
Defines functions calculate_rna_qc_matrices plot_rna_qc_all calculatePCAMatrix plotPCAFromMatrix plotPCAAnalysis calculateMDSMatrix plotMDSFromMatrix plotMDSAnalysis calculateSexQCDataFrame plotSexQCFromMatrix plotSexQC plot_mbv_results

Documented in calculateMDSMatrix calculatePCAMatrix calculate_rna_qc_matrices calculateSexQCDataFrame plot_mbv_results plotMDSAnalysis plotMDSFromMatrix plotPCAAnalysis plotPCAFromMatrix plot_rna_qc_all plotSexQC plotSexQCFromMatrix

#' Generate MBV_results plots
#' @param mbv_files_path Path where mbv_output files live
#' @param output_path Path where the plots will ve saved
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export

plot_mbv_results <- function(mbv_files_path, output_path){
  mbv_files = list.files(mbv_files_path, full.names = T)

  #Make sample names
  sample_names = stringr::str_replace_all(basename(mbv_files), ".mbv_output.txt", "")
  sample_list = setNames(mbv_files, sample_names)

  #Import mbv files
  mbv_results_list = purrr::map(sample_list, ~readr::read_delim(., delim = " ", col_types = "ciiiiiiiiii"))

  for (i in c(1:length(mbv_results_list))) {
    df <- mbv_results_list[[i]]
    mbv_sample_name <- names(mbv_results_list)[i]

    df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(het_consistent_frac = n_het_consistent/n_het_covered,
                        hom_consistent_frac = n_hom_consistent/n_hom_covered,
                        match = FALSE) %>%
    df$match[1] <- TRUE

    plot_mbv <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(x = het_consistent_frac, y = hom_consistent_frac, label = SampleID, color=match)) +
      ggplot2::geom_point() +

    if (!dir.exists(output_path)) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_path, "/jpeg/"), recursive = TRUE)
      dir.create(paste0(output_path, "/plotly/dependencies/"), recursive = TRUE)
    suppressMessages(ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(mbv_sample_name, "_mbv_plot.jpeg"), plot = plot_mbv, path = paste0(output_path, "/jpeg"), device = "jpeg"))

    MBV_ggplotly_plot <- plotly::ggplotly(plot_mbv)
    htmlwidgets::saveWidget(widget = plotly::as_widget(MBV_ggplotly_plot),
                            file = file.path(normalizePath(paste0(output_path, "/plotly")), paste0(mbv_sample_name, "_plotly.html")),
                            libdir = "dependencies")

#' Generate Sex dependent QC Plot.
#' @param study_data SummarizedExperiment file to be analysed
#' @param html_output Boolean value if html output should be created (Default:FALSE)
#' @param output_dir html file output dir, if html_output is TRUE (Default:current directory)
#' @return plotly object of SEX QC
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
plotSexQC <- function(study_data, export_output = FALSE, html_output=FALSE, output_dir="./"){
  sex_qc_df <- calculateSexQCDataFrame(study_data)

  if (all(is.na(sex_qc_df$sex))) { sex_qc_df$sex <- "NA"}

  if (export_output){
    study_name <- study_data$study %>% unique()
    # generate the plot
    Sex_QC_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(sex_qc_df,
      ggplot2::aes(x=(ENSG00000229807+1) %>% log2(), y=(Y_chrom_mean+1) %>% log2(), label = sample_id)) +
      ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(col=sex)) +
      ggplot2::labs(x="Expression XIST", y="Expression genes on Y", title = paste0(study_name, " DS - TPM normalized, log2 | Sample Size: ", nrow(sex_qc_df))) +
      ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face="italic"))

    output_dir <- paste0(output_dir, "/Sex_spec_gene_exp_plot/")
    if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg/"), recursive = TRUE)
    if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/pdf/"))) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/pdf/"), recursive = TRUE)
    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_Sex_spec_gene_exp.jpeg"),
                    width = 6, height = 4, dpi = 300,
                    plot = Sex_QC_plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg"),
                    device = "jpeg")

    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_Sex_spec_gene_exp.pdf"),
                    width = 7, height = 3, dpi = 300,
                    plot = Sex_QC_plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/pdf"),
                    device = "pdf")

    if (html_output) {
      if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"))) {
        dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"), recursive = TRUE)

      sex_ggplotly_plot <- plotly::ggplotly(Sex_QC_plot)
                              file.path(normalizePath(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly")), paste0(study_name, "_Sex_QC_plot.html")),
                              libdir = "dependencies")


