Man pages for isglobal-brge/EASIER
EwAS: quality control, meta-analysIs and EnRichment

addCrom15ColumnsAdd Chromatine states information
addDhsColumnsAdd dhs information
addGroupColumnsAdd group columns from annotation data
addPhantomSummaryAdd phantom summary
adjust_dataAdjust p-value by Bonferroni or FDR
Chromatin_enrichmentGet enrichment with Chromatin State and classify hypo i...
clean_NA_from_dataRemove NA from data
create_GWAMA_filesCreates GWAMA formatted files
crom15Chromatine states data
descriptives_CpGsCpGs descriptive data
dhsdhs data
eQTMeQTM filter
exclude_CpGsExclude CpGs
filter_450K450K Illumina filters
filterCpGsFilter all CpGs
filter_EPICEPIC Illumina filters
filterLowRepresentedCpGsinCohortCall Rate filter
findOverlapValuesFind Overlaps between two genomics ranges
FP_15_E091Fetal Placenta 15 Stats
FP_18_E091Fetal Placenta 18 Stats
generate_hapmap_fileCreate hapmap file for GWAMA
getAllChromStateORSignificative variable OR for all cromatin state
getAllChromStateRegressionsSignificative variable Regression for all cromatin state
getAllFisherTestFisher test
getAllHypergeometricTestHyperGeometric Test for positions relative to Island
getAllRelativeIslandORSignificative variable Regression for all relative positions...
get_annotation_unlisted_CpGsGet annotation from unlisted CpGs
get_annotattionsAnnotate a List of CpGs with Illumina 450K or EPIC data
getBinaryClassificationYesNoGet Binary classification (yes / no)
getChromStateORSignificative variable Regression by cromatin state
getChromStateRegressionSignificative variable Regression by cromatin state
get_consensusPdb_OverRepresentationGet ConsensusPath Over Representation Enrichment
get_descriptives_GenePositionGet descriptives gene position
get_descriptives_postGWAMAGet descriptives after GWAMA
get_descriptives_RelativetoIslandGet descriptives relatives to Island
getEnrichGenomicRangesCreate GRanges from data
getEntrezIdfromSymbolGet Entrez gene ID
geteQTMEnrichmentGet eQTM enrichment
getFisherTestGet Fisher test for significative variable attending to...
getHypergeometricTestHyperGeometric Test for positions relative to Island
getHyperHypoGet Hiper and Hipo methylation data
get_lambdaGet lambda
get_low_presence_CpGsGet CpGs with low presence
getPMDGenomicRangesCreate GRanges from PMD
getRelativeIslanORSignificative variable OR by position Relative to Island
getUniqueGenesGet unique genes
getUniqueValuesGet unique values in vector
Hs.c2Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB v 7.1) - C2 curated...
IR_PlacentaImprinting Regions Placenta
missMethyl_enrichmentGet Pathways enrichment with missMethyl
MSigDB_enrichmentGet enrichment with Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB)
plot_betas_boxplotBetas Boxplot
plot_chromosomestateChromosome State Plot
plot_ChromStatesPlot ChromStates
plot_Depletion_EnrichmentDepletion and Enrichment Plot
plot_distributionDistribution plot
plot_ForestPlotForest plot
plot_GenePositionGene Pisition Plots
plot_missMethyl_SummaryPlot enrichment summary
plot_ORPlot OR
plot_precisionpPrecision plot
plot_precissionpPrecission plot
plot_ProportionHyperGeometricsChromosome State Plot
plot_ProportionStatesFPChromosome State Plot
plot_RelativetoIslandRelative to Island Plot
plot_SummaryPlot enrichment summary
plot_TestEnrichDepleit_CollapsedPlot collapsed tests results
plot_TestResults_CollapsedPlot collapsed tests results
plot_TestResults_Collapsed_PositionsPlot collapsed tests results for positions
plot_venndiagramVenn diagrams plots
plot_volcanoVolcano plot
PMD_placentaPMD placenta
printTableEnrichPrint table with enrichment data
remove_duplicate_CpGsRemove duplicate CpGs
restrict_CpGs_to_artypeRestrict CpGs to array type
run_GWAMA_MetaAnalysisRun GWAMA meta-analysis
simplifyDuplicatesGet unique values in a cell
summary_HyperGeometrics_TableSummarized States Fetal Placenta for significant, hyper and...
summary_States_FP_TableSummarized States Fetal Placenta for significant, hyper and...
test_duplicate_CpGsTest duplicate CpGs
write_QCDataWrite QC results to a file
isglobal-brge/EASIER documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 10:50 p.m.