#' Construct a waterfall plot
#' Given a data frame construct a water fall plot showing the mutation burden
#' and mutation type on a gene and sample level.
#' @name waterfall
#' @param x Object of class data frame representing annotated mutations. The
#' data frame supplied must have one of the following sets of column names
#' ("Tumor_Sample_Barcode", "Hugo_Symbol", "Variant_Classification") for
#' fileType="MAF", ("sample","gene_name","trv_type") for fileType="MGI" or
#' ("sample", "gene", "variant_class") for fileType="Custom". This columns
#' should represent samples in a cohort, gene with mutation, and the mutation
#' type respectively.
#' @param mainRecurCutoff Numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying a
#' mutation recurrence cutoff. Genes which do not have mutations in the
#' proportion os samples defined are removed.
#' @param mainGrid Boolean specifying if a grid should be overlayed on the main
#' plot. Not recommended if the number of genes or samples to be plotted
#' is large.
#' @param mainXlabel Boolean specifying whether to label the x-axis with sample
#' names. Not recommended if the number of samples to be plotted is large.
#' @param main_geneLabSize Intenger specifying the size of gene names displayed
#' on the y-axis.
#' @param mainLabelCol Character string specifying a column name from the
#' argument supplied to parameter `x` from which to derive cell labels from
#' (see details and vignette).
#' @param mainLabelSize Integer specifying the size of text labels for cells
#' in the main plot. Valid only if argument is supplied to the parameter
#' `mainLabelCol`.
#' @param mainLabelAngle Integer specifying the degree of rotation for
#' text labels. Valid only if argument is supplied to the parameter
#' `mainLabelCol`.
#' @param mainDropMut Boolean specifying whether to drop unused
#' "mutation type" levels from the legend.
#' @param mainPalette Character vector specifying colours for mutation types
#' plotted in the main plot, must specify a colour for each mutation type
#' plotted.
#' @param mainLayer Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the main plot.
#' @param mutBurden Object of class data frame containing columns "sample",
#' "mut_burden" with sample levels matching those supplied in x.
#' @param plotMutBurden Boolean specify if the mutation burden sub-plot should
#' be displayed.
#' @param coverageSpace Integer specifying the size in bp of the genome
#' covered by sequence data from which mutations could be called
#' (see details and vignette).
#' @param mutBurdenLayer Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the top sub-plot.
#' @param clinData Object of class data frame with rows representing clinical
#' data. The data frame should be in "long format" and columns must be names as
#' "sample", "variable", and "value" (optional see details and vignette).
#' @param clinLegCol Integer specifying the number of columns in the legend for
#' the clinical data, only valid if argument is supplied to parameter clinData.
#' @param clinVarOrder Character vector specifying the order in which to plot
#' variables in the variable column of the argument given to the parameter
#' clinData. The argument supplied to this parameter should have the same unique
#' length and values as in the variable column of the argument supplied to
#' parameter clinData (see vignette).
#' @param clinVarCol Named character vector specifying the mapping of colours
#' to variables in the variable column of the data frame supplied to clinData
#' (ex. "variable"="colour").
#' @param clinLayer Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the clinical sub-plot.
#' @param sampRecurLayer Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the left sub-plot.
#' @param plotGenes Character vector specifying genes to plot. If not null genes
#' not specified within this character vector are removed.
#' @param geneOrder Character vector specifying the order in which to plot
#' genes.
#' @param plotSamples Character vector specifying samples to plot. If not null
#' all other samples not specified within this parameter are removed.
#' @param sampOrder Character vector specifying the order of the samples to
#' plot.
#' @param maxGenes Integer specifying the maximum number of genes to be plotted.
#' Genes kept will be choosen based on the recurrence of mutations in samples.
#' @param rmvSilent Boolean specifying if silent mutations should be removed
#' from the plot.
#' @param fileType Character string specifying the file format of the data
#' frame specified to parameter `x`, one of "MGI", "MAF", "Custom"
#' (see details and vignette).
#' @param variant_class_order Character vector specifying the hierarchical order
#' of mutation types to plot, required if file_type == "Custom"
#' (see details and vignette).
#' @param out Character vector specifying the the object to output, one of
#' "data", "grob", or "plot", defaults to "plot" (see returns).
#' @param plot_proportions Plot mutational profile layer?
#' @param proportions_layer ggplot2 layer(s) to be added to the mutational
#' profile plot
#' @param proportions_type Which type of proportions plot to use? Can be
#' "trv_type" or "TvTi" currently
#' @param section_heights Heights of each section. Must be the same length as
#' the number of vertical section
#' @details waterfall is a function designed to visualize the mutations seen in
#' a cohort. The function takes a data frame with appropriate column names (see
#' fileType parameter) and plots the mutations within. In cases where multiple
#' mutations occur in the same cell the most deleterious mutation is given
#' priority (see vignette for default priority). If the fileType parameter is
#' set to "Custom" the user most supply this priority via the
#' `variant_class_order` parameter with the highest priorities occuring first.
#' Additionally this parameter will override the default orders of MGI and MAF
#' file types.
#' Various data subsets are allowed via the waterfall function (see above), all
#' of these subsets will occur independently of the mutation burden calculation.
#' To clarify the removal of genes and mutations will only occur after the
#' mutation burden is calculated. The mutation burden calculation is only meant
#' to provide a rough estimate and assumes that the coverage breadth within the
#' cohort is aproximately equal. For more accurate calculations it is
#' recommended to supply this information via the mutBurden parameter which.
#' Note that the mutation burden calculation relies on the `coverageSpace`
#' parameter (see vignette).
#' It is possible to display additional information within the plot via cell
#' labels. The `mainLabelCol` parameter will look for an additional column in
#' the data frame and plot text within cells based on those values
#' (see vignette).
#' @examples
#' # Plot the data
#' waterfall(brcaMAF, plotGenes=c("PIK3CA", "TP53", "USH2A", "MLL3", "BRCA1"))
#' @return One of the following, a list of dataframes containing data to be
#' plotted, a grob object, or a plot.
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom grid nullGrob
#' @export
waterfall <- function(x, mainRecurCutoff=0, mainGrid=TRUE, mainXlabel=FALSE,
main_geneLabSize=8, mainLabelCol=NULL, mainLabelSize=4,
mainLabelAngle=0, mainDropMut=FALSE, mainPalette=NULL,
mainLayer=NULL, mutBurden=NULL, plotMutBurden=TRUE,
coverageSpace=44100000, mutBurdenLayer=NULL,
clinData=NULL, clinLegCol=1, clinVarOrder=NULL,
clinVarCol=NULL, clinLayer=NULL, sampRecurLayer=NULL,
plotGenes=NULL, geneOrder=NULL, plotSamples=NULL,
sampOrder=NULL, maxGenes=NULL, rmvSilent=FALSE,
fileType='MAF', variant_class_order=NULL, out="plot",
plot_proportions = FALSE,
proportions_layer = NULL, proportions_type = "TRV_TYPE",
# Perform data quality checks and conversions
inputDat <- waterfall_qual(x, clinData, mutBurden, file_type=fileType,
data_frame <- inputDat[[1]]
clinData <- inputDat[[2]]
mutBurden <- inputDat[[3]]
# Set flag if it is desirable to plot cell text
main.plot_label_flag <- TRUE
} else {
main.plot_label_flag <- FALSE
# If it is requested subset the input data on a sample list
data_frame <- waterfall_sampAlt(data_frame, plotSamples)
# add in a count of mutations at the sample level before anything is
# stripped out and save for mutation recurrence plot
data_frame2 <- waterfall_calcMutFreq(data_frame[,c('sample', 'gene',
# Subset the data to remove silent mutations if specified
data_frame <- waterfall_rmvSilent(data_frame)
# Subset the data based on a vector of genes if supplied
data_frame <- waterfall_geneAlt(data_frame, plotGenes)
# Remove trv_type that are not the most deleterious for a given gene/sample
data_frame <- waterfall_hierarchyTRV(data_frame, fileType,
# Subset the data based on the recurrence of mutations at the gene level
data_frame <- waterfall_geneRecurCutoff(data_frame, mainRecurCutoff)
# Use the max genes parameter to limit the number of genes plotted
# and then reorder genes based on the frequency of mutations
gene_sorted <- waterfall_geneSort(data_frame, geneOrder)
data_frame$gene <- factor(data_frame$gene, levels=gene_sorted)
max_gene_list <- utils::tail(gene_sorted, maxGenes)
data_frame <- data_frame[data_frame$gene %in% max_gene_list,]
# reorder the samples based on hiearchial sort on ordered gene list
sample_order <- waterfall_sampSort(data_frame, sampOrder)
data_frame$sample <- factor(data_frame$sample, levels=sample_order)
if (plot_proportions) {
prop_x_label <- is.null(clinData)
if (toupper(proportions_type) == "TRV_TYPE") {
prop_dat <- inputDat[[1]]
prop_dat[["sample"]] <- factor(prop_dat[["sample"]],
levels = sample_order)
proportions_plot <- waterfall_build_proportions(
data_frame = prop_dat,
plot_palette = mainPalette,
file_type = fileType,
layers = proportions_layer,
x_label = prop_x_label
} else if (toupper(proportions_type) == "TVTI") {
if (is.null(proportions_layer)) {
proportions_layer <- list(
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_blank()
name = "Proportion",
labels = scales::percent_format()
guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 2))
proportions_plot <- TvTi(
fileType = fileType,
sort = "custom",
sample_order_input = sample_order,
layers = proportions_layer,
return_plot = TRUE
if (prop_x_label) proportions_plot <- proportions_plot + xlab(paste0('Sample (n=', nlevels(data_frame$sample), ')'))
} else proportions_plot <- NULL
# Reorder the sample levels in data_frame2 to match the main plot's levels,
# and then plot the top margin plot
if(!setequal(sample_order, mutBurden$sample))
stop("levels in the sample column of mutBurden does not match
either: the samples given in x, or plotSamples")
mutBurden$sample <- factor(mutBurden$sample, levels=sample_order)
burden_plot <- waterfall_buildMutBurden_B(mutBurden, layers=mutBurdenLayer)
} else {
data_frame2$sample <- factor(data_frame2$sample,
burden_plot <- waterfall_buildMutBurden_A(data_frame2, coverageSpace,
} else {
# create a blank ggplot object
burden_plot <- grid::nullGrob()
# Plot the Left Bar Chart
gene_plot <- waterfall_buildGenePrevelance(data_frame, layers=sampRecurLayer,
# if there are any NA values in the data frame for a gene, give these NA
# values a gene name so they are plotted properly
data_frame <- waterfall_NA2gene(data_frame)
# Plot the Heatmap
plot_x_title <- !(!is.null(clinData) || plot_proportions)
heatmap <- waterfall_buildMain(data_frame, grid=mainGrid,
plot_palette=mainPalette, layers=mainLayer,
# Plot any clinical data if it is specified
# match the levels of sample in y to conform to the main plot
clinData$sample <- factor(clinData$sample, levels=sample_order)
clinData <- clinData[-which($sample)),]
# plot the clinical data
clinical_plot <- multi_buildClin(clinData, clin.legend.col=clinLegCol,
# Align all plots and return as 1 plot
pA <- waterfall_align(genes = gene_plot, heatmap = heatmap, burden = burden_plot,
clinical = clinical_plot, proportion = proportions_plot,
section_heights = section_heights)
} else
pA <- waterfall_align(genes = gene_plot, heatmap = heatmap, burden = burden_plot,
proportion = proportions_plot, section_heights = section_heights)
dataOut <- list("main"=data_frame,
output <- multi_selectOut(data=dataOut, plot=pA, draw=TRUE, out=out)
#' Convert Custom File
#' Convert columns of a Custom annotation file into a format
#' recognizable by internal functions
#' @name waterfall_Custom2anno
#' @param x a data frame with columns having values for sample, gene, mutation
#' type
#' @param label_col Character string specifying the column name of a
#' label column (optional)
#' @noRd
#' @return a data frame coerced from custom to annotation format
waterfall_Custom2anno <- function(x, label_col)
# message statement
memo <- paste0("Detected \"Custom\" file_type flag, ",
"looking for correct column names...")
# define expected columns
expec_col <- c("sample", "gene", "variant_class")
expec_col <- c(expec_col, label_col)
# check expected columns are present
if(!all(expec_col %in% colnames(x)))
memo <- paste0("Did not detect correct column names, column names
should be: ", toString(expec_col))
x <- x[,c('sample', 'gene', 'variant_class', label_col)]
colnames(x) <- c('sample', 'gene', 'trv_type', 'label')
} else {
colnames(x) <- c('sample', 'gene', 'trv_type')
# if no silent mutations are present warn the user
if(all(!toupper(x$trv_type) %in% toupper("silent")))
warning("Did not detect silent mutations in input, is this expected?")
