#' Generalized phylofactorization
#' @export
#' @param Data data table containing columns of "Species", and terms in the \code{frmla}. If \code{algorithm=="mStable"}, \code{Data} must also include a column of "Sample" or, alternatively, \code{Data} can be a matrix whose rows are species and columns are samples and \code{MetaData} a data frame of meta-data with rows corresponding to columns of \code{Data} and the terms in \code{frmla} or non-phylo terms in \code{frmla.phylo}.
#' @param tree phylo class object containing all species in \code{Data}
#' @param frmla.phylo Formula used for method "phylo" and "mStable". Can use species-specific effects by multilevel factor "Species", and phylo-factors with "phylo". e.g. cbind(Successes,Failures)~x+Species*z+phylo*y has universal coefficient for x, species-specific coefficients for z, and phylo-factor contrasted coefficients for y.
#' @param frmla Formula. If \code{expfamily='binomial'}, the left hand side must have c(Successes,Failures)~. Otherwise, the variable for data is "Data", e.g. \code{Data~effort+phylo}
#' @param PartitioningVariables Character vector containing the variables in \code{frmla} to be used for phylofactorization. Objective function will be the sum of deviance from all variables listed here.
#' @param MetaData data frame or data table of meta-data containing variables found in \code{frmla}. If the \code{algorithm='mStable'}, the meta-data must contain a column "Sample" to enable aggregation of groups within samples.
#' @param nfactors integer for number of factors to find
#' @param ncores integers for number of cores to use for parallelization
#' @param model.fcn Regression function, such as glm, gam, glm.nb, gls. Must have column labelled "Deviance" in \code{\link{anova}} for default \code{objective.fcn}, \code{\link{pvDeviance}}.
#' @param objective.fcn Optional input objective function. Takes \code{model.fcn} output as its input, and returns a number which will be maximized to determine phylogenetic factor.
#' @param min.group.size Minimum group size; groups with one element having fewer members than \code{min.group.size} are automatically given objective -Inf; aggregation, \code{model.fcn} and \code{objective.fcn} are only run on groups containing as many or more members than \code{min.group.size}
#' @param algorithm Character, either "CoefContrast", "phylo", "mStable" or "mix". "CoefContrast" will partition the standardized coefficient matrix. "phylo" will produce \code{phylo} factors. "mStable" will use \code{phylo} factors and marginally-stable aggregation of groups. "mix" will use coefficient contrasts to identify the top alpha percent of edges and subsequently use the "phylo" algorithm for edge selection.
#' @param alpha Numeric between 0 and 1 (strictly greater than 0), indicating the top fraction of edges to use when \code{algorithm=='mix'}. Default is alpha=0.2 selecting top 20 percent of edges.
#' @param cluster.depends Character expression input to \code{eval(parse(text=cluster.depends))}. Evaluated in clusters to prime local environment - useful for customized \code{model.fcn} and \code{objective.fcn}
#' @param ... Additional arguments for \code{model.fcn}, e.g. for default \code{\link{glm}}, can use \code{family=binomial}, \code{weights}, etc. For \code{algorithm!='mStable'}, \code{subset} is not a valid optional argument due to \code{gpf} recursively subsetting based on phylogenetic factors. For \code{algorithm='mStable'}, \code{subset} indexes correspond to the Samples in order of \code{unique(Data$Sample)}
#' @return phylofactor object which can be manipulated with various \code{pf.} functions
#' @examples
#' library(phylofactor)
#' require(ggpubr)
#' ilogit <- function(eta) 1/(1+exp(-eta))
#' set.seed(1)
#' m <- 50
#' n <- 200
#' tree <- rtree(m)
#' MetaData <- data.table('y'=rnorm(n),
#' 'z'=rnorm(n,sd=0.5),
#' 'Sample'=sapply(1:n,FUN=function(s) paste('Sample',s)),
#' key='Sample')
#' #we'll partition by 'y'.
