#' Classifies sequences against reference training dataset.
#' assignTaxonomy implements the RDP Naive Bayesian Classifier algorithm described in
#' Wang et al. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2007, with kmer size 8 and 100 bootstrap
#' replicates. Properly formatted reference files for several popular taxonomic databases
#' are available \url{}
#' @param seqs (Required). A character vector of the sequences to be assigned, or an object
#' coercible by \code{\link{getUniques}}.
#' @param refFasta (Required). The path to the reference fasta file, or an
#' R connection Can be compressed.
#' This reference fasta file should be formatted so that the id lines correspond to the
#' taxonomy (or classification) of the associated sequence, and each taxonomic level is
#' separated by a semicolon. Eg.
#' >Kingom;Phylum;Class;Order;Family;Genus;
#' @param minBoot (Optional). Default 50.
#' The minimum bootstrap confidence for assigning a taxonomic level.
#' @param tryRC (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, the reverse-complement of each sequences will be used for classification if it is a better match to the reference
#' sequences than the forward sequence.
#' @param outputBootstraps (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, bootstrap values will be retained in an integer matrix. A named list containing the assigned taxonomies (named "taxa")
#' and the bootstrap values (named "boot") will be returned. Minimum bootstrap confidence filtering still takes place,
#' to see full taxonomy set minBoot=0
#' @param taxLevels (Optional). Default is c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species").
#' The taxonomic levels being assigned. Truncates if deeper levels not present in
#' training fasta.
#' @param multithread (Optional). Default is FALSE.
#' If TRUE, multithreading is enabled and the number of available threads is automatically determined.
#' If an integer is provided, the number of threads to use is set by passing the argument on to
#' \code{\link{setThreadOptions}}.
#' @param verbose (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, print status to standard output.
#' @return A character matrix of assigned taxonomies exceeding the minBoot level of
#' bootstrapping confidence. Rows correspond to the provided sequences, columns to the
#' taxonomic levels. NA indicates that the sequence was not consistently classified at
#' that level at the minBoot threshhold.
#' If outputBootstraps is TRUE, a named list containing the assigned taxonomies (named "taxa")
#' and the bootstrap values (named "boot") will be returned.
#' @export
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom ShortRead id
#' @examples
#' seqs <- getSequences(system.file("extdata", "example_seqs.fa", package="dada2"))
#' training_fasta <- system.file("extdata", "example_train_set.fa.gz", package="dada2")
#' taxa <- assignTaxonomy(seqs, training_fasta)
#' taxa80 <- assignTaxonomy(seqs, training_fasta, minBoot=80, multithread=2)
assignTaxonomy <- function(seqs, refFasta, minBoot=50, tryRC=FALSE, outputBootstraps=FALSE,
taxLevels=c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species"),
multithread=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
MIN_REF_LEN <- 20 # Enforced minimum length of reference seqs. Must be bigger than the kmer-size used (8).
MIN_TAX_LEN <- 50 # Minimum length of input sequences to get a taxonomic assignment
# Get character vector of sequences
seqs <- getSequences(seqs)
if(min(nchar(seqs)) < MIN_TAX_LEN) {
warning("Some sequences were shorter than ", MIN_TAX_LEN, " nts and will not receive a taxonomic classification.")
# Read in the reference fasta
refsr <- readFasta(refFasta)
lens <- width(sread(refsr))
if(any(lens<MIN_REF_LEN)) {
refsr <- refsr[lens>=MIN_REF_LEN]
warning(paste0("Some reference sequences were too short (<", MIN_REF_LEN, "nts) and were excluded."))
refs <- as.character(sread(refsr))
tax <- as.character(id(refsr))
tax <- sapply(tax, function(x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)) # Remove leading/trailing whitespace
# Sniff and parse UNITE fasta format
if(all(grepl("FU\\|re[pf]s", tax[1:10]))) {
cat("UNITE fungal taxonomic reference detected.\n")
tax <- sapply(strsplit(tax, "\\|"), `[`, 5)
tax <- gsub("[pcofg]__unidentified;", "_DADA2_UNSPECIFIED;", tax)
tax <- gsub(";s__(\\w+)_", ";s__", tax)
tax <- gsub(";s__sp$", ";_DADA2_UNSPECIFIED", tax)
# Crude format check
if(!grepl(";", tax[[1]])) {
if(length(unlist(strsplit(tax[[1]], "\\s")))==3) {
stop("Incorrect reference file format for assignTaxonomy (this looks like a file formatted for assignSpecies).")
