#' @include generics.R
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums colMeans rowMeans
#' @importFrom methods setClass setOldClass setClassUnion slot
#' slot<- setMethod new signature slotNames is
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @useDynLib SeuratBasics
# Class definitions
setOldClass(Classes = 'package_version')
setClassUnion(name = 'AnyMatrix', members = c("matrix", "dgCMatrix"))
setClassUnion(name = 'OptionalCharacter', members = c('NULL', 'character'))
#' The Assay Class
#' The Assay object is the basic unit of Seurat; each Assay stores raw, normalized, and scaled data
#' as well as cluster information, variable features, and any other assay-specific metadata.
#' Assays should contain single cell expression data such as RNA-seq, protein, or imputed expression
#' data.
#' @slot counts Unnormalized data such as raw counts or TPMs
#' @slot data Normalized expression data
#' @slot scale.data Scaled expression data
#' @slot key Key for the Assay
#' @slot assay.orig Original assay that this assay is based off of. Used to track
#' assay provenence
#' @slot var.features Vector of features exhibiting high variance across single cells
#' @slot meta.features Feature-level metadata
#' @slot misc Utility slot for storing additional data associated with the assay
#' @name Assay-class
#' @rdname Assay-class
#' @exportClass Assay
Assay <- setClass(
Class = 'Assay',
slots = c(
counts = 'AnyMatrix',
data = 'AnyMatrix',
scale.data = 'matrix',
key = 'character',
assay.orig = 'OptionalCharacter',
var.features = 'vector',
meta.features = 'data.frame',
misc = 'ANY'
#' The JackStrawData Class
#' The JackStrawData is used to store the results of a JackStraw computation.
#' @slot empirical.p.values Empirical p-values
#' @slot fake.reduction.scores Fake reduction scores
#' @slot empirical.p.values.full Empirical p-values on full
#' @slot overall.p.values Overall p-values from ScoreJackStraw
#' @name JackStrawData-class
#' @rdname JackStrawData-class
#' @exportClass JackStrawData
JackStrawData <- setClass(
Class = "JackStrawData",
slots = list(
empirical.p.values = "matrix",
fake.reduction.scores = "matrix",
empirical.p.values.full = "matrix",
overall.p.values = "matrix"
#' The Dimmensional Reduction Class
#' The DimReduc object stores a dimensionality reduction taken out in Seurat; each DimReduc
#' consists of a cell embeddings matrix, a feature loadings matrix, and a projected feature
#' loadings matrix.
#' @slot cell.embeddings Cell embeddings matrix (required)
#' @slot feature.loadings Feature loadings matrix (optional)
#' @slot feature.loadings.projected Projected feature loadings matrix (optional)
#' @slot assay.used Name of assay used to generate \code{DimReduc} object
#' @slot global Is this \code{DimReduc} global/persistent? If so, it will not be
#' removed when removing its associated assay
#' @slot stdev A vector of standard deviations
#' @slot key Key for the \code{DimReduc}, must be alphanumerics followed by an underscore
#' @slot jackstraw A \code{\link{JackStrawData-class}} object associated with
#' this \code{DimReduc}
#' @slot misc Utility slot for storing additional data associated with the
#' \code{DimReduc} (e.g. the total variance of the PCA)
#' @name DimReduc-class
#' @rdname DimReduc-class
#' @exportClass DimReduc
DimReduc <- setClass(
Class = 'DimReduc',
slots = c(
cell.embeddings = 'matrix',
feature.loadings = 'matrix',
feature.loadings.projected = 'matrix',
assay.used = 'character',
global = 'logical',
stdev = 'numeric',
key = 'character',
jackstraw = 'JackStrawData',
misc = 'list'
#' The Graph Class
#' The Graph class inherits from dgCMatrix. We do this to enable future expandability of graphs.
#' @slot assay.used Optional name of assay used to generate \code{Graph} object
#' @name Graph-class
#' @rdname Graph-class
#' @exportClass Graph
#' @seealso \code{\link[Matrix]{dgCMatrix-class}}
Graph <- setClass(
Class = 'Graph',
contains = "dgCMatrix",
slots = list(
assay.used = 'OptionalCharacter'
#' The SeuratCommand Class
#' The SeuratCommand is used for logging commands that are run on a SeuratObject. It stores parameters and timestamps
#' @slot name Command name
#' @slot time.stamp Timestamp of when command was tun
#' @slot assay.used Optional name of assay used to generate \code{SeuratCommand} object
#' @slot call.string String of the command call
#' @slot params List of parameters used in the command call
#' @name SeuratCommand-class
#' @rdname SeuratCommand-class
#' @exportClass SeuratCommand
SeuratCommand <- setClass(
Class = 'SeuratCommand',
slots = c(
name = 'character',
time.stamp = 'POSIXct',
assay.used = 'OptionalCharacter',
call.string = 'character',
params = 'ANY'
#' The Seurat Class
#' The Seurat object is a representation of single-cell expression data for R; each Seurat
#' object revolves around a set of cells and consists of one or more \code{\link{Assay-class}}
#' objects, or individual representations of expression data (eg. RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, etc).
#' These assays can be reduced from their high-dimensional state to a lower-dimension state
#' and stored as \code{\link{DimReduc-class}} objects. Seurat objects also store additional
#' meta data, both at the cell and feature level (contained within individual assays). The
#' object was designed to be as self-contained as possible, and easily extendible to new methods.
#' @slot assays A list of assays for this project
#' @slot meta.data Contains meta-information about each cell, starting with number of genes detected (nGene)
#' and the original identity class (orig.ident); more information is added using \code{AddMetaData}
#' @slot active.assay Name of the active, or default, assay; settable using \code{\link{DefaultAssay}}
#' @slot active.ident The active cluster identity for this Seurat object; settable using \code{\link{Idents}}
#' @slot graphs A list of \code{\link{Graph-class}} objects
#' @slot neighbors ...
#' @slot reductions A list of dimmensional reduction objects for this object
#' @slot project.name Name of the project
#' @slot misc A list of miscellaneous information
#' @slot version Version of Seurat this object was built under
#' @slot commands A list of logged commands run on this \code{Seurat} object
#' @slot tools A list of miscellaneous data generated by other tools, should be filled by developers only using \code{\link{Tool}<-}
#' @name Seurat-class
#' @rdname Seurat-class
#' @exportClass Seurat
Seurat <- setClass(
Class = 'Seurat',
slots = c(
assays = 'list',
meta.data = 'data.frame',
active.assay = 'character',
active.ident = 'factor',
graphs = 'list',
neighbors = 'list',
reductions = 'list',
project.name = 'character',
misc = 'list',
version = 'package_version',
commands = 'list',
tools = 'list'
#' The Seurat Class
#' The Seurat object is the center of each single cell analysis. It stores all information
#' associated with the dataset, including data, annotations, analyes, etc. All that is needed
#' to construct a Seurat object is an expression matrix (rows are genes, columns are cells), which
#' should be log-scale
#' Each Seurat object has a number of slots which store information. Key slots to access
#' are listed below.
#' @slot raw.data The raw project data
#' @slot data The normalized expression matrix (log-scale)
#' @slot scale.data scaled (default is z-scoring each gene) expression matrix; used for dimmensional reduction and heatmap visualization
#' @slot var.genes Vector of genes exhibiting high variance across single cells
#' @slot is.expr Expression threshold to determine if a gene is expressed (0 by default)
#' @slot ident THe 'identity class' for each cell
#' @slot meta.data Contains meta-information about each cell, starting with number of genes detected (nGene)
#' and the original identity class (orig.ident); more information is added using \code{AddMetaData}
#' @slot project.name Name of the project (for record keeping)
#' @slot dr List of stored dimmensional reductions; named by technique
#' @slot assay List of additional assays for multimodal analysis; named by technique
#' @slot hvg.info The output of the mean/variability analysis for all genes
#' @slot imputed Matrix of imputed gene scores
#' @slot cell.names Names of all single cells (column names of the expression matrix)
#' @slot cluster.tree List where the first element is a phylo object containing the phylogenetic tree relating different identity classes
#' @slot snn Spare matrix object representation of the SNN graph
#' @slot calc.params Named list to store all calculation-related parameter choices
#' @slot kmeans Stores output of gene-based clustering from \code{DoKMeans}
#' @slot spatial Stores internal data and calculations for spatial mapping of single cells
#' @slot misc Miscellaneous spot to store any data alongisde the object (for example, gene lists)
#' @slot version Version of package used in object creation
#' @name seurat-class
#' @rdname oldseurat-class
#' @aliases seurat-class
seurat <- setClass(
Class = "seurat",
slots = c(
raw.data = "ANY",
data = "ANY",
scale.data = "ANY",
var.genes = "vector",
is.expr = "numeric",
ident = "factor",
meta.data = "data.frame",
project.name = "character",
dr = "list",
assay = "list",
hvg.info = "data.frame",
imputed = "data.frame",
cell.names = "vector",
cluster.tree = "list",
snn = "dgCMatrix",
calc.params = "list",
kmeans = "ANY",
spatial = "ANY",
misc = "ANY",
version = "ANY"
# Functions
#' Pull Assays or assay names
#' Lists the names of \code{\link{Assay}} objects present in
#' a Seurat object. If slot is provided, pulls specified Assay object.
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param slot Name of Assay to return
#' @return If \code{slot} is \code{NULL}, the names of all \code{Assay} objects
#' in this Seurat object. Otherwise, the \code{Assay} object specified
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Assays(object = pbmc_small)
Assays <- function(object, slot = NULL) {
assays <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')
if (is.null(x = slot)) {
if (!slot %in% assays) {
"Cannot find an assay of name ",
" in this Seurat object",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
return(slot(object = object, name = 'assays')[[slot]])
#' Get cell names grouped by identity class
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param idents A vector of identity class levels to limit resulting list to;
#' defaults to all identity class levels
#' @param cells A vector of cells to grouping to
#' @return A named list where names are identity classes and values are vectors
#' of cells beloning to that class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' CellsByIdentities(object = pbmc_small)
CellsByIdentities <- function(object, idents = NULL, cells = NULL) {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
cells <- intersect(x = cells, y = colnames(x = object))
if (length(x = cells) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find cells provided")
idents <- idents %||% levels(x = object)
idents <- intersect(x = idents, y = levels(x = object))
if (length(x = idents) == 0) {
stop("None of the provided identity class levels were found", call. = FALSE)
cells.idents <- sapply(
X = idents,
FUN = function(i) {
return(cells[as.vector(x = Idents(object = object)[cells]) == i])
simplify = FALSE,
if (any(is.na(x = Idents(object = object)[cells]))) {
cells.idents["NA"] <- names(x = which(x = is.na(x = Idents(object = object)[cells])))
#' Create an Assay object
#' Create an Assay object from a feature (e.g. gene) expression matrix. The
#' expected format of the input matrix is features x cells.
#' Non-unique cell or feature names are not allowed. Please make unique before
#' calling this function.
#' @param counts Unnormalized data such as raw counts or TPMs
#' @param data Prenormalized data; if provided, do not pass \code{counts}
#' @param min.cells Include features detected in at least this many cells. Will
#' subset the counts matrix as well. To reintroduce excluded features, create a
#' new object with a lower cutoff.
#' @param min.features Include cells where at least this many features are
#' detected.
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc_raw <- read.table(
#' file = system.file('extdata', 'pbmc_raw.txt', package = 'SeuratBasics'),
#' as.is = TRUE
#' )
#' pbmc_rna <- CreateAssayObject(counts = pbmc_raw)
#' pbmc_rna
CreateAssayObject <- function(
min.cells = 0,
min.features = 0
) {
if (missing(x = counts) && missing(x = data)) {
stop("Must provide either 'counts' or 'data'")
} else if (!missing(x = counts) && !missing(x = data)) {
stop("Either 'counts' or 'data' must be missing; both cannot be provided")
} else if (!missing(x = counts)) {
# check that dimnames of input counts are unique
if (anyDuplicated(rownames(x = counts))) {
"Non-unique features (rownames) present in the input matrix, making unique",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
rownames(x = counts) <- make.unique(names = rownames(x = counts))
if (anyDuplicated(colnames(x = counts))) {
"Non-unique cell names (colnames) present in the input matrix, making unique",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
colnames(x = counts) <- make.unique(names = colnames(x = counts))
if (is.null(x = colnames(x = counts))) {
stop("No cell names (colnames) names present in the input matrix")
if (any(rownames(x = counts) == '')) {
stop("Feature names of counts matrix cannot be empty", call. = FALSE)
if (nrow(x = counts) > 0 && is.null(x = rownames(x = counts))) {
stop("No feature names (rownames) names present in the input matrix")
if (!inherits(x = counts, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
counts <- as(object = as.matrix(x = counts), Class = 'dgCMatrix')
# Filter based on min.features
if (min.features > 0) {
nfeatures <- Matrix::colSums(x = counts > 0)
counts <- counts[, which(x = nfeatures >= min.features)]
# filter genes on the number of cells expressing
if (min.cells > 0) {
num.cells <- Matrix::rowSums(x = counts > 0)
counts <- counts[which(x = num.cells >= min.cells), ]
data <- counts
} else if (!missing(x = data)) {
# check that dimnames of input data are unique
if (anyDuplicated(rownames(x = data))) {
"Non-unique features (rownames) present in the input matrix, making unique",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
rownames(x = data) <- make.unique(names = rownames(x = data))
if (anyDuplicated(colnames(x = data))) {
"Non-unique cell names (colnames) present in the input matrix, making unique",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
colnames(x = data) <- make.unique(names = colnames(x = data))
if (is.null(x = colnames(x = data))) {
stop("No cell names (colnames) names present in the input matrix")
if (any(rownames(x = data) == '')) {
stop("Feature names of data matrix cannot be empty", call. = FALSE)
if (nrow(x = data) > 0 && is.null(x = rownames(x = data))) {
stop("No feature names (rownames) names present in the input matrix")
if (min.cells != 0 | min.features != 0) {
"No filtering performed if passing to data rather than counts",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
counts <- new(Class = 'matrix')
# Ensure row- and column-names are vectors, not arrays
if (!is.vector(x = rownames(x = counts))) {
rownames(x = counts) <- as.vector(x = rownames(x = counts))
if (!is.vector(x = colnames(x = counts))) {
colnames(x = counts) <- as.vector(x = colnames(x = counts))
if (!is.vector(x = rownames(x = data))) {
rownames(x = data) <- as.vector(x = rownames(x = data))
if (!is.vector(x = colnames(x = data))) {
colnames(x = data) <- as.vector(x = colnames(x = data))
if (any(grepl(pattern = '_', x = rownames(x = counts))) || any(grepl(pattern = '_', x = rownames(x = data)))) {
"Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
rownames(x = counts) <- gsub(
pattern = '_',
replacement = '-',
x = rownames(x = counts)
rownames(x = data) <- gsub(
pattern = '_',
replacement = '-',
x = rownames(x = data)
if (any(grepl(pattern = '|', x = rownames(x = counts), fixed = TRUE)) || any(grepl(pattern = '|', x = rownames(x = data), fixed = TRUE))) {
"Feature names cannot have pipe characters ('|'), replacing with dashes ('-')",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
rownames(x = counts) <- gsub(
pattern = '|',
replacement = '-',
x = rownames(x = counts),
fixed = TRUE
rownames(x = data) <- gsub(
pattern = '|',
replacement = '-',
x = rownames(x = data),
fixed = TRUE
# Initialize meta.features
init.meta.features <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(x = data))
assay <- new(
Class = 'Assay',
counts = counts,
data = data,
scale.data = new(Class = 'matrix'),
meta.features = init.meta.features
#' Create a DimReduc object
#' @param embeddings A matrix with the cell embeddings
#' @param loadings A matrix with the feature loadings
#' @param projected A matrix with the projected feature loadings
#' @param assay Assay used to calculate this dimensional reduction
#' @param stdev Standard deviation (if applicable) for the dimensional reduction
#' @param key A character string to facilitate looking up features from a
#' specific DimReduc
#' @param global Specify this as a global reduction (useful for visualizations)
#' @param jackstraw Results from the JackStraw function
#' @param misc list for the user to store any additional information associated
#' with the dimensional reduction
#' @aliases SetDimReduction
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- GetAssayData(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], slot = "scale.data")
#' pcs <- prcomp(x = data)
#' pca.dr <- CreateDimReducObject(
#' embeddings = pcs$rotation,
#' loadings = pcs$x,
#' stdev = pcs$sdev,
#' key = "PC",
#' assay = "RNA"
#' )
CreateDimReducObject <- function(
embeddings = new(Class = 'matrix'),
loadings = new(Class = 'matrix'),
projected = new(Class = 'matrix'),
assay = NULL,
stdev = numeric(),
key = NULL,
global = FALSE,
jackstraw = NULL,
misc = list()
) {
if (is.null(x = assay)) {
"No assay specified, setting assay as RNA by default.",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
assay <- "RNA"
# Try to infer key from column names
if (is.null(x = key) && is.null(x = colnames(x = embeddings))) {
stop("Please specify a key for the DimReduc object")
} else if (is.null(x = key)) {
key <- regmatches(
x = colnames(x = embeddings),
m = regexec(pattern = '^[[:alnum:]]+_', text = colnames(x = embeddings))
key <- unique(x = unlist(x = key, use.names = FALSE))
if (length(x = key) != 1) {
stop("Please specify a key for the DimReduc object")
} else if (!grepl(pattern = '^[[:alnum:]]+_$', x = key)) {
old.key <- key
key <- UpdateKey(key = old.key)
colnames(x = embeddings) <- gsub(
x = colnames(x = embeddings),
pattern = old.key,
replacement = key
"All keys should be one or more alphanumeric characters followed by an underscore '_', setting key to ",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
# ensure colnames of the embeddings are the key followed by a numeric
if (is.null(x = colnames(x = embeddings))) {
"No columnames present in cell embeddings, setting to '",
ncol(x = embeddings),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
colnames(x = embeddings) <- paste0(key, 1:ncol(x = embeddings))
} else if (!all(grepl(pattern = paste0('^', key, "[[:digit:]]+$"), x = colnames(x = embeddings)))) {
digits <- unlist(x = regmatches(
x = colnames(x = embeddings),
m = regexec(pattern = '[[:digit:]]+$', text = colnames(x = embeddings))
if (length(x = digits) != ncol(x = embeddings)) {
stop("Please ensure all column names in the embeddings matrix are the key plus a digit representing a dimension number")
colnames(x = embeddings) <- paste0(key, digits)
if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = loadings)) {
if (any(rownames(x = loadings) == '')) {
stop("Feature names of loadings matrix cannot be empty", call. = FALSE)
colnames(x = loadings) <- colnames(x = embeddings)
if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = projected)) {
if (any(rownames(x = loadings) == '')) {
stop("Feature names of projected loadings matrix cannot be empty", call. = FALSE)
colnames(x = projected) <- colnames(x = embeddings)
jackstraw <- jackstraw %||% new(Class = 'JackStrawData')
dim.reduc <- new(
Class = 'DimReduc',
cell.embeddings = embeddings,
feature.loadings = loadings,
feature.loadings.projected = projected,
assay.used = assay,
global = global,
stdev = stdev,
key = key,
jackstraw = jackstraw,
misc = misc
#' Create a Seurat object
#' Create a Seurat object from a feature (e.g. gene) expression matrix. The expected format of the
#' input matrix is features x cells.
#' Note: In previous versions (<3.0), this function also accepted a parameter to set the expression
#' threshold for a 'detected' feature (gene). This functionality has been removed to simplify the
#' initialization process/assumptions. If you would still like to impose this threshold for your
#' particular dataset, simply filter the input expression matrix before calling this function.
#' @inheritParams CreateAssayObject
#' @param project Sets the project name for the Seurat object.
#' @param assay Name of the assay corresponding to the initial input data.
#' @param names.field For the initial identity class for each cell, choose this field from the
#' cell's name. E.g. If your cells are named as BARCODE_CLUSTER_CELLTYPE in the input matrix, set
#' names.field to 3 to set the initial identities to CELLTYPE.
#' @param names.delim For the initial identity class for each cell, choose this delimiter from the
#' cell's column name. E.g. If your cells are named as BARCODE-CLUSTER-CELLTYPE, set this to "-" to
#' separate the cell name into its component parts for picking the relevant field.
#' @param meta.data Additional cell-level metadata to add to the Seurat object. Should be a data
#' frame where the rows are cell names and the columns are additional metadata fields.
