
Defines functions findRareValues makeCombos combineGroups anchorByStrength grp stdRoute findOptPath getCosts getOpt getPaths getCombosIx remainder entStop entStart entVal convert tstrsplit2

Documented in anchorByStrength combineGroups convert entStart entStop entVal findOptPath findRareValues getCombosIx getCosts getOpt getPaths grp makeCombos remainder stdRoute tstrsplit2

#' Internal functions for buildDose process
#' These internal functions aid the \code{\link{buildDose}} function and process.
#' \code{tstrsplit2}: a wrapper for the \code{\link[data.table]{tstrsplit}} function in \pkg{data.table} 
#' with some additional formatting 
#' \code{convert}: formats final results that are returned in \code{\link{buildDose}}, including 
#' separating the extracted expression from its start and stop position
#' \code{entVal}: isolates the extracted expression from a string of the format 
#' "extracted expression::start position::stop position"
#' \code{entStart}: isolates the start position from a string of the format 
#' "extracted expression::start position::stop position"
#' \code{entStop}: isolates the stop position from a string of the format 
#' "extracted expression::start position::stop position"
#' \code{remainder}: performs some formatting for paths containing NA values
#' \code{getCombosIx}: forms the individual paths within the \code{getPaths} function
#' \code{getPaths}: builds paths from entity pairings using other helper function \code{getCombosIx}
#' \code{getOpt}: takes in the possible paths as well as the cost computations from \code{getCosts}, 
#' combines costs at the path level using the helper functions \code{remainder} and \code{getPaths}, 
#' and returns the path with the minimum cost
#' \code{getCosts}: computes the distance for each path based on the distance method specified in \code{buildDose} 
#' \code{findOptPath}: uses the helper functions \code{getCosts} and \code{getOpt} to 
#' determine the optimal path based on the selected distance method
#' \code{stdRoute}: standardize the "route" entity. This function is also used in the 
#' \code{collapseDose} function and process.
#' \code{grp}: groups drug entities based on a particular anchor point (e.g. strength 
#' or dose)
#' \code{anchorByStrength}: forms subgroups of entities by anchoring to strength. This is done within existing groups 
#' which are anchored by drug name
#' \code{combineGroups}: determines how to form groups of the entities based on the complexity of the extraction (i.e., 
#' number of extractions for each entity)
#' \code{makeCombos}: takes all extracted entities and puts them into groups based on position and minimum cost of paths. 
#' This is the highest level function within \code{\link{buildDose}}; it calls other helper functions including \code{combineGroups} 
#' and \code{anchorByStrength}.
#' \code{findRareValues}: find rare values for each column in a data.frame; rare defaults to less than two percent.
#' @name build-internal
#' @aliases tstrsplit2 convert entVal entStart entStop
#' remainder getCombosIx getPaths getOpt getCosts findOptPath
#' stdRoute grp anchorByStrength combineGroups makeCombos findRareValues
#' @keywords internal

tstrsplit2 <- function(x, split) {
  res <- data.table::tstrsplit(x, split)
  if(length(res) == 0) {
    tmp <- rep(NA, length(x))
    res <- list(tmp, tmp, tmp)

convert <- function(x) {
  cnames <- setdiff(names(x), c('filename'))
  for(i in seq_along(cnames)) {
    newcols <- c(cnames[i], paste(cnames[i], c('A','B'), sep = '.'))
    x[, (newcols) := tstrsplit2(get(cnames[i]), "::")]
  chng <- grep('A|B$', names(x))
  x[,(chng):= lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = chng]

entVal <- function(str) sub('([^:]*)::.*::.*', '\\1', str)
entStart <- function(str) as.numeric(sub('.*::(.*)::.*', '\\1', str))
entStop <- function(str) as.numeric(sub('.*::.*::(.*)', '\\1', str))

remainder <- function(d, ix) {
  d[is.na(d)] <- -999
  r <- d[rep(ix, nrow(d)),]
  # NAs shouldn't be mutually exclusive, but it may not be worth it
  # find 2x4 example
  # unname(rowSums(r[rep(1,nrow(d)),] == d, na.rm = TRUE) == 0)
  unname(rowSums(r[rep(1,nrow(d)),] == d) == 0)