} else {
stop("Incorrect reference file format for assignTaxonomy.")
# Parse the taxonomies from the id string
tax.depth <- sapply(strsplit(tax, ";"), length)
td <- max(tax.depth)
for(i in seq(length(tax))) {
if(tax.depth[[i]] < td) {
for(j in seq(td - tax.depth[[i]])) {
tax[[i]] <- paste0(tax[[i]], "_DADA2_UNSPECIFIED;")
# Create the integer maps from reference to type ("genus") and for each tax level
genus.unq <- unique(tax) <- match(tax, genus.unq)
tax.mat <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(genus.unq, ";")), ncol=td, byrow=TRUE)
tax.df <-
for(i in seq(ncol(tax.df))) {
tax.df[,i] <- factor(tax.df[,i])
tax.df[,i] <- as.integer(tax.df[,i])
} <- as.matrix(tax.df)
### Assign
# Parse multithreading argument
if(is.logical(multithread)) {
if(multithread==TRUE) { RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = "auto") }
else { RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 1) }
} else if(is.numeric(multithread)) {
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = multithread)
} else {
warning("Invalid multithread parameter. Running as a single thread.")
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 1)
# Run C assignemnt code
assignment <- C_assign_taxonomy2(seqs, rc(seqs), refs,,, tryRC, verbose)
# Parse results and return tax consistent with minBoot
bestHit <- genus.unq[assignment$tax]
boots <- assignment$boot
taxes <- strsplit(bestHit, ";")
taxes <- lapply(seq_along(taxes), function(i) taxes[[i]][boots[i,]>=minBoot])
# Convert to character matrix
tax.out <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow=length(seqs), ncol=td)
for(i in seq(length(seqs))) {
if(length(taxes[[i]]) > 0) {
tax.out[i,1:length(taxes[[i]])] <- taxes[[i]]
rownames(tax.out) <- seqs
colnames(tax.out) <- taxLevels[1:ncol(tax.out)]
tax.out[tax.out=="_DADA2_UNSPECIFIED"] <- NA_character_
# Convert boots to integer matrix
boots.out <- matrix(boots, nrow=length(seqs), ncol=td)
rownames(boots.out) <- seqs
colnames(boots.out) <- taxLevels[1:ncol(boots.out)]
list(tax=tax.out, boot=boots.out)
} else {
# Helper function for assignSpecies
mapHits <- function(x, refs, keep, sep="/") {
hits <- refs[x]
hits[grepl("Escherichia", hits, fixed=TRUE) | grepl("Shigella", hits, fixed=TRUE)] <- "Escherichia/Shigella"
if(length(unique(hits))<=keep) {
rval <-, c(as.list(sort(unique(hits))), sep=sep))
} else { rval <- NA_character_ }
if(length(rval)==0) rval <- NA_character_
# Match curated genus names to binomial genus names
# Handles Clostridium groups and split genera names
matchGenera <- function(, gen.binom, split.glyph="/") {
if( || { return(FALSE) }
if(( ||
grepl(paste0("^", gen.binom, "[ _", split.glyph, "]"), ||
grepl(paste0(split.glyph, gen.binom, "$"), {
} else {
#' Taxonomic assignment to the species level by exact matching.
#' \code{assignSpecies} uses exact matching against a reference fasta to identify the
#' genus-species binomial classification of the input sequences.
#' @param seqs (Required). A character vector of the sequences to be assigned, or an object
#' coercible by \code{\link{getUniques}}.
