Man pages for CompEpigen/scMethrix
Fast and efficient summarization of single cell whole genome bisulfate data

append_colDataAppends colData in an scMethrix object
benchmark_imputationEvaluates imputations methods by NRMSE or AUC
binarizeBinarize an input value based on a 'threshold'
bin_grangesBins each region in a 'GRanges' object into bins of specified...
bin_scMethrixBins the ranges of an 'scMethrix' object.
cast_datatableCasts genomic regions into 'data.table' format
cast_grangesCasts genomic regions into 'GRanges' format
cluster_scMethrixGenerates a cluster object for an 'scMethrix' object
colbindA faster version of cbind when trying to combine lists of...
collapse_samplesCollapses multiple samples into a single sample by group
convert_HDF5_scMethrixConverts HDF5 'scMethrix' object to an in-memory 'scMethrix'...
convert_scMethrixConverts an in-memory 'scMethrix' to an HDF5 'scMethrix'
dim_red_scMethrixReduces dimensionality (tSNE, UMAP, PCA, or custom)
dot-validateArgValidates arguments. Allows partial matching.
dot-validateAssayValidates an assay is in the object. Allows partial pattern.
dot-validateExpValidates to see if object is a proper scMethrix object
dot-validateThreadsValidates the number of threads for the session. Windows can...
dot-validateValueValidates numeric values based on some experession
export_bedsExports all samples in an 'scMethrix' objects into individual...
export_bigwigsExports scMethrix object as bigWigs
export_bsseqConvert 'scMethrix' to 'bsseq' object
export_methrixConverts an 'scMethrix' object to methrix object
extract_CpGsExtracts all CpGs from a genome
fillFills a vector with a specified 'fill' value
generate_random_subsetGenerates a random subset of CpG sites
generate_training_setSplits an scMethrix object into two for use as a training and...
generic_scMethrix_functionFunction used only for inheritence for Roxygen2...
get_distance_matrixGet the pair-wise distance matrix for an assay
get_matrixExtract assays from an 'scMethrix' object
get_metadata_statsAdds descriptive statistics to metadata columns in an...
get_paletteGetter for plot palette colors
get_region_summaryExtracts and summarizes methylation or coverage info by...
get_sample_nameReturns sample name derived from the input file name
get_shapeGetter for plot shapes. Shapes selected for optimal...
get_source_idxGets bedgraph column indexes from common pipeline output...
get_statsEstimate descriptive statistics for each sample
has_covChecks if 'scMethrix' object has a coverage matrix
impute_by_melissaImputes the NA values of a 'scMethrix' object.
impute_regionsGeneric imputation return function
is_h5Checks if 'scMethrix' object is an HDF5 object
liftover_CpGsConverts from one reference to another via...
load_HDF5_scMethrixLoads HDF5 'scMethrix' object
mask_by_coverageMasks CpGs by coverage
mask_by_sampleMasks CpGs by cell count
mask_by_varianceMasks non-variable CpGs
mask_helperHelper function for masking. All rows in row_idx will be set...
merge_scMethrixMerges two 'scMethrix' objects by 'row' or 'col'
parse_source_idxSubsets a given list of CpGs by another list of CpGs
plot_coverageCoverage QC Plots
plot_densityDensity Plot of beta-Values
plot_dim_redPlot dimensionality reduction
plot_sparsitySparsity of sample inheritParams generic_plot_function
plot_statsPlot descriptive statistics
plot_violinViolin Plot for beta-Values
prepare_plot_dataFormat 'scMethrix' matrix to long form data for plotting
read_bed_by_indexParses BED files for methylation values using previously...
read_bedsVersatile BedGraph reader.
read_hdf5_dataWrites values from input BED files into an in-disk...
read_indexParse BED files for unique genomic coordinates
read_mem_dataWrites values from input BED files into an in-memory 'matrix'
reduce_cpgsReduces a assay to a representative matrix
remove_assayRemoves an assay from an 'scMethrix' object
remove_uncoveredRemove loci that are uncovered across all samples
save_HDF5_scMethrixSaves an HDF5 'scMethrix' object
scMethrix-classClass scMethrix
scMethrix_dataSingle cell methylome of murine neuronal cells
scMethrix_themeTheme for ggplot
split_timeOutputs the split/lap/iteration time
split_vectorSplits a vector into list of vectors by 'chunk' or 'size'
start_timeStarts an internal stopwatch
stop_timeStops an internal stopwatch and outputs overall time
subset_ref_cpgsSubsets a given list of CpGs by another list of CpGs
subset_scMethrixSubsets an 'scMethrix' object based on 'regions', 'contigs'...
transform_assayTransforms an assay in an 'scMethrix' object.
CompEpigen/scMethrix documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 3:09 p.m.