#' binom.size=3
#' clade <- phangorn::Descendants(tree,75,'tips')[[1]]
#' clade2 <- phangorn::Descendants(tree,53,'tips')[[1]]
#' ######## presence/absence dataset with affected clade #######
#' ## most species have higher P{present} with y
#' eta <- .5*MetaData$z+MetaData$y
#' p <- ilogit(eta)
#' M <- matrix(rbinom(m*n,binom.size,rep(p,times=m)),nrow=m,ncol=n,byrow=TRUE)
#' rownames(M) <- tree$tip.label
#' colnames(M) <- MetaData$Sample
#' #### the first clade decreases with y ####
#' eta1 <- .5*MetaData$z-MetaData$y
#' p1 <- ilogit(eta1)
#' for (species in clade){
#' M[species,] <- rbinom(n,binom.size,p1)
#' }
#' #### the second clade weakly decreases with y ####
#' eta2 <- .5*MetaData$z-.3*MetaData$y
#' p2 <- ilogit(eta2)
#' for (species in clade2){
#' M[species,] <- rbinom(n,binom.size,p2)
#' }
#' #### Default algorithm: 'mix' #####
#' ### For default can input data matrix or data frame
#' ### with "Species", "Sample", and all relevant meta-data
#' DF <- matrix.to.phyloframe(M,data.name='Successes')
#' DF[,Failures:=binom.size-Successes]
#' setkey(DF,Sample)
#' DF <- DF[MetaData]
#' ### DF must have "Species", "Sample", and the LHS of the formula input.
#' ### A separate data frame or data table, MetaData, can have "Sample" and the RHS of the formula.
#' ### The default algorithm is "mix", which uses CoefContrast to limit the number of edges for
#' ### selection by algorithm 'phylo'. This algorithm has the greatest power but is also
#' ### computationally intensive. It's recommended that you input both frmla (used in CoefContrst)
#' ### and frmla.phylo (used in algorithm 'phylo').
#' ### For species-specific effects in algorithm 'phylo', you can use the variable "Species", e.g.
#' ### frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~Species*z+phylo*y. For universal/shared coefficients
#' ### for "z" across species, simply use frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~z+phylo*y
#' ### Since we're modelling a constant effect of z across species, we want to offset(z)
#' ### in the formula. Let's get the coefficients for that:
#' model.z <- glm(cbind(Successes,Failures)~z,family=binomial,data=DF)
#' DF[,z.fit:=coef(model.z)['z']*z]
#' pf <- gpf(DF,tree,frmla=cbind(Successes,Failures)~offset(z.fit)+y,
#' frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~offset(z.fit)+phylo*y,
#' PartitioningVariables='y',
#' family=binomial,
#' nfactors=2,
#' ncores=2)
#' all.equal(pf$groups[[1]][[1]],clade) & all.equal(pf$groups[[2]][[1]],clade2)
#' ## can also use categorical variables as predictors, but notice the warning for coefficient
#' ## contrasts when PartitioningVariables are the formula's name for that variable. gpf will grep
#' ## for the PartitioningVariables in the names of coefficients - the warning below can be
#' ## ignored, but formulas whose terms grep each other may require specific PartitioningVariables.
#' DF[,y_factor:=as.factor(y>0)]
#' pf_categorical <- gpf(DF,tree,frmla=cbind(Successes,Failures)~offset(z.fit)+y_factor,
#' frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~offset(z.fit)+phylo*y_factor,
#' PartitioningVariables='y_factor',
#' family=binomial,
#' nfactors=2,
#' ncores=2)
#' ### glm manipulation - can do everything except subset ###
#' ### For non-mStable, weights slow down the algorithm due to data.table indexing issues ###
#' # w <- sample(2,nrow(DF),T)
#' # pf.fancy <- gpf(DF,tree,frmla=cbind(Successes,Failures)~y,
#' # frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~phylo*y,
#' # PartitioningVariables='y',nfactors=2,ncores=2,
#' # family=binomial,weights=w,offset=DF$z.fit)
#' ###########################################################
#' pf.non.offset <- gpf(DF,tree,frmla=cbind(Successes,Failures)~z+y,
#' frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~z+phylo*y,
#' PartitioningVariables='y',
#' family=binomial,
#' nfactors=2,
#' ncores=2)
#' ### The difference between the offset & non-offset is that the latter re-estimates the
#' ### coefficient for z in each partition, potentially introducing error & wasting degrees of
#' ### freedom in downstream factors.
#' ### Algorithms "phylo", "mix", and "mStable" have a fairly high percent of the computation which
#' ### is parallelizable. The argument "ncores" performs built-in parallelization.
#' ### Another algorithm is "CoefContrast". For this algorithm, you need to input the frmla and
#' ## Partitioning Variables. CoefContrast is extremely fast and best done without parallelization
#' ## (as it is built off matrix multiplication).
