
Defines functions preprocessClinvar createOfflineTxDbs removeChrFromDump addClinvarAnnotation addCOSMICmouseHomologs addCCGDannotation preprocessCCGD addCOSMICannotation addVAnullAnnotation annotationColumns VAseverityToConsequence VAconsequenceToSeverityRank convertVariantsToVCF qToVCF qToGRanges addMostSevereHit annotateQ annotateSomaticQs

Documented in annotateQ annotateSomaticQs qToGRanges VAconsequenceToSeverityRank VAseverityToConsequence

#' Run VariantAnnotation on the provided samples
#' @param qs list of data.frame: The variants to be annotated by sample
#' @param genome character: hg19, hg38 or mm10.
#' @param cpus integer: The number of cpus to be used as most.
#' @param annotationDirectory character: Where the annotation resources are taken from.
#' @param reference character: Path to the reference fasta.
#' @details This function uses the VariantAnnotation package to annotate somatic variants.
#'          PolyPHen, SIFT and exon number are removed when switching from VEP.
annotateSomaticQs = function(qs, genome='hg19', resourceDirectory='superFreqResources', reference, cpus=1) {

  catLog('Running VariantAnnotation.\n')
  #extract and sort unique variants across samples
  somQlist = lapply(qs, function(q) q[q$somaticP > 0,])
  somQ = do.call(rbind, somQlist)
  if ( any(is.na(somQ$x) | is.na(somQ$somaticP) | is.na(somQ$variant)) ) stop('NA x or somaticP or variant in annotateSomaticQs.')
  somQ = somQ[!duplicated(paste0(somQ$x, somQ$variant)),]
  sp = options('scipen')
  rownames(somQ) = paste0(as.character(somQ$x), somQ$variant)
  #this is the same ordering as in q, so subsetting rows  of somQ will match back to q without sorting.
  somQ = somQ[order(somQ$x, somQ$variant),]

  #do the actual annotation
  somQ = superFreq:::annotateQ(somQ, genome=genome, resourceDirectory=resourceDirectory, reference=reference, cpus=cpus)

  #put annotation back in to the samples
  catLog('Matching annotation back to variant calls in each sample')
  annotatedQs = lapply(qs, function(q) {
    #this assumes no duplicated rows. Shouldnt be the case, but who knows.
    if ( any(duplicated(paste0(q$x, q$variant))) ) stop('duplicated q rows in annotateSomaticQs.')
    #subset the annotated variants to variants present in Q, and make sure order match.
    #in most cases the rownames match across qs, so isn't needed, but to be sure...
    isAnnotated = rownames(q) %in% rownames(somQ)
    subSomQ = somQ[rownames(somQ) %in% rownames(q)[isAnnotated],]
    subSomQ = subSomQ[rownames(q)[isAnnotated],]
    if ( !all(rownames(q)[isAnnotated] == rownames(subSomQ)) ) stop('q and subSomQ not matching rownames (including order) in annotateSomaticQs')
    #set up blank data for the variants not annotated.
    q = superFreq:::addVAnullAnnotation(q, genome)
    #fill in annotated variants
    q[isAnnotated, superFreq:::annotationColumns(genome)] = subSomQ[,superFreq:::annotationColumns(genome)]

    if ( any(is.na(q$severity)) ) stop('NA severity after filling in annotation back into null annotated variants.')


#' Run VariantAnnotation on the provided variants
#' @param q data.frame: The variants to be annotated.
#' @param genome character: hg19, hg38 or mm10.
#' @param cpus integer: The number of cpus to be used as most.
#' @param annotationDirectory character: Where the annotation resources are taken from.
#' @param reference character: Path to the reference fasta.
#' @details This function calls VEP on the output from outputSomaticVariants. For this, VEP needs to be callable by system('vep').
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures makeTxDb
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation locateVariants
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation CodingVariants
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation AllVariants
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation predictCoding
#' @importFrom Rsamtools FaFile
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation locateVariants
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation VCF
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowRanges
annotateQ = function(q, genome='hg19', resourceDirectory='superFreqResources', reference, cpus=1) {