#' Generate Sex dependent QC Plot.
#' @param study_data SummarizedExperiment file to be analysed
#' @param html_output Boolean value if html output should be created (Default:FALSE)
#' @param output_dir html file output dir, if html_output is TRUE (Default:current directory)
#' @return plotly object of SEX QC
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
plotSexQCFromMatrix <- function(sex_qc_matrix, study_name, export_output = FALSE, html_output=FALSE, output_dir="./"){
  if (all(is.na(sex_qc_matrix$sex))) { sex_qc_matrix$sex <- "NA"}

  # generate the plot
  Sex_QC_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(sex_qc_matrix,
    ggplot2::aes(x=(ENSG00000229807+1) %>% log2(), y=(Y_chrom_mean+1) %>% log2(), label = sample_id)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(col=sex)) +
    ggplot2::labs(x="Expression XIST", y="Expression genes on Y",
        title = paste0(study_name, " DS - TPM normalized, log2 | Sample Size: ", nrow(sex_qc_matrix))) +
    ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face="italic"))

  if (export_output){
    output_dir <- paste0(output_dir, "/Sex_QC_plot/")
    if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg/"), recursive = TRUE)
    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_Sex_QC_Plot.jpeg"),
                    width = 6, height = 4, dpi = 300,
                    plot = Sex_QC_plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg"),
                    device = "jpeg")

    if (html_output) {
      if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"))) {
        dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"), recursive = TRUE)

      sex_ggplotly_plot <- plotly::ggplotly(Sex_QC_plot)
                              file.path(normalizePath(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly")), paste0(study_name, "_Sex_QC_plot.html")),
                              libdir = "dependencies")


#' Generate Sex dependent QC DataFrame.
#' @param study_data SummarizedExperiment file to be analysed
#' @return DataFrame object of SEX QC
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
calculateSexQCDataFrame <- function(study_data, is_micro_array = FALSE){
  # get the rowData of SummarizedExperiment
  study_rowdata <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(study_data) %>% SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame()
  XIST_Count_study <-study_data[study_rowdata$gene_id=="ENSG00000229807",] %>% SummarizedExperiment::assay()

  #get the Y chromosome genes only from rowdata
  study_Y_chrom_data <- dplyr::filter(study_rowdata, chromosome=="Y", gene_type=="protein_coding") %>% dplyr::arrange(gene_start)

  #get feature counts of Y chromosome related genes
  counts_df <- study_data %>% SummarizedExperiment::assay() %>% SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame()
  study_Y_gene_counts <- counts_df %>% subset(rownames(counts_df) %in% study_Y_chrom_data$gene_id)

  # get XIST gene (ENSG00000229807) and all Y chromosome genes
  selected_genes_for_TPM <- study_Y_gene_counts %>% rownames() %>% c("ENSG00000229807")

  if (is_micro_array) {
    study_data <- eQTLUtils::array_normaliseSE(study_data)
    norm_exp_data <- (study_data %>% SummarizedExperiment::assays())$norm_exprs
    normalized_counts <- norm_exp_data[intersect(rownames(norm_exp_data), selected_genes_for_TPM),] %>% SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame()
  } else {
    study_data <- eQTLUtils::normaliseSE_tpm(study_data)
    tpms_data <- (study_data %>% SummarizedExperiment::assays())$tpms
    normalized_counts <- tpms_data[intersect(rownames(tpms_data), selected_genes_for_TPM),] %>% SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame()
  #normalise the counts Transcripts Per Million (TPM)

  normalized_counts_xist <- normalized_counts["ENSG00000229807",]
  normalized_counts_Y <- normalized_counts[-which(rownames(normalized_counts) %in% "ENSG00000229807"),]

  #get the mean of Y chromosome related gene feature counts (after tpm normlisation)
  study_Y_gene_mean_counts <- normalized_counts_Y %>% apply(2, mean) %>% SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame()
  study_Y_gene_mean_counts <- study_Y_gene_mean_counts %>% mutate(sample_id = rownames(study_Y_gene_mean_counts))
  colnames(study_Y_gene_mean_counts)[which(names(study_Y_gene_mean_counts) == ".")] <- c("Y_chrom_mean")

  normalized_counts_xist <- t(normalized_counts_xist) %>% SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame()
  normalized_counts_xist <- normalized_counts_xist %>% mutate(sample_id = rownames(normalized_counts_xist))

  # join Y_chrom and Xist datasets for plot
  joined <- inner_join(study_Y_gene_mean_counts, normalized_counts_xist, by = "sample_id")
  joined <- study_data %>% SummarizedExperiment::colData() %>% SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame() %>% select(sex, sample_id) %>% inner_join(joined, by = "sample_id")