#' pf <- gpf(DF,tree,frmla=cbind(Successes,Failures)~z+y,
#' PartitioningVariables='y',
#' algorithm='CoefContrast',
#' family=binomial,
#' nfactors=2)
#' all.equal(pf$groups[[1]][[1]],clade) & all.equal(pf$groups[[2]][[1]],clade2)
#' ####################### to partition on y, must have phylo* #########
#' ## Also, for inputting matrices into gpf for binomial glm or gam,
#' ## must input a list of matrices with "Successes" and "Failures":
#' Mat.List <- list('Successes'=M,'Failures'=binom.size-M)
#' pf <- gpf(Mat.List,tree,MetaData=MetaData,
#' frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~z+phylo*y,nfactors=2,
#' family=binomial,algorithm='mStable')
#' all.equal(pf$groups[[1]][[1]],clade) & all.equal(pf$groups[[2]][[1]],clade2)
#' observed <- pf.heatmap(tree=tree,Data=M[,order(MetaData$y)])
#' predicted <- pf.heatmap(tree=tree,Data=ilogit(pf.predict(pf)[,order(MetaData$y)]))
#' ggarrange(observed,predicted,nrow=2)
#' ################# Poisson Regression
#' set.seed(1)
#' eta <- 2*MetaData$z+MetaData$y
#' lambda <- exp(eta)
#' M <- matrix(rpois(m*n,rep(lambda,times=m)),nrow=m,ncol=n,byrow=TRUE)
#' rownames(M) <- tree$tip.label
#' colnames(M) <- MetaData$Sample
#' #### the first clade decreases with y ####
#' eta1 <- .3*MetaData$z-MetaData$y
#' lambda1 <- exp(eta1)
#' for (species in clade){
#' M[species,] <- rpois(n,lambda1)
#' }
#' #### the second clade strongly increases with y ####
#' eta2 <- .3*MetaData$z-MetaData$y
#' lambda2 <- exp(eta2)
#' for (species in clade2){
#' M[species,] <- rpois(n,lambda2)
#' }
#' ##For non-binomial, use "Data" as response variable #########
#' pf <- gpf(M,tree,MetaData=MetaData,frmla.phylo=Data~phylo*(z+y),nfactors=2,family=poisson,
#' PartitioningVariables='y',algorithm='mStable')
#' pf$factors
#' all.equal(pf$groups[[1]][[1]],clade) & all.equal(pf$groups[[2]][[1]],clade2)
#' par(mfrow=c(2,1))
#' observed <- pf.heatmap(tree=tree,Data=M[,order(MetaData$y)])
#' predicted <- pf.heatmap(tree=tree,Data=exp(pf.predict(pf)[,order(MetaData$y)]))
#' ggarrange(observed,predicted,nrow=2)
#' ### partition vector of data controlling for sample effort ###
#' set.seed(1)
#' effort <- rnorm(50)
#' eta <- effort-3
#' eta[clade] <- eta[clade]+6
#' eta[clade2] <- eta[clade2]+8
#' Data <- data.table('Species'=tree$tip.label,effort,
#' 'Successes'=rbinom(50,1,ilogit(eta)),
#' 'Sample'=1)
#' Data$Failures <- 1-Data$Successes
#' pf <- gpf(Data,tree,frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~effort+phylo,
#' nfactors=2,algorithm='phylo',family=binomial)
#' all.equal(pf$groups[[1]][[1]],clade) & all.equal(pf$groups[[2]][[1]],clade2)
#' ############# generalized additive modelling ################
#' set.seed(1)
#' m <- 50
#' n <- 20
#' tree <- rtree(m)
#' MetaData <- data.table('y'=rnorm(n),
#' 'z'=rnorm(n,sd=0.5),
#' 'Sample'=sapply(1:n,FUN=function(s) paste('Sample',s)),
#' key='Sample')
#' #we'll partition by 'y'.