#' @param refFasta (Required). The path to the reference fasta file, or an
#' R connection. Can be compressed.
#' This reference fasta file should be formatted so that the id lines correspond to the
#' genus-species of the associated sequence:
#' >SeqID genus species
#' @param allowMultiple (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' Defines the behavior when multiple exact matches against different species are returned.
#' By default only unambiguous identifications are return. If TRUE, a concatenated string
#' of all exactly matched species is returned. If an integer is provided, multiple
#' identifications up to that many are returned as a concatenated string.
#' @param tryRC (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, the reverse-complement of each sequences will also be tested for exact matching
#' to the reference sequences.
#' @param n (Optional). Default \code{2000}.
#' The number of sequences to perform assignment on at one time.
#' This controls the peak memory requirement so that large numbers of sequences are supported.
#' @param verbose (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, print status to standard output.
#' @return A two-column character matrix. Rows correspond to the provided sequences,
#' columns to the genus and species taxonomic levels. NA indicates that the sequence
#' was not classified at that level.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings vcountPDict
#' @importFrom Biostrings PDict
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom ShortRead reverseComplement
#' @importFrom ShortRead id
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' seqs <- getSequences(system.file("extdata", "example_seqs.fa", package="dada2"))
#' species_fasta <- system.file("extdata", "example_species_assignment.fa.gz", package="dada2")
#' spec <- assignSpecies(seqs, species_fasta)
assignSpecies <- function(seqs, refFasta, allowMultiple=FALSE, tryRC=FALSE, n=2000, verbose=FALSE) {
# Define number of multiple species to return
if(is.logical(allowMultiple)) {
if(allowMultiple) keep <- Inf
else keep <- 1
} else {
keep <- as.integer(allowMultiple)
# Get character vector of sequences
seqs <- getSequences(seqs)
# Read in the reference fasta
refsr <- readFasta(refFasta)
ids <- as(id(refsr), "character")
# Crude format check
if(!length(unlist(strsplit(ids[[1]], "\\s"))) >= 3) {
if(length(unlist(gregexpr(";", ids[[1]]))) >= 3) {
stop("Incorrect reference file format for assignSpecies (this looks like a file formatted for assignTaxonomy).")
} else {
stop("Incorrect reference file format for assignSpecies.")
genus <- sapply(strsplit(ids, "\\s"), `[`, 2)
species <- sapply(strsplit(ids, "\\s"), `[`, 3)
# Identify the exact hits
hits <- vector("list", length(seqs))
lens <- nchar(seqs)
for(len in unique(lens)) { # Requires all same length sequences
i.len <- which(lens==len); n.len <- length(i.len)
j.lo<-1; j.hi<-min(n,n.len)
while(j.lo <= n.len) {
i.loop <- i.len[j.lo:j.hi]
seqdict <- PDict(seqs[i.loop])
vhit <- (vcountPDict(seqdict, sread(refsr))>0)
if(tryRC) vhit <- vhit | (vcountPDict(seqdict, reverseComplement(sread(refsr)))>0)
hits[i.loop] <- lapply(seq(nrow(vhit)), function(x) vhit[x,])
j.lo <- j.lo + n; j.hi <- min(j.hi+n, n.len)
# Get genus species return strings
rval <- cbind(unlist(sapply(hits, mapHits, refs=genus, keep=1)),
unlist(sapply(hits, mapHits, refs=species, keep=keep)))
colnames(rval) <- c("Genus", "Species")
rownames(rval) <- seqs
if(verbose) cat(sum(![,"Species"])), "out of", length(seqs), "were assigned to the species level.\n")
#' Add species-level annotation to a taxonomic table.
#' \code{addSpecies} wraps the \code{\link{assignSpecies}} function to assign genus-species
#' binomials to the input sequences by exact matching against a reference fasta. Those binomials
#' are then merged with the input taxonomic table with species annotations appended as an
#' additional column to the input table.
#' Only species identifications where the genera in the input table and the binomial
#' classification are consistent are included in the return table.