#' Convert MAF File
#' Convert columns of a mutation annotation file "MAF" into a format
#' recognizable by internal functions
#' @name waterfall_MAF2anno
#' @param x a data frame in MAF format
#' @param label_col Character string specifying the column name of a
#' label column
#' @noRd
#' @return a data frame coerced from MAF to TGI format
waterfall_MAF2anno <- function(x, label_col)
# Check that correct column names are present and convert to internal format
expec_col <- c('Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Hugo_Symbol',
expec_col <- c(expec_col, label_col)
if(!all(expec_col %in% colnames(x)))
memo <- paste0("Did not detect correct column names, column names
should be: ", toString(expec_col))
x <- x[,c('Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Hugo_Symbol', 'Variant_Classification',
colnames(x) <- c('sample', 'gene', 'trv_type', 'label')
} else {
colnames(x) <- c('sample', 'gene', 'trv_type')
#' Convert MGI File
#' Convert columns of a mutation annotation file "MGI" into a format
#' recognizable by internal functions
#' @name waterfall_MGI2anno
#' @param x a data frame in MGI internal format
#' @param label_col Character string specifying the column name of a label
#' column
#' @noRd
#' @return a data frame coerced from MGI to internal annotation format
waterfall_MGI2anno <- function(x, label_col)
# Check that correct column names are present and convert to internal format
expec_col <- c('sample', 'gene_name', 'trv_type')
expec_col <- c(expec_col, label_col)
if(!all(expec_col %in% colnames(x)))
memo <- paste0("Did not detect correct column names, column names
should be: ", toString(expec_col))
x <- x[,c('sample', 'gene_name', 'trv_type', label_col)]
colnames(x) <- c('sample', 'gene', 'trv_type', 'label')
} else {
colnames(x) <- c('sample', 'gene', 'trv_type')
#' Assign NA samples a gene
#' Replace NA values in a gene column with the top gene name
#' @name waterfall_NA2gene
#' @param x a data frame in anno format
#' @return a data frame with NA values in a gene column coerced to the top gene
#' name
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
waterfall_NA2gene <- function(x)
# Get The gene with the most Mutations and add the NA samples to that gene
# (ensures that the NAs are added in as gene with most mutations will always
# be plotted) i.e. makes sure that samples are plotted, happens with rmvSilent param
# find top gene
top_gene <- stats::na.omit(rev(x$gene))[1]
# set the trv_type to NA if gene is NA (makes sure that wile a sample is plotted the cell is empty)
x$trv_type <- replace(x$trv_type,$gene), NA)
x$gene <- replace(x$gene,$gene), top_gene)
#' align plots
#' align mutation landscape, mutation burden on sample, and mutation burden on
#' gene plots
#' @name waterfall_align
#' @param heatmap ggplot object displaying a mutation landscape
#' @param genes ggplot object displaying mutation burden on gene
#' @param burden ggplot object displaying mutation burden on sample
#' @param clinical ggplot object displaying clinical information "optional"
#' @param proportion ggplot object displaying proportion of mutation types "optional"
#' @param section_heights Heights of each section (should sum to one)
#' @return a grob object
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom gridExtra arrangeGrob
#' @importFrom grid nullGrob
waterfall_align <- function(genes, heatmap, burden, clinical, proportion,
section_heights) {
if (missing(section_heights)) {
if (missing(clinical)) {
if (is.null(proportion)) {
section_heights <- c(1, 4)
} else {
section_heights <- c(1, 4, 0.5)
} else {
if (is.null(proportion)) {
section_heights <- c(1, 4, 0.5)
} else {
section_heights <- c(1, 4, 1.2, 0.5)
# define the ggplot's as grobs and create a blank plot
genes_grob <- suppressWarnings(ggplot2::ggplotGrob(genes))
heatmap_grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(heatmap)
## Strip out legends and plot separately
ind_legend <- grep("guide", heatmap_grob$layout$name)
heatmap_legend <- heatmap_grob[["grobs"]][[ind_legend]]
heatmap_width <- sum(heatmap_legend$width)
heatmap_grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(heatmap + theme(legend.position="none"))
burden_width <- NULL
burden_grob <- burden
blankPanel <- grid::grid.rect(gp=grid::gpar(col="white"))
burden_legend <- grid::nullGrob()
} else {
burden_grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(burden)
## Strip out legends and plot separately
ind_legend <- grep("guide", burden_grob$layout$name)
burden_legend <- burden_grob[["grobs"]][[ind_legend]]
burden_width <- sum(burden_legend$width)
burden_grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(burden + theme(legend.position="none"))
blankPanel <- grid::grid.rect(gp=grid::gpar(col="white"))
if (!is.null(proportion)) {
prop_grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(proportion)
ind_legend <- grep("guide", prop_grob$layout$name)
prop_legend <- prop_grob[["grobs"]][[ind_legend]]
prop_width <- sum(prop_legend$width)
prop_grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(proportion + theme(legend.position="none"))
} else prop_width <- NULL
if(!missing(clinical)) {
clin_grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(clinical)
ind_legend <- grep("guide", clin_grob$layout$name)
clin_legend <- clin_grob[["grobs"]][[ind_legend]]
clin_width <- sum(clin_legend$width)
clin_grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(clinical + theme(legend.position="none"))
} else clin_width <- NULL
legend_width <- unit.pmax(heatmap_width, burden_width, clin_width, prop_width)
width_left <- unit(1, "npc") - max(legend_width)
widths <- grid::unit.c(width_left * 0.15, width_left * 0.85, legend_width)
# Adjust the grob widths so heatmap and burden plots line up
if(!missing(clinical)) {
if (!is.null(proportion)) {
maxwidth <- grid::unit.pmax(heatmap_grob$widths,
prop_grob$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
} else {
maxwidth <- grid::unit.pmax(heatmap_grob$widths,
burden_grob$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
heatmap_grob$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
clin_grob$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
} else {
if (!is.null(proportion)) {
maxwidth <- grid::unit.pmax(heatmap_grob$widths,
prop_grob$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
} else {
maxwidth <- grid::unit.pmax(heatmap_grob$widths,
burden_grob$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
heatmap_grob$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
# Adjust the grob heights so heatmap, and genes plots line up
maxheight <- grid::unit.pmax(genes_grob$heights, heatmap_grob$heights)
genes_grob$heights <- as.list(maxheight)
heatmap_grob$heights <- as.list(maxheight)
# plot the grobs with grid.arrange
if(!missing(clinical)) {
if (!is.null(proportion)) {
nrows <- 4
grobs <- list(
blankPanel, burden_grob, burden_legend,
genes_grob, heatmap_grob, heatmap_legend,
blankPanel, prop_grob, prop_legend,
blankPanel, clin_grob, clin_legend)
} else {
nrows <- 3
grobs <- list(
blankPanel, burden_grob, burden_legend,
genes_grob, heatmap_grob, heatmap_legend,
blankPanel, clin_grob, clin_legend)
heatmap <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(grobs = grobs,
ncol=3, nrow=nrows,
} else {
if (!is.null(proportion)) {
nrows <- 3
grobs <- list(
blankPanel, burden_grob, burden_legend,
genes_grob, heatmap_grob, heatmap_legend,
blankPanel, prop_grob, prop_legend)
} else {
grobs <- list(
blankPanel, burden_grob, burden_legend,
genes_grob, heatmap_grob, heatmap_legend
nrows <- 2
heatmap <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(grobs = grobs,
ncol=3, nrow=nrows,
widths=widths, heights=section_heights)
#' plot mutation recurrence in genes
#' plot a bar graph displaying the percentage of samples with a mutation
#' @name waterfall_buildGenePrevelance
#' @param data_frame a data frame in MAF format
#' @param gene_label_size numeric value indicating the size of the gene labels
#' on the y-axis
#' @param layers additional ggplot2 layers
#' @noRd
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @importFrom plyr count
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
waterfall_buildGenePrevelance <- function(data_frame, gene_label_size=8, layers=NULL)
# Convert all silent mutations to Synonymous, and all else to non-synonymous
data_frame$trv_type <- as.character(data_frame$trv_type)
data_frame$trv_type[toupper(data_frame$trv_type) != toupper('silent')] <-
'Non Synonymous'
data_frame$trv_type[toupper(data_frame$trv_type) == toupper('silent')] <-
data_frame$trv_type <- factor(data_frame$trv_type,
levels=c('Synonymous', 'Non Synonymous'))
# Define the number of samples for the Percentage calculation
# (Note: to pass a variable outside of aes into aes it needs to be
# defined again)
total_number_sample <- nlevels(data_frame$sample)
# Make a count column
data_frame <- plyr::count(data_frame, c("gene", "trv_type"))
data_frame$prop <- data_frame$freq/total_number_sample * 100
# Define Theme and various other layers to be passed to ggplot
theme <- theme(axis.text.y=element_text(size=gene_label_size,
colour='black', face='italic'),
y_limits <- ylim(100, 0)
y_label <- ylab('% Mutant')
legend <- scale_fill_manual(name="Translational Effect",
values=c("Non Synonymous"="blue", "Synonymous"="red"),
breaks=c('Synonymous', 'Non Synonymous'),
layers <- layers
} else {
layers <- geom_blank()
# Plotting call
p1 <- ggplot(stats::na.omit(data_frame),
aes_string(x='gene', y='prop', fill='trv_type')) +
geom_bar(position='stack', alpha=.75, width=1, stat='identity') +
theme_bw() + coord_flip() + theme + y_label + scale_y_reverse() +
legend + layers
#' Plot a mutation heatmap
#' Plot a Mutation Landscape with variables sample, gene, mutation
#' @name waterfall_buildMain
#' @param data_frame a data frame in MAF format
#' @param grid boolean value whether to overlay a grid on the plot
#' @param label_x boolean value whether to label the x axis
#' @param file_type character string specifying the file type, one of 'MAF' or
#' 'MGI'
#' @param drop_mutation Boolean specifying whether to drop unused
#' "mutation type" levels from the legend
#' @param plot_x_title Boolean specifying whether to plot the x_axis title
#' @param plot_label Boolean specifying whether to plot text inside each cell
#' @param plot_label_size Integer specifying text size of cell labels
#' @param plot_palette Character vector specifying colors to fill on mutation
#' type
#' @param layers additional ggplot2 layers to plot
#' @param plot_label_angle angle at which to plot label text if plot_label is
#' true
#' @noRd
#' @return a ggplot2 object
#' @import ggplot2
waterfall_buildMain <- function(data_frame, grid=TRUE, label_x=FALSE,
drop_mutation=FALSE, plot_x_title=TRUE,
plot_label=FALSE, plot_label_size=4,
plot_palette=NULL, layers=NULL,
# NOTE: scale_x_discret(drop=FALSE), added to ggplot2 call to ensure samples
# remove by 'mutation_recurrence_subset' are still plotted as empty tiles
# Define layers
# grid overlay
vertical_grid <- geom_vline(xintercept = seq(.5, nlevels(data_frame$sample),
linetype='solid', colour='grey80', size=.01)
if(length(unique(data_frame$gene)) == 1)
horizontal_grid <- geom_blank()
} else {
horizontal_grid <- geom_hline(yintercept = seq(1.5, length(unique(data_frame$gene)),
linetype='solid', colour='grey80',
# Declare the appropriate palette
palette <- waterfall_select_palette(file_type = file_type,
custom_palette = plot_palette)
breaks_labels <- waterfall_palette_names(palette,
file_type, data_frame)
breaks <- breaks_labels[["breaks"]]
labels <- breaks_labels[["labels"]]
if(drop_mutation == TRUE)
# Create Legend
legend <- scale_fill_manual(name="Mutation Type", values=palette,
breaks=breaks, labels=labels, drop=TRUE)
} else if (drop_mutation == FALSE) {
# Create Legend
legend <- scale_fill_manual(name="Mutation Type", values=palette,
breaks=breaks, labels=labels, drop=FALSE)
# X Label
x_label <- xlab(paste0('Sample (n=', nlevels(data_frame$sample), ')'))
if(plot_label == TRUE)
label <- geom_text(data=data_frame,
mapping=aes_string(x='sample', y='gene',
size=plot_label_size, colour='white',
} else {
label <- geom_blank()
# Theme, Boolean, if specified to plot x labels, define theme such that
# labels are plotted
default_theme <- theme(axis.ticks=element_blank(),
if(label_x & plot_x_title)
theme <- theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=50, hjust=1),
} else if(!label_x & plot_x_title) {
theme <- theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),
panel.border=element_rect(colour='grey80', fill=NA,
} else if(label_x & !plot_x_title) {
theme <- theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=50, hjust=1),
} else if(!label_x & !plot_x_title) {
theme <- theme(
panel.border=element_rect(colour='grey80', fill=NA,
# additional parameters
layers <- layers
} else {
layers <- geom_blank()
# ggplot call
p1 <- ggplot(data_frame, aes_string('sample', 'gene')) +
geom_tile(aes_string(fill='trv_type'), position="identity")
if(grid == TRUE) {
p1 <- p1 + vertical_grid + horizontal_grid
p1 <- p1 + default_theme + theme + legend + x_label +
scale_x_discrete(drop=FALSE) + label + layers
#' plot mutation burden
#' plot a barchart showing mutations per MB
#' @name waterfall_buildMutBurden_A
#' @param x a data frame in MAF format
#' @param coverage_space an integer specifying the coverage space in base pairs
#' from which a mutation could occur
#' @param layers Additional ggplot2 layers to plot
#' @noRd
#' @return a ggplot object
waterfall_buildMutBurden_A <- function(x, coverage_space, layers=NULL)
# Add in mutations per MB calculation
x$mutation_per_MB <-
x$mutation_total/coverage_space * 1000000
# Alter GGplot2 Theme
theme <- theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
legend.title = element_text(size=14),
axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black"),
axis.title.y = element_text(colour = "black"),
panel.background = element_blank(),
# panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(colour = "black"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "grey80"),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA)
# Add Legend
legend <- scale_fill_manual(name="Translational Effect",
values=c("Synonymous"="red", "Non Synonymous"="blue"),
breaks=c("Synonymous", "Non Synonymous"),
# add y label
y_label <- ylab('Mutations per MB')
# ggplot2 call
p1 <- ggplot(x, aes_string(x='sample', y='mutation_per_MB',
fill='trv_type')) +
geom_bar(stat='identity', alpha=.75, width=1) +
theme + y_label + legend + layers
#' plot mutation burden
#' plot a barchart showing mutation burden given by data frame
#' @name waterfall_buildMutBurden_B
#' @param x a data frame containing columns sample, mut_burden
#' @param layers additional ggplot2 layers to plot
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @noRd
#' @import ggplot2
waterfall_buildMutBurden_B <- function(x, layers=NULL)
# add in fake column for legend
# (necessary to have legend for proper plot alignment)
x$Type <- c("Undefined")
x$Type <- factor(x$Type,
levels=c("Synonymous", "Non Synonymous", "Undefined"))
# Define Theme
theme <- theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
legend.title = element_text(size=14),
axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black"),
axis.title.y = element_text(colour = "black"),
panel.background = element_blank(),
# panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(colour = "black"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "grey80"),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA)
# Define additional parameters
y_label <- ylab("Mutation Burden")
legend <- scale_fill_manual(name="Translational Effect",
values=c("Non Synonymous"="blue",
breaks=c("Synonymous", "Non Synonymous", "Undefined"),
bar <- geom_bar(stat='identity', alpha=.75, width=1)
# ggplot2 call
p1 <- ggplot(x, aes_string(x='sample', y='mut_burden', fill='Type')) + bar +
theme + y_label + legend + layers
#' @title Build mutational profile plot
#' @param data_frame input data.frame
#' @param plot_palette Color palette to use
#' @param file_type MAF, etc
#' @param layers layer(s) to add to this plot object
#' @param x_label label this plot?
