <- attr(x, "alter.links")
    if (!is.null(altlinks)) N <- N + nrow(altlinks)
    cat(" ", N, if (N > 1) "links\n" else "link\n")
    cat("  link lengths between", x[1, 3], "and", x[n, 3], "step(s)\n\n")
    cat("Use print.default() to display all elements.\n")

circle <- function(x, y, size, col = "black", pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
    if (is.null(pie)) {
        symbols(x, y, circles = size / 2, inches = FALSE,
                add = TRUE, fg = col, bg = bg)
    } else {
        OPTS <- get("plotHaploNetOptions", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
        op <- par(fg = OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color)
        floating.pie.asp(x, y, pie, radius = size / 2, col = bg)

.squarePegas <- function(x, y, size, pie = NULL)
    l <- size * sqrt(pi) / 4
    left <- x - l
    bottom <- y - l
    right <- x + l
    top <- y + l
    res <- list(c(left, bottom, right, top))
    if (is.null(pie)) return(res)
    n <- length(pie)
    pie <- pie / sum(pie)
    m <- matrix(NA_real_, 4, n)
    area <- l * l * 4
    TOP <- TRUE
    y2 <- top
    x1 <- left
    x2 <- right
    for (i in 1:n) {
        if (TOP) {
            y1 <- y2 - pie[i] * area / (x2 - x1)
        } else {
            x2 <- pie[i] * area / (y2 - y1) + x1
        m[, i] <- c(x1, y1, x2, y2)
        if (TOP) {
            y2 <- y1
            y1 <- bottom
        } else {
            x1 <- x2
            x2 <- right
        TOP <- !TOP
    c(res, list(m))

square <- function(x, y, size, col, pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
    XY <- .squarePegas(x, y, size, pie = pie)
    OPTS <- get("plotHaploNetOptions", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
    border <- OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color
    if (!is.null(pie)) {
        for (i in seq_along(pie)) {
            s <- XY[[2]][, i]
            rect(s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], col = bg[i], border = border)
        bg <- NULL # for the call to rect() below
    s <- XY[[1]]
    rect(s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], col = bg, border = border)

.rotateSquares <- function(XY)
    ROT <- pi / 4
    foo <- function(rec) {
        x <- rec[c(1, 3, 3, 1)] - x0
        y <- rec[c(2, 2, 4, 4)] - y0
        tmp <- rect2polar(x, y)
        o <- polar2rect(tmp$r, tmp$angle + ROT)
        o$x <- o$x + x0
        o$y <- o$y + y0
    rec <- XY[[1]]
    x0 <- (rec[1] + rec[3]) / 2
    y0 <- (rec[2] + rec[4]) / 2
    res <- list(foo(rec))
    if (length(XY) > 1)
        res[[2]] <- apply(XY[[2]], 2, foo)

diamond <- function(x, y, size, col, pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
    XY <- .squarePegas(x, y, size, pie = pie)
    XY <- .rotateSquares(XY)
    OPTS <- get("plotHaploNetOptions", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
    border <- OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color
    if (!is.null(pie)) {
        for (i in seq_along(pie)) {
            xy <- XY[[2]][[i]]
            polygon(xy$x, xy$y, col = bg[i], border = border)
        bg <- NULL # for the call to polygon() below
    xy <- XY[[1]]
    polygon(xy$x, xy$y, border = border, col = bg)

.drawSymbolsHaploNet <- function(xx, yy, size, col, bg, shape, pie)
    nopie <- is.null(pie)
    if (identical(shape, "circles") && nopie) {
        ## the only case with vectorised arguments
        symbols(xx, yy, circles = size / 2, inches = FALSE,
                add = TRUE, fg = col, bg = bg)
    } else {
        n <- length(xx) # nb of nodes
        size <- rep(size, length.out = n)
        col <- rep(col, length.out = n)
        bg <- if (!nopie && is.function(bg)) bg(ncol(pie)) else rep(bg, length.out = ifelse(nopie, n, ncol(pie)))
        ## 'bg' should always be a vector of colours
        shape <- rep(shape, length.out = n)
        for (i in 1:n)
                   "circles" = circle,
                   "squares" = square,
                   "diamonds" = diamond)(xx[i], yy[i], size[i], col[i], pie[i, ], if (nopie) bg[i] else bg)

.drawAlternativeLinks <- function(xx, yy, altlink, threshold, show.mutation, scale.ratio, size)
    s <- altlink[, 3] >= threshold[1] & altlink[, 3] <= threshold[2]
    if (!any(s)) return(NULL)
    xa0 <- xx[altlink[s, 1]]
    ya0 <- yy[altlink[s, 1]]
    xa1 <- xx[altlink[s, 2]]
    ya1 <- yy[altlink[s, 2]]
    segments(xa0, ya0, xa1, ya1, col = "grey", lty = 2)
    if (show.mutation) {
        n <- length(xx)
        .labelSegmentsHaploNet(xx, yy, altlink[s, 1:2, drop = FALSE],
                               altlink[s, 3, drop = FALSE], size,
                               1, "black", show.mutation, scale.ratio)

.mutationRug <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, n, deltaRadii, space = 0.05, length = 0.2)
    ## convert inches into user-coordinates:
    l <- xinch(length)
    sp <- xinch(space)
    for (i in seq_along(x0)) {
        xstart <- seq(-(sp*(n[i] - 1))/2, by = sp, length.out = n[i])
        ystart <- rep(-l/2, n[i])
        xstop <- xstart
        ystop <- -ystart
        ## rotation if the line is not horizontal
        if (y0[i] != y1[i]) {
            theta <- atan2(y1[i] - y0[i], x1[i] - x0[i])
            tmpstart <- rect2polar(xstart, ystart)
            tmpstop <- rect2polar(xstop, ystop)
            Rstart <- tmpstart$r
            Rstop <- tmpstop$r
            THETAstart <- tmpstart$angle + theta
            THETAstop <- tmpstop$angle + theta
            xy.start <- polar2rect(Rstart, THETAstart)
            xy.stop <- polar2rect(Rstop, THETAstop)
            xstart <- xy.start$x
            ystart <- xy.start$y
            xstop <- xy.stop$x
            ystop <- xy.stop$y
        ## translation:
        if (deltaRadii[i] == 0) {
            xm <- (x0[i] + x1[i]) / 2
            ym <- (y0[i] + y1[i]) / 2
           } else {
               ## see explanations below
               li <- sqrt((x0[i] - x1[i])^2 + (y0[i] - y1[i])^2)
               w0 <- 1 / (li - deltaRadii[i] / 2)
               w1 <- 1 / (li + deltaRadii[i] / 2)
               sumw <- w0 + w1
               xm <- (x0[i] * w0 + x1[i] * w1) / sumw
               ym <- (y0[i] * w0 + y1[i] * w1) / sumw
        xstart <- xstart + xm
        ystart <- ystart + ym
        xstop <- xstop + xm
        ystop <- ystop + ym
        segments(xstart, ystart, xstop, ystop)