  #if empty, add columns and return.
  if ( nrow(q) == 0 ) {
    q = addVAnullAnnotation(q, genome)
  #load relevant annotation data
  txdb = ''
  dump = ''
  catLog('Loading annotation dump...')
  if ( genome == 'hg19' ) {
    load(paste0(resourceDirectory, '/annotation/dumpHg19.Rdata'))
    dump = dumpHg19
  if ( genome == 'hg38' ) {
    load(paste0(resourceDirectory, '/annotation/dumpHg38.Rdata'))
    dump = dumpHg38
  if ( genome == 'mm10' ) {
    load(paste0(resourceDirectory, '/annotation/dumpMm10.Rdata'))
    dump = dumpMm10
  #there is overehead for each batch which favours large batches
  #but also risk for memory crashes if batches are too big.
  #so make one batch per cpus, as long as each batch isnt more than 30k variants.
  #this should be safe in terms of memory with 10Gb per cpu. I think. I hope.
  batches = pmax(1, round(nrow(q)/10e3))
  breaks = round((0:batches)/batches*(nrow(q)) + 1)
  qList = lapply(1:batches, function(i) q[breaks[i]:(breaks[i+1]-1),])
  catLog('Splitting up ',  nrow(q), ' variants for parallelisation into ', batches, ' batches.\n', sep='')

  #set up link to fasta for this thread, and check if "chr" is present in chr names.
  catLog('Setting up data bases..')
  fafile = FaFile(reference)
  hasChr = grepl('^chr', as.character(seqnames(scanFaIndex(fafile))[1]))
  if ( !hasChr ) dump = removeChrFromDump(dump)
  #create data base for this thread
  txdb = GenomicFeatures::makeTxDb(transcripts=dump$transcripts, splicings=dump$splicings, genes=dump$genes, chrominfo=dump$chrominfo)
  catLog('Running annotation by batch')
  qList = lapply(qList, function(q) {
    #get the variants into the vcf format. Not sure it handles indels correctly...
    vcf = superFreq:::qToVCF(q, genome=genome, seqlengths=seqlengths(txdb), addChrToSeqnames=hasChr, fafile=fafile)
    rd = SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)
    #these throw a warning about out of bound granges, not sure why, seems to return ok values.
    suppressWarnings(suppressMessages({allvar = VariantAnnotation::locateVariants(rd, txdb, VariantAnnotation::AllVariants())}))
    suppressWarnings({coding = VariantAnnotation::predictCoding(vcf, txdb, seqSource=fafile)})
    #rank and select most severe hit for each variant
    coding$SEVERITY = superFreq:::VAconsequenceToSeverityRank(as.character(coding$CONSEQUENCE))
    allvar$SEVERITY = superFreq:::VAconsequenceToSeverityRank(as.character(allvar$LOCATION))
    #select most severe and merge to q
    q = superFreq:::addMostSevereHit(q, allvar, coding, genome)
    #if gene assignment different from the CNV assignment, go with the VariantAnnotation gene.
    #The CNAs gene assignment is mostly for BAFs, and is sometimes assigned to an intron even
    #when a different gene has an exon there. That is fine for BAFs and CNAs, but not here.
    q$consensusGene = ifelse(is.na(q$VA_symbol) | q$VA_symbol == '', q$inGene, q$VA_symbol)


  CCGDsummary = ''
  if ( genome %in% c('mm10') ) {
    catLog('Preprocessing CCGD data...')
    CCGDsummary = preprocessCCGD(resourceDirectory=resourceDirectory)
  catLog('Matching to known cancer variants by batch')
  qList = mclapply(qList, function(q) {
    #add frequent cancer genes from COSMIC or CCGD depending on human or mouse
    if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') )
      q = addCOSMICannotation(q, genome=genome, resourceDirectory=resourceDirectory)
    if ( genome %in% c('mm10') )
      q = superFreq:::addCCGDannotation(q, CCGDsummary)
    if ( genome %in% c('mm10') )
      q = superFreq:::addCOSMICmouseHomologs(q, resourceDirectory)

    #add clinvar annotation
    if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') )
      q = addClinvarAnnotation(q, genome=genome, resourceDirectory=resourceDirectory)