#' @description Builds a ggplot object showing individuals' mutational profile
#' @noRd
#' @return a ggplot object
waterfall_build_proportions <- function(data_frame, plot_palette,
file_type, layers, x_label) {
# Declare the appropriate palette
palette <- waterfall_select_palette(file_type, custom_palette = plot_palette)
breaks_labels <- waterfall_palette_names(palette, file_type, data_frame)
breaks <- breaks_labels[["breaks"]]
labels <- breaks_labels[["labels"]]
if (x_label) {
x_label_obj <- xlab(paste0('Sample (n=', nlevels(data_frame$sample), ')'))
} else {
x_label_obj <- geom_blank()
p5 <- ggplot(data_frame, aes_string(x = 'sample', fill = 'trv_type')) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", width = 0.95) +
name = "Proportion",
labels = scales::percent_format()) +
scale_fill_manual(name="Mutation Type",
breaks = breaks,
labels = labels
) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Mutation Type", ncol = 2)) +
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = if (x_label) element_text() else element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black"),
axis.title.y = element_text(colour = "black", hjust = 0),
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_blank()
) + layers + x_label_obj
#' Calculate Synonymous/Nonsynonymous mutation frequency
#' Creates a data frame giving synonymous/nonsynonymous counts on a sample level
#' @name waterfall_calcMutFreq
#' @param x data frame in long format with columns sample, trv_type
#' @importFrom data.table melt
#' @noRd
#' @return a data frame with synonymous/nonsynonymous counts appended
waterfall_calcMutFreq <- function(x)
message("Calculating frequency of mutations...")
# Change trv_type calls to either synonymous or non synonymous,
# for use in the mutation per Mb plot
x$trv_type <- as.character(x$trv_type)
x$trv_type[toupper(x$trv_type) != toupper('silent')] <- 'Non Synonymous'
x$trv_type[toupper(x$trv_type) == toupper('silent')] <- 'Synonymous'
x$trv_type <- factor(x$trv_type, levels=c('Synonymous', 'Non Synonymous'))
# Obtain a data frame of mutation counts on the sample level
mutation_counts <- table(x[,c('sample', 'trv_type')])
mutation_counts <-
colnames(mutation_counts) <- c('sample', 'trv_type', 'mutation_total')
#' mutation sample cutoff gene based
#' Subset a internal mutSpec file keeping only samples within the specified gene
#' list
#' @name waterfall_geneAlt
#' @param x a data frame in long format with columns 'gene', 'trv_type'
#' @param genes character vector listing genes to plot
#' @noRd
#' @return a subset data frame
waterfall_geneAlt <- function(x, genes)
message("Removing genes not in: ", toString(genes))
# Perform quality checks
if(!is(genes, 'character'))
memo <- paste0("argument supplied to plotGenes is not a character ",
"vector, attempting to coerce")
genes <- as.character(genes)
if(!all(toupper(genes) %in% toupper(x$gene)))
memo <- paste0("genes supplied in plotGenes contains an element not ",
"found in x or it's subsequent subsets")
genes <- c(genes, NA)
x <- x[(toupper(x$gene) %in% toupper(genes)), ]
#' Mutation Recurrence Cutoff
#' Subset a MAF file keeping only samples that meet a mutation recurrence cutoff
#' @name waterfall_geneRecurCutoff
#' @param x data frame in long format with columns 'gene', 'trv_type', 'sample'
#' @param recurrence_cutoff integer specifying removal of entries not seen
#' in at least "x" percent of samples
#' @return a subset data frame
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom plyr count
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
waterfall_geneRecurCutoff <- function(x, recurrence_cutoff)
if(recurrence_cutoff != 0)
message("Performing recurrence cutoff...")
mutRecur <- plyr::count(unique(x), vars=c("gene"))
mutRecur <- stats::na.omit(mutRecur)
mutRecur$prop <- mutRecur$freq/nlevels(x$sample)
# If recurrence cutoff specified exceeds upper limit such that no plot
# useful would be generated, reset recurrence cutoff
maxRecur <- max(mutRecur$prop)
if(maxRecur < recurrence_cutoff)
memo <- paste0("The recurrence cutoff specified exceeds the recurrence",
" seen in the data, resetting this value to equal max ",
"recurrence:", maxRecur)
recurrence_cutoff <- maxRecur
gene_above_recur <- mutRecur[mutRecur$prop >= recurrence_cutoff,]$gene
# add NA to the end of 'gene_above_recurrence' vector, allowing for all
# samples having NA as a gene name to be retained in the subset below
gene_above_recur <- c(as.character(gene_above_recur), NA)
# subset the original data frame based on the following: keep gene if it is
# in the gene vector in "mutation_recurrence_subset"
x <- x[(x$gene %in% gene_above_recur), ]
#' sort waterfall file by gene
#' order a waterfall file ranking genes with more mutations higher if a gene
#' order is unspecified.
#' @name waterfall_geneSort
#' @param x Data frame with columns names "gene", "trv_type".
#' @param geneOrder Character vector specifying the order in which to plot
#' genes.
#' @noRd
#' @return Character vector of ordered genes
waterfall_geneSort <- function(x, geneOrder=NULL)
geneOrder <- as.character(unique(geneOrder))
# if there are any genes in geneOrder not in x, remove those
gene_to_rmv <- geneOrder[!geneOrder %in% unique(x$gene)]
if(length(gene_to_rmv) == 0 & length(geneOrder) >= 1)
} else if(length(gene_to_rmv) == length(geneOrder)) {
memo <- paste0("Did not find any genes supplied to the parameter",
" geneOrder in the input supplied to x, perhaps ",
" there is a case issue?")
} else if(length(gene_to_rmv) != length(geneOrder)) {
memo <- paste0("The following genes were not found in the input",
" supplied to parameter x: ", toString(gene_to_rmv),
", removing these from geneOrder!")
gene_order <- geneOrder[geneOrder %in% unique(x$gene)]
# order based on mutation frequency
gene_mutation_table <- table(x[,c('gene', 'trv_type')])
gene_order <- names(sort(rowSums(gene_mutation_table)))
#' Hiearchical removal of MAF entries
#' Remove MAF entries with the same gene/sample in an ordered fashion such that
#' the most deleterious are retained
#' @name waterfall_hierarchyTRV
#' @param x a data frame in long format with columns sample, gene,
#' trv_type
#' @param file_type The type of file to act on one of 'MAF", "MGI", "Custom"
#' @param variant_class_order character vector giving the hierarchical order of
#' mutation types to plot
#' @noRd
#' @return a data frame with multiple mutations in the same sample/gene
#' collapsed on the most deleterious
waterfall_hierarchyTRV <- function(x, file_type, variant_class_order)
message("setting mutation hierarchy...")
# if variant_class_order is null use predefined values
if(toupper(file_type) == toupper('MGI'))
mutation_order <- c("nonsense", "frame_shift_del",
"frame_shift_ins", "splice_site_del",
"splice_site_ins", "splice_site",
"nonstop", "in_frame_del", "in_frame_ins",
"missense", "splice_region_del",
"splice_region_ins", "splice_region",
"5_prime_untranslated_region", "rna",
"intronic", "silent", NA)
} else if(toupper(file_type) == toupper('MAF')) {
mutation_order <- c("Nonsense_Mutation", "Frame_Shift_Ins",
"Frame_Shift_Del", "Translation_Start_Site",
"Splice_Site", "Nonstop_Mutation",
"In_Frame_Ins", "In_Frame_Del",
"Missense_Mutation", "5\'Flank",
"3\'Flank", "5\'UTR", "3\'UTR", "RNA", "Intron",
"IGR", "Silent", "Targeted_Region", NA)
} else if(toupper(file_type) == toupper('Custom')) {
memo <- paste0("Detected NULL in variant_class_order, ",
"this parameter is required if file_type is set ",
"to \"Custom\"")
} else {
mutation_order <- unique(c(variant_class_order, NA))
# Check that elements in trv_type are in the mutation order
if(any(!x$trv_type %in% mutation_order))
memo <- paste0("Detected an invalid mutation type, valid values for ",
file_type, " are: ", toString(mutation_order))
# refactor the data frame
x$trv_type <- factor(x$trv_type, levels=mutation_order)
# sort the data frame so that the duplicated call will remove the
# proper trv_type
x <- x[order(x$sample, x$gene, x$trv_type),]
# collapse the data on sample/gene
x <- x[!duplicated(x[, c("sample", "gene")]), ]
#' waterfall_palette_names
#' @title waterfall_palette_names
#' @description Make labels and breaks for palettes
#' @param palette Named colour vector as input
#' @param file_type Which file type is involved?
#' @param data_frame Only used if file_type is "custom"
#' @noRd
#' @return a named list of "breaks" and "labels"
waterfall_palette_names <- function(palette, file_type, data_frame) {
# Create breaks specific and labels for specified file type
## Create labels and breaks from
## names of palette to avoid ordering issues
if(toupper(file_type) == toupper('MGI'))
breaks <- names(palette)
labels <- gsub("(\\d)_prime", "\\1'", breaks)
labels <- gsub("untranslated_region", "UTR", labels)
labels <- gsub("flanking_region", "Flank", labels)
labels <- gsub("_", " ", labels)
labels <- gsub("del$", "deletion", labels)
labels <- gsub("ins$", "insertion", labels)
labels <- gsub("prime ", "", labels)
labels <- gsub("(rna)", "\\U\\1", labels, perl = TRUE)
labels <- gsub("\\b([a-z])", "\\U\\1", labels, perl = TRUE)
} else if(toupper(file_type) == toupper('MAF')) {
breaks <- names(palette)
labels <- gsub("_", " ", breaks)
labels <- gsub("'", "' ", labels)
} else if(toupper(file_type) == toupper('Custom')) {
breaks <- levels(data_frame[["trv_type"]])
labels <- breaks
list("breaks" = breaks,
"labels" = labels)
#' Check input to mutSpec
#' Perform a data quality check on input to mutSpec
#' @name waterfall_qual
#' @param x a data frame in annotation format
#' @param y a data frame containing clinical data or a null object
#' @param z a data frame containing mutation burden information or a null object
#' @param file_type Character string specifying the input format to expect in x
#' @param label_col Character string specifying the column name of a label
#' column
#' @noRd
#' @return a list of data frames passing quality checks
waterfall_qual <- function(x, y, z, file_type, label_col)
# print message statement
message("Checking if input is properly formatted...")
