
Defines functions AdjScoreGenes.internal AdjScoreProteins.internal AdjScoreClustersCODEX.internal AdjScoreClustersCITE.internal AdjScoreGenes AdjScoreProteins AdjScoreClustersCODEX AdjScoreClustersCITE AdjScoreHeatmap

Documented in AdjScoreClustersCITE AdjScoreClustersCITE.internal AdjScoreClustersCODEX AdjScoreClustersCODEX.internal AdjScoreGenes AdjScoreGenes.internal AdjScoreHeatmap AdjScoreProteins AdjScoreProteins.internal

#' @import AdjacencyScore
#' @import pheatmap

#' Visualize heatmap of Adjacency Score run on
#' all combinations of feature pairs
#' @param adj_score_output output of any of the AdjScore functions
#' - a matrix where each row contains the features in a pair and their
#' Adjacency Score and q values
#' @param scaling scaling factor applied in the visualization of q-values.
#' The q-value are transformed according to -log10(scaling + q-value)
#' @param style plotting style for the heatmap, to choose between "heatmap"
#' (default) and "pheatmap"
#' @export
AdjScoreHeatmap <- function(adj_score_output, scaling = 1e-10, style = "heatmap") {
  heatmap_matrix <- matrix(rep(0,length(unique(adj_score_output$f))*length(unique(adj_score_output$g))), ncol=length(unique(adj_score_output$g)))
  row.names(heatmap_matrix) <- unique(adj_score_output$f)[order(unique(adj_score_output$f))]
  colnames(heatmap_matrix) <- unique(adj_score_output$g)[order(unique(adj_score_output$g))]
  for (i in 1:nrow(adj_score_output)) {
    heatmap_matrix[adj_score_output[i,"f"],adj_score_output[i,"g"]] <- -log10(adj_score_output[i,"q"]+scaling)
    heatmap_matrix[adj_score_output[i,"g"],adj_score_output[i,"f"]] <- -log10(adj_score_output[i,"q"]+scaling)
  if (style=="heatmap") {
    heatmap(heatmap_matrix, margins=c(10,10), symm=T)
  } else if (style=="pheatmap") {
    pheatmap(heatmap_matrix, main=paste0("-log10(",as.character(scaling)," + q-value)"))

#' Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocaliztion of all pairs
#' of CITE-seq clusters mapped to the CODEX spatial positions
#' @param stvea_object STvEA.data class object containing CITE-seq
#' cluster assignments, CODEX spatial coordinates, and transfer matrix
#' from GetTransferMatrix
#' @param k number of nearest neighbors to create graph
#' from CODEX spatial information
#' @param c constant used to determine width of diffusion, must be 0 <= c
#' @param num_cores integer specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the computation. By default only one core is used.
#' On Windows, this must be set to 1.
#' @param num_perms number of permutations used to build the null
#' distribution for each feature. By default is set to 1000.
#' @param perm_estimate boolean indicating whether Gaussian distribution
#' parameters should be determined from num_perms permutations to estimate
#' the p-value. By default is set to TRUE.
#' @export
AdjScoreClustersCITE <- function(
) {
  if (is.null(stvea_object@codex_spatial)) {
    stop("stvea_object does not contain CODEX spatial information")
  knn_adj <- knn_graph(stvea_object@codex_spatial, k=k)

#' Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocaliztion of all pairs
#' of CODEX clusters in CODEX spatial dimensions.
#' Calls Adjacency Score with c=0 to use hypergeometric null distribution
#' speed up for mutually exclusive binary features.
#' @param stvea_object STvEA.data class object containing CODEX
#' cluster assignments and CODEX spatial coordinates
#' @param k number of nearest neighbors to create graph
#' from CODEX spatial information
#' @param num_cores integer specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the computation. By default only one core is used.
#' On Windows, this must be set to 1.
#' @export
AdjScoreClustersCODEX <- function(
) {
  if (is.null(stvea_object@codex_spatial)) {
    stop("stvea_object does not contain CODEX spatial information")
  knn_adj <- knn_graph(stvea_object@codex_spatial, k=k)

#' Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocalization of given
#' pairs of proteins in the CODEX spatial dimensions
#' @param stvea_object STvEA.data class object containing CODEX
#' protein expression and CODEX spatial coordinates
#' @param protein_pairs a 2 column matrix of protein pairs where each row
#' specifies the names of the proteins in a pair. If NULL, all pairs
#' of columns in the codex_protein matrix are used.
#' @param k number of nearest neighbors to create graph
#' from CODEX spatial information
#' @param c constant used to determine width of diffusion, must be 0 <= c
#' @param num_cores integer specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the computation. By default only one core is used.
#' On Windows, this must be set to 1.
#' @param num_perms number of permutations used to build the null
#' distribution for each feature. By default is set to 1000.
#' @param perm_estimate boolean indicating whether Gaussian distribution
#' parameters should be determined from num_perms permutations to estimate
#' the p-value. By default is set to TRUE.
#' @export
AdjScoreProteins <- function(
) {
  if (is.null(stvea_object@codex_spatial)) {
    stop("stvea_object does not contain CODEX spatial information")

  if (!is.null(stvea_object@codex_clean)) {
    protein_expr <- stvea_object@codex_clean
  } else if (!is.null(stvea_object@codex_protein)) {
    protein_expr <- stvea_object@codex_protein
  } else {
    stop("stvea_object must contain cleaned or raw CODEX protein expression")

  if (is.null(protein_pairs)) {
    protein_pairs <- t(combn(colnames(protein_expr),2))
    for (protein in colnames(protein_expr)) {
      protein_pairs <- rbind(protein_pairs, c(protein,protein))

  knn_adj <- knn_graph(stvea_object@codex_spatial, k=k)

#' Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocalization of given
#' pairs of genes mapped to the CODEX spatial positions
#' @param stvea_object STvEA.data class object with CITE-seq gene
#' expression data, CODEX spatial coordinates, and transfer matrix
#' from GetTransferMatrix
#' @param gene_pairs a 2 column matrix of gene pairs where each row
#' specifies the names of the genes in a pair
#' @param k number of nearest neighbors to create graph
#' from CODEX spatial information
#' @param c constant used to determine width of diffusion, must be 0 <= c
#' @param num_cores integer specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the computation. By default only one core is used.
#' On Windows, this must be set to 1.
#' @param num_perms number of permutations used to build the null
#' distribution for each feature. By default is set to 1000.
#' @param perm_estimate boolean indicating whether Gaussian distribution
#' parameters should be determined from num_perms permutations to estimate
#' the p-value. By default is set to TRUE.
#' @export
AdjScoreGenes <- function(
) {
  if (is.null(stvea_object@codex_spatial)) {
    stop("stvea_object does not contain CODEX spatial information")
  knn_adj <- knn_graph(stvea_object@codex_spatial, k=k)

# Functions with matrix parameters, not using STvEA.data object

#' Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocaliztion of all pairs
#' of CITE-seq clusters mapped to the CODEX spatial positions
#' Takes matrices and data frames instead of STvEA.data class
#' @param adj_matrix a (preferrably sparse) binary matrix of
#' adjacency between the cells in the CODEX spatial coordinates
#' @param cite_clusters a vector of cluster IDs for the CITE-seq cells
#' @param transfer_matrix a (codex cells x cite-seq cells) matrix
#' of weighted nearest neighbor assignments mapping each CITE-seq cell
#' to k CODEX cells
#' @param c constant used to determine width of diffusion, must be 0 <= c
#' @param num_cores integer specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the computation. By default only one core is used.
#' On Windows, this must be set to 1.
#' @param num_perms number of permutations used to build the null
#' distribution for each feature. By default is set to 1000.
#' @param perm_estimate boolean indicating whether Gaussian distribution
#' parameters should be determined from num_perms permutations to estimate
#' the p-value. By default is set to TRUE.
#' @export
AdjScoreClustersCITE.internal <- function(
) {
  cluster_ids <- as.character(unique(cite_clusters))
  if (length(cluster_ids) < 2) {
    stop("Cannot compute adjacency score of fewer than 2 clusters")
  cluster_ids <- cluster_ids[order(cluster_ids)]
  cluster_matrix <- t(sapply(cluster_ids, function(x) (cite_clusters==x)*1))
  row.names(cluster_matrix) <- cluster_ids

  cluster_pairs <- t(combn(cluster_ids,2))
  for (id in cluster_ids) {
    cluster_pairs <- rbind(cluster_pairs, c(id,id))

  codex_cluster_matrix <- cluster_matrix %*% t(transfer_matrix)

  adjacency_score(adj_matrix, codex_cluster_matrix, cluster_pairs,
                  c=c, num_cores=num_cores, num_perms=num_perms,
                  perm_estimate = perm_estimate)

#' Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocaliztion of all pairs
#' of CODEX clusters in CODEX spatial dimensions.
#' Calls Adjacency Score with c=0 to use hypergeometric null distribution
#' speed up for mutually exclusive binary features.
#' Takes matrices and data frames instead of STvEA.data class
#' @param adj_matrix a (preferrably sparse) binary matrix of
#' adjacency between the cells in the CODEX spatial coordinates
#' @param codex_clusters a vector of the cluster ID for each CODEX cell
#' @param num_cores integer specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the computation. By default only one core is used.
#' On Windows, this must be set to 1.
#' @export
AdjScoreClustersCODEX.internal <- function(
) {
  cluster_ids <- as.character(unique(codex_clusters))
  if (length(cluster_ids) < 2) {
    stop("Cannot compute adjacency score of fewer than 2 clusters")
  cluster_ids <- cluster_ids[order(cluster_ids)]
  cluster_matrix <- t(sapply(cluster_ids, function(x) (codex_clusters==x)*1))
  row.names(cluster_matrix) <- cluster_ids

  cluster_pairs <- t(combn(cluster_ids,2))
  for (id in cluster_ids) {
    cluster_pairs <- rbind(cluster_pairs, c(id,id))

  # Call adjacency score with c=0 and groupings=TRUE to use hypergeometric null distribution speed up
  adjacency_score(adj_matrix, cluster_matrix, cluster_pairs, c=0, num_perms=0, num_cores=num_cores, groupings=TRUE)

#' Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocalization of given
#' pairs of proteins in the CODEX spatial dimensions
#' Takes matrices and data frames instead of STvEA.data class
#' @param adj_matrix a (preferrably sparse) binary matrix of
#' adjacency between the cells in the CODEX spatial coordinates
#' @param codex_protein a (cells x proteins) matrix of CODEX protein expression
#' @param protein_pairs a 2 column matrix of protein pairs where each row
#' specifies the names of the proteins in a pair.
#' @param c constant used to determine width of diffusion, must be 0 <= c
#' @param num_cores integer specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the computation. By default only one core is used.
#' On Windows, this must be set to 1.
#' @param num_perms number of permutations used to build the null
#' distribution for each feature. By default is set to 1000.
#' @param perm_estimate boolean indicating whether Gaussian distribution
#' parameters should be determined from num_perms permutations to estimate
#' the p-value. By default is set to TRUE.
#' @export
AdjScoreProteins.internal <- function(
  c = 0,
  num_cores = 1,
  num_perms = 1000,
  perm_estimate = T
) {
  codex_protein_cut <- t(codex_protein[,colnames(codex_protein) %in% as.vector(protein_pairs)])
  adjacency_score(adj_matrix, codex_protein_cut, protein_pairs, c=c, num_cores=num_cores,
                  num_perms=num_perms, perm_estimate=perm_estimate)

#' Use the Adjacency Score to evaluate colocalization of given
#' pairs of genes mapped to the CODEX spatial positions
#' Takes matrices and data frames instead of STvEA.data class
#' @param adj_matrix a (preferrably sparse) binary matrix of
#' adjacency between the cells in the CODEX spatial coordinates
#' @param codex_mRNA a (CODEX cells x genes) matrix of the CITE-seq
#' mRNA expression mapped to the CODEX cells
#' @param gene_pairs a 2 column matrix of gene pairs where each row
#' specifies the names of the genes in a pair
#' @param c constant used to determine width of diffusion, must be 0 <= c
#' @param num_cores integer specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the computation. By default only one core is used.
#' On Windows, this must be set to 1.
#' @param num_perms number of permutations used to build the null
#' distribution for each feature. By default is set to 1000.
#' @param perm_estimate boolean indicating whether Gaussian distribution
#' parameters should be determined from num_perms permutations to estimate
#' the p-value. By default is set to TRUE.
#' @export
AdjScoreGenes.internal <- function(
) {
  codex_mRNA_cut <- t(codex_mRNA[,colnames(codex_mRNA) %in% as.vector(gene_pairs)])
  codex_mRNA_cut <- log(1+1000*codex_mRNA_cut)
  adjacency_score(adj_matrix, codex_mRNA_cut, gene_pairs, c=c, num_cores=num_cores,
                  num_perms=num_perms, perm_estimate = perm_estimate)
CamaraLab/STvEA documentation built on April 2, 2024, 6:07 a.m.