
Defines functions .branchRegime .ancestorBranches plotBranchHeatMap plotShiftSummaries shiftSummaries plotRegimes OUphenogram .allnodes.W .vcv.asrOU .OU.asr plotBayoupars plot.bayouMCMC phenogram.density regime.plot plotSimmap.mcmc makeTransparent .optima.ages

Documented in makeTransparent OUphenogram phenogram.density plot.bayouMCMC plotBayoupars plotBranchHeatMap plotRegimes plotShiftSummaries plotSimmap.mcmc regime.plot shiftSummaries

# Utility for getting the starting and ending ages for each regime
.optima.ages <- function(pars,tree){
  nH <- nodeHeights(tree)
  reg <- sapply(tree$maps,function(x) names(x)[length(x)])
  adj <- sapply(tree$maps,function(x) ifelse(length(x)>1,x[1],0))
  abs.age <- nH[,1]+adj
  start <- tapply(abs.age,reg,min)
  end <- rep(max(nH),pars$ntheta)+1
  o <- as.character(1:pars$ntheta)
  names(end) <- names(start)

#' Make a color transparent (Taken from an answer on StackOverflow by Nick Sabbe)
#' @param someColor A color, either a number, string or hexidecimal code
#' @param alpha The alpha transparency. The maxColorValue is set to 255.
#' @export
makeTransparent <- function(someColor, alpha=100)
  apply(newColor, 2, function(curcoldata){rgb(red=curcoldata[1], green=curcoldata[2],
                                              blue=curcoldata[3],alpha=alpha, maxColorValue=255)})

#' Plot a phylogenetic tree with posterior probabilities from a bayouMCMC chain (function adapted from phytools' plotSimmap)
#' @param chain A bayouMCMC chain
#' @param burnin The proportion of runs to be discarded, if NULL, then the value stored in the bayouMCMC chain's attributes is used
#' @param lwd The width of the edges
#' @param edge.type Either "theta" (branches will be colored according to their median value of theta), "regimes" (clades will be assigned to distinct regimes if the posterior probability of a shift
#' on that branch is > pp.cutoff), or "pp" (branches will be colored according to the probability of a shift on that branch). If "none" then edge.color will be assigned to all branches.
#' @param pal A color palette function used to paint the branches (unless edge.type="none")
#' @param pp.cutoff If edge.type=="regimes", the posterior probability above which a shift should be reconstructed on the tree.
#' @param circles a logical value indicating whether or not a circle should be plotted at the base of the node with values that correspond to the posterior probability of having a shift.
#' @param circle.cex.max The cex value of a circle with a posterior probability of 1
#' @param circle.col The color used to fill the circles
#' @param circle.pch the type of symbol used to plot at the node to indicate posterior probability
#' @param circle.lwd the line width of the points plotted at the nodes
#' @param circle.alpha a value between 0 and 255 that indicates the transparency of the circles (255 is completely opaque).
#' @param pp.labels a logical indicating whether the posterior probability for each branch should be printed above the branch
#' @param pp.col The color used for the posterior probability labels
#' @param pp.alpha a logical or numeric value indicating transparency of posterior probability labels. If TRUE, then transparency is ramped from invisible (pp=0), to black (pp=1). If numeric, all labels are given the same transparency. If NULL, then no transparency is given. 
#' @param pp.cex the size of the posterior probability labels 
#' @param edge.color The color of edges if edge.type="none"
#' @param parameter.sample When edge.type=="theta", the number of samples used to estimate the median "theta" value from each branch. Since this is 
#' computationally intensive, this enables you to downsample the chain.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to ape's plot.phylo
#' @export

