
Defines functions sample_wtatage

Documented in sample_wtatage

#' Sample empirical weight-at-age data and write to file for use by the EM
#' Take a \code{data.SS_new} file containing expected values and sample from
#' true ages to get realistic proportions for the number of fish in each age
#' bin, then use the mean size-at-age and CV for growth to generate random
#' samples of size, which are then converted to weight and averaged to get mean
#' weight-at-age values. Missing ages and years are filled according to a
#' specified function. These matrices are then written to file for the EM. By
#' calling this function, \pkg{ss3sim} will turn on the empirical weight-at-age
#' function (set maturity option to 5) automatically. See
#' \code{\link{ss3sim_base}} for more details on how that is implemented.
#' If used with \code{\link{run_ss3sim}} the case file should be named
#' \code{wtatage}.
#' @author Cole Monnahan, Allan Hicks, Peter Kuriyama
#' @param wta_file_in The file to read weight-at-age from. Specifically to get the
#'   age-0 weight-at-age. This is typically \code{wtatage.ss_new}.
#' @param ctl_file_in A path to the control file, output from an OM, containing
#'   the OM parameters for growth and weight/length relationship. These values
#'   are used to determine the uncertainty about weight for fish sampled in each
#'   age bin. Commonly \code{control.ss_new}
#' @param fill_fnc *A function to fill in missing values (ages and years). The
#'   resulting weight-at-age file will have values for all years and ages.One
#'   function is \code{fill_across}.
#' @param cv_wtatage A user specified CV for growth. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return A modified \code{.wtatage.ss} file if \code{!is.null(outfile)}. A list
#'   object containing the modified \code{.wtatage.ss} file is returned invisibly.
#' @template lcomp-agecomp-index
#' @template dat_list
#' @template outfile
#' @template casefile-footnote
#' @importFrom r4ss SS_parlines
#' @seealso \code{\link{fill_across}}
#' @family sampling functions
#' @export
# # #For Debugging
# setwd('/Users/peterkuriyama/School/Research/capam_growth/sample_wtatage_test/')
# # source('fill_across.r')
# #
# wta_file_in <- "om/wtatage.ss_new"
# outfile <- "em/wtatage.ss"
# datfile <- "em/ss3.dat"
# ctl_file_in <- "om/control.ss_new"
# years <- list(seq(2, 100, 1), seq(2, 100, 1))
# fill_fnc <- fill_across
# fleets <- list(1, 2)
# cv_wtatage <- .5
# dat_list <- r4ss::SS_readdat(file=datfile, version = NULL, verbose=FALSE)
# test <- sample_wtatage(wta_file_in = wta_file_in, outfile = outfile, dat_list = dat_list,
#     ctl_file_in = ctl_file_in, years = years, fill_fnc = fill_across,
#     fleets = fleets, cv_wtatage = cv_wtatage)

sample_wtatage <- function(wta_file_in, outfile, dat_list, ctl_file_in,
                           years, fill_fnc = fill_across, fleets,
                           cv_wtatage = NULL){
  ##fill_type: specify type of fill, fill zeroes with first row? annual interpolation?
        ## Age Interpolation?
    ## A value of NULL for fleets signifies to turn this data off in the
    ## EM. So quit early and in ss3sim_base do NOT turn wtatage on using
    ## the maturity function
    if(is.null(cv_wtatage)) stop('specify cv_wtatage in case file')

    cat('cv_wtatage is', cv_wtatage, '\n')
    if(is.null(fleets)) return(NULL)

    ### ACH: Because you always have to have year 100, you may want to check for duplicates
    # years <- years[!duplicated(years)]

    agecomp <- dat_list$agecomp[dat_list$agecomp$Lbin_lo== -1,]

    cat('sample size is ', unique(agecomp$Nsamp), '\n')
    agebin_vector <- dat_list$agebin_vector

    mlacomp <- dat_list$MeanSize_at_Age_obs
    if(is.null(mlacomp)) stop("No mean length-at-age data found in dat_list")
    ## Read in the control file
    ss_version <- get_ss_ver_file(ctl_file_in)
    ctl <-SS_parlines(ctl_file_in, version = ss_version)
    ## Read in the file and grab the expected values
    wta_file_in <- readLines(wta_file_in)

