#' @importFrom Seurat CreateSeuratObject
#' load count files
#' @param path Path to count files
#' @param suffix add suffix to path
#' @param row.names set column as row.names
#' @keywords internal
#' Parse the output from the ST spot detector tool
#' @param path Path to spot files
#' @param delim delimiter
#' @keywords internal
parse.spot.file = function(path, delim = "\t") {
x = c()
tmp = suppressWarnings({try({x = data.frame(fread(input = path, integer64 = "character",
sep = delim),
check.names = FALSE)})})
if(inherits(tmp, 'try-error')) {
} else {
# TODO: load data without spotfiles Visium?
#' Create Seurat object from Spatial Transcriptomics data
#' This function is a wrapper to create a complete S4 Seurat object with all the samples and metadata.
#' The input is a data.frame containing paths to all relevant files, s.a. gene count matrices, HE images and
#' spot selection files. The function can also perform some basic filtering and gene conversion.
#' @details
#' This wrapper function has been written to make it easier to various types of Spatial Transcriptomics data, both for the
#' 10X Visium platform and the older array types, here called '1k' and '2k' (with 1000 and 2000 spots respectively). The infotable should
#' at minimum contain paths to the gene count matrices in a column named 'samples', which can be provided as:
#' \itemize{\item{'.tsv' or '.tsv.gz' if the platform is set to either '1k' or '2k'}}
#' \itemize{\item{'.h5' or path to the output folder containing 'barcodes.tsv', 'features.tsv' and 'matrix.mtx' files if the platform is set to 'either 'Visium'}}
#' It is however recommended to include a column named 'imgs' in the `infotable` with paths to the HE images, otherwise none of of the image related
#' processing and visualization methods can be utilized. In addition to the images, a third column named 'spotfiles' should be provided with paths
#' to the tables specifying what spatial coordinates are located under the tissue and which also specifies the pixel coorindates of the spots in the HE images.
#' It is important that the 'spotfiles' pixel coordinates match the HE images provided in the 'imgs' column. If you have run SpaceRanger, the HE images would
#' would correspond to the 'tissue_hires_image.png' files and the spotfiles to the 'tissue_positions_list.csv' files in the output folder. For '1k' and '2k'
#' data, you have to make sure that whatever HE images ('imgs') you are using have a matched selection table in tsv format ('spotfiles'). See
#' [spotdetector tool github](https://github.com/SpatialTranscriptomicsResearch/st_spot_detector/wiki/ST-Spot-Detector-Usage-Guide) for more information.
#' NOTE that for Visium samples, you also need to provide scaling factors which is described in the section below
#' @section samples:
#' If you are analyzing 'Visium' samples, you should provide the '.h5' files in the 'samples' column of infotable.
#' If you are analyzing '1k' or '2k' samples processed with the ST_Pipeline, you can provide the '.tsv' files as 'samples'.
#' We recommend you to use the output '.tsv' file from the ST Pipeline without any modifications and make sure that the
#' matrix is transposed correctly. The matrix will be transposed by defualt, but this can be deactivated by setting `transpose = FALSE`.
#' @section imgs:
#' If you are analyzing 'Visium' samples, you should provide the 'tissue_hires_image.png' files in the 'imgs' column of infotable.
#' If you are analyzing '1k' or '2k' samples you should provide the HE images that were processed with the ST Spot Detector. It is
#' important that these images match the spotfiles!
#' @section spotfiles:
#' If you are analyzing 'Visium' samples, you should provide the 'tissue_positions_list.csv' files in the 'spotfiles' column of infotable.
#' If you are analyzing '1k' or '2k' samples you should provide the HE images that were processed with the ST Spot Detector, typically called
#' 'spot_data-selection...' or 'spot_data-all...'. It is important that these spotfiles are matched with the HE images!
#' @section scaleVisium:
#' If you are analyzing 'Visium' samples, you need to provide a scaling factor to align the spots to the correct positions on the array.
#' These scaling factors are provided in the 'scalefactors_json.json' file in the SpaceRanger output folder. The scaling factor needed for STutility
#' is called "tissue_hires_scalef" and can be provided with the `scaleVisium` argument in `InputFromTable` if the scaling factor is the same
#' for all of your samples. If they are not the same, you can either specify the scaling factors manually into a column named 'scaleVisium'
#' or you can provide the paths to the json files into a column named 'json' in of the infotable data.frame.
