
Defines functions PlotPPMToPdf PlotPPM PlotCatalogToPdf.IndelCatalog PlotCatalog.IndelCatalog PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS136Catalog PlotCatalog.DBS136Catalog PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS144Catalog PlotCatalog.DBS144Catalog PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS78Catalog PlotCatalog.DBS78Catalog PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS1536Catalog PlotCatalog.SBS1536Catalog PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS192Catalog PlotCatalog.SBS192Catalog PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS96Catalog PlotCatalog.SBS96Catalog PlotCatalogToPdf PlotCatalog

Documented in PlotCatalog PlotCatalogToPdf PlotPPM PlotPPMToPdf

#' Plot \strong{one} spectrum or signature
#' Plot the spectrum of \strong{one} sample or plot \strong{one} signature. The
#' type of graph is based on \code{attribute("catalog.type")} of the input catalog.
#' You can first use \code{\link{TransformCatalog}} to get different types of
#' catalog and then do the plotting.
#' @param catalog A catalog as defined in \code{\link{ICAMS}} with attributes
#'   added. See \code{\link{as.catalog}} for more details. \code{catalog} can
#'   also be a numeric \code{matrix}, numeric \code{data.frame}, or a
#'   \code{vector} denoting the mutation \strong{counts}, but \strong{must} be in the
#'   correct row order used in \code{\link{ICAMS}}. See
#'   \code{\link{CatalogRowOrder}} for more details. If \code{catalog} is a
#'   \code{vector}, it will be converted to a 1-column \code{matrix} with
#'   rownames taken from the element names of the \code{vector} and with column
#'   name \code{"Unknown"}.
#' @param plot.SBS12 Only meaningful for class \code{SBS192Catalog}; if \code{TRUE},
#' generate an abbreviated plot of only SBS without context, i.e. 
#' C>A, C>G, C>T, T>A, T>C, T>G each on transcribed and untranscribed strands,
#' rather than SBS in trinucleotide context, e.g.
#' ACA > AAA, ACA > AGA, ..., TCT > TAT, ... There are 12 bars in the graph.
#' @param cex Has the usual meaning. Taken from \code{par("cex")} by default.
#'   Only implemented for SBS96Catalog, SBS192Catalog and DBS144Catalog.
#' @param grid A logical value indicating whether to draw grid lines. Only
#'   implemented for SBS96Catalog, DBS78Catalog, IndelCatalog.
#' @param upper A logical value indicating whether to draw horizontal lines and
#'   the names of major mutation class on top of graph. Only implemented for
#'   SBS96Catalog, DBS78Catalog, IndelCatalog.
#' @param ylim Has the usual meaning. Only implemented for SBS96Catalog and
#'   IndelCatalog.
#' @param xlabels A logical value indicating whether to draw x axis labels. Only
#'   implemented for SBS96Catalog, DBS78Catalog, IndelCatalog. If \code{FALSE} then plot x
#'   axis tick marks for SBS96Catalog; set \code{par(tck = 0)} to suppress.
#' @param ylabels A logical value indicating whether to draw y axis labels. Only
#'   implemented for SBS96Catalog, DBS78Catalog, IndelCatalog.
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom stats binom.test p.adjust
#' @return An \strong{invisible} list whose first element is a logic value
#'   indicating whether the plot is successful. For \code{SBS96Catalog},
#'   \code{SBS192Catalog}, \code{DBS78Catalog}, \code{DBS144Catalog} and
#'   \code{IndelCatalog}, the list will have a second element, which is a
#'   numeric vector giving the coordinates of all the bar midpoints drawn,
#'   useful for adding to the graph. For \strong{SBS192Catalog} with "counts"
#'   catalog.type and non-NULL abundance and \code{plot.SBS12 = TRUE}, the list
#'   will have an additional element which is a list containing the strand bias
#'   statistics.
#' @note The sizes of repeats involved in deletions range from 0 to 5+ in the
#'   mutational-spectra and signature catalog rownames, but for plotting and
#'   end-user documentation deletion repeat sizes range from 1 to 6+.
#' @section Comments: For \strong{SBS192Catalog} with "counts" catalog.type and
#'   non-NULL abundance and \code{plot.SBS12 = TRUE}, the strand bias statistics
#'   are Benjamini-Hochberg q-values based on two-sided binomial tests of the
#'   mutation counts on the transcribed and untranscribed strands relative to
#'   the actual abundances of C and T on the transcribed strand. On the SBS12
#'   plot, asterisks indicate q-values as follows *, \eqn{Q<0.05}; **,
#'   \eqn{Q<0.01}; ***, \eqn{Q<0.001}.
#' @export
#' @name PlotCatalog
#' @examples 
#' file <- system.file("extdata",
#'                     "strelka.regress.cat.sbs.96.csv",
#'                     package = "ICAMS")
#' catSBS96 <- ReadCatalog(file)
#' colnames(catSBS96) <- "sample"
#' PlotCatalog(catSBS96)
PlotCatalog <- function(catalog, plot.SBS12 = NULL, cex = NULL, 
                        grid = NULL , upper = NULL, xlabels = NULL,
                        ylabels = NULL,
                        ylim = NULL) {
  if (class(catalog)[1] %in% c("SBS96Catalog", "SBS192Catalog", "SBS1536Catalog",
                          "DBS78Catalog", "DBS136Catalog", "DBS144Catalog",
                          "IndelCatalog")) {
    UseMethod(generic = "PlotCatalog")
  } else {
    catalog1 <- as.catalog(object = catalog, infer.rownames = TRUE)
    num.of.row <- nrow(catalog1)
    if (num.of.row == 96) {
      PlotCatalog.SBS96Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                               plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                               cex = ifelse(is.null(cex), par("cex"), cex), 
                               grid = ifelse(is.null(grid), TRUE, grid),
                               upper = ifelse(is.null(upper), TRUE, upper), 
                               xlabels = ifelse(is.null(xlabels), TRUE, xlabels), 
                               ylabels = ifelse(is.null(ylabels), TRUE, ylabels), 
                               ylim = ylim)
    } else if (num.of.row == 192) {
      PlotCatalog.SBS192Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                plot.SBS12 = ifelse(is.null(plot.SBS12), FALSE, plot.SBS12), 
                                cex = ifelse(is.null(cex), par("cex"), cex), 
                                grid = grid,
                                upper = upper, 
                                xlabels = xlabels, 
                                ylabels = ylabels,
                                ylim = ylim)
    } else if (num.of.row == 1536) {
      PlotCatalog.SBS1536Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                                cex = cex, 
                                grid = grid,
                                upper = upper, 
                                xlabels = xlabels, 
                                ylabels = ylabels,
                                ylim = ylim)
    } else if (num.of.row == 78) {
      PlotCatalog.DBS78Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                               plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                               cex = cex, 
                               grid = ifelse(is.null(grid), TRUE, grid),
                               upper = ifelse(is.null(upper), TRUE, upper), 
                               xlabels = ifelse(is.null(xlabels), TRUE, xlabels), 
                               ylabels = ifelse(is.null(ylabels), TRUE, ylabels), 
                               ylim = ylim)
    } else if (num.of.row == 136) {
      PlotCatalog.DBS136Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                               plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                               cex = cex, 
                               grid = grid,
                               upper = upper, 
                               xlabels = xlabels, 
                               ylabels = ylabels,
                               ylim = ylim)
    } else if (num.of.row == 144) {
      PlotCatalog.DBS144Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                                cex = ifelse(is.null(cex), par("cex"), cex), 
                                grid = grid,
                                upper = upper, 
                                xlabels = xlabels, 
                                ylabels = ylabels,
                                ylim = ylim)
    } else if (num.of.row == 83) {
      PlotCatalog.IndelCatalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                               plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                               cex = cex, 
                               grid = ifelse(is.null(grid), TRUE, grid),
                               upper = ifelse(is.null(upper), TRUE, upper), 
                               xlabels = ifelse(is.null(xlabels), TRUE, xlabels), 
                               ylabels = ifelse(is.null(ylabels), TRUE, ylabels), 
                               ylim = ylim)