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc_raw <- read.table(
#' file = system.file('extdata', 'pbmc_raw.txt', package = 'SeuratBasics'),
#' as.is = TRUE
#' )
#' pbmc_small <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc_raw)
#' pbmc_small
CreateSeuratObject <- function(
project = 'SeuratProject',
assay = 'RNA',
min.cells = 0,
min.features = 0,
names.field = 1,
names.delim = "_",
meta.data = NULL
) {
if (!is.null(x = meta.data)) {
if (is.null(x = rownames(x = meta.data))) {
stop("Row names not set in metadata. Please ensure that rownames of metadata match column names of data matrix")
if (length(x = setdiff(x = rownames(x = meta.data), y = colnames(x = counts)))) {
warning("Some cells in meta.data not present in provided counts matrix.")
meta.data <- meta.data[intersect(x = rownames(x = meta.data), y = colnames(x = counts)), ]
if (is.data.frame(x = meta.data)) {
new.meta.data <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(x = counts))
for (ii in 1:ncol(x = meta.data)) {
new.meta.data[rownames(x = meta.data), colnames(x = meta.data)[ii]] <- meta.data[, ii, drop = FALSE]
meta.data <- new.meta.data
assay.data <- CreateAssayObject(
counts = counts,
min.cells = min.cells,
min.features = min.features
Key(object = assay.data) <- paste0(tolower(x = assay), '_')
assay.list <- list(assay.data)
names(x = assay.list) <- assay
init.meta.data <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(x = assay.list[[assay]]))
# Set idents
idents <- factor(x = unlist(x = lapply(
X = colnames(x = assay.data),
FUN = ExtractField,
field = names.field,
delim = names.delim
if (any(is.na(x = idents))) {
warning("Input parameters result in NA values for initial cell identities. Setting all initial idents to the project name")
# if there are more than 100 idents, set all idents to ... name
ident.levels <- length(x = unique(x = idents))
if (ident.levels > 100 || ident.levels == 0 || ident.levels == length(x = idents)) {
idents <- rep.int(x = factor(x = project), times = ncol(x = assay.data))
names(x = idents) <- colnames(x = assay.data)
object <- new(
Class = 'Seurat',
assays = assay.list,
meta.data = init.meta.data,
active.assay = assay,
active.ident = idents,
project.name = project,
version = packageVersion(pkg = 'SeuratBasics')
object[['orig.ident']] <- idents
# Calculate nCount and nFeature
n.calc <- CalcN(object = assay.data)
if (!is.null(x = n.calc)) {
names(x = n.calc) <- paste(names(x = n.calc), assay, sep = '_')
object[[names(x = n.calc)]] <- n.calc
if (!is.null(x = meta.data)) {
object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = meta.data)
#' Slim down a Seurat object
#' Keep only certain aspects of the Seurat object. Can be useful in functions that utilize merge as
#' it reduces the amount of data in the merge.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param counts Preserve the count matrices for the assays specified
#' @param data Preserve the data slot for the assays specified
#' @param scale.data Preserve the scale.data slot for the assays specified
#' @param features Only keep a subset of features, defaults to all features
#' @param assays Only keep a subset of assays specified here
#' @param dimreducs Only keep a subset of DimReducs specified here (if NULL,
#' remove all DimReducs)
#' @param graphs Only keep a subset of Graphs specified here (if NULL, remove
#' all Graphs)
#' @export
DietSeurat <- function(
counts = TRUE,
data = TRUE,
scale.data = FALSE,
features = NULL,
assays = NULL,
dimreducs = NULL,
graphs = NULL
) {
assays <- assays %||% FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = "Assay")
assays <- assays[assays %in% FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')]
if (length(x = assays) == 0) {
stop("No assays provided were found in the Seurat object")
if (!DefaultAssay(object = object) %in% assays) {
stop("The default assay is slated to be removed, please change the default assay")
if (!counts && !data) {
stop("Either one or both of 'counts' and 'data' must be kept")
for (assay in FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')) {
if (!(assay %in% assays)) {
object[[assay]] <- NULL
} else {
features.assay <- features %||% rownames(x = object[[assay]])
features.assay <- intersect(x = features.assay, y = rownames(x = object[[assay]]))
if (length(x = features.assay) == 0) {
if (assay == DefaultAssay(object = object)) {
stop("The default assay is slated to be removed, please change the default assay")
} else {
warning("No features found in assay '", assay, "', removing...")
object[[assay]] <- NULL
} else {
if (counts) {
if (!is.null(x = features)) {
slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'counts') <- slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'counts')[features.assay, ]
} else {
slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'counts') <- new(Class = 'matrix')
if (data) {
if (!is.null(x = features)) {
slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'data') <- slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'data')[features.assay, ]
} else {
stop('data = FALSE currently not supported')
slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'data') <- new(Class = 'matrix')
features.scaled <- features.assay[features.assay %in% rownames(x = slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'scale.data'))]
if (scale.data && length(x = features.scaled) > 0) {
if (! all(rownames(x = slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'scale.data')) %in% features.scaled)) {
slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'scale.data') <- slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'scale.data')[features.scaled, ]
} else {
slot(object = object[[assay]], name = 'scale.data') <- new(Class = 'matrix')
# remove unspecified DimReducs and Graphs
all.objects <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = c('DimReduc', 'Graph'))
objects.to.remove <- all.objects[!all.objects %in% c(dimreducs, graphs)]
for (ob in objects.to.remove) {
object[[ob]] <- NULL
#' Access cellular data
#' Retreives data (feature expression, PCA scores, metrics, etc.) for a set
#' of cells in a Seurat object
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param vars List of all variables to fetch, use keyword 'ident' to pull identity classes
#' @param cells Cells to collect data for (default is all cells)
#' @param slot Slot to pull feature data for
#' @return A data frame with cells as rows and cellular data as columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pc1 <- FetchData(object = pbmc_small, vars = 'PC_1')
#' head(x = pc1)
#' head(x = FetchData(object = pbmc_small, vars = c('groups', 'ident')))
FetchData <- function(object, vars, cells = NULL, slot = 'data') {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
if (is.numeric(x = cells)) {
cells <- colnames(x = object)[cells]
# Get a list of all objects to search through and their keys
objects.use <- FilterObjects(object = object)
object.keys <- sapply(X = objects.use, FUN = function(i) {return(Key(object[[i]]))})
# Find all vars that are keyed
keyed.vars <- lapply(
X = object.keys,
FUN = function(key) {
if (length(x = key) == 0) {
return(integer(length = 0L))
return(grep(pattern = paste0('^', key), x = vars))
keyed.vars <- Filter(f = length, x = keyed.vars)
data.fetched <- lapply(
X = names(x = keyed.vars),
FUN = function(x) {
vars.use <- vars[keyed.vars[[x]]]
key.use <- object.keys[x]
data.return <- if (inherits(x = object[[x]], what = 'DimReduc')) {
vars.use <- grep(
pattern = paste0('^', key.use, '[[:digit:]]+$'),
x = vars.use,
value = TRUE
if (length(x = vars.use) > 0) {
expr = object[[x]][[cells, vars.use, drop = FALSE]],
error = function(...) {
} else {
} else if (inherits(x = object[[x]], what = 'Assay')) {
vars.use <- gsub(pattern = paste0('^', key.use), replacement = '', x = vars.use)
data.assay <- GetAssayData(
object = object,
slot = slot,
assay = x
vars.use <- vars.use[vars.use %in% rownames(x = data.assay)]
data.vars <- t(x = as.matrix(data.assay[vars.use, cells, drop = FALSE]))
if (ncol(data.vars) > 0) {
colnames(x = data.vars) <- paste0(key.use, vars.use)
data.return <- as.list(x = as.data.frame(x = data.return))
data.fetched <- unlist(x = data.fetched, recursive = FALSE)
# Pull vars from object metadata
meta.vars <- vars[vars %in% colnames(x = object[[]]) & ! vars %in% names(x = data.fetched)]
data.fetched <- c(data.fetched, object[[meta.vars]][cells, , drop = FALSE])
# Pull vars from the default assay
default.vars <- vars[vars %in% rownames(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = slot)) & ! vars %in% names(x = data.fetched)]
data.fetched <- c(
expr = as.data.frame(x = t(x = as.matrix(x = GetAssayData(
object = object,
slot = slot
)[default.vars, cells, drop = FALSE]))),
error = function(...) {
# Pull identities
if ('ident' %in% vars && !'ident' %in% colnames(x = object[[]])) {
data.fetched[['ident']] <- Idents(object = object)[cells]
# Try to find ambiguous vars
fetched <- names(x = data.fetched)
vars.missing <- setdiff(x = vars, y = fetched)
if (length(x = vars.missing) > 0) {
# Search for vars in alternative assays
vars.alt <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(x = vars.missing))
names(x = vars.alt) <- vars.missing
for (assay in FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')) {
vars.assay <- Filter(
f = function(x) {
features.assay <- rownames(x = GetAssayData(
object = object,
assay = assay,
slot = slot
return(x %in% features.assay)
x = vars.missing
for (var in vars.assay) {
vars.alt[[var]] <- append(x = vars.alt[[var]], values = assay)
# Vars found in multiple alternative assays are truly ambiguous, will not pull
vars.many <- names(x = Filter(
f = function(x) {
return(length(x = x) > 1)
x = vars.alt
if (length(x = vars.many) > 0) {
"Found the following features in more than one assay, excluding the default. We will not include these in the final dataframe: ",
paste(vars.many, collapse = ', '),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
vars.missing <- names(x = Filter(
f = function(x) {
return(length(x = x) != 1)
x = vars.alt
# Pull vars found in only one alternative assay
# Key this var to highlight that it was found in an alternate assay
vars.alt <- Filter(
f = function(x) {
return(length(x = x) == 1)
x = vars.alt
for (var in names(x = vars.alt)) {
assay <- vars.alt[[var]]
'Could not find ',
' in the default search locations, found in ',
' assay instead',
immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE
keyed.var <- paste0(Key(object = object[[assay]]), var)
data.fetched[[keyed.var]] <- as.vector(
x = GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, slot = slot)[var, cells]
vars <- sub(
pattern = paste0('^', var, '$'),
replacement = keyed.var,
x = vars
fetched <- names(x = data.fetched)
# Name the vars not found in a warning (or error if no vars found)
m2 <- if (length(x = vars.missing) > 10) {
paste0(' (10 out of ', length(x = vars.missing), ' shown)')
} else {
if (length(x = vars.missing) == length(x = vars)) {
"None of the requested variables were found",
': ',
paste(head(x = vars.missing, n = 10L), collapse = ', ')
} else if (length(x = vars.missing) > 0) {
"The following requested variables were not found",
': ',
paste(head(x = vars.missing, n = 10L), collapse = ', ')
# Assembled fetched vars in a dataframe
data.fetched <- as.data.frame(
x = data.fetched,
row.names = cells,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
data.order <- na.omit(object = pmatch(
x = vars,
table = fetched
if (length(x = data.order) > 1) {
data.fetched <- data.fetched[, data.order]
colnames(x = data.fetched) <- vars[vars %in% fetched]
#' Log a command
#' Logs command run, storing the name, timestamp, and argument list. Stores in
#' the Seurat object
#' @param object Name of Seurat object
#' @param return.command Return a \link{SeuratCommand} object instead
#' @return If \code{return.command}, returns a SeuratCommand object. Otherwise,
#' returns the Seurat object with command stored
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{Command}}
LogSeuratCommand <- function(object, return.command = FALSE) {
time.stamp <- Sys.time()
#capture function name
which.frame <- sys.nframe() - 1
if (which.frame < 1) {
stop("'LogSeuratCommand' cannot be called at the top level", call. = FALSE)
command.name <- as.character(x = deparse(expr = sys.calls()[[which.frame]]))
command.name <- gsub(pattern = "\\.Seurat", replacement = "", x = command.name)
call.string <- command.name
command.name <- ExtractField(string = command.name, field = 1, delim = "\\(")
#capture function arguments
argnames <- names(x = formals(fun = sys.function(which = sys.parent(n = 1))))
argnames <- grep(pattern = "object", x = argnames, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
argnames <- grep(pattern = "anchorset", x = argnames, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
argnames <- grep(pattern = "\\.\\.\\.", x = argnames, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
params <- list()
p.env <- parent.frame(n = 1)
argnames <- intersect(x = argnames, y = ls(name = p.env))
# fill in params list
for (arg in argnames) {
param_value <- get(x = arg, envir = p.env)
if (inherits(x = param_value, what = 'Seurat')) {
#TODO Institute some check of object size?
params[[arg]] <- param_value
# check if function works on the Assay and/or the DimReduc Level
assay <- params[["assay"]]
reduction <- params[["reduction"]]
# Get assay used for command
cmd.assay <- assay %||% (reduction %iff% if (inherits(x = reduction, what = 'DimReduc')) {
DefaultAssay(object = reduction)
} else if (reduction %in% Reductions(object = object)) {
DefaultAssay(object = object[[reduction]])
if (inherits(x = reduction, what = 'DimReduc')) {
reduction <- 'DimReduc'
# rename function name to include Assay/DimReduc info
if (length(x = assay) == 1) {
command.name <- paste(command.name, assay, reduction, sep = '.')
command.name <- sub(pattern = "[\\.]+$", replacement = "", x = command.name, perl = TRUE)
command.name <- sub(pattern = "\\.\\.", replacement = "\\.", x = command.name, perl = TRUE)
# store results
seurat.command <- new(
Class = 'SeuratCommand',
name = command.name,
params = params,
time.stamp = time.stamp,
call.string = call.string,
assay.used = cmd.assay
if (return.command) {
object[[command.name]] <- seurat.command
#' Pull DimReducs or DimReduc names
#' Lists the names of \code{\link{DimReduc}} objects present in
#' a Seurat object. If slot is provided, pulls specified DimReduc object.
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param slot Name of DimReduc
#' @return If \code{slot} is \code{NULL}, the names of all \code{DimReduc} objects
#' in this Seurat object. Otherwise, the \code{DimReduc} object requested
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Reductions(object = pbmc_small)
Reductions <- function(object, slot = NULL) {
reductions <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'DimReduc')
if (is.null(x = slot)) {
if (!slot %in% reductions) {
"Cannot find a DimReduc of name ",
" in this Seurat object",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
return(slot(object = object, name = 'reductions')[[slot]])
#' Rename assays in a \code{Seurat} object
#' @param object A \code{Seurat} object
#' @param ... Named arguments as \code{old.assay = new.assay}
#' @return \code{object} with assays renamed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' RenameAssays(object = pbmc_small, RNA = 'rna')
RenameAssays <- function(object, ...) {
assay.pairs <- tryCatch(
expr = as.list(x = ...),
error = function(e) {
old.assays <- names(x = assay.pairs)
# Handle missing assays
missing.assays <- setdiff(x = old.assays, y = Assays(object = object))
if (length(x = missing.assays) == length(x = old.assays)) {
stop("None of the assays provided are present in this object", call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(x = missing.assays)) {
"The following assays could not be found: ",
paste(missing.assays, collapse = ', '),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
old.assays <- setdiff(x = old.assays, missing.assays)
assay.pairs <- assay.pairs[old.assays]
# Check to see that all old assays are named
if (is.null(x = names(x = assay.pairs)) || any(sapply(X = old.assays, FUN = nchar) < 1)) {
stop("All arguments must be named with the old assay name", call. = FALSE)
# Ensure each old assay is going to one new assay
if (!all(sapply(X = assay.pairs, FUN = length) == 1) || length(x = old.assays) != length(x = unique(x = old.assays))) {
stop("Can only rename assays to one new name", call. = FALSE)
# Ensure each new assay is coming from one old assay
if (length(x = assay.pairs) != length(x = unique(x = assay.pairs))) {
"One or more assays are set to be lost due to duplicate new assay names",
call. = FALSE
# Rename assays
for (old in names(x = assay.pairs)) {
new <- assay.pairs[[old]]
# If we aren't actually renaming any
if (old == new) {
old.key <- Key(object = object[[old]])
suppressWarnings(expr = object[[new]] <- object[[old]])
if (old == DefaultAssay(object = object)) {
message("Renaming default assay from ", old, " to ", new)
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- new
Key(object = object[[new]]) <- old.key
object[[old]] <- NULL
#' Splits object into a list of subsetted objects.
#' Splits object based on a single attribute into a list of subsetted objects,
#' one for each level of the attribute. For example, useful for taking an object
#' that contains cells from many patients, and subdividing it into
#' patient-specific objects.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param split.by Attribute for splitting. Default is "ident". Currently
#' only supported for class-level (i.e. non-quantitative) attributes.
#' @return A named list of Seurat objects, each containing a subset of cells
#' from the original object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Assign the test object a three level attribute
#' groups <- sample(c("group1", "group2", "group3"), size = 80, replace = TRUE)
#' names(groups) <- colnames(pbmc_small)
#' pbmc_small <- AddMetaData(object = pbmc_small, metadata = groups, col.name = "group")
#' obj.list <- SplitObject(pbmc_small, split.by = "group")
SplitObject <- function(object, split.by = "ident") {
if (split.by == 'ident') {
groupings <- Idents(object = object)
} else {
groupings <- FetchData(object = object, vars = split.by)[, 1]
groupings <- unique(x = as.character(x = groupings))
obj.list <- list()
for (i in groupings) {
if (split.by == "ident") {
obj.list[[i]] <- subset(x = object, idents = i)
else {
cells <- which(x = object[[split.by, drop = TRUE]] == i)
cells <- colnames(x = object)[cells]
obj.list[[i]] <- subset(x = object, cells = cells)
#' Find features with highest scores for a given dimensional reduction technique
#' Return a list of features with the strongest contribution to a set of components
#' @param object DimReduc object
#' @param dim Dimension to use
#' @param nfeatures Number of features to return
#' @param projected Use the projected feature loadings
#' @param balanced Return an equal number of features with both + and - scores.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link{Loadings}}
#' @return Returns a vector of features
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc_small
#' TopFeatures(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]], dim = 1)
#' # After projection:
#' TopFeatures(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]], dim = 1, projected = TRUE)
TopFeatures <- function(
dim = 1,
nfeatures = 20,
projected = FALSE,
balanced = FALSE,
) {
loadings <- Loadings(object = object, projected = projected, ...)[, dim, drop = FALSE]
data = loadings,
num = nfeatures,
balanced = balanced
#' Find cells with highest scores for a given dimensional reduction technique
#' Return a list of genes with the strongest contribution to a set of components
#' @param object DimReduc object
#' @param dim Dimension to use
#' @param ncells Number of cells to return
#' @param balanced Return an equal number of cells with both + and - scores.
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link{Embeddings}}
#' @return Returns a vector of cells
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pbmc_small
#' head(TopCells(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]]))
#' # Can specify which dimension and how many cells to return
#' TopCells(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]], dim = 2, ncells = 5)
TopCells <- function(object, dim = 1, ncells = 20, balanced = FALSE, ...) {
embeddings <- Embeddings(object = object, ...)[, dim, drop = FALSE]
data = embeddings,
num = ncells,
balanced = balanced
# Methods for Seurat-defined generics
#' @rdname AddMetaData
#' @export
#' @method AddMetaData Assay
AddMetaData.Assay <- function(object, metadata, col.name = NULL) {
return(.AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = metadata, col.name = col.name))
#' @rdname AddMetaData
#' @export
#' @method AddMetaData Seurat
AddMetaData.Seurat <- function(object, metadata, col.name = NULL) {
return(.AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = metadata, col.name = col.name))
#' @param assay Assay to convert
#' @param reduction Name of DimReduc to set to main reducedDim in cds
#' @rdname as.CellDataSet
#' @export
#' @method as.CellDataSet Seurat
as.CellDataSet.Seurat <- function(x, assay = NULL, reduction = NULL, ...) {
if (!PackageCheck('monocle', error = FALSE)) {
stop("Please install monocle from Bioconductor before converting to a CellDataSet object")
} else if (packageVersion(pkg = 'monocle') >= package_version(x = '2.99.0')) {
stop("Seurat can only convert to/from Monocle v2.X objects")
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = x)
# make variables, then run `newCellDataSet`
# create cellData counts
counts <- GetAssayData(object = x, assay = assay, slot = "counts")
# metadata
cell.metadata <- x[[]]
feature.metadata <- x[[assay]][[]]
if (!"gene_short_name" %in% colnames(x = feature.metadata)) {
feature.metadata$gene_short_name <- rownames(x = feature.metadata)
pd <- new(Class = "AnnotatedDataFrame", data = cell.metadata)
fd <- new(Class = "AnnotatedDataFrame", data = feature.metadata)
# Now, determine the expressionFamily
if ("monocle" %in% names(x = Misc(object = x))) {
expressionFamily <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["expressionFamily"]]
} else {
if (all(counts == floor(x = counts))) {
expressionFamily <- VGAM::negbinomial.size()
} else if (any(counts < 0)) {
expressionFamily <- VGAM::uninormal()
} else {
expressionFamily <- VGAM::tobit()
cds <- monocle::newCellDataSet(
cellData = counts,
phenoData = pd,
featureData = fd,
expressionFamily = expressionFamily
if ("monocle" %in% names(x = Misc(object = x))) {
monocle::cellPairwiseDistances(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["cellPairwiseDistances"]]
monocle::minSpanningTree(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["minSpanningTree"]]
Biobase::experimentData(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["experimentData"]]
Biobase::protocolData(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["protocolData"]]
Biobase::classVersion(cds = cds) <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["classVersion"]]
# no setter methods found for following slots
slot(object = cds, name = "lowerDetectionLimit") <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["lowerDetectionLimit"]]
slot(object = cds, name = "dispFitInfo") <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["dispFitInfo"]]
slot(object = cds, name = "auxOrderingData") <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["auxOrderingData"]]
slot(object = cds, name = "auxClusteringData") <- Misc(object = x, slot = "monocle")[["auxClusteringData"]]
# adding dimensionality reduction data to the CDS
dr.slots <- c("reducedDimS", "reducedDimK", "reducedDimW", "reducedDimA")
reduction <- reduction %||% DefaultDimReduc(object = x, assay = assay)
if (!is.null(x = reduction)) {
if (grepl(pattern = 'tsne', x = tolower(x = reduction))) {
slot(object = cds, name = "dim_reduce_type") <- "tSNE"
monocle::reducedDimA(cds = cds) <- t(x = Embeddings(object = x[[reduction]]))
} else {
slot(object = cds, name = "dim_reduce_type") <- reduction
monocle::reducedDimA(cds = cds) <- Loadings(object = x[[reduction]])
slot(object = cds, name = "reducedDimS") <- Embeddings(object = x[[reduction]])
for (ii in dr.slots) {
if (ii %in% names(x = slot(object = x[[reduction]], name = "misc"))) {
slot(object = cds, name = ii) <- slot(object = x[[reduction]], name = "misc")[[ii]]
#' @rdname as.Graph
#' @export
#' @method as.Graph Matrix
#' @examples
#' # converting sparse matrix
#' mat <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(nrow = 10, ncol = 10, density = 0.1)
#' rownames(x = mat) <- paste0("feature_", 1:10)
#' colnames(x = mat) <- paste0("cell_", 1:10)
#' g <- as.Graph(x = mat)
as.Graph.Matrix <- function(x, ...) {
x <- as.sparse(x = x)
if (is.null(x = rownames(x = x))) {
stop("Please provide rownames to the matrix before converting to a Graph.")
if (is.null(x = colnames(x = x))) {
stop("Please provide colnames to the matrix before converting to a Graph.")
return(as(object = x, Class = "Graph"))
#' @rdname as.Graph
#' @export
#' @method as.Graph matrix
#' @examples
#' # converting dense matrix
#' mat <- matrix(data = 1:16, nrow = 4)
#' rownames(x = mat) <- paste0("feature_", 1:4)
#' colnames(x = mat) <- paste0("cell_", 1:4)
#' g <- as.Graph(x = mat)
as.Graph.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
return(as.Graph.Matrix(x = as(object = x, Class = 'Matrix')))
#' @details
#' The Seurat method for \code{as.loom} will try to automatically fill in datasets based on data presence.