.mutationDots <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, n, deltaRadii, lwd, col.link,
                          space = 0.1, diameter = 0.05)
    ## convert inches into user-coordinates:
    l <- xinch(diameter)
    sp <- xinch(space)
    for (i in seq_along(x0)) {
        x <- seq(-(sp*(n[i] - 1))/2, by = sp, length.out = n[i])
        y <- numeric(n[i])
        ## rotation if the line is not horizontal
        if (y0[i] != y1[i]) {
            theta <- atan2(y1[i] - y0[i], x1[i] - x0[i])
            tmp <- rect2polar(x, y)
            xy <- polar2rect(tmp$r, tmp$angle + theta)
            x <- xy$x
            y <- xy$y
        ## translation:
        if (deltaRadii[i] == 0) {
            xm <- (x0[i] + x1[i]) / 2
            ym <- (y0[i] + y1[i]) / 2
           } else {
               ## see explanations below
               li <- sqrt((x0[i] - x1[i])^2 + (y0[i] - y1[i])^2)
               w0 <- 1 / (li - deltaRadii[i] / 2)
               w1 <- 1 / (li + deltaRadii[i] / 2)
               sumw <- w0 + w1
               xm <- (x0[i] * w0 + x1[i] * w1) / sumw
               ym <- (y0[i] * w0 + y1[i] * w1) / sumw
        x <- x + xm
        y <- y + ym
        symbols(x, y, circles = rep(lwd/15, length(x)), inches = FALSE,
                add = TRUE, fg = col.link, bg = col.link)

.labelSegmentsHaploNet <- function(xx, yy, link, step, size, lwd, col.link, method, scale.ratio)
### method: the way the segments are labelled
### 1: small segments
### 2: Klaus's method
### 3: show the number of mutations on each link

    l1 <- link[, 1]
    l2 <- link[, 2]
    switch(method, {
        .mutationRug(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], step, size[l2] - size[l1])
    }, {
        .mutationDots(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], step, size[l2] - size[l1],
                      lwd, col.link, space = 0.1, diameter = 0.05)
###        ld1 <- step
###        ld2 <- step * scale.ratio
###        for (i in seq_along(ld1)) {
###            pc <- ((1:ld1[i]) / (ld1[i] + 1) * ld2[i] + size[l1[i]]/2) / (ld2[i] + (size[l1[i]] + size[l2[i]])/2)
###            xr <- pc * (xx[l2[i]] - xx[l1[i]]) +  xx[l1[i]]
###            yr <- pc * (yy[l2[i]] - yy[l1[i]]) +  yy[l1[i]]
###            symbols(xr, yr, circles = rep(lwd/15, length(xr)), inches = FALSE,
###                    add = TRUE, fg = col.link, bg = col.link)
###        }
    }, {
        x0 <- xx[l1]
        x1 <- xx[l2]
        y0 <- yy[l1]
        y1 <- yy[l2]
        x <- (x0 + x1) / 2
        y <- (y0 + y1) / 2
        deltaRadii <- size[l2] - size[l1]
        if (any(s <- deltaRadii != 0)) {
### if there are links between symbols of different size: need to place the
### annotation in the middle of the "visible" part of the link. We do that
### with a weighting mean of the coordinates (simpler to calculate than
### trogonometric formulas). We do that only for the different sized symbols.
            s <- which(s)
            ## lengths between each pair of nodes:
            l <- sqrt((x0[s] - x1[s])^2 + (y0[s] - y1[s])^2)
            ## difference in radii (keep in mind that 'size' are diameters,
            ## so we need to divide by 2):
            deltaRadii <- deltaRadii[s] / 2
            ## weights for the mean:
            w0 <- 1 / (l - deltaRadii)
            w1 <- 1 / (l + deltaRadii)
            sumw <- w0 + w1
            x[s] <- (x0[s] * w0 + x1[s] * w1) / sumw
            y[s] <- (y0[s] * w0 + y1[s] * w1) / sumw
        BOTHlabels(step, NULL, x, y, c(0.5, 0.5), "rect", NULL, NULL,
                   NULL, NULL, "black", "lightgrey", FALSE, NULL, NULL)

replot <- function(xy = NULL, col.identifier = "purple", ...)
    on.exit(return(list(x = xx, y = yy)))

    Last.phn <- get("last_plot.haploNet", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
    xx <- Last.phn$xx
    yy <- Last.phn$yy
    l1 <- Last.phn$link[, 1]
    l2 <- Last.phn$link[, 2]
    step <- Last.phn$step
    lwd <- Last.phn$lwd
    size <- Last.phn$size
    col <- Last.phn$col
    bg <- Last.phn$bg
    lty <- Last.phn$lty
    shape <- Last.phn$shape
    col.link <- Last.phn$col.link
    labels <- Last.phn$labels
    asp <- Last.phn$asp
    pie <- Last.phn$pie
    labels <- Last.phn$labels
    show.mutation <- Last.phn$show.mutation
    scale.ratio <- Last.phn$scale.ratio
    altlink <- Last.phn$alter.links
    threshold <- Last.phn$threshold

    if (is.character(labels)) {
        font <- Last.phn$font
        cex <- Last.phn$cex

    getMove <- function() {
        p1 <- locator(1)
        if (is.null(p1)) return("done")
        ## find the closest node to p1...
        i <- which.min(sqrt((p1$x - xx)^2 + (p1$y - yy)^2))
        points(xx[i][rep(1L, 3L)], yy[i][rep(1L, 3L)],
               pch = 10, cex = 3:5, col = col.identifier)
        p2 <- locator(1)
        ## ... and change its coordinates:
        xx[i] <<- p2$x
        yy[i] <<- p2$y

    if (is.null(xy)) {
        cat("\n    *** You are about to edit your haplotype network ***\n\n1. Click once on the node to be moved (it will be visually identified).\n2. Click a second time where to place it.\n3. Repeat 1. and 2. as many times as you want.\n4. Right-click to exit.\n\nNOTES:\n* The whole network is redrawn after each node move.\n* This function returns the final coordinates of the nodes so it is\n  recommended to save them (e.g., xy <- replot()).\n* The saved coordinates can later be used non-interactively\n  (e.g., replot(xy) or plot(net, xy = xy)).\n")
        res <- getMove()
    } else {
        xx <- xy$x
        yy <- xy$y

    repeat {
        .setWindow4haploNet(xx, yy, size, asp, ...)
        segments(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], lwd = lwd,
                 lty = lty, col = col.link)
        if (show.mutation)
            .labelSegmentsHaploNet(xx, yy, cbind(l1, l2), step, size, lwd,
                                   col.link, as.numeric(show.mutation), scale.ratio)
        if (!is.null(altlink) && !identical(as.numeric(threshold), 0))
            .drawAlternativeLinks(xx, yy, altlink, threshold, show.mutation, scale.ratio, size)
        .drawSymbolsHaploNet(xx, yy, size, col, bg, shape, pie)
        if (is.character(labels))
            text(xx, yy, labels, font = font, cex = cex)
        assign("tmp", list(xx, yy), envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
        eval(quote(last_plot.haploNet[1:2] <- tmp), envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
        if (!is.null(xy)) break
        res <- getMove()
        if (identical(res, "done")) break