    ## Remove double spaces, which SS3 writes in the 7th column
    wta_file_in <- gsub("  ", replacement=" ", x=wta_file_in)
    xx <- grep(x=wta_file_in, "#yr seas gender growpattern birthseas fleet")
    if(length(xx)!=1) stop("Failed to read in wtatage file")
    header <- unlist(strsplit(wta_file_in[xx], " "))
    header[-(1:6)] <- paste("age",header[-(1:6)],sep="")
    ## It appears the first three lines need to be there for some
    ## reason. ****TODO Peter****: fix this if need be??

    wtatage <- wta_file_in[(xx+1):length(wta_file_in)]
    wtatage <-  as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(wtatage, split=" "))),
                                     nrow=length(wtatage), byrow=TRUE))
    names(wtatage) <- gsub("#", replacement="", x=header)
    wtatage$yr <- abs(wtatage$yr)
    if(2 %in% unique(wtatage$fleet) == FALSE){
        ones <- wtatage[wtatage$fleet == 1, ]
        twos <- ones
        twos$fleet <- 2
        wtatage <- rbind(wtatage, twos)

    age0 <- wtatage[!duplicated(wtatage$fleet),c("fleet","age0")]
    wtatage.new.list <- list(1, 2) # temp storage for the new rows

    #start sampling
    #Pull wtatage for fleets -2, -1, and 0 from OM for now.
    #-2 is age-specific fecundity * maturity
    #-1 is population wt-at-age in middle of season
    #0 is population wt-at-age in beginning of season2
    unsampled.wtatage <- list(1, 2, 3)
    unsampled.wtatage[[1]] <- wtatage[which(wtatage$fleet == -2), ]
    unsampled.wtatage[[2]] <- wtatage[which(wtatage$fleet == -1), ]
    unsampled.wtatage[[3]] <- wtatage[which(wtatage$fleet == 0), ]

    #Change all years to negatives so it will work with ss
    unsampled.wtatage <- lapply(unsampled.wtatage,
              x$yr <- -x$yr

    #Start Sampling other fleets
    # fl <- 1
    # yr <- 1
    for(fl in fleets) { #fleets must be 1:Nfleets
        #set up wtatage matrix of sampled years
        wtatage.new.list[[fl]] <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=length(years[[fl]]),ncol=ncol(wtatage)))
        names(wtatage.new.list[[fl]]) <- names(wtatage)
        row.names(wtatage.new.list[[fl]]) <- as.character(years[[fl]])

        #===============Loop over Years Sampled
        if(length(years[[fl]]) == 1) { #copy wtatage matrix from designated fleet
            if(fl <= years[[fl]]) stop("You must designate an earlier fleet to copy from.\n")
            wtatage.new.list[[fl]] <- wtatage.new.list[[years[[fl]]]]
            wtatage.new.list[[fl]]$fleet <- fl
        } else {
            for(yr in years[[fl]]) {

                #Step 1, draw from true age distributions
                agecomp.temp <- agecomp[agecomp$Yr==yr & agecomp$FltSvy == fl, ]
                #ACH: I'm going with the motto of think about it. Why enter a year for wtatage when you do not have data?
                if(nrow(agecomp.temp)==0) {stop("No age comp observations for year",yr,"and fleet",fl,"\n")}

                ## Get the true age distributions
                age.means <- as.numeric(agecomp.temp[-(1:9)])
                age.Nsamp <- as.numeric(agecomp.temp$Nsamp)

                #Step 2, determine # of fish in sample per bin
                #Use a multinomial here but may need to have dirichlet or option to toggle between the two
                age.samples <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = age.Nsamp, prob = age.means)

