
Defines functions prepare.slot.matrix mergeColumns getMergeList check.idat.subdirs prepare.idat.dir get.matrix.from.ff create.empty.ff.matrix.tmp convert.to.ff.matrix.tmp2 convert.to.ff.matrix.tmp rnb.error rnb.warning rnb.status rnb.info rnb.logger.completed rnb.logger.start abbreviate.names methylumi.intensities.by.color rnb.get.reliability.counts.per.sample rnb.has.reliability.info rnb.get.reliability.matrix rnb.add.exported.tables write.table.options write.line validate.dir validate.single parameter.is.flag get.i.vector symmetric.melt capitalize rnb.step.analyze.targets rnb.get.sentrix.data rnb.regions2sites rnb.region.types.for.analysis rnb.write.table rnb.sitelist.info trimChar rnb.process.sitelist rnb.load.sitelist rnb.show.report rnb.sample.replicates rnb.sample.groups rnb.get.executable rnb.call.destructor rnb.cleanMem rnb.require rnb.mval2beta rnb.beta2mval

Documented in rnb.beta2mval rnb.call.destructor rnb.get.reliability.matrix rnb.load.sitelist rnb.mval2beta rnb.region.types.for.analysis rnb.sample.groups rnb.sample.replicates rnb.show.report rnb.write.table

## utilities.R
## created: 2012-05-10
## creator: Yassen Assenov
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Collection of (mostly internal) helper constants and functions.

## F U N C T I O N S ###################################################################################################

#' rnb.beta2mval
#' Transforms beta values to M values, adjusting for +infinity and -infinity.
#' @param betas   \code{numeric} vector or matrix of beta values to be transformed.
#' @param epsilon Single \code{numeric} in the range [0, 0.5], giving the threshold of beta values to use when
#'                adjusting for potential M values close to +infinity or -infinity. Setting this parameter to 0 (zero)
#'                disables stabilization; in which case M values of -infinity or +infinity could be returned.
#' @return The calculated and adjusted M values.
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(RnBeads.hg19)
#' data(small.example.object)
#' logger.start(fname=NA)
#' mvals <- rnb.beta2mval(meth(rnb.set.example))
#' summary(mvals)
#' }
rnb.beta2mval <- function(betas, epsilon = 0.00001) {
	if (!is.numeric(betas)) {
		stop("invalid value for betas")
	if (!(is.numeric(epsilon) && length(epsilon) == 1 && (!is.na(epsilon)))) {
		stop("invalid value for epsilon")
	if (epsilon < 0 || epsilon > 0.5) {
		stop("invalid value for epsilon; expected 0 <= epsilon <= 0.5")
	betas[betas < epsilon] <- epsilon
	betas[betas > (1 - epsilon)] <- 1 - epsilon
	return(log2(betas / (1 - betas)))


#' rnb.mval2beta
#' Transforms M values to beta values.
#' @param mvals \code{numeric} vector or matrix of M values to be transformed.
#' @return The calculated beta values.
#' @author Pavlo Lutsik
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(RnBeads.hg19)
#' data(small.example.object)
#' logger.start(fname=NA)
#' mvals <- rnb.beta2mval(meth(rnb.set.example))
#' bvals <- rnb.mval2beta(mvals)
#' all((bvals-meth(rnb.set.example))<1e-10)
#' }
rnb.mval2beta <- function(mvals){
	if (!is.numeric(mvals)) {
		stop("invalid value for mvals")


#' rnb.require
#' Loads the specified required package.
#' @param pkg Package name to be loaded.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.require <- function(pkg) {
	if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(do.call(require, list(package = pkg)))) {
		rnb.error(paste("Missing required package", pkg, "or its dependency"))


## rnb.cleanMem
## perform memory cleanup, i.e. invoke R's garbage collector
## does nothing, if \code{rnb.getOption("enforce.memory.management")==FALSE}
## @param iter.gc number of times to invoke the garbage
## @return invisible \code{TRUE}
## @author Fabian Mueller
rnb.cleanMem <- function(iter.gc=10) {
	if (rnb.getOption("enforce.memory.management")){
		#it might be helpful to invoke gc() multiple times
		#see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1467201/forcing-garbage-collection-to-run-in-r-with-the-gc-command
	#	logger.start("cleaning memory")
		for (i in 1:iter.gc){gc()}
	#	logger.completed()


#' rnb.call.destructor
#' calls the destructor of an RnBSet, RnBeadSet or RnBeadRawSet object
#' conditionally on whether the \code{enforce.destroy.disk.dumps} option is enabled.
#' @param object object to be destroyed
#' @param ...	 further arguments to the method \code{\link[=destroy,RnBSet-method]{destroy}}
#' @return invisible \code{TRUE}
#' @author Fabian Mueller
rnb.call.destructor <- function(object,...) {
	if (rnb.getOption("enforce.destroy.disk.dumps")){


#' Get the path to an executable
#' Gets the full path to the requested executable file.
#' @param fname Name of the requested executable file. On Windows, this must not include the extension \code{.exe}.
#' @return Full path the specified executable file; an empty \code{character} vector if it could not be found.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.get.executable <- function(fname) {
	dname <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
	if (dname == "Darwin") {
		dname <- "macOSX.i386"
		cmd.search <- "which"
	} else if (dname == "Linux") {
		dname <- "linux_x86.64"
		cmd.search <- "which"
	} else { # dname == "Windows"
		fname <- paste0(fname, ".exe")
		dname <- "windows"
		cmd.search <- "where"
	dname <- system.file(file.path("bin", dname, fname), package = "RnBeads")
	if (dname != "") {
	searchResult <- suppressWarnings(system(paste(cmd.search, fname), intern = TRUE))
	validResult <- length(searchResult) == 1 && file.exists(searchResult)
	if (validResult){
	} else {


