
##' Plot ROC or precision-recall curves for motifs search benchmark
##' @rdname benchmarkMotifsROC
##' @name benchmarkMotifsROC
##' @author Vitalii Kleshchevnikov
##' @param res object class \code{benchmarkMotifsResult}, the output of \code{\link{benchmarkMotifs}}
##' @param type benchmark (test if known motifs were observed) in query proteins or in all proteins the sequences of which were used in QSLIMFinder search
##' @param ... args passed to \code{\link[ROCR]{plot}}
##' @param text_args character 1L, arguments to \code{\link[base]{text}} and \code{\link[base]{legend}} that allow to manipulate the median AUC and legend on the plot
##' @param legend_args character 1L, arguments to \code{\link[base]{text}} and \code{\link[base]{legend}} that allow to manipulate the median AUC and legend on the plot
##' @param ROCR_data logical, return ROC performance data? If FALSE the function only plots ROC curve
##' @param measure1 character, for example "tpr" or "prec", details: ?ROCR::performance
##' @param measure2 character, for example "fpr" or "rec", details: ?ROCR::performance
##' @return benchmarkMotifsROC: list of ROCR objects (prediction, performance, auc.performance) used to plot ROC curve
##' @import ROCR
##' @export benchmarkMotifsROC
##' @seealso \code{\link{benchmarkMotifs}}
benchmarkMotifsROC = function(res, data_type = c("both","query", "all")[1],
                              col_query = c("grey"), col_all = c("black"), ...,
                              text_args = "col = \"black\"", ROCR_data = F,
                              legend_args = "x = 0.8 | y = 0.25",
                              x_query = 0.25, x_all = 0.75,
                              measure1 = "tpr", measure2 = "fpr",
                              single_metric = c("auc","prbe")[1],
                              single_metric_name = c("Median AUC", "Precision-recall break-even point")[1],
                              summarise_single_metric = c("median","")[1],
                              both_metrics_vs_cutoff = F){
  if(data_type == "query") pred = ROCR::prediction(res$predictions_query, res$labels_query)
  if(data_type == "all") pred = ROCR::prediction(res$predictions_all, res$labels_all)
  if(data_type == "both") {
    pred = ROCR::prediction(res$predictions_query, res$labels_query)
    pred_all = ROCR::prediction(res$predictions_all, res$labels_all)

  perf = ROCR::performance(pred, measure1, measure2)

  auc.perf = ROCR::performance(pred, measure = single_metric)

  if(ROCR_data) return(list(ROC_prediction = pred, ROC_performance = perf, ROC_auc.performance = auc.perf))

  if(is.null(text_args)) NULL else {
    text_args = unlist(strsplit(text_args, "\\|"))
  if(is.null(legend_args)) NULL else {
    legend_args = unlist(strsplit(legend_args, "\\|"))

    plot(pred@cutoffs[[1]],perf@x.values[[1]], type = "l", ...,
         xlab = "predictor cutoff", ylab = "metric value")
    lines(pred@cutoffs[[1]],perf@y.values[[1]], ..., col="red")
    legend_text = paste0("legend(legend = c(measure2, measure1), col = c(\"black\", \"red\"), lty = 1, lwd = 4, merge = TRUE,",
                         paste0(legend_args, collapse = ","), ")")
    eval(parse(text = legend_text))
  } else {

    if(data_type == "query"){
      ROCR::plot(perf, col = col_query, ...)
    if(data_type == "all"){
      ROCR::plot(perf, col = col_all, ...)

    if(data_type == "both") {
      ROCR::plot(perf, col = col_query, ...)
      perf_all = ROCR::performance(pred_all, measure1, measure2)
      auc.perf_all = ROCR::performance(pred_all, measure = single_metric)
      ROCR::plot(perf_all, add = T, col = col_all, ...)
      eval(parse(text = paste0("text(x = x_all, y = ",summarise_single_metric,"(as.numeric(auc.perf_all@y.values)), labels = paste0(\"", single_metric_name,": \",",summarise_single_metric,"(as.numeric(auc.perf_all@y.values)), 3)),",paste0(text_args, collapse = ","),")")))


    eval(parse(text = paste0("text(x = x_query, y = ",summarise_single_metric,"(as.numeric(auc.perf@y.values)), labels = paste0(\"", single_metric_name,": \",signif(",summarise_single_metric,"(as.numeric(auc.perf@y.values)), 3)),",paste0(text_args, collapse = ","),")")))

    if(data_type == "both"){
      legend_names = c("total discovered / including M / \nmatching N known / known & discoverable\n",
                       paste0("query instances(proteins): \n",
                              " / ",res$N_query_known_instances_found,
                              " / \n",res$N_query_match_known_instances_found,"(",res$N_query_prot_with_known_instances_found,")",
                              " / ",res$N_query_known_instances,"(",res$N_query_prot_with_known_instances,")"),
                       paste0("non-query instances(proteins): \n",
                              " / ",res$N_all_known_instances_found,
                              " / \n",res$N_all_match_known_instances_found,"(",res$N_all_prot_with_known_instances_found,")",
                              " / ",res$N_all_known_instances,"(",res$N_all_prot_with_known_instances,")"))
      legend_cols = c("transparent",col_query, col_all)
    if(data_type == "all"){
      legend_names = c("total discovered / including M / \nmatching N known / known & discoverable\n",
                       paste0("non-query instances(proteins): \n",
                              " / ",res$N_all_known_instances_found,
                              " / \n",res$N_all_match_known_instances_found,"(",res$N_all_prot_with_known_instances_found,")",
                              " / ",res$N_all_known_instances,"(",res$N_all_prot_with_known_instances,")"))
      legend_cols = c("transparent", col_all)
    if(data_type == "query"){
      legend_names = c("total discovered / including M / \nmatching N known / known & discoverable\n",
                       paste0("query instances(proteins): \n",
                              " / ",res$N_query_known_instances_found,
                              " / \n",res$N_query_match_known_instances_found,"(",res$N_query_prot_with_known_instances_found,")",
                              " / ",res$N_query_known_instances,"(",res$N_query_prot_with_known_instances,")"))
      legend_cols = c("transparent",col_query)

    legend_text = paste0("legend(legend = legend_names, col = legend_cols, lty = 1, lwd = 4, merge = TRUE,",
                         paste0(legend_args, collapse = ","), ")")
    eval(parse(text = legend_text))

##' @rdname benchmarkMotifsROC
##' @name mBenchmarkMotifsROC
##' @author Vitalii Kleshchevnikov
##' @param res_list list of objects of class \code{benchmarkMotifsResult}, the output of \code{\link{mBenchmarkMotifs}}
##' @return mBenchmarkMotifsROC: list of lists of ROCR objects (prediction, performance, auc.performance) used to plot ROC curve
##' @export mBenchmarkMotifsROC
##' @seealso \code{\link{benchmarkMotifs}}
mBenchmarkMotifsROC = function(res_list, data_type = "query", ...){
  sapply(res_list, function(res){
    benchmarkMotifsROC(res = res, data_type = data_type, main = res$description, ...)
vitkl/SLIMFinderR documentation built on May 3, 2019, 8:08 p.m.