## haplotype.R (2023-11-21)
## Haplotype Extraction, Frequencies, and Networks
## Copyright 2009-2023 Emmanuel Paradis, 2013 Klaus Schliep
## This file is part of the R-package `pegas'.
## See the file ../DESCRIPTION for licensing issues.
getAllCombs <- function(n) {
foo <- function(set, i) {
if (j > K) return()
for (z in set) {
v[i] <<- z
if (i == n) {
res[, j] <<- v
j <<- j + 1L
} else {
foo(set[set != z], i + 1)
res <- matrix(NA_integer_, n, K <- factorial(n))
j <- 1L
v <- integer(n)
foo(1:n, 1L)
rmst <- function(d, B = NULL, stop.criterion = NULL, iter.lim = 1000,
quiet = FALSE)
updateMat <- function(mat, rep) {
i <- match(mat, MAT)
Nnew <- length(inew <- which(
if (Nnew) {
TAB <<- c(TAB, rep(1L, Nnew))
MAT <<- c(MAT, mat[inew])
NOnew <<- 0L
if (Nnew < n - 1) {
i <- i[-inew]
TAB[i] <<- TAB[i] + 1L
} else {
TAB[i] <<- TAB[i] + 1L
NOnew <<- NOnew + 1L
## do MST and return vector of mode character with the labelled-links
foo <- function(d) {
d <<- as.dist(d)
rnt <<- rnt <- mst(d)
m <- rnt[, 1:2]
dm <- dim(m)
mat <- attr(rnt, "labels")[m]
dim(mat) <- dm
mat <- apply(mat, 1, sort)
paste(mat[1, ], mat[2, ], sep = "\r")
if (!is.matrix(d) && !inherits(d, "dist"))
stop("'d' must be a matrix or a 'dist' object")
D <- as.matrix(d)
n <- nrow(D)
randomize <- TRUE
if (n < 6 && is.null(B)) {
B <- factorial(n)
COMBS <- getAllCombs(n)
randomize <- FALSE
if (!quiet)
cat("Less than 6 observations: doing complete enumeration.\n")
MAT <- character()
TAB <- integer()
NOnew <- 0L # number of iterations without new links
if (is.null(B)) {
rep <- 1L
if (is.null(stop.criterion)) stop.criterion <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
repeat {
if (rep >= iter.lim) {
B <- rep
ri <- sample(n)
d <- D[ri, ri]
mat <- foo(d)
updateMat(mat, rep)
if (!quiet)
cat("\rIteration:", rep, " Number of links:", length(MAT))
if (NOnew >= stop.criterion) {
B <- rep
rep <- rep + 1L
} else {
for (rep in 1:B) {
if (!quiet) cat("\rIteration:", rep)
ri <- if (randomize) sample(n) else COMBS[, rep]
d <- D[ri, ri]
mat <- foo(d)
updateMat(mat, rep)
if (!quiet) cat("\n")
if (length(TAB) == n - 1) {
attr(rnt, "weight") <- rep(B, n - 1)
links <- names(TAB) <- MAT
## define the backbone-network:
labs <- rownames(D)
forest <- 1:n
k <- 0L
done <- FALSE
alt.logi <- !logical(length(TAB))
## the backbone-network is built by checking the links in the order
## of pairs of observations, and including the links which were
## found during the iterations of RMST.
for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
labi <- labs[i]
for (j in (i + 1):n) {
tmp <- paste(sort(c(labi, labs[j])), collapse = "\r")
m <- match(tmp, links)
if ( next
if (forest[i] == forest[j]) next
alt.logi[m] <- FALSE # so this is not an alternative link
k <- k + 1L
rnt[k, 1L] <- i
rnt[k, 2L] <- j
if (k == n - 1) {
done <- TRUE
forest[forest == forest[j]] <- forest[i]
if (done) break
rnt[, 3L] <- D[rnt[, 1:2]]
## An alternative is to use the last MST and recode the haplotypes
## in the same order than in the input distance matrix:
##labs <- rownames(D)
##recode <- match(attr(rnt, "labels"), labs)
##rnt[, 1L] <- recode[rnt[, 1L]]
##rnt[, 2L] <- recode[rnt[, 2L]]
attr(rnt, "labels") <- labs
alt <- unlist(strsplit(links[alt.logi], "\r"))
alt <- match(alt, labs)
alt <- matrix(alt, length(alt)/2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
alt <- t(apply(alt, 1, sort))
alt <- cbind(alt, D[alt])
colnames(alt) <- c("", "", "step")
attr(rnt, "alter.links") <- alt
names(TAB) <- gsub("\r", "--", names(TAB))
attr(rnt, "weight") <- TAB
msn <- function(d)
getIandJ <- function(ij, n) {
## assumes a lower triangle, so i > j
## n must be > 1 (not checked)
## ij must be <= (n - 1)*n/2 (not checked too)
j <- 1L
N <- n - 1L
while (ij > N) {
j <- j + 1L
N <- N + n - j
i <- n - (N - ij)
c(j, i) # return the smaller index first
if (is.matrix(d)) d <- as.dist(d)
MST <- mst(d)
n <- attr(d, "Size")
if (n < 3) {
warning("less than 3 observations: function mst() was used")
m <- matrix(NA_real_, 0, 3)
forest <- 1:n
ud <- sort(unique(d)) # unique distances in increasing order
i <- 1L
while (length(unique(forest)) > 1) {
delta <- ud[i]
for (iud in which(d == delta)) {
p <- getIandJ(iud, n)
f1 <- forest[p[1L]]
f2 <- forest[p[2L]]
m <- rbind(m, c(p, delta))
if (f1 != f2) forest[forest == f2] <- f1
i <- i + 1L
## define the alternative links wrt the MST:
MST.str <- paste(MST[, 1], MST[, 2], sep = "\r")
m.str <- paste(m[, 1], m[, 2], sep = "\r")
k <- match(m.str, MST.str)
nak <-
if (any(nak)) {
alt <- m[nak, , drop = FALSE]
colnames(alt) <- c("", "", "step")
m <- m[!nak, , drop = FALSE]
attr(m, "alter.links") <- alt
colnames(m) <- c("", "", "step")
attr(m, "labels") <- attr(d, "Labels")
class(m) <- "haploNet"
mst <- function(d)
if (is.matrix(d)) d <- as.dist(d)
n <- attr(d, "Size")
if (n < 2) stop("less than 2 observations in distance matrix")
m <- .Call(mst_C, d, n)
colnames(m) <- c("", "", "step")
attr(m, "labels") <- attr(d, "Labels")
class(m) <- "haploNet"
haplotype <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("haplotype")
haplotype.DNAbin <- function(x, labels = NULL, strict = FALSE, trailingGapsAsN = TRUE, ...)
nms.x <- deparse(substitute(x))
if (is.list(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
n <- nrow(x)
if (!n) {
class(x) <- c("haplotype", "DNAbin")
attr(x, "index") <- list()
attr(x, "from") <- nms.x
warning("empty DNAbin object")
if (trailingGapsAsN) x <- latag2n(x)
segs <- seg.sites(x, strict = strict, trailingGapsAsN = FALSE)
if (length(segs)) {
xb <- x[, segs]
s <- ncol(xb)
res <- .C(haplotype_DNAbin, xb, n, s, integer(n), c(0L, 0L),
as.integer(strict), NAOK = TRUE)
if (res[[5]][1]) warning("some sequences of different lengths were assigned to the same haplotype")
if (res[[5]][2]) warning("some sequences were not assigned to the same haplotype because of ambiguities")
h <- res[[4]]
u <- h == 0
h[u] <- i <- which(u)
} else {
i <- 1L
h <-, n)
warning("no segregating site detected with these options")
obj <- x[i, ]
if (is.null(labels))
labels <- as.character(as.roman(seq_along(i)))
rownames(obj) <- labels
class(obj) <- c("haplotype", "DNAbin")
attr(obj, "index") <- lapply(i, function(x) which(h == x))
attr(obj, "from") <- nms.x
haplotype.character <- function(x, labels = NULL, ...)
nms.x <- deparse(substitute(x))
if (!is.matrix(x))
stop("x must be a matrix")
h <- apply(x, 1, paste, collapse = "\r")
hnotdup <- !duplicated(h)
obj <- x[which(hnotdup), , drop = FALSE]
hnotdup <- h[hnotdup]
N <- nrow(obj)
if (is.null(labels))
labels <- as.character(as.roman(1:N))
rownames(obj) <- labels
class(obj) <- c("haplotype", "character")
attr(obj, "index") <- lapply(1:N, function(i) which(h == hnotdup[i]))
attr(obj, "from") <- nms.x
haplotype.numeric <- function(x, labels = NULL, ...)
