
Defines functions detect_barcode detect_email txthist txtbarplot generate_png_path encode_graph align_numbers_dfs format_number crunch_other crunch_time_date crunch_numeric crunch_logical crunch_character crunch_factor dfSummary

Documented in dfSummary format_number

#' Data frame Summary
#' Summary of a data frame consisting of: variable names and types, labels if
#' any, factor levels, frequencies and/or numerical summary statistics, 
#' barplots/histograms, and valid/missing observation counts and proportions.
#' @param x A data frame.
#' @param round.digits Number of significant digits to display. Defaults to
#'   \code{1}. Does not affect proportions, which always show \code{1} digit. 
#' @param varnumbers Logical. Show variable numbers in the first column.
#'   Defaults to \code{TRUE}. Can be set globally with \code{\link{st_options}},
#'   option \dQuote{dfSummary.varnumbers}.
#' @param labels.col Logical. If \code{TRUE}, variable labels (as defined with
#'   \pkg{rapportools}, \pkg{Hmisc} or \pkg{summarytools}' \code{label}
#'   functions, among others) will be displayed. \code{TRUE} by default, but
#'   the \emph{labels} column is only shown if a label exists for at least one
#'   column. Can be set globally with \code{\link{st_options}}, option
#'   \dQuote{dfSummary.labels.col}.
#' @param valid.col Logical. Include column indicating count and proportion of
#'   valid (non-missing) values. \code{TRUE} by default; can be set
#'   globally with \code{\link{st_options}}, option \dQuote{dfSummary.valid.col}.
#' @param na.col Logical. Include column indicating count and proportion of
#'   missing (\code{NA}) values. \code{TRUE} by default; can be set globally
#'   with \code{\link{st_options}}, option \dQuote{dfSummary.na.col}.
#' @param graph.col Logical. Display barplots/histograms column. \code{TRUE}
#'   by default; can be set globally with \code{\link{st_options}}, 
#'   option \dQuote{dfSummary.graph.col}.
#' @param graph.magnif Numeric. Magnification factor for graphs column. Useful
#'   if the graphs show up too large (then use a value such as .75) or too small
#'   (use a value such as \code{1.25}). Must be positive. Defaults to \code{1}.
#'   Can be set globally with \code{\link{st_options}}, option
#'   \dQuote{dfSummary.graph.magnif}.
#' @param style Character. Argument used by \code{\link[pander]{pander}}.
#'   Defaults to \dQuote{multiline}. The only other valid option
#'   is \dQuote{grid}. Style \dQuote{rmarkdown} will fallback to
#'   \dQuote{multiline}.
#' @param plain.ascii Logical. \code{\link[pander]{pander}} argument; when
#'   \code{TRUE}, no markup characters will be used (useful when printing to
#'   console). Defaults to \code{TRUE}. Set to \code{FALSE} when in context of
#'   markdown rendering. To change the default value globally, see
#'   \code{\link{st_options}}.
#' @param justify String indicating alignment of columns; one of \dQuote{l}
#'   (left) \dQuote{c} (center), or \dQuote{r} (right). Defaults to \dQuote{l}.
#' @param col.widths Numeric or character. Vector of column widths. If numeric,
#'   values are assumed to be numbers of pixels. Otherwise, any CSS-supported
#'   units can be used. \code{NA} by default, meaning widths are calculated
#'   automatically.
#' @param headings Logical. Set to \code{FALSE} to omit headings. To change this
#'   default value globally, see \code{\link{st_options}}.
#' @param display.labels Logical. Should data frame label be displayed in the
#'   title section?  Default is \code{TRUE}. To change this default value
#'   globally, see \code{\link{st_options}}.
#' @param max.distinct.values The maximum number of values to display
#'   frequencies for. If variable has more distinct values than this number, the
#'   remaining frequencies will be reported as a whole, along with the number of
#'   additional distinct values. Defaults to 10.
#' @param trim.strings Logical; for character variables, should leading and
#'   trailing white space be removed? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. See
#'   \emph{details} section.
#' @param max.string.width Limits the number of characters to display in the
#'   frequency tables. Defaults to \code{25}.
#' @param split.cells A numeric argument passed to \code{\link[pander]{pander}}.
#'   It is the number of characters allowed on a line before splitting the cell.
#'   Defaults to \code{40}.
#' @param split.tables \pkg{pander} argument which determines the maximum width
#'   of a table. Keeping the default value (\code{Inf}) is recommended.
#' @param tmp.img.dir Character. Directory used to store temporary images when
#'   rendering dfSummary() with `method = "pander"`, `plain.ascii = TRUE` and
#'   `style = "grid"`. See \emph{Details}.
#' @param keep.grp.vars Logical. When using \code{\link[dplyr]{group_by}},
#'   keep rows corresponding to grouping variable(s) in output table.
#'   When \code{FALSE} (default), variable numbers still reflect the
#'   the ordering in the full data frame (in other words, some numbers will
#'   be skipped in the variable number column).
#' @param silent Logical. Hide console messages. \code{FALSE} by default. To
#'   change this value globally, see \code{\link{st_options}}.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[pander]{pander}}.
#' @return A data frame with additional class \code{summarytools} containing as
#'   many rows as there are columns in \code{x}, with attributes to inform
#'   \code{print} method. Columns in the output data frame are:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{No}{Number indicating the order in which column appears in the data
#'      frame.}
#'     \item{Variable}{Name of the variable, along with its class(es).}
#'     \item{Label}{Label of the variable (if applicable).}
#'     \item{Stats / Values}{For factors, a list of their values, limited by the
#'       \code{max.distinct.values} parameter. For character variables, the most
#'        common values (in descending frequency order), also limited by
#'       \code{max.distinct.values}. For numerical variables, common univariate
#'       statistics (mean, std. deviation, min, med, max, IQR and CV).}
#'     \item{Freqs (\% of Valid)}{For factors and character variables, the
#'       frequencies and proportions of the values listed in the previous
#'       column. For numerical vectors, number of distinct values, or frequency
#'       of distinct values if their number is not greater than
#'       \code{max.distinct.values}.}
#'     \item{Text Graph}{An ASCII histogram for numerical variables, and ASCII
#'       barplot for factors and character variables.} 
#'     \item{Graph}{An html encoded graph, either barplot or histogram.}
#'     \item{Valid}{Number and
#'       proportion of valid values.}
#'     \item{Missing}{Number and proportion of missing (NA and NAN) values.} 
#'     }
#' @details The default value \code{plain.ascii = TRUE} is intended to
#'   facilitate interactive data exploration. When using the package for
#'   reporting with \emph{rmarkdown}, make sure to set this option to
#'   \code{FALSE}.
#'   When \code{trim.strings} is set to \code{TRUE}, trimming is done
#'   \strong{\emph{before} calculating frequencies}, be aware that those will
#'   be impacted accordingly.
#'   Specifying \code{tmp.img.dir} allows producing results consistent with
#'   pandoc styling while also showing \emph{png} graphs. Due to the fact that
#'   in Pandoc, column widths are determined by the length of cell contents
#'   \strong{even if said content is merely a link to an image}, using standard
#'   R temporary directory to store the images would cause columns to be
#'   exceedingly wide. \strong{A shorter path is needed.} On Mac OS and Linux,
#'   using \dQuote{/tmp} is a sensible choice, since this directory is cleaned
#'   up automatically on a regular basis. On Windows however, there is no such
#'   convenient directory, so the user has to choose a directory and cleanup the
#'   temporary images manually after the document has been rendered. Providing
#'   a relative path such as \dQuote{img}, omitting \dQuote{./}, is recommended.
#'   The maximum length for this parameter is set to 5 characters. It can be set
#'   globally with \code{\link{st_options}} (\emph{e.g.:}
#'   \code{st_options(tmp.img.dir = ".")}.
#'   It is possible to \strong{control which statistics are shown} in the 
#'   \emph{Stats / Values} column. For this, see the \emph{Details} and
#'   \emph{Examples} sections of \code{\link{st_options}}.
#' @note Several packages provide functions for defining \emph{variable labels},
#'   \pkg{summarytools} being one of them. Some packages (\emph{Hmisc} in
#'   particular) employ special classes for labelled objects, but
#'   \pkg{summarytools} doesn't use nor look for any such classes.
#' @examples
#' data("tobacco")
#' saved_x11_option <- st_options("use.x11")
#' st_options(use.x11 = FALSE)
#' dfSummary(tobacco)
#' # Exclude some of the columns to reduce table width
#' dfSummary(tobacco, varnumbers = FALSE, valid.col = FALSE)
#' # Limit number of categories to be displayed for categorical data
#' dfSummary(tobacco, max.distinct.values = 5, style = "grid")
#' # Using stby()
#' stby(tobacco, tobacco$gender, dfSummary)
#' st_options(use.x11 = saved_x11_option)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Show in Viewer or browser - no capital V in view(); stview() is also
#' # available in case of conflicts with other packages)
#' view(dfSummary(iris))
#' # Rmarkdown-ready
#' dfSummary(tobacco, style = "grid", plain.ascii = FALSE,
#'           varnumbers = FALSE, valid.col = FALSE, tmp.img.dir = "./img")
#' # Using group_by()
#' tobacco %>% group_by(gender) %>% dfSummary()
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{label}}, \code{\link{print.summarytools}}
#' @keywords univar attribute classes category
#' @author Dominic Comtois, \email{dominic.comtois@@gmail.com}
#' @importFrom dplyr n_distinct group_keys
#' @importFrom stats start end
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.list dev.off
#' @export
dfSummary <- function(x,
                      round.digits     = 1,
                      varnumbers       = st_options("dfSummary.varnumbers"),
                      labels.col       = st_options("dfSummary.labels.col"),
                      valid.col        = st_options("dfSummary.valid.col"),
                      na.col           = st_options("dfSummary.na.col"),
                      graph.col        = st_options("dfSummary.graph.col"),
                      graph.magnif     = st_options("dfSummary.graph.magnif"),
                      style            = st_options("dfSummary.style"),
                      plain.ascii      = st_options("plain.ascii"),
                      justify          = "l",
                      col.widths       = NA,
                      headings         = st_options("headings"),
                      display.labels   = st_options("display.labels"),
                      max.distinct.values = 10,
                      trim.strings     = FALSE,
                      max.string.width = 25,
                      split.cells      = 40,
                      split.tables     = Inf,
                      tmp.img.dir      = st_options('tmp.img.dir'),
                      keep.grp.vars    = FALSE,
                      silent           = st_options('dfSummary.silent'),
                      ...) {

