Man pages for HAPim

allele.marqalleles at markers
depart.LDstarting values for the optimization of HAPimLD method
depart.LDLstarting values for the optimization of HAPimLDL method
descendant.perefirst and last indexes of each sire progeny
distance.marqueursdistance of markers
distance.testlocalisation of test positions
esp.freq.hapexpectation of extended haplotype frequencies
freq.allallelic frequencies
haldanem1recombination rate
hapim.LD.addHAPimLD method
hapim.LDL.addHAPimLDL method
haplomax.addHaploMax method in unrelated population
haplomax.HS.addHaploMax method in half-sib family design
moyenne.pereaverage of performances per sire
obj.haplomax.addanalysis of variance of the HaploMax method
obj.haplomax.HS.addAnalysis of variance of the HaploMmax method in half-sib...
obj.LD.addlog-likelihood value of HAPimLD method under H1
obj.LD.add.H0log-likelihood value of HAPimLD method under H0
obj.LDL.addlog-likelihood value of the HAPimLDL method under H1
obj.LDL.add.H0log-likelihood value of the HAPimLDL method under H0
pi.haphaplotype frequencies
pi.hap.NIhaplotype frequencies
proba.DLconditional probabilities
proba.DL.diplotypeprobabilities due to linkage disequilibrium
recode.haprecoding of haplotypes
retrouve.allhaplotype reconstruction
vrais.LD.addlog likelihood of HAPIimLD method under H1
vrais.LDL.addlog likelihood of HAPimLDL method under H1
vrais.LDL.add.pereintra-sire log likelihood of HAPimLDL method under H1.
HAPim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:10 p.m.