haplotype.character(x = x, labels = labels, ...)
haploFreq <- function(x, fac, split = "_", what = 2, haplo = NULL)
if (missing(fac)) {
fac <- strsplit(rownames(x), split)
fac <- factor(sapply(fac, function(xx) xx[what]))
} else {
if (length(fac) != nrow(x))
stop("number of elements in 'fac' not the same than number of sequences")
if (!is.factor(fac)) fac <- factor(fac) # added 2021-02-10
if (is.null(haplo)) haplo <- haplotype(x)
h.index <- attr(haplo, "index")
l <- nlevels(fac)
if (l == 1) {
res <- sapply(h.index, length)
dim(res) <- c(length(res), 1L)
} else {
res <- sapply(h.index, function(xx) tabulate(fac[xx], l))
res <- t(res)
rownames(res) <- rownames(haplo)
colnames(res) <- levels(fac)
diffHaplo <- function(h, a = 1, b = 2, strict = FALSE, trailingGapsAsN = TRUE)
x <- h[c(a, b), ]
s <- seg.sites(x, strict = strict, trailingGapsAsN = trailingGapsAsN)
data.frame(pos = s, toupper(t(as.character(x[, s]))))
.TempletonProb <- function(j, S, b = 2, r = 1)
br <- b * r
P <- numeric(max(j))
L_jm <- function(q, j, m) {
jm1 <- j - 1
qonbr <- q/br
(2*q)^jm1 * (1 - q)^(2*m + 1) * (1 - qonbr) *
(2 - q*(br + 1)/br)^jm1 *
(1 - 2*q*(1 - qonbr))
for (i in seq_along(P)) {
M <- S - i
denom <- integrate(L_jm, 0, 1, j = i, m = M)$value
## eq.7 from Templeton et al. 1992:
out <- integrate(function(q) q*L_jm(q, j = i, m = M), 0, 1)$value/denom
P[i] <- 1 - out
haploNet <- function(h, d = NULL, getProb = TRUE)
if (!inherits(h, "haplotype"))
stop("'h' must be of class 'haplotype'")
freq <- sapply(attr(h, "index"), length)
n <- length(freq) # number of haplotypes
link <- matrix(0, 0, 3)
if (is.null(d)) {
## d <- dist.dna(h, "N", pairwise.deletion = TRUE)
d <- .C(distDNA_pegas, h, as.integer(n), ncol(h), numeric(n * (n - 1)/2), NAOK = TRUE)[[4]]
attr(d, "Size") <- n
attr(d, "Labels") <- rownames(h)
attr(d, "Diag") <- attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
class(d) <- "dist"
d <- as.matrix(d)
d[col(d) >= row(d)] <- NA # put NA's in the diag and above-diag elts
one2n <- seq_len(n)
dimnames(d) <- list(one2n, one2n)
step <- 1
gr <- one2n
altlink <- matrix(0, 0, 3) # alternative links
while (length(unique(gr)) > 1) {
newLinks <- which(d == step, TRUE)
if (length(newLinks)) {
del <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(nrow(newLinks))) {
h1 <- newLinks[i, 1]
h2 <- newLinks[i, 2]
a <- gr[h1]
b <- gr[h2]
## if both nodes are already in the same
## subnet, then count the link as alternative
if (a == b) {
del <- c(del, i)
if (d[h1, h2] <= step)
altlink <- rbind(altlink, c(newLinks[i, ], step))
} else gr[which(gr == b)] <- a
if (!is.null(del)) newLinks <- newLinks[-del, , drop = FALSE]
newLinks <- cbind(newLinks, rep(step, nrow(newLinks)))
link <- rbind(link, newLinks)
step <- step + 1
Probs <- if (getProb) .TempletonProb(link[, 3], ncol(h)) else NA
link <- cbind(link, Probs)
dimnames(link) <- list(NULL, c("", "", "step", "Prob"))
attr(link, "freq") <- freq
attr(link, "labels") <- rownames(h)
if (nrow(altlink)) {
Probs <- if (getProb) .TempletonProb(altlink[, 3], ncol(h)) else NA
altlink <- cbind(altlink, Probs)
dimnames(altlink) <- dimnames(link)
attr(link, "alter.links") <- altlink
class(link) <- "haploNet"
print.haploNet <- function(x, ...)
cat("Haplotype network with:\n")
cat(" ", length(attr(x, "labels")), "haplotypes\n")
N <- n <- nrow(x)
altlinks <- attr(x, "alter.links")
if (!is.null(altlinks)) N <- N + nrow(altlinks)
cat(" ", N, if (N > 1) "links\n" else "link\n")
cat(" link lengths between", x[1, 3], "and", x[n, 3], "step(s)\n\n")
cat("Use print.default() to display all elements.\n")
circle <- function(x, y, size, col = "black", pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
if (is.null(pie)) {
symbols(x, y, circles = size / 2, inches = FALSE,
add = TRUE, fg = col, bg = bg)
} else {
OPTS <- get("plotHaploNetOptions", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
op <- par(fg = OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color)
floating.pie.asp(x, y, pie, radius = size / 2, col = bg)
.squarePegas <- function(x, y, size, pie = NULL)
l <- size * sqrt(pi) / 4
left <- x - l
bottom <- y - l
right <- x + l
top <- y + l
res <- list(c(left, bottom, right, top))
if (is.null(pie)) return(res)
n <- length(pie)
pie <- pie / sum(pie)
m <- matrix(NA_real_, 4, n)
area <- l * l * 4
y2 <- top
x1 <- left
x2 <- right
for (i in 1:n) {
if (TOP) {
y1 <- y2 - pie[i] * area / (x2 - x1)
} else {
x2 <- pie[i] * area / (y2 - y1) + x1
m[, i] <- c(x1, y1, x2, y2)
if (TOP) {
y2 <- y1
y1 <- bottom
} else {
x1 <- x2
x2 <- right
c(res, list(m))
square <- function(x, y, size, col, pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
XY <- .squarePegas(x, y, size, pie = pie)
OPTS <- get("plotHaploNetOptions", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
border <- OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color
if (!is.null(pie)) {
for (i in seq_along(pie)) {
s <- XY[[2]][, i]
rect(s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], col = bg[i], border = border)
bg <- NULL # for the call to rect() below
s <- XY[[1]]
rect(s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], col = bg, border = border)
.rotateSquares <- function(XY)
ROT <- pi / 4
foo <- function(rec) {
x <- rec[c(1, 3, 3, 1)] - x0
y <- rec[c(2, 2, 4, 4)] - y0
tmp <- rect2polar(x, y)
o <- polar2rect(tmp$r, tmp$angle + ROT)
o$x <- o$x + x0
o$y <- o$y + y0
rec <- XY[[1]]
x0 <- (rec[1] + rec[3]) / 2
y0 <- (rec[2] + rec[4]) / 2
res <- list(foo(rec))
if (length(XY) > 1)
res[[2]] <- apply(XY[[2]], 2, foo)
diamond <- function(x, y, size, col, pie = NULL, bg = NULL)
XY <- .squarePegas(x, y, size, pie = pie)
XY <- .rotateSquares(XY)
OPTS <- get("plotHaploNetOptions", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
border <- OPTS$pie.inner.segments.color
if (!is.null(pie)) {
for (i in seq_along(pie)) {
xy <- XY[[2]][[i]]
polygon(xy$x, xy$y, col = bg[i], border = border)
bg <- NULL # for the call to polygon() below
xy <- XY[[1]]
polygon(xy$x, xy$y, border = border, col = bg)
.drawSymbolsHaploNet <- function(xx, yy, size, col, bg, shape, pie)
nopie <- is.null(pie)
if (identical(shape, "circles") && nopie) {
## the only case with vectorised arguments
symbols(xx, yy, circles = size / 2, inches = FALSE,
add = TRUE, fg = col, bg = bg)
} else {
n <- length(xx) # nb of nodes
size <- rep(size, length.out = n)
col <- rep(col, length.out = n)
bg <- if (!nopie && is.function(bg)) bg(ncol(pie)) else rep(bg, length.out = ifelse(nopie, n, ncol(pie)))
## 'bg' should always be a vector of colours
shape <- rep(shape, length.out = n)
