
Defines functions build_lineage

Documented in build_lineage

# Tools for dealing with 16S reference databases

#' Build the lineage from a SILVA path string.
#' @param silva_path A string containing a taxonomy path with taxa separated
#'  by semicolons.
#' @param taxid The overall taxid for the path/taxon.
#' @param taxonomy The SILVA taxonomy as data table.
#' @return A data table containing the individual taxa ranks with ids.
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed
build_lineage <- function(silva_path, taxid, taxonomy) {
    levs <- str_split_fixed(silva_path, ";", n=Inf)[1, ]
    n <- length(levs)
    lineage <- sapply(1:(n-1), function(i) {
        p <- paste0(c(levs[1:i], ""), collapse=";")
    lineage <- taxonomy[lineage, .(rank=rank, rank_taxid=taxid)]
    lineage[, "level" := 1:(n-1)]
    lineage[, "name" := levs[-n]]
    lineage <- rbind(lineage,
                     data.table(rank="species", rank_taxid=taxid,
                                level=n, name=levs[n]))

#' Build the lineages for the entire SILVA database.
#' @param taxmap The SILVA taxonomy map (`taxmap_slv_*.txt`).
#' @param taxonomy The SILVA taxonomy.
#' @return The SILVA lineage mapping every taxon to its upper ranks up to the
#'  root.
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export
silva_build_taxonomy <- function(taxmap, taxonomy) {
    map <- fread(taxmap)
    map <- unique(map[, .(taxid, path, organismName)])
    tax <- fread(taxonomy,
                 col.names=c("path", "taxid", "rank", "comments", "version"),
    lineage <- map[, build_lineage(paste0(path, organismName), taxid, tax),
    lineage[name == "", name := NA]

ENSEMBL_CDNA <- paste0("ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/bacteria/current/",
ENSEMBL_PROTEIN <- paste0("ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/bacteria/current/",

ens_title <- function(name) {
    return(paste0(toupper(substr(name, 1, 1)), substr(name, 2, nchar(name))))

# Try to reproduce the ENSEMBL modifications
ens_assembly <- function(assembly) {
    assembly <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]\\.\\-]", "_", assembly)
    assembly <- gsub("__", "_", assembly, fixed=TRUE)
    assembly <- gsub("Cand.", "Cand", assembly, fixed=TRUE)
    assembly <- gsub("sp.", "sp", assembly, fixed=TRUE)

# Helper function to download ENSEMBL transcripts (cdna).
download_ensembl <- function(out="transcripts", what="cdna", collection,
                             name, assembly) {
    collection <- str_split_fixed(collection, "_core", n=2)[1]
    assembly <- ens_assembly(assembly)
    outfile <- file.path(out, paste0(name, ".", assembly))
    if (what == "cdna") {
        url <- sprintf(ENSEMBL_CDNA, collection, name,
                       ens_title(name), assembly)
        outfile <- paste0(outfile, ".cdna.all.fa.gz")
    } else {
        url <- sprintf(ENSEMBL_PROTEIN, collection, name,
                       ens_title(name), assembly)
        outfile <- paste0(outfile, ".pep.all.fa.gz")

    ret <- 0
    if (!file.exists(outfile)) {
        ret <- tryCatch(download.file(url, outfile, quiet=TRUE),
                        error=function(e) 1,
                        warning=function(w) 1)
    if (ret != 0) {
        warning(paste("could not download", url))

#' Download the entire ENSEMBL transcript DB for bacteria.
#' @param out Where to store the downloaded transcript files.
#' @param np How many parallel download processes to use.
#' @param what Download in which format. Can be "cdna" or "protein" to download
#'  reverse transcribed DNA (cDNA) or protein sequences.
#' @param remove_redundant Whether to remove alternative assemblies for the
#'  same strain.
#' @return A data table containing the downloaded species and assemblies.
#' @importFrom data.table setkey
download_bacterial_transcripts <- function(out="transcripts", what="cdna",
                                           np=8, remove_redundant=TRUE) {
    dir.create(out, showWarnings=FALSE)
    db <- fread(paste0("ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/bacteria/current/",
                skip=1, header=FALSE,
                col.names=c("name", "species", "division", "taxonomy_id",
                            "assembly", "assembly_accession", "genebuild",
                            "variation", "pan_compara", "peptide_compara",
                            "genome_alignments", "other_alignments",
                            "core_db", "species_id", "trash"))
    if (remove_redundant) {
        db <- db[order(-genebuild), .SD[1], by="taxonomy_id"]
        flog.info("Downloading %d %s transcript files.", nrow(db), what)
    downloaded <- pbapply(db, 1, function(row) {
        download_ensembl(out, what, row["core_db"], row["species"],
    }, cl=np)
    setkey(db, "species")
    downloaded <- as.character(downloaded[!is.na(downloaded)])
    flog.info("Downloaded %d %s transcript databases.",
              length(downloaded), what)
    downloaded <- db[downloaded]
    if (what == "cdna") {
        downloaded[, "file" := paste0(species, ".", ens_assembly(assembly),
    } else {
        downloaded[, "file" := paste0(species, ".", ens_assembly(assembly),

