
Defines functions iterchunks tochunks str_wrap capitalize as_matrix unnest invoke col2hex zero_range rescale kegg_get download try_get check_R check_Python run_Python conda_python conda_install find_conda get_envname env_exist exist_Python_pkgs installed_Python_pkgs Env_requirements PrepareEnv

Documented in as_matrix capitalize check_Python check_R conda_install conda_python download env_exist Env_requirements exist_Python_pkgs find_conda installed_Python_pkgs invoke iterchunks PrepareEnv tochunks try_get unnest

#' This function prepares the SCP Python environment by installing the required dependencies and setting up the environment.
#' @param miniconda_repo  Repositories for miniconda. Default is \code{https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda}
#' @param force Whether to force a new environment to be created. If \code{TRUE}, the existing environment will be recreated. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param version A character vector specifying the version of the environment (default is "3.8-1").
#' @inheritParams check_Python
#' @details This function prepares the SCP Python environment by checking if conda is installed, creating a new conda environment if needed, installing the required packages, and setting up the Python environment for use with SCP.
#' In order to create the environment, this function requires the path to the conda binary. If \code{conda} is set to \code{"auto"}, it will attempt to automatically find the conda binary.
#' If a conda environment with the specified name already exists and \code{force} is set to \code{FALSE}, the function will use the existing environment. If \code{force} set to \code{TRUE}, the existing environment will be recreated. Note that recreating the environment will remove any existing data in the environment.
#' The function also checks if the package versions in the environment meet the requirements specified by the \code{version} parameter. The default is \code{3.8-1}.
#' @export
PrepareEnv <- function(conda = "auto", miniconda_repo = "https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda",
                       envname = NULL, version = "3.8-1", force = FALSE, ...) {
  envname <- get_envname(envname)

  requirements <- Env_requirements(version = version)
  python_version <- requirements[["python"]]
  packages <- requirements[["packages"]]

  if (!is.null(conda)) {
    if (identical(conda, "auto")) {
      conda <- find_conda()
    } else {
      options(reticulate.conda_binary = conda)
      conda <- find_conda()

  if (is.null(conda)) {
    env <- FALSE
  } else {
    envs_dir <- reticulate:::conda_info(conda = conda)$envs_dirs[1]
    env <- env_exist(conda = conda, envname = envname, envs_dir = envs_dir)
    if (isTRUE(force) && isTRUE(env)) {
      unlink(paste0(envs_dir, "/", envname), recursive = TRUE)
      env <- FALSE

  if (isTRUE(env)) {
    python_path <- conda_python(conda = conda, envname = envname)
    # installed_python_version <- reticulate:::python_version(python_path)
    # if (installed_python_version < numeric_version("3.7.0") || installed_python_version >= numeric_version("3.10.0")) {
    #   stop("The python version in the installed SCP environment does not match the requirements. You need to recreate the SCP environment.")
    # }
  } else {
    force <- TRUE
    if (is.null(conda)) {
      message("Conda not found. Installing miniconda...")
      options(timeout = 360)
      version <- "3"
      info <- as.list(Sys.info())
      if (info$sysname == "Darwin" && info$machine == "arm64") {
        base <- "https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download"
        name <- "Miniforge3-MacOSX-arm64.sh"
        return(file.path(base, name))
      base <- miniconda_repo
      info <- as.list(Sys.info())
      arch <- reticulate:::miniconda_installer_arch(info)
      version <- as.character(version)
      name <- if (reticulate:::is_windows()) {
          "Miniconda%s-latest-Windows-%s.exe", version,
      } else if (reticulate:::is_osx()) {
          "Miniconda%s-latest-MacOSX-%s.sh", version,
      } else if (reticulate:::is_linux()) {
        sprintf("Miniconda%s-latest-Linux-%s.sh", version, arch)
      } else {
        stopf("unsupported platform %s", shQuote(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]))
      url <- file.path(base, name)
      options(reticulate.miniconda.url = url)
      if (!is.na(Sys.getenv("USER", unset = NA))) {
        miniconda_path <- gsub(pattern = "\\$USER", replacement = Sys.getenv("USER"), reticulate::miniconda_path())
      } else {
        miniconda_path <- reticulate::miniconda_path()
      unlink(miniconda_path, recursive = TRUE)
      reticulate::install_miniconda(path = miniconda_path, force = TRUE, update = FALSE)
      conda <- reticulate:::miniconda_conda(miniconda_path)
      envs_dir <- reticulate:::conda_info(conda = conda)$envs_dirs[1]
    if (python_version < numeric_version("3.7.0") || python_version >= numeric_version("3.10.0")) {
      stop("SCP currently only support python version 3.7-3.9!")
    python_path <- reticulate::conda_create(conda = conda, envname = envname, python_version = python_version, packages = "pytables")
    env_path <- paste0(envs_dir, "/", envname)
    env <- file.exists(env_path)
    if (isFALSE(env)) {
      print(reticulate:::conda_info(conda = conda))
      print(reticulate::conda_list(conda = conda))
        "Unable to find SCP environment under the expected path: ", env_path, "\n",
        "conda: ", conda, "\n",
        "SCP python: ", python_path, "\n"