#' For example, if an assay's scaled data slot isn't filled, then dimensional reduction and graph information
#' will not be filled, since those depend on scaled data. The following is a list of how datasets will be filled
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{counts} will be stored in \code{matrix}
#' \item Cell names will be stored in \code{col_attrs/CellID}; feature names will be stored in \code{row_attrs/Gene}
#' \item \code{data} will be stored in \code{layers/norm_data}
#' \item \code{scale.data} will be stored in \code{layers/scale_data}
#' \item Cell-level metadata will be stored in \code{col_attrs}; all periods '.' in metadata will be replaced with underscores '_'
#' \item Clustering information from \code{Idents(object = x)} will be stored in \code{col_attrs/ClusterID} and \code{col_attrs/ClusterName}
#' for the numeric and string representation of the factor, respectively
#' \item Feature-level metadata will be stored in \code{Feature_attrs}; all periods '.' in metadata will be replaced with underscores '_'
#' \item Variable features, if set, will be stored in \code{row_attrs/Selected}; features declared as variable will be stored as '1',
#' others will be stored as '0'
#' \item Dimensional reduction information for the assay provided will be stored in \code{col_attrs} for cell embeddings and \code{row_attrs}
#' for feature loadings; datasets will be named as \code{name_type} where \code{name} is the name within the Seurat object
#' and \code{type} is \code{cell_embeddings} or \code{feature_loadings}; if feature loadings have been projected for all features,
#' then projected loadings will be stored instead and \code{type} will be \code{feature_loadings_projected}
#' \item Nearest-neighbor graphs that start with the name of the assay will be stored in \code{col_graphs}
#' \item Assay information will be stored as an HDF5 attribute called \code{assay} at the root level
#' }
#' @inheritParams loomR::create
#' @param assay Assay to store in loom file
#' @rdname as.loom
#' @export
#' @method as.loom Seurat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lfile <- as.loom(x = pbmc_small)
#' }
as.loom.Seurat <- function(
assay = NULL,
filename = file.path(getwd(), paste0(Project(object = x), '.loom')),
max.size = '400mb',
chunk.dims = NULL,
chunk.size = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
) {
if (!PackageCheck('loomR', error = FALSE)) {
stop("Please install loomR from GitHub before converting to a loom object")
CheckDots(..., fxns = 'loomR::create')
# Set the default assay to make life easy
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = x)
DefaultAssay(object = x) <- assay
# Pull ordering information
cell.order <- colnames(x = x)
feature.order <- rownames(x = x)
# Get cell- and feature-level metadata
meta.data <- x[[]][cell.order, ]
colnames(x = meta.data) <- gsub(
pattern = '\\.',
replacement = '_',
x = colnames(x = meta.data)
meta.data$ClusterID <- as.integer(x = Idents(object = x)[rownames(x = meta.data)])
meta.data$ClusterName <- as.character(x = Idents(object = x)[rownames(x = meta.data)])
meta.feature <- x[[assay]][[]][feature.order, ]
colnames(x = meta.feature) <- gsub(
pattern = '\\.',
replacement = '_',
x = colnames(x = meta.feature)
if (length(x = VariableFeatures(object = x)) > 0) {
meta.feature[VariableFeatures(object = x), 'Selected'] <- 1
meta.feature[is.na(x = meta.feature$Selected), 'Selected'] <- 0
if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'counts'))) {
data <- GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'data')
layers <- NULL
} else {
data <- GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'counts') # Raw counts matrix
layers = list('norm_data' = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'data')) # Add data slot as norm_data
# Make the initial loom object
lfile <- loomR::create(
filename = filename,
data = data[feature.order, cell.order],
feature.attrs = as.list(x = meta.feature), # Feature-level metadata
cell.attrs = as.list(x = meta.data), # Cell-level metadata
layers = layers,
transpose = TRUE,
calc.count = FALSE,
max.size = max.size,
chunk.size = chunk.size,
chunk.dims = chunk.dims,
overwrite = overwrite,
verbose = verbose,
# Add scale.data
if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'scale.data'))) {
if (verbose) {
message("Adding scaled data matrix to /layers/scale_data")
layers = list(
'scale_data' = as.matrix(
x = t(
x = as.data.frame(
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'scale.data')
)[feature.order, cell.order]
verbose = verbose
dim.reducs <- FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = 'DimReduc')
dim.reducs <- Filter(
f = function(d) {
return(DefaultAssay(object = x[[d]]) == assay)
x = dim.reducs
# Add dimensional reduction information
for (dr in dim.reducs) {
if (verbose) {
message("Adding dimensional reduction information for ", dr)
embeddings <- Embeddings(object = x, reduction = dr)[cell.order, ]
embeddings <- list(embeddings)
names(x = embeddings) <- paste0(dr, '_cell_embeddings')
if (verbose) {
message("Adding cell embedding information for ", dr)
lfile$add.col.attribute(attributes = embeddings)
loadings <- Loadings(
object = x,
reduction = dr,
projected = Projected(object = x[[dr]])
# Add feature loading information
if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = loadings)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Adding feature loading information for ", dr)
loadings <- as.matrix(x = as.data.frame(x = loadings)[feature.order, ])
loadings <- list(loadings)
names(x = loadings) <- paste0(dr, '_feature_loadings')
if (Projected(object = x[[dr]])) {
names(x = loadings) <- paste0(names(x = loadings), '_projected')
lfile$add.row.attribute(attributes = loadings)
} else if (verbose) {
message("No feature loading information for ", dr)
# Add graph information
graphs <- FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = 'Graph')
graphs <- grep(pattern = paste0('^', assay), x = graphs, value = TRUE)
for (gr in graphs) {
if (verbose) {
message("Adding graph ", gr)
lfile$add.graph.matrix(mat = x[[gr]], name = gr, MARGIN = 2)
} else if (verbose) {
message("No scaled data present, not adding scaled data, dimensional reduction information, or neighbor graphs")
# Store assay
hdf5r::h5attr(x = lfile, which = 'assay') <- assay
#' @param slot Slot to store expression data as
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @rdname as.Seurat
#' @export
#' @method as.Seurat CellDataSet
as.Seurat.CellDataSet <- function(
slot = 'counts',
assay = 'RNA',
verbose = TRUE,
) {
if (!PackageCheck('monocle', error = FALSE)) {
stop("Please install monocle from Bioconductor before converting to a CellDataSet object")
} else if (packageVersion(pkg = 'monocle') >= package_version(x = '2.99.0')) {
stop("Seurat can only convert to/from Monocle v2.X objects")
slot <- match.arg(arg = slot, choices = c('counts', 'data'))
if (verbose) {
message("Pulling expression data")
expr <- Biobase::exprs(object = x)
if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = expr)) {
stop("No data provided in this CellDataSet object", call. = FALSE)
meta.data <- as.data.frame(x = Biobase::pData(object = x))
# if cell names are NULL, fill with cell_X
if (is.null(x = colnames(x = expr))) {
"The column names of the 'counts' and 'data' matrices are NULL. Setting cell names to cell_columnidx (e.g 'cell_1').",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
rownames(x = meta.data) <- colnames(x = expr) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(x = expr))
# Creating the object
if (verbose) {
message("Building Seurat object")
if (slot == 'data') {
assays <- list(CreateAssayObject(data = expr))
names(x = assays) <- assay
Key(object = assays[[assay]]) <- suppressWarnings(expr = UpdateKey(key = assay))
object <- new(
Class = 'Seurat',
assays = assays,
meta.data = meta.data,
version = packageVersion(pkg = 'SeuratBasics'),
project.name = 'SeuratProject'
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
} else {
object <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = expr,
meta.data = meta.data,
assay = assay
# feature metadata
if (verbose) {
message("Adding feature-level metadata")
feature.metadata <- Biobase::fData(object = x)
object[[assay]][[names(x = feature.metadata)]] <- feature.metadata
# mean/dispersion values
disp.table <- tryCatch(
expr = suppressWarnings(expr = monocle::dispersionTable(cds = x)),
error = function(...) {
if (!is.null(x = disp.table)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Adding dispersion information")
rownames(x = disp.table) <- disp.table[, 1]
disp.table[, 1] <- NULL
colnames(x = disp.table) <- paste0('monocle_', colnames(x = disp.table))
object[[assay]][[names(x = disp.table)]] <- disp.table
} else if (verbose) {
message("No dispersion information in CellDataSet object")
# variable features
if ("use_for_ordering" %in% colnames(x = feature.metadata)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Setting variable features")
VariableFeatures(object = object, assay = assay) <- rownames(x = feature.metadata)[which(x = feature.metadata[, "use_for_ordering"])]
} else if (verbose) {
message("No variable features present")
# add dim reduction
dr.name <- slot(object = x, name = "dim_reduce_type")
if (length(x = dr.name) > 0) {
if (verbose) {
message("Adding ", dr.name, " dimensional reduction")
reduced.A <- t(x = slot(object = x, name = 'reducedDimA'))
reduced.S <- t(x = slot(object = x, name = 'reducedDimS'))
if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = reduced.S)) {
embeddings <- reduced.A
loadings <- new(Class = 'matrix')
} else {
embeddings <- reduced.S
loadings <- t(x = reduced.A)
rownames(x = embeddings) <- colnames(x = object)
misc.dr <- list(
reducedDimS = slot(object = x, name = "reducedDimS"),
reducedDimK = slot(object = x, name = "reducedDimK"),
reducedDimW = slot(object = x, name = "reducedDimW"),
reducedDimA = slot(object = x, name = "reducedDimA")
dr <- suppressWarnings(expr = CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = embeddings,
loadings = loadings,
assay = assay,
key = UpdateKey(key = tolower(x = dr.name)),
misc = misc.dr
object[[dr.name]] <- dr
} else if (verbose) {
message("No dimensional reduction information found")
monocle.specific.info <- list(
expressionFamily = slot(object = x, name = "expressionFamily"),
lowerDetectionLimit = slot(object = x, name = "lowerDetectionLimit"),
dispFitInfo = slot(object = x, name = "dispFitInfo"),
cellPairwiseDistances = slot(object = x, name = "cellPairwiseDistances"),
minSpanningTree = slot(object = x, name = "minSpanningTree"),
auxOrderingData = slot(object = x, name = "auxOrderingData"),
auxClusteringData = slot(object = x, name = "auxClusteringData"),
experimentData = slot(object = x, name = "experimentData"),
protocolData = slot(object = x, name = "protocolData"),
classVersion = slot(object = x, name = ".__classVersion__")
Misc(object = object, slot = "monocle") <- monocle.specific.info
#' @details
#' The \code{loom} method for \code{as.Seurat} will try to automatically fill in a Seurat object based on data presence.
#' For example, if no normalized data is present, then scaled data, dimensional reduction informan, and neighbor graphs
#' will not be pulled as these depend on normalized data. The following is a list of how the Seurat object will be constructed
#' \itemize{
#' \item If no assay information is provided, will default to an assay name in a root-level HDF5 attribute called \code{assay};
#' if no attribute is present, will default to "RNA"
#' \item Cell-level metadata will consist of all one-dimensional datasets in \code{col_attrs} \strong{except} datasets named "ClusterID", "ClusterName",
#' and whatever is passed to \code{cells}
#' \item Identity classes will be set if either \code{col_attrs/ClusterID} or \code{col_attrs/ClusterName} are present; if both are present, then
#' the values in \code{col_attrs/ClusterID} will set the order (numeric value of a factor) for values in \code{col_attrs/ClusterName}
#' (charater value of a factor)
#' \item Feature-level metadata will consist of all one-dimensional datasets in \code{row_attrs} \strong{except} datasets named "Selected" and whatever
#' is passed to \code{features}; any feature-level metadata named "variance_standardized", "variance_expected", or "dispersion_scaled" will have
#' underscores "_" replaced with a period "."
#' \item Variable features will be set if \code{row_attrs/Selected} exists and it is a numeric type
#' \item If a dataset is passed to \code{normalized}, stored as a sparse matrix in \code{data};
#' if no dataset provided, \code{scaled} will be set to \code{NULL}
#' \item If a dataset is passed to \code{scaled}, stored as a dense matrix in \code{scale.data}; all rows entirely consisting of \code{NA}s
#' will be removed
#' \item If a dataset is passed to \code{scaled}, dimensional reduction information will assembled from cell embedding information
#' stored in \code{col_attrs}; cell embeddings will be pulled from two-dimensional datasets ending with "_cell_embeddings"; priority will
#' be given to cell embeddings that have the name of \code{assay} in their name; feature loadings will be added from two-dimensional
#' datasets in \code{row_attrs} that start with the name of the dimensional reduction and end with either "feature_loadings" or
#' "feature_loadings_projected" (priority given to the latter)
#' \item If a dataset is passed to \code{scaled}, neighbor graphs will be pulled from \code{col_graphs}, provided the name starts
#' with the value of \code{assay}
#' }
#' @param cells The name of the dataset within \code{col_attrs} containing cell names
#' @param features The name of the dataset within \code{row_attrs} containing feature names
#' @param normalized The name of the dataset within \code{layers} containing the
#' normalized expression matrix; pass \code{/matrix} (with preceeding forward slash) to store
#' \code{/matrix} as normalized data
#' @param scaled The name of the dataset within \code{layers} containing the scaled expression matrix
#' @param verbose Display progress updates
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @rdname as.Seurat
#' @export
#' @method as.Seurat loom
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lfile <- as.loom(x = pbmc_small)
#' pbmc <- as.Seurat(x = lfile)
#' }
as.Seurat.loom <- function(
cells = 'CellID',
features = 'Gene',
normalized = NULL,
scaled = NULL,
assay = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
) {
# Shouldn't be necessary
if (!PackageCheck('loomR', error = FALSE)) {
stop("Please install loomR")
# Check prerequisite datasets
if (!x[['col_attrs']]$exists(name = cells)) {
stop("Cannot find provided cell name attribute in the loom file")
if (!x[['row_attrs']]$exists(name = features)) {
stop("Cannot find provided feature name attribute in the loom file")
assay <- assay %||% hdf5r::h5attributes(x = x)$assay %||% 'RNA'
# Read in the counts matrix
if (verbose) {
"Pulling ",
test = !is.null(x = normalized) && normalized == '/matrix',
yes = 'normalized data',
no = 'counts'
," matrix"
counts <- x$get.sparse(
dataset = 'matrix',
feature.names = features,
cell.names = cells,
verbose = verbose
if (!is.null(x = normalized) && normalized == '/matrix') {
assays <- list(CreateAssayObject(data = counts))
names(x = assays) <- assay
object <- new(
Class = 'Seurat',
assays = assays,
meta.data = data.frame(row.names = colnames(x = assays[[assay]])),
version = packageVersion(pkg = 'SeuratBasics'),
project.name = 'SeuratProject'
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
} else {
object <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = counts,
assay = assay
# Read in normalized and scaled data
if (!is.null(x = normalized) && normalized != '/matrix') {
normalized <- basename(path = normalized)
if (!x[['layers']]$exists(name = normalized)) {
"Cannot find provided normalized data in the loom file",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
scaled <- NULL
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("Adding normalized data")
norm.data <- x$get.sparse(
dataset = paste0('layers/', normalized),
feature.names = features,
cell.names = cells
object <- SetAssayData(object = object, slot = 'data', new.data = norm.data)
} else if (is.null(x = normalized) || normalized != '/matrix') {
if (verbose) {
message("No normalized data provided, not adding scaled data")
scaled <- NULL
if (!is.null(x = scaled)) {
scaled <- basename(path = scaled)
if (!x[['layers']]$exists(name = scaled)) {
"Cannot find provided scaled data in the loom file",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
scaled <- NULL
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("Adding scaled data")
scale.data <- t(x = x[['layers']][[scaled]][, ])
rownames(x = scale.data) <- x[['row_attrs']][[features]][]
colnames(x = scale.data) <- x[['col_attrs']][[cells]][]
row.drop <- apply(
X = scale.data,
FUN = function(row) {
return(all(is.na(x = row)))
scale.data <- scale.data[!row.drop, , drop = FALSE]
object <- SetAssayData(
object = object,
slot = 'scale.data',
new.data = scale.data
} else if (verbose) {
message("No scaled data provided")
# Read in cell-level metadata
meta.data <- hdf5r::list.datasets(
object = x,
path = 'col_attrs',
full.names = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE
meta.data <- meta.data[-which(x = meta.data %in% c(cells, 'ClusterID', 'ClusterName'))]
meta.data <- Filter(
f = function(m) {
return(length(x = x[['col_attrs']][[m]]$dims) == 1)
x = meta.data
if (length(x = meta.data) > 0) {
meta.data <- sapply(
X = meta.data,
FUN = function(m) {
simplify = FALSE,
meta.data <- as.data.frame(x = meta.data)
rownames(x = meta.data) <- make.unique(names = x[['col_attrs']][[cells]][])
colnames(x = meta.data) <- gsub(
pattern = 'orig_ident',
replacement = 'orig.ident',
x = colnames(x = meta.data)
object[[colnames(x = meta.data)]] <- meta.data
# Set clustering information
idents <- if (x[['col_attrs']]$exists(name = 'ClusterID')) {
if (length(x = x[['col_attrs/ClusterID']]$dims) == 1) {
} else {
} else {
if (x[['col_attrs']]$exists(name = 'ClusterName')) {
if (length(x = x[['col_attrs/ClusterName']]$dims) == 1) {
ident.order <- idents
idents <- x[['col_attrs/ClusterName']][]
} else {
ident.order <- NULL
} else {
ident.order <- NULL
if (!is.null(x = idents)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Setting cluster IDs")
names(x = idents) <- x[['col_attrs']][[cells]][]
levels <- if (is.null(x = ident.order)) {
} else {
levels <- unique(x = levels)
idents <- factor(x = idents, levels = levels)
Idents(object = object) <- idents
} else if (verbose) {
message("No clustering information present")
# Read in feature-level metadata
meta.features <- hdf5r::list.datasets(
object = x,
path = 'row_attrs',
full.names = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE
meta.features <- meta.features[-which(x = meta.features %in% c(features, 'Selected'))]
meta.features <- Filter(
f = function(m) {
return(length(x = x[['row_attrs']][[m]]$dims) == 1)
x = meta.features
if (length(x = meta.features) > 0) {
meta.features <- sapply(
X = meta.features,
FUN = function(m) {
simplify = FALSE,
meta.features <- as.data.frame(x = meta.features)
rownames(x = meta.features) <- make.unique(names = x[['row_attrs']][[features]][])
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'variance_standardized',
replacement = 'variance.standardized',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'variance_expected',
replacement = 'variance.expected',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'dispersion_scaled',
replacement = 'dispersion.scaled',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
object[[assay]][[colnames(x = meta.features)]] <- meta.features
# Look for variable features
if (x[['row_attrs']]$exists(name = 'Selected')) {
if (inherits(x = x[['row_attrs/Selected']]$get_type(), what = c('H5T_FLOAT', 'H5T_INTEGER'))) {
var.features <- which(x = x[['row_attrs/Selected']][] == 1)
VariableFeatures(object = object) <- x[['row_attrs']][[features]][var.features]
} else if (verbose) {
message("'Selected' must be a dataset of floats or integers, with '1' signifiying variable")
# If scaled, look for dimensional reduction information
if (!is.null(x = scaled)) {
reductions <- hdf5r::list.datasets(
object = x,
path = 'col_attrs',
full.names = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE
reductions <- grep(
pattern = '_cell_embeddings$',
x = reductions,
value = TRUE
reductions <- Filter(
f = function(r) {
return(length(x = x[['col_attrs']][[r]]$dims) == 2)
x = reductions
reduc.names <- sapply(
X = strsplit(x = reductions, split = '_'),
FUN = '[',
reductions <- sapply(
X = reduc.names,
FUN = function(r) {
reducs <- grep(pattern = paste0('^', r), x = reductions, value = TRUE)
if (sum(grepl(pattern = assay, x = reducs)) == 1) {
return(grep(pattern = assay, x = reducs, value = TRUE))
return(reducs[which.min(x = nchar(x = reducs))])
all.loadings <- grep(
pattern = '_feature_loadings[_projected]',
x = names(x = x[['row_attrs']]),
value = TRUE,
perl = TRUE
for (reduc in reductions) {
dim.name <- gsub(pattern = '_cell_embeddings', replacement = '', x = reduc)
if (verbose) {
message("Adding ", dim.name, " dimensional reduction information")
key <- switch(
EXPR = dim.name,
'pca' = 'PC',
'tsne' = 'tSNE',
toupper(x = dim.name)
key <- paste0(key, '_')
embeddings <- t(x = x[['col_attrs']][[reduc]][, ])
rownames(x = embeddings) <- x[['col_attrs']][[cells]][]
dr <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = embeddings,
assay = assay,
key = key
loadings <- grep(pattern = dim.name, x = all.loadings, value = TRUE)
if (length(x = loadings) == 1) {
if (verbose) {
message("Pulling feature loadings for ", dim.name)
projected <- grepl(pattern = '_projected$', x = loadings)
loadings <- t(x = x[['row_attrs']][[loadings]][, ])
rownames(x = loadings) <- if (projected) {
} else {
rownames(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = 'scale.data'))
Loadings(object = dr, projected = projected) <- loadings
} else if (verbose) {
message("No loadings present for ", dim.name)
object[[dim.name]] <- dr
} else if (verbose) {
message("No scaled data, not searching for dimensional reduction information")
# If scaled, look for graphs
if (!is.null(x = scaled)) {
for (gname in names(x = x[['col_graphs']])) {
if (!grepl(pattern = paste0('^', assay), x = gname)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Loading graph ", gname)
graph <- sparseMatrix(
i = x[['col_graphs']][[gname]][['a']][] + 1,
j = x[['col_graphs']][[gname]][['b']][],
x = x[['col_graphs']][[gname]][['w']][]
rownames(x = graph) <- colnames(x = graph) <- x[['col_attrs']][[cells]][]
object[[gname]] <- as.Graph(x = graph)
} else if (verbose) {
message("No scaled data, not searching for nearest neighbor graphs")
#' @param counts name of the SingleCellExperiment assay to store as \code{counts};
#' set to \code{NULL} if only normalized data are present
#' @param data name of the SingleCellExperiment assay to slot as \code{data}.
