
Defines functions .edb.names gsea.rename.genesets.edb .gsea.rename.genesets gsea.rename.genesets

Documented in gsea.rename.genesets gsea.rename.genesets.edb

#' Rename the genesets from within a GSEA object.
#' Rename genesets using a prefix and suffix, such that COWLEY_UP becomes:
#' Optionally, the rank, FDR and direction can also be included so that
#' COWLEY_UP becomes:
#' @param x a GSEA list, optionally with an edb. see import.gsea(...,
#'   edb=TRUE)
#' @param prefix an optional prefix (such as the treatment, eg WTvsTreatA).
#' @param suffix an optional prefix (such as the treatment, eg WTvsTreatA).
#' @param fdr add the fdr in parentheses to the end? eg " (0.001)"
#' @param rank add the rank at the start? eg "12: "
#' @param direction add UP or DOWN to the end?
#' @param maxlen the max number of characters in the geneset name (before we
#'   add rank & fdr & direction to it)
#' @return a GSEA list with modified names.
#' @author Mark Cowley, 2009-10-14
#' @export
gsea.rename.genesets <- function(x, prefix=NULL, suffix=NULL, fdr=FALSE, rank=FALSE, direction=FALSE, maxlen=60) {

	old.names <- x$tt$NAME
	new.names <- .gsea.rename.genesets(old.names, x$tt, direction=direction, fdr=fdr, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, rank=rank, maxlen=maxlen)

	x$tt$NAME <- new.names[match(old.names, x$tt$NAME)]
	names(x$leading.edge) <- new.names[match(old.names, names(x$leading.edge))]
	if( "edb" %in% names(x) ) {
		# x$edb <- gsea.rename.genesets.edb(x$edb, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, fdr=fdr, rank=rank, direction=direction, maxlen=maxlen)
		x$edb <- gsea.rename.genesets.edb(x$edb, old.names, new.names)
		names(x$gmt) <- new.names[match(old.names, names(x$gmt))]


#' Internal function used to rename geneset names, based on a prefix and suffix, and optionally, their rank, qvalue, and direction.
#' @param genesets a vector of geneset names
#' @param tt a gsea top table. see import.gsea.topTable
#' @param prefix an optional prefix (such as the treatment, eg WTvsTreatA). Separated by a single space.
#' @param suffix an optional prefix (such as the treatment, eg WTvsTreatA). Separated by a single space.
#' @param fdr add the fdr in parentheses to the end? eg " (0.001)"
#' @param rank add the rank at the start? eg "12: "
#' @param direction add UP or DOWN to the end?
#' @param maxlen the max number of characters in the geneset name (before we add rank & fdr & direction to it)
#' @return a \code{vector} of geneset names, same length and order as input, something like this:
#'	"1: HSA04512_ECM_RECEPTOR_INTERACTION (0.00952) up"\cr
#'  "3: HSA04060_CYTOKINE_CYTOKINE_RECEPTOR_I... (0.00645) up"
#' @noRd
#' @author Mark Cowley, 2009-09-03
.gsea.rename.genesets <- function(genesets, tt, prefix=NULL, suffix=NULL, fdr=FALSE, rank=FALSE, direction=FALSE, maxlen=60) {
	idx <- match(genesets, tt$NAME)
	if( any(is.na(idx)) )
		stop("Not all genesets found in the tt$NAME column.\n")

	tt <- tt[idx, c("RANK", "NAME", "FDR.q.val", "DIRECTION")]
	if( any(nchar(tt$NAME) > maxlen) ) {
		idx <- nchar(tt$NAME) > maxlen
		tt$NAME[idx] <- paste(str_left(tt$NAME[idx], maxlen-3), "...", sep="")
	# V1: not flexible enough.
	# res <- apply(tt[,1:3], 1, function(x) {
	# 	sprintf("%s: %s (%.3f)", as.character(x[1]), x[2], as.numeric(x[3]))
	# })
	# if( direction )
	# 	res <- paste(res, tt$DIRECTION)	