  # Flag for elimination of unwanted graphic device in non-RStudio envirs
  if (.Platform$GUI %in% c("Rgui", "RTerm", "X11") && is.null(dev.list())) {
    clear_null_device <- TRUE
  } else {
    clear_null_device <- FALSE

  # Make recursive calls when function is invoked on split-group data using
  # dplyr::group_by()
  if (inherits(x, "grouped_df")) {
    # Get metadata for heading section
    parse_info <- try(
      parse_args(sys.calls(), sys.frames(), match.call(),
                 var_name  = FALSE, var_label = FALSE,
                 caller = "dfSummary"),
      silent = TRUE)

    outlist <- list()
    g_ks    <- map_groups(group_keys(x)) # map_groups is defined in helpers.R
    g_inds  <- attr(x, "groups")$.rows   # Extract rows for current group
    # Extract grouping variable names
    # g_vars  <- setdiff(names(attr(x, "group")), ".rows")
    # g_vars_pos <- which(colnames(x) %in% g_vars)
    for (g in seq_along(g_ks)) {
      outlist[[g]] <- dfSummary(x = as_tibble(x[g_inds[[g]],]),
                                round.digits        = round.digits,
                                varnumbers          = varnumbers,
                                labels.col          = labels.col,
                                valid.col           = valid.col,
                                na.col              = na.col,
                                graph.col           = graph.col,
                                graph.magnif        = graph.magnif,
                                style               = style,
                                plain.ascii         = plain.ascii,
                                justify             = justify,
                                col.widths          = col.widths,
                                headings            = headings,
                                display.labels      = display.labels,
                                max.distinct.values = max.distinct.values,
                                trim.strings        = trim.strings,
                                max.string.width    = max.string.width,
                                split.cells         = split.cells,
                                split.tables        = split.tables,
                                tmp.img.dir         = tmp.img.dir,
                                keep.grp.vars       = keep.grp.vars,
                                silent              = silent,
                                ...                 = ...)

      if (!inherits(parse_info, "try-error")) {
        if (!is.null(parse_info$df_name)) {
          attr(outlist[[g]], "data_info")$Data.frame <- 
        if (!is.null(parse_info$df_label)) {
          attr(outlist[[g]], "data_info")$Data.frame.label <- 
        if (!is.null(parse_info$var_name)) {
          attr(outlist[[g]], "data_info")$Variable <-
        if (!is.null(parse_info$var_label)) {
          attr(outlist[[g]], "data_info")$Variable.label <-
      attr(outlist[[g]], "data_info")$by_var <-
        setdiff(colnames(attr(x, "groups")), ".rows")
      attr(outlist[[g]], "data_info")$Group    <- g_ks[g]
      attr(outlist[[g]], "data_info")$by_first <- g == 1
      attr(outlist[[g]], "data_info")$by_last  <- g == length(g_ks)
      attr(outlist[[g]], "format_info")$keep.grp.vars <- keep.grp.vars
    class(outlist) <- "stby"

