
#' Count filter object
#' This function returns a countFilter object, performing all of the
#' calculations needed to filter the data based off a specified function and
#' limit
#' @param omicsData An object of one of the classes "seqData"
#' @param fn Specify "mean" to use the mean count of each OTU, "percent" to use
#'   mean counts lower than a certain percent, "max" to use the max count across
#'   all samples, "sum" to use the total count of each OTU, "nonmiss" to use
#'   presence/absence counts, or "ka" to use k over a filtering (need at least
#'   k counts of OTUs seen in at least a samples).
#' @param group Logical, should filtering function be performed separately for
#'   specified groups. Default is FALSE.
#' @param group_var Character, if filtering should be performed separately for
#'   specified groups, then specify which grouping variable to use. If group =
#'   TRUE and group_var = NULL, will use 'Group' from attr(omicsData, "group_DF").
#'   Default is NULL.
#' @return An object of class countFilter (also a data.frame) that contains the
#'   molecule identifier and the mean/percent/max/sum/nonmissing count across
#'   all samples.
#' @author Allison Thompson, Bryan Stanfill
#' @references Arumugam, Manimozhiyan, et al. "Enterotypes of the human gut
#' microbiome." nature 473.7346 (2011): 174-180.
#' https://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/07/15/bioinformatics.btt350.full
#' @examples
#' library(mintJansson)
#' data(rRNA_data)
#' omicsData <- rRNA_data
#' #Find mean count of OTUs
#' mean_lim <- count_based_filter(omicsData, fn="mean")
#' head(mean_lim)
#' summary(mean_lim)
#' plot(mean_lim)
#' #Find percentage of each OTU
#' perc_lim <- count_based_filter(omicsData, fn="percent")
#' head(perc_lim)
#' summary(perc_lim)
#' plot(perc_lim)
#' #Find maximum count of OTUs
#' max_lim <- count_based_filter(omicsData, fn="max")
#' head(max_lim)
#' summary(max_lim)
#' plot(max_lim)
#' #Find total count of OTUs
#' sum_lim <- count_based_filter(omicsData, fn="sum")
#' head(sum_lim)
#' summary(sum_lim)
#' plot(sum_lim)
#' #Find number of nonmissing OTUs
#' nonmiss_lim <- count_based_filter(omicsData, fn="nonmiss")
#' head(nonmiss_lim)
#' summary(nonmiss_lim)
#' plot(nonmiss_lim)
#' #Find order of samples for k/a filtering
#' ka_lim <- count_based_filter(omicsData, fn="ka")
#' head(ka_lim)
#' summary(ka_lim)
#' plot(ka_lim)
#' }
#' @export
count_based_filter <- function(omicsData, fn="sum", group=FALSE, group_var=NULL){

  ## some initial checks ##

  # check that omicsData is of appropriate class #
  if(!class(omicsData) %in% c("seqData")) stop("omicsData must be of class 'seqData'")

  # check that this is count data #
  if(attr(omicsData, "data_info")$data_scale!='count'){
    warning("This function is meant for count data like 'rRNA', 'gDNA' or 'cDNA' data.")

  # check that function makes sense #
  if(!(tolower(fn) %in% c("mean","percent","max","sum","nonmiss", "ka"))){
    stop("fn must only be 'mean', 'percent', 'max', 'sum', 'nonmiss', or 'ka'.")