#' rnb.sample.groups
#' Identifies sample subgroups defined in the given annotation information.
#' @param annotations     Methylation dataset as an object of type inheriting \code{\linkS4class{RnBSet}},
#'                        or its sample annotations in the form of a \code{data.frame}. If this parameter is
#'                        a dataset, the annotation information is extracted using the method
#'                        \code{\link[=pheno,RnBSet-method]{pheno}}.
#' @param columns         Optional; predefined column names (in the form of a \code{character} vector) or indices (an
#'                        \code{integer} vector) to consider. All other columns in the annotation table will be ignored.
#' @param columns.pairs	  Optional; a NAMED vector containing for each column name for which paired comparisons should
#'                        be performed (say columnA) the name or index of another column (say columnB) in which same
#'                        values indicate the same pairing. columnA should be the name of the value columnB in this
#'                        vector.
#' @param min.group.size  Minimum number of samples in each subgroup. This must be a positive \code{integer}.
#' @param max.group.count Maxumum number of subgroups defined by a trait. This must be an \code{integer} greater than 1.
#' @return List of traits that define subgroups in the dataset. For each trait, the defined subgroups are represented by
#'         a list of \code{integer} vectors storing the corresponding sample indices.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(RnBeads.hg19)
#' data(small.example.object)
#' str(rnb.sample.groups(rnb.set.example))
#' }
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @export
rnb.sample.groups <- function(annotations, columns = NULL, columns.pairs = NULL, min.group.size = rnb.getOption("min.group.size"),
		max.group.count = rnb.getOption("max.group.count")) {
	if (!is.null(annotations)) {
		if (inherits(annotations, "RnBSet")) {
			annotations <- pheno(annotations)
		} else if (!is.data.frame(annotations)) {
			stop("invalid value for annotations; expected object of type RnBSet or a data.frame")
	if (!(is.null(columns) || is.character(columns) || is.integer(columns))) {
		stop("invalid value for columns; expected character or integer")
	if (!(is.null(columns.pairs) || is.character(columns.pairs) || is.integer(columns.pairs))) {
		stop("invalid value for columns.pairs; expected character or integer")
	if (!is.null(columns.pairs)) {
		if (is.null(names(columns.pairs))) {
			stop("invalid value for columns.pairs; expected NAMED vector")
		if (any(!(names(columns.pairs) %in% colnames(annotations)))) {
			stop("invalid value for columns.pairs; not all names are present in the annotation")
	if (is.numeric(min.group.size) && all(min.group.size == as.integer(min.group.size), na.rm = TRUE)) {
		min.group.size <- as.integer(min.group.size)
	if (!(is.integer(min.group.size) && length(min.group.size) == 1 && (!is.na(min.group.size)))) {
		stop("invalid value for min.group.size; expected single integer")
	min.group.size <- min.group.size[1]
	if (min.group.size < 1) {
		stop("invalid value for min.group.size; expected positive integer")
	if (is.numeric(max.group.count) && all(max.group.count == as.integer(max.group.count), na.rm = TRUE)) {
		max.group.count <- as.integer(max.group.count)
	#set the maximum number of groups to be N-1 for NULL values
	if (is.null(max.group.count)) {
		max.group.count <- nrow(annotations) - 1
		max.group.count <- as.integer(max(c(2,max.group.count)))
	if (!(is.integer(max.group.count) && length(max.group.count) == 1 && (!is.na(max.group.count)))) {
		stop("invalid value for max.group.count; expected single integer")
	max.group.count <- max.group.count[1]
	if (max.group.count < 2) {
		stop("invalid value for max.group.count; expected at least 2")
	if (is.null(annotations)) {
		result <- list()
		names(result) <- character(0)
	} else {
		annotations.all <- annotations
		if (!is.null(columns)) {
			if (is.character(columns)) {
				columns <- intersect(columns, colnames(annotations))
			} else { # is.integer(columns)
				columns <- intersect(columns, 1:ncol(annotations))
			pp <- annotations
			annotations <- annotations[, columns]
			if (length(columns) == 1){
				annotations <- data.frame(annotations)
				rownames(annotations) <- rownames(pp)
				colnames(annotations) <- columns
		result <- lapply(annotations, function(trait) {
					res <- tapply(1:nrow(annotations), trait, identity)
					if (length(res) < 2) return(NULL)
					res <- res[sapply(res, length) != 0] # ignore levels that are missing in the dataset
					res <- res[sapply(res, function(x){!any(is.na(x))})] # ignore levels that are missing in the dataset
					if (length(res) < 2 || max.group.count < length(res) || any(sapply(res, length) < min.group.size)) {
		result <- result[!sapply(result, is.null)]
		has.pairing <- rep(FALSE,length(result))
		#find pairing information
		if (!is.null(columns.pairs)){
			has.pairing <- names(result) %in% names(columns.pairs)
			pair.list <- lapply(names(columns.pairs),FUN=function(cc){
			names(pair.list) <- names(columns.pairs)
			for (i in 1:length(result)){
				cc <- names(result)[i]
				if (has.pairing[i]){
					ggs <- result[[i]]
					ggs.pair.ids <- lapply(ggs,FUN=function(iis){
					}) #pairing identifiers for the individual groups
					all.pair.ids <- factor(unlist(ggs.pair.ids))
					pair.id.order <- levels(all.pair.ids)
					is.valid.pairing <- TRUE
					ggs.sorted <- list()
					for (j in 1:length(ggs)) {
						ggn <- names(ggs)[j]
						if (any(duplicated(ggs.pair.ids[[ggn]])) || !all(pair.id.order %in% ggs.pair.ids[[ggn]])){
							is.valid.pairing <- FALSE
						ggs.cur <- ggs[[ggn]]
						names(ggs.cur) <- ggs.pair.ids[[ggn]]
						ggs.sorted[[j]] <- ggs.cur[pair.id.order]
					if (is.valid.pairing){
						names(ggs.sorted) <- names(ggs)
						dd <- data.frame(ggs.sorted)
						rownames(dd) <- pair.id.order
						result[[i]] <- dd
					} else {
						logger.warning(paste("Invalid pairing information for column",cc,". --> Treating as unpaired."))
						has.pairing[i] <- FALSE
		attr(result,"paired") <- has.pairing


