
##  regr.R  Functions that are useful for regression, W. Stahel,
## ==========================================================================
regr <- function(formula, data=NULL, family=NULL, 
                 robust = FALSE, method=NULL, 
                 nonlinear = FALSE, start=NULL,
                 subset=NULL, weights=NULL, offset=NULL, ...)
  ## !!! dispersion: allow to be set.
  ## Purpose:    fit all kinds of regression models
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ##   formula, data, ...  as with lm
  ##   tit        title (becomes tit attribute of result)
  ##   calcdisp   should dispersion be calculated for
  ##              family=binomial and family=poisson
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  Jan 02
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## --- get arguments from  regr.control
  lcall <- match.call()
  lac <- as.list(lcall)[-1]
  laRegr <- c("formula", "data", "family", "robust", "method",
              "nonlinear", "start", "subset", "weights", "offset")
  laControl <- c("contrasts","factorNA", "na.action", "calcdisp", "suffmean",
                 "model", "x", "termtable", "vif", "testlevel", "leveragelim",
                 "dist", "control")
  latransfer <- c("na.action", "calcdisp", "suffmean",
                 "model", "x", "termtable", "vif")
  lextra <- setdiff(names(lac), c(laRegr, laControl))
  if (length(lextra))
    warning(":regr: argument(s)  ",paste(lextra, collapse=", "),
            "  not used")
  lac <- lac[names(lac)%nin%lextra]
  lcl <- c(list(quote(regr.control)), 
            lac[match(laControl,names(lac), nomatch=0)])
  mode(lcl) <- "call"
  largs <-eval(lcl)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------  
  ## b. ===   preparation:
  ## convert character formula to formula
  lform <- lformula <- as.formula(formula)
  lcall$formula <- lformula
  ## nonlinear: drop constants
  nonlinear <- i.def(nonlinear, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (as.character(nonlinear)!="FALSE") 
    lform <- setdiff(all.vars(lform), names(start))
  ## nonlinear <- i.nonlincheck(nonlinear, lformula, ldata)
  ## d. === data 
  lextrav <- as.list(lcall)[names(lcall)%in%c("weights", "offset", "subset")]
  lcgetv <- c(list(quote(getvars)), list(formula = lform, data = data),
  mode(lcgetv) <- "call"
  lallvars <- eval(lcgetv)
  lextras <-
  ## !!! check errors
  ## lallvars <- as.data.frame(unclass(lallvars),row.names=row.names(lallvars))
  ## in rare cases, lallvars will store a wrong dimension
  ## repair names of lallvars
##-   if (anyNA(names(lallvars))) {
##-     lnm <- all.vars(lform)
##-     if (ldot <- match(".",lnm, nomatch=0))
##-       lnm <- unique(c(lnm[-ldot], names(ldata)))
##-     if (ncol(lallvars)==length(lnm)) names(lallvars) <- lnm  else
##-     stop("!regr! bug: variables not correctly identified")
##-   }
  ## --------------------------------------
  ## !!! extras: check, replace names
  ## f. === compose call of fitting function
  lcl <- lcall
  lcl[names(lextras)] <- lextras
  ## missing response
  if (length(lform)>2) {
    lvy <- all.vars(lform[1:2])
    ly0 <- lallvars[,lvy]
    linna <- apply(cbind(ly0), 1, is.finite)
  } else linna <- TRUE
  if (length(linna)>1 && sum(linna)<2)
    stop("!regr! Less than 2 non-missing response values") 
  ## --- convert character to factor, drop unused levels, generate .NA. level
  lfacna <- i.def(largs$factorNA, TRUE)
  lfnalabel <- if(is.character(lfacna)) lfacna else ".NA."
  for (lvn in 1:ncol(lallvars)) {
    lv <- lallvars[[lvn]]
    if (is.logical(lv))
      lallvars[[lvn]] <- as.numeric(lv) ## logical -> numeric!!!
    if (is.character(lv)|is.factor(lv)) {
      if (lfacna) lv <- factorNA(lv, lfnalabel)[[1]]
      lallvars[[lvn]] <- factor(lv, levels=levels(factor(lv[linna])))
  ## g. --- check for variables with a single value
##-   lv1 <- which( apply(lmodelframe, 2, function(x) all(x==x[1]) ) )
##-   if (length(lv1)) {  ## adjust formula
##-     lfac <- attr(terms(lmodelframe),"fac")
##-     lt1 <- names(which(apply(lfac[lv1,,drop=F],2,any)))
##-     warning("!regr! formula contains single valued variables: ",
##-             paste(row.names(lfac)[lv1], collapse=". "),
##-             "\n     I drop the following terms from the formula:\n    ",
##-             paste(lt1, collapse=", "))
##-     lfupd <- as.formula( paste( ".~ .- ",paste(lt1, collapse=" - ") ) )
##-     lcl$formula <- update(lcl$formula, lfupd)
##-   }
  ## -------------------------------------------
  ## h. === response type
  if (length(lformula)==2) { # nonlinear called with formula of type ~...
    ly <- rep(0,NROW(lallvars))
    lytype <- "numeric"
  } else {
##-     attr(formula, "response")
    lyf <- model.frame(lformula[1:2], lallvars, na.action=na.pass)
    ## I tried to generate model.frame for x and y together. This failed
    ## because model.frame  needs adequate method (when y is matrix)
    ltrm <- attr(lyf, "terms")
    lytype <- substring(attr(ltrm, "dataClasses"),1,5)
##  lysimple <- lytype!="nmatr" ## not a matrix
    lyy <- lyf[[1]]
    lysimple <- length(dim(lyy))==0
##    ly <- na.omit(lyy)
    if (lysimple&&length(unique(notna(lyy)))==2 &&
        all(as.numeric(lyy)%in%0:1)) ## FALSE for numeric !={0,1}
      lytype <- "binary" 
    if (inherits(lyy,"Surv"))  {
        lytype <- "survival"
## strange variables
##-   l1v <- sapply(ldta, function(x) all(x==c(x[!is.na(x)],0)[1],na.rm=TRUE) )
##-                                 ## covers case of several or all NAs
##-   if (any(l1v)) {
##-     warning(paste(":regr: variable(s)", paste(lvars[l1v],collapse=", "),
##-                   "has (have) no distinct values")) #  -> dropped.
##-   }
  ## ----------------------------------------------
  ## k. === family and fitting function
  lfam <- if (u.nuna(family)) NULL else as.character(substitute(family))[1]
  if (u.nuna(lfam)) lfam <- largs$dist
  lcl$dist <- NULL
  if (lytype=="survival")
    lfam <- c( lfam, attr(lyy,"distribution"))[1]
  if (u.nuna(lfam)) 
    lfam <- switch(substring(lytype,1,5),
                   numer="normal", nmatr="normal", binar="binomial",
                   binco="binomial", order="cumlogit",
                   facto="multinomial", survi="ph", "unknown")
  if (substring(lfam,1,7)=="multinom") lfam <- "multinomial"
  if (lfam=="multinom") lfam <- "binomial"
  lfitfun <-
      switch( lfam,
             gaussian="lm", normal="lm", binomial="glm", poisson="glm",
             cumlogit="polr", multinomial="multinomial",
             weibull="survreg", lognormal="survreg", loggaussian="survreg",
             loglogis="survreg", loglogistic="survreg", extreme="survreg",
             ph="survreg", prop.hazard="survreg",
  if (lfitfun=="unknown") stop("!regr! Fitting function not identified")
  ## additional checks
  if (lytype=="survival") {
    if (!inherits(lyy,"Surv"))
      stop("!regr! bug: convert response to Surv object")
    ## !!! hier machen! lallv[,1] ersetzen durch Surv davon
    lfitfun <- "survreg"
  else  if (lfitfun=="glm")
    lcl$control <- list(calcdisp=largs$calcdisp, suffmean=largs$suffmean,
  lfitname <- paste("i",lfitfun,sep=".")
  if (!exists(lfitname)||!is.function(get(lfitname)))
    stop (paste("!regr! Fitting function",lfitname, "not found"))
  ## -----------------------------------------------------
  ## m. === prepare call
  lcl$fname <- lfam
  ##  lcl$na.action <- substitute(largs$na.action)
  ## lcl <- c(list(quote(regr)), as.list(lcl[-1]), largs[latransfer])
  lcl[latransfer] <- largs[latransfer]
  lcl[[1]] <- ## hack --> eval(.) works also when call is source()d ...
	     "i.lm" = quote(regr0::i.lm),
	     "i.glm" = quote(regr0::i.glm),
	     "i.multinomial" = quote(regr0::i.multinomial),
	     "i.polr" = quote(regr0::i.polr), 
##	     "i.smooth" = quote(regr0::i.smooth), ## ??
	     "i.survreg" = quote(regr0::i.survreg),
	     ## default:
  if (lfitname=="i.glm") lcl$family <- lfam
##  lcl[[1]] <- as.name(lfitname) ## sonst geht das debuggen nicht.
  if (lfitname=="i.survreg") {
    lcl$yy <- lyy
    lcl$model <- TRUE  ## model needed, see below
  ## --- contrasts
  lcontr <- largs$contrasts
  if(is.atomic(lcontr)&&length(lcontr)) {
      warning("!regr! invalid contrasts argument")
    else {
      loldopt <- options(contrasts=c(lcontr,getOption("contrasts")[2])[1:2])
      lcl$contrasts <- NULL
    lcw <- lcontr==c("contr.wsum","contr.wpoly")
    if (ncol(lallvars)>1) {
      if (any(lcw))
        lyna <- if (length(dim(lyy)))
                  c(0,NA)[1+apply(is.na(as.matrix(lyy)),1,any)] else lyy 
      for (lj in 2:ncol(lallvars)) { ## no contrasts for y {
          attr(lallvars[,lj],"contrasts") <-
            contr.wsum(lallvars[,lj], y=lyna)
          attr(lallvars[,lj],"contrasts") <-
            contr.wpoly(lallvars[,lj], scores=NULL, y=lyna)
##    if (lcontr[1]=="contr.wsum") lallvars <- contr.wsum(lallvars, y=lyy)
  lcl$data <- lallvars ## must be evaluated!
  lcall$na.action <- lcl$na.action <- largs$na.action
##    ldata <- lallvars
## environment(lcl$formula) <- environment() ## !!!
##  lcl$call <- as.list(lcl[-1])
  mode(lcl) <- "call"
  ## === --------------------------------------------
  ##-   lreg <- eval(lcl, envir=environment(formula))
  lreg <- eval(lcl)
  ## === --------------------------------------------
  if (is.null(lreg$distrname)) lreg$distrname <- lfam
  if (length(lreg$AIC)==0) {
    laic <- try(extractAIC(lreg), silent=TRUE)
    if (class(laic)!="try-error") lreg$AIC <- laic
  lreg$response <- lyy
  lreg$allvars <- lallvars ## needed more than $model
  ## since $model contains transformed variables
  ## recover some arguments to effective function call
  lfc <- lreg$call
  la <- intersect(c("data", "weights", "offset", "subset","na.action"), names(lfc))
  ## these arguments should be restored because otherwise,
  ## add1 does not work if they have changed.
  lfc[la] <- lcall[la]
  lreg$funcall <- lfc
  lcall$formula <- formula(lreg) # hope this never damages anything
  lreg$call <- lcall
  tit(lreg) <- if (length(largs$tit)==0) attr(data,"tit") else largs$tit
  doc(lreg) <- attr(data,"doc")
  if (largs$model&&length(lreg$model)==0) {
      if (nonlinear) warning(":regr: no $model available for nonlinear regr.")
      else lreg$model <- lm(lformula, data, method="model.frame")
  lterms <- if (nonlinear) NULL else terms(lreg)
  if ((!nonlinear) && is.null(attr(lterms, "predvars")))  ## needed for survreg
    attr(lreg$terms,"predvars") <- attr(attr(lreg$model,"terms"),"predvars")
  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## r. === leverages, standardized res
  ## get residuals if missing (as for  polr  objects
  if (!inherits(lreg, "multinom")) {
    if ("residuals"%nin%names(lreg)) {
      lres <- residuals(lreg)
      if (length(lnaaction <- lreg$na.action) && class(lnaaction)=="exclude")
        lres <- if (is.matrix(lres)) lres[-lnaaction,] else lres[-lnaaction]
      lreg$residuals <- lres
    lsigma <- c(lreg$sigma, lreg$scale)[1]
    if (length(lsigma)==0) lsigma <- sqrt(c(lreg$dispersion,1)[1])
    if (!inherits(lreg, "nls")) {
      lstr <- i.stres(lreg, sigma=lsigma, leveragelim = largs$leveragelim)
      lreg[names(lstr)] <- lstr ## c(..,..) destroys attributes
  ## --- misc
  if (nonlinear) lreg$r.squared <- 1-lreg$sigma^2/var(lyy,na.rm=TRUE)
  if (class(lreg)[1]=="survreg")
    lreg$n.obs <- length(lreg$linear.predictor)
  if (!largs$x) lreg$x <- NULL
  class(lreg) <- if (class(lreg)[1]=="orig")  ##  nls shall not be regr
    class(lreg)[-1] else c("regr",class(lreg))
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## result of regr
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
regr.control <-
  function(contrasts=getUserOption("regr.contrasts"), factorNA = TRUE, 
           na.action=as.name("nainf.exclude"), calcdisp=NULL, suffmean=3,
           model = FALSE, x = TRUE, termtable=TRUE, vif=TRUE,
           testlevel = 0.05, leveragelim=c(0.99,0.5), tit=NULL,
           control = NULL
  list(contrasts=contrasts, factorNA=factorNA,
       na.action=as.name("nainf.exclude"), calcdisp=calcdisp,
       dist=dist, model=TRUE, x=x, termtable=termtable, vif=vif,
       testlevel=testlevel, leveragelim=leveragelim, tit=tit,
  ## flicken !!! model=T needed in i.lm_ for getting ly
## ===================================================================
getvars <-
  function (formula, x = NULL, data = NULL, rawvars = TRUE,
            jitterbinary = TRUE, ...) 
  ## copy of  get_all_vars , different error handling; generate is.fac
  if (missing(formula)) {
    if (!missing(data) && inherits(data, "data.frame") && 
        length(attr(data, "terms"))) 
    formula <- as.formula(data)
  else if (missing(data) && inherits(formula, "data.frame")) {
    if (length(attr(formula, "terms"))) 
    data <- formula
    formula <- data
  if (missing(data)) 
    data <- environment(formula)
  else if (!is.data.frame(data) && !is.environment(data) && 
           !is.null(attr(data, "class"))) 
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
  else if (is.array(data)) 
    stop("!getAllVars! 'data' must be a data.frame, not a matrix or an array")
  if (is.character(formula)) formula <- paste("~",paste(formula,collapse="+"))
    formula <- as.formula(formula)
  if (!inherits(formula, "terms")) 
    formula <- terms(formula, data = data)
  env <- parent.frame() # environment(formula)
  rownames <- .row_names_info(data, 0L)
  if (rawvars)  {
    varnames <- all.vars(formula)
    xvars <- all.vars(formula(formula)[-2])
  } else {
    varnames <- rownames(attr(formula, "factors")) ## !!! allow for simple terms
    xvars <-  varnames[-1]
  inp <- parse(text = paste("list(", paste(varnames, collapse = ","), 
                            ")"), keep.source = FALSE)
  variables <- eval(inp, data, env)
  names(variables) <- varnames
  lvmode <- sapply(variables, mode)
  if (any(li <- lvmode%nin%c("numeric","character","logical")))
    stop("!getvars! variable(s)  ",paste(varnames[li],collapse=", "),
         "  have wrong mode")  ## !!! convert into 'delayed error' as below
  ## rownames
  if (is.null(rownames) && (resp <- attr(formula, "response")) > 0) {
    lhs <- variables[[resp]]
    rownames <- if (is.matrix(lhs)) rownames(lhs) else names(lhs)
  ## factors, character, binary
  is.fac <- NULL
  if (length(variables)) {
    ## turn character into factor
    if (any(lic <- sapply(variables, is.character))) 
      variables[lic] <- lapply(variables[lic], factor)
    is.fac <- sapply(variables, is.factor)
    ## variables with only 2 values
    lnv <- sapply(variables, function(x) length(unique(x)) )
    if (jitterbinary) is.fac[lnv<=2] <- 2
    ## factors created in the formula argument of the call to regr
    ltv <- attr(terms(formula),"variables")
    ltfc <- ltv[grep("factor\\(",as.character(ltv))]
    if (!is.null(ltfc)) {
      lfc <- all.vars(formula(paste("~",paste(ltfc,collapse="+"))))
      is.fac[match(lfc,names(variables),nomatch=0)] <- 2
  } # if (length(variables))
  ## ---
  extras <- substitute(list(...))
  extranames <- names(extras[-1L])
  extras <- eval(extras, data, env)
  names(extras) <-
    if (length(extranames)) paste("(",extranames,")",sep="") else NULL
  rr <- c(variables,extras)
  len <- sapply(rr,length)
  rr <- rr[len>0]
  messg <- NULL
  len <- len[len>0]
  nobs <- if(is.data.frame(data)) nrow(data) else length(rr[[1]])
  if (any(li <- len%nin%c(1,nobs))) {
    messg <- paste(ifelse(sum(li)==1, "Variable  ","Variables  "),
                   paste(c(varnames, extranames)[li], collapse=", "),
                   ifelse(sum(li)==1, "  has inadequate length",
                          "  have inadequate lengths"),sep="")
    fatal <- any(li[1:length(variables)])
    if (!fatal) {
      messg <- paste(messg,"\n   and will be ignored")
      rr <- rr[!li]
      rr <- setNames(as.data.frame(rr), names(rr))
      if (!is.null(rownames)) 
        attr(rr, "row.names") <- rownames
    } else {
      class(rr) <- "regr-error" 
      attr(rr,"message") <- messg
  rr <- setNames(as.data.frame(rr), names(rr)) ## avoid modifying names
  if (!is.null(rownames)) attr(rr, "row.names") <- rownames
  attr(rr, "is.fac") <- is.fac
  attr(rr, "xvars") <- xvars
  if (!is.null(messg)) { ## warning
    attr(rr, "message") <- messg
    class(rr) <- c("regr-warning", class(rr))
## =========================================================================
i.stres <- function(x, sigma=1, weights=x$weights, leveragelim = c(0.99, 0.5))
  ## Purpose:  calculate  hat  and  standardized residuals
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  1 Mar 2018, 15:45
  if (is.null(sigma)||(!is.finite(sigma))||sigma<=0) {
    warning(":i.stres: sigma is missing or <=0. I use sigma=1")
    sigma <- 1
  if (inherits(x, "nls")) {
    warning(":i.stres: no leverage and standardized residuals",
            " are available for a nonlinear model")
    return(list(leverage = NULL, stresiduals = NULL, strratio = NULL))
  llev <- x$leverage
  if (length(llev)==0) {
    lmm <- x[["x"]]
    if (length(lmm)==0) lmm <- model.matrix(terms(x),x$model)
    llev <- hat(lmm)
  lres <- x$residuals
  if (length(lres)==0) {
    warning(":regr/i.stres: no residuals -> no standardized res.")
    return( list(leverage=llev) )
  if (length(llev)!=NROW(lres)) {
    warning(":regr: no leverages available, I set them 0")
    llev <- rep(0,NROW(lres))
  names(llev) <- rownames(as.matrix(lres))
  lstrratio <- 1/(sigma*sqrt(1-pmin(leveragelim[1],llev)))
  lwgt <- weights
  if (lIwgt <- length(lwgt)==NROW(lres)) lstrratio <- lstrratio * sqrt(lwgt)
  if (length(llev)!=NROW(lres))
    stop("!i.stres! BUG: incompatible lengths.",
         " Try and eliminate NA rows and re-estimate")
  lstres <-
      if (inherits(lres, "condquant"))
        cbind(lres[,1:4]*lstrratio, lres[,-(1:4)]) else lres*lstrratio,
      weighted = lIwgt)
  list(leverage = llev, stresiduals = lstres, strratio = lstrratio)
## ==========================================================================
i.lm <- function(formula, data, family, fname="gaussian", nonlinear=FALSE,
                 robust=FALSE, method=NULL, control=NULL, 
                 vif=TRUE, termtable=TRUE, testlevel=0.05, call = NULL, ...)
  ## Purpose:  internal: fit lm
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  4 Aug 2004, 11:18
  ## b. --- method
  ## NEW version feb 20
  lcall <- match.call()
  lmeth <- c(lcall$method,"")[1]
  lfn <- if (nonlinear) {
    lcall$contrasts <- NULL ## lcall[-match("contrasts",names(lcall),nomatch=0)]
    "nls" } else {
    if (lmeth=="lmrob") robust <- TRUE
    if (robust) {
      if (is.null(method)) method <- lcall$method
      if (is.null(method)) method <- c("lmrob","KS")
    } else "lm"}
  if (robust) {
    if (lfn=="lmrob") {
 ##     require(robustbase)  ## !?!
      if (length(method)>1) {
        if (substr(method[2],1,2)=="KS")
          method <- NULL
        lcall$setting <- "KS2014"
      lcall$x <- TRUE
    if (lfn=="rlm") {
##      require(MASS)    ##  !?!
      lcall$method <- c(method,"MM")
      lcall$x.ret <- TRUE
  } else  lcall$x <- TRUE
  if (lmeth=="rq"|lmeth=="quantreg") { # quantile regression
##    require(quantreg) ## !?!
    lfn <- "rq"
    lcall$method <- if(length(lcall$method)>1) lcall$method[-1] else NULL
    lcall$x <- NULL
  ## d. --- call
  lcall$method <- if (length(method)>1) method[-1] else NULL
  ##  method[-1]  produces character(0) which is not NULL!
  mkFn <- function(fn) { ## hack --> eval(.) works also when call is source()d ...## ??? wieso function?
	     lmrob = quote(robustbase::lmrob),
	     rlm = quote(MASS::rlm),
             rq = quote(quantreg::rq),
             lm = quote(stats::lm),
	     ## default:
  ##  lcall[[1]] <- mkFn(lfn)
  if(lfn!="lmrob") lcall$control <- NULL
  lcall <- lcall[setdiff(names(lcall),
                           "calcdisp","suffmean","termtable"))] #,"control"
  lcl <- c(list(mkFn(lfn)),as.list(lcall)[-1])
  mode(lcl) <- "call"
  ## --------------------------
  lreg <- eval(lcl, envir=environment())
  ## --------------------------
  ## f. --- collect results
  lreg$call$formula <- formula
  lreg$fitfun <- lfn
  lreg$distrname <- "gaussian"
  lttype <- switch(lfn,
##-   ## leverage
##-   if (!nonlinear) {
##-     lhat <- pmax(0,hat(lreg$x))
##-     if (length(lhat)==0) warning(":regr/i.lm: no leverages")  ## else {
##- ##-       if (length(lhat)!=NROW(lreg$stres))
##- ##-         if (length(lreg[["w"]])==NROW(lreg$stres))
##- ##-           lhat <- u.merge(lreg$leverage, 0, lreg[["w"]]>0)
##- ##-     }
##-     lreg$leverage <- lhat
##-   }
  ## multivariate
  if (class(lreg)[1]=="mlm")
    return(i.mlmsum(lreg, termtable))
  lreg1 <- summary(lreg)
  lsig <- lreg1$sigma
  if (is.null(lsig)) lsig <- lreg$scale ## lmrob
  if (is.null(lsig)) lsig <- sd(resid(lreg)) # !!! used for rq
  lreg$sigma <- lsig
##-   ## standardized residuals
##-   if (is.finite(lsig)&&lsig>0) {
##-     lreg$stres <- lreg$residuals/lsig
##-     if (length(lreg$weights)) lreg$stres <- lreg$stres*sqrt(lreg$weights)
  if (class(lreg)=="lmrob") lreg1$cov.unscaled <- lreg$cov/lsig^2 ## !!!
  ## from summary
  lcomp <- c("r.squared","fstatistic","colregelation","aliased",
  lreg[lcomp] <- lreg1[lcomp]
  if (lfn=="lm") lreg$AIC <- extractAIC(lreg)[2]
  ## degrees of freedom
  if (is.null(lreg$df)) # needed for rq
    lreg$df <- c(length(coef(lreg))-attr(terms(lreg),"intercept"),
  lreg$df.residual <- ldfr <- df.residual(lreg)
  if (nonlinear) {
    lcftab <- lreg1$coefficients
    lreg$coefficients <- lcftab[,1]
    ltq <- qt(1-testlevel/2, ldfr)
    lci <- lcftab[,1]*(1+outer(ltq*lcftab[,2], c(ciLow=-1,ciHigh=1)))
    lreg$termtable <- data.frame(coef=lcftab[,1],se=lcftab[,2],lci)
#   lreg$r.squared <- 1-(lsig/lsdy)^2
  lreg$adj.r.squared <- 1-(1-lreg$r.squared)*(length(lreg$residuals)-1)/ldfr
  ## cov of estimates
  lcov <- lreg$cov.unscaled*lsig^2
  lreg$covariance <- lcov
  lse <- sqrt(diag(lcov))
  lreg$correlation <- lcov/outer(lse, lse)
  ## --- table of terms
  if (!nonlinear) {
    if(termtable) {
      ly <- lreg$model[[1]]
      lsdy <- sqrt(var(ly))
      ltt <- i.termtable(lreg, lreg1$coef, data, lcov, lttype, lsdy=lsdy,
                         vif=vif, leverage=TRUE)
      lreg[names(ltt)] <- ltt
    }  else  class(lreg) <- c("orig",class(lreg))
  ## result of i.lm
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
i.mlmsum <- function(object, termtable=TRUE)
  ## Purpose:  internal: fit multivariate lm;  called from i.lm() only
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  4 Aug 2004, 11:18
##-   lreg <- lm(formula, data=data, weights=.Weights, model=model, ...)
##-   lreg$call$formula <- eval(lreg$call$formula) # patch
  lreg1 <- summary(object)
  lform <- formula(object)
  lts <- ltp <- NULL
  for (ly in 1:length(lreg1)) {
    lrg <- lreg1[[ly]]
    lts <- cbind(lts,c(lrg[["sigma"]],lrg[["r.squared"]],
    ltp <- cbind(ltp,lrg[["coefficients"]][,4])
  lmodel <- nrow(lts)>=5  # non-trivial model
  if (lmodel) {
    lts[4,] <- pf(lts[3,],lts[4,],lts[5,], lower.tail=FALSE)
    lts <- lts[1:4,]
  dimnames(object$coefficients)[[2]] <- as.character(lform[[2]])[-1]
  dimnames(ltp) <- dimnames(object$coefficients)
  dimnames(lts) <- list(rep(c("sigma","r.squared","fstatistic","p-value"),
                            length=nrow(lts)), dimnames(ltp)[[2]])
  object$pvalues <- ltp
  object$stats <- lts
  object$sigma <- lsig <- lts["sigma",]
  lres <- object$residuals
##-   if (all(lsig>0)) {
##-     object$stres <- sweep(lres,2,lsig,"/")
##-     if (length(object$weights))
##-       object$stres <- object$stres*sqrt(object$weights)
##-   }
  object$resmd <- mahalanobis(lres,0,var(lres))
  ldfr <- object$df.residual
  object$r.squared <- lr2 <- lts["r.squared",]
  object$adj.r.squared <- 1-(1-lr2)*(nrow(object$residuals)-1)/ldfr
  lcomp <- c("aliased","df","cov.unscaled")
  object[lcomp] <- lreg1[[1]][lcomp]
  object$drop1 <- if (lmodel) drop1.mlm(object)
##  class(lreg) <- c("mregr","mlm","lm")
} # i.mlmsum
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
i.glm <- function(formula, data, family, fname,
                  control=NULL, vif=TRUE, termtable=TRUE, call=NULL, ...)
  ## Purpose:  internal: fit glm
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  4 Aug 2004, 11:18
  lfamily <- get(fname)
##-   environment(formula) <- environment()
  lcall <- match.call() 
  lcall$x <- TRUE
  lcall <- lcall[setdiff(names(lcall),
  lcall <- c(list(quote(stats::glm)),as.list(lcall[-1]))
  mode(lcall) <- "call"
  ## ---------------
  lreg <- eval(lcall, envir=environment())
  ## ----------------
  lreg$leverage <- pmax(0,hat(lreg$x))
  lreg1 <- summary(lreg)
  lcoeftab <- lreg1$coef
  ly <- as.numeric(lreg$model[,1])
  ldisp <- lreg1$dispersion
  ## ---
  lfcount <- fname=="binomial"|fname=="poisson"
  lcalcdisp <- control$calcdisp
  lsuffmean <- TRUE
  if (lfcount) {
    lsuffmean <- mean(ly)>control$suffmean   # ,na.rm=TRUE
    lcd <- lcalcdisp
    if (length(lcd)==0) lcd <- lsuffmean
    if (lcd) {
      ldisp <- lreg1$deviance/lreg1$df.residual
      if (ldisp>1||length(lcalcdisp)>0) {
        lreg$distrname <- paste("quasi",fname,sep="")
        lcoeftab[,2] <- lcoeftab[,2]*sqrt(ldisp)
        lcoeftab[,3] <- lcoeftab[,3]/sqrt(ldisp)
##-         lcoeftab[,4] <- 2*pnorm(lcoeftab[,3],lower.tail=FALSE)
      else ldisp <- 1
  }  # else calcdisp <- FALSE
  attr(ldisp,"fixed") <- ldisp==1
  lreg$dispersion <- ldisp
  lreg$sigma <- sqrt(ldisp)
  ## ---
  if (ldisp>1) {
      lstr <- residuals(lreg, type="pearson")/sqrt(ldisp)
      lnaa <- lreg$na.action
      if (class(lnaa)=="exclude") lstr <- lstr[-lnaa]
      lreg$stres <- lstr
  ## bug? leverage not taken into account
  lcomp <- c("deviance","AIC","df.residual","null.deviance", # "family",
  lreg[lcomp] <- lreg1[lcomp]
  ## --- deviances
  ltesttype <- ifelse(ldisp==1,"Chisq","F")
  ldev <- unlist(lreg1[c("deviance", "null.deviance")])
  ldf <- lreg1$df[1:2]-c(attr(terms(lreg),"intercept"),0)
  ltbd <- cbind(deviance=c(diff(ldev),ldev), df=c(ldf,sum(ldf)),
  dimnames(ltbd)[[1]] <- c("Model","Residual","Null")
  ltbd[1:2,3] <- pchisq(ltbd[1:2,1], ltbd[1:2,2], lower.tail=FALSE)
  if (!lsuffmean) ltbd[2,3] <- NA
  lreg$devtable <- ltbd
  ## ---
  ## cov of estimates
  ldisp <- lreg$dispersion
  if (is.null(ldisp)) ldisp <- 1
  lreg$covariance <- lcov <- lreg$cov.unscaled*ldisp
  lse <- sqrt(diag(lcov))
  lreg$correlation <- lcov/outer(lse, lse)
  ## ---
  lreg$fitfun <- "glm"
  if (termtable) {
    ltt <- i.termtable(lreg, lcoeftab, data, lcov, ltesttype, lsdy=1, vif=vif)
    lcmpn <- c("termtable","termeffects","leverage")
    lreg[lcmpn[lcmpn%in%names(ltt)]] <- ltt
  ## result of i.glm
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
i.multinomial <- function(formula, data, family, fname,
                          model=TRUE, vif=TRUE, termtable=TRUE, call=NULL, ...)
  ## Purpose:  internal: fit multinom
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  4 Aug 2004, 11:18
##  ltr <- control$trace
##  if (length(ltr)==0) ltr <- trace
##  require(nnet)   ## !?!
  lcall <- match.call() 
  lcall[[1]] <- quote(regr0::i.multinomfit)
  lcall$fname <- lcall$family <- lcall$control <- lcall$vif <- NULL
  lcall$trace <- FALSE
  lreg <- eval(lcall, envir=environment())
  ## ---------------
  if (length(lreg$na.action)) {
    lnaact <- attr(lreg$na.action,"class")
    attr(lreg$na.action,"class") <- "omit"
  } else  lnaact <- NULL ##  summary does not work with  exclude
  lreg$call$formula <- formula
  lreg1 <- summary(lreg)
  lreg$dispersion <- lreg$sigma <- 1
  lres <- lreg1$residuals
  lreg$residuals <- lres
  lcf <- lreg1$coefficients
  lreg$coefficients <- lcf
  lreg$AIC <- lreg1$AIC
  ldfm <- lreg1$edf-nrow(lcf)
  lreg$df <- c(ldfm,prod(dim(lres)-1)-ldfm,ldfm)
##-   environment(lreg$call$formula) <- environment()
  lreg$fitfun <- "multinom"
  ldr1 <- if (u.debug()) drop1(lreg, test="Chisq", trace=FALSE) else 
              try(drop1(lreg, test="Chisq", trace=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
  if (class(ldr1)[1]=="try-error") {
    warning(paste(":regr/i.multinom: drop1 did not work.",
                  "I return the multinom object"))
    class(lreg) <- c("orig",class(lreg))
  } else { ##xxx
    ldr1 <- ldr1[-1,]}
  ## signif :
  ldr1 <- cbind( ldr1[,1:3], sqrt(ldr1[,3]/qchisq(0.95,ldr1[,1])), ldr1[,4] )
  names(ldr1) <- c("df", "AIC", "Chisq", "signif", "p.value") 
  lreg$termtable <- lreg$drop1 <- ldr1
  if (length(lnaact)) attr(lreg$na.action,"class") <- lnaact
## result of i.multinomial
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
i.polr <- function(formula, data, family, fname, weights = NULL, 
                   model=TRUE, vif=TRUE, termtable=TRUE, call=NULL, ...)
  ## Purpose:  internal: fit ordered y
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  4 Aug 2004, 11:18
##  require(MASS)   ## !?!
  lcall <- match.call()
  ladrop <- c("fname","family","vif","nonlinear","robust",
  lcl <- as.list(lcall[setdiff(names(lcall),ladrop)])
  lcl[1] <- list(quote(regr0::i.polrfit))
##  lcl <- c(list(quote(regr0::i.polrfit), lcl)
  mode(lcl) <- "call"
  lcl$Hess <- TRUE
  lenv <- environment()
  lcl$envir <- lenv
## ---
  lreg <- eval(lcl, envir=lenv)
##  lreg$call$formula <- formula
  lreg$w <- data$.weights.
  lreg$leverage <- hat(lreg[["x"]])
  lreg1 <- if (u.debug()) summary(lreg) else
  if (class(lreg1)[1]=="try-error") {
    warning(paste(":regr/i.polr: summary did not work.",
                  "I return the polr object"))
##    lreg$call$data <- call$data
    class(lreg) <- c("orig","polr")
  }   ## ---
  ## model.matrix
##-   ldata <- eval(data, envir=environment(formula))
##  lreg$x <- model.matrix(formula, ldata)
  lcf <- lreg1$coefficients
  lreg$intercepts <- lcf[(lreg1$pc+1):nrow(lcf),1:2]
  lreg$stres <- NULL
  ## cov of estimates!
  lreg$covariance <- lcov <- vcov(lreg)
  lse <- sqrt(diag(lcov))
  lreg$correlation <- lcov/outer(lse, lse)
  ## --- deviances
  lreg$fitfun <- "polr"
  if (termtable) {
    ltt <- i.termtable(lreg, lreg1$coef, data, lcov, ltesttype="Chisq",
                       lsdy=1, vif=vif, leverage=TRUE)
    lcmpn <- c("termtable","termeffects","leverage")
    lreg[lcmpn[lcmpn%in%names(ltt)]] <- ltt
  lreg$dispersion <- 1
  ##  lreg$residuals <- residuals(lreg)
  llp <- fitted.polr(lreg, type="link")
  if (length(lnaaction <- lreg$na.action)) llp <- llp[-lnaaction]
  lreg$linear.predictors <- llp
  ## result of i.polr
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
i.survreg <-
  function(formula, data, family, yy, fname="ph", method, control,
           vif=TRUE, termtable=TRUE, ...)
  ## Purpose:  internal: fit ordered y
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  4 Aug 2004, 11:18
##  require(survival)  ## !?!
  lcall <- match.call()
  ## b. --- method
  if (fname=="ph") {
    lfitfun <- "coxph"
    lcall[[1]] <- quote(survival::coxph)
  } else {
    lfitfun <- "survreg"
    lcall[[1]] <- quote(survival::survreg)
    lcall$dist <- fname
    lcall$method <- lcall$control <- NULL
  lyy <- lcall$yy
  if (is.null(lcall$dist)) lcall$dist <- lcall$family
  lcall <- lcall[names(lcall)%nin%c("yy","fname","vif","family",
##  lcall$yy <- lcall$fname <- lcall$family <- lcall$vif <- NULL
  lcall$y <- lcall$x <- TRUE
  ## ---
  lreg <- eval(lcall, envir=environment())
  ## ---
  class(lreg$y) <- "Surv"
  attr(lreg$y, "type") <- attr(lyy, "type")
##  lreg$call$formula <- formula
  lreg1 <- if (u.debug()) summary(lreg) else
           try(summary(lreg), silent=TRUE)
  if (class(lreg1)[1]=="try-error") {
    warning(paste(":regr/i.survreg: summary did not work. ",
                  "I return the survreg object"))
##    lreg$call$data <- call$data
    class(lreg) <- c("orig",class(lreg))
  }   ## ---
  lreg$resid.orig <- lreg$residuals
  lreg$stres <- NULL
  lcf <- lreg1$coefficients
  ## --- deviances
  ## lreg$scale
  if (lfitfun=="survreg") {
    attr(lreg$scale,"fixed") <- length(lcall$scale)>0
    ldf <- sum(lreg$df) - lreg$idf
    ldfr <- length(lreg$linear.predictors)-sum(lreg$df)
  if (lfitfun=="coxph") {
    lreg1$table <- lreg1$coefficients
    ldf <- length(lreg$coefficients)
    ldfr <- length(lreg$residual)-ldf-1
  lreg$df.residual <- ldfr
  lreg$AIC <- extractAIC(lreg)[2]
  lreg$deviance <- -2*lreg$loglik
  lchi <- 2*diff(lreg1$loglik)
  ltbd <- cbind(deviance=c(lchi,-2*lreg1$loglik[2]),
                df=c(ldf, ldf+ldfr),
  dimnames(ltbd)[[1]] <- c("Model","Null")
  lreg$devtable <- ltbd
  lreg$covariance <- lcov <- lreg$var
  lsd <- sqrt(diag(lcov))
  lreg$correlation <- lcov/outer(lsd,lsd)
  lreg$fitfun <- lfitfun
  lres <- residuals.regr(lreg)  ## includes NAs
  if (length(lnaaction <- lreg$na.action)&&class(lnaaction)=="exclude")
    lres <- lres[-lreg$na.action,]
  ly <- lreg$y
##-   lreg$n.censored <-
##-     if (attr(ly,"type")%in%c("right","left"))
##-       table(ly[,2])[2] else  sum(ly[,2]!=1)    #interval
  ltype <- attr(ly,"type")
  ##-  lreg$n.censored <- sum(lres[,"prob"]>0, na.rm=TRUE)
  ltb <- table(ly[,2])
  lfit <- lres[,"fit"]
  llimit <- attr(ly,"limit")
  lreg$n.censored <- NA
  if (ltype=="left") {
    lreg$n.censored <- structure(ltb[2], names="left")
    if (length(llimit))
      lreg$n.fitout <- structure(sum(lfit<llimit, na.rm=TRUE), names="left")
  } else {
    if (ltype=="right") {
      lreg$n.censored <- structure(ltb[1], names="right")
    if (length(llimit))
    lreg$n.fitout <- structure(sum(lfit>llimit, na.rm=TRUE), names="right")
  if (termtable) {
    ltt <- i.termtable(lreg, lreg1$table, data, lcov, ltesttype="Chisq",
                       lsdy=1, vif=vif)
    ## log(scale): signif<-NA. no! log(scale)==0 means
    ##    exp.distr for weibull/gumbel
    lcmpn <- c("termtable","termeffects","leverage")
    lreg[lcmpn[lcmpn%in%names(ltt)]] <- ltt
  ## lreg$df <- c(model=ldf, residual=ldfr, original=lreg$df) ## !!! lreg has df = ldf+object$idf !
    ## do not modify before calling i.termtable
  lreg$distrname <- if (lfitfun=="coxph") "prop.hazard" else lreg$dist
  lreg$residuals <- lres
  ## result of i.survreg