  check_Python(packages = packages, envname = envname, conda = conda, force = force, ...)

  python_path <- conda_python(conda = conda, envname = envname)
  reticulate::use_python(python_path, required = TRUE)

  pyinfo <- utils::capture.output(reticulate::py_config())
  pyinfo_mesg <- c(
    "====================== SCP conda environment ======================",
    paste0("conda: ", conda),
    paste0("environment: ", paste0(envs_dir, "/", get_envname())),
    "======================== SCP python config ========================",
  invisible(lapply(pyinfo_mesg, packageStartupMessage))
  invisible(run_Python(command = "import matplotlib", envir = .GlobalEnv))
  if (!interactive()) {
    invisible(run_Python(command = "matplotlib.use('pdf')", envir = .GlobalEnv))
  invisible(run_Python(command = "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt", envir = .GlobalEnv))
  invisible(run_Python(command = "import scanpy", envir = .GlobalEnv))

#' Env_requirements function
#' This function provides the SCP python environment requirements for a specific version.
#' @param version A character vector specifying the version of the environment (default is "3.8-1").
#' @return A list of requirements for the specified version.
#' @details The function returns a list of requirements including the required Python version
#'          and a list of packages with their corresponding versions.
#' @examples
#' # Get requirements for version "3.8-1"
#' Env_requirements("3.8-1")
#' @export
Env_requirements <- function(version = "3.8-1") {
  version <- match.arg(version, choices = c("3.8-1", "3.8-2", "3.9-1", "3.10-1", "3.11-1"))
  requirements <- switch(version,
    "3.8-1" = list(
      python = "3.8",
      packages = c(
        "leidenalg" = "leidenalg==0.10.1",
        "matplotlib" = "matplotlib==3.6.3",
        "numba" = "numba==0.55.2",
        "numpy" = "numpy==1.21.6",
        "palantir" = "palantir==1.0.1",
        "pandas" = "pandas==1.3.5",
        "python-igraph" = "python-igraph==0.10.2",
        "scanpy" = "scanpy==1.9.5",
        "scikit-learn" = "scikit-learn==1.3.2",
        "scipy" = "scipy==1.10.1",
        "scvelo" = "scvelo==0.2.5",
        "wot" = "wot==1.0.8.post2",
        "trimap" = "trimap==1.1.4",
        "pacmap" = "pacmap==0.7.0",
        "phate" = "phate==1.0.11",
        "bbknn" = "bbknn==1.6.0",
        "scanorama" = "scanorama==1.7.4",
        "scvi-tools" = "scvi-tools==0.20.3"
    "3.8-2" = list(
      python = "3.8",
      packages = c(
        "leidenalg" = "leidenalg==0.10.1",
        "matplotlib" = "matplotlib==3.7.3",
        "numba" = "numba==0.58.1",
        "numpy" = "numpy==1.24.4",
        "palantir" = "palantir==1.3.0",
        "pandas" = "pandas==1.5.3",
        "python-igraph" = "python-igraph==0.10.8",
        "scanpy" = "scanpy==1.9.5",
        "scikit-learn" = "scikit-learn==1.3.2",
        "scipy" = "scipy==1.10.1",
        "scvelo" = "scvelo==0.2.5",
        "wot" = "wot==1.0.8.post2",
        "trimap" = "trimap==1.1.4",
        "pacmap" = "pacmap==0.7.0",
