addCrom15Columns | Add Chromatine states information |
addDhsColumns | Add dhs information |
addGroupColumns | Add group columns from annotation data |
addPhantomSummary | Add phantom summary |
adjust_data | Adjust p-value by Bonferroni or FDR |
Chromatin_enrichment | Get enrichment with Chromatin State and classify hypo i... |
clean_NA_from_data | Remove NA from data |
create_GWAMA_files | Creates GWAMA formatted files |
crom15 | Chromatine states data |
descriptives_CpGs | CpGs descriptive data |
dhs | dhs data |
eQTM | eQTM filter |
exclude_CpGs | Exclude CpGs |
filter_450K | 450K Illumina filters |
filterCpGs | Filter all CpGs |
filter_EPIC | EPIC Illumina filters |
filterLowRepresentedCpGsinCohort | Call Rate filter |
findOverlapValues | Find Overlaps between two genomics ranges |
FP_15_E091 | Fetal Placenta 15 Stats |
FP_18_E091 | Fetal Placenta 18 Stats |
generate_hapmap_file | Create hapmap file for GWAMA |
getAllChromStateOR | Significative variable OR for all cromatin state |
getAllChromStateRegressions | Significative variable Regression for all cromatin state |
getAllFisherTest | Fisher test |
getAllHypergeometricTest | HyperGeometric Test for positions relative to Island |
getAllRelativeIslandOR | Significative variable Regression for all relative positions... |
get_annotation_unlisted_CpGs | Get annotation from unlisted CpGs |
get_annotattions | Annotate a List of CpGs with Illumina 450K or EPIC data |
getBinaryClassificationYesNo | Get Binary classification (yes / no) |
getChromStateOR | Significative variable Regression by cromatin state |
getChromStateRegression | Significative variable Regression by cromatin state |
get_consensusPdb_OverRepresentation | Get ConsensusPath Over Representation Enrichment |
get_descriptives_GenePosition | Get descriptives gene position |
get_descriptives_postGWAMA | Get descriptives after GWAMA |
get_descriptives_RelativetoIsland | Get descriptives relatives to Island |
getEnrichGenomicRanges | Create GRanges from data |
getEntrezIdfromSymbol | Get Entrez gene ID |
geteQTMEnrichment | Get eQTM enrichment |
getFisherTest | Get Fisher test for significative variable attending to... |
getHypergeometricTest | HyperGeometric Test for positions relative to Island |
getHyperHypo | Get Hiper and Hipo methylation data |
get_lambda | Get lambda |
get_low_presence_CpGs | Get CpGs with low presence |
getPMDGenomicRanges | Create GRanges from PMD |
getRelativeIslanOR | Significative variable OR by position Relative to Island |
getUniqueGenes | Get unique genes |
getUniqueValues | Get unique values in vector |
Hs.c2 | Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB v 7.1) - C2 curated... |
IR_Placenta | Imprinting Regions Placenta |
missMethyl_enrichment | Get Pathways enrichment with missMethyl |
MSigDB_enrichment | Get enrichment with Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) |
plot_betas_boxplot | Betas Boxplot |
plot_chromosomestate | Chromosome State Plot |
plot_ChromStates | Plot ChromStates |
plot_Depletion_Enrichment | Depletion and Enrichment Plot |
plot_distribution | Distribution plot |
plot_ForestPlot | Forest plot |
plot_GenePosition | Gene Pisition Plots |
plot_missMethyl_Summary | Plot enrichment summary |
plot_OR | Plot OR |
plot_precisionp | Precision plot |
plot_precissionp | Precission plot |
plot_ProportionHyperGeometrics | Chromosome State Plot |
plot_ProportionStatesFP | Chromosome State Plot |
plot_RelativetoIsland | Relative to Island Plot |
plot_Summary | Plot enrichment summary |
plot_TestEnrichDepleit_Collapsed | Plot collapsed tests results |
plot_TestResults_Collapsed | Plot collapsed tests results |
plot_TestResults_Collapsed_Positions | Plot collapsed tests results for positions |
plot_venndiagram | Venn diagrams plots |
plot_volcano | Volcano plot |
PMD_placenta | PMD placenta |
printTableEnrich | Print table with enrichment data |
remove_duplicate_CpGs | Remove duplicate CpGs |
restrict_CpGs_to_artype | Restrict CpGs to array type |
run_GWAMA_MetaAnalysis | Run GWAMA meta-analysis |
simplifyDuplicates | Get unique values in a cell |
summary_HyperGeometrics_Table | Summarized States Fetal Placenta for significant, hyper and... |
summary_States_FP_Table | Summarized States Fetal Placenta for significant, hyper and... |
test_duplicate_CpGs | Test duplicate CpGs |
write_QCData | Write QC results to a file |
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