plotSimmap.mcmc <- function(chain, burnin=NULL, lwd=1, edge.type = c("regimes", "theta", "none", "pp"), 
                            pal=rainbow, pp.cutoff=0.3, circles=TRUE, circle.cex.max=3, circle.col="red",
                            circle.pch=21, circle.lwd=0.75, circle.alpha=100, pp.labels=FALSE, pp.col=1, 
                            pp.alpha=255, pp.cex=0.75, edge.color = 1, parameter.sample=1000, ...){
  tree <- attributes(chain)$tree
  edge.type <- match.arg(edge.type, c("regimes", "theta", "none", "pp"))
  cache <- .prepare.ou.univariate(tree, attributes(chain)$dat)
  tree <- cache$phy
  if(is.null(burnin)) burnin = attributes(chain)$burnin
  if(is.null(burnin)) burnin = 0
  if(burnin==0) postburn <- 1:length(chain$gen)  else {
    postburn <- round(burnin*length(chain$gen),0):length(chain$gen)
  L <- Lposterior(chain, tree, burnin=burnin)
    pp <- L$pp
    pars <- list()
    pars$sb <- which(pp > pp.cutoff)
    pars$k <- length(pars$sb)
    pars$ntheta <- length(pars$sb)+1
    pars$loc <- L$rel.location[pars$sb]*tree$edge.length[pars$sb]
    pars$t2 <- 2:(length(pars$sb)+1)
      tr <- pars2simmap(pars, tree)$tree
      colors <- NULL
    } else {
      tr <- tree
      colors <- NULL
  } else {
    tr <- tree
    tr$maps <- lapply(tr$edge.length, function(x) setNames(x, 1))
    colors <- setNames(1, 1)
  .colorRamp <- function(trait, .pal, nn){
    strait <- (trait-min(trait))/(max(trait-min(trait)))
    itrait <- floor(strait*(nn-1))+1
    } else {
    ape::plot.phylo(tr, edge.color=edge.color, lwd=lwd, ...)
  if(edge.type == "regimes"){
    plotRegimes(tr, col=colors, lwd=lwd, pal=pal, ...)
  if(edge.type == "theta"){
    plotBranchHeatMap(tree, chain, "theta", burnin=burnin, pal=heat.colors, ...)
  if(edge.type == "pp"){
   ape::plot.phylo(tree, edge.color=.colorRamp(L$pp, pal, 100), ...)
    #theta2 <- L$magnitude.of.theta2
    #root.median <- median(sapply(chain$theta[postburn], function(x) x[1]))
    #theta2[is.na(theta2)] <- root.median
    #theta2 <- theta2 - root.median
    #circle.cols <- sapply(colorRamp(theta2, circle.pal, 100), function(x) makeTransparent(x, circle.alpha))
    circle.cexs <- seq(0, circle.cex.max, length.out=100)[.colorRamp(L$pp, NULL, 100)]
    edgelabels(pch=circle.pch, lwd=circle.lwd, bg=makeTransparent(circle.col, circle.alpha), cex=circle.cexs)
    edgelabels(round(L$pp,2), col=makeTransparent(pp.col, pp.alpha), cex=pp.cex, frame = "none")

#' Adds visualization of regimes to a plot
#' @param pars A bayou formatted parameter list
#' @param tree A tree of class 'phylo'
#' @param cols A vector of colors to give to regimes, in the same order as pars$sb
#' @param type Either "rect", "density" or "lines". "rect" plots a rectangle for the 95\% CI for the stationary
#' distribution of a regime. "density" varies the transparency of the rectangles according to the probability density
#' from the stationary distribution. "lines" plots lines for the mean and 95\% CI's without filling them. 
#' @param transparency The alpha transparency value for the maximum density, max value is 255.
regime.plot <- function(pars,tree,cols,type='rect',transparency=100){
  OA <- .optima.ages(pars,tree)
  CIU95 <- pars$theta+2*sqrt(pars$sig2/(2*pars$alpha))
  CIL95 <- pars$theta-2*sqrt(pars$sig2/(2*pars$alpha))
    for(i in 1:pars$ntheta){
    for(i in 1:pars$ntheta){
    ylim <- par('usr')[3:4]
    for(i in 1:pars$ntheta){
      x <- seq(OA[i,1],OA[i,2],length=10)
      y <- seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],length=100)
      Z <- matrix(nrow=length(x),ncol=length(y))
      for(j in 1:length(x)){
        Z[j,] <- dnorm(y,pars$theta[i],sqrt(pars$sig2/(2*pars$alpha)))
      lines(c(OA[i,1],OA[i,2]),rep(pars$theta[i],2),col=makeTransparent(cols[i],min(255, 50+(transparency))),lwd=2)