	# V2
	res <- tt$NAME
	if( !is.null(prefix) )
		res <- sprintf("%s_%s", prefix, res)
	if( !is.null(suffix) )
		res <- sprintf("%s_%s", res, suffix)
	if( fdr )
		res <- sprintf("%s (%.3f)", res, as.numeric(tt$FDR.q.val))
	if( rank )
		res <- sprintf("%d: %s", as.numeric(tt$RANK), res)
	if( direction )
		res <- sprintf("%s %s", res, toupper(tt$DIRECTION))

#' Parse an edb XML object, and rename the genesets with optional prefix and
#' suffix.
#' This is intended to be used by \code{gsea.rename.genesets}, which should calculate
#' \code{old.names} and \code{new.names}. Entries in \code{edb}, given that they are xml are in no
#' strict order (although they seem to be ordered from most -ve NES to most
#' +ve NES). Thus you need to supply the \code{old.names} is so that we can ensure
#' the entries in edb get renamed correctly.
#' @param edb an XMLDocument. See \code{import.gsea.edb(..., edb=TRUE)}
#' @param old.names a vector of original geneset names. these should be found
#'   within the edb names
#' @param new.names the new names, in the same order as the old names.
#' @return An mutable \code{XMLInternalDOM} (ie an XML tree much like an XMLDocument
#'   but which can be modified) which is a copy of the original edb
#'   XMLDocument.
#' @author Mark Cowley, 2009-10-06
#' @export
#' @importFrom XML xmlTree xmlAttrs xmlSize xmlApply
gsea.rename.genesets.edb <- function(edb, old.names, new.names) {

	r <- xmlRoot(edb, skip=TRUE)

	edb.names <- .edb.names(edb)
	geneset.prefix <- rep("gene_sets.gmt", length(edb.names))
	# # need to ensure that the names in the edb are in the same order as the old.names and thus new.names.
	# edb.names <- as.character(xmlApply(r, function(node) { xmlAttrs(node)["GENESET"] }))
	# tmp <- strsplit(edb.names, "#")
	# geneset.prefix <- sapply(tmp, "[", 1) # the LHS
	# edb.names <- sapply(tmp, "[", 2) # the RHS

	idx <- match(edb.names, old.names)
		stop("Some of the geneset names within edb are not found in your old.names vector.")

	old.names <- old.names[idx]
	new.names <- new.names[idx]
	new.names <- paste(geneset.prefix, new.names, sep="#")

	suppressWarnings(res <- xmlTree("EDB", attrs=xmlAttrs(r))) # produces these warnings: 
	# In xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document
	# even in the example(xmlTree)

	for(i in 1:xmlSize(r)) {
		a <- xmlAttrs(r[[i]])
		a["GENESET"] <- new.names[i]

		res$addNode("DTG", attrs=a)


#' Private function to get the edb GENESET names from within an edb object.
#' @param edb the path to an edb file
#' @return the edb names
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom XML xmlRoot xmlApply xmlAttrs
.edb.names <- function(edb) {
	r <- xmlRoot(edb, skip=TRUE)

	# need to ensure that the names in the edb are in the same order as the old.names and thus new.names.
	edb.names <- as.character(xmlApply(r, function(node) { xmlAttrs(node)["GENESET"] }))
	tmp <- strsplit(edb.names, "#")
	# geneset.prefix <- sapply(tmp, "[", 1) # the LHS
	edb.names <- sapply(tmp, "[", 2) # the RHS