## set the (empty) graphic window before plotting the network
.setWindow4haploNet <- function(xx, yy, size, asp, ...)
    dots <- list(...)
    noxlim <- noylim <- TRUE
    if (length(dots)) {
        ## find the bounding box unless xlim and/or ylim given
        if ("xlim" %in% names(dots)) noxlim <- FALSE
        if ("ylim" %in% names(dots)) noylim <- FALSE
    half.size <- size / 2
    if (noxlim) dots$xlim <- c(min(xx - half.size), max(xx + half.size))
    if (noylim) dots$ylim <- c(min(yy - half.size), max(yy + half.size))
    dots$x <- NA
    dots$type <- dots$bty <- "n"
    dots$ann <- dots$axes <- FALSE
    dots$asp <- asp
    do.call(plot, dots)

plot.haploNet <- function(x, size = 1, col, bg, col.link, lwd, lty,
             shape = "circles", pie = NULL, labels, font, cex, col.lab,
             scale.ratio, asp = 1, legend = FALSE, fast = FALSE,
             show.mutation, threshold = c(1, 2), xy = NULL, ...)
    ## map options to arguments
    OPTS <- get("plotHaploNetOptions", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
    if (missing(col)) col <- OPTS$haplotype.outer.color
    if (missing(bg)) {
        bg <- if (is.null(pie)) OPTS$haplotype.inner.color else OPTS$pie.colors.function
    if (missing(col.link)) col.link <- OPTS$link.color
    if (missing(lwd)) lwd <- OPTS$link.width
    if (missing(lty)) lty <- OPTS$link.type
    if (missing(labels)) labels <- OPTS$labels
    if (missing(font)) font <- OPTS$labels.font
    if (missing(cex)) cex <- OPTS$labels.cex
    if (missing(col.lab)) col.lab <- OPTS$labels.color
    if (missing(scale.ratio)) scale.ratio <- OPTS$scale.ratio
    if (missing(show.mutation)) show.mutation <- OPTS$show.mutation

    SHAPES <- c(c = "circles", s = "squares", d = "diamonds")
    shape <- SHAPES[substr(tolower(shape), 1L, 1L)]
    ## par(xpd = TRUE) # normalement plus utile...
    link <- x[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
    l1 <- x[, 1]
    l2 <- x[, 2]
    ld <- x[, 3] * scale.ratio

    tab <- tabulate(link)
    n <- length(tab)
    show.mutation <- as.integer(show.mutation)

    ## adjust 'ld' wrt the size of the symbols:
    size <- rep(size, length.out = n)
    ld <- ld + (size[l1] + size[l2])/2

    if (!is.null(xy)) {
        xx <- xy$x
        yy <- xy$y
        fast <- TRUE
    } else {
        if (n < 3) {
            xx <- c(-ld, ld)/2
            yy <- rep(0, 2)
            fast <- TRUE
        } else {
            xx <- yy <- angle <- theta <- r <- numeric(n)
            avlb <- !logical(length(ld))

            H <- vector("list", n) # the list of hierarchy of nodes...

            ## the recursive function to allocate quadrants
            foo <- function(i) {
                j <- integer() # indices of the haplotypes linked to 'i'
                for (ii in 1:2) { # look at both columns
                    ll <- which(link[, ii] == i & avlb)
                    if (length(ll)) {
                        newj <- link[ll, -ii]
                        r[newj] <<- ld[ll]
                        j <- c(j, newj)
                        avlb[ll] <<- FALSE
                if (nlink <- length(j)) {
                    H[[i]] <<- j
                    start <- theta[i] - angle[i]/2
                    by <- angle[i]/nlink
                    theta[j] <<- seq(start, by = by, length.out = nlink)
                    angle[j] <<- by
                    xx[j] <<- r[j] * cos(theta[j]) + xx[i]
                    yy[j] <<- r[j] * sin(theta[j]) + yy[i]
                    for (ii in j) foo(ii)

            ## start with the haplotype with the most links:
            central <- which.max(tab)
            angle[central] <- 2*pi

    if (!fast) {
        fCollect <- function(i) {
            ## find all nodes to move simultaneously
            ii <- H[[i]]
            if (!is.null(ii)) {
                j <<- c(j, ii)
                for (jj in ii) fCollect(jj)

        ## NOTE: moving this function outside of the body of plot.haploNet() is not more efficient
        energy <- function(xx, yy) {
            ## First, check line crossings
            nlink <- length(l1)
            ## rounding makes it work better (why???)
            x0 <- round(xx[l1])
            y0 <- round(yy[l1])
            x1 <- round(xx[l2])
            y1 <- round(yy[l2])
            ## compute all the slopes and intercepts:
            beta <- (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)
            if (any(is.na(beta))) return(Inf)
            intp <- y0 - beta*x0
            for (i in 1:(nlink - 1)) {
                for (j in (i + 1):nlink) {
                    ## in case they are parallel:
                    if (beta[i] == beta[j]) next
                    ## if both lines are vertical:
                    if (abs(beta[i]) == Inf && abs(beta[j]) == Inf) next
                    ## now find the point where both lines cross
                    if (abs(beta[i]) == Inf) { # in case the 1st line is vertical...
                        xi <- x0[i]
                        yi <- beta[j]*xi + intp[j]
                    } else if (abs(beta[j]) == Inf) { # ... or the 2nd one
                        xi <- x0[j]
                        yi <- beta[i]*xi + intp[i]
                    } else {
                        xi <- (intp[j] - intp[i])/(beta[i] - beta[j])
                        yi <- beta[i]*xi + intp[i]
                    xi <- round(xi) # rounding as above
                    yi <- round(yi)

                    if (x0[i] < x1[i]) {
                        if (xi <= x0[i] || xi >= x1[i]) next
                    } else {
                        if (xi >= x0[i] || xi <= x1[i]) next

                    if (y0[i] < y1[i]) {
                        if (yi <= y0[i] || yi >= y1[i]) next
                    } else {
                        if (yi >= y0[i] || yi <= y1[i]) next

                    ## if we reach here, the intersection point is on
                    ## the 1st segment, check if it is on the 2nd one
                    if (x0[j] < x1[j]) {
                        if (xi <= x0[j] || xi >= x1[j]) next
                    } else {
                        if (xi >= x0[j] || xi <= x1[j]) next

                    if (y0[i] < y1[j]) {
                        if (yi <= y0[j] || yi >= y1[j]) next
                    } else {
                        if (yi >= y0[j] || yi <= y1[j]) next
            D <- dist(cbind(xx, yy))
            sum(1/c(D)^2, na.rm = TRUE)

        Rotation <- function(rot, i, beta) {
            ## rot: indices of the nodes to rotate
            ## i: index of the node connected to 'rot' (= fixed rotation point)
            xx.rot <- xx[rot] - xx[i]
            yy.rot <- yy[rot] - yy[i]
            theta <- atan2(yy.rot, xx.rot) + beta
            h <- sqrt(xx.rot^2 + yy.rot^2)
            new.xx[rot] <<- h*cos(theta) + xx[i]
            new.yy[rot] <<- h*sin(theta) + yy[i]

        OptimizeRotation <- function(node, rot) {
            ## test the direction 1st
            inc <- pi/90
            Rotation(rot, node, inc)
            new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)
            if (new.E >= E) {
                inc <- -inc
                Rotation(rot, node, inc)
                new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)

            while (new.E < E) {
                xx <<- new.xx
                yy <<- new.yy
                E <<- new.E
                Rotation(rot, node, inc)
                new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)