#' Plot a pheongram with the posterior density for optima values
#' Plots a phenogram and the posterior density for optima values
#' @param tree A phylogeny of class 'phylo'
#' @param dat A named vector of tip data
#' @param burnin The initial proportion of the MCMC to be discarded
#' @param chain A bayouMCMC object that contains the results of an MCMC chain
#' @param colors An optional named vector of colors to assign to regimes, \code{NULL} results in no regimes being plotted.
#' @param pp.cutoff The posterior probability cutoff value. Branches with posterior probabilities of having a shift above this value
#' will have the average location of the regime shift painted onto the branches. 
#' @param K A list with the values of K to be plotted. If \code{NULL} all values of K are combined and a total posterior produced. This 
#' allows separate lines to be plotted for different numbers of shifts so that the location of optima can be compared, for example, between 
#' all samples that have 1 vs. 2 shifts in the posterior.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{phenogram(...)}
#' @export
phenogram.density <- function(tree, dat, burnin=0, chain ,colors=NULL, pp.cutoff=NULL, K=NULL, ...){
  tree <- reorder(tree,"postorder")
  dat <- dat[tree$tip.label]
  postburn <- round(length(chain$gen)*burnin,0):length(chain$gen)
  chain2 <- lapply(chain,function(x) x[postburn])
  theta <- chain2$theta
  no.theta <- lapply(theta,length)
  min.theta <- min(unlist(theta))
  max.theta <- max(unlist(theta))
    K <- list(unique(unlist(no.theta)))
    L <- Lposterior(chain2, tree)
    pp <- L$pp
    pars <- list()
    pars$sb <- which(pp > pp.cutoff)
    pars$k <- length(pars$sb)
    pars$ntheta <- length(pars$sb)+1
    pars$loc <- L$rel.location[pars$sb]*tree$edge.length[pars$sb]
    pars$t2 <- 2:(length(pars$sb)+1)
      tr <- pars2simmap(pars, tree)
      tree <- tr$tree
      colors <- tr$col
      names(colors) <- 1:length(colors)
    } else {
      tr <- tree
      colors <- 1; names(colors) <-1
      ntheta <- length(unique(names(unlist(tree$maps))))
      colors <- rainbow(ntheta)
      names(colors) <- 1:ntheta
  nH <- max(nodeHeights(tree))
  phenogram(tree, dat, add=TRUE, colors=colors, spread.labels=FALSE, ...)
  dens.theta <- lapply(1:length(K), function(x) density(unlist(theta[no.theta %in% K[[x]]])))
  tmp <- sapply(1:length(dens.theta),function(Q){lines(nH+dens.theta[[Q]]$y*(0.3*nH)/max(dens.theta[[Q]]$y),dens.theta[[Q]]$x,col=Q+1)})

#' S3 method for plotting bayouMCMC objects
#' @param x A mcmc chain of class 'bayouMCMC' produced by the function bayou.mcmc and loaded into the environment using load.bayou
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{plot.mcmc} from the \code{coda} package
#' @export
#' @method plot bayouMCMC
plot.bayouMCMC <- function(x, ...){
    start <- 1
  } else {
    start <- round(attributes(x)$burnin*length(x$gen),0)
  postburn <- start:length(x$gen)
  chain2 <- lapply(x,function(x) x[postburn])
  chain.length <- length(chain2$gen)
  univariates <- chain2[sapply(chain2,function(x) length(unlist(x)))==length(chain2$gen)]
  univariates$root <- sapply(chain2$theta, function(x) x[1])
  uni.df <- as.data.frame(univariates)
  uni.df <- uni.df[!duplicated(uni.df$gen),]
  rownames(uni.df) <- uni.df[,1]
  uni.df <- uni.df[,-1]
  plot(mcmc(uni.df), ...)

#' Plot parameter list as a simmap tree
#' @param pars A bayou formatted parameter list
#' @param tree A tree of class 'phylo'
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plotRegimes
#' @export
plotBayoupars <- function(pars, tree,...){
  tree <- reorder(tree, 'postorder')
  X <- rep(0, length(tree$tip.label))
  names(X) <- tree$tip.label
  cache <- .prepare.ou.univariate(tree, X)
  tr <- .toSimmap(.pars2map(pars, cache),cache)

# Experimental function for ancestral state reconstruction for a given OU model
.OU.asr <- function(tree, dat, pars, start=NULL, SE=0){
  phy <- reorder(tree, "postorder")
  dat <- dat[phy$tip.label]
  if(length(phy$tip.label) > 100) cat("This may take a while for large trees")
  EV <- .vcv.asrOU(phy, dat, pars, SE=SE)
  ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
  ExpV <- EV$ExpV
  diag(VCV) <- diag(VCV)+SE^2
  lik.fn <- function(anc){
    -1*dmnorm(as.vector(c(dat, anc)), mean=ExpV[,1], varcov=VCV, log=TRUE)
    start = ExpV[(length(dat)+1):(length(phy$edge.length)+1)]
  result <- stats::optim(start, lik.fn, method="L-BFGS-B")
  x <- c(dat, result$par)
  names(x)[(ntips+1):length(x)] <- (ntips+1):length(x)

.vcv.asrOU <- function(phy, dat, pars, SE, internal=TRUE){
  cache <- .prepare.ou.univariate(phy, dat, SE=SE)
  phy <- cache$phy
  new.pars <- pars
  ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
  sig2 <- new.pars$sig2
  alpha <- new.pars$alpha
  D <- dist.nodes(phy)
  Cii <- D[ntips+1,]
  C <- D; C[,] <- 0
  ##Covariance[y_i, y_j]= s2/(2*alpha) * Exp[-alpha*t_ij] *  [1 - Exp(-2*alpha*t_a1)]
  for(i in 1:nrow(D)) for(j in 1:ncol(D))
    C[i,j]<- sig2/(2*alpha)*exp(-alpha*D[i,j])*(1-exp(-2*alpha*(Cii[i]+Cii[j]-D[i,j])))
  ##Calculate expectations
  diag(C) <- diag(C) + 1e-10
  mu <- rep(0, nrow(D))
  mu[1:ntips] <- dat
  W <- .allnodes.W(cache, new.pars)
  ExpV <- W %*% new.pars$theta
  return(list(ExpV=ExpV, VCV=C))