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Tobit <- function(data, limit=0, limhigh=NULL, transform=NULL, log=FALSE, ...)
  ## Purpose:   create a Surv object for tobit regression
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  1 Jan 2010, 21:49
##  require(survival)  ## !?!
  ltrs <- as.character(substitute(transform))
  data <- pmax(data,limit)
  lright <- !is.null(limhigh)
  if (lright) data <- pmin(data, limhigh)
  if (log[1]) { ## model.frame  evaluates  log  in  data ! Whence [1]
      transform <- logst
      ltrs <- "logst"
  if (!is.null(transform)) {
    if (is.character(transform)) transform <- get(transform)
    if (!is.function(transform))
      stop("!Tobit! argument 'transform' does not yield a function")
    ldt <- transform(c(limit,limhigh,data), ...)
    data <- ldt[-1]
    limit <- ldt[1]
    if (lright) {
      limhigh <- ldt[2]
      data <- data[-1]
  if (sum(data<=limit,na.rm=TRUE)==0)
    warning(":Tobit: no observation <= `limit`")
  if (lright&&sum(data>=limhigh,na.rm=TRUE)<=1)
    warning(":Tobit: no observation >= `limhigh`")
  if (lright) { 
    rr <- survival::Surv(time = data, time2=data,
                         event = (data<=limit) + (data<limhigh),
    rr[,2] <- rr[,1]
    } else
      rr <- survival::Surv(data, event = data>limit, type="left")
  structure(rr, distribution="gaussian", transform=ltrs,
            limit=c(limit,limhigh), class=c(class(rr), "matrix"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
i.termtable <- function(lreg, lcoeftab, ldata, lcov, ltesttype="F",
                        lsdy, vif=TRUE, leverage=vif)
  ## Purpose:  generate term table for various models
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  4 Aug 2004, 15:37
  lterms <- terms(lreg)
    return(list(termtable = data.frame(
      coef=c(lreg$coef,NA)[1], se=NA, ciLow=NA, ciHigh=NA, 
      df=1, testst=NA, signif=NA, p.value=NA, p.symb="", stcoef=NA, R2.x=NA,
## degrees of freedom
  ldfr <- df.residual(lreg)
  if (ldfr<1) {
    warning(":regr/i.termtable: no degrees of freedom left.")
    return(list(termtable = data.frame(
      coef=c(lreg$coef,NA)[1], se=NA, ciLow=NA, ciHigh=NA, 
      df=1, testst=NA, signif=NA, p.value=NA, p.symb="", stcoef=NA, R2.x=NA,
  pvCutpoints <- c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1)
  pvSymbols <- c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ", "")
  pvLegend <- paste(rbind(pvCutpoints,pvSymbols), collapse="  ")
  ## drop1
  ldr1 <-
      if (class(lreg)[1]%in%c("lm","lmrob")) {
          if (u.debug()) 
              drop1Wald(lreg, test=ltesttype, scope=lterms) else
              try(drop1Wald(lreg, test=ltesttype, scope=lterms),
              silent=TRUE) } else {
          if (u.debug()) 
              drop1(lreg, test=ltesttype, scope=lterms) else
              try(drop1(lreg, test=ltesttype, scope=lterms),
  if (class(ldr1)[1]=="try-error") {
    warning(paste(":regr: drop1 did not work. I return the table produced by ",
##-     lsum <- summary(lreg)
##-     lcft <- lsum$coef
##-     if (length(lcft)==0) lcft <- lsum$parameters ## nls
##-     return(list(test=lcft)) # !!! noch reparieren
  ldr1 <- ldr1[-1,]
  ldr1$RSS <- NULL # same ncol for lm and glm
  if (inherits(lreg,"rlm"))  ldr1[,4] <- ldr1[,2]/ldr1[,1] ## !!!
  if (inherits(lreg,"mlm")||inherits(lreg,"manova"))
    return(list(termtable=ldr1))  ## !!! needs much more
  ltstq <- if (ltesttype=="F") qf(0.95,c(1,ldr1[,1]),ldfr) else {
    if (ltesttype=="Chisq") qchisq(0.95,c(1,ldr1[,1])) else NA }
  ltstq1 <- sqrt(ltstq[1]) ## 1 degree of freedom
  ltstq <- ltstq[-1]
## coefficients
  lcoef <- lreg$coefficients
## model.matrix
  lmmt <- lreg[["x"]]
  if (length(lmmt)==0)
      lmmt <- model.matrix(lreg)
  lasg <- attr(lmmt,"assign")[!is.na(lcoef)]
##  if (class(lreg)[1]%in%c("polr")) lasg <- lasg[-1] ## ,"coxph"
  ## terms without factor involvement
  lfactors <- attr(lterms,"factors")
  lvcont <- !attr(lterms,"dataClasses")[row.names(lfactors)] %in%
    c("numeric","logical") ## [...] excludes (weights) and possibly others
  ## terms only containing continuous variables
  lcont <- which( lvcont %*% lfactors ==0 ) 
  ## licasg <- which(lasg%in%lcont)
  ## vif --> R2.x
  lr2 <- NA
  if (vif) {
    lvift <-     ## lterms: n of levels for each term
        if (u.debug()) vif.regr(lreg, lcov, lmmt) else
        try(vif.regr(lreg, lcov, lmmt), silent=TRUE)
    if (class(lvift)[1]=="try-error" || length(lvift)==0) {
      warning(":regr/i.termtable: error in the calculation of R2.xs")
      lvif <- NA
    } else lvif <- lvift[,3]^2
    lr2 <- 1-1/lvif
## prepare table
  lpvcol <- pmatch("Pr(",names(ldr1), nomatch=ncol(ldr1))
  lpv <- ldr1[,lpvcol]
  ltb <- data.frame(coef=NA, se=NA, ciLow=NA, ciHigh=NA, 
                    df=ldr1[,1], testst=ldr1[,lpvcol-1], signif=NA,
                    p.value=lpv, p.symb="", stcoef=NA, R2.x=lr2,
  row.names(ltb) <- row.names(ldr1)
  ## intercept
  ljint <- "(Intercept)"==names(lcoef)[1]
  if (ljint) {
##    ltstint <- # if(class(lreg)[1]%in%c("lm","nls","rlm"))
      lcoeftab[1,3]^2 # else lcoeftab[1,3]
    ltb <- rbind(
        data.frame(coef=NA, se=NA, ciLow=NA, ciHigh=NA, 
                   df=1, testst=NA, signif=NA,
                   p.value=NA, p.symb="", stcoef=NA, R2.x=NA,
    ltstq <- c(ltstq1, ltstq)
    lcont <- c(0, lcont)
  lcont1 <- lcont+ljint  # row number in dr1
## p.symb and signif
  ltb$signif <- sqrt(pmax(0,ltb$testst)/ltstq)
## coefficients and statistics for terms with 1 df
  if (length(lcont)) { ## lcont refers to assign
    ltlb <- dimnames(ltb)[[1]]
    lclb <- ltlb[lcont1] ## lcont1 is the row in the coef table of lreg1
    ljc <- match(lcont,lasg) # index of coefs for cont variables
    lcf <- lcoef[ljc]
    ## fill in
    ltb$coef[lcont1] <- lcf
    ltb$se[lcont1] <- lse <- lcoeftab[ljc,2]
    lci <- lcf+outer(ltstq1*lse, c(-1,1))
    ## confint(lreg,row.names(ltb)[lcont1]) does not always work...
    ltb[lcont1,c("ciLow","ciHigh")] <- lci
    ltb[lcont1,"signif"] <- sign(lcf)*ltb[lcont1,"signif"]
    ## standardized coefficients
    lstcf <- lcf[lcont>0] *  # exclude intercept term
      sqrt(apply(lmmt[,names(lcf[lcont>0]),drop=FALSE],2,var)) / lsdy
    ltb$stcoef[lcont1[lcont>0]] <- lstcf
  if (row.names(lcoeftab)[nrow(lcoeftab)]=="Log(scale)") { # survreg
    ltsc <- lcoeftab[nrow(lcoeftab),]
    lcont1 <- c(lcont1, nrow(lcoeftab))
    if (!u.true(lreg$dist=="weibull")) ltsc[2:4] <- NA
    ltb <- rbind(ltb,"log(scale)"=
                     1, ltsc[3], ltsc[3]/qnorm(0.975), ltsc[4], NA, NA, NA))
## p-symbol
  lipv <- as.numeric(cut(ltb$p.value, pvCutpoints))
  ltb[,"p.symb"] <- pvSymbols[lipv]
  attr(ltb, "legend") <- pvLegend
## --- termeffects (dummy coef)
  lallcf <- termeffects(lreg) 
  if (inherits(lreg,"polr")) lreg$coefficients <- c("(Intercept)" = NA, lcoef)
  rr <- list(termtable=ltb, termeffects=lallcf)
  if (leverage) rr <- c(rr, leverage=list(hat(lmmt)))
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ciSignif <- function(estimate, se=NULL, df=Inf, testlevel=0.05) {
  if (is.null(se))
    if (NCOL(estimate)>1) {
      se <- estimate[,2]
      estimate <- estimate[,1]
    } else
      stop("!ciSignif! no standard errors found")
  ltq <- qt(1-testlevel/2, df)
  lci <- estimate+outer(ltq*se, c(ciLow=-1,ciHigh=1))
  ltst <- estimate/se
  lsgf <- ltst/ltq
  lpv <- 2*pt(-abs(ltst), df)
  lipv <- as.numeric(cut(lpv, c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1)))
  lsst <- c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")[lipv]
  data.frame(estimate=estimate, se=se, lci, testst=ltst,
             signif=lsgf, p.value=lpv, p.symb=lsst)
## ==========================================================================
contr.wsumpoly <- 
  function (n, scores = NULL, y = NULL, w = NULL,
            contrasts = TRUE, sparse = FALSE, poly = NA) 
{  ## provide weighted sum contrasts
  if (is.data.frame(n)) {
    for (lj in 1:ncol(n))
      if (is.factor(n[,lj])) 
        attr(n[,lj],"contrasts") <-
          contr.wsumpoly(n[,lj], scores=scores, y=y,
                         contrasts=contrasts, sparse=sparse)
  ## not a data.frame, but...
  if (is.character(n)) n <- factor(n)
  if (is.factor(n)) { ## ... a factor
    if (length(y)) {
      if (length(y)!=length(n)) {
        warning(":contrasts.wsum: unequal lengths of arguments. ",
                "I ignore argument 'y'")
        ## y only used to eliminate NAs in target variable
      } else  n <- n[apply(is.finite(cbind(y)), 1, all)]
    w <- c(table(factor(n))) ## exclude unused levels
    if (is.na(poly)) poly <- is.ordered(n)
  nn <- length(w)
  if (is.na(poly)) poly <- FALSE
  if (nn<1) {
    if (!(is.atomic(n)&&is.numeric(n)&&length(n)==1))
      stop ("!contr.wsumpoly! Provide either 'n' or 'w'")
    nn <- n
##    w <- rep(1,nn)
  contr <-
    if (poly) {
      scores <- if(length(scores)) scores else 1:nn
      contr.poly(nn, scores = scores, contrasts=contrasts, sparse=sparse)
    } else
      contr.sum(nn, contrasts=contrasts, sparse=sparse)
  if (is.null(w) || anyNA(w) || any(w<=0)) {
    warning(":contr.wsum: weights 'w' not suitable.",
            " Returning unweighted sum contrast")
  if (poly) {
    contr <- make.poly( nn, scores=scores, w=w)
    if (contrasts) {
      dn <- colnames(contr)
      dn[2:min(4, nn)] <- c(".L", ".Q", ".C")[1:min(3, nn - 1)]
      colnames(contr) <- dn
      contr <- contr[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    else {
      contr[, 1] <- 1
  } else  contr[nn,] <- - w[-nn]/w[nn]
##-   if (sparse) 
##-     contr <- .asSparse(contr)
  structure(contr, w=w)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
contr.wsum <- function(n, scores = NULL, y=NULL, w = NULL, contrasts = TRUE,
                       sparse = FALSE) {
  if (is.ordered(n)) n <- factor(n)
  contr.wsumpoly (n, y=y, w=w, contrasts=contrasts, sparse=sparse, poly=FALSE)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
contr.wpoly <- function(n, scores = NULL, y = NULL, w = NULL, contrasts = TRUE,
                       sparse = FALSE) {
  if (is.factor(n)) n <- ordered(n)
  contr.wsumpoly (n, scores = scores, y = y, w = w,
                  contrasts = contrasts, sparse = sparse, poly=TRUE)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
make.poly <- function(n, scores, w) {
        y <- scores - sum(scores*w)/sum(w)
        X <- sqrt(w)*outer(y, seq_len(n) - 1, "^")
        QR <- qr(X)
        z <- QR$qr
        z <- z * (row(z) == col(z))
        Z <- qr.qy(QR, z)  ## raw <- 
##-         Z <- sweep(raw, 2L, apply(raw, 2L, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))), 
##-             "/", check.margin = FALSE)
      ##      do not standardize. WSt
      Z <- Z / sqrt(w)
        colnames(Z) <- paste0("^", 1L:n - 1L)
##  ===================================================================
print.regr <- function (x, call=TRUE, correlation = FALSE,
    termeffects = getUserOption("show.termeffects"),
    termcolumns = getUserOption("termcolumns"),
    termeffcolumns = getUserOption("termeffcolumns"),
    digits = max(3, getUserOption("digits")-2), 
    symbolic.cor = p > 4, signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
    na.print = getUserOption("na.print"),
    residuals=FALSE, niterations=FALSE, ...)
  if (is.null(na.print)) na.print <- "."
  ## doc
  ldoc <- getUserOption("doc")
  if (length(ldoc)==0) ldoc <- 1
  if (ldoc>=1) if (length(tit(x)))
    cat("\n ",tit(x),"\n")
  if (ldoc>=2) if (length(doc(x)))
    cat(" ",paste(doc(x),"\n "))
  ## mlm
  if (inherits(x,"mlm"))
    return(invisible(print.mregr(x, na.print=na.print, ...)))
  ## preparation
  lItermeff <- i.def(termeffects, TRUE)
  ## call, fitting fn, residuals
  if (call) {
    if(!is.null(x$call)) {
      cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),"\n", sep = "")
    cat("Fitting function: ",x$fitfun,"\n")
  df <- x$df
    rdf <- c(x$df.resid,df[2])[1]
  if (residuals) {
    resid <- x$residuals
##-     cat(if (!is.null(x$w) && diff(range(x$w)))
##-         "Weighted ", "Residuals:\n", sep = "")
    if (rdf > 5) {
      nam <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
      rq <- if (length(dim(resid)) == 2)
        structure(apply(t(resid), 1, quantile),
                  dimnames = list(nam, dimnames(resid)[[2]]))
        else structure(quantile(resid), names = nam)
      print(rq, digits = digits, na.print=na.print, ...)
    } else {
      if (rdf > 0) print(resid, digits = digits, na.print=na.print, ...)
      else  cat("ALL", df[1],
                "residuals are 0: no residual degrees of freedom!\n")
  ## coefficients
    nsingular <- df[3] - df[1]
    if ((!is.na(nsingular))&&nsingular>0)
        cat("\nCoefficients: (", nsingular,
            " not defined because of singularities)\n", sep = "")
    # else {
    if (!is.null(x$sigma))
        cat("\n!!! Error variance is 0 !!!")
  ## coef table
  lttab <- x$termtable
  if (length(lttab)>0) {
    llttab <- TRUE
    if (signif.stars) termcolumns <- union(termcolumns, "p.symb")
    if(!is.null(termcolumns)) {
      if (all(termcolumns=="")) llttab <- FALSE else {
        ljp <- match(termcolumns,colnames(lttab), nomatch=0)
        if (sum(ljp)!=0) 
  ##        warning(":print.regr: no valid columns of  termtable  selected") else
          lttab <- lttab[,ljp,drop=FALSE]
    if (llttab) {
      ## round R2.x, signif, p.value
      ljrp <- colnames(lttab)[notna(pmatch(c("R2","signif","p.v"),colnames(lttab)))]
      if (length(ljrp)) lttab[,ljrp] <- round(as.matrix(lttab[,ljrp]),max(3,digits))
      if ("signif"%in%ljrp) lttab$signif <- round(lttab$signif,last(digits)-1)
      lttabf <- format(lttab, na.encode=FALSE)
      lttabp <- data.frame(lapply(lttabf, function(x) sub("NA",na.print,x)),
      print(lttabp, quote=FALSE, na.print="")
      if (signif.stars>=1) 
        cat("---\nSignif. codes:  ", attr(x$termtable, "legend"),"\n", sep = "")
    } ## end if(llttab)
  ## --- error block
  } else {
    if (length(x$coef)) {
      print(x$coef, na.print=na.print)
##-   if (length(x$binlevels)>0) {
##-     cat("\nFactor(s) with two levels converted to 0-1 variable(s):\n")
##-     print(as.matrix(data.frame(x$binlevels,row.names=0:1)))
##-   }
##    cat("\n")
  ## special for polr
  if (length(x$intercepts)) { # polr
  ## error
  if (length(x$sigma) && !u.true(attr(x$sigma,"fixed")))
    cat("\nSt.dev.error: ", formatC(x$sigma, digits = digits),
        "  on", rdf, "degrees of freedom\n")
  if (length(x$r.squared)&&!is.na(x$r.squared))
    cat("Multiple R^2: ", formatC(x$r.squared, digits = digits),
        "   Adjusted R^2: ",
        formatC(x$adj.r.squared, digits = digits),
        if (length(lAIC <- x$AIC)&&!is.na(lAIC))
          "   AIC: ", formatC(lAIC, digits = log10(abs(lAIC))+3),"\n" )
  if (length(x$fstatistic)>0) {
    cat("F-statistic:  ", formatC(x$fstatistic[1],
            digits = digits), "  on", x$fstatistic[2], "and", x$fstatistic[3],
            "d.f.,  p.value:", formatC(pf(x$fstatistic[1],
            x$fstatistic[2], x$fstatistic[3], lower.tail=FALSE),
                                       digits = digits),
  ## deviances
  if (length(x$deviance)>0) {
    if (length(x$devtable)) print(x$devtable, na.print=na.print)
    if (length(x$n.censored)) {
      lnc <- 100*x$n.censored/x$n.obs
      cat(paste("\ncensored         ",
        paste(paste(names(lnc), "=", round(lnc,1), "%"), collapse=" ;  ")))
    if (length(x$n.fitout)) {
      lnf <- 100*x$n.fitout/x$n.obs
      cat(paste("\nfit outside limit",
        paste(paste(names(lnf), "=", round(lnf,1), "%"), collapse=" ;  ")))
    cat("\nDistribution: ",x$distrname)
    if (length(x$dispersion))
      cat(".  Dispersion parameter: ",
          if ((!is.null(attr(x$dispersion,"fixed")))&&
             "fixed at ", format(x$dispersion))
    else if (length(x$scale))
      cat(".  Shape parameter (`scale`): ",
          if ((!is.null(attr(x$scale,"fixed")))&&
            "fixed at ", format(x$scale))
    cat("\nAIC: ", format(x$AIC, digits = max(4, digits + 1)), "\n", sep = "  ")
    if (niterations&&length(x$iter)>0)
      cat("Number of iterations:", x$iter, "\n")
  ## --- additional coefficients
  if (x$distrname=="multinomial") {
    print(t(x$coefficients), na.print=na.print)
  } else {
    if (length(lttab)&lItermeff) {
      if (lItermeff==1) {
##-         lidf <- match("df",colnames(x$termtable))
##-         if (is.na(lidf)) {
##-           if (getOption("verbose"))
##-             warning(":print.regr: df of coef not available")
##-         } else { ## dummy coefficients
        mterms <- row.names(x$termtable)[is.na(x$termtable[,"coef"])]
        mt <- if (length(mterms)>0 & length(x$termeffects)>0) {
                imt <- mterms%in%names(x$termeffects)
              } else NULL
      } else mt <- x$termeffects
      if (length(mt)>0) {
        cat("\nEffects of factor levels:\n")
        print.termeffects(mt, digits=digits, na.print=na.print,
                          columns=getUserOption("termeffcolumns")) }
    } ## else  cat("\n")
  ## ---- correlation
  correl <- x$correlation
  if (length(correl)>0 && correlation) {
    p <- NCOL(correl)
    if (p > 1) {
      cat("\nCorrelation of Coefficients:\n")
      if (symbolic.cor) {
        symbc <- symnum(correl, symbols=c(" ", ".", ",", "+", "*", "H"))
        symbl <- attr(symbc,"legend")
        attr(symbc,"legend") <- NULL
        cat("\nSymbols:  ",symbl,"\n")
      } else {
        correl[!lower.tri(correl)] <- NA
        print(correl[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], digits = digits,
              na.print = na.print)
##  cat("\n")
## ==========================================================================
summary.regr <- function(object, ...)  object ## dispersion=NULL,
## ==========================================================================
termeffects <- function (object, se = 2, # use.na = TRUE, 
                      df = df.residual(object), ...)  {
  if (is.atomic(object)||is.null(terms(object)))
      stop("!termeffects! inadequate first argument")
 ##  xl <- object$xlevels
  Terms <- delete.response(terms(object))
  tl <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
  dcl <- attr(Terms,"dataClasses")[-1]
  if (all(dcl=="numeric")) 
  ## result already available?
  allc <- object$termeffects
  if ((!is.null(allc))&&length(allc)==length(tl)&&
      (is.matrix(allc[[length(allc)]])|!se)) return(allc) ## !!! check!
  int <- attr(Terms, "intercept")
  facs <- attr(Terms, "factors")
  mf <- object$model  ##! d.c used all.vars
  if (is.null(mf)) mf <- model.frame(object)
  xtnm <- dimnames(facs)[[1]]  ## names  ##! replaces vars
  xtlv <- lapply(mf[,xtnm, drop=FALSE],function(x) levels(x)) ## levels
  lcontr <- object$contrasts
  imat <- which(substr(dcl,1,7)=="nmatrix") ## resulting from bs()
  if (length(imat)) {
    xtlv[imat] <-
               function(x) as.character(1:as.numeric(substr(x,9,12))))
    ##    lcontr <- c(lcontr, structure(rep(contr.id,length(tl)), names=tl)[imat])
    lctr <- list()
    for (li in seq_along(imat))
      lctr <- c(lctr, list(diag(length(xtlv[[li]]))))
    names(lctr) <- names(dcl)[imat]
    lcontr <- c(lcontr, lctr)
  xtnl <- pmax(sapply(xtlv,length),1) ## number of levels
  termnl <- apply(facs, 2L, function(x) prod(xtnl[x > 0])) ##! lterms
  nl <- sum(termnl)
## --- df.dummy: data frame of simple terms
  args <- setNames(vector("list", length(xtnm)), xtnm)
  for (i in xtnm)
    args[[i]] <- if (xtnl[[i]] == 1)  rep.int(1, nl)    else 
      factor(rep.int(xtlv[[i]][1L], nl), levels = xtlv[[i]])
  df.dummy <- as.data.frame(args) # do.call("data.frame", args)
  names(df.dummy) <- xtnm
  ## rnn: names of rows
  pos <- 0
  rn <- rep.int(tl, termnl)
  rnn <- rep.int("", nl)
  ## fill df.dummy
  for (j in tl) {
    i <- unlist(xtnm[facs[, j] > 0])
    ifac <- i[xtnl[i] > 1]
    if (length(ifac) == 0L) {
      rnn[pos + 1] <- j
    else if (length(ifac) == 1L) {
      df.dummy[pos + 1L:termnl[j], ifac] <- xtlv[[ifac]]
      rnn[pos + 1L:termnl[j]] <- as.character(xtlv[[ifac]])
    else {
      tmp <- expand.grid(xtlv[ifac])
      df.dummy[pos + 1L:termnl[j], ifac] <- tmp
      rnn[pos + 1L:termnl[j]] <-
        apply(as.matrix(tmp), 1L, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ":"))
    pos <- pos + termnl[j]
  ## attributes
  attr(df.dummy,"terms") <- attr(mf,"terms")
  lci <- sapply(df.dummy,is.factor)
  lcontr <- lcontr[names(lci)[lci]] ## factors with 1 level have disappeared (?)
  if (lIpolr <- inherits(object, "polr")) {
    attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 1
    mm <- model.matrix(Terms, df.dummy, contrasts.arg=lcontr, xlev=xtlv)
    asgn <- attr(mm, "assign")[-1]
    mm <- mm[,-1]
  } else {
    mm <- model.matrix(Terms, df.dummy, contrasts.arg=lcontr, xlev=xtlv)
    asgn <- attr(mm, "assign")
  if (anyNA(mm)) {
    warning("some terms will have NAs due to the limits of the method")
    mm[is.na(mm)] <- NA
  ## calculate dummy coefs
  coef <- object$coefficients ##!!! cf <-
##-   if (!use.na) 
  ##-     coef[is.na(coef)] <- 0
  lnna <- is.finite(coef)
  names(asgn) <- colnames(mm)
  if (any(!lnna)){
    coef <- coef[lnna]
    mm <- mm[,lnna]
    asgn <- asgn[lnna]
  if (se) {
    cov <- vcov(object)
    if (is.null(cov)) {
      warning(":termeffects: no covariance matrix of coefficients found.",
              " Returning coefficients only")
      se <- FALSE
    } else
      if (inherits(object, "polr"))
        cov <- cov[1:length(coef),1:length(coef)]
  licf <- pmatch(colnames(mm), names(coef))
##  asgn <- asgn[names(coef)] ## !!!
  res <- setNames(vector("list", length(tl)), tl)
  ljfail <- NULL
  for (j in seq_along(tl)) {
    mmr <- rn == tl[j]  ## rows corresponding to the term
    mmc <- asgn==j ## & !is.na(coef)
    lcf <- coef[licf[mmc]]
##    mmc <- names(asgn)[asgn == j & !is.na(coef)]  ## columns (logical fails for polr, vcov() too large) !!! was  which
    mmpart <- mm[mmr, mmc, drop=FALSE]
    rrj <- setNames(drop(mmpart %*% lcf), rnn[mmr]) ## coef[mmc]
    if (se) {
      if (any(is.na(rrj))) {
        warning(":termeffects: missing coef for term '", tl[j],
                "'. no standard errors etc")
        ljfail <- c(ljfail, tl[j])
      } else {
        sej <- sqrt(diag(mmpart %*% cov[mmc,mmc] %*% t(mmpart)))
        rrj <- ciSignif(rrj, sej, df)
    res[[j]] <- rrj
  if (length(ljfail))
    warning(":termeffects: error calculating se for terms ",
            paste(ljfail, collapse=", "))
  if (int > 0) {
    res <- c(list(`(Intercept)` = coef[int]), res)
  if (lIpolr) 
    res <- c(res,list("(Intercepts)"=ciSignif(object$intercepts[,1],
                                         object$intercepts[,2], df) ))
  ##  class(res) <- "termeffects" ## don't do that:
  ##                                 want to be able to print the whole table
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
print.termeffects <- function(x, columns=NULL, ## userOptions("termeffcolumns"),
                          transpose=FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.null(columns)) columns <- "all"
  columns[columns=="coef"] <- "estimate"
  csymb <- "coefsymb"%in%columns
  if ("all"%in%columns)  columns <-
        c("coefsymb", "se", "ciLow", "ciHigh", "testst",
          "signif", "p.value") else
        c("estimate", "se", "ciLow", "ciHigh", "testst",
          "signif", "p.value")
  for (li in seq_along(x)) {
    xi <- x[[li]]
    if (is.null(dim(xi))) next
    if (csymb)
      xi$coefsymb <-
        if ("p.symb"%in%names(xi)) {
          lps <- as.character(xi[,"p.symb"])
##          lps[is.na(lps)] <- na.print  ## would be misleading!
          paste(format(xi[,1],...), lps)
        } else  xi[,1]
    xif <- format(xi[,intersect(columns,names(xi)), drop=FALSE],...)
    xif <- if (ncol(xif)==1 || (nrow(xif)>1 & transpose)) t(xif) else xif
    if (nrow(xif)==1) row.names(xif) <- " "  ## drop row name
    if (ncol(xif)==1) colnames(xif) <- " "  ## drop col name
    if (prod(dim(xif))==1) xif <- as.character(xif[1,1])
    x[li] <- list(xif)
  print(unclass(x), quote=FALSE, ...)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
vcov.regr <- function(object, ...) {
  cov <- object$covariance 
  if (is.null(cov)) {
    class(object) <- setdiff(class(object),"regr")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
df.residual.regr <- function(object, ...) {
  df <- object$df.residual
  if (is.null(df)) df <- object$df
  if (length(df)>=2) df <- df[2]
  if (is.null(df)) {
    sry <- summary(object)
    df <- sry$df
    if (is.null(df))
      df <- NROW(object$residual)-NROW(object$coefficients)
  if (is.null(df)) df <- Inf
## ====================================================================
confint.regr <- function(fitted, ...)
if (!inherits(fitted, c("glm","nls"))) {
    class(fitted) <- class(fitted)[-1]
    return(confint(fitted, ...))
if (inherits(fitted, "glm")) {
      ## confint needs $coefficients from object (a vector) as well as
      ## from its sumary (a matrix containing 'Std. Error"
  summary <- function(fitted) 
    list(coefficients = cbind(fitted$coefficients,
                                 "Std. Error"=sqrt(diag(fitted$covariance))) )
  class(fitted) <- class(fitted)[-1]
} else { ## workaround: call nls again, since  profile.nls  is difficult to adapt...
  call <- fitted$call
  call$start <- fitted$coefficients
  call$nonlinear <- NULL
  call[[1]] <- as.name("nls")
  fitted <- eval(call, parent.frame())
  confint(fitted, ...)
## ==========================================================================
drop1.regr <-
  function (object, scope=NULL, scale = 0, test = NULL, k = 2,
            sorted = FALSE, add=FALSE, ...)
  ## Purpose:    drop1/add1 for regr objects
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  lfam <- object$distrname
  lres <- object$residuals
  if (is.null(test)) test <- if (is.null(lfam)) "none" else {
    if ((lfam=="gaussian"&&as.character(object$fitfun)%in%c("lm","roblm"))|
        ((lfam=="binomial"|lfam=="poisson")&&object$dispersion>1)) {
          if (inherits(object,"mlm")) "Wilks" else "F" }
    else "Chisq"
  if (length(scope)==0) {
    scope <- if (add) terms2order(object) else drop.scope(object)
  } else {
##-     if (!is.character(scope))
##-             scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)),
##-                 "term.labels")
    if (is.character(scope))
      as.formula(paste("~",paste(scope, collapse="+"))) else scope
  if (length(scope)==0) {  ## || !is.formula(scope) ## drop.scope is character
    warning(":drop1/add1.regr: no valid scope")
    ldr1 <- data.frame(Df = NA, "Sum of Sq" = NA, RSS =NA, AIC = NA,
                      row.names = "<none>")
  ##  lform <- update(formula(object), scope !!!)
  ## !!! model.frame for finding the valid rows
  class(object) <- setdiff(class(object), "regr")
  fcall <- object$funcall
  if (!is.null(fcall)) object$call <- fcall
##-   dfm <-  object$df
  ##-   object$df <- dfm[setdiff(names(dfm),"residual")] ## survreg !
##-   if (inherits(object, c("survreg","coxph")))
##-     object$df <- object$df["original"]
  dr1 <- if (add) { ## ------------ add
    if (class(object)[1]=="lmrob")
        stop("!add1.regr! 'add1' not (yet) available for 'lmrob' objects")
    ldata <- eval(object$call$data, envir=environment(formula(object)) )
    li <- row.names(ldata)%in%RNAMES(object$residuals)
    if (length(ldata[li,])==0) stop("!drop1.regr! no data found ")
    lvars <-unique(c(all.vars(formula(object)),
                     if (is.formula(scope)) all.vars(scope) else scope))
    lvars <- lvars[lvars%in%names(ldata)]
    linotna <- li & !apply(is.na(ldata[,lvars]),1,any)
    lnobs <- sum(linotna)
    lnrd <- sum(li)
    lfc <- object$funcall ## the call to the effective R function
    if (is.null(lfc)) lfc <- object$call
    if (lnobs!= lnrd) {
      warning(":add1.regr: refitting object to ",lnobs," / ",lnrd,
              " observations due to missing values")
      if(!is.null(lsubs <-
                    eval(lfc$subset, envir=environment(formula(object))))) {
        lnsubs <- rep(FALSE,length(linotna))
        lnsubs[lsubs] <- TRUE
        linotna <- linotna &!lnsubs
      lfc$subset <- linotna
      object <- eval(lfc, envir=environment(formula(object)))
##-       object$call[[1]] <-
##-         if (is.null(lfc)) as.name(class(object)[1]) else
##-            lfc[[1]]
##-       object <- update(object, subset=linotna)
#      environment(object$call$formula) <- environment()
##-       class(object) <- setdiff(class(object), "regr")
    if (!all(linotna)) { ## needed if NA's have been generated by transformations
      lfc$subset <- linotna
      object <- eval(lfc, envir=environment(formula(object)))
    add1(object, scope=scope, scale=scale, test=test, k=k, ...)
  } else {  ## ---------------------  drop
    if (class(object)[1]%in%c("lmrob")) ## to be expanded
       drop1Wald(object, test="F", ...) else {
    ldata <- object$allvars # eval(object$call$data)
    if (is.null(ldata)) stop("!drop1.regr! no data found ")
    ## all predictors must get the same missing observations
    lina <- apply(is.na(ldata),1,any)  
    if (any(lina)) ldata[lina,] <- NA
    object$call$data <- ldata
    drop1(object, scope=scope, scale=scale, test=test, k=k, ...)
##-   rnm <- row.names(dr1)
##-   row.names(dr1) <- paste(ifelse(substring(rnm,1,1)=="<","",
##-                                  if (add) "+ " else "- "),rnm,sep="")
  attr(dr1,"drop") <- !add
##-   if(add) attr(dr1,"ndropped") <- lndiff
  if (sorted) {
    lsrt <- notna(match(c("AIC","p.value"),colnames(dr1)))
    if (length(lsrt)) dr1 <- dr1[order(dr1[, lsrt[1]]), ]
## ==========================================================================
add1.regr <-
  function (object, scope=NULL, scale = 0, test = NULL, k = 2,
            sorted = FALSE, ...)
  ## Purpose:    add1 for regr objects
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(scope)) {
    if (is.character(scope)) scope <- paste(scope,collapse="+")
    if (is.formula(scope)) scope <- last(as.character(scope))
    scope <- as.formula(paste("~ ",formula(object)[3],"+",scope))
  drop1.regr(object, scope=scope, scale=scale, test=test, k=k,
             sorted=sorted, add=TRUE, ...)
## ==========================================================================
drop1Wald <-
  function (object, scope=NULL, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq", "F"),
            k = 2, ...) 
    x <- model.matrix(object)
    offset <- model.offset(model.frame(object))
    n <- nrow(x)
    asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
    lterms <- terms(object)
    tl <- attr(lterms, "term.labels")
    attr(lterms, "order") <-  rep(1,length(tl))
    if (is.null(scope)) 
      scope <- tl # drop.scope(lterms)
    else {
        if (!is.character(scope)) 
            scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)), 
        if (!all(match(scope, tl, 0L) > 0L)) 
            stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
    ndrop <- match(scope, tl)
    ns <- length(scope)
    rdf <- object$df.residual
    lsig <- c(object$sigma, object$scale)[1]
    chisq <- lsig^2 * rdf
    ## sum(weighted.residuals(object)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## deviance.lm(object)
    dfs <- numeric(ns)
    RSS <- numeric(ns)
    cov <- object$cov.unscaled
    if (is.null(cov)) cov <- object$covariance/lsig^2
    if (length(cov)==0) stop("!drop1Wald! no covariance matrix found")
    cf <- object$coefficients
    ##- jj <- match(names(cf),colnames(cov), nomatch=0)
    ##-     if (!(any(jj==0)&&all(is.na(cf[jj==0]))))
    jj <- match(colnames(cov),names(cf), nomatch=0)
    if (any(jj==0))
      warning(":drop1Wald: coefficient(s) and cov. matrix may not correspond")
    coef <- cf[jj]
    asgn <- asgn[jj]
    if (any(names(coef[!is.na(coef)])%nin%names(coef)))
      stop("!drop1Wald! coefficient(s) not appearing in covariance matrix")
##-     y <- object$residuals + predict(object)
    for (i in 1:ns) {
        ii <- which(asgn==ndrop[i]) ## seq_along(asgn)[asgn == ndrop[i]]
        RSS[i] <- if (length(ii)==1) coef[ii]^2/cov[ii,ii] else
          coef[ii]%*%solve(cov[ii,ii])%*%coef[ii]  ## !!! REPLACE THIS
        dfs[i] <- length(ii)
##-         if (all.cols) 
##-             jj <- setdiff(seq(ncol(x)), ii)
##-         else jj <- setdiff(na.coef, ii)
##-         z <- if (iswt) 
##-             lm.wfit(x[, jj, drop = FALSE], y, wt, offset = offset)
##-         else lm.fit(x[, jj, drop = FALSE], y, offset = offset)
##-         dfs[i] <- z$rank
##-         oldClass(z) <- "lm"
##-         RSS[i] <- deviance(z)
    scope <- c("<none>", scope)
    dfs <- c(c(object$rank,object$df)[1], dfs)
    RSS <- chisq + c(0, RSS)
    if (scale > 0) 
        AIC <- RSS/scale - n + k * dfs
    else AIC <- n * log(RSS/n) + k * dfs
##-     dfs <- dfs[1] - dfs
##-     dfs[1] <- NA
    aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, "Sum of Sq" = c(NA, RSS[-1] - 
        RSS[1]), RSS = RSS, AIC = AIC, row.names = scope, check.names = FALSE)
    if (scale > 0) 
        names(aod) <- c("Df", "Sum of Sq", "RSS", "Cp")
    test <- match.arg(test)
    if (test == "Chisq") {
        dev <- aod$"Sum of Sq"
        if (scale == 0) {
            dev <- n * log(RSS/n)
            dev <- dev - dev[1]
            dev[1] <- NA
        else dev <- dev/scale
        df <- aod$Df
        nas <- !is.na(df)
        dev[nas] <- pchisq(dev[nas], df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
        aod[, "Pr(Chi)"] <- dev
    else if (test == "F") {
        dev <- aod$"Sum of Sq"
        dfs <- aod$Df
        rdf <- object$df.residual
        rms <- aod$RSS[1]/rdf
        Fs <- (dev/dfs)/rms
        Fs[dfs < 1e-04] <- NA
        P <- Fs
        nas <- !is.na(Fs)
        P[nas] <- pf(Fs[nas], dfs[nas], rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
        aod[, c("F value", "Pr(F)")] <- list(Fs, P)
    head <- c("Single term deletions (Wald test)", "\nModel:",
        if (scale > 0) paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
    class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
    attr(aod, "heading") <- head