#' rnb.sample.replicates
#' Identifies sample replicates defined in the given sample annotation table.
#' @param rnb.set          Methylation dataset as an object of type inheriting \code{\linkS4class{RnBSet}}.
#' @param replicate.id.col Trait (column name in the sample annotation table) that indicates sample replicates.
#' 						   Replicates should have the same value for this trait, while samples without replicates are
#'                         expected to have unique values or missing values.
#' @return List of length of the number of replicates in the dataset. Each element is an \code{integer} vector storing
#'         the corresponding sample indices.
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
rnb.sample.replicates <- function(rnb.set, replicate.id.col) {
	if (!inherits(rnb.set, "RnBSet")) {
		stop("invalid value for rnb.set")
	result <- list()
	names(result) <- character(0)
	if (is.null(replicate.id.col)) {
	if (!(is.character(replicate.id.col) && length(replicate.id.col) == 1 && (!is.na(replicate.id.col)))) {
		stop("invalid value for replicate.id.col")
	if (!(replicate.id.col %in% colnames(pheno(rnb.set)))) {
		warning("specified replicate.id.column not found in rnb.set")

	ids <- pheno(rnb.set)[, replicate.id.col]
	return(tapply(1:length(ids), ids, identity))


#' rnb.show.report
#' Opens the given HMTL report file in the browser.
#' @param report \code{\linkS4class{Report}} object to open.
#' @return None (invisible \code{NULL}).
#' @author Pavlo Lutsik
#' @export
rnb.show.report <- function(report) {
	if (!inherits(report, "Report")) {
		stop("invalid value for report")
	tryCatch(browseURL(sprintf("file://%s", report@fname)),
		error = function(err) {
			rnb.warning(c("Could not display the report due to the following error message:", err$message))


#' rnb.load.sitelist
#' Loads a list of probe or site identifiers. This function is used in the preprocessing module for loading a whitelist
#' and/or a blacklist of identifiers.
#' @param fname   File listing the identifiers, one per line.
#' @param verbose Flag indicating if messages are to be printed. If the values is \code{TRUE} and a logger is
#'                initialized, this function adds a message to the log.
#' @return The loaded list of identifiers, or \code{NULL} if \code{fname} could not be open.
#' @seealso \code{\link{logger.start}} for initializing a logger
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @export
rnb.load.sitelist <- function(fname, verbose = FALSE) {
	if (length(fname) == 0) {
	if (!(is.character(fname) && length(fname) == 1 && nchar(fname) != 0)) {
		stop("invalid value for fname; expected file name")
	if (!parameter.is.flag(verbose)) {
		stop("invalid value for verbose; expected TRUE or FALSE")

	result <- tryCatch(scan(fname, "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE), error = function(er) { NULL })
	if (verbose) {
		if (is.null(result)) {
			msg <- paste("Could not load site list from", fname)
			if (logger.isinitialized()) {
				logger.error(msg, terminate = FALSE)
			} else {
		} else {
			msg <- paste("Loaded", length(result), "site(s) from", fname)
			if (logger.isinitialized()) {
			} else {


#' rnb.process.sitelist
#' Loads and processes a list of probe or site identifiers.
#' @param fname      File containing the list of identifiers to be processed.
#' @param anno.table Probe or site annotation table.
#' @return \code{integer} vector containing the indices in the annotation table that are targeted by the loaded list.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.process.sitelist <- function(fname, anno.table) {
	if (length(fname) == 0 || nchar(fname) == 0) {
	id.list <- rnb.load.sitelist(fname, TRUE)
	if (is.null(id.list)) {
		result <- integer()
		attr(result, "ignored") <- 0L
		attr(result, "note") <- "Could not open the specified file."
	} else {
		id.list <- unique(id.list)
		result <- integer()
		## Parse and match IDs given as [chromosome]:[location]
		for (chrom in levels(anno.table$Chromosome)) {
			regex <- paste0("^", chrom, ":(\\d+)$")
			i <- grep(regex, id.list)
			if (length(i) != 0) {
				j <- which(anno.table$Chromosome == chrom)
				if (length(j) != 0) {
					i <- which(anno.table[j, "Start"] %in% as.integer(gsub(regex, "\\1", id.list[i])))
					result <- c(result, j[i])
		## Parse and match IDs given as Illumina probe identifiers
		regex <- "^(c.\\d+)|(ch\\.(\\d+|X)\\.\\d+([FR]?))|(rs\\d+)$"
		if (any(grepl(regex, rownames(anno.table)))) {
			i <- grep(regex, id.list, value = TRUE)
			if (length(i) != 0) {
				result <- c(result, which(rownames(anno.table) %in% i))
		result <- unique(sort(result))
		attr(result, "ignored") <- length(id.list) - length(result)
		attr(result, "note") <- ""


#' trimChar
#' trim a character vector to have a desired length by taking the beginning of the string
#' and the end of the string
#' @param ss       character vector
#' @param len.out  target output length to trim to
#' @param len.pref length of the prefix to be used from the original string
#' @param len.suf  length of the suffix to be used from the original string
#' @param trim.str string to place in between prefix and suffix
#' @return character vector in which each element has length\code{<=len.out}
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
trimChar <- function(ss, len.out=50, trim.str="...", len.pref=ceiling((len.out-nchar(trim.str))/2), len.suf=len.out-len.pref-nchar(trim.str)){
	if (len.pref + len.suf + nchar(trim.str) > len.out){
		stop("Invalid string lengths specified")
	lens <- nchar(ss)
	res <- ifelse(
		lens > len.out,
		paste0(substr(ss, 1, len.pref), trim.str, substr(ss, lens-len.suf+1, lens)),


#' rnb.sitelist.info
#' Constructs a table summarizing the loaded and identified sites to be included in a white- or blacklist.
#' @param sitelist List of loaded site indices in the form of an \code{integer} vector, as returned by
#'                 \code{\link{rnb.process.sitelist}}.
#' @param listtype One of \code{"white"} or \code{"black"}.
#' @return Table (\code{data.frame}) with four columns and a single row, summarizing the loaded and identified sites to
#'         be included in a white- or blacklist.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.sitelist.info <- function(sitelist, listtype) {
		"List" = ifelse(listtype == "white", "whitelist", "blacklist"),
		"Records used" = length(sitelist),
		"Records ignored" = attr(sitelist, "ignored"),
		"Note" = attr(sitelist, "note"),
		check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