        E <- energy(xx, yy)
        new.xx <- xx
        new.yy <- yy

        nextOnes <- NULL
        for (i in H[[central]][-1]) {
            ## collect the nodes descending from 'i':
            j <- NULL # j must be initialized before calling fCollect
            rot <- c(i, j) # index of the nodes that will be moved
            OptimizeRotation(central, rot)
            nextOnes <- c(nextOnes, i)

        while (!is.null(nextOnes)) {
            newNodes <- nextOnes
            nextOnes <- NULL
            for (i in newNodes) {
                if (is.null(H[[i]])) next
                for (j in H[[i]]) {
                    rot <- j
                    OptimizeRotation(i, rot)
                    nextOnes <- c(nextOnes, rot)

    .setWindow4haploNet(xx, yy, size, asp, ...)
    segments(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], lwd = lwd,
             lty = lty, col = col.link)

    ## draw alternative links
    altlink <- attr(x, "alter.links")
    if (!is.null(altlink) && !identical(as.numeric(threshold), 0))
        .drawAlternativeLinks(xx, yy, altlink, threshold, show.mutation, scale.ratio, size)

    if (show.mutation) {
        if (show.mutation == 1 && all(x[, 3] < 1)) {
            warning("link lengths < 1: cannot use the default for 'show.mutation' (changed to 3)")
            show.mutation <- 3
        .labelSegmentsHaploNet(xx, yy, link, x[, 3], size, lwd, col.link,
                               show.mutation, scale.ratio)

    .drawSymbolsHaploNet(xx, yy, size, col, bg, shape, pie)

    if (labels) {
        labels <- attr(x, "labels") # for export below
        text(xx, yy, labels, font = font, cex = cex, col = col.lab)
    if (legend[1]) {
        if (is.logical(legend)) {
            cat("Click where you want to draw the legend")
            xy <- unlist(locator(1))
            cat("\nThe coordinates x = ", xy[1], ", y = ", xy[2], " are used\n", sep = "")
        } else {
            if (!is.numeric(legend) || length(legend) < 2)
                stop("wrong coordinates of legend")
            xy <- legend
        if (length(SZ <- unique(size)) > 1) {
            SZ <- unique(c(min(SZ), floor(median(SZ)), max(SZ)))
            SHIFT <- max(SZ) / 2
            vspace <- strheight(" ")
            if (any(shape == "circles")) {
                for (sz in SZ) {
                    seqx <- seq(-sz / 2, sz / 2, length.out = 100)
                    seqy <- sqrt((sz /2)^2 - seqx^2)
                    seqx <- seqx + xy[1] + SHIFT
                    seqy <- xy[2] + seqy - SHIFT
                    lines(seqx, seqy)
                    text(seqx[100], seqy[100], sz, adj = c(0.5, 1.1))
                xy[2] <- xy[2] - SHIFT - 2 * vspace # update 'y'
            if (any(shape == "squares") || any(shape == "diamonds")) {
                sqrtPIon4 <- sqrt(pi) / 4
                ## center of the squares:
                orig.x <- xy[1] + max(SZ) * sqrtPIon4
                orig.y <- xy[2] - max(SZ) * sqrtPIon4
                for (sz in SZ) {
                    TMP <- sz * sqrtPIon4
                    lines(orig.x + c(-TMP, -TMP, TMP, TMP),
                          orig.y + c(0, TMP, TMP, 0))
                    text(orig.x + TMP, orig.y, sz, adj = c(0.5, 1.1))
                xy[2] <- xy[2] - SHIFT - 2 * vspace # update
        if (!is.null(pie)) {
            nc <- ncol(pie)
            ##co <- if (length(bg) == 1 && bg == "white") rainbow(nc) else rep(bg, length.out = nc)
            co <- if (is.function(bg)) bg(nc) else rep(bg, length.out = nc)
            w <- diff(par("usr")[3:4]) / 40
            TOP <- seq(xy[2], by = -w, length.out = nc)
            BOTTOM <- TOP + diff(TOP[1:2]) * 0.9
            LEFT <- rep(xy[1], nc)
            RIGHT <- LEFT + w
            rect(LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT, TOP, col = co)
            text(RIGHT + strwidth("n"), (TOP + BOTTOM) /2, colnames(pie), adj = 0)
           list(xx = xx, yy = yy, link = link, step = x[, 3], size = size,
                col = col, bg = bg, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, shape = shape,
                col.link = col.link,labels = labels, font = font, cex = cex,
                asp = asp, pie = pie, show.mutation = show.mutation,
                scale.ratio = scale.ratio, alter.links = altlink,
                threshold = threshold),
           envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)

plot.haplotype <- function(x, xlab = "Haplotype", ylab = "Number", ...)
    barplot(sapply(attr(x, "index"), length), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
            names.arg = rownames(x), ...)

sort.haplotype <-
    function(x, decreasing = ifelse(what == "frequencies", TRUE, FALSE), what = "frequencies", ...)
    oc <- oldClass(x)
    from <- attr(x, "from")
    what <- match.arg(what, c("frequencies", "labels"))
    idx <- attr(x, "index")
    o <- switch(what,
                frequencies = order(sapply(idx, length), decreasing = decreasing),
                labels = order(rownames(x), decreasing = decreasing))
    x <- x[o, ]
    attr(x, "index") <- idx[o]
    class(x) <- oc
    attr(x, "from") <- from

subset.haplotype <- function(x, minfreq = 1, maxfreq = Inf, maxna = Inf,
                             na = c("N", "?"), ...)
    oc <- oldClass(x)
    from <- attr(x, "from")
    idx <- attr(x, "index")
    f <- sapply(idx, length)
    s <- f <= maxfreq & f >= minfreq
    if (is.finite(maxna)) {
        na <- tolower(na)
        all <- c("r", "m", "w", "s", "k", "y", "v", "h", "d", "b", "n", "-", "?")
        if (identical(na, "all")) na <- all
        if (identical(na, "ambiguous")) na <- all[1:11]
        freq <- if (maxna < 1) FALSE else TRUE
        foo <- function(x) sum(base.freq(x, freq, TRUE)[na])
        count.na <- numeric(n <- nrow(x))
        for (i in seq_len(n)) count.na[i] <- foo(x[i, ]) # cannot use apply
        s <- s & count.na <= maxna
    x <- x[s, ]
    attr(x, "index") <- idx[s]
    class(x) <- oc
    attr(x, "from") <- from

summary.haplotype <- function(object, ...)
    setNames(lengths(attr(object, "index")), rownames(object))

print.haplotype <- function(x, ...)
    n <- (d <- dim(x))[1]
    DF <- summary.haplotype(x)
    cat("\nHaplotypes extracted from:", attr(x, "from"), "\n\n")
    cat("    Number of haplotypes:", n, "\n")
    cat("         Sequence length:", d[2], "\n\n")
    cat("Haplotype labels and frequencies:\n\n")
    if (n <= 40) print(DF)
    else {
        cat("...\n(use summary() to print all)\n")

"[.haplotype" <- function(x, ...)
    cls <- class(x)
    if (length(cls) > 1) cls <- cls[-1]
    y <- NextMethod("[")
    class(y) <- cls

as.phylo.haploNet <- function(x, quiet = FALSE, ...)
    if (!is.null(attr(x, "alter.links")) && !quiet)
        warning("some links (edges) were dropped because of reticulations")

    foo <- function(xx) {
        NODES <<- c(NODES, xx)
        W <- which(mat == xx, TRUE)
        for (i in 1:nrow(W)) {
            k <- W[i, 1]
            if (DONE[k]) next
            DONE[k] <<- TRUE
            link <- mat[k, ]
            if (link[1] != xx) link <- rev(link)
            edge[ie, ] <<- link
            el[ie] <<- x[k, 3]
            ie  <<- ie + 1L
            neigh <- link[2]
            if (deg[neigh] == 1L) TIPS <<- c(TIPS, neigh) else foo(neigh)