## ==========================================================================
step <- function(object, ...)

step.default <- stats::step
## step.default <- get("step", pos="package:stats")
#### !!! sollte das anders heissen? step.default <- stats::step  ???

step.regr <- function (object, scope=NULL, expand=FALSE, scale = 0,
  direction = c("both", "backward", "forward"), trace = FALSE, keep = NULL,
  steps = 1000, k = 2, ...)
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 15 May 2012, 07:58
    mydeviance <- function(x, ...) {
        dev <- deviance(x)
        if (!is.null(dev))
        else extractAIC(x, k = 0)[2L]
    cut.string <- function(string) {
        if (length(string) > 1L)
            string[-1L] <- paste0("\n", string[-1L])
    re.arrange <- function(keep) {
        namr <- names(k1 <- keep[[1L]])
        namc <- names(keep)
        nc <- length(keep)
        nr <- length(k1)
        array(unlist(keep, recursive = FALSE), c(nr, nc), list(namr,
    step.results <- function(models, fit, object, usingCp = FALSE) {
        change <- sapply(models, "[[", "change")
        rd <- sapply(models, "[[", "deviance")
        if(is.matrix(rd)) rd <- rd[2,]
        dd <- c(NA, abs(diff(rd)))
        rdf <- sapply(models, "[[", "df.resid")
        ddf <- c(NA, diff(rdf))
        AIC <- sapply(models, "[[", "AIC")
        heading <- c("Stepwise Model Path \nAnalysis of Deviance Table",
            "\nInitial Model:", deparse(formula(object)), "\nFinal Model:",
            deparse(formula(fit)), "\n")
        aod <- data.frame(Step = I(change), Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
            `Resid. Df` = rdf, `Resid. Dev` = rd, AIC = AIC,
            check.names = FALSE)
        if (usingCp) {
            cn <- colnames(aod)
            cn[cn == "AIC"] <- "Cp"
            colnames(aod) <- cn
        attr(aod, "heading") <- heading
        fit$anova <- aod
    ## end step.results
    Terms <- terms(object)
    object$call$formula <- object$formula <- Terms
    md <- missing(direction)
    direction <- match.arg(direction)
    backward <- direction == "both" | direction == "backward"
    forward <- direction == "both" | direction == "forward"
  if (is.null(scope)&expand)  ## !! was missing(scope)
    scope <- list(lower=formula(object), upper=terms2order(object)) ## !!
  if (is.list(scope)) {
    fdrop <- if (!is.null(fdrop <- scope$lower))
               attr(terms(update.formula(object, fdrop)), "factors")
             else numeric()
    fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope$upper))
              attr(terms(update.formula(object, fadd)), "factors")
  else {
    if (is.character(scope))
      scope <- as.formula(paste("~.+",paste(scope, collapse="+")))
    fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope))
              attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)), "factors")
    fdrop <- numeric()
    models <- vector("list", steps)
    if (!is.null(keep))
        keep.list <- vector("list", steps)
    n <- nobs(object, use.fallback = TRUE)
    fit <- object
    bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
    edf <- bAIC[1L]
    bAIC <- bAIC[2L]
    if (is.na(bAIC))
        stop("AIC is not defined for this model, so `step` cannot proceed")
    nm <- 1
    if (trace) {
      cat("Start:  AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n",
          cut.string(deparse(formula(fit))), "\n\n", sep = "")
  models[[nm]] <-
    list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n - edf, change = "",
         AIC = bAIC)
  if (!is.null(keep))
    keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
  usingCp <- FALSE
  ## ------------------------
  while (steps > 0) {
    steps <- steps - 1
    AIC <- bAIC
    ffac <- attr(Terms, "factors")
    scope <- factor.scope(ffac, list(add = fadd, drop = fdrop))
    aod <- NULL
    change <- NULL
    ## backward
    if (backward && length(scope$drop)) {
      aod <- drop1(fit, scope$drop, scale = scale, trace = trace,
                   k = k, sorted=FALSE, ...)
      rn <- row.names(aod)
      row.names(aod) <- c(rn[1L], paste("-", rn[-1L], sep = " "))
      if (any(aod$Df == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        zdf <- aod$Df == 0 & !is.na(aod$Df)
        change <- rev(rownames(aod)[zdf])[1L]
    ## forward
    if (is.null(change)) {
      if (forward && length(scope$add)) {
        aodf <- add1(fit, scope$add, scale = scale, trace = trace,
                     k = k, ...)
        rn <- row.names(aodf)
        row.names(aodf) <- c(rn[1L], paste("+", rn[-1L], sep = " "))
        aod <- if (is.null(aod)) aodf  else {
          names(aodf) <- names(aod)
          rbind(aod, aodf[-1, , drop = FALSE])
    ## backward or forward
    attr(aod, "heading") <- NULL
    nzdf <- if (!is.null(aod$Df))
              aod$Df != 0 | is.na(aod$Df)
    aod <- aod[nzdf, ]
    if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
    nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
    nc <- nc[!is.na(nc)][1L]
    o <- order(aod[, nc])
    if (trace)
      print(aod[o, ])
    if (o[1L] == 1)  break
    change <- rownames(aod)[o[1L]]
    ## update
    usingCp <- match("Cp", names(aod), 0L) > 0L
    ##    if (is.null(change))  break  else {
    fit <- update(fit, paste("~ .", change), evaluate = FALSE)
    fit <- eval.parent(fit)
    nnew <- nobs(fit, use.fallback = TRUE)
    if (all(is.finite(c(n, nnew))) && nnew != n) {
      warning(":step.regr: number of rows in use has changed: \n  ",
              nnew," observations instead of ", n)
      n <- nnew
    Terms <- terms(fit)
    bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
    edf <- bAIC[1L]
    bAIC <- bAIC[2L]
    ## output
    if (trace) {
      cat("\nStep:  AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n",
          cut.string(deparse(formula(fit))), "\n\n", sep = "")
    ##        if (bAIC >= AIC + 1e-07)
    ##  else   break
    nm <- nm + 1
    models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n - edf,
                         change = change, AIC = bAIC)
    if (!is.null(keep))
      keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
  if (!is.null(keep))
    fit$keep <- re.arrange(keep.list[seq(nm)])
  step.results(models = models[seq(nm)], fit, object, usingCp)
## ==========================================================================
terms2order <- function(object, squared = TRUE, interactions = TRUE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 15 Oct 2009, 16:01
  ltadd <- NULL
  if (squared) {
#    lvrs <- all.vars(formula(object)[-2])
    if (!is.list(object)||length(lterms <- object$terms)==0)
      stop("!terms2order! first argument has no 'terms' component")
    ltl <- attr(lterms, "term.labels")
    lts <- c(grep("\\^",ltl),grep(":",ltl))
    if (length(lts)) ltl <- ltl[-lts]
    ltn <- ltl[attr(object$terms,"dataClasses")[ltl]=="numeric"]
    if (length(ltn)) ltadd <- paste(paste("I(", ltn,"^2)",sep=""), collapse="+")
  if (interactions) {
    ltint <- "(.)^2"
    if (is.null(ltadd)) ltadd <- ltint else ltadd <- paste(ltadd, ltint, sep=" + ")
  if (is.null(ltadd)) {
    warning(":terms2order: nothing to add")
  ltadd <- paste("~.+", ltadd)
##-     attr(terms(update.formula(object, ltadd)), "term.labels")
  update.formula(object, ltadd)
## ==========================================================================
fitted.regr <-
  function (object, type=NULL, ...)
  if (is.null(type)&&pmatch("fitted",names(object),nomatch=0))
    return( naresid(object$na.action, object$fitted) )
  lres <- object$residuals
  if (inherits(lres, "condquant"))
    structure(lres[,"fit"], names=row.names(lres))  else  {
      class(object) <- setdiff(class(object), "regr")
      predict(object, type=type, ...)
## ==========================================================================
predict.regr <-
  function (object, newdata = NULL, scale = object$sigma,
            df=object$df.residual, type = NULL, ...)
  ## bug: if used with NULL newdata, predictions will be produced
  ## for obs in model.matrix, which excludes those with missing values
##-   lglm <- inherits(object,"glm")
##-   lmeth <- object$call$method
##-   lnls <- length(lmeth)>0 && lmeth=="nls"
  if (length(type)==0)
    type <- if (inherits(object,"glm")) "link" else
    if (inherits(object, "polr")) "link" else "response"
  ## !!!
  if (object$fitfun=="rlm")
    if (!is.matrix(object[["x"]]))
      object$x <- model.matrix(formula(object), data=object$allvars) ## !!! was $model
##-   if (length(scale)==0) scale <- c(object$sigma,1)[1]
  class(object) <- class(object)[-1]
##-   if (missing(newdata) || length(newdata)==0) {
##-     lpred <- if (lglm)
##-       predict.glm(object, type=type, se.fit=se.fit,
##-                   dispersion=lscale^2, terms=terms, na.action = na.action )
##-     else {
##-       if (lnls) predict.nls(object, type=type, se.fit=se.fit,
##-                             na.action = na.action )  else
##-       predict.lm(object, type=type, se.fit=se.fit,
##-                     terms=terms, na.action = na.action )
##-     }
##-     lpred <- predict(object, type=type, se.fit=se.fit,
##-                   dispersion=lscale^2, terms=terms, na.action = na.action )
##-   } else {
  ldt <- newdata
  if (is.null(ldt)) return(
    predict(object, type=type, scale=object$sigma,
            dispersion=object$dispersion^2, ... ) )
    ## analyze variables
##  if (!is.null(ldt)) {
    ## terms with logst -> need original thresholds
  ltl <- attr(terms(object),"term.labels")
  ltll <- grep("logst\\(",ltl)
  lvlogst <- NULL
  if (length(ltll)) {
    lvlogst <- unique( gsub(".*logst\\((.*)\\).*","\\1", ltl[ltll]) )
    lmodel <- model.frame(object)
    lform <- as.character(as.expression(formula(object)))
  for (lvn in names(ldt)) {
    lv <- ldt[[lvn]]
    ## factors
    if (is.factor(lv))  ldt[[lvn]] <- 
      if (match(lvn,names(object$binlevels),nomatch=0)>0) ## binary
      else  factor(lv)
    ## logst
    if (lvn %in% lvlogst) {
      lt <- ltl[grep(lvn, ltl)[1]]
      lvv <- lmodel[[lt]]
      lth <- attr(lvv, "threshold")
      if (is.null(lth))
        stop("!predict.regr! variable in term ",lt,
             "  not found in model.frame or threshold not available. \n",
             "  Prediction with 'logst' would fail.",
             "  Store transformed variable in data.frame")
      lth <- round(lth,5) ## get it from there,
        ## since it may have been set by the call to regr
      lform <- gsub(paste("logst *\\(",lvn,"\\)",sep=" *"),
                   paste("logst(",lvn,", threshold=",lth,")",sep=""), lform)
  if (length(lvlogst))
    object$terms <- terms(as.formula(lform), data=object$data)
  predict(object, newdata=ldt, type=type, scale=object$sigma, 
          df=df, dispersion=object$dispersion^2, ... )
## ==========================================================================
##- extractAIC.regr <- function (fit, scale = 0, k = 2, ...)
##- {  ##- #  AIC, divided by n to allow for comparing models with different n
##- ##-   lres <- fit$residuals
##- ##-   if (is.null(lres)) {
##- ##-     lfit <- fit$fitted
##- ##-     fit$fitted.values <- notna(lfit)
##- ##-   } else  fit$residuals <- notna(lres)
##-   class(fit) <- setdiff(class(fit),"regr")
##-   extractAIC(fit, scale = scale, k = k, ...)
##- }
## ==========================================================================
vif.regr <- function(mod, cov, mmat)
  ## Purpose:   vif.lm  of library  car
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: modified by Werner Stahel, Date: 11 Mar 2005, 09:18
##-     v <- mod$sigma^2* mod$cov.unscaled
##-     cls <- dimnames(model.matrix(mod))[[2]]%in%dimnames(v)[[2]]
##-                                         # needed for singular cases
##-     assign <- attributes(model.matrix(mod))$assign[cls]
    cls <- dimnames(mmat)[[2]]%in%dimnames(cov)[[2]]
##-                                         # needed for singular cases
    assign <- attr(mmat,"assign")[cls]
    terms <- labels(terms(mod))
    n.terms <- length(terms)
    if (n.terms < 2) {
##-         stop("model contains fewer than 2 terms")
    if (length(cov)==0) { # ||n.terms!=nrow(cov)|nrow(cov)!=ncol(cov)
      warning(":vif.regr: mod$cov.unscaled  is inappropriate. no vifs")
    if (names(coefficients(mod)[1]) == "(Intercept)") {
        cov <- cov[-1, -1]
        assign <- assign[-1]
    else if (mod$fitfun%nin%c("polr","coxph","survreg"))
      warning("No intercept: vifs may not be sensible.")
    sd <- 1/sqrt(diag(cov))
    if (any(!is.finite(sd))) {
      warning(":vif.regr: zero variances of estimates. no R2x")
    R <- cov/outer(sd,sd)
    result <- matrix(0, n.terms, 3)
    rownames(result) <- terms
    colnames(result) <- c("GVIF", "Df", "GVIF^(1/2Df)")
    for (term in 1:n.terms) {
      subs <- which(assign == term)
      result[term, 1] <- det(as.matrix(R[subs, subs])) *
      result[term, 2] <- length(subs)
    result[, 3] <- result[, 1]^(1/(2 * result[, 2]))
## =================================================================
drop1.multinom <-
  function (object, scope, test = c("Chisq","none"), ...)
    if (!inherits(object, "multinom"))
        stop("Not a multinom fit")
    if (missing(scope))
        scope <- drop.scope(object)
    else {
        if (!is.character(scope))
            scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)),
        if (!all(match(scope, attr(object$terms, "term.labels"),
            nomatch = FALSE)))
            stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
    ns <- length(scope)
    ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("<none>",
        scope), c("Df", "AIC")))
    ans[1, ] <- c(object$edf, object$AIC)
    if (test[1]=="Chisq") ans <- cbind(ans,Chisq=NA, p.value=NA)
    env <- environment(formula(object))
    for(i in seq(ns)) {
      tt <- scope[i]
##        cat("trying -", tt, "\n")
      nfit <- update(object, as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)),
                     evaluate = FALSE)
      nfit <- eval(nfit, envir=env) # was  eval.parent(nfit)
##-        nobject <- update(object, paste("~ . -", tt))
      if (nfit$edf == object$edf)
        nfit$AIC <- NA
      ans[i+1, ] <- c(nfit$edf, nfit$AIC,
                    if (test[1]=="Chisq") unlist(anova(object,nfit)[2,6:7]))
## =================================================================

drop1.mlm <- function (object, scope = NULL,
                       test = c("Wilks", "Pillai", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"),
                       total=TRUE, add=FALSE, ...)
  ## add=TRUE   do add instead of drop1
    Pillai <- function(eig, q, df.res) {
        test <- sum(eig/(1 + eig))
        p <- length(eig)
        s <- min(p, q)
        n <- 0.5 * (df.res - p - 1)
        m <- 0.5 * (abs(p - q) - 1)
        tmp1 <- 2 * m + s + 1
        tmp2 <- 2 * n + s + 1
        c(test, (tmp2/tmp1 * test)/(s - test), s * tmp1, s *
    Wilks <- function(eig, q, df.res) {
        test <- prod(1/(1 + eig))
        p <- length(eig)
        tmp1 <- df.res - 0.5 * (p - q + 1)
        tmp2 <- (p * q - 2)/4
        tmp3 <- p^2 + q^2 - 5
        tmp3 <- if (tmp3 > 0)
            sqrt(((p * q)^2 - 4)/tmp3)
        else 1
        c(test, ((test^(-1/tmp3) - 1) * (tmp1 * tmp3 - 2 * tmp2))/p/q,
            p * q, tmp1 * tmp3 - 2 * tmp2)
    HL <- function(eig, q, df.res) {
        test <- sum(eig)
        p <- length(eig)
        m <- 0.5 * (abs(p - q) - 1)
        n <- 0.5 * (df.res - p - 1)
        s <- min(p, q)
        tmp1 <- 2 * m + s + 1
        tmp2 <- 2 * (s * n + 1)
        c(test, (tmp2 * test)/s/s/tmp1, s * tmp1, tmp2)
    Roy <- function(eig, q, df.res) {
        p <- length(eig)
        test <- max(eig)
        tmp1 <- max(p, q)
        tmp2 <- df.res - tmp1 + q
        c(test, (tmp2 * test)/tmp1, tmp1, tmp2)
##-     if (!is.null(object$drop1)) return (object$drop1)
    if (!(inherits(object, "maov") || inherits(object, "mlm")))
        stop("object must be of class \"maov\" or \"mlm\"")
    test <- match.arg(test)
    asgn <- object$assign[object$qr$pivot[1:object$rank]]
    tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
## scope
    if (is.null(scope))
        scope <- if (add) attr(terms(update.formula(object, ~(.)^2)),
                "term.labels") else
    else {
        if (!is.character(scope))
            scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)),
##-         if (!all(match(scope, tl, FALSE)))
        if (!(add||all(match(scope, tl, FALSE))))
            stop("!drop1.mlm! scope is not a subset of term labels")
    ns <- length(scope)
    rdf <- object$df.residual
    res <- resid(object)
## ::: needed for finding the data later
    ldata <- eval(object$call$data,
    ladd <- 1
    if (add) {
      ladd <- -1
      lna <- i.add1na(object, scope)
      if (!is.null(lna)) res[lna,1] <- NA
    res <- nainf.exclude(res)
    lna <- attr(res,"na.action")
    if (!is.null(lna)) ldata <- ldata[-lna,]
## full model
    rss <- crossprod(as.matrix(res))
    rss.qr <- qr(rss)
    if (rss.qr$rank < NCOL(res))
      stop(paste("!drop1.mlm! residuals have rank", rss.qr$rank, "<",
    stats <- matrix(NA,length(scope),4)
    dimnames(stats) <- list(scope,c(test,"F.stat","dfnum","dfden"))
    tstfn <- switch(test, Pillai = Pillai, Wilks = Wilks,
                    "Hotelling-Lawley" = HL, HL = HL, Roy = Roy)
    object$call[[1]] <- as.name("lm")
## loop through scope
    for (lsc in scope) {
      lfo <- as.formula(paste(if (add) "~.+" else "~.-",lsc))
      lrg <- update(object, lfo, data=ldata, model=FALSE) # ,data=data
      dfj <- ladd * (lrg$df.residual - rdf)
      bss <- ladd * (crossprod(resid(lrg))-rss)
      eigs <- Re(eigen(qr.coef(rss.qr, bss),symmetric = FALSE)$values)
      stats[lsc,] <- tstfn(eigs, dfj, rdf)
    ldf <- stats[1,3:4]
    names(ldf) <- c("numerator","denominator")
    if (total) {
      lpr <- predict(object)
      if (length(lna)) lpr <- lpr[-lna,] # drop rows with NA
      yy <- scale(res + lpr, scale=FALSE)
      bss <- crossprod(yy)-rss
      eigs <- Re(eigen(qr.coef(rss.qr, bss), symmetric = FALSE)$values)
      stats <- rbind(stats, "<total>"= tstfn(eigs, object$df[1], rdf))
               p.value = pf(stats[,2],stats[,3],stats[,4], lower.tail = FALSE))
##    attr(stats,"df") <- ldf
##    stats
} ## {drop1.mlm}
## ==========================================================================
add1.mlm <-
  function (object, scope=NULL, test = c("Wilks", "Pillai", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"), ...)
  ## Purpose:    add1 for regr objects
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  drop1.mlm(object, scope=scope, test=test, total=FALSE, add=TRUE, ...)
## ===========================================================================
i.add1na <- function (object, scope)
  ##  determine rows with NA`s in model.frame for expanded model
    Terms <-
      terms(update.formula(object, paste("~.+",paste(scope, collapse = "+"))))
    fc <- object$call
    fc$formula <- Terms
    fob <- list(call = fc, terms = Terms)
    class(fob) <- oldClass(object)
    m <- model.frame(fob, xlev = object$xlevels)
    r <- cbind(resid(object))
    if (nrow(r)!=nrow(m)) {
      warning(gettextf("!add1! using the %d/%d rows from a combined fit",
                nrow(m), nrow(r)), domain = NA)
      lna <- !row.names(r)%in%row.names(m)
    else lan <- NULL
## ==========================================================================
## currently only called from print.regr():
print.mregr <- function(x, na.print=getUserOption("na.print"), ...)
  ## Purpose:   collect results for mregr object
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: Feb 2008
  f.prv <- function(x) paste(paste(names(x),x,sep=" = "),collapse=", ")
  if (is.null(na.print)) na.print <- "."
  cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),"\n", sep = "")
  print(x$coefficients, na.print=na.print)
  print(round(x$pvalues,4), na.print=na.print)
  cat("\nStatistics for individual response models:\n")
  cat("\nResidual degrees of freedom: ",x$df,"\n")
  ldr <- x$drop1
  if (!is.null(ldr)) {
    cat("\nMultivariate tests for all responses\n  Degrees of freedom: ",
    print(ldr[,], na.print=na.print)

