#' Generate bootstrap plots
#' Takes a gene list and a single cell type transcriptome dataset
#' and generates plots which show how the expression of the genes in
#' the list compares to those in randomly generated gene lists.
#' @param full_results The full output of
#' \link[EWCE]{ewce_expression_data} for the same gene list.
#' @param listFileName String used as the root for files saved using
#' this function.
#' @param showGNameThresh Integer. If a gene has over X percent of it's
#' expression proportion in a cell type, then list the gene name.
#' @param sig_only Should plots only be generated for cells which have
#' significant changes?
#' @param sig_col Column name in \code{tt} that contains the
#' significance values.
#' @param sig_thresh Threshold by which to filter \code{tt} by \code{sig_col}.
#' @param celltype_col Column within \code{tt} that contains celltype names.
#' @param plot_types Plot types to generate.
#' @param save_dir Directory where the BootstrapPlots folder should be saved,
#' default is a temp directory.
#' @inheritParams bootstrap_enrichment_test
#' @inheritParams ewce_expression_data
#' @inheritParams orthogene::convert_orthologs
#' @returns Saves a set of PDF files containing graphs.
#' Then returns a nested list with each \code{plot} and
#' the \code{path} where it was saved to.
#' Files start with one of the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{qqplot_noText}: sorts the gene list according to how enriched
#' it is in the relevant cell type. Plots the value in the target list against
#' the mean value in the bootstrapped lists.
#' \item \code{qqplot_wtGSym}: as above but labels the gene symbols for the
#' highest expressed genes.
#' \item \code{bootDists}: rather than just showing the mean of the
#' bootstrapped lists, a boxplot shows the distribution of values
#' \item \code{bootDists_LOG}: shows the bootstrapped distributions with the
#' y-axis shown on a log scale
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load the single cell data
#' ctd <- ewceData::ctd()
#' ## Set the parameters for the analysis
#' ## Use 3 bootstrap lists for speed, for publishable analysis use >10,000
#' reps <- 3
#' annotLevel <- 1 # <- Use cell level annotations (i.e. Interneurons)
#' ## Use 5 up/down regulated genes (thresh) for speed, default is 250
#' thresh <- 5
#' ## Load the top table
#' tt_alzh <- ewceData::tt_alzh()
#' ## See ?example_transcriptome_results for full code to produce tt_results
#' tt_results <- EWCE::example_transcriptome_results()
#' ## Bootstrap significance test,
#' ## no control for transcript length or GC content
#' savePath <- EWCE::generate_bootstrap_plots_for_transcriptome(
#' sct_data = ctd,
#' tt = tt_alzh,
#' thresh = thresh,
#' annotLevel = 1,
#' full_results = tt_results,
#' listFileName = "examples",
#' reps = reps,
#' ttSpecies = "human",
#' sctSpecies = "mouse",
#' # Only do one plot type for demo purposes
#' plot_types = "bootstrap"
#' )
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
generate_bootstrap_plots_for_transcriptome <- function(
bg = NULL,
thresh = 250,
annotLevel = 1,
reps = 100,
full_results = NA,
listFileName = "",
showGNameThresh = 25,
ttSpecies = NULL,
sctSpecies = NULL,
output_species = NULL,
sortBy = "t",
sig_only = TRUE,
sig_col = "q",
sig_thresh = 0.05,
celltype_col = "CellType",
plot_types = c("bootstrap",
save_dir = file.path(tempdir(),"BootstrapPlots"),
method = "homologene",
verbose = TRUE) {
#### Check inputs ####
plot_types <- tolower(plot_types)
#### Check species1 ###
species <- check_species(
genelistSpecies = output_species,
sctSpecies = sctSpecies,
verbose = verbose
output_species <- species$genelistSpecies
sctSpecies <- species$sctSpecies
#### Check species2 ###
species <- check_species(
genelistSpecies = output_species,
sctSpecies = ttSpecies,
verbose = verbose
output_species <- species$genelistSpecies
ttSpecies <- species$sctSpecies
#### Fix celltype names ####
full_results <- fix_celltype_names_full_results(full_results = full_results)
#### Generate background ####
bg_out <- create_background_multilist(
