AdjScoreClustersCODEX.internal: Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocaliztion of all...

View source: R/feature_scores.R

AdjScoreClustersCODEX.internalR Documentation

Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocaliztion of all pairs of CODEX clusters in CODEX spatial dimensions. Calls Adjacency Score with c=0 to use hypergeometric null distribution speed up for mutually exclusive binary features. Takes matrices and data frames instead of class


Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocaliztion of all pairs of CODEX clusters in CODEX spatial dimensions. Calls Adjacency Score with c=0 to use hypergeometric null distribution speed up for mutually exclusive binary features. Takes matrices and data frames instead of class


AdjScoreClustersCODEX.internal(adj_matrix, codex_clusters, num_cores = 1)



a (preferrably sparse) binary matrix of adjacency between the cells in the CODEX spatial coordinates


a vector of the cluster ID for each CODEX cell


integer specifying the number of cores to be used in the computation. By default only one core is used. On Windows, this must be set to 1.

CamaraLab/STvEA documentation built on April 2, 2024, 6:07 a.m.