#' Plot catalog to a PDF file
#' Plot catalog to a PDF file. The type of graph is based on 
#' \code{attribute("catalog.type")} of the input catalog. You can first use
#' \code{\link{TransformCatalog}} to get different types of catalog and then do
#' the plotting.
#' @inheritParams PlotCatalog
#' @param file The name of the PDF file to be produced.
#' @param cex Has the usual meaning. A default value has been used by the
#'   program internally. Only implemented for SBS96Catalog, SBS192Catalog and
#'   DBS144Catalog.
#' @param ylim Has the usual meaning. Only implemented for SBS96Catalog and
#'   IndelCatalog.
#' @return An \strong{invisible} list whose first element is a logic value
#'   indicating whether the plot is successful. For \strong{SBS192Catalog} with
#'   "counts" catalog.type and non-null abundance and \code{plot.SBS12 = TRUE},
#'   the list will have a second element which is a list containing the strand
#'   bias statistics.
#' @note The sizes of repeats involved in deletions range from 0 to 5+ in the
#'   mutational-spectra and signature catalog rownames, but for plotting and
#'   end-user documentation deletion repeat sizes range from 1 to 6+.
#' @inheritSection PlotCatalog Comments
#' @export
#' @name PlotCatalogToPdf
#' @examples 
#' file <- system.file("extdata",
#'                     "strelka.regress.cat.sbs.96.csv",
#'                     package = "ICAMS")
#' catSBS96 <- ReadCatalog(file)
#' colnames(catSBS96) <- "sample"
#' PlotCatalogToPdf(catSBS96, file = file.path(tempdir(), "test.pdf"))
PlotCatalogToPdf <- 
  function(catalog, file, plot.SBS12 = NULL, 
           cex = NULL, grid = NULL, 
           upper = NULL, 
           xlabels = NULL, 
           ylabels = NULL,
           ylim = NULL) {
    if (class(catalog)[1] %in% c("SBS96Catalog", "SBS192Catalog", "SBS1536Catalog",
                                 "DBS78Catalog", "DBS136Catalog", "DBS144Catalog",
                                 "IndelCatalog")) {
      UseMethod(generic = "PlotCatalogToPdf")
    } else {
      catalog1 <- as.catalog(object = catalog, infer.rownames = TRUE)
      num.of.row <- nrow(catalog1)
      if (num.of.row == 96) {
        PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS96Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                      file = file,
                                      plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                                      cex = ifelse(is.null(cex), 0.8, cex), 
                                      grid = ifelse(is.null(grid), TRUE, grid),
                                      upper = ifelse(is.null(upper), TRUE, upper), 
                                      xlabels = ifelse(is.null(xlabels), TRUE, xlabels), 
                                      ylabels = ifelse(is.null(ylabels), TRUE, ylabels), 
                                      ylim = ylim)
      } else if (num.of.row == 192) {
        PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS192Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                       file = file,
                                       plot.SBS12 = ifelse(is.null(plot.SBS12), FALSE, plot.SBS12), 
                                       cex = ifelse(is.null(cex), 0.8, cex), 
                                       grid = grid,
                                       upper = upper, 
                                       xlabels = xlabels, 
                                       ylabels = ylabels,
                                       ylim = ylim)
      } else if (num.of.row == 1536) {
        PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS1536Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                        file = file,
                                        plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                                        cex = cex, 
                                        grid = grid,
                                        upper = upper, 
                                        xlabels = xlabels, 
                                        ylabels = ylabels,
                                        ylim = ylim)
      } else if (num.of.row == 78) {
        PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS78Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                      file = file,
                                      plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                                      cex = cex, 
                                      grid = ifelse(is.null(grid), TRUE, grid),
                                      upper = ifelse(is.null(upper), TRUE, upper), 
                                      xlabels = ifelse(is.null(xlabels), TRUE, xlabels), 
                                      ylabels = ifelse(is.null(ylabels), TRUE, ylabels), 
                                      ylim = ylim)
      } else if (num.of.row == 136) {
        PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS136Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                       file = file,
                                       plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                                       cex = cex, 
                                       grid = grid,
                                       upper = upper, 
                                       xlabels = xlabels, 
                                       ylabels = ylabels,
                                       ylim = ylim)
      } else if (num.of.row == 144) {
        PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS144Catalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                       file = file,
                                       plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                                       cex = ifelse(is.null(cex), 1, cex), 
                                       grid = grid,
                                       upper = upper, 
                                       xlabels = xlabels, 
                                       ylabels = ylabels,
                                       ylim = ylim)
      } else if (num.of.row == 83) {
        PlotCatalogToPdf.IndelCatalog(catalog = catalog1, 
                                      file = file,
                                      plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, 
                                      cex = cex, 
                                      grid = ifelse(is.null(grid), TRUE, grid),
                                      upper = ifelse(is.null(upper), TRUE, upper), 
                                      xlabels = ifelse(is.null(xlabels), TRUE, xlabels), 
                                      ylabels = ifelse(is.null(ylabels), TRUE, ylabels), 
                                      ylim = ylim)

