
Defines functions structure2clumpp readOutSTRUCTURE statsStrongAssign clusteredness

Documented in clusteredness readOutSTRUCTURE statsStrongAssign structure2clumpp

## Contains functions useful for population genetics.

##' Clusteredness
##' Computes the statistic which "measures the extent to which a randomly chosen individual is inferred to have ancestry in only one cluster (clusteredness = 1), with the other extreme being equal membership in all clusters (clusteredness = 0)", from \href{http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.0010070}{Rosenberg et al (2005)}.
##' @param q.ik matrix of assignment probabilities with individuals in rows and clusters in columns
##' @return numeric
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
clusteredness <- function(q.ik){
  I <- nrow(q.ik)
  K <- ncol(q.ik)
  (1/I) * sum(sqrt((K/(K-1)) * rowSums((q.ik - (1/K))^2)))

##' Genetic clustering
##' Describes the strong assignment of individuals per cluster.
##' @param assign.probs vector of assignment probabilities
##' @param assign.grps vector of assigned clusters
##' @param thresh.strong.assign threshold
##' @return list
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
statsStrongAssign <- function(assign.probs, assign.grps, thresh.strong.assign=0.8){
  stopifnot(nrow(assign.probs) == length(assign.grps),
            all(unique(assign.grps) %in% colnames(assign.probs)))
  out <- list()
  assign.grps <- as.character(assign.grps)
  id.grps <- sort(unique(assign.grps))
  nb.grps <- length(id.grps)
  out[["nb.samples.per.grp"]] <- stats::setNames(rep(NA, nb.grps), id.grps)
  out[["nb.samples.strong.assign.per.grp"]] <- stats::setNames(rep(NA, nb.grps), id.grps)
  out[["perc.samples.strong.assign.per.grp"]] <- stats::setNames(rep(NA, nb.grps), id.grps)
  for(id in id.grps){
    idx <- which(assign.grps == id)
    out[["nb.samples.per.grp"]][id] <- length(idx)
    out[["nb.samples.strong.assign.per.grp"]][id] <-
      sum(assign.probs[idx, id] >= thresh.strong.assign)
  out[["perc.samples.strong.assign.per.grp"]] <- 100 * out[["nb.samples.strong.assign.per.grp"]] /

##' Read the output file from STRUCTURE.
##' @param out.file path to the output file
##' @return list
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
readOutSTRUCTURE <- function(out.file){

  out <- list()

  tmp <- readLines(out.file, warn=FALSE)

  idx.start <- grep("^Inferred ancestry of individuals:$", tmp)
  idx.end <- grep("^Estimated Allele Frequencies in each cluster$", tmp)
  ancestries <- tmp[(idx.start+2):(idx.end-3)]
  ancestries <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(strsplit(ancestries, " "),
                                       function(x){x[! x == ""]})),
  stopifnot(all(ancestries[,4] == ":"))
  nb.clusters <- ncol(ancestries) - 4
  colnames(ancestries) <- c("index", "label", "perc.miss", "sep",
                            paste0("cluster", 1:nb.clusters))
  rownames(ancestries) <- ancestries$label
  ancestries$index <- as.integer(ancestries$index)
  for(i in 1:nb.clusters){
    col.idx <- ncol(ancestries) - i + 1
    ancestries[, col.idx] <- as.numeric(ancestries[, col.idx])
  out$ancestries <- ancestries


##' Gather output files from STRUCTURE (several runs at the same number of clusters, K) into a single file for input to CLUMPP.
##' @param struct.files vector of file names
##' @param clumpp.file file name
##' @param verbose verbosity level (0/1/2)
##' @return invisible list of lists, one per STRUCTURE file
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @seealso \code{\link{readOutSTRUCTURE}}
##' @export
structure2clumpp <- function(struct.files, clumpp.file, verbose=1){
            ! clumpp.file %in% struct.files)

  out <- list()

  if(verbose > 0){
    msg <- paste0("gather ", length(struct.files), " output files",
                  " from STRUCTURE",
                  " to use with CLUMPP")
    write(msg, stdout())

  for(i in seq_along(struct.files)){
    tmp <- readOutSTRUCTURE(struct.files[i])
    out[[struct.files[i]]] <- tmp
    tmp <- tmp$ancestries
    tmp <- cbind(tmp$index,           # col 1) ignored by CLUMPP
                 tmp$index,           # col 2) integer identifying the individuals
                 tmp$perc.miss,       # col 3) ignored by CLUMPP
                 rep(1, nrow(tmp)),   # col 4) ignored by CLUMPP
                 tmp$sep,             # col 5) ignored by CLUMPP
                 tmp[,5:ncol(tmp)])   # cols 6...) membership coefficients
    utils::write.table(x=tmp, file=clumpp.file, append=TRUE, quote=FALSE,
                       sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

timflutre/rutilstimflutre documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 8:17 a.m.