#' rnb.write.table
#' Writes a table to a file. Different formats and compression options are available.
#' @param tt     Table to be written to file, usually in the form of a \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}.
#' @param fname  Target file name. If this file already exists, it will be overwritten.
#' @param fpath  Target file path. If "" (default value), \code{fname} is assumed to contain the absolute path.
#' @param format Target format; one of \code{"csv"}, \code{"tab"} or \code{"txt"}, denoting comma-separated,
#'               tab-separated and default text format, respectively. The last format allows for a user-specified
#'               delimiter through an additional parameter \code{sep}. See the documentation of
#'               \code{\link{write.table}} for more details.
#' @param gz     Flag indicating whether the file should be zipped in \code{gz} format.
#' @param ...    Any additional arguments to be passed on to \code{write.table} or \code{utils::write.csv}.
#' @return The (possibly updated) target file name, invisibly. If \code{gz} is \code{TRUE}, the string \code{".gz"} will
#'         be appended to \code{fname}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{write.table}}
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(mtcars)
#' rnb.write.table(mtcars,tempfile(pattern="cars",fileext=".csv"))
#' }
rnb.write.table <- function(tt, fname, fpath = "", format = "csv", gz = FALSE, ...) {
	if (!(is.character(fname) && length(fname) == 1 && (!is.na(fname)))) {
		stop("invalid value for fname; expected single character")
	if (!(is.character(fname) && length(fname) == 1)) {
		stop("invalid value for fpath; expected single character")
	} else if (is.na(fpath)) {
		fpath <- ""
	if (!(is.character(format) && length(format) == 1)) {
		stop("invalid value for format")
	if (!parameter.is.flag(gz)) {
		stop("invalid value for gz; expected TRUE or FALSE")

	if (gz && grepl("\\.gz$", fname) == FALSE) {
		fname <- paste(fname, "gz", sep = ".")
	fname.full <- ifelse(fpath != "", file.path(fpath, fname), fname)
	if (gz) {
		fname.full <- gzfile(fname.full, open = "w")
	if (format == "csv") {
		utils::write.csv(tt, file = fname.full, ...)
	} else if (format == "tab") {
		write.table(tt, file = fname.full, sep = "\t", ...)
	} else {
		write.table(tt, file = fname.full, ...)
	if (gz) {


#' rnb.region.types.for.analysis
#' Identifies the region types that are summarized by the given dataset and pointed to for analysis.
#' @param rnb.set Methylation dataset as an object of type inheriting \code{\linkS4class{RnBSet}}.
#' @return List of all region types to be analyzed in the current dataset in the form of a \code{character} vector.
#' @details
#' This function intersects the value of the analysis option \code{"region.types"} with the region types that are
#' summarized in the provided dataset. In case the option's value is \code{NULL}, this function returns all summarized
#' region types in \code{rnb.set}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(RnBeads.hg19)
#' data(small.example.object)
#' "promoters" %in% rnb.region.types.for.analysis(rnb.set.example)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{rnb.getOption}} for checking the value of the \code{"region.types"} option;
#'   \code{\link[=summarized.regions,RnBSet-method]{summarized.regions}} for obtaining the region types summarized in a
#'   dataset
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @export
rnb.region.types.for.analysis <- function(rnb.set) {
	region.types <- rnb.getOption("region.types")
	if (is.character(rnb.set) && length(rnb.set) == 1 && (rnb.set %in% rnb.get.assemblies())) {
		## Handle the special (undocumented) case when an assembly is specified instead of a dataset
		if (is.null(region.types)) {
			region.types <- rnb.region.types(rnb.set)
		} else {
			region.types <- intersect(region.types, rnb.region.types(rnb.set))
	if (!inherits(rnb.set, "RnBSet")) {
		stop("invalid value for rnb.set")
	region.types.dataset <- summarized.regions(rnb.set)
	if (is.null(region.types)) {
		region.types <- region.types.dataset
	} else {
		r.lost <- setdiff(region.types, region.types.dataset)
		if (logger.isinitialized() && length(r.lost) != 0) {
			txt <- c("The following", length(r.lost), "region types will not be included in the analysis:")
			logger.warning(c(txt, paste(r.lost, collapse = ", ")))
		region.types <- intersect(region.types, region.types.dataset)


## rnb.regions2sites
## Creates a mapping from regions to sites.
## @param regions GRangesList object storing genomic regions per chromosome. The number of elements and their names must
##                match the names of \code{sites}.
## @param sites   GRangesList object storing genomic loci (sites) per chromosome.
## @return Mapping from the specified regions to the sites contained in them, in the form of a list of mappings per
##         chromosome. Each entry in this list is an object of type \code{IRanges}, storing indices of \code{sites} on
##         the respective chromosome that are contained in the corresponding region. Regions that do not contain sites
##         are left out of the result.
## @author Fabian Mueller
rnb.regions2sites <- function(regions, sites) {
	if (length(setdiff(names(regions), names(sites))) != 0) {
		stop("sites is not defined for all chromosomes in regions")
	ovl <- list()
	for (chrom in names(regions)) {
		ov <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(regions[[chrom]], sites[[chrom]], ignore.strand = TRUE)
		if (length(ov) != 0) {
			indexMap <- tapply(subjectHits(ov), queryHits(ov), range)
			reg.indices <- names(indexMap)
			indexMap <- matrix(unlist(indexMap, use.names = FALSE), nrow = 2)
			indexMap <- IRanges(start = indexMap[1, ], end = indexMap[2, ], names = reg.indices)
			ovl[[chrom]] <- indexMap


## rnb.get.sentrix.data
## Extracts information on Sentrix ID and Sentrix position from the given sample information table.
## @param dframe Sample annotation in the form of a \code{data.frame}; or a dataset as an object of type inheriting
##               \code{\linkS4class{RnBeadSet}}.
## @return Table (\code{data.frame}) with two columns - \code{"Slide"} and \code{"Position"}, listing the slide number
##         location on the slide for each sample. If the provided annotation contains no valid sentrix ID and position
##         information, the returned value is \code{NULL}.
## @author Yassen Assenov
rnb.get.sentrix.data <- function(dframe) {
	if (inherits(dframe, "RnBeadSet")) {
		dframe <- pheno(dframe)
	if (all(c("Sentrix_ID", "Sentrix_Position") %in% colnames(dframe))) {
		sentrix.ids <- dframe[, "Sentrix_ID"]
		sentrix.pos <- as.character(dframe[, "Sentrix_Position"])
	} else if (all(c("Sentrix ID", "Sentrix Position") %in% colnames(dframe))) {
		sentrix.ids <- dframe[, "Sentrix ID"]
		sentrix.pos <- as.character(dframe[, "Sentrix Position"])
	} else if ("barcode" %in% colnames(dframe)) {
		barcodes <- strsplit(as.character(dframe[, "barcode"]), "_", fixed = TRUE)
		if (all(sapply(barcodes, length) == 2L)) {
			sentrix.ids <- sapply(barcodes, '[', 1L)
			sentrix.pos <- sapply(barcodes, '[', 2L)
	if (exists("sentrix.ids", inherits = FALSE)) {
		positions <- paste0("R0", 1:6, "C0", rep(1:2, each = 6))
		if ((!(any(c(is.na(sentrix.ids), is.na(sentrix.pos)))) || any(sentrix.ids == "")) &&
			all(sentrix.pos %in% positions)) {
			return(data.frame("Slide" = sentrix.ids, "Position" = factor(sentrix.pos, levels = positions),
					stringsAsFactors = TRUE, check.names = FALSE))