# # Parse an edb XML object, and rename the genesets with optional prefix and suffix.
# # NB: any spaces in pre/suffix will be replaced with "_".
# # I suggest separating words with "_". untested using :, ;, -, '.'
# #
# # Parameters:
# #	edb: an XMLDocument. See import.gsea.edb
# #	prefix: A character(1). eg "PRE_", or "SET_A_"
# #	suffix: A character(1). eg "_POST", or "_SET_B"
# #	fdr: add the fdr in parentheses to the end? eg " (0.001)"
# #	rank: add the rank at the start? eg "12: "
# #	direction: add UP or DOWN to the end?
# #	maxlen: the max number of characters in the geneset name (before we add rank & fdr & direction to it)
# #
# # Details:
# #	The entries in edb files are unaware of their ranking (which can be determined from the NES score.)
# #
# # Value:
# #	An mutable XMLInternalDOM (ie an XML tree much like an XMLDocument but which can be modified) which is a copy of the original edb XMLDocument.
# #
# # Mark Cowley, 2009-10-06
# #
# gsea.rename.genesets.edb <- function(edb, prefix=NULL, suffix=NULL, fdr=FALSE, rank=FALSE, direction=FALSE, maxlen=60) {
# 	r <- xmlRoot(edb, skip=TRUE)
# 	#
# 	# I want to use the .gsea.rename.genesets to change my geneset names.
# 	# This will be FAR better for consistency.
# 	# Thus I need to make a tt object, containing these columns at a minimum:
# 	# c("RANK", "NAME", "FDR.q.val", "DIRECTION")
# 	#
# 	elements <- xmlApply(r, function(node) { xmlAttrs(node)[c("GENESET", "NES", "FDR")] })
# 	old.names <- as.character(sapply(elements, "[", 1))
# 	tmp <- strsplit(old.names, "#")
# 	geneset.prefix <- sapply(tmp, "[", 1) # the LHS
# 	old.names <- sapply(tmp, "[", 2) # the RHS
# 	nes.scores <- as.numeric(sapply(elements, "[", 2))
# 	fdr.vals <- as.numeric(sapply(elements, "[", 3))
# 	# edb entries don't know thir ranking relative to each other.
# 	# Determine the ranking based on the NES scores of all entries....
# 	ranks <- rep(NA, length(nes.scores))
# 	ranks[nes.scores>0] <- rank(1/nes.scores[nes.scores>0])
# 	ranks[nes.scores<0] <- rank(-1/nes.scores[nes.scores<0])
# 	direc <- rep("UP", length(nes.scores))
# 	direc[nes.scores<0] <- "DOWN"
# 	# make the tt object...
# 	tt <- data.frame(RANK=ranks, NAME=old.names, NES=nes.scores, FDR.q.val=fdr.vals, DIRECTION=direc, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# 	# determine the new names for the genesets.
# 	new.names <- .gsea.rename.genesets(genesets=old.names, tt=tt, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix, fdr=fdr, rank=rank, direction=direction, maxlen=maxlen)
# 	new.names <- paste(geneset.prefix, new.names, sep="#")
# 	suppressWarnings(res <- xmlTree("EDB", attrs=xmlAttrs(r))) # produces these warnings: 
# 	# In xmlRoot.XMLInternalDocument(currentNodes[[1]]) : empty XML document
# 	# even in the example(xmlTree)
# 	for(i in 1:xmlSize(r)) {
# 		a <- xmlAttrs(r[[i]])
# 		a["GENESET"] <- new.names[i]
# 		# geneset.path <- strsplit(a[3], "#")[[1]]
# 		# geneset <- geneset.path[2]
# 		# if( !is.null(prefix) )
# 		# 	geneset <- sprintf("%s_%s", prefix, geneset)
# 		# if( !is.null(suffix) )
# 		# 	geneset <- sprintf("%s_%s", geneset, suffix)
# 		# if( fdr )
# 		# 	geneset <- sprintf("%s (%.3f)", geneset, as.numeric(a["FDR"]))
# 		# if( rank ) { 
# 		# 	geneset <- sprintf("%d: %s", ranks[i], geneset)
# 		# }
# 		# if( direction ) {
# 		# 	direc <- ifelse(as.numeric(a["NES"])>0,"UP","DOWN")
# 		# 	geneset <- sprintf("%s %s", geneset, direc)
# 		# }
# 		# geneset.path[2] <- geneset
# 		# geneset.path <- paste(geneset.path, collapse="#")
# 		# a[3] <- geneset.path
# 		res$addNode("DTG", attrs=a)
# 	}
# 	res
# }
drmjc/metaGSEA documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 1:53 p.m.