
## Parameters
library(glmnet) # For Lasso initialization
library(robustbase) # For robust fitting of alpha
reqpckg <- c("ape", "glmnet", "robustbase")

## Set number of parallel cores
Ncores <- 3

## Define date-stamp for file names
datestamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
datestamp_day <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")

## Load simulated data
datestamp_data <- "2015-03-17" # "2015-03-17" "2016-03-10" #format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")
savedatafile = "../Results/Simulations_Several_K/several_K_simlist"
saveresultfile <- "../Results/Simulations_Several_K/several_K_estimations_SUN_rBM"
load(paste0(savedatafile, "_", datestamp_data, ".RData"))


## These values should be erased by further allocations (generate_inference_files)
n.range <- n
inference.index <- 0

## Select data (according to the value of n)
n <- n

## Here n.range should be defined by generate_inference_files.R
simulations2keep <- sapply(simlist, function(x) { x$n %in% n.range }, simplify = TRUE)
simlist <- simlist[simulations2keep]
nbrSim <- length(simlist)

# ## Log file
# logfile <- paste0(savedatafile, "_alpha_known-", datestamp_day, "_", inference.index,"_log.txt")
# log <- function(it){
#   txt <- paste0(Sys.time(), " : on batch ", inference.index, ", iteration ", it, " on ", nbrSim, " completed.")
#   writeLines(txt, logfile)
# }

## Estimation Function
estimations_several_K <- function(X){
  alpha_grid <- find_grid_alpha(trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
                                nbr_alpha = 10,
                                factor_up_alpha = 2,
                                factor_down_alpha = 3,
                                quantile_low_distance = 0.0001,
                                log_transform = TRUE)
  res <- PhyloEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
                 Y_data = X$Y_data,
                 process = "scOU",
                 K_max = max(K_try[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]]),
                 random.root = TRUE,
                 stationary.root = TRUE,
                 alpha = alpha_grid[-1],
                 save_step = FALSE,
                 Nbr_It_Max = 2000,
                 tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
                            value.root = 10^(-2),
                            log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
                 method.init = "lasso",
                 use_previous = FALSE,
                 method.selection = "BGH")
  res <- add_total_time(res)
  # res <- enlight_res(res)
  ret <- list(sim = X,
              res = res)

# enlight_res <- function(res){
#   lres <- vector("list", 4)
#   lres[1:3] <- res[1:3]
#   lmax <- res$alpha_max$BGH[c("params_select", "params_raw", "params_init_estim",
#                               "results_summary",
#                               # "Yhat", "Zhat", "Yvar", "Zvar",
#                               "m_Y_estim", "edge.quality")]
#   lres$alpha_max <- res$alpha_max
#   lres$alpha_max$BGH <- lmax
#   return(lres)
# }

add_total_time <- function(res){
  tot_time <- sum(sapply(res[grep("alpha_[[:digit:]]", names(res))],
                         function(z) z$results_summary$time))
  res$alpha_max$results_summary$total_time <- tot_time
  res$alpha_max$BGH$results_summary$total_time <- tot_time
  res$alpha_max$BGH$results_summary <-$alpha_max$BGH$results_summary)

estimations_several_K_ak <- function(X){
  alpha_grid <- X$alpha
  res <- PhyloEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
                 Y_data = X$Y_data,
                 process = "scOU",
                 K_max = max(K_try[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]]),
                 random.root = TRUE,
                 stationary.root = TRUE,
                 alpha = alpha_grid,
                 save_step = FALSE,
                 Nbr_It_Max = 2000,
                 tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
                            value.root = 10^(-2),
                            log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
                 min_params = list(variance = 0, 
                                   value.root = -10^(5), 
                                   exp.root = -10^(5), 
                                   var.root = 0,
                                   selection.strength = 0),
                 method.init = "lasso",
                 use_previous = FALSE,
                 method.selection = "BGH")
  res <- add_total_time(res)
  ret <- list(sim = X,
              res = res)

