
Defines functions plotTreeDiscretized output.uniform plotTreeDual plotTreeHighlight plotTree

Documented in output.uniform plotTree plotTreeDiscretized plotTreeDual plotTreeHighlight

#' Plot 2D Dendrogram of URD Tree
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param label (Character) Data to use for color information, see \link{data.for.plot}
#' @param label.type (Character) See \link{data.for.plot}
#' @param title (Character) Title to display on the plot
#' @param legend (Logical) Show a legend?
#' @param legend.title (Character) Title to display on the legend
#' @param legend.point.size (Numeric) How big should points be in the legend?
#' @param plot.tree (Logical) Whether to plot the dendrogram
#' @param tree.alpha (Numeric) Transparency of dendrogram (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque)
#' @param tree.size (Numeric) Thickness of lines of dendrogram
#' @param plot.tree (Logical) Whether cells should be plotted with the tree
#' @param cell.alpha (Numeric) Transparency of cells (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque)
#' @param cell.size (Numeric) How large should cells be
#' @param label.x (Logical) Should tips on the x-axis be labeled
#' @param label.segments (Logical) Should segments of the dendrogram be labeled with their numbers
#' @param discrete.ignore.na (Logical)
#' @param color.tree (Logical) Should the dendrogram be colored according to the data? Default \code{NULL} colors the tree when plotting continuous variables, but not when plotting discrete variables.
#' @param continuous.colors (Character vector) Colors to make color scale if plotting a continuous variable
#' @param discrete.colors (Character vector) Colors to use if plotting a discrete variable
#' @param color.limits (Numeric vector, length 2) Minimum and maximum values for color scale. Default \code{NULL} auto-detects.
#' @param symmetric.color.scale (Logical) Should the color scale be symmetric and centered around 0? (Default \code{NULL} is \code{FALSE} if all values are positive, and \code{TRUE} if both positive and negative values are present.)
#' @param hide.y.ticks (Logical) Should the pseudotime values on the y-axis be hidden?
#' @param cells.highlight (Character vector) Group of cells to plot last, ensuring that they are highlighted on the tree.
#' @param cells.highlight.alpha (Numeric) Transparency of highlighted cells (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque)
#' @param cells.highlight.size (Numeric) Size of highlighted cells
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @export
plotTree <- function(object, label=NULL, label.type="search", title=label, legend=T, legend.title="", legend.point.size=6*cell.size, plot.tree=T, tree.alpha=1, tree.size=1, plot.cells=T, cell.alpha=0.25, cell.size=0.5, label.x=T, label.segments=F, discrete.ignore.na=F, color.tree=NULL, continuous.colors=NULL, discrete.colors=NULL, color.limits=NULL, symmetric.color.scale=NULL, hide.y.ticks=T, cells.highlight=NULL, cells.highlight.alpha=1, cells.highlight.size=2) {
  # Validation of parameters
  if (class(object) != "URD") stop("Must provide an URD object as input to plotTree.")
  if (length(object@tree) == 0) stop("A tree has not been calculated for this URD object. buildTree must be run first.")
  # Grab various layouts from the object
  segment.layout <- object@tree$segment.layout
  tree.layout <- object@tree$tree.layout
  if (plot.cells) cell.layout <- object@tree$cell.layout

  # Initialize ggplot and do basic formatting
  the.plot <- ggplot()
  if (hide.y.ticks) {
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_y_reverse(c(1,0), name="Pseudotime", breaks=NULL)
  } else {
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_y_reverse(c(1,0), name="Pseudotime", breaks=seq(0, 1, 0.1))
  the.plot <- the.plot + theme_bw() + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.grid.minor=element_blank())
  the.plot <- the.plot + labs(x="", title=title, color=legend.title)
  # Extract expression information
  if (!is.null(label)) {
    # Grab data to color by
    if (length(label) > 1) stop("Cannot plot by multiple labels simultaneously.")