# Check input data to x
stop("Did not detect a data frame for input to x")
# Convert file type to internal format
if(toupper(file_type) == toupper("MAF"))
x <- waterfall_MAF2anno(x, label_col)
} else if(toupper(file_type) == toupper("MGI")) {
x <- waterfall_MGI2anno(x, label_col)
} else if(toupper(file_type) == toupper("Custom")) {
x <- waterfall_Custom2anno(x, label_col)
} else {
stop("Unrecognized file_type: ", file_type)
# drop unused levels in x
x$sample <- as.factor(x$sample)
x$gene <- as.factor(x$gene)
x$trv_type <- as.factor(x$trv_type)
x <- droplevels(x)
# Check input data to clinDat
stop("Did not detect a data frame for input to clinDat")
y <- droplevels(y)
if(!all(c('sample', 'variable', 'value') %in% colnames(y)))
stop("Did not detect correct sample names in clinDat")
# make sure clinical data columns are of expected class
y$sample <- as.factor(y$sample)
y$variable <- as.factor(y$variable)
y$value <- as.character(y$value)
# check input data to mutBurden
stop("Did not detect a data frame for input to mutBurden")
z <- droplevels(z)
if(!all(c('sample', 'mut_burden') %in% colnames(z)))
stop("Did not detect correct sample names in mutBurden")
# Make sure mutation burden columns are of proper class
z$sample <- as.factor(z$sample)
z$mut_burden <- as.numeric(as.character(z$mut_burden))
return(list(x, y, z))
#' Silent Mutation Removal
#' Subset a MAF file setting keeping only sample information if a mutation
#' is silent
#' @name waterfall_rmvSilent
#' @param x a data frame with columns 'sample', 'gene', 'trv_type'
#' @noRd
#' @return a subset data frame
waterfall_rmvSilent <- function(x)
message("Removing silent mutations...")
# Index and remove those rows which contain silent mutations
x[which(toupper(x$trv_type) == toupper('silent')), c('gene')] <- NA
if("label" %in% colnames(x)){
x[which(toupper(x$trv_type) == toupper('silent')), c('label')] <- NA
x[which(toupper(x$trv_type) == toupper('silent')), c('trv_type')] <- NA
#' mutation sample subset sample based
#' Alter a mutSpec input file keeping/adding entries in a selection of samples
#' @name waterfall_sampAlt
#' @param x a data frame in long format with columns 'sample', 'trv_type'
#' @param samples character vector giving samples to plot
#' @return a subset data frame
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
waterfall_sampAlt <- function(x, samples)
message("Retrieving requested samples from supplied data...")
# Perform quality check
if(!is(samples, 'character'))
memo <- paste0("argument supplied to main.samples is not a ",
"character vector, attempting to coerce")
samples <- as.character(samples)
# add in samples not in the original data frame x
if(!all(toupper(samples) %in% toupper(x$sample)))
memo <- paste0("Detected one or more samples supplied to main.samples ",
"not found in x ... adding samples to plot")
samp_not_in_x <-[which(!(samples %in% x$sample))])
colnames(samp_not_in_x) <- "sample"
x <- plyr::rbind.fill(samp_not_in_x, x)
# Subset the data based on the arguments supplied in main.samples,
# then relevel the data frame
x <- x[(toupper(x$sample) %in% toupper(samples)), ]
x <- droplevels(x)
x$sample <- factor(x$sample, levels=samples)
#' sort samples in an internal waterfall file.
#' perform a hiearchial sort on samples based on the presence of mutations in
#' an ordered list of genes if a sample order is unspecified.
#' @name waterfall_sampSort
#' @param x a data frame in long format with column names "sample",
#' "gene", "trv_type"
#' @param sampOrder Character vector specifying the order of samples to plot.
#' @return a vector of samples in a sorted order
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom data.table dcast
waterfall_sampSort <- function(x, sampOrder=NULL)
# if a sample order is already defined plot that instead
sampOrder <- as.character(unique(sampOrder))
# determine if there are any new samples in sampOrder not in the data
# and remove if true
new_samples <- sampOrder[!sampOrder %in% unique(x$sample)]
if(length(new_samples) != 0)
memo <- paste0("The following samples were not detected in the ",
"original data: ", toString(new_samples),
", removing these samples from sampOrder!")
sampOrder <- sampOrder[!sampOrder %in% new_samples]
# return what was given originally
# recast the data going from long format to wide format, values in this data
# are counts of a mutation call
wide_data <- data.table::dcast(x, sample ~ gene, fun.aggregate = length,
# apply a boolean function to convert the data frame values to 1's and 0's
values <- wide_data[,-1, drop=FALSE]
sample <- wide_data[,1]
values <- data.frame(apply(values, 2,
function(x) as.numeric(as.logical(x))))
wide_boolean <- cbind(sample, values)
# reverse the columns so that genes with highest mutation's are listed first
# (assumes gene_sort has been run on the data frame)
wide_boolean <- wide_boolean[,c(1, rev(2:ncol(wide_boolean)))]
# if there are any NA values present in a sample at the gene put that
# remove that sample and save (at this stage it should be samples)
if(any(grepl("^NA.$", colnames(wide_boolean))))
# Find which column has the NA header
NA_index <- which(grepl("^NA.$", colnames(wide_boolean)))
# Append NA column to end of data frame
NA_gene <- wide_boolean[,NA_index]
wide_boolean <- wide_boolean[,-NA_index]
# Save copy and remove samples with no mutations,
# these will be added to the end
samp_no_mut <- wide_boolean[rowSums(wide_boolean[2:ncol(wide_boolean)]) == 0,]$sample
samp_no_mut <- as.character(samp_no_mut)
wide_boolean <- wide_boolean[!wide_boolean$sample %in% samp_no_mut,]
} else {
samp_no_mut <- NULL
# hiearchial sort on all column's (i.e. genes) such that samples are
# rearranged if there is a mutation in that gene
sample_order <- wide_boolean[, as.list(-wide_boolean[2:ncol(wide_boolean)])),]$sample
# Put those samples not in sample order in from the original levels of the
# data (these are samples with no mutations)
not_in <- as.character(levels(sample_order)[which(!levels(sample_order) %in% sample_order)])
not_in <- not_in[!not_in %in% samp_no_mut]
sample_order <- c(as.character(sample_order), as.character(not_in))
# Put those samples with no mutations back in
sample_order <- c(sample_order, samp_no_mut)
# see issue #325, make sure sample_order values are unique
sample_order <- unique(sample_order)
#' waterfall_select_palette
#' @title Helper function to select a colour palette
#' @param file_type Which file tyoe is used?
#' @param custom_palette Nullable custom colour palette
#' @noRd
#' @return A vector of colours to be used as palette
waterfall_select_palette <- function(file_type, custom_palette = NULL) {
if (is.null(custom_palette)) {
if (toupper(file_type) == toupper('MGI')) {
palette <- c("nonsense"='#4f00A8', "frame_shift_del"='#A80100',
"frame_shift_ins"='#CF5A59', "splice_site_del"='#A80079',
"splice_site_ins"='#BC2D94', "splice_site"='#CF59AE',
"nonstop"='#000000', "in_frame_del"='#006666',
"in_frame_ins"='#00A8A8', "missense"='#009933',
"splice_region_del"='#ace7b9', "splice_region_ins"='#cdf0d5',
"splice_region"='#59CF74', "5_prime_flanking_region"='#002AA8',
"5_prime_untranslated_region"='#F2B079', "rna"='#888811',
"intronic"='#FDF31C', "silent"='#8C8C8C')
} else if (toupper(file_type) == toupper('MAF')) {
palette <- c("Nonsense_Mutation"="grey", "Frame_Shift_Ins"='#A80100',
"Frame_Shift_Del"='#CF5A59', "In_Frame_Ins"='#A80079',
"In_Frame_Del"='#CF59AE', "Nonstop_Mutation"='#000000',
"Translation_Start_Site"='#9159CF', "Splice_Site"='#4f00A8',
"Missense_Mutation"='#59CF74', "5\'Flank"='#00A8A8',
"3\'Flank"='#79F2F2', "5\'UTR"='#006666',
"3\'UTR"='#002AA8', "RNA"='#5977CF', "Intron"='#F37812',
"IGR"='#F2B079', "Silent"='#888811',
} else if (toupper(file_type) == toupper('Custom')) {
memo <- paste0("Defining a palette in mainPalette is recommended ",
"when file_type is set to \"Custom\", defaulting to ",
"a predefined palette with 20 levels")
palette <- c('#4f00A8', '#A80100', '#CF5A59', '#A80079', '#BC2D94',
'#CF59AE', '#000000', '#006666', '#00A8A8', '#009933',
'#ace7b9', '#cdf0d5', '#59CF74', '#002AA8', '#5977CF',
'#F37812', '#F2B079', '#888811', '#FDF31C', '#8C8C8C')
else {
if(toupper(file_type) == "CUSTOM") {
palette <- custom_palette
} else {
if(toupper(file_type) == "MGI") {
breaks <- c("nonsense", "frame_shift_del",
"frame_shift_ins", "splice_site_del",
"splice_site_ins", "splice_site",
"nonstop", "in_frame_del",
"in_frame_ins", "missense",
"splice_region_del", "splice_region_ins",
"splice_region", "5_prime_flanking_region",
"5_prime_untranslated_region", "rna",
"intronic", "silent")
} else if (toupper(file_type) == "MAF") {
breaks <- c("Nonsense_Mutation", "Frame_Shift_Ins",
"Frame_Shift_Del", "In_Frame_Ins",
"In_Frame_Del", "Nonstop_Mutation",
"Splice_Site", "Missense_Mutation",
"5\'Flank", "3\'Flank", "5\'UTR",
"3\'UTR", "RNA", "Intron",
"IGR", "Silent", "Targeted_Region")
## Ensure custom palette is correct by
## Labelling correctly and making correct length
palette <- setNames(
#' Construct transition-transversion plot
#' Given a data frame construct a plot displaying the proportion or frequency of
#' transition and transversion types observed in a cohort.
#' @name TvTi
#' @param x Object of class data frame with rows representing transitions and
#' transversions. The data frame must contain the following columns 'sample',
#' reference' and 'variant' or alternatively "Tumor_Sample_Barcode",
#' "Reference_Allele", "Tumor_Seq_Allele1", "Tumor_Seq_Allele2" depending on the
#' argument supplied to the fileType parameter. (required)
#' @param y Named vector or data frame representing the expected transition and
#' transversion rates. Either option must name transition and transverions as
#' follows: "A->C or T->G (TV)", "A->G or T->C (TI)", "A->T or T->A (TV)",
#' "G->A or C->T (TI)", "G->C or C->G (TV)", "G->T or C->A (TV)". If specifying
#' a data frame, the data frame must contain the following columns names
#' "Prop", "trans_tranv" (optional see vignette).
#' @param clinData Object of class data frame with rows representing clinical
#' data. The data frame should be in "long format" and columns must be names as
#' "sample", "variable", and "value" (optional see details and vignette).
#' @param type Character string specifying if the plot should display the
#' Proportion or Frequency of transitions/transversions observed. One of
#' "Proportion" or "Frequency", defaults to "Proportion".
#' @param lab_Xaxis Boolean specifying whether to label the x-axis in the plot.
#' @param lab_txtAngle Integer specifying the angle of labels on the x-axis of
#' the plot.
#' @param palette Character vector of length 6 specifying colours for each
#' of the six possible transition transversion types.
#' @param fileType Character string specifying the format the input given to
#' parameter x is in, one of 'MAF', 'MGI'. The former option requires the data
#' frame given to x to contain the following column names
#' "Tumor_Sample_Barcode", "Reference_Allele", "Tumor_Seq_Allele1",
#' "Tumor_Seq_Allele2" the later option requires the data frame givin to x to
#' contain the following column names "reference", "variant" and "sample".
#' (required)
#' @param tvtiLayer Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the main plot.
#' @param expecLayer Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the expected sub-plot.
#' @param sort Character string specifying the sort order of the sample
#' variables in the plot. Arguments to this parameter should be "sample",
#' "tvti", or "none" to sort the x-axis by sample name, transition transversion
#' frequency, or no sort respectively.
#' @param out Character vector specifying the the object to output, one of
#' "data", "grob", or "plot", defaults to "plot" (see returns).
#' @param clinLegCol Integer specifying the number of columns in the legend for
#' the clinical data, only valid if argument is supplied to parameter clinData.
#' @param clinVarCol Named character vector specifying the mapping of colours
#' to variables in the variable column of the data frame supplied to clinData
#' (ex. "variable"="colour").
#' @param clinVarOrder Character vector specifying the order in which to plot
#' variables in the variable column of the argument given to the parameter
#' clinData. The argument supplied to this parameter should have the same unique
#' length and values as in the variable column of the argument supplied to
#' parameter clinData (see vignette).
#' @param clinLayer Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the clinical sub-plot.
#' @param progress Boolean specifying if progress bar should be displayed for
#' the function.
#' @param sample_order_input Sample orders to be used
#' @param layers ggplot object to be added to proportions plot
#' @param return_plot Return as ggplot object? Only returns main plot
#' @details TvTi is a function designed to display proportion or frequency
#' of transitions and transversion seen in a data frame supplied to parameter x.
#' @examples
#' TvTi(brcaMAF, type='Frequency',
#' palette=c("#77C55D", "#A461B4", "#C1524B", "#93B5BB", "#4F433F", "#BFA753"),
#' lab_txtAngle=60, fileType="MAF")
#' @return One of the following, a list of dataframes containing data to be
#' plotted, a grob object, or a plot.