#' binom.size=10
#' clade <- phangorn::Descendants(tree,75,'tips')[[1]]
#' clade2 <- phangorn::Descendants(tree,53,'tips')[[1]]
#' ######## presence/absence dataset with affected clade #######
#' ## most species have higher P{present} with y
#' eta <- .5*MetaData$z+MetaData$y
#' p <- ilogit(eta)
#' M <- matrix(rbinom(m*n,binom.size,rep(p,times=m)),nrow=m,ncol=n,byrow=TRUE)
#' rownames(M) <- tree$tip.label
#' colnames(M) <- MetaData$Sample
#' #### the first clade decreases with y ####
#' eta1 <- .5*MetaData$z+2*MetaData$y^2 #non-linear response
#' p1 <- ilogit(eta1)
#' for (species in clade){
#' M[species,] <- rbinom(n,binom.size,p1)
#' }
#' #### the second clade weakly decreases with y ####
#' eta2 <- .5*MetaData$z-4*MetaData$y #linear response
#' p2 <- ilogit(eta2)
#' for (species in clade2){
#' M[species,] <- rbinom(n,binom.size,p2)
#' }
#' DF <- matrix.to.phyloframe(M,data.name='Successes')
#' DF[,Failures:=binom.size-Successes]
#' setkey(DF,Sample)
#' DF <- DF[MetaData]
#' model.z <- glm(cbind(Successes,Failures)~z,family=binomial,data=DF)
#' DF[,z.fit:=coef(model.z)['z']*z]
#' pf <- gpf(DF,tree,frmla.phylo=cbind(Successes,Failures)~offset(z.fit)+s(y,by=phylo),
#' PartitioningVariables='y',family=binomial,
#' nfactors=2,ncores=2,model.fcn = mgcv::gam,algorithm = 'phylo')
#' pf$factors
gpf <- function(Data,tree,frmla.phylo=NULL,frmla=NULL,PartitioningVariables=NULL,MetaData=NULL,nfactors=NULL,ncores=NULL,model.fcn=stats::glm,objective.fcn=pvDeviance,min.group.size=1,algorithm='mix',alpha=0.2,cluster.depends='',...){
output <- NULL
output$call <- match.call()
output$model.fcn <- model.fcn
output$additional.arguments <- list(...)
output$algorithm <- algorithm
# Check Formulas --------------------------------------------------------
########## checking formulas ############
# if (is.null(frmla) & is.null(frmla.phylo)){
# frmla.phylo <- Data~phylo
# }
### Coefficient contrast requires frmla and partitioning variables.
### The code below parses out input frmla.phylo into partitioning variables
### and frmla
if (is.null(frmla) & algorithm %in% c('CoefContrast','mix')){
## We'll try to automatically parse the frmla.phylo as defining partitioning variables for CoefContrast.
RHS <- unlist(sapply(as.character(frmla.phylo[[3]]),strsplit,'\\+'))
RHS <- RHS[RHS!='*']
names(RHS) <- NULL
RHS <- RHS[!RHS=='']
RHS <- RHS[!grepl(', by = phylo',RHS)]
RHS <- gsub(' ','',RHS) %>% gsub('\\*',':',.)
trms <- unique(c(base::attr(stats::terms(frmla.phylo),'term.labels'),RHS))
if (!any(grepl('phylo',trms))){
stop(paste('For algorithm=',algorithm,', must either input frmla and (optional) partitioning variables or frmla.phylo with phylo* or *phylo term indicating the partitioning variables',sep=''))
} else { ## we'll define partitioning variables by phylo*, *phylo, or s(var,by=phylo)
pure.phylo <- trms=='phylo'
phylo.product <- grepl(':',trms) & grepl('phylo',trms)
if (any(phylo.product)){
product.vars <- gsub('phylo','',gsub(':','',trms[phylo.product]))
if (length(product.vars)==0){
stop('could not parse out phylo* or *phylo terms in frmla.phylo')
} else {
warning('Explanatory variables {',paste(product.vars,collapse=','),'} defined as partitioning variables for regression coefficient contrasts')
if (is.null(PartitioningVariables)){
PartitioningVariables <- product.vars
} else {
if (!all(sort(PartitioningVariables)==sort(product.vars))){
stop('Partitioning Variables and frmla.phylo do not match up for algorithm="CoefContrast" or "mix". All terms with phylo* or *phylo must be partitioning variables for coefficient contrasts.')
### must include: offset, non-partitioning & partitioning terms
RHS <- paste(trms[!grepl('phylo',trms)],collapse='+')
LHS <- as.character(frmla.phylo[[2]])
if (length(LHS)==1){
frmla <- stats::as.formula(paste(LHS,'~',RHS,sep=''))
} else {
if (!all.equal(c('cbind','Successes','Failures'),LHS)){
stop('unknown left-hand side of frmla.phylo. If not a single response variable, it must be cbind(Successes,Failures) for binomial regression.')