  }, mc.cores=cpus)
  q = do.call(rbind, qList)

  if ( any(is.na(q$severity)) ) {
    catLog('\nSomething produced NAs in variant annotation. Can happen due to running out of memory during parallelisation. Try rerunning with more allocated memory or fewer cpus.\n
    stop('Something produced NAs in variant annotation. Can happen due to running out of memory during parallelisation. Try rerunning with more allocated memory or fewer cpus.')


addMostSevereHit = function(q, allvar, coding, genome) {
  #add/clear columns
  q = addVAnullAnnotation(q, genome)

  #sort by severity and remove duplicates, then sort on q ID again.
  allvar = allvar[order(as.numeric(allvar$SEVERITY))]
  allvar = allvar[!duplicated(allvar$QUERYID)]
  allvar = allvar[order(allvar$QUERYID)]
  coding = coding[order(as.numeric(coding$SEVERITY))]
  coding = coding[!duplicated(coding$QUERYID)]
  coding = coding[order(coding$QUERYID)]

  #load in entrez to symbol gene name dictionary  
  if ( genome=='mm10' ) {
  	entrez2symbol = entrez2symbol_mm
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) {
  	entrez2symbol = entrez2symbol_hs
  #set up data frame with relevant columns
  allvarDF =
               VA_symbol=entrez2symbol[allvar$GENEID], stringsAsFactors=F)
  codingDF =
               AApos=sapply(coding$PROTEINLOC, function(x) as.numeric(x)[1]),
               AAbefore=sapply(coding$REFAA, function(x) as.character(x)),
               AAafter=sapply(coding$VARAA, function(x) as.character(x)),
               VA_symbol=entrez2symbol[coding$GENEID], stringsAsFactors=F)
  #insert into q
  q[allvar$QUERYID, colnames(allvarDF)] = allvarDF
  q[coding$QUERYID, colnames(codingDF)] = codingDF


#' Transforms a variant q data frame into granges
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
qToGRanges = function(q, genome='hg19', addChrToSeqnames=F, seqlengths) {
    chr = xToChr(q$x, genome)
    if ( addChrToSeqnames ) chr = paste0('chr', chr)
    pos = xToPos(q$x, genome)
    gr = GRanges(seqnames=chr, ranges = IRanges(start=pos, end=pos+nchar(q$reference)-1), strand='*', seqlengths=seqlengths)

qToVCF = function(q, genome, addChrToSeqnames, seqlengths, fafile) {
  if ( any(is.na(q$variant)) ) warning('NA entries in q$variant in qToVCF.')
  REF = q$reference
  ALT = q$variant
  QUAL = rep(40, nrow(q)) #placeholder, only want annotation anyway.
  FILTER = rep('PASS', nrow(q)) #placeholder, only want annotation anyway.
  refvarstartendList = convertVariantsToVCF(list(REF, ALT, q$x, q$x))
  REF = DNAStringSet(refvarstartendList[[1]])
  ALT = CharacterList(as.list(refvarstartendList[[2]]))

  colData = DataFrame(Samples='sample')

  q$reference = as.character(REF)
  gr = qToGRanges(q, genome=genome, addChrToSeqnames=addChrToSeqnames, seqlengths=seqlengths)
  REF = getSeq(fafile, gr)
  ALT[nchar(q$reference)>1] = substr(as.character(REF[nchar(q$reference)>1]), 1, 1)

  vcf = VariantAnnotation::VCF(rowRanges = gr, fixed=fixed, colData=colData, collapsed=TRUE, verbose=F)


#this is in the outputsomaticVariants.R, so can be removed when merged into the package
convertVariantsToVCF = function(refvarstartendList) {
  reference = as.character(refvarstartendList[[1]])
  variant = as.character(refvarstartendList[[2]])
  start = refvarstartendList[[3]]
  end = refvarstartendList[[4]]
  if ( any(grepl('-', variant)) ) {
    deletions = grepl('-', variant)
    nDel = as.numeric(gsub('-', '', variant[deletions]))
    if ( any(is.na(nDel)) ) warning('NA nDel in convertVariantsToVCF. Input variants are: ', paste(variant, collapse=','), '\n Deletion variants are: ', paste(variant[deletions], collapse=','), '\n deletion variants that give rise to NA nDel are: ', paste(variant[deletions][is.na(nDel)], collapse=','))
    reference[deletions] = sapply(nDel, function(n) do.call(paste0, as.list(rep('N', n+1))))
    variant[deletions] = 'N'
    start[deletions] = start[deletions]+1
    end[deletions] = end[deletions]+nDel
  if ( any(grepl('\\+', variant)) ) {
    insertions = grepl('\\+', variant)
    nIns = nchar(as.character(variant[insertions]))-1
    variant[insertions] = paste0(substr(reference[insertions], 1, 1), gsub('\\+', '', variant[insertions]))

  return(list(reference, variant, start, end))