#' @importFrom plyr adply
#' @importFrom gtools mixedsort
#' @export
TvTi <- function(x, fileType=NULL, y=NULL, clinData=NULL, type='Proportion',
lab_Xaxis=TRUE, lab_txtAngle=45,
palette=c('#D53E4F', '#FC8D59', '#FEE08B', '#E6F598',
'#99D594', '#3288BD'),
tvtiLayer=NULL, expecLayer=NULL,
sort='none', clinLegCol=NULL, clinVarCol=NULL,
clinVarOrder=NULL, clinLayer=NULL, progress=TRUE, out="plot",
sample_order_input, layers = NULL, return_plot = FALSE)
# Perform quality checks
output <- TvTi_qual(x, y, clinData, file_type=fileType)
x <- output$input1
y <- output$input2
clinData <- output$input3
# add transition/transversion info
message("annotating transitions and transversions")
x <- plyr::adply(x, 1, TvTi_annoTransTranv, .progress='text')
} else {
x <- plyr::adply(x, 1, TvTi_annoTransTranv)
# Calculate the proportion of transitions/transversions
x <- TvTi_calcTransTranvFreq(x)
# re-level based on proportion values or via a smart sort or not at all
if(toupper(sort) == toupper('sample'))
sample_order <- as.vector(unique(x$sample))
sample_order <- gtools::mixedsort(sample_order)
x$sample <- factor(x$sample, levels=sample_order)
} else if(toupper(sort) == toupper('tvti')) {
sample_order <- x[order(x$trans_tranv, -x$Prop),]
sample_order <- sample_order[sample_order$Prop != 0,]
sample_order <- unique(sample_order$sample)
x$sample <- factor(x$sample, levels=sample_order)
} else if(toupper(sort) == toupper("custom")) {
sample_order <- sample_order_input
x$sample <- factor(x$sample, levels = sample_order)
} else if(toupper(sort) == toupper('none')){
sample_order <- levels(x$sample)
} else {
memo <-paste0(sort, " is not a valid parameter for sort, please",
" specify one of \"sample\", \"tvti\", \"custom\", \"none\"")
# Perform a quality control on y to ensure fill levels match x
y$trans_tranv <- factor(y$trans_tranv, levels=levels(x$trans_tranv))
# Build the Transition/Transversion Plot if clinical data does not exist
p1 <- TvTi_buildMain(x, y, type=type,
palette=palette, label_x_axis=lab_Xaxis,
tvti.layers=tvtiLayer, expec.layers=NULL,
title_x_axis = TRUE)
# Plot Clinical Data if Speccified and build modified TvTi main plot
clinData$sample <- factor(clinData$sample, levels=sample_order)
p3 <- multi_buildClin(clinData, clin.legend.col=clinLegCol,
# Build the Transition/Transversion Plot
p1 <- TvTi_buildMain(x, y, type=type,
palette=palette, label_x_axis=lab_Xaxis,
tvti.layers=tvtiLayer, expec.layers=NULL,
} else {
p3 <- NULL
# If y is input plot the expected values
p2 <- TvTi_buildMain(y, y, type=type,
palette=palette, label_x_axis=lab_Xaxis,
plot_expected=TRUE, tvti.layers=NULL,
} else {
p2 <- NULL
p1 <- p1 + layers
# Decide what to output
if (return_plot) {
} else {
finalPlot <- TvTi_alignPlot(p1=p1, p2=p2, p3=p3)
dataOut <- list("main"=x, "expect"=y)
output <- multi_selectOut(data=dataOut, plot=finalPlot, draw=TRUE, out=out)
#' align TvTi plots on y axis
#' align transition/transversion plots
#' @name TvTi_alignPlot
#' @param p1 main plot
#' @param p2 left expected value subplot
#' @param p3 bottom clinical subplot
#' @noRd
#' @return ggplot object
TvTi_alignPlot <- function(p1=NULL, p2=NULL, p3=NULL)
# define the ggplot's as grobs and create a blank plot
gA <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(p1)
# Adjust the grob heights so p1, and p2 plots line up if p2 exists
# convert expected plot to grob
gB <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(p2)
maxheight = grid::unit.pmax(gA$heights, gB$heights)
gA$heights <- as.list(maxheight)
gB$heights <- as.list(maxheight)
# adjust the grob widths so p1 and p3 line up if p3 exists
# Convert clinical plot to grob
gC <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(p3)
gD <- grid::grid.rect(gp=grid::gpar(col="white"))
maxwidth = grid::unit.pmax(gA$widths, gC$widths)
gA$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
gC$widths <- as.list(maxwidth)
# Build the final plot
if(is.null(p3) & is.null(p2))
finalPlot <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(gA, ncol=1, nrow=1)
} else if(is.null(p3) & !is.null(p2)) {
finalPlot <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(gB, gA, ncol=2, nrow=1, widths=c(1,6))
} else if(!is.null(p3) & is.null(p2)) {
finalPlot <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(gA, gC, ncol=1, nrow=2, heights=c(6,1))
} else if(!is.null(p3) & !is.null(p2)) {
finalPlot <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(gB, gA, gD, gC, ncol=2, nrow=2, heights=c(6,1), widths=c(1,6))
#' Annotate Transitions and Transversions
#' Given a data frame with columns reference and variant annotate the base
#' change occurring
#' @name TvTi_annoTransTranv
#' @param x Object of class data frame containing columns 'reference', 'variant'
#' @noRd
#' @return Object of class data frame with transition/transversion annotations
#' appended
TvTi_annoTransTranv <- function(x)
# add an extra column with the reference to variant
x$base_change <- paste0(toupper(x$reference), "2", toupper(x$variant))
# annotate the grouping of the base change
x$trans_tranv <- switch(x$base_change, A2C="A->C or T->G (TV)",
T2G="A->C or T->G (TV)", A2G="A->G or T->C (TI)",
T2C="A->G or T->C (TI)", A2T="A->T or T->A (TV)",
T2A="A->T or T->A (TV)", G2A="G->A or C->T (TI)",
C2T="G->A or C->T (TI)", G2C="G->C or C->G (TV)",
C2G="G->C or C->G (TV)", G2T="G->T or C->A (TV)",
C2A="G->T or C->A (TV)")
# remove the temp base change column
x$base_change <- NULL
#' build transitions/transversions
#' Given a data frame with columns 'trans_tranv', 'sample', 'Freq', and 'Prop',
#' build a transition/transversion plot
#' @name TvTi_buildMain
#' @param x Object of class data frame containing columns 'trans_tranv',
#' 'sample', 'Freq', and 'Prop'
#' @param y Object of class data frame containing columns 'Prop', 'trans_tranv'
#' for display of expected results
#' @param type Object of class character specifying whether to plot the
#' Proportion or Frequency, one of "Prop"
#' @param label_x_axis boolean specifying wheter to label x axis
#' @param x_axis_text_angle Integer specifying the angle to labels on x_axis
#' @param palette Character vector of length 6 specifying colors for
#' trans/tranv type
#' @param plot_expected Boolean specifying if this is the main TvTi plot or a
#' sub plot for expected values
#' @param tvti.layers Additional ggplot2 layers for the main plot
#' @param expec.layers Additional ggplot2 layers for the expected values plot
#' @param title_x_axis boolean specifying whether to display an x axis title
#' @noRd
#' @return GGplot Object
#' @import ggplot2
TvTi_buildMain <- function(x, y=NULL, type='Proportion', label_x_axis=TRUE,
palette=c('#D53E4F', '#FC8D59', '#FEE08B', '#E6F598',
'#99D594', '#3288BD'),
plot_expected=FALSE, tvti.layers=NULL,
expec.layers=NULL, title_x_axis=TRUE)
# cumulativley sum the expected values and plot
y$cumsum <- cumsum(y$Prop)
expected <- geom_hline(data=y, mapping=aes_string(yintercept='cumsum'),
linetype="longdash", size=.5)
} else {
expected <- geom_blank()
# Define various parameters of plot
if(plot_expected == TRUE)
bar <- geom_bar(data=x, mapping=aes_string(x=shQuote('Expected'),
stat='identity', width=1)
} else if(toupper(type) == 'PROPORTION') {
bar <- geom_bar(data=x,
mapping=aes_string(x='sample', y='Prop',
stat='identity', width=1)
} else if(toupper(type) == 'FREQUENCY') {
bar <- geom_bar(data=x,
mapping=aes_string(x='sample', y='Freq',
stat='identity', width=1)
ylabel <- ylab(type)
if(title_x_axis == TRUE)
xlabel <- xlab(paste0("Sample: n=", length(unique(x$sample))))
} else {
xlabel <- xlab('')
fill_palette <- scale_fill_manual(name='Transition/Transversion',
# additional layers to plot?
layers <- tvti.layers
} else {
layers <- geom_blank()
# Define theme of plot
if(plot_expected == TRUE)
theme <- theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(),
hjust=1, vjust=1))
layers <- expec.layers
} else {
layers <- geom_blank()
} else if(label_x_axis == TRUE) {
theme <- theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=x_axis_text_angle,
hjust=1, vjust=1))
} else {
theme <- theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),
# Define plot
tmp <- data.frame(x=0, y=0)
p1 <- ggplot(data=tmp, aes(y=0)) + bar + xlabel + ylabel +
theme_bw() + theme + fill_palette + expected +
guides(fill=guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) + layers
#' Calculate Transition/Transversion Frequency
#' Given a data frame with columns reference, variant, sample, and trans/tranv
#' calculate the frequencies of transitions and transversion occuring.
#' @name TvTi_calcTransTranvFreq
#' @param x Object of class data frame containing columns 'reference',
#' 'variant', 'sample', 'trans_tranv'
#' @noRd
#' @return Object of class data frame with Frequency and Proportion of
#' Transistions/Transversions appended on a sample level
TvTi_calcTransTranvFreq <- function(x)
# Ensure all possible combinations of trans/tranv are represented
trans_tranv <- c("A->C or T->G (TV)", "A->G or T->C (TI)",
"A->T or T->A (TV)", "G->A or C->T (TI)",
"G->C or C->G (TV)", "G->T or C->A (TV)")
sample <- c('dummy_sample')
reference <- c('A')
variant <- c('T')
dummy_data <- data.frame(reference, variant, sample, trans_tranv)
x <- rbind(dummy_data, x)
# calculate the frequency of transitions/transversions on a sample basis
x_freq <- table(x$trans_tranv, x$sample)
# calculate the proportion of transitions/transversions on a sample basis
x_prop <- prop.table(x_freq, 2)
# format and remove the dummy data introduced above
x_freq <-
x_prop <-
x <- cbind(x_freq, x_prop$Freq)
colnames(x) <- c('trans_tranv', 'sample', 'Freq', 'Prop')
x <- x[which(x$sample != "dummy_sample"),]
#' Convert .maf format to internal format
#' Convert data frame in .maf format to an internally recogized format
#' @name TvTi_convMAF
#' @param x Object of class data frame containing columns
#' 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Reference_Allele' 'Tumor_Seq_Allele1',
#' 'Tumor_Seq_Allele2'
#' @noRd
#' @return a data frame, with column names 'sample', 'reference', 'variant'
TvTi_convMaf <- function(x)
# Take out the appropriate columns and format for each allele
x <- x[,c('Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Reference_Allele', 'Tumor_Seq_Allele1',
allele1 <- x[,c('Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Reference_Allele',
colnames(allele1) <- c('sample', 'reference', 'variant')
allele2 <- x[,c('Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Reference_Allele',
colnames(allele2) <- c('sample', 'reference', 'variant')
#!!!Developer note: The if's are here because subsetting when there is
#!!! nothing to subset (integer0) causes problems
# if the tumor allele 1 matchest tumor allele2 remove that information from
# one of the alleles
if(any(as.character(allele1$variant) == as.character(allele2$variant)))
allele1 <- allele1[-which(as.character(allele1$variant) == as.character(allele2$variant)),]
# if the allele matches the reference remove it from the data
if(any(as.character(allele1$reference) == as.character(allele1$variant)))
allele1 <- allele1[-which(as.character(allele1$reference) == as.character(allele1$variant)),]
if(any(as.character(allele2$reference) == as.character(allele2$variant)))
allele2 <- allele2[-which(as.character(allele2$reference) == as.character(allele2$variant)),]
# bind the data from both alleles together
x <- rbind(allele1, allele2)
#' Check input to TvTi
#' Perform quality check for input to function TvTi
#' @name TvTi_qual
#' @param x Object of class data frame containing columns 'sample', reference',
#' 'variant' for 'MGI' file or 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Reference_Allele',
#' 'Tumor_Seq_Allele1', 'Tumor_Seq_Allele2' for 'MAF' file
#' @param y Object of class data frame containing columns "Prop", "trans_tranv"
#' @param z Object of class data frame containing columns "sample", "variable",
#' "value" denoting clinical information
#' @param file_type Character string spedifying th input file type expected
#' @noRd
#' @return a data frame, or list of data frames passing quality checks
TvTi_qual <- function(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, file_type='MAF')
# Check file type is valid
if(!grepl("MAF|MGI", file_type))
memo <- paste0("Did not recognize input to paramter fileType as a",
" valid argument... Please specify one of \"MGI\"",
" or \"MAF\"")
# Check if x input is a data frame
memo <- paste0("argument supplied to x is not an object of class",
" data frame, attempting to coerce")
x <-
# check for duplicate elements in x
if(nrow(unique(x)) != nrow(x))
warning("Detected duplicate rows in x, was this expected?")