  # Validate arguments ---------------------------------------------------------
  if (is.null(x)) {
    tmp_x_name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    stop(tmp_x_name, " is either NULL or does not exist")

  errmsg <- character()  # problems with arguments will be stored here

  # Flag to replace colname when x is not a data frame
  converted_to_df <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) {
    xnames <- substitute(x)
    x <- try(as.data.frame(x))

    if (inherits(x, "try-error")) {
      errmsg %+=% paste(deparse(xnames), " is not coercible to a data frame")
    } else {
      converted_to_df <- TRUE
      df_name <- setdiff(all.names(xnames), c("[", "[[", ":", "$"))[1]
      if (!isTRUE(silent)) {
        message(deparse(xnames), " was converted to a data frame")

  errmsg <- c(errmsg, check_args(match.call(), list(...)))

  if (length(errmsg) > 0) {
    stop(paste(errmsg, collapse = "\n  "))

  # End of arguments validation ------------------------------------------------

  # Declare number formatting function ----------------------------------
  # Normally, formatting is handled by print() / view(), but in dfSummary,
  # the numbers are mixed in with text in multiline cells, so it would
  # require some more work, i.e. changing cell contents to lists that
  # could then be handled correctly by summarytools' print method. So what 
  # follows can be viewed as a temporary solution for a complex formatting 
  # problem.
  dotArgs <- list(...)
  fmtArgs <- list()

  # Gather from additional arguments (...) those which will be used by format().
  # Most format arguments are actually recognized. Formatting arguments that are
  # neither in this list, neither recognized by pander, will be ignored.
  for (fmt in c("big.mark", "small.mark", "decimal.mark", "scientific",
                "small.interval", "big.interval", "nsmall", "digits")) {
    if (fmt %in% names(dotArgs)) {
      fmtArgs[fmt] <- dotArgs[fmt]

  # Make sure fmtArgs has at least one element; digits is an arbitrary choice.
  if (!"digits" %in% names(fmtArgs)) {
    fmtArgs$digits <- getOption("digits")

  # Check for column labels ----------------------------------------------------
  if (isTRUE(labels.col) && length(label(x, all = TRUE)) == 0) {
    labels.col <- FALSE

  # Get metadata for x ---------------------------------------------------------
  parse_info <- try(parse_args(sys.calls(), sys.frames(), match.call(),
                               var_name = converted_to_df,
                               var_label = converted_to_df,
                               caller = "dfSummary"),
                    silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(parse_info, "try-error")) {
    parse_info <- list()

  if (!("df_name" %in% names(parse_info)) && exists("df_name")) {
    parse_info$df_name <- df_name

  if (isTRUE(converted_to_df) && identical(colnames(x), "x")) {
    if ("var_name" %in% names(parse_info)) {
      colnames(x) <- parse_info$var_name
    } else {
      colnames(x) <- parse_info$df_name

  if (isFALSE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
    store_imgs <- FALSE
  } else if (!isTRUE(plain.ascii) && style == "grid" && isTRUE(graph.col)) {
    if (is.na(tmp.img.dir)) {
      store_imgs <- FALSE
      if (!isTRUE(silent)) {
        png_message <- TRUE
    } else {
      store_imgs <- TRUE
      dir.create(tmp.img.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
      if (.st_env$sysname == "Windows" || tmp.img.dir != "/tmp") {
        if (!isTRUE(silent)) {
          message("temporary images written to '",
                  normalizePath(tmp.img.dir), "'")
  } else {
    store_imgs <- FALSE

  # Initialize the output data frame -------------------------------------------

  output <- data.frame(no               = numeric(),
                       variable         = character(),
                       label            = character(),
                       stats.values     = character(),
                       freqs.pct.valid  = character(),
                       graph            = character(),
                       text.graph       = character(),
                       valid            = character(),
                       missing          = character(),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                       check.names      = FALSE)

  n_tot <- nrow(x)

  # iterate over columns of x --------------------------------------------------

  for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {

    # extract column data

    column_data <- x[[i]]

    # Calculate valid vs missing data info
    n_miss <- sum(is.na(column_data))
    n_valid <- ifelse(is.list(column_data),
                              n_tot - n_miss)
    # Build content for first 3 columns of output data frame
    #   Column 1: Variable number
    #   Column 2: Variable name and class
    #   Column 3: Label

    output[i,1] <- i

    output[i,2] <- paste0(names(x)[i], "\\\n[",
                          paste(class(column_data), collapse = ", "),

    if (!is.list(column_data)) {
      # Check if column contains emails
      if (is.character(column_data)) {
        email_val <- detect_email(column_data)
      } else {
        email_val <- FALSE
      if (!identical(email_val, FALSE)) {
        output[i,2] <- paste(output[i,2], trs("emails"), sep = "\\\n")
      # Add UPC/EAN info if applicable
      if (is.factor(column_data)) {
        barcode_type <- detect_barcode(as.character(column_data))
      } else {
        barcode_type <- detect_barcode(column_data)
      if (is.character(barcode_type)) {
        output[i,2] <- paste(output[i,2],
                             paste(barcode_type, trs("codes")),
                             sep = "\\\n")
        if (is.numeric(column_data)) {
          column_data <- as.character(column_data)

    # Add column label (if applicable)
    if (isTRUE(labels.col)) {
      output[i,3] <- label(x[[i]])
      if (is.na(output[i,3]))
        output[i,3] <- ""

    # Data crunching by type starts here ---------------------------------------
    # Column 4: Stats / Values
    # Column 5: Freqs / % of Valid
    # Column 6: Graph (png)
    # Column 7: Graph (ascii)
    # Column 8: Valid count & pct.
    # Column 9: NA    count & pct. 

    # Deal with lists first -- they are treated differently, not as "deeply"
    # analyzed, for now
    if (is.list(column_data)) {
      # 4th column: names of intra-objects
      output[i, 4] <- paste0(1:length(column_data),"\\. ", names(column_data),
                             collapse = "\\\n")
      # 5th column: Types and % valid of intra-objects
      output[i, 5] <- paste0(vapply(X = column_data, 
                                    FUN = class, 
                                    FUN.VALUE = " "),
                             "  (",
                             format(vapply(X = column_data,
                                    FUN = pctvalid,
                                    FUN.VALUE = 1),
                                    nsmall = 1
                             "% ", trs("valid"),
                             collapse = ")\\\n")
      output[i, 6] <- ""
      output[i, 7] <- ""
    # Factors: display a column of levels and a column of frequencies ----------
    else if (is.factor(column_data)) {
      output[i, 4:7] <- crunch_factor(column_data)

    # Character data: display frequencies whenever possible --------------------
    else if (is.character(column_data)) {
      output[i, 4:7] <- crunch_character(column_data, email_val)

    # Logical data -------------------------------------------------------------
    else if (is.logical(column_data)) {
      output[i, 4:7] <- crunch_logical(column_data)

    # Numeric data, display a column of descriptive stats + column of freqs ----
    else if (is.numeric(column_data)) {
      output[i, 4:7] <- crunch_numeric(column_data, is.character(barcode_type))

    # Time/date data -----------------------------------------------------------
    else if (inherits(column_data, c("Date", "POSIXct", "difftime"))) {
      output[i, 4:7] <- crunch_time_date(column_data)