for (i in 1:n)
"circles" = circle,
"squares" = square,
"diamonds" = diamond)(xx[i], yy[i], size[i], col[i], pie[i, ], if (nopie) bg[i] else bg)
.drawAlternativeLinks <- function(xx, yy, altlink, threshold, show.mutation, scale.ratio, size)
s <- altlink[, 3] >= threshold[1] & altlink[, 3] <= threshold[2]
if (!any(s)) return(NULL)
xa0 <- xx[altlink[s, 1]]
ya0 <- yy[altlink[s, 1]]
xa1 <- xx[altlink[s, 2]]
ya1 <- yy[altlink[s, 2]]
segments(xa0, ya0, xa1, ya1, col = "grey", lty = 2)
if (show.mutation) {
n <- length(xx)
.labelSegmentsHaploNet(xx, yy, altlink[s, 1:2, drop = FALSE],
altlink[s, 3, drop = FALSE], size,
1, "black", show.mutation, scale.ratio)
.mutationRug <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, n, deltaRadii, space = 0.05, length = 0.2)
## convert inches into user-coordinates:
l <- xinch(length)
sp <- xinch(space)
for (i in seq_along(x0)) {
xstart <- seq(-(sp*(n[i] - 1))/2, by = sp, length.out = n[i])
ystart <- rep(-l/2, n[i])
xstop <- xstart
ystop <- -ystart
## rotation if the line is not horizontal
if (y0[i] != y1[i]) {
theta <- atan2(y1[i] - y0[i], x1[i] - x0[i])
tmpstart <- rect2polar(xstart, ystart)
tmpstop <- rect2polar(xstop, ystop)
Rstart <- tmpstart$r
Rstop <- tmpstop$r
THETAstart <- tmpstart$angle + theta
THETAstop <- tmpstop$angle + theta
xy.start <- polar2rect(Rstart, THETAstart)
xy.stop <- polar2rect(Rstop, THETAstop)
xstart <- xy.start$x
ystart <- xy.start$y
xstop <- xy.stop$x
ystop <- xy.stop$y
## translation:
if (deltaRadii[i] == 0) {
xm <- (x0[i] + x1[i]) / 2
ym <- (y0[i] + y1[i]) / 2
} else {
## see explanations below
li <- sqrt((x0[i] - x1[i])^2 + (y0[i] - y1[i])^2)
w0 <- 1 / (li - deltaRadii[i] / 2)
w1 <- 1 / (li + deltaRadii[i] / 2)
sumw <- w0 + w1
xm <- (x0[i] * w0 + x1[i] * w1) / sumw
ym <- (y0[i] * w0 + y1[i] * w1) / sumw
xstart <- xstart + xm
ystart <- ystart + ym
xstop <- xstop + xm
ystop <- ystop + ym
segments(xstart, ystart, xstop, ystop)
.mutationDots <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, n, deltaRadii, lwd,,
space = 0.1, diameter = 0.05)
## convert inches into user-coordinates:
l <- xinch(diameter)
sp <- xinch(space)
for (i in seq_along(x0)) {
x <- seq(-(sp*(n[i] - 1))/2, by = sp, length.out = n[i])
y <- numeric(n[i])
## rotation if the line is not horizontal
if (y0[i] != y1[i]) {
theta <- atan2(y1[i] - y0[i], x1[i] - x0[i])
tmp <- rect2polar(x, y)
xy <- polar2rect(tmp$r, tmp$angle + theta)
x <- xy$x
y <- xy$y
## translation:
if (deltaRadii[i] == 0) {
xm <- (x0[i] + x1[i]) / 2
ym <- (y0[i] + y1[i]) / 2
} else {
## see explanations below
li <- sqrt((x0[i] - x1[i])^2 + (y0[i] - y1[i])^2)
w0 <- 1 / (li - deltaRadii[i] / 2)
w1 <- 1 / (li + deltaRadii[i] / 2)
sumw <- w0 + w1
xm <- (x0[i] * w0 + x1[i] * w1) / sumw
ym <- (y0[i] * w0 + y1[i] * w1) / sumw
x <- x + xm
y <- y + ym
symbols(x, y, circles = rep(lwd/15, length(x)), inches = FALSE,
add = TRUE, fg =, bg =
.labelSegmentsHaploNet <- function(xx, yy, link, step, size, lwd,, method, scale.ratio)
### method: the way the segments are labelled
### 1: small segments
### 2: Klaus's method
### 3: show the number of mutations on each link
l1 <- link[, 1]
l2 <- link[, 2]
switch(method, {
.mutationRug(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], step, size[l2] - size[l1])
}, {
.mutationDots(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], step, size[l2] - size[l1],
lwd,, space = 0.1, diameter = 0.05)
### ld1 <- step
### ld2 <- step * scale.ratio
### for (i in seq_along(ld1)) {
### pc <- ((1:ld1[i]) / (ld1[i] + 1) * ld2[i] + size[l1[i]]/2) / (ld2[i] + (size[l1[i]] + size[l2[i]])/2)
### xr <- pc * (xx[l2[i]] - xx[l1[i]]) + xx[l1[i]]
### yr <- pc * (yy[l2[i]] - yy[l1[i]]) + yy[l1[i]]
### symbols(xr, yr, circles = rep(lwd/15, length(xr)), inches = FALSE,
### add = TRUE, fg =, bg =
### }
}, {
x0 <- xx[l1]
x1 <- xx[l2]
y0 <- yy[l1]
y1 <- yy[l2]
x <- (x0 + x1) / 2
y <- (y0 + y1) / 2
deltaRadii <- size[l2] - size[l1]
if (any(s <- deltaRadii != 0)) {
### if there are links between symbols of different size: need to place the
### annotation in the middle of the "visible" part of the link. We do that
### with a weighting mean of the coordinates (simpler to calculate than
### trogonometric formulas). We do that only for the different sized symbols.
s <- which(s)
## lengths between each pair of nodes:
l <- sqrt((x0[s] - x1[s])^2 + (y0[s] - y1[s])^2)
## difference in radii (keep in mind that 'size' are diameters,
## so we need to divide by 2):
deltaRadii <- deltaRadii[s] / 2
## weights for the mean:
w0 <- 1 / (l - deltaRadii)
w1 <- 1 / (l + deltaRadii)
sumw <- w0 + w1
x[s] <- (x0[s] * w0 + x1[s] * w1) / sumw
y[s] <- (y0[s] * w0 + y1[s] * w1) / sumw
BOTHlabels(step, NULL, x, y, c(0.5, 0.5), "rect", NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, "black", "lightgrey", FALSE, NULL, NULL)
replot <- function(xy = NULL, col.identifier = "purple", ...)
on.exit(return(list(x = xx, y = yy)))
Last.phn <- get("last_plot.haploNet", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
xx <- Last.phn$xx
yy <- Last.phn$yy
l1 <- Last.phn$link[, 1]
l2 <- Last.phn$link[, 2]
step <- Last.phn$step
lwd <- Last.phn$lwd
size <- Last.phn$size
col <- Last.phn$col
bg <- Last.phn$bg
lty <- Last.phn$lty
shape <- Last.phn$shape <- Last.phn$
labels <- Last.phn$labels
asp <- Last.phn$asp
pie <- Last.phn$pie
labels <- Last.phn$labels
show.mutation <- Last.phn$show.mutation
scale.ratio <- Last.phn$scale.ratio
altlink <- Last.phn$alter.links
threshold <- Last.phn$threshold
if (is.character(labels)) {
font <- Last.phn$font
cex <- Last.phn$cex
getMove <- function() {
p1 <- locator(1)
if (is.null(p1)) return("done")
## find the closest node to p1...
i <- which.min(sqrt((p1$x - xx)^2 + (p1$y - yy)^2))
points(xx[i][rep(1L, 3L)], yy[i][rep(1L, 3L)],
pch = 10, cex = 3:5, col = col.identifier)
p2 <- locator(1)
## ... and change its coordinates:
xx[i] <<- p2$x
yy[i] <<- p2$y
if (is.null(xy)) {
cat("\n *** You are about to edit your haplotype network ***\n\n1. Click once on the node to be moved (it will be visually identified).\n2. Click a second time where to place it.\n3. Repeat 1. and 2. as many times as you want.\n4. Right-click to exit.\n\nNOTES:\n* The whole network is redrawn after each node move.\n* This function returns the final coordinates of the nodes so it is\n recommended to save them (e.g., xy <- replot()).\n* The saved coordinates can later be used non-interactively\n (e.g., replot(xy) or plot(net, xy = xy)).\n")
res <- getMove()
} else {
xx <- xy$x
yy <- xy$y
repeat {
.setWindow4haploNet(xx, yy, size, asp, ...)