# Check if y input is a data frame
# Check y input if data frame
if(!all(colnames(y) %in% c('Prop', 'trans_tranv')))
memo <- paste0("Did not detect correct column names in",
"input to y, missing one of \"Prop\",",
y$Prop <- as.numeric(as.character(y$Prop))
# Check y input if vector
y <-
y$trans_tranv <- rownames(y)
colnames(y) <- c('Prop', 'trans_tranv')
if(typeof(y$Prop) != "double" & typeof(y$Prop) != "numeric")
memo <- paste0("Values found in y are not of type double",
" or numeric!")
memo <- paste0("input to y is not an object of class data frame",
" or named vector")
# Check columns of x input and change to internal format
if(file_type == 'MGI')
# Check that columns are named appropriatley, if not print error
proper_names <- c("reference", "variant", "sample")
if(all(proper_names %in% colnames(x)))
message("Found appropriate columns")
} else {
memo <- paste0("Could not find all columns requested, missing ",
"one of \"reference\", \"variant\", \"sample\"")
x <- x[,c('reference', 'variant', 'sample')]
} else if(file_type == 'MAF') {
proper_names <- c("Tumor_Sample_Barcode", "Reference_Allele",
"Tumor_Seq_Allele1", "Tumor_Seq_Allele2")
if(all(proper_names %in% colnames(x)))
message("Found appropriate columns")
} else {
memo <- paste0("Could not find all columns requested, missing one ",
"of \"Tumor_Sample_Barcode\", \"Reference_Allele\",",
" \"Tumor_Seq_Allele1\", \"Tumor_Seq_Allele2\"")
# Convert MAF file to internal format
x <- TvTi_convMaf(x)
} else {
memo <- paste0("TvTi requires a fileType specification, please",
"specify one of \"MAF\" or \"MGI\" based on the",
"argument supplied to parameter x. See docs for help.")
# Remove any indels present in the data
x <- TvTi_rmIndel(x)
# Warn about multi nucleotide codes
x <- TvTi_rmMnuc(x)
# Check that reference and variant columns only contain the proper codes
ref_codes <- c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T', '-', 0)
if(!all(toupper(x$reference) %in% toupper(ref_codes)))
memo <- paste0("Unrecognized Base Detected in reference column, ",
"expected values are: ", toString(ref_codes))
} else if(!all(toupper(x$variant) %in% toupper(ref_codes))) {
memo <- paste0("Unrecognized Base Detected in reference column, ",
"expected values are: ", toString(ref_codes))
# check y input for proper row names
trans_tranv_names <- c("A->C or T->G (TV)", "A->G or T->C (TI)",
"A->T or T->A (TV)", "G->A or C->T (TI)",
"G->C or C->G (TV)", "G->T or C->A (TV)")
if(!all(rownames(y) %in% trans_tranv_names))
memo <- paste0("Did not detect a value for all combinations of ",
"transitions/transversions, please specify input ",
"for each of the following levels: ",
# check that y sums to 1 (i.e. its a true proportion among all elements)
if(round(sum(y$Prop), digits=2) != 1)
stop("The sum of elements in y should equal 1")
# Check input data to clinDat
stop("Did not detect a data frame for input to clinDat")
z <- droplevels(z)
if(!all(c('sample', 'variable', 'value') %in% colnames(z)))
stop("Did not detect correct sample names in clinDat")
if(!all(unique(x$sample) %in% unique(z$sample)))
memo <- paste0("Found a sample supplied to clinData not found",
" in the data frame supplied to x")
return(list('input1'=x, 'input2'=y, 'input3'=z))
#' Remove indels
#' Given a data frame with columns reference and variants remove all indels
#' from data
#' @name TvTi_rmIndel
#' @param x Object of class data frame containing columns 'reference', 'variant'
#' @noRd
#' @return Object of class data frame with indels removed
TvTi_rmIndel <- function(x)
original_size <- nrow(x)
# Find and remove insertions and deletions
x <- x[grep('-|0', x$reference, perl=TRUE, invert=TRUE),]
x <- x[grep('-|0', x$variant, perl=TRUE, invert=TRUE),]
new_size <- nrow(x)
# Print message if indels have been removed
if(new_size != original_size)
message("Removed ", original_size - new_size, " indels present in data")
#' Remove multinucleotide codes
#' Given a data frame with columns reference and variants remove all
#' multinucleotides from data
#' @name TvTi_rmMnuc
#' @param x Object of class data frame containing columns 'reference', 'variant'
#' @noRd
#' @return Object of class data frame with multi nucleotide codes removed
TvTi_rmMnuc <- function(x)
original_size <- nrow(x)
# Find and remove multi nucleotide codes
x <- x[grep('[ACGT]{2,}', x$reference, perl=TRUE, invert=TRUE,,]
x <- x[grep('[ACGT]{2,}', x$variant, perl=TRUE, invert=TRUE,,]
new_size <- nrow(x)
if(new_size != original_size)
memo <- paste0("Multi Nucleotide codes are not currently supported, ",
"removed: ", original_size - new_size,
" multi-nucleotides present in the data")
#' Construct a lolliplot
#' Given a data frame construct a plot displaying mutations on a transcript
#' framework.
#' @name lolliplot
#' @param x Object of class data frame with rows representing mutations. The
#' data frame must contain columns with the following names "transcript_name",
#' "gene", and "amino_acid_change". Values in the "transcript_name" column must
#' represent an ensembl transcript id and values in the "amino_acid_change"
#' column must be in p.notation (see details).
#' @param y Object of class data frame with rows representing mutations. The
#' data frame must contain columns with the following names "transcript_name"
#' and "amino_acid_change". Values in the "transcript_name" column must
#' represent an ensembl transcript id and values in the "amino_acid_change"
#' column must be in p. notation (optional, see details).
#' @param z Object of class data frame with rows representing regions of
#' interest. The data frame must contain columns with the following names
#' "description", "start", "stop" (optional see details).
#' @param fillCol Character string specifying the column name of the argument
#' supplied to parameter x on which to colour the lollis representing mutations
#' (see details).
#' @param labelCol Character string specifying the column name of the argument
#' supplied to parameter x from which to extract and display text corresponding
#' to mutations (see details).
#' @param txtAngle Integer specifying the angle of label text to be plotted if
#' an argument is supplied to the labelCol parameter.
#' @param txtSize Integer specifying the size of label text to be plotted if an
#' argument is supplied to the labelCol parameter.
#' @param pntSize Integer specifying the size of lolli points representing
#' mutations.
#' @param proteinColour Character string specifying the background colour of the
#' protein.
#' @param obsA.rep.fact Numeric value representing the repulsive factor for the
#' lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter x
#' (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsA.rep.dist.lmt Numberic value representing the repulsive distance
#' limit for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied
#' to parameter x (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsA.attr.fact Numeric value representing the attraction factor for
#' the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to
#' parameter x (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsA.adj.max Numeric value representing the max position adjustment
#' for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to
#' parameter x (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsA.adj.lmt Numeric value representing the adjustment limit for the
#' lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter x
#' (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsA.iter.max Integer representing the number of iterations of
#' position adjustments for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the
#' argument supplied to parameter x (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsB.rep.fact Numeric value representing the repulsive factor for the
#' lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter y
#' (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsB.rep.dist.lmt Numberic value representing the repulsive distance
#' limit for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied
#' to parameter y (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsB.attr.fact Numeric value representing the attraction factor for
#' the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to
#' parameter y (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsB.adj.max Numeric value representing the max position adjustment
#' for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to
#' parameter y (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsB.adj.lmt Numeric value representing the adjustment limit for the
#' lollis plotted, which were derived from the argument supplied to parameter y
#' (see details and vignette).
#' @param obsB.iter.max Integer representing the number of iterations of
#' position adjustments for the lollis plotted, which were derived from the
#' argument supplied to parameter y (see details and vignette).
#' @param sideChain Boolean specifying if amino acid sidechain data should be
#' plotted in lieu of protein domains (see details).
#' @param species A valid species from which to retrieve protein domain and
#' sequence data for a given transcript (see details).
#' @param maxLolliStack Integer specifying the cutoff for the maximum number of
#' lollis allowed to be stacked at a single position.
#' @param plotLayer Valid ggplot2 layer to be added to the plot.
#' @param paletteA Character vector specifying colours for protein domains,
#' valid only if sideChain==FALSE.
#' @param paletteB Character vector specifying colours for lollis representing
#' mutations, valid only if argument is supplied to fillCol.
#' @param host Host to connect to for biomaRt queries (see details).
#' @param out Character vector specifying the the object to output, one of
#' "data", "grob", or "plot", defaults to "plot" (see returns).
#' @details lolliplot is a function designed to display mutation information in
#' the context of a protein identified by an ensembl transcript id. The
#' lolliplot function will query ensembl via biomart to retrieve sequence and
#' domain information in order to construct a representation of a protein and
#' therefore requires an internet connection. A value must be supplied to the
#' species parameter (defaults to hsapiens) in order for a successful biomart
#' query. Valid arguments to this field are those species with datasts available
#' via ensembl. please specify species in lowercase without a period
#' (i.e. hsapiens instead of H.sapiens), lolliplot will inform the user of
#' available species if input to the species parameter is not recognized.
#' Further lolliplot will build a protein framework based on sequence data
#' obtained from biomaRt, by default this will default to the latest ensembl
#' version. In order for the most accurate representation the annotation version
#' of the mutations given to lolliplot should match the annotation version used
#' by biomaRt. The annotation version used by biomaRt can be changed via the
#' host paramter (see vignette for more details).
#' lolliplot is capable of plotting two seperate sets of data on the protein
#' representation specified by parameters `x` and `y`, the data supplied to
#' these parameters will be plotted on the top and bottom of the protein
#' respectively. Note that input to these parameters is expected to correspond
#' to a single ensembl transcript and that values in the "amino_acid_change"
#' columns are required to be in p. notation (i.e. p.V600E). Further lolliplot
#' is able to plot custom domain annotation if supplied via the parameter `z`,
#' this will override domain information obtained from biomart.
#' lolliplot uses a forcefield model from the package FField to attract and
#' repulse lollis. The parameters for this force field model are set to
#' reasonable defaults however may be adjusted via the obsA... and obsB...
#' family of parameters. Please see the package FField available on cran for
#' a description of these parameters. Note that the time to construct the
#' lolliplot will in large part depend on the number of mutations and the values
#' supplied to the forcefield parameters.
#' @examples
#' # Create input data
#' data <- brcaMAF[brcaMAF$Hugo_Symbol == 'TP53',c('Hugo_Symbol', 'amino_acid_change_WU')]
#' data <-, 'ENST00000269305'))
#' colnames(data) <- c('gene', 'amino_acid_change', 'transcript_name')
#' # Call lolliplot
#' lolliplot(data)
#' @return One of the following, a list of dataframes containing data to be
#' plotted, a grob object, or a plot.