.allnodes.W <- function(tree, pars){
  a <- pars$alpha
  s2 <- pars$sig2
  nbranch <- length(tree$edge.length)
    X <- rep(NA,length(tree$tip.label))
    names(X) <- tree$tip.label
    cache <- .prepare.ou.univariate(tree,X)
  } else {cache <- tree}
    pars$ntheta <- length(pars$theta)
  plook <- function(x){mapply(paste,x[2:length(x)],x[1:(length(x)-1)],sep=",")}
  tB <- cache$desc$anc[1:(cache$n.node+cache$ntips)]
  tB <- mapply(c,1:(cache$n.node+cache$ntips),tB, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  lookup <- lapply(tB,plook)
  edge.names <- mapply(paste,cache$edge[,1],cache$edge[,2],sep=",")
  cache$branchtrace <- t(sapply(lookup,function(x) as.numeric(edge.names %in% x)))
  smtree <- pars2simmap(pars, cache$phy)
  maps <- smtree$tree$maps
  allnodes <- cache$n.node+cache$ntips
  W <- matrix(0, ncol=pars$ntheta, allnodes)
  for(i in 1:allnodes){
    m <- maps[as.logical(cache$branchtrace[i,])]
    m <- c(0, rev(unlist(lapply(m, rev))))
    names(m)[1] <- 1
    TH <- sum(m)
    csm <- cumsum(m)
    eT <- exp(-a*TH)*(exp(a*csm[2:length(csm)])-exp(a*csm[1:(length(csm)-1)]))
    w <- tapply(eT, names(csm)[2:length(csm)], sum)
    W[i, as.numeric(names(w))] <- w
    W[i, 1] <- W[i,1] + exp(-a*TH)

#' Experimental phenogram plotting function for set of model of model parameters
#' @param pars A bayou formatted parameter list
#' @param tree A tree of class 'phylo'
#' @param dat A named vector of tip data
#' @param regime.col A named vector of colors equal in length to the number of regimes
#' @param SE Standard error of the tip states
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to \code{phenogram()}
#' @details This is an experimental plotting utility that can plot a phenogram with a given regime painting from
#' a parameter list. Note that it uses optimization of internal node states using matrix inversion, which is very 
#' slow for large trees. However, what is returned is the maximum likelihood estimate of the internal node states 
#' given the model, data and the parameter values.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tree <- sim.bdtree(n=50)
#' tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length/max(branching.times(tree))
#' prior <- make.prior(tree, dists=list(dk="cdpois", dsig2="dnorm", 
#'            dtheta="dnorm"), param=list(dk=list(lambda=5, kmax=10), 
#'              dsig2=list(mean=1, sd=0.01), dtheta=list(mean=0, sd=3)), 
#'                plot.prior=FALSE)
#' pars <- priorSim(prior, tree, plot=FALSE, nsim=1)$pars[[1]]
#' pars$alpha <- 4
#' dat <- dataSim(pars, model="OU", phenogram=FALSE, tree)$dat
#' OUphenogram(pars, tree, dat, ftype="off")
#' }
#' @export
OUphenogram <- function(pars, tree, dat, SE=0, regime.col=NULL, ...){
  datanc <- .OU.asr(tree, dat, pars, SE=SE)
  tr <- pars2simmap(pars, reorder(tree,"postorder"))
  OA <- .optima.ages(pars, tr$tree)
  CIU95 <- pars$theta+2*sqrt(pars$sig2/(2*pars$alpha))
  CIL95 <- pars$theta-2*sqrt(pars$sig2/(2*pars$alpha))
    regime.cols <- tr$col
  } else {regime.cols <- regime.col}
  ylim <- c(min(c(dat, pars$theta-2*sqrt(pars$sig2/(pars$alpha*2)))), max(c(dat, pars$theta-2*sqrt(pars$sig2/(pars$alpha*2)))))
  phenogram(tr$tree, datanc, colors=regime.cols, ylim=ylim, spread.labels=FALSE, ...)
  for(i in 1:pars$ntheta){
    x <- seq(OA[i,1],OA[i,2],length=10)
    y <- seq(ylim[1],ylim[2],length=100)
    Z <- matrix(nrow=length(x),ncol=length(y))
    for(j in 1:length(x)){
      Z[j,] <- dnorm(y,pars$theta[i],sqrt(pars$sig2/(2*pars$alpha)))
  phenogram(tr$tree, datanc, , colors=regime.cols, add=TRUE, spread.labels=FALSE,  ...)