#' Set to NULL if only counts are present
#' @param assay Name to store expression matrices as
#' @param project Project name for new Seurat object
#' @rdname as.Seurat
#' @export
#' @method as.Seurat SingleCellExperiment
as.Seurat.SingleCellExperiment <- function(
counts = 'counts',
data = 'logcounts',
assay = 'RNA',
project = 'SingleCellExperiment',
) {
if (!PackageCheck('SingleCellExperiment', error = FALSE)) {
"Please install SingleCellExperiment from Bioconductor before converting to a SingeCellExperiment object",
call. = FALSE
meta.data <- as.data.frame(x = SummarizedExperiment::colData(x = x))
# Pull expression matrices
mats <- list(counts = counts, data = data)
mats <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = mats)
if (length(x = mats) == 0) {
stop("Cannot pass 'NULL' to both 'counts' and 'data'")
for (m in 1:length(x = mats)) {
# if (is.null(x = mats[[m]])) next
mats[[m]] <- tryCatch(
expr = SummarizedExperiment::assay(x = x, i = mats[[m]]),
error = function(e) {
stop("No data in provided assay - ", mats[[m]], call. = FALSE)
# if cell names are NULL, fill with cell_X
if (is.null(x = colnames(x = mats[[m]]))) {
"The column names of the",
names(x = mats)[m],
" matrix is NULL. Setting cell names to cell_columnidx (e.g 'cell_1').",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
cell.names <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(x = mats[[m]]))
colnames(x = mats[[m]]) <- cell.names
rownames(x = meta.data) <- cell.names
assays <- if (is.null(x = mats$counts)) {
list(CreateAssayObject(data = mats$data))
} else if (is.null(x = mats$data)) {
list(CreateAssayObject(counts = mats$counts))
} else {
a <- CreateAssayObject(counts = mats$counts)
a <- SetAssayData(object = a, slot = 'data', new.data = mats$data)
names(x = assays) <- assay
Key(object = assays[[assay]]) <- paste0(tolower(x = assay), '_')
# Create the Seurat object
object <- new(
Class = 'Seurat',
assays = assays,
meta.data = meta.data,
version = packageVersion(pkg = 'SeuratBasics'),
project.name = project
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
Idents(object = object) <- project
# Get DimReduc information
if (length(x = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDimNames(x = x)) > 0) {
for (dr in SingleCellExperiment::reducedDimNames(x = x)) {
embeddings <- SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(x = x, type = dr)
if (is.null(x = rownames(x = embeddings))) {
rownames(x = embeddings) <- cell.names
key <- gsub(
pattern = "[[:digit:]]",
replacement = "_",
x = colnames(x = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(x = x, type = dr))[1]
if (length(x = key) == 0) {
key <- paste0(dr, "_")
colnames(x = embeddings) <- paste0(key, 1:ncol(x = embeddings))
object[[dr]] <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = embeddings,
key = key,
assay = DefaultAssay(object = object)
#' @param assay Assay to convert
#' @rdname as.SingleCellExperiment
#' @export
#' @method as.SingleCellExperiment Seurat
as.SingleCellExperiment.Seurat <- function(x, assay = NULL, ...) {
if (!PackageCheck('SingleCellExperiment', error = FALSE)) {
stop("Please install SingleCellExperiment from Bioconductor before converting to a SingeCellExperiment object")
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = x)
assays = list(
counts = GetAssayData(object = x, assay = assay, slot = "counts"),
logcounts = GetAssayData(object = x, assay = assay, slot = "data")
assays <- assays[sapply(X = assays, FUN = nrow) != 0]
sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = assays)
metadata <- x[[]]
metadata$ident <- Idents(object = x)
SummarizedExperiment::colData(sce) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(metadata)
SummarizedExperiment::rowData(sce) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(x[[assay]][[]])
for (dr in FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = "DimReduc")) {
SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(sce, toupper(x = dr)) <- Embeddings(object = x[[dr]])
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @rdname as.sparse
#' @export
#' @method as.sparse data.frame
as.sparse.data.frame <- function(x, ...) {
return(as(object = as.matrix(x = x), Class = 'dgCMatrix'))
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @rdname as.sparse
#' @export
#' @method as.sparse H5Group
as.sparse.H5Group <- function(x, ...) {
for (i in c('data', 'indices', 'indptr')) {
if (!x$exists(name = i) || !is(object = x[[i]], class2 = 'H5D')) {
stop("Invalid H5Group specification for a sparse matrix, missing dataset ", i)
if ('h5sparse_shape' %in% hdf5r::h5attr_names(x = x)) {
i = x[['indices']][] + 1,
p = x[['indptr']][],
x = x[['data']][],
dims = rev(x = hdf5r::h5attr(x = x, which = 'h5sparse_shape'))
i = x[['indices']][] + 1,
p = x[['indptr']][],
x = x[['data']][]
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @rdname as.sparse
#' @export
#' @method as.sparse Matrix
as.sparse.Matrix <- function(x, ...) {
return(as(object = x, Class = 'dgCMatrix'))
#' @rdname as.sparse
#' @export
#' @method as.sparse matrix
as.sparse.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
return(as.sparse.Matrix(x = x, ...))
#' @rdname Cells
#' @export
Cells.default <- function(x) {
return(colnames(x = x))
#' @rdname Cells
#' @export
#' @method Cells DimReduc
Cells.DimReduc <- function(x) {
return(rownames(x = x))
#' @param command Name of the command to pull, pass \code{NULL} to get the names of all commands run
#' @param value Name of the parameter to pull the value for
#' @rdname Command
#' @export
#' @method Command Seurat
Command.Seurat <- function(object, command = NULL, value = NULL, ...) {
commands <- slot(object = object, name = "commands")
if (is.null(x = command)) {
return(names(x = commands))
if (is.null(x = commands[[command]])) {
stop(command, " has not been run or is not a valid command.")
command <- commands[[command]]
if (is.null(x = value)) {
params <- slot(object = command, name = "params")
if (!value %in% names(x = params)) {
stop(value, " is not a valid parameter for ", slot(object = command, name = "name"))
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay Assay
DefaultAssay.Assay <- function(object, ...) {
object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
return(slot(object = object, name = 'assay.orig'))
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay DimReduc
DefaultAssay.DimReduc <- function(object, ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'assay.used'))
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay Graph
DefaultAssay.Graph <- function(object, ...) {
object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
return(slot(object = object, name = 'assay.used'))
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get current default assay
#' DefaultAssay(object = pbmc_small)
DefaultAssay.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'active.assay'))
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay SeuratCommand
DefaultAssay.SeuratCommand <- function(object, ...) {
object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
return(slot(object = object, name = 'assay.used'))
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay<- Assay
"DefaultAssay<-.Assay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
return(slot(object = object, name = 'assay.used'))
object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
slot(object = object, name = 'assay.orig') <- value
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay<- DimReduc
"DefaultAssay<-.DimReduc" <- function(object, ..., value) {
slot(object = object, name = 'assay.used') <- value
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay<- Graph
"DefaultAssay<-.Graph" <- function(object, ..., value) {
object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
slot(object = object, name = 'assay.used') <- value
#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay<- Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Create dummy new assay to demo switching default assays
#' new.assay <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' Key(object = new.assay) <- "RNA2_"
#' pbmc_small[["RNA2"]] <- new.assay
#' # switch default assay to RNA2
#' DefaultAssay(object = pbmc_small) <- "RNA2"
#' DefaultAssay(object = pbmc_small)
"DefaultAssay<-.Seurat" <- function(object, ..., value) {
if (!value %in% names(x = slot(object = object, name = 'assays'))) {
stop("Cannot find assay ", value)
slot(object = object, name = 'active.assay') <- value
#' @rdname Embeddings
#' @export
#' @method Embeddings DimReduc
#' @examples
#' # Get the embeddings directly from a DimReduc object
#' Embeddings(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]])[1:5, 1:5]
Embeddings.DimReduc <- function(object, ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'cell.embeddings'))
#' @param reduction Name of reduction to pull cell embeddings for
#' @rdname Embeddings
#' @export
#' @method Embeddings Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get the embeddings from a specific DimReduc in a Seurat object
#' Embeddings(object = pbmc_small, reduction = "pca")[1:5, 1:5]
Embeddings.Seurat <- function(object, reduction = 'pca', ...) {
return(Embeddings(object = object[[reduction]], ...))
#' @param assay Assay to get
#' @rdname GetAssay
#' @export
#' @method GetAssay Seurat
#' @examples
#' GetAssay(object = pbmc_small, assay = "RNA")
GetAssay.Seurat <- function(object, assay = NULL, ...) {
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
object.assays <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')
if (!assay %in% object.assays) {
" is not an assay present in the given object. Available assays are: ",
paste(object.assays, collapse = ", ")
return(slot(object = object, name = 'assays')[[assay]])
#' @param slot Specific information to pull (i.e. counts, data, scale.data, ...)
#' @rdname GetAssayData
#' @export
#' @method GetAssayData Assay
#' @examples
#' # Get the data directly from an Assay object
#' GetAssayData(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]], slot = "data")[1:5,1:5]
GetAssayData.Assay <- function(object, slot = 'data', ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = slot))
#' @param assay Name of assay to pull data from
#' @rdname GetAssayData
#' @export
#' @method GetAssayData Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get the data from a specific Assay in a Seurat object
#' GetAssayData(object = pbmc_small, assay = "RNA", slot = "data")[1:5,1:5]
GetAssayData.Seurat <- function(object, slot = 'data', assay = NULL, ...) {
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
object = GetAssay(object = object, assay = assay),
slot = slot
#' @param selection.method Which method to pull; choose one from \code{c('sctransform', 'sct')}
#' or \code{c('mean.var.plot', 'dispersion', 'mvp', 'disp')}
#' @param status Add variable status to the resulting data.frame
#' @rdname HVFInfo
#' @export
#' @method HVFInfo Assay
#' @examples
#' # Get the HVF info directly from an Assay object
#' HVFInfo(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]], selection.method = 'vst')[1:5, ]
HVFInfo.Assay <- function(object, selection.method, status = FALSE, ...) {
disp.methods <- c('mean.var.plot', 'dispersion', 'disp')
if (tolower(x = selection.method) %in% disp.methods) {
selection.method <- 'mvp'
selection.method <- switch(
EXPR = tolower(x = selection.method),
'sctransform' = 'sct',
vars <- switch(
EXPR = selection.method,
'vst' = c('mean', 'variance', 'variance.standardized'),
'mvp' = c('mean', 'dispersion', 'dispersion.scaled'),
'sct' = c('gmean', 'variance', 'residual_variance'),
stop("Unknown method: '", selection.method, "'", call. = FALSE)
expr = hvf.info <- object[[paste(selection.method, vars, sep = '.')]],
error = function(e) {
"Unable to find highly variable feature information for method '",
call. = FALSE
colnames(x = hvf.info) <- vars
if (status) {
hvf.info$variable <- object[[paste0(selection.method, '.variable')]]
#' @param assay Name of assay to pull highly variable feature information for
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @rdname HVFInfo
#' @export
#' @method HVFInfo Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get the HVF info from a specific Assay in a Seurat object
#' HVFInfo(object = pbmc_small, assay = "RNA")[1:5, ]
HVFInfo.Seurat <- function(
selection.method = NULL,
assay = NULL,
status = FALSE,
) {
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
if (is.null(x = selection.method)) {
cmds <- apply(
X = expand.grid(
c('FindVariableFeatures', 'SCTransform'),
FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')
FUN = paste,
collapse = '.'
find.command <- Command(object = object)[Command(object = object) %in% cmds]
if (length(x = find.command) < 1) {
"Please run either 'FindVariableFeatures' or 'SCTransform'",
call. = FALSE
find.command <- find.command[length(x = find.command)]
test.command <- paste(file_path_sans_ext(x = find.command), assay, sep = '.')
find.command <- ifelse(
test = test.command %in% Command(object = object),
yes = test.command,
no = find.command
selection.method <- switch(
EXPR = file_path_sans_ext(x = find.command),
'FindVariableFeatures' = Command(
object = object,
command = find.command,
value = 'selection.method'
'SCTransform' = 'sct',
stop("Unknown command for finding variable features: '", find.command, "'", call. = FALSE)
object = GetAssay(object = object, assay = assay),
selection.method = selection.method,
status = status
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export
#' @method Idents Seurat
Idents.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'active.ident'))
#' @param cells Set cell identities for specific cells
#' @param drop Drop unused levels
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export
#' @method Idents<- Seurat
"Idents<-.Seurat" <- function(object, cells = NULL, drop = FALSE, ..., value) {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
if (is.numeric(x = cells)) {
cells <- colnames(x = object)[cells]
cells <- intersect(x = cells, y = colnames(x = object))
cells <- match(x = cells, table = colnames(x = object))
if (length(x = cells) == 0) {
warning("Cannot find cells provided")
idents.new <- if (length(x = value) == 1 && value %in% colnames(x = object[[]])) {
unlist(x = object[[value]], use.names = FALSE)[cells]
} else {
if (is.list(x = value)) {
value <- unlist(x = value, use.names = FALSE)
rep_len(x = value, length.out = length(x = cells))
new.levels <- if (is.factor(x = idents.new)) {
levels(x = idents.new)
} else {
unique(x = idents.new)
old.levels <- levels(x = object)
levels <- c(new.levels, old.levels)
idents.new <- as.vector(x = idents.new)
idents <- as.vector(x = Idents(object = object))
idents[cells] <- idents.new
idents[is.na(x = idents)] <- 'NA'
levels <- intersect(x = levels, y = unique(x = idents))
names(x = idents) <- colnames(x = object)
missing.cells <- which(x = is.na(x = names(x = idents)))
if (length(x = missing.cells) > 0) {
idents <- idents[-missing.cells]
idents <- factor(x = idents, levels = levels)
slot(object = object, name = 'active.ident') <- idents
if (drop) {
object <- droplevels(x = object)
#' @rdname IsGlobal
#' @export
#' @method IsGlobal default
IsGlobal.default <- function(object, ...) {
#' @rdname IsGlobal
#' @export
#' @method IsGlobal DimReduc
IsGlobal.DimReduc <- function(object, ...) {
object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
return(slot(object = object, name = 'global'))
#' @param slot Name of slot to store JackStraw scores to
#' Can shorten to 'empirical', 'fake', 'full', or 'overall'
#' @rdname JS
#' @export
#' @method JS DimReduc
JS.DimReduc <- function(object, slot = NULL, ...) {
jackstraw <- slot(object = object, name = 'jackstraw')
if (!is.null(x = slot)) {
jackstraw <- JS(object = jackstraw, slot = slot)
#' @rdname JS
#' @export
#' @method JS JackStrawData
JS.JackStrawData <- function(object, slot, ...) {
slot <- switch(
EXPR = slot,
'empirical' = 'empirical.p.values',
'fake' = 'fake.reduction.scores',
'full' = 'empirical.p.values.full',
'overall' = 'overall.p.values',
return(slot(object = object, name = slot))
#' @rdname JS
#' @export
#' @method JS<- DimReduc
"JS<-.DimReduc" <- function(object, slot = NULL, ..., value) {
if (inherits(x = value, what = 'JackStrawData')) {
slot(object = object, name = 'jackstraw') <- value
} else if (is.null(x = NULL)) {
stop("A slot must be specified")
} else {
JS(object = JS(object = object), slot = slot) <- value
#' @rdname JS
#' @export
#' @method JS<- JackStrawData
"JS<-.JackStrawData" <- function(object, slot, ..., value) {
slot <- switch(
EXPR = slot,
'empirical' = 'empirical.p.values',
'fake' = 'fake.reduction.scores',
'full' = 'empirical.p.values.full',
'overall' = 'overall.p.values',
slot(object = object, name = slot) <- value
#' @rdname Key
#' @export
#' @method Key Assay
#' @examples
#' # Get an Assay key
#' Key(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]])
Key.Assay <- function(object, ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'key'))
#' @rdname Key
#' @export
#' @method Key DimReduc
#' @examples
#' # Get a DimReduc key
#' Key(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]])
Key.DimReduc <- function(object, ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'key'))
#' @rdname Key
#' @export
#' @method Key Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Show all keys associated with a Seurat object
#' Key(object = pbmc_small)
Key.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
keyed.objects <- FilterObjects(object = object)
X = keyed.objects,
FUN = function(x) {
return(Key(object = object[[x]]))
#' @rdname Key
#' @export
#' @method Key<- Assay
#' @examples
#' # Set the key for an Assay
#' Key(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]]) <- "newkey_"
#' Key(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]])
"Key<-.Assay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
slot(object = object, name = 'key') <- value
#' @rdname Key
#' @export
#' @method Key<- DimReduc
#' @examples
#' # Set the key for DimReduc
#' Key(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]]) <- "newkey2_"
#' Key(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]])
"Key<-.DimReduc" <- function(object, ..., value) {
object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
old.key <- Key(object = object)
slots <- Filter(
f = function(x) {
return(class(x = slot(object = object, name = x)) == 'matrix')
x = slotNames(x = object)
for (s in slots) {
mat <- slot(object = object, name = s)
if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = mat)) {
colnames(x = mat) <- sub(
pattern = paste0('^', old.key),
replacement = value,
x = colnames(x = mat)
slot(object = object, name = s) <- mat
slot(object = object, name = 'key') <- value
#' @param projected Pull the projected feature loadings?
#' @rdname Loadings
#' @export
#' @method Loadings DimReduc
#' @examples
#' # Get the feature loadings for a given DimReduc
#' Loadings(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]])[1:5,1:5]
Loadings.DimReduc <- function(object, projected = FALSE, ...) {
projected <- projected %||% Projected(object = object)
slot <- ifelse(
test = projected,
yes = 'feature.loadings.projected',
no = 'feature.loadings'
return(slot(object = object, name = slot))
#' @param reduction Name of reduction to pull feature loadings for
#' @rdname Loadings
#' @export
#' @method Loadings Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get the feature loadings for a specified DimReduc in a Seurat object
#' Loadings(object = pbmc_small, reduction = "pca")[1:5,1:5]
Loadings.Seurat <- function(object, reduction = 'pca', projected = FALSE, ...) {
return(Loadings(object = object[[reduction]], projected = projected, ...))
#' @rdname Loadings
#' @export
#' @method Loadings<- DimReduc
#' @examples
#' # Set the feature loadings for a given DimReduc
#' new.loadings <- Loadings(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]])
#' new.loadings <- new.loadings + 0.01
#' Loadings(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]]) <- new.loadings
"Loadings<-.DimReduc" <- function(object, projected = TRUE, ..., value) {
slot.use <- ifelse(
test = projected,
yes = 'feature.loadings.projected',
no = 'feature.loadings'
if (ncol(x = value) != length(x = object)) {
stop("New feature loadings must have the dimensions as currently calculated")
slot(object = object, name = slot.use) <- value
#' @param slot Name of specific bit of meta data to pull
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export
#' @method Misc Assay
Misc.Assay <- function(object, slot = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(x = slot)) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'misc'))
return(slot(object = object, name = 'misc')[[slot]])
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export
#' @method Misc Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get the misc info
#' Misc(object = pbmc_small, slot = "example")
Misc.Seurat <- function(object, slot = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(x = slot)) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'misc'))
return(slot(object = object, name = 'misc')[[slot]])
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export
#' @method Misc<- Assay
"Misc<-.Assay" <- function(object, slot, ..., value) {
if (slot %in% names(x = Misc(object = object))) {
warning("Overwriting miscellanous data for ", slot)
if (is.list(x = value)) {
slot(object = object, name = 'misc')[[slot]] <- c(value)
} else {
slot(object = object, name = 'misc')[[slot]] <- value
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export
#' @method Misc<- Seurat
#' @examples
#'# Add misc info
#' Misc(object = pbmc_small, slot = "example") <- "testing_misc"
"Misc<-.Seurat" <- function(object, slot, ..., value) {
if (slot %in% names(x = Misc(object = object))) {
warning("Overwriting miscellanous data for ", slot)
if (is.list(x = value)) {
slot(object = object, name = 'misc')[[slot]] <- c(value)
} else {
slot(object = object, name = 'misc')[[slot]] <- value
#' @param cells Subset of cell names
#' @param subset.name Parameter to subset on. Eg, the name of a gene, PC_1, a
#' column name in object@@meta.data, etc. Any argument that can be retreived
#' using FetchData
#' @param low.threshold Low cutoff for the parameter (default is -Inf)
#' @param high.threshold High cutoff for the parameter (default is Inf)
#' @param accept.value Returns all cells with the subset name equal to this value
#' @rdname OldWhichCells
#' @export
#' @method OldWhichCells Assay
OldWhichCells.Assay <- function(
subset.name = NULL,
low.threshold = -Inf,
high.threshold = Inf,
accept.value = NULL,
) {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
# input checking
if (length(x = subset.name) > 1) {
stop("subset.name must be a single parameter")
if (length(x = low.threshold) > 1 | length(x = high.threshold) > 1) {
stop("Multiple values passed to low.threshold or high.threshold")
if (low.threshold >= high.threshold) {
stop("low.threshold is greater than or equal to high.threshold")
if (!is.null(x = subset.name)) {
subset.name <- as.character(x = subset.name)
data.use <- GetAssayData(
object = object,
... = ...
data.use <- t(x = data.use[subset.name, cells, drop = FALSE])
if (!is.null(x = accept.value)) {
if (!all(accept.value %in% unique(x = data.use[, 1]))) {
bad.vals <- accept.value[!(accept.value %in% unique(x = data.use[, 1]))]
stop("Identity: ", bad.vals, " not found.")
pass.inds <- which(x = apply(data.use, MARGIN = 1, function(x) x %in% accept.value))
} else {
pass.inds <- which(x = (data.use > low.threshold) & (data.use < high.threshold))
cells <- rownames(x = data.use)[pass.inds]
#' @param ident.keep Create a cell subset based on the provided identity classes
#' @param ident.remove Subtract out cells from these identity classes (used for
#' filtration)
#' @param max.cells.per.ident Can be used to downsample the data to a certain
#' max per cell ident. Default is INF.