#' @export
lolliplot <- function(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, fillCol=NULL, labelCol=NULL,
txtAngle=45, txtSize=5, pntSize=4,
proteinColour='#999999', obsA.rep.fact=5000,
obsA.rep.dist.lmt=500, obsA.attr.fact=.1, obsA.adj.max=.1,
obsA.adj.lmt=.5, obsA.iter.max=50000, obsB.rep.fact=5000,
obsB.rep.dist.lmt=500, obsB.attr.fact=.1, obsB.adj.max=.1,
obsB.adj.lmt=.5, obsB.iter.max=50000,
sideChain=FALSE, species="hsapiens",
maxLolliStack=NULL, plotLayer=NULL, paletteA=NULL,
paletteB=NULL, host="", out="plot")
# Perform quality check
input <- lolliplot_qual(x, y, z)
x <- input[[1]]
y <- input[[2]]
z <- input[[3]]
# extract transcript id and subset data y on that id if it exists
transcriptID <- as.character(x$transcript_name[1])
y <- y[y$transcript_name == transcriptID,]
# extract HUGO gene name
gene <- as.character(x$gene[1])
# Obtain length of protein
result <- lolliplot_transcriptID2codingSeq(transcriptID,
codingSeq <- result$coding
cdsLen <- result$cds_length
# Get the sequence length in AA, perform quality checks along the way
residueSeq <- lolliplot_DNAconv(codingSeq, to="residue")
# If it is requested grab the sidechain information and bind to residues
sidechain <- lolliplot_DNAconv(codingSeq, to="sidechain")
AAsequence <- cbind(sidechain, residueSeq)
AAsequence <-
AAsequence$coord <- seq(from=1, to=nrow(AAsequence))
} else {
AAsequence <- NULL
# if there are any stop codons remove them as they are not considered part
# of the protein
if(any(residueSeq %in% c("OPAL", "OCHRE", "AMBER")))
stopRes <- c("OPAL", "OCHRE", "AMBER")
residueSeq <- residueSeq[-which(residueSeq %in% stopRes)]
AAsequence <- AAsequence[-which(AAsequence$residueSeq %in% stopRes),]
# grab the length of the protein in Amino Acids
proteinLength <- length(residueSeq)
# if z is specified plot that instead of fetching the domain information
geneData <- lolliplot_constructGene(gene, z, proteinLength)
} else {
# extract protein domain data
protein_domain <- lolliplot_fetchDomain(transcriptID,
# construct gene from data collected
geneData <- lolliplot_constructGene(gene, protein_domain, proteinLength)
# construct data frame of observed mutations for top track
observed_mutation <- lolliplot_mutationObs(x, 'top', fillCol, labelCol,
obsA.rep.fact, obsA.rep.dist.lmt,
obsA.attr.fact, obsA.adj.max,
obsA.adj.lmt, obsA.iter.max)
observed_mutation <- lolliplot_reduceLolli(observed_mutation,
# construct data frame of observed mutations for bottom track
observed_mutation2 <- lolliplot_mutationObs(y, 'bottom', fillCol,
labelCol, obsB.rep.fact,
obsB.adj.max, obsB.adj.lmt,
observed_mutation2 <- lolliplot_reduceLolli(observed_mutation2,
} else {
observed_mutation2 <- NULL
# construct the lolliplot
plot <- lolliplot_buildMain(geneData, length, observed_mutation,
observed_mutation2,fillCol, labelCol,
txtAngle, txtSize, pntSize,
proteinColour, AAsequence,
plot_sidechain=sideChain, layers=plotLayer,
paletteA=paletteA, paletteB=paletteB)
# Decide what to output
dataOut <- list("gene"=geneData,
output <- multi_selectOut(data=dataOut, plot=plot, out=out)
#' Convert AA to side chain classification
#' Given the 1 letter code an amino acid, return the side chain classification
#' @name lolliplot_AA2sidechain
#' @param x Character of length 1 giving the 1 letter amino acid code
#' @return Object of class character
lolliplot_AA2sidechain <- function(x)
# Coerce all AA changes to uppercase and then apply switch statement
x <- toupper(x)
x <- switch(EXPR=x, "F"="Nonpolar", "L"="Nonpolar", "S"="Polar",
"Y"="Polar", "C"="Polar", "W"="Nonpolar", "L"="Nonpolar",
"P"="Nonpolar", "H"="Basic", "Q"="Polar", "R"="Basic",
"I"="Nonpolar", "M"="Nonpolar", "T"="Polar", "N"="Polar",
"K"="Basic", "S"="Polar", "R"= "Basic", "V"="Nonpolar",
"A"="Nonpolar", "D"= "Acidic", "E"="Acidic", "G"="Polar")
#' Construct Lolliplot
#' Construct Lolliplot given gene and mutation data
#' @name lolliplot_buildMain
#' @param gene_data object of class dataframe giving protein domain and gene
#' information
#' @param length integer specifying the length of the protein in amino acids
#' @param mutation_observed object of class data frame specifying mutations
#' observed in input file
#' @param mutation_observed2 optional object of class data frame specifying
#' additional mutations for bottom track
#' @param fill_value character string specifying the column on which to colour
#' mutation points
#' @param label_column character string specifying the column containing the
#' labels to attach to mutation points
#' @param plot_text_angle numeric value specifying the angle of text to be
#' plotted
#' @param plot_text_size numeric value specifying the size of text to be plotted
#' @param point_size numeric value specigying the size of mutation points
#' @param gene_colour color to shade plotted gene
#' @param sequence_data object of class dataframe giving AA sequence, sidechain,
#' and coord required if plot_sidechain is true
#' @param plot_sidechain boolean specifying whether to plot the AA sidechain
#' instead of domain information
#' @param layers additional ggplot2 layers to plot
#' @param paletteA Character vector specifying colours for gene features
#' @param paletteB Character vector specifying colours for lolli features
#' @return a ggplot2 object
#' @import ggplot2
lolliplot_buildMain <- function(gene_data, length, mutation_observed,
mutation_observed2, fill_value, label_column,
plot_text_angle, plot_text_size, point_size,
gene_colour, sequence_data,
paletteA=NULL, paletteB=NULL)
# build the various features of the lolliplot
# Build gene base either using domain information
# or AA sidechain information
if(plot_sidechain == TRUE)
sequence_data$coord_start <-
as.numeric(as.character(sequence_data$coord)) - 1
sequence_data$coord_end <- as.numeric(as.character(sequence_data$coord))
gene_plot <- geom_rect(data=sequence_data,
xmax='coord_end', ymin=-.1,
ymax=.1, fill='sidechain'))
domain_plot <- geom_blank()
} else {
gene_plot <- geom_rect(data=gene_data[1,],
fill='#999999', colour='#000000')
# Take into account there might not be any domains
if(nrow(gene_data) == 1)
domain_plot <- geom_blank()
} else {
domain_plot <- geom_rect(data=gene_data[-1,],
alpha=1, colour='black')
# Build the Observed track
observed_plot <- geom_point(data=mutation_observed,
observed_line <- geom_segment(data=mutation_observed,
y=.1, xend='coord_x_dodge',
observed_line_2 <- geom_segment(data=mutation_observed,
mapping=aes_string(x='coord_x_dodge', y=.3,
# Miscelaneous features
title <- ggtitle(gene_data[1,1])
x_label <- xlab('Amino Acid Position')
# add a theme and guide to the plot
theme <- theme(legend.position='bottom',
guide <- guides(colour=guide_legend(ncol=2), fill=guide_legend(ncol=2))
# set colours manually if these are specified
gene_features_fill <- scale_fill_manual(values=paletteA)
} else {
gene_features_fill <- geom_blank()
lolli_features_fill <- scale_colour_manual(values=paletteB)
} else {
lolli_features_fill <- geom_blank()
# construct the plot with or without 2nd observed track
y_limits <- ylim(c(-.1, max(mutation_observed$coord_y_dodge) + .1))
tmp <- data.frame(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, x=0, y=0, xend=0, yend=0)
p1 <- ggplot(data=tmp, aes(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, x=0, y=0, xend=0, yend=0)) +
gene_plot + domain_plot + observed_line_2 + observed_line +
observed_plot + x_label + title + y_limits + theme_bw() + theme +
guide + layers + gene_features_fill + lolli_features_fill
} else {
y_limits <- ylim(c(min(mutation_observed2$coord_y_dodge) - .1,
max(mutation_observed$coord_y_dodge) + .1))
if(any(colnames(mutation_observed2) %in% fill_value))
observed2_plot <- geom_point(data=mutation_observed2,
} else {
observed2_plot <- geom_point(data=mutation_observed2,
observed2_line <- geom_segment(data=mutation_observed2,
observed2_line_2 <- geom_segment(data=mutation_observed2,
tmp <- data.frame(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, x=0, y=0, xend=0, yend=0)
p1 <- ggplot(tmp, aes(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, x=0, y=0, xend=0, yend=0)) +
gene_plot + domain_plot + observed_line + observed_line_2 +
observed_plot + observed2_line + observed2_line_2 + observed2_plot +
x_label + title + y_limits + theme_bw() + theme + guide + layers +
gene_features_fill + lolli_features_fill
# If a label column is specified plot labels
if(any(colnames(mutation_observed) %in% "labels"))
mutation_observed$y_label_offset <-
mutation_observed$coord_y_dodge + .01
p1 <- p1 + geom_text(data=mutation_observed,
angle=plot_text_angle, size=plot_text_size,
vjust=1, hjust=0)
if(any(colnames(mutation_observed2) %in% "labels"))
mutation_observed2$y_label_offset <-
mutation_observed2$coord_y_dodge - .01
p1 <- p1 + geom_text(data=mutation_observed2,
angle=plot_text_angle, size=plot_text_size,
vjust=0, hjust=1)
#' Convert Codon to AA
#' Convert a Codon to the appropriate amino acid
#' @name lolliplot_Codon2AA
#' @param x Character string of length 1 giving the DNA codon to convert
#' @return Character corresponding to the residue for the given codon
#' @noRd
lolliplot_Codon2AA <- function(x)
# Convert codons to single AA code
x <- toupper(x)
x <- switch(x, "TTT"="F", "TTC"="F", "TTA"="L", "TTG"="L", "CTT"="L",
"CTC"="L", "CTA"="L", "CTG"="L", "ATT"="I", "ATC"="I",
"ATA"="I", "ATG"="M", "GTT"="V", "GTC"="V", "GTA"="V",
"GTG"="V", "TCT"="S", "TCC"="S", "TCA"="S", "TCG"="S",
"CCT"="P", "CCC"="P", "CCA"="P", "CCG"="P", "ACT"="T",
"ACC"="T", "ACA"="T", "ACG"="T", "GCT"="A", "GCC"="A",
"GCA"="A", "GCG"="A", "TAT"="Y", "TAC"="Y", "TAA"="OCHRE",
"TAG"="AMBER", "CAT"="H", "CAC"="H", "CAA"="Q", "CAG"="Q",
"AAT"="N", "AAC"="N", "AAA"="K", "AAG"="K", "GAT"="D",
"GAC"="D", "GAA"="E", "GAG"="E", "TGT"="C", "TGC"="C",
"TGA"="OPAL", "TGG"="W", "CGT"="R", "CGC"="R", "CGA"="R",
"CGG"="R", "AGT"="S", "AGC"="S", "AGA"="R", "AGG"="R",
"GGT"="G", "GGC"="G", "GGA"="G", "GGG"="G")
#' Construct gene information
#' Build gene for input into lolliplot_buildMain
#' @name lolliplot_constructGene
#' @param gene character string specifying gene name
#' @param domain_data object of class data frame specifying protein domain
#' information, obtained from lolliplot_fetchDomain, should contain columns
#' giving "description", "start", "end"
#' @param length integer specifying length of transcript in amino acids
#' @return object of class data frame giving gene and domain information
#' @noRd
lolliplot_constructGene <- function(gene, domain_data, length)
# message
message("Constructing gene track")
# Construct basic gene information, if there are no domains return the gene
gene <- data.frame(Domain=gene, pos_from=1, pos_to=length, nest=1)
if(nrow(na.omit(domain_data)) == 0)
gene$height_min <- .1/(as.numeric(gene$nest))
gene$height_max <- -.1/(as.numeric(gene$nest))
gene$pos_from <- as.numeric(gene$pos_from)
gene$pos_to <- as.numeric(gene$pos_to)
# rename columns for domain_data and make sure description column is
# not a factor
colnames(domain_data) <- c("description", "start", "end")
domain_data$description <- as.character(domain_data$description)
# quality check of domain data
if(max(domain_data$end) > length)
memo <- paste0("The end position of a domain: ", max(domain_data$end),
" is exceeding the length of the protein:", length)
} else if(min(domain_data$start) < 1) {
memo <- paste0("The start position of a domain:",
"is less than the start of the protein", 1)
# Check that start coordinates are always less than the end coordinates
if(any(domain_data$start >= domain_data$end))
memo <- paste0("Found a start position greater than an end position",
" in the protein features track. Check input to Z or",
"results of the biomaRt query using dataOut==TRUE.")
# determine which regions are overlapping and annotate which nest domain is
# sort on start
domain_data$start <- as.numeric(domain_data$start)
domain_data$end <- as.numeric(domain_data$end)
domain_data <- domain_data[order(domain_data$start),]
# annotate nests
nest <- vector('numeric')
end <- vector('numeric')
for(i in 1:nrow(domain_data))
# Remove from end any values <= gene$start[i]
idx <- domain_data$start[i] < end
end <- end[idx]
nest <- c(nest, length(end))
end <- c(end, domain_data$end[i])
# add this nest information to the data frame
domain_data$nest <- nest + 1
colnames(domain_data) <- c("Domain", "pos_from", "pos_to", "nest")
# combine gene and domain information
gene <- rbind(gene, domain_data)
# annotate display heights based on nesting and make sure coord are numeric
gene$height_min <- .1/(as.numeric(gene$nest))
gene$height_max <- -.1/(as.numeric(gene$nest))
gene$pos_from <- as.numeric(gene$pos_from)
gene$pos_to <- as.numeric(gene$pos_to)
#' Convert DNA character string
#' Convert a character string of nucleotides to amino acids or side chain class
#' @name lolliplot_DNAconv
#' @param x Character string of nucleotides to convert
#' @param to Character string specifying conversion to do, one of "codon",
#' "residue", "sidechain"
#' @return Converted string of nucleotides as character vector
#' @noRd
lolliplot_DNAconv <- function(x, to="residue")
# check if given character string is a multiple of 3
if(nchar(x)%%3 != 0)
memo <- paste0("Coding sequence retrieved for given ensembl transctipt",
", is not a multiple of three. output may not be,",
" accurate!")