## ===================================================
fitted.polr <- function(object, type="link", na.action=object, ...) {
  if (pmatch(type,"link",nomatch=0)) {
    lfit <- object$linear.predictor
    if (length(lfit)==0) { # if called by original polr
      Terms <- delete.response(object$terms)
      environment(Terms) <- environment() ## ! WSt
      ## from predict.polr
      m <- object$model
      if (length(m)==0)
        m <- model.frame(Terms, object$data, na.action = function(x) x,
                         xlev = object$xlevels)
      if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
        .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
      X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
      xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X), nomatch = 0)
      if (xint > 0)  X <- X[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
      lfit <- drop(X %*% object$coefficients)
  } else 
    lfit <- object$fitted
  if (type=="class")
    lfit <- factor(max.col(lfit), levels = seq_along(object$lev),
            labels = object$lev)
## ===================================================
predict.polr <-
  function (object, newdata=NULL,
            type = c("class", "probs", "link"), ...)
  ## type link added by WSt, newdata=NULL
  if (!inherits(object, "polr"))
    stop("not a \"polr\" object")
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (length(newdata)==0) {
    if (type=="link")
      eta <- fitted(object, type="link", na.action=NULL)
    Y <- object$fitted
    na.action <- object$na.action
  else {
    na.action <- NULL
    newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
    Terms <- delete.response(object$terms)
    attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 1
    environment(Terms) <- environment() ## ! WSt
    m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = function(x) x,
                     xlev = object$xlevels)
    if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
      .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
    X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
    ## changed by WSt
    coef <- coefficients(object)
    eta <- drop(X[,-1] %*% coef) ## without the intercept
    n <- nrow(X)
    q <- length(object$zeta)
    ##  pgumbel <- function(q) exp(pweibull(log(q))) # ???
    pfun <- switch(object$method, logistic = plogis, probit = pnorm,
                   cloglog = prevgumbel, cauchit = pcauchy)
    cumpr <- matrix(pfun(matrix(object$zeta, n, q, byrow = TRUE) - eta), , q)
    Y <- t(apply(cumpr, 1, function(x) diff(c(0, x, 1))))
    dimnames(Y) <- list(rownames(X), object$lev)
##-     if (newdata) && !is.null(object$na.action))
##-         Y <- napredict(object$na.action, Y)
  switch(type, class = {
    Y <- factor(max.col(Y), levels = seq_along(object$lev),
                labels = object$lev)
  }, probs = {
  }, link = { Y <- eta })
  Y <- napredict(na.action,Y)
## ===================================================================
condquant <- function(x, dist="normal", sig=1, randomrange=0.9)
  ## Purpose:   conditional quantiles and random numbers
  ## works only for centered scale families
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 24 Oct 2008, 09:30
##-   fp <- switch(dist, normal="pnorm(x,0,sig)", gaussian="pnorm(x,0,sig)",
##-                logis="plogis(x,0,sig)", revgumbel="prevgumbel(x,0,sig)",
##-                # lognormal="pnorm(log(x),0,sig)"
##-                ## x is log regsidual ?
##-                )
  if (length(x)==0) stop("!condquant! bug: no data")
  fp <- switch(dist, normal=pnorm, gaussian=pnorm, unif=function (x) x,
               logis=plogis, logistic=plogis, revgumbel=prevgumbel)
  if (is.null(fp)) stop(paste("!condquant! distribution ", dist, " not known"))
  fq <- switch(dist, normal=qnorm, gaussian=qnorm, unif=function (x) x,
               logis=qlogis, logistic=qlogis, revgumbel=qrevgumbel)
  ##  if (NCOL(x)>=2) stop("!condquant! x must have 2 columns")
  x <- na.exclude(rbind(x))  
  lx <- t(apply(x, 1,sort))
  lp <- fp(lx/sig)
  lpp <- rbind(rbind(lp)%*%rbind(c(0.5,0.75,0.25),c(0.5,0.25,0.75)))
  lprand <- lp[,1]+(lp[,2]-lp[,1])*
  ##  <<<<<<< .mine
  rr <- cbind(cbind(median=fq(lpp[,1]),lowq=fq(lpp[,2]),
              uppq=fq(lpp[,3]), random=fq(lprand))*sig,
  if (any(lp0 <- lp[,2]<=0)) rr[lp0,1:4] <- matrix(lx[lp0,2],sum(lp0),4)
  if (any(lp1 <- lp[,1]>=1)) rr[lp1,1:4] <- matrix(lx[lp1,1],sum(lp1),4)
  rr <- naresid(attr(x,"na.action"), rr)
  ##  dimnames(rr)[[1]] <- row.names(x)
  class(rr) <- c("condquant", "matrix")
##- =======  !!!???!!!
##-   structure(cbind(sig*cbind(median= fq(lpp[,1]), lowq  = fq(lpp[,2]),
##- 			    uppq  = fq(lpp[,3]), random= fq(lprand)),
##- 		  prob=abs(lp[,2]-lp[,1])),
##- 	    class = c("condquant", "matrix")) # "matrix", e.g., for head()
##  >>>>>>> .r32
## ===================================================================
residuals.regr <- function(object, type=NULL, ...)
##-   if (!is.na(pmatch(type,"condquant"))) {
##-     ## this seems to apply only if residuals.regr is called explicitly
  lcall <- match.call()
  lcall$type <- if (is.null(type)||is.na(type)) NULL else type
  lff <- object$fitfun
  if (lff=="glm" && !is.null(type) && substr(type,1,4)=="cond") lff <- "polr"
  lcall[[1]] <-
           "polr" = quote(regr0:::residuals.polr),
           "survreg" = quote(regr0:::residuals.regrsurv),
           "coxph" = quote(regr0:::residuals.regrcoxph),
##-   lres <-
##-       if (object$fitfun%in%c("polr","glm"))
##-         residuals.polr(object, type=type, na.action=na.action, ...)  else {
##-           if (object$fitfun=="coxph")
##-             residuals.regrcoxph(object, type=type, na.action=na.action, ...) else
##-           residuals.regrsurv(object, type=type, na.action=na.action, ...)
##-         }
##- ##-     return(lres)
##- ##-   }
##-   if (is.null(type)) return( naresid(na.action$na.action, object$residuals) )
  class(object) <- setdiff(class(object), "regr")
  lcall$object <- object
  structure( eval(lcall, envir=parent.frame()), type=type)
## ===================================================================
residuals.regrcoxph <- function(object, type=NULL, na.action=object, ...)
  ## Purpose:    conditional quantiles and random numbers for censored obs
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: Aug 2010
  if(u.nuna(type)) type <- "CoxSnellMod"
  if (type!="CoxSnellMod") {
    object$residuals <- object$resid.orig
    return(structure( survival:::residuals.coxph(object, type=type, ...),
                     type=type) )
  lres <- object$residuals
  if (inherits(lres, "condquant")) return(lres)
  ly <- object$y
  lst <- ly[,2]  # status
  li <- lst!=1
  ##  martingale --> coxsnell
  lres <- lst - lres
  lrs <- qnorm(exp(-lres)) # --> normalscores
  ## fill matrix with values adequate for non-censored obs
  lrr <- matrix(lrs,length(lrs),5)
  dimnames(lrr) <- list(row.names(ly),c("median","lowq","uppq","random","prob"))
  lrr[,"prob"] <- 0
  ## censoring
  if (any(li)) {
    llim <- cbind(lrs[li],Inf)
    lr <- condquant(llim, "normal")
    lrr[li,] <- lr
  lrr <- cbind(lrr, fit=object$linear.predictor)
##  class(lrr) <- "condquant"
  structure( naresid(na.action$na.action, lrr),
            class=c("condquant", "matrix"), type=type)
## ===================================================================
residuals.regrsurv <- function(object, type=NULL, na.action=object, ...)
  ## Purpose:    conditional quantiles and random numbers for censored obs
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 24 Oct 2008, 10:16
  if(u.nuna(type)) type <- "condquant"
  if (type!="condquant") 
    return(structure( survival:::residuals.survreg(object, type, ...),
                     type=type) )
  ly <- object$y  ## log for weibull
  lsig <- object$sigma
  if (length(lsig)==0) lsig <- summary(object)$scale
  if (length(lsig)==0) {
    warning("!residuals.regrsurv! no sigma found. Setting =1")
    lsig <- 1
  lfit <- object$linear.predictors
##  lres <- ly[,1]-lfit
  lres <- ly[,1]-lfit
  ldist <- if (length(object$dist)>0) object$dist  else  "normal"
  li <- match(ldist, c("weibull","lognormal","loglogistic"))
  if (!is.na(li)) ldist <- c("revgumbel","normal","logistic")[li]
  ## for user-defined survreg.distributions with transformation,
  ##   this is not enough.
  ## fill matrix with values adequate for non-censored obs
  lrr <- matrix(lres,length(lres),5)
  dimnames(lrr) <- list(row.names(ly),c("median","lowq","uppq","random","prob"))
  lrr[,"prob"] <- 0
  ## censoring
  lst <- ly[,2]  # status
##   ltt <- attr(object$response[[1]], "type")
  ltt <- attr(object$response, "type")
##-   if (length(ltt)>0&&ltt=="left") lst[lst==0] <- 2
  ltl <- length(ltt)>0&&ltt=="left"
  li <- lst!=1
  if (any(li)) {
##-     llim <- cbind(lres[li],c(Inf,NA,-Inf)[lst[li]+1]) #
      llim <- if(ltl) cbind(-Inf,lres[li]) else cbind(lres[li],Inf)
      lr <- condquant(llim, ldist, lsig)
      lrr[li,] <- lr
  lrr <- cbind(lrr, fit=lfit)
  ##  class(lrr) <- "condquant"
  structure( naresid(na.action$na.action, lrr),
            class=c("condquant", "matrix"), type=type)
## ==============================================================
nobs.survreg <- function(object, use.fallback = TRUE) {
  lnobs <- length(object$linear.predictors)
  if (lnobs==0) lnobs <- NROW(residuals(object))
nobs.coxph <- function(object, use.fallback = TRUE) {
## ===================================================================
residuals.polr <- function(object, ...) ## na.action=object, 
  ## Purpose:   residuals for cumulative logit regression
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ##   object   result of polr
  ## Value:     list with components
  ##   median     "conditional median" residual = median of conditional distr.
  ##            of latent response variable, given observed response
  ##            will probably be replaced by mean in the near future
  ##            in order to allow for adequate smoothing
  ##   lowq, uppq  lower ans upper quartiles of this cond. distribution
  ## Remark:    experimental function !!!
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  2 Oct 2007, 11:31
  if (!((lpolr <- inherits(object, "polr"))|
        (lbin <- inherits(object, "glm")&&object$family=="binomial")))
    stop ("!residuals.polr! unsuitable first argument")
  lyr <- attr(terms(object), "response")
  ldi <- max(match("model", names(object), nomatch=0))
  if (ldi) ldt <- object[[ldi]]  else {
      ldt <- if (u.debug())  model.frame(object) else
      if (class(ldt)=="try-error") 
        stop ("!residuals.polr! no data found")
  ly <- ldt[,lyr]
  if (length(ly)==0) stop ("!residuals.polr! bug: no response values found")
  if (length(dim(ly))) {
    warning(":residuals.polr: returning simple deviance residuals for non-binary (grouped) data")
    return(residuals(object, type="deviance"))
  #if (lpolr)
  ly <- as.numeric(ordered(ly))
  ly <- naresid(object$na.action, ly)
  lfit <- fitted(object, type="link")
  lthres <- c(-100, if (lpolr) object$zeta else 0, 100)
  llim <- structure(cbind(lthres[ly],lthres[ly+1])-lfit,
                    dimnames = list(names(lfit), c("low","high")) )
  lr <- cbind(condquant(llim,"logis"),fit=lfit,y=ly)
##-   structure( naresid(object$na.action, lr), class=c("condquant", "matrix"))
  structure(lr, class=c("condquant", "matrix"))
## ===========================================================================
linear.predictors <- function(object) {
  llp <- object$linear.predictors
  if (is.null(llp)) llp <- object$fitted.values
  if (is.null(llp))
    stop("linear.predictors! no component linear predictor")
  naresid(object$na.action, llp)
linpred <- linear.predictors
## ===========================================================================
fitcomp <- function(object, data=NULL, vars=NULL, se=FALSE, 
                    xm=NULL, xfromdata=FALSE, noexpand=NULL, nxcomp=51)
  ## Purpose:    components of a fit
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## !!! make nxcomp >= maximal number of factor levels !!!
  ## !!! why vars??? can possibly be much simpler!!!
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  6 Jan 2004, 22:24
##-   lf.predict <-
##-     function(object, newdata, type="linear.predictor", se.fit = FALSE) {
##-     if (type=="linear.predictor") {
##-       lmod <- model.matrix(formula(object)[-2], newdata)
##-       if (inherits(object,"polr")) lmod <- lmod[,colnames(lmod)!="(Intercept)"]
##-       rr <- lmod%*%object$coefficients[colnames(lmod)]
##-     } else rr <- predict(object, newdata, type=type, se.fit=se.fit)
##-     rr
##-   }
  if (length(data)==0) {
    data <- object$allvars
    if (length(data)==0)
      data <- eval(object$call$data)
  lnls <- c(eval(object$call$nonlinear),FALSE)[1]
  lform <- formula(object)[-2]
  lvars <- all.vars(lform)
  if (lnls)
    lvars <- lvars[match(lvars,names(coefficients(object)),nomatch=0)==0]
  lvmiss <- setdiff(lvars,names(data))
  if (length(lvmiss)) 
    stop(paste("!fitcomp! variable(s)", paste(lvmiss,collapse=", "),
               "not in data"))
  if (length(lvars)==0)
    stop("!fitcomp! no variables selected")
  ldata <- data[,lvars,drop=FALSE]
  for (lj in 1:length(ldata))
    if (is.character(ldata[[lj]])|is.factor(ldata[[lj]]))
      ldata[,lj] <- factor(ldata[,lj])
  lformfac <- NULL
  if (!lnls) {
    if (length(c(grep("factor *\\(", format(lform)),
        grep("ordered *\\(", format(lform))))) {
        ":fitcomp: Using 'factor(...)' or 'ordered(...)' in the formula ",
        "is hazardous for fitcomp.\n",
        "  : I try to continue.")
      lformfac <- i.findformfac(lform)
##          return(structure(list(comp=NULL), class="try-error") )
  ## generate means  xm  if needed
  if (length(xm)>0) {
    if ((!is.data.frame(xm))||any(names(xm)!=names(ldata))) {
      warning(":fitcomp: arg. xm  not suitable -> not used")
      xm <- NULL } else xm <- xm[1,]
## median point and prediction for it
  if (length(xm)==0) {
    xm <- ldata[1,,drop=FALSE]
    for (lj in 1:length(ldata)) {
      lv <- ldata[,lj]
      if (is.character(lv)) lv <- factor(lv)
      lnhalf <- ceiling(sum(!is.na(lv))/2)
      xm[1,lj] <-
        if (is.factor(lv)) {
          if (is.ordered(lv)) sort(as.numeric(lv))[lnhalf] else
        } else   ## median(as.numeric(lv),na.rm=TRUE)
        ## median should be attained in >=1 cases
  if (is.null(attr(terms(object), "predvars"))) { # from  model.frame
    lterms <- attr(lm(formula(object), data=data, method="model.frame"),"terms")
    attr(object$terms,"predvars") <- attr(lterms,"predvars")
  ltype <- if (inherits(object,"coxph")) "lp"  else NULL
  lprm <- c(predict(object, newdata=xm, type=ltype)) # lf.
  lny <- length(lprm)
##  expand to matrix
  if (xfromdata) {
    lx <- ldata
  } else {
    lnxj <- sapply(ldata,
                   function(x) if (is.factor(x)) length(levels(x)) else 0)
    if(!is.null(noexpand) && is.numeric(noexpand))
      noexpand <- names(noexpand)[noexpand>0]
    noexpand <- c(noexpand, lformfac) ## 
    lvconv <- names(ldata) %in% noexpand
    names(lvconv) <- names(ldata)
    if (any(lvconv)) lnxj[lvconv] <-
      sapply(ldata[lvconv], function(x) length(unique(x)) )
    lnxc <- max(nxcomp, lnxj)
    lx <- ldata[1,,drop=FALSE][1:lnxc,,drop=FALSE]
    row.names(lx) <- 1:lnxc
  ##  lxm: data.frame of suitable dimension filled with "median"
  lxm <- lx
  for (lv in names(lxm)) lxm[,lv] <- xm[,lv]
  lvcomp <- names(ldata)
  if (!is.null(vars)) lvcomp <- intersect(lvcomp, vars)
  if (is.null(lvcomp)) {
    warning(":fitcomp: no variables found. Result is NULL")
##  components
  lcomp <- array(dim=c(nrow(lx), length(lvcomp), lny)) 
  dimnames(lcomp) <- list(dimnames(lx)[[1]], lvcomp, names(lprm))
  lcse <- if (se) lcomp  else NULL
  for (lv in lvcomp) {
    if (xfromdata) {
      ld <- lxm
      ld[,lv] <- ldata[,lv]
      lfc <- sapply(ld,is.factor) # eliminate extra levels of factors
      if (any(lfc)) ld[lfc] <- lapply(ld[lfc], factor)
    } else { # +++
      ldv <- ldata[,lv]
      if (lnxj[lv]) { # factor levels
        ldx <- if (lvconv[lv]) sort(unique(ldv)) else factor(levels(ldv))
        lnl <- length(ldx)
        ld <- lxm[1:lnl,,drop=FALSE]
        ld[,lv] <- ldx
##-         lx[,lv] <- factor(c(1:lnl,rep(NA,lnxc-lnl)),labels=levels(ldv))
        lx[,lv] <- c(ldx,rep(NA,lnxc-lnl))
        lpr <- try( predict(object, newdata=ld, se.fit = se),
        if (class(lpr)=="try-error") {
          warning(":fitcomp: no fitcomp for variable  ", lv)
          ## predict finds new levels of formfac variables
        if (se) {
          lc <- lpr$fit
          lcse[1:lnl,lv,] <- lpr$se.fit
        } else lc <- lpr
        lcomp[1:lnl,lv,] <- lc
        next # end for loop
      } else { # continuous var
        ld <- lxm
        lx[,lv] <- ld[,lv] <-
      } # ---
    } # +++
    ## continuous variable or xfromdata
    lpr <- predict(object, newdata=ld, se = se) # lf.
    if (se) {
      lcomp[,lv,] <- lpr$fit
      lcse[,lv,] <- lpr$se.fit
    } else lcomp[,lv,] <- lpr
  if (lny==1) {
    dim(lcomp) <- dim(lcomp)[1:2]
    dimnames(lcomp) <- dimnames(lx[,lvcomp,drop=FALSE])
    lcomp <- lcomp-lprm
    if (se) {
      dim(lcse) <- dim(lcse)[1:2]
      dimnames(lcse) <- dimnames(lx)
  } else   lcomp <- sweep(lcomp,3,lprm)
  list(comp=lcomp, x=lx[,lvars,drop=FALSE], xm=xm[,lvars,drop=FALSE], se=lcse)
## ==========================================================================
i.findformfac <- function(formula) {
  ## find variable involved in explicit factor terms in formula
  lfo <- format(formula)
  lmf <- c(gregexpr("(factor *\\([^)]*\\))", lfo),
           gregexpr("(ordered *\\([^)]*\\))", lfo) )
  lf <- function(x) 
    if(x[1]!=-1) substring(lfo, x, x+attr(x,"match.length"))
        paste("~",paste(unlist(lapply(lmf, lf)), collapse="+"))))
## ==========================================================================
predict.mlm <-
  function (object, newdata=NULL, se.fit = FALSE, scale = NULL, df = Inf,
    interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"), level = 0.95,
    type = c("response", "terms"), terms = NULL, na.action = na.pass,
##-     pred.var = res.var/wgts, wgts = 1, ...)
    pred.var = NULL, weights = 1, ...) ## ... to absorb unused args
  ## predict.lm, extended for mlm
    tt <- terms(object)
    if (missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)) {
        mm <- X <- model.matrix(object)
        mmDone <- TRUE
        offset <- object$offset
    else {
        Terms <- delete.response(tt)
        m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action,
            xlev = object$xlevels)
        if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
            .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
        X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
        offset <- if (!is.null(off.num <- attr(tt, "offset")))
            eval(attr(tt, "variables")[[off.num + 1]], newdata)
        else if (!is.null(object$offset))
            eval(object$call$offset, newdata)
        mmDone <- FALSE
    r <- cbind(object$residuals)
    n <- nrow(r)
    m <- ncol(r)
    ynm <- colnames(r)
    p <- object$rank
    p1 <- seq_len(p)
    piv <- object$qr$pivot[p1]
    if (p < ncol(X) && !(missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata)))
        warning("prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading")
##-     beta <- object$coefficients
    beta <- cbind(object$coefficients)
##-     predictor <- drop(X[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv])
    predictor <- drop(X[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv,,drop=FALSE])
    if (!is.null(offset))
        predictor <- predictor + offset
    interval <- match.arg(interval)
    if (interval == "prediction") {
        if (missing(newdata))
            warning("Predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses\n")
        if (missing(newdata) && missing(weights)) {
            w <- weights(object) ## .default
            if (!is.null(w)) {
                weights <- w
                warning("Assuming prediction variance inversely proportional to weights used for fitting\n")
        if (!missing(newdata) && missing(weights) && !is.null(object$weights) &&
##-             missing(pred.var)
            warning("Assuming constant prediction variance even though model fit is weighted\n")
        if (inherits(weights, "formula")) {
            if (length(weights) != 2L)
                stop("`weights` as formula should be one-sided")
            d <- if (missing(newdata) || is.null(newdata))
            else newdata
            weights <- eval(weights[[2L]], d, environment(weights))
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (se.fit || interval != "none") {
        res.var <- if (is.null(scale)) {
##            r <- object$residuals
            w <- object$weights
##-             rss <- sum(if (is.null(w)) r^2 else r^2 * w)
            rss <- apply( if (is.null(w)) r^2 else r^2 * w ,2,sum)
            df <- n - p
        }  else {
##-         scale^2
        if (length(scale)==m) scale^2 else
           stop("!predict.lm! argument scale has wrong length")
        res.var.mx <- matrix(res.var, p, m, byrow=TRUE)
        if (type != "terms") {
            if (p > 0) {
                XRinv <- if (missing(newdata) && is.null(w))
                  qr.Q(object$qr)[, p1, drop = FALSE]
                else X[, piv] %*% qr.solve(qr.R(object$qr)[p1, p1])
##-                 ip <- drop(XRinv^2 %*% rep(res.var, p))
                ip <- drop(XRinv^2 %*% res.var.mx)
            else ip <- rep(0, n)
    if (type == "terms") {
        if (!mmDone) {
            mm <- model.matrix(object)
            mmDone <- TRUE
        aa <- attr(mm, "assign")
        ll <- attr(tt, "term.labels")
        hasintercept <- attr(tt, "intercept") > 0L
        if (hasintercept)
            ll <- c("(Intercept)", ll)
        aaa <- factor(aa, labels = ll)
        asgn <- split(order(aa), aaa)
        if (hasintercept) {
            asgn$"(Intercept)" <- NULL
            if (!mmDone) {
                mm <- model.matrix(object)
                mmDone <- TRUE
            avx <- colMeans(mm)
            termsconst <- sum(avx[piv] * beta[piv])
        nterms <- length(asgn)
        if (nterms > 0) {
##-             predictor <- matrix(ncol = nterms, nrow = NROW(X))
            predictor <- array(dim=c(NROW(X),nterms,m))
##-             dimnames(predictor) <- list(rownames(X), names(asgn))
            dimnames(predictor) <- list(rownames(X), names(asgn), ynm)
            if (se.fit || interval != "none") {
##-                 ip <- matrix(ncol = nterms, nrow = NROW(X))
##-                 dimnames(ip) <- list(rownames(X), names(asgn))
                ip <- predictor
                Rinv <- qr.solve(qr.R(object$qr)[p1, p1])
            if (hasintercept)
                X <- sweep(X, 2L, avx, check.margin = FALSE)
            unpiv <- rep.int(0L, NCOL(X))
            unpiv[piv] <- p1
            for (i in seq.int(1L, nterms, length.out = nterms)) {
                iipiv <- asgn[[i]]
                ii <- unpiv[iipiv]
                iipiv[ii == 0L] <- 0L
##-                 predictor[, i] <- if (any(iipiv > 0L))
##-                   X[, iipiv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[iipiv]
                predictor[, i,] <- if (any(iipiv > 0L))
                  X[, iipiv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[iipiv,]
                else 0
                if (se.fit || interval != "none")
##-                   ip[, i] <- if (any(iipiv > 0L))
##-                     as.matrix(X[, iipiv, drop = FALSE] %*% Rinv[ii,, drop = FALSE])^2 %*%
##-                       rep.int(res.var,p)
                  ip[, i,] <- if (any(iipiv > 0L))
                    as.matrix(X[, iipiv, drop = FALSE] %*% Rinv[ii,, drop = FALSE])^2 %*%
                  else 0
            if (!is.null(terms)) {
                predictor <- predictor[, terms, drop = FALSE]
                if (se.fit)
                  ip <- ip[, terms, drop = FALSE]
        else {
            predictor <- ip <- matrix(0, n, 0)
        attr(predictor, "constant") <- if (hasintercept)
        else 0
    if (interval != "none") {
        tfrac <- qt((1 - level)/2, df)
        if (is.null(pred.var)) pred.var <- res.var.mx/weights ## !!!
        hwid <- tfrac * switch(interval, confidence = sqrt(ip),
            prediction = sqrt(ip + pred.var))
        if (type != "terms") {
            if (m==1) {  ## changed
              predictor <- cbind(predictor, predictor + hwid %o% c(1, -1))
              colnames(predictor) <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
            } else {  ## changed
              predictor <- array(c(predictor, predictor - hwid, predictor + hwid),
              dimnames(predictor)[[3]] <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
        else {
            lwr <- predictor + hwid
            upr <- predictor - hwid
    if (se.fit || interval != "none")
        se <- sqrt(ip)
##-     if (missing(newdata) && !is.null(na.act <- object$na.action)) { ## !!! not yet extended
##-         predictor <- napredict(na.act, predictor)
##-         if (se.fit)
##-             se <- napredict(na.act, se)
##-     }
    if (m==1) { ## !!!
      if (length(dim(predictor))==3) predictor <- predictor[,,1]
      if (se.fit) if (length(dim(se))==3) se <- se[,,1]
    if (type == "terms" && interval != "none") {
##-         if (missing(newdata) && !is.null(na.act)) { # !!! not yet extended
##-             lwr <- napredict(na.act, lwr)
##-             upr <- napredict(na.act, upr)
##-         }
        list(fit = predictor, se.fit = se, lwr = lwr, upr = upr,
            df = df, residual.scale = sqrt(res.var))
    else if (se.fit)
        list(fit = predictor, se.fit = se, df = df, residual.scale = sqrt(res.var))
    else predictor
## ==========================================================================
compareTerms <-
  function(..., list=NULL, seq=NULL)
  ## Purpose:   compare terms of several models
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ##   models   character vector of names of model objects
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  2010
  lcl <- match.call()[-1]
  if (!is.null(names(lcl))) lcl <- lcl[names(lcl)!="seq"]
  ## !!! bug: list does not work !!!
##-   if (length(list)) lcl <- c(as.list(lcl[names(lcl)!="list"]),
##-                              c(lcl["list"]))
  lnmod <- length(lcl)
  lmnm <- names(lcl)
  if (is.null(lmnm)) lmnm <- as.character(lcl) else
    lmnm[lmnm==""] <- as.character(lcl)[lmnm==""]
  lterms <- list()
  for (lmd in 1:lnmod) {
    lmd <- eval(lcl[[lmd]])
    if (is.character(lmd)) lmd <- get(lmd)
    ltr <- if(is.list(lmd)) attr(terms(lmd),"term.labels") else NULL
    if (is.null(ltr)) stop("!compareTerms! inadequate argument", lmnm[lmd])
    lterms <- c(lterms, list(ltr))
  ltrm <- unique(unlist(lterms))
  rr <- sapply(lterms, function(x) ltrm%in%x )
  dimnames(rr) <- list(ltrm,lmnm)
  if (!is.null(seq)) rr <- rr[order(match(ltrm,seq,nomatch=length(seq)+1)),]
## ==========================================================================
modelTable <-function(models, seq=NULL) 
  ## Purpose:   collect several models into a table
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ##   models   character vector of names of model objects
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  9 Aug 2000, 11:50
  if (inherits(models, regrModelClasses))
    stop("!modelTable! First argument is a single model.",
         " I need a list of at least two models")
  t.islist <- is.list(models)
  t.nm <- length(models)
  t.mnm <- names(models) ## if (t.islist) names(models) else models
  if (length(t.mnm)==0)
    if (t.islist) names(models) <- t.mnm <- paste("model",1:t.nm,sep=".")
    else t.mnm <- models
  if (t.islist) {
    if (any(t.wr <- sapply(models,
                           function (x) !inherits(x, regrModelClasses))))
      stop("!modelTable! element  ",paste(t.mnm[t.wr],collapse=", "),
           "  has inadequate class")
  } else  if(!is.character(models))
      stop("!modelTable! Argument 'models' must be a list or a character vector")
  t.ls <- t.trm <- t.cf <- setNames(vector("list",t.nm), t.mnm)
  t.nobs <- t.df <- t.sig <- t.fitfun <- setNames(rep(NA,t.nm), t.mnm)
  ## -----------------------------------------------------------
  for (li in 1:t.nm) {
    lr <- if (t.islist) models[[li]] else get(models[li],envir=parent.frame())
##-     lfitfun <- NULL
##-     for (lc in c("lm","lmrob","glm","multinom","polr","survreg"))
##-       if (inherits(lr,lc)) lfitfun <- lc
##-     if (is.null(lfitfun))
##-       stop(paste("!modelTable! Model ",li," is not an adequate model"))
    ##-     t.fitfun[li] <- lfitfun
    if (!inherits(lr, "regr"))
      stop("!modelTable! ... only programmed for 'regr' objects")
    t.fitfun[li] <- t.ff <- lr$fitfun
    t.nobs[li] <- lnr <-
      NROW(if(t.ff=="survreg") lr$linear.predictors else lr$fitted.values)
    t.df[li] <- ldf <- lnr-df.residual(lr)
    lt <- terms(lr)
    ltnm <- c( if(attr(lt,"intercept")) "(Intercept)", attr(lt, "term.labels"))
    t.cf[[li]] <-
    t.trm[[li]] <- ltnm
##    t.trmc <- c(t.trmc, attr(terms(lr),"dataClasses"))
    lsig <- if (t.ff=="survreg") lr$scale else summary(lr)$sigma
    t.sig[li] <- c(lsig,NA)[1]
  if (length(unique(t.nobs))>1)
    warning(":modelTable: models have different numbers of observations")
## --- collect
  t.tr <- unique(unlist(t.trm))
  ## --- coefs and p values
  t.nt <- length(t.tr)
  t.pr <- t.coef <- matrix(NA,t.nt,t.nm, dimnames=list(t.tr,t.mnm))
  ## ---
  for (li in t.mnm) {
    t.t <- t.trm[[li]]
    if (length(t.t)) {
      lcf <- t.cf[[li]]
      t.coef[t.t,li] <- lcf[,1]
      t.pr[t.t,li] <- lcf[,2]
  ## reorder
  if (length(seq)>0) {
    li <- match(seq, t.tr)
    t.t <- c(t.tr[notna(li)],t.tr[!t.tr%in%seq])
    t.coef <- t.coef[t.t,]
    t.pr <- t.pr[t.t,]
    t.sd <- t.sd[t.t]
#  attr(t.coef,"standardized") <- t.trn
  if (all(is.na(t.sig))) t.sig <- NULL
  t.r <- list(coef=t.coef, p=t.pr, sigma=t.sig, nobs=t.nobs,
              df=t.df, fitfun=t.fitfun) # , sd.terms=t.sd
  class(t.r) <- "modelTable"
## ==========================================================================
"[.modelTable" <- function(object,rows=NULL,cols=NULL, reduce=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(rows)) rows <- 1:nrow(object$coef)
  if (is.null(cols)) cols <- 1:ncol(object$coef)
  lp <- object$p[rows,cols,drop=FALSE]
  li <- if(reduce) !apply(is.na(lp),1,all)  else 1:nrow(lp)
  if (length(li)==0) stop("![.modelTable! no terms left")
  lsd <- if (length(object$sd.terms)) object$sd.terms[rows][li]
  lsig <- if (length(object$sigma)) object$sigma[li]
  rr <- list(coef=object$coef[rows,cols,drop=FALSE][li,,drop=FALSE],
             p=lp[li,,drop=FALSE], sigma=lsig,
             nobs=object$nobs[cols], df=object$df[cols],
             fitfun <- object$fitfun[cols] ) # ,sd.terms=lsd
#  attr(rr$coef,"standardized") <- attr(object$coef,"standardized")
  class(rr) <- class(object)
## ==========================================================================
format.modelTable <-
  function(x, digits=getUserOption("digits"),
           stars = c("***","** ","*  ",":  ",".  "), sep="", ...)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ##   x        a modelTable object
  ##   tex      if TRUE, the output will be suitable for pasting into
  ##            (la)tex source
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 23 Dec 2008, 10:09
  t.sd <- x$sd.terms
  lsd <- length(t.sd)>0
  t.ntrm <- nrow(x$coef)
  t.stars <- c(stars, rep(" ",5))[1:5]
  t.st <- stars[cut(x$p,c(-1,0.001,0.01,0.05,0.1,1))]
  t.st[is.na(t.st)] <- "   "
  dim(t.st) <- dim(x$p)
##-   t.stdd <- attr(x$coef,"standardized")
##-   if (is.null(t.stdd)||!t.stdd)
##-     warning(":: Coefficients are not standardized",call.=FALSE)
  t.cf <- x$coef
  if (length(x$sigma)) {
    t.cf <- rbind(t.cf, .sigma.=x$sigma)
    t.st <- rbind(t.st, "   ")
    if(lsd) t.sd <- c(t.sd, .sigma.=NA)
  t.cf <- rbind(t.cf, .df.=x$df)
  t.st <- rbind(t.st, .df.="  ")
  if(lsd) t.sd <- c(t.sd, .df.=NA)
  if (lnobs <- length(unique(x$nobs))>1) {
    t.cf <- rbind(t.cf, .nobs.=x$nobs)
    t.st <- rbind(t.st, "   ")
    if(lsd) t.sd <- c(t.sd, .nobs.=NA)
  t.cfo <- format(t.cf, digits=digits, ...)
  t.nna <- is.na(x$coef)&!is.na(x$p)
  t.cfo[1:t.ntrm,][t.nna] <- paste(c(rep(" ",1+digits/2),"+++"),collapse="")
  t.cfo[".df.",] <- paste("  ",format(t.cf[".df.",]))
  if (lnobs) t.cfo[".nobs.",] <- paste("",format(t.cf[".nobs.",]))
  lff <- x$fitfun
  if (length(lff))
    if (length(unique(lff))>1) {
      t.cfo <- rbind(t.cfo, fitfun=substr(lff,1,digits+3) )
      t.st <- rbind(t.st, .fitfun.="" )
  t.cfo[grep("NA",t.cfo)] <- paste(c(rep(" ",2+digits/2),"-"),collapse="")
  t.ii <- (!is.na(t.cf))&t.cf==0
  t.cfo[t.ii] <- t.cf0 <- gsub("0"," ",t.cfo[t.ii])
  t.o <- paste(sep, format(t.cfo), sep, t.st)
  t.sdo <- if (lsd)
             paste(sep, sub("NA","  ", format(t.sd, digits=digits))) else NULL
  t.out <- cbind(t.sdo, matrix(t.o, nrow=nrow(t.cfo)))
  t.nm <- row.names(t.cfo)
  if (lsd) t.nm <- paste(t.nm,ifelse(!is.na(t.sd),"@",""))
  dimnames(t.out) <- list(t.nm,c(if (lsd) "sd",dimnames(x$p)[[2]]))
  structure( t.out, class=c("modelTable", "modelTF"), nterms=t.ntrm)
## ==========================================================================
print.modelTable <- function(x, tex = FALSE, transpose=FALSE, ...)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ##   x        a modelTable object
  ##   tex      if TRUE, the output will be suitable for pasting into
  ##            (la)tex source
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 23 Dec 2008, 10:09
  t.out <- unclass( if (t.fo <- inherits(x, "modelTF")) x else
                   format(x, ...) )
  if (tex) {
    sep <- "&"
    if (t.fo) {
      t.a <- t.out[1,1]
      t.jsep <- substr(t.a,nchar(t.a),nchar(t.a))==sep
      if (!t.jsep) {
        warning(":print.modelTable: The header of the tex table will "
             ,"most probably be wrong")
        for (lj in 1:(ncol(t.out)-1)) t.out[,lj] <- paste(t.out[,lj], sep)
    } else   t.out <- unclass( format(x, sep=sep, ...) )
    ##    if (transpose) t.out <- t(t.out) ## would not work yet, need to select rows
    mc1 <- "\\mc{2}{|c}{"
    mc2 <- "}"
    end <- "\\\\"
    headend <- "\\\\ \\hline"
    tabstart <- "  {\\def\\mc{\\multicolumn}\n\\begin{tabular}" # \\providecommand{
    tabend <- "  \\end{tabular}\n}"
    lnt <- attr(t.out,"nterms")
    t.end <- c(rep(end,nrow(t.out)-1),"")
    t.end[lnt] <- headend
    cat(tabstart, "{l", rep("|rl",ncol(t.out)),"}\n  ",
    t.rn <- format(row.names(t.out))
    if (t.fo) t.rn <- paste(t.rn,sep)
    for (li in 1:nrow(t.out)) cat(t.rn[li],t.out[li,],t.end[li],"\n")
  } else {
    if (transpose) t.out <- t(t.out)
    colnames(t.out) <- paste("",colnames(t.out))
    print(structure(t.out, nterms=NULL), quote=FALSE)
  } ## !!!
## ===================================================================
leverage <- function(fit)
  ## Purpose:  extract leverages
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 10 Nov 2010, 09:31
  lh <- fit$leverage
  names(lh) <- names(fit$resid)
  lnaa <- fit$na.action
  if (length(lnaa)) naresid(lnaa, lh) else lh

## ==========================================================================
## pseudoreplicate variability
xdistResdiff <- function(object, perc=c(3,10,80), trim=0.1, nmax=100,
                         nsim=100, out="aggregate")
  ## Purpose:   distance in x space and absolute residual difference
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 13 Oct 2011, 09:40
  if (!inherits(object,"lm")) stop("only suitable for lm like objects")
  lres <- object$stres # resid
  lqr <- object$qr
  ln <- nrow(lqr$qr)
  lq <- qr.qy(lqr, diag(1, nrow = ln, ncol = lqr$rank)) # like in hat
  li <- which(!is.na(lres))
  if (ln>nmax) {
    li <- sample(1:ln, nmax) # [replace=FALSE]
    lq <- lq[li,]
    lres <- lres[li]
    ln <- nmax
  ldist <- dist(cbind(lq))
  lrd <- abs(outer(lres,lres,"-"))
  if (nsim) {
    lrsim <- matrix(NA,length(ldist),nsim)
    for (ls in 1:nsim) {
      li <- sample(ln)
      lrsim[,ls] <- as.dist(lrd[li,li])
  lnm <- names(lres)
  lm <- diag(ln)
  lid <- cbind(id1=lnm[rep(1:(ln-1),(ln-1):1)],
  lrd <- as.dist(lrd)
  lio <- order(ldist)
  rr <- data.frame(lid[lio,], xdist=ldist[lio], resdiff=lrd[lio])
  if (nsim) rr <- cbind(rr, rdsim=lrsim[lio,])
  class(rr) <- c("xdistResdiff","data.frame")
  if (out=="aggregate")  xdistResscale(rr, perc=perc)  else rr
## ====================================================================
xdistResscale <- function(x, perc=c(3,10,90), trim=1/6)
  ## Purpose:  aggregate  xdistResdiff  data
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 18 Oct 2011, 08:40
  if (!inherits(x,"xdistResdiff"))
    stop ("only programmed for  xdistResdiff  objects")
  llim <- c(-0.001*max(x$xdist), x$xdist[perc*nrow(x)/100], max(x$xdist))
  lgrp <- list(cut(x$xdist, llim))
  lrd <- aggregate(sqrt(x$resdiff), lgrp, mean, trim=trim)[,2]
  lmn <- mean(sqrt(x$resdiff), trim=trim)
  ljsim <- FALSE
  if (ncol(x)>5) {
    ljsim <- TRUE
    lrdsim <- aggregate(sqrt(as.matrix(x[,-(1:4)])), lgrp, mean, trim=trim)[,-1]
    lnsim <- ncol(lrdsim)
    lrdmn <- apply(lrdsim,1,mean)
    lrdse <- apply(lrdsim,1,sd)
    lrss <- apply(sweep(lrdsim,1,lrdse,"/")^2,2,sum)
    lrss0 <- sum((lrd/lrdse)^2)
##-     ltestall <- sum(((lrd-lmn)/lrdse)^2)
##-     lpv <- pchisq(ltestall, df=length(lrd)-1, lower=FALSE)
##-     lpv1 <- pnorm((lrd[1]-lmn)/lrdse[1]) # one-sided is good
    lpv <- apply(lrdsim<lrd,1,sum)/lnsim
    names(lpv) <- paste("pv",1:length(lpv),sep="")
    lpv <- c(lpv, pv.rssq=sum(lrss0<lrss)/lnsim)
  rr <- cbind(xdist=aggregate(x$xdist, lgrp, mean)[,2], resd.mean=lrd)
  if (ljsim) rr <- cbind(rr, resd.simmean=lrdmn, resd.se=lrdse)
  attr(rr,"limits") <- llim
  attr(rr,"resdMean") <- lmn
  attr(rr,"trim") <- trim
  attr(rr,"perc") <- perc
  if (ljsim) attr(rr,"pvalues") <- lpv #c(shortdist=lpv1, overall=lpv)
  class(rr) <- c("xdistResscale", "matrix")
## =======================================================================
plot.xdistResscale <- function(x, lwd=2, cex=2, xlab="distance in x space",
       ylab="average abs. residual difference", col.aux="grey30", ...)
  ## Purpose:   plot average residual difference^2 vs. x distance
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Oct 2011, 08:46
  lxdist <- sqrt(x[,"xdist"])
  lrd <- x[,"resd.mean"]
  ly2 <- lrd+2*x[,"resd.se"]
  ljse <- length(ly2)>0
  llim <- attr(x,"limits")
  lymax <- if (ljse) max(ly2) else max(lrd)
  plot(lxdist, lrd, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,type="b", cex=cex,
       xlim=c(0,sqrt(max(llim))), yaxs="i", ylim=c(0,1.02*lymax),
       axes=FALSE, ...)
  lxat <- pretty(c(0,0.8*last(llim)))
  axis(1, at=sqrt(lxat), labels=format(lxat))
  if (ljse) {
    segments(lxdist,lrd-2*x[,"resd.se"],lxdist,ly2, lwd=lwd,
    lysim <- x[,"resd.simmean"]
    if (length(lysim)) {
      lxd <- sqrt(max(llim))/(nrow(x)*10)
      segments(lxdist-lxd, lysim, lxdist+lxd, lysim, col=col.aux)
  axis(3,at=c(0,sqrt(llim[-1])),labels=rep("",length(llim)), col=col.aux)
  abline(h=attr(x,"resdMean"), lty=3, col=col.aux)
  "plot.xdistResscale done"
## ==========================================================================
## plotting functions
## ==========================================================================
plotregr.control <-
  function(x, formula=NULL, data = NULL, rawvars = TRUE,
           ## generate variables used for plotting
           smooth.group = NULL, weights = NULL, plweights = NULL, 
           plab = NULL, pch = NULL, pcol = NULL, cex.plab = -1, cex.pch = -1,
           markprop = NULL,
           ## specify some specific aspects / contents of plots
           glm.restype = "working", smresid = TRUE, 
           jitter = TRUE, jitterbinary = TRUE, mbox = TRUE,
           partial.resid = TRUE, cookdistlines = 1:2, leveragelim = c(0.99, 0.5),
           ## smooth and reflines
           smooth = 2, smooth.par=NA, smooth.iter=NULL, smooth.sim=NULL,
           reflines = TRUE, reflines.se = FALSE,
           ## general options for plotting
           ylim = TRUE, ylimfac = c(4,3), ylimext = 0.1, 
           plext = getUserOption("plext"), yaxp = NULL,
           ## graphical parameters
           lty = c(1,2,5,3,4,6,1,1), lwd = c(1,1,2,1,1.5,1,1,1),
           colors.ra = getUserOption("colors.ra"), 
           colors.smgrp = getUserOption("colors"), smooth.pale = 0.2,
           ## title, labels
           main = NULL, cex.title = NULL, xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL,
           ## multiple frames
           mf = TRUE, mfcol = FALSE, 
           multnrow = 0, multncol = 0,
           oma = NULL, # ask = NULL,
           ## components not needed for plresx
           fit = TRUE, hat = TRUE, stresiduals = TRUE
    ## get data for plotting, collect and check arguments
    ## do preparations that are common to plot.regr_ and plresx
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------
  ## --- formula
  lform <- formula(x)
  lfo <- length(formula)>0 ## && !(is.logical(formula)&&!formula)
  if (lfo) {
    if (is.character(formula))
      formula <- as.formula(paste("~",paste(formula, collapse="+")))
    else {
      if (is.logical(formula)&&formula[1]) { 
        formula <-
          if (rawvars)
            as.formula(paste("~",paste(all.vars(lform)[-1], collapse="+")))
          else formula(x)
    if (!is.formula(formula))
      stop("!plot.regr/plresx! argument 'formula' not suitable")
    lform <- update(lform, formula)
  ## --- variables to be evaluated in data
  lcl <- match.call()
  lcl$data <- if (length(data)>0) data  else {
    ldt <- x$allvars
    if (is.null(ldt)) ldt <- eval(x$call$data)
    ldt }
  lcl[[1]] <- as.name("getvars")
  lcl$formula <- lform
                "weights", "sequence"))] <- NULL
  pldata <- eval(lcl, parent.frame())
  if (class(pldata)[1] == "regr-error")
  if (class(pldata)[1] == "regr-warn") {
    class(pldata) <- class(pldata)[-1]
  xvars <- attr(pldata, "xvars")
  ## -------------------------------------------
  ## --- prepare objects needed for plotting
  ## --- family
  lfam <- c(x$distrname, x$family$family)[1]
  if (is.null(lfam) || lfam=="" || is.na(lfam)) lfam <- "gaussian"
  lfamgauss <- lfam%in%c("gaussian","Gaussian")
  lfamcount <- u.true(lfam%in%c("binomial","poisson","multinom")) |
  ## --- na.action: always get full data
  lnaaction <- x$na.action
  if (length(lnaaction)) class(x$na.action) <- class(lnaaction) <- "exclude"
  ## --- residuals
  rtype <- NULL
  if (inherits(x, "glm")) rtype <- glm.restype
  lres <- as.matrix(residuals(x, type=rtype))  ## cbind distroys attributes
  lnr <- nrow(lres)
  if (nrow(pldata)!=lnr) 
    stop("!i.getPlrData! length of residuals inadequate. BUG")
  lIcq <- inherits(lres,"condquant")
  lmres <- if (lIcq) 1 else  ncol(lres)
  if (lmres>1) { ## multivariate
    if (is.null(lcn <- colnames(lres))) lcn <- 1:ncol(lres)
    colnames(lres) <- paste("res", lcn, sep=".")
  lres0 <- all( apply(lres[,1:lmres, drop=FALSE],2,
                      function(x) all(x==notna(x)[1], na.rm=TRUE ) ) )
  if (lres0)
    stop("!plot.regr/plresx! all residuals are equal -> no residual plots")
  ## --- response residual names
  lyexpr <- deparse(lform[[2]])
  lynm <- if (nchar(lyexpr)>10) "Y" else lyexpr ## 
  lresname <- if (lmres>1) colnames(lres) else paste("res(", lynm, ")")
  ## --- weights, used for smooth calculation: get from  x  if needed
  lwgt <- pldata[["(weights)"]]  ## possibly only logical
  lIweights <- is.logical(lwgt)&&all(lwgt) ## weights explicitly required
  lInoweights <- is.logical(lwgt)&&!any(lwgt) ## weights explicitly denied
  if (lIweights | (length(lwgt)&&all(is.na(lwgt))))
      lwgt <- naresid(lnaaction, x$weights)
  lIwgt <- length(lwgt)>1 && any(lwgt!=notna(lwgt)[1],na.rm=TRUE) 
  if (lIweights&!lIwgt)
    warning(":plot.regr/plresx: no weights found for smooth calculation.")
  pldata[["(weights)"]] <- lweights <-
    if (lIwgt)  lwgt / mean(lwgt, na.rm=TRUE) else NULL
  ## --- plweights, used as sizes of plotting characters: same as weights
  lwgt <- pldata[["(plweights)"]]  ## possibly only logical
  lIplweights <- is.logical(lwgt)&&all(lwgt) ## plweights explicitly required
  lInoplweights <- is.logical(lwgt)&&!any(lwgt) ## plweights explicitly denied
  if (lIplweights | (length(lwgt)&&all(is.na(lwgt))))
      lwgt <- naresid(lnaaction, x$weights)  
  lIwgt <- length(lwgt)>1 && any(lwgt!=notna(lwgt)[1],na.rm=TRUE) 
  if (lIplweights&!lIwgt)
    warning(":plot.regr/plresx: no weights found for plotting.")
  pldata[["(plweights)"]] <- 
    if (lIwgt)  lwgt / mean(lwgt, na.rm=TRUE) else NULL
  ## --- hat and standardized residuals
##-   hat <- i.def(hat, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
##-   stresiduals <- i.def(stresiduals, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
##-   if (hat|stresiduals) {
##-     lhat <- naresid(lnaaction, x$leverage)
##-     if(length(lhat)==0 && length(x$qr)>0)
##-       lhat <- naresid(lnaaction, hat(x$qr))
##-   } else lhat <- NULL
  ## --- ldfres 
  ldfres <- df.residual(x)
  if (is.null(ldfres)) {
    warning(":plot.regr: bug: no df of residuals. setting n-1")
    ldfres <- lnr-1
  ## --- sigma
  lsigma <- x$sigma
  if (length(lsigma)==0) lsigma <- c(x$scale, summary(x)$sigma)[1]
  if (length(lsigma)==0)
    lsigma <- if (lfamcount) 0 else sqrt(apply(lres^2,2,sum)/ldfres)
  ## --- standardized residuals !!! -> regr braucht das auch, vgl.
##-  lstresname <- paste("st.",lresname,sep="")
##-  lstres <- lstrratio <- NULL
##-   if (stresiduals) {
##-     lstres <- x$stresiduals
##-     if (length(lstres)==0)
##-     {
##-       lstres <- if (lIcq) {
##-         if (u.true(lsigma)) cbind(lres[,1:4]/lsigma, lres[,5:6]) else lres
##-       } else { 
##-         lstres <- if (lIwgt) lres*sqrt(lweights) else lres  ## !!! check
##-         if (length(lhat)!=0)
##-           lstres / outer(sqrt(1-pmin(leveragelim[1],lhat)),
##-                          ifelse (lsigma==0, 1, lsigma) )
##-       }
##-     }
##-     lstres <- cbind(lstres)
##-   lstrratio <- if(lIcq) 1 / lsigma ## lstres[,1]/lres[,1]
##-                  else 1 / outer(sqrt(1-pmin(last(leveragelim),lhat)),lsigma)
##-   lstrratio[!is.finite(lstrratio)] <- 1
  ## --- absolute residuals
##-   labsres <- if (lIcq)  abs(lstres[,"random"]) else abs(lstres)
##-   labsresname <- paste("|",lstresname,"|", sep = "")
## --- Mahalanobis norm of multivariate residuals
  lresmahal <- x$resmahal
  if (lmres>1) 
    if (is.null(lresmahal)) lresmahal <- mahalanobis(lres,0,var(lres))
  ## ---
  lsmgrplab <- levels(pldata$"(smooth.group)")
    ## if (length(lsmgrpnames)) ## shorten! !!!
  ##  ln <- nrow(pldata)
  lnobs <- sum(!apply(is.na(lres),1,any))
  ## -------------------------
  ## labels
  ## priorities:  plab , pch , row.names
  lpch <- pldata$"(pch)"
  lplab <- pldata$"(plab)"
##-   if (length(lpch)) { ## labels given in pch
##-     if (length(lplab)==0) lplab <- lpch
##-     lpch <- NULL }
  ## default plotting character
  if (is.factor(lpch)) lpch <- as.character(lpch)
  if (is.character(lpch)&&any(nchar(lpch)>1) |
      is.numeric(lpch)&&any(lpch<0|lpch>30)) {
    warning(":plotregrContol: unsuitable plotting character ('pch')")
    lpch <- NULL
  if (length(lpch)==0)
    lpch <- if (lIcq) ifelse(lres[,"prob"]==0,15,3) else
      if (lnobs>100) "." else 3 
  lcp <- max(min(1,log(50)/log(lnobs))^2,0.3)
  lcpp <- if (all(lpch==".")) 4 else 0.7
  cex.plab <- i.def(cex.plab, -lcp, valuefalse = 1 )
  if (length(cex.plab)==1) cex.plab <- c(1, lcpp)*cex.plab
  ## --- row.names
  lrown <- row.names(lres)
  if (length(lrown)==0) lrown <- as.character(1:lnr)
  lplabels <- lrown
  if (length(lplab)>0) {
    lplabels <- if (is.character(lplab)) lplab else as.numeric(lplab) # factors
  ## now, lplabels always useful
  markprop <- i.def( markprop, ## default for markprop
    if (length(lplab)>1|lIcq) 0 else ceiling(sqrt(lnobs)/2)/lnobs )
  if (markprop==0) {
    lplab <- rep(lpch, length=lnr)
  } else {
    lplab <- lplabels
    if (markprop<1) {
      li <- if (lmres>1)  order(lresmahal)[1:(lnobs*(1-markprop))]  else
      order(abs(lres[,1]))[1:(lnobs*(1-markprop))]  # [,1] for condq
      lplab[li] <- NA
  ## lplabna will contain NA where weights should determine symbol
  lplabna <- if (lIwgt&markprop==0) rep(NA, length=lnr) else lplab 
  ## ----------------------------------------------------
  ## --- smooth
  ## if (!is.function(smooth)) smooth <- smoothRegr
  smooth.iter <- i.def(smooth.iter, 50 * lfam%nin%c("binomial","multinomial"))
  lsmgrp <- pldata$"(smooth.group)"
  ## smooth.par
  lnsm <- lnobs
  lnsmgrp <- length(unique(lsmgrp))
  if (length(lsmgrp)) lnsm <- lnobs/lnsmgrp
  smooth <- i.def(smooth, 2, 2, 0)
  lsmpar <- i.def( smooth.par, 5*lnsm^log10(1/2)*(1+inherits(x,"glm")) )
  ## --- simulated residuals
  ## when using  smooth.group , default is  0
  lnsims <- i.def(smooth.sim, 19*(length(lsmgrp)==0), 19, 0)
  if (inherits(x, c("nls", "nlm", "survreg", "polr", "coxph"))) lnsims <- 0
  if (lmres>1) lnsims <- 0 # not yet programmed for mlm
  if (lnsims>0 & !inherits(x, c("lm","glm"))) {
    warning(":plot.regr/simresiduals: ",
            "I can simulate only for 'lm' and 'glm' objects")
    lnsims <- 0
  lsimstres <- lsimres <- NULL  # lsimrabs <- 
  if (lnsims>0) {
    lsimr <- if(u.debug())
               simresiduals(x, lnsims, glm.restype=glm.restype)  else
      try(simresiduals(x, lnsims, glm.restype=glm.restype), silent=TRUE)
    if (class(lsimr)=="try-error") 
      warning(":plot.regr/simresiduals: simresiduals did not work. ",
              "No simulated smooths")
    else {
##-       if ((!is.null(lsimr)) && (!is.null(llnna <- attr(lsimr, "nNA"))) &&
##-                                 any(llnna>0) ) {
##-         warning(":plot.regr/simresiduals: simresiduals produced NAs. ",
##-                 "No simulated smooths")
##-         lsimr <- lsimr[,llnna==0]
##-       } else {
      lsimres <- lsimr ## naresid(lnaaction, lsimr)
      lsimstres <- attr(lsimr,"stres") ## naresid(lnaaction, )
##        lsimrabs <- if (is.null(lsimstres)) NULL else abs(lsimstres)
##-    }
    if (length(lsimres)==0) lnsims <- 0
  ## --- some more arguments
  mbox <- i.def(mbox, TRUE)
  jitter <- i.def(jitter, TRUE)
  jitterbinary <- i.def(jitterbinary, TRUE)
  ## ---------------------------------------- was plrargs
  ## --- graphical elements
  lty <- i.def(lty, c(1,2,3,3,6,4,1,1))
  lty <- ifelse((1:6)<=length(lty), rep(lty, length=6), c(1,2,3,3,6,4,1,1))
  lwd <- i.def(lwd, c(1,1,2,1,1.5,1,1,1))
  lwd <- ifelse((1:6)<=length(lwd), rep(lwd, length=6), c(1,1,2,1,1.5,1,1,1))
  lcol.ra <-
    rep(i.def(colors.ra, c.colors.ra, valuefalse = c.colors.ra), length=9)
  lcol.smgrp <-
    if (lnsmgrp>1)
      rep(i.def(colors.smgrp, c.colors, valuefalse = c.colors),
    else  lcol.ra[3]
  if (NCOL(lcol.smgrp)==1)
    lcol.smgrp <- cbind(lcol.smgrp, colorpale(lcol.smgrp, pale=smooth.pale))
  ## --- main
  lftext <- paste(as.character(formula(x))[c(2,1,3)], collapse=" ")
  main <- i.def(main, lftext, lftext, "")
  main <- if (is.character(main) && substring(main,1,1)==":")
            paste(lftext,substring(main,2,30)) else as.character(main)
  ##  if (length(main))  tit(main) <- tit(x)
  if (is.null(cex.title)) cex.title <- max(0.5, min(1.2,
  ## --- axis labels
  xlabs <- i.def(xlabs, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  ylabs <- i.def(ylabs, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  ## --- plot ranges
  ylim <- i.def(ylim, TRUE)
  ylimfac <-
    rep(i.def(ylimfac, c(residuals=4,y=3), valuefalse = c(residuals=4,y=3)),
  ylimext <- i.def(ylimext, 0.1, 0.1, 0)
  plext <- i.def(plext, 0.05, 0.05, 0)
  if (length(plext)<4) plext <- rep(plext, length=4)
  yaxp <- i.def(yaxp, NULL)
  ## --- multiple frames
  mf <- i.def(mf, NULL, TRUE, NULL)
  oma <- i.def(oma, NULL, valuefalse=0)
  if (length(oma)==2) oma <- c(0,0,oma)
##  outer.margin <- oma[3]>0  ##   && length(lmain)==1
  ## --- ask
##-   ask <- i.def(ask, getOption("ask"), TRUE )
##-   if (length(ask)==0)
##-     ask <- interactive() && last(c("",names(dev.list())))%in%c("X11cairo")
  ## --- more arguments
  smresid <- i.def(smresid, TRUE)
  if (lmres>1) smresid <- FALSE ## !!! muss noch gemacht werden
  reflines <- i.def(reflines, TRUE)
  reflines.se <- i.def(reflines.se, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
  partial.resid <- i.def(partial.resid, TRUE)
  cookdistlines <- i.def(1:2, 1:2, NULL)
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------
  ## result
    pldata = pldata, formula = lform, xvars = xvars, 
    residuals = lres, ## stres = lstres, strratio = lstrratio, absres = labsres,
    ## resmahal = lresmahal, fitted = lfit, hat = lhat, 
    yexpr = lyexpr, resname = lresname, ## stresname = lstresname,
    ##    absresname = labsresname, fitname = lfitname,
    smooth.grouplab = lsmgrplab,
    na.action = lnaaction, 
    sigma=lsigma, df.residuals = ldfres, nobs = lnobs,
    markprop = markprop, jitter = jitter, jitterbinary = jitterbinary, 
    smooth = smooth, smooth.par = lsmpar,
    smooth.iter = smooth.iter, smooth.sim = lnsims, 
    simres = lsimres, simstres = lsimstres, # simabsres = lsimrabs,
    family = lfam, famgauss = lfamgauss, famcount = lfamcount,
    pch = lpch, plabels = lplabels, plab = lplab, plabna = lplabna,
    cex.plab = cex.plab, 
    rescol = lmres, smooth.ngroups = lnsmgrp,
    mbox = mbox,
    lty=lty, lwd=lwd,
    colors.ra=lcol.ra, colors.smgrp=lcol.smgrp,
    ylim=ylim, ylimfac=ylimfac, ylimext=ylimext, 
    plext=plext, yaxp=yaxp, mf=mf, oma=oma,
    ##    multnrow=lmr, multncol=lmc,
    ##  ask=ask,
    main=main, cex.title=cex.title, xlabs=xlabs, ylabs=ylabs,
    smresid=smresid, reflines=reflines, reflines.se = reflines.se,
    partial.resid=partial.resid, cookdistlines=cookdistlines