    color.data <- data.for.plot(object, label=label, label.type=label.type, as.color=F, as.discrete.list = T, cells.use=rownames(object@diff.data))
    color.discrete <- color.data$discrete
    color.data <- data.frame(cell=names(color.data$data), value=color.data$data, node=object@diff.data[,"node"], stringsAsFactors=F)
  # Summarize expression information if plotting tree
  if (plot.tree && !is.null(label)) {
    if (!color.discrete) {
      # Mean expression per node
      node.data <- aggregate(color.data$value, by=list(color.data$node), FUN=mean.of.logs)
      rownames(node.data) <- node.data$Group.1
      node.data$n <- unlist(lapply(object@tree$cells.in.nodes, length))[node.data$Group.1]
    } else {
      # If uniform expression, then give that output, otherwise give NA.
      node.data <- aggregate(color.data$value, by=list(color.data$node), FUN=output.uniform, na.rm=discrete.ignore.na)
      rownames(node.data) <- node.data$Group.1
      node.data$n <- unlist(lapply(object@tree$cells.in.nodes, length))[node.data$Group.1]
    # Color segments according to their expression of their end node
    # (Replace -0 nodes with -1 for getting expression data.)
    tree.layout$node.1 <- gsub("-0","-1",tree.layout$node.1)
    tree.layout$node.2 <- gsub("-0","-1",tree.layout$node.2)
    tree.layout[,"expression"] <- node.data[tree.layout$node.2,"x"]
  # Figure out color limits if plotting a non-discrete label
  if (!is.null(label) && !color.discrete && is.null(color.limits)) {
    # Take from cells if plotting, otherwise from tree.
    if (plot.cells) color.data.for.scale <- color.data$value else color.data.for.scale <- tree.layout$expression
    # Set symmetric scale automatically if not provided
    if (is.null(symmetric.color.scale)) {
      if (min(color.data.for.scale) < 0) symmetric.color.scale <- T else symmetric.color.scale <- F
    if (symmetric.color.scale) {
      color.mv <- max(abs(color.data.for.scale))
      color.limits <- c(-1*color.mv, color.mv)
    } else {
      color.max <- max(color.data.for.scale)
      color.min <- min(c(0, color.data.for.scale))
      color.limits <- c(color.min, color.max)
  } else if (!is.null(label) && !color.discrete) {
    if (abs(color.limits[1]) == abs(color.limits[2])) symmetric.color.scale <- T else symmetric.color.scale <- F
  # Add cells to graph
  if (plot.cells) {
    if (!is.null(label)) {
      # Add color info to cell.layout
      if (color.discrete) {
        cell.layout$expression <- as.factor(color.data[cell.layout$cell, "value"])
      } else {
        cell.layout$expression <- color.data[cell.layout$cell, "value"]
      # With color
      if (is.null(cells.highlight)) {
        # Plot all cells.
        the.plot <- the.plot + geom_point(data=cell.layout, aes(x=x,y=y,color=expression), alpha=cell.alpha, size=cell.size)
      } else {
        # Plot non-highlighted cells
        the.plot <- the.plot + geom_point(data=cell.layout[setdiff(rownames(cell.layout), cells.highlight),], aes(x=x,y=y,color=expression), alpha=cell.alpha, size=cell.size)
        # Plot highlighted cells
        the.plot <- the.plot + geom_point(data=cell.layout[cells.highlight,], aes(x=x,y=y,color=expression), alpha=cells.highlight.alpha, size=cells.highlight.size)
    } else {
      # Just plain black if no label
      the.plot <- the.plot + geom_point(data=cell.layout, aes(x=x,y=y), alpha=cell.alpha, size=cell.size)