#converts the consequence to a severity rank.
VAconsequenceToSeverityRank = function(consequence) {
  #'coding' is used by the location run to cover all the coding variants, and will be replaced
  #by the consequence from the coding run, which is why it's ranked last. Should never be top hit.
  #these number are set to match the VEP ranking.
  #some of these categories include multiple VEP categories. It's not 1 to 1, so some shifting is done.
  #11 still separates coding from non-coding variants.
  rank = c(
  ret = rank[consequence]
  ret[is.na(ret)] = 100

#converts the consequence to a severity rank.
VAseverityToConsequence = function(severity) {
  #'coding' is used by the location run to cover all the coding variants, and will be replaced
  #by the consequence from the coding run, which is why it's ranked last. Should never be top hit.
  #these number are set to match the VEP ranking.
  #some of these categories include multiple VEP categories. It's not 1 to 1, so some shifting is done.
  #11 still separates coding from non-coding variants.
  consequence = c(
  ret = consequence[as.character(severity)]
  ret[is.na(ret)] = 'unknown'

#the expected EXTRA columns added by annotation.
annotationColumns = function(genome) {
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') )
    return(c('severity', 'type', 'isCosmicCensus', 'AApos', 'AAbefore', 'AAafter', 'cosmicVariantRank', 'cosmicVariantFrequency', 'cosmicGeneRank', 'cosmicGeneFrequency', 'ClinVar_ClinicalSignificance', 'ClinVar_OriginSimple', 'ClinVar_ReviewStatus', 'ClinVar_VariationID', 'VA_symbol', 'consensusGene'))
  if ( genome %in% c('mm10') )
    return(c('severity', 'type', 'AApos', 'AAbefore', 'AAafter', 'isCCGD', 'CCGDstudies', 'CCGDcancerTypes', 'CCGDcosmic', 'CCGDcgc', 'CCGDranks', 'isCosmicCensus', 'VA_symbol', 'consensusGene'))

addVAnullAnnotation = function(q, genome) {
  q$severity = rep(100, nrow(q))
  q$type = rep('', nrow(q))
  q$isCosmicCensus = rep(F, nrow(q))
  q$AApos = rep('', nrow(q))
  q$AAbefore = rep('', nrow(q))
  q$AAafter = rep('', nrow(q))
  q$VA_symbol = rep('', nrow(q))
  q$consensusGene = q$inGene
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) q$cosmicVariantRank = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) q$cosmicVariantFrequency = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) q$cosmicGeneRank = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) q$cosmicGeneFrequency = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) q$ClinVar_ClinicalSignificance = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) q$ClinVar_OriginSimple = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) q$ClinVar_ReviewStatus = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('hg19', 'hg38') ) q$ClinVar_VariationID = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('mm10') ) q$isCCGD = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('mm10') ) q$CCGDstudies = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('mm10') ) q$CCGDcancerTypes = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('mm10') ) q$CCGDcosmic = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('mm10') ) q$CCGDcgc = rep('', nrow(q))
  if ( genome %in% c('mm10') ) q$CCGDranks = rep('', nrow(q))

#this function adds COSMIC annotation to q
addCOSMICannotation = function(q, genome, resourceDirectory) {
  #first load and save the census gene names
  countsFile = paste0(resourceDirectory, "/COSMIC/cosmicCounts.Rdata")
  censusGenes = names(cosmicCounts$geneCounts)
  q$isCosmicCensus = q$consensusGene %in% censusGenes

  #then load in the full COSMIC information
  countsFile = paste0(resourceDirectory, "/COSMIC/allCosmicCounts_", genome, ".Rdata")