                #Step 3, use mean length-at-age to sample with normal/lognormal and user-specified cv
                #first define mean length-at-age

                #Change fleets name to FltSvy to keep everything consistent
                names(mlacomp)[3] <- 'FltSvy'
                # [which(names(mlacomp) == 'Fleet')]
                mla.means <- as.numeric(mlacomp[mlacomp$Yr==yr & mlacomp$FltSvy==fl,
                                                paste0("a", agebin_vector)])

                # CV.growth <- ctl[ctl$Label=="CV_young_Fem_GP_1", "INIT"]
                CV.growth <- cv_wtatage #User-Specified

                #Define growth parameters
                Wtlen1 <- ctl[ctl$Label=="Wtlen_1_Fem", "INIT"]
                Wtlen2 <- ctl[ctl$Label=="Wtlen_2_Fem", "INIT"]
                sds <- mla.means*CV.growth

                #Sample: I used a for loop to keep things understandable for me. could use apply also

                #create empty list to store lengths and weights
                # todo: could be a bug here in seq(seq_len())
                lengths.list <- as.list(seq(seq_len(nrow(age.samples))))
                weights.list <- lengths.list

                #fill in list by sampling from normal distribution
                for(ii in seq_len(nrow(age.samples)))
                  lengths.list[[ii]] <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(n = age.samples[ii], mean = mla.means[ii], sd = sds[ii]))

                  #Step 4, convert lengths to weights with no error
                  weights.list[[ii]] <- Wtlen1 * lengths.list[[ii]] ^ Wtlen2

                #step 5, calculate new mean weight at age
                samp.wtatage <- sapply(weights.list, mean)

                #concatenate everything
                prefix <- wtatage[wtatage$yr==yr & wtatage$fleet==1,1:5]  #I used fleet=1 because wtatage_new only outputs fleet 1
                tmp.fl <- fl
                wtatage.new.means <- c(unlist(prefix), tmp.fl, age0[age0$fleet == 1, 'age0'],
                #store to wtatage.new.list
                wtatage.new.list[[fl]][as.character(yr), ] <- wtatage.new.means

    #fill in missing values
    ## ## Do we need to check whether there was only one fleet? Or force this?
    ## if(!is.data.frame(wtatage.new.list[[1]])){
    ##     wtatage.new.list[[1]] <- wtatage.new.list[[2]]
    ##     wtatage.new.list[[1]]$fleet <- 1
    ## }
    ## if(!is.data.frame(wtatage.new.list[[2]])){
    ##     wtatage.new.list[[2]] <- wtatage.new.list[[1]]
    ##     wtatage.new.list[[2]]$fleet <- 2
    ## }

    wtatage.complete <- lapply(wtatage.new.list,fill_fnc,minYear=dat_list$styr,maxYear=dat_list$endyr)

    # wtatage.new.list[[1]]
    # temp.wtatage <- wtatage.new.list[[1]]

    # filled.wtatage <- fill_fnc(mat = temp.wtatage, minYear = dat_list$styr, maxYear = dat_list$endyr)

    #Manually check
    # write.csv(temp.wtatage, file = 'wtatage1_gaps.csv')
    # write.csv(filled.wtatage, file = 'wtatage1_filled.csv')
    # save(wtatage.complete, file = '/Users/peterkuriyama/School/Research/capam_growth/Empirical/runs/wtatage.complete.Rdata')

    # wtatage.complete[[dat_list$Nfleet+1]] <- wtatage.complete[[dat_list$Nfleet]]
    # print(dat_list$Nfleet+1)

    # fltNeg1 <- fltZero <- wtatage.complete[[dat_list$Nfleet+1]]  #first survey
    # fltNeg1 <- fltZero <- wtatage.complete[[dat_list$Nfleet+1]]  #first survey
    # fltNeg1$fleet <- -1
    # fltZero$fleet <- 0