#' Generate MDS QC Plot for different cell types
#' @param study_data_se SummarizedExperiment file to be analysed
#' @param condition Boolean value if html output should be created (Default:FALSE)
#' @param html_output Boolean value if html output should be created (Default:FALSE)
#' @param output_dir html file output dir, if html_output is TRUE (Default:current directory)
#' @return MDS plot of study
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
plotMDSAnalysis <- function(study_data_se, condition = "all", export_output = FALSE, html_output=FALSE, output_dir="./"){
  mds_matrix = calculateMDSMatrix(study_data_se, condition)
  study_name <- study_data_se$study %>% unique()

  mds_plot = ggplot2::ggplot(mds_matrix, ggplot2::aes(x = V1, y = V2, color = cell_type, shape = study, label = sample_id)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point() +
    ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values=c(20,17,18,11,14,25,8,seq(0,7))) +
    ggplot2::labs(x="MDS Coordinate 1", y="MDS Coordinate 2",
      title = paste0(study_name, " MDS - TPM normalized, log2 | Sample Size: ", nrow(study_data_se %>% SummarizedExperiment::colData()))) +
    ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face="italic"))

  if (export_output){
    output_dir <- paste0(output_dir, "/MDS_plot/")
    if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg/"), recursive = TRUE)
    if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/pdf/"))) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/pdf/"), recursive = TRUE)

    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_MDS.jpeg"),
                    width = 7, height = 3, dpi = 300,
                    plot = mds_plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg"),
                    device = "jpeg")

    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_MDS.pdf"),
                    width = 7, height = 3, dpi = 300,
                    plot = mds_plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/pdf"),
                    device = "pdf")

    if (html_output) {
      if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"))) {
        dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"), recursive = TRUE)

      MDS_ggplotly_plot <- plotly::ggplotly(mds_plot)
        file.path(normalizePath(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly")), paste0(study_name, "_MDS_plot.html")),
        libdir = "dependencies")


#' Generate MDS QC Plot from PCA Matrix
#' @param mds_matrix MDS matrix
#' @param output_dir html file output dir, if html_output is TRUE (Default:current directory)
#' @return PCA plot of study
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
plotMDSFromMatrix <- function(mds_matrix, export_output = FALSE, html_output=FALSE, output_dir="./"){
  study_name <- unique(mds_matrix$study)[1]

  mds_plot = ggplot2::ggplot(mds_matrix, ggplot2::aes(x = V1, y = V2, color = cell_type, shape = study, label = sample_id)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point() +
    ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values=c(20,17,18,11,14,25,8,seq(0,7))) +
    ggplot2::labs(x="MDS Coordinate 1", y="MDS Coordinate 2",
      title = paste0(study_name, " MDS - TPM normalized, log2 | Sample Size: ", nrow(mds_matrix))) +
    ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face="italic"))

  if (export_output){
    output_dir <- paste0(output_dir, "/MDS_plot/")
    if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg/"), recursive = TRUE)
    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_MDS.jpeg"),
                    width = 7, height = 3, dpi = 300,
                    plot = mds_plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg"),
                    device = "jpeg")

    if (html_output) {
      if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"))) {
        dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"), recursive = TRUE)

      MDS_ggplotly_plot <- plotly::ggplotly(mds_plot)
        file.path(normalizePath(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly")), paste0(study_name, "_MDS_plot.html")),
        libdir = "dependencies")


#' Generate MDS Matrix for SummarizedExperiment
#' @param study_data_se SummarizedExperiment file to be analysed
#' @param condition Boolean value if html output should be created (Default:FALSE)
#' @return MDS Matrix of study
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
calculateMDSMatrix <- function(study_data_se, condition = "all"){
  if (condition!="all") {
    study_data_se = study_data_se[,study_data_se$condition %in% condition]

  valid_gene_types = c("lincRNA","lncRNA","protein_coding","IG_C_gene","IG_D_gene","IG_J_gene",
                       "IG_V_gene", "TR_C_gene","TR_D_gene","TR_J_gene", "TR_V_gene",
                       "3prime_overlapping_ncrna","known_ncrna", "processed_transcript",
  valid_chromosomes = c("1","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19",

  # choose only valid gene types, valid chromosomes and TPM normalise
  processed_se = eQTLUtils::filterSummarizedExperiment(study_data_se,
                                                       valid_chromosomes = valid_chromosomes,
                                                       valid_gene_types = valid_gene_types) %>% eQTLUtils::normaliseSE_tpm()
  processed_se = processed_se[apply(SummarizedExperiment::assays(processed_se)$tpms, 1, median) > 1,]

