
Defines functions summarizeSetOverlap textSearch aggregateDf writeTab readTab

Documented in aggregateDf readTab summarizeSetOverlap textSearch writeTab

# Wrappers, convenience functions and shortcuts for existing functions
#' readTab
#' Wrapper around \code{read.table} to read tab-separated tables by default
#' @param fn	 filename to read
#' @param sep	 see \code{?read.table}
#' @param header see \code{?read.table}
#' @param stringsAsFactors see \code{?read.table}
#' @param quote  see \code{?read.table}
#' @param comment.char see \code{?read.table}
#' @param ...    passed to \code{read.table}
#' @return the result of \code{read.table}
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
readTab <- function(fn, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quote="", comment.char="",  na.strings="", ...){
	read.table(fn, header=header, sep=sep, comment.char=comment.char,  stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, quote=quote, na.strings=na.strings, ...)

#' writeTab
#' Wrapper around \code{write.table} to write tab-separated tables by default
#' @param x      table to write to file
#' @param fn	 filename to write to
#' @param sep	 see \code{?write.table}
#' @param row.names	 see \code{?write.table}
#' @param col.names	 see \code{?write.table}
#' @param quote  see \code{?write.table}
#' @param stringsAsFactors see \code{?write.table}
#' @param ...    passed to \code{write.table}
#' @return the result of \code{write.table}
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
writeTab <- function(x, fn, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, ...){
	write.table(x, fn, sep=sep, row.names=row.names, col.names=col.names, quote=quote, ...)

#' aggregateDf
#' Wrapper around \code{aggregate} to merge rows of a data frame based on a specified grouping.
#' Merging is done by either returning the unique value for each group or if multiple different
#' values exists converting them to character and concatenating by ";"
#' @param df     \code{data.frame} to aggregate
#' @param groupBy vector whose unique values indicates the grouping of the rows in the data frame
#' @return aggregated \code{data.frame}
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
aggregateDf <- function(df, groupBy){
	if (length(groupBy) != nrow(df)) stop("invalid value for 'groupBy'")
	res <- data.frame(
			aggregate(df, list(groupBy), FUN=function(x){
				if (length(unique(x))==1) return(x[1])
				return(paste(sort(as.character(x)), collapse=";"))
			}, simplify=FALSE),
				hasFactor <- any(sapply(x, is.factor))
				hasChar   <- any(sapply(x, is.character))
				if (hasFactor && hasChar) x <- lapply(x, as.character)
	grpNames <- as.character(res[,1]) # first column "Group.1"
	res <- res[,-1] #remove the first column "Group.1"
	rownames(res) <- grpNames

#' textSearch
#' Shortcut wrapper around \code{aggregate} to search case insensive in a vector of strings
#' @param s string or expression
#' @param x string vector to search in
#' @return string vector of matches
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
textSearch <- function(s, x, ...){
	grep(s, x, ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE, ...)

#' summarizeSetOverlap
#' prints overlap statistics for two sets
#' @param set1 vector containing elements in set 1
#' @param set2 vector containing elements in set 2
#' @param set1name name for set 1
#' @param set2name name for set 2
#' @param doVenn plot a Venn diagram
#' @return nothing of interest. If \code{doVenn}, a venn diagram will be plotted to the current plotting device
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
#' @examples
#' summarizeSetOverlap(1:50, 23:100, "1:50", "23:100")
summarizeSetOverlap <- function(set1, set2, set1name="set1", set2name="set2", doVenn=TRUE){
	logger.start(c("Set overlap info:", set1name, "vs.", set2name))
	n1 <- length(set1)
	n2 <- length(set2)
	nInter <- length(intersect(set1, set2))
	nUnion <- length(union(set1, set2))
	n1not2 <- length(setdiff(set1, set2))
	n2not1 <- length(setdiff(set2, set1))
	logger.info(paste0("|", set1name, "|: ", n1))
	logger.info(paste0("|", set2name, "|: ", n2))
	logger.info(paste0("union: ", nUnion))
	logger.info(paste0("intersection (", set1name,"): ", nInter, " of ", n1, " (", round(100*nInter/n1, 2), "%)"))
	logger.info(paste0("intersection (", set2name,"): ", nInter, " of ", n2, " (", round(100*nInter/n2, 2), "%)"))
	logger.info(paste0(set1name, " - ", set2name, ": ", n1not2, " of ", n1, " (", round(100*n1not2/n1, 2), "%)"))
	logger.info(paste0(set2name, " - ", set1name, ": ", n2not1, " of ", n2, " (", round(100*n2not1/n2, 2), "%)"))

	if (doVenn){
		ll <- list(a=set1, b=set2)
		names(ll) <- c(set1name, set2name)
		vd <- venn.diagram(ll, scaled=TRUE, fill=c("#9ecae1", "#fdae6b"), filename=NULL)
demuellae/muRtools documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 4:32 p.m.