  #get the rank by gene, and filter the transcript-specific [SYMBOL]_[ENSEMBL] entries.
  genesDF =
               density=as.numeric(cosmicCounts$geneDensity), stringsAsFactors=F)
  genesDF = genesDF[!grepl('_ENST', genesDF$gene),]
  genesDF$rank = rank(-genesDF$density)

  #link gene rates to q
  genesDF = genesDF[genesDF$gene %in% q$consensusGene,] #this speeds up the random access next lines
  rownames(genesDF) = genesDF$gene
  genesDF = genesDF[q$consensusGene,]
  q$cosmicGeneMPMPB = genesDF$density
  q$cosmicGeneRank = genesDF$rank

  #get the rate and rank by position
  xr = cosmicCounts$xRates
  xr$rank = rank(-xr$rates)

  #link position rates to q
  xr = xr[xr$x %in% q$x,] #this speeds up the random access next lines
  rownames(xr) = xr$x
  xr = xr[as.character(q$x),]
  xr$rates[is.na(xr$rates)] = 0
  xr$rank[is.na(xr$rank)] = nrow(cosmicCounts$xRates)+1
  q$cosmicVariantFrequency = xr$rates
  q$cosmicVariantRank = xr$rank


preprocessCCGD = function(resourceDirectory) {
  CCGDdata = read.table(paste0(resourceDirectory, '/COSMIC/CCGD_export.csv'), sep=',', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
  censusGenes = unique(CCGDdata$Mouse.Symbol)

  CCGDsummary = sapply(censusGenes, function(gene) {
    subData = CCGDdata[CCGDdata$Mouse.Symbol == gene,]
    studies = subData$Studies[1]
    humanGene = subData$Human.Symbol[1]
    cancerTypes = sort(table(subData$Cancer.Type), decreasing=T)
    names(cancerTypes) = gsub(' Cancer', '',names(cancerTypes))
    cancerTypes = gsub(';$','',do.call(paste0, as.list(paste0(names(cancerTypes), ":", cancerTypes, ';'))))
    isInCosmic = subData$COSMIC[1] == 'Yes'
    isInCGC = subData$CGC[1] == 'Yes'
    ranks = table(c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', subData$Relative.Rank))
    ranks[c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')] = ranks[c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')] - 1
    names(ranks) = gsub(' Cancer', '',names(ranks))
    ranks = gsub(';$','',do.call(paste0, as.list(paste0(names(ranks), ":", ranks, ';'))))
    return(c('studies'=studies, 'cancerTypes'=cancerTypes, 'cosmic'=isInCosmic,
             'cgc'=isInCGC, 'ranks'=ranks, 'humanGene'=humanGene))
  CCGDsummary = as.data.frame(t(CCGDsummary), stringsAsFactors=F)
  rownames(CCGDsummary) = censusGenes
  CCGDsummary$studies = as.numeric(CCGDsummary$studies)
  CCGDsummary$cosmic = as.logical(CCGDsummary$cosmic)
  CCGDsummary$cgc = as.logical(CCGDsummary$cgc)


#adds CCGD annotation to q from the q$consensusGene column.
addCCGDannotation = function(q, CCGDsummary) {
  censusGenes = rownames(CCGDsummary)
  isCCGD = q$consensusGene %in% censusGenes
  CCGDstudies = rep(0, nrow(q))
  CCGDcancerTypes = rep('', nrow(q))
  CCGDcosmic = rep('', nrow(q))
  CCGDcgc = rep('', nrow(q))
  CCGDranks = rep('', nrow(q))
  CCGDstudies[isCCGD] = CCGDsummary[q$consensusGene[isCCGD],]$studies
  CCGDcancerTypes[isCCGD] = CCGDsummary[q$consensusGene[isCCGD],]$cancerTypes
  CCGDcosmic[isCCGD] = ifelse(CCGDsummary[q$consensusGene[isCCGD],]$cosmic, 'YES!', 'no')
  CCGDcgc[isCCGD] = ifelse(CCGDsummary[q$consensusGene[isCCGD],]$cgc, 'YES!', 'no')
  CCGDranks[isCCGD] = CCGDsummary[q$consensusGene[isCCGD],]$ranks

  q$isCCGD = isCCGD
  q$CCGDstudies = CCGDstudies
  q$CCGDcancerTypes = CCGDcancerTypes
  q$CCGDcosmic = CCGDcosmic
  q$CCGDcgc = CCGDcgc
  q$CCGDranks = CCGDranks