  ## end initial checks ##

  # if want to filter by group #
    # extract relevant pieces
    edata <- omicsData$e_data
    edata_cname <- attr(omicsData, "cnames")$edata_cname
    fdata_cname <- attr(omicsData, "cnames")$fdata_cname

    # figure out what to use for grouping
    # extract samples in each group
    if(is.null(group_var) & is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))){
      stop("In order to filter across groups, must provide a grouping variable.")
    }else if(is.null(group_var) & !is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))){
      warning("No grouping variable specified, will use 'Group' found in group_DF.")
      groupings <- unique(attr(omicsData, "group_DF")$Group)
      samps <- lapply(groupings, function(x) colnames(edata)[which(colnames(edata) %in% subset(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"), Group == x)[,edata_cname])])
      names(samps) <- groupings
      if(!is.null(attr(omicsData, "group_DF")) & group_var %in% colnames(attr(omicsData, "group_DF"))){
        groupings <- unique(attr(omicsData, "group_DF")[,group_var])
        samps <- lapply(groupings, function(x) colnames(edata)[which(colnames(edata) %in% attr(omicsData, "group_DF")[which(attr(omicsData, "group_DF")[,group_var]==x),fdata_cname])])
        names(samps) <- groupings
        groupings <- unique(omicsData$f_data[,group_var])
        samps <- lapply(groupings, function(x) colnames(edata)[which(colnames(edata) %in% omicsData$f_data[which(omicsData$f_data[,group_var] == x), fdata_cname])])
        names(samps)  <- groupings

    # if not more than one group, why use groupings?
    if(length(groupings) < 2){
      stop("Grouping variable must contain at least two groups.")

    infrequent_OTUs <- lapply(c(1:length(samps)), function(y){
      # subset e_data down to samples in group
      x <- samps[[y]]
      ndata <- edata[,which(colnames(edata) %in% c(edata_cname, x))]

      if(fn == "mean"){
        # Mean count of each OTU
        mean_OTUs <- apply(ndata[,-which(colnames(ndata) == edata_cname)],1,function(x){return(mean(x,na.rm=TRUE))})
        infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(ndata[,edata_cname], mean_OTUs)
        colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "meanOTUs")

      }else if(fn == "percent"){
        # Percent of population each OTU makes up
        perc_OTUs <- rowSums(ndata[,-which(colnames(ndata) == edata_cname)],na.rm=TRUE)/sum(ndata[,-which(colnames(ndata) == edata_cname)],na.rm=TRUE)
        infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(ndata[,edata_cname], perc_OTUs)
        colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "percentOTUs")

      }else if(fn == "max"){
        # Max count of each OTU
        max_OTUs <- apply(ndata[,-which(colnames(ndata)==edata_cname)],1,function(x){return(max(x,na.rm=T))})
        infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(ndata[,edata_cname], max_OTUs)
        colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "maxOTUs")

      }else if(fn == "sum"){
        # Total number of times each OTU is seen
        sum_OTUs <- rowSums(ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == edata_cname)], na.rm=TRUE)
        infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(ndata[, edata_cname], sum_OTUs)
        colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "sumOTUs")

      }else if(fn == "nonmiss"){
        # Presence/absence of each OTU
        nonmiss_OTUs <- !is.na(ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == edata_cname)]) & ndata[, -which(colnames(ndata) == edata_cname)] != 0
        infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(ndata[, edata_cname], rowSums(nonmiss_OTUs))
        colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "nonmissOTUs")

      }else if(fn == "ka"){
        # k/a filtering - an OTU must be seen at least k times in at least a samples
        ka_edata <- ndata
        rownames(ka_edata) <- ka_edata[,which(colnames(ka_edata) == edata_cname)]
        ka_edata <- ka_edata[,-which(colnames(ka_edata) == edata_cname)]
        ka_edata <- as.matrix(ka_edata)
        ka_edata[which(is.na(ka_edata))] <- 0

        # calculate the k and a for every OTU and every possible number of samples
        ka_OTUs <- lapply(c(1:nrow(ka_edata)), function(x) as.vector(ka_edata[x,])[order(as.vector(ka_edata[x,]),decreasing=TRUE)])
        ka_OTUs <- lapply(ka_OTUs, unname)
        ka_OTUs <- do.call(rbind, ka_OTUs)
        colnames(ka_OTUs) <- sapply(c(1:ncol(ka_edata)), function(x) paste("NumSamples_",x,sep=""))

        infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(ndata[, edata_cname], ka_OTUs)
        colnames(infrequent_OTUs)[1] <- edata_cname