    # Data does not fit in previous categories ---------------------------------
    else {
      output[i, 4:7] <- crunch_other(column_data)

    # Data crunching by type ends here -----------------------------------------

    # Valid (non-missing) data, frequency and proportion -----------------------
    output[i, 8] <-
      paste0(format_number(n_valid, round.digits = 0), "\\\n(",
             format_number(n_valid / (n_valid + n_miss) * 100, 
                           round.digits = 1, nsmall = 1),
    # Missing data, frequency and proportion -----------------------------------
    output[i, 9] <-
      paste0(format_number(n_miss, round.digits = 0), "\\\n(",
             format_number(n_miss / (n_valid + n_miss) * 100,
                           round.digits = 1, nsmall = 1),

  # Prepare output object ------------------------------------------------------
  if (!isTRUE(varnumbers)) {
    output$no <- NULL

  if (!isTRUE(labels.col)) {
    output$label <- NULL

  if (!isTRUE(graph.col)) {
    output$graph <- NULL
    output$text.graph <- NULL

  if (!isTRUE(valid.col)) {
    output$valid <- NULL

  if (!isTRUE(na.col)) {
    output$missing <- NULL

  # apply translations to colnames
  for (i in seq_along(output)) {
    if (colnames(output)[i] == "text.graph")
    colnames(output)[i] <- trs(colnames(output)[i])

  # Set output attributes
  class(output) <- c("summarytools", class(output))
  attr(output, "st_type") <- "dfSummary"
  attr(output, "date") <- Sys.Date()
  attr(output, "fn_call") <- match.call()

  data_info <-
    list(Data.frame       = parse_info$df_name,
         Data.frame.label = ifelse("df_label" %in% names(parse_info),
                                   parse_info$df_label, NA),
         Dimensions       = c(n_tot, ncol(x)),
         Duplicates       = n_tot - n_distinct(x),
         Group            = ifelse("by_group" %in% names(parse_info),
                                   parse_info$by_group, NA),
         by_var           = unlist(ifelse("by_var" %in% names(parse_info),
                                          parse_info["by_var"], NA)),
         by_first         = ifelse("by_group" %in% names(parse_info),
                                   parse_info$by_first, NA),
         by_last          = ifelse("by_group" %in% names(parse_info),
                                   parse_info$by_last , NA))

  attr(output, "data_info") <- data_info[!is.na(data_info)]
  format_info <- list(style          = style,
                      round.digits   = round.digits,
                      plain.ascii    = plain.ascii,
                      justify        = justify,
                      headings       = headings,
                      display.labels = display.labels,
                      labels.col     = labels.col,
                      split.cells    = split.cells,
                      split.tables   = split.tables,
                      col.widths     = col.widths,
                      keep.grp.vars  = ifelse("by_var" %in% names(parse_info),
                                              keep.grp.vars, NA))
  attr(output, "format_info") <- format_info[!is.na(format_info)]

  attr(output, "user_fmt") <- list(... = ...)

  attr(output, "lang") <- st_options("lang")

  if (exists("png_message"))
    attr(output, "png_message") <- TRUE

  if (clear_null_device) {
    try(dev.off(), silent = TRUE)

#' @keywords internal
crunch_factor <- function(column_data, email_val) {

  outlist <- list()
  outlist[[1]] <- ""
  outlist[[2]] <- ""
  outlist[[3]] <- ""
  outlist[[4]] <- ""

  column_data <- ws_to_symbol(column_data)

  levels(column_data)[levels(column_data) == ""] <-
    paste0("(", trs("empty.str"), ")")

  pf <- parent.frame()
  max.string.width    <- pf$max.string.width
  max.distinct.values <- pf$max.distinct.values
  graph.magnif        <- pf$graph.magnif
  round.digits        <- pf$round.digits
  n_valid             <- pf$n_valid
  n_levels <- nlevels(column_data)
  counts   <- table(column_data, useNA = "no")
  props    <- prop.table(counts)

  if (n_levels == 0 && n_valid == 0) {
    outlist[[1]] <- trs("no.levels.defined")
    outlist[[2]] <- trs("all.nas")
    outlist[[3]] <- ""
    outlist[[4]] <- ""

  } else if (n_valid == 0) {
    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(1:n_levels,"\\. ", levels(column_data),
                           collapse = "\\\n")
    outlist[[2]] <- trs("all.nas")
    outlist[[3]] <- ""
    outlist[[4]] <- ""

  } else if (n_levels <= max.distinct.values + 1) {
    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(seq_along(counts),"\\. ",
                           substr(levels(column_data), 1, max.string.width),
                           collapse = "\\\n")
    # counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, round(props, 3))
    counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, props)
    outlist[[2]] <- paste0("\\", counts_props, collapse = "\\\n")
    if (isTRUE(pf$graph.col) && any(!is.na(column_data))) {
      if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
        outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif)
      if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
        png_loc <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif, TRUE)
        outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
      } else {
        outlist[[4]] <- txtbarplot(prop.table(counts))

  } else {

    # more levels than allowed by max.distinct.values
    n_extra_levels <- n_levels - max.distinct.values

    outlist[[1]] <-
      paste0(1:max.distinct.values,"\\. ",
             substr(levels(column_data), 1,
             collapse = "\\\n")

    outlist[[1]] <- paste(outlist[[1]],
                          paste("[", format_number(n_extra_levels, 
                                                   round.digits = 0),
                                trs("others"), "]"),
                          sep = "\\\n")

    counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(
        sum(counts[(max.distinct.values + 1):length(counts)])),
        #round(sum(props[(max.distinct.values + 1):length(props)]), 3))
        sum(props[(max.distinct.values + 1):length(props)]))

    outlist[[2]] <- paste0("\\", counts_props, collapse = "\\\n")

    if (isTRUE(pf$graph.col) && any(!is.na(column_data))) {
      # Prepare data for bar plot
      tmp_data <- column_data
      levels(tmp_data)[max.distinct.values + 1] <-
        paste("[", format_number(n_extra_levels, round.digits = 0),
              trs("others"), "]")
      tmp_data[which(as.numeric(tmp_data) > max.distinct.values)] <-
        paste("[", format_number(n_extra_levels, round.digits = 0),
              trs("others"), "]")
      levels(tmp_data)[(max.distinct.values + 2):n_levels] <- NA
      if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
        outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(table(tmp_data), "barplot", graph.magnif)
      if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
        png_loc <- encode_graph(table(tmp_data), "barplot", graph.magnif, TRUE)
        outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
      } else {
        outlist[[4]] <- txtbarplot(prop.table(table(tmp_data)))

  outlist[[1]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[1]])
  outlist[[2]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[2]])
  outlist[[3]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[3]])