segments(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], lwd = lwd,
lty = lty, col =
if (show.mutation)
.labelSegmentsHaploNet(xx, yy, cbind(l1, l2), step, size, lwd,, as.numeric(show.mutation), scale.ratio)
if (!is.null(altlink) && !identical(as.numeric(threshold), 0))
.drawAlternativeLinks(xx, yy, altlink, threshold, show.mutation, scale.ratio, size)
.drawSymbolsHaploNet(xx, yy, size, col, bg, shape, pie)
if (is.character(labels))
text(xx, yy, labels, font = font, cex = cex)
assign("tmp", list(xx, yy), envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
eval(quote(last_plot.haploNet[1:2] <- tmp), envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
if (!is.null(xy)) break
res <- getMove()
if (identical(res, "done")) break
## set the (empty) graphic window before plotting the network
.setWindow4haploNet <- function(xx, yy, size, asp, ...)
dots <- list(...)
noxlim <- noylim <- TRUE
if (length(dots)) {
## find the bounding box unless xlim and/or ylim given
if ("xlim" %in% names(dots)) noxlim <- FALSE
if ("ylim" %in% names(dots)) noylim <- FALSE
half.size <- size / 2
if (noxlim) dots$xlim <- c(min(xx - half.size), max(xx + half.size))
if (noylim) dots$ylim <- c(min(yy - half.size), max(yy + half.size))
dots$x <- NA
dots$type <- dots$bty <- "n"
dots$ann <- dots$axes <- FALSE
dots$asp <- asp, dots)
plot.haploNet <- function(x, size = 1, col, bg,, lwd, lty,
shape = "circles", pie = NULL, labels, font, cex, col.lab,
scale.ratio, asp = 1, legend = FALSE, fast = FALSE,
show.mutation, threshold = c(1, 2), xy = NULL, ...)
## map options to arguments
OPTS <- get("plotHaploNetOptions", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
if (missing(col)) col <- OPTS$haplotype.outer.color
if (missing(bg)) {
bg <- if (is.null(pie)) OPTS$haplotype.inner.color else OPTS$pie.colors.function
if (missing( <- OPTS$link.color
if (missing(lwd)) lwd <- OPTS$link.width
if (missing(lty)) lty <- OPTS$link.type
if (missing(labels)) labels <- OPTS$labels
if (missing(font)) font <- OPTS$labels.font
if (missing(cex)) cex <- OPTS$labels.cex
if (missing(col.lab)) col.lab <- OPTS$labels.color
if (missing(scale.ratio)) scale.ratio <- OPTS$scale.ratio
if (missing(show.mutation)) show.mutation <- OPTS$show.mutation
SHAPES <- c(c = "circles", s = "squares", d = "diamonds")
shape <- SHAPES[substr(tolower(shape), 1L, 1L)]
## par(xpd = TRUE) # normalement plus utile...
link <- x[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
l1 <- x[, 1]
l2 <- x[, 2]
ld <- x[, 3] * scale.ratio
tab <- tabulate(link)
n <- length(tab)
show.mutation <- as.integer(show.mutation)
## adjust 'ld' wrt the size of the symbols:
size <- rep(size, length.out = n)
ld <- ld + (size[l1] + size[l2])/2
if (!is.null(xy)) {
xx <- xy$x
yy <- xy$y
fast <- TRUE
} else {
if (n < 3) {
xx <- c(-ld, ld)/2
yy <- rep(0, 2)
fast <- TRUE
} else {
xx <- yy <- angle <- theta <- r <- numeric(n)
avlb <- !logical(length(ld))
H <- vector("list", n) # the list of hierarchy of nodes...
## the recursive function to allocate quadrants
foo <- function(i) {
j <- integer() # indices of the haplotypes linked to 'i'
for (ii in 1:2) { # look at both columns
ll <- which(link[, ii] == i & avlb)
if (length(ll)) {
newj <- link[ll, -ii]
r[newj] <<- ld[ll]
j <- c(j, newj)
avlb[ll] <<- FALSE
if (nlink <- length(j)) {
H[[i]] <<- j
start <- theta[i] - angle[i]/2
by <- angle[i]/nlink
theta[j] <<- seq(start, by = by, length.out = nlink)
angle[j] <<- by
xx[j] <<- r[j] * cos(theta[j]) + xx[i]
yy[j] <<- r[j] * sin(theta[j]) + yy[i]
for (ii in j) foo(ii)
## start with the haplotype with the most links:
central <- which.max(tab)
angle[central] <- 2*pi
if (!fast) {
fCollect <- function(i) {
## find all nodes to move simultaneously
ii <- H[[i]]
if (!is.null(ii)) {
j <<- c(j, ii)
for (jj in ii) fCollect(jj)
## NOTE: moving this function outside of the body of plot.haploNet() is not more efficient
energy <- function(xx, yy) {
## First, check line crossings
nlink <- length(l1)
## rounding makes it work better (why???)
x0 <- round(xx[l1])
y0 <- round(yy[l1])
x1 <- round(xx[l2])
y1 <- round(yy[l2])
## compute all the slopes and intercepts:
beta <- (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)
if (any( return(Inf)
intp <- y0 - beta*x0
for (i in 1:(nlink - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nlink) {
## in case they are parallel:
if (beta[i] == beta[j]) next
## if both lines are vertical:
if (abs(beta[i]) == Inf && abs(beta[j]) == Inf) next
## now find the point where both lines cross
if (abs(beta[i]) == Inf) { # in case the 1st line is vertical...
xi <- x0[i]
yi <- beta[j]*xi + intp[j]
} else if (abs(beta[j]) == Inf) { # ... or the 2nd one
xi <- x0[j]
yi <- beta[i]*xi + intp[i]
} else {
xi <- (intp[j] - intp[i])/(beta[i] - beta[j])
yi <- beta[i]*xi + intp[i]
xi <- round(xi) # rounding as above
yi <- round(yi)
if (x0[i] < x1[i]) {
if (xi <= x0[i] || xi >= x1[i]) next
} else {
if (xi >= x0[i] || xi <= x1[i]) next
if (y0[i] < y1[i]) {
if (yi <= y0[i] || yi >= y1[i]) next
} else {
if (yi >= y0[i] || yi <= y1[i]) next
## if we reach here, the intersection point is on
## the 1st segment, check if it is on the 2nd one
if (x0[j] < x1[j]) {
if (xi <= x0[j] || xi >= x1[j]) next
} else {
if (xi >= x0[j] || xi <= x1[j]) next
if (y0[i] < y1[j]) {
if (yi <= y0[j] || yi >= y1[j]) next
} else {
if (yi >= y0[j] || yi <= y1[j]) next
D <- dist(cbind(xx, yy))
sum(1/c(D)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
Rotation <- function(rot, i, beta) {
## rot: indices of the nodes to rotate
## i: index of the node connected to 'rot' (= fixed rotation point)
xx.rot <- xx[rot] - xx[i]
yy.rot <- yy[rot] - yy[i]
theta <- atan2(yy.rot, xx.rot) + beta
h <- sqrt(xx.rot^2 + yy.rot^2)
new.xx[rot] <<- h*cos(theta) + xx[i]
new.yy[rot] <<- h*sin(theta) + yy[i]
OptimizeRotation <- function(node, rot) {
## test the direction 1st
inc <- pi/90
Rotation(rot, node, inc)
new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)
if (new.E >= E) {
inc <- -inc
Rotation(rot, node, inc)
new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)
while (new.E < E) {
xx <<- new.xx
yy <<- new.yy
E <<- new.E
Rotation(rot, node, inc)
new.E <- energy(new.xx, new.yy)
E <- energy(xx, yy)
new.xx <- xx
new.yy <- yy
nextOnes <- NULL
for (i in H[[central]][-1]) {
## collect the nodes descending from 'i':
j <- NULL # j must be initialized before calling fCollect
rot <- c(i, j) # index of the nodes that will be moved
OptimizeRotation(central, rot)
nextOnes <- c(nextOnes, i)
while (!is.null(nextOnes)) {
newNodes <- nextOnes
nextOnes <- NULL
for (i in newNodes) {
if (is.null(H[[i]])) next
for (j in H[[i]]) {
rot <- j
OptimizeRotation(i, rot)
nextOnes <- c(nextOnes, rot)
.setWindow4haploNet(xx, yy, size, asp, ...)