#' @param random.seed Random seed for downsampling
#' @param assay Which assay to filter on
#' @seealso \code{\link{FetchData}}
#' @rdname OldWhichCells
#' @export
#' @method OldWhichCells Seurat
OldWhichCells.Seurat <- function(
cells = NULL,
subset.name = NULL,
low.threshold = -Inf,
high.threshold = Inf,
accept.value = NULL,
ident.keep = NULL,
ident.remove = NULL,
max.cells.per.ident = Inf,
random.seed = 1,
assay = NULL,
) {
# input checking
.Deprecated(new = "WhichCells", old = "OldWhichCells")
if (length(x = subset.name) > 1) {
stop("subset.name must be a single parameter")
if (length(x = low.threshold) > 1 | length(x = high.threshold) > 1) {
stop("Multiple values passed to low.threshold or high.threshold")
if (low.threshold >= high.threshold) {
stop("low.threshold is greater than or equal to high.threshold")
if (!is.na(x = random.seed)) {
set.seed(seed = random.seed)
expression <- character(length = 0L)
if (!is.null(x = subset.name)) {
sub <- gsub(
pattern = '"',
replacement = '',
x = deparse(expr = substitute(expr = subset.name))
if (!is.infinite(x = low.threshold)) {
expression <- c(
paste(sub, '>', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = low.threshold)))
if (!is.infinite(x = high.threshold)) {
expression <- c(
paste(sub, '<', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = high.threshold)))
if (!is.null(x = accept.value)) {
expression <- c(
paste(sub, '==', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = accept.value)))
# 'With Seurat 3.X, identifying cells can now be done with:\n',
# 'WhichCells(object = ',
# deparse(expr = substitute(expr = object)),
# if (length(x = expression) > 0) {
# paste0(', subset = ', paste(expression, collapse = ' & '))
# },
# if (!is.null(x = cells)) {
# paste(', cells =', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = cells)))
# },
# if (!is.null(x = ident.keep)) {
# paste(', idents =', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = ident.keep)))
# },
# if (!is.infinite(x = max.cells.per.ident)) {
# paste0(', downsample = ', max.cells.per.ident, ', seed = ', random.seed)
# },
# ')'
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
ident.keep <- ident.keep %||% unique(x = Idents(object = object))
bad.remove.idents <- ident.remove[!ident.remove %in% unique(x = Idents(object = object))]
if (length(bad.remove.idents) > 0) {
stop(paste("Identity :", bad.remove.idents, "not found. "))
ident.keep <- setdiff(x = ident.keep, y = ident.remove)
if (!all(ident.keep %in% unique(Idents(object = object)))) {
bad.idents <- ident.keep[!(ident.keep %in% unique(x = Idents(object = object)))]
stop("Identity: ", bad.idents, " not found.")
cells.to.use <- character()
for (id in ident.keep) {
cells.in.ident <- Idents(object = object)[cells]
cells.in.ident <- names(x = cells.in.ident[cells.in.ident == id])
cells.in.ident <- cells.in.ident[!is.na(x = cells.in.ident)]
if (length(x = cells.in.ident) > max.cells.per.ident) {
cells.in.ident <- sample(x = cells.in.ident, size = max.cells.per.ident)
cells.to.use <- c(cells.to.use, cells.in.ident)
cells <- cells.to.use
if (!is.null(x = subset.name)) {
subset.name <- as.character(subset.name)
data.use <- FetchData(
object = object,
vars = subset.name,
cells = cells,
if (!is.null(x = accept.value)) {
if (!all(accept.value %in% unique(x = data.use[, 1]))) {
bad.vals <- accept.value[!accept.value %in% unique(x = data.use[, 1])]
stop("Identity: ", bad.vals, " not found.")
pass.inds <- which(x = apply(X = data.use, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) x %in% accept.value))
} else {
pass.inds <- which(x = (data.use > low.threshold) & (data.use < high.threshold))
cells <- rownames(x = data.use)[pass.inds]
#' @rdname Project
#' @export
#' @method Project Seurat
Project.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'project.name'))
#' @rdname Project
#' @export
#' @method Project<- Seurat
"Project<-.Seurat" <- function(object, ..., value) {
slot(object = object, name = 'project.name') <- as.character(x = value)
#' @param assay Name of assay to store
#' @param layers Slot to store layers as; choose from 'counts' or 'data'; pass
#' \code{FALSE} to not pull layers; may pass one value of 'counts' or 'data' for
#' each layer in the H5AD file, must be in order
#' @param verbose Show progress updates
#' @rdname h5ad
#' @export
#' @method ReadH5AD character
ReadH5AD.character <- function(
assay = 'RNA',
layers = 'data',
verbose = TRUE,
) {
if (!PackageCheck('hdf5r', error = FALSE)) {
stop("Please install hdf5r' for h5ad capabilities")
if (!file.exists(file)) {
stop("Unable to find input H5AD file ", file)
hfile <- hdf5r::h5file(filename = file, mode = 'r')
object <- ReadH5AD(
file = hfile,
assay = assay,
layers = layers,
verbose = verbose,
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @rdname h5ad
#' @export
#' @method ReadH5AD H5File
ReadH5AD.H5File <- function(
assay = 'RNA',
layers = 'data',
verbose = TRUE,
) {
# Pull assay data
# If X is an H5D, assume scaled
# Otherwise, if file$exists(name = 'raw'), assume X is normalized
# Otherwise, assume file[['X']] is raw counts
if (verbose) {
message("Pulling expression matrices and metadata")
if (is(object = file[['X']], class2 = 'H5Group')) {
x <- as.sparse(x = file[['X']])
} else {
x <- file[['X']][, ]
# x will be an S3 matrix if X was scaled, otherwise will be a dgCMatrix
scaled <- is.matrix(x = x)
if (verbose) {
message("Data is ", ifelse(test = scaled, yes = 'scaled', no = 'unscaled'))
# Pull cell- and feature-level metadata
obs <- file[['obs']][]
x.var <- file[['var']][]
rownames(x = x) <- rownames(x = x.var) <- x.var$index
colnames(x = x) <- rownames(x = obs) <- obs$index
# Pull raw expression matrix and feature-level metadata
if (file$exists(name = 'raw.X')) {
raw <- as.sparse(x = file[['raw.X']])
raw.var <- file[['raw.var']][]
slot(object = raw, name = 'Dim') <- c(nrow(x = raw.var), nrow(x = obs))
rownames(x = raw) <- rownames(x = raw.var) <- raw.var$index
colnames(x = raw) <- obs$index
raw.var <- raw.var[, -which(x = colnames(x = raw.var) == 'index'), drop = FALSE]
x.slot <- ifelse(test = scaled, yes = 'scale.data', no = 'data')
} else {
# If X is scaled, we required normalized data present in raw
if (scaled) {
stop("Seurat requires normalized data present in the raw slot when X is scaled")
} else {
x.slot <- 'raw'
obs <- obs[, -which(x = colnames(x = obs) == 'index'), drop = FALSE]
x.var <- x.var[, -which(x = colnames(x = x.var) == 'index'), drop = FALSE]
# Merge raw.var and x.var
# Only happens when we have a raw.X and raw.var in the h5ad file
if (x.slot != 'raw') {
if (verbose) {
message("Merging feature-level metadata dataframes")
x.var <- x.var[, -which(x = colnames(x = x.var) %in% colnames(x = raw.var))]
meta.features <- merge(x = raw.var, y = x.var, by = 0, all = TRUE)
rownames(x = meta.features) <- meta.features$Row.names
meta.features <- meta.features[, -which(x = colnames(x = meta.features) == 'Row.names'), drop = FALSE]
} else {
meta.features <- x.var
# Fix meta feature colnames
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'dispersions_norm',
replacement = 'mvp.dispersion.scaled',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'dispersions',
replacement = 'mvp.dispersion',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'means',
replacement = 'mvp.mean',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = '_',
replacement = '.',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
if ('highly.variable' %in% colnames(x = meta.features)) {
meta.features$highly.variable[is.na(x = meta.features$highly.variable)] <- FALSE
# Fix metadata colnames
colnames(x = obs) <- gsub(
pattern = '_',
replacement = '.',
x = colnames(x = obs)
colnames(x = obs) <- gsub(
pattern = 'n.genes',
replacement = paste0('nFeatures_', assay),
x = colnames(x = obs)
colnames(x = obs) <- gsub(
pattern = 'n.counts',
replacement = paste0('nCount_', assay),
x = colnames(x = obs)
# Assemble assay object
if (verbose) {
message("Creating assay object")
"Storing X as ",
test = x.slot != 'counts',
yes = paste(" and raw as", ifelse(test = scaled, yes = 'data', no = 'counts')),
no = ''
if (scaled) {
assays <- list(CreateAssayObject(data = raw))
assays[[1]] <- SetAssayData(
object = assays[[1]],
slot = 'scale.data',
new.data = x
} else if (x.slot == 'data') {
assays <- list(CreateAssayObject(counts = raw))
assays[[1]] <- SetAssayData(
object = assays[[1]],
slot = 'data',
new.data = x
} else {
assays <- list(CreateAssayObject(counts = x))
names(x = assays) <- assay
# Add meta feature information
if (ncol(x = meta.features) > 0) {
assays[[assay]][[names(x = meta.features)]] <- meta.features
# Add highly variable feature information
if ('highly.variable' %in% colnames(x = assays[[assay]][[]])) {
if (verbose) {
message("Setting highly variable features")
hvf.info <- HVFInfo(object = assays[[assay]], selection.method = 'mvp')
hvf.info <- hvf.info[order(hvf.info$dispersion, decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
means.use <- (hvf.info$mean > 0.1) & (hvf.info$mean < 8)
dispersions.use <- (hvf.info$dispersion.scaled > 1) & (hvf.info$dispersion.scaled < Inf)
top.features <- rownames(x = hvf.info)[which(x = means.use & dispersions.use)]
VariableFeatures(object = assays[[assay]]) <- top.features
} else if (verbose) {
message("No variable feature expression found in h5ad file")
Key(object = assays[[assay]]) <- paste0(tolower(x = assay), '_')
# Get dimensional reduction information
# If data isn't scaled, don't bother
if (scaled && file$exists(name = 'obsm')) {
if (verbose) {
message("Pulling dimensional reduction information")
message("Pulling cell embeddings")
# Pull cell embeddings
if (inherits(x = file[['obsm']], what = 'H5Group')) {
embed.reduc <- names(x = file[['obsm']])
embeddings <- sapply(
X = embed.reduc,
FUN = function(x) {
return(t(x = file[['obsm']][[x]][, ]))
simplify = FALSE,
} else {
embed.reduc <- file[['obsm']]$get_type()$get_cpd_labels()
embed.n <- sapply(
X = file[['obsm']]$get_type()$describe()$cpd_types,
FUN = '[[',
names(x = embed.n) <- embed.reduc
ncells <- file[['obsm']]$dims
embeddings <- lapply(
X = embed.reduc,
FUN = function(r) {
return(t(x = vapply(
X = 1:ncells,
FUN = function(i) {
FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = embed.n[[r]])
names(x = embeddings) <- embed.reduc
# Set cell names for embeddings matrices
for (i in 1:length(x = embeddings)) {
rownames(x = embeddings[[i]]) <- colnames(x = assays[[assay]])
# Pull feature loadings
if (file$exists(name = 'varm')) {
if (verbose) {
message("Pulling feature loadings")
if (inherits(x = file[['varm']], what = 'H5Group')) {
load.reduc <- names(x = file[['varm']])
loadings <- sapply(
X = load.reduc,
FUN = function(x) {
return(t(x = file[['varm']][[x]][, ]))
simplify = FALSE,
} else {
load.reduc <- file[['varm']]$get_type()$get_cpd_labels()
load.n <- sapply(
X = file[['varm']]$get_type()$describe()$cpd_types,
FUN = '[[',
names(x = load.n) <- load.reduc
nfeatures <- file[['varm']]$dims
loadings <- lapply(
X = load.reduc,
FUN = function(r) {
return(t(x = vapply(
X = 1:nfeatures,
FUN = function(i) {
FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = load.n[[load.reduc]])
match.ind <- lapply(
X = gsub(pattern = 's$', replacement = '', x = tolower(x = load.reduc)),
FUN = grep,
x = embed.reduc
no.match <- which(x = sapply(X = match.ind, FUN = length) != 1)
if (length(x = no.match) >= 1) {
"Unable to determine where the following feature loadings belong: ",
paste(load.reduc[no.match], collapse = ', '),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
loadings <- loadings[-no.match]
load.reduc <- load.reduc[-no.match]
match.ind <- match.ind[-no.match]
names(x = loadings) <- embed.reduc[unlist(x = match.ind)]
for (i in 1:length(x = loadings)) {
rownames(x = loadings[[i]]) <- rownames(x = GetAssayData(
object = assays[[assay]],
slot = 'scale.data'
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("No feature loadings found")
loadings <- list()
# Create DimReduc objects
dim.reducs <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(x = embed.reduc))
for (i in 1:length(x = embed.reduc)) {
r <- embed.reduc[i]
key <- tolower(x = gsub(pattern = 'X_', replacement = '', x = r))
key <- switch(
EXPR = key,
'pca' = 'PC',
'tsne' = 'tSNE',
toupper(x = key)
key <- paste0(key, '_')
stdev <- if (r == 'X_pca' && file$exists(name = 'uns') && file$exists(name = 'uns/pca/variance')) {
sqrt(x = file[['uns/pca/variance']][])
} else {
numeric(length = 0L)
dim.reducs[[i]] <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = embeddings[[r]],
loadings = loadings[[r]] %||% new(Class = 'matrix'),
assay = assay,
stdev = stdev,
key = key
# Properly name dimensional reductions
names(x = dim.reducs) <- gsub(
pattern = 'X_',
replacement = '',
x = embed.reduc
# Clean up
rm(embeddings, loadings)
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("No dimensional reduction information found")
dim.reducs <- list()
# Create the Seurat object
if (verbose) {
message("Assembling Seurat object")
# Create a project name, will be used as identity classes
project <- gsub(
pattern = '\\.h5ad',
replacement = '',
x = basename(path = file$filename)
object <- new(
Class = 'Seurat',
assays = assays,
meta.data = obs,
version = packageVersion(pkg = 'SeuratBasics'),
project.name = project
# Set default assay and identity information
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
Idents(object = object) <- project
# Add dimensional reduction infrom
if (scaled && length(x = dim.reducs) >= 1) {
for (r in names(x = dim.reducs)) {
object[[r]] <- dim.reducs[[r]]
# Get graph information
if (scaled && file$exists(name = 'uns') && file$exists(name = 'uns/neighbors')) {
if (verbose) {
message("Finding nearest neighbor graph")
graph <- as.sparse(x = file[['uns/neighbors/distances']])
colnames(x = graph) <- rownames(x = graph) <- colnames(x = object)
method <- ifelse(
test = file[['uns/neighbors/params']]$exists(name = 'method'),
yes = file[['uns/neighbors/params/method']][],
no = 'adata'
object[[paste(assay, method, sep = '_')]] <- as.Graph(x = graph)
} else if (verbose) {
message("No nearest-neighbor graph")
# Add layers
if (isFALSE(x = layers)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Not pulling layers")
} else if (file$exists(name = 'layers')) {
file.layers <- names(x = file[['layers']])
layers <- rep_len(
x = tolower(x = layers),
length.out = length(x = file.layers)
if (!all(layers %in% c('counts', 'data'))) {
stop("'layers' must be either 'counts' or 'data'", call. = FALSE)
names(x = layers) <- file.layers
for (layer in file.layers) {
layer.dest <- layers[[layer]]
if (verbose) {
"Reading ",
" into new assay, putting data into ",
layer.data <- if (inherits(x = file[['layers']][[layer]], what = 'H5Group')) {
as.sparse(x = file[['layers']][[layer]])
} else {
file[['layers']][[layer]][, ]
dimnames(x = layer.data) <- dimnames(x = object)
layer.assay <- switch(
EXPR = layer.dest,
'counts' = CreateAssayObject(
counts = layer.data,
min.cells = -1,
min.features = -1
'data' = CreateAssayObject(data = layer.data),
stop("Unknown layer destination: ", layer.data, call. = FALSE)
object[[layer]] <- layer.assay
} else if (verbose) {
message("No additional layers found")
#' @param reverse Reverse ordering
#' @param afxn Function to evaluate each identity class based on; default is
#' \code{\link[base]{mean}}
#' @param reorder.numeric Rename all identity classes to be increasing numbers
#' starting from 1 (default is FALSE)
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export
#' @method ReorderIdent Seurat
ReorderIdent.Seurat <- function(
reverse = FALSE,
afxn = mean,
reorder.numeric = FALSE,
) {
data.use <- FetchData(object = object, vars = var, ...)[, 1]
rfxn <- ifelse(
test = reverse,
yes = function(x) {
return(max(x) + 1 - x)
no = Same
new.levels <- names(x = rfxn(x = sort(x = tapply(
X = data.use,
INDEX = Idents(object = object),
FUN = afxn
new.idents <- factor(
x = Idents(object = object),
levels = new.levels,
ordered = TRUE
if (reorder.numeric) {
new.idents <- rfxn(x = rank(x = tapply(
X = data.use,
INDEX = as.numeric(x = new.idents),
FUN = mean
)))[as.numeric(x = new.idents)]
new.idents <- factor(
x = new.idents,
levels = 1:length(x = new.idents),
ordered = TRUE
Idents(object = object) <- new.idents
#' @param new.names vector of new cell names
#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @export
#' @method RenameCells Assay
#' @examples
#' # Rename cells in an Assay
#' head(x = colnames(x = pbmc_small[["RNA"]]))
#' renamed.assay <- RenameCells(
#' object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]],
#' new.names = paste0("A_", colnames(x = pbmc_small[["RNA"]]))
#' )
#' head(x = colnames(x = renamed.assay))
RenameCells.Assay <- function(object, new.names = NULL, ...) {
if (IsSCT(assay = object)) {
if (is.null(x = Misc(object = object, slot = 'vst.set'))) {
suppressWarnings(Misc(object = object, slot = "vst.out")$cells_step1 <- new.names)
suppressWarnings(rownames(x = Misc(object = object, slot = "vst.out")$cell_attr) <- new.names)
} else{
Misc(object, slot = "vst.set") <- lapply(
X = Misc(object = object, slot = "vst.set"),
FUN = function(x) {
new.names.vst <- new.names[which(x = x$cells_step1 %in% Cells(x = object))]
x$cells_step1 <- new.names.vst
rownames(x = x$cell_attr) <- new.names.vst
for (data.slot in c("counts", "data", "scale.data")) {
old.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = data.slot)
if (ncol(x = old.data) <= 1) {
colnames(x = slot(object = object, name = data.slot)) <- new.names
#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @export
#' @method RenameCells DimReduc
#' @examples
#' # Rename cells in a DimReduc
#' head(x = Cells(x = pbmc_small[["pca"]]))
#' renamed.dimreduc <- RenameCells(
#' object = pbmc_small[["pca"]],
#' new.names = paste0("A_", Cells(x = pbmc_small[["pca"]]))
#' )
#' head(x = Cells(x = renamed.dimreduc))
RenameCells.DimReduc <- function(object, new.names = NULL, ...) {
old.data <- Embeddings(object = object)
rownames(x = old.data) <- new.names
slot(object = object, name = "cell.embeddings") <- old.data
#' @param for.merge Only rename slots needed for merging Seurat objects.
#' Currently only renames the raw.data and meta.data slots.
#' @param add.cell.id prefix to add cell names
#' @details
#' If \code{add.cell.id} is set a prefix is added to existing cell names. If
#' \code{new.names} is set these will be used to replace existing names.
#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @export
#' @method RenameCells Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Rename cells in a Seurat object
#' head(x = colnames(x = pbmc_small))
#' pbmc_small <- RenameCells(object = pbmc_small, add.cell.id = "A")
#' head(x = colnames(x = pbmc_small))
RenameCells.Seurat <- function(
add.cell.id = NULL,
new.names = NULL,
for.merge = FALSE,
) {
if (missing(x = add.cell.id) && missing(x = new.names)) {
stop("One of 'add.cell.id' and 'new.names' must be set")
if (!missing(x = add.cell.id) && !missing(x = new.names)) {
stop("Only one of 'add.cell.id' and 'new.names' may be set")
if (!missing(x = add.cell.id)) {
new.cell.names <- paste(add.cell.id, colnames(x = object), sep = "_")
} else {
if (length(x = new.names) == ncol(x = object)) {
new.cell.names <- new.names
} else {
"the length of 'new.names' (",
length(x = new.names),
") must be the same as the number of cells (",
ncol(x = object),
# rename in the assay objects
assays <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')
for (assay in assays) {
slot(object = object, name = "assays")[[assay]] <- RenameCells(
object = object[[assay]],
new.names = new.cell.names
# rename in the DimReduc objects
dimreducs <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'DimReduc')
for (dr in dimreducs) {
object[[dr]] <- RenameCells(
object = object[[dr]],
new.names = new.cell.names
# rename the active.idents
old.ids <- Idents(object = object)
names(x = old.ids) <- new.cell.names
Idents(object = object) <- old.ids
# rename the cell-level metadata
old.meta.data <- object[[]]
rownames(x = old.meta.data) <- new.cell.names
slot(object = object, name = "meta.data") <- old.meta.data
# rename the graphs
graphs <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = "Graph")
for (g in graphs) {
rownames(x = object[[g]]) <- colnames(x = object[[g]]) <- new.cell.names
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export
#' @method RenameIdents Seurat
RenameIdents.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
ident.pairs <- tryCatch(
expr = as.list(x = ...),
error = function(e) {
if (is.null(x = names(x = ident.pairs))) {
stop("All arguments must be named with the old identity class")
if (!all(sapply(X = ident.pairs, FUN = length) == 1)) {
stop("Can only rename identity classes to one value")
if (!any(names(x = ident.pairs) %in% levels(x = object))) {
stop("Cannot find any of the provided identities")
cells.idents <- CellsByIdentities(object = object)
for (i in rev(x = names(x = ident.pairs))) {
if (!i %in% names(x = cells.idents)) {
warning("Cannot find identity ", i, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
Idents(object = object, cells = cells.idents[[i]]) <- ident.pairs[[i]]
#' @param slot Where to store the new data
#' @param new.data New data to insert
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @rdname SetAssayData
#' @export
#' @method SetAssayData Assay
#' @examples
#' # Set an Assay slot directly
#' count.data <- GetAssayData(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]], slot = "counts")
#' count.data <- as.matrix(x = count.data + 1)
#' new.assay <- SetAssayData(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]], slot = "counts", new.data = count.data)
SetAssayData.Assay <- function(object, slot, new.data, ...) {
slots.use <- c('counts', 'data', 'scale.data')
if (!slot %in% slots.use) {
"'slot' must be one of ",
paste(slots.use, collapse = ', '),
call. = FALSE
if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = new.data)) {
if (any(grepl(pattern = '_', x = rownames(x = new.data)))) {
"Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
rownames(x = new.data) <- gsub(
pattern = '_',
replacement = '-',
x = rownames(x = new.data)
if (ncol(x = new.data) != ncol(x = object)) {
"The new data doesn't have the same number of cells as the current data",
call. = FALSE
num.counts <- nrow(x = object)
counts.names <- rownames(x = object)
if (slot == 'scale.data' && nrow(x = new.data) > num.counts) {
"Adding more features than present in current data",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
} else if (slot %in% c('counts', 'data') && nrow(x = new.data) != num.counts) {
"The new data doesn't have the same number of features as the current data",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
if (!all(rownames(x = new.data) %in% counts.names)) {
"Adding features not currently present in the object",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
new.features <- na.omit(object = match(
x = counts.names,
table = rownames(x = new.data)
new.cells <- colnames(x = new.data)
if (!all(new.cells %in% colnames(x = object))) {
"All cell names must match current cell names",
call. = FALSE
new.data <- new.data[new.features, colnames(x = object), drop = FALSE]
if (slot %in% c('counts', 'data') && !all(dim(x = new.data) == dim(x = object))) {
"Attempting to add a different number of cells and/or features",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.vector(x = rownames(x = new.data))) {
rownames(x = new.data) <- as.vector(x = rownames(x = new.data))
if (!is.vector(x = colnames(x = new.data))) {
colnames(x = new.data) <- as.vector(x = colnames(x = new.data))
slot(object = object, name = slot) <- new.data
#' @param assay Name of assay whose data should be set
#' @rdname SetAssayData
#' @export
#' @method SetAssayData Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Set an Assay slot through the Seurat object
#' count.data <- GetAssayData(object = pbmc_small[["RNA"]], slot = "counts")
#' count.data <- as.matrix(x = count.data + 1)
#' new.seurat.object <- SetAssayData(
#' object = pbmc_small,
#' slot = "counts",
#' new.data = count.data,
#' assay = "RNA"
#' )
SetAssayData.Seurat <- function(
slot = 'data',
assay = NULL,
) {
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
object[[assay]] <- SetAssayData(object = object[[assay]], slot = slot, new.data = new.data, ...)