        "phate" = "phate==1.0.11",
        "bbknn" = "bbknn==1.6.0",
        "scanorama" = "scanorama==1.7.4",
        "scvi-tools" = "scvi-tools==0.20.3"
    "3.9-1" = list(
      python = "3.9",
      packages = c(
        "leidenalg" = "leidenalg==0.10.1",
        "matplotlib" = "matplotlib==3.8.0",
        "numba" = "numba==0.58.1",
        "numpy" = "numpy==1.25.2",
        "palantir" = "palantir==1.3.0",
        "pandas" = "pandas==1.5.3",
        "python-igraph" = "python-igraph==0.10.8",
        "scanpy" = "scanpy==1.9.5",
        "scikit-learn" = "scikit-learn==1.3.2",
        "scipy" = "scipy==1.11.3",
        "scvelo" = "scvelo==0.2.5",
        "wot" = "wot==1.0.8.post2",
        "trimap" = "trimap==1.1.4",
        "pacmap" = "pacmap==0.7.0",
        "phate" = "phate==1.0.11",
        "bbknn" = "bbknn==1.6.0",
        "scanorama" = "scanorama==1.7.4",
        "scvi-tools" = "scvi-tools==0.20.3"
    "3.10-1" = list(
      python = "3.10",
      packages = c(
        "leidenalg" = "leidenalg==0.10.1",
        "matplotlib" = "matplotlib==3.8.0",
        "numba" = "numba==0.58.1",
        "numpy" = "numpy==1.25.2",
        "palantir" = "palantir==1.3.0",
        "pandas" = "pandas==1.5.3",
        "python-igraph" = "python-igraph==0.10.8",
        "scanpy" = "scanpy==1.9.5",
        "scikit-learn" = "scikit-learn==1.3.2",
        "scipy" = "scipy==1.11.3",
        "scvelo" = "scvelo==0.2.5",
        "wot" = "wot==1.0.8.post2",
        "trimap" = "trimap==1.1.4",
        "pacmap" = "pacmap==0.7.0",
        "phate" = "phate==1.0.11",
        "bbknn" = "bbknn==1.6.0",
        "scanorama" = "scanorama==1.7.4",
        "scvi-tools" = "scvi-tools==0.20.3"
    "3.11-1" = list(
      python = "3.10",
      packages = c(
        "leidenalg" = "leidenalg==0.10.1",
        "matplotlib" = "matplotlib==3.8.0",
        "numba" = "numba==0.58.1",
        "numpy" = "numpy==1.25.2",
        "palantir" = "palantir==1.3.0",
        "pandas" = "pandas==1.5.3",
        "python-igraph" = "python-igraph==0.10.8",
        "scanpy" = "scanpy==1.9.5",
        "scikit-learn" = "scikit-learn==1.3.2",
        "scipy" = "scipy==1.11.3",
        "scvelo" = "scvelo==0.2.5",
        "wot" = "wot==1.0.8.post2",
        "trimap" = "trimap==1.1.4",
        "pacmap" = "pacmap==0.7.0",
        "phate" = "phate==1.0.11",
        "bbknn" = "bbknn==1.6.0",
        "scanorama" = "scanorama==1.7.4",
        "scvi-tools" = "scvi-tools==0.20.3"


#' Show all the python packages in the environment
#' @inheritParams check_Python
#' @export
installed_Python_pkgs <- function(envname = NULL, conda = "auto") {
  envname <- get_envname(envname)
  if (identical(conda, "auto")) {
    conda <- find_conda()
  } else {
    options(reticulate.conda_binary = conda)
    conda <- find_conda()
  env <- env_exist(conda = conda, envname = envname)
  if (isFALSE(env)) {
    stop("Can not find the conda environment: ", envname)
  all_installed <- reticulate:::conda_list_packages(conda = conda, envname = envname, no_pip = FALSE)