#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom dplyr n_distinct
crunch_character <- function(column_data, email_val) {

  outlist <- list()
  outlist[[1]] <- ""
  outlist[[2]] <- ""
  outlist[[3]] <- ""
  outlist[[4]] <- ""

  pf <- parent.frame()
  max.string.width    <- pf$max.string.width
  max.distinct.values <- pf$max.distinct.values
  graph.magnif        <- pf$graph.magnif
  round.digits        <- pf$round.digits
  n_valid             <- pf$n_valid
  if (isTRUE(pf$trim.strings)) {
    column_data <- trimws(column_data)

  n_empty <- sum(column_data == "", na.rm = TRUE)

  if (n_empty == pf$n_tot) {
    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(trs("all.empty.str"), "\n")
  } else if (pf$n_miss == pf$n_tot) {
    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(trs("all.nas"), "\n") # \n to circumvent pander bug
  } else if (n_empty + pf$n_miss == pf$n_tot) {
    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(trs("all.empty.str.nas"), "\n")
  } else if (!identical(email_val, FALSE)) {

    outlist[[1]] <-
      paste(trs("valid"), trs("invalid"), trs("duplicates"), sep = "\\\n")

    dups      <- n_valid - n_distinct(column_data, na.rm = TRUE)
    # TODO: Check if rounding is relevant here
    prop.dups <- round(dups / n_valid, 3)

    counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(
      c(email_val, dups),
      #c(round(prop.table(email_val), 3), prop.dups)
      c(prop.table(email_val), prop.dups)

    outlist[[2]] <- paste0("\\", counts_props, collapse = "\\\n")

    if (isTRUE(pf$graph.col) && any(!is.na(column_data))) {
      if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
        outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(c(email_val, dups), "barplot", graph.magnif,
                                     emails = TRUE)
      if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
        png_loc <- encode_graph(c(email_val, dups), "barplot", graph.magnif,
                                pandoc = TRUE, emails = TRUE)
        outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
      } else {
        outlist[[4]] <- txtbarplot(c(prop.table(email_val), prop.dups),
                                   emails = TRUE)

  } else {

    counts <- table(column_data, useNA = "no")

    # Replace empty strings with "(Empty string)" or the corresponding
    #  translation
    names(counts) <- sub("^$", paste0("(", trs("empty.str"), ")"), 

    # Replace white-space-only strings with as many middle-dot symbols to make
    # them visible in the output table
    names(counts) <- ws_to_symbol(names(counts))

    props <- prop.table(counts)

    if (length(counts) <= max.distinct.values + 1) {
      # Report all frequencies when allowed by max.distinct.values
      outlist[[1]] <- paste0(seq_along(counts), "\\. ",
                             substr(names(counts), 1, max.string.width),
                             collapse = "\\\n")
      #counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, round(props, 3))
      counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, props)
      outlist[[2]] <- paste0("\\", counts_props, collapse = "\\\n")
      if (isTRUE(pf$graph.col) &&
          any(!is.na(column_data))) {
        if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
          outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif)
        if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
          png_loc <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif, TRUE)
          outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
        } else {
          outlist[[4]] <- txtbarplot(prop.table(counts))
    } else {
      # more values than allowed by max.distinct.values
      counts <- sort(counts, decreasing = TRUE)
      props <- sort(props, decreasing = TRUE)
      n_extra_values <- length(counts) - max.distinct.values
      # Build list of most frequent values 
      outlist[[1]] <- paste0(
        paste0(1:max.distinct.values,"\\. ",
               substr(names(counts), 1,
               collapse = "\\\n"),
        paste("\\\n[", format_number(n_extra_values, round.digits = 0),
              trs("others"), "]")
      # Prepare data for building frequency cell with numbers + proportions
      counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(
          sum(counts[(max.distinct.values + 1):length(counts)])),
          sum(props[(max.distinct.values + 1):length(props)]))

      outlist[[2]] <- paste0("\\", counts_props, collapse = "\\\n")

      if (isTRUE(pf$graph.col) &&
          any(!is.na(column_data))) {
        # Prepare data for bar plot
        counts[max.distinct.values + 1] <-
          sum(counts[(max.distinct.values + 1):length(counts)])
        names(counts)[max.distinct.values + 1] <-
          paste("[", n_extra_values, trs("others"),"]")
        counts <- counts[1:(max.distinct.values + 1)]
        if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
          outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif)
        if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
          png_loc <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif, TRUE)
          outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
        } else {
          outlist[[4]] <- txtbarplot(prop.table(counts))

  outlist[[1]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[1]])
  outlist[[2]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[2]])
  outlist[[3]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[3]])

#' @keywords internal
crunch_logical <- function(column_data) {

  outlist <- list()
  outlist[[1]] <- ""
  outlist[[2]] <- ""
  outlist[[3]] <- ""
  outlist[[4]] <- ""

  pf <- parent.frame()
  graph.magnif        <- pf$graph.magnif
  round.digits        <- pf$round.digits

  if (pf$n_miss == pf$n_tot) {
    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(trs("all.nas"), "\n") # \n to circumvent pander bug
  } else {

    counts <- table(column_data, useNA = "no")
    props <- prop.table(counts)

    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(seq_along(counts), "\\. ", names(counts),
                           collapse = "\\\n")
    #counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, round(props, 3))
    counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, props)
    outlist[[2]] <- paste0("\\", counts_props, collapse = "\\\n")
    if (isTRUE(pf$graph.col) &&
        any(!is.na(column_data))) {
      if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
        outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif)
      if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
        png_loc <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif, TRUE)
        outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
      } else {
        outlist[[4]] <- txtbarplot(prop.table(counts))

  outlist[[1]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[1]])
  outlist[[2]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[2]])
  outlist[[3]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[3]])

#' @importFrom stats IQR median ftable sd
#' @keywords internal
crunch_numeric <- function(column_data, is_barcode) {

  outlist <- list()
  outlist[[1]] <- ""
  outlist[[2]] <- ""
  outlist[[3]] <- ""
  outlist[[4]] <- ""

  pf <- parent.frame()
  max.distinct.values <- pf$max.distinct.values
  graph.magnif        <- pf$graph.magnif
  round.digits        <- pf$round.digits
  if (pf$n_miss == pf$n_tot) {
    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(trs("all.nas"), "\n")
  } else {
    counts <- table(column_data, useNA = "no")
    min_val <- min(column_data, na.rm = TRUE)
    max_val <- max(column_data, na.rm = TRUE)