# Plotting functions for SBS96, SBS192 and SBS1536 catalog start here

#' @export
PlotCatalog.SBS96Catalog <-
  function(catalog, plot.SBS12, cex = par("cex"), grid = TRUE,
           upper = TRUE, xlabels = TRUE, ylabels = TRUE, ylim = NULL) {
    # stopifnot(dim(catalog) == c(96, 1))
    stopifnot(rownames(catalog) == ICAMS::catalog.row.order$SBS96)

    class.col <- c("#0000ff",  
    if (ncol(catalog) == 1) {
      cols <- rep(class.col, each = 16)
      to.plot <- catalog[ ,1]
    } else if (ncol(catalog) == 2) {
      cols <- c("red", "grey35")
      to.plot <- t(catalog) # [ , 1]
    } else {
      stop("Can only handle 1 or 2 column catalogs")
    maj.class.names <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
    num.classes <- 96

    catalog.type <- attributes(catalog)$catalog.type
    if (catalog.type == "density") {
      ylab <- "mut/million"
      to.plot <- 1e6 * to.plot
      ymax    <- 1e6 * max(rowSums(catalog))
    } else if (catalog.type == "counts") {
      # Set a minimum value for ymax to make the plot more informative
      ymax <- 4 * ceiling(max(max(rowSums(catalog)), 10) / 4)
      ylab <- "counts"
    } else if (catalog.type %in%
               c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
      ylab <- ifelse(catalog.type == "counts.signature",
                     "counts proportion", "density proportion")
      ymax <- max(rowSums(catalog))
    } else {
      stop("Programming error, illegal catalog type ", catalog.type)
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
      ylim <- c(0, ymax)
    } else {
      ymax <- ylim[2]
    if (ylabels == FALSE) {
      bp <- barplot(to.plot, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xaxs = "i",
                    xlim = c(-1, 230),
                    ylim = ylim, lwd = 3, space = 1.35, border = NA,
                    col = cols, cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab"))
    } else {
      bp <- barplot(to.plot, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xaxs = "i",
                    xlim = c(-1, 230),
                    ylim = ylim, lwd = 3, space = 1.35, border = NA,
                    col = cols, ylab = ylab, cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab"))