# split the character string into codons
codon <- substring(x, seq(1,nchar(x), 3), seq(3, nchar(x), 3))
# convert the codons into amino acid residues
residue <- sapply(codon, lolliplot_Codon2AA)
# convert the residues into sidechain classifications
sidechain <- sapply(residue, lolliplot_AA2sidechain)
# return a warning if code gets this far
memo <- paste0("did not recognize input to variable \"to\",",
" returning residue data")
#' dodge coordinates
#' given amino acid position dodge on x axis
#' @name lolliplot_dodgeCoordX
#' @param x numeric vector of position coordinates on x axis
#' @param rep.fact repulsive factor for plotted mutations observed track
#' @param rep.dist.lmt repulsive distance limit for plotted mutations observed
#' track
#' @param attr.fact attraction factor for plotted mutations observed track
#' @param adj.max maximum position change for each iteration observed track
#' @param adj.lmt position adjustment limit which simulation stops observed
#' track
#' @param iter.max maximum iterations beyond which to stop the simulation
#' observed track
#' @return numeric vector of dodged position coordinates on x axis
#' @importFrom FField FFieldPtRep
#' @noRd
lolliplot_dodgeCoordX <- function(x, rep.fact=5000, rep.dist.lmt=500,
attr.fact=.1, adj.max=.1, adj.lmt=.5,
# Format into data frame with columns as x and y
x <-, 0))
colnames(x) <- c('x', 'y')
# Forcefield does not work with only 1 point, check for this first
if(nrow(x) < 2)
# take the data frame and apply a repulsive force to coordinates
x <- FField::FFieldPtRep(x, rep.fact=rep.fact, rep.dist.lmt=rep.dist.lmt,
attr.fact=attr.fact, adj.max=adj.max,
adj.lmt=adj.lmt, iter.max=iter.max)
#' dodge coordinates
#' given a data frame, dodge x coordinates ontop of each other
#' @name lolliplot_dodgeCoordY
#' @param x data frame containing columns coord_x_dodge
#' @param track character vector, one of "top", "bottom" specifying whether to
#' dodge in a positive or negative fashion
#' @return numeric vector of dodged position coordinates on y axis
#' @noRd
lolliplot_dodgeCoordY <- function(x, track='top')
for(i in 1:length(x$coord_x_dodge))
if(track == 'top' & i == 1)
pos <- .3
orig_pos <- .3
pos_change <- .1
} else if(track == 'bottom' & i == 1) {
pos <- -.3
orig_pos <- -.3
pos_change <- -.1
if(i == 1)
y_axis_vec <- c(pos)
} else {
x_coord_a <- x$coord_x_dodge[i-1]
x_coord_b <- x$coord_x_dodge[i]
if(x_coord_b == x_coord_a)
new_pos <- pos + pos_change
y_axis_pos <- new_pos
y_axis_vec <- c(y_axis_vec, y_axis_pos)
pos <- new_pos
} else {
pos <- orig_pos
y_axis_vec <- c(y_axis_vec, pos)
#' fetch protein domains
#' Retrieve protein domains given ensembl transcript ID
#' @name lolliplot_fetchDomain
#' @param transcriptID String specifying ensembl transcript id
#' @param species character string to use when searching for ensemblMart dataset
#' @param host Host to connect to.
#' @return data frame of protein domains and start/stop coordinates
#' @importFrom biomaRt useMart
#' @importFrom biomaRt listDatasets
#' @importFrom biomaRt useDataset
#' @importFrom biomaRt getBM
#' @noRd
lolliplot_fetchDomain <- function(transcriptID,
# display message
message("Querying biomaRt for protein domains")
# Load in mart
ensembl_mart <- biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
# select proper data set given regexp print warnings if unexpected out occur
dataset <- biomaRt::listDatasets(ensembl_mart)$dataset
index <- which(grepl(species, dataset))
memo <- paste0(species, " Matches more than one dataset for the",
" ensembl mart, please specify a species in the, ",
"following format: hsapiens")
} else if(length(index)==0) {
memo <- paste0(species, " does not appear to be supported by biomaRt",
"if you beleive this to be in error please modify",
"you're input to to conform to this format: hsapiens")
ensembl_mart <- biomaRt::useDataset(as.character(dataset[index]),
# Apply various filters using vector of values
filters <- c("ensembl_transcript_id")
values <- as.character(transcriptID)
# Select attributes to retrieve (protein domain, start, stop)
attributes <- c("interpro_description",
# Retrieve data
result <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes=attributes, filters=filters,
values=values, mart=ensembl_mart)
#' format mutation observations
#' Create a data frame of mutation observations
#' @name lolliplot_mutationObs
#' @param x object of class data frame with columns trv_type and amino acid
#' change
#' @param track character string specifying one to 'top', 'bottom' to specify
#' proper track
#' @param fill_value character string giving the name of the column to shade
#' variants on
#' @param label_column character string specifying column containing text
#' information to be plotted
#' @param rep.fact repulsive factor for plotted mutations observed track
#' @param rep.dist.lmt repulsive distance limit for plotted mutations observed
#' track
#' @param attr.fact attraction factor for plotted mutations observed track
#' @param adj.max maximum position change for each iteration observed track
#' @param adj.lmt position adjustment limit which simulation stops observed
#' track
#' @param iter.max maximum iterations beyond which to stop the simulation
#' observed track
#' @return object of class data frame giving mutation observations
#' @noRd
lolliplot_mutationObs <- function(x, track, fill_value, label_column,
rep.fact, rep.dist.lmt, attr.fact, adj.max,
adj.lmt, iter.max)
# Remove variants within an intronic or splice site region
if(any(grepl("^e", x$amino_acid_change,, perl=TRUE)))
# save original data frame size before subset for message
origDim <- nrow(x)
# remove regions with AA change starting with e (i.e. intronic/splice)
x <- x[-which(grepl("^e", x$amino_acid_change,, perl=TRUE)),]
newDim <- nrow(x)
# print update message
memo <- paste0("Removed ", origDim - newDim,
" variants not within a residue")
# if the removal has removed all rows print an error
if(newDim == 0)
memo <- paste0("Did not detect any residues, please check input",
" lolliplot must have at least one valid residue",
" present!")
# extract the mutation types and set a flag specifying they are present
if(any(colnames(x) %in% fill_value))
fill_value_flag <- TRUE
fill <- as.character(x[,eval(fill_value)])
} else {
fill_value_flag <- FALSE
# extract the mutation coordinates
mutation_coord <- x$amino_acid_change
if(all(grepl("p\\.", mutation_coord)))
message("Detected p. notation for amino_acid_change")
mutation_coord <- as.numeric(gsub("p\\.[*a-zA-z]*(\\d+).*?$", "\\1",
mutation_coord, perl=TRUE))
} else if(all(grepl("c\\.", mutation_coord))) {
memo <- paste0("c. notation is not currently supported",
" please specify amino acid change in p. notation")
} else {
memo <- paste0("Could not determine notation type for ",
"column \"amino_acid_change\", please check input.",
"Expecting p. notation: ex. p.R383A")
# combine mutation type and mutation coord into a data frame
mutation_data <-, fill))
colnames(mutation_data) <- c('mutation_coord', eval(fill_value))
} else {
mutation_data <-
colnames(mutation_data) <- c('mutation_coord')
mutation_data$mutation_coord <-
# add extra column giving height of Y axis for points to be plotted
if(track == 'top')
mutation_data$height_max <- .3
} else if (track == 'bottom') {
mutation_data$height_min <- -.3
} else {
stop("Fatal error: incorrect track type specified")
# extract the mutation types and set a flag specifying they are present
if(any(colnames(x) %in% label_column))
label_column_flag <- TRUE
mutation_data$labels <- as.character(x[,eval(label_column)])
} else {
label_column_flag <- FALSE
# Dodge mutation coordinates on the x axis
if(track == 'top')
memo <- paste0("applying force field to observed mutations for",
" top track. This will take time if n is large",
", see vignette for tips")
} else if (track == 'bottom') {
memo <- paste0("applying force field to observed mutations for",
" bottom track. This will take time if n is large",
", see vignette for tips")
mutation_data <- mutation_data[order(mutation_coord),]
mutation_data$coord_x_dodge <-
# Dodge y coordinates
if(track == 'top')
mutation_data$coord_y_dodge <- lolliplot_dodgeCoordY(mutation_data,
} else if(track == 'bottom') {
mutation_data$coord_y_dodge <- lolliplot_dodgeCoordY(mutation_data,
#' Check input to lolliplot
#' Perform Basic quality checks for lolliplot input
#' @name lolliplot_qual
#' @param x object of class data frame containing columns transcript_name, gene,
#' and amino_acid_change and rows denoting mutations
#' @param y object of class data frame containing columns transcript_name, and
#' amino_acid_change and rows denoting mutations
#' @param z Object of class data frame containing columns "description", "start",
#' "stop" specifying gene regions to highlight
#' @return objects passing basic quality checks
#' @noRd
lolliplot_qual <- function(x, y, z)
# Check input to x
message("Input to x is not a data frame, attempting to coerce")
x <-
x <- droplevels(x)
# Check for correct columns in x
if(!all(c('transcript_name', 'gene', 'amino_acid_change') %in% colnames(x)))
stop("Did not detect correct columns in x,
missing one of transcript_name, gene, amino_acid_change")
# Make sure columns in x are of the proper class
x$transcript_name <- as.factor(x$transcript_name)
x$gene <- as.factor(x$gene)
x$amino_acid_change <- as.factor(x$amino_acid_change)
# Check that "transcript_name" in x contains only 1 transcript
if(length(unique(x$transcript_name)) != 1)
stop("Detected more than 1 transcript in input to x")
# Check input to y
# is y a data frame?
message(y, "is not a data frame, attempting to coerce")
y <-
y <- droplevels(y)
# does y have correct columns?
if(!all(c('transcript_name', 'amino_acid_change') %in% colnames(y)))
stop("Did not detect correct columns in y, missing one of
transcript_name, amino_acid_change")
# make sure columns in y are of proper class
y$transcript_name <- as.factor(y$transcript_name)
y$amino_acid_change <- as.factor(y$amino_acid_change)
# Check input to z
# is z a data frame?
memo <- paste0("Input to z is not a data frame",
", attempting to coerce")
z <-
z <- droplevels(z)
# does z contain correct columns
if(!all(c("description", "start", "stop") %in% colnames(z)))
memo <- paste0("Did not detect correct columns in input to z, ",
"missing one of \"description\", \"start\",",
" \"stop\"")
# make sure column class of z are of proper type
z$description <- as.factor(z$description)
z$start <- as.numeric(as.character(z$start))
z$stop <- as.numeric(as.character(z$stop))
return(list(x, y, z))
#' Reduce Lolli
#' Reduce lollis stacked ontop of each other to the amount specified
#' @name lolliplot_reduceLolli
#' @param x Data frame with column name mutation_coord to reduce lollis on
#' @param max Integer specifying the maximum number of lollis to allow
#' @return Object of class data frame taking the reduced form of x
#' @importFrom plyr count
#' @noRd
lolliplot_reduceLolli <- function(x, max=NULL)
# if max is null no reduction is required
# Get a frequency of counts from x
coordFreq <- plyr::count(x$mutation_coord)
colnames(coordFreq) <- c("x", "freq")
keep <- vector('numeric')
# Loop through mutations keeping only what is under max
for(i in 1:nrow(coordFreq))
index <- which(x$mutation_coord == coordFreq$x[i])
index <- index[1:max]
keep <- c(keep, index)
# subset the input on what we want to keep
x <- x[keep,]
#' fetch protein length
#' Retrieve protein length from ensembl database given enseml transcript id
#' @name lolliplot_transcriptID2codingSeq
#' @param transcriptID character string giving ensembl transcript id
#' @param species character string to use when searching for ensemblMart dataset
#' @param host Host to connect to.
#' @return length in residues of ensembl transcript id
#' @importFrom biomaRt useMart
#' @importFrom biomaRt listDatasets
#' @importFrom biomaRt useDataset
#' @importFrom biomaRt getBM
#' @noRd
lolliplot_transcriptID2codingSeq <- function(transcriptID,
# display mesage
memo <- paste0("Using the following host: ", host, " for biomaRt queries",
" to change the ensembl annotation version alter this",
" parameter!")
message("Querying biomaRt for transcript sequence")
# Load in mart
ensembl_mart <- biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL",
# select proper data set given regexp print warnings if unexpected out occur
dataset <- biomaRt::listDatasets(ensembl_mart)$dataset
index <- which(grepl(species, dataset))
memo <- paste0(species, " Matches more than one dataset for the",
" ensembl mart, please specify a species in the, ",
"following format: hsapiens")
} else if(length(index)==0) {
valid_species <- toString(gsub("_gene_ensembl",
memo <- paste0(species, " does not appear to be supported by biomaRt",
" please specify one of the following species:",
ensembl_mart <- biomaRt::useDataset(as.character(dataset[index]),
# Apply various filters using vector of values
filters <- c("ensembl_transcript_id")
ensg_id <- as.character(transcriptID)
# Select attributes to retrieve coding dna sequence
attributes <- c("coding","cds_length")
# Retrieve data
result <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes=attributes, filters=filters,
values=ensg_id, mart=ensembl_mart)
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