#' rnb.step.analyze.targets
#' Gets the list of all site and region types that are both requested and supported.
#' @param rnb.set       Dataset of interest.
#' @param report        Report to contain the section once the analysis is complete.
#' @param section.title Title of the report section in human-readable form.
#' @param analyze.sites Flag indicating if the sites are requested to be analyzed.
#' @return List of supported site and region types in the form of a \code{character} vector. If there are region types
#'         that are requested but not summarized in the dataset, this list contains a sentence as an attribute named
#'         \code{"warning"}.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.step.analyze.targets <- function(rnb.set, report, section.title, analyze.sites = rnb.getOption("analyze.sites")) {
	if (analyze.sites) {
		targets <- "sites"
	} else {
		targets <- character()
	regions.requested <- rnb.region.types.for.analysis(rnb.set)
	regions.supported <- intersect(regions.requested, names(rnb.set@regions))
	regions.unsupported <- setdiff(regions.requested, regions.supported)
	targets <- c(targets, regions.supported)

	if (length(targets) == 0) {
		if (length(regions.unsupported) != 0) {
			txt <- c("This procedure was skipped because none of the requested region types are summarized in the ",
		} else {
			txt <- "This procedure was skipped because neither site nor region types are specified for analysis."
		rnb.add.section(report, section.title, txt)
	} else if (length(regions.unsupported) != 0) {
		txt <- paste("<b>", regions.unsupported, "</b>", sep = "", collapse = ", ")
		txt <- paste("The following region types are not analyzed because they are not summarized in the dataset:", txt)
		attr(targets, "warning") <- txt


## capitalize
## Makes the first letter of each of the given strings capital.
## @param x          \code{character} vector containing strings to be capitalized.
## @param every.word Flag indicating if the first letter of every word must be capitalized. Note that this method
##                   splits to words using the space character only, therefore, other whitespaces (tabulation or newline
##                   characters) are not recognized as word separators. If this parameter is \code{FALSE} (default),
##                   only the first letter of every string is capitalized. 
## @return \code{character} vector of the same length as \code{x}, in which every element is capitalized.
## @details
## If \code{every.word} is \code{TRUE}, this method removes a trailing space (if such exists) from every element of
## \code{x}. This is a side effect of splitting into words.
## @author Yassen Assenov
capitalize <- function(x, every.word = FALSE) {
	if (every.word) {
		result <- sapply(strsplit(x, split = " "), capitalize, USE.NAMES = !is.null(names(x)))
		result <- sapply(result, paste, collapse = " ")
	} else {
		result <- paste0(toupper(substr(x, 1, 1)), substring(x, 2))
		result[is.na(x)] <- NA


## symmetric.melt
## Constructs a \code{data.frame} for plotting the lower triangular values in the given symmetric matrix.
## @param tbl.symmetric    Symmetric \code{matrix} of values with at least 2 rows.
## @param include.diagonal Flag indicating if the diagonal of \code{tbl.symmetric} should also be displayed.
## @return Table, in the form of a \code{data.frame} with three columns, to be passed to \pkg{ggplot}. Missing values
##         (\code{NA}) in the original matrix are omitted from the resulting table.
## @author Yassen Assenov
symmetric.melt <- function(tbl.symmetric, include.diagonal = TRUE) {
	tbl <- tbl.symmetric
	tbl[upper.tri(tbl)] <- NA
	if (!include.diagonal) {
		tbl <- tbl[-1, -ncol(tbl)]
		if (nrow(tbl.symmetric) == 2) {
			tbl <- matrix(tbl, nrow = 1, ncol = 1,
				dimnames = list(rownames(tbl.symmetric)[2], colnames(tbl.symmetric)[1]))
	tbl.melt <- melt(tbl, varnames = c("x", "y"))
	tbl.melt[[1]] <- factor(as.character(tbl.melt[[1]]), levels = rev(rownames(tbl)))
	tbl.melt[[2]] <- factor(as.character(tbl.melt[[2]]), levels = colnames(tbl))
	tbl.melt[!is.na(tbl.melt[[3]]), ]


## get.i.vector
## Transforms the given sublisting of items to indices (if necessary) and validates its scope.
## @param i.list Sublisting of items in the form of a \code{logical}, \code{integer} or \code{character} vector.
## @param items  Full list of items to be indexed.
## @return       Sorted \code{integer} vector representing indices in \code{items}.
## @author Yassen Assenov
get.i.vector <- function(i.list, items) {
	if (is.double(i.list) && all(i.list == as.integer(i.list), na.rm = TRUE)) {
		i.list <- as.integer(i.list)
	if (is.logical(i.list)) {
		if (!is.null(items) && length(i.list) != length(items)) {
			stop("specified logical vector is of unexpected length")
		inds <- which(i.list)
	} else if (is.character(i.list)) {
		inds <- which(items %in% i.list)
		if (length(i.list) != length(inds)) {
			stop("unknown names specified")
	} else if (is.integer(i.list)) {
		inds <- sort(i.list)
		if (length(inds) != 0 && (min(inds) < 1 || (!is.null(items) && length(items) < max(inds)))) {
			stop("invalid indices specified")
	} else {
		stop("invalid item list specified")


## parameter.is.flag
## Checks if the provided parameter value is a flag.
## @param value Value to be tested.
## @return \code{TRUE} if \code{values} is \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
## @author Yassen Assenov
parameter.is.flag <- function(value) {
	is.logical(value) && length(value) == 1 && (!is.na(value))