# ############
# ## Estimations (alpha on a grid)
# ############
# ## Separate "favorable" values from others
# simparams_keep <- subset(simparams, n %in% n.range)
# favorables <- simparams_keep$gamma <= 1 & simparams_keep$alpha >= 3 & simparams_keep$K <= 5
# ## Register parallel backend for computing
# cl <- makeCluster(Ncores)
# registerDoParallel(cl)
# ## Parallelized estimations
# time_alpha_gird_fav <- system.time(
#   simestimations_fav <- foreach(i = simlist[favorables][1:3], .packages = reqpckg) %dopar%
#   {
#     estimations_several_K(i)
#   }
# )
# # Stop the cluster (parallel)
# stopCluster(cl)
# ## rename object and save
# assign(paste0("simestimations_fav_", inference.index), 
#        simestimations_fav)
# rm(simestimations_fav)
# save.image(paste0(saveresultfile, "favorables-", datestamp_day, "_", inference.index, ".RData"))
# ## Register parallel backend for computing
# cl <- makeCluster(Ncores)
# registerDoParallel(cl)
# ## Parallelized estimations
# time_alpha_gird_unfav <- system.time(
#   simestimations_unfav <- foreach(i = simlist[!favorables][1:3], .packages = reqpckg) %dopar%
#   {
#     estimations_several_K(i)
#   }
# )
# # Stop the cluster (parallel)
# stopCluster(cl)
# ## group favorables and unfavorables
# simestimations <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(favorables))
# simestimations[favorables] <- eval("simestimations_fav_", inference.index)))
# simestimations[!favorables] <- simestimations_unfav
# rm(simestimations_unfav)
# rm(list = paste0("simestimations_fav_", inference.index))
# ## rename object and save
# assign(paste0("simestimations_", inference.index), 
#        simestimations)
# rm(simestimations)
# save.image(paste0(saveresultfile, "-", datestamp_day, "_", inference.index, ".RData"))

## Estimations (alpha known)

## Separate "favorable" values from others
simparams_keep <- subset(simparams, n %in% n.range)
favorables <- simparams_keep$gamma <= 1 & simparams_keep$alpha >= 3 & simparams_keep$K <= 5

## Register parallel backend for computing
cl <- makeCluster(Ncores)

## Parallelized estimations
time_alpha_known <- system.time(
  simestimations_fav <- foreach(i = simlist[favorables][1:3], .packages = reqpckg) %dopar%
# Stop the cluster (parallel)

## rename object and save
assign(paste0("simestimations_fav_alpha_known_", inference.index), 

save.image(paste0(saveresultfile, "favorables_alpha_known_", datestamp_day, "_", inference.index, ".RData"))

## Register parallel backend for computing
cl <- makeCluster(Ncores)

## Parallelized estimations
time_alpha_known_unfav <- system.time(
  simestimations_unfav <- foreach(i = simlist[!favorables], .packages = reqpckg) %dopar%
# Stop the cluster (parallel)

## group favorables and unfavorables
simestimations <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(favorables))
simestimations[favorables] <- eval("simestimations_fav_alpha_known_", inference.index)))
simestimations[!favorables] <- simestimations_unfav

rm(list = paste0("simestimations_fav_alpha_known_", inference.index))

## rename object and save
assign(paste0("simestimations_alpha_known_", inference.index), 

save.image(paste0(saveresultfile, "alpha_known_", datestamp_day, "_", inference.index, ".RData"))

