
Defines functions .FindLayersToJoin LogNormalizeUsingAlternateAssay .InferMatrixDir .RunSoupX MergeSplitLayers HasSplitLayers .MergeSplitLayersIfNeeded .DoMergeSimple PerformEmptyDrops PerformEmptyDropletFiltering .PrintQcPlots CalculatePercentMito CreateSeuratObj

Documented in CalculatePercentMito CreateSeuratObj HasSplitLayers LogNormalizeUsingAlternateAssay MergeSplitLayers PerformEmptyDropletFiltering

	names = c('x', 'y'),
	package = 'CellMembrane',
	add = TRUE

#' @title Wrapper around Seurat::CreateSeuratObject
#' @description Create Seurat object from count data (usually from Read10X()). This also sets pct.mito.
#' @param seuratData Seurat input data, usually from Read10X().
#' @param datasetId This will be used as a prefix for barcodes, and stored in metadata. Also used as the project name for the Seurat object.
#' @param datasetName An optional print-friendly name that will be stored in metadata
#' @param minFeatures Include cells where at least this many features are detected.
#' @param minCells Include features detected in at least this many cells.
#' @param mitoGenesPattern The expression to use when identifying mitochondrial genes
#' @param annotateMitoFromReferenceIfNoHitsFound If true, a list of mitochondrial genes, taken from (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Human_mitochondrial_genes) will be used to calculate p.mito
#' @return A Seurat object with p.mito calculated.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
CreateSeuratObj <- function(seuratData, datasetId, datasetName = NULL, minFeatures = 25, minCells = 0, mitoGenesPattern = "^MT-", annotateMitoFromReferenceIfNoHitsFound = TRUE){
	seuratObj <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = seuratData, min.cells = minCells, min.features = minFeatures, project = datasetId)
	seuratObj <- .PossiblyAddBarcodePrefix(seuratObj, datasetId = datasetId, datasetName = datasetName)
	seuratObj<- CalculatePercentMito(seuratObj, mitoGenesPattern = mitoGenesPattern, annotateMitoFromReferenceIfNoHitsFound = annotateMitoFromReferenceIfNoHitsFound)


#' @title Calculate Mitochrondrial Percentage
#' @description This will identify mitochrondrial genes and calculate p.mito for each cell
#' @param seuratObj The seurat object
#' @param mitoGenesPattern The expression to use when identifying mitochondrial genes
#' @param annotateMitoFromReferenceIfNoHitsFound If true, a list of mitochondrial genes, taken from (https://www.genedx.com/wp-content/uploads/crm_docs/Mito-Gene-List.pdf) will be used to calculate p.mito
#' @param outputColName The name of the output column to hold p.mito
#' @return A Seurat object with p.mito calculated.
#' @export
CalculatePercentMito <- function(seuratObj, mitoGenesPattern = "^MT-", annotateMitoFromReferenceIfNoHitsFound = TRUE, outputColName = 'p.mito') {
	mito.features <- grep(pattern = mitoGenesPattern, x = rownames(x = seuratObj), value = TRUE)
	if (length(mito.features) == 0 && annotateMitoFromReferenceIfNoHitsFound) {
		print('There were no genes matching mitoGenesPattern, so attempting to identify MT genes using name')
		mito.features <- c('ATP6','ATP8','COX1','COX2','COX3','CYTB','ND1','ND2','ND3','ND4','ND4L','ND5','ND6')
		mito.features.prefix <- c('MT-', mito.features)
		i1 <- length(intersect(mito.features, rownames(seuratObj)))
		i2 <- length(intersect(mito.features.prefix, rownames(seuratObj)))
		if (i2 > 0 && i2 > i1) {
			print('Selecting using reference gene set with MT- prefix')
			mito.features <- mito.features.prefix

		mito.features <- intersect(mito.features, rownames(seuratObj))

	print(paste0('Total mito features: ', length(mito.features)))
	mito.features <- intersect(mito.features, rownames(seuratObj))
	print(paste0('Total intersecting with seurat rownames (total: ', length(rownames(seuratObj)),'): ', length(mito.features)))

	if (all(is.null(mito.features)) || length(mito.features) == 0) {
		print('No mito features found')
		seuratObj[[outputColName]] <- 0
	} else {
		p.mito <- Matrix::colSums(x = GetAssayData(object = seuratObj, layer = 'counts')[mito.features, ]) / Matrix::colSums(x = GetAssayData(object = seuratObj, layer = 'counts'))
		seuratObj[[outputColName]] <- p.mito


