adjust_color | Correct duplicated colors |
angle | Title |
avgangle | Title |
batch_process | Batch process |
build_dend | Build dend |
build_dend_harmonize | Build dend harmonize |
build_dend_with_means | Title |
build_tsne | Title |
calc_tau | Calculate Tau scores for each gene |
CanonCor | Canon cor |
check_donor | Find donor clusters |
check_neun | Check whether clusters are Neun+ or Neun- |
check_outlier | Check for outlier clusters |
check_qc | Check qc of numeric metric |
clean_outliers | Title |
collect_co_matrix | Collect co-clustering matrix from results files |
comb_de_result | Title |
combine_cl | combine cl |
compare_annotate | Compare two sets of cluster assignments for the same set of... |
compare_plot | Compare and plot two sets of cluster assignments |
compute_knn | compute knn |
compute_vg_stats | Compute gene expression variance statistics |
convert_pair_matrix | Convert paired cluster comparison values to a matrix |
convert_pair_matrix_str | Convert paired cluster comparison values to a matrix |
cpm | Convert a matrix of raw counts to a matrix of Counts per... |
create_pairs | Title |
cutree_dend | Cut tree dendrogram |
de_all_pairs | Perform all pairwise differential expression comparison... |
DE_genes_cat_by_cl | Title |
DE_genes_pairs | reverse-compatibility wrapper around de_selected_pairs() |
de_genes_pairs_multiple | Title |
DE_genes_pw | reverse-compatibility wrapper around de_all_pairs() |
dend_lca | Dend lca |
dend_list | Dendrogram list |
dend_match | Dendrogram match |
de_pair | reverse-compatibility wrapper around score_pair_stats() |
de_pair_chisq | Perform pairwise differential detection tests using... |
de_pair_limma | Perform pairwise DE tests using limma for a single pair of... |
de_param | Set differential expression (DE) parameters for genes and... |
de_score | reverse-compatibility wrapper around de_all_pairs_stats() |
de_score_pairs | reverse-compatibility wrapper around... |
de_selected_pairs | Perform pairwise differential gene expression tests between... |
de_stats_all_pairs | Compute differential expression summary statistics for all... |
de_stats_pair | Compute differential expression summary statistics based on a... |
de_stats_selected_pairs | Compute differential expression summary statistics for... |
display_cl | Display cluster plot |
display_cl4 | Title |
display_cl_markers_co.ratio | Title |
display_cl_one_vs_others | Title |
doubletFinder | Doublet detection in single-cell RNA sequencing data |
edgeMaker | function to draw (curved) line between two points |
fast_tsne | Title |
find_doublet | Find doublet |
find_low_quality_cl | Use DEGenes to identify clusters with few differentially... |
find_vg | Identify high variability genes using Brennecke's method |
findVG | reverse-compatibility wrapper around find_vg() |
gene_dispersion | Compute dispersion for each gene in a gene x sample matrix |
gene_gene_cor_conservation | Title |
gene_loess_fit | Compute dispersion-mean Loess-fit for each gene in a gene x... |
gene_loess_fit_z | Compute dispersion z scores for the residuals of a loess fit |
gene_means | Compute means for each gene in a gene x sample matrix |
gene_vars | Compute variance for each gene in a gene x sample matrix |
gene_z | Compute dispersion z-scores for each gene in a gene x sample... |
get_beta_score | Title | | Get cell co-clustering ratios |
get_cl_df | Generate an initial cl.df object based on cl |
get_cl_mat | Generate a sparse matrix one-hot representation of clusters x... |
get_cl_means | Compute cluster means for each row in a matrix |
get_cl_means_list | Title |
get_cl_medians | Compute cluster medians for each row in a matrix |
get_cl_present_list | Title |
get_cl_prop | Compute cluster proportions for each row in a matrix |
get_cl_sim | Title |
get_cl_sim_multiple | Title |
get_cl_sums | Compute cluster sums for each row in a matrix |
get_core_intermediate | Get core intermediate |
get_de_genes_sym | Get de genes sym |
get_de_lfc_list | Title |
get_de_matrix | Generate a matrix of pairwise DE results |
get_dend_markers | get dendrogram precomputed markers |
get_dend_markers_direction | get dendrogram precomputed markers (direction) |
get_dend_parent | Get dendrogram parent |
get_de_pair | Get de pair |
get_de_result | Title |
get_de_score | Get de score |
get_eigen | Compute module eigen genes |
get_gene_cl_correlation | Get gene cl correlation |
get_gene_score | Title |
get_knn | Get KNN |
get_knn_batch | get knn batch |
get_knn_graph | get knn graph |
get_knn_weight | Title |
get.markers.num | Title |
get_pair_matrix | Subset a matrix as a vector using row and column positions |
get_pair_matrix_coor | Convert matrix row/column positions to vector position |
get_pairs | Convert underscore_separated pair names to a data.frame |
get_RD_cl_center | Title |
getTopMarkersByPropNew | Find specific marker gene for each cluster |
group_cl | Assign clusters to a group |