    #Comment this out because I just copied from the original file
    # mat.fn <- function(x,age) {
    #     omega3 <- x[1]
    #     omega4 <- x[2]
    #     den <- 1+exp(omega3*(age-omega4))
    #     return(1/den)
    # }

    # # ctl[ctl$Label=="Mat_slope_Fem","INIT"]
    # # ctl[ctl$Label=="Mat50%_Fem","INIT"]
    # # # print(c(ctl[ctl$Label=="Mat_slope_Fem","INIT"],ctl[ctl$Label=="Mat50%_Fem","INIT"]))

    # matAtAge <- mat.fn(c(ctl[ctl$Label=="Mat_slope_Fem","INIT"],ctl[ctl$Label=="Mat50%_Fem","INIT"]),agebin_vector)
    # matAtAge <- c(0, matAtAge)

    # # fecund <- matAtAge * wtatage.complete[[dat_list$Nfleet+1]][,-(1:6)]
    # #Adjusted Matrix Multiplication
    # fecund <- t(apply(wtatage.complete[[dat_list$Nfleet+1]][,-(1:6)], 1, FUN = function(x) matAtAge * x))

    # fecund <- cbind(wtatage.complete[[dat_list$Nfleet+1]][,1:6],fecund)
    # fecund$fleet <- -2

    # Nlines <- nrow(fecund)+nrow(fltNeg1)+nrow(fltZero)
    Nlines <- sum(unlist(lapply(unsampled.wtatage, nrow)))
    Nlines <- Nlines + sum(unlist(lapply(wtatage.complete, nrow)))

    # Nlines <- Nlines + sum(unlist(lapply(wtatage.complete,nrow)))

    ##write wtatage.ss file
    if(is.null(outfile)) cat(dat_list$Nages,"# Maximum Age\n",file=outfile,append=TRUE)

    #loop through the various matrices and build up wtatage.final while doing it
    wtatage.final <- list()

    if(is.null(outfile)) cat("#Fleet -2, fecundity\n",file=outfile,append=TRUE)
    wtatage.final[[1]] <- unsampled.wtatage[[1]]

    # wtatage.final[[1]] <- fecund
    # wtatage.final[[1]]$yr <- -1 * wtatage.final[[1]]$yr
    if(!is.null(outfile)) write.table(unsampled.wtatage[[1]], file=outfile, append=TRUE, row.names=F, col.names=F)

    if(!is.null(outfile)) cat("\n#Fleet -1\n",file=outfile,append=TRUE)
    # wtatage.final[[2]] <- fltNeg1
    wtatage.final[[2]] <- unsampled.wtatage[[2]]
    # wtatage.final[[2]]$yr <- -1 * wtatage.final[[2]]$yr
    if(!is.null(outfile))     write.table(unsampled.wtatage[[2]], file=outfile, append=TRUE, row.names=F, col.names=F)

    if(!is.null(outfile)) cat("\n#Fleet 0\n",file=outfile,append=TRUE)
    # wtatage.final[[3]] <- fltZero
    wtatage.final[[3]] <- unsampled.wtatage[[3]]
    # wtatage.final[[3]]$yr <- -1 * wtatage.final[[3]]$yr
    if(!is.null(outfile)) write.table(unsampled.wtatage[[3]], file=outfile, append=TRUE, row.names=F, col.names=F)

    #loop through fleets
    for(i in fleets) {
        if(!is.null(outfile))     cat("\n#Fleet",i,"\n",file=outfile,append=TRUE)
        wtatage.final[[i+3]] <- wtatage.complete[[i]]
        wtatage.final[[i+3]]$yr <- -1 * wtatage.final[[i+3]]$yr
        if(!is.null(outfile))    write.table(wtatage.final[[i+3]], file=outfile, append=TRUE, row.names=F, col.names=F)
    endline <- data.frame(t(c(-9999, 1, 1, 1, 1, rep(0, dat_list$Nages))))
    if(!is.null(outfile)) write.table(endline, file = outfile, append = TRUE,
        row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)


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