#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
.PrintQcPlots <- function(seuratObj) {
	if ('p.mito' %in% colnames(seuratObj@meta.data)) {
		totalPMito <- length(unique(seuratObj$p.mito))
	} else {
		totalPMito <- -1

	assayName <- Seurat::DefaultAssay(seuratObj)
	nCountField <- paste0('nCount_', assayName)
	nFeatureField <- paste0('nFeature_', assayName)

	feats <- c(nFeatureField, nCountField)
	if (totalPMito > 1) {
		feats <- c(feats, "p.mito")

	suppressWarnings(print(VlnPlot(object = seuratObj, features = feats, ncol = length(feats))))

	if (totalPMito > 1) {
		print(FeatureScatter(object = seuratObj, feature1 = nCountField, feature2 = "p.mito"))
	} else {
		print("p.mito absent or identical across all cells, will not plot")
	print(FeatureScatter(object = seuratObj, feature1 = nCountField, feature2 = nFeatureField))

	#10x-like plot
	nUMI <- Matrix::colSums(suppressWarnings(GetAssayData(object = seuratObj, layer = "counts")))
	nUMI <- sort(nUMI)

	countAbove <-sapply(nUMI, function(x){
		sum(nUMI >= x)

	print(ggplot(data.frame(x = log10(countAbove), y = log(nUMI)), aes(x = x, y = y)) +
		geom_point() + ylab("UMI/Cell") + xlab("log10(# Cells)") +

#' @title PerformEmptyDropletFiltering
#' @param seuratRawData Raw data
#' @param fdrThreshold FDR threshold, passed directly to PerformEmptyDrops()
#' @param emptyDropNIters Number of iterations, passed directly to PerformEmptyDrops()
#' @param emptyDropsLower Passed directly to emptyDrops(). The lower bound on the total UMI count, at or below which all barcodes are assumed to correspond to empty droplets.
#' @param useEmptyDropsCellRanger If TRUE, will use DropletUtils emptyDropsCellRanger instead of emptyDrops
#' @param nExpectedCells Only applied if emptyDropsCellRanger is selected. Passed to n.expected.cells argument
#' @return Plot
#' @importFrom DropletUtils barcodeRanks
PerformEmptyDropletFiltering <- function(seuratRawData, fdrThreshold=0.001, emptyDropNIters=10000, emptyDropsLower=200, useEmptyDropsCellRanger = FALSE, nExpectedCells = 8000) {
	br.out <- DropletUtils::barcodeRanks(seuratRawData)
	plot(br.out$rank, br.out$total+1, log="xy", xlab="Rank", ylab="Total")

	o <- order(br.out$rank)
	lines(br.out$rank[o], br.out$fitted[o], col="red")
	abline(h=br.out@metadata$knee, col="dodgerblue", lty=2)
	abline(h=br.out@metadata$inflection, col="forestgreen", lty=2)
	legend("bottomleft", lty=2, col=c("dodgerblue", "forestgreen"), legend=c("knee", "inflection"))

	print(paste0('Knee: ', br.out@metadata$knee))
	print(paste0('Inflection: ', br.out@metadata$inflection))
	e.out <- PerformEmptyDrops(seuratRawData, emptyDropNIters = emptyDropNIters, fdrThreshold = fdrThreshold, emptyDropsLower = emptyDropsLower, useEmptyDropsCellRanger = useEmptyDropsCellRanger, nExpectedCells = nExpectedCells)

	toPlot <- e.out[is.finite(e.out$LogProb),]
	if (nrow(toPlot) > 0) {
		plot(toPlot$Total, -toPlot$LogProb, col=ifelse(toPlot$is.cell, "red", "black"), log = "x", xlab="log(Total UMI count)", ylab="-Log Probability")
	} else {
		print('Probabilities all -Inf, unable to plot')

	if (nrow(toPlot) != nrow(e.out)) {
		print(paste0('Total rows with non-finite probabilities: ', (nrow(e.out) - nrow(toPlot))))

	print(paste0('Min UMI count in a droplet called a cell: ', min(e.out$Total[e.out$is.cell])))
  	print(paste0('Max UMI count in a droplet not called a cell: ', max(e.out$Total[!e.out$is.cell])))

	passingCells <- rownames(e.out)[e.out$is.cell]