#' Check if the python package exists in the environment
#' @inheritParams check_Python
#' @export
exist_Python_pkgs <- function(packages, envname = NULL, conda = "auto") {
  envname <- get_envname(envname)
  if (identical(conda, "auto")) {
    conda <- find_conda()
  } else {
    options(reticulate.conda_binary = conda)
    conda <- find_conda()
  env <- env_exist(conda = conda, envname = envname)
  if (isFALSE(env)) {
    stop("Can not find the conda environment: ", envname)
  all_installed <- installed_Python_pkgs(envname = envname, conda = conda)
  packages_installed <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(packages)) {
    pkg <- packages[i]
    if (grepl("==", pkg)) {
      pkg_info <- strsplit(pkg, split = "==")[[1]]
      pkg_name <- names(pkg) %||% pkg_info[1]
      pkg_version <- pkg_info[2]
    } else if (grepl("git+", pkg)) {
      pkg_info <- strsplit(pkg, "/")[[1]]
      pkg_name <- names(pkg) %||% pkg_info[length(pkg_info)]
      pkg_version <- NA
    } else {
      pkg_name <- names(pkg) %||% pkg
      pkg_version <- NA
    if (pkg_name %in% all_installed$package) {
      if (!is.na(pkg_version)) {
        packages_installed[pkg] <- all_installed$version[all_installed$package == pkg_name] == pkg_version
      } else {
        packages_installed[pkg] <- TRUE
    } else {
      packages_installed[pkg] <- FALSE

#' Check if a conda environment exists
#' @param envs_dir Directories in which conda environments are located.
#' @inheritParams check_Python
env_exist <- function(conda = "auto", envname = NULL, envs_dir = NULL) {
  envname <- get_envname(envname)
  if (identical(conda, "auto")) {
    conda <- find_conda()
  } else {
    options(reticulate.conda_binary = conda)
    conda <- find_conda()
  if (!is.null(conda)) {
    if (is.null(envs_dir)) {
      envs_dir <- reticulate:::conda_info(conda = conda)$envs_dirs[1]
    exist <- file.exists(paste0(envs_dir, "/", envname))
  } else {
    exist <- FALSE

get_envname <- function(envname = NULL) {
  if (is.character(envname)) {
    envname <- envname
  } else {
    envname <- getOption("SCP_env_name", default = "SCP_env")

#' Find an appropriate conda binary
#' @export
find_conda <- function() {
  conda <- tryCatch(reticulate::conda_binary(conda = "auto"), error = identity)
  conda_exist <- !inherits(conda, "error")
  if (isFALSE(conda_exist)) {
    if (!is.na(Sys.getenv("USER", unset = NA))) {
      miniconda_path <- gsub(pattern = "\\$USER", replacement = Sys.getenv("USER"), reticulate::miniconda_path())
    } else {
      miniconda_path <- reticulate::miniconda_path()
    conda_exist <- reticulate:::miniconda_exists(miniconda_path) && reticulate:::miniconda_test(miniconda_path)
    if (isTRUE(conda_exist)) {
      conda <- reticulate:::miniconda_conda(miniconda_path)
    } else {
      conda <- NULL

#' Installs a list of packages into a specified conda environment
#' @inheritParams reticulate::conda_install
conda_install <- function(envname = NULL, packages, forge = TRUE, channel = character(),
                          pip = FALSE, pip_options = character(), pip_ignore_installed = FALSE,
                          conda = "auto", python_version = NULL, ...) {
  envname <- get_envname(envname)
  reticulate:::check_forbidden_install("Python packages")
  if (missing(packages)) {
    if (!is.null(envname)) {
      fmt <- paste("argument \"packages\" is missing, with no default",
        "- did you mean 'conda_install(<envname>, %1$s)'?",
        "- use 'py_install(%1$s)' to install into the active Python environment",
        sep = "\n"
      stopf(fmt, deparse1(substitute(envname)), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
  conda <- reticulate::conda_binary(conda)
  envname <- reticulate:::condaenv_resolve(envname)
  python_package <- if (is.null(python_version)) {
  } else if (grepl("[><=]", python_version)) {
    paste0("python", python_version)
  } else {
    sprintf("python=%s", python_version)
  python <- tryCatch(conda_python(envname = envname, conda = conda), error = identity)
  if (inherits(python, "error") || !file.exists(python)) {
    reticulate::conda_create(envname = envname, packages = python_package %||% "python", forge = forge, channel = channel, conda = conda)
    python <- conda_python(envname = envname, conda = conda)
  if (!is.null(python_version)) {
    args <- reticulate:::conda_args("install", envname, python_package)
    status <- reticulate:::system2t(conda, shQuote(args))
    if (status != 0L) {
      fmt <- "installation of '%s' into environment '%s' failed [error code %i]"
      msg <- sprintf(fmt, python_package, envname, status)
      stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  if (pip) {
    # target_dir <- system2(command = python, args = c("-c \"import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])\""), stdout = TRUE)
    # pip_options <- c(pip_options, paste("--target", target_dir))
    result <- reticulate:::pip_install(
      python = python, packages = packages,
      pip_options = pip_options, ignore_installed = pip_ignore_installed,
      conda = conda, envname = envname
  args <- reticulate:::conda_args("install", envname)
  channels <- if (length(channel)) {
  } else if (forge) {
  for (ch in channels) args <- c(args, "-c", ch)
  args <- c(args, python_package, packages)
  result <- reticulate:::system2t(conda, shQuote(args))
  if (result != 0L) {
    fmt <- "one or more Python packages failed to install [error code %i]"
    stopf(fmt, result)