} else {
frmla <- stats::as.formula(paste('cbind(Successes,Failures)~',RHS,sep=''))
phylo.smooth <- grepl(', by = phylo',trms)
if (any(phylo.smooth)){
smooth.vars <- gsub(', by = phylo','',trms[phylo.smooth]) %>%
strsplit(.,'\\(') %>%
lapply(.,FUN=function(a) gsub(')','',a)) %>%
if (length(smooth.vars)==0){
stop('could not parse smoothing terms s(var,by=phylo) from frmla.phylo')
} else {
stop('Current package not suitable for coefficient contrasts of smoothing terms in generalized additive models. To partition smoothing splines, consider algorithm="phylo" or "mStable"')
warning('Explanatory variables {',paste(smooth.vars,collapse=','),'} defined as partitioning variables for regression coefficient contrasts')
if (algorithm %in% c('mix','phylo','mStable') & is.null(frmla.phylo)){
stop('For algorithms "mix", "phylo", and "mStable", must input frmla.phylo')
if (algorithm %in% c('phylo','mStable')){
if (!is.null(frmla)){
warning(paste('input frmla is ignored for algorithm=',algorithm,'. frmla.phylo will be used, frmla be ignored.',sep=''))
trms <- base::attr(stats::terms(frmla.phylo),'term.labels')
pvs.in.frmla <- sapply(PartitioningVariables,grepl,trms)
if (!is.null(dim(pvs.in.frmla))){
pvs.in.frmla <- apply(pvs.in.frmla,2,any)
if (any(!pvs.in.frmla)){
stop(paste('Partitioning Variables {',paste(PartitioningVariables[!pvs.in.frmla],collapse=','),'} not in frmla.phylo',sep=''))
if (!any(grepl('phylo',trms))){
stop('term phylo not found as explanatory variable in frmla.phylo')
output$frmla <- frmla
output$frmla.phylo <- frmla.phylo
####### Checking Algorithm-input compatibility #######
if (algorithm=='mStable'){
} else {
if (algorithm=='mix'){
if (!(alpha>0 & alpha<=1)){
stop('alpha must be between 0 and 1')
if (algorithm!='mStable' & 'matrix' %in% class(Data)){
stop(paste('algorithm=',algorithm,' requires input "Data" to be of class data.frame or data.table. Input "Data" of class matrix is only allowed for algorithm=mStable',sep=''))
if ((algorithm=='mStable') & any(grepl('atrix',class(Data))) & is.null(MetaData)){
if (frmla.phylo[[3]]=='phylo'){
if (is.null(colnames(Data))){
MetaData <- data.table('Sample'=1:ncol(Data))
} else {
MetaData <- data.table('Sample'=colnames(Data))
} else {
stop('algorithm=mStable, with matrix-class input "Data" and frmla.phylo right-hand side containing more variables than just "phylo", requires MetaData input with columns for the RHS of frmla.phylo')
if ((algorithm=='mStable') & ('data.frame'%in%class(Data)) & (!'Sample' %in% names(Data))){
stop('data.frame or data.table input "Data" must have column "Sample" for algorithm=mStable')
############## Checking Data and MetaData compatibility ###################
## convert Data to data.table
if (('data.frame' %in% class(Data))&(!'data.table' %in% class(Data))){
Data <- data.table::as.data.table(Data)
## check MetaData for algorithm='mStable'
## The main rules are:
## (1) if Data is a data.frame or data.table, both MetaData and Data must have "Sample" for alignment.
## (2) if Data is a matrix, the columns of Data must match the rows of MetaData.
## Otherwise, we'll report the number of samples that overlap.
if (!is.null(MetaData)){
if (algorithm!='mStable'){
warning('input MetaData is ignored for algorithm!="mStable"')
} else { ## two scenarios: data are matrix/list or data.frame. Either way: check Sample/colnames, make into data.tables & match.
if (any(class(Data) %in% c('list','matrix'))){ ## matrix input:check/add Sample, data.table MetaData &
if (class(Data)=='list'){
if (!all(c(ncol(Data[[1]]),ncol(Data[[2]]))==nrow(MetaData))){
stop('MetaData does not have same number of rows as columns of Data[[1]] and/or Data[[2]]')
} else { #same number of rows/columns - need to match names.