gene_list1 = as.character(unname(rownames(sct_data[[1]]$specificity))),
## Assumes 1st col contains gene names
gene_list2 = as.character(tt[,1]),
gene_list1_species = sctSpecies,
gene_list2_species = ttSpecies,
output_species = output_species,
bg = bg,
use_intersect = TRUE,
method = method,
verbose = verbose
bg <- bg_out$bg
# sct_genes <- unname(bg_out$gene_list1)
# tt_genes <- unname(bg_out$gene_list2)
#### Standardise CTD ####
messager("Standardising sct_data.", v = verbose)
sct_data <- standardise_ctd(
ctd = sct_data,
input_species = sctSpecies,
output_species = output_species,
force_standardise = sctSpecies!=output_species,
dataset = "sct_data",
method = method,
verbose = FALSE
sctSpecies <- output_species
#### Check args ####
sct_data = sct_data,
tt = tt,
thresh = thresh,
annotLevel = annotLevel,
reps = reps,
full_results = full_results,
listFileName = listFileName,
showGNameThresh = showGNameThresh,
sortBy = sortBy
#### Convert tt orthologs ####
tt_list <- prepare_tt(tt = tt,
ttSpecies = ttSpecies,
output_species = output_species,
verbose = verbose)
tt <- tt_list$tt;
tt_genecol <- tt_list$tt_genecol;
ttSpecies <- tt_list$ttSpecies;
### Create plots of up/down regulated genes in each celltype ####
for (dirS in c("Up", "Down")) {
#### Sort tt by up/down regulated ####
a <- full_results$joint_results
results <- a[as.character(a$Direction) == dirS, ]
if (dirS == "Up") {
tt <- tt[order(tt[, sortBy], decreasing = TRUE), ]
if (dirS == "Down") {
tt <- tt[order(tt[, sortBy], decreasing = FALSE), ]
#### Drop hits genes not in expression data ####
### IMPORTANT!: Keep in the this specific order
#### sct genes ####
spec <- sct_data[[annotLevel]]$specificity
sct_genes <- unique(as.character(unname(rownames(spec))))
#### hits ####
hits <- unique( as.character(unname(tt[,tt_genecol])) )
hits <- hits[hits %in% sct_genes]
bg <- bg[!bg %in% hits]
bg <- bg[bg %in% sct_genes]
#### Combined genes ####
combinedGenes <- unique(c(hits, bg))
combinedGenes <- unique(as.character(unname(combinedGenes)))
#### Get expression data of bootstrapped genes ####
if (isTRUE(sig_only)) {
signif_res <- as.character(results[[celltype_col]])[
results[[sig_col]] < sig_thresh]
} else {
signif_res <- as.character(results[[celltype_col]])
signif_res <- fix_celltype_names(celltypes = signif_res)
#### Create matrices of bootstrapped genes ####
exp_mats <- get_exp_data_for_bootstrapped_genes(
results = results,
signif_res = signif_res,
sct_data = sct_data,
hits = hits,
combinedGenes = combinedGenes,
annotLevel = annotLevel,
nReps = reps
#### Get expression levels of the hit genes ####
hit.exp <- sct_data[[annotLevel]]$specificity[hits, ]
graph_theme <- theme_graph()
tag <- sprintf("thresh%s__dir%s", thresh, dirS)
plots <- list()
#### Create QQ plots ####
for (cc in signif_res) {
mean_boot_exp <- apply(exp_mats[[cc]], 2, mean)
hit_exp <- sort(hit.exp[, cc])
hit_exp_names <- rownames(hit.exp)[order(hit.exp[, cc])]
dat <- data.frame(
boot = mean_boot_exp,
hit = hit_exp,
Gnames = hit_exp_names
dat$hit <- dat$hit * 100
dat$boot <- dat$boot * 100
maxX <- max(dat$boot, na.rm = TRUE) +
0.1 * max(dat$boot, na.rm = TRUE)
#### Plot several variants of the graph ####
if("bootstrap" %in% plot_types){
plots[[cc]][["bootstrap"]] <-
dat = dat,
tag = tag,
listFileName = listFileName,
cc = cc,
showGNameThresh = showGNameThresh,
graph_theme = graph_theme,
maxX = maxX,
save_dir = save_dir
#### Plot with bootstrap distribution ####
if("bootstrap_distributions" %in% plot_types){
plots[[cc]][["bootstrap_distributions"]] <-
exp_mats = exp_mats,
cc = cc,
hit_exp = hit_exp,
tag = tag,
listFileName = listFileName,
graph_theme = graph_theme,
save_dir = save_dir
#### Plot with LOG bootstrap distribution ####
if("log_bootstrap_distributions" %in% plot_types){
plots[[cc]][["log_bootstrap_distributions"]] <-
dat = dat,
exp_mats = exp_mats,
cc = cc,
hit_exp = hit_exp,
tag = tag,
listFileName = listFileName,
graph_theme = graph_theme,
save_dir = save_dir
#### Return nested list of plots and paths ####
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.