#' Function to plot the regimes from a simmap tree
#' @param tree A simmap tree of class phylo or simmap with a tree$maps list
#' @param col A named vector of colors to assign to character states, if NULL, then colors are generated from pal
#' @param lwd A numeric value indicating the width of the edges
#' @param pal A color palette function to generate colors if col=NULL
#' @param ... Optional arguments that are passed to plot.phylo
#' @details This function uses plot.phylo to generate coordinates and plot the tree, but plots the 
#' 'maps' element of phytools' simmap format. This provides much of the functionality of plot.phylo from
#' the ape package. Currently, only types 'phylogram', 'unrooted', 'radial', and 'cladogram' are allowed. Phylogenies must
#' have branch lengths.
#' @export
plotRegimes <- function(tree, col=NULL, lwd=1, pal=rainbow, ...){
    regNames <- unique(names(unlist(tree$maps)))
    nreg <- length(regNames)
    col <- setNames(pal(nreg), regNames)
  #nodecols <- col[sapply(tree$maps, function(x) names(x)[1])]
  tmp <- ape::plot.phylo(tree, edge.color="#FFFFFF00", use.edge.length=TRUE, ...)
  lastPP <- get("last_plot.phylo", envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)
  #if(lastPP$type != "phylogram") stop("Currently only able to plot phylograms")
  nbranch <- nrow(tree$edge)
  .getBranchCoords <- function(i){
    xx <- lastPP$xx[tree$edge[i,]]
    yy <- lastPP$yy[tree$edge[i,]]
    xdist <- diff(xx)
    ydist <- diff(yy)
    map <- tree$maps[[i]]
    cs <- cumsum(c(0, map))/sum(map)
    colmap <- col[names(map)]
    return(list(xx=xx, yy=yy, xdist=xdist, ydist=ydist, cs=cs, colmap=colmap, nsegs=length(cs)-1, segreg = names(colmap)))
  coords <- lapply(1:nbranch, .getBranchCoords)
  .phylogramLines <- function(x){
    xdist <- x$xdist; ydist <- x$ydist; xx <- x$xx; yy <- x$yy
    cs <- x$cs; nsegs <- x$nsegs; segreg <- x$segreg; colmap <- x$colmap
    if(lastPP$direction %in% c("upwards", "downwards")){
      xcoord <- rbind(xx, matrix(xx[2], nrow=nsegs, ncol=2))
      ycoord <- rbind(rep(yy[1],2), cbind(cs[1:(length(cs)-1)]*ydist+yy[1], cs[2:(length(cs))]*ydist+yy[1]))
      rownames(xcoord) <- rownames(ycoord) <- c(segreg[1], segreg)
      cols <- c(colmap[1], colmap)
      dum <- lapply(1:(nsegs+1), function(i) lines(xcoord[i,], ycoord[i, ], col=cols[i], lwd=lwd))
    if(lastPP$direction %in% c("leftwards", "rightwards")){
      ycoord <- rbind(yy, matrix(yy[2], nrow=nsegs, ncol=2))
      xcoord <- rbind(rep(xx[1],2), cbind(cs[1:(length(cs)-1)]*xdist+xx[1], cs[2:(length(cs))]*xdist+xx[1]))
      rownames(xcoord) <- rownames(ycoord) <- c(segreg[1], segreg)
      cols <- c(colmap[1], colmap)
      dum <- lapply(1:(nsegs+1), function(i) lines(xcoord[i,], ycoord[i, ], col=cols[i], lwd=lwd))
  .cladogramLines <- function(x){
    xdist <- x$xdist; ydist <- x$ydist; xx <- x$xx; yy <- x$yy
    cs <- x$cs; nsegs <- x$nsegs; segreg <- x$segreg; colmap <- x$colmap
    xcoord <- cbind(cs[1:(length(cs)-1)]*xdist+xx[1], cs[2:(length(cs))]*xdist+xx[1])
    ycoord <- cbind(cs[1:(length(cs)-1)]*ydist+yy[1], cs[2:(length(cs))]*ydist+yy[1])
    rownames(xcoord) <- rownames(ycoord) <- segreg
    cols <- colmap
    dum <- lapply(1:nsegs, function(i) lines(xcoord[i,], ycoord[i, ], col=cols[i], lwd=lwd))
  .fanLines <- function(x){
    xdist <- x$xdist; ydist <- x$ydist; xx <- x$xx; yy <- x$yy
    cs <- x$cs; nsegs <- x$nsegs; segreg <- x$segreg; colmap <- x$colmap
    circular.plot(lastPP$edge, lastPP$Ntip, lastPP$Nnode, lastPP$xx, lastPP$yy, )
  if(lastPP$type=="fan") warning("type='fan' not currently supported, plotting a radial cladogram")
  plotfn <- switch(lastPP$type, phylogram=.phylogramLines, cladogram=.cladogramLines, unrooted=.cladogramLines, radial=.cladogramLines, fan=.cladogramLines)
  dum <- lapply(coords, plotfn)