    # Draw the x axis
    segments(bp[1] - 0.5, 0, bp[num.classes] + 0.5, 0, 
             col = 'grey35', lwd = 0.25)
    # Print sample name at top left
    y.pos.sample.name <- 
      ifelse(catalog.type == "counts", ymax * 1.22, ymax * 1.08)
    text(bp[1], y.pos.sample.name, 
         labels = colnames(catalog)[ncol(catalog)], 
         xpd = NA,
         cex = cex, font = 2, adj = c(0, 0))

    if (catalog.type == "counts") {
      # Write the mutation counts on top of graph
      # count.cex <- 0.5 * (par("cex.main") - 1) + 1
      count.cex <- cex
      for (i in 1:6) {
        j <- 16 + 16 * (i - 1)
        k <- 1 + 16 * (i - 1)    
        # Round the total mutation counts in case it is a reconstructed catalog
        text(bp[j], ymax * 1.15, labels = round(sum(catalog[k:(16 * i), ])),
             adj = c(1, 1), xpd = NA, cex = count.cex)

    # Get locations for y axis annotations
    y.axis.values <- seq(0, ymax, ymax/4)
    if (catalog.type != "counts") {
      y.axis.labels <- format(round(y.axis.values, 2), nsmall = 2)
    } else {
      y.axis.labels <- y.axis.values
    if (grid == TRUE) {
      segments(bp[1] - 0.5, seq(ymax/4, ymax, ymax/4), bp[num.classes] + 0.5,
               seq(ymax/4, ymax, ymax/4), col = 'grey35', lwd = 0.25)
      if (ylabels == TRUE) {
        text(-0.5, y.axis.values, labels = y.axis.labels,
             las = 1, adj = 1, xpd = NA, cex = cex)
    }  else {
      if (ylabels == TRUE) {
        Axis(side = 2, at = y.axis.values, las = 1, cex.axis = cex, labels = FALSE)
        text(-3.5, y.axis.values, labels = y.axis.labels, cex = cex,
             las = 1, adj = 1, xpd = NA)
    if (xlabels == TRUE) {
      # Draw the labels along bottom of x axis
      # cex.smaller <- cex * 0.8
      cex.xlabel <- cex
      xlabel.idx <- seq(1, 96, by = 4)
      label <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")

      # Draw the first line of x axis label
      text(bp[xlabel.idx], -ymax / 7, labels = label,
           cex = cex.xlabel, adj = 0.5, xpd = NA)

      x <- list(bp[xlabel.idx], bp[xlabel.idx + 1],
                bp[xlabel.idx + 2], bp[xlabel.idx + 3])
      y <- c(-ymax / 3.5, -ymax / 2.8, -ymax / 2.39, -ymax / 2.1)
      # Draw the remaining lines of x axis labels
      for (i in 1 : 4) {
        text(x[[i]], y[i], 
             labels = label[i], cex = cex.xlabel 
             , adj = 0.5, xpd = NA)
      # Draw the text on the left plane
      text(1.5, -ymax / 7, labels = "preceded by 5'",
           pos = 2, xpd = NA, cex = cex.xlabel)
      text(1.5, -ymax / 3.5, labels = "followed by 3'",
           pos = 2, xpd = NA, cex = cex.xlabel)
    } else {
      every.fourth <- seq(from = 1, to = length(bp), by = 4)
      # Add another position for tick marks to cover the whole barplot
      every.fourth <- c(every.fourth, 96)
      Axis(at = bp[every.fourth], side = 1, labels = FALSE, col = "grey35")

    if (upper == TRUE) {
      # Draw horizontal lines and names of major mutation class on top of graph
      x.left <- bp[seq(1, 81, 16)]
      x.right <- bp[seq(16, 96, 16)]
      y.pos.line.top <- ifelse(catalog.type == "counts", ymax * 1.4, ymax * 1.3)
      y.pos.line.bottom <- ifelse(catalog.type == "counts", ymax * 1.38, ymax * 1.28)
      rect(xleft = x.left, ybottom = y.pos.line.bottom, 
           xright = x.right, ytop = y.pos.line.top,
           col = class.col, border = NA, xpd = NA, adj = 0.5)
      y.pos.text <- ifelse(catalog.type == "counts", ymax * 1.48, ymax * 1.38)
      text((x.left + x.right)/2, y.pos.text,   
           labels = maj.class.names, xpd = NA, cex = cex * 1.25)

    invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE, plot.object = bp))

#' @export
PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS96Catalog <-
  function(catalog, file, plot.SBS12, cex = 0.8,
           grid = TRUE, upper = TRUE, xlabels = TRUE, ylabels = TRUE,
           ylim = NULL) {
    old.par.tck.value <- par("tck")
    # Setting the width and length for A4 size plotting
    grDevices::pdf(file, width = 8.2677, 
                         height = 11.6929, onefile = TRUE)
    par(tck = old.par.tck.value)
    # opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    n <- ncol(catalog)
    opar <- par(mfrow = c(8, 1), mar = c(4, 5.5, 2, 1), oma = c(1, 1, 2, 1))

    for (i in 1 : n) {
      cat <- catalog[, i, drop = FALSE]
      PlotCatalog(cat, cex = cex, grid = grid, upper = upper, 
                  xlabels = xlabels, ylabels = ylabels, ylim = ylim)
    invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))