    LABS <- attr(x, "labels")
    n <- length(LABS) # number of haplotype nodes
    mat <- x[, 1:2]
    deg <- tabulate(mat, n) # get the degree of each node
    deg1 <- deg == 1
    ntip <- sum(deg1)

    TIPS <- integer()
    NODES <- integer()
    edge <- mat
    edge[] <- 0L
    el <- numeric(nrow(mat))
    ie <- 1L
    DONE <- logical(nrow(mat))
    ROOT <- which(!deg1)[1]
    edge <- match(edge, TIPNODE)
    dim(edge) <- dim(mat)
    phy <- list(edge = edge, edge.length = el, tip.label = LABS[TIPS],
                Nnode = length(NODES), node.label = LABS[NODES])
    class(phy) <- "phylo"

as.evonet.haploNet <- function(x, ...)
    res <- as.phylo.haploNet(x, quiet = TRUE)
    alt <- attr(x, "alter.links")
    if (!is.null(alt)) {
        LABS <- attr(x, "labels")
        o <- match(LABS, c(res$tip.label, res$node.label))
        alt <- o[alt[, 1:2]]
        dim(alt) <- c(length(alt)/2, 2)
        res$reticulation <- alt
        class(res) <- c("evonet", "phylo")

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("network", "network.vertex.names<-"))
as.network.haploNet <- function(x, directed = FALSE, altlinks = TRUE, ...)
    res <- x[, 1:2]
    if (altlinks) res <- rbind(res, attr(x, "alter.links")[, 1:2])
    res <- network(res, directed = directed, ...)
    network.vertex.names(res) <- attr(x, "labels")

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables("graph.edgelist")
as.igraph.haploNet <- function(x, directed = FALSE, use.labels = TRUE,
                               altlinks = TRUE, ...)
    y <- x[, 1:2]
    if (altlinks) y <- rbind(y, attr(x, "alter.links")[, 1:2])
    y <-
        if (use.labels) matrix(attr(x, "labels")[y], ncol = 2)
        else y - 1L
    graph.edgelist(y, directed = directed, ...)

## approximate function giving the cophenetic distance on a network
## -> can be used to find nodes with short distances to most nodes, eg:
## rowSums(cophenetic.haploNet(net))
cophenetic.haploNet <- function(x)
    LABS <- attr(x, "labels")
    phy <- as.phylo.haploNet(x, quiet = TRUE)
    res <- dist.nodes(phy)
    o <- match(LABS, c(phy$tip.label, phy$node.label))
    res <- res[o, o]
    alt <- attr(x, "alter.links")
    if (!is.null(alt)) {
        for (i in 1:nrow(alt)) {
            a <- alt[i, 1]
            b <- alt[i, 2]
            res[a, b] <- res[b, a] <- alt[i, 3]
    dimnames(res) <- list(LABS, LABS)

labels.haploNet <- function(object, ...) attr(object, "labels")

haplotype.loci <- function(x, locus = 1:2, quiet = FALSE, compress = TRUE,
                           check.phase = TRUE, ...)
    x <- x[, attr(x, "locicol")[locus]]
    nloc <- ncol(x)
    n <- nrow(x)

    if (check.phase) {
        ## drop the rows with at least one unphased genotype:
        s <- apply(is.phased(x), 1, all)
        if (any(!s)) {
            x <- x[s, ]
            warning(paste("dropping", sum(!s), "individual(s) out of", n, "due to unphased genotype(s)"))
            n <- nrow(x)

### NOTE: trying to find identical rows first does not speed calculations

    ## initialise (works for all levels of ploidy)
    nh <- .checkPloidy(x[, 1, drop = FALSE]) # the number of haplotypes
    names(nh) <- NULL
    res <- matrix("", nloc, nh * n)
    class(x) <- "data.frame" # drop "loci"

### unlist(lapply()) is a bit faster than filling the matrix with 'for'
### thanks to use.names = FALSE in unlist(). The old code is:
###    y <- matrix(NA_integer_, n, nloc)
###    for (j in seq_len(nloc)) y[, j] <- as.integer(x[[j]])
    y <- unlist(lapply(x, as.character), FALSE, FALSE)
    dim(y) <- c(n, nloc)

    mysplit <- function(x)
        unlist(strsplit(x, "|", fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE), FALSE, FALSE)

    k <- 1:nh
    for (i in seq_len(n)) { # loop along each individual
        if (!quiet && !(i %% 100)) cat("\rAnalysing individual no.", i, "/", n)
        tmp <- mysplit(y[i, ])
        dim(tmp) <- c(nh, nloc) # arrange the alleles in a matrix...
        res[, k] <- t(tmp)      # faster than using matrix(, byrow = TRUE)
        k <- k + nh

### experimental code to run the above loop with parallel
### foo <- function(i) {
###     tmp <- mysplit(y[i, ])
###     dim(tmp) <- c(nh, nloc)
###     t(tmp)
### }
### res <- mclapply(seq_len(n), foo)
### res <- unlist(res, FALSE, FALSE)
### dim(res) <- c(nloc, n * nh)

    if (!compress) {
        rownames(res) <- colnames(x)

    nc <- ncol(res)
    h <- .Call(unique_haplotype_loci, res, nloc, nc)
    u <- h == 0
    if (all(u)) freq <- rep(1L, nc) else {
        i <- which(u)
        res <- res[, i, drop = FALSE]
        h[u] <- i
        freq <- tabulate(h)
        freq <- freq[freq > 0]

    if (!quiet) cat("\rAnalysing individual no.", n, "/", n, "\n")

    rownames(res) <- colnames(x)
    class(res) <- "haplotype.loci"
    attr(res, "freq") <- freq

plot.haplotype.loci <- function(x, ...)
    y <- attr(x, "freq")
    names(y) <- apply(x, 2, paste, collapse = "-")
    barplot(y, ...)

dist.hamming <- function(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (n < 2) stop("less than two haplotypes")
    d <- numeric(n * (n - 1)/2)
    k <- 1L
    for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):n) {
            d[k] <- sum(x[i, ] != x[j, ])
            k <- k + 1L
    attr(d, "Size") <- n
    attr(d, "Labels") <- rownames(x)
    attr(d, "Diag") <- attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
    attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
    attr(d, "method") <- "N"
    class(d) <- "dist"

dist.haplotype.loci <- function(x)
    n <- ncol(x)
    if (n < 2) stop("less than two haplotypes")
    d <- numeric(n * (n - 1) / 2)
    k <- 1L
    for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):n) {
            d[k] <- sum(x[, i] != x[, j])
            k <- k + 1L
    attr(d, "Size") <- n
    attr(d, "Labels") <- colnames(x)
    attr(d, "Diag") <- attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
    attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
    attr(d, "method") <- "N"
    class(d) <- "dist"