PerformEmptyDrops <- function(seuratRawData, emptyDropNIters, fdrThreshold=0.001, emptyDropsLower = 100, useEmptyDropsCellRanger = FALSE, nExpectedCells = 8000, seed = GetSeed()){
	print(paste0('Performing ', ifelse(useEmptyDropsCellRanger, yes = 'emptyDropsCellRanger', no = 'emptyDrops'), ' with ', emptyDropNIters, ' iterations'))

	if (!is.null(seed)) {

	if (useEmptyDropsCellRanger) {
		e.out <- DropletUtils::emptyDropsCellRanger(seuratRawData, niters = emptyDropNIters, n.expected.cells = nExpectedCells)
	} else {
		e.out <- DropletUtils::emptyDrops(seuratRawData, niters = emptyDropNIters, lower = emptyDropsLower)

	print(paste0('Input cells: ', nrow(e.out)))
	badRows <- !is.finite(e.out$FDR)
	if (sum(badRows) > 0) {
		print(paste0('Cells with non-finite FDR: ', sum(badRows)))
		e.out <- e.out[!badRows,]

	e.out$is.cell <- e.out$FDR <= fdrThreshold
	print(paste0('Cells passing FDR (', fdrThreshold, '): ', sum(e.out$is.cell, na.rm=TRUE)))
	print(paste0('Cells failing FDR: ', sum(!e.out$is.cell, na.rm=TRUE)))

	totalLimited <- 0
	if (!useEmptyDropsCellRanger) {
		#If there are any entries with FDR above the desired threshold and Limited==TRUE, it indicates that npts should be increased in the emptyDrops call.
		print(table(Limited=e.out$Limited, Significant=e.out$is.cell))
		totalLimited <- sum(e.out$Limited == T & e.out$Significant == F)

	if (totalLimited == 0){
	} else {
		print('Repeating emptyDrops with more iterations')
		return(PerformEmptyDrops(seuratRawData, emptyDropNIters = emptyDropNIters * 2, fdrThreshold = fdrThreshold, emptyDropsLower = emptyDropsLower, seed = seed, useEmptyDropsCellRanger = useEmptyDropsCellRanger, nExpectedCells = nExpectedCells))

.DoMergeSimple <- function(seuratObjs, projectName, merge.data = FALSE, expectedDefaultAssay = NULL, doGC = FALSE){
	seuratObj <- NULL

	for (datasetId in names(seuratObjs)) {
		if (is.null(seuratObj)) {
			seuratObj <- .MergeSplitLayersIfNeeded(seuratObjs[[datasetId]])
			if (!is.null(expectedDefaultAssay)) {
				DefaultAssay(seuratObj) <- expectedDefaultAssay
		} else {
			assayName <- DefaultAssay(seuratObj)
			DefaultAssay(seuratObjs[[datasetId]]) <- assayName

			assayObj <- GetAssay(seuratObjs[[datasetId]], assay = assayName)
			hasGeneId <- 'GeneId' %in% names(slot(assayObj, GetAssayMetadataSlotName(assayObj)))

			if (any(rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]]) != rownames(seuratObjs[[datasetId]][[assayName]]))) {
				missing <- rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]])[!(rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]]) %in% rownames(seuratObjs[[datasetId]][[assayName]]))]
				missing <- c(missing, rownames(seuratObjs[[datasetId]][[assayName]])[!(rownames(seuratObjs[[datasetId]][[assayName]]) %in% rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]]))])
				if (length(missing) > 0) {
					stop(paste0('Gene names are not equal! Missing: ', paste0(missing, collapse = ',')))
				} else {
					sel <- rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]]) != rownames(seuratObjs[[datasetId]][[assayName]])
					genes1 <- rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]])[sel]
					genes2 <- rownames(seuratObjs[[datasetId]][[assayName]])[sel]

					message(paste0('Gene names not identical between objects using assay: ', assayName, '. Problem genes:'))
					message(paste0(genes1, sep =', ', collapse = ','))
					message(paste0(genes2, sep =', ', collapse = ','))

			if (hasGeneId) {
				assayObj <- Seurat::GetAssay(seuratObj, assay = assayName)

				# This can occur if the first object lacks GeneId but the second has it.
				if (!'GeneId' %in% names(slot(assayObj, GetAssayMetadataSlotName(assayObj)))) {
					message('GeneId was present in the second merged object, but not the first. Adding NAs')
					slot(assayObj, GetAssayMetadataSlotName(assayObj))$GeneId <- NA

				geneIds1 <- slot(assayObj, GetAssayMetadataSlotName(assayObj))$GeneId
				geneIds2 <- slot(assayObj, GetAssayMetadataSlotName(assayObj))$GeneId
				names(geneIds1) <- rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]])
				names(geneIds2) <- rownames(seuratObjs[[datasetId]][[assayName]])