#' Find the path to Python associated with a conda environment
#' @inheritParams reticulate::conda_python
conda_python <- function(envname = NULL, conda = "auto", all = FALSE) {
  envname <- get_envname(envname)
  envname <- reticulate:::condaenv_resolve(envname)
  if (grepl("[/\\\\]", envname)) {
    suffix <- if (reticulate:::is_windows()) "python.exe" else "bin/python"
    path <- file.path(envname, suffix)
    if (file.exists(path)) {
    fmt <- "no conda environment exists at path '%s'"
    stop(sprintf(fmt, envname))
  conda_envs <- reticulate::conda_list(conda = conda)
  conda_envs <- conda_envs[grep(normalizePath(reticulate:::conda_info(conda = conda)$envs_dirs[1], mustWork = FALSE), x = normalizePath(conda_envs$python, mustWork = FALSE), fixed = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
  env <- conda_envs[conda_envs$name == envname, , drop = FALSE]
  if (nrow(env) == 0) {
    stop("conda environment \"", envname, "\" not found")
  python <- if (all) env$python else env$python[[1L]]
  return(normalizePath(as.character(python), mustWork = FALSE))

run_Python <- function(command, envir = .GlobalEnv) {
  tryCatch(expr = {
      envir = envir
  }, error = function(error) {
    stop("Failed to run \"", command, "\". Please check manually.")

#' Check and install python packages
#' @param packages A character vector, indicating package names which should be installed or removed. Use \code{⁠<package>==<version>}⁠ to request the installation of a specific version of a package.
#' @param envname The name of a conda environment.
#' @param conda The path to a conda executable. Use \code{"auto"} to allow SCP to automatically find an appropriate conda binary.
#' @param force Whether to force package installation. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param pip Whether to use pip for package installation. By default, packages are installed from the active conda channels.
#' @param pip_options An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to \code{pip}. Only relevant when \code{pip = TRUE}.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link[reticulate]{conda_install}}
#' @examples
#' check_Python(packages = c("bbknn", "scanorama"))
#' \dontrun{
#' check_Python(packages = "scvi-tools==0.20.0", envname = "SCP_env", pip_options = "-i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple")
#' }
#' @export
check_Python <- function(packages, envname = NULL, conda = "auto", force = FALSE, pip = TRUE, pip_options = character(), ...) {
  envname <- get_envname(envname)
  if (identical(conda, "auto")) {
    conda <- find_conda()
  } else {
    options(reticulate.conda_binary = conda)
    conda <- find_conda()
  env <- env_exist(conda = conda, envname = envname)
  if (isFALSE(env)) {
    warning(envname, " python environment does not exist. Create it with the PrepareEnv function...", immediate. = TRUE)
  if (isTRUE(force)) {
    pkg_installed <- setNames(rep(FALSE, length(packages)), packages)
    pip_options <- c(pip_options, "--force-reinstall")
  } else {
    pkg_installed <- exist_Python_pkgs(packages = packages, envname = envname, conda = conda)
  if (sum(!pkg_installed) > 0) {
    pkgs_to_install <- names(pkg_installed)[!pkg_installed]
    message("Try to install ", paste0(pkgs_to_install, collapse = ","), " ...")
    if (isTRUE(pip)) {
      pkgs_to_install <- c("pip", pkgs_to_install)
    tryCatch(expr = {
      conda_install(conda = conda, packages = pkgs_to_install, envname = envname, pip = pip, pip_options = pip_options, ...)
    }, error = identity)

  pkg_installed <- exist_Python_pkgs(packages = packages, envname = envname, conda = conda)
  if (sum(!pkg_installed) > 0) {
    stop("Failed to install the package(s): ", paste0(names(pkg_installed)[!pkg_installed], collapse = ","), " into the environment \"", envname, "\". Please install manually.")
  } else {