getCombosIx <- function(m, v, e) {
  c1 <- which(rowSums(m[,v,drop=FALSE]) == length(v) & seq(nrow(m)) > max(v))
  if(length(c1)) {
    return(lapply(c1, function(i) list(i, getCombosIx(m, c(v, i), e))))
  e$paths[[v[1]]] <- append(e$paths[[v[1]]], list(v))

getPaths <- function(m) {
  e <- new.env()
  e$paths <- vector('list', nrow(m))
  for(i in seq(nrow(m))) {
    getCombosIx(m, i, e)
  do.call(c, e$paths)

getOpt <- function(x, cost, useGreedy = 1e8) {
  nr <- nrow(x)
  k <- max(apply(x, 2, function(i) length(unique(i))))
  nck <- choose(nr, k)

  # too many choices are problematic
  if(nck > useGreedy) {
    # greedy algorithm
    xx <- x[order(cost),]
    path <- 1
    repeat {
      pick <- which(rowSums(vapply(path, remainder, logical(nr), d = xx)) == length(path))[1]
      if(is.na(pick)) break
      path <- c(path, pick)

  # remainder needs NA values to be at unique positions
  m <- matrix(FALSE, nr, nr)
  for(i in seq(nr)) {
    m[,i] <- remainder(x, i)
  hp <- getPaths(m)
  # reset those unique positions to NA
  x[x < 0] <- NA

  # restrict to unique paths
  l <- length(hp)
  path_uniq <- character(l)
  for(i in seq(l)) {
    path_i <- as.character(x[hp[[i]],])
    path_uniq[i] <- paste(path_i, collapse = '^')
  hp <- hp[!duplicated(path_uniq)]

  # faster version of `sort`
  helperSort <- function(x, uniq = FALSE) {
    y <- x[!is.na(x)]
    if(uniq) y <- unique(y)
    y[order(y, method = 'radix')]
  uniqElements <- function(df, uniq = FALSE) {
    lapply(df, helperSort, uniq)
  el <- uniqElements(x, TRUE)
  # a valid path must have a minimum number of rows
  minrow <- max(vapply(el, length, numeric(1)))

  # restrict to valid paths
  l <- length(hp)
  path_diff <- logical(l)
  for(i in seq(l)) {
    path_i <- x[hp[[i]],]
    if(nrow(path_i) >= minrow) {
      pe <- uniqElements(path_i)
      path_diff[i] <- identical(el, pe)
  khp <- hp[path_diff]

  # calculate path distance
  l <- length(khp)
  pd <- rep(Inf, l)
  # use mean or sum?
  for(i in seq(l)) {
    pd[i] <- mean(cost[khp[[i]]])
  top2 <- order(pd)[1:2]
  path <- khp[[top2[1]]]

getCosts <- function(byBeg, byEnd, na_penalty = 32) {
  ent <- sort(names(byBeg))
  byBeg <- byBeg[,ent]
  byEnd <- byEnd[,ent]
  # form entity pair names, ie "dose+freq"
  pairs <- unlist(lapply(ent, function(i) paste(i, ent, sep = '+')))

  nc <- ncol(byBeg)
  fm <- matrix(0,nc,nc)
  ix2 <- which(upper.tri(fm))
  ix1 <- which(lower.tri(fm))
  pn <- pairs[ix1]