# ### Tests
# # Cas 1
# # situation <- simparams$gamma == 0.05 & simparams$ntaxa == 64 & simparams$n == 5
# # situation <- simparams$alpha > 7 & simparams$ntaxa == 64 & simparams$n == 28
# situation <- simparams$alpha > 7 & simparams$ntaxa == 256 & simparams$n == 131
# X <- simlist[situation][[1]]
# res <- PhyloEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
#                Y_data = X$Y_data,
#                process = "scOU",
#                K_max = max(K_try[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]]),
#                random.root = TRUE,
#                stationary.root = TRUE,
#                alpha = X$alpha,
#                save_step = FALSE,
#                Nbr_It_Max = 2000,
#                tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
#                           value.root = 10^(-2),
#                           log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
#                method.init = "lasso",
#                use_previous = FALSE,
#                method.selection = "BGH",
#                method.OUsun = "rescale")
# res$alpha_3$results_summary[6,]
# res_old <- PhyloEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
#                    Y_data = X$Y_data,
#                    process = "OU",
#                    K_max = max(K_try[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]]),
#                    random.root = TRUE,
#                    stationary.root = TRUE,
#                    alpha = X$alpha,
#                    save_step = FALSE,
#                    Nbr_It_Max = 2000,
#                    tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
#                               value.root = 10^(-2),
#                               log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
#                    method.init = "lasso",
#                    use_previous = FALSE,
#                    method.selection = "BGH",
#                    method.OUsun = "raw",
#                    methods.segmentation = c("lasso", "best_single_move"),
#                    method.init.alpha = "estimation")
# res_old$alpha_3$results_summary[6,]
# results_estim_EM_5bis <- estimateEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
#                                     Y_data = X$Y_data, 
#                                     process = "scOU", 
#                                     nbr_of_shifts = 5,
#                                     random.root = TRUE,
#                                     stationary.root = TRUE,
#                                     alpha_known = TRUE,
#                                     known.selection.strength = X$alpha,
#                                     tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
#                                                value.root = 10^(-2),
#                                                log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
#                                     Nbr_It_Max = 1000,
#                                     method.init = "lasso",
#                                     min_params = list(variance = 0, 
#                                                       value.root = -10^(5), 
#                                                       exp.root = -10^(5), 
#                                                       var.root = 0,
#                                                       selection.strength = 0)
# )
# results_estim_EM_5bisold <- estimateEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
#                                     Y_data = X$Y_data, 
#                                     process = "OU", 
#                                     nbr_of_shifts = 5,
#                                     random.root = TRUE,
#                                     stationary.root = TRUE,
#                                     alpha_known = TRUE,
#                                     known.selection.strength = X$alpha,
#                                     tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
#                                                value.root = 10^(-2),
#                                                log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
#                                     Nbr_It_Max = 1000,
#                                     method.init = "lasso",
#                                     method.OUsun = "raw",
#                                     methods.segmentation = c("lasso", "best_single_move"),
#                                     method.init.alpha = "estimation"
# )
# attr(results_estim_EM_5bis, "Divergence")
# sapply(results_estim_EM_5bis$params_history, function(z) attr(z, "log_likelihood"))
# sapply(results_estim_EM_5bisold$params_history, function(z) attr(z, "log_likelihood"))
# sapply(results_estim_EM_5bis$params_history, function(z) z$shifts$edges)
# sapply(results_estim_EM_5bisold$params_history, function(z) z$shifts$edges)
# results_estim_EM_5ter <- estimateEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
#                                     Y_data = X$Y_data, 
#                                     process = "scOU", 
#                                     nbr_of_shifts = 5,
#                                     random.root = TRUE,
#                                     stationary.root = TRUE,
#                                     alpha_known = TRUE,
#                                     known.selection.strength = X$alpha,
#                                     tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
#                                                value.root = 10^(-2),
#                                                log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
#                                     Nbr_It_Max = 1000,
#                                     method.init = "default",
#                                     edges.init = results_estim_EM_5bisold$params$shifts$edges,
#                                     values.init = results_estim_EM_5bisold$params$shifts$values,
#                                     exp.root.init = results_estim_EM_5bisold$params$root.state$exp.root,
#                                     min_params=list(variance = 0, 
#                                                     value.root = -10^(5), 
#                                                     exp.root = -10^(5), 
#                                                     var.root = 0,
#                                                     selection.strength = 0)
# )
# attr(results_estim_EM_5bis, "Divergence")
# sapply(results_estim_EM_5ter$params_history, function(z) attr(z, "log_likelihood"))
# sapply(results_estim_EM_5ter$params_history, function(z) z$shifts$edges)
# # Cas 2
# situation <- simparams$alpha > 60 & simparams$ntaxa == 128 & simparams$n == 56
# X <- simlist[situation][[1]]
# res <- PhyloEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
#                Y_data = X$Y_data,
#                process = "scOU",
#                K_max = max(K_try[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]]),
#                random.root = TRUE,
#                stationary.root = TRUE,
#                alpha = X$alpha,
#                save_step = FALSE,
#                Nbr_It_Max = 2000,
#                tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
#                           value.root = 10^(-2),
#                           log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
#                method.init = "lasso",
#                use_previous = FALSE,
#                method.selection = "BGH")
# res$alpha_69.3147180559945$results_summary[6,]
# # Cas 3 (alpha inconnu)
# X <- simlist[!favorables][[6]]
# alpha_grid <- find_grid_alpha(trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
#                               nbr_alpha = 10,
#                               factor_up_alpha = 2,
#                               factor_down_alpha = 3,
#                               quantile_low_distance = 0.0001,
#                               log_transform = TRUE)
# results_estim_EM_5bis <- estimateEM(phylo = trees[[paste0(X$ntaxa)]],
#                                     Y_data = X$Y_data, 
#                                     process = "scOU", 
#                                     nbr_of_shifts = 6,
#                                     random.root = TRUE,
#                                     stationary.root = TRUE,
#                                     alpha_known = TRUE,
#                                     known.selection.strength = alpha_grid[7],
#                                     tol = list(variance = 10^(-2), 
#                                                value.root = 10^(-2),
#                                                log_likelihood = 10^(-2)),
#                                     Nbr_It_Max = 1000,
#                                     method.init = "lasso"
# )
pbastide/PhylogeneticEM documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 1:27 a.m.