## Validates the given vector or list contains a single element. This function is used in validating function or method
## arguments.
## @param x          Value vector or list to validate.
## @param param.name Name of parameter or slot that is validated. This is used in the generation of failing message.
## @return Short message that encodes the result of the validation in the form of a \code{character}. It is either the
##         string \code{ok}, or a short phrase describing the divergence from the "single value assumption".
## @author Yassen Assenov
validate.single <- function(x, param.name = "x") {
	if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) {
		result <- paste("missing value for", param.name)
	} else if (length(x) > 1) {
		result <- paste("multiple values for", param.name)
	} else if (is.na(x)) {
		result <- paste("missing value for", param.name)
	} else {
		result <- "ok"


## If there is a logger initialized, validates that the given directory exists.
## @param dname Name of directory to be validated.
## @author Yassen Assenov
validate.dir <- function(dname) {
	if (logger.isinitialized()) {
		logger.validate.file(dname, is.file = FALSE)


## write.line
## Writes a line of text to the specified text file. This function is used in the generation of HTML reports.
## @param txt    Character vector storing the text to be written. The elements of this vector are concatenated without
##               a separator.
## @param fname  Name of the file to write the text to.
## @param indent Indentation of the text, given as number of \code{TAB} characters.
## @param append Flag indicating if the line is to be appended to the text file. If this is \code{FALSE}, the file's
##               contents are overwritten.
## @author Yassen Assenov
write.line <- function(txt, fname, indent = 0, append = TRUE) {
	strprefix <- paste(rep("\t", times = indent), collapse = "")
	cat(strprefix, paste0(txt, collapse = ""), "\n", file = fname, sep = "", append = append)


## write.table.options
## Generates HTML code for a table of module option values in the specified report.
## @param optionlist List of \pkg{RnBeads} module options. The attribute \code{"enabled"}, if present, is used to mark 
##                   which of these options were actually used.
## @param report     Report to which the table is to be added.
## @param indent     Default indentation, in number of tabulation characters, to apply to the \code{<table>} tag.
## @author Yassen Assenov
write.table.options <- function(optionlist, report, indent = 0L) {
	if (is.null(attr(optionlist, "enabled"))) {
		attr(optionlist, "enabled") <- rep.int(TRUE, length(optionlist))

	wline <- function(txt, indentation = indent) {
		write.line(txt, report@fname, indent = indentation)
	wline("<table class=\"tindex\">")
	wline("<th>Option</th>", indent + 1L)
	wline("<th>Value</th>", indent + 1L)
	for (i in 1:length(optionlist)) {
		wline(c("<tr", ifelse(i %% 2 == 0, " class=\"darker\"", ""), ">"))
		tdopen <- c("<td", ifelse(attr(optionlist, "enabled")[i], "", " class=\"disabled\""), ">")
		wline(c(tdopen, names(optionlist)[i], "</td>"), indent + 1L)
		optionvalue <- optionlist[[i]]
		if (is.null(optionvalue)) {
			optionvalue <- "<span class=\"missing\">default</span>"
		} else if (length(optionvalue) != 1) {
			optionvalue <- paste(optionvalue, collapse = ", ")
		} else if (is.na(optionvalue)) {
			optionvalue <- "<span class=\"disabled\">n/a</span>"
		} else if (is.logical(optionvalue)) {
			optionvalue <- ifelse(optionvalue, "yes", "no")
		wline(c(tdopen, optionvalue, "</td>"), indent + 1L)


#' rnb.add.exported.tables
#' Adds a paragraph informing the readers that data are exported as CSV files, following by a table of links.
#' @param report Report to be written to.
#' @param tbl    Table containing links to the exported CSV files.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.add.exported.tables <- function(report, tbl) {
	txt <- c("The values presented in the figure above are avaialable in CSV (comma-separated value) files ",
		"accompanying this report.")
	rnb.add.paragraph(report, txt)
	rnb.add.table(report, tbl, row.names = FALSE)


#' rnb.get.reliability.matrix
#' Gets a matrix of reliability indications for every measurement in the given dataset.
#' @param rnb.set   Methylation dataset as an object of type inheriting \code{\linkS4class{RnBSet}}.
#' @param row.names	Flag indicating of row names are to be generated in the result.
#' @return \code{logical} matrix in which every row corresponds to a CpG site or probe and every column - to a patient.
#'         If the dataset does not contain coverage or detection p-value information, the returned value is \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(RnBeads.hg19)
#' data(small.example.object)
#' rnb.options(identifiers.column = "Sample_ID")
#' str(rnb.get.reliability.matrix(rnb.set.example))
#' }
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @export
rnb.get.reliability.matrix <- function(rnb.set, row.names = FALSE) {
	if (!inherits(rnb.set, "RnBSet")) {
		stop("invalid value for rnb.set")
	if (inherits(rnb.set, "RnBeadSet")) {
		result <- dpval(rnb.set, row.names = row.names)
		if (!is.null(result)) {
			result <- (result < rnb.getOption("filtering.greedycut.pvalue.threshold"))
	} else { # inherits(rnb.set, "RnBiseqSet")
		result <- covg(rnb.set, row.names = row.names)
		if (!is.null(result)) {
			result <- (result >= rnb.getOption("filtering.coverage.threshold"))

#' rnb.has.reliability.info
#' Does the object contain info on reliability
#' @param rnb.set   Methylation dataset as an object of type inheriting \code{\linkS4class{RnBSet}}.
#' @return \code{logical} indicating whether the object contains reliability information
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
rnb.has.reliability.info <- function(rnb.set) {
	if (!inherits(rnb.set, "RnBSet")) {
		stop("invalid value for rnb.set")
	if (inherits(rnb.set, "RnBeadSet")) {
	} else { # inherits(rnb.set, "RnBiseqSet")

#' rnb.get.reliability.counts.per.sample
#' Gets a vector with the counts of reliable measurements per sample
#' @param rnb.set   Methylation dataset as an object of type inheriting \code{\linkS4class{RnBSet}}.
#' @param siteIndices	vector of indices of sites that should be considered. indices can be integer or logical.
#' @return \code{numric} vector in which each entry corresponds to the number of reliable measurements in the corresponding sample
#'         If the dataset does not contain coverage or detection p-value information, the returned value is \code{NULL}.
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @noRd
rnb.get.reliability.counts.per.sample <- function(rnb.set, siteIndices=NULL) {