  byBeg[byBeg < 0] <- NA
  byEnd[byEnd < 0] <- NA

  t1 <- matrix(Inf, nrow(byBeg), length(pn))
  t2 <- matrix(Inf, nrow(byBeg), length(pn))
  colnames(t1) <- pn
  colnames(t2) <- pn
  neg_mag <- getOption('ehr.neg_penalty')
  if(is.null(neg_mag)) neg_mag <- 0.5
  neg_penalty <- na_penalty * neg_mag
  for(i in seq_along(pn)) {
    if(pn[i] == 'dose+freq' ) {
      val <- byBeg[,'freq'] - byBeg[,'dose']
      nv <- !is.na(val) & val < 0
      val[nv] <- abs(val[nv]) + neg_penalty
      val2 <- byBeg[,c('freq','dose')] - byEnd[,c('dose','freq')]
      val2[,2] <- val2[,2] * -1
      nv <- !is.na(val2) & val2 < 0
      val2[nv] <- abs(val2[nv]) + neg_penalty
    } else {
      e1 <- sub('[+].*', '', pn[i])
      e2 <- sub('.*[+]', '', pn[i])
      val <- abs(byBeg[,e1] - byBeg[,e2])
      val2 <- abs(byBeg[,c(e1,e2)] - byEnd[,c(e2,e1)])
    val[is.na(val)] <- na_penalty
    val2[is.na(val2)] <- na_penalty
    t1[,i] <- val
    t2[,i] <- apply(val2, 1, min)
    m1 <- apply(byBeg, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
    m2 <- apply(byEnd, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)
    t0 <- m2 - m1 + rowSums(is.na(byBeg)) * na_penalty
  if(nc > 2) {
    t3 <- t(apply(t1, 1, function(i) sort(i)[-nc]))
    t4 <- t(apply(t2, 1, function(i) sort(i)[-nc]))
  } else {
    t3 <- t1
    t4 <- t2
  t5 <- t3^2
  t6 <- t4^2
  t7 <- cbind(t3[,1], t3)
  t8 <- cbind(t4[,1], t4)
  dd <- data.frame(
    minMax = t0,
    byBeg = rowSums(t1),
    byEnd = rowSums(t2),
    sumBeg = rowSums(t3),
    sumEnd = rowSums(t4),
    sumBegSq = rowSums(t5),
    sumEndSq = rowSums(t6),
    minEntBeg = rowSums(t7),
    minEntEnd = rowSums(t8)

# strength/dosestr should be established
findOptPath <- function(indat, est) {
  # potential options
  meth <- getOption('ehr.dist_method')
  if(is.null(meth)) meth <- 'minEntEnd'
  na_pen <- getOption('ehr.na_penalty')
  if(is.null(na_pen)) na_pen <- ((meth == 'minMax') + 1) * 32
  greedThresh <- getOption('ehr.greedy_threshold')
  if(is.null(greedThresh)) greedThresh <- 1e8
  # end of options
  ix <- match(est, names(indat))
  size <- vapply(indat, length, numeric(1))
  ix <- unique(c(ix, which(size == 0)))
  entityOutPath <- indat[ix]
  entityInPath <- indat[-ix]
  if(length(entityInPath) == 1) {
    ans <- vector('list', length(entityInPath[[1]]))
    entity <- names(entityInPath)
    for(i in seq_along(ans)) {
      ans[[i]] <- entityOutPath
      keep <- entityInPath[[entity]][i]
      ans[[i]][[entity]] <- keep
  maxsize <- max(size[names(entityInPath)])
  for(i in seq_along(entityInPath)) {
    reqNA <- unname(maxsize - size[names(entityInPath)[i]])
    useNA <- character(0)
    if(reqNA > 0) {
      fakeLoc <- -999 + seq_len(reqNA)
      useNA <- paste0('missing::', fakeLoc, '::', fakeLoc)
    entityInPath[[i]] <- c(entityInPath[[i]], NA, useNA)
  eg <- expand.grid(entityInPath)
  hasMiss <- apply(eg, 2, grepl, pattern = '^missing')
  eg <- eg[rowSums(is.na(eg) | hasMiss) != ncol(eg),, drop = FALSE]
  egloc <- as.data.frame(apply(eg, 2, entStart))
  eglocEnd <- as.data.frame(apply(eg, 2, entStop))
  # create cost for each pair
  gc <- getCosts(egloc, eglocEnd, na_pen)
  costs <- gc[,meth]
  loc <- lapply(entityInPath, entStart)
  # form every valid combination and take minimum group
  best <- getOpt(egloc, costs, greedThresh)
  nr <- nrow(best)
  ans <- vector('list', nr)
  for(i in seq_along(ans)) {
    ans[[i]] <- entityOutPath
    for(j in seq_along(entityInPath)) {
      entity <- names(entityInPath)[j]
      mix <- match(best[i,entity], loc[[entity]])
      keep <- entityInPath[[entity]][mix]
      if(grepl('^missing::-9', keep)) keep <- NA
      ans[[i]][[entity]] <- keep

stdRoute <- function(x) {
  rte <- gsub('[. ]', '', tolower(x))
  rte[grep('skin', rte)] <- 'transdermal'
  rte[grep('iv|intravenous', rte)] <- 'iv'
  rte[grep('mouth|oral|po', rte)] <- 'orally'
  rte[grep('subcut|sq', rte)] <- 'sq'