  # If color.tree is NULL, determine what it should be.
  if (is.null(label)) {
    color.tree <- FALSE
  } else if (is.null(color.tree)) {
    if (color.discrete) color.tree <- F else color.tree <- T
  # Add tree to graph
  if (plot.tree) {
    if (!is.null(label) && color.tree) {
      # With color, if desired
      the.plot <- the.plot + geom_segment(data=tree.layout, aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2, color=expression), alpha=tree.alpha, size=tree.size, lineend="square") 
    } else {
      # Just plain black if no label
      the.plot <- the.plot + geom_segment(data=tree.layout, aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2), color='black', alpha=tree.alpha, size=tree.size, lineend="square")
  # Add color
  if (!is.null(label)) {
    if (!color.discrete) {
      if (is.null(continuous.colors)) {
        the.plot <- the.plot + scale_color_gradientn(colors=defaultURDContinuousColors(with.grey=T, symmetric=symmetric.color.scale), limits=color.limits)
      } else {
        the.plot <- the.plot + scale_color_gradientn(colors=continuous.colors, limits=color.limits)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(discrete.colors)) {
        the.plot <- the.plot + scale_color_manual(values=discrete.colors)
  # Remove legend if desired
  if (!legend) {
    the.plot <- the.plot + guides(color=FALSE, shape=FALSE)
  } else if (!is.null(label) && color.discrete) {
    # Otherwise, make the legend points bigger if coloring by a discrete value
    the.plot <- the.plot + guides(color=guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=legend.point.size, alpha=1)))
  # Label segment names along the x-axis?
  if (label.x) {
    if ("segment.names" %in% names(object@tree)) {
      # Add segment names to segment.layout
      segment.layout$name <- object@tree$segment.names[segment.layout$segment]
      tip.layout <- segment.layout[complete.cases(segment.layout),]
    } else {
      # Find terminal tips
      tip.layout <- segment.layout[which(segment.layout$segment %in% object@tree$tips),]
      tip.layout$name <- as.character(tip.layout$segment)
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_x_continuous(breaks=as.numeric(tip.layout$x), labels=as.character(tip.layout$name))
    if (any(unlist(lapply(tip.layout$name, nchar)) > 2)) {
      the.plot <- the.plot + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 68, vjust = 1, hjust=1))
  } else {
    the.plot <- the.plot + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank())
  # Label the segments with their number?
  if (label.segments) {
    segment.labels <- as.data.frame(segment.layout[,c("segment","x")])
    segment.labels$y <- apply(object@tree$segment.pseudotime.limits, 1, num.mean)[segment.labels$segment]
    the.plot <- the.plot + geom_label(data=segment.labels, aes(x=x, y=y, label=segment), alpha=0.5)

#' Plot 2D Dendrogram of URD Tree (with cells that meet arbitrary criteria highlighted)
#' This produces an URD dendrogram with cells that meet any group of arbitrary criteria highlighted on the tree. It uses the \code{highlight.cells}, \code{highlight.cells.alpha}, and \code{highlight.cells.size} parameters of \code{\link{plotTree}} which can alternatively be used to accomplish this.
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param label.name (Character vector) Data to use for selecting cells, see \link{data.for.plot}
#' @param label.value (List of vectors) List of same length as \code{label.name}; Each entry is the acceptable values for the corresponding entry in \code{label.name}
#' @param color (Character) Color to use for highlighted cells
#' @param bg.color (Character) Color to use for non-highlighted cells
#' @param highlight.alpha (Numeric) Transparency of highlighted cells (0 is fully transparent, 1 is fully opaque)
#' @param highlight.size (Numeric) Size of points of highlighted cells
#' @param combine (Character) Should highlighted cells be the \code{intersect} (i.e. cells that meet ALL criteria) or the \code{union} (i.e. cells that meet any criteria)
#' @param ... all additional parameters are passed to \code{\link{plotTree}}
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @export
plotTreeHighlight <- function(object, label.name, label.value, color="red", bg.color="#CCCCCC", highlight.alpha=0.6, highlight.size=1.5, combine=c("intersect", "union"), ...) {
  # Parse input
  if (length(label.name) != length(label.value)) stop("label.name must be a vector and label.value must be a list of the same length as label.name")
  if (length(combine) > 1) combine <- combine[1]
  # Get cells that meet all criteria
  cell.lists <- lapply(1:length(label.name), function(i) whichCells(object, label = label.name[i], value = label.value[[i]]))
  if (tolower(combine) == "intersect") {
    cells.highlight <- names(which(table(unlist(cell.lists)) == length(cell.lists)))
  } else if (tolower(combine) == "union") {
    cells.highlight <- unique(unlist(cell.lists))
  } else {
    stop("combine must be 'intersect' or 'union'.")