#' A function for summarizing the state of a model after a shift
#' @param chain A bayouMCMC chain
#' @param mcmc A bayou mcmc object
#' @param pp.cutoff The threshold posterior probability for shifts to summarize, if 'branches' 
#' specified than this is ignored.
#' @param branches The specific branches with shifts to summarize, assuming postordered tree
#' @details shiftSummaries summarizes the immediate parameter values after a shift on a particular
#' branch. Parameters are summarized only for the duration that the particular shift exists. Thus,
#' even global parameters will be different for particular shifts. 
#' @return A list with elements: 
#' \code{pars} = a bayoupars list giving the location of shifts specified;
#' \code{tree} = The tree; 
#' \code{pred} = Predictor variable matrix; 
#' \code{dat} = A vector of the data; 
#' \code{SE} = A vector of standard errors;
#' \code{PP} = Posterior probabilities of the specified shifts; 
#' \code{model} = A list specifying the model used; 
#' \code{variables} = The variables summarized; 
#' \code{cladesummaries} = A list providing the medians and densities of the distributions of regression 
#' variables for each shift; 
#' \code{descendents} = A list providing the taxa that belong to each regime 
#' \code{regressions} = A matrix providing the regression coefficients for each regime.
#' @export
shiftSummaries <- function(chain, mcmc, pp.cutoff=0.3, branches=NULL){
  cache <- .prepare.ou.univariate(mcmc$tree,mcmc$dat, SE=mcmc$SE, pred=mcmc$pred)
  tree <- cache$phy
  dat <- cache$dat
  pred <- cache$pred
  SE <- cache$SE
  model <- mcmc$model.pars
    L <- Lposterior(chain, tree, burnin=0)
  } else {
    L <- Lposterior(chain, tree, burnin=attributes(chain)$burnin)
    branches <- which(L[,1] > pp.cutoff)
    PP <- L[branches,1]
  } else {
    PP <- L[branches,1]
  if(length(branches) == 0){
    stop("No shifts found with posterior probability above cutoff")

    coefs <- paste("beta_", attr(terms(model$call), "term.labels"), sep="")
    coefs <- gsub(":", "x", coefs)
  } else {
    coefs <- NULL
  variables <- c('theta', coefs)
  sumpars <- list(k=length(branches), ntheta=length(branches)+1, sb=branches, t2=2:(length(branches)+1), loc=rep(0, length(branches)))
  .summarizeDerivedState <- function(branch, chain, variables){
      values <- lapply(variables, function(x) sapply(chain[[x]], function(y) y[1]))
    } else {
      SB <- unlist(chain$sb)
      gen <- unlist(lapply(1:length(chain$sb), function(x) rep(x, length(chain$sb[[x]]))))
      ind <- which(SB==branch)
      gen <- gen[ind]
      T2 <- unlist(chain$t2)[ind]
      values <- lapply(variables, function(x) sapply(1:length(T2), function(y)if(length(chain[[x]][[gen[y]]]) > 1) {chain[[x]][[gen[y]]][T2[y]]} else chain[[x]][[gen[y]]]))
    medians <- lapply(values, median)
    densities <- lapply(values, density)
    names(medians) <- names(densities) <- variables
    return(list(medians=medians, densities=densities))
  cladesummaries <- lapply(c(0, branches), function(x) .summarizeDerivedState(x, chain, variables))
  regressions <- do.call(rbind, lapply(cladesummaries, function(x) unlist(x$medians)))
  rownames(regressions) = c("root", sumpars$sb)
  tipregs <- .tipregime(sumpars, tree)
  descendents <- lapply(1:(length(sumpars$sb)+1), function(x) names(tipregs[tipregs==x])) 
  out <- list(pars= sumpars, tree=tree, pred=pred, dat=dat, SE=SE, PP=PP, model=model, variables=variables, cladesummaries=cladesummaries, descendents=descendents, regressions=regressions)