segments(xx[l1], yy[l1], xx[l2], yy[l2], lwd = lwd,
lty = lty, col =
## draw alternative links
altlink <- attr(x, "alter.links")
if (!is.null(altlink) && !identical(as.numeric(threshold), 0))
.drawAlternativeLinks(xx, yy, altlink, threshold, show.mutation, scale.ratio, size)
if (show.mutation) {
if (show.mutation == 1 && all(x[, 3] < 1)) {
warning("link lengths < 1: cannot use the default for 'show.mutation' (changed to 3)")
show.mutation <- 3
.labelSegmentsHaploNet(xx, yy, link, x[, 3], size, lwd,,
show.mutation, scale.ratio)
.drawSymbolsHaploNet(xx, yy, size, col, bg, shape, pie)
if (labels) {
labels <- attr(x, "labels") # for export below
text(xx, yy, labels, font = font, cex = cex, col = col.lab)
if (legend[1]) {
if (is.logical(legend)) {
cat("Click where you want to draw the legend")
xy <- unlist(locator(1))
cat("\nThe coordinates x = ", xy[1], ", y = ", xy[2], " are used\n", sep = "")
} else {
if (!is.numeric(legend) || length(legend) < 2)
stop("wrong coordinates of legend")
xy <- legend
if (length(SZ <- unique(size)) > 1) {
SZ <- unique(c(min(SZ), floor(median(SZ)), max(SZ)))
SHIFT <- max(SZ) / 2
vspace <- strheight(" ")
if (any(shape == "circles")) {
for (sz in SZ) {
seqx <- seq(-sz / 2, sz / 2, length.out = 100)
seqy <- sqrt((sz /2)^2 - seqx^2)
seqx <- seqx + xy[1] + SHIFT
seqy <- xy[2] + seqy - SHIFT
lines(seqx, seqy)
text(seqx[100], seqy[100], sz, adj = c(0.5, 1.1))
xy[2] <- xy[2] - SHIFT - 2 * vspace # update 'y'
if (any(shape == "squares") || any(shape == "diamonds")) {
sqrtPIon4 <- sqrt(pi) / 4
## center of the squares:
orig.x <- xy[1] + max(SZ) * sqrtPIon4
orig.y <- xy[2] - max(SZ) * sqrtPIon4
for (sz in SZ) {
TMP <- sz * sqrtPIon4
lines(orig.x + c(-TMP, -TMP, TMP, TMP),
orig.y + c(0, TMP, TMP, 0))
text(orig.x + TMP, orig.y, sz, adj = c(0.5, 1.1))
xy[2] <- xy[2] - SHIFT - 2 * vspace # update
if (!is.null(pie)) {
nc <- ncol(pie)
##co <- if (length(bg) == 1 && bg == "white") rainbow(nc) else rep(bg, length.out = nc)
co <- if (is.function(bg)) bg(nc) else rep(bg, length.out = nc)
w <- diff(par("usr")[3:4]) / 40
TOP <- seq(xy[2], by = -w, length.out = nc)
BOTTOM <- TOP + diff(TOP[1:2]) * 0.9
LEFT <- rep(xy[1], nc)
rect(LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT, TOP, col = co)
text(RIGHT + strwidth("n"), (TOP + BOTTOM) /2, colnames(pie), adj = 0)
list(xx = xx, yy = yy, link = link, step = x[, 3], size = size,
col = col, bg = bg, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, shape = shape, =,labels = labels, font = font, cex = cex,
asp = asp, pie = pie, show.mutation = show.mutation,
scale.ratio = scale.ratio, alter.links = altlink,
threshold = threshold),
envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
plot.haplotype <- function(x, xlab = "Haplotype", ylab = "Number", ...)
barplot(sapply(attr(x, "index"), length), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
names.arg = rownames(x), ...)
sort.haplotype <-
function(x, decreasing = ifelse(what == "frequencies", TRUE, FALSE), what = "frequencies", ...)
oc <- oldClass(x)
from <- attr(x, "from")
what <- match.arg(what, c("frequencies", "labels"))
idx <- attr(x, "index")
o <- switch(what,
frequencies = order(sapply(idx, length), decreasing = decreasing),
labels = order(rownames(x), decreasing = decreasing))
x <- x[o, ]
attr(x, "index") <- idx[o]
class(x) <- oc
attr(x, "from") <- from
subset.haplotype <- function(x, minfreq = 1, maxfreq = Inf, maxna = Inf,
na = c("N", "?"), ...)
oc <- oldClass(x)
from <- attr(x, "from")
idx <- attr(x, "index")
f <- sapply(idx, length)
s <- f <= maxfreq & f >= minfreq
if (is.finite(maxna)) {
na <- tolower(na)
all <- c("r", "m", "w", "s", "k", "y", "v", "h", "d", "b", "n", "-", "?")
if (identical(na, "all")) na <- all
if (identical(na, "ambiguous")) na <- all[1:11]
freq <- if (maxna < 1) FALSE else TRUE
foo <- function(x) sum(base.freq(x, freq, TRUE)[na]) <- numeric(n <- nrow(x))
for (i in seq_len(n))[i] <- foo(x[i, ]) # cannot use apply
s <- s & <= maxna
x <- x[s, ]
attr(x, "index") <- idx[s]
class(x) <- oc
attr(x, "from") <- from
summary.haplotype <- function(object, ...)
setNames(lengths(attr(object, "index")), rownames(object))
print.haplotype <- function(x, ...)
n <- (d <- dim(x))[1]
DF <- summary.haplotype(x)
cat("\nHaplotypes extracted from:", attr(x, "from"), "\n\n")
cat(" Number of haplotypes:", n, "\n")
cat(" Sequence length:", d[2], "\n\n")
cat("Haplotype labels and frequencies:\n\n")
if (n <= 40) print(DF)
else {
cat("...\n(use summary() to print all)\n")
"[.haplotype" <- function(x, ...)
cls <- class(x)
if (length(cls) > 1) cls <- cls[-1]
y <- NextMethod("[")
class(y) <- cls
as.phylo.haploNet <- function(x, quiet = FALSE, ...)
if (!is.null(attr(x, "alter.links")) && !quiet)
warning("some links (edges) were dropped because of reticulations")
foo <- function(xx) {
NODES <<- c(NODES, xx)
W <- which(mat == xx, TRUE)
for (i in 1:nrow(W)) {
k <- W[i, 1]
if (DONE[k]) next
DONE[k] <<- TRUE
link <- mat[k, ]
if (link[1] != xx) link <- rev(link)
edge[ie, ] <<- link
el[ie] <<- x[k, 3]
ie <<- ie + 1L
neigh <- link[2]
if (deg[neigh] == 1L) TIPS <<- c(TIPS, neigh) else foo(neigh)
LABS <- attr(x, "labels")
n <- length(LABS) # number of haplotype nodes
mat <- x[, 1:2]
deg <- tabulate(mat, n) # get the degree of each node
deg1 <- deg == 1
ntip <- sum(deg1)
TIPS <- integer()
NODES <- integer()
edge <- mat
edge[] <- 0L
el <- numeric(nrow(mat))
ie <- 1L
DONE <- logical(nrow(mat))
ROOT <- which(!deg1)[1]
edge <- match(edge, TIPNODE)
dim(edge) <- dim(mat)
phy <- list(edge = edge, edge.length = el, tip.label = LABS[TIPS],
Nnode = length(NODES), node.label = LABS[NODES])
class(phy) <- "phylo"
as.evonet.haploNet <- function(x, ...)
res <- as.phylo.haploNet(x, quiet = TRUE)
alt <- attr(x, "alter.links")
if (!is.null(alt)) {
LABS <- attr(x, "labels")
o <- match(LABS, c(res$tip.label, res$node.label))
alt <- o[alt[, 1:2]]
dim(alt) <- c(length(alt)/2, 2)
res$reticulation <- alt
class(res) <- c("evonet", "phylo")
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("network", "network.vertex.names<-")) <- function(x, directed = FALSE, altlinks = TRUE, ...)
res <- x[, 1:2]
if (altlinks) res <- rbind(res, attr(x, "alter.links")[, 1:2])
res <- network(res, directed = directed, ...)
network.vertex.names(res) <- attr(x, "labels")
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables("graph.edgelist")
as.igraph.haploNet <- function(x, directed = FALSE, use.labels = TRUE,
altlinks = TRUE, ...)
y <- x[, 1:2]
if (altlinks) y <- rbind(y, attr(x, "alter.links")[, 1:2])
y <-
if (use.labels) matrix(attr(x, "labels")[y], ncol = 2)
else y - 1L
graph.edgelist(y, directed = directed, ...)