  # Make a fake group.id for them
  object@group.ids$data.plot <- "NO"
  object@group.ids[cells.highlight, "data.plot"] <- "YES"
  # Do the plot
  return(plotTree(object, "data.plot", discrete.colors=c(bg.color, color), cells.highlight = cells.highlight, legend = F, cells.highlight.alpha = highlight.alpha, cells.highlight.size = highlight.size, ...))

#' Plot 2D Dendrogram of URD Tree
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param label.red (Character) Data to use for coloring points/tree in the red channel: see \link{data.for.plot}
#' @param label.green (Character) Data to use for coloring points/tree in the green channel: see \link{data.for.plot}
#' @param label.type.red (Character) Type of data to search for the label for the red channel. Default is "search" which checks several data types in order. For more information: \code{\link{data.for.plot}}
#' @param label.type.green (Character) Type of data to search for the label for the green channel. Default is "search" which checks several data types in order. For more information: \code{\link{data.for.plot}}
#' @param title (Character) Title to display on the plot. Default \code{NULL} auto-creates a title based on what is plotted.
#' @param legend (Logical) Show a legend?
#' @param legend.title (Character) Title to display on the legend
#' @param plot.tree (Logical) Whether to plot the dendrogram
#' @param tree.alpha (Numeric) Transparency of dendrogram (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque)
#' @param tree.size (Numeric) Thickness of lines of dendrogram
#' @param plot.tree (Logical) Whether cells should be plotted with the tree
#' @param cell.alpha (Numeric) Transparency of cells (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque)
#' @param cell.size (Numeric) How large should cells be
#' @param label.x (Logical) Should tips on the x-axis be labeled
#' @param label.segments (Logical) Should segments of the dendrogram be labeled with their numbers
#' @param color.tree (Logical) Should the dendrogram be colored according to the data? 
#' @param color.limits.red (Numeric vector, length 2) Minimum and maximum values for color scale. Default \code{NULL} auto-detects.
#' @param color.limits.green (Numeric vector, length 2) Minimum and maximum values for color scale. Default \code{NULL} auto-detects.
#' @param hide.y.ticks (Logical) Should the pseudotime values on the y-axis be hidden?
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @export
plotTreeDual <- function(object, label.red, label.green, label.type.red="search", label.type.green="search", title=NULL, legend=T, legend.title="", plot.tree=T, tree.alpha=1, tree.size=1, plot.cells=T, cell.alpha=0.25, cell.size=0.5, label.x=T, label.segments=F, color.tree=T, color.limits.red=NULL, color.limits.green=NULL, hide.y.ticks=T) {

  # Validation of parameters
  if (class(object) != "URD") stop("Must provide an URD object as input to plotTree.")
  if (length(object@tree) == 0) stop("A tree has not been calculated for this URD object. buildTree must be run first.")
  # Grab various layouts from the object
  segment.layout <- object@tree$segment.layout
  tree.layout <- object@tree$tree.layout
  if (plot.cells) cell.layout <- object@tree$cell.layout
  # Create title if needed
  if (is.null(title)) title <- paste(label.red, "(red) vs.", label.green, "(green)")
  # Initialize ggplot and do basic formatting
  the.plot <- ggplot()
  if (hide.y.ticks) {
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_y_reverse(c(1,0), name="Pseudotime", breaks=NULL)
  } else {
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_y_reverse(c(1,0), name="Pseudotime", breaks=seq(0, 1, 0.1))
  the.plot <- the.plot + theme_bw() + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.grid.minor=element_blank())
  the.plot <- the.plot + labs(x="", title=title, color=legend.title)
  # Grab data to color by
  plot.red <- data.for.plot(object, label=label.red, label.type=label.type.red, as.color=F, as.discrete.list = T, cells.use=rownames(object@diff.data))
  plot.green <- data.for.plot(object, label=label.green, label.type=label.type.green, as.color=F, as.discrete.list = T, cells.use=rownames(object@diff.data))
  if (plot.red$discrete || plot.green$discrete) stop("Cannot use discrete labels in dual-color plots.")