#' @param taxtab (Required). A taxonomic table, the output of \code{\link{assignTaxonomy}}.
#' @param refFasta (Required). The path to the reference fasta file, or an
#' R connection. Can be compressed.
#' This reference fasta file should be formatted so that the id lines correspond to the
#' genus-species binomial of the associated sequence:
#' >SeqID genus species
#' @param allowMultiple (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' Defines the behavior when multiple exact matches against different species are returned.
#' By default only unambiguous identifications are return. If TRUE, a concatenated string
#' of all exactly matched species is returned. If an integer is provided, multiple
#' identifications up to that many are returned as a concatenated string.
#' @param tryRC (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, the reverse-complement of each sequences will be used for classification if it is a better match to the reference
#' sequences than the forward sequence.
#' @param n (Optional). Default \code{1e5}.
#' The number of records (reads) to read in and filter at any one time.
#' This controls the peak memory requirement so that very large fastq files are supported.
#' See \code{\link{FastqStreamer}} for details.
#' @param verbose (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, print status to standard output.
#' @return A character matrix one column larger than input. Rows correspond to
#' sequences, and columns to the taxonomic levels. NA indicates that the sequence
#' was not classified at that level.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{assignTaxonomy}}, \code{\link{assignSpecies}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seqs <- getSequences(system.file("extdata", "example_seqs.fa", package="dada2"))
#' training_fasta <- system.file("extdata", "example_train_set.fa.gz", package="dada2")
#' taxa <- assignTaxonomy(seqs, training_fasta)
#' species_fasta <- system.file("extdata", "example_species_assignment.fa.gz", package="dada2")
#' taxa.spec <- addSpecies(taxa, species_fasta)
#' taxa.spec.multi <- addSpecies(taxa, species_fasta, allowMultiple=TRUE)
addSpecies <- function(taxtab, refFasta, allowMultiple=FALSE, tryRC=FALSE, n=2000, verbose=FALSE) {
seqs <- rownames(taxtab)
binom <- assignSpecies(seqs, refFasta=refFasta, allowMultiple=allowMultiple, tryRC=tryRC, n=n, verbose=verbose)
# Merge tables
if("Genus" %in% colnames(taxtab)) gcol <- which(colnames(taxtab) == "Genus")
else gcol <- ncol(taxtab)
# Match genera
gen.match <- mapply(matchGenera, taxtab[,gcol], binom[,1])
taxtab <- cbind(taxtab, binom[,2])
colnames(taxtab)[ncol(taxtab)] <- "Species"
taxtab[!gen.match,"Species"] <- NA_character_
if(verbose) cat("Of which", sum(![,"Species"])),"had genera consistent with the input table.")
#' This function creates the dada2 assignTaxonomy training fasta for the RDP trainset .fa file
#' ## RDP Trainset 16
#' path <- "~/Desktop/RDP/RDPClassifier_16S_trainsetNo16_rawtrainingdata"
#' dada2:::makeTaxonomyFasta_RDP(file.path(path, "trainset16_022016.fa"),
#' file.path(path, "trainset16_db_taxid.txt"),
#' "~/tax/rdp_train_set_16.fa.gz")
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead writeFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @keywords internal
makeTaxonomyFasta_RDP <- function(fin, fdb, fout, compress=TRUE) {
# Read in the fasta and pull out the taxonomy entries
sr <- readFasta(fin)
id <- as.character(gsub("\"", "", id(sr)))
tax <- sapply(strsplit(id, "\\t"), `[`, 2)
tax <- gsub("^Root;", "", tax)
tax <- strsplit(tax, ";")
# Get the names of the standard 6 taxonomic levels
db <- read.table(file=fdb, sep="*", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(db) <- c("Index", "Name", "L", "R", "Level")
keep <- db$Name[db$Level %in% c("domain", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus")]
# Cut down to just the 6 level taxonomy
tax <- sapply(tax, function(x) x[x %in% keep])
tax <- lapply(tax, paste, collapse = ";")
tax <- unlist(tax)
# Final formatting
tax <- paste0(tax, ";") # Ending semicolon
tax <- gsub("[^;]*_incertae_sedis;$", "", tax) # Uncertain lowest-level assignment is better to leave blank
tax <- gsub(" ", "_", tax)
# Write to disk
writeFasta(ShortRead(sread(sr), BStringSet(tax)), fout,
width=20000L, compress=compress)
#' This function creates the dada2 assignSpecies fasta file for the RDP
#' from the RDP's _Bacteria_unaligned.fa file.