	## Extract reliability matrix and threshold values
	if (inherits(rnb.set, "RnBeadSet")) {
		mm <- rnb.set@pval.sites
		x.cutoff <- rnb.getOption("filtering.greedycut.pvalue.threshold")
	} else { # inherits(rnb.set, "RnBiseqSet")
		mm <- rnb.set@covg.sites
		x.cutoff <- rnb.getOption("filtering.coverage.threshold")
	if (is.null(mm)) {

	## Count number of reliable values per sample
	result <- rep(0L, ncol(mm))
	for (j in 1:ncol(mm)) {
		x <- as.vector(get.dataset.matrix(rnb.set, "sites", FALSE, mm, list(), i = siteIndices, j = j))
		if (inherits(rnb.set, "RnBeadSet")) {
			result[j] <- sum(x < x.cutoff, na.rm = TRUE)
		} else {
			result[j] <- sum(x >= x.cutoff, na.rm = TRUE)
	names(result) <- samples(rnb.set)


## methylumi.intensities.by.color
## Rearranges information from "methylated" and "unmethylated" slots of a MethyLumiSet object by color channer.
## @param mset MethyLumiSet object
## @param address.rownames If \code{TRUE} the returned intensity matrices have Infinium probe address as row names   
## @author Pavlo Lutsik


	pinfos <- rnb.annotation2data.frame(rnb.get.annotation("probes450"), add.names=TRUE)[featureNames(mset), ]
	dII.probes <- featureNames(mset)[pinfos[,"Design"] == "II"]
	dII.probes <- dII.probes[!grepl("rs", dII.probes)]
	if(address.rownames) tII<-IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest@data$TypeII 
	if(address.rownames) tII<-tII[match(dII.probes, tII$Name),]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dII.grn)<-tII$Address
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dII.red)<-tII$Address

	dI.red.probes <- featureNames(mset)[pinfos[, "Color"] == "Red"]
	dI.red.probes <- dI.red.probes[!grepl("rs", dI.red.probes)]
	dI.green.probes <- featureNames(mset)[pinfos[, "Color"] == "Grn"]
	dI.green.probes <- dI.green.probes[!grepl("rs", dI.green.probes)]
	if(address.rownames) tI<-IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest@data$TypeI
	if(address.rownames) tI.red<-tI[tI$Color=="Red",]
	if(address.rownames) tI.red<-tI.red[match(dI.red.probes, tI.red$Name),]
	if(address.rownames) tI.grn<-tI[tI$Color=="Grn",]
	if(address.rownames) tI.grn<-tI.grn[match(dI.green.probes, tI.grn$Name),]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dI.red.meth)<-tI.red[,"AddressB"]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dI.red.umeth)<-tI.red[,"AddressA"]
	dI.red.meth.oob<-assayDataElement(mset, "methylated.OOB")[dI.red.probes,]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dI.red.meth.oob)<-tI.red[,"AddressB"]
	dI.red.umeth.oob<-assayDataElement(mset, "unmethylated.OOB")(mset)[dI.red.probes,]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dI.red.umeth.oob)<-tI.red[,"AddressA"]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dI.grn.meth)<-tI.grn[,"AddressB"]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dI.grn.umeth)<-tI.grn[,"AddressA"]
	dI.grn.meth.oob<-assayDataElement(mset, "methylated.OOB")(mset)[dI.green.probes,]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dI.grn.meth.oob)<-tI.grn[,"AddressB"]
	dI.grn.umeth.oob<-assayDataElement(mset, "unmethylated.OOB")[dI.green.probes,]
	if(address.rownames) rownames(dI.grn.umeth.oob)<-tI.grn[,"AddressA"]

	intensities.by.channel <- list(
			Cy3=rbind(dII.grn, dI.grn.meth, dI.grn.umeth, dI.red.meth.oob, dI.red.umeth.oob),
			Cy5=rbind(dII.red, dI.red.meth, dI.red.umeth, dI.grn.meth.oob, dI.grn.umeth.oob))

#	intensities.by.channel$Cy3<-rbind(intensities.by.channel$Cy3, 
#			matrix(0, nrow=length(setdiff(rownames(intensities.by.channel$Cy5),rownames(intensities.by.channel$Cy3))),
#					ncol=ncol(intensities.by.channel$Cy3),
#					dimnames=list(rownames=setdiff(rownames(intensities.by.channel$Cy5),rownames(intensities.by.channel$Cy3)))))
#	intensities.by.channel$Cy5<-rbind(intensities.by.channel$Cy5, 
#			matrix(0, nrow=length(setdiff(rownames(intensities.by.channel$Cy3),rownames(intensities.by.channel$Cy5))), 
#					ncol=ncol(intensities.by.channel$Cy5), 
#					dimnames=list(rownames=setdiff(rownames(intensities.by.channel$Cy3),rownames(intensities.by.channel$Cy5)))))


	ncd<-ncd[ncd[["Target"]] == "NEGATIVE", ]

	ncd<-ncd[1:length(grep("negative", rownames(controls.by.channel$Cy3))),]
	controls.by.channel$Cy3<-controls.by.channel$Cy3[sub("\\.0", "" ,paste(ncd$Target, 
							ncd$Index-ifelse("negative" %in% rownames(controls.by.channel$Cy3),1,0), sep=".")),]
	controls.by.channel$Cy5<-controls.by.channel$Cy5[sub("\\.0", "" ,paste(ncd$Target, 
							ncd$Index-ifelse("negative" %in% rownames(controls.by.channel$Cy3),1,0), sep=".")),]


	intensities.by.channel$Cy3<-rbind(intensities.by.channel$Cy3, controls.by.channel$Cy3)
	intensities.by.channel$Cy5<-rbind(intensities.by.channel$Cy5, controls.by.channel$Cy5)



## abbreviate.names
## Creates short versions, if necessary, of the supplied vector labels.
## @param labels ...
## @param max.length ...
## @return ...
## @author Pavlo Lutsik
abbreviate.names <- function(labels, max.length = 15L) {
	N <- (max.length - 3) %/% 2
	ifelse(nchar(labels) <= max.length, labels,
		paste0(substring(labels, 1, N), "...", substring(labels, nchar(labels) - N + 1)))


#' rnb.logger.start
#' Starts a new section in the log (if it is initialized).
#' @param txt \code{character} vector storing the section title.
#' @details If the logger is not initialized, calling this method has no effect.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.logger.start <- function(txt) {
	if (logger.isinitialized()) {