#' @export
PlotCatalog.SBS192Catalog <- 
  function(catalog, plot.SBS12 = FALSE, cex = par("cex"),
           grid, upper, xlabels, ylabels, ylim) {
  stopifnot(dim(catalog) == c(192, 1))

  if (plot.SBS12 == FALSE) {
    class.col  <- c("#03bcee",

    bg.class.col  <- c("#DCF8FF",

    strand.col <- c("#394398",

    # Sort data in plotting order
    cat <- catalog[to.reorder.SBS.192.for.plotting, 1, drop = FALSE]

    num.classes <- length(cat)
    maj.class.names = c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
    cols <- rep(strand.col, num.classes / 2)

    if (attributes(cat)$catalog.type == "counts") {
      # Set a minimum value for ymax to make the plot more informative
      ymax <- 4 * ceiling(max(max(cat[, 1]) * 1.3, 10) / 4)

      # Barplot: side by side
      mat <- matrix(cat[, 1], nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
      bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax),
                    axes = FALSE, lwd = 3, xaxs = "i", 
                    border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA, ylab = "counts",
                    cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab") * 1.25)
    } else if (attributes(cat)$catalog.type %in%
               c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
      # Determine the y axis label
      yaxislabel <- ifelse(attributes(cat)$catalog.type == "counts.signature",
                           "counts proportion", "density proportion")
      # Get ylim
      ymax <- ifelse(max(cat[, 1]) * 1.3 > 1, 1, max(cat[, 1]) * 1.3)

      # Barplot: side by side
      mat <- matrix(cat[, 1], nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
      bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax),
                    axes = FALSE, lwd = 3, xaxs = "i",
                    border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA, ylab = yaxislabel,
                    cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab") * 1.25)
    } else if (attributes(cat)$catalog.type == "density") {
      # Get the rate of mutations per million trinucleotides
      rate <- cat[, 1] * 1000000

      # Get ylim
      ymax <- max(rate) * 1.3

      # Barplot: side by side
      mat <- matrix(rate, nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
      bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax),
                    axes = FALSE, lwd = 3, xaxs = "i",
                    border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA, ylab = "mut/million",
                    cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab") * 1.25)

    # Draw lines above each class:
    x.left <- bp[seq(0, 160, 32) + 1] - 0.5
    x.right <- bp[seq(32, 192, 32)] + 0.5
    rect(xleft = x.left, ymax * 1.01, xright = x.right, ymax * 1.03,
         col = class.col, border = NA, xpd = NA)

    # Draw mutation class labels at the top of the figure:
    text((x.left + x.right)/2, ymax * 1.07, labels = maj.class.names,
         cex = cex, xpd = NA)

    # Draw background color
    rect(xleft = x.left - 0.5, 0, xright = x.right + 0.5, ymax,
         col = bg.class.col, border = 'grey90', lwd = 1.5)

    # Plot again
    barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax),
            axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, lwd = 3,
            border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA, add = TRUE)

    # Draw grid lines
    segments(bp[1] - 1, seq(0, ymax, ymax/4), bp[num.classes] + 1,
             seq(0, ymax, ymax/4), col = 'grey35', lwd = 0.25)

    # Draw y axis and write mutation counts on top of graph(if applicable)
    y.axis.values <- seq(0, ymax, ymax/4)
    if (attributes(cat)$catalog.type != "counts") {
      y.axis.labels <- format(round(y.axis.values, 2), nsmall = 2)
    } else {
      y.axis.labels <- y.axis.values

      # Write the mutation counts on top of graph
      for (i in 1 : 6) {
        j <- 32 + 32 * (i - 1)
        k <- 1 + 32 * (i - 1)
        # Round the total mutation counts in case it is a reconstructed catalog
        text(bp[j], ymax * 0.84, labels = round(sum(cat[k : (32 * i), 1])),
             adj = c(1, 1), xpd = NA, cex = cex)
    text(-0.5, y.axis.values, labels = y.axis.labels,
         las = 1, adj = 1, xpd = NA, cex = cex)

    # Draw the x axis labels
    cex.xlabel <- 0.625 * cex
    context.pos <- (bp[seq(1, 191, 2)] + bp[seq(2, 192, 2)]) / 2
    xlabel.1 <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
    xlabel.2 <- rep(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), each = 4)
    text(context.pos, -ymax / 100, labels = rep(xlabel.1, 24), cex = cex.xlabel,
         srt = 90, adj = 1, xpd = NA)
    text(context.pos, -ymax / 18, labels = rep(c("C", "T"), each = 48),
         cex = cex.xlabel, srt = 90, adj = 1, xpd = NA)
    text(context.pos, -ymax / 10, labels = rep(xlabel.2, 6),
         cex = cex.xlabel, srt = 90, adj = 1, xpd = NA)

    # Write the name of the sample
    if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
      sample.name.y.pos <- ymax * 7.4 / 8
    } else {
      sample.name.y.pos <- ymax * 7 / 8
    text(1.5, sample.name.y.pos, labels = colnames(cat), adj = 0, cex = cex, font = 2)
    # Add legend
    legend(bp[159], ymax * 1.05, fill = strand.col, border = strand.col,
           xpd = NA, bty = "n", x.intersp = 0.5, , cex = cex * 0.88,
           legend = c("Transcribed strand", "Untranscribed strand"))
  } else {
    strand.col <- c('#394398',