  #Perform MDS
  matrix = log(SummarizedExperiment::assays(processed_se)$tpms+0.1,2)
  dist = cor(matrix, method = "pearson")
  fit <- MASS::isoMDS(1-dist, k=2)

  mds_matrix = SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame(fit$points) %>%
    as_tibble() %>% dplyr::mutate(sample_id = rownames(fit$points)) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(SummarizedExperiment::as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(processed_se)), by = "sample_id")


#' Generate PCA QC Plot for different cell types
#' @param study_data_se SummarizedExperiment file to be analysed
#' @param condition Boolean value if html output should be created (Default:FALSE)
#' @param html_output Boolean value if html output should be created (Default:FALSE)
#' @param output_dir html file output dir, if html_output is TRUE (Default:current directory)
#' @return PCA plot of study
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
plotPCAAnalysis <- function(study_data_se, condition = "all", export_output = FALSE, html_output=FALSE, output_dir="./"){
  pca_res = calculatePCAMatrix(study_data_se, condition, return_pca_object = TRUE)
  study_name <- study_data_se$study %>% unique()

  PCA.plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(pca_res$pca_matrix, ggplot2::aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = cell_type, shape = study, label = sample_id)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point() +
    ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values=c(20,17,18,11,14,25,8,seq(0,7))) +
    ggplot2::labs(x=paste0("PC 1 - (", round(pca_res$var_exp[1]*100, digits = 1),"% var. explained)"),
                  y=paste0("PC 2 - (", round(pca_res$var_exp[2]*100, digits = 1),"% var. explained)"),
                  title = paste0(study_name, " PCA - TPM normalized, log2 | Sample Size: ", nrow(study_data_se %>% SummarizedExperiment::colData()))) +
    ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face="italic"))

  if (export_output){
    output_dir <- paste0(output_dir, "/PCA_plot/")
    if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg/"))) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg/"), recursive = TRUE)
    if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/pdf/"))) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/pdf/"), recursive = TRUE)

    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_PCA.jpeg"),
                    width = 7, height = 3, dpi = 300,
                    plot = PCA.plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg"),
                    device = "jpeg")

    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_PCA.pdf"),
                    width = 7, height = 3, dpi = 300,
                    plot = PCA.plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/pdf"),
                    device = "pdf")

    if (html_output) {
      if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"))) {
        dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"), recursive = TRUE)

      PCA_ggplotly_plot <- plotly::ggplotly(PCA.plot)
                              file.path(normalizePath(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly")), paste0(study_name, "_PCA_plot.html")),
                              libdir = "dependencies")


#' Generate PCA QC Plot from PCA Matrix
#' @param pca_matrix PCA matrix
#' @param output_dir html file output dir, if html_output is TRUE (Default:current directory)
#' @return PCA plot of study
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
plotPCAFromMatrix <- function(pca_matrix, export_output = FALSE, html_output=FALSE, output_dir="./"){
  study_name <- unique(pca_matrix$study)[1]

  PCA.plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(pca_matrix, ggplot2::aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = cell_type, shape = study, label = sample_id)) +
    ggplot2::geom_point() +
    ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values=c(20,17,18,11,14,25,8,seq(0,7))) +
    ggplot2::labs(x="PC 1", y="PC 2", title = paste0(study_name, " PCA - TPM normalized, log2 | Sample Size: ", nrow(pca_matrix))) +
    ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face="italic"))

  if (export_output){
    output_dir <- paste0(output_dir, "/PCA_plot/")
    if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
      dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg/"), recursive = TRUE)
    ggplot2::ggsave(filename = paste0(study_name, "_PCA.jpeg"),
                    width = 7, height = 3, dpi = 300,
                    plot = PCA.plot,
                    path = paste0(output_dir, "/jpeg"),
                    device = "jpeg")

    if (html_output) {
      if (!dir.exists(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"))) {
        dir.create(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly/dependencies/"), recursive = TRUE)

      PCA_ggplotly_plot <- plotly::ggplotly(PCA.plot)
                              file.path(normalizePath(paste0(output_dir, "/plotly")), paste0(study_name, "_PCA_plot.html")),
                              libdir = "dependencies")