    # Stats cell
    # Check number of distinct values & presence of bar code data
    if (length(counts) == 1) {
      outlist[[1]] <- paste(1, trs("distinct.value"))
    } else {
      if (isTRUE(is_barcode)) {
        maxchars <- max(nchar(c(trs("min"), trs("max"), trs("mode"))))
        outlist[[1]] <- paste0(
          trs("min"), strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(trs("min"))), " : ",
          min_val, "\\\n",
          trs("mode"), strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(trs("mode"))), " : ",
          names(counts)[which.max(counts)][1], "\\\n",
          trs("max"), strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(trs("max"))), " : ",
      } else if (length(counts) == 2) {
        maxchars <- max(nchar(c(trs("min"), trs("max"), trs("mean"))))
        outlist[[1]] <- paste0(
          trs("min"), strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(trs("min"))), " : ",
          round(min_val, round.digits), "\\\n",
          trs("mean"), strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(trs("mean"))), " : ",
          round(mean(column_data, na.rm = TRUE), round.digits), "\\\n",
          trs("max"), strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(trs("max"))), " : ",
          round(max_val, round.digits)
      } else {
        outlist[[1]] <- paste(
          trs("mean"), paste0(" (", trs("sd"), ") : "),
          format_number(mean(column_data, na.rm = TRUE), round.digits), " (",
          format_number(sd(column_data, na.rm = TRUE), round.digits), ")\\\n",
          tolower(paste(trs("min"), "<", trs("med.short"), "<", trs("max"))),
          ":\\\n", format_number(min_val, round.digits),
          " < ", format_number(median(column_data, na.rm = TRUE), round.digits),
          " < ", format_number(max_val, round.digits),
          if (is.expression(st_options("dfSummary.custom.1")))
            paste0("\\\n", eval(st_options("dfSummary.custom.1"))),
          if (is.expression(st_options("dfSummary.custom.2")))
            paste0("\\\n", eval(st_options("dfSummary.custom.2"))),
          collapse = "", sep = ""

    # Frequencies cell

    # Initialize variable indicating if an extra line is required, when
    # frequencies are displayed for rounded values
    extra_space <- FALSE

    # With timeseries (ts) objects, display n distinct, start & end
    if (inherits(column_data, "ts")) {
      maxchars <- max(nchar(c(trs("start"), trs("end"))))
      outlist[[2]] <-
        paste(length(counts), trs("distinct.values"),
              paste0("\\\n", trs("start"),
                     strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(trs("start"))), ":"),
              paste(sprintf("%02d", start(column_data)),
                    collapse = "-"),
              paste0("\\\n", trs("end"),
                     strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(trs("end"))), ":"),
              paste(sprintf("%02d", end(column_data)),
                    collapse = "-"))

    # Display most common values in following circumstances:
    # 1. Number of distinct values is allowed by max.distinct.values 
    # AND one of the following is true
    # a. All values are whole numbers
    # b. Once rounding applied, number of unique values is unchanged
    else if (
      length(counts) <= max.distinct.values &&
      (all(column_data %% 1 == 0, na.rm = TRUE) ||
       length(counts) == length(unique(round(column_data, round.digits + 1))))
      ) {

      rounded_names <- 
                      round.digits = round.digits + 1,
                      nsmall = (round.digits + (round.digits == 1)) * 
                        !all(floor(column_data) == column_data, na.rm = TRUE)
        # The last multiplication above causes the function to show
        # the preferred "final" column in the frequencies cell, rather than
        # those shown in the "rounded" column:
        #    number  rounded   final       Actual cell
        # --------------------------       ------------------
        # 1.0600778   1.0600    1.06  ==>  1.06!: 160 (16.0%)
        # 1.0500121   1.0500    1.05  ==>  1.05!: 324 (32.4%) 
        # 1.0400007   1.0400    1.04  ==>  1.04!: 249 (24.9%)
        # 0.8600902   0.8600    0.86  ==>  0.86!: 267 (26.7%)
        # Also, when round.digits = 1 (default), we allow an 
        # additional digit, for practical reasons. Based on
        # experience, keeping an additional digit is preferable --
        # this avoids having to set round.digits to 2, affecting
        # all statistics, which is an overkill in most cases.

      # Variable used for padding
      maxchars <- max(nchar(rounded_names))

      props <- prop.table(counts)
      counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, props)

      outlist[[2]] <-
          paste0(rounded_names, strrep(" ", maxchars - nchar(rounded_names)),
                 ifelse(as.numeric(names(counts)) != 
                          round(as.numeric(names(counts)), round.digits + 1),
                        "!", " ")),
          counts_props, sep = ": ", collapse = "\\\n"

      # Add "! rounded" when relevant 
      if (grepl("!", outlist[[2]])) {
        extra_space <- TRUE
        outlist[[2]] <- paste(outlist[[2]], paste("!", trs("rounded")),
                              sep = "\\\n")

    } else {
      # Do not display specific values - only the number of distinct values
      outlist[[2]] <- paste(format_number(length(counts), round.digits = 0),

      # Check for integer sequences
      if (pf$n_miss == 0 &&
          all(is.integer(column_data)) &&
          length(column_data) == max_val - min_val + 1) {
        res <- try(isTRUE(all.equal(column_data, min_val:max_val)) ||
                     isTRUE(all.equal(column_data, max_val:min_val)),
                   silent = TRUE)
        if (isTRUE(res)) {
          outlist[[2]] <- paste(outlist[[2]],
                                paste0("(", trs("int.sequence"), ")"),
                                sep = "\\\n")

    if (isTRUE(pf$graph.col)) {
      if (length(counts) <= max.distinct.values) {
        if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
          outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif)
        if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
          png_loc <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif, TRUE)
          outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
        } else {
          outlist[[4]] <- txtbarplot(prop.table(counts))

        if (isTRUE(extra_space)) {
          if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
            outlist[[3]] <- paste0(outlist[[3]], "\n\n")
          outlist[[4]] <- paste0(outlist[[4]], " \\ \n \\")
      } else {
        if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
          outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(column_data, "histogram", graph.magnif)
        if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
          png_loc <- encode_graph(column_data, "histogram", graph.magnif, TRUE)
          outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
        } else {
          outlist[[4]] <- txthist(column_data)

  outlist[[1]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[1]])
  outlist[[2]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[2]])
  outlist[[3]] <- enc2utf8(outlist[[3]])

#' @importFrom lubridate as.period interval
#' @keywords internal
crunch_time_date <- function(column_data) {

  outlist <- list()
  outlist[[1]] <- ""
  outlist[[2]] <- ""
  outlist[[3]] <- ""
  outlist[[4]] <- ""

  pf <- parent.frame()
  max.distinct.values <- pf$max.distinct.values
  graph.magnif        <- pf$graph.magnif
  round.digits        <- pf$round.digits

  if (pf$n_miss == pf$n_tot) {
    outlist[[1]] <- paste0(trs("all.nas"), "\n")
  } else {

    counts <- table(column_data, useNA = "no")

    # Report all frequencies when allowed by max.distinct.values
    if (length(counts) <= max.distinct.values) {
      outlist[[1]] <- paste0(seq_along(counts),". ", names(counts),
                             collapse = "\\\n")
      props <- round(prop.table(counts), 3)
      counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, props)
      outlist[[2]] <- paste(counts_props, collapse = "\\\n")
      if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
        outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif)
      if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
        png_loc <- encode_graph(counts, "barplot", graph.magnif, TRUE)
        outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
      } else {
        outlist[[4]] <- txtbarplot(prop.table(counts))
    } else {

      if (inherits(column_data, what = "difftime")) {

        outlist[[1]] <- paste0(
          tolower(trs("min")), " : ", tmin <- min(as.numeric(column_data), 
                                                  na.rm = TRUE), "\\\n",
          tolower(trs("med.short")), " : ", median(as.numeric(column_data), 
                                                   na.rm = TRUE), "\\\n",
          tolower(trs("max")), " : ", tmax <- max(as.numeric(column_data), 
                                                  na.rm = TRUE)

        if ("units" %in% names(attributes(column_data))) {
          outlist[[1]] <- paste0(outlist[[1]], "\\\n", "units : ", 