## ====================================================================
plot.regr <-
  function(x, data=NULL, plotselect = NULL, xvars = TRUE,
           rawvars = TRUE, sequence=FALSE, weights=NULL, 
           addcomp = FALSE, smooth.legend = FALSE, ...)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  7 May 93 / 2002
  argPlregr <- c("x", "data", "plotselect", "xvars", "formula",
                 "rawvars", "sequence", "weights", "addcomp", "smooth.legend")
  ## ----------------
  lac <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  lextra <- setdiff(names(lac), c(argPlregr, i.argPlrControl))
  if (length(lextra))
    warning(":plresx: argument(s)  ",paste(lextra, collapse=", "),
            "  not used")
  lcl <- c(list(quote(plotregr.control)), 
            lac[match(i.argPlrControl,names(lac), nomatch=0)])
##            list(fit=TRUE, hat=TRUE, stresiduals=TRUE)  )
  mode(lcl) <- "call"
  largs <-eval(lcl)
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------
##  lfit <-  largs$fitted
  lres <-  largs$residuals
##  lstres <- largs$stres
  lsimres <- largs$simres
  lmres <- largs$rescol
  lweights <- largs$pldata$"(weights)"
  lsmgrp <- largs$pldata$"(smooth.group)"
  lsmooth <- largs$smooth
  lsmpar <- largs$smooth.par
  lplab <- largs$plab
  lclr <- largs$colors.ra
  lIwgt <- length(lweights)>0
  lsigma <- largs$sigma
##  lfitname <- largs$fitname
  lresname <- largs$resname
  lnaaction <- x$na.action
  lnr <- nrow(lres)
  lnna <- !apply(is.na(lres),1,any)
  lnobs <- sum(lnna)
  if (length(names(smooth.legend))==0) {
    lsmlegend <- i.def(smooth.legend, NULL, TRUE, NULL) 
    if (length(lsmlegend)==1 && is.null(names(lsmlegend)))
      lsmlegend <-
                 c("yfit","resfit","absresfit","absresweight","(xvars)") )
  } else lsmlegend <- smooth.legend
  ## family
  if (inherits(x,"mulltinom"))
    stop("!plot.regr! I do not know how to plot residuals of a mulitnomial regression")
  lfam <- x$distrname
  if (length(lfam)==0) lfam <- x$family$family
  if (is.null(lfam) || lfam=="" || is.na(lfam)) lfam <- "gaussian"
  lfamgauss <- lfam%in%c("gaussian","Gaussian")
  lglm <- inherits(x, "glm")
##  lpolr <- inherits(x,"polr")
  lnnls <- !inherits(x, "nls")
  lfamcount <- lfam%in% c("binomial", "poisson", "multinomial") |
  lIcq <- inherits(lres, "condquant")
  lform <- formula(x)
## ----------------
## plot selection
  lplsel <-
    i.plotselect(plotselect, smooth=largs$smooth, wgt=lIwgt, mult=lmres>1,
                 famgauss=largs$famgauss, famglm=inherits(x,"glm"),
  ## --- more preparations
  lfit <- x$linear.predictors
  lfitname <- "linear predictor"
  if(is.null(lfit)) {
    lfit <- if (lIcq) lres[,"fit"] else fitted(x)  ## full size
    lfitname <- "fitted value"
  } else lfit <- naresid(lnaaction, lfit)
  lfit <- as.matrix(lfit)
  lfitname <- rep(lfitname, length=lmres)
  lstres <- x$stresiduals
  lstrratio <- x$strratio
  llev <- leverage(x)
  if (is.null(lstres)) {
    lstr <- i.stres(x, sigma=lsigma, leveragelim=largs$leveragelim)
    lstres <- lstr$stresiduals
    lstrratio <- lstr$strratio
    llev <- naresid(lnaaction, lstr$leverage)
  lstres <- if (length(lstres))   ## should always be the case
              as.matrix(naresid(lnaaction, lstres))
            else {
              warning(":plot.regr: residuals are not standardized")
              lstres <- lres ## a better solution os in i.stres
  lstrratio <- as.matrix( if (length(lstrratio))
                            naresid(lnaaction, lstrratio) else rep(1,lnr) )
  lstresname <- paste("st.", lresname, sep = "")
  labsresname <- paste("|st.",lresname,"|", sep="")
  lsimabsres <- lsimstres <- largs$simstres
  if (!is.null(lsimabsres)) lsimabsres <- abs(lsimabsres)
  ## --- residuals from smooth
  ## lfsmsm <- lfsmooth <- as.list(rep(NA, lmres))
  if (largs$smresid & any(c(lplsel[c("absresfit","qq","leverage")],0)>0)) {
    ## &  length(lstres)) 
    for (lj in seq_len(lmres)) {
      lfsm <- 
        smoothM(lfit[,lj], lres[,lj], ## if(lIcq) lres[,1, drop=FALSE] else
              ##  cbind(lres[,lj], lsimres), 
                weights=lweights, group=lsmgrp,
                band=lsmooth>1, resid=TRUE, par=lsmpar,
      lfsmr <- residuals(lfsm)
      lstres[,lj] <- lfsmr[,1] * lstrratio[,lj]
    lstresname <- paste("st.sm.", lresname, sep = "")
    labsresname <- paste("|st.sm.",lresname,"|", sep="")
    if (length(lsimabsres))
      lsimabsres <- lsimabsres *
        median(abs(lstres), na.rm=TRUE)/median(lsimabsres, na.rm=TRUE)
  ## plot range for residuals
  lreslim <- pllimits(largs$ylim, lres, limfac=largs$ylimfac[1])
  ## if (length(lstres)) {
    llfac <- if (lIcq) median(abs(lstres[,1])/abs(lres[,1]), na.rm=TRUE) else
    apply(abs(lstres)/abs(lres),2, median,na.rm=TRUE)
    if (is.list(lreslim)) {
      absreslim <- streslim <- lreslim
      lj <- match(names(streslim), colnames(llfac), nomatch=0)
      if (any(lj>0))
        for (ljj in which(lj>0)) {
          if (is.numeric(streslim[[ljj]])) {
            streslim[[ljj]] <- lstrl <- streslim[[ljj]]*llfac[lj[ljj]]
            absreslim[[ljj]] <- c(0, mean(c(-1,1)*lstrl))
      } else {
        streslim <- sweep(lreslim, 2, llfac, "*")
        absreslim <- if (length(streslim))
                       rbind(0, (streslim[2,]-streslim[1,])/2 ) else NULL
  ## }
  ## -------------
  ltxt <- is.character(lplab)
  lpty <- ifelse(ltxt,"n","p")
  ## --- multiple frames
  lmf <- largs$mf  ## i.def(lmf, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (length(lmf)) {
    if (is.logical(lmf)&&lmf)
      lmf <- if (lmres>1) {
               if (lmres<=4) c(NA, lmres) else lmres
             } else  c(NA, 2)
  if (length(lmf)==2 && is.na(lmf[1])) {
    lmf1 <- sum(names(lplsel)%in%
                c("yfit","resfit","absresfit","qq","absresweight") )
    if(lmf1>lmf[2]+1) lmf1 <- lmf[2]
    lmf[1] <- lmf1
  loma <- i.def(largs$oma, c(2,1)*(length(lmf)>0), valuefalse=NULL)
  if (length(loma)<4) loma <- c(0,0,loma,0)[1:4]
  loldpar <- 
    if (length(lmf)&(!is.logical(lmf))) {
      if (length(lmf)==1) mframe(mft=lmf, oma=loma) else
          mframe(lmf[1], lmf[2], oma=loma)
    } else par(oma=loma) ## , ask=largs$ask
  lnewplot <- TRUE ## !!!
  ## -----------------------------------
  lplsel <- lplsel[is.na(lplsel)|lplsel>0]
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## start plots
if (length(lplsel))
for (liplot in 1:length(lplsel)) {
  lpllevel <- lplsel[liplot]
  lpls <- names(lpllevel)
##  y on fit
  if(lpls=="yfit") {
    if (is.na(lpllevel)) lpllevel <- 3*(lplsel["resfit"]==0)
    if (is.na(lpllevel)) lpllevel <- 0
    if (lpllevel>0) { ## !!! condquant bereinigen
      ly <- eval(parse(text=largs$yexpr), largs$pldata) 
      if (length(ly)==0 || any(dim(ly)!=dim(lfit)))
        ly <- cbind(y=lfit + lres)
      lylabs <- largs$ylabs
      if (length(lylabs)!=NCOL(ly)) lylabs <- colnames(ly)
      lyind <- if(NCOL(ly)>1) paste("[",seq_len(NCOL(ly)),"]",sep="") else NULL
      lylabs <- ifelse(nchar(lylabs)<15, lylabs, paste("Y",lyind,sep="") ) 
      lylim <- cbind(pllimits(largs$ylim, ly, limfac=last(largs$ylimfac[2])))
      lsimy <- if(length(lsimres)) lfit + lsimres  else NULL ## !!! mult!
      lsml <- if (length(lsmlegend["yfit"]))
                         largs$yname)  else lsmlegend
      for (lj in seq_len(NCOL(lfit))) {
        i.plotlws(lfit[,lj],ly[,lj], lfitname[lj], lylabs[lj],
                  ylim=lylim[,lj], reflinex = 0, refliney = 1,
                  smooth.sim=largs$smooth.sim, smooth.legend=lsml,
                  simy=lsimy, arguments=largs)
  ## ---
  if(lpls=="resfit") {
##    if (lpllevel>0) {
    ## refline centerpoint
    lrx <- rbind(apply(lfit,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE))
    lry <- rbind(rep(-1,largs$rescol))
    ldosm <- (lpllevel>1) + (lpllevel>=1.5)
    for (lj in seq_len(NCOL(lfit))) {
      i.plotlws(lfit[,lj], lres[,lj], lfitname[lj], largs$resname[lj],
                ylim=lreslim[,lj], reflinex=lrx[lj],refliney=-1,
                smooth.sim=largs$smooth.sim, smooth.legend=lsmlegend["resfit"],
##  }
## ---
  if(length(lstres)) {
    for (lj in seq_len(NCOL(lfit))) {
      i.plotlws(lfit[,lj], abs(lstres[,lj]), lfitname[lj], labsresname[lj],
                smooth.power = 0.5, ylim = absreslim[,lj],
                smooth.sim = largs$smooth.sim,
                simy = lsimabsres,
                arguments = largs )
  }  else
    warning(":plot.regr: No standardized residuals found")
## --- plot abs. res vs. weights
  if(lpls=="absresweights") {
##  lplweights <- (is.logical(weights) && weights) | (length(weights)>1)
##  if (lpllevel>0) { # plot on weights
    lwgts <- largs$weights
    if (length(lwgts)!=lnr)
      warning(":plot.regr: no suitable weights found. cannot plot absres on weights")
    else {
      lwg <- lwgts
      lwg[lwg<=0] <- NA
      labsres <-
        if (length(lstres)) {
          lrlab <- labsresname
        } else {
          lrlab <- paste("|",lresname,"| * sqrt(w)", sep="")
      for (lj in seq_len(NCOL(labsres))) {
        i.plotlws(lwg,labsres[,lj], "weight",
                  lrlab, ## paste("|",largs$stresname[lj],"|*sqrt(w)"),
                  do.smooth = lpllevel, smooth.power = 0.5,
                  ylim = absreslim[,lj], 
                  simy = lsimabsres,
                  arguments = largs)
  } } }
## --- normal plot qq plot
  if(lpls=="qq") {
    ##    if (lpllevel>0)
    lpchqq <- if(lIcq) ifelse(lstres[,"prob"]>0, 3, 15) else rep(15,lnr)
    lnsims <- largs$smooth.sim
    for (lj in 1:largs$rescol) {
      llr <- if(lIcq) lstres[,"random"] else lstres[,lj]
      if (largs$smresid) {
##        lsra <- if (length(lsimabsres)) lsimabsres[lnna,] else NULL
        ## drop NAs, since resid are wrong otherwise
        ## no simulated residuals here, because they are not from normal distr.
        lfsmsm <- smoothM(lfit, abs(lstres[,lj]), power=0.5, 
                           weights=lweights, resid="ratio", par=lsmpar)
        llr <- lstres[,lj]/lfsmsm$ysmorig
        llr <- llr / mad(llr, center=0, na.rm=TRUE) ## needs standardization
      ## ---
      lxy <- qqnorm(llr, ylab = largs$stresname[lj], main="", type="n")
      abline(0,1, lty = largs$lty[2], col=lclr[2])
      if (lnsims>0) {
        lxx <- qnorm(ppoints(lnobs))
        lsimstr <-
          attr(simresiduals.default(x, nrep=lnsims, simy=rnorm), "stres")
        ## lsimr  does not contain sim. res. according to normal distr.
##-         if (nrow(lsimstr)!=lnobs)
##-           lsimstr <- naresid(x$na.action, lsimstr)[lnna]
        ## be sure to have the correct observations
        for (lr in 1:lnsims) {
          lines(lxx,sort(lsimstr[,lr]), lty=largs$lty[4], lwd=largs$lwd[4],
##        lines(lxx, sort(lstres[,lj]), col=colors[1])
      li <- order(lxy$x)
      lxx <- lxy$x[li]
      lyy <- lxy$y[li]
      lines(lxx,lyy, col=lclr[1])
      if (is.character(lplab)) text(lxx,lyy,lplab[lnna][li], col=lclr[1]) else
        points(lxx,lyy, pch=rep(largs$pch, length=lnr)[lnna][li], col=lclr[1])
##-     lquart <- quantile(lstresa,c(0.25,0.75))
##-     abline(0, diff(lquart)/(2*qnorm(0.75)), lty = lty[2], col=colors[2])
      if(lIcq & lj==largs$rescol)
               legend=c("uncensored","simulated","for censored"))
## --- leverage plot. If weight are present, use "almost unweighted h"
  if ((!is.na(lpllevel))&&lpllevel>0 && lnnls) {
    if (diff(range(llev,na.rm=TRUE))<0.001)
      warning(":plot.regr: all leverage elements equal, no leverage plot")
    else {
      lplabh <- lplab[lnna]
      if (largs$markprop>0 & largs$markprop<1) {
        li <-
          order(llev, decreasing=TRUE)[1:(lnobs*largs$markprop/2)]
        lplabh[li] <- largs$plabels[li]
      llevtit <- paste("leverages", if(lIwgt) "(unweighted)")
      for (lj in 1:largs$rescol) {
        i.plotlws(llev, lstres[lnna,lj], llevtit, lstresname[lj], do.smooth=0,
                  ylim = streslim[,lj],  smooth.legend=FALSE,
                  arguments = largs)
  ##  line with constant Cook distance
        lcookl <- largs$cookdistlines
        if (length(lcookl)>0) {
          ldfres <- df.residual(x)
          llx <- seq(min(c(lcookl,4),na.rm=TRUE)^2 *(1-ldfres/lnobs)/6,
                     max(llev,na.rm=TRUE), length=50)
          llr <- outer(sqrt((1-llx)^2*(lnobs-ldfres)/(llx*ldfres)),
          matlines(llx, llr, lty=largs$lty[2], lwd=largs$lwd[2],
                   col=lclr[2]) ## !!! check: corr for stres?
  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## multivariate:
  ## residual matrix for multivariate regr
  if(lpls=="resmatrix") {
    lpanel <- function(xx, yy, indx, indy, pch, col, plab, ...) {
      li <- ifelse(is.na(lplab),TRUE,lplab=="")
    if (largs$rescol>1)
      plmatrix(lres, panel=lpanel, main=largs$main, plab=lplab, pch=largs$pch)
  ## mahalanobis residuals
  if(lpls=="qqmult")  ## qq plot of Mahalanobis lenghts for multivariate regr
    if ((!is.na(lpllevel))&&lpllevel>0) {
      lresmahal <- x$resmahal
      if (is.null(lresmahal)) lresmahal <- mahalanobis(lres,0,var(lres))
      lxx <- sqrt(qchisq(ppoints(lresmahal),ncol(lres)))
      lor <- order(lresmahal)
      lyy <- sqrt(lresmahal[lor])
      lop <- par(mfrow=c(1,1))
      plot(lxx,lyy, xlab="sqrt(Chisq.quantiles)",type="n",
           ylab = "Mahal.oulyingness", main="", col=largs$colors.ra[1])
      if (ltxt) text(lxx,lyy,lplab[lor]) # else points(lxx,lyy,pch=lplab[lor])
      abline(0,1,lty = largs$lty[2], col=largs$colors.ra[2])
} ## end lplsel
## ----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## plot residuals vs. explanatory variables by calling plresx
  ##  --- sequence
  lIseq <- i.def(sequence, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
  ## lIseq <- lIseq|length(sequence)>1
  if (lIseq) {
    ## is the seqence represented by any other variable?
    lseqvar <- if (length(largs$xvars)>0)
      sapply(largs$pldata[,largs$xvars,drop=FALSE],function(x) {
           if (is.factor(x)||is.character(x)) FALSE else {
             ld <- diff(x)
             sum(ld==0)<0.1*length(x) && (all(ld<=0) | all(ld>=0)) }
           } ) else FALSE
    if (any(lseqvar)) {
      warning(paste(":plot.regr / lpresx: sequence represented by",
                    paste(largs$xvars[lseqvar],collapse=", ")))
      lIseq <- FALSE
    ## otherwise, plresx will plot against
  ## -------------------------------------------
  largs$mf <- FALSE ## avoid a new page
  ## largs$ylim <- lylim  ## no need to calculate again
  plresx(x, data=data, resid=lres, vars=largs$xvars, 
         rawvars = rawvars, sequence=lIseq,
         weights= if ("weights"%in%names(lplsel)) FALSE else NULL,
         addcomp = addcomp, smooth.legend=lsmlegend,
         fromPlotRegr = largs)
  ## --- end
## ==========================================================================
plresx <-
  function(x, data = NULL, xvars = NULL, formula = NULL, 
           rawvars = TRUE, sequence=FALSE, weights=NULL, 
           addcomp = FALSE, smooth.legend = FALSE, ...)
## ------------------------------------------------------------
  argPlresx <- c("x", "data", "xvars", "formula", "rawvars",
                 "sequence", "weights", "addcomp", "smooth.legend")
  ## ----------------
  largs <- ## if ("fromPlotRegr"%in%names(substitute(list(...))))
  if (is.null(largs)) {
  lac <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  if (length(lac$formula)==0) lac$formula <- lac$xvars
  lextra <- setdiff(names(lac),c(argPlresx,i.argPlrControl))
  if (length(lextra))
    warning(":plresx: argument(s)  ",paste(lextra, collapse=", "),
            "  not used")
  lcl <- c(list(quote(plotregr.control)),
           lac[match(i.argPlrControl,names(lac), nomatch=0)] )
  mode(lcl) <- "call"
  largs <-eval(lcl)
  } else largs <- list(...)[["fromPlotRegr"]]
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (inherits(x,"mulltinom"))
    stop("!plresx! I do not know how to plot residuals of a mulitnomial regression")
  ldt <- largs$pldata
  lres <- largs$residuals
  lIcq <- inherits(lres, "condquant")
  is.fac <- attr(ldt,"is.fac")
  lform <- largs$formula
  lvars <- largs$xvars
  lty <- largs$lty
  lwd <- largs$lwd
  lnnls <- !inherits(x, "nls")
  lnr <- nrow(ldt)
  lclr <- largs$colors.ra
  ## factors
  if (length(lisfac <- attr(largs$pldata,"is.fac"))==ncol(ldt))
    for (lj in seq_len(ncol(ldt)))
      if (lisfac[lj]) ldt[,lj] <- factor(ldt[,lj])
  ##  --- sequence
  lIseq <- i.def(sequence, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (lIseq) {
    if (length(lvars)) {
      ## is the seqence represented by any other variable?
      lseqvar <-
        if (length(lvars)>0)
          sapply(ldt[,lvars,drop=FALSE],function(x) {
            if (is.factor(x)||is.character(x)) FALSE else {
             ld <- diff(x)
             sum(ld==0)<0.1*length(x) && (all(ld<=0) | all(ld>=0)) }
           } ) else FALSE
      lIseq <- !any(lseqvar)
      if (!lIseq) warning(paste(":plresx: sequence represented by",
                                paste(lvars[lseqvar],collapse=", ")))
    ldt$"(sequence)" <- 1:lnr
    lvars <- c(lvars,"(sequence)")
    is.fac <- c(is.fac, "(sequence)"=FALSE)
  ##  --- weights  as x variable
  lIwgt <- length(largs$pldata$"(weights)")>0
  lIweights <- i.def(weights, lIwgt, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (lIweights)
    if (!lIwgt)
      warning(":plresx; No weights found.",
              " Cannot plot residuals against weights")   else {
    lvars <- c(lvars, "(weights)")
    is.fac <- c(is.fac, "(weights)"=FALSE)
  ## ------------------
  lnvars <- length(lvars)
  if (lnvars==0) {
    warning(":plresx: I did not find any x variables")
    return() }
  ## terminmodel
  lrawv <- sapply(as.list(lvars),
                  function(x) all.vars(as.formula(paste("~",x))) )
  lvmod <- all.vars(formula(x))
  terminmodel <- lrawv%in%lvmod
##  reference lines
  reflines <- i.def(largs$reflines, !inherits(x,"coxph"))
## type
  addcomp <- as.logical(i.def(addcomp, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
  if (addcomp) lty[3] <- max(1,lty[3]-2) ## for terms
  ## x and y axes
  xlabs <- largs$xlabs
  if (length(xlabs)>0)
    if (length(xlabs)!=length(lvars)) {
      warning("argument  xlabs  has wrong length")
      xlabs <- NULL }
  if (length(xlabs)==0) xlabs <- lvars
  xlabs[xlabs=="(sequence)"] <- "sequence"
  xlabs[xlabs=="(weights)"] <- "weights"
  names(xlabs) <- lvars
  ylabs <- largs$ylabs
  if (length(ylabs)==0)
      ylabs <- if (addcomp) {
        ifelse(terminmodel, paste("Partial for", lvars), "Residuals")
      } else "Residuals"
  ylabs <- rep(ylabs, length=lnvars)
  names(ylabs) <- lvars
  ## ---
  lse <- largs$reflines.se
## -----------------------------------
  ## data to be plotted
  nnls <- !inherits(x, "nlls")
  lv <- unique(lrawv[terminmodel])
  if (any(terminmodel) && reflines &&lnnls) {
    lcmp <- fitcomp(x, vars=lv, xfromdata=FALSE, se=lse,
    lcompx <- lcmp$x
    lcompy <- if (addcomp) lcmp$comp else -lcmp$comp
    lcompse <- lcmp$se
    if (addcomp) {
      lcompdt <-
        fitcomp(x, ldt, vars=lv, xfromdata=TRUE)$comp
      ## !!! add to lres, careful for condq
  lqnt <- if(length(largs$dfres)>0) qt(1-largs$testlevel/2, largs$dfres) else
  ## --- plot range preparation
  ## get plot range for residuals, also needed for vars not in model
  lylim <- pllimits(largs$ylim, lres, limfac=largs$ylimfac[1])
    lylim <- setNames(rep(list(lylim), ncol(ldt)), colnames(ldt) )
  lIsmooth <- largs$smooth
  if (length(names(smooth.legend))==0) {
    lsmlegend <- i.def(smooth.legend, NULL, TRUE, NULL)
    if (length(lsmlegend)==1)
      lsmlegend <- setNames(lsmlegend, lvars[1])
  } else lsmlegend <-
             setNames(smooth.legend, lvars[1]) else smooth.legend
  ## --- multivariate
  if (inherits(x,"mlm")) {
    lpanel <- function(xx, yy, indx, indy, pch, col, ...) {
      lcmpx <- lcmpy <- NULL
      ltin <- terminmodel[indx]
      lvx <- lvars[indx]
      lcnt <- !is.fac[lvx]
      if (ltin) {
        lcmpy <- lcompy[,lvx,indy]
        if (lcnt) lcmpx <- lcompx[,lvx]
      lsm <- if(is.factor(xx)) FALSE else lIsmooth
      i.plotlws(xx,yy, do.smooth = lsm, ## ylim = lreslim[,indy], 
                smooth.legend=smooth.legend, new=FALSE, main = "",
                arguments=largs, ...)
    plmatrix(ldt[,lvars,drop=FALSE],lres, panel=lpanel,
             ##pch=largs$plab, plcol=largs$pldata$plcol,
             nrow = largs$multnrow, ncol = largs$multncol, 
             range.=lylim, reference=FALSE,
             main=largs$main) # clrsmooth=colors[3]
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
  lmf <- largs$mf
  if (length(lmf)) {
    if (is.logical(lmf)&&lmf)
      lmf <- if (lnvars<=6) lnvars else
  loma <- i.def(largs$oma, c(2,1)*(length(lmf)>0), valuefalse=NULL)
  if (length(loma)<4) loma <- c(0,0,loma,0)[1:4]
  loldpar <- 
    if (length(lmf)&(!is.logical(lmf))) {
      if (length(lmf)==1) mframe(mft=lmf, oma=loma) else
          mframe(lmf[1], lmf[2], oma=loma)
    } ## else par(oma=loma)  ## , ask=largs$ask
  if (length(loldpar)) on.exit(par(loldpar), add=TRUE)
## --- loop --- plresx
  for (lj in 1:lnvars) {
    lv <- lvars[lj]
    lvr <- lrawv[lj]
    lcmpj <- terminmodel[lj] && reflines&&lnnls
    lci <- if (lcmpj) lcompy[, lvr] else 0 ## !!!
    rr <- lres
    lylj <- lylim[[lv]]
    if (largs$partial.resid) 
      if (addcomp && lcmpj) {
        rr <- rr+lcompdt[, lvr]
        if (largs$ylim)
          lylj <- pllimits(lylj, rr, limfac=args$ylimfac[2])
## ---
    if (is.fac[lv]) { # ---
      ## factors
      ff <- factor(ldt[, lv])
      ll <- levels(ff)
      lnl <- length(ll)
      if (largs$mbox) {
        if (lIcq) rr <- lres[,"random"]
        plmboxes(rr~ff, data=ldt, xlab = xlabs[lv], ylab = ylabs[lv],
                 refline=0, mar=NULL, ilim=lylj)
      } else {
##-         xx <- as.numeric(ff)+runif(lnr,-jitter,jitter)
##-         xlims <- c(0.5,lnl+0.5)
        i.plotlws(ff, rr, xlab = xlabs[lv], ylab = ylabs[lv],
                  do.smooth = 0, ylim = lylj, reflinex=NULL, 
                  smooth.sim=0, arguments=largs) ## axes=2,   
      ## -
      if (lcmpj) {
        lx <- seq(along = ll)
##-         ww <- if (addcomp) match(ll,as.character(ff)) else 1:lnl
        lcil <- lci[1:lnl]
        if ((!is.null(lylj))&&diff(lylj)) {
          lcilp <- plcoord(lcil, lylj, largs$ylimfac, largs$ylimext)
          if (any(attr(lcilp,"nmod"))) {
            liout <- lcilp!=lcil
            segments(lx[liout]-0.4, lcilp[liout], lx[liout]+0.4, lcilp[liout],
                 lwd = lwd[5]/2, lty=lty[5], col=lclr[5])
            lcil[liout] <- NA
        segments(lx-0.4, lcil, lx+0.4, lcil,
                 lwd = lwd[5], lty=lty[5], col=lclr[5])
        if (lse) {
          wid <- lqnt * lcompse[1:lnl, lv]
                lty = lty[6], lwd=lwd[6], col = largs$colors.ra[6])
    } else { # ---
## --- continuous explanatory variable
      lrefx <- NULL
      lrefyw <- NULL
      if (lcmpj) {
        lrefx <- lcompx[,lvr]
        if (lse) lrefyw <- lqnt*lcompse[,lvr]
        ## !!! comp + lsimres
      i.plotlws(as.numeric(ldt[, lv]), rr, xlab = xlabs[lv], ylab = ylabs[lv],
                ylim = lylj, do.smooth = lIsmooth, 
                reflinex=lrefx, refliney=lci, reflineyw=lrefyw,
                smooth.sim=largs$smooth.sim, smooth.legend=smooth.legend[lv],
                main = largs$main,
                arguments=largs )
##-     i.main(if (lonetitle) lmain else lmain[lj], cex = largs$cex.title,
##-            outer.margin = largs$outer.margin)
##-     stamp(sure=FALSE)
## ====================================================================
i.plotlws <-
  function(x,y, xlab="",ylab="", do.smooth = 2, smooth.power=1, 
           ylim=NULL, reflinex=NULL, refliney=NULL, reflineyw=NULL,
           smooth.sim=0, smooth.legend = FALSE, simy = NULL,
           new=TRUE, axes=1:2, main = NULL, 
           arguments = NULL)
  ## Purpose:   panel for residual plots (labels, weights, smooth)
  ##   shows vertical bars if y is a matrix of class condquant
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## !!! simres only works with ncol(y)==1
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  5 May 2004, 06:46
  largs <- arguments
  if (is.null(largs)) stop("!i.plotlws! argument list not available")
  lsmooth <- largs$smooth
  lclr <- largs$colors.ra
  lIcq <- inherits(y,"condquant")
  lnr <- NROW(x)
  lplw <- largs$pldata$"(plweights)"
  lIplw <- length(lplw)>0
  lwgt <- largs$pldata$"(weights)"
  lyplext <- largs$plext[3:4] 
  ## lIylim <- !(is.logical(ylim)&&all(!ylim))
  ##  ylim is not NULL nor FALSE
  ## if (lIylim)
  ylim <- pllimits(ylim, y, limfac=largs$ylimfac[1])
  lIylim <- NROW(ylim)==2
  lrf <- !is.null(reflinex)
  lrfyw <- length(reflineyw)>0
  smooth.legend <- i.def(unlist(smooth.legend), NULL, TRUE, NULL)
  ## ---
  lplab <- largs$plab  ## pldata$"(plab)"
  lpclr <- largs$pldata$"(pcol)"
  lpclr <- rep(if (length(lpclr)) lpclr else lclr[1], length=lnr)
  if (lIcq) {
    lcqint <- y[,"prob"]!=0
    lpclr <- ifelse(lcqint, lclr[7], lpclr) ## color for random points
  lpch <- largs$pldata$"(pch)"
  if (length(lpch)==0) lpch <- rep(largs$pch, length=lnr)
  ltxt <- is.character(lplab) 
  ## --- smooth
  if (do.smooth) {
    lsmgrp <- largs$pldata$"(smooth.group)"
    lIsmgrp <- !is.null(lsmgrp)
    lsimy <- if (is.null(simy)) largs$simres else simy
    lsmooth <- if(is.list(lsmooth)) lsmooth else 
        smoothM(x, cbind(y, lsimy), lwgt,
               group=lsmgrp, power=smooth.power, band=do.smooth>2, 
               par=largs$smooth.par, iterations=largs$smooth.iter)
    lsmclr <-
      if (lIsmgrp) largs$colors.smgrp else rbind(lclr[3:4])
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## do plot(s) (i.plotlws)
  if (lIfac <- is.factor(x)) {
    ll <- levels(x)
    lnl <- length(ll)
    jitter <- i.def(largs$jitter, 0.3*(1-10^(-0.01*pmax(0, largs$nobs-10))) )
    x <- as.numeric(x)+runif(lnr,-jitter,jitter)
    lxrg <- c(0.5,lnl+0.5)
  } else {
    lxrg <- range(as.numeric(x), na.rm=TRUE)
    lxrg <- lxrg + largs$plext[1:2]*diff(lxrg)*c(-1,1)
  if (lIcq) { # condquant: only 1 y possible
##    ly <- y[,1]
    lypl <-
      if (lIylim) {
        cbind(plcoord(y[,1:4], range=ylim, limext=largs$ylimext,
                      plext=lyplext), y[,5:6]) ## column "prob" is needed
      }  else  y
  } else { # usual case
    if (lIylim) {
##      ly <- y
      lypl <- plcoord(y, range=ylim, limext=largs$ylimext, plext=lyplext)
    } else lypl <- y
  ## plotting frame
    if (new) {
      lyrg <- attr(lypl, "plrange")
      if (length(lyrg)==0) {
        lyrg <- range(lypl,na.rm=TRUE)
        lyrg <- lyrg + lyplext*diff(lyrg)*c(-1,1)
      plot(lxrg, lyrg, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
           type="n", bty="n", axes=FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
      if (1%in%axes)
        if (lIfac)  axis(1,labels=ll,at=1:lnl) else axis(1)
      ## box
      if (lIylim & length(attr(lypl,"nmod"))) {
        lusr <- par("usr")
        ## inner box
        if (2%in%axes) { ## axis labels only in inner range
          if (is.null(largs$yaxp)) {
            lat <- pretty(ylim, n=6, min.n=5)
            lat <- lat[lat>=ylim[1]&lat<=ylim[2]]
          } else axis(2,yaxp=largs$yaxp)
      } else {
        if (2%in%axes) axis(2)
    abline(0, 0, lty = largs$lty[2], col=lclr[2])
    lusr <- par("usr")
    ## conditional quantiles
    if(lIcq) {
      ## vertical
      li <- lcqint & lypl[,"prob"]>=largs$condprobrange[1] &
      if (any(li,na.rm=TRUE))
      ## horizontal
      ldx <- diff(lusr[1:2])*0.02
               x[lcqint]+ldx,lypl[lcqint,"median"], col=largs$colors.ra[8])
    if (lrf) {  ## prep reference line
      lrfx <- reflinex
      lrfy <- refliney
      if(length(lrfx)==1) { # given as abline: intercept, slope
        lrfy <- c(lrfx)+c(lrfy)*lusr[1:2]
        lrfx <- lusr[1:2]
      if (lrfyw) {
        lrfyl <- lrfy-reflineyw*lrfx
        lrfyu <- lrfy+reflineyw*lrfx
      if (lIylim) { ## adjust ref lines to limited y range
        if (length(lrfx)==2) {
          lrfx <- seq(lusr[1],lusr[2],length=50)
          lrfy <- reflinex+refliney*lrfx
          if (lrfyw) {
            lrfyl <- lrfy-reflineyw*lrfx
            lrfyu <- lrfy+reflineyw*lrfx
        lrfyp <- plcoord(lrfy, range=ylim, limext=largs$ylimext,
        lrfyl <- lrfy<lrfyp
        lrfyh <- lrfy>lrfyp
        lrfyr <- lrfy==lrfyp
        ## draw reference lines
        if (any(lrfyr,na.rm=TRUE))
        if (any(lrfyl,na.rm=TRUE))
        if (any(lrfyh,na.rm=TRUE))
        if (lrfyw) {
          lrfyl[lrfyl<ylim[1]|lrfyl>ylim[2]] <- NA
          lrfyu[lrfyu<ylim[1]|lrfyu>ylim[2]] <- NA
      }  else  {
        lines(lrfx,lrfy, lty=largs$lty[5],col=lclr[5],lwd=largs$lwd[5])
        if (lrfyw) {
    ## smooth
    if(do.smooth) {
      lsm <- lsmooth
      ## plot smooths
      lsmx <- lsm$x
      if (is.null(dim(lsmx))) dim(lsmx) <- c(length(lsmx),1)
      lsmy <- lsm$y
      ## groups
      lgrp <- as.numeric(lsm$group)
      if (length(lgrp)==0) {
        lgrp <- rep(1, NROW(lsmx))
        lngrp <- 1
      } else lngrp <- length(unique(lgrp))
      if (lIylim)  lsmy[lsmy<ylim[1]|lsmy>ylim[2]] <- NA
      if (largs$smooth.sim>0) {
        for (lgr in 1:lngrp) {
          lig <- lgrp==lgr
          matlines(lsmx[lig,1], lsmy[lig,-1], col=lsmclr[lgrp,2], 
                   lty=largs$lty[4], lwd=largs$lwd[4])
      for (lgr in 1:lngrp) {
        lig <- lgrp==lgr
        lines(lsmx[lig,1], lsmy[lig,1], col=lsmclr[lgr,1],
              lty=largs$lty[3], lwd=largs$lwd[3])
        if (do.smooth>2) { ## quantile smooths
          ligi <- lig & lsm$ybandindex
          lines(lsmx[ligi,1], lsm$yband[ligi], col=lsmclr[lgr,1],
                lty=largs$lty[3], lwd=0.5*largs$lwd[3])
          ligi <- lig & !lsm$ybandindex
          lines(lsmx[ligi,1], lsm$yband[ligi], col=lsmclr[lgr,1],
                lty=largs$lty[3], lwd=0.5*largs$lwd[3])
    ##- points
    lcplab <- largs$cex.plab[1]
    lcpch <- largs$cex.plab[2]
    lcplab <- rep(lcplab* if (lcplab>0) 1 else -(if(lIplw) lplw else 1),
    lcpch <- rep(lcpch* if (lcpch>0) 1 else -(if(lIplw) lplw else 1),
    if (lIcq) lypl <- lypl[,"random"]
    if (length(y)) { ## ???
      if (ltxt) {
        text(x,lypl, lplab, cex=lcplab, col=lpclr)
        lipch <- is.na(lplab)|lplab==""
      } else lipch <- rep(TRUE,length(x))
      if (any(lipch)) {
        if (lIplw) 
          symbols(x[lipch], lypl[lipch], circles=sqrt(lcpch[lipch]),
                  inches=par("cin"), fg=lpclr[lipch], add=TRUE)
          points(x[lipch], lypl[lipch], pch=lpch[lipch], cex=lcpch[lipch],
##-     ljx <- ljx+ldj
##-     ljrflx <- ljrflx+ldjrflx
##-     ljrfly <- ljrfly+ldjrfly
##-   }
  ## --------------------------------
  if (do.smooth) {
    if (lngrp>1) { ## legend for smooths
      if (length(smooth.legend)) {
        if (is.character(smooth.legend)&&smooth.legend[1]%in%c("TRUE","FALSE"))
          smooth.legend <- as.logical(smooth.legend)
        if (is.logical(smooth.legend))
          smooth.legend <- if (smooth.legend) "bottomright" else NULL
        if (length(smooth.legend))
          legend(smooth.legend[1], smooth.legend[2], legend=levels(lsmgrp),
                 lty=largs$lty[3], ## rep(largs$lty[3],lngrp),
                 col=largs$colors.smgrp, lwd=3, bg="white", xpd=TRUE) 
    i.main(if (is.null(main)) largs$main else main, cex = largs$cex.title)
    if (new) stamp(sure=FALSE)
  NULL  ## return last yrange
## ==========================================================================
i.plotselect <-
  function(plotselect, smooth=2, wgt = FALSE, mult = FALSE, 
           famgauss = TRUE, famglm = FALSE, famcount = FALSE)
  ## plot selection
  lsmdef <- 1+smooth-famglm
  lplsel <- c( yfit=0, resfit=lsmdef, absresfit = NA,
              absresweights = NA, qq = NA,
              leverage = 1, resmatrix = 1, qqmult = 1)
  if (length(plotselect)>0) {
    lpls <- TRUE
    lplnm <- names(plotselect)
    if (length(lplnm)==0) {
      if (length(plotselect)==length(lplsel))
        lplnm <- names(lplsel)
      else {
        warning(":plot.regr: Inadequate argument plotselect")
        lpls <- FALSE}
    if (lpls) {
      if ("default"%in%lplnm) {
        lplnm <- setdiff(lplnm, "default")
        lplsel[] <- if (plotselect["default"]==0) 0 else
      lina <- is.na(match(lplnm,c(names(lplsel),"default")))
      if (any(lina)) {
        warning(":plot.regr: Inadequate elements in plotselect: ",
              paste(names(plotselect)[lina], collapse=", "))
        lplnm <- lplnm[!lina] }
      lplsel[lplnm] <- plotselect[lplnm]
  if (!mult) lplsel[c("resmatrix","qqmult")] <- 0
  if (is.na(lplsel["yfit"])) lplsel["yfit"] <- 0
  if (is.na(lplsel["resfit"]))
    lplsel["resfit"] <- lsmdef * (lplsel["yfit"]==0)
  if (is.na(lplsel["absresfit"]))
    lplsel["absresfit"] <- !famcount
  if (is.na(lplsel["absresweights"]))
    lplsel["absresweights"] <- famgauss&wgt
  if (is.na(lplsel["qq"])) lplsel["qq"] <- famgauss # how about gamma? !!!
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
pllimits <-
  function(pllim, data, limfac = 4.0, FUNC=robrange)
{ ## determine inner plot range
  ## if pllim is a list or a matrix, leave it alone
  lIcq <- inherits(data, "condquant")
  ldt <- cbind( if (lIcq) c(data[,1:3]) else data )
  pllim <- i.def(pllim, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (length(pllim)>1)
    if (any(dim(cbind(pllim))!=c(2,NCOL(ldt)))) {
      warning(":plot.regr/pllimits: unsuitable argument  pllim ")
      pllim <- TRUE
  if (length(pllim)==1 && is.logical(pllim))
    pllim <-
      if (pllim) apply(ldt, 2, FUNC, fac=limfac) else
      matrix(FALSE, 2, NCOL(ldt))
  if ((!is.list(pllim))&length(pllim)==2) pllim <- as.matrix(pllim)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------
i.main <- function(main, line=1-outer.margin, cex=NULL, mincex=0.7,
                   adj=NULL, outer.margin=NULL, col="black",
  ## Purpose:   title
  ## ----------------------------------------------
  scale <- 2.5
  minadj <- 0.1
  outer.margin <- i.def(outer.margin, par("oma")[3]>0,
                        valuefalse = FALSE)
  if (outer.margin && 1!=prod(par("mfg")[1:2])) return()
  lwd <- if(outer.margin) par("mfg")[3] else 1
  lcex <- lwd * scale*par("pin")[1]/(par("cin")[1]*nchar(main))
  cex <- i.def(cex, max(mincex, min(1.2, lcex)), valuefalse = 0 )      
  ladj <- i.def(adj, max(minadj,0.5*(cex>mincex)), 0.5, minadj)
  ltxt <- main
  lmaxchar <- lwd * scale*par("pin")[1]/(cex*par("cin")[1])
  if (nchar(ltxt)>lmaxchar) ltxt <- paste(substr(ltxt, 1, lmaxchar-3),"...")    
  if (length(main)!=0 & cex>0)
    mtext(ltxt, 3, line, cex = cex, adj=ladj, outer = outer.margin,
  if ((!is.null(doc))&&doc&&length(tit(main)))
    mtext(tit(main), 3, line-1, outer = outer.margin, col=col)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