## approximate function giving the cophenetic distance on a network
## -> can be used to find nodes with short distances to most nodes, eg:
## rowSums(cophenetic.haploNet(net))
cophenetic.haploNet <- function(x)
LABS <- attr(x, "labels")
phy <- as.phylo.haploNet(x, quiet = TRUE)
res <- dist.nodes(phy)
o <- match(LABS, c(phy$tip.label, phy$node.label))
res <- res[o, o]
alt <- attr(x, "alter.links")
if (!is.null(alt)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(alt)) {
a <- alt[i, 1]
b <- alt[i, 2]
res[a, b] <- res[b, a] <- alt[i, 3]
dimnames(res) <- list(LABS, LABS)
labels.haploNet <- function(object, ...) attr(object, "labels")
haplotype.loci <- function(x, locus = 1:2, quiet = FALSE, compress = TRUE,
check.phase = TRUE, ...)
x <- x[, attr(x, "locicol")[locus]]
nloc <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
if (check.phase) {
## drop the rows with at least one unphased genotype:
s <- apply(is.phased(x), 1, all)
if (any(!s)) {
x <- x[s, ]
warning(paste("dropping", sum(!s), "individual(s) out of", n, "due to unphased genotype(s)"))
n <- nrow(x)
### NOTE: trying to find identical rows first does not speed calculations
## initialise (works for all levels of ploidy)
nh <- .checkPloidy(x[, 1, drop = FALSE]) # the number of haplotypes
names(nh) <- NULL
res <- matrix("", nloc, nh * n)
class(x) <- "data.frame" # drop "loci"
### unlist(lapply()) is a bit faster than filling the matrix with 'for'
### thanks to use.names = FALSE in unlist(). The old code is:
### y <- matrix(NA_integer_, n, nloc)
### for (j in seq_len(nloc)) y[, j] <- as.integer(x[[j]])
y <- unlist(lapply(x, as.character), FALSE, FALSE)
dim(y) <- c(n, nloc)
mysplit <- function(x)
unlist(strsplit(x, "|", fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE), FALSE, FALSE)
k <- 1:nh
for (i in seq_len(n)) { # loop along each individual
if (!quiet && !(i %% 100)) cat("\rAnalysing individual no.", i, "/", n)
tmp <- mysplit(y[i, ])
dim(tmp) <- c(nh, nloc) # arrange the alleles in a matrix...
res[, k] <- t(tmp) # faster than using matrix(, byrow = TRUE)
k <- k + nh
### experimental code to run the above loop with parallel
### foo <- function(i) {
### tmp <- mysplit(y[i, ])
### dim(tmp) <- c(nh, nloc)
### t(tmp)
### }
### res <- mclapply(seq_len(n), foo)
### res <- unlist(res, FALSE, FALSE)
### dim(res) <- c(nloc, n * nh)
if (!compress) {
rownames(res) <- colnames(x)
nc <- ncol(res)
h <- .Call(unique_haplotype_loci, res, nloc, nc)
u <- h == 0
if (all(u)) freq <- rep(1L, nc) else {
i <- which(u)
res <- res[, i, drop = FALSE]
h[u] <- i
freq <- tabulate(h)
freq <- freq[freq > 0]
if (!quiet) cat("\rAnalysing individual no.", n, "/", n, "\n")
rownames(res) <- colnames(x)
class(res) <- "haplotype.loci"
attr(res, "freq") <- freq
plot.haplotype.loci <- function(x, ...)
y <- attr(x, "freq")
names(y) <- apply(x, 2, paste, collapse = "-")
barplot(y, ...)
dist.hamming <- function(x)
n <- nrow(x)
if (n < 2) stop("less than two haplotypes")
d <- numeric(n * (n - 1)/2)
k <- 1L
for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):n) {
d[k] <- sum(x[i, ] != x[j, ])
k <- k + 1L
attr(d, "Size") <- n
attr(d, "Labels") <- rownames(x)
attr(d, "Diag") <- attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(d, "call") <-
attr(d, "method") <- "N"
class(d) <- "dist"
dist.haplotype.loci <- function(x)
n <- ncol(x)
if (n < 2) stop("less than two haplotypes")
d <- numeric(n * (n - 1) / 2)
k <- 1L
for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):n) {
d[k] <- sum(x[, i] != x[, j])
k <- k + 1L
attr(d, "Size") <- n
attr(d, "Labels") <- colnames(x)
attr(d, "Diag") <- attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(d, "call") <-
attr(d, "method") <- "N"
class(d) <- "dist"
LD <- function(x, locus = c(1, 2), details = TRUE)
if (length(locus) != 2)
stop("you must specify two loci to compute linkage disequilibrium")
hap <- haplotype.loci(x, locus = locus, quiet = TRUE)
alleles1 <- unique(hap[1, ])
alleles2 <- unique(hap[2, ])
k <- length(alleles1)
m <- length(alleles2)
nij <- matrix(0L, k, m, dimnames = list(alleles1, alleles2))
nij[t(hap)] <- attr(hap, "freq")
N <- sum(nij)
pij <- nij / N
pi <- rowSums(pij)
qj <- colSums(pij)
eij <- pi %o% qj * N
pi <- rep(pi, ncol(pij))
qj <- rep(qj, each = nrow(pij))
D <- pij - pi * qj
rij <- D / sqrt(pi * (1 - pi) * qj * (1 - qj))
df <- (k - 1) * (m - 1)
T2 <- df * N * sum(rij^2) / (k * m)
res <- c("T2" = T2, "df" = df, "P-val" = pchisq(T2, df, lower.tail = FALSE))
if (details) {
res <- list(nij, eij, rij, 2 * sum(nij * log(nij / eij)),
2 * sum((nij - eij)^2 / eij), res)
names(res) <- c("Observed frequencies", "Expected frequencies", "Correlations among alleles",
"LRT (G-squared)", "Pearson's test (chi-squared)", "T2")
LD2 <- function(x, locus = c(1, 2), details = TRUE)
if (length(locus) != 2)
stop("you must specify two loci to compute linkage disequilibrium")
x <- x[, attr(x, "locicol")[locus]]
if (any(.checkPloidy(x) != 2))
stop("linkage disequilibrium with unphased genotypes works only for diploid data")
n <- nrow(x)
s <- summary(x)
alleles1 <- names(s[[1]]$allele)
alleles2 <- names(s[[2]]$allele)
genotypes1 <- names(s[[1]]$genotype)
genotypes2 <- names(s[[2]]$genotype)
## get allele proportions:
P <- lapply(s, "[[", "allele")
P <- rapply(P, function(x) x/sum(x), how = "replace")
## compute HW disequilibrium coefficients:
G <- lapply(s, "[[", "genotype")
G <- rapply(G, function(x) x/sum(x), how = "replace")
DHW <- vector("list", 2)
for (i in 1:2) {
alls <- if (i == 1) alleles1 else alleles2
tmp <- G[[i]][paste(alls, alls, sep = "/")] # frequencies of all possible homozygotes
tmp[] <- 0 # for the unobserved
names(tmp) <- alls
DHW[[i]] <- tmp - P[[i]]^2
Delta <- r <- numeric()
x1 <- as.integer(x[, 1L, drop = TRUE])
x2 <- as.integer(x[, 2L, drop = TRUE])
for (a in alleles1) {
Pa <- P[[1]][a]
Da <- DHW[[1]][a]
for (b in alleles2) {
Pb <- P[[2]][b]
Db <- DHW[[2]][b]
## find the homozygote genotypes:
i <- match(paste(a, a, sep = "/"), genotypes1)
j <- match(paste(b, b, sep = "/"), genotypes2)
n1 <- n2 <- n3 <- n4 <- 1e100 # initialise
## if the homozygotes were not observed set the n's accordingly,
## else find them in the respective columns:
if ( n1 <- n2 <- 0 else Ho1 <- x1 == i
if ( n1 <- n3 <- 0 else Ho2 <- x2 == j
## count the homozygotes at both loci:
if (as.logical(n1)) n1 <- sum(Ho1 & Ho2)
## the next command will find the genotypes with the 1st allele (homozygote OR heterozygote):
tmp1 <- grep(paste0("^", a, "/|/", a, "$"), genotypes1)
if (! tmp1 <- tmp1[tmp1 != i] # remove the homozygote genotype if needed
## and get the heterozygotes:
if (length(tmp1)) He1 <- x1 %in% tmp1 else n3 <- n4 <- 0
## ... and the same for the 2nd allele:
tmp2 <- grep(paste0("^", b, "/|/", b, "$"), genotypes2)
if (! tmp2 <- tmp2[tmp2 != j]
if (length(tmp2)) He2 <- x2 %in% tmp2 else n2 <- n4 <- 0
## if homozygotes were observed for each locus:
if (as.logical(n2)) n2 <- sum(Ho1 & He2)
if (as.logical(n3)) n3 <- sum(Ho2 & He1)
if (as.logical(n4)) n4 <- sum(He1 & He2)
delta <- (2 * n1 + n2 + n3 + 0.5 * n4)/n - 2 * Pa * Pb
Delta <- c(Delta, delta)
r <- c(r, delta^2 / ((Pa * (1 - Pa) + Da) * (Pb * (1 - Pb) + Db)))
k <- length(alleles1)
m <- length(alleles2)
df <- (k - 1) * (m - 1)
T2 <- df * n * sum(r) / (k * m)
res <- c("T2" = T2, "df" = df, "P-val" = pchisq(T2, df, lower.tail = FALSE))
if (details) {
dim(Delta) <- c(k, m)
dimnames(Delta) <- list(alleles1, alleles2)
res <- list(Delta = Delta, T2 = res)
LDscan <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("LDscan")
LDscan.DNAbin <- function(x, quiet = FALSE, what = c("r", "Dprime"), ...)