  color.data <- data.frame(cell=rownames(object@diff.data), gene.red=plot.red$data, gene.green=plot.green$data, node=object@diff.data[,"node"], stringsAsFactors=F)
  # Summarize expression information if plotting tree
  if (plot.tree) {
    # Mean expression per node
    node.data <- aggregate(color.data[,c("gene.red", "gene.green")], by=list(color.data$node), FUN=mean.of.logs)
    rownames(node.data) <- node.data$Group.1
    node.data$n <- unlist(lapply(object@tree$cells.in.nodes, length))[node.data$Group.1]
    # Color segments according to their expression of their end node
    # (Replace -0 nodes with -1 for getting expression data.)
    tree.layout$node.1 <- gsub("-0","-1",tree.layout$node.1)
    tree.layout$node.2 <- gsub("-0","-1",tree.layout$node.2)
    tree.layout[,"gene.green"] <- node.data[tree.layout$node.2,"gene.green"]
    tree.layout[,"gene.red"] <- node.data[tree.layout$node.2,"gene.red"]
  # Determine color scale limits
  # Take from cells if plotting
  if (plot.cells) {
    if (is.null(color.limits.red)) {
      color.limits.red <- c(0, quantile(color.data$gene.red[color.data$gene.red > 0], prob=0.975, na.rm=T))
    if (is.null(color.limits.green)) {
      color.limits.green <- c(0, quantile(color.data$gene.green[color.data$gene.green > 0], prob=0.975, na.rm=T))
  # Otherwise use tree averages
  } else {
    if (is.null(color.limits.red)) {
      color.limits.red <- c(0, quantile(tree.layout$gene.red[tree.layout$gene.red > 0], prob=0.975, na.rm=T))
    if (is.null(color.limits.green)) {
      color.limits.green <- c(0, quantile(tree.layout$gene.green[tree.layout$gene.green > 0], prob=0.975, na.rm=T))
  # Rescale color data for cells and tree
  color.data$gene.red.scaled <- squish(rescale(color.data$gene.red, from=c(color.limits.red[1], color.limits.red[2])), c(0,1))
  color.data$gene.green.scaled <- squish(rescale(color.data$gene.green, from=c(color.limits.green[1], color.limits.green[2])), c(0,1))
  tree.layout$gene.red.scaled <- squish(rescale(tree.layout$gene.red, from=c(color.limits.red[1], color.limits.red[2])), c(0,1))
  tree.layout$gene.green.scaled <- squish(rescale(tree.layout$gene.green, from=c(color.limits.green[1], color.limits.green[2])), c(0,1))
  # Integrate RGB values into final color for cells and tree
  cc <- which(complete.cases(color.data))
  color.data[cc,"color.plot"] <- rgb(color.data[cc,"gene.red.scaled"], color.data[cc,"gene.green.scaled"], 0)
  cc.tree <- which(complete.cases(tree.layout))
  tree.layout[cc.tree,"color.plot"] <- rgb(tree.layout[cc.tree,"gene.red.scaled"], tree.layout[cc.tree,"gene.green.scaled"], 0)
  # Add cells to graph
  if (plot.cells) {
      cell.layout$expression <- color.data[cell.layout$cell, "color.plot"]
      the.plot <- the.plot + geom_point(data=cell.layout, aes(x=x,y=y,color=expression), alpha=cell.alpha, size=cell.size)
  # Add tree to graph
  if (plot.tree) {
    if (color.tree) {
      # With color, if desired
      the.plot <- the.plot + geom_segment(data=tree.layout, aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2, color=color.plot), alpha=tree.alpha, size=tree.size, lineend="square") 
    } else {
      # Just plain black if no label
      the.plot <- the.plot + geom_segment(data=tree.layout, aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2), color='#333333', alpha=tree.alpha, size=tree.size, lineend="square")
  # Add color
  the.plot <- the.plot + scale_color_identity()