#' ## RDP Trainset 16/Release 11.5
#' dada2:::makeSpeciesFasta_RDP("~/Desktop/RDP/current_Bacteria_unaligned.fa", "~/tax/rdp_species_assignment_16.fa.gz")
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead writeFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom ShortRead narrow
#' @importFrom IRanges narrow
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet
#' @keywords internal
makeSpeciesFasta_RDP <- function(fin, fout, compress=TRUE) {
# Read in and remove records not assigned to species
sr <- readFasta(fin)
is.uncult <- grepl("[Uu]ncultured", id(sr))
sr <- sr[!is.uncult]
is.unclass <- grepl("[Uu]nclassified", id(sr))
sr <- sr[!is.unclass]
is.outgroup <- (grepl("Outgroup", id(sr)))
sr <- sr[!is.outgroup]
is.unident <- grepl("[Uu]nidentified", id(sr))
sr <- sr[!is.unident]
# Pull out the genus species binomial string
binom <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(id(sr)), ";"), `[`, 1)
binom <- sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\t"), `[`, 1)
binom <- gsub(" \\(T\\)", "", binom)
binom <- gsub("\\[", "", binom)
binom <- gsub("\\]", "", binom)
# Match genera between binomial and the curated taxonomy
bar <- strsplit(as.character(id(sr)), ";")
barlens <- sapply(bar, length)
geni <- mapply(function(x,y) x[[y]], bar, barlens-1)
# Get rid of SXXX id
binom <- gsub("^S[0123456789]{9} ", "", binom)
binom <- gsub("\'" , "", binom)
# Drop Candidatus strings
binom <- gsub("Candidatus ", "", binom)
geni <- gsub("Candidatus ", "", geni)
# Subset down to those binomials which match the curated genus
binom.geni <- sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), `[`, 1)
gen.match <- mapply(matchGenera, geni, binom.geni)
sr <- sr[gen.match]
binom <- binom[gen.match]
geni <- geni[gen.match]
# Make matrix of genus/species
binom[sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), length)==1] <- paste(binom[sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), length)==1], "sp.")
binom2 <- cbind(sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), `[`, 1),
sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), `[`, 2))
# Keep only those with a named species
has.spec <- !grepl("sp\\.", binom2[,2])
binom2 <- binom2[has.spec,]
sr <- sr[has.spec]
binom <- binom[has.spec]
geni <- geni[has.spec]
cat(length(binom), "sequences with genus/species binomial annotation output.\n")
# Write to disk
ids <- as.character(narrow(id(sr),1,10))
writeFasta(ShortRead(sread(sr), BStringSet(paste(ids, binom))), fout,
width=20000L, compress=compress)
#' This function creates the dada2 assignTaxonomy training fasta for the official Silva NR99
#' release files. If `include.species`=TRUE, a 7th taxonomic level (species) will be added based on the
#' Genus species binomial in the Silva taxonomy string, if present and valid.