    # Sort data in plotting order
    cat <- catalog[to.reorder.SBS.192.for.plotting, 1, drop = FALSE]

    num.classes <- 12
    maj.class.names <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
    cols <- rep(strand.col, num.classes / 2)

    if (attributes(cat)$catalog.type == "counts") {
      # Get the counts for each major mutation class
      counts <- cat[, 1]
      counts.strand <- integer(12)
      for (i in 1 : 6){
        counts.strand[2 * i - 1] <-
          sum(counts[seq(32 * (i - 1) + 1, by = 2, length.out = 16)])
        counts.strand[2 * i] <-
          sum(counts[seq(32 * (i - 1) + 2, by = 2, length.out = 16)])

      # Get ylim
      ymax <- 4 * ceiling(max(max(counts.strand) * 1.3, 10) / 4)

      # Barplot: side by side
      mat <- matrix(counts.strand, nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
      bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax), xlim = c(0, 5.5),
                    width = 0.3, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                    axes = FALSE, ylab = "counts",
                    border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA, 
                    cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab") * 1.25)
      # Perform binomial test
      if (IsBinomialTestApplicable(cat)) {
        colnames(mat) <- maj.class.names
        rownames(mat) <- c("transcribed", "untranscribed")
        strand.bias.statistics <- as.data.frame(t(mat))
        # Calculate the proportion of pyrimidines on transcribed strand
        # which can be used as the hypothesized probability of success
        # in binomial test
        counts <- CalBaseCountsFrom3MerAbundance(attributes(cat)$abundance)
        prop.C <- counts["G"] / sum(counts["C"] + counts["G"])
        prop.T <- counts["A"] / sum(counts["T"] + counts["A"])
        props <- c(rep(prop.C, 3), rep(prop.T, 3))
        names(props) <- maj.class.names
        p.values <- numeric(6)
        names(p.values) <- maj.class.names
        for (type in maj.class.names) {
          htest <- binom.test(x = mat[, type], p = props[type], 
                              alternative = "two.sided")
          p.values[type] <- htest$p.value
        # Adjust p-values for multiple comparisons to Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate
        q.values <- p.adjust(p.values, method = "BH")
        strand.bias.statistics$q.values <- q.values
        list0 <- list()
        list0[[colnames(cat)]] <- strand.bias.statistics
        # Draw asterisks on top of graph if p-value is significant
        for (type in maj.class.names) {
          q.value <- q.values[type]
          if (q.value < 0.05) {
            colnames(bp) <- maj.class.names
            # Get the x coordinates of the line segment to be drawn
            x1 <- bp[1, type]
            x2 <- bp[2, type]
            # Get the y coordinates of the line segment to be drawn
            y1 <- y2 <- max(mat[, type]) + max(mat) * 0.03
            # Draw the line segment
            segments(x1, y1, x2, y2)
            # Draw the asterisk on top of line segment
            x3 <- mean(c(x1, x2))
            y3 <- y1 + max(mat) * 0.025
            label <- AssignNumberOfAsterisks(q.value)
            text(x3, y3, label)
    } else if (attributes(cat)$catalog.type %in%
               c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
      # Determine the y axis label
      yaxislabel <- ifelse(attributes(cat)$catalog.type == "counts.signature",
                           "counts proportion", "density proportion")

      # Get the proportion for each major mutation class
      prop <- cat[, 1]
      prop.strand <- integer(12)
      for (i in 1 : 6){
        prop.strand[2 * i - 1] <-
          sum(prop[seq(32 * (i - 1) + 1, by = 2, length.out = 16)])
        prop.strand[2 * i] <-
          sum(prop[seq(32 * (i - 1) + 2, by = 2, length.out = 16)])

      # Get ylim
      ymax <- ifelse(max(prop.strand) * 1.3 > 1, 1, max(prop.strand) * 1.3)

      # Barplot: side by side
      mat <- matrix(prop.strand, nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
      bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax), xlim = c(0, 5.5),
                    width = 0.3, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                    axes = FALSE, ylab = yaxislabel,
                    border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA,
                    cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab") * 1.25)
    } else if (attributes(cat)$catalog.type == "density") {
      # Get the rate of mutations per million trinucleotides
      rates <- cat[, 1] * 1000000

      rates.strand <- integer(12)
      for (i in 1 : 6){
        rates.strand[2 * i - 1] <-
          sum(rates[seq(32 * (i - 1) + 1, by = 2, length.out = 16)])
        rates.strand[2 * i] <-
          sum(rates[seq(32 * (i - 1) + 2, by = 2, length.out = 16)])

      # Get ylim
      ymax <- max(rates.strand) * 1.3

      # Barplot: side by side
      mat <- matrix(rates.strand, nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
      bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax), xlim = c(0, 5.5),
                    width = 0.3, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                    axes = FALSE, ylab = "mut/million",
                    border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA,
                    cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab") * 1.25)

    # Draw y axis
    y.axis.values <- seq(0, ymax, length.out = 5)
    if (attributes(cat)$catalog.type != "counts") {
      y.axis.labels <- format(round(y.axis.values, 2), nsmall = 2)
    } else {
      y.axis.labels <- round(y.axis.values, 0)
    Axis(side = 2, at = y.axis.values, las = 1, labels = FALSE)
    text(-0.25, y.axis.values, labels = y.axis.labels,
         las = 1, adj = 1, xpd = NA, cex = cex)