#' @section gene id conversion:
#' If you need to convert the gene ids of your expression matrices, you can provide a data.frame with an `ìd.column`
#' with gene symbols matching the symbols of your input matrices and a `replace.column` with the gene symbols that you
#' want to convert to. NOTE that any genes not found in the annotation data.frame will be discarded.
#' @section platform:
#' If you are not analyzing 'Visium' data (default platform), you need to specify what other platform you have used, i.e. '1k' or '2k'.
#' You can also provide a column named 'platform' in the infotable data.frame with a charcter vector specifying the platforms
#' used for each sample.
#' @section meta data:
#' You can also add additional meta data into the infotable data.frame which will be included in the `@meta.data` slot
#' of the returned Seurat object.
#' @section notes:
#' Make sure to check that the paths are correct and preferably absolute paths. If you change the working directory
#' and want to reload the HE images into your Seurat object, you need to make sure that these files can be found on your
#' system.
#' When creating the infotable data.frame, set the parameter `stringsAsFactors = FALSE`.
#' @param infotable table with paths to count files and metadata. See details below for more information.
#' @param transpose transposes the gene expression matrices [default: TRUE]. Only active when reading data
#' from platforms '1k' or '2k'ld
#' @param minUMICountsPerGene filter away genes that has a total UMI count below this threshold (previously called "min.gene.count")
#' @param minSpotsPerGene filter away genes that is not expressed below this number of capture spots (previously called "min.gene.spots)
#' @param minGenesPerSpot ilter away capture spots that contains a total gene count below this threshold (previously called "min.spot.feature.count")
#' @param minUMICountsPerSpot filter away capture spots that contains a total UMI count below this threshold (previously called "min.spot.count")
#' @param topN OPTIONAL: Filter out the top most expressed genes
#' @param annotation data.frame containing columns needed for gene id conversion. See the gene id conversion section
#' for more information.
#' @param id.column column name in annotation data.frame providing the gene ids of the input matrices
#' @param replace.column column name in annotation data.frame providing the gene ids for the conversion
#' @param platform name of the platform used to generate the data [options: 'Visium', '1k', '2k']
#' @param scaleVisium 10X visium scale factor for pixel coordinates matching the "tissue_hires_image.png" files [required].
#' If a numeric value is given, it is assumed that all samples have the same scaling factor. Alternatively, an additional
#' column named "scaleVisium" can be provided with a scaling factor for each sample, or a column named "json" with paths to
#' the "scalefactors_json.json" files.
#' @param disable.subset Set to TRUE if you want to disable spot subsetting to include spots under tissue. Useful if you
#' want to load the full expression matrix with spots outside of the tissue.
#' @param verbose Print messages
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @importFrom jsonlite read_json
#' @export
InputFromTable <- function (
transpose = TRUE,
minUMICountsPerGene = 0,
minSpotsPerGene = 0,
minGenesPerSpot = 0,
minUMICountsPerSpot = 0,
topN = 0,
annotation = NULL,
id.column = NULL,
replace.column = NULL,
platform = "Visium",
scaleVisium = NULL,
disable.subset = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
# Check deprecated arguments
additional_args <- list(...)
if ("min.gene.count" %in% names(additional_args)) {
warning("min.gene.counts has been deprecated, please use minUMICountsPerGene instead")