#' A function to plot a list produced by \code{shiftSummaries}
#' @param summaries A list produced by the function \code{shiftSummaries}
#' @param pal A color palette function
#' @param ask Whether to wait for the user between plotting each shift summary
#' @param single.plot A logical indicating whether to summarize all shifts in a single plot.
#' @param label.pts A logical indicating whether to label the scatter plot.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the function par(...)
#' @details For each shift, this function plots the taxa on the phylogeny that are (usually) in this regime (each taxon
#' is assigned to the specified shifts, thus some descendent taxa may not always be in indicated regime if the shift if 
#' they are sometimes in another tipward shift with low posterior probability). The function then plots the distribution 
#' of phenotypic states and the predicted regression line, as well as density plots for the intercept and any regression
#' coefficients in the model.
#' @export
plotShiftSummaries <- function(summaries, pal=rainbow, ask=FALSE, single.plot=FALSE, label.pts=TRUE, ...){
  #oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)    # code line i
  #on.exit(graphics::par(oldpar))            # code line i + 1 
  #px <- par()
  ndens <- length(summaries$cladesummaries[[1]]$densities)
  #par(mfrow=c(2,max(ndens,2)), mar=c(3,3,5,1), bg="black", ask=FALSE, col.axis="white", col.lab="white", col.main="white", ...)
  blank.panels <- prod(par()$mfrow) - (2+ndens)
  regressions <- summaries$regressions
  if(ncol(regressions)==1){ regressions <- data.frame(regressions, "slope"=0)}
  dat <- summaries$dat
  tree <- summaries$tree
  sumpars <- summaries$pars
  descendents <- summaries$descendents
  PP <- c("Root",round(summaries$PP,2))
  xlimits <- apply(do.call(rbind, 
                           lapply(summaries$cladesummaries, function(x) 
                             sapply(x$densities, function(y) range(y$x))
                           )), 2, range)
  xlimits[1,] <- xlimits[1,]-0.1*apply(xlimits, 2, diff)
  xlimits[2,] <- xlimits[2,]+0.1*apply(xlimits, 2, diff)
  if(ndens > 1){
    xint <- setNames(data.frame(summaries$pred)[[1]], names(dat))
    xlimits2 <- range(xint)
  } else {
    xint <- jitter(.tipregime(sumpars, tree))
    xlimits2 <- c(-2, sumpars$ntheta+3)
    for(i in (1:nrow(regressions))){
      plotBayoupars(sumpars, tree, col=setNames(c(pal(nrow(regressions))[i], rep("gray80", nrow(regressions)-1)), c(i, (1:nrow(regressions))[-i])), cex=0.2)
      plot(xint, dat, pch=21, xlim=xlimits2, bg=makeTransparent("gray80", 100), col =makeTransparent("gray80", 10), main=paste("Posterior prob: ", PP[i], sep=""))
      if(length(descendents[[i]] > 0)){
        if(label.pts) text(xint[descendents[[i]]], dat[descendents[[i]]], labels=names(dat[descendents[[i]]]), col="white", cex=0.4, pos = 2)
        points(xint[descendents[[i]]], dat[descendents[[i]]], pch=21, bg=makeTransparent(pal(nrow(regressions))[i], 100), col =makeTransparent(pal(nrow(regressions))[i], 10))
      } else{
        warnings("No descendents for this shift")
      abline(a=regressions[i,1], b=regressions[i,2], col=pal(nrow(regressions))[i], lwd=2, lty=2)
      dens <- summaries$cladesummaries[[i]]$densities
      gbg <- lapply(1:length(dens), function(y)plot(dens[[y]], col=pal(nrow(regressions))[i], main=names(dens)[y],xlim=c(xlimits[,y])))
      if(blank.panels >0){lapply(1:blank.panels,function(x) plot.new())}
  } else {
    plotBayoupars(sumpars, tree, col=setNames(pal(sumpars$ntheta), 1:sumpars$ntheta), cex=0.2, tip.col="white")
    plot(xint, dat, pch=21, xlim=xlimits2, bg=makeTransparent("gray80", 100), col =makeTransparent("gray80", 10))
    for(i in 1:length(descendents)){
      if(length(descendents[[i]] > 0)){
        if(label.pts) text(xint[descendents[[i]]], dat[descendents[[i]]], labels=names(dat[descendents[[i]]]), col="white", cex=0.4, pos = 2)
        points(xint[descendents[[i]]], dat[descendents[[i]]], pch=21, bg=makeTransparent(pal(nrow(regressions))[i], 100), col =makeTransparent(pal(nrow(regressions))[i], 10))
        } else{
          warnings("No descendents for this shift")
      abline(a=regressions[i,1], b=regressions[i,2], col=pal(nrow(regressions))[i], lwd=2, lty=2)
    varN <- length(summaries$cladesummaries[[1]]$densities)
    for(j in 1:varN){
      dens <- lapply(1:length(summaries$cladesummaries), function(x) summaries$cladesummaries[[x]]$densities[[j]])
      xrange <- quantile((do.call(c, lapply(dens, function(q) q$x))), c(0.01, 0.99))
      ymax <- max(do.call(c, lapply(dens, function(q) q$y)))
      plot(xrange, c(0, ymax*1.1), type="n", main=names(summaries$cladesummaries[[1]]$densities)[j])
      gbg <- lapply(1:length(dens), function(y) lines(dens[[y]], col=pal(nrow(regressions))[y]))
  #px <- px[!(names(px) %in% c("cin", "cra", "cxy", "csi", "din", "page"))]