addCOSMICmouseHomologs = function(q, resourceDirectory) {
	mm10genes = read.table(paste0(resourceDirectory, '/COSMIC/MGIBatchReport_20220629_032731_filtered.txt'), sep='\t', fill=T, quote='', header=T)
    homologCensusGenes = unique(mm10genes$Symbol)
	q$isCosmicCensus = q$consensusGene %in% homologCensusGenes

addClinvarAnnotation = function(q, genome, resourceDirectory) {
  if ( genome == 'hg19' ) load(paste0(resourceDirectory, '/COSMIC/clinvar19.Rdata'))
  if ( genome == 'hg38' ) load(paste0(resourceDirectory, '/COSMIC/clinvar38.Rdata'))

  clinvar = clinvar[rownames(clinvar) %in% rownames(q),]
  colnames(clinvar) = paste0('ClinVar_', colnames(clinvar))
  q[,colnames(clinvar)] = ''
  q[rownames(clinvar),colnames(clinvar)] = clinvar


removeChrFromDump = function(dump) {
  dump$transcripts$tx_chrom = sub('chr', '', dump$transcripts$tx_chrom)
  dump$splicings$exon_chrom = sub('chr', '', dump$splicings$exon_chrom)
  dump$chrominfo$chrom = sub('chr', '', dump$chrominfo$chrom)

#this is the code used to set up the .Rdata objects that are stored on WEHI. Not called by superFreq.
#all the resources (dbSNP, ExAC, COSMIC, CCGD, standard capture regions, annotation)
#are preprocessed and stored at WEHI for speed and to rely on a single online connection only.
#so this code is only a FYI for how the WEHI data is produced,
#and for maintainers to update or regenerate the WEHI resources.
createOfflineTxDbs = function(annotationDirectory) {
  x = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
  dumpHg19 = as.list(x)
  save(dumpHg19, file=paste0(annotationDirectory, '/dumpHg19.Rdata'))

  x = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
  dumpHg38 = as.list(x)
  save(dumpHg38, file=paste0(annotationDirectory, '/dumpHg38.Rdata'))

  x = TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
  dumpMm10 = as.list(x)
  save(dumpMm10, file=paste0(annotationDirectory, '/dumpMm10.Rdata'))


#this function preprocesses the tab separated variant summary table from clinvar.
#this is not done by superFreq, but preprocessed and downloaded with other resources.
preprocessClinvar = function(clinvarFile, saveDir) {
  data = read.table('~/majewski/resources/clinvar/variant_summary.txt', sep='\t', header=T,
    fill=F, stringsAsFactors=F, comment.char='', quote='')

  #split by hg19 and hg38
  dat19 = data[data$Assembly == 'GRCh37',]
  dat38 = data[data$Assembly == 'GRCh38',]

  #get x and variant and rowname
  dats = lapply(list('hg19'=dat19, 'hg38'=dat38), function(dat) {
    genome = 'hg19'
    if ( dat$Assembly[1] == 'GRCh38' ) genome = 'hg38'

    dat = dat[dat$Chromosome %in% names(chrLengths(genome)),]
    dat = dat[dat$Type %in% c('deletion', 'insertion', 'single nucleotide variant'),]
    dat = dat[dat$AlternateAllele != 'na',]
    x = chrToX(dat$Chromosome, dat$Start, genome)
    variant = dat$AlternateAllele
    variant = ifelse(dat$Type == 'deletion', paste0('-', nchar(dat$ReferenceAllele)), variant)
    variant = ifelse(dat$Type %in% c('insertion'), paste0('+', dat$AlternateAllele), variant)
    varname = paste0(x, variant)

    ret = dat[,c('ClinicalSignificance', 'OriginSimple', 'ReviewStatus', 'VariationID')]
    ret = ret[!duplicated(varname),]
    rownames(ret) = varname[!duplicated(varname)]

  clinvar = dats$hg19
  save(clinvar, file=paste0(saveDir, '/clinvar19.Rdata'))
  clinvar = dats$hg38
  save(clinvar, file=paste0(saveDir, '/clinvar38.Rdata'))
ChristofferFlensburg/superFreq documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 6:15 a.m.