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export
#' @method SetIdent Seurat
SetIdent.Seurat <- function(object, cells = NULL, value, ...) {
# 'With Seurat 3.X, setting identity classes can be done as follows:\n',
# 'Idents(object = ',
# deparse(expr = substitute(expr = object)),
# if (!is.null(x = cells)) {
# paste0(', cells = ', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = cells)))
# },
# ') <- ',
# deparse(expr = substitute(expr = value))
Idents(object = object, cells = cells) <- value
#' @param save.name Store current identity information under this name
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export
#' @method StashIdent Seurat
StashIdent.Seurat <- function(object, save.name = 'orig.ident', ...) {
'With Seurat 3.X, stashing identity classes can be accomplished with the following:\n',
deparse(expr = substitute(expr = object)),
deparse(expr = substitute(expr = save.name)),
']] <- Idents(object = ',
deparse(expr = substitute(expr = object)),
object[[save.name]] <- Idents(object = object)
#' @rdname Stdev
#' @export
#' @method Stdev DimReduc
#' @examples
#' # Get the standard deviations for each PC from the DimReduc object
#' Stdev(object = pbmc_small[["pca"]])
Stdev.DimReduc <- function(object, ...) {
return(slot(object = object, name = 'stdev'))
#' @param reduction Name of reduction to use
#' @rdname Stdev
#' @export
#' @method Stdev Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get the standard deviations for each PC from the Seurat object
#' Stdev(object = pbmc_small, reduction = "pca")
Stdev.Seurat <- function(object, reduction = 'pca', ...) {
return(Stdev(object = object[[reduction]]))
#' @param cells A vector of cell names to use as a subset. If NULL
#' (default), then this list will be computed based on the next three
#' arguments. Otherwise, will return an object consissting only of these cells
#' @param subset.name Parameter to subset on. Eg, the name of a gene, PC_1, a
#' column name in object@@meta.data, etc. Any argument that can be retreived
#' using FetchData
#' @param low.threshold Low cutoff for the parameter (default is -Inf)
#' @param high.threshold High cutoff for the parameter (default is Inf)
#' @param accept.value Returns cells with the subset name equal to this value
#' @rdname SubsetData
#' @export
#' @method SubsetData Assay
SubsetData.Assay <- function(
cells = NULL,
subset.name = NULL,
low.threshold = -Inf,
high.threshold = Inf,
accept.value = NULL,
) {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
cells <- OldWhichCells(
object = object,
cells = cells,
subset.name = subset.name,
low.threshold = low.threshold,
high.threshold = high.threshold,
accept.value = accept.value,
if (ncol(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = 'counts')) == ncol(x = object)) {
slot(object = object, name = "counts") <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "counts")[, cells]
slot(object = object, name = "data") <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "data")[, cells]
cells.scaled <- colnames(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "scale.data"))
cells.scaled <- cells.scaled[cells.scaled %in% cells]
if (length(x = cells.scaled) > 0) {
slot(object = object, name = "scale.data") <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "scale.data")[, cells]
#' @param assay Assay to subset on
#' @param ident.use Create a cell subset based on the provided identity classes
#' @param ident.remove Subtract out cells from these identity classes (used for
#' filtration)
#' @param max.cells.per.ident Can be used to downsample the data to a certain
#' max per cell ident. Default is INF.
#' @param random.seed Random seed for downsampling
#' @rdname SubsetData
#' @export
#' @method SubsetData Seurat
SubsetData.Seurat <- function(
assay = NULL,
cells = NULL,
subset.name = NULL,
ident.use = NULL,
ident.remove = NULL,
low.threshold = -Inf,
high.threshold = Inf,
accept.value = NULL,
max.cells.per.ident = Inf,
random.seed = 1,
) {
.Deprecated(old = "SubsetData", new = "subset")
expression <- character(length = 0L)
if (!is.null(x = subset.name)) {
sub <- gsub(
pattern = '"',
replacement = '',
x = deparse(expr = substitute(expr = subset.name))
if (!is.infinite(x = low.threshold)) {
expression <- c(
paste(sub, '>', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = low.threshold)))
if (!is.infinite(x = high.threshold)) {
expression <- c(
paste(sub, '<', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = high.threshold)))
if (!is.null(x = accept.value)) {
expression <- c(
paste(sub, '==', deparse(expr = substitute(expr = accept.value)))
# 'With Seurat 3.X, subsetting Seurat objects can now be done with:\n',
# 'subset(x = ',
# deparse(expr = substitute(expr = object)),
# if (length(x = expression) > 0) {
# paste0(', subset = ', paste(expression, collapse = ' & '))
# },
# if (length(x = c(cells, ident.use) > 0)) {
# paste0(', select = c("', paste0(c(cells, ident.use), collapse = '", '), '")')
# },
# if (!is.infinite(x = max.cells.per.ident)) {
# paste0(', downsample = ', max.cells.per.ident, ', seed = ', random.seed)
# },
# ')'
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
cells <- OldWhichCells(
object = object,
assay = assay,
ident = ident.use,
ident.remove = ident.remove,
subset.name = subset.name,
cells = cells,
max.cells.per.ident = max.cells.per.ident,
random.seed = random.seed,
low.threshold = low.threshold,
high.threshold = high.threshold,
accept.value = accept.value,
# Subset all the Assays
assays <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')
for (assay in assays) {
slot(object = object, name = "assays")[[assay]] <- SubsetData(
object = object[[assay]],
cells = cells
# Subset all the DimReducs
drs <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'DimReduc')
for (dr in drs) {
object[[dr]] <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = Embeddings(object = object[[dr]])[cells, ],
loadings = Loadings(object = object[[dr]], projected = FALSE),
projected = Loadings(object = object[[dr]], projected = TRUE),
assay = DefaultAssay(object = object[[dr]]),
stdev = Stdev(object = object[[dr]]),
key = Key(object = object[[dr]]),
jackstraw = slot(object = object[[dr]], name = "jackstraw"),
misc = slot(object[[dr]], name = "misc")
slot(object = object, name = "active.ident") <- Idents(object = object)[cells]
slot(object = object, name = "meta.data") <- slot(object = object, name = "meta.data")[cells, ]
#' @param slot Name of tool to pull
#' @rdname Tool
#' @export
#' @method Tool Seurat
#' @examples
#' Tool(object = pbmc_small)
Tool.Seurat <- function(object, slot = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(x = slot)) {
return(names(x = slot(object = object, name = 'tools')))
return(slot(object = object, name = 'tools')[[slot]])
#' @rdname Tool
#' @export
#' @method Tool<- Seurat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sample.tool.output <- matrix(data = rnorm(n = 16), nrow = 4)
#' # must be run from within a function
#' Tool(object = pbmc_small) <- sample.tool.output
#' }
"Tool<-.Seurat" <- function(object, ..., value) {
calls <- as.character(x = sys.calls())
calls <- lapply(
X = strsplit(x = calls, split = '(', fixed = TRUE),
FUN = '[',
tool.call <- min(grep(pattern = 'Tool<-', x = calls))
if (tool.call <= 1) {
stop("'Tool<-' cannot be called at the top level", call. = FALSE)
tool.call <- calls[[tool.call - 1]]
class.call <- unlist(x = strsplit(
x = as.character(x = sys.call())[1],
split = '.',
fixed = TRUE
class.call <- class.call[length(x = class.call)]
tool.call <- sub(
pattern = paste0('\\.', class.call, '$'),
replacement = '',
x = tool.call,
perl = TRUE
slot(object = object, name = 'tools')[[tool.call]] <- value
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method VariableFeatures Assay
VariableFeatures.Assay <- function(object, selection.method = NULL, ...) {
if (!is.null(x = selection.method)) {
vf <- HVFInfo(object = object, selection.method = selection.method, status = TRUE)
return(rownames(x = vf)[which(x = vf[, "variable"][, 1])])
return(slot(object = object, name = 'var.features'))
#' @param assay Name of assay to pull variable features for
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method VariableFeatures Seurat
VariableFeatures.Seurat <- function(object, assay = NULL, selection.method = NULL, ...) {
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
return(VariableFeatures(object = object[[assay]], selection.method = selection.method))
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method VariableFeatures<- Assay
"VariableFeatures<-.Assay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
if (length(x = value) == 0) {
slot(object = object, name = 'var.features') <- character(length = 0)
if (any(grepl(pattern = '_', x = value))) {
"Feature names cannot have underscores '_', replacing with dashes '-'",
call. = FALSE,
immediate = TRUE
value <- gsub(pattern = '_', replacement = '-', x = value)
value <- split(x = value, f = value %in% rownames(x = object))
if (length(x = value[['FALSE']]) > 0) {
if (length(x = value[['TRUE']]) == 0) {
stop("None of the features provided are in this Assay object", call. = FALSE)
} else {
"Not all features provided are in this Assay object, removing the following feature(s): ",
paste(value[['FALSE']], collapse = ', '),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
slot(object = object, name = 'var.features') <- value[['TRUE']]
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method VariableFeatures<- Seurat
"VariableFeatures<-.Seurat" <- function(object, assay = NULL, ..., value) {
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
VariableFeatures(object = object[[assay]]) <- value
#' @param cells Subset of cell names
#' @param expression A predicate expression for feature/variable expression, can
#' evalue anything that can be pulled by \code{FetchData}; please note, you may
#' need to wrap feature names in backticks (\code{``}) if dashes between numbers
#' are present in the feature name
#' @param invert Invert the selection of cells
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @rdname WhichCells
#' @export
#' @method WhichCells Assay
WhichCells.Assay <- function(
cells = NULL,
invert = FALSE,
) {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
if (!missing(x = expression) && !is.null(x = substitute(expr = expression))) {
key.pattern <- paste0('^', Key(object = object))
expr <- if (is.call(x = substitute(expr = expression))) {
substitute(expr = expression)
} else {
parse(text = expression)
expr.char <- as.character(x = expr)
expr.char <- unlist(x = lapply(X = expr.char, FUN = strsplit, split = ' '))
expr.char <- gsub(
pattern = key.pattern,
replacement = '',
x = expr.char,
perl = TRUE
expr.char <- gsub(
pattern = '(',
replacement = '',
x = expr.char,
fixed = TRUE
expr.char <- gsub(
pattern = '`',
replacement = '',
x = expr.char
vars.use <- which(x = expr.char %in% rownames(x = object))
expr.char <- expr.char[vars.use]
data.subset <- as.data.frame(x = t(x = as.matrix(x = object[expr.char, ])))
colnames(x = data.subset) <- expr.char
data.subset <- subset.data.frame(x = data.subset, subset = eval(expr = expr))
cells <- rownames(x = data.subset)
if (invert) {
cells <- colnames(x = object)[!colnames(x = object) %in% cells]
cells <- na.omit(object = unlist(x = cells, use.names = FALSE))
return(as.character(x = cells))
#' @param idents A vector of identity classes to keep
#' @param slot Slot to pull feature data for
#' @param downsample Maximum number of cells per identity class, default is \code{Inf};
#' downsampling will happen after all other operations, including inverting the
#' cell selection
#' @param seed Random seed for downsampling. If NULL, does not set a seed
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @rdname WhichCells
#' @export
#' @method WhichCells Seurat
WhichCells.Seurat <- function(
cells = NULL,
idents = NULL,
slot = 'data',
invert = FALSE,
downsample = Inf,
seed = 1,
) {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
if (is.numeric(x = cells)) {
cells <- colnames(x = object)[cells]
cell.order <- cells
if (!is.null(x = idents)) {
if (!is.null(x = seed)) {
set.seed(seed = seed)
if (any(!idents %in% levels(x = Idents(object = object)))) {
"Cannot find the following identities in the object: ",
idents[!idents %in% levels(x = Idents(object = object))],
sep = ', '
cells.idents <- unlist(x = lapply(
X = idents,
FUN = function(i) {
cells.use <- which(x = as.vector(x = Idents(object = object)) == i)
cells.use <- names(x = Idents(object = object)[cells.use])
cells <- intersect(x = cells, y = cells.idents)
if (!missing(x = expression)) {
objects.use <- FilterObjects(object = object)
object.keys <- sapply(
X = objects.use,
FUN = function(i) {
return(Key(object = object[[i]]))
key.pattern <- paste0('^', object.keys, collapse = '|')
expr <- if (is.call(x = substitute(expr = expression))) {
substitute(expr = expression)
} else {
parse(text = expression)
expr.char <- as.character(x = expr)
expr.char <- unlist(x = lapply(X = expr.char, FUN = strsplit, split = ' '))
expr.char <- gsub(
pattern = '(',
replacement = '',
x = expr.char,
fixed = TRUE
expr.char <- gsub(
pattern = '`',
replacement = '',
x = expr.char
vars.use <- which(
x = expr.char %in% rownames(x = object) |
expr.char %in% colnames(x = object[[]]) |
grepl(pattern = key.pattern, x = expr.char, perl = TRUE)
data.subset <- FetchData(
object = object,
vars = expr.char[vars.use],
cells = cells,
slot = slot
data.subset <- subset.data.frame(x = data.subset, subset = eval(expr = expr))
cells <- rownames(x = data.subset)
if (invert) {
cell.order <- colnames(x = object)
cells <- colnames(x = object)[!colnames(x = object) %in% cells]
cells <- CellsByIdentities(object = object, cells = cells)
cells <- lapply(
X = cells,
FUN = function(x) {
if (length(x = x) > downsample) {
x <- sample(x = x, size = downsample, replace = FALSE)
cells <- as.character(x = na.omit(object = unlist(x = cells, use.names = FALSE)))
cells <- cells[na.omit(object = match(x = cell.order, table = cells))]
#' @note
#' \code{WriteH5AD} is not currently functional, please use \code{\link{as.loom}} instead
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.loom}}
#' @param graph Name of graph to write out, defaults to \code{paste0(assay, '_snn')}
#' @param overwrite Overwrite existing file
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @rdname h5ad
#' @export
#' @method WriteH5AD Seurat
WriteH5AD.Seurat <- function(
assay = NULL,
graph = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
) {
message("WriteH5AD is not currently operational, please use as.loom")
if (!PackageCheck('hdf5r', error = FALSE)) {
stop("Please install hdf5r to enable h5ad functionality")
if (file.exists(file) && !overwrite) {
stop("Output file exists, not overwriting")
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
graph <- graph %||% paste0(assay, '_snn')
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
object[['active_assay']] <- Idents(object = object)
# Figure out which slot to store as X
x.slot <- if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = 'scale.data'))) {
} else if (identical(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = 'counts'), y = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = 'data'))) {
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("Storing '", x.slot, "' into 'X'")
# Figure out which slot to store as raw
raw.slot <- switch(
EXPR = x.slot,
'scale.data' = 'data',
'data' = 'counts',
if (verbose) {
message("Storing '", raw.slot, "' into 'raw.X'")
# Handle cases where we have data but no counts
if (x.slot == 'counts' && IsMatrixEmpty(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = x.slot))) {
if (verbose) {
warning("Counts slot empty, storing data slot into 'X', not storing a raw.X")
x.slot <- 'data'
raw.slot <- NULL
# Fix meta feature column names
meta.features <- object[[assay]][[]]
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'dispersion.scaled',
replacement = 'dispersions_norm',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'dispersion',
replacement = 'dispersions',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = 'mean',
replacement = 'means',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
colnames(x = meta.features) <- gsub(
pattern = '\\.',
replacement = '_',
x = colnames(x = meta.features)
# Add variable feature information
meta.features$highly_variable <- FALSE
meta.features[VariableFeatures(object = object), 'highly_variable'] <- TRUE
# Reorder feature-level metadata
meta.features$index <- rownames(x = meta.features)
mf.order <- c(
pattern = 'index',
x = colnames(x = meta.features),
invert = TRUE,
value = TRUE
meta.features <- meta.features[, mf.order, drop = FALSE]
# Fix metadata column names
meta.data <- object[[]]
assays.remove <- grep(
pattern = assay,
x = FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay'),
invert = TRUE,
value = TRUE
if (length(x = assays.remove)) {
assays.remove <- grep(
pattern = assays.remove,
x = colnames(x = meta.data)
meta.data <- meta.data[, -assays.remove, drop = FALSE]
colnames(x = meta.data) <- gsub(
pattern = paste0('nCount_', assay),
replacement = 'n_counts',
x = colnames(x = meta.data)
colnames(x = meta.data) <- gsub(
pattern = paste0('nFeatures_', assay),
replacement = 'n_umis',
x = colnames(x = meta.data)
colnames(x = meta.data) <- gsub(
pattern = '\\.',
replacement = '_',
x = colnames(x = meta.data)
# Reorder cell-level metadata
meta.data$index <- rownames(x = meta.data)
md.order <- c(
pattern = 'index',
x = colnames(x = meta.data),
invert = TRUE,
value = TRUE
meta.data <- meta.data[, md.order, drop = FALSE]
# Write X
hfile <- hdf5r::h5file(filename = file, mode = 'w')
if (verbose) {
message("Writing 'X' matrix")
x.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = x.slot, assay = assay)
EXPR = x.slot,
'scale.data' = hfile[['X']] <- x.data,
x.data <- as.sparse(x = x.data)
hfile[['X/indices']] <- slot(object = x.data, 'i') - 1
hfile[['X/indptr']] <- slot(object = x.data, 'p')
hfile[['X/data']] <- slot(object = x.data, 'x')
# Write var (feature-level metadata)
# var only has the features that are present in X
if (verbose) {
message("Writing 'var' metadata")
hfile[['var']] <- meta.features[rownames(x = x.data), , drop = FALSE]
# Write raw.X and raw.var
if (!is.null(x = raw.slot)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Writing 'raw.X' sparse matrix")
# Write raw.X
raw.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = raw.slot, assay = assay)
hfile[['raw.X/indices']] <- slot(object = raw.data, 'i') - 1
hfile[['raw.X/indptr']] <- slot(object = raw.data, 'p')
hfile[['raw.X/data']] <- slot(object = raw.data, 'x')
# Write raw.var
if (verbose) {
message("Writing 'raw.var' metadata")
hfile[['raw.var']] <- meta.features
# Write obs (cell-level metadata)
if (verbose) {
message("Writing 'obs' metadata")
hfile[['obs']] <- meta.data
# Write out dimensional reduction information
if (x.slot == 'scale.data') {
# Find dimensional reduction objects for this assay
dim.reducs <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'DimReduc')
dim.reducs <- Filter(
f = function(x) {
return(DefaultAssay(object = object[[x]]) == assay)
x = dim.reducs
# If we have any dimensional reduction objects, write them out
if (length(x = dim.reducs) >= 1) {
embedding.names <- paste0('X_', dim.reducs)
names(x = embedding.names) <- dim.reducs
loading.names <- gsub(
pattern = '_$',
replacement = 's',
x = vapply(
X = dim.reducs,
FUN = function(x) {
FUN.VALUE = character(length = 1L)
# TODO: Write obsm (cell embeddings)
embeddings <- sapply(
X = dim.reducs,
FUN = function(x) {
return(t(x = Embeddings(object = object, reduction = x)))
simplify = FALSE
names(x = embeddings) <- embedding.names[names(x = embeddings)]
hfile[['obsm']] <- embeddings
# TODO: Write varm (feature loadings)
# TODO: Write Stdev information to uns
} else if (verbose) {
warning("No dimensional reduction objects for assay '", assay, "' found")
} else if (verbose) {
warning("Intial object unscaled, not storing dimensional reduction information")
# TODO: Write neighbors
if (x.slot == 'scale.data') {
# Find a Graph with the name provided
graphs <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Graph')
graphs <- grep(pattern = graph, x = graphs, value = TRUE)
# If we have a grpah, write it out
if (length(x = graphs) == 1) {
} else if (verbose) {
warning("Could not find a graph named '", graph, "'")
} else if (verbose) {
warning("Initial object unscaled, not storing graph information")
# Flush our h5ad file and return it invisibly
invisible(x = hfile)
# adata <- anndata$AnnData()
# if (!is.null(x = raw.slot)) {
# raw <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = raw.slot)
# raw.mf <- object[[assay]][[]]
# raw.mf <- raw.mf[rownames(x = raw), , drop = FALSE]
# adata$X <- as.scipy(x = raw)
# adata$var <- raw.mf
# adata$raw <- adata
# }
# if (inherits(x = raw, what = c('matrix', 'Matrix'))) {
# raw <- as(object = raw, Class = "dgCMatrix")
# } else {
# raw <- as(object = as.matrix(x = raw), Class = "dgCMatrix")
# }
# sp_sparse_csc <- scipy$csc_matrix
# raw.rownames <- rownames(x = raw)
# raw <- sp_sparse_csc(
# tuple(np_array(raw@x), np_array(raw@i), np_array(raw@p)),
# shape = tuple(raw@Dim[1], raw@Dim[2])
# )
# if (inherits(x = raw, what = c('matrix', 'Matrix', 'data.frame'))) {
# raw <- r_to_py(x = raw)
# }
# raw <- raw$T
# raw <- dict(X = raw, var = dict(var_names = raw.rownames))
# if (anndata.X == 'data') {
# X <- sp_sparse_csc(
# tuple(np_array(X@x), np_array(X@i), np_array(X@p)),
# shape = tuple(X@Dim[1], X@Dim[2])
# )
# X <- X$T
# } else {
# X <- np_array(t(x = X))
# }
# obsm <- list()
# for (dr in names(object@dr)) {
# obsm[[paste0("X_",dr)]] <- np_array(Embeddings(object = object[[dr]]))
# }
# obsm <- if (!identical(obsm, list())) dict(obsm) else NULL
# meta_data <- object@meta.data
# if ("nUMI" %in% colnames(x = meta_data)) {
# colnames(x = meta_data) <- gsub(
# pattern = "nUMI",
# replacement = "n_counts",
# x = colnames(x = meta_data)
# )
# }
# if ("nGene" %in% colnames(x = meta_data)) {
# colnames(x = meta_data) <- gsub(
# pattern = "nGene",
# replacement = "n_genes",
# x = colnames(x = meta_data)
# )
# }
# colnames(x = meta_data) <- gsub(
# pattern = "\\.",
# replacement = "_",
# x = colnames(x = meta_data)
# )
# anndata.object <- ad$AnnData(
# raw = raw,
# X = X,
# obs = meta_data,
# var = object@hvg.info,
# obsm = obsm
# )
# anndata.object$var_names <- gene_names
# anndata.object$obs_names <- cell_names
# if (!missing(x = file)) {
# anndata.object$write(file)
# }
# invisible(x = NULL)
# Methods for R-defined generics
#' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
#' @export
#' @method .DollarNames JackStrawData
".DollarNames.JackStrawData" <- function(x, pattern = '') {
slotnames <- as.list(x = slotNames(x = x))
names(x = slotnames) <- unlist(x = slotnames)
return(.DollarNames(x = slotnames, pattern = pattern))
#' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
#' @export
#' @method .DollarNames Seurat
".DollarNames.Seurat" <- function(x, pattern = '') {
meta.data <- as.list(x = colnames(x = x[[]]))
names(x = meta.data) <- unlist(x = meta.data)
return(.DollarNames(x = meta.data, pattern = pattern))
#' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
#' @export
#' @method .DollarNames SeuratCommand
".DollarNames.SeuratCommand" <- function(x, pattern = '') {
return(.DollarNames(x = slot(object = x, name = "params"), pattern = pattern))
#' @export
"$.JackStrawData" <- function(x, i, ...) {
return(slot(object = x, name = i))
#' @export
"$.Seurat" <- function(x, i, ...) {
return(x[[i, drop = TRUE]])
#' @export
"$.SeuratCommand" <- function(x, i, ...) {
params <- slot(object = x, name = "params")
#' @export
"$<-.Seurat" <- function(x, i, ..., value) {
x[[i]] <- value
#' @export
#' @method [ Assay
"[.Assay" <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
if (missing(x = i)) {
i <- 1:nrow(x = x)
if (missing(x = j)) {
j <- 1:ncol(x = x)
return(GetAssayData(object = x)[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE])
#' @export
#' @method [ DimReduc
"[.DimReduc" <- function(x, i, j, drop = FALSE, ...) {
loadings <- Loadings(object = x)
if (missing(x = i)) {
i <- 1:nrow(x = loadings)
if (missing(x = j)) {
j <- names(x = x)
} else if (is.numeric(x = j)) {
j <- names(x = x)[j]
bad.j <- j[!j %in% colnames(x = loadings)]
j <- j[!j %in% bad.j]
if (length(x = j) == 0) {
stop("None of the requested loadings are present.")
if (length(x = bad.j) > 0) {
warning(paste0("The following loadings are not present: ", paste(bad.j, collapse = ", ")))
return(Loadings(object = x)[i, j, drop = drop, ...])