#' A function to plot a heatmap of reconstructed parameter values on the branches of the tree
#' @param tree A phylogenetic tree
#' @param chain A bayou MCMC chain
#' @param variable The parameter to reconstruct across the tree
#' @param burnin The initial proportion of burnin samples to discard 
#' @param nn The number of discrete categories to divide the variable into
#' @param pal A color palette function that produces nn colors
#' @param legend_ticks The sequence of values to display a legend for
#' @param legend_settings A list of legend attributes (passed to bayou:::.addColorBar)
#' @param ... Additional options passed to plot.phylo
#' @details legend_settings is an optional list of any of the following:
#' legend - a logical indicating whether a legend should be plotted
#' x - the x location of the legend
#' y - the y location of the legend
#' height - the height of the legend
#' width - the width of the legend
#' n - the number of gradations in color to plot from the palette
#' adjx - an x adjustment for placing text next to the legend bar
#' cex.lab - the size of text labels next to the legend bar
#' text.col - The color of text labels
#' locator - if TRUE, then x and y coordinates are ignored and legend is placed
#' interactively.
#' @export
plotBranchHeatMap <- function(tree, chain, variable, burnin=0, nn=NULL, pal=heat.colors, legend_ticks=NULL, legend_settings=list(plot=TRUE), ...){
  dum <- setNames(rep(1, length(tree$tip.label)), tree$tip.label)
  cache <- .prepare.ou.univariate(tree, dum)
  tree <- cache$phy
  seq1 <- floor(max(seq(burnin*length(chain$gen),1), length(chain$gen), 1))
    legend_ticks <- seq(min(unlist(chain[[variable]][seq1],F,F)), max(unlist(chain[[variable]][seq1],F,F)), length.out=5)
  if(is.null(nn)) nn <- length(seq1) else { seq1 <- floor(seq(max(burnin*length(chain$gen),1), length(chain$gen), length.out=nn))}
  if(length(nn) > length(chain$gen)) stop("Number of samples greater than chain length, lower nn")
  abranches <- lapply(1:nrow(tree$edge), .ancestorBranches, cache=cache)
  allbranches <- suppressWarnings(sapply(1:nrow(tree$edge), function(x) .branchRegime(x, abranches, chain, variable, seq1, summary=TRUE)))
  ape::plot.phylo(tree, edge.color=.colorRamp(allbranches, pal, 100), ...)
  legend_stuff <- list(x=0.01* lastPP$x.lim[2], 
  if(length(legend_settings) > 0){
    for(i in 1:length(legend_settings)){
      legend_stuff[[names(legend_settings)[i]]] <- legend_settings[[i]]
  if(legend_stuff$plot) {
      lc <- locator(1)
      legend_stuff$x <- lc$x
      legend_stuff$y <- lc$y
      .addColorBar(x=legend_stuff$x, y=legend_stuff$y, height=legend_stuff$height, width=legend_stuff$width, pal=pal, n=legend_stuff$n, trait=allbranches, ticks=legend_ticks, adjx=legend_stuff$adjx, cex.lab=legend_stuff$cex.lab, text.col=legend_stuff$text.col)
    } else .addColorBar(x=legend_stuff$x, y=legend_stuff$y, height=legend_stuff$height, width=legend_stuff$width, pal=pal, n=legend_stuff$n, trait=allbranches, ticks=legend_ticks, adjx=legend_stuff$adjx, cex.lab=legend_stuff$cex.lab, text.col=legend_stuff$text.col)

.ancestorBranches <- function(branch, cache){
  ancbranches <- which(sapply(cache$bdesc, function(x) branch %in% x))
  sort(ancbranches, decreasing=FALSE)
.branchRegime <- function(branch, abranches, chain, parameter, seqx, summary=FALSE){
  ancs <- c(branch, abranches[[branch]])
  ancshifts <- lapply(1:length(seqx), function(x) chain$t2[[seqx[x]]][which(chain$sb[[seqx[x]]] == ancs[min(which(ancs %in% chain$sb[[seqx[x]]]))])])
  ancshifts <- sapply(ancshifts, function(x) ifelse(length(x)==0, 1, x))
  ests <- sapply(1:length(ancshifts), function(x) chain[[parameter]][[seqx[x]]][ancshifts[x]])
  res <- cbind(ests)
    return(apply(res, 2, stats::median))
  } else {
uyedaj/bayou documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 5:09 a.m.