#' Generate PCA Matrix for SummarizedExperiment
#' @param study_data_se SummarizedExperiment file to be analysed
#' @param condition if needed PCA matrix of specific condition
#' @param return_pca_object boolean value: return the whole pca object instead of matrix
#' @return PCA Matrix of study
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
calculatePCAMatrix <- function(study_data_se, condition = "all", return_pca_object = FALSE){
  if (condition!="all") {
    study_data_se = study_data_se[,study_data_se$condition %in% condition]

  valid_gene_types = c("lincRNA","lncRNA","protein_coding","IG_C_gene","IG_D_gene","IG_J_gene",
                       "IG_V_gene", "TR_C_gene","TR_D_gene","TR_J_gene", "TR_V_gene",
                       "3prime_overlapping_ncrna","known_ncrna", "processed_transcript",
  valid_chromosomes = c("1","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19",

  # choose only valid gene types, valid chromosomes and TPM normalise
  processed_se = eQTLUtils::filterSummarizedExperiment(study_data_se,
                                                       valid_chromosomes = valid_chromosomes,
                                                       valid_gene_types = valid_gene_types) %>% eQTLUtils::normaliseSE_tpm()
  processed_se = processed_se[apply(SummarizedExperiment::assays(processed_se)$tpms, 1, median) > 1, ]

  n_pcs = 10
  if (ncol(processed_se) < 10)
    { n_pcs = ncol(processed_se) }

  #Perform PCA
  pca_res = eQTLUtils::transformSE_PCA(processed_se, assay_name = "tpms", n_pcs = n_pcs, log_transform = TRUE, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
  if (return_pca_object) {
  } else {

#' Generate RNA QC (PCA, MDS, Sex) plots
#' @param rds_files_path Path where SummarizedExperiment files live
#' @param output_path Path where the plots will ve saved
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
plot_rna_qc_all <- function(rds_files_path, output_path){
  rds_files = list.files(rds_files_path, full.names = T)
  for (rds_file in rds_files) {
    message(" ## Reading .rds file \'", basename(rds_file), "\'")
    se <- readr::read_rds(rds_file)
    message(" ## Generating PCA plot for \'", basename(rds_file), "\' to \'", output_path, "\'")
    plot <- eQTLUtils::plotPCAAnalysis(se, export_output = TRUE, html_output = TRUE, output_dir = output_path)

    message(" ## Generating MDS plot for \'", basename(rds_file), "\' to \'", output_path, "\'")
    plot <- eQTLUtils::plotMDSAnalysis(se, export_output = TRUE, html_output = TRUE, output_dir = output_path)

    message(" ## Generating Sex plot for \'", basename(rds_file), "\' to \'", output_path, "\'")
    plot <- eQTLUtils::plotSexQC(se, export_output = TRUE, html_output = TRUE, output_dir = output_path)

#' Export RNA QC (PCA, MDS, Sex) matrices
#' @param rds_files_path Path where SummarizedExperiment files live
#' @param output_path Path where the plots will ve saved
#' @author Nurlan Kerimov
#' @export
calculate_rna_qc_matrices <- function(rds_files_path, output_path){
  rds_files = list.files(rds_files_path, full.names = T)
  if (!dir.exists(output_path)) {
    dir.create(paste0(output_path, "/PCA_matrices/"), recursive = TRUE)
    dir.create(paste0(output_path, "/MDS_matrices/"), recursive = TRUE)
    dir.create(paste0(output_path, "/SexQC_matrices/"), recursive = TRUE)
  for (rds_file in rds_files) {
    message(" ## Reading .rds file \'", basename(rds_file), "\'")
    se <- readr::read_rds(rds_file)

    message(" ## Generating PCA matrix for \'", basename(rds_file), "\' to \'", output_path, "\'")
    matrix_se <- eQTLUtils::calculatePCAMatrix(se)
    write_tsv(matrix_se, paste0(output_path, "/PCA_matrices/", basename(rds_file), "_PCA_matrix.tsv"))

    message(" ## Generating MDS matrix for \'", basename(rds_file), "\' to \'", output_path, "\'")
    matrix_se <- eQTLUtils::calculateMDSMatrix(se)
    write_tsv(matrix_se, paste0(output_path, "/MDS_matrices/", basename(rds_file), "_MDS_matrix.tsv"))

    message(" ## Generating Sex Matrix for \'", basename(rds_file), "\' to \'", output_path, "\'")
    matrix_se <- eQTLUtils::calculateSexQCDataFrame(se)
    write_tsv(matrix_se, paste0(output_path, "/SexQC_matrices/", basename(rds_file), "_SexQC_matrix.tsv"))
kauralasoo/eQTLUtils documentation built on March 12, 2023, 8:50 p.m.