			# NOTE: if collapse = TRUE is ever supported, we should use this.
			seuratObj <- merge(x = seuratObj, y = .MergeSplitLayersIfNeeded(seuratObjs[[datasetId]]), project = projectName, merge.data = merge.data)
			seuratObj <- .MergeSplitLayersIfNeeded(seuratObj)

			seuratObjs[[datasetId]] <- NULL
			if (doGC) {

			if (hasGeneId) {
				if (any(is.na(geneIds1)) & !any(is.na(geneIds2))) {
					if (length(geneIds2) != nrow(seuratObj[[assayName]])) {
						stop(paste0('Adding geneIds2 of length that differs from assay: ', length(geneIds2), ' vs. ', nrow(seuratObj[[assayName]])))
					names(geneIds2) <- rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]])
					seuratObj[[assayName]] <- AddMetaData(seuratObj[[assayName]], metadata = geneIds2, col.name = 'GeneId')
				} else if (!any(is.na(geneIds1)) & any(is.na(geneIds2))) {
					if (length(geneIds1) != nrow(seuratObj[[assayName]])) {
						stop(paste0('Adding geneIds1 of length that differs from assay: ', length(geneIds1), ' vs. ', nrow(seuratObj[[assayName]])))
					names(geneIds1) <- rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]])

					seuratObj[[assayName]] <- AddMetaData(seuratObj[[assayName]], metadata = geneIds1, col.name = 'GeneId')
				} else if (!any(is.na(geneIds1)) & !any(is.na(geneIds2))) {
					if (any(geneIds1 != geneIds2)) {
						stop('Gene IDs did not match between seurat objects!')

					names(geneIds1) <- rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]])
					seuratObj[[assayName]] <- AddMetaData(seuratObj[[assayName]], metadata = geneIds1, col.name = 'GeneId')
				} else {
					names(geneIds1) <- rownames(seuratObj[[assayName]])
					seuratObj[[assayName]] <- AddMetaData(seuratObj[[assayName]], metadata = geneIds1, col.name = 'GeneId')

	seuratObj <- .MergeSplitLayersIfNeeded(seuratObj)

	print(paste0('Merge complete, layers:'))
	for (assayName in names(seuratObj@assays)) {
		print(paste0(assayName, ': ', paste0(SeuratObject::Layers(seuratObj, assay = assayName), collapse = ', ')))


.MergeSplitLayersIfNeeded <- function(seuratObj) {
	if (HasSplitLayers(seuratObj)) {


#' @title HasSplitLayers
#' @param seuratObj The seurat object
#' @param assaysToTest An option list of assays to test
#' @return A boolean indicating whether the object has split layers
#' @export
HasSplitLayers <- function(seuratObj, assaysToTest = NULL) {
	if (all(is.null(assaysToTest))) {
		assaysToTest <- Seurat::Assays(seuratObj)

	for (assayName in assaysToTest) {
		if (length(suppressWarnings(SeuratObject::Layers(seuratObj, assay = assayName, search = 'counts'))) > 1) {

		if (length(suppressWarnings(SeuratObject::Layers(seuratObj, assay = assayName, search = 'data'))) > 1) {


#' @title MergeSplitLayers
#' @param seuratObj The seurat object
#' @return The updated seurat object
#' @export
MergeSplitLayers <- function(seuratObj) {
	# NOTE: in Seurat 5.x, the default is to rename layers (i.e. counts.1 and counts.2). Collapse=TRUE avoids this, but this is not supported yet
	for (assayName in Seurat::Assays(seuratObj)) {
		print(paste0('Inspecting assay layers: ', assayName))
		print(paste0('Layers: ', paste0(SeuratObject::Layers(seuratObj[[assayName]]), collapse = ',')))
		print(paste0('Class: ', class(seuratObj[[assayName]])[1]))

		if (inherits(seuratObj[[assayName]], 'Assay5')) {
			toJoin <- .FindLayersToJoin(seuratObj, assayName)
			print(paste0('Joining layers: ', assayName, ', ', paste0(toJoin, collapse = ';')))
			seuratObj[[assayName]] <- SeuratObject::JoinLayers(seuratObj[[assayName]], layers = toJoin)
			print(paste0('After join: ', paste0(SeuratObject::Layers(seuratObj[[assayName]]), collapse = ',')))
		} else {
			print(paste0('Not an assay5 object, not joining layers: ', assayName))

		if (HasSplitLayers(seuratObj, assaysToTest = assayName)) {
			stop(paste0('Layers were not joined: ', assayName, ', ', paste0(SeuratObject::Layers(seuratObj[[assayName]]), collapse = ',')))

	if (HasSplitLayers(seuratObj)) {
		stop(paste0('This seurat object has split layers'))