      } else {
        outlist[[1]] <- paste0(
          tolower(trs("min")), " : ", tmin <- min(column_data, na.rm = TRUE),
          tolower(trs("med.short")), " : ", median(column_data, na.rm = TRUE),
          tolower(trs("max")), " : ", tmax <- max(column_data, na.rm = TRUE), 
          "range : ", sub(pattern = " 0H 0M 0S", replacement = "",
                          x = round(as.period(interval(tmin, tmax)), 

      outlist[[2]] <- paste(length(counts), trs("distinct.values"))

      if (isTRUE(pf$graph.col)) {
        tmp <- as.numeric(column_data)[!is.na(column_data)]
        if (isTRUE(st_options("use.x11"))) {
          outlist[[3]] <- encode_graph(tmp - mean(tmp), "histogram", 
        if (isTRUE(pf$store_imgs)) {
          png_loc <- encode_graph(tmp - mean(tmp), "histogram", graph.magnif,
          outlist[[4]] <- paste0("![](", png_loc, ")")
        } else {
          outlist[[4]] <- txthist(tmp - mean(tmp))

#' @keywords internal
crunch_other <- function(column_data) {

  outlist <- list()
  outlist[[1]] <- ""
  outlist[[2]] <- ""
  outlist[[3]] <- ""
  outlist[[4]] <- ""

  pf <- parent.frame()
  max.distinct.values <- pf$max.distinct.values
  round.digits        <- pf$round.digits

  if (!is.list(column_data)) {
    counts <- table(column_data, useNA = "no")

    if (pf$n_miss == pf$n_tot) {
      outlist[[1]] <- paste0(trs("all.nas"), "\n")

    } else if (length(counts) <= max.distinct.values) {
      props <- round(prop.table(counts), 3)
      counts_props <- align_numbers_dfs(counts, props)
      outlist[[2]] <- paste0(counts_props, collapse = "\\\n")

    } else {
      outlist[[2]] <- paste(as.character(length(unique(column_data))),
  } else {
    # column is a list
    if (pf$n_miss == pf$n_tot) {
      outlist[[1]] <- paste0(trs("all.nas"), "\n")
    } else {
      # Get attributes for first non-na value
      for (v in seq_along(column_data)) {
        if (is.na(column_data[v]))
        # get class and length of single value
        outlist[[1]] <- paste0("Object class(es):", "\\\n",
                               paste(class(column_data[[v]]), collapse = ", "),
                               "\\\n", "Length: ", length(column_data[[v]]))
        tmp_distinct <- try(paste(as.character(length(unique(column_data))),
                                  trs("distinct.values")), silent = TRUE)
        if (!inherits(tmp_distinct, "try-error")) {
          outlist[[2]] <- tmp_distinct


# Utility functions ------------------------------------------------------------
#' format_number
#' Used internally (not exported) to apply all relevant formatting. It is 
#' documented here only because it can be used when setting the 
#' \code{dfSummary.custom.1} and  \code{dfSummary.custom.1} options.
#' @param x A numerical value to be formatted.
#' @param round.digits Numerical. Number of decimals to show. Used to define 
#'   both \code{digits} and \code{nsmall} when calling \code{\link{format}}. 
#' @param ... Any other formatting instruction that is compatible with 
#'  \code{\link{format}}.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' format_number(IQR(column_data, na.rm = TRUE), round.digits)
#' format_number(IQR(column_data, na.rm = TRUE), decimal.mark = ",")
#' }
format_number <- function(x, round.digits, ...) {
  n <- 1
  repeat {
    fmtArgs <- parent.frame(n)$fmtArgs
    if (is.null(fmtArgs) && n < sys.nframe())
      n <- n + 1
  # Allow over-riding of formatting attributes - for now this is only to allow
  # nsmall = 1, so that proportions always use one decimal. 
  dotArgs <- list(...)
  for (f in names(dotArgs)) {
    fmtArgs[f] <- dotArgs[f]
  # If we have digits + scientific = TRUE, we don't want to round
  if ("digits" %in% names(fmtArgs) && isTRUE(fmtArgs$scientific)) {
    return(do.call(format, append(fmtArgs, x = quote(x))))
  } else {
    x <- round(x, round.digits)
    return(do.call(format, append(fmtArgs, x = quote(x))))

#' @keywords internal
align_numbers_dfs <- function(counts, props) {
  # New version
  counts   <- format_number(counts, round.digits = parent.frame()$round.digits)
  props    <- format_number(props * 100, round.digits = 1, nsmall = 1)
  pad_cnt  <- max(nchar(counts)) - nchar(counts)
  pad_pct  <- max(nchar(props)) - nchar(props)
  retval   <- paste(paste0(strrep(" ", pad_cnt), counts),
                    paste0("(", strrep(" ", pad_pct), props, "%)"))

#' @importFrom base64enc base64encode
#' @importFrom graphics barplot hist par text plot.new
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off nclass.Sturges png
#' @importFrom magick image_read image_trim image_border image_write
#'             image_transparent
#' @keywords internal
encode_graph <- function(data, graph_type, graph.magnif = 1,
                         pandoc = FALSE, emails = FALSE) {
  devtype <- switch(.st_env$sysname,
                    Windows = "windows",
                    Linux   = "Xlib",
                    Darwin  = "quartz")

  if (graph_type == "histogram") {
    rc <- try(png(png_loc <- tempfile(fileext = ".png"),
                  width = 150 * graph.magnif,
                  height = 110 * graph.magnif,
                  units = "px", bg = "transparent",
                  type = devtype, antialias = "none"), silent = TRUE)

    # If it fails, fallback on default device type
    if (!is.null(rc)) {
      png(png_loc <- tempfile(fileext = ".png"),
          width = 150 * graph.magnif,
          height = 110 * graph.magnif,
          units = "px", bg = "transparent",
          antialias = "none")

    mar <- par("mar" = c(0.03, 0.02, 0.03, 0.02)) # bottom, left, top, right
    on.exit(par(mar), add = TRUE)
    data <- data[!is.na(data)]