    # Draw x axis
    xlabel <- c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G")
    text(bp[seq(1, 12, by = 2)] + 0.16, -ymax / 28,
         labels = xlabel, xpd = NA, cex = cex)

    # Add legend
    legend(bp[6], ymax * 0.95, fill = strand.col, border = "white",
           xpd = NA, bty = "n", 
           legend = c("Transcribed strand", "Untranscribed strand"), cex = cex)

    # Draw the sample name information on top of graph
    text(bp[5], ymax * 1.02, labels = colnames(catalog), xpd = NA,
         font = 2, cex = cex, adj = c(0, 0))
    # Check whether it is possible to return the p-values from binomial test
    if (isTRUE(plot.SBS12) && IsBinomialTestApplicable(catalog)) {
      invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE, plot.object = bp, 
                     strand.bias.statistics = list0))
    } else {
      invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE, plot.object = bp))

#' @export
PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS192Catalog <-
  function(catalog, file, plot.SBS12 = FALSE, cex = 0.8, 
           grid, upper, xlabels, ylabels, ylim) {
  # Setting the width and length for A4 size plotting
  grDevices::pdf(file, width = 8.2677, height = 11.6929, onefile = TRUE)
  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  n <- ncol(catalog)
         par(mfrow = c(4, 3), mar = c(2, 5, 2, 1), oma = c(2, 2, 2, 2)),
         par(mfrow = c(8, 1), mar = c(2, 4, 2, 2), oma = c(3, 2, 1, 1)))
  strand.bias.statistics <- NULL
  for (i in 1:n) {
    cat <- catalog[, i, drop = FALSE]
    list <- PlotCatalog(cat, plot.SBS12 = plot.SBS12, cex = cex)
    strand.bias.statistics <- 
      c(strand.bias.statistics, list$strand.bias.statistics)
  if (is.null(strand.bias.statistics)) {
    invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))
  } else {
    invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE, 
                   strand.bias.statistics = strand.bias.statistics))

#' @export
PlotCatalog.SBS1536Catalog <-
  function(catalog, plot.SBS12, cex, grid, upper, xlabels, ylabels, ylim) {
  stopifnot(dim(catalog) == c(1536, 1))

  # Define the bases and their colors in plot
  bases <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
  base.cols <- c("forestgreen", "dodgerblue2", "black", "red")

  # Define the theme color for plotting
  theme.col <- "forestgreen"
  colPal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", theme.col))

  DrawImage <- function(counts, colors) {
    image(1 : 16, 1 : 16, matrix(counts, 16, 16),
          col = colors, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, bty = "n")

    # Draw the gridlines
    segments(rep(0.5, 5), c(0.5, 4.5, 8.5, 12.5, 16.5),
             rep(16.5, 5), c(0.5, 4.5, 8.5, 12.5, 16.5), xpd = NA)
    segments(c(0.5, 4.5, 8.5, 12.5, 16.5), rep(0.5, 5),
             c(0.5, 4.5, 8.5, 12.5, 16.5), rep(16.5, 5), xpd = NA)

  DrawAxisY <- function() {
    text(0, 16 : 1, rep(bases, each = 4), col = rep(base.cols, each = 4),
         srt = 90, font = 2, xpd = NA)
    text(-1, 16 : 1, rep(bases, 4), col = rep(base.cols, 4),
         srt = 90, font = 2, xpd = NA)
    text(-2.5, 8.5, "Preceding bases", srt = 90, cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)
    segments(rep(-1.3, 5), c(0.5, 4.5, 8.5, 12.5, 16.5), rep(0.5, 5),
             c(0.5, 4.5, 8.5, 12.5, 16.5), xpd = NA)

  DrawAxisX <- function() {
    text(1 : 16, 17, rep(bases, each = 4), col=rep(base.cols, each = 4),
         font = 2, xpd = NA)
    text(1 : 16, 18, rep(bases, 4), col = rep(base.cols, 4),
         font = 2, xpd = NA)
    segments(c(0.5, 4.5, 8.5, 12.5, 16.5), rep(16.5, 5),
             c(0.5, 4.5, 8.5, 12.5, 16.5), rep(18.3, 5), xpd = NA)

  cat <- data.frame(catalog)
  cat$main.types <-
    paste0(substr(rownames(cat), 3, 3), ">", substr(rownames(cat), 6, 6))
  cat1 <-
    stats::aggregate(cat[, 1], by = list(main.types = cat$main.types), FUN = sum)

  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
    # Get the total counts for the six main mutation types
    main.types.counts <- cat1[, 2]
    names(main.types.counts) <- cat1$main.types
  } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type  %in%
             c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
    # Get the total proportion for the six main mutation types
    main.types.prop <- cat1[, 2]
    names(main.types.prop) <- cat1$main.types