#' Check and install R packages
#' @param packages Package to be installed. Package source can be CRAN, Bioconductor or Github, e.g. scmap, quadbiolab/simspec.
#' By default, the package name is extracted according to the \code{packages} parameter.
#' @param install_methods Functions used to install R packages.
#' @param lib  The location of the library directories where to install the packages.
#' @param force Whether to force the installation of packages. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export
check_R <- function(packages, install_methods = c("BiocManager::install", "install.packages", "devtools::install_github"), lib = .libPaths()[1], force = FALSE) {
  status_list <- list()
  for (pkg in packages) {
    version <- NULL
    if (grepl("/", pkg)) {
      # github package
      pkg_name <- strsplit(pkg, split = "/|@|==", perl = TRUE)[[1]][[2]]
    } else {
      pkg_name <- strsplit(pkg, split = "@|==", perl = TRUE)[[1]][[1]]
      if (length(strsplit(pkg, split = "@|==", perl = TRUE)[[1]]) > 1) {
        version <- strsplit(pkg, split = "@|==", perl = TRUE)[[1]][[2]]
    dest <- gsub("@.*|==.*|>=.*", "", pkg)
    if (is.null(version)) {
      force_update <- isTRUE(force)
    } else {
      force_update <- isTRUE(packageVersion(pkg_name) < package_version(version)) || isTRUE(force)
    if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(requireNamespace(pkg_name, quietly = TRUE)) || isTRUE(force_update)) {
      message("Install package: \"", pkg_name, "\" ...")
      status_list[[pkg]] <- FALSE
      i <- 1
      while (isFALSE(status_list[[pkg]])) {
        tryCatch(expr = {
          if (grepl("BiocManager", install_methods[i])) {
            if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
              install.packages("BiocManager", lib = lib)
            eval(str2lang(paste0(install_methods[i], "(\"", dest, "\", lib=\"", lib, "\", update = FALSE, upgrade = \"never\", ask = FALSE, force = TRUE)")))
          } else if (grepl("devtools", install_methods[i])) {
            if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
              install.packages("devtools", lib = lib)
            if (!requireNamespace("withr", quietly = TRUE)) {
              install.packages("withr", lib = lib)
            eval(str2lang(paste0("withr::with_libpaths(new = \"", lib, "\", ", install_methods[i], "(\"", dest, "\", upgrade = \"never\", force = TRUE))")))
          } else {
            eval(str2lang(paste0(install_methods[i], "(\"", dest, "\", lib=\"", lib, "\", force = TRUE)")))
        }, error = function(e) {
          status_list[[pkg]] <- FALSE
        status_list[[pkg]] <- requireNamespace(pkg_name, quietly = TRUE)
        i <- i + 1
        if (i > length(install_methods)) {
    } else {
      status_list[[pkg]] <- TRUE
  out <- sapply(status_list, isTRUE)
  out <- out[!out]
  if (length(out) > 0) {
    stop("Failed to install the package(s): ", paste0(names(out), collapse = ","), ". Please install manually.")

#' Try to evaluate an expression a set number of times before failing
#' The function is used as a fail-safe if your R code sometimes works and sometimes
#' doesn't, usually because it depends on a resource that may be temporarily
#' unavailable. It tries to evaluate the expression `max_tries` times. If all the
#' attempts fail, it throws an error; if not, the evaluated expression is returned.
#' @param expr The expression to be evaluated.
#' @param max_tries The maximum number of attempts to evaluate the expression before giving up. Default is set to 5.
#' @param error_message a string, additional custom error message you would like to be displayed when an error occurs.
#' @param retry_message a string, a message displayed when a new try to evaluate the expression would be attempted.
#' @return This function returns the evaluated expression if successful, otherwise it throws an error if all attempts are unsuccessful.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f <- function() {
#'   value <- runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
#'   if (value > 0.5) {
#'     message("value is larger than 0.5")
#'     return(value)
#'   } else {
#'     stop("value is smaller than 0.5")
#'   }
#' }
#' f_evaluated <- try_get(expr = f())
#' print(f_evaluated)
try_get <- function(expr, max_tries = 5, error_message = "", retry_message = "Retrying...") {
  out <- simpleError("start")
  ntry <- 0
  while (inherits(out, "error")) {
    ntry <- ntry + 1
    # print(paste0("ntry: ", ntry, collapse = ""))
    out <- tryCatch(
      expr = eval.parent(substitute(expr)),
      error = function(error) {
    if (inherits(out, "error") && ntry >= max_tries) {
    } else {
      if (!inherits(out, "error")) {
      } else {