.RunSoupX <- function(outsDir) {
	sc <- SoupX::load10X(outsDir)
	sc <- SoupX::autoEstCont(sc, doPlot = T)
	seuratRawData <- SoupX::adjustCounts(sc)
	print(paste0('Passing cells: ', ncol(seuratRawData)))
	print(SoupX::plotMarkerMap(sc, geneSet = sc$fit$markersUsed$gene))
	print(SoupX::plotChangeMap(sc, cleanedMatrix = seuratRawData, geneSet = sc$fit$markersUsed$gene))

	# Drop suffixes:
	colnames(seuratRawData) <- sapply(colnames(seuratRawData), function(x){
		return(unlist(strsplit(x, split = '-'))[1])


.InferMatrixDir <- function(dataDir) {
	matrixFile <- paste0(dataDir, 'matrix.mtx')
	matrixFileGz <- paste0(dataDir, 'matrix.mtx.gz')
	if (file.exists(matrixFile) || file.exists(matrixFileGz)) {

	dirWithFeatureMatrix <- paste0(dataDir, 'raw_feature_bc_matrix')
	matrixFile <- paste0(dirWithFeatureMatrix, '/matrix.mtx')
	matrixFileGz <- paste0(dirWithFeatureMatrix, '/matrix.mtx.gz')
	if (file.exists(matrixFile) || file.exists(matrixFileGz)) {

	stop(paste0('Unable to find matrix file in: ', dataDir, ' or ', dirWithFeatureMatrix))

#' @title LogNormalizeUsingAlternateAssay
#' @param seuratObj The seurat object
#' @param assayToNormalize The name of the assay to normalize
#' @param assayForLibrarySize The name of the assay from which to derive library sizes. This will be added to the library size of assayToNormalize.
#' @param scale.factor A scale factor to be applied in normalization
#' @param maxLibrarySizeRatio This normalization relies on the assumption that the library size of the assay being normalized in negligible relative to the assayForLibrarySize. To verify this holds true, the method will error if librarySize(assayToNormalize)/librarySize(assayForLibrarySize) exceeds this value
#' @export
LogNormalizeUsingAlternateAssay <- function(seuratObj, assayToNormalize, assayForLibrarySize = 'RNA', scale.factor = 1e4, maxLibrarySizeRatio = 0.01) {
	toNormalize <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seuratObj, assayToNormalize, layer = 'counts')
	assayForLibrarySizeData <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seuratObj, assay = assayForLibrarySize, layer = 'counts')

	if (any(colnames(toNormalize) != colnames(assayForLibrarySize))) {
		stop(paste0('The assayToNormalize and assayForLibrarySize do not have the same cell names!'))

	margin <- 2
	ncells <- dim(x = toNormalize)[margin]

	for (i in seq_len(length.out = ncells)) {
		x <- toNormalize[, i]
		librarySize <- sum(x) + sum(assayForLibrarySizeData[, i])

		if ((sum(x) / librarySize) > maxLibrarySizeRatio) {
			stop(paste0('The ratio of library sizes was above maxLibrarySizeRatio for cell: ', colnames(assayForLibrarySizeData)[i], '. was: ', (sum(x) / librarySize), ' (', sum(x), ' / ', librarySize, ')'))

		xnorm <- log1p(x = x / librarySize * scale.factor)
		toNormalize[, i] <- xnorm

	seuratObj <- Seurat::SetAssayData(seuratObj, assay = assayToNormalize, layer = 'data', new.data = toNormalize)


.FindLayersToJoin <- function(seuratObj, assayName) {
	layerNames <- SeuratObject::Layers(seuratObj, assay = assayName)
	layerBasenames <- sapply(layerNames, function(x){
		x <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = '\\.'))
		if (length(x) == 1) {

		# Drop the final suffix, on the assumption the initial piece is the layer basename, and the final element is projectName:
		return(paste0(x[-length(x)], collapse = '.'))

	# Any duplicated basenames inducate a split layer:
	layerBasenames <- layerBasenames[!is.na(layerBasenames)]
	layerBasenames <- unique(layerBasenames[duplicated(layerBasenames)])

bimberlabinternal/CellMembrane documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 6:53 a.m.