minUMICountsPerGene <- additional_args[["min.gene.count"]]
if ("min.gene.spots" %in% names(additional_args)) {
warning("min.gene.spots has been deprecated, please use minUMICountsPerGene instead")
minSpotsPerGene <- additional_args[["min.gene.spots"]]
if ("min.spot.feature.count" %in% names(additional_args)) {
warning("min.spot.feature.count has been deprecated, please use minGenesPerSpot instead")
minGenesPerSpot <- additional_args[["min.spot.feature.count"]]
if ("min.spot.count" %in% names(additional_args)) {
warning("min.spot.count has been deprecated, please use minUMICountsPerSpot instead")
minUMICountsPerSpot <- additional_args[["min.spot.count"]]
if (!"samples" %in% colnames(infotable)) stop("No samples have been provided ... \n", call. = FALSE)
# Generate empty lists
counts <- list()
spotFileData <- list()
ranges.list <- NULL
spot.diamater.list <- NULL
countPaths <- infotable[, "samples"]
rownames(infotable) <- paste0(1:nrow(infotable))
if (!is.null(scaleVisium) & length(scaleVisium) == 1) scaleVisium <- rep(scaleVisium, nrow(infotable))
# Check if spotfiles are present
if ("spotfiles" %in% colnames(infotable) & !disable.subset){
cat("Using spotfiles to remove spots outside of tissue\n")
# Specify platform
if (!"platform" %in% colnames(infotable)) {
platforms <- rep(platform, nrow(infotable))
} else {
platforms <- infotable$platform
# Check if Visium platform i Visium, in which case the scalefactors are required
if ("imgs" %in% colnames(infotable)) {
if (any(platforms == "Visium")) {
if ("json" %in% colnames(infotable)) {
suffs <- sapply(infotable[, "json"], getExtension)
if (!all(suffs == "json")) stop("Incorrect format of json files in infotable ...", call. = FALSE)
scaleVisium <- scaleVisium %||% sapply(infotable[, "json"], function(f) {read_json(f)$tissue_hires_scalef})
spot.diamater.list <- sapply(infotable[, "json"], function(f) {read_json(f)$spot_diameter_fullres})*scaleVisium
infotable[, "json"] <- NULL
} else if ("scaleVisium" %in% colnames(infotable)) {
if (!class(infotable[, "scaleVisium"]) == "numeric") stop("Column scaleVisium is not numeric ... \n", call. = FALSE)
scaleVisium <- infotable[, "scaleVisium"]
infotable[, "scaleVisium"] <- NULL
} else if (class(scaleVisium) == "numeric" & length(scaleVisium) == 1) {
scaleVisium <- rep(scaleVisium, nrow(infotable))
warning("Only 1 scaleVisium provided. Using this scalefactor for all samples ... \n", call. = FALSE)
} else {
warning("No scalefactors provided for Visium samples ... \n", call. = FALSE)
} else {
warning("No images provided. You will not be able to use image related functions... \n", call. = FALSE)
# Parse data files and store in counts and spotFileData
for (i in seq_along(countPaths)) {
path <- countPaths[i]
if (verbose) cat(paste0("Loading ", path, " count matrix from a '", platforms[i], "' experiment\n"))
if (platforms[i] == "Visium") {
# Load data
if (getExtension(path) %in% c("h5", "mtx") | dir.exists(path)) {
counts[[i]] <- st.load.matrix(path, visium = TRUE)
} else if (getExtension(path) %in% c("tsv", "tsv.gz")) {
counts[[i]] <- t(st.load.matrix(path))
} else {
stop("Currently only .h5, .mtx and .tsv formats are supported for Visium samples")
# Load spotdata
# ------------------------------------------------
# Check that spotfiles are provided
#if (!"spotfiles" %in% colnames(infotable)) stop("Spotfiles are required for 10X Visium samples", call. = FALSE)
if ("spotfiles" %in% colnames(infotable)) {
spotsData <- data.frame(parse.spot.file(infotable[i, "spotfiles"], delim = ","), stringsAsFactors = F)
if (ncol(spotsData) == 1) {
spotsData <- data.frame(parse.spot.file(infotable[i, "spotfiles"], delim = "\t"), stringsAsFactors = F)
if (ncol(spotsData) == 6) nms <- c("x", "y", "adj_x", "adj_y", "pixel_x", "pixel_y") else nms <- c("x", "y", "adj_x", "adj_y", "pixel_x", "pixel_y", "selected")