if (!'Sample' %in% colnames(MetaData)){
MetaData$Sample <- paste('Sample',1:nrow(MetaData))
if (is.null(colnames(Data[[1]]))){
colnames(Data[[1]]) <- MetaData$Sample
colnames(Data[[2]]) <- MetaData$Sample
} else {
if (!all(colnames(Data[[1]])%in%MetaData$Sample)){
stop('not all colnames of Data[[1]] are in MetaData$Sample')
} else {
Data[[1]] <- Data[[1]][,MetaData$Sample]
Data[[2]] <- Data[[2]][,MetaData$Sample]
MetaData <- data.table::as.data.table(MetaData)
Data[[1]] <- Data[[1]][,MetaData$Sample]
Data[[2]] <- Data[[2]][,MetaData$Sample]
} else {
if (!ncol(Data)==nrow(MetaData)){
stop('MetaData does not have same number of rows as columns of Data[[1]] and/or Data[[2]]')
} else { #same number of rows/columns - need to match names.
if (!'Sample' %in% colnames(MetaData)){
MetaData$Sample <- paste('Sample',1:nrow(MetaData))
if (is.null(colnames(Data))){
colnames(Data) <- MetaData$Sample
} else {
if (!all(colnames(Data)%in%MetaData$Sample)){
stop('not all colnames of Data are in MetaData$Sample')
} else {
Data <- Data[,MetaData$Sample]
MetaData <- data.table::as.data.table(MetaData)
Data <- Data[,MetaData$Sample]
} else {
if ((!'Sample' %in% colnames(MetaData)) | (!'Sample' %in% colnames(Data))){
stop('For input Data of class data.frame and MetaData, both data.frames must have column "Sample" for alignment and aggregation within-samples.')
if (!'data.table' %in% class(Data)){
Data <- data.table::as.data.table(Data)
if (!'data.table' %in% class(MetaData)){
MetaData <- data.table::as.data.table(MetaData)
if (!all.equal(sort(unique(MetaData$Sample)),sort(unique(Data$Sample)))){
warning('Not all Samples are present in both MetaData & Data')
smpls <- intersect(unique(MetaData$Sample),unique(Data$Sample))
if (length(smpls)==0){
stop('No Sample overlap between MetaData and Data')
} else {
Data <- Data[Sample %in% smpls]
MetaData <- MetaData[Sample %in% smpls]
} else {
## meta-data not input. If algorithm='mStable', we must extract MetaData for construction of Data matrix.
if (algorithm=='mStable'){
RHS <- setdiff(names(Data),c(as.character(frmla.phylo[[2]]),'phylo','Species'))
if (!is.null(MetaData)){
MetaData <- Data[,RHS,with=F]
MetaData <- data.table:::`[.data.table`(MetaData,!base::duplicated(MetaData))
} else {
if ('list' %in% class(Data)){
if (is.null(colnames(Data[[1]]))){
nms <- 1:ncol(Data[[1]])
} else {
nms <- colnames(Data[[1]])
} else {
if (is.null(colnames(Data))){
nms <- 1:ncol(Data)
} else {
nms <- colnames(Data)
MetaData <- data.table(Sample=nms)
if ('data.table' %in% class(Data)){
if (!'Species' %in% names(Data)){
stop('Data must contain column "Species" whose entries can be found in tip-labels of tree')
} else {
if (!all(unique(Data$Species) %in% tree$tip.label)){
stop('Species in Data not found in tree')
if (!all(unique(Data$Species) %in% tree$tip.label)){
stop('Not all species in Data$Species are in tree$tip.label')
if (!all(tree$tip.label %in% unique(Data$Species))){
warning('Not all tree$tip.label are in Data$Species - use output pf$tree for downstream analysis')
tree <- ape::drop.tip(tree,setdiff(tree$tip.label,unique(Data$Species)))
if (mStableAgg){
LHS <- setdiff(as.character(frmla.phylo[[2]]),'cbind')
if (length(LHS)>1){
if (!all.equal(c('Successes','Failures'),LHS)){
stop('Unknown left-hand-side of frmla.phylo. For family=binomial, LHS can either be a single variable or cbind(Successes,Failures) - case sensitive.')