#' ## Silva release v138
#' path <- "~/tax/Silva/v138"
#' dada2:::makeTaxonomyFasta_SilvaNR(file.path(path, "SILVA_138_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta.gz"),
#' file.path(path, "tax_slv_ssu_138.txt"),
#' "~/Desktop/silva_nr99_v138_train_set.fa.gz")
#' dada2:::makeTaxonomyFasta_SilvaNR(file.path(path, "SILVA_138_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta.gz"),
#' file.path(path, "tax_slv_ssu_138.txt"),
#' include.species=TRUE, "~/Desktop/silva_nr99_v138_wSpecies_train_set.fa.gz")
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead writeFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @keywords internal
makeTaxonomyFasta_SilvaNR <- function(fin, ftax, fout, include.species=FALSE, compress=TRUE) {
xset <- DNAStringSet(readRNAStringSet(fin, format="fasta"))
# taxl: The taxonmic strings or (l)ines associated with each entry. Named by the sequence ID/accession.
taxl <- names(xset)
names(taxl) <- sapply(strsplit(names(xset), "\\s"), `[`, 1)
if(any(duplicated(names(taxl)))) stop("Duplicated sequence IDs detected.")
names(xset) <- names(taxl)
taxl <- gsub("^[A-Za-z0-9.]+\\s", "", taxl)
# Fix Silva- or release-specific errors
taxl <- gsub(";YM;", ";", taxl) # YM bacterial suborder included in 138 Release in error (confirmed by Silva)
## taxl <- gsub(";Rahnella1", ";Rahnella", taxl) # Rahnella1 genus seems like an error, shares same species w/ Rahnella,
## But! also in official tax file. Maybe check with Silva on this one.
# taxa: A list of the ordered taxonomic levels corresponding to each reference sequence. Named by the sequence ID/accession.
taxa <- strsplit(taxl, ";")
# Read in the defined Silva taxonomic levels, e.g. Bacteria;Desulfobacterota;Desulfobulbia;Desulfobulbales;Desulfurivibrionaceae;
silva.taxa <- read.table(ftax, sep="\t", col.names=c("Taxon", "V2", "Level", "V4", "V5"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
silva.taxa <- silva.taxa[,c("Taxon", "Level")]
# Subset down to Bacteria and Archaea
kingdom <- sapply(strsplit(taxl, ";"), `[`, 1) <- taxl[kingdom %in% c("Bacteria", "Archaea")] <- taxa[names(]
# Create 6-column matrix with Silva taxonomic assignment for each sequence at each level from Kingdom to Genus (NA if no assignment) <- matrix(sapply(, function(flds) {
c(flds[1], flds[2], flds[3], flds[4], flds[5], flds[6])
}), ncol=6, byrow=TRUE)
rownames( <- names(
# Create 6-column matrix with full Silva taxonomic string at each level for each sequence, from Kingdom to Genus
# Strings will include NA levels if no assignment at that level, e.g. Bacteria;Firmicutes;NA;NA <- matrix("UNDEF", nrow=nrow(, ncol=ncol(
rownames( <- names([,1] <- paste0([,1],";")
for(col in seq(2,6)) {[,col] <- paste0([,col-1],[,col],";")
if(any( == "UNDEF")) stop("Taxon string matrix was not fully initialized.")
# Define the set of valid taxonomic assignment by their appearance in the list of valid Silva taxonomic levels <- matrix( %in% silva.taxa$Taxon, ncol=6)
# Update matrix by replacing invalid entries with NAs[!] <- NA
# Also replace "uncultured" taxonomic ranks with NAs (note, uncultured only shows up as the terminal "assigned" rank)[ %in% c("Uncultured", "uncultured")] <- NA
######### ADD SPECIES PART HERE ##############
if(include.species) {
# Add the 7th column, which will be the species column <- cbind(,
matrix(sapply(, `[`, 7), ncol=1, byrow=TRUE))
# Get validated genus from the matrix
genus <-[,6]
genus <- gsub("Candidatus ", "", genus)
genus <- gsub("\\[", "", genus)
genus <- gsub("\\]", "", genus)