  # Sort the catalog matrix in plotting order
  rates <- as.data.frame(catalog)
  mut.type <- rownames(catalog)
  rates$mut.type <- mut.type
  rates$ref2alt <- paste0(substr(mut.type, 3, 3), substr(mut.type, 6, 6))
  rates$minus2bs <- substr(mut.type, 1, 1)
  rates$minus1bs <- substr(mut.type, 2, 2)
  rates$plus1bs <- substr(mut.type, 4, 4)
  rates$plus2bs <- substr(mut.type, 5, 5)
  rates <- dplyr::arrange(rates, ref2alt, dplyr::desc(minus1bs),
                          dplyr::desc(minus2bs), plus1bs, plus2bs)
  plot.order <- rates$mut.type
  rates <- as.matrix(rates[, 1])
  rownames(rates) <- plot.order

  main.mut.type <-
    paste(substr(plot.order, 3, 3), substr(plot.order, 6, 6), sep = '>')
  main.types <- unique(main.mut.type)
  n.types <- length(main.types)  # max 6 types

  # Plot one sample on one page
  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mfrow = c(2, 3), oma = c(1, 6, 1, 4), pty = "s")

  for (i in 1 : n.types) {
    main.type <- main.types[i]
    sub.rates <- rates[main.mut.type == main.type, 1, drop = FALSE]
    col.ref <- colPal(256)

    # Draw the 6 plots on page one by one
    if (i == 1) {
      par(mar = c(0, 1, 7.5, 1))
      DrawImage(sub.rates, col.ref)
      text(8.5, 19, main.type, cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)
      if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
        text(11.5, 19, paste0("(N=", main.types.counts[main.type], ")"), xpd = NA)
      } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type %in%
                 c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
        text(11.5, 19,
             paste0("(", round(100 * main.types.prop[main.type], 1), "%)"),
             xpd = NA)

    if (i == 2) {
      par(mar = c(0, 1, 7.5, 1))
      DrawImage(sub.rates, col.ref)
      text(8.5, 19, main.type, cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)
      if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
        text(11.5, 19, paste0("(N=", main.types.counts[main.type], ")"), xpd = NA)
      } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type %in%
                 c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
        text(11.5, 19,
             paste0("(", round(100 * main.types.prop[main.type], 1), "%)"),
             xpd = NA)
      text(8.5, 20.5, colnames(catalog), cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)

    if (i == 3) {
      par(mar = c(0, 1, 7.5, 1))
      DrawImage(sub.rates, col.ref)
      text(8.5, 19, main.type, cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)
      if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
        text(11.5, 19, paste0("(N=", main.types.counts[main.type], ")"), xpd = NA)
      } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type %in%
                 c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
        text(11.5, 19,
             paste0("(", round(100 * main.types.prop[main.type], 1), "%)"),
             xpd = NA)
        legend <- ifelse(attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts.signature",
                         "counts proportion", "density proportion")
        text(10.3, 20.3, paste0("%: ", legend), xpd = NA)
      text(17.5, 17, '1bp 3\'', xpd = NA, cex = 1)
      text(17.5, 18, '2bp 3\'', xpd = NA, cex = 1)

    if (i == 4) {
      par(mar = c(6, 1, 0, 1))
      DrawImage(sub.rates, col.ref)
      text(8.5, 17, main.type, cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)
      if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type  == "counts") {
        text(11.5, 17, paste0("(N=", main.types.counts[main.type], ")"), xpd = NA)
      } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type %in%
                 c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
        text(11.5, 17,
             paste0("(", round(100 * main.types.prop[main.type], 1), "%)"),
             xpd = NA)
      text(-1, -0.9, '1bp 5\'', xpd = NA, srt = 45, adj = 0, cex = 1)
      text(-2, -0.9, '2bp 5\'', xpd = NA, srt = 45, adj = 0, cex = 1)

    if (i == 5) {
      par(mar = c(6, 1, 0, 1))
      DrawImage(sub.rates, col.ref)
      text(8.5, 17, main.type, cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)
      if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type  == "counts") {
        text(11.5, 17, paste0("(N=", main.types.counts[main.type], ")"), xpd = NA)
      } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type %in%
                 c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
        text(11.5, 17,
             paste0("(", round(100 * main.types.prop[main.type], 1), "%)"),
             xpd = NA)

    if (i == 6) {
      par(mar = c(6, 1, 0, 1))
      DrawImage(sub.rates, col.ref)
      text(8.5, 17, main.type, cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)
      if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type  == "counts") {
        text(11.5, 17, paste0("(N=", main.types.counts[main.type], ")"), xpd = NA)
      } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type %in%
                 c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
        text(11.5, 17,
             paste0("(", round(100 * main.types.prop[main.type], 1), "%)"),
             xpd = NA)

  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))

#' @export
PlotCatalogToPdf.SBS1536Catalog <-
  function(catalog, file, plot.SBS12, cex, grid, upper, xlabels, ylabels, ylim) {
  grDevices::pdf(file, width = 11.6929, height = 9.2677, onefile = TRUE)

  n <- ncol(catalog)

  for (i in 1 : n) {
    cat <- catalog[, i, drop = FALSE]

  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))

# Plotting functions for DBS78, DBS144 and DBS136 catalog start here

#' @export
PlotCatalog.DBS78Catalog <- function(catalog, plot.SBS12, cex,
                                     grid = TRUE, upper = TRUE, xlabels = TRUE, 
                                     ylabels = TRUE, ylim) {
  stopifnot(dim(catalog) == c(78, 1))