group_specific_markers | Title |
harmonize | Harmonize |
heatmap.3 | A modified version of heatmap.2 from the gplots package for... |
heatmap.4 | Title |
i_harmonize | i harmonize |
impute_knn | Title |
impute_knn_global | Title |
impute_val_cor | Impute val cor |
incrementHex | Adjust color vector |
iter_clust | Iterative clustering algorithm for single cell RNAseq dataset |
iter_consensus_clust | Iterative consensus clustering |
iter_impute_knn | Title |
jaccard | Compute jaccard distances between columns of a matrix |
jaccard_leiden | Perform Jaccard/Leiden clustering |
jaccard_leiden.RANN | Perform Jaccard/Louvain clustering based on RANN |
jaccard_louvain | Perform Jaccard/Louvain clustering using Rphenograph |
jaccard_louvain.RANN | Perform Jaccard/Louvain clustering based on RANN |
knn_cor | KNN cor |
knn_cosine | KNN cosine |
knn_jaccard_louvain | KNN Jaccard Louvain |
knn_joint | knn joint |
label_dend | Label dendrogram |
lm_matrix | Title |
lm_normalize | add batch substracted median |
logCPM | Convert a matrix of raw counts to a matrix of log2(Counts per... |
makeColorsUnique | Make a vector of unique colors |
makeLayerLabel | Numeric layer for annotation object |
makeRegionLabel | Split region from roi for annotation object |
map_by_cor | Map samples to a training dataset by correlation |
map_cl_summary | Map a dataset to a reference, and compare existing cluster... |
map_cv | Run a single round of cross-validation of cluster mapping... |
map_dend | Title |
map_dend_markers | Map dend markers |
map_dend_membership | Title |
mapping | Title |
map_sampling | Perform bootstrapped mapping using a fraction of provided... |
markers_max_tau | Title |
markers_tau_one_vs_other | Title |
match_cl | Compute correlations of clusters to a reference set, and get... |
merge_cl | Merge clusters based on pairwise differential expressed... |
merge_cl_multiple | Title |
merge_knn_result | merge knn result |
multiplot | Title |
mybgplot3d | Title |
node_specific_markers | Node specific markers |
node_vs_sibling_markers | Node vs sibling markers |
onestep_clust | One round of clustering in the iteractive clustering pipeline |
pair_cor | Compute correlations between each matching row or column of... |
perp | Title |
perpEnd | Title |
perpMid | Title |
perpStart | Title |
plot_2d_select | Title |
plot_3d_label | Title |
plot_3d_label_multiple | Title |
plot_3d_select | Title |
plot_3d_val | Title |
plot_cl_cells | Title |
plot_cl_heatmap | Title |
plot_cl_heatmap4 | Title |
plot_cl_low | Plot cl low |
plot_cl_meta_barplot | Title |
plot_confusion | Title |
plot_de_lfc_num | Title |
plot_dend | Plot dendrogram |
plot_de_num | Title |
plot_doublet | Plot doublet |
plot_low_qc | Plot low-quality clusters |
plot_markers | Title |
plot_markers_cl_means | Plot markers cl means |
plot_pair_matrix | Title |
plot_RD_cl | Title |
plot_RD_gene | Title |
plot_RD_meta | Title |
plot_tsne | Plot tsne |
plot_tsne_cl | Title |
plot_tSNE_gene | Title |
plot_tSNE_meta | Title |
plot_vg | Generate gene variance plots |
prcomp.irlba | prcomp irlba |
predict_annotate_cor | Predict annotations by cluster correlation |
predict_knn | Title |
predict_knn_new | Title |
prune_dend | Prune dendrogram |
pvclust_show_signif_gradient | Pv clust show significant gradient |
rd_PCA | Title |
refine_cl | Refine clusters |
renameAndOrderClusters | Rename clusters using genes and metadata |
reorder_cl | Reorder cluster based on hiearchical clustering of clusters... |
reorder_dend | Reorder dendrogram |
reorder_factor | Reorder factors of one annotation to match another |
rescale_samples | Rescale a gene x sample matrix |
resolve_cl | Title |
run_consensus_clust | Wrapper function to repeatively run clustering on subsampled... |
RunUMAP | Adapt from Seurat package |
sample_cells | Downsample cells from each cluster |
sample_sets_list | Sample sets lists |
select_dend_markers | Select dend markers |
select_joint_genes | Select joint genes |
select_joint_markers | Title |
select_markers | Title |
select_markers_pair | Title |
select_markers_pair_direction | Title |
select_markers_pair_group | Title |
select_N_markers | Title |
select_node_specific_markers | Select node specific markers |
select_pos_dend_markers | Select pos dend markers |
select_pos_markers | Title |
set_pair_matrix | Update a matrix with values from a 1d vector using row and... |
sim_knn | Sim knn |
simple_dend | Simple dendrogram |
sparse_cor | Compute correlation scores for columns of a sparse matrix |
summarize_cl | Title |
test_knn | Test knn |
test_merge | Title |
unbranch_by_conf | Unbranch by conf |
unbranch_by_length | Unbranch by length |
updateSampDat | Update cluster names in annotation data frame |
vec_chisq_test | Vectorized Chi-squared tests for differential gene detection |
within_group_specific_markers | Title |
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