Data <- phyloframe.to.matrix(Data,mat.data = LHS) ##Converts data frame to matrix or list of matrices for each variable on the LHS
if (length(LHS)>1){
class(Data) <- c(class(Data),'matrix')
for (i in 1:length(Data)){
Data[[i]] <- Data[[i]][tree$tip.label,]
} else {
} else {
if (class(Data)=='list'){
if (!base::isTRUE(all.equal(tree$tip.label,rownames(Data[[1]])))){
if (!all(tree$tip.label %in% rownames(Data[[1]]))){
stop('Not all tree tip labels are in data')
} else if (!all(rownames(Data[[1]]) %in% tree$tip.label)){
stop('Not all rownames of data are in tree tip labels')
} else {
Data[[1]] <- Data[[1]][tree$tip.label,]
Data[[2]] <- Data[[2]][tree$tip.label,]
} else {
if (!all(tree$tip.label==rownames(Data))){
if (!all(tree$tip.label %in% rownames(Data))){
stop('Not all tree tip labels are in data')
} else if (!all(rownames(Data) %in% tree$tip.label)){
stop('Not all rownames of data are in tree tip labels')
} else {
Data <- Data[tree$tip.label,]
##### Check additional arguments - family, subset, ... #########
if ('family' %in% names(list(...))){
family <- list(...)$family
if (class(family)=='function'){
expfamily <- family()$family
} else {
expfamily <- family$family
} else {
expfamily <- 'gaussian'
if (algorithm=='mStable'){
if (expfamily=='binomial'){
if (!all(c('Successes','Failures') %in% as.character(frmla.phylo[[2]]))){
stop('Univariate response variables for binomial mStable aggregation not permitted. mStable aggregation for family=binomial requires the left-hand-side of frmla.phylo to have cbind(Successes,Failures).')
if (!all(c('Successes','Failures') %in% names(Data))){
if (length(Data)==2 & 'list' %in% class(Data) & all.equal(dim(Data[[1]]),dim(Data[[2]]))){
warning('Did not name elements of input Data. Assuming the first element is a matrix of Successes and the second element is a matrix of Failures.')
names(Data) <- c('Successes','Failures')
} else {
stop('Unknown input "Data" for family=binomial. Must be either data frame with Successes and Failures, or, for algorithm=mStable, can be a list of two matrices containing Successes and Failures whose rows are species and columns are samples.')
################## Parallelization #############
if (!is.null(ncores)){
cl <- phyloFcluster(ncores)
parallel::clusterExport(cl,varlist = c('Data','MetaData','tree','model.fcn','objective.fcn','cluster.depends'),envir = environment())
} else {
cl <- NULL
############# CoefContrast Calculations ############
if (algorithm %in% c('CoefContrast','mix')){
mynorm <- function(b){
if (length(b)==1){
} else {
# species <- unique(Data$Species)
species <- tree$tip.label
if ('weights' %in% names(list(...))){
getModel <- function(spp,Data,frmla,...){
ix <- Data[Species==spp,which=T]
} else {
getModel <- function(spp,Data,frmla,...){
tryCatch(models <- lapply(species,getModel,Data,frmla,...),
error=function(e) stop(paste('Could not implement model.fcn for each species due to following error: \n',e)))
for (i in 1:length(models)){
models[[i]]$call <- frmla
tryCatch(coefficients <- t(sapply(models,stats::coefficients)),
error=function(e) stop(paste('Could not extract coefficients from model.fcn for each species due to following error \n',e)))
tryCatch(SE <- t(sapply(models,FUN=function(m) sqrt(diag(stats::vcov(m))))),
error=function(e) stop(paste('Could not extract standard errors from model.fcn for each species due to following error \n',e)))
if (all(PartitioningVariables %in% colnames(coefficients))){
BP <- coefficients[,PartitioningVariables,drop=F]/SE[,PartitioningVariables,drop=F]
} else {
pvs_not_found <- PartitioningVariables[!PartitioningVariables %in% colnames(coefficients)]
pvs_found <- setdiff(PartitioningVariables,pvs_not_found)
ix <- sapply(pvs_not_found,FUN=function(a,b) grepl(a,b),b=colnames(coefficients)) %>% apply(MARGIN=1,any)
warning(paste("PartitioningVariables {",paste(pvs_not_found,collapse=','),"} not found in coefficients from glm. Will grep for inexact matches, often caused by PartitioningVariables which are multilevel factors",sep=''))
warning(paste("Coefficients {",paste(colnames(coefficients)[ix],collapse=','),"} chosen as partitioning variables",sep=''))
ix <- ix | colnames(coefficients) %in% pvs_found
if (!any(ix)){
stop('Could neither match nor grep any PartitioningVariables in the coefficients of model. Try running stats::coefficients on your input model.fcn for a single species to determine the appropriate names for PartitioningVariables.')