#' Download File from the Internet
#' @inheritParams utils::download.file
#' @param methods Methods to be used for downloading files. The default is to try different download methods in turn until the download is successfully completed.
#' @param max_tries Number of tries for each download method.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link[utils]{download.file}}
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @export
download <- function(url, destfile, methods = c("auto", "wget", "libcurl", "curl", "wininet", "internal"), quiet = FALSE, ..., max_tries = 2) {
  if (missing(url) || missing(destfile)) {
    stop("'url' and 'destfile' must be both provided.")
  ntry <- 0
  status <- NULL
  while (is.null(status)) {
    for (method in methods) {
      status <- tryCatch(expr = {
        suppressWarnings(download.file(url, destfile = destfile, method = method, quiet = quiet, ...))
        status <- 1
      }, error = function(error) {
        message("Cannot download from the url: ", url)
        message("Failed to download using \"", method, "\". Retry...\n")
      if (!is.null(status)) {
    ntry <- ntry + 1
    if (is.null(status) && ntry >= max_tries) {
      stop("Download failed.")

kegg_get <- function(url) {
  temp <- tempfile()
  download(url = url, destfile = temp)
  content <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(readLines(temp), split = "\t")))

rescale <- function(x, from = range(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE), to = c(0, 1)) {
  if (zero_range(from) || zero_range(to)) {
    return(ifelse(is.na(x), NA, mean(to)))
  } else {
    return((x - from[1]) / diff(from) * diff(to) + to[1])

zero_range <- function(x, tol = 1000 * .Machine$double.eps) {
  if (length(x) == 1) {
  if (length(x) != 2) {
    stop("x must be length 1 or 2")
  if (any(is.na(x))) {
  if (x[1] == x[2]) {
  if (all(is.infinite(x))) {
  m <- min(abs(x))
  if (m == 0) {
  abs((x[1] - x[2]) / m) < tol

#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb
col2hex <- function(cname) {
  colMat <- col2rgb(cname)
  rgb(red = colMat[1, ] / 255, green = colMat[2, ] / 255, blue = colMat[3, ] / 255)

#' Invoke a function with a list of arguments
#' @param .fn A function, or function name as a string.
#' @param .args A list of arguments.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to the function.
#' @param .env Environment in which to evaluate the call. This will be most useful if .fn is a string, or the function has side-effects.
#' @importFrom rlang caller_env is_null is_scalar_character is_character is_function set_names env env_get env_bind syms call2
#' @export
invoke <- function(.fn, .args = list(), ..., .env = caller_env()) {
  args <- c(.args, list(...))
  .bury <- c(".fn", "")
  if (is_null(.bury) || !length(args)) {
    if (is_scalar_character(.fn)) {
      .fn <- env_get(.env, .fn, inherit = TRUE)
    call <- call2(.fn, !!!args)
    return(.External2(rlang:::ffi_eval, call, .env))
  if (!is_character(.bury, 2L)) {
    abort("`.bury` must be a character vector of length 2")
  arg_prefix <- .bury[[2]]
  fn_nm <- .bury[[1]]
  buried_nms <- paste0(arg_prefix, seq_along(args))
  buried_args <- set_names(args, buried_nms)
  .env <- env(.env, !!!buried_args)
  args <- set_names(buried_nms, names(args))
  args <- syms(args)
  if (is_function(.fn)) {
    env_bind(.env, `:=`(!!fn_nm, .fn))
    .fn <- fn_nm
  call <- call2(.fn, !!!args)
  .External2(rlang:::ffi_eval, call, .env)