# Get the "binomial" string from the 7th field in the Silva taxonomic annotation
# The "binomial" field is not curated like the other Silva taxonomic levels, and can have varying info
# We assume that the first two words are the Genus species binomial, when there is a valid one in the field
# NOTE: the binomial is actually not always in the 7th field, so this isn't strictly correct.
# the binomial is in the "last" field, which may be <7 when not all the levels down to genus are assigned.
# But we are throwing away everything that doesn't match the genus anyway, so that case
# doesn't need to be handled correctly here.
binom <-[,7]
binom <- gsub("Candidatus ", "", binom)
binom <- gsub("\\[", "", binom)
binom <- gsub("\\]", "", binom)
# Pull out the first two fields, and turn binom into a two column matrix (Genus, species)
binom <- cbind(sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), `[`, 1),
sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), `[`, 2))
# Identify binomials that match the curated genus
gen.match <- mapply(dada2:::matchGenera, genus, binom[,1], split.glyph="-")
# Identify some other types of invalid species names
is.NA <- apply(binom, 1, function(x) any(
is.sp <- grepl("sp\\.", binom[,2]) # "sp." is not a valid species name, just a generic
is.endo <- binom[,1] %in% "endosymbiont" | binom[,2] %in% "endosymbiont"
is.uncult <- grepl("[Uu]ncultured", binom[,1]) | grepl("[Uu]ncultured", binom[,2])
is.unident <- grepl("[Uu]nidentified", binom[,1]) | grepl("[Uu]nidentified", binom[,2])
# Define the "valid" species, and set invalid species to NA in the taxonomic matrix
valid.spec <- gen.match & !is.NA & !is.sp & !is.endo & !is.uncult & !is.unident
binom[!valid.spec,2] <- NA[,7] <- binom[,2]
# Organize a small number of Eukaryota sequences for outgroup purposes, keeping only the Eukaryota Kingdom taxonomic assignment
set.seed(100); N_EUK <- 100
euk.keep <- sample(names(taxl)[kingdom %in% "Eukaryota"], N_EUK)
taxa.euk.mat <- matrix("", nrow=N_EUK, ncol=ncol(
rownames(taxa.euk.mat) <- euk.keep
taxa.euk.mat[,1] <- "Eukaryota"
taxa.euk.mat[,2:ncol(taxa.euk.mat)] <- NA
# Now need to make the final training fasta in DADA2 format. <- rbind(, taxa.euk.mat) <- apply(, 1, function(x) {
tst <- paste(x, collapse=";")
tst <- paste0(tst, ";")
tst <- gsub("NA;", "", tst)
if(any( stop("NA names in the final set of taxon strings.")
if(!all(names( %in% names(xset))) stop("Some names of the final set of taxon strings don't match sequence names.")
xset.out <- xset[names(]
## Add some verbose output describing what happened.
cat(length(xset.out), "reference sequences were output.\n")
print(table([,1], useNA="ifany"))
if(include.species) cat(sum(![,7])), "entries include species names.\n")
writeFasta(ShortRead(unname(xset.out), BStringSet(, fout,
width=20000L, compress=compress)
#' DEPRECATED in favor of `makeTaxonomyFasta_SilvaNR``
#' This function creates the dada2 assignTaxonomy training fasta for the Silva .align file
#' generated by the Mothur project.
#' ## Silva release v128
#' path <- "~/Desktop/Silva/Silva.nr_v128"
#' dada2:::makeTaxonomyFasta_Silva(file.path(path, "silva.nr_v128.align"),
#' file.path(path, ""),
#' "~/tax/silva_nr_v128_train_set.fa.gz")
#' ## Silva release v132
#' path <- "~/Desktop/Silva/Silva.nr_v132"
#' dada2:::makeTaxonomyFasta_Silva(file.path(path, "silva.nr_v132.align"),
#' file.path(path, ""),
#' "~/tax/silva_nr_v132_train_set.fa.gz")
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead writeFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @keywords internal
makeTaxonomyFasta_Silva <- function(fin, ftax, fout, compress=TRUE) {
# Read in the fasta and pull out the taxonomy entries
sr <- readFasta(fin) # ~10GB to read in
ids <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(id(sr)), "\\t"), `[`, 1)
seqs <- gsub("[.-]", "", sread(sr)) # Takes a while
# Read in the taxnoomy file
taxdf <- read.table(ftax, sep="\t", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(taxdf) <- c("id", "tax")
taxdf$tax <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", taxdf$tax)
if(!identical(taxdf$id, ids)) stop("Input align and taxonomy files don't match.")