spotsData <- setNames(spotsData, nm = nms)
if (ncol(spotsData) == 7 & !disable.subset) {
spotsData <- subset(spotsData, selected == 1)
rownames(spotsData) <- paste(spotsData[, "x"], spotsData[, "y"], sep = "x")
spotsData <- spotsData[intersect(rownames(spotsData), colnames(counts[[i]])), ]
counts[[i]] <- counts[[i]][, intersect(rownames(spotsData), colnames(counts[[i]]))]
spotFileData[[i]] <- spotsData
} else {
rownames(spotsData) <- as.character(spotsData[, 1])
# if (getExtension(path) %in% c("mtx") | dir.exists(path)){
# if (length(grep(pattern = "\\-1$", x = rownames(spotsData))) > 0) {
# rownames(spotsData) <- gsub(pattern = "\\-1$", replacement = "", x = rownames(spotsData))
# }
# }
if (ncol(spotsData) == 6) {
colnames(spotsData) <- c("barcode", "selection", "adj_y", "adj_x", "pixel_y", "pixel_x")
#if (!disable.subset) {
# spotsData <- subset(spotsData, selection == 1)
} else if (ncol(spotsData) == 7 & !getExtension(path) %in% c("tsv", "tsv.gz")) {
colnames(spotsData) <- c("barcode", "visium", "adj_y", "adj_x", "pixel_y", "pixel_x")
} else if (ncol(spotsData) %in% c(6, 7) & getExtension(path) %in% c("tsv", "tsv.gz")) {
colnames(spotsData) <- c("x", "y", "adj_x", "adj_y", "pixel_x", "pixel_y", "selection")
#if (!disable.subset) {
# spotsData <- subset(spotsData, selected == 1)
} else {
stop("Spotfiles format not recognized ... \n", call. = FALSE)
# Subset data
spotsData[, c("adj_y", "adj_x", "pixel_y", "pixel_x")] <- apply(spotsData[, c("adj_y", "adj_x", "pixel_y", "pixel_x")], 2, as.numeric)
spotsData$pixel_x <- spotsData$pixel_x * scaleVisium[i]
spotsData$pixel_y <- spotsData$pixel_y * scaleVisium[i]
# Save ranges
ranges.list[[i]] <- sapply(spotsData[, c("pixel_x", "pixel_y")], range)
if (!disable.subset & "selection" %in% colnames(spotsData)) {
spotsData <- subset(spotsData, selection == 1)
spotsData[, c("x", "y")] <- spotsData[, c("adj_x", "adj_y")]
spotsData <- spotsData[, c("x", "y", "adj_x", "adj_y", "pixel_x", "pixel_y")]
spotsData <- spotsData[intersect(rownames(spotsData), colnames(counts[[i]])), ]
counts[[i]] <- counts[[i]][, intersect(rownames(spotsData), colnames(counts[[i]]))]
spotFileData[[i]] <- spotsData
} else {
if (getExtension(path) %in% c("h5", "mtx") | dir.exists(path)) {
if (platforms[i] == "Visium") stop("Spotfiles are required for Visium data provided in .h5 or .mtx format.", call. = FALSE)
warning(paste0("Extracting spot coordinates from gene count matrix headers. It is highly recommended to use spotfiles."), call. = FALSE)
# Check if headers can be extracted
spotsData <- GetCoords(colnames(counts[[i]]), delim = "x|_")
if (ncol(spotsData) != 2) stop("Headers are not valid. You have to provide spotfiles or make sure that headers contains (x, y) coordinates", call. = FALSE)
spotFileData[[i]] <- spotsData
} else {
if (transpose) {
counts[[i]] <- t(st.load.matrix(path))
} else{
counts[[i]] <- st.load.matrix(path)
# Load spotdata
# ------------------------------------------------
if ("spotfiles" %in% colnames(infotable)){
spotsData <- as.data.frame(parse.spot.file(infotable[i, "spotfiles"]))
if ("selected" %in% colnames(spotsData)) {
spotsData <- subset(spotsData, selected == 1)
spotsData$selected <- NULL
spotsData <- setNames(spotsData, nm = c("x", "y", "adj_x", "adj_y", "pixel_x", "pixel_y"))
rownames(spotsData) <- paste(spotsData$x, spotsData$y, sep = "x")
intersecting.spots <- intersect(rownames(spotsData), colnames(counts[[i]]))
spotsData <- spotsData[intersecting.spots, ]
counts[[i]] <- counts[[i]][, intersecting.spots]
spotFileData[[i]] <- spotsData #Save pixel coords etc
} else {
# Obtain x/y coordinates from headers
spotsData <- GetCoords(colnames(counts[[i]]), delim = "x|_")
if (ncol(spotsData) != 2) stop("No spotfiles provided and the headers are invalid. Please make sure that the count matrices are correct.")