#' @rdname subset.Seurat
#' @export
#' @method [ Seurat
#' @examples
#' pbmc_small[VariableFeatures(object = pbmc_small), ]
#' pbmc_small[, 1:10]
"[.Seurat" <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
if (missing(x = i) && missing(x = j)) {
if (missing(x = i)) {
i <- NULL
} else if (missing(x = j)) {
j <- colnames(x = x)
if (is.logical(x = i)) {
if (length(i) != nrow(x = x)) {
stop("Incorrect number of logical values provided to subset features")
i <- rownames(x = x)[i]
if (is.logical(x = j)) {
if (length(j) != ncol(x = x)) {
stop("Incorrect number of logical values provided to subset cells")
j <- colnames(x = x)[j]
if (is.numeric(x = i)) {
i <- rownames(x = x)[i]
if (is.numeric(x = j)) {
j <- colnames(x = x)[j]
return(subset.Seurat(x = x, features = i, cells = j, ...))
#' @export
#' @method [ SeuratCommand
"[.SeuratCommand" <- function(x, i, ...) {
slot.use <- c("name", "timestamp", "call_string", "params")
if (!i %in% slot.use) {
stop("Invalid slot")
return(slot(object = x, name = i))
#' @export
#' @method [[ Assay
"[[.Assay" <- function(x, i, ..., drop = FALSE) {
if (missing(x = i)) {
i <- colnames(x = slot(object = x, name = 'meta.features'))
data.return <- slot(object = x, name = 'meta.features')[, i, drop = FALSE, ...]
if (drop) {
data.return <- unlist(x = data.return, use.names = FALSE)
names(x = data.return) <- rep.int(x = rownames(x = x), times = length(x = i))
#' @export
#' @method [[ DimReduc
"[[.DimReduc" <- function(x, i, j, drop = FALSE, ...) {
if (missing(x = i)) {
i <- 1:nrow(x = x)
if (missing(x = j)) {
j <- names(x = x)
} else if (is.numeric(x = j)) {
j <- names(x = x)[j]
embeddings <- Embeddings(object = x)
bad.j <- j[!j %in% colnames(x = embeddings)]
j <- j[!j %in% bad.j]
if (length(x = j) == 0) {
stop("None of the requested embeddings are present.")
if (length(x = bad.j) > 0) {
warning(paste0("The following embeddings are not present: ", paste(bad.j, collapse = ", ")))
return(embeddings[i, j, drop = drop, ...])
#' @export
#' @method [[ Seurat
"[[.Seurat" <- function(x, i, ..., drop = FALSE) {
if (missing(x = i)) {
i <- colnames(x = slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data'))
if (length(x = i) == 0) {
return(data.frame(row.names = colnames(x = x)))
} else if (length(x = i) > 1 || any(i %in% colnames(x = slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data')))) {
if (any(!i %in% colnames(x = slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data')))) {
"Cannot find the following bits of meta data: ",
i[!i %in% colnames(x = slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data'))],
collapse = ', '
i <- i[i %in% colnames(x = slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data'))]
data.return <- slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data')[, i, drop = FALSE, ...]
if (drop) {
data.return <- unlist(x = data.return, use.names = FALSE)
names(x = data.return) <- rep.int(x = colnames(x = x), times = length(x = i))
} else {
slot.use <- unlist(x = lapply(
X = c('assays', 'reductions', 'graphs', 'neighbors', 'commands'),
FUN = function(s) {
if (any(i %in% names(x = slot(object = x, name = s)))) {
if (is.null(x = slot.use)) {
stop("Cannot find '", i, "' in this Seurat object")
data.return <- slot(object = x, name = slot.use)[[i]]
#' Coerce a SeuratCommand to a list
#' @inheritParams base::as.list
#' @param complete Include slots besides just parameters (eg. call string, name, timestamp)
#' @return A list with the parameters and, if \code{complete = TRUE}, the call string, name, and timestamp
#' @export
#' @method as.list SeuratCommand
as.list.SeuratCommand <- function(x, complete = FALSE, ...) {
cmd <- slot(object = x, name = 'params')
if (complete) {
cmd <- append(
x = cmd,
values = sapply(
X = grep(
pattern = 'params',
x = slotNames(x = x),
invert = TRUE,
value = TRUE
FUN = slot,
object = x,
simplify = FALSE,
after = 0
for (i in 1:length(x = cmd)) {
if (is.character(x = cmd[[i]])) {
cmd[[i]] <- paste(trimws(x = cmd[[i]]), collapse = ' ')
#' @export
#' @method as.logical JackStrawData
as.logical.JackStrawData <- function(x, ...) {
empP <- JS(object = x, slot = 'empirical')
return(!(all(dim(x = empP) == 0) || all(is.na(x = empP))))
#' @export
#' @method dim Assay
dim.Assay <- function(x) {
return(dim(x = GetAssayData(object = x)))
#' @export
#' @method dim DimReduc
dim.DimReduc <- function(x) {
return(dim(x = Embeddings(object = x)))
#' @export
#' @method dim Seurat
dim.Seurat <- function(x) {
return(dim(x = GetAssay(object = x)))
#' @export
#' @method dimnames Assay
dimnames.Assay <- function(x) {
return(dimnames(x = GetAssayData(object = x)))
#' @export
#' @method dimnames DimReduc
dimnames.DimReduc <- function(x) {
return(dimnames(x = Embeddings(object = x)))
#' @export
#' @method dimnames Seurat
dimnames.Seurat <- function(x) {
return(dimnames(x = GetAssay(object = x)))
#' @export
#' @method droplevels Seurat
droplevels.Seurat <- function(x, ...) {
slot(object = x, name = 'active.ident') <- droplevels(x = Idents(object = x), ...)
#' @export
#' @method length DimReduc
length.DimReduc <- function(x) {
return(ncol(x = Embeddings(object = x)))
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export
#' @method levels Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Get the levels of identity classes of a Seurat object
#' levels(x = pbmc_small)
levels.Seurat <- function(x) {
return(levels(x = Idents(object = x)))
#' @rdname Idents
#' @export
#' @method levels<- Seurat
#' @examples
#' # Reorder identity classes
#' levels(x = pbmc_small)
#' levels(x = pbmc_small) <- c('C', 'A', 'B')
#' levels(x = pbmc_small)
"levels<-.Seurat" <- function(x, value) {
idents <- Idents(object = x)
if (!all(levels(x = idents) %in% value)) {
stop("NA's generated by missing levels", call. = FALSE)
idents <- factor(x = idents, levels = value)
Idents(object = x) <- idents
#' @rdname merge.Seurat
#' @export
#' @method merge Assay
merge.Assay <- function(
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
add.cell.ids = NULL,
merge.data = TRUE,
) {
assays <- c(x, y)
if (!is.null(x = add.cell.ids)) {
for (i in 1:length(assays)) {
assays[[i]] <- RenameCells(object = assays[[i]], new.names = add.cell.ids[i])
# Merge the counts (if present)
merged.counts <- ValidateDataForMerge(assay = assays[[1]], slot = "counts")
keys <- Key(object = assays[[1]])
for (i in 2:length(x = assays)) {
merged.counts <- RowMergeSparseMatrices(
mat1 = merged.counts,
mat2 = ValidateDataForMerge(assay = assays[[i]], slot = "counts")
if (length(Key(object = assays[[i]]) > 0)) {
keys[i] <- Key(object = assays[[i]])
combined.assay <- CreateAssayObject(
counts = merged.counts,
min.cells = -1,
min.features = -1
if (length(x = unique(x = keys)) == 1) {
Key(object = combined.assay) <- keys[1]
if (merge.data) {
merged.data <- ValidateDataForMerge(assay = assays[[1]], slot = "data")
for (i in 2:length(x = assays)) {
merged.data <- RowMergeSparseMatrices(
mat1 = merged.data,
mat2 = ValidateDataForMerge(assay = assays[[i]], slot = "data")
# only keep cells that made it through counts filtering params
merged.data <- merged.data[, colnames(x = combined.assay)]
combined.assay <- SetAssayData(
object = combined.assay,
slot = "data",
new.data = merged.data
# merge SCT assay misc vst info and scale.data
if (all(IsSCT(assay = assays))) {
vst.set.new <- list()
idx <- 1
umi.assay.new <- list()
for (i in 1:length(x = assays)) {
vst.set.old <- Misc(object = assays[[i]], slot = "vst.set")
umi.assay.old <- Misc(object = assays[[i]], slot = "umi.assay")
if (!is.null(x = vst.set.old)) {
for (j in 1:length(x = vst.set.old)) {
vst.set.new[[idx]] <- vst.set.old[[j]]
umi.assay.new[[idx]] <- umi.assay.old[[j]]
idx <- idx + 1
} else if (!is.null(x = Misc(object = assays[[i]], slot = "vst.out"))) {
vst.set.new[[idx]] <- Misc(object = assays[[i]], slot = "vst.out")
umi.assay.new[[idx]] <- Misc(object = assays[[i]], slot = "umi.assay")
idx <- idx + 1
Misc(object = combined.assay, slot = "vst.set") <- vst.set.new
Misc(object = combined.assay, slot = "umi.assay") <- umi.assay.new
scale.data <- do.call(
what = cbind,
args = lapply(X = assays, FUN = function(x) GetAssayData(object = x, slot = "scale.data"))
combined.assay <- SetAssayData(
object = combined.assay,
slot = "scale.data",
new.data = scale.data
#' Merge Seurat Objects
#' Merge two or more objects.
#' When merging Seurat objects, the merge procedure will merge the Assay level
#' counts and potentially the data slots (depending on the merge.data parameter).
#' It will also merge the cell-level meta data that was stored with each object
#' and preserve the cell identities that were active in the objects pre-merge.
#' The merge will not preserve reductions, graphs, logged commands, or feature-level metadata
#' that were present in the original objects. If add.cell.ids isn't specified
#' and any cell names are duplicated, cell names will be appended with _X, where
#' X is the numeric index of the object in c(x, y).
#' @inheritParams CreateSeuratObject
#' @param x Object
#' @param y Object (or a list of multiple objects)
#' @param add.cell.ids A character vector of length(x = c(x, y)). Appends the
#' corresponding values to the start of each objects' cell names.
#' @param merge.data Merge the data slots instead of just merging the counts
#' (which requires renormalization). This is recommended if the same normalization
#' approach was applied to all objects.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Merged object
#' @rdname merge.Seurat
#' @aliases merge MergeSeurat AddSamples
#' @export
#' @method merge Seurat
#' @examples
#' # merge two objects
#' merge(x = pbmc_small, y = pbmc_small)
#' # to merge more than two objects, pass one to x and a list of objects to y
#' merge(x = pbmc_small, y = c(pbmc_small, pbmc_small))
merge.Seurat <- function(
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
add.cell.ids = NULL,
merge.data = TRUE,
project = "SeuratProject",
) {
objects <- c(x, y)
if (!is.null(x = add.cell.ids)) {
if (length(x = add.cell.ids) != length(x = objects)) {
stop("Please provide a cell identifier for each object provided to merge")
for (i in 1:length(x = objects)) {
objects[[i]] <- RenameCells(object = objects[[i]], add.cell.id = add.cell.ids[i])
# ensure unique cell names
objects <- CheckDuplicateCellNames(object.list = objects)
assays <- lapply(
X = objects,
FUN = FilterObjects,
classes.keep = 'Assay'
fake.feature <- RandomName(length = 17)
assays <- unique(x = unlist(x = assays, use.names = FALSE))
combined.assays <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(x = assays))
names(x = combined.assays) <- assays
for (assay in assays) {
assays.merge <- lapply(
X = objects,
FUN = function(object) {
expr = object[[assay]],
error = function(e) {
return(CreateAssayObject(counts = Matrix(
data = 0,
ncol = ncol(x = object),
dimnames = list(fake.feature, colnames(x = object)),
sparse = TRUE
if (all(IsSCT(assay = assays.merge))) {
scaled.features <- unique(x = unlist(x = lapply(
X = assays.merge,
FUN = function(x) rownames(x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = "scale.data")))
for (ob in 1:length(x = objects)) {
if (assay %in% FilterObjects(object = objects[[ob]], classes.keep = "Assay")) {
objects[[ob]] <- suppressWarnings(GetResidual(object = objects[[ob]], features = scaled.features, assay = assay, verbose = FALSE))
assays.merge[[ob]] <- objects[[ob]][[assay]]
# handle case where some features aren't in counts and can't be retrieved with
# GetResidual - take intersection
scaled.features <- names(x = which(x = table(x = unlist(x = lapply(
X = assays.merge,
FUN = function(x) rownames(x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = "scale.data")))
)) == length(x = assays.merge)))
for (a in 1:length(x = assays.merge)) {
assays.merge[[a]] <- SetAssayData(
object = assays.merge[[a]],
slot = "scale.data",
new.data = GetAssayData(object = assays.merge[[a]], slot = "scale.data")[scaled.features, ])
merged.assay <- merge(
x = assays.merge[[1]],
y = assays.merge[2:length(x = assays.merge)],
merge.data = merge.data
merged.assay <- subset(
x = merged.assay,
features = rownames(x = merged.assay)[rownames(x = merged.assay) != fake.feature]
if (length(x = Key(object = merged.assay)) == 0) {
Key(object = merged.assay) <- paste0(assay, '_')
combined.assays[[assay]] <- merged.assay
# Merge the meta.data
combined.meta.data <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(x = combined.assays[[1]]))
new.idents <- c()
for (object in objects) {
old.meta.data <- object[[]]
if (any(!colnames(x = old.meta.data) %in% colnames(x = combined.meta.data))) {
cols.to.add <- colnames(x = old.meta.data)[!colnames(x = old.meta.data) %in% colnames(x = combined.meta.data)]
combined.meta.data[, cols.to.add] <- NA
# unfactorize any factor columns
i <- sapply(X = old.meta.data, FUN = is.factor)
old.meta.data[i] <- lapply(X = old.meta.data[i], FUN = as.vector)
combined.meta.data[rownames(x = old.meta.data), colnames(x = old.meta.data)] <- old.meta.data
new.idents <- c(new.idents, as.vector(Idents(object = object)))
names(x = new.idents) <- rownames(x = combined.meta.data)
new.idents <- factor(x = new.idents)
if (DefaultAssay(object = x) %in% assays) {
new.default.assay <- DefaultAssay(object = x)
} else if (DefaultAssay(object = y) %in% assays) {
new.default.assay <- DefaultAssay(object = y)
} else {
new.default.assay <- assays[1]
merged.object <- new(
Class = 'Seurat',
assays = combined.assays,
meta.data = combined.meta.data,
active.assay = new.default.assay,
active.ident = new.idents,
project.name = project,
version = packageVersion(pkg = 'SeuratBasics')
#' @export
#' @method names DimReduc
names.DimReduc <- function(x) {
return(colnames(x = Embeddings(object = x)))
#' @export
#' @method names Seurat
names.Seurat <- function(x) {
return(FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = c('Assay', 'DimReduc', 'Graph')))
#' Print the results of a dimensional reduction analysis
#' Prints a set of features that most strongly define a set of components
#' @param x An object
#' @param dims Number of dimensions to display
#' @param nfeatures Number of genes to display
#' @param projected Use projected slot
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return Set of features defining the components
#' @aliases print
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{cat}}
#' @export
#' @method print DimReduc
print.DimReduc <- function(x, dims = 1:5, nfeatures = 20, projected = FALSE, ...) {
loadings <- Loadings(object = x, projected = projected)
nfeatures <- min(nfeatures, nrow(x = loadings))
if (ncol(x = loadings) == 0) {
warning("Dimensions have not been projected. Setting projected = FALSE")
projected <- FALSE
loadings <- Loadings(object = x, projected = projected)
if (min(dims) > ncol(x = loadings)) {
stop("Cannot print dimensions greater than computed")
if (max(dims) > ncol(x = loadings)) {
warning(paste0("Only ", ncol(x = loadings), " dimensions have been computed."))