LD <- function(x, locus = c(1, 2), details = TRUE)
    if (length(locus) != 2)
        stop("you must specify two loci to compute linkage disequilibrium")
    hap <- haplotype.loci(x, locus = locus, quiet = TRUE)
    alleles1 <- unique(hap[1, ])
    alleles2 <- unique(hap[2, ])
    k <- length(alleles1)
    m <- length(alleles2)
    nij <- matrix(0L, k, m, dimnames = list(alleles1, alleles2))
    nij[t(hap)] <- attr(hap, "freq")
    N <- sum(nij)
    pij <- nij / N
    pi <- rowSums(pij)
    qj <- colSums(pij)
    eij <- pi %o% qj * N
    pi <- rep(pi, ncol(pij))
    qj <- rep(qj, each = nrow(pij))
    D <- pij - pi * qj
    rij <- D / sqrt(pi * (1 - pi) * qj * (1 - qj))
    df <- (k - 1) * (m - 1)
    T2 <- df * N * sum(rij^2) / (k * m)
    res <- c("T2" = T2, "df" = df, "P-val" = pchisq(T2, df, lower.tail = FALSE))
    if (details) {
        res <- list(nij, eij, rij, 2 * sum(nij * log(nij / eij)),
                    2 * sum((nij - eij)^2 / eij), res)
        names(res) <- c("Observed frequencies", "Expected frequencies", "Correlations among alleles",
                       "LRT (G-squared)", "Pearson's test (chi-squared)", "T2")

LD2 <- function(x, locus = c(1, 2), details = TRUE)
    if (length(locus) != 2)
        stop("you must specify two loci to compute linkage disequilibrium")
    x <- x[, attr(x, "locicol")[locus]]
    if (any(.checkPloidy(x) != 2))
        stop("linkage disequilibrium with unphased genotypes works only for diploid data")
    n <- nrow(x)
    s <- summary(x)
    alleles1 <- names(s[[1]]$allele)
    alleles2 <- names(s[[2]]$allele)
    genotypes1 <- names(s[[1]]$genotype)
    genotypes2 <- names(s[[2]]$genotype)

    ## get allele proportions:
    P <- lapply(s, "[[", "allele")
    P <- rapply(P, function(x) x/sum(x), how = "replace")

    ## compute HW disequilibrium coefficients:
    G <- lapply(s, "[[", "genotype")
    G <- rapply(G, function(x) x/sum(x), how = "replace")
    DHW <- vector("list", 2)
    for (i in 1:2) {
        alls <- if (i == 1) alleles1 else alleles2
        tmp <- G[[i]][paste(alls, alls, sep = "/")] # frequencies of all possible homozygotes
        tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 0 # for the unobserved
        names(tmp) <- alls
        DHW[[i]] <- tmp - P[[i]]^2

    Delta <- r <- numeric()

    x1 <- as.integer(x[, 1L, drop = TRUE])
    x2 <- as.integer(x[, 2L, drop = TRUE])

    for (a in alleles1) {
        Pa <- P[[1]][a]
        Da <- DHW[[1]][a]
        for (b in alleles2) {
            Pb <- P[[2]][b]
            Db <- DHW[[2]][b]

            ## find the homozygote genotypes:
            i <- match(paste(a, a, sep = "/"), genotypes1)
            j <- match(paste(b, b, sep = "/"), genotypes2)

            n1 <- n2 <- n3 <- n4 <- 1e100 # initialise
            ## if the homozygotes were not observed set the n's accordingly,
            ## else find them in the respective columns:
            if (is.na(i)) n1 <- n2 <- 0 else Ho1 <- x1 == i
            if (is.na(j)) n1 <- n3 <- 0 else Ho2 <- x2 == j

            ## count the homozygotes at both loci:
            if (as.logical(n1)) n1 <- sum(Ho1 & Ho2)

            ## the next command will find the genotypes with the 1st allele (homozygote OR heterozygote):
            tmp1 <- grep(paste0("^", a, "/|/", a, "$"), genotypes1)
            if (!is.na(i)) tmp1 <- tmp1[tmp1 != i] # remove the homozygote genotype if needed
            ## and get the heterozygotes:
            if (length(tmp1)) He1 <- x1 %in% tmp1 else n3 <- n4 <- 0

            ## ... and the same for the 2nd allele:
            tmp2 <- grep(paste0("^", b, "/|/", b, "$"), genotypes2)
            if (!is.na(j)) tmp2 <- tmp2[tmp2 != j]
            if (length(tmp2)) He2 <- x2 %in% tmp2 else n2 <- n4 <- 0

            ## if homozygotes were observed for each locus:
            if (as.logical(n2)) n2 <- sum(Ho1 & He2)
            if (as.logical(n3)) n3 <- sum(Ho2 & He1)
            if (as.logical(n4)) n4 <- sum(He1 & He2)

            delta <- (2 * n1 + n2 + n3 + 0.5 * n4)/n - 2 * Pa * Pb
            Delta <- c(Delta, delta)
            r <- c(r, delta^2 / ((Pa * (1 - Pa) + Da) * (Pb * (1 - Pb) + Db)))
    k <- length(alleles1)
    m <- length(alleles2)
    df <- (k - 1) * (m - 1)
    T2 <- df * n * sum(r) / (k * m)
    res <- c("T2" = T2, "df" = df, "P-val" = pchisq(T2, df, lower.tail = FALSE))
    if (details) {
        dim(Delta) <- c(k, m)
        dimnames(Delta) <- list(alleles1, alleles2)
        res <- list(Delta = Delta, T2 = res)

LDscan <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("LDscan")

LDscan.DNAbin <- function(x, quiet = FALSE, what = c("r", "Dprime"), ...)
    what <- match.arg(what)
    if (!quiet) cat("Scanning haplotypes... ")
    ss <- seg.sites(x)
    nloci <- length(ss)
    hap <- t(as.character(x[, ss]))
    hap[hap == "n"] <- NA_character_
    if (!quiet) cat("done.\n")
    .LD <- function (hap, loc1, loc2) {
        nij <- table(hap[loc1, ], hap[loc2, ])
        if (any(dim(nij) != 2)) return(NA_real_)
        N <- sum(nij)
        pij <- nij/N
        pi <- rep(rowSums(pij), 2)
        qj <- rep(colSums(pij), each = 2)
        D <- pij - pi * qj
        if (what == "Dprime") {
            D <- D[1]
            denom <- if (D > 0) min(-pi[1] * qj[3], -pi[2] * qj[1]) else max(-pi[1] * qj[1], -pi[2] * qj[2])
        rij <- D/sqrt(pi * (1 - pi) * qj * (1 - qj))
    M <- nloci * (nloci - 1) / 2
    ldx <- numeric(M)
    k <- 0L
    for (i in 1:(nloci - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):nloci) {
            k <- k + 1L
            ldx[k] <- .LD(hap, i, j)
            if (!quiet) cat("\r", round(100 * k / M), "%")
    if (!quiet) cat("\n")
    class(ldx) <- "dist"
    attr(ldx, "Size") <- nloci
    attr(ldx, "Labels") <- names(x)
    attr(ldx, "Diag") <- attr(ldx, "Upper") <- FALSE
    attr(ldx, "call") <- match.call()