spotFileData[[i]] <- spotsData
# ---- Merge counts
genes <- c()
for (count in counts)
genes <- union(genes, rownames(count))
# Check that some genes were found
if (length(x = Reduce(intersect, lapply(counts, rownames))) == 0) stop("No intersecting genes found across experiment. Please make sure that the count matrices have the same symbols")
# Generate empty merged count matrix
samples <- c()
cnt <- as(matrix(0, nrow = length(genes), ncol = 0), "dgCMatrix")
rownames(cnt) <- genes
# Merge counts and add unique id
for (i in seq_along(counts)) {
count <- counts[[i]]
nspots <- ncol(count)
curgenes <- rownames(count)
m <- matrix(0, nrow = length(genes), ncol = nspots)
rownames(m) <- genes
m[curgenes, ] <- as.matrix(count)
colnames(m) <- paste(colnames(count), "_", i, sep = "")
cnt <- cbind(cnt, as(m, "dgCMatrix"))
samples <- c(samples, rep(paste0(i), nspots))
# Collect meta data if available
intersecting_columns <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(spotFileData, colnames))
if (length(x = intersecting_columns) < 2) stop("No spot coordinates found. Data cannot be read ... \n", call. = FALSE)
meta_data_staffli <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(spotFileData), function(i) {
x <- spotFileData[[i]][, intersecting_columns]
rownames(x) <- paste(rownames(x), "_", i, sep = "")
# Add column samples to meta_data used for Staffli object
meta_data_staffli[, "sample"] <- samples
# Add uncropped coordinates
meta_data_staffli$original_x <- meta_data_staffli$pixel_x
meta_data_staffli$original_y <- meta_data_staffli$pixel_y
# Create an empty meta data table for Seurat
meta_data_seurat <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(meta_data_staffli))
#----- Add metadata from infotable to Seurat meta data table
metaData <- infotable[, -which(colnames(infotable) %in% c("samples", "spotfiles", "imgs")), drop = F]
if (ncol(metaData) >= 1){
for (column in colnames(metaData)){
meta_data_seurat[, column] <- metaData[samples, column]
# Convert gene symbols if an annotation file is provided
if (!is.null(annotation)) {
# Check that annotation is a data.frame
if (class(annotation) != "data.frame") stop("annotation table must be a data.frame", call. = FALSE)
id.column <- id.column %||% "gene_id"
replace.column <- id.column %||% "gene_name"
if (verbose) cat(paste0("Using provided annotation table with id.column '", id.column, "' and replace column '", replace.column, "' to convert gene names \n"))
# Check that all genes are present in annotation table
genes.in.ann <- which(rownames(cnt) %in% annotation[, id.column])
if (length(x = genes.in.ann) == 0) stop(paste0("None of the genes present in the merged data could be found in the '", id.column, "' column of the annotation table"), call. = FALSE)
if (sum(rownames(cnt) %in% annotation[, id.column]) != nrow(cnt)) {
warning(paste0(nrow(cnt) - length(x = genes.in.ann), " are missing from the annotation table and will be removed from the count matrices"), call. = FALSE)
cnt <- cnt[genes.in.ann, ]
cnt <- ConvertGeneNames(cnt, annotation, id.column, replace.column)
# ---- pre filtering
keep.genes <- rowSums(cnt) >= minUMICountsPerGene & rowSums(cnt > 0) > minSpotsPerGene
keep.spots <- colSums(cnt) >= minUMICountsPerSpot & colSums(cnt > 0) > minGenesPerSpot
before <- dim(cnt)
cnt <- cnt[keep.genes, keep.spots]
meta_data_staffli <- meta_data_staffli[keep.spots, ]
meta_data_seurat <- meta_data_seurat[keep.spots, , drop = FALSE]
after <- dim(cnt)
if (verbose) {
cat("------------- Filtering (not including images based filtering) -------------- \n")
cat(paste(" Spots removed: ", before[2] - after[2], " \n"))
cat(paste(" Genes removed: ", before[1] - after[1], " \n"))
# Skip meta data if it is empty
if (ncol(meta_data_seurat) == 0) {
m <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = cnt)
} else {
m <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = cnt, meta.data = meta_data_seurat)
# Filter top genes
if (topN > 0){
m <- m[order(rowSums(as.matrix(m[["RNA"]]@counts)), decreasing = TRUE), ]
m <- m[1:topN, ]
# ---- Add image paths
if ("imgs" %in% colnames(infotable)) {
imgs <- infotable[, "imgs"]
} else {
imgs <- NULL
m@tools$Staffli <- CreateStaffliObject(imgs = imgs,
meta.data = meta_data_staffli,
platforms = platforms)
# Add ranges.list if available
if (!is.null(ranges.list) & !is.null(spot.diamater.list)) {
if (verbose) cat("Saving capture area ranges to Staffli object \n")
dims.list <- lapply(seq_along(ranges.list), function(i) {
rs <- ranges.list[[i]]
data.frame(min_x = rs[1, 1], max_x = rs[2, 1], min_y = rs[1, 2], max_y = rs[2, 2], spot_diameter = spot.diamater.list[i])
m@tools$Staffli@dims <- dims.list
# Add info for manual annotation tool:
m@meta.data$id <- seq(1:dim(m)[2])
m@meta.data$labels <- "Default"
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("After filtering the dimensions of the experiment is: [", paste(dim(m), collapse = " genes, "), " spots] \n"))
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