# group item by point-of-interest (strength)
grp <- function(p, brks) {
  cut(p, c(-Inf,brks,Inf), labels = FALSE, right = FALSE) - 1

anchorByStrength <- function(poi, loc, dat, str, doseOpt, dosestr, dsgrp) {
  lp <- length(poi)
  if(lp == 1 && is.na(poi)) {
    grps <- dat
    grps[['strength']] <- character(0)
  } else {
    grps <- vector('list', lp + 1)
    info <- lapply(loc, grp, poi)
    # dose must match doseOpt
    if('dose' %in% names(info) && length(info[['dose']])) {
      baddose <- which(!info[['dose']] %in% doseOpt)
      while(length(baddose)) {
        info[['dose']][baddose] <- info[['dose']][baddose] - 1
        baddose <- which(!info[['dose']] %in% doseOpt)
    for(i in seq_along(grps)) {
      grps[[i]] <- vector('list', length(dat))
      for(j in seq_along(dat)) {
        if(length(dat[[j]])) {
          grps[[i]][[j]] <- dat[[j]][info[[j]] == (i - 1)]
        } else {
          grps[[i]][[j]] <- character(0)
      names(grps[[i]]) <- names(dat)
      if(!is.null(dosestr)) {
        grps[[i]][['dosestr']] <- character(0)
      if(i == 1) {
        grps[[i]][['strength']] <- character(0)
      } else if((i - 1) %in% dsgrp) {
        grps[[i]][['strength']] <- character(0)
        grps[[i]][['dosestr']] <- dosestr[match(i-1, dsgrp)]
      } else {
        # if it wasn't in dsgrp, it must be in doseOpt
        # but it can't be group 1 (ie zero)
        strgrp <- match(i - 1, doseOpt) - 1
        grps[[i]][['strength']] <- str[strgrp]

combineGroups <- function(dat, layers = NULL) {
  ix <- match(c('drugname','strength'), names(dat))
  dn <- dat[[ix[1]]]
  str <- dat[[ix[2]]]
  dat <- dat[-ix]
  loc <- lapply(dat, entStart)
  poi <- entStart(str)
  doseOpt <- seq_along(poi)
  dsgrp <- numeric(0)
  entities <- 'strength'
  if(!is.null(layers)) {
    ds <- entStart(layers)
    poi <- sort(unique(c(poi, ds)))
    dsgrp <- match(ds, poi)
    doseOpt <- which(!poi %in% ds)
    entities <- c(entities, 'dosestr')
  doseOpt <- c(0, doseOpt)
  # standardize route
  route <- NULL
  ix <- match('route', names(dat))
  if(!is.na(ix) && length(dat[['route']])) {
    rte <- entVal(dat[['route']])
    # one form of route
    if(length(unique(stdRoute(rte))) == 1) {
      route <- dat[[ix]]
      rteloc <- loc[[ix]]
      dat <- dat[-ix]
      loc <- loc[-ix]
      entities <- c(entities, 'route')
  cols <- c(entities, names(dat))
  if(length(unlist(loc)) == 0) {
    if(!is.null(route)) {
      dat[['route']] <- route
    for(i in seq_along(dat)) {
      if(length(dat[[i]]) == 0) dat[[i]] <- NA
    # if multiple routes, group by strength
    if(!is.null(route) && length(route) > 1) {
      loc$route <- rteloc
      grps <- anchorByStrength(poi, loc, dat, str, doseOpt, layers, dsgrp)
      ingrp1 <- sum(vapply(grps[[1]], length, numeric(1)))
      if(ingrp1 == 0) {
        grps <- grps[-1]
      # single or NULL route
    } else {
      if(length(str) == 0) str <- NA
      dat[['strength']] <- str
      if(!is.null(layers)) {
        dat[['dosestr']] <- layers

      newdat <- as.data.frame(dat)
      # possible for drugname to be only entity
      if(nrow(newdat) == 1 && sum(!is.na(newdat[1,])) == 0) {
      return(cbind(drugname = dn, newdat))
  } else {
    grps <- anchorByStrength(poi, loc, dat, str, doseOpt, layers, dsgrp)
    # group 1 values
    ingrp1 <- sum(vapply(grps[[1]], length, numeric(1)))