LDscan.loci <- function(x, depth = NULL, quiet = FALSE, what = c("r", "Dprime"), ...)
    what <- match.arg(what)
    nloci <- length(attr(x, "locicol"))
    if (!quiet) cat("Scanning haplotypes... ")
    hap <- haplotype.loci(x, seq_len(nloci), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
    if (!quiet) cat("done.\n")
    .LD <- function (hap, loc1, loc2) {
        nij <- table(hap[loc1, ], hap[loc2, ])
        N <- sum(nij)
        pij <- nij/N
        pi <- rep(rowSums(pij), 2)
        qj <- rep(colSums(pij), each = 2)
        D <- pij - pi * qj
        if (what == "Dprime") {
            D <- D[1]
            denom <-
                if (D > 0) min(-pi[1] * qj[3], -pi[2] * qj[1])
                else max(-pi[1] * qj[1], -pi[2] * qj[2])
        rij <- D/sqrt(pi * (1 - pi) * qj * (1 - qj))
    if (is.null(depth)) {
        M <- nloci * (nloci - 1) / 2
        ldx <- numeric(M)
        k <- 0L
        for (i in 1:(nloci - 1)) {
            for (j in (i + 1):nloci) {
                k <- k + 1L
                ldx[k] <- .LD(hap, i, j)
                if (!quiet) cat("\r", round(100 * k / M), "%")
        if (!quiet) cat("\n")
        class(ldx) <- "dist"
        attr(ldx, "Size") <- nloci
        attr(ldx, "Labels") <- names(x)
        attr(ldx, "Diag") <- attr(ldx, "Upper") <- FALSE
        attr(ldx, "call") <- match.call()
    } else {
        depth <- as.integer(depth)
        ldx <- vector("list", length(depth))
        k <- 0L
        for (o in depth) {
            vec <- numeric(nloci - o)
            j <- 0L
            for (i in 1:(nloci - o)) {
                j <- j + 1L
                vec[j] <- .LD(hap, i, i + o)
                if (!quiet) cat("\rScanning at depth", o, ":\t", round(100 * j / (nloci - o)), "%")
            if (!quiet) cat("\n")
            k <- k + 1L
            ldx[[k]] <- vec
        names(ldx) <- depth

LDmap <- function(d, POS = NULL, breaks = NULL, col = NULL, border = NA,
                  angle = 0, asp = 1, cex = 1, scale.legend = 0.8, ...)
    if (!is.null(POS) & angle != 0) {
        warning("'angle' set to 0 since 'POS' is provided")
        angle <- 0
    if (is.matrix(d)) d <- as.dist(d)
    nloci <- attr(d, "Size")
    n <- nloci - 1
    m <- nloci * n /2
    nl <- if (is.null(col)) 10 else length(col) # Nb of colour levels
    if (is.null(breaks)) {
        rgd <- range(d, na.rm = TRUE)
        breaks <- seq(rgd[1], rgd[2], length.out = nl + 1)
    } else {
        nl <- length(breaks) - 1
        if (!is.null(col))
            col <- rep(col, length.out = nl)
    if (is.null(col))
        col <- colorRampPalette(c("lightyellow", "red"))(nl)

    co <- col[cut(d, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE)]

    x.lab.loci <- 1:nloci - 0.75
    y.lab.loci <- 1:nloci - 0.25

    use.rect <- angle == 45

    ## assume angle = 45
    yb <- unlist(mapply(":", 1:n, n, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    yt <- yb + 1
    xl <- unlist(mapply(rep, 0:(n - 1), n:1, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    xr <- xl + 1

    if (!use.rect) {
        xx <- rbind(xl, xl, xr, xr, rep(NA, m))
        yy <- rbind(yb, yt, yt, yb, rep(NA, m))
        dim(xx) <- dim(yy) <- NULL
        tmp <- rect2polar(xx, yy)
        new.angle <- tmp$angle + 2 * pi * (angle - 45)/360
        xy <- polar2rect(tmp$r, new.angle)
        X <- range(xy$x, na.rm = TRUE)
        Y <- range(xy$y, na.rm = TRUE)
        ## adjust the coordinates of the labels of the loci:
        tmp <- rect2polar(x.lab.loci, y.lab.loci)
        new.angle <- tmp$angle + 2 * pi * (angle - 45)/360
        tmp <- polar2rect(tmp$r, new.angle)
        x.lab.loci <- tmp$x
        y.lab.loci <- tmp$y
    } else {
        X <- Y <- c(0, nloci)

    if (!is.null(POS)) Y[1] <- -0.1 * Y[2]

    plot.default(X, Y, "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "",
                 asp = asp, ...)
    if (use.rect) rect(xl, yb, xr, yt, col = co, border = border)
    else polygon(xy, col = co, border = border)

    psr <- par("usr")

    if (!is.null(POS)) {
        f <- function(x, mn, mx) {
            x <- x - mn # translate to the origin
            x <- x / mx # rescale to 1
            (psr[2] - psr[1]) * x + psr[1]
        POS <- as.double(POS)
        mn <- POS[1]
        mx <- POS[nloci] - mn
        AT <- pretty(POS)
        at <- f(AT, mn, mx)
        segments(psr[1], Y[1], psr[2], Y[1], lwd = 2)
        segments(at, Y[1] - 1, at, Y[1])
        text(at, Y[1], AT, adj = c(0.5, 2), cex = cex)
        segments(f(POS, mn, mx), Y[1], x.lab.loci, y.lab.loci, lty = 3)
        mtext("Position", 1, 1.5, cex = cex)

    x1 <- psr[1] + scale.legend
    y1 <- seq(psr[4] - scale.legend * nl, psr[4] - scale.legend,
              by = scale.legend)
    y2 <- y1 + scale.legend
    rect(psr[1], y1, x1, y2, col = col, border = border)
    text(x1, c(y1[1], y2), round(breaks, 3), adj = -0.1, xpd = TRUE,
         cex = cex)
    text(x.lab.loci, y.lab.loci, attr(d, "Labels"),
         srt = angle - 90, adj = 0, cex = cex)

all.equal.haploNet <- function(target, current, use.steps = TRUE, ...)
    nt1 <- sQuote(deparse(substitute(target)))
    nt2 <- sQuote(deparse(substitute(current)))
    if (identical(target, current)) return(TRUE)
    ## function to build a list to make comparisons easier
    foo <- function(x) {
        mat <- x[, 1:2]
        step <- x[, 3]
        if (!is.null(attr(x, "alter.links"))) {
            mat <- rbind(mat, attr(x, "alter.links")[, 1:2])
            step <- c(step, attr(x, "alter.links")[, 3])
        dm <- dim(mat)
        mat <- attr(x, "labels")[mat]
        dim(mat) <- dm
        mat <- t(apply(mat, 1, sort))
        list(mat = mat, step = step)
    ## function to arrange print of links:
    bar <- function(x) gsub("\r", "--", x)
    ## another one to print comparison of link lengths:
    bar2 <- function(x, y, z) paste0(bar(x), " (", y, ", ", z, ")")

    msg <- NULL

    labs1 <- attr(target, "labels")
    labs2 <- attr(current, "labels")
    comp12 <- is.na(match(labs1, labs2))
    comp21 <- is.na(match(labs2, labs1))
    if (all(comp12) && all(comp21))
        return(paste0("No common label between ", nt1, " and ", nt2))
    else {
        if (any(comp12))
            msg <- c(msg, paste0("Labels in ", nt2, " not in ", nt1, ":"),
                     paste(labs1[comp12], sep = ", "))
        if (any(comp21))
            msg <- c(msg, paste0("Labels in ", nt1, " not in ", nt2, ":"),
                     paste(labs2[comp21], sep = ", "))