      # attach group information to filtered data
      infrequent_OTUs$Group <- names(samps)[y]


    # put filtered samples back together
    infrequent_OTUs <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, infrequent_OTUs)
    attr(infrequent_OTUs, "samps_in_grps") <- samps
    attr(infrequent_OTUs, "group_var") <- group_var

    edata <- omicsData$e_data
    edata_cname <- attr(omicsData,"cnames")$edata_cname

    if(fn == "mean"){
      # Mean count of each OTU
      mean_OTUs <- apply(edata[,-which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)],1,function(x){return(mean(x,na.rm=TRUE))})
      infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(omicsData$e_data[,edata_cname], mean_OTUs)
      colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "meanOTUs")

    }else if(fn == "percent"){
      # Percent of population each OTU makes up
      perc_OTUs <- rowSums(edata[,-which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)],na.rm=TRUE)/sum(edata[,-which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)],na.rm=TRUE)
      infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(omicsData$e_data[,edata_cname], perc_OTUs)
      colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "percentOTUs")

    }else if(fn == "max"){
      # Max count of each OTU
      max_OTUs <- apply(edata[,-which(colnames(edata)==edata_cname)],1,function(x){return(max(x,na.rm=T))})
      infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(omicsData$e_data[,edata_cname], max_OTUs)
      colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "maxOTUs")

    }else if(fn == "sum"){
      # Total number of times each OTU is seen
      sum_OTUs <- rowSums(edata[, -which(colnames(edata) == edata_cname)], na.rm=TRUE)
      infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname], sum_OTUs)
      colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "sumOTUs")

    }else if(fn == "nonmiss"){
      # Presence/absence of each OTU
      nonmiss_OTUs <- !is.na(edata[, -which(colnames(edata) == edata_cname)]) & edata[, -which(colnames(edata) == edata_cname)] != 0
      infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname], rowSums(nonmiss_OTUs))
      colnames(infrequent_OTUs) <- c(edata_cname, "nonmissOTUs")

    }else if(fn == "ka"){
      # k/a filtering - an OTU must be seen at least k times in at least a samples
      ka_edata <- edata
      rownames(ka_edata) <- ka_edata[,which(colnames(ka_edata) == edata_cname)]
      ka_edata <- ka_edata[,-which(colnames(ka_edata) == edata_cname)]
      ka_edata <- as.matrix(ka_edata)
      ka_edata[which(is.na(ka_edata))] <- 0

      # calculate the k and a for every OTU and every possible number of samples
      ka_OTUs <- lapply(c(1:nrow(ka_edata)), function(x) as.vector(ka_edata[x,])[order(as.vector(ka_edata[x,]),decreasing=TRUE)])
      ka_OTUs <- lapply(ka_OTUs, unname)
      ka_OTUs <- do.call(rbind, ka_OTUs)
      colnames(ka_OTUs) <- sapply(c(1:ncol(ka_edata)), function(x) paste("NumSamples_",x,sep=""))

      infrequent_OTUs <- data.frame(omicsData$e_data[, edata_cname], ka_OTUs)
      colnames(infrequent_OTUs)[1] <- edata_cname


  class(infrequent_OTUs) <- c("countFilter",class(infrequent_OTUs))

  attr(infrequent_OTUs, "sample_names") <- names(omicsData$e_data)[-which(names(omicsData$e_data) == edata_cname)]
  attr(infrequent_OTUs, "group_DF") <- attr(omicsData, "group_DF")
  attr(infrequent_OTUs, "function") <- fn

  attr(infrequent_OTUs, "cnames") <- attr(omicsData, "cnames")

  threshold <- quantile(reshape2::melt(infrequent_OTUs)$value, 0.95, na.rm=TRUE)
  attr(infrequent_OTUs, "threshold") <- threshold


pmartR/pmartRseq documentation built on May 25, 2019, 9:20 a.m.