what <- match.arg(what)
if (!quiet) cat("Scanning haplotypes... ")
ss <- seg.sites(x)
nloci <- length(ss)
hap <- t(as.character(x[, ss]))
hap[hap == "n"] <- NA_character_
if (!quiet) cat("done.\n")
.LD <- function (hap, loc1, loc2) {
nij <- table(hap[loc1, ], hap[loc2, ])
if (any(dim(nij) != 2)) return(NA_real_)
N <- sum(nij)
pij <- nij/N
pi <- rep(rowSums(pij), 2)
qj <- rep(colSums(pij), each = 2)
D <- pij - pi * qj
if (what == "Dprime") {
D <- D[1]
denom <- if (D > 0) min(-pi[1] * qj[3], -pi[2] * qj[1]) else max(-pi[1] * qj[1], -pi[2] * qj[2])
rij <- D/sqrt(pi * (1 - pi) * qj * (1 - qj))
M <- nloci * (nloci - 1) / 2
ldx <- numeric(M)
k <- 0L
for (i in 1:(nloci - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nloci) {
k <- k + 1L
ldx[k] <- .LD(hap, i, j)
if (!quiet) cat("\r", round(100 * k / M), "%")
if (!quiet) cat("\n")
class(ldx) <- "dist"
attr(ldx, "Size") <- nloci
attr(ldx, "Labels") <- names(x)
attr(ldx, "Diag") <- attr(ldx, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(ldx, "call") <-
LDscan.loci <- function(x, depth = NULL, quiet = FALSE, what = c("r", "Dprime"), ...)
what <- match.arg(what)
nloci <- length(attr(x, "locicol"))
if (!quiet) cat("Scanning haplotypes... ")
hap <- haplotype.loci(x, seq_len(nloci), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
if (!quiet) cat("done.\n")
.LD <- function (hap, loc1, loc2) {
nij <- table(hap[loc1, ], hap[loc2, ])
N <- sum(nij)
pij <- nij/N
pi <- rep(rowSums(pij), 2)
qj <- rep(colSums(pij), each = 2)
D <- pij - pi * qj
if (what == "Dprime") {
D <- D[1]
denom <-
if (D > 0) min(-pi[1] * qj[3], -pi[2] * qj[1])
else max(-pi[1] * qj[1], -pi[2] * qj[2])
rij <- D/sqrt(pi * (1 - pi) * qj * (1 - qj))
if (is.null(depth)) {
M <- nloci * (nloci - 1) / 2
ldx <- numeric(M)
k <- 0L
for (i in 1:(nloci - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nloci) {
k <- k + 1L
ldx[k] <- .LD(hap, i, j)
if (!quiet) cat("\r", round(100 * k / M), "%")
if (!quiet) cat("\n")
class(ldx) <- "dist"
attr(ldx, "Size") <- nloci
attr(ldx, "Labels") <- names(x)
attr(ldx, "Diag") <- attr(ldx, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(ldx, "call") <-
} else {
depth <- as.integer(depth)
ldx <- vector("list", length(depth))
k <- 0L
for (o in depth) {
vec <- numeric(nloci - o)
j <- 0L
for (i in 1:(nloci - o)) {
j <- j + 1L
vec[j] <- .LD(hap, i, i + o)
if (!quiet) cat("\rScanning at depth", o, ":\t", round(100 * j / (nloci - o)), "%")
if (!quiet) cat("\n")
k <- k + 1L
ldx[[k]] <- vec
names(ldx) <- depth
LDmap <- function(d, POS = NULL, breaks = NULL, col = NULL, border = NA,
angle = 0, asp = 1, cex = 1, scale.legend = 0.8, ...)
if (!is.null(POS) & angle != 0) {
warning("'angle' set to 0 since 'POS' is provided")
angle <- 0
if (is.matrix(d)) d <- as.dist(d)
nloci <- attr(d, "Size")
n <- nloci - 1
m <- nloci * n /2
nl <- if (is.null(col)) 10 else length(col) # Nb of colour levels
if (is.null(breaks)) {
rgd <- range(d, na.rm = TRUE)
breaks <- seq(rgd[1], rgd[2], length.out = nl + 1)
} else {
nl <- length(breaks) - 1
if (!is.null(col))
col <- rep(col, length.out = nl)
if (is.null(col))
col <- colorRampPalette(c("lightyellow", "red"))(nl)
co <- col[cut(d, breaks, include.lowest = TRUE)]
x.lab.loci <- 1:nloci - 0.75
y.lab.loci <- 1:nloci - 0.25
use.rect <- angle == 45
## assume angle = 45
yb <- unlist(mapply(":", 1:n, n, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
yt <- yb + 1
xl <- unlist(mapply(rep, 0:(n - 1), n:1, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
xr <- xl + 1
if (!use.rect) {
xx <- rbind(xl, xl, xr, xr, rep(NA, m))
yy <- rbind(yb, yt, yt, yb, rep(NA, m))
dim(xx) <- dim(yy) <- NULL
tmp <- rect2polar(xx, yy)
new.angle <- tmp$angle + 2 * pi * (angle - 45)/360
xy <- polar2rect(tmp$r, new.angle)
X <- range(xy$x, na.rm = TRUE)
Y <- range(xy$y, na.rm = TRUE)
## adjust the coordinates of the labels of the loci:
tmp <- rect2polar(x.lab.loci, y.lab.loci)
new.angle <- tmp$angle + 2 * pi * (angle - 45)/360
tmp <- polar2rect(tmp$r, new.angle)
x.lab.loci <- tmp$x
y.lab.loci <- tmp$y
} else {
X <- Y <- c(0, nloci)
if (!is.null(POS)) Y[1] <- -0.1 * Y[2]
plot.default(X, Y, "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "",
asp = asp, ...)
if (use.rect) rect(xl, yb, xr, yt, col = co, border = border)
else polygon(xy, col = co, border = border)
psr <- par("usr")
if (!is.null(POS)) {
f <- function(x, mn, mx) {
x <- x - mn # translate to the origin
x <- x / mx # rescale to 1
(psr[2] - psr[1]) * x + psr[1]
POS <- as.double(POS)
mn <- POS[1]
mx <- POS[nloci] - mn
AT <- pretty(POS)
at <- f(AT, mn, mx)
segments(psr[1], Y[1], psr[2], Y[1], lwd = 2)
segments(at, Y[1] - 1, at, Y[1])
text(at, Y[1], AT, adj = c(0.5, 2), cex = cex)
segments(f(POS, mn, mx), Y[1], x.lab.loci, y.lab.loci, lty = 3)
mtext("Position", 1, 1.5, cex = cex)
x1 <- psr[1] + scale.legend
y1 <- seq(psr[4] - scale.legend * nl, psr[4] - scale.legend,
by = scale.legend)
y2 <- y1 + scale.legend
rect(psr[1], y1, x1, y2, col = col, border = border)
text(x1, c(y1[1], y2), round(breaks, 3), adj = -0.1, xpd = TRUE,
cex = cex)
text(x.lab.loci, y.lab.loci, attr(d, "Labels"),
srt = angle - 90, adj = 0, cex = cex)
all.equal.haploNet <- function(target, current, use.steps = TRUE, ...)