# Final formatting
tax <- taxdf$tax
tax <- gsub("Escherichia-Shigella", "Escherichia/Shigella", tax)
# Remove faux-assignments added by new Mothur processing script
tax <- gsub("[^;]*_ge;$", "", tax)
tax <- gsub("[^;]*_fa;$", "", tax)
tax <- gsub("[^;]*_or;$", "", tax)
tax <- gsub("[^;]*_cl;$", "", tax)
tax <- gsub("[^;]*_ph;$", "", tax)
tax <- gsub(";uncultured;$", ";", tax)
# Write to disk
writeFasta(ShortRead(DNAStringSet(seqs), BStringSet(tax)), fout,
width=20000L, compress=compress)
#' This function creates the dada2 assignSpecies fasta file for Silva
#' from the SILVA_[VERSION]_SSURef_tax_silva.fasta file
#' ## Silva release v128
#' dada2:::makeSpeciesFasta_Silva("~/Desktop/Silva/SILVA_128_SSURef_tax_silva.fasta.gz",
#' "~/tax/silva_species_assignment_v128.fa.gz")
#' ## Silva release v132
#' dada2:::makeSpeciesFasta_Silva("~/Desktop/Silva/SILVA_132_SSURef_tax_silva.fasta.gz",
#' "~/tax/silva_species_assignment_v132.fa.gz")
#' Output: 313502 sequences with genus/species binomial annotation output.
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead writeFasta
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings readRNAStringSet
#' @keywords internal
makeSpeciesFasta_Silva <- function(fin, fout, compress=TRUE) {
# Read in and remove records not assigned to species and non-bacteria
xset <- DNAStringSet(readRNAStringSet(fin, format="fasta"))
is.bact <- grepl("Bacteria;", names(xset), fixed=TRUE)
xset <- xset[is.bact]
is.uncult <- grepl("[Uu]ncultured", names(xset))
xset <- xset[!is.uncult]
is.unident <- grepl("[Uu]nidentified", names(xset))
xset <- xset[!is.unident]
is.complete <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(names(xset)), ";"), length)==7
xset <- xset[is.complete]
# Pull out binomial strings
binom <- strsplit(as.character(names(xset)), ";")
genus <- sapply(binom, `[`, 6)
binom <- sapply(binom, `[`, 7)
genus <- gsub("Candidatus ", "", genus)
binom <- gsub("Candidatus ", "", binom)
genus <- gsub("\\[", "", genus)
genus <- gsub("\\]", "", genus)
binom <- gsub("\\[", "", binom)
binom <- gsub("\\]", "", binom)
# Subset down to those binomials which match the curated genus
genus.binom <- sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), `[`, 1)
gen.match <- mapply(matchGenera, genus, genus.binom, split.glyph="-")
# Note that raw Silva files use Escherichia-Shigella, but this is changed to Escherichia/Shigella in dada2 version
xset <- xset[gen.match]
binom <- binom[gen.match]
genus <- genus[gen.match]
# Make matrix of genus/species
binom[sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), length)==1] <- paste(binom[sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), length)==1], "sp.")
binom2 <- cbind(sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), `[`, 1),
sapply(strsplit(binom, "\\s"), `[`, 2))
# Keep only those with a named species
has.spec <- !grepl("sp\\.", binom2[,2]) & !(binom2[,2]=="endosymbiont")
binom2 <- binom2[has.spec,]
xset <- xset[has.spec]
binom <- binom[has.spec]
genus <- genus[has.spec]
cat(length(binom), "sequences with genus/species binomial annotation output.\n")
# Write to disk
ids <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(names(xset)), "\\s"), `[`, 1)
writeFasta(ShortRead(unname(xset), BStringSet(paste(ids, binom))), fout,
width=20000L, compress=compress)
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