
# Script to load STRING coexpression data and map it
# v1 - 22/03/19
# A script that produces high-confidence, HGNC-symbol mapped datasets for both the
# "9606.protein.links.detailed.v11.0.txt" and "9606.protein.actions.v11.0.txt"
# data files available on the STRING consortium website
# Author: Boris Steipe (ORCID: 0000-0002-1134-6758)
# Contributor: Gabriela Morgenshtern (ORCID:0000-0003-4762-8797)
# License: (c) Author (2019) + MIT
# Date: 2019-03-22
# ToDo:
# Notes:
# ==============================================================================

# SIDE EFFECTS: RData file creation
# This script can be source()'d to create the RData files needed for default
# package function.
# All other code is executed when source()'d and this REQUIRES the user to
# have the "9606.protein.links.detailed.v11.0.txt" and
# "9606.protein.actions.v11.0.txt" in their /data directory.

#### Most code comes from Dr. Steipe's BCB420.2019.STRING package: ####
#### 1. Dependencies ####
if (! requireNamespace("readr")) {
if (! requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (! requireNamespace("biomaRt", quietly = TRUE)) {

if (! requireNamespace("devtools")) {

# Question for B Steipe: why didn't this download the mapping tool script into /inst?

if (! requireNamespace("devtools")) {

if (! requireNamespace("BiocCheck")) {

# Load raw STRING detailed dataset
tmp <- readr::read_delim(file.path("./data", "9606.protein.links.detailed.v11.0.txt"),
                         delim = " ",
                         skip = 1,
                         col_names = c("protein1", "protein2", "neighborhood", "fusion",
                                       "cooccurence", "coexpression", "experimental", "database",
                                       "textmining", "combined_score")) # 11,759,454 rows
# Keeping col revlevant to our analysis (high coexpression edges)
tmp <- tmp[,c("protein1", "protein2","coexpression","combined_score")]
tmp <- tmp[(tmp$combined_score >= 800), ] #should combined_score be included?

# Do all elements have the right tax id?
all(grepl("^9606\\.", tmp$protein1))  # TRUE
all(grepl("^9606\\.", tmp$protein2))  # TRUE
# remove "9606." prefix
tmp$protein1 <- gsub("^9606\\.", "", tmp$protein1)
tmp$protein2 <- gsub("^9606\\.", "", tmp$protein2)

# Map ENSP to HGNC symbols: use Dr. Steipe's mapping tool:
load(file = file.path(".", "data", "ensp2sym.RData"))
tmp$protein1 <- ensp2sym[tmp$protein1]
tmp$protein2 <- ensp2sym[tmp$protein2]

# Validate initial mapping
any(grepl("ENSP", tmp$protein1))  # Nope
any(grepl("ENSP", tmp$protein2))  # None left here either

# Clean duplicate edges (from Dr. Steipe)
sPaste <- function(x, collapse = ":") {
  return(paste(sort(x), collapse = collapse))
tmp$key <- apply(tmp[ , c("protein1", "protein2")], 1, sPaste) # takes a min
length(tmp$key) # 35072
length(unique(tmp$key)) # 17379
tmp <- tmp[( ! duplicated(tmp$key)),
           c("protein1", "protein2", "coexpression", "combined_score") ]

# Remove NA nodes
sum($protein1)) # 51
sum($protein2)) # 153
STRINGedges <- tmp[( !$protein1)) & ( !$protein2)), ] # 17175

# Save the file
saveRDS(STRINGedges, file = file.path(".", "data", "STRINGedges.RDS"))

#### PART 2 ####
##### Map the protein action dataset mappings ####
tmp <- readr::read_tsv(file.path("./data", "9606.protein.actions.v11.0.txt"),
                       skip = 1,
                       col_names = c("protein1", "protein2", "mode", "action",
                                     "is_directional", "a_is_acting", "combined_score")) # 11,759,454 rows
# Keep "high confidence" interactions, and
# remove "action" col since that information is duplicated in "mode" for our purposes
tmp <- tmp[,c("protein1", "protein2", "mode",
              "is_directional", "a_is_acting", "combined_score")]
tmp <- tmp[tmp$combined_score >= 800, ]

# remove "9606." prefix
tmp$protein1 <- gsub("^9606\\.", "", tmp$protein1)
tmp$protein2 <- gsub("^9606\\.", "", tmp$protein2)

# Map ENSP to HGNC symbols: use Dr. Steipe's mapping tool:
load(file = file.path(".", "data", "ensp2sym.RData"))
tmp$protein1 <- ensp2sym[tmp$protein1]
tmp$protein2 <- ensp2sym[tmp$protein2]

# Validate initial mapping
any(grepl("ENSP", tmp$protein1))  # Nope
any(grepl("ENSP", tmp$protein2))  # None left here either

# Clean duplicate edges (from Dr. Steipe)
sPaste <- function(x, collapse = ":") {
  return(paste(sort(x), collapse = collapse))
tmp$key <- apply(tmp[ , c("protein1", "protein2", "mode")], 1, sPaste) # takes a min
length(tmp$key) # 2031426
length(unique(tmp$key)) # 548932
tmp <- tmp[( ! duplicated(tmp$key)),
           c("protein1", "protein2", "mode",
             "is_directional", "a_is_acting", "combined_score") ]

# Remove NA nodes
sum($protein1)) # NUM
sum($protein2)) # NUM
STRINGactions <- tmp[( !$protein1)) & ( !$protein2)), ] # 545423

# Save the file
saveRDS(STRINGactions, file = file.path(".", "data", "STRINGactions.RDS"))

# How many of our high-confidence coexpression edges are in our protein actions dataset?
validationEdges <- apply(STRINGedges[ , c("protein1", "protein2")], 1, sPaste)
validationActions <- apply(STRINGactions[ , c("protein1", "protein2")], 1, sPaste)
validate <- intersect(validationActions, validationEdges)
length(validate) # 6161 edges with logged protein actions

# [END]
hyginn/BCB420.2019.ESA documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:23 p.m.