nt1 <- sQuote(deparse(substitute(target)))
nt2 <- sQuote(deparse(substitute(current)))
if (identical(target, current)) return(TRUE)
## function to build a list to make comparisons easier
foo <- function(x) {
mat <- x[, 1:2]
step <- x[, 3]
if (!is.null(attr(x, "alter.links"))) {
mat <- rbind(mat, attr(x, "alter.links")[, 1:2])
step <- c(step, attr(x, "alter.links")[, 3])
dm <- dim(mat)
mat <- attr(x, "labels")[mat]
dim(mat) <- dm
mat <- t(apply(mat, 1, sort))
list(mat = mat, step = step)
## function to arrange print of links:
bar <- function(x) gsub("\r", "--", x)
## another one to print comparison of link lengths:
bar2 <- function(x, y, z) paste0(bar(x), " (", y, ", ", z, ")")
msg <- NULL
labs1 <- attr(target, "labels")
labs2 <- attr(current, "labels")
comp12 <-, labs2))
comp21 <-, labs1))
if (all(comp12) && all(comp21))
return(paste0("No common label between ", nt1, " and ", nt2))
else {
if (any(comp12))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("Labels in ", nt2, " not in ", nt1, ":"),
paste(labs1[comp12], sep = ", "))
if (any(comp21))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("Labels in ", nt1, " not in ", nt2, ":"),
paste(labs2[comp21], sep = ", "))
X1 <- foo(target)
X2 <- foo(current)
links1 <- paste(X1$mat[, 1], X1$mat[, 2], sep = "\r")
links2 <- paste(X2$mat[, 1], X2$mat[, 2], sep = "\r")
comp12 <- match(links1, links2)
if (length(links1) == length(links2)) {
if (anyNA(comp12)) {
comp21 <- match(links2, links1)
msg <- c(msg, "Number of links equal",
paste0("Links in ", nt1, " not in ", nt2, ":"),
paste0("Links in ", nt2, " not in ", nt1, ":"),
if (use.steps) {
tmp <- X2$step[comp12]
test <- X1$step != tmp
if (anyNA(test)) test[] <- FALSE
if (any(test))
msg <- c(msg, "Link lengths different (in target, in current):",
bar2(links1[test], X1$step[test], tmp[test]))
} else {
msg <- c(msg, "Number of links different.")
comp21 <- match(links2, links1)
if (anyNA(comp12))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("Links in ", nt1, " not in ", nt2, ":"),
if (anyNA(comp21))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("Links in ", nt2, " not in ", nt1, ":"),
if (use.steps) {
if (length(links1) > length(links2)) {
tmp1 <- X1$step[!]
tmp2 <- X2$step[comp21]
} else {
tmp1 <- X1$step[comp12]
tmp2 <- X2$step[!]
test <- tmp1 != tmp2
if (any(test))
msg <- c(msg,
paste0("Links identical but of lengths different (in ", nt1, ", in ", nt2, "):"),
bar2(links1[tmp1][test], tmp1[test], tmp2[test]))
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg
.diffHaplo.loci <- function(h, a = 1, b = 2)
s <- which(h[, a] != h[, b])
data.frame(pos = s, h[s, c(a, b)])
utils::globalVariables(c("mutations.arrow.color", "mutations.arrow.type", "mutations.cex", "mutations.font", "mutations.frame.background", "mutations.frame.border", "mutations.sequence.color", "mutations.sequence.end", "mutations.sequence.length", "mutations.sequence.width", "mutations.text.color"))
mutations <- function(haploNet, link, x, y, data = NULL, style = "table",
m <- haploNet[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
labs <- labels.haploNet(haploNet)
if (!is.null(attr(haploNet, "alter.links")))
m <- rbind(m, attr(haploNet, "alter.links")[, 1:2, drop = FALSE])
if (missing(link)) {
cat("Link is missing: select one below\n")
cat(paste0(1:nrow(m), ": ", labs[m[, 1]], "-", labs[m[, 2]]), sep = "\n")
cat("\nEnter a link number: ")
link <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
if (link < 1 || link > nrow(m) || stop("wrong value")
Last.phn <- get("last_plot.haploNet", envir = .PlotHaploNetEnv)
nodes <- m[link, 1:2] <- sum(Last.phn$xx[nodes]) / 2 <- sum(Last.phn$yy[nodes]) / 2
if (missing(x) || missing(y)) {
cat("Coordinates are missing: click where you want to place the annotations:")
xy <- locator(1)
x <- xy$x
y <- xy$y
cat("\nThe coordinates x = ", x, ", y = ", y, " are used\n", sep = "")
style <- match.arg(style, c("table", "sequence"))
if (is.null(data)) {
data <- attr(haploNet, "data")
if (is.null(data)) stop("no data attached to network")
## for the moment only two main classes are accepted:
dnabin <- inherits(data, "DNAbin")
if (!dnabin && !inherits(data, "haplotype.loci"))
stop("data must have the class \"DNAbin\" or \"haplotype.loci\"")
if (!dnabin) { # => class(data) == "haplotype.loci"
if (missing(POS)) stop("'POS' should be given")
if (style == "sequence" && missing(SEQLEN))
stop("'SEQLEN' should be given")
## get/check the options
OPTS <- getHaploNetOptions()
dots <- list(...)
options.names <- switch(style, "table" = {
c("mutations.cex", "mutations.font", "mutations.frame.background",
"mutations.frame.border", "mutations.text.color",
"mutations.arrow.color", "mutations.arrow.type")
}, "sequence" = {
c("mutations.arrow.color", "mutations.arrow.type",
"mutations.sequence.color", "mutations.sequence.end",
"mutations.sequence.length", "mutations.sequence.width")
mapply(assign, options.names, OPTS[options.names],
MoreArgs = list(envir = environment()))
if (length(dots)) {
if (any(i <- names(dots) %in% options.names)) {
dots <- dots[i]
mapply(assign, names(dots), dots,
MoreArgs = list(envir = environment()))
## get the mutations
if (dnabin) {
mu <- diffHaplo(data, labs[m[link, 1]], labs[m[link, 2]])
} else {
mu <- .diffHaplo.loci(data, labs[m[link, 1]], labs[m[link, 2]])
mu$pos <- POS[mu$pos]
nmu <- nrow(mu)
switch(style, "table" = {
strg <- paste0(mu[[1]], ": ", mu[[2]], "|", mu[[3]])
maxw <- max(strwidth(strg))
strh <- max(strheight(strg))
spc <- strh * 0.5
ystrings <- seq(y - strh/2, by = -1.5 * strh, length.out = nmu)
xleft <- x - spc
ybottom <- ystrings[nmu] - strh/2 - spc
xright <- x + maxw + spc
ytop <- ystrings[1] + strh/2 + spc
rect(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, col = mutations.frame.background,
border = mutations.frame.border)
text(x + maxw, ystrings, strg, adj = 1, cex = mutations.cex,
font = mutations.font, col = mutations.text.color)
if ( <= xleft) {
x0 <- xleft
} else {
if ( >= xright) {
x0 <- xright
} else {
x0 <- (xleft + xright) / 2
if ( <= ybottom) {
y0 <- ybottom
} else {
if ( >= ytop) {
y0 <- ytop
} else {
y0 <- (ybottom + ytop) / 2
}, "sequence" = {
WIDTH <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
if (dnabin) SEQLEN <- ncol(data)
W <- WIDTH * mutations.sequence.length # real width of the segment
x2 <- x + W
segments(x, y, x2, y, lwd = mutations.sequence.width,
col = mutations.sequence.color, lend = mutations.sequence.end)
## text(x2, y, " 1 kb", adj = 0)
xx <- x + W * mu[[1]] / SEQLEN
segments(xx, y - 0.5, xx, y + 0.5)
x0 <- if (abs(x - <= abs(x2 - x - WIDTH / 250 else x2 + WIDTH / 250
y0 <- y
fancyarrows(x0, y0,,, col = mutations.arrow.color,
code = mutations.arrow.type)
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