i.argPlrControl <-
    c( "x", "formula", "data", "rawvars", "smooth.group", "plweights",
      "plab", "pch", "pcol", "cex.plab", "cex.pch", "glm.restype",
      ## "fit", "hat", "stresiduals",
      "markprop", "smooth", "smooth.par",
      "smooth.iter", "smooth.sim", "leveragelim", "mbox",
      "lty", "lwd",
      "colors.ra", "colors.smgrp", "smooth.pale",
      "ylim", "ylimfac", "ylimext", 
      "plext", "yaxp", "main", "cex.title", "xlabs", "ylabs",
      "mf", "mfcol", "multnrow", "multncol", "oma", ## "ask",
      "smresid", "reflines", "reflines.se", "partial.resid", "cookdistlines")

## ==========================================================================
smoothRegr <-
  function(x, y, weights=NULL, par=5*length(x)^log10(1/2), iterations=50,
           minobs=NULL, ...)
  minobs <- i.def(minobs, getUserOption("smoothMinobs"), valuefalse=NULL)
  if (is.null(minobs)) minobs <- 8
  if (length(x)-sumna(x)<minobs ) return(NULL)
  iterations <- max(iterations, 1)
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
  lcl <- call("loess", formula=y~x, weights=weights, span=par,
              family=if (iterations>0) "symmetric" else "gaussian",
  if (is.null(weights)) lcl$weights <- NULL
  lsm <- if (u.debug()) eval(lcl) else try(eval(lcl), silent=TRUE)
  if (class(lsm)=="try-error") {
    warning(":smoothRegr: span was too small. Using 0.99")
    lcl$span <- 0.99
    lsm <- eval(lcl)
## ========================================================================
smoothM <-
  function(x, y, weights=NULL, band=FALSE, group=NULL, power=1,
           resid="difference", par=5*length(x)^log10(1/2),
           parband = par*2^log10(2), iterations=50, ...)
  ## Purpose:   smooth for multiple y : one column from data, the other sim
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  9 Feb 2016, 14:57
  lsmfunc <- getUserOption("smoothFunction")
  if (is.null(lsmfunc)) lsmfunc <- smoothRegr else
    if (is.character(lsmfunc)) lsmfunc <- get(lsmfunc)
  power <- i.def(power, 1,1,1)
  ## ---
  lnx <- NROW(x)
  ly <- cbind(y)
  if (nrow(ly)!=lnx) stop("!smoothM! Incompatible dimensions of 'x' and 'y'")
  ## if (length(weights)<=1) weights <- rep(1, lnx)
  lIwgt <- length(weights)>0
  if (lIwgt&&length(weights!=lnx))
    stop("!smoothM! Incompatible dimensions of 'x' and 'weights'")
  if (ljnogrp <- length(group)<=1) group <- rep(1, lnx)
  if (length(group)!=lnx)
    stop("!smoothM! Incompatible dimensions of 'x' and 'group'")
  lgrp <- factor(group)
  if (is.character(resid))
    resid <- pmatch(resid, c("difference","ratio"))
  if (is.na(resid)) {
    warning(":smoothM: argument 'resid' not suitable.",
            " Difference residuals calculated")
    resid <- 1
  lnna <- apply(is.finite(cbind(x,y)), 1,all)
  x[!lnna] <- NA
  lio <- order(as.numeric(lgrp),x)
  lio <- lio[!is.na(x[lio])]
  lxo <- x[lio] # sorted without NA
  lyo <- ly[lio,,drop=F]
  lgrpo <- lgrp[lio]
  lgrpn <- as.numeric(lgrpo)
  lwgto <- if(lIwgt) weights[lio] else NULL
  ## production
  oldopt <- options(warn=-1)
  lysm <- array(NA, dim=dim(lyo), dimnames=dimnames(lyo))
  ## presently only for matrices
  if (band) lysmband <- lsmrpos <- lysm[,1]
  for (lgr in seq_along(levels(lgrpo))) {  ## smooth within groups (if >1)
    lig <- which(lgrpn==lgr)
    for (j in ncol(lyo):1) {
      lsm <- lsmfunc(lxo[lig], lyo[lig,j]^power,
                     weights=if(lIwgt) lwgto[lig] else NULL,
                     par=par, iterations=iterations, ...)
      if (length(lsm)) lysm[lig,j] <- lsm^(1/power)
    if (band & length(lsm)) {
      lysmb <- lsm
      lsmr <- lyo[lig,1]-lsm^(1/power)
      lii <- lsmr>=0
      lsmrh <- lsmr[lii]
      ligi <- lig[lii]
      lsmh <- lsmfunc(lxo[ligi], sqrt(lsmrh),
                      if (lIwgt) weights=lwgto[ligi] else NULL,
                      par=parband, iterations=iterations)
      if (length(lsmh)) lysmb[lii] <- lsmh^2
      lii <- lsmr<=0
      lsmrl <- - lsmr[lii]
      ligi <- lig[lii]
      lsml <- lsmfunc(lxo[ligi], sqrt(lsmrl),
                      if (lIwgt) weights=lwgto[ligi] else NULL,
                      par=parband, iterations=iterations)
      if (length(lsml)) lysmb[lii] <- - lsml^2
      lysmband[lig] <- lysmb + lsm
      lsmrpos[lig] <- !lii
  lysmin <- matrix(NA, lnx, ncol(lyo), dimnames=list(names(x),colnames(lyo)))
  lysmin[lio,] <- lysm
  lres <- if (resid==2) ly/lysmin else ly-lysmin
  rr <- list(x = lxo, y = lysm, group = if(!ljnogrp) factor(lgrpo) else NULL,
             index = lio, xorig = x, ysmorig = lysmin, residuals = lres)
  if (band) rr <- c(rr, yband = list(lysmband), ybandindex = list(lsmrpos) )
## ====================================================================
## smoothRegrrob <- function(x,y,weights,par=3*length(x)^log10(1/2),iter=50)
## ==========================================================================
simresiduals <- function(object, ...)  UseMethod("simresiduals")
  ## Purpose:   simulate residuals according to regression model
  ##            by permuting residuals of actual model or by random numbers
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:  simfunction: how are residuals generated?
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
simresiduals.glm <- function(object, nrep=19, simfunction=NULL,
                             glm.restype="working", ...)
  lcall <- object$call
  if ("weights"%in%names(lcall)) {
    warning(":simresiduals: I cannot simulate for weighted regression (yet)")
    ## get_all_vars  contains  weights  without parentheses -> danger!
  loverd <- attr(object$scale, "fixed")
  if (length(loverd) && !loverd)
    warning(":simresiduals: Cannot simulate from overdispersed model.",
            " Using dispersion 1")
  lcall[[1]] <- as.name("glm")
  ## -------
  lnaaction <- object$na.action
  ldata <- object$allvars
  if (is.null(ldata)) {
      ldata <- if (u.debug())  eval(lcall$data)  else
      if (class(ldata)=="try-error"||is.null(dim(ldata))) {
        warning(":simresiduals: data not found -> No simulated residuals")
  if (length(lnaaction)) ldata <- ldata[-lnaaction,]
  lfit <- object$fitted.values
  ## prepare call
  lform <- update(formula(object), .Y. ~.)
  lynm <- all.vars(lform[[2]])
  environment(lform) <- environment()
  lcl <- call("glm", formula=lform, data=as.name("ldata"),
              family=object$family, start=object$coef, model=FALSE,
              y=FALSE, na.action=lcall$na.action)
  lfam <- object$distrname
  if (length(lfam)==0) lfam <- object$family$family
  if (is.null(lfam)) lfam <- ""
  ly <- object$response
  ln <- nrow(ldata)
  lone <- rep(1,ln)
  if (!is.function(simfunction)) {
    if(lfam%in%c("binomial","quasibinomial")) {
      if (NCOL(ly)==1 && length(unique(ly))!=2) {
        warning(":simresiduals: binomial distribution with ",
                "unsuitable response.\n  No residuals simulated")
      simfunction <-
        if(NCOL(ly)==1) function(n, fit, sig=NULL) rbinom(n, lone, fit)
      else {
        lnbin <- ly[,1]+ly[,2]
        function(n, fit, sig=NULL) {
          ly1 <- rbinom(n, lnbin, fit)
    } else {
      if (lfam%in%c("poisson","quasipoisson")) 
        simfunction <- function(n, fit, sig) rpois(ln, fit)
      else {
        warning(":simresiduals: not (yet) available for this ",
                "type of model.\n  No residuals simulated")
  ## ---
  lsimres <- matrix(NA, ln, nrep)
  for (lr in 1:nrep) {
    ldata$.Y. <- simfunction(ln, lfit)
    lrs <- eval(lcl, environment())
    lsimres[,lr] <-
      if (substr(glm.restype,1,4)=="cond")
        regr0:::residuals.polr(lrs)[,"random"] else
          residuals(lrs, type=glm.restype)
  naresid(lnaaction, lsimres)
## ==========================================================================
simresiduals.default <-
  function(object, nrep=19, simfunction=NULL, stres=TRUE, ...)
  ## glm.restype="deviance")
  ## Purpose:   simulate residuals according to regression model
  ##            by permuting residuals of actual model or by random numbers
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:  simfunction: how are residuals generated?
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 10 Aug 2008, 07:55
##-   if (!class(object)[1]%in%c("regr","lm","glm")) {
##-     warning(":simresiduals: ",
##-             "I can simulate only for `regr`, `lm`, or `glm` objects")
##-     return(NULL)
  ##-   }
  if (!inherits(object, c("lm", "lmrob")))
      stop("!simresiduals! I cannot simulate for model class  ",
           paste(class(object), collapse="  "))
  lcall <- object$call
  if ("weights"%in%names(lcall)) {
    warning(":simresiduals: I cannot simulate for weighted regression (yet)")
    ## get_all_vars  contains  weights  without parentheses -> danger!
  lnostres <- !u.true(stres)
  lnaaction <- object$na.action
  ldata <- object$allvars
  if (is.null(ldata)) {
      ldata <- if (u.debug())  eval(lcall$data)  else
      if (class(ldata)=="try-error"||is.null(dim(ldata))) {
        warning(":simresiduals: data not found -> No simulated residuals")
  if (length(lnaaction)) ldata <- ldata[-lnaaction,]
  lfit <- object$fitted.values
  if (is.null(lfit)) lfit <- object$linear.predictors
  if (is.null(lfit)) lfit <- 0
  ## -------
  if (lrgen <- length(simfunction)>0) {
    if (!is.function(simfunction)) simfunction <- rnorm
    ## ---
  ## weibull not yet implemented
    lsig <- object$sigma
    if (length(lsig)!=1) lsig <- 1  ## only standardized res useful!
    lres <- object$residuals
    if (length(lres)==0) lres <- rep(0, nrow(ldata)) ## needed to eliminate NAs
  } else {
    lres <- object$stres * object$sigma
    if (lnostres <- (length(lres)==0)||all(!is.finite(lres)))
      lres <- residuals(object)
    if (inherits(lres, "condquant"))
      lres <- structure(lres[,"random"], names=row.names(lres))
    if (length(lres)==0||all(lres==lres[1])) {
      warning(":simresiduals: no (distinct) residuals found",
              "-> No simulated residuals")
  if (nrow(ldata)!=length(lres)) {
    li <- match(names(lres),row.names(ldata))
    if (anyNA(li)) {
      warning(":simresiduals: data not suitable -> No simulated residuals")
    ldata <- ldata[li,]
    ##!!! weights
  lina <- is.na(lres)
  if (any(lina)) {
    lres <- lres[!lina]
    ldata <- ldata[!lina,]
    lfit <- rep(lfit,length=length(lres))[!lina]
  if (nrow(ldata)<=2) {
    warning(":simresiduals: <=2 residuals found -> No simulated residuals")
## ---
  ## prepare call
  lcall$data <- as.name("ldata")
  lform <- formula(object)
  lynm <- all.vars(lform[[2]])
  environment(lform) <- environment()
  lcall$formula <- lform
  lcall <- lcall[names(lcall)%nin%c("yy","fname","family","vif",
  lcall$model <- NULL
  lcall$termtable <- NULL
  lnrow <- nrow(ldata)
  lsimres <- matrix(NA,lnrow,nrep)
  lfam <- object$distrname
  if (length(lfam)==0) lfam <- object$family$family
##  if (lfam%in%c("gaussian","Gaussian")) 
  lcall$formula <- update(lform, paste(lynm,"~.")) ## needed for transformed y
  lsimstres <- if (lnostres) NULL else lsimres
  for (lr in 1:nrep) {
    ldata[,lynm] <-
      if (lrgen) simfunction(lnrow,lfit,lsig) else lfit + sample(lres)
    ## this would not work with polr or other matrix residuals
    lenv <- environment()
    lrs <- eval(lcall, envir=lenv) ## update(x, formula=lfo, data=ldata)
    lrsr <- residuals(lrs)
    if (inherits(lrsr, "condquant")) lrsr <- lrsr[,"random"]
    lsimres[,lr] <- lrsr
    if (!lnostres) lsimstres[,lr] <- naresid(lrs$na.action,lrs$stres)
  structure(naresid(lnaaction, lsimres), stres=naresid(lnaaction, lsimstres))
## =======================================================================
plmatrix <-
function(x, y=NULL, data=NULL, panel=panelDefault,
         nrow=0, ncol=nrow, save=TRUE, robrange.=FALSE, range.=NULL,
         pch=1, col=1, reference=0, ltyref=3,
         log="", xaxs="r", yaxs="r",
         xaxmar=NULL, yaxmar=NULL, xlabmar=NULL, ylabmar=NULL,
         vnames=NULL, main="", xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, cex=NA, 
         cex.points=NA, cex.lab=1, cex.text=1.3, cex.title=1,
         bty="o", oma=NULL, mar=rep(0.2,4), keeppar=FALSE,
         axes=TRUE, ...) ## ask = par("ask"), 
## Purpose:    pairs  with different plotting characters, marks and/or colors
##             showing submatrices of the full scatterplot matrix
##             possibly on several pages
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 23 Jul 93; minor bug-fix+comments:
  ## M.Maechler
  lf.axis <- function(k, axm, labm, at=at, txt, ...) {
    if (k %in% axm) axis(k)
    if (k %in% labm)
      mtext(txt, side=k, line=(0.5+1.2*(k %in% axm)), at=at)
  oldpar <- par(c("mfrow","mar","cex","mgp")) ##, "ask"
  lmfg <- par("mfg")
  on.exit(if (!keeppar) par(oldpar))
##---------------------- preparations --------------------------
## data
  if (is.formula(x))  {
    ld <- model.frame(x, data, na.action=NULL)
    if (length(x)>2) { ## response last
      ld1 <- as.data.frame(ld[,1])
      if (NCOL(ld1)==1) names(ld1) <- names(ld)[1] else
        if (colnames(ld1)[1]=="V1") ## rectify names
          names(ld1) <- extractNames(names(ld[1]), names(ld1))
      ld <- cbind( ld[,-1,drop=FALSE], ld1 )
    x <- ld
  } ## else ld <- x
  ldata <- x <- cbind(x)
  nv1 <- ncol(x)
  lv1 <- lv2 <- 0
  if (is.null(y)) {
    if (save) { nv1 <- nv1-1; lv2 <- 1 }
    nv2 <- nv1
  } else { # cbind y to data for easier preparations
    save <- FALSE
    if (is.formula(y))  {
      ld <- model.frame(y,data, na.action=NULL)
      if (length(y)>2)  ## response last
        y <- cbind( ld[,-1], as.data.frame(ld[,1]) ) else y <- ld
    ldata <- cbind(x, y)
    nv2 <- NCOL(y)
    lv2 <- nv1
  nvv <- ncol(ldata)
  tnr <- nrow(ldata)
## variable labels
  lvn <- colnames(ldata)
  if (is.null(lvn)) lvn <- paste("V",1:nvv)
  lvnm <- lvn
  if (!is.null(vnames)) {
    vnames <- rep(vnames,length=nvv)
    lvnm[!is.na(vnames)] <- vnames[!is.na(vnames)]
  lvsurv <- sapply(ldata, function(x) inherits(x, "Surv") )
  if (any(lvsurv)) {
    lf.surv <- function(dt) structure(dt[,1], pch=dt[,2]+1)
    ldata[lvsurv] <- lapply(ldata[lvsurv], lf.surv)
  vnames <- lvnm
  lxlab <-
    if (is.null(xlab)) vnames[lv1+1:nv1] else rep(xlab, length=nv1)
  lylab <-
    if (is.null(ylab)) vnames[lv2+1:nv2] else rep(ylab, length=nv2)
  ## plotting characters, color
  lpch <- eval(as.expression(substitute(pch)), data, parent.frame())
  if (length(lpch)>tnr) lpch <- lpch[1:tnr]
  lcol <- eval(as.expression(substitute(col)), data, parent.frame())
  if (length(lcol)>tnr) lcol <- lcol[1:tnr]
## range
  rg <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=nvv,dimnames=list(c("min","max"),lvn))
  if(is.matrix(range.)) {
    if (is.null(colnames(range.))) {
      if (ncol(range.)==ncol(rg)) rg[,] <- range.  else
      warning(":plmatrix: argument  'range.'  not suitable. ignored")
    } else {
      lj <- match(colnames(range.),lvn)
      if (anyNA(lj)) {
        warning(":plmatrix: variables  ", paste(colnames(range.)[is.na(lj)],collapse=", "),
                "  not found")
        if (any(!is.na(lj))) rg[,lj[!is.na(lj)]] <- range.[,!is.na(lj)]
    if (length(range.)==2&&is.numeric(range.)) rg[,] <- matrix(range.,2,nvv)

  lna <- which(apply(is.na(rg),2, any))
  if (length(lna)){
    ldt <- ldata[,lna,drop=FALSE]
    lfac <- !sapply(ldt, is.numeric)
    if (any(lfac)) { ## factors 
      rg[,lna[lfac]] <-
        rbind(0.2, apply(ldt[,lfac, drop=FALSE], 2,
                         function(x) length(unique(x))+0.8 ) )
      lna <- lna[!lfac]
      ldt <- ldt[,!lfac,drop=FALSE]
    if (any(lna))
      rg[,lna] <-
        apply(ldt, 2, 
              if(robrange.) robrange else range, na.rm=TRUE, finite=TRUE)
  colnames(rg) <- lvn
## reference lines
  tjref <- (length(reference)>0)&&!(is.logical(reference)&&!reference)
  if (tjref) {
    if(length(reference)==1) lref <- rep(reference,length=nvv) else {
      lref <- rep(NA,nvv)
      lref[match(names(reference),lvn)] <- reference
    names(lref) <- lvn
  ## ask?
##-     if (length(ask)==0) {
##-       ask <- getOption("ask")
##-       if(length(ask)==0)
##-        ask <- interactive() && last(c("",names(dev.list())))%in%c("X11cairo")
##-   }
##-   par(ask=ask)
  ## plot
  jmain <- !is.null(main)&&main!=""
  lpin <- par("pin")
  lnm <- if (nv1==6 && nv2==6) c(6,6) else {
    if (lpin[1]>lpin[2]) c(6,8) else c(8,6) }
  lnr <- nrow
  if (u.nuna(lnr)||lnr<1)
    lnr <- min(nv2,ceiling(nv2/((nv2-1)%/%lnm[2]+1)))
  lnc <- ncol
  if (u.nuna(lnc)||lnc<1)
    lnc <- min(nv1,ceiling(nv1/((nv1-1)%/%lnm[1]+1)))
  if (u.nuna(xaxmar)) xaxmar <- 1+(nv1*nv2>1)
##  if (anyNA(xaxmar)) xaxmar <- 1+(nv1*nv2>1)
  xaxmar <- ifelse(xaxmar>1,3,1)
  if (u.nuna(yaxmar)) yaxmar <- 2+(nv1*nv2>1)
##  if (anyNA(yaxmar)) yaxmar <- 2+(nv1*nv2>1)
  yaxmar <- ifelse(yaxmar>2,4,2)
  if (u.nuna(xlabmar)) xlabmar <- if (nv1*nv2==1) xaxmar else 4-xaxmar
  if (u.nuna(ylabmar)) ylabmar <- if (nv1*nv2==1) yaxmar else 6-yaxmar
  if (length(oma)!=4)
    oma <- c(2+(xaxmar==1)+(xlabmar==1), 2+(yaxmar==2)+(ylabmar==2),
#    oma <- 2 + c(0,0,!is.null(main)&&main!="",1)
  if (!keeppar) par(mfrow=c(lnr,lnc))
  par(oma=oma*cex.lab, mar=mar, mgp=cex.lab*c(1,0.5,0))
  if (keeppar) par(mfg=lmfg, new=FALSE)
  if (!is.na(cex)) cex.points <- cex
  if (is.na(cex.points)) cex.points <- max(0.2,min(1,1.5-0.2*log(tnr)))
  ## log
  if (length(grep("x",log))>0) ldata[ldata[,1:nv1]<=0,1:nv1] <- NA
  if (length(grep("y",log))>0) ldata[ldata[,lv2+1:nv2]<=0,lv2+1:nv2] <- NA
  npgr <- ceiling(nv2/lnr)
  npgc <- ceiling(nv1/lnc)
##----------------- plots ----------------------------
  for (ipgr in 1:npgr) {
    lr <- (ipgr-1)*lnr
  for (ipgc in 1:npgc) {
    lc <- (ipgc-1)*lnc
    if (save&&((lr+lnr)<=lc)) break
  for (jr in 1:lnr) { #-- plot row [j]
    jd2 <- lr+jr
    j2 <- lv2 + jd2
    if (jd2<=nv2)  v2 <- ldata[,j2]
    for (jc in 1:lnc) { #-- plot column  [j2-lv2] = 1:nv2
      jd1 <- lc+jc
      j1 <- lv1 + jd1
    if (jd2<=nv2 & jd1<=nv1) {
      v1 <- ldata[,j1]
      plot(NA,NA, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE,
           xlim <- rg[,j1], ylim <- rg[,j2],
           xaxs=xaxs, yaxs=yaxs, log=log, cex=cex.points)
      if (axes) {
        usr <- par("usr")
        if (jr==lnr||jd2==nv2)
          lf.axis(1, xaxmar, xlabmar, at[1], lxlab[j1-lv1])
        if (jc==1) lf.axis(2, yaxmar, ylabmar, at[2], lylab[j2-lv2])
        if (jr==1) lf.axis(3, xaxmar, xlabmar, at[1], lxlab[j1-lv1])
        if (jc==lnc||jd1==nv1)
          lf.axis(4, yaxmar, ylabmar, at[2], lylab[j2-lv2])
      if (is.character(all.equal(v1,v2))) { # not diagonal
        panel(v1,v2, indx=jd1,indy=jd2, pch=lpch, col=lcol, ...)
        if (tjref) abline(h=lref[j1],v=lref[j2],lty=ltyref)
      else { uu <- par("usr") # diagonal: print variable name
             text(mean(uu[1:2]),mean(uu[3:4]), vnames[j1], cex=cex.text) }
      else frame()
  if (jmain) mtext(main,3,oma[3]*0.9-2*cex.title,outer=TRUE,cex=cex.title)
    ##-   stamp(sure=FALSE,line=par("mgp")[1]+0.5)
  stamp(sure=FALSE,line=oma[4]-1.8) # ??? why does it need so much space?
  "plmatrix: done"