#' Merge transcripts into a single database
#' @param transcript_files A data table as returned by
#'  \code{\link{download_bacterial_transcripts}}.
#' @param transcript_folder In which folder to look for transcripts.
#' @param what The type of database, either "cdna" or "protein".
#' @param out The filename for the DB. Will be compressed and saved in the
#'  transcript folder.
#' @return The transcript counts for each file.
#' @importFrom Biostrings readAAStringSet readDNAStringSet writeXStringSet
#' @export
merge_transcripts <- function(transcript_files, transcript_folder,
                              what="cdna", out="ensembl_transcripts.fa.gz") {
    flog.info("Merging %d %s transcript files from %s.",
              nrow(transcript_files), what, transcript_folder)
    if (what == "cdna") {
        reader <- readDNAStringSet
    } else {
        reader <- readAAStringSet
    out <- file.path(transcript_folder, out)
    if (file.exists(out)) {
        flog.info("Overwriting output %s with new data.", out)
    counts <- pbapply(transcript_files, 1, function(row) {
        fasta <- reader(file.path(transcript_folder, row["file"]))
        names(fasta) <- paste0("TAX", as.integer(row["taxonomy_id"]), "_",
        writeXStringSet(fasta, out, append=TRUE, compress=TRUE)


ENSID <- paste0("TAX(\\d+)\\_(\\w+) (\\w+) \\w+:(.+) gene:(\\w+) ",
                "transcript:(\\w+) gene_biotype:(\\w+) ",
                "transcript_biotype:(\\w+) (?:gene_symbol:)*(\\w*)\\s*",

#' Parse annotations from an ENSEMBL id
#' @param id The id to be parsed.
#' @return A data table containing the transcript id with annotations.
parse_ensembl_id <- function(id) {
    res <- as.data.table(str_match(id, ENSID)[, 2:11])
    names(res) <- c("taxid", "seqid", "sequence_type", "contig", "gene",
                    "transcript", "gene_biotype", "transcript_biotype",
                    "gene_symbol", "description")
    res[, "id" := paste0("TAX", as.integer(taxid), "_", seqid)]
    res[gene_symbol == "", gene_symbol := NA]

#' Annotate diamond database hits with transcript info.
#' @param matches Path to diamond output (*.m8).
#' @param reference The reference fasta. Optional, required if matches have
#'  truncated ids.
#' @return The annotated hits as data table.
#' @importFrom Biostrings fasta.index
#' @export
annotate_contigs <- function(matches, reference=NA) {
    align <- read_blast(matches)
    if (is.na(reference)) {
        flog.info("Getting unique reference hits...")
        ids <- align[, unique(reference)]
    } else {
        flog.info("Reading reference database (%.2f GiB).",
                  file.info(reference)$size / (1024^3))
        ids <- fasta.index(reference)$desc
    flog.info("Parsing annotations for %d sequences...", length(ids))
    anns <- parse_ensembl_id(ids)
    flog.info("Merging hits with annotations...")
    merged <- anns[align, on = c(id = "reference")]

#' Annotate the sequences in the SILVA database file.
#' @param reference The reference fasta.
#' @return The id and taxonomy of the sequences as a data table.
#' @importFrom Biostrings fasta.index
#' @export
annotate_silva <- function(reference) {
    flog.info("Reading reference database (%.2f GiB).",
              file.info(reference)$size / (1024^3))
    ids <- fasta.index(reference)$desc

    flog.info("Parsing annotations for %d sequences...", length(ids))
    anns <- data.table(id = tstrsplit(ids, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
    anns[, c("kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order",
             "family", "genus", "species") :=
             tstrsplit(ids, "(\\w+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\s+)|;")[2:8]]
Gibbons-Lab/mbtools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 11:08 a.m.