#' @include ClusteringMethods.R
# Implementation of an algorithm for correcting systematic G nucleotide addition bias to CAGE tags
# (as described in Carninci et al., Nature Genetics 2006, Supplementary Information, section 3-e)
.estimate.G.addition.and.correct <- function(ctss, G.chance, correction.orientation) {
ctss.dt <- data.table(ctss)
removedG <- pos <- NULL # Keep R CMD check happy
ctss.count <- ctss.dt[, list(length(removedG), sum(removedG)), by = pos]
setkeyv(ctss.count, cols = "pos")
# select the 'G' positions in the genome that had some tags before moving the 'G' mismatch reads from previous position - these should be further corrected
V1 <- V2 <- NULL # Keep R CMD check happy
ctss.to.correct <- data.frame(subset(ctss.count, V1 != V2))
if(nrow(ctss.to.correct) > 0){
# iterate sequentially through 'G' positions and correct for the number of reads that have to be moved to downstream position
if(correction.orientation > 0){
ctss.gap <- c(Inf, diff(ctss.to.correct$pos))
}else if(correction.orientation < 0){
ctss.gap <- c(diff(ctss.to.correct$pos), Inf)
G.start <- which(ctss.gap != 1)
G.follow <- which(ctss.gap == 1)
ctss.to.append <- data.frame()
while(length(G.start) > 0) {
F <- as.integer(pmax(round(ctss.to.correct$V1[G.start] - ctss.to.correct$V2[G.start]/G.chance), 0))
ctss.to.correct$V1[G.start] <- ctss.to.correct$V1[G.start] - F
idx <- G.start + correction.orientation
if(correction.orientation > 0){
idx[idx == (nrow(ctss.to.correct) + 1)] <- 1
}else if(correction.orientation < 0){
idx[idx == 0] <- nrow(ctss.to.correct)
G.start.followed <- ctss.to.correct$pos[idx] %in% ctss.to.correct$pos[G.follow]
ctss.to.correct$V1[G.start[G.start.followed] + correction.orientation] <- ctss.to.correct$V1[G.start[G.start.followed] + correction.orientation] + F[G.start.followed]
ctss.to.correct$V2[G.start[G.start.followed] + correction.orientation] <- F[G.start.followed]
ctss.to.append <- rbind(ctss.to.append, data.frame(pos = ctss.to.correct$pos[G.start[!G.start.followed]] + correction.orientation, V1 = F[!G.start.followed], V2 = F[!G.start.followed]))
G.start <- (G.start + correction.orientation)[G.start.followed]
ctss.final <- rbind(ctss.to.correct, ctss.to.append)
ctss.final <- rbind(ctss.final, as.data.frame(ctss.count[V1 == V2]))
ctss.final <- ctss.final[order(ctss.final$pos),]
ctss.final <- data.frame(pos = ctss.final$pos, nr_tags = ctss.final$V1)
ctss.final <- data.frame(pos = ctss.count$pos, nr_tags = ctss.count$V1)
return(subset(ctss.final, ctss.final$nr_tags > 0))
#' .remove.added.G
#' Non-exported private helper function
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
.remove.added.G <- function(reads.GRanges, genome, correctSystematicG = TRUE, sample.label) {
reads.GRanges.plus <- reads.GRanges[strand(reads.GRanges) == "+"]
reads.GRanges.minus <- reads.GRanges[strand(reads.GRanges) == "-"]
G.reads.plus <- which(substr(reads.GRanges.plus$seq, start = 1, stop = 1) == "G")
G.reads.minus <- which(substr(reads.GRanges.minus$seq, start = reads.GRanges.minus$read.length, stop = reads.GRanges.minus$read.length) == "C")
G.mismatch.reads.plus <- G.reads.plus[getSeq(getRefGenome(genome), resize(reads.GRanges.plus[G.reads.plus], width = 1, fix = "start"), as.character = TRUE) != "G"]
reads.GRanges.plus$removedG <- FALSE
reads.GRanges.plus$removedG[G.mismatch.reads.plus] <- TRUE
start(reads.GRanges.plus)[G.mismatch.reads.plus] <- start(reads.GRanges.plus)[G.mismatch.reads.plus] + as.integer(1)
CTSS.plus <- data.frame(chr = as.character(seqnames(reads.GRanges.plus)), pos = start(reads.GRanges.plus), strand = "+", removedG = reads.GRanges.plus$removedG, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
G.mismatch.reads.plus <- NULL
CTSS.plus <- data.frame()
G.mismatch.reads.minus <- G.reads.minus[getSeq(getRefGenome(genome), resize(reads.GRanges.minus[G.reads.minus], width = 1, fix = "start"), as.character = TRUE) != "G"]
reads.GRanges.minus$removedG <- FALSE
reads.GRanges.minus$removedG[G.mismatch.reads.minus] <- TRUE
end(reads.GRanges.minus)[G.mismatch.reads.minus] <- end(reads.GRanges.minus)[G.mismatch.reads.minus] - as.integer(1)
CTSS.minus <- data.frame(chr = as.character(seqnames(reads.GRanges.minus)), pos = end(reads.GRanges.minus), strand = "-", removedG = reads.GRanges.minus$removedG, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
G.mismatch.reads.minus <- NULL
CTSS.minus <- data.frame()
message("\t-> Estimating the frequency of adding a 'G' nucleotide and correcting the systematic bias...")