    # special unique route case
    # this should guarantee one route per group
    if(!is.null(route)) {
      rtegrp <- grp(rteloc, poi) + 1
      if(1 %in% rtegrp) ingrp1 <- ingrp1 + 1
      for(i in seq_along(grps)) {
        closestRte <- which(rtegrp == i)[1]
        if(is.na(closestRte)) {
          closestRte <- which.min(abs(rteloc - poi[i-1]))
        if(length(closestRte) == 0) closestRte <- 1
        grps[[i]][['route']] <- route[closestRte]
    # remove group 1 if nothing found
    if(ingrp1 == 0) {
      grps <- grps[-1]

  info <- sapply(grps, function(i) vapply(i, length, numeric(1)))
  # route is a special case
  if('route' %in% rownames(info)) {
    rtecheck <- info['route',] > 1
  } else {
    rtecheck <- FALSE
  cs <- colSums(info > 1)
  done <- grps[cs == 0]
  part <- grps[cs == 1 & rtecheck]
  work <- grps[cs > 1 | (cs == 1 & !rtecheck)]
  # only one entity with discrepancy
  for(i in seq_along(part)) {
    rp <- max(info[,cs == 1,drop = FALSE][,i])
    anchoropt <- (!is.null(layers) && length(part[[i]][['dosestr']])) + 1
    anchorpnt <- c('strength','dosestr')[anchoropt]
    s <- part[[i]][[anchorpnt]]
    part[[i]][[anchorpnt]] <- rep(s, rp)
  if(length(work)) {
    work <- lapply(work, function(i) {
      findOptPath(i, est = entities)
    work <- do.call(c, work)
  done <- c(done, part, work)
  res <- vector('list', length(done))
  for(i in seq_along(done)) {
    for(j in seq_along(done[[i]])) {
      if(length(done[[i]][[j]]) == 0) {
        done[[i]][[j]] <- NA
    res[[i]] <- as.data.frame(done[[i]])[,cols]
  ans <- do.call(rbind, res)
  # reorder by position
  if(nrow(ans) > 1) {
    posmat <- t(apply(apply(ans, 2, entStart), 1, sort, na.last = TRUE))
    ix <- do.call(order, as.list(as.data.frame(posmat)))
    ans <- ans[ix,]
    rownames(ans) <- NULL
  cbind(drugname = dn, ans)

makeCombos <- function(row, gap, preserve = NULL) {
  # NSE fix for R CMD CHECK
  ..pcols <- NULL
  ..xnames <- NULL
  rm(..pcols, ..xnames)
  # end
  xnames <- names(row)
  if(!is.null(preserve)) {
    preserve <- intersect(xnames, preserve)
    pcols <- match(preserve, xnames)
    xp <- row[, ..pcols]
    row <- row[,-..pcols]
  } else {
    xp <- NULL
  fn <- row[,1]
  entities <- lapply(row[,-1], function(i) strsplit(i, "`")[[1]])
  s.i <- lapply(entities, entStart)
  loc <- sort(unlist(s.i))
  grps <- unique(unname(loc[c(TRUE, diff(loc) > gap)]))
  lg <- length(grps)
  if('dosestr' %in% xnames) {
    hasDS <- TRUE
    dsix <- match('dosestr', names(entities))
    dsEntity <- entities[[dsix]]
    ds.s.i <- s.i[[dsix]]
    entities <- entities[-dsix]
    s.i <- s.i[-dsix]
  } else {
    hasDS <- FALSE
    dsEntity <- character(0)
  ent.names <- names(entities)
  nEntities <- length(entities)