## ====================================================================
panelDefault <- function(xx, yy, indx, indy, pch=par("pch"), col=par("col"),
                         cex=par("cex"), size=NULL, ...) {
  if (is.character(xx)) xx <- factor(xx)
  if (is.character(yy)) yy <- factor(yy)
  if (is.factor(xx)) {
    if (is.factor(yy)) { 
      lsize <- if (is.null(size))
               else size
      sunflowerplot(yy~xx, add=T, col=col, size=lsize)
      plmboxes(yy~xx, data.frame(xx=xx,yy=yy), add=TRUE, ...)
  else {
    if (is.factor(yy)) yy <- as.numeric(yy)
    if (is.character(pch)) text(xx,yy,pch,col=col,cex=cex)
    else points(xx,yy,pch=pch,col=col,cex=cex,...)
## ====================================================================
panel.smooth <-
  function(xx, yy, indx, indy, pch=par("pch"), col=par("col"),
           cex=par("cex"), ...)
  graphics::panel.smooth(xx, yy, pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex, ...)
## ====================================================================
plmbox <- function(x, at=0, probs=NULL, outliers=TRUE, na.pos=NULL,
  width=1, wfac=NULL, minheight= NULL, adj=0.5, extquant=TRUE, 
  ilim=NULL, ilimext=0.05, widthfac=c(max=2, med=1.3, medmin=0.3, outl=NA),
  colors=c(box="lightblue2",med="blue",na="gray90"), lwd=c(med=3, range=2),
  warn=options("warn") )
  ## Purpose:   multi-boxplot
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Dec 2013, 10:09
  f.box <- function(wid, quant, col, lwmax) {
    if (wid>lwmax) {
      polygon(at+lwmax*lpos, quant, col="black")
      if (is.na(col)||col==0) col="white"
      polygon(at+lpos*lwmax^2/wid, quant, col=col)
    }  else 
    if(wid>0) polygon(at+wid*lpos, quant, col=col)

  lq <- lwid <- NULL
  lfac <- 0
  lx <- x[!is.na(x)]
  if (length(lx)==0) {
    if (warn>=0) warning(":plmbox: no non-missing data")
  } else {
  if (is.null(probs))
      probs <- if (sum(!is.na(x))<20) c(0.1,0.5,1)/2 else
  lprobs <- if (all(probs<=0.5))  c(probs,1-probs)  else c(probs)
  lprobs <- sort(unique(lprobs))
  colors <- as.list(colors)
  box.col <- colors[["box"]]
  if (length(box.col)==1)
    box.col <- ifelse(0.25<=last(lprobs,-1) & lprobs[-1]<=0.75, box.col, NA)
  ## values for degenerate case
  lxsd <- IQR(lx)
  lfac <- if (is.null(wfac)) width*2*lxsd else wfac*length(lx)
                                        # was mad/dnorm(0)
  lmed <- median(lx)
  lwmed <- width
  lrg <- range(lx)
  lrgd <- diff(lrg)
  loutl <- lx
  lwoutl <- widthfac["outl"]
  if (lrgd > 0) { ## non-degenerate
    if (is.null(minheight))
      minheight <- if (lxsd==0) lrgd*0.02  else lxsd*0.01
    lqy <- lq <- quinterpol(lx, probs=lprobs, extend=extquant)
    if (length(ilim)) {
      lrg <- plcoord(lrg, range=ilim, limext=ilimext)
      lqy <- plcoord(lqy, range=ilim, limext=ilimext)
    loutl <- lx[lx<min(lq)|lx>max(lq)]
  ## ---
    lwid <- lfac*diff(lprobs)/pmax(diff(lq), minheight)
##    lxsd <- IQR(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    lwmax <- widthfac["max"]*lfac*0.5/ifelse(lxsd>0, lxsd, 1)
    lwmed <- max(widthfac["med"]*min(lwmax,max(nainf.exclude(lwid))),
    lpos <- c(-adj,-adj,1-adj,1-adj)
    if (is.na(lwoutl)) lwoutl <- 0.1*lwmax
  ## ---
    for (li in 1:(length(lprobs)-1)) 
      f.box(lwid[li], lqy[li+c(0,1,1,0)], box.col[li], lwmax)
  }  ## else  warning(":plmbox: degenerate group. no  mbox")
  ## median
  lines(at+lwmed*c(-adj,1-adj), rep(lmed,2), col=colors[["med"]],
  lines(c(at,at), # +linepos*0.01*diff(par("usr")[1:2])*(0.5-adj),
        lrg, lwd=lwd["range"])
  if (outliers&&length(loutl)) {
    lat <- rep(at,length(loutl))
    segments(lat-lwoutl*adj, loutl, lat+lwoutl*(1-adj), loutl)
  if (!is.null(na.pos)) {
    lmna <- mean(is.na(x))
    if (lmna) {
      ldna <- diff(na.pos)
      if (length(ldna)==0 || is.na(ldna) || ldna==0)
        stop("!plmbox! argument 'na.pos' not suitable")
      lwidna <- lfac*lmna/abs(ldna)
      f.box(lwidna, na.pos[c(1,2,2,1)], colors[["na"]], lwmax)
  invisible(structure(lfac/length(x), q=lq, width=lwid))
## ====================================================================
plmboxes <- function(formula, data, width=1, at=NULL, 
    probs=NULL, outliers=TRUE, na=FALSE, 
    refline=NULL, add=FALSE, ilim=NULL, ilimfac=4, ilimext=0.05,
    xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, axes=TRUE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, 
    labelsvert=FALSE, mar=NULL,
    widthfac=NULL, minheight=NULL, colors=NULL, lwd=NULL, ...)
  ## Purpose:    multibox plot
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Dec 2013, 23:38
  f.ylim <- function(ylm, ext)
    c((1+ext)*ylm[1]-ext*ylm[2], (1+ext)*ylm[2]-ext*ylm[1])

  formula <- as.formula(formula)
  if (length(formula)<3) stop("!plmboxes! formula must have left hand side")  
  ## widths
  lwfac <- modarg(widthfac, c(max=2, med=1.3, medmin=0.3, outl=NA, sep=0.003))
  ## colors, widths
  lcol <- modarg(colors,
                 c(box="lightblue",med="blue",na="gray90",refline="magenta") )
  llwd <- modarg(lwd, c(med=3, range=2))
  ## data
  if (length(dim(data))!=2||nrow(data)==0)
    stop("!plmboxes! Argument 'data' has dimension   ",
         paste(dim(data),colapse=" ")) 
  ldt <- model.frame(formula, data, na.action=na.pass)
  ly <- ldt[,1]
  l1asymbox <- length(formula[[3]])>1 && as.character(formula[[3]][[2]])=="1"
  if (l1asymbox)  ldt <- data.frame(ldt[,1],0,ldt[,2])
  ## preliminary 
  lx <- ldt[,2] <- factor(ldt[,2]) # unused levels are dropped
  lxx <- ldt[,-1]
  llr <- ncol(ldt)>2 ## asymmetrix mboxes required for binary factor
  llist <- split(ly,lxx)
  if (l1asymbox) {
    llev <- ""
    llev2 <- c(levels(ldt[[3]]),"","")[1:2]
  } else llev <- levels(lx)
  lng <- length(llev)
  lnn <- sapply(llist,length)
  lsd <- mean(sapply(llist,mad,na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)
  width <- rep(width, length=lng)
  lfac <- width*lsd/(max(lnn)*(1+llr))
  if (is.null(minheight)) {
    lscales <- sapply(llist, IQR, na.rm=TRUE)
    minheight <- median(lscales)*0.02
  ## labels
  if (is.null(xlab)||is.na(xlab)) {
      xlab <- as.character(formula[[3]])
      if (length(xlab)>1) xlab <- xlab[2]
      if (xlab=="1") xlab <- ""
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- as.character(formula[[2]])
  ## position
  if (is.null(at)) at <- 1:lng else
    if (length(at)!=lng) {
      warning(":plmboxes: 'x' has wrong length")
      at <- at[1:lng] ## may produce NAs
  ## probabilities
  if (is.null(probs))
      probs <- if (sum(!is.na(ly))/(lng*(1+llr))<20) c(0.1,0.5,1)/2 else
  ## box for NA's?
  if (is.null(na)||is.na(na)||(is.logical(na)&&!na)) na.pos <- NULL else 
      if (is.logical(na))
          na.pos <- c(min(ly, na.rm=TRUE)*(1-0.3)-0.3*max(ly, na.rm=TRUE))
  if (length(na.pos)==1)
    na.pos <- na.pos+ 0.03*diff(range(ly,na.rm=TRUE))*c(-1,1)
  lusr <- par("usr")
  ## plot range
  lrg <- if (add) lusr[3:4] else range(ly, na.pos, na.rm=TRUE, finite=TRUE)
  ilim <- i.def(ilim)
  if (is.logical(ilim)) ilim <- pllimits(ilim, ly, limfac=ilimfac)
  if (length(ilim)!=2 || (is.numeric(ilim)&&(ilim[1]>=ilim[2]))) {
    warning(":plmboxes: unsuitable argument 'ilim'")
    ilim <- NULL
  if (is.null(ilim)||all(!ilim)) ilim <- lrg
  ljlim <- ilim[1]<lrg[1] | ilim[2]<lrg[2] ## inner range is actif
  if (add) {
    xlim <- lusr[1:2]
    ylim <- lusr[3:4]
  } else {
    if(u.nuna(xlim)) xlim <- ## better: NAs -> default value
      range(at, na.rm=TRUE)+ max(width[c(1,length(width))])*c(-1,1)*0.5
    if(u.nuna(ylim)) ylim <- f.ylim(ilim,ilimext)
    ## margins
    if (is.null(mar)||is.na(mar)) {
      mar <- c(ifelse(labelsvert, min(7,1+1.1*max(nchar(llev))), 4), 4,4,1)
      oldpar <- par(mar=mar)
    } else par(mar=rep(mar,length=4))
##-     if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- 
##-       range(at, na.rm=TRUE)+ max(width[c(1,length(width))])*c(-1,1)*0.5
  ## ---------------------------------
    plot(xlim, ylim, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab=ylab, mar=mar, ...)
    if (axes) {
      axis(1, at=at, labels=llev, las=1+2*labelsvert)
      lat <- pretty(f.ylim(lrg, ilimext)) #, n=7,n.min=5
      if(!is.null(na.pos)) {
        lat <- lat[lat>max(na.pos)]
      if (l1asymbox) {
        mtext(llev2[1], 1,1, at=0.75)
        mtext(llev2[2], 1,1, at=1.25)
      axis(2, at=lat)
      if (ljlim) { ## inner and outer box
      } else box()
    mtext(xlab, 1, par("mar")[1]-1)
  } # if (!add)
  ## ---
  if (!is.null(refline))
      abline(h=refline, col=lcol[["refline"]], lty=3, lwd=1.5)
  ## ---
  lusrd <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
  lsep <- lwfac["sep"]*llr*lusrd
  lwoutl <- lwfac["outl"]
  if (is.na(lwoutl)) {
      lwoutl <- 0.05*lusrd
      lwfac["outl"] <- lwoutl/lng
  if (llr) lwfac[c("medmin","outl")] <- lwfac[c("medmin","outl")] /2
  ## ------------
  for (li in 1:lng) {
    if (is.na(at[li])) next
    if (length(lli <- llist[[li]])) 
    plmbox(lli,at[li]-lsep, probs=probs, outliers=outliers, wfac=lfac[li],
##           adj=0.5*(1+llr), na.pos=na.pos, minheight=minheight, extquant=TRUE,
           adj=1-0.5*(1-llr), na.pos=na.pos, extquant=TRUE,
           ilim=if(ljlim) ilim, ilimext=ilimext, 
           widthfac=lwfac, colors=lcol, lwd=llwd, warn=-1)
    if (llr) ## second half of asymmetrix  mbox
      if (length(llir <- llist[[li+lng]]))
        plmbox(llir,at[li]+lsep,probs=probs, outliers=outliers, wfac=lfac[li],
               adj=0, na.pos=na.pos, extquant=TRUE,
               ilim=ilim, ilimext=ilimext, 
               widthfac=lwfac, colors=lcol, warn=-1)
## ===========================================================================
plres2x <-
  function(formula=NULL, reg=NULL, data=reg, restricted=NULL, size = 0,
  slwd = 1, scol = 2, xlab = NULL, ylab= NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL,
  main = NULL, cex.title= NULL, ...)
## Purpose:  plot residuals vs. two x`s
## Author:   ARu , Date:  11/Jun/91
## Aenderungen: MMae, 30/Jan/92, Dez.94
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
##   formula    z~x+y, where
##              x, y  coordinates of points given by two vector arguments.
##              z     gives orientation (by sign)
##                   and size (by absolute value) of symbol.
##   reg        regression results
##   data       data
##              you must specify either  reg  or  data
##   restricted absolute value which truncates the size.
##              The corresponding symbols are marked by stars.
##   size       the symbols are scaled so that "size" is the size of
##              the largest symbol in cm.
##   main       main title, defaults to the formula
##   ...        additional arguments for the S-function `plot`
## the function currently only plots  z  for the first two terms of the
## right hand side of  formula
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  lform <- as.formula(formula)
  if (length(reg)==0) {
    if (length(data)==0) stop("either  reg  or  data  must be specified")
    ldata <- data
    if (length(lform)<3)
      stop ("left hand side of formula is missing. Did you mean to use reg results?")
  }  else
  if (inherits(reg,"lm")) {
    ldata <- eval(reg$call$data)
##-     ldata <- eval(parse(text=as.character(reg$call[3])))
    lftext <- deparse(formula(reg))
    if (length(formula)==0) lform <- formula(reg)[c(1,3)]
    if (length(lform)<3) {
      lform <- update.formula(lform,residuals~.)
      lrs <- resid(reg)
      if (length(lrs)!=nrow(ldata)) {
          ldata <- ldata[names(lrs),]
          if (nrow(ldata)!=length(lrs)) stop("!plres2x! residuals and data incompatible")
      ldata <- data.frame(ldata,residuals=resid(reg))
  } else stop("!plres2x! unsuitable argument reg")
  lftext <- deparse(lform)
  if (length(main)==0) main <- lftext
  if (is.logical(main)) main <- if (main) lftext else ""
  main <- as.character(main)
  if (length(cex.title)==0) cex.title <- max(0.5, min(1.2,
  if (!is.data.frame(ldata)) {
    if(is.matrix(data)) ldata <- as.data.frame(data) else
      stop("data is not a data.frame") }
  ld <- model.frame(lform,ldata)
  ld <- nainf.exclude(ld)
  z <- ld[,1]
  x <- as.numeric(ld[,2])
  y <- as.numeric(ld[,3])
  if (length(xlim)==0) xlim <- range(x)
  if (length(ylim)==0) ylim <- range(y)
##--- restrict z values: ---
  if(length(restricted)==0)   restr <- FALSE else {
    restr <- abs(z) > restricted
    z <- pmin( pmax( z, -restricted), restricted) }
## size
  if (is.null(size)||is.na(size)||size<=0)  size <- 5/log10(length(x))
  lpin <- par("pin")
  fx <- (size * diff(xlim))/100
  fy <- fx/diff(xlim)*diff(ylim)/lpin[2]*lpin[1]
  if (length(xlab)==0) xlab <- names(ld)[2]
  if (length(ylab)==0) ylab <- names(ld)[3]
  plot(x, y, xlim = xlim + c(-1,1)* fx, ylim = ylim + c(-1,1)* fy, pch = ".",
       xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main="", ...)
##--- draw symbols: ---
  z <- z/max(abs(z), na.rm = TRUE)
  usr <- par("usr")
  sxz <- fx * abs(z)
  syz <- fy * z
  segments(x - sxz, y - syz,  x + sxz, y + syz, lwd = slwd, col=scol)
##--- mark restricted observations: ---
  if(any(restr)) {
    points((x - sxz)[restr], (y - syz)[restr], pch= 8, mkh = 1/40)
    points((x + sxz)[restr], (y + syz)[restr], pch= 8, mkh = 1/40)
  if (length(main)>0) mtext(main, 3, 1, cex=cex.title*par("cex"))
"plres2x done"
## ==========================================================================
plfitpairs <- function(object, ssize=0.02, main=NULL) #, pch=NULL
  ## Purpose:   pairs plot of fitted values for multinomial regression
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  5 Aug 2004, 10:54
  if (is.null(main)) main <- paste("fitted prob.",object$formula)
  lpr <- object$fitted.values
  lny <- ncol(lpr)
  ly <- object$y
  if(length(ly)==0) stop("!plfitpairs! no response values found")
  ly <- as.numeric(factor(object$y))
##-   if (is.factor(ly)) ly <-  as.numeric(factor())
  if (max(ly)!=lny)
    stop("!plfitpairs! ncol of fitted values != number of levels in y")
##  if (length(pch)<lny) pch <- 1:lny
  lmx <- max(lpr)
  l.panel <- function(x,y,indx,indy,ly,col, ssize) {
    lix <- indx==ly
    liy <- indy==ly
    x[!(lix|liy)] <- NA
  plmatrix(lpr, panel=l.panel, pch=ly, range.=c(0,lmx), main=main, ssize=ssize)
  "plfitpairs done"
## ===================================================================
plTA.polr <- function(object, colbars=grey(0.7), colref=grey(0.7),
  ## Purpose:   plot "conditional median" residuals against fit for
  ##            cumulative logit model
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ##   object   result of polr
  ##   colbars  color to be used for plotting residuals
  ##   colref   color to be used for plotting the reference line
  ##   ploty    if TRUE, the latent response will be plotted instead of the
  ##            residuals
  ## Remark:    experimental function !!!
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  2 Oct 2007, 12:18
  if (length(object$call$weights))
      warning(":plTA.polr: Weigths are not visualized in the plot.")
  lyy <- residuals.polr(object)
  lfit <- lyy[,"fit"]
  if (ploty) lyy <- lyy[,c("median","lowq","uppq")]+lfit
  plot(range(lfit),range(lyy[,1:3]),type="n", # robrange(lyy[,1:3],fac=4),
       xlab="fit",ylab=if (ploty) "latent variable" else "residual")
  if (ploty) abline(0,1,col=colref) else
  for (lk in 1:length(object$zeta))
    if (ploty) abline(h=object$zeta[lk],col=colref,lty=5) else
  ls <- loess(lyy[,"median"]~lfit,span=0.7)
  lx <- seq(min(lfit),max(lfit),length=51)
  lsy <- predict(ls,newdata=data.frame(lfit=lx),family="symmetric")
## ===========================================================================
## additional useful functions
## ===========================================================================
dropdata <- function(data, rowid=NULL, incol="row.names", colid=NULL)
  ## Purpose:   drop observations from a data frame
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel
  li <- lj <- NULL
  lattr <- attributes(data)
  lattr <- lattr[is.na(match(names(lattr),
  ln <- NROW(data)
  if (!is.null(rowid)) {
    lrn <- RNAMES(data)
    if (is.null(lrn)) lrn <- as.character(1:NROW(data))
    if (incol=="row.names")
      li <- match(as.character(rowid),lrn,nomatch=0)
    else {
      incol <- if (is.numeric(incol)) (1:ncol(data))[incol] else
      match(incol, colnames(data))
      if (is.na(incol)) stop("misspecified argument `incol`")
      li <- match(rowid,data[,incol],nomatch=0)
    if (any(li==0)) warning(":dropdata: observations",
              paste(rowid[li==0],collapse=", "),"not found")
    li <- li[li>0]
    if (!is.null(li)) {
      data <- cbind(data)[-li,]
      names(li) <- lrn[li]
  ## drop variables
  if (!is.null(colid)) {
    lj <- match(as.character(colid),names(data),nomatch=0)
    if (any(lj==0)) warning(":dropdata: variables  ",
              paste(colid[lj==0],collapse=", "),"  not found")
    lj <- lj[lj>0]
    if (!is.null(lj)) data <- data[,-lj,drop=FALSE]
  if (length(li)==0&length(lj)==0) {
      warning(":dropdata: no data to be dropped")
  if (length(li)) {
    if (length(li)==NROW(data)) warning(":dropobs: no observations left")
    if (length(lattr$na.action))  {
      lin <- which(naresid(lattr$na.action, 1:ln%in%li))
      names(lin) <- lrn[li]
      li <- c(lattr$na.action, lin)
    class(li) <- "exclude"
    lattr$na.action <- li
  attributes(data) <- c(attributes(data),lattr)
## ======================================================================
subset <- function(x, ...) {
  ## function subset that preserves attributes 'doc' and 'tit'
  lattr <- attributes(x)[c("doc","tit")]
  lsubs <- base::subset(x, ...)
  attributes(lsubs) <- c(attributes(lsubs),lattr)
## ======================================================================
showd <- function(data, first=3, nrow.=4, ncol.=NULL)
## print some rows (and columns) of a matrix or data.frame
  ldoc <- getUserOption("doc")
  if (length(ldoc)>0 && ldoc && length(tit(data))>0) {
    cat("tit: ",tit(data),"\n")
  lldim <- length(dim(data))
  if (lldim>2) stop("!showd not yet programmed for arrays")
  if (lldim>0) cat("dim: ",dim(data),"\n") else
    if (is.factor(data)) data <- as.character(data)
  ldata <- cbind(data)
  l.nr <- nrow(ldata)
  l.nc <- ncol(ldata)
  if (is.null(colnames(ldata))) colnames(ldata) <- paste("c",1:l.nc,sep=".")
  ## select columns
  l.ic <- if (length(ncol.)==0) 1:l.nc  else {
    if (length(ncol.)==1) {
      if (l.nc>ncol.)
        c(seq(1,by=l.nc%/%ncol.,length=ncol.-1),l.nc) else 1:l.nc
    } else  {
      lic <- ncol.[ncol.>0&ncol<=l.nc]
      if (length(lic)>0) lic else 1:l.nc
  ## select rows
  if (l.nr<=nrow.+first)  l.dc <- format(ldata[,l.ic, drop=FALSE])  else {
    l.ir <- c(1:first,round(seq(first,l.nr,length=nrow.+1))[-1])
    l.ir <- unique(c(last(l.ir,-1),l.nr))
    l.dc <- data.frame(u.merge(format(ldata[l.ir,l.ic]),"",after=first),
    names(l.dc) <- colnames(ldata)[l.ic]
    lrn <- row.names(ldata)
    if (is.null(lrn)) lrn <- paste("r",1:l.nr,sep=".")
    row.names(l.dc) <- c(lrn[1:first],"...", lrn[l.ir[-(1:first)]])
  ## was vector or array with only 1 column
  if (l.nc==1) {
    if (lldim>0) cat("     transposed column\n")
    row.names(l.dc) <-
    l.dc <- t(l.dc)
  if (length(ldoc)&&ldoc&&length(doc(data)))
    cat("\ndoc:  ",paste(doc(data),collapse="\n  "),"\n")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
mframe <-
function(mfrow=NULL, mfcol=NULL, mft=NULL, row=TRUE, oma=c(0,0,2,1),
                 mar=getUserOption("mar"), mgp=getUserOption("mgp"), ...)
## Purpose:    par(mfrow...)
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, 1994 / 2001
  if (length(mfrow)==2) {
    mfcol <- mfrow[2]
    mfrow <- mfrow[1]
  if (is.null(mft)) {
    if (is.null(mfrow)) mfrow <- 1
    if (is.null(mfcol)) mfcol <- 1
  } else {
    t.din <- par("din")
    if (is.null(mfrow))
      mfrow <- max(1,ceiling(sqrt(mft*t.din[2]/t.din[1])))
    mfcol <- ceiling(mft/mfrow)
    mfrow <- ceiling(mft/mfcol)
  mfrow <- max(1,mfrow)
  mfcol <- max(1,mfcol)
  t.oma <- if (mfrow*mfcol>1) oma else rep(0,4)
  if (length(mar)==0) mar <- c(3,3,1,1)+0.5 else
  mar <- rep(mar, length=4)
  if (length(mgp)!=3) mgp <- c(2,0.8,0) else
            par(mfrow=c(mfrow,mfcol), oma=oma, mar=mar, mgp=mgp, ...) else
            par(mfcol=c(mfrow,mfcol), oma=oma, mar=mar, mgp=mgp, ...) )
## ==========================================================================
robrange <-
  function(data, trim=0.2, fac=3, na.rm=TRUE)
  lna <- any(!is.finite(data))
  if (lna) {
    if(!na.rm) stop("!robrange! 'data' contains NAs")
    data <- data[is.finite(data)]
  ln <- length(data)
  if (is.character(data)|length(data)==0) stop("!robrange! invalid data")
  trim <- c(trim, 0.2)[1]
  if (!is.finite(trim)) trim <- 0.2
  lmn <- mean(data,trim=trim)
  lds <- sort(abs(data-lmn))
  lnt <- ceiling((1-trim)*ln)
  if (lnt<3 | lnt==ln) {
    warning(":robrange: not enough valid data. returning ordinary range")
    lsd <- Inf } else {
    lsd <- fac*sum(lds[1:lnt]/(lnt-1))
    if (lsd==0) {
      warning(":robrange: robust range has width 0. returning ordinary range")
      lsd <- Inf }
  c(max(lmn-lsd,min(data)), min(lmn+lsd,max(data)))
## ==========================================================================
stamp <- function(sure=TRUE, outer.margin = NULL,
                  project=getUserOption("project"), step=getUserOption("step"),
                  stamp=getUserOption("stamp"), ...)
## Purpose:   plot date and project information
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
##   sure     if F, the function only plots its thing if  getOption("stamp")>0
##   outer    if T, the date is written in the outer margin
##   project  project title
##   step     title of step of data analysis
##   ...      arguments to  mtext , e.g., line=3
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 13 Aug 96, 09:00
  if (length(stamp)==0) {
    message("stamp() setting userOptions(stamp=1)")
    stamp <- 1
  if (length(outer.margin)==0) outer.margin <- par("oma")[4]>0
  t.txt <- date()
  t.txt <- paste(substring(t.txt,5,10),",",substring(t.txt,22,23),"/",
    if (length(project)>0) t.txt <- paste(t.txt,project,sep=" | ")
    if (length(step)>0) t.txt <- paste(t.txt,step,sep=" | ")
  if( sure | stamp==2 | ( stamp==1 & (
##     last figure on page
     { t.tfg <- par("mfg") ; all(t.tfg[1:2]==t.tfg[3:4]) }
       || (is.logical(outer.margin)&&outer.margin) ))  )
       mtext(t.txt, 4, cex = 0.6, adj = 0, outer = outer.margin, ...)
## =======================================================================
quinterpol <- function(x, probs = c(0.25,0.5,0.75), extend=TRUE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 15 Nov 2014, 16:04
  lx <- x[!is.na(x)]
  ltb <- table(lx)
  ln <- length(lx)
  lnn <- length(ltb)
  ln1 <- lnn+1
  lxx <- as.numeric(names(ltb))
  lxm <- (lxx[-1]+lxx[-lnn])/2
  lx0 <- if(extend) 2*lxx[1]-lxm[1] else lxx[1]
  lx1 <- if(extend) 2*lxx[lnn]-lxm[lnn-1] else lxx[lnn]
  lxe <- c(rbind(c(lx0,lxm),lxx),lx1)
  lp <- c(0,cumsum(ltb)/ln)
  lpp <- (lp[-1]+lp[-ln1])/2
  lpe <- c(rbind(lp,c(lpp,1)))  ## last element (1) is ineffective
  ld <- outer(probs,lpe,"-")
  li <- apply(ld>0,1,sum)
  lii <- 1:length(probs)
  ldd <- cbind(ld[cbind(lii,li)],ld[cbind(lii,li+1)])
  lh <- ldd[,1]/(ldd[,1]-ldd[,2])
  lxe[li]*(1-lh) + lxe[li+1]*lh
## =======================================================================
quantilew <- function(x, probs=c(0.25,0.5,0.75), weights=1, na.rm=FALSE)
  ## Purpose:   quantile with weights, crude version
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: KSK Projekt, Date: 14 Dec 1999, 12:02
  probs <- probs[!is.na(probs)]
  if (length(weights)==1) return(quantile(x, probs))
  if (length(weights)!=length(x))
    stop("!quantilew! lengths of 'x' and 'weights' must be equal")
  if (any(t.ina <- is.na(x))) {
    if (!na.rm) stop("!quantilew! NAs not allowed while 'na.rm' is FALSE")
    x <- x[!t.ina]
    weights <- weights[!t.ina]
  t.i <- order(x)
  t.d <- x[t.i]
  t.wg <- cumsum(weights[t.i])/sum(weights)
  t.i1 <- apply(outer(t.wg,probs,"<"),2,sum)+1
  t.i2 <- pmin(apply(outer(t.wg,probs,"<="),2,sum)+1,length(t.d))
## ===========================================================================
getUserOption <- function (x, default = NULL)
    if (is.null(default))
    if (x %in% names(userOptions())&&!is.null(userOptions(x)))
    else default
userOptions <- function (x=NULL, default=NULL, list=NULL, ...)
##-     lpos <- find("UserOptions")
##-     luopt <- get("UserOptions", pos=lpos)
    luopt <- if (exists("UserOptions", where=1)) get("UserOptions", pos=1) else
    if ((!is.null(x)&&is.character(x))) ## asking for options
      return(if(length(x)==1) luopt[[x]] else luopt[x])
    if (!is.null(default)) {
        default <- as.character(default)
      if (default=="TRUE"|default=="all") return(userOptions(list=UserDefault))
      if (default=="unset")
      if (!is.character(default))
        stop("!userOptions! Unsuitable argument  default .")
    lop <- c(list,list(...))
    ## show all options
    if (length(lop)==0) return(luopt[order(names(luopt))])
    ## set options
    lold <- luopt[names(lop)]
    for (li in names(lop))
      luopt[li] <- list(lop[[li]])
    assign("UserOptions", luopt, pos=1)
        ## assignInMyNamespace does not work
## -----------------------------------------------------
c.colors.ra <- c("gray3","gray2","blue","cyan","darkgreen","green",
c.colors <- c("black","firebrick3","deepskyblue3","springgreen3",
UserDefault <- UserOptions <- 
  list(stamp=1, project="", step="", doc=TRUE, show.termeffects=TRUE,
       colors = c.colors, colors.ra = c.colors.ra,
       mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(2,0.8,0), plext=0.05, digits=4,
       regr.contrasts=c(unordered="contr.wsum", ordered="contr.wpoly"),
       termcolumns=c("coef",  "df", "ciLow","ciHigh","R2.x",
         "signif", "p.value", "p.symb"),
       smoothFunction="smoothRegr", smoothMinobs = 8,

##- if (!exists("UserOptions")) UserOptions <- UserDefault  else
##-     userOptions(default="unset")
## ===========================================================================
modarg <- function(arg=NULL, default) {
  if (is.null(arg)) return(default)
  if (is.null(names(arg))) {
    if (length(arg)>length(default)) {
      warning(":modarg: argument too long. I use default")
    names(arg) <- names(default)[1:length(arg)]
  if (any(i <- names(arg)%nin%names(default))) {
    warning(":modarg: argument has unsuitable names: ", names(arg)[i])
    arg <- arg[!i]
  if (length(arg)==0) return(default)
  if (is.list(default)) arg <- as.list(arg)
  default[names(arg)] <- arg
## ---------------------------------------------------------
last <-
function(data,n = NULL, ncol=NULL, drop=is.matrix(data))
  ldim <- dim(data)
  if (is.null(ldim)) {
    if (is.null(n)) n <- 1
    ldt <- length(data)
  if (length(ldim)!=2)
    stop ("!last! not programmed for arrays of dimension >2")
  if (is.null(n)&is.null(ncol)) n <- 1
  if (is.null(n)) n <- ldim[1]
  if (is.null(ncol)) ncol <- ldim[2]
       sign(ncol)*((ldim[2]-abs(ncol)+1):ldim[2]), drop=drop]
## ==============================================================
createNAvars <-
  function(data, vars=NULL, na.prop=0.1, na.label=".NA.",
           na.values=NULL, name.suffix=c(".X",".NA"), append=TRUE, ...)
  if (is.matrix(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)
  if (!(is.data.frame(data)))
    stop("!createNAvars! unsuitable first argument")
  ldt <- if (length(vars)) {
           if (length(lwr <- setdiff(vars, colnames(data))))
             stop("!createNAvars! Variables  ",paste(lwr, collapse=", "),
                  "  not in 'data'.")
           data[,vars]} else data
  if ((!is.numeric(na.prop))||na.prop>=1)
    stop("!createNAvars! unsuitable argument 'na.prop'")
  lvna <- sumna(data) > max(na.prop,0) * nrow(data)
  ldclass <- sapply(data, is.numeric) + 2*sapply(data, is.factor)
  if (any(lwr <- ldclass==0))
    stop("!createNAvars! Funny variables  ", paste(lwr, collapse=", "))
  if (any(lnum <- lvna & ldclass==1)) 
    rrx <- xNA(ldt[,lnum, drop=FALSE], na.values=na.values,
  if (any(lfac <- lvna & ldclass==2)) {
    rrf <- factorNA(ldt[,lfac, drop=FALSE],na.label=na.label,
  if (!any(c(lnum,lfac))) {
    warning(":createNAvars: no variables had enough NAs to be modified")
    return( if(append) data else NULL )
  if (append) { if (any(lfac)) data[names(rrf)] <- rrf
    if (any(lnum)) data.frame(data, rrx) else data
  else data.frame(rrf,rrx)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------  
factorNA <- function(data, na.label=".NA.", na.prop=0, ...)
  if (missing(data)||length(data)==0)
    stop("!xNA! Argument 'data' missing, with no default, or NULL")
  data <- data.frame(data)
##  if (!is.data.frame(data)) stop("!xNA! Argument 'data' ...")
  lnalabel <- as.character(na.label)
  lvn <- names(data)[sapply(data,is.factor)] 
  ldt <- data[,lvn, drop=FALSE]
  lnanum <- na.prop*nrow(data)
  for (lv in seq_along(lvn)) {
    lfac <- factor(data[,lvn[lv]], ...)
    lna <- is.na(lfac)
    if (sum(lna)>lnanum) {
      levels(lfac) <- c(levels(lfac), lnalabel)
      lfac[lna] <- lnalabel
      ldt[,lv] <- lfac
  structure(ldt, NA.label = na.label)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
xNA <-
  function(data, na.values=NULL, na.prop=0.1, name.suffix=c(".X",".NA"))
  if (missing(data)||length(data)==0)
    stop("!xNA! Argument 'data' missing, with no default, or NULL")
  data <- data.frame(data)
##  if (!is.data.frame(data)) stop("!xNA! Argument 'data' ...")
  lvn <- names(data)
  lnsuff <- if (length(name.suffix)==1) c(name.suffix,".NA") else
  lvnx <- paste(lvn, lnsuff[1], sep="")
  lvnna <- paste(lvn, lnsuff[2], sep="")
  na.values <-
    if (is.null(na.values)) apply(data,2,median,na.rm=TRUE)  else
      rep(na.values, length=length(lvn))
  names(na.values) <- lvn
  ldt <- data[,1,drop=FALSE]
  names(ldt) <- "."
  for (lv in seq_along(lvn)) {
    lna <- is.na(data[,lv])
    if (any(lna)) {
      ldt[,lvnx[lv]] <-
        structure(ifelse(lna, na.values[lv], data[,lv]), na.value=na.values[lv])
      ldt[,lvnna[lv]] <- lna
    } else ldt[,lvn[lv]] <- data[,lv]
  ##structure(ldt[,-1, drop=FALSE], xNA.values = na.values)
  ldt[, -1, drop=FALSE]
## ==============================================================
nainf.exclude <- function (object, ...)
  ## na.omit, modified to omit also Inf and NaN values
  if (is.atomic(object)) {
    i <- is.finite(object)
    if (length(dim(i))) ## matrix 
      return( object[apply(i,1,all),,drop=FALSE] )
    else return( object[i] )
  ## list
  n <- length(object)
    omit <- FALSE
    vars <- seq_len(n)
    for (j in vars) {
        x <- object[[j]]
        if (!is.atomic(x))
##-         x <- is.na(x)
        x <- if (is.numeric(x)) !is.finite(x) else is.na(x)
        d <- dim(x)
        if (is.null(d) || length(d) != 2)
            omit <- omit | x
        else for (ii in 1:d[2]) omit <- omit | x[, ii]
  xx <- object[!omit, , drop = FALSE]
  if (any(omit > 0L)) {
        temp <- seq(omit)[omit]
        names(temp) <- attr(object, "row.names")[omit]
        attr(temp, "class") <- "exclude"
        attr(xx, "na.action") <- temp
## ===================================================
notna <- function(x,inf=TRUE) if (inf) x[is.finite(x)] else x[!is.na(x)]
## ===================================================
sumna <- function(object,inf=TRUE)
  ## Purpose:   count NAs along columns
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ##   object   data.frame, matrix or vector
  ##   inf      treat Inf as NA
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 10 Oct 2007, 08:18
  ff <- if(inf) {
    if(is.numeric(x)) sum(!is.finite(x)) else sum(is.na(x)) }
      else function(x) sum(is.na(x))
  if (is.matrix(object)) apply(object,2,ff)  else {
    if (is.list(object)) sapply(object,ff)
    else if(is.atomic(object)) ff(object)
## ==========================================================================
logst <- function(data, calib=data, threshold=NULL, mult=1)
  ## Purpose:   logs of data, zeros and small values treated well
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  3 Nov 2001, 08:22
  data <- cbind(data)
  calib <- cbind(calib)
  lncol <- ncol(calib)
  ljthr <- length(threshold)>0
  if (ljthr) {
    if (is.logical(threshold)&&threshold) 
      threshold <- attr(data, "threshold")
    if (!length(threshold)%in%c(1, lncol))
      stop("!logst! argument `threshold` is inadequate")
    lthr <- rep(threshold, length=lncol)
    ljdt <- !is.na(lthr)
  } else {
    ljdt <- rep(TRUE, lncol)
    lthr <- rep(NA, lncol)
    for (lj in 1:lncol) {
      lcal <- calib[,lj]
      ldp <- lcal[lcal>0&!is.na(lcal)]
      if(length(ldp)==0) ljdt[lj] <- FALSE else {
        lq <- quantile(ldp,probs=c(0.25,0.75),na.rm=TRUE)
        if(lq[1]==lq[2]) lq[1] <- lq[2]/2
        lthr[lj] <- lc <- lq[1]^(1+mult)/lq[2]^mult
  ## transform data
  for (lj in 1:lncol) {
    if (ljdt[lj]) {
      ldt <- data[,lj]
      lc <- lthr[lj]
      li <- which(ldt<lc)
      if (length(li))
        ldt[li] <- lc * 10^((ldt[li]-lc)/(lc*log(10)))
      data[,lj] <- log10(ldt)
  } }
  if (length(colnames(data)))
    lnmpd <- names(ljdt) <- names(lthr) <- colnames(data)  else
    lnmpd <- as.character(1:lncol)
  if (ncol(data)==1) data <- data[,1]
  attr(data,"threshold") <- unname(lthr)
  if (any(!ljdt)) {
    warning(":logst: no positive data",
            if(lncol>1) paste(" for variables ",lnmpd[!ljdt],
            ". These are not transformed") else ". No transformation")
    attr(data,"transformed") <- unname(ljdt)
## ===========================================================================
asinp <- function(x) asin(sqrt(x/100))/asin(1)
## asinperc <- asinp  ## compatibility
## ===========================================================================
plcoord <-
function(x, range=NULL, limfac=3.0, limext=0.1, plext=0.05)
  ## Purpose:    values for plot with limited "inner" plot range
  lrg <- if (length(notna(range))==0)
    robrange(x, fac=limfac)  else  range(range, na.rm=TRUE)
  if (length(lrg)==0) lrg <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  if (diff(lrg)==0) lrg <- c(-1,1)*lrg
  rr <- pmax(pmin(x,lrg[2]),lrg[1])
  lxd <- x-rr
  lnmod <- c(sum(lxd<0,na.rm=TRUE),sum(lxd>0,na.rm=TRUE))
  lrgext <- diff(lrg)*limext
  if (sum(lnmod)>0) rr <- rr+lxd/(1+abs(lxd)/lrgext)
  attr(rr,"plrange") <- lrg + ifelse(lnmod>0, lrgext, plext*lrgext)*c(-1,1)
  attr(rr,"range") <- lrg
  attr(rr,"nmod") <- lnmod
  class(rr) <- class(x)
## ===========================================================================
legendr <- function(x=0.05,y=0.95,legend, ...) {
  lusr <- par("usr")
  lx <- lusr[1] + x*diff(lusr[1:2])
  ly <- lusr[3] + y*diff(lusr[3:4])
  legend(lx,ly,legend, ...)