    # Correction for vectors of infinitesimal range
    # if (diff(range(data)) < 1e-301) {
    #   e <- paste0('1e',sub(".+e-(.+)", "\\1", min(data)))
    #   e <- min(as.numeric(e), 1e308)
    #   data <- data * e
    # }

    breaks_x <- pretty(range(data), n = min(nclass.Sturges(data), 250),
                       min.n = 1)
    cl <- try(suppressWarnings(hist(data, freq = FALSE, breaks = breaks_x,
                                    axes = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                                    main = NULL, col = "grey94",
                                    border = "grey65")),
              silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(cl, "try-error")) {
      text("Graph Not Available", x = 0.5, y = 0.5, cex = 1)

    ii <- image_read(png_loc)
    ii <- image_border(image_trim(ii), color = "white", geometry = "6x4")

  } else if (graph_type == "barplot") {

    rc <- try(png(png_loc <- tempfile(fileext = ".png"),
                  width = 150 * graph.magnif,
                  height = 25.5 * length(data) * graph.magnif,
                  units = "px", bg = "transparent",
                  type = devtype, antialias = "none"), silent = TRUE)

    # If it fails, fallback on default device type
    if (!is.null(rc)) {
      png(png_loc <- tempfile(fileext = ".png"),
          width = 150 * graph.magnif,
          height = 25.55 * length(data) * graph.magnif,
          units = "px", bg = "transparent",
          antialias = "none")

    mar <- par("mar" = c(0.07, 0.02, 0.07, 0.02)) # bottom, left, top, right
    on.exit(par(mar), add = TRUE)
    data <- rev(data)

    if (isTRUE(emails)) {
      barplot(data, names.arg = "", axes = FALSE, space = 0.22, #0.21,
              col = c("grey30", "grey94", "grey94"), border = "grey65",
              horiz = TRUE, xlim = c(0, sum(data[2:3])))
    } else {
      barplot(data, names.arg = "", axes = FALSE, space = 0.22, #0.21,
              col = "grey94", border = "grey65", horiz = TRUE,
              xlim = c(0, sum(data)))

    ii <- image_read(png_loc)
    ii <- image_border(image_trim(ii), color = "white", geometry = "6x4")

  if (isTRUE(pandoc)) {
    png_path <- generate_png_path(parent.frame(2)$tmp.img.dir)
    image_write(image_transparent(ii, 'white'),
                path = png_path)
  } else {
    image_write(image_transparent(ii, 'white'), png_loc)
    img_txt <- base64encode(readBin(con = png_loc, what = "raw",
                                    n = file.info(png_loc)[["size"]]))
    return(paste0('<img style="border:none;background-color:transparent;',
                  'padding:0;max-width:max-content;" src="data:image/png;base64, ', img_txt, '">'))

#' @keywords internal
generate_png_path <- function(d) {
  filelist <- dir(d, pattern = "ds\\d+\\.png", full.names = TRUE)
  if (length(filelist) == 0) {
    return(paste0(d, "/ds0001.png"))
  } else {
    max_num <- as.numeric(sub("^.+/ds(\\d+)\\.png$", "\\1", tail(filelist, 1)))
    png_path <- paste0(d, "/ds", sprintf("%04d", max_num + 1), ".png")

#' @keywords internal
txtbarplot <- function(props, maxwidth = 20, emails = FALSE) {
  #widths <- props / max(props) * maxwidth
  widths <- props * maxwidth
  outstr <- character(0)
  for (i in seq_along(widths)) {
    outstr <- paste(outstr,
                    paste0(rep(x = ifelse(isTRUE(emails) && i == length(widths),
                                          "D", "I"), times = widths[i]),
                           collapse = ""),
                    sep = " \\ \n")
  outstr <- sub("^ \\\\ \\n", "", outstr)

#' @importFrom grDevices nclass.Sturges
#' @keywords internal
txthist <- function(data) {
  data <- data[!is.na(data)]
  if (is.infinite(max(abs(data)))) {
  # Correction for vectors of infinitesimal range
  if (diff(range(data)) < 1e-301) {
    e <- paste0('1e',sub(".+e-(.+)", "\\1", min(data)))
    e <- min(as.numeric(e), 1e308)
    data <- data * e

  breaks_x <- pretty(range(data), n = nclass.Sturges(data), min.n = 1)
  if (length(breaks_x) <= 10) {
    counts <- hist(data, breaks = breaks_x, plot = FALSE)$counts
  } else {
    counts <- as.vector(table(cut(data, breaks = 10)))

  # make counts top at 10
  counts <- matrix(round(counts / max(counts) * 10), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)
  graph <- matrix(data = "", nrow = 5, ncol = length(counts))
  for (ro in 5:1) {
    for (co in seq_along(counts)) {
      if (counts[co] > 1) {
        graph[ro,co] <- ": "
      } else if (counts[co] > 0) {
        graph[ro,co] <- ". "
      } else {
        if (sum(counts[1, co:length(counts)] > 0)) {
          graph[ro,co] <- "\\ \\ "
    counts <- matrix(apply(X = counts - 2, MARGIN = 2, FUN = max, 0),
                     nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)

  graphlines <- character()
  for (ro in seq_len(nrow(graph))) {
    graphlines[ro] <-  trimws(paste(graph[ro,], collapse = ""), "right")
  return(paste(graphlines, collapse = "\\\n"))

detect_email <- function(x) {

  email_regex <- "\\<[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,}\\>"

  if (length(x) > 200) {
    x_sample <- na.omit(sample(x, size = 200, replace = FALSE))
  } else {
    x_sample <- na.omit(x)

  if (length(x_sample) == 0) {

  pct_email <- sum(grepl(email_regex, x_sample, ignore.case = TRUE)) /

  if (pct_email >= .8) {
    valid <- sum(grepl(email_regex, x, ignore.case = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
    invalid <- parent.frame()$n_valid - valid
    return(c(valid = valid, invalid = invalid))
  } else {

#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @keywords internal
detect_barcode <- function(x) {

  # Check that all strings contain numbers
  # ref: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Determine_if_a_string_is_numeric#R
  if (!all(suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(x))))) {

  # Check for negatives and non-integers
  if (min(x, na.rm = TRUE) < 0 || any(floor(as.numeric(x)) != as.numeric(x),
                                      na.rm = TRUE)) {

  # check that all lengths are equal on a sample of 50 values, and that this 
  # length is compatible with one of the EAN/UPC/ITC specifications
  x_samp <- na.omit(sample(x = x, size = min(length(x), 50), replace = FALSE))
  if (length(x_samp) < 3 ||
      (len <- nchar(min(x_samp, na.rm = TRUE))) != nchar(max(x, na.rm = TRUE)) ||
      !len %in% c(8,12,13,14)) {

  type <- switch(as.character(len),
                 "8"  = "EAN-8",
                 "12" = "UPC",
                 "13" = "EAN-13",
                 "14" = "ITF-14")

  x_pad      <- paste0(strrep("0", 14 - len), x_samp)
  vect_code  <- lapply(strsplit(x_pad,""), as.numeric)
  weighted   <- lapply(vect_code, FUN = function(x) x * c(3,1))
  sums       <- mapply(weighted, FUN = sum)

  if (any(sums %% 10 != 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {


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summarytools documentation built on May 20, 2022, 9:06 a.m.