    X1 <- foo(target)
    X2 <- foo(current)
    links1 <- paste(X1$mat[, 1], X1$mat[, 2], sep = "\r")
    links2 <- paste(X2$mat[, 1], X2$mat[, 2], sep = "\r")
    comp12 <- match(links1, links2)
    if (length(links1) == length(links2)) {
        if (anyNA(comp12)) {
            comp21 <- match(links2, links1)
            msg <- c(msg, "Number of links equal",
                     paste0("Links in ", nt1, " not in ", nt2, ":"),
                     paste0("Links in ", nt2, " not in ", nt1, ":"),
        if (use.steps) {
            tmp <- X2$step[comp12]
            test <- X1$step != tmp
            if (anyNA(test)) test[is.na(test)] <- FALSE
            if (any(test))
                msg <- c(msg, "Link lengths different (in target, in current):",
                         bar2(links1[test], X1$step[test], tmp[test]))
    } else {
        msg <- c(msg, "Number of links different.")
        comp21 <- match(links2, links1)
        if (anyNA(comp12))
            msg <- c(msg, paste0("Links in ", nt1, " not in ", nt2, ":"),
        if (anyNA(comp21))
            msg <- c(msg, paste0("Links in ", nt2, " not in ", nt1, ":"),
        if (use.steps) {
            if (length(links1) > length(links2)) {
                tmp1 <- X1$step[!is.na(comp12)]
                tmp2 <- X2$step[comp21]
            } else {
                tmp1 <- X1$step[comp12]
                tmp2 <- X2$step[!is.na(comp21)]
            test <- tmp1 != tmp2
            if (any(test))
                msg <- c(msg,
                         paste0("Links identical but of lengths different (in ", nt1, ", in ", nt2, "):"),
                         bar2(links1[tmp1][test], tmp1[test], tmp2[test]))
    if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg

.diffHaplo.loci <- function(h, a = 1, b = 2)
    s <- which(h[, a] != h[, b])
    data.frame(pos = s, h[s, c(a, b)])

utils::globalVariables(c("mutations.arrow.color", "mutations.arrow.type", "mutations.cex", "mutations.font", "mutations.frame.background", "mutations.frame.border", "mutations.sequence.color", "mutations.sequence.end", "mutations.sequence.length", "mutations.sequence.width", "mutations.text.color"))

mutations <- function(haploNet, link, x, y, data = NULL, style = "table",
                      POS, SEQLEN, ...)
    m <- haploNet[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
    labs <- labels.haploNet(haploNet)
    if (!is.null(attr(haploNet, "alter.links")))
        m <- rbind(m, attr(haploNet, "alter.links")[, 1:2, drop = FALSE])
    if (missing(link)) {
        cat("Link is missing: select one below\n")
        cat(paste0(1:nrow(m), ": ", labs[m[, 1]], "-", labs[m[, 2]]), sep = "\n")
        cat("\nEnter a link number: ")
        link <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
    if (link < 1 || link > nrow(m) || is.na(link)) stop("wrong value")
    Last.phn <- get("last_plot.haploNet", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
    nodes <- m[link, 1:2]
    xx.link <- sum(Last.phn$xx[nodes]) / 2
    yy.link <- sum(Last.phn$yy[nodes]) / 2
    if (missing(x) || missing(y)) {
        cat("Coordinates are missing: click where you want to place the annotations:")
        xy <- locator(1)
        x <- xy$x
        y <- xy$y
        cat("\nThe coordinates x = ", x, ", y = ", y, " are used\n", sep = "")
    style <- match.arg(style, c("table", "sequence"))
    if (is.null(data)) {
        data <- attr(haploNet, "data")
        if (is.null(data)) stop("no data attached to network")
    ## for the moment only two main classes are accepted:
    dnabin <- inherits(data, "DNAbin")
    if (!dnabin && !inherits(data, "haplotype.loci"))
        stop("data must have the class \"DNAbin\" or \"haplotype.loci\"")
    if (!dnabin) { # => class(data) == "haplotype.loci"
        if (missing(POS)) stop("'POS' should be given")
        if (style == "sequence" && missing(SEQLEN))
            stop("'SEQLEN' should be given")
    ## get/check the options
    OPTS <- getHaploNetOptions()
    dots <- list(...)
    options.names <- switch(style, "table" = {
        c("mutations.cex", "mutations.font", "mutations.frame.background",
          "mutations.frame.border", "mutations.text.color",
          "mutations.arrow.color", "mutations.arrow.type")
    }, "sequence" = {
        c("mutations.arrow.color", "mutations.arrow.type",
          "mutations.sequence.color", "mutations.sequence.end",
          "mutations.sequence.length", "mutations.sequence.width")
    mapply(assign, options.names, OPTS[options.names],
           MoreArgs = list(envir = environment()))
    if (length(dots)) {
        if (any(i <- names(dots) %in% options.names)) {
            dots <- dots[i]
            mapply(assign, names(dots), dots,
                   MoreArgs = list(envir = environment()))
    ## get the mutations
    if (dnabin) {
        mu <- diffHaplo(data, labs[m[link, 1]], labs[m[link, 2]])
    } else {
        mu <- .diffHaplo.loci(data, labs[m[link, 1]], labs[m[link, 2]])
        mu$pos <- POS[mu$pos]
    nmu <- nrow(mu)
    switch(style, "table" = {
        strg <- paste0(mu[[1]], ": ", mu[[2]], "|", mu[[3]])
        maxw <- max(strwidth(strg))
        strh <- max(strheight(strg))
        spc <- strh * 0.5
        ystrings <- seq(y - strh/2, by = -1.5 * strh, length.out = nmu)
        xleft <- x - spc
        ybottom <- ystrings[nmu] - strh/2 - spc
        xright <- x + maxw + spc
        ytop <- ystrings[1] + strh/2 + spc
        rect(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, col = mutations.frame.background,
             border = mutations.frame.border)
        text(x + maxw, ystrings, strg, adj = 1, cex = mutations.cex,
             font = mutations.font, col = mutations.text.color)
        if (xx.link <= xleft) {
            x0 <- xleft
        } else {
            if (xx.link >= xright) {
                x0 <- xright
            } else {
                x0 <- (xleft + xright) / 2
        if (yy.link <= ybottom) {
            y0 <- ybottom
        } else {
            if (yy.link >= ytop) {
                y0 <- ytop
            } else {
                y0 <- (ybottom + ytop) / 2
    }, "sequence" = {
        WIDTH <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
        if (dnabin) SEQLEN <- ncol(data)
        W <- WIDTH * mutations.sequence.length # real width of the segment
        x2 <- x + W
        segments(x, y, x2, y, lwd = mutations.sequence.width,
                 col = mutations.sequence.color, lend = mutations.sequence.end)
        ## text(x2, y, " 1 kb", adj = 0)
        xx <- x + W * mu[[1]] / SEQLEN
        segments(xx, y - 0.5, xx, y + 0.5)
        x0 <- if (abs(x - xx.link) <= abs(x2 - xx.link)) x - WIDTH / 250 else x2 + WIDTH / 250
        y0 <- y
    fancyarrows(x0, y0, xx.link, yy.link, col = mutations.arrow.color,
                code = mutations.arrow.type)

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pegas documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:27 a.m.