#' rnb.logger.completed
#' Completes the last open section in the log (if it is initialized).
#' @details If the logger is not initialized, calling this method has no effect.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.logger.completed <- function() {
	if (logger.isinitialized()) {


#' rnb.info
#' Prints an information message to the log (if it is initialized).
#' @param txt \code{character} vector storing the status message.
#' @details If the logger is not initialized, calling this function has no effect.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.info <- function(txt) {
	if (logger.isinitialized()) {
	} else {
		message(paste(txt, collapse = " "))


#' rnb.status
#' Prints a status message to the log (if it is initialized).
#' @param txt \code{character} vector storing the status message.
#' @details If the logger is not initialized, calling this function has no effect.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.status <- function(txt) {
	if (logger.isinitialized()) {
	} else {
		message(paste(txt, collapse = " "))


#' rnb.warning
#' Prints a warning message to the log (if it is initialized) or the console (otherwise).
#' @param txt \code{character} vector storing the warning message.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.warning <- function(txt) {
	if (logger.isinitialized()) {
	} else {
		warning(paste(txt, collapse = " "), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)


#' rnb.error
#' Prints an error message to the log (if it is initialized) or executes an error action (otherwise).
#' @param txt \code{character} vector storing the error message.
#' @author Yassen Assenov
#' @noRd
rnb.error <- function(txt) {
	if (logger.isinitialized()) {
	} else {
		stop(paste(txt, collapse = " "), call.=FALSE)


## convert.to.ff.tmp.file
## converts a table to an ff object
## @author Fabian Mueller
convert.to.ff.matrix.tmp <- function(x,...) {
	if(!"ff" %in% class(x)){

## additions with respect to a pached ff
convert.to.ff.matrix.tmp2 <- function(x,...) {
	ffobj<-ff(vmode=vm, dim=dim(x),dimnames=dimnames(x),finalizer="delete",...)
	for(i in 1:ncol(x)){

## creating an empty ff matrix
create.empty.ff.matrix.tmp <- function(vm,dim, dimnames=NULL,...) {


	nm<-matrix(NA,ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))
	for(i in 1:ncol(x)){


## prepare.idat.dir
## Creates a temporary directory with symbolic links to all \code{idat} files located in the given directory or its
## subdirectories.
## @param base.dir Base directory to scan for \code{idat} files.
## @param temp.dir Temporary directory to be created for storing the symbolic links.
## @return \code{NULL} if the temporary directory could not be created or if no symbolic links could be created at all;
##         otherwise, the value of \code{temp.dir}. Additionally, an attribute named \code{"failed"} contains the number
##         of idat files in \code{rootdir} that could not be linked to.
## @author Pavlo Lutsik
prepare.idat.dir <- function(base.dir, temp.dir = tempfile(pattern = "idat")) {
	if (!dir.create(temp.dir)) {
	idat.files <- list.files(base.dir, pattern = "^.+\\.idat$", recursive = TRUE)
	failed <- !sapply(idat.files, function(fname) {
		suppressWarnings(file.symlink(file.path(base.dir, fname), file.path(temp.dir, basename(fname))))
	if (all(failed)) {
	result <- temp.dir
	attr(result, "failed") <- as.integer(sum(failed))


## check.idat.subdirs
## Checks whether the given directory contains subdirectories with IDAT files.
## @param rootdir Base directory to scan.
## @return \code{TRUE} if \code{base.dir} contains a subdirectory that contains one or more \code{idat} files;
##         \code{FALSE} otherwise.
## @author Pavlo Lutsik
check.idat.subdirs <- function(base.dir) {
	subdirectories <- dir(base.dir, full.names = TRUE)
	subdirectories <- subdirectories[file.info(subdirectories)[, "isdir"] == FALSE]
	for (subdir in subdirectories) {
		if (length(dir(subdir, pattern = "^.+\\.idat$", recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE)) != 0) {


## getMergeList
## Given an RnBSet object and a column name of the sample annotation table, return a list with sample indices for each level
## level that column the RnBSet
## @param rnbs RnBSet object
## @param pheno.col column name specifying the grouping
## @return a list containing indices for each group
## @author Fabian Mueller
getMergeList <- function(rnbs, pheno.col){
	ph <- pheno(rnbs)
	replicate.ids <- ph[,pheno.col]
	replicate.ids.unique <- unique(na.omit(replicate.ids))
	#replace NAs by the sample names
	if (any(is.na(replicate.ids))){
		snames.na <- samples(rnbs)[is.na(replicate.ids)]
		#make sure the sample names do not also appear as group name
		snames.na <- ifelse(snames.na %in% replicate.ids.unique,paste("X",snames.na),snames.na)
		replicate.ids[is.na(replicate.ids)] <- snames.na
		replicate.ids.unique <- unique(replicate.ids)
	if (length(replicate.ids.unique)==nrow(ph)){
		rnb.warning("Could not get merge list: phenotype column with unique entries selected")
	res <- lapply(replicate.ids.unique,FUN=function(x){which(replicate.ids==x)})
	names(res) <- replicate.ids.unique


## mergeColumns
## Given a matrix X and a list containing column indices for each group in the matrix apply mergeFun to each submatrix
## defined by the column indices in the list
## @param X the input matrix
## @param mergeList a list containing column indices defining subgroups in matrix X
## @param mergeFun the function to be applied to each submatrix
## @return the combined matrix
## @note Requires the packages \pkg{foreach} and \pkg{doParallel}.
## @author Fabian Mueller
mergeColumns <- function(X, mergeList, mergeFun=function(X.sub){rowMeans(X.sub, na.rm=TRUE)}){
	res <- do.call("cbind", lapply(mergeList,FUN=function(iis){
		do.call(mergeFun, list(X.sub=X[,iis, drop=FALSE]))


prepare.slot.matrix<-function(slotmatrix, useff=FALSE, full.match=FALSE, subset=1:nrow(slotmatrix), cleanup=FALSE){
	if("ff" %in% class(slotmatrix) && cleanup && !full.match){

 ".stopImplicitCluster" <- function()
    if(exists(".revoDoParCluster", where=doParallel:::.options) && 
      remove('.revoDoParCluster', envir=doParallel:::.options)

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RnBeads documentation built on March 3, 2021, 2 a.m.