BP <- coefficients[,ix,drop=F]/SE[,ix,drop=F]
if (nrow(BP)!=length(species)){
BP <- t(BP)
rownames(coefficients) <- species
rownames(BP) <- species
names(models) <- species
# models <- models[tree$tip.label]
# coefficients <- coefficients[tree$tip.label,]
# BP <- BP[tree$tip.label,]
output$species.models <- models
output$coefficient.matrix <- coefficients
output$coefficient.SE <- SE
if (algorithm=='mix'){
rarest.spp <- names(sort(table(Data$Species)))[1]
ix <- which(tree$tip.label==rarest.spp)
grp <- list(ix,setdiff(1:length(tree$tip.label),ix))
error = function(e) stop(paste('Failure to getObjective from rarest species due to error:',e)))
############# phylofactorization ##############
treeList <- list(tree)
binList <- list(1:ape::Ntip(tree))
tm <- Sys.time()
while (pfs<nfactors){
if (pfs>=1){
treeList <- updateTreeList(treeList,binList,grp,tree,skip.check=T)
binList <- updateBinList(binList,grp)
Grps <- getNewGroups(tree,treeList,binList)
if (algorithm %in% c('CoefContrast','mix')){
V <- t(sapply(Grps,ilrvec,n=length(tree$tip.label)))
obj <- apply( V %*% BP ,1,mynorm)
if (algorithm == 'mix'){
nt <- ceiling(alpha*length(obj))
Grps <- Grps[order(obj,decreasing = T)[1:nt]]
if (algorithm!='CoefContrast'){
if (is.null(ncores)){
obj <- sapply(Grps,getObjective,
} else {
obj <- parallel::parSapply(cl,Grps,
winner <- which.max(obj)
grp <- Grps[[winner]]
if (pfs==0){
if (algorithm=='mStable'){
output$models <- list(do.call(model.fcn,
} else if (algorithm %in% c('phylo','mix')){
output$models <- list(do.call(model.fcn,args=list('formula'=frmla.phylo,
} else {
output$models <- NULL
} else {
if (algorithm=='mStable'){
output$models <- c(output$models,list(do.call(model.fcn,
} else if (algorithm %in% c('phylo','mix')){
output$models <- c(output$models,list(do.call(model.fcn,args=list('formula'=frmla.phylo,
} else {
output$models <- NULL
grp <- getLabelledGrp(tree=tree,Groups=Grps[[winner]])
output$groups <- c(output$groups,list(Grps[[winner]]))
grpInfo <- matrix(c(names(grp)),nrow=2)
output$factors <- cbind(output$factors,grpInfo)
tm2 <- Sys.time()
time.elapsed <- signif(difftime(tm2,tm,units = 'mins'),3)
if (pfs==1){
GUI.notification <- paste('\r',pfs,'factor completed in',time.elapsed,'minutes. ')
} else {
GUI.notification <- paste('\r',pfs,'factors completed in',time.elapsed,'minutes. ')
if (!is.null(nfactors)){
GUI.notification <- paste(GUI.notification,'Estimated time of completion:',
' \r')
} else {
GUI.notification <- paste(GUI.notification,'Estimated time of completion: at latest',
' \r')
if (!is.null(ncores)){
if (pfs>1){
output$factors <- t(output$factors) %>% as.data.frame
} else {
output$factors <- matrix(output$factors,nrow=1) %>% as.data.frame
rownames(output$factors) <- paste('Factor',1:pfs)
colnames(output$factors) <- c('Group1','Group2')
output$basis <- matrix(NA,nrow=ape::Ntip(tree),ncol=pfs)
for (i in 1:length(output$groups)){
output$basis[,i] <- ilrvec(output$groups[[i]],ape::Ntip(tree))
output$bins <- bins(output$basis)
output$tree <- tree
output$nfactors <- pfs
if ('data.table' %in% class(Data)){
if (max(table(Data$Species))==1){
output$Data <- Data[match(tree$tip.label,Species)]
} else {
output$Data <- Data
} else {
output$Data <- Data
if (algorithm!='CoefContrast'){
for (i in 1:pfs){
if (!'data.table' %in% class(output$models[[i]])){
output$models[[i]]$call <- frmla.phylo
output$min.group.size <- min.group.size
output$MetaData <- MetaData
output$objective.fcn <- objective.fcn
output$method <- 'gpf'
output$PartitioningVariables <- PartitioningVariables
class(output) <- 'phylofactor'
output$phylofactor.fcn <- 'gpf'
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