  clusters <- vector('list', lg)
  for(i in seq_along(clusters)) {
    clusters[[i]] <- setNames(vector('list', nEntities), ent.names)
  ent.len <- vapply(entities, length, numeric(1))
  for(i in seq_along(entities)) {
    ent.name <- ent.names[i]
    l <- ent.len[i]
    # entity doesn't exist in any cluster
    if(l == 0) {
      for(j in seq_along(clusters)) {
        clusters[[j]][[i]] <- character(0)
    } else {
      s.g <- cut(s.i[[i]], c(grps,Inf), labels = FALSE, right = FALSE)
      for(j in seq_along(clusters)) {
        opts <- numeric(0)
        # copy drugname to all clusters
        if(l == 1 && ent.name == 'drugname') {
          opts <- entities[[i]]
          # copy strength to clusters >=
        } else if(l == 1 && ent.name == 'strength' && !hasDS && j >= s.g) {
          opts <- entities[[i]]
        } else {
          opts <- entities[[i]][s.g == j]
        if(length(opts) == 0) opts <- character(0)
        clusters[[j]][[i]] <- opts
  # dosestr
  dsCluster <- NULL
  if(hasDS) {
    dsCluster <- vector('list', lg)
    s.g <- cut(ds.s.i, c(grps,Inf), labels = FALSE, right = FALSE)
    # special conditions of length(dsEntity) == 1 and no strength
    if(ent.len['strength'] == 0 && ent.len['dose'] == 0 && length(dsEntity) == 1) {
      for(j in seq_along(dsCluster)) {
        opts <- dsEntity[j >= s.g]
        if(length(opts)) dsCluster[[j]] <- opts
    } else {
      for(j in seq_along(dsCluster)) {
        opts <- dsEntity[s.g == j]
        if(length(opts)) dsCluster[[j]] <- opts

  allGroups <- vector('list', lg)
  for(i in seq_along(allGroups)) {
    tmp <- combineGroups(clusters[[i]], dsCluster[[i]])
    if(length(tmp)) allGroups[[i]] <- tmp
    if(length(tmp) && hasDS && is.null(dsCluster[[i]])) {
      allGroups[[i]][,'dosestr'] <- NA
  allGroups <- cbind(fn, do.call(rbind, allGroups))
  if(!is.null(xp)) {
    allGroups <- cbind(allGroups, xp)

## question of interest ##
# given `rep(1:10, 1:10)`, which values are significantly rare?
# function(tableObj, perc = 0.05, n = 1000) {
#   if(exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
#     save.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir= .GlobalEnv)
#     on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", save.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
#   } else {
#     on.exit(rm(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv))
#   }
#   zs <- function(x) {
#     y <- c(scale(x))
#     y[is.nan(y)] <- 0
#     y
#   }
#   rowMeans(replicate(n, quantile(zs(sample(tableObj, replace=TRUE)), c(1,perc))))[-1]
# }

findRareValues <- function(dat, propThresh = 0.02, maxPerc = 0.5, colsToExclude = NULL) {
  coi <- setdiff(names(dat), colsToExclude)
  res <- vector('list', length(coi))
  for(i in seq_along(coi)) {
    var <- coi[i]
    val <- gsub('[[:space:]]', '', tolower(dat[[var]]))
#     to consider
#     val <- gsub('[^a-zA-Z0-9.]+', '*', val)
    val <- val[!is.na(val) & nchar(val) > 0]
    nv <- length(val)
    vtbl <- table(val)
    percThresh <- NA
    if(maxPerc < 0.05) {
      percThresh <- quantile(vtbl, maxPerc)
    } else {
      ps <- quantile(vtbl, c(seq(100)/100, maxPerc))
      ix <- which(ps < ps[101])
      if(length(ix)) {
        percThresh <- ps[max(ix)]
#     if(median(vtbl) > 1) {
    if(!is.na(percThresh)) {
      th <- max(1, floor(min(nv * propThresh, percThresh)))
      ix <- which(vtbl <= th)
      if(length(ix)) {
        ptbl <- vtbl / sum(vtbl)
        res[[i]] <- cbind(var, as.data.frame(vtbl[ix, drop = FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE), Prop = c(ptbl[ix, drop = FALSE]))
  z <- do.call(rbind, res)
  rownames(z) <- NULL

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