  # Label segment names along the x-axis?
  if (label.x) {
    if ("segment.names" %in% names(object@tree)) {
      # Add segment names to segment.layout
      segment.layout$name <- object@tree$segment.names[segment.layout$segment]
      tip.layout <- segment.layout[complete.cases(segment.layout),]
    } else {
      # Find terminal tips
      tip.layout <- segment.layout[which(segment.layout$segment %in% object@tree$tips),]
      tip.layout$name <- as.character(tip.layout$segment)
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_x_continuous(breaks=as.numeric(tip.layout$x), labels=as.character(tip.layout$name))
    if (any(unlist(lapply(tip.layout$name, nchar)) > 2)) {
      the.plot <- the.plot + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 68, vjust = 1, hjust=1))
  } else {
    the.plot <- the.plot + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank())
  # Label the segments with their number?
  if (label.segments) {
    segment.labels <- as.data.frame(segment.layout[,c("segment","x")])
    segment.labels$y <- apply(object@tree$segment.pseudotime.limits, 1, num.mean)[segment.labels$segment]
    the.plot <- the.plot + geom_label(data=segment.labels, aes(x=x, y=y, label=segment), alpha=0.5)

#' Is Vector Uniform?
#' Determine whether all elements of a vector are the same
#' @param x (Vector) Values to check for uniformity
#' @param na.rm (Logical) Should NA be considered a value or excluded from the comparison?
#' @return Either \code{NA} if the vector is not uniform, or the unique value (as character) otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
output.uniform <- function(x, na.rm=F) {
  y <- unique(as.character(x))
  if (na.rm) y <- setdiff(y, NA)
  if (length(y) == 1) return(y) else return(NA)

#' Plot 2D Dendrogram of URD Tree, Discretized
#' Plots cells on the URD 2D dendrogram. Cells are colored according to which of 
#' 1-3 \code{labels} are 'on' after conversion to  discrete on/off values 
#' according to \code{label.min} and \code{label.max}. 
#' All labels must be continuous variables (i.e. not cluster identities).
#' Shamelessly inspired by the behavior of FeaturePlot in Seurat when overlay is turned on. 
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom plyr mapvalues
#' @param object An URD object
#' @param labels (Character vector, length 1-3) Data to plot
#' @param label.types (Character vector, length 1-3) Type of data to search for the label for the first channel. Default is "search" which checks several data types in order. For more information: \code{\link{data.for.plot}}
#' @param label.min (Numeric vector, length 1-3) Consider a cell positive for a feature if its value is between \code{label.min} and \code{label.max}
#' @param label.max (Numeric vector, length 1-3) Consider a cell positive for a feature if its value is between \code{label.min} and \code{label.max}
#' @param colors (Character vector) Colors to use for plotting. Color order is as follows: With one label (A): 1 A-, 2 A+; With two labels (A, B): 1 A- B-, 2 A+ B-, 3 A- B+, 4 A+ B+; With three labels (A, B, C): 1 A- B- C-, 2 A+ B- C-, 3 A- B+ C-, 4 A- B- C+, 5 A+ B+ C-, 6 A+ B- C+, 7 A- B+ C+, 8 A+ B+ C+
#' @param title (Character) Title to display on the plot.
#' @param tree.alpha (Numeric) Transparency of dendrogram (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque)
#' @param tree.size (Numeric) Thickness of lines of dendrogram
#' @param tree.color (Character) Color to use for tree lines
#' @param cell.alpha (Numeric) Transparency of cells (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque)
#' @param cell.size (Numeric) How large should cells be
#' @param label.x (Logical) Should tips on the x-axis be labeled
#' @param label.segments (Logical) Should segments of the dendrogram be labeled with their numbers
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @export
plotTreeDiscretized <- function(object, labels, label.types=rep("search", length(labels)), label.min=rep(0, length(labels)), label.max=rep(Inf, length(labels)), colors=c("grey", "blue", "green", "red", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "black"), title=NULL, tree.alpha=1, tree.size=1, tree.color="grey", cell.alpha=0.5, cell.size=0.3, label.x=T, label.segments=F, hide.y.ticks=T) {
  # Validation of parameters
  if (class(object) != "URD") stop("Must provide an URD object as input to plotTree.")
  if (length(object@tree) == 0) stop("A tree has not been calculated for this URD object. buildTree must be run first.")