#' Implement similar functions to the \code{unnest} function in the tidyr package
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param cols Columns to unnest.
#' @param keep_empty By default, you get one row of output for each element of the list your unchopping/unnesting. This means that if there's a size-0 element (like \code{NULL} or an empty data frame), that entire row will be dropped from the output. If you want to preserve all rows, use \code{keep_empty = TRUE} to replace size-0 elements with a single row of missing values.
#' @export
unnest <- function(data, cols, keep_empty = FALSE) {
  if (nrow(data) == 0 || length(cols) == 0) {
  for (col in cols) {
    col_expand <- unlist(data[[col]])
    expand_times <- sapply(data[[col]], length)
    if (isTRUE(keep_empty)) {
      data[[col]][expand_times == 0] <- NA
      col_expand <- unlist(data[[col]])
      expand_times[expand_times == 0] <- 1
    data <- data[rep(seq_len(nrow(data)), times = expand_times), ]
    data[, col] <- col_expand
  rownames(data) <- NULL

#' Attempts to turn a dgCMatrix into a dense matrix
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' system.time(mat1 <- as.matrix(slot(pancreas_sub[["RNA"]], "counts")))
#' system.time(mat2 <- as_matrix(slot(pancreas_sub[["RNA"]], "counts")))
#' identical(mat1, mat2)
#' @param x A matrix.
#' @useDynLib SCP
#' @importFrom Matrix as.matrix
#' @export
as_matrix <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(matrix, "dgCMatrix")) {
  } else {
    row_pos <- x@i
    col_pos <- findInterval(seq_along(x@x) - 1, x@p[-1])
    out <- asMatrix(rp = row_pos, cp = col_pos, z = x@x, nrows = x@Dim[1], ncols = x@Dim[2])
    attr(out, "dimnames") <- list(x@Dimnames[[1]], x@Dimnames[[2]])

#' Capitalizes the characters
#' Making the first letter uppercase
#' @examples
#' x <- c("dna methylation", "rRNA processing", "post-Transcriptional gene silencing")
#' capitalize(x)
#' @param x A vector of character strings to be capitalized.
#' @param force_tolower Whether to force the remaining letters to be lowercase.
#' @export
capitalize <- function(x, force_tolower = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
    x <- as.character(x)
  if (!inherits(x, "character")) {
    stop("x must be the type of character.")
  if (isTRUE(force_tolower)) {
    x <- paste(toupper(substr(x, 1, 1)), tolower(substr(x, 2, nchar(x))), sep = "")
  } else {
    first_word <- sapply(strsplit(x, "\\s|-"), function(s) s[1])
    index <- which(first_word == tolower(first_word))
    x[index] <- paste(toupper(substr(x[index], 1, 1)), substr(x[index], 2, nchar(x[index])), sep = "")

str_wrap <- function(x, width = 80) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
    x <- as.character(x)
  x_wrap <- unlist(lapply(x, function(i) paste0(strwrap(i, width = width), collapse = "\n")))

#' Split a vector into the chunks
#' @param x A vector.
#' @param nchunks Number of chunks.
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:10
#' names(x) <- letters[1:10]
#' tochunks(x, nchunks = 3)
#' @export
tochunks <- function(x, nchunks) {
  split(x, cut(seq_along(x), nchunks, labels = FALSE))

#' Generate a iterator along chunks of a vector
#' @param x A vector.
#' @param nchunks Number of chunks.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(BiocParallel)
#' x <- 1:100
#' BPPARAM <- bpparam()
#' bpprogressbar(BPPARAM) <- TRUE
#' bpworkers(BPPARAM) <- 10
#' slow_fun <- function(x) {
#'   out <- NULL
#'   for (i in seq_along(x)) {
#'     Sys.sleep(0.5)
#'     out[[i]] <- x[[i]] + 3
#'   }
#'   return(out)
#' }
#' system.time({
#'   res0 <- lapply(x, FUN = slow_fun)
#' })
#' unlist(res0, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)[71:73]
#' system.time({
#'   res1 <- bplapply(x, FUN = slow_fun, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
#' })
#' unlist(res1, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)[71:73]
#' system.time({
#'   res2 <- bplapply(tochunks(x, nchunks = bpworkers(BPPARAM)), FUN = slow_fun, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
#' })
#' unlist(res2, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)[71:73]
#' system.time({
#'   res3 <- bpiterate(ITER = iterchunks(x, nchunks = bpworkers(BPPARAM)), FUN = slow_fun, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
#' })
#' unlist(res3, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)[71:73]
#' }
#' @export
iterchunks <- function(x, nchunks) {
  chunks <- tochunks(x, nchunks)
  i <- 0L
  function() {
    if (i >= length(chunks)) {
    i <<- i + 1L
zh542370159/SCP documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 2:34 a.m.