dims <- min(dims):ncol(x = loadings)
for (dim in dims) {
features <- TopFeatures(
object = x,
dim = dim,
nfeatures = nfeatures * 2,
projected = projected,
balanced = TRUE
cat(Key(object = x), dim, '\n')
pos.features <- split(x = features$positive, f = ceiling(x = seq_along(along.with = features$positive) / 10))
cat("Positive: ", paste(pos.features[[1]], collapse = ", "), '\n')
pos.features[[1]] <- NULL
if (length(x = pos.features) > 0) {
for (i in pos.features) {
cat("\t ", paste(i, collapse = ", "), '\n')
neg.features <- split(x = features$negative, f = ceiling(x = seq_along(along.with = features$negative) / 10))
cat("Negative: ", paste(neg.features[[1]], collapse = ", "), '\n')
neg.features[[1]] <- NULL
if (length(x = neg.features) > 0) {
for (i in neg.features) {
cat("\t ", paste(i, collapse = ", "), '\n')
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
#' @method subset Assay
subset.Assay <- function(x, cells = NULL, features = NULL, ...) {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = x)
if (all(is.na(x = cells))) {
cells <- colnames(x = x)
} else if (any(is.na(x = cells))) {
warning("NAs passed in cells vector, removing NAs")
cells <- na.omit(object = cells)
features <- features %||% rownames(x = x)
if (all(is.na(x = features))) {
features <- rownames(x = x)
} else if (any(is.na(x = features))) {
warning("NAs passed in the features vector, removing NAs")
features <- na.omit(object = features)
if (all(sapply(X = list(features, cells), FUN = length) == dim(x = x))) {
if (is.numeric(x = features)) {
features <- rownames(x = x)[features]
features <- gsub(
pattern = paste0('^', Key(object = x)),
replacement = '',
x = features
features <- intersect(x = rownames(x = x), y = features)
if (length(x = features) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find features provided")
if (ncol(x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'counts')) == ncol(x = x)) {
slot(object = x, name = "counts") <- GetAssayData(object = x, slot = "counts")[features, cells, drop = FALSE]
slot(object = x, name = "data") <- GetAssayData(object = x, slot = "data")[features, cells, drop = FALSE]
cells.scaled <- colnames(x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = "scale.data"))
cells.scaled <- cells.scaled[cells.scaled %in% cells]
cells.scaled <- cells.scaled[na.omit(object = match(x = colnames(x = x), table = cells.scaled))]
features.scaled <- rownames(x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = 'scale.data'))
features.scaled <- features.scaled[features.scaled %in% features]
slot(object = x, name = "scale.data") <- if (length(x = cells.scaled) > 0 && length(x = features.scaled) > 0) {
GetAssayData(object = x, slot = "scale.data")[features.scaled, cells.scaled, drop = FALSE]
} else {
new(Class = 'matrix')
VariableFeatures(object = x) <- VariableFeatures(object = x)[VariableFeatures(object = x) %in% features]
slot(object = x, name = 'meta.features') <- x[[]][features, , drop = FALSE]
#' @export
#' @method subset DimReduc
subset.DimReduc <- function(x, cells = NULL, features = NULL, ...) {
cells <- Cells(x = x) %iff% cells %||% Cells(x = x)
if (all(is.na(x = cells))) {
cells <- Cells(x = x)
} else if (any(is.na(x = cells))) {
warning("NAs passed in cells vector, removing NAs")
cells <- na.omit(object = cells)
# features <- rownames(x = x) %iff% features %||% rownames(x = x)
features <- rownames(x = Loadings(object = x)) %iff% features %||% rownames(x = Loadings(object = x))
if (all(sapply(X = list(features, cells), FUN = length) == dim(x = x))) {
slot(object = x, name = 'cell.embeddings') <- if (is.null(x = cells)) {
new(Class = 'matrix')
} else {
if (is.numeric(x = cells)) {
cells <- Cells(x = x)[cells]
cells <- intersect(x = cells, y = Cells(x = x))
if (length(x = cells) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find cell provided", call. = FALSE)
x[[cells, , drop = FALSE]]
slot(object = x, name = 'feature.loadings') <- if (is.null(x = features)) {
new(Class = 'matrix')
} else {
if (is.numeric(x = features)) {
features <- rownames(x = x)[features]
features.loadings <- intersect(
x = rownames(x = Loadings(object = x, projected = FALSE)),
y = features
if (length(x = features.loadings) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find features provided", call. = FALSE)
Loadings(object = x, projected = FALSE)[features.loadings, , drop = FALSE]
slot(object = x, name = 'feature.loadings.projected') <- if (is.null(x = features) || !Projected(object = x)) {
new(Class = 'matrix')
} else {
features.projected <- intersect(
x = rownames(x = Loadings(object = x, projected = TRUE)),
y = features
if (length(x = features.projected) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find features provided", call. = FALSE)
Loadings(object = x, projected = TRUE)[features.projected, , drop = FALSE]
slot(object = x, name = 'jackstraw') <- new(Class = 'JackStrawData')
#' Subset a Seurat object
#' @param x Seurat object to be subsetted
#' @param subset Logical expression indicating features/variables to keep
#' @param i,features A vector of features to keep
#' @param j,cells A vector of cells to keep
#' @param idents A vector of identity classes to keep
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link{WhichCells}},
#' such as \code{slot}, \code{invert}, or \code{downsample}
#' @return A subsetted Seurat object
#' @rdname subset.Seurat
#' @aliases subset
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{subset}} \code{\link{WhichCells}}
#' @export
#' @method subset Seurat
#' @examples
#' subset(x = pbmc_small, subset = MS4A1 > 4)
#' subset(x = pbmc_small, subset = `DLGAP1-AS1` > 2)
#' subset(x = pbmc_small, idents = '0', invert = TRUE)
#' subset(x = pbmc_small, subset = MS4A1 > 3, slot = 'counts')
#' subset(x = pbmc_small, features = VariableFeatures(object = pbmc_small))
subset.Seurat <- function(x, subset, cells = NULL, features = NULL, idents = NULL, ...) {
if (!missing(x = subset)) {
subset <- deparse(expr = substitute(expr = subset))
cells <- WhichCells(
object = x,
cells = cells,
idents = idents,
expression = subset,
if (length(x = cells) == 0) {
stop("No cells found", call. = FALSE)
if (all(cells %in% Cells(x = x)) && length(x = cells) == length(x = Cells(x = x)) && is.null(x = features)) {
assays <- FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = 'Assay')
# Filter Assay objects
for (assay in assays) {
assay.features <- features %||% rownames(x = x[[assay]])
slot(object = x, name = 'assays')[[assay]] <- tryCatch(
expr = subset.Assay(x = x[[assay]], cells = cells, features = assay.features),
error = function(e) {
slot(object = x, name = 'assays') <- Filter(
f = Negate(f = is.null),
x = slot(object = x, name = 'assays')
if (length(x = FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = 'Assay')) == 0 || is.null(x = x[[DefaultAssay(object = x)]])) {
stop("Under current subsetting parameters, the default assay will be removed. Please adjust subsetting parameters or change default assay.", call. = FALSE)
# Filter DimReduc objects
for (dimreduc in FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = 'DimReduc')) {
x[[dimreduc]] <- tryCatch(
expr = subset.DimReduc(x = x[[dimreduc]], cells = cells, features = features),
error = function(e) {
# Remove metadata for cells not present
slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data') <- slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data')[cells, , drop = FALSE]
# Recalculate nCount and nFeature
for (assay in FilterObjects(object = x, classes.keep = 'Assay')) {
n.calc <- CalcN(object = x[[assay]])
if (!is.null(x = n.calc)) {
names(x = n.calc) <- paste(names(x = n.calc), assay, sep = '_')
x[[names(x = n.calc)]] <- n.calc
slot(object = x, name = 'graphs') <- list()
Idents(object = x, drop = TRUE) <- Idents(object = x)[cells]
# S4 methods
#' @rdname AddMetaData
f = '[[<-',
signature = c('x' = 'Assay'),
definition = function(x, i, ..., value) {
meta.data <- x[[]]
feature.names <- rownames(x = meta.data)
if (is.data.frame(x = value)) {
value <- lapply(
X = 1:ncol(x = value),
FUN = function(index) {
v <- value[[index]]
names(x = v) <- rownames(x = value)
err.msg <- "Cannot add more or fewer meta.features information without values being named with feature names"
if (length(x = i) > 1) {
# Add multiple bits of feature-level metadata
value <- rep_len(x = value, length.out = length(x = i))
for (index in 1:length(x = i)) {
names.intersect <- intersect(x = names(x = value[[index]]), feature.names)
if (length(x = names.intersect) > 0) {
meta.data[names.intersect, i[index]] <- value[[index]][names.intersect]
} else if (length(x = value) %in% c(nrow(x = meta.data), 1) %||% is.null(x = value)) {
meta.data[i[index]] <- value[index]
} else {
stop(err.msg, call. = FALSE)
} else {
# Add a single column to feature-level metadata
value <- unlist(x = value)
if (length(x = intersect(x = names(x = value), y = feature.names)) > 0) {
meta.data[, i] <- value[feature.names]
} else if (length(x = value) %in% c(nrow(x = meta.data), 1) || is.null(x = value)) {
meta.data[, i] <- value
} else {
stop(err.msg, call. = FALSE)
slot(object = x, name = 'meta.features') <- meta.data
#' @rdname AddMetaData
setMethod( # because R doesn't allow S3-style [[<- for S4 classes
f = '[[<-',
signature = c('x' = 'Seurat'),
definition = function(x, i, ..., value) {
# Require names, no index setting
if (!is.character(x = i)) {
stop("'i' must be a character", call. = FALSE)
# Allow removing of other object
if (is.null(x = value)) {
slot.use <- if (i %in% colnames(x = x[[]])) {
} else {
FindObject(object = x, name = i)
if (is.null(x = slot.use)) {
stop("Cannot find object ", i, call. = FALSE)
if (i == DefaultAssay(object = x)) {
stop("Cannot delete the default assay", call. = FALSE)
# remove disallowed characters from object name
newi <- if (is.null(x = value)) {
} else {
make.names(names = i)
if (any(i != newi)) {
"Invalid name supplied, making object name syntactically valid. New object name is ",
"; see ?make.names for more details on syntax validity",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
i <- newi
# Figure out where to store data
slot.use <- if (inherits(x = value, what = 'Assay')) {
# Ensure we have the same number of cells
if (ncol(x = value) != ncol(x = x)) {
"Cannot add a different number of cells than already present",
call. = FALSE
# Ensure cell order stays the same
if (all(Cells(x = value) %in% Cells(x = x)) && !all(Cells(x = value) == Cells(x = x))) {
for (slot in c('counts', 'data', 'scale.data')) {
assay.data <- GetAssayData(object = value, slot = slot)
if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = assay.data)) {
assay.data <- assay.data[, Cells(x = x), drop = FALSE]
# Use slot because SetAssayData is being weird
slot(object = value, name = slot) <- assay.data
} else if (inherits(x = value, what = 'Graph')) {
# Ensure Assay that Graph is associated with is present in the Seurat object
if (is.null(x = DefaultAssay(object = value))) {
"Adding a Graph without an assay associated with it",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
} else if (!any(DefaultAssay(object = value) %in% Assays(object = x))) {
stop("Cannot find assay '", DefaultAssay(object = value), "' in this Seurat object", call. = FALSE)
# Ensure Graph object is in order
if (all(Cells(x = value) %in% Cells(x = x)) && !all(Cells(x = value) == Cells(x = x))) {
value <- value[Cells(x = x), Cells(x = x)]
} else if (inherits(x = value, what = 'DimReduc')) {
# All DimReducs must be associated with an Assay
if (is.null(x = DefaultAssay(object = value))) {
stop("Cannot add a DimReduc without an assay associated with it", call. = FALSE)
# Ensure Assay that DimReduc is associated with is present in the Seurat object
if (!IsGlobal(object = value) && !any(DefaultAssay(object = value) %in% Assays(object = x))) {
stop("Cannot find assay '", DefaultAssay(object = value), "' in this Seurat object", call. = FALSE)
# Ensure DimReduc object is in order
if (all(Cells(x = value) %in% Cells(x = x)) && !all(Cells(x = value) == Cells(x = x))) {
slot(object = value, name = 'cell.embeddings') <- value[[Cells(x = x), ]]
} else if (inherits(x = value, what = 'SeuratCommand')) {
# Ensure Assay that SeuratCommand is associated with is present in the Seurat object
if (is.null(x = DefaultAssay(object = value))) {
"Adding a command log without an assay associated with it",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
} else if (!any(DefaultAssay(object = value) %in% Assays(object = x))) {
stop("Cannot find assay '", DefaultAssay(object = value), "' in this Seurat object", call. = FALSE)
} else if (is.null(x = value)) {
} else {
if (slot.use == 'meta.data') {
# Add data to object metadata
meta.data <- x[[]]
cell.names <- rownames(x = meta.data)
# If we have metadata with names, ensure they match our order
if (is.data.frame(x = value) && !is.null(x = rownames(x = value))) {
meta.order <- match(x = rownames(x = meta.data), table = rownames(x = value))
value <- value[meta.order, , drop = FALSE]
if (length(x = i) > 1) {
# Add multiple pieces of metadata
value <- rep_len(x = value, length.out = length(x = i))
for (index in 1:length(x = i)) {
meta.data[i[index]] <- value[index]
} else {
# Add a single column to metadata
if (length(x = intersect(x = names(x = value), y = cell.names)) > 0) {
meta.data[, i] <- value[cell.names]
} else if (length(x = value) %in% c(nrow(x = meta.data), 1) || is.null(x = value)) {
meta.data[, i] <- value
} else {
stop("Cannot add more or fewer cell meta.data information without values being named with cell names", call. = FALSE)
# Check to ensure that we aren't adding duplicate names
if (any(colnames(x = meta.data) %in% FilterObjects(object = x))) {
bad.cols <- colnames(x = meta.data)[which(colnames(x = meta.data) %in% FilterObjects(object = x))]
"Cannot add a metadata column with the same name as an Assay or DimReduc - ",
paste(bad.cols, collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE
# Store the revised metadata
slot(object = x, name = 'meta.data') <- meta.data
} else {
# Add other object to Seurat object
# Ensure cells match in value and order
if (!(class(x = value) %in% c('SeuratCommand', 'NULL')) && !all(Cells(x = value) == Cells(x = x))) {
stop("All cells in the object being added must match the cells in this object", call. = FALSE)
# Ensure we're not duplicating object names
if (!is.null(x = FindObject(object = x, name = i)) && !(class(x = value) %in% c(class(x = x[[i]]), 'NULL'))) {
"This object already contains ",
" as a",
test = tolower(x = substring(text = class(x = x[[i]]), first = 1, last = 1)) %in% c('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'),
yes = 'n ',
no = ' '
class(x = x[[i]]),
"; duplicate names are not allowed",
call. = FALSE
# Check keyed objects
if (inherits(x = value, what = c('Assay', 'DimReduc'))) {
if (length(x = Key(object = value)) == 0) {
Key(object = value) <- paste0(tolower(x = i), '_')
Key(object = value) <- UpdateKey(key = Key(object = value))
# Check for duplicate keys
object.keys <- sapply(
X = FilterObjects(object = x),
FUN = function(i) {
return(Key(object = x[[i]]))
if (Key(object = value) %in% object.keys && is.null(x = FindObject(object = x, name = i))) {
# Attempt to create a duplicate key based off the name of the object being added
new.keys <- c(paste0(tolower(x = i), c('_', paste0(RandomName(length = 2L), '_'))))
# Select new key to use
key.use <- min(which(x = !new.keys %in% object.keys))
new.key <- if (is.infinite(x = key.use)) {
RandomName(length = 17L)
} else {
"Cannot add objects with duplicate keys (offending key: ",
Key(object = value),
"), setting key to '",
call. = FALSE
# Set new key
Key(object = value) <- new.key
# For Assays, run CalcN
if (inherits(x = value, what = 'Assay')) {
if ((!i %in% Assays(object = x)) |
(i %in% Assays(object = x) && ! identical(
x = GetAssayData(object = x, assay = i, slot = "counts"),
y = GetAssayData(object = value, slot = "counts"))
)) {
n.calc <- CalcN(object = value)
if (!is.null(x = n.calc)) {
names(x = n.calc) <- paste(names(x = n.calc), i, sep = '_')
x[[names(x = n.calc)]] <- n.calc
# When removing an Assay, clear out associated DimReducs, Graphs, and SeuratCommands
if (is.null(x = value) && inherits(x = x[[i]], what = 'Assay')) {
objs.assay <- FilterObjects(
object = x,
classes.keep = c('DimReduc', 'SeuratCommand', 'Graph')
objs.assay <- Filter(
f = function(o) {
return(all(DefaultAssay(object = x[[o]]) == i) && !IsGlobal(object = x[[o]]))
x = objs.assay
for (o in objs.assay) {
x[[o]] <- NULL
# If adding a command, ensure it gets put at the end of the command list
if (inherits(x = value, what = 'SeuratCommand')) {
slot(object = x, name = slot.use)[[i]] <- NULL
slot(object = x, name = slot.use) <- Filter(
f = Negate(f = is.null),
x = slot(object = x, name = slot.use)
slot(object = x, name = slot.use)[[i]] <- value
slot(object = x, name = slot.use) <- Filter(
f = Negate(f = is.null),
x = slot(object = x, name = slot.use)
f = 'colMeans',
signature = c('x' = 'Assay'),
definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot),
na.rm = na.rm,
dims = dims,
f = 'colMeans',
signature = c('x' = 'Seurat'),
definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot),
na.rm = na.rm,
dims = dims,
f = 'colSums',
signature = c('x' = 'Assay'),
definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot),
na.rm = na.rm,
dims = dims,
f = 'colSums',
signature = c('x' = 'Seurat'),
definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot),
na.rm = na.rm,
dims = dims,
f = 'rowMeans',
signature = c('x' = 'Assay'),
definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot),
na.rm = na.rm,
dims = dims,
f = 'rowMeans',
signature = c('x' = 'Seurat'),
definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot),
na.rm = na.rm,
dims = dims,
f = 'rowSums',
signature = c('x' = 'Assay'),
definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot),
na.rm = na.rm,
dims = dims,
f = 'rowSums',
signature = c('x' = 'Seurat'),
definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
x = GetAssayData(object = x, slot = slot),
na.rm = na.rm,
dims = dims,
f = 'show',
signature = 'Assay',
definition = function(object) {
cat('Assay data with', nrow(x = object), 'features for', ncol(x = object), 'cells\n')
if (length(x = VariableFeatures(object = object)) > 0) {
top.ten <- head(x = VariableFeatures(object = object), n = 10L)
top <- 'Top'
variable <- 'variable'
} else {
top.ten <- head(x = rownames(x = object), n = 10L)
top <- 'First'
variable <- ''
features <- paste0(
' feature',
if (length(x = top.ten) != 1) {'s'}, ":\n"
features <- gsub(pattern = '^\\s+', replacement = '', x = features)
length(x = top.ten),
paste(strwrap(x = paste(top.ten, collapse = ', ')), collapse = '\n'),
f = 'show',
signature = 'DimReduc',
definition = function(object) {
"A dimensional reduction object with key", Key(object = object), '\n',
'Number of dimensions:', length(x = object), '\n',
'Projected dimensional reduction calculated: ', Projected(object = object), '\n',
'Jackstraw run:', as.logical(x = JS(object = object)), '\n',
'Computed using assay:', DefaultAssay(object = object), '\n'
f = 'show',
signature = 'JackStrawData',
definition = function(object) {
# empp <- GetJS(object = object, slot = "empirical.p.values")
empp <- object$empirical.p.values
# scored <- GetJS(object = object, slot = "overall.p.values")
scored <- object$overall.p.values
"A JackStrawData object simulated on",
nrow(x = empp),
"features for",
ncol(x = empp),
"Scored for:",
nrow(x = scored),
f = "show",
signature = "Seurat",
definition = function(object) {
assays <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'Assay')
nfeatures <- sum(vapply(
X = assays,
FUN = function(x) {
return(nrow(x = object[[x]]))
FUN.VALUE = integer(length = 1L)
num.assays <- length(x = assays)
cat("An object of class", class(x = object), "\n")
'features across',
ncol(x = object),
'samples within',
ifelse(test = num.assays == 1, yes = 'assay', no = 'assays'),
"Active assay:",
DefaultAssay(object = object),
paste0('(', nrow(x = object), ' features)')
other.assays <- assays[assays != DefaultAssay(object = object)]
if (length(x = other.assays) > 0) {
length(x = other.assays),
ifelse(test = length(x = other.assays) == 1, yes = 'assay', no = 'assays'),
strwrap(x = paste(other.assays, collapse = ', '))
reductions <- FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = 'DimReduc')
if (length(x = reductions) > 0) {
length(x = reductions),
ifelse(test = length(x = reductions) == 1, yes = 'reduction', no = 'reductions'),
strwrap(x = paste(reductions, collapse = ', '))
f = 'show',
signature = 'SeuratCommand',
definition = function(object) {
params <- slot(object = object, name = "params")
params <- params[sapply(X = params, FUN = class) != "function"]
"Command: ", slot(object = object, name = "call.string"), '\n',
"Time: ", as.character(slot(object = object, name = "time.stamp")), '\n',
sep = ""
for(p in 1:length(params)){
names(params[p]), ":", params[[p]], "\n"
f = 'show',
signature = 'seurat',
definition = function(object) {
"An old seurat object\n",
nrow(x = object@data),
'genes across',
ncol(x = object@data),
# Internal
# Internal AddMetaData defintion
# @param object An object
# @param metadata A vector, list, or data.frame with metadata to add
# @param col.name A name for meta data if not a named list or data.frame
# @return object with metadata added
.AddMetaData <- function(object, metadata, col.name = NULL) {
if (is.null(x = col.name) && is.atomic(x = metadata)) {
stop("'col.name' must be provided for atomic metadata types (eg. vectors)")
if (inherits(x = metadata, what = c('matrix', 'Matrix'))) {
metadata <- as.data.frame(x = metadata)
col.name <- col.name %||% names(x = metadata) %||% colnames(x = metadata)
if (is.null(x = col.name)) {
stop("No metadata name provided and could not infer it from metadata object")
object[[col.name]] <- metadata
# if (class(x = metadata) == "data.frame") {
# for (ii in 1:ncol(x = metadata)) {
# object[[colnames(x = metadata)[ii]]] <- metadata[, ii, drop = FALSE]
# }
# } else {
# object[[col.name]] <- metadata
# }
# Find the names of collections in an object
# @return A vector with the names of slots that are a list
Collections <- function(object) {
collections <- vapply(
X = slotNames(x = object),
FUN = function(x) {
return(any(grepl(pattern = 'list', x = class(x = slot(object = object, name = x)))))
FUN.VALUE = logical(length = 1L)
collections <- Filter(f = isTRUE, x = collections)
return(names(x = collections))
# Calculate nCount and nFeature
# @param object An Assay object
# @return A named list with nCount and nFeature
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
CalcN <- function(object) {
if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "counts"))) {
nCount = colSums(x = object, slot = 'counts'),
nFeature = colSums(x = GetAssayData(object = object, slot = 'counts') > 0)
# Get the names of objects within a Seurat object that are of a certain class
# @param object A Seurat object
# @param classes.keep A vector of names of classes to get
# @return A vector with the names of objects within the Seurat object that are of class \code{classes.keep}
FilterObjects <- function(object, classes.keep = c('Assay', 'DimReduc')) {
slots <- na.omit(object = Filter(
f = function(x) {
sobj <- slot(object = object, name = x)
return(is.list(x = sobj) && !is.data.frame(x = sobj) && !is.package_version(x = sobj))
x = slotNames(x = object)
slots <- grep(pattern = 'tools', x = slots, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
slots <- grep(pattern = 'misc', x = slots, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
slots.objects <- unlist(
x = lapply(
X = slots,
FUN = function(x) {
return(names(x = slot(object = object, name = x)))
use.names = FALSE
object.classes <- sapply(
X = slots.objects,
FUN = function(i) {
return(inherits(x = object[[i]], what = classes.keep))
object.classes <- which(x = object.classes, useNames = TRUE)
return(names(x = object.classes))
# Find the collection of an object within a Seurat object
# @param object A Seurat object
# @param name Name of object to find
# @return The collection (slot) of the object
FindObject <- function(object, name) {
collections <- c('assays', 'graphs', 'neighbors', 'reductions', 'commands')
object.names <- lapply(
X = collections,
FUN = function(x) {
return(names(x = slot(object = object, name = x)))
names(x = object.names) <- collections
object.names <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = object.names)
for (i in names(x = object.names)) {
if (name %in% names(x = slot(object = object, name = i))) {
# Check to see if projected loadings have been set
# @param object a DimReduc object
# @return TRUE if proejcted loadings have been set, else FALSE
Projected <- function(object) {
projected.dims <- dim(x = slot(object = object, name = 'feature.loadings.projected'))
if (all(projected.dims == 1)) {
return(!all(is.na(x = slot(object = object, name = 'feature.loadings.projected'))))
return(!all(projected.dims == 0))
# Get the top
# @param data Data to pull the top from
# @param num Pull top \code{num}
# @param balanced Pull even amounts of from positive and negative values
# @return The top \code{num}
# @seealso \{code{\link{TopCells}}} \{code{\link{TopFeatures}}}
Top <- function(data, num, balanced) {
top <- if (balanced) {
num <- round(x = num / 2)
data <- data[order(data, decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
positive <- head(x = rownames(x = data), n = num)
negative <- rev(x = tail(x = rownames(x = data), n = num))
list(positive = positive, negative = negative)
} else {
data <- data[rev(x = order(abs(x = data))), , drop = FALSE]
top <- head(x = rownames(x = data), n = num)
top[order(data[top, ])]
# Update Seurat assay
# @param old.assay Seurat2 assay
# @param assay Name to store for assay in new object
UpdateAssay <- function(old.assay, assay){
cells <- colnames(x = old.assay@data)
counts <- old.assay@raw.data
data <- old.assay@data
if (!inherits(x = counts, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
counts <- as(object = as.matrix(x = counts), Class = 'dgCMatrix')
if (!inherits(x = data, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
data <- as(object = as.matrix(x = data), Class = 'dgCMatrix')
new.assay <- new(
Class = 'Assay',
counts = counts[, cells],
data = data,
scale.data = old.assay@scale.data %||% new(Class = 'matrix'),
meta.features = data.frame(row.names = rownames(x = counts)),
var.features = old.assay@var.genes,
key = paste0(assay, "_")
# Update a Key
# @param key A character to become a Seurat Key
# @return An updated Key that's valid for Seurat
UpdateKey <- function(key) {
if (grepl(pattern = '^[[:alnum:]]+_$', x = key)) {
} else {
new.key <- regmatches(
x = key,
m = gregexpr(pattern = '[[:alnum:]]+', text = key)
new.key <- paste0(paste(unlist(x = new.key), collapse = ''), '_')
if (new.key == '_') {
new.key <- paste0(RandomName(length = 3), '_')
"Keys should be one or more alphanumeric characters followed by an underscore, setting key from ",
" to ",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
# Update slots in an object
# @param object An object to update
# @return \code{object} with the latest slot definitions
UpdateSlots <- function(object) {
object.list <- sapply(
X = slotNames(x = object),
FUN = function(x) {
expr = slot(object = object, name = x),
error = function(...) {
simplify = FALSE,
object.list <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = object.list)
object.list <- c('Class' = class(x = object)[1], object.list)
object <- do.call(what = 'new', args = object.list)
for (x in setdiff(x = slotNames(x = object), y = names(x = object.list))) {
xobj <- slot(object = object, name = x)
if (is.vector(x = xobj) && !is.list(x = xobj) && length(x = xobj) == 0) {
slot(object = object, name = x) <- vector(mode = class(x = xobj), length = 1L)
# Pulls the proper data matrix for merging assay data. If the slot is empty, will return an empty
# matrix with the proper dimensions from one of the remaining data slots.
# @param assay Assay to pull data from
# @param slot Slot to pull from
# @return Returns the data matrix if present (i.e.) not 0x0. Otherwise, returns an
# appropriately sized empty sparse matrix
ValidateDataForMerge <- function(assay, slot) {
mat <- GetAssayData(object = assay, slot = slot)
if (any(dim(x = mat) == c(0, 0))) {
slots.to.check <- setdiff(x = c("counts", "data", "scale.data"), y = slot)
for (ss in slots.to.check) {
data.dims <- dim(x = GetAssayData(object = assay, slot = ss))
data.slot <- ss
if (!any(data.dims == c(0, 0))) {
if (any(data.dims == c(0, 0))) {
stop("The counts, data, and scale.data slots are all empty for the provided assay.")
mat <- Matrix(
data = 0,
nrow = data.dims[1],
ncol = data.dims[2],
dimnames = dimnames(x = GetAssayData(object = assay, slot = data.slot))
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