  # Grab various layouts from the object
  segment.layout <- object@tree$segment.layout
  tree.layout <- object@tree$tree.layout
  cell.layout <- object@tree$cell.layout
  # Create title if needed
  if (is.null(title)) title <- paste0(labels, collapse=" + ")
  # Initialize ggplot and do basic formatting
  the.plot <- ggplot()
  if (hide.y.ticks) {
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_y_reverse(c(1,0), name="Pseudotime", breaks=NULL)
  } else {
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_y_reverse(c(1,0), name="Pseudotime", breaks=seq(0, 1, 0.1))
  the.plot <- the.plot + theme_bw() + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.grid.minor=element_blank())
  the.plot <- the.plot + labs(x="", title=title)
  # Grab data to color by
  data <- lapply(1:length(labels), function(i) data.for.plot(object=object, label=labels[i], label.type=label.types[i], as.color=F, as.discrete.list=T, cells.use = rownames(cell.layout)))
  if (any(unlist(lapply(data, function(i) i$discrete)))) stop("plotDimDiscretized cannot plot labels that are discrete. Only select continuous labels.")
  data <- lapply(data, function(i) i$data)
  # Compare data to cut-offs
  data.thresh <- as.data.frame(lapply(1:length(labels), function (i) (!is.na(data[[i]]) & data[[i]] > label.min[i] & data[[i]] < label.max[i])))
  colnames(data.thresh) <- 1:ncol(data.thresh)
  # Convert to a color value
  data.thresh$bit <- apply(data.thresh, 1, function(x) paste0(as.numeric(x), collapse=""))
  if (length(labels) == 1) {
    cell.layout$color.plot <- plyr::mapvalues(x=data.thresh$bit, from=c("0", "1"), to=colors[1:2], warn_missing=F)
  } else if (length(labels) == 2) {
    cell.layout$color.plot <- plyr::mapvalues(x=data.thresh$bit, from=c("00", "10", "01", "11"), to=colors[1:4], warn_missing=F)
  } else if (length(labels) == 3) {
    cell.layout$color.plot <- plyr::mapvalues(x=data.thresh$bit, from=c("000", "100", "010", "001", "110", "101", "011", "111"), to=colors[1:8], warn_missing=F)
  # Add cells to graph
  the.plot <- the.plot + geom_point(data=cell.layout, aes(x=x,y=y,color=color.plot), alpha=cell.alpha, size=cell.size) + scale_color_identity()
  # Add tree to graph
  the.plot <- the.plot + geom_segment(data=tree.layout, aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2), color=tree.color, alpha=tree.alpha, size=tree.size, lineend="square")
  # Label segment names along the x-axis?
  if (label.x) {
    if ("segment.names" %in% names(object@tree)) {
      # Add segment names to segment.layout
      segment.layout$name <- object@tree$segment.names[segment.layout$segment]
      tip.layout <- segment.layout[complete.cases(segment.layout),]
    } else {
      # Find terminal tips
      tip.layout <- segment.layout[which(segment.layout$segment %in% object@tree$tips),]
      tip.layout$name <- as.character(tip.layout$segment)
    the.plot <- the.plot + scale_x_continuous(breaks=as.numeric(tip.layout$x), labels=as.character(tip.layout$name))
    if (any(unlist(lapply(tip.layout$name, nchar)) > 2)) {
      the.plot <- the.plot + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 68, vjust = 1, hjust=1))
  } else {
    the.plot <- the.plot + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank())
  # Label the segments with their number?
  if (label.segments) {
    segment.labels <- as.data.frame(segment.layout[,c("segment","x")])
    segment.labels$y <- apply(object@tree$segment.pseudotime.limits, 1, num.mean)[segment.labels$segment]
    the.plot <- the.plot + geom_label(data=segment.labels, aes(x=x, y=y, label=segment), alpha=0.5)
farrellja/URD documentation built on June 17, 2020, 4:48 a.m.