# estimate chance of adding a 'G' nucleotide at the beginning of the CAGE tag
# -> proportion of reads with unambigously added 'G' ('G' in the read and not in the genome) in all unambigous reads (reads with no 'G' at the beginning + reads with unambigously added 'G')
G.chance <- (length(G.mismatch.reads.plus) + length(G.mismatch.reads.minus)) / ((length(reads.GRanges.plus) - length(G.reads.plus)) + (length(reads.GRanges.minus) - length(G.reads.minus)) + length(G.mismatch.reads.plus) + length(G.mismatch.reads.minus))
f <- function(CTSS, filter, strand) {
CTSS.G <- CTSS[filter,]
CTSS.G.corrected <-
lapply( as.list(unique(CTSS.G$chr))
, function(x) { ctss.corrected <-
ctss = CTSS.G[CTSS.G$chr == x,]
, G.chance = G.chance
, correction.orientation = ifelse(strand == "+", 1, -1))
ctss.corrected$chr <- x
CTSS.G.corrected <- do.call(rbind, CTSS.G.corrected)
CTSS.G.corrected$strand <- strand
CTSS.G.corrected <- CTSS.G.corrected[, c("chr", "pos", "strand", "nr_tags")]
CTSS.no.G <- data.table(CTSS[-filter,])
CTSS.no.G <- .byCtss(CTSS.no.G, "removedG", length)
setnames(CTSS.no.G, c("chr", "pos", "strand", "nr_tags"))
CTSS.final <- rbind(CTSS.G.corrected, as.data.frame(CTSS.no.G))
CTSS.final <- .byCtss(data.table(CTSS.final), "nr_tags", sum)
CTSS.plus.final <- f(CTSS.plus, G.reads.plus, "+")
CTSS.plus.final <- data.table()
CTSS.minus.final <- f(CTSS.minus, G.reads.minus, "-")
CTSS.minus.final <- data.table()
CTSS <- data.table(rbind(as.data.frame(CTSS.plus.final), as.data.frame(CTSS.minus.final)))
CTSS <- rbind(CTSS.plus, CTSS.minus)
CTSS <- CTSS[,c("chr", "pos", "strand")]
CTSS$tag_count <- 1
CTSS <- data.table(CTSS)
CTSS <- .byCtss(CTSS, "tag_count", sum)
setnames(CTSS, c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample.label))
setkeyv(CTSS, cols = c("chr", "pos", "strand"))
gp <- CTSS(CTSS$chr, CTSS$pos, CTSS$strand, bsgenomeName = genome)
score(gp) <- CTSS$score
#' .remove.added.G.CTSS
#' Non-exported private helper function
#' @examples
#' gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1, 10), strand = c("+", "+", "-", "-"))
#' gr$read.length <- 10
#' genome <- genomeName(exampleCAGEexp)
#' .remove.added.G.CTSS(gr, genome)
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
.remove.added.G.CTSS <- function(gr, genome, correctSystematicG = FALSE) {
if(correctSystematicG == TRUE) stop ("correctSystematicG not supported in this function, use .remove.added.G instead.")
gr <- promoters(gr, 0, 1)
gr$genomeSeq <- getSeq(getRefGenome(genome), gr, as.character = TRUE)
grl <- split(gr, strand(gr))
removeOnPlus <- function(gr) {
firstbase <- substr(gr$seq, start = 1, stop = 1)
extraG <- firstbase == "G" & gr$genomeSeq != "G"
ranges(gr[extraG]) <- shift(ranges(gr[extraG]), 1)
grl[["+"]] <- removeOnPlus(grl[["+"]])
removeOnMinus <- function(gr) {
firstbase <- substr(gr$seq,start = gr$read.length, stop = gr$read.length)
extraG <- firstbase == "C" & gr$genomeSeq != "G"
ranges(gr[extraG]) <- shift(ranges(gr[extraG]), -1)
grl[["-"]] <- removeOnMinus(grl[["-"]])
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