## ====================================================================
i.def <- function(arg, value = TRUE, valuetrue = value, valuefalse = FALSE)
  rr <- arg
  if (length(arg)==0 || all(is.na(arg)))
  { rr <- value
  } else {
    if (length(arg)==1 && is.logical(arg))
      rr <- if (arg) valuetrue else valuefalse

## ===========================================================================
doc <- function(x) attr(x,"doc")
## ---
"doc<-" <- function(x, value)
  ##-- Create doc attribute or  PREpend  new doc to existing one.
  value <- as.character(value)
  attr(x, "doc") <- if (length(value)==0) NULL else
  if(value[1]=="^") value[-1] else c(value, attr(x, "doc"))
## ---
tit <- function(x) attr(x,"tit")
## ---
"tit<-" <- function(x, value) ## ! argument must be `value`. demanded by attr
  attr(x, "tit") <- value
## ---
is.formula <- function(object)
  length(class(object))>0 && class(object)=="formula"
## ----
factor.na <- function(x, ordered=FALSE, naname="NA") {
  if (ordered) x <- ordered(x)
  if (is.ordered(x)) {
    levels(x) <- c(levels(x), naname)  
    x[is.na(x)] <- naname
  x <- as.character(x)
  x[is.na(x)] <- naname
## ---------------------------------------
quantNA <- function(vn, data, na.value=NULL) {
  if (missing(data)) stop("!quantNA! Argument 'data' missing, woth no default")
  dname <- as.character(substitute(data))
  if (is.character(vn)) {
    if (any(lvna <- vn%nin%names(data))) 
      stop("!quantNA! Variable(s) ",lv[lvna]," not in 'data")
    } else   vn <- names(data)[vn]
  na.value <- if (is.null(na.value))
                apply(data[,vn, drop=FALSE],2,median,na.rm=TRUE)  else
    rep(na.value, length=length(lv))
  names(na.value) <- vn
  for (lv in vn) {
    lna <- is.na(data[,lv])
    if (any(lna)) {
      data[,paste(lv, ".NA", sep="")] <- lna
      data[lna, lv] <- na.value[lv]
  assign(dname, data, pos=1)
## =================================================================
## auxiliary functions
## ============================================================
nafalse <- function(x) if (is.null(x)) FALSE else ifelse(is.na(x), FALSE, x)

Surv <- survival::Surv
u.true <- function(x) length(x)>0 && (!is.na(lx <- as.logical(x[1]))) && lx
u.debug <- function() u.true(getUserOption("debug"))
u.merge <- function(dd1, dd2 = NA, which=NULL, after=NULL,
                    length=NULL, names=NULL)
## Purpose:   merge two vectors or expand a vector by NA s
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
##   dd1      first vector or matrix or data.frame (?),
##   dd2      second vector, ...
##   which    is T for indices for which first vector is used
##   after    elements of  dd2  will be inserted after "after" in dd1
##   length   length of the result (will be expanded if necessary)
##   names    names of the result (if length is adequate)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 11 Mar 93, 13:50, and later
  llen <- length
  n1 <- length(dd1)
  nc1 <- ncol(dd1)
  nc2 <- ncol(dd2)
  if (length(nc1)>0) {
    n1 <- nrow(dd1)
    if (!( length(dd2)==1 || is.null(nc2) || nc2==nc1 ))
      stop("unsuitable second argument")
## --- generate  which  vector for all cases
  if (length(which)==0) {
## - after  specified
      if (length(after)==0) stop("specify either  which  or  after")
      if (is.logical(after))  after <- which(after)
      wh <- rep(TRUE,n1+length(after))
      wh[after+1:length(after)] <- FALSE }
  else {
## - which  specified
    if(is.logical(which)) wh <- which
    else {
      if (length(llen)==0)  llen <- n1+length(which)
        wh <- rep(TRUE, llen)
        wh[which] <- FALSE }
## --- merge
  nn <- length(wh)
  n2 <- nn-n1
  if (!(is.null(names)|length(names)==nn))
    warning("argument  names  not used (unsuitable length)")
  if (length(nc1)>0) {
    if (!(length(dd2)==1 || NROW(dd2)==n2))
      stop("unsuitable number of rows")
    rr <- matrix(NA,nn,nc1)
    rr[wh,] <- as.matrix(dd1)
    rr[!wh,] <- if (is.data.frame(dd2)) as.matrix(dd2) else dd2
##-     if (length(names)>0) row.names(rr) <- names else {
##-       if (length(lrn1 <- row.names(dd1))>0)
  else {
    rr <- rep(NA,nn)
    rr[wh] <- dd1
    rr[!wh] <- dd2
    if (length(names)>0) names(rr) <- names
## ============================================================
i.main <- function(main, line=1-outer.margin, cex=NULL, adj=NULL,
                   outer.margin=NULL, col="black",
  ## Purpose:   title
## ----------------------------------------------
  cex <- i.def(cex, max(0.5, min(1.2,
      valuefalse = 0 )      
  ladj <- i.def(adj, 0.5*(cex>0.5), 0.5, 0)
  outer.margin <- i.def(outer.margin, par("oma")[3]>0,
                        valuefalse = FALSE)
  if (outer.margin && 1!=prod(par("mfg")[1:2])) return()
  if (length(main)!=0)
    mtext(main, 3, line, cex = cex*par("cex"), adj=ladj, outer = outer.margin,
  if ((!is.null(doc))&&doc&&length(tit(main)))
    mtext(tit(main), 3, line-1, outer = outer.margin, col=col)

## ==========================================================================
## ==========================================================================
##- is.R <- function ()
##- exists("version") && !is.null(vl <- version$language) && vl == "R"
extractNames <- function(x, orig=NULL) {
  if (length(grep("cbind", x))) 
    eval( parse(text=
            gsub(" *, *",'","', sub("cbind *\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", x)),
                  '")', sep="") ) )  else  {
                    if(is.null(orig)) NULL else
                    paste("V",seq_along(orig), sep="")

RNAMES <- function(x) if (!is.null(dim(x))) row.names(x) else names(x)

"%nin%" <- function(x,y) !x%in%y

getmeth <- function(fn,mt)  getS3method(as.character(substitute(fn)),

warn <- function()
  table(paste(names(lw <- warnings()),"@",substr(unlist(lw),1,10)))

BR <- function() {browser();browser()}
DB <- function(on=TRUE) options(error=if(on) recover else NULL, warn=on)

# options(show.termeffects=TRUE)
IR <- function(condition) {
  if (condition) {
    cat("INTERRUPT: ",as.character(substitute(condition)))

u.nuna <- function(x)  length(x)==0 || (is.atomic(x)&&any(is.na(x)))

regrModelClasses <- c("regr","lm","glm","survreg","coxph","rq","polr")
## ===========================================================================
if (length(getUserOption("colors"))==0)
  userOptions(colors = c.colors)
if (length(getUserOption("colors.ra"))==0)
  userOptions(colors.ra = c.colors.ra)
c.weekdays <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday",
            "Saturday", "Sunday")
c.months <- c("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
        "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
c.mon <- substring(c.months,1,3)

drevgumbel <- function (x, location = 0, scale = 1)
{ # from VGAM
    if (!nafalse(scale>0))
        stop("\"scale\" must be positive")
    E <- exp((x - location)/scale)
    E * exp(-E)/scale
prevgumbel <- function (q, location = 0, scale = 1)
    if (!nafalse(scale>0))
        stop("\"scale\" must be positive")
    -expm1(-exp((q - location)/scale)) # expm1(u) = exp(u)-1, accurately also for |u| << 1
qrevgumbel <- function (p, location = 0, scale = 1)
    if (!nafalse(scale>0))
        stop("\"scale\" must be positive")
    location + scale * log(-log(p))

qrevgumbelexp <- function (p) exp(qrevgumbel(p))

rrevgumbel <- function (n, location = 0, scale = 1)
    if (!nafalse(n>=1))
        stop("bad input for argument \"n\"")
    if (!nafalse(scale>0))
        stop("\"scale\" must be positive")
    location + scale * log(-log(runif(n)))
## ===========================================================================
## repaired versions of drop functions
## ===========================================================================
##- if(getRversion() <= "2.7.1") {

add1.default <- function(object, scope, scale = 0, test=c("none", "Chisq"),
			 k = 2, trace = FALSE, ...)
    if(missing(scope) || is.null(scope)) stop("no terms in scope")
	scope <- add.scope(object, update.formula(object, scope))
	stop("no terms in scope for adding to object")
##     newform <- update.formula(object,
##                               paste(". ~ . +", paste(scope, collapse="+")))
##     data <- model.frame(update(object, newform)) # remove NAs
##     object <- update(object, data = data)
    ns <- length(scope)
    ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 2,
                  dimnames = list(c("<none>", scope), c("df", "AIC")))
    ans[1, ] <- extractAIC(object, scale, k = k, ...)
    n0 <- length(object$residuals)
    env <- environment(formula(object))
    for(i in seq(ns)) {
	tt <- scope[i]
	if(trace > 1) {
	    cat("trying +", tt, "\n", sep="")
	nfit <- update(object, as.formula(paste("~ . +", tt)),
                       evaluate = FALSE)
	nfit <- eval(nfit, envir=env) # was  eval.parent(nfit)
	ans[i+1, ] <- extractAIC(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
        if(length(nfit$residuals) != n0)
            stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
    dfs <- ans[,1] - ans[1,1]
    dfs[1] <- NA
    aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, AIC = ans[,2])
    test <- match.arg(test)
    if(test == "Chisq") {
	dev <- ans[,2] - k*ans[, 1]
	dev <- dev[1] - dev; dev[1] <- NA
	nas <- !is.na(dev)
	P <- dev
	P[nas] <- pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail=FALSE)
	aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(Chi)")] <- list(dev, P)
    head <- c("Single term additions", "\nModel:",
	      if(scale > 0) paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
    class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
    attr(aod, "heading") <- head
## ==================================================================
drop1.default <- function(object, scope, scale = 0, test=c("none", "Chisq"),
			  k = 2, trace = FALSE, ...)
    tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
    if(missing(scope)) scope <- drop.scope(object)
    else {
	    scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)), "term.labels")
	if(!all(match(scope, tl, 0L) > 0L))
	    stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
##    data <- model.frame(object) # remove NAs
##    object <- update(object, data = data)
    ns <- length(scope)
    ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 2,
                  dimnames =  list(c("<none>", scope), c("df", "AIC")))
    ans[1, ] <- extractAIC(object, scale, k = k, ...)
    n0 <- nobs(object)
    env <- environment(formula(object))
    for(i in seq(ns)) {
      tt <- scope[i]
      if(trace > 1) {
        cat("trying -", tt, "\n", sep="")
      nfit <- update(object, as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)),
                     evaluate = FALSE)
      nfit <- eval(nfit, envir=env) # was  eval.parent(nfit)
      ans[i+1, ] <- extractAIC(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
      if (nobs(nfit) != n0)
        stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
    dfs <- ans[1,1] - ans[,1]
    dfs[1] <- NA
    aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, AIC = ans[,2])
    test <- match.arg(test)
    if(test == "Chisq") {
        dev <- ans[, 2] - k*ans[, 1]
        dev <- dev - dev[1] ; dev[1] <- NA
        nas <- !is.na(dev)
        P <- dev
        P[nas] <- pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
        aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(Chi)")] <- list(dev, P)
    head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:",
	      if(scale > 0) paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
    class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
    attr(aod, "heading") <- head
# ==================================================================
i.polrfit <-
function (formula, data, weights, start, ..., subset, na.action,
          contrasts = NULL, Hess = FALSE, model = FALSE, x = TRUE,
          method = c("logistic", "probit", "cloglog", "cauchit"),
          envir = parent.frame())
  ## copy of polr from MASS.
  ## argument  x  added: keep model.matrix
  ## 1 line added by WSt to keep eta in the result
  ## ::: change argument name  method:::
    logit <- function(p) log(p/(1 - p))  ## !!!???!!! use qlogis() --- why?
    fmin <- function(beta) {
        theta <- beta[pc + 1:q]
        gamm <- c(-100, cumsum(c(theta[1], exp(theta[-1]))),
        eta <- offset
        if (pc > 0)
            eta <- eta + drop(x %*% beta[1:pc])
        pr <- pfun(gamm[y + 1] - eta) - pfun(gamm[y] - eta)
        if (all(pr > 0))
            -sum(wt * log(pr))
        else Inf
    gmin <- function(beta) {
        jacobian <- function(theta) {
            k <- length(theta)
            etheta <- exp(theta)
            mat <- matrix(0, k, k)
            mat[, 1] <- rep(1, k)
            for (i in 2:k) mat[i:k, i] <- etheta[i]
        theta <- beta[pc + 1:q]
        gamm <- c(-100, cumsum(c(theta[1], exp(theta[-1]))),
        eta <- offset
        if (pc > 0)
            eta <- eta + drop(x %*% beta[1:pc])
        pr <- pfun(gamm[y + 1] - eta) - pfun(gamm[y] - eta)
        p1 <- dfun(gamm[y + 1] - eta)
        p2 <- dfun(gamm[y] - eta)
        g1 <- if (pc > 0)
            t(x) %*% (wt * (p1 - p2)/pr)
        else numeric(0)
        xx <- .polrY1 * p1 - .polrY2 * p2
        g2 <- -t(xx) %*% (wt/pr)
        g2 <- t(g2) %*% jacobian(theta)
        if (all(pr > 0))
            c(g1, g2)
        else rep(NA, pc + q)
    m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    pgumbel <- function(q) exp(pweibull(log(q))) # ???
    dgumbel <- function(q) stop("BUG: dgumbel not programmed")
    pfun <- switch(method, logistic = plogis, probit = pnorm,
        cloglog = pgumbel, cauchit = pcauchy)
    dfun <- switch(method, logistic = dlogis, probit = dnorm,
        cloglog = dgumbel, cauchit = dcauchy)
    if (is.matrix(eval.parent(m$data)))
        m$data <- as.data.frame(data)
    m$start <- m$Hess <- m$method <- m$model <- m$... <- m$envir <- NULL
    m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    m <- eval(m, envir=environment())
    Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
    x.ret <- x  ## ! Wst need to copy x because x is used for the matrix
    x <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts)
    xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch = 0)
    n <- nrow(x)
    pc <- ncol(x)
    asgn <- attr(x, "assign") ## ws
    cons <- attr(x, "contrasts")
    if (xint > 0) {
        x <- x[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
        pc <- pc - 1
        asgn <- asgn[-xint] ## ws
        attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 0 ## ws
    else warning("an intercept is needed and assumed")
    wt <- model.weights(m)
    if (!length(wt))
        wt <- rep(1, n)
    offset <- model.offset(m)
    if (length(offset) <= 1)
        offset <- rep(0, n)
    y <- model.response(m)
    if (!is.factor(y))
        stop("response must be a factor")
    lev <- levels(y)
    if (length(lev) <= 2)
        stop("response must have 3 or more levels")
    y <- unclass(y)
    q <- length(lev) - 1
    Y <- matrix(0, n, q)
    .polrY1 <- col(Y) == y
    .polrY2 <- col(Y) == y - 1
    if (missing(start)) {
      q1 <- length(lev)%/%2
      y1 <- (y > q1)
      X <- cbind(Intercept = rep(1, n), x)
      fit <- switch(method,
                    logistic = glm.fit(X, y1, wt, family = binomial(),
                      offset = offset),
                    probit = glm.fit(X, y1, wt, family = binomial("probit"),
                      offset = offset),
                    cloglog = glm.fit(X, y1, wt, family = binomial("probit"),
                      offset = offset),
                    cauchit = glm.fit(X, y1, wt, family = binomial("cauchit"),
                      offset = offset)
      if (!fit$converged) { ## new attempt
        fit <- lm.fit(X, as.numeric(y), wt)
        fit$coefficients <- fit$coef/sqrt(mean(fit$resid^2))
        warning("attempt to find suitable starting values may have failed")
      coefs <- fit$coefficients
      if (anyNA(coefs)) {
        warning("design appears to be rank-deficient, so dropping some coefs")
        keep <- names(coefs)[!is.na(coefs)]
        coefs <- coefs[keep]
        x <- x[, keep[-1], drop = FALSE]
        pc <- ncol(x)
        asgn <- asgn[keep[-1]] ## ws
      spacing <- logit((1:q)/(q + 1))
      if (method != "logistic")
        spacing <- spacing/1.7
      gammas <- -coefs[1] + spacing - spacing[q1]
      thetas <- c(gammas[1], log(diff(gammas)))
      s0 <- c(coefs[-1], thetas)
    else if (length(start) != pc + q)
        stop("\"start\" is not of the correct length")
      else {
        s0 <- if (pc > 0)
            c(start[seq_len(pc + 1)], diff(start[-seq_len(pc)]))
        else c(start[1], diff(start))
    res <- optim(s0, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess,
    beta <- res$par[seq_len(pc)]
    theta <- res$par[pc + 1:q]
    zeta <- cumsum(c(theta[1], exp(theta[-1])))
    deviance <- 2 * res$value
    niter <- c(f.evals = res$counts[1], g.evals = res$counts[2])
    names(zeta) <- paste(lev[-length(lev)], lev[-1], sep = "|")
    if (pc > 0) {
        names(beta) <- colnames(x)
        eta <- drop(x %*% beta)
    else {
        eta <- rep(0, n)
    cumpr <- matrix(pfun(matrix(zeta, n, q, byrow = TRUE) - eta),
        , q)
    fitted <- t(apply(cumpr, 1, function(x) diff(c(0, x, 1))))
    dimnames(fitted) <- list(row.names(m), lev)
    fit <- list(coefficients = beta, zeta = zeta, deviance = deviance,
                linear.predictor = eta,  ## added by WSt
                fitted.values = fitted, lev = lev, terms = Terms,
                df.residual = sum(wt) - pc - q, edf = pc + q, n = sum(wt),
                nobs = sum(wt),
                call = match.call(), method = method,
                convergence = res$convergence,
                niter = niter)
    if (Hess) {
        dn <- c(names(beta), names(zeta))
        H <- res$hessian
        dimnames(H) <- list(dn, dn)
        fit$Hessian <- H
    if (model)  fit$model <- m
    if (x.ret)
      fit$x <- structure(x, assign=asgn) ## !WSt  return model.matrix
##        structure(cbind("(Intercept)"=1, x), assign=c("(Intercept)"=0, asgn) ) 
    ## , contrasts=cons  probably not needed
    fit$na.action <- attr(m, "na.action")
    fit$contrasts <- cons
    fit$xlevels <- .getXlevels(Terms, m)
    class(fit) <- "polr"
## -------------------------------------------------------
i.multinomfit <- 
function (formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, contrasts = NULL, 
    Hess = FALSE, summ = 0, censored = FALSE, model = FALSE, x = TRUE,
    ## copy of multinom from MASS. Argument x added by WSt
##  require(nnet)
    class.ind <- function(cl) {
        n <- length(cl)
        x <- matrix(0, n, length(levels(cl)))
        x[(1L:n) + n * (as.integer(cl) - 1L)] <- 1
        dimnames(x) <- list(names(cl), levels(cl))
    summ2 <- function(X, Y) {
        X <- as.matrix(X)
        Y <- as.matrix(Y)
        n <- nrow(X)
        p <- ncol(X)
        q <- ncol(Y)
        Z <- t(cbind(X, Y))
        storage.mode(Z) <- "double"
        z <- .C(nnet:::VR_summ2, as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(q), 
            Z = Z, na = integer(1L))
        Za <- t(z$Z[, 1L:z$na, drop = FALSE])
        list(X = Za[, 1L:p, drop = FALSE], Y = Za[, p + 1L:q])
    call <- match.call()
    m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m$summ <- m$Hess <- m$contrasts <- m$censored <- m$model <- m$... <- NULL
    m[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    m <- eval.parent(m)
    Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
    XX <- X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts) ## !WSt  store X
    cons <- attr(X, "contrasts")
    Xr <- qr(X)$rank
    Y <- model.response(m)
    if (!is.matrix(Y)) 
        Y <- as.factor(Y)
    w <- model.weights(m)
    if (length(w) == 0L) 
        if (is.matrix(Y)) 
            w <- rep(1, dim(Y)[1L])
        else w <- rep(1, length(Y))
    lev <- levels(Y)
    if (is.factor(Y)) {
        counts <- table(Y)
        if (any(counts == 0L)) {
            empty <- lev[counts == 0L]
            warning(sprintf(ngettext(length(empty), "group %s is empty", 
                "groups %s are empty"), paste(sQuote(empty), 
                collapse = " ")), domain = NA)
            Y <- factor(Y, levels = lev[counts > 0L])
            lev <- lev[counts > 0L]
        if (length(lev) < 2L) 
            stop("need two or more classes to fit a multinom model")
        if (length(lev) == 2L) 
            Y <- as.integer(Y) - 1
        else Y <- class.ind(Y)
    if (summ == 1) {
        Z <- cbind(X, Y)
        z1 <- cumprod(apply(Z, 2L, max) + 1)
        Z1 <- apply(Z, 1L, function(x) sum(z1 * x))
        oZ <- order(Z1)
        Z2 <- !duplicated(Z1[oZ])
        oX <- (seq_along(Z1)[oZ])[Z2]
        X <- X[oX, , drop = FALSE]
        Y <- if (is.matrix(Y)) 
            Y[oX, , drop = FALSE]
        else Y[oX]
        w <- diff(c(0, cumsum(w))[c(Z2, TRUE)])
    if (summ == 2) {
        Z <- summ2(cbind(X, Y), w)
        X <- Z$X[, 1L:ncol(X)]
        Y <- Z$X[, ncol(X) + 1L:ncol(Y), drop = FALSE]
        w <- Z$Y
    if (summ == 3) {
        Z <- summ2(X, Y * w)
        X <- Z$X
        Y <- Z$Y[, 1L:ncol(Y), drop = FALSE]
        w <- rep(1, nrow(X))
    offset <- model.offset(m)
    r <- ncol(X)
    if (is.matrix(Y)) {
        p <- ncol(Y)
        sY <- Y %*% rep(1, p)
        if (any(sY == 0)) 
            stop("some case has no observations")
        if (!censored) {
            Y <- Y/matrix(sY, nrow(Y), p)
            w <- w * sY
        if (length(offset) > 1L) {
            if (ncol(offset) != p) 
                stop("ncol(offset) is wrong")
            mask <- c(rep(FALSE, r + 1L + p), rep(c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, 
                r), rep(FALSE, p)), p - 1L))
            X <- cbind(X, offset)
            Wts <- as.vector(rbind(matrix(0, r + 1L, p), diag(p)))
            fit <- nnet.default(X, Y, w, Wts = Wts, mask = mask, 
                size = 0, skip = TRUE, softmax = TRUE, censored = censored, 
                rang = 0, ...)
        else {
            mask <- c(rep(FALSE, r + 1L), rep(c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, 
                r)), p - 1L))
            fit <- nnet.default(X, Y, w, mask = mask, size = 0, 
                skip = TRUE, softmax = TRUE, censored = censored, 
                rang = 0, ...)
    else {
        if (length(offset) <= 1L) {
            mask <- c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, r))
            fit <- nnet.default(X, Y, w, mask = mask, size = 0, 
                skip = TRUE, entropy = TRUE, rang = 0, ...)
        else {
            mask <- c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, r), FALSE)
            Wts <- c(rep(0, r + 1L), 1)
            X <- cbind(X, offset)
            fit <- nnet.default(X, Y, w, Wts = Wts, mask = mask, 
                size = 0, skip = TRUE, entropy = TRUE, rang = 0, 
    fit$formula <- attr(Terms, "formula")
    fit$terms <- Terms
    fit$call <- call
    fit$weights <- w
    fit$lev <- lev
    fit$deviance <- 2 * fit$value
    fit$rank <- Xr
    edf <- ifelse(length(lev) == 2L, 1, length(lev) - 1) * Xr
    if (is.matrix(Y)) {
        edf <- (ncol(Y) - 1) * Xr
        if (length(dn <- colnames(Y)) > 0) 
            fit$lab <- dn
        else fit$lab <- 1L:ncol(Y)
    fit$coefnames <- colnames(X)
    fit$vcoefnames <- fit$coefnames[1L:r]
    fit$na.action <- attr(m, "na.action")
    fit$contrasts <- cons
    fit$xlevels <- .getXlevels(Terms, m)
    fit$edf <- edf
    fit$AIC <- fit$deviance + 2 * edf
    if (model) 
        fit$model <- m
    class(fit) <- c("multinom", "nnet")
    if (Hess) 
        fit$Hessian <- nnet:::multinomHess(fit, X)
    if (x) fit$x <- XX ## !Wst return design matrix
## ================================================================
regrAllEqns <-
  function(formula, data, weights = NULL, nbest = 50, nvmax = 20,
           force.in = NULL, force.out = NULL, codes=NULL, really.big=FALSE,
  ## Purpose:   all subsets
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Oct 2017, 09:26
  really.big <- really.big | nbest<=50
  lcall <- match.call()
  mm <- lcall[c("","formula","data","weights")]
  mm[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  lcall$formula <- eval(lcall$formula)
  mf <- eval(mm, sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  x <- model.matrix(terms(formula, data = data), mf)
  lasgn <- attr(x,"assign")
  lxnm <- colnames(x)
  names(lasgn) <- lxnm
  ljint <- "(Intercept)"==lxnm[1]
  ltermnm <- c(if(ljint) "(Intercept)", attr(terms(mf),"term.labels"))
  y <- model.extract(mf, "response")
  wt <- model.extract(mf, "weights")
  if (is.null(wt))  wt <- rep(1, length(y))
  ## force.in and force.out: allow for formulas
  if (is.formula(force.in)) {
    if (any(lvi <- !(lv <- all.vars(force.in))%in%names(data)))
      stop("!regrAllEqns! Variable  ", paste(lv[lvi], collapse=", "),
           "  of argument 'force.in' not in 'data'")
    force.in <- setdiff(colnames(model.matrix(force.in, data)),"(Intercept)")
  if(is.character(force.in)) {
    lwrong <- setdiff(force.in, lxnm)
    force.in <- which(lxnm%in%force.in)
  } else lwrong <- force.in%nin%(1:ncol(x))
  if (length(lwrong)) stop(paste("!regrAllEqns! Term ", lwrong,
                                 " of 'force.in' not in model"))
  if (is.formula(force.out)) {
    if (any(lvi <- !(lv <- all.vars(force.out))%in%names(data)))
      warning("!regrAllEqns! Variable  ", paste(lv[lvi], collapse=", "),
           "  of argument 'force.out' not in 'data'")
    force.out <- setdiff(colnames(model.matrix(force.out, data)),"(Intercept)")
  if(is.character(force.out)) {
    lwrong <- setdiff(force.out, lxnm)
    force.out <- which(lxnm%in%force.out)
  } else lwrong <- force.out%nin%1:ncol(x)
  if (length(lwrong)) stop(paste("!regrAllEqns! Term ", lwrong,
                                 " of 'force.out' not in model"))
  if (ljint) x <- x[,-1]
  ## ---------------
  ls <- leaps::regsubsets(x, y, weights=wt, nbest=nbest, nvmax=nvmax,
                   force.in=force.in, force.out=force.out, int=ljint,
                   really.big=really.big, ...)
  lss <- summary(ls)
  lwhich <- lss$which
  ## factors: identify models that are unsuitable
  lbl <- unique(lasgn[duplicated(lasgn)])
  liok <- rep(TRUE, nrow(lwhich))
  ljok <- structure(rep(TRUE, ncol(lwhich)),names=colnames(lwhich))
  for (lk in lbl) {
    lj <- which(lasgn==lk)
    lwh <- lwhich[,lxnm[lj]]
    liok <- liok & ( apply(lwh,1,sum)%in%c(0,ncol(lwh)) )
    ljok[lxnm[lj[-1]]] <- FALSE
  lwhs <- lwhich[liok,ljok,drop=FALSE]
  colnames(lwhs) <- lnm <- ltermnm[ljint+lasgn[colnames(lwhich)]][ljok]
  ## codes
  if (is.null(codes) || (length(codes)==1 & is.na(codes)))
    codes <- c(LETTERS,letters)
  if (length(names(codes))) {
    if (length(lwr <- setdiff(lnm,names(codes)))) {
      warning(":regrAllEqns: terms ", paste(lwr, collapse=", "),
              " not in 'names(codes)'. names are not used.")
      codes <- unname(codes)
    codes <- codes[lnm]
  if (is.null(names(codes))) 
    codes <- 
      structure(c(if(ljint) "1", rep(codes, length=ncol(lwhs)-ljint)),
  llb <- apply(lwhs,1, function(x) paste(codes[x], collapse="") )
  dimnames(lwhs) <- list(llb, lnm)
  lout <- lwhs
  lout[,] <- c(" ","*")[lwhs+1]
  ## criteria
  ldf <- apply(lwhich, 1, sum)
  lcr <- data.frame(df=ldf, lss[c("rsq","rss","adjr2","cp","bic")])
  lcrs <- lcr[liok,]
  dimnames(lcrs)[[1]] <- llb
  lall <- list(criteria=lcr, modsuit=liok, df=apply(lss$which, 1, sum),
               lss[c("which", "rsq", "rss", "adjr2", "cp", "bic", "outmat")])
    list(which=lwhs, criteria=lcrs, codes=codes, force.in=force.in,
         force.out=force.out, call=lcall, outmat=lout, allsubsets=lall,
## ------------------------------------------------------------
regrAllEqnsXtr <- function(object, nbest=1, criterion="cp")
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 18 Oct 2017, 17:37
  lwh <- object$which
  lwh <- lwh[order(object$criteria[,criterion])[1:nbest],,drop=F]
  rr <- apply(lwh,1, function(x)
           as.formula(paste("~", paste(setdiff(colnames(lwh)[x], "(Intercept)"),
                                collapse="+"))) ) )
  if (nbest==1) structure(rr[[1]], modelcode=names(rr)) else rr
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
print.regrAllEqns <-
  function(x, nbest=20, criterion="cp", printcriteria=FALSE, printcodes=TRUE,
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Oct 2017, 14:46
  li <- order(x$criteria[,criterion])[1:min(nbest,nrow(x$criteria))]
  lout <- x$outmat[li,]
  colnames(lout) <- x$codes[colnames(lout)]
  lout <- cbind(code=row.names(lout), df=as.character(x$criteria[li,"df"]), lout)
  row.names(lout) <- 1:nrow(lout)
  print(lout, quote=FALSE, ...)
  if (printcriteria) {
    lcr <- x$criteria[li,] 
    lcr <- cbind(code=row.names(lcr), lcr)
    row.names(lcr) <- 1:nrow(lcr)
    print(lcr, ...)
  if (printcodes) print(cbind(code=x$codes), quote=FALSE, ...)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
plot.regrAllEqns <-
  function(x, criterion="cp", critrange=10, minnumber=10, nbest=10,
           codes=x$codes, ncharhorizontal=6, col="blue",
           legend=TRUE, mar=6, main="", cex=0.7*par("cex"),
           cex.lab = par("cex.lab"), ...)
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Oct 2017, 14:43
  lmod <- x$criteria[,c("df",criterion)]
  lcr <- lmod[,2]
  limod <- 1:nrow(lmod)
  if (is.null(critrange)) critrange <- Inf
  if ((!is.na(critrange)) && critrange>0)
    limod <- lcr<min(lcr)+critrange
  if (sum(limod)<minnumber) limod <- order(lcr)[1:min(minnumber,nrow(lmod))]
  lmod <- lmod[limod,]
  ldf <- lmod[,1]
  lcr <- lmod[,2]
  lwh <- x$which[limod,]
  llab <- codes[colnames(lwh)]
  lmar <- par("mar")
  if (length(mar)) {
    if (length(mar)!=4) {
      lmar <- c(lmar[1:2],mar[1],lmar[4])
    oldpar <- par(mar=lmar)
  plot(ldf,lmod[,2], type="n", xlab="df", ylab=criterion, main="", ...)
  if (length(main)) mtext(main, 3, lmar[3]-1.2, cex=1.2)
  for (ls in unique(ldf)) {
    lii <- which(ldf==ls)
    llcr <- lcr[lii]
    if (length(lii)) {
      lk <- lii[order(llcr)[1:min(length(lii),nbest)]]
      lvf <- apply(lwh[lk,,drop=F],2,all) ## in all models
      lvft <- paste(c(llab[lvf],"+"),collapse="")
      mtext(lvft, 3, 1, at=ls, cex=cex.lab, las=(nchar(lvft)>ncharhorizontal)+1,
      lwhs <- lwh[lk,!lvf, drop=F]
      llbv <- llab[!lvf]
      llb <- apply(lwhs,1,function(x) paste(llbv[x],collapse=""))
      llcr <- lcr[lk]
      if (length(lk)==1) text(ls, llcr, "+", cex=2*cex, col=col) else
        text(rep(ls,length(lk)),lcr[lk],llb, cex=cex, col=col)
  ##  text(lmod[,1],lmod[,2], row.names(lmod))
  if (length(legend)) {
    llab <- x$codes
    if (is.logical(legend)&&legend) {
      lcmin <- sapply(split(lcr,ldf), min)
      legend <- if (lcmin[1]>last(lcmin)) "bottomleft" else "bottomright"
    if (is.character(legend)) {
      if (legend%nin%c("topleft","topright","bottomleft","bottomright"))
        legend <- "bottomright"
      legend(legend, paste(llab,names(llab)),pch=rep("",length=length(llab)))
    if (is.numeric(legend)) {
      if (length(legend)==2)
      else warning(":plot.regrAllEqns! Argument 'legend' not suitable")
## ======================================================================
colorpale <- function(col=NA, pale=0.3, ...)
    lcolna <- is.na(col)
    if (any(lcolna)) {
      col[lcolna] <- palette()[2]
      warning(":colorpale: Argument 'col' is NA. I assume  ", col)
    crgb <- t(col2rgb(col)/255)
    rgb(1-pale*(1-crgb), ...)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------
factor2character <- function(x) {
  for (lj in 1:ncol(x))
    if (is.factor(x[,lj])) x[,lj] <- as.character(x[,lj])
## ==================================================================
## until repaired ...
get_all_vars <- 
function (formula, data = NULL, ...) 
    if (missing(formula)) {
        if (!missing(data) && inherits(data, "data.frame") && 
            length(attr(data, "terms"))) 
        formula <- as.formula(data)
    else if (missing(data) && inherits(formula, "data.frame")) {
        if (length(attr(formula, "terms"))) 
        data <- formula
        formula <- as.formula(data)
    formula <- as.formula(formula)
    if (missing(data)) 
        data <- environment(formula)
    else if (!is.data.frame(data) && !is.environment(data) && 
        !is.null(attr(data, "class"))) 
        data <- as.data.frame(data)
    else if (is.array(data)) 
        stop("'data' must be a data.frame, not a matrix or an array")
    if (!inherits(formula, "terms")) 
        formula <- terms(formula, data = data)
    env <- environment(formula)
    rownames <- .row_names_info(data, 0L)
    varnames <- all.vars(formula)
    inp <- parse(text = paste("list(", paste(varnames, collapse = ","), 
        ")"), keep.source = FALSE)
    variables <- setNames(eval(inp, data, env), varnames) ## !!!
    if (is.null(rownames) && (resp <- attr(formula, "response")) > 
        0) {
        lhs <- variables[[resp]]
        rownames <- if (is.matrix(lhs)) 
        else names(lhs)
    extras <- substitute(list(...))
    extranames <- names(extras[-1L])
    extras <- setNames(eval(extras, data, env),extranames) ## !!!
    x <- data.frame(c(variables, extras)) ## !!!
    if (!is.null(rownames)) 
        attr(x, "row.names") <- rownames
##- getallvars <- 
##- function (formula, data = NULL, ...) 
##- {
##-     if (missing(formula)) {
##-         if (!missing(data) && inherits(data, "data.frame") && 
##-             length(attr(data, "terms"))) 
##-             return(data)
##-         formula <- as.formula(data)
##-     }
##-     else if (missing(data) && inherits(formula, "data.frame")) {
##-         if (length(attr(formula, "terms"))) 
##-             return(formula)
##-         data <- formula
##-         formula <- as.formula(data)
##-     }
##-     formula <- as.formula(formula)
##-     if (missing(data)) 
##-         data <- environment(formula)
##-     else if (!is.data.frame(data) && !is.environment(data) && 
##-         !is.null(attr(data, "class"))) 
##-         data <- as.data.frame(data)
##-     else if (is.array(data)) 
##-         stop("'data' must be a data.frame, not a matrix or an array")
##-     if (!inherits(formula, "terms")) 
##-         formula <- terms(formula, data = data)
##-     env <- environment(formula)
##-     rownames <- .row_names_info(data, 0L)
##-     varnames <- all.vars(formula)
##-     inp <- parse(text = paste("list(", paste(varnames, collapse = ","), 
##-         ")"), keep.source = FALSE)
##-     variables <- setNames(eval(inp, data, env), varnames) ## !!!
##-     if (is.null(rownames) && (resp <- attr(formula, "response")) > 
##-         0) {
##-         lhs <- variables[[resp]]
##-         rownames <- if (is.matrix(lhs)) 
##-             rownames(lhs)
##-         else names(lhs)
##-     }
##-     extras <- substitute(list(...))
##-     extranames <- names(extras[-1L])
##-     extras <- setNames(eval(extras, data, env),extranames) ## !!!
##-     x <- data.frame(c(variables, extras)) ## !!!
##-     if (!is.null(rownames)) 
##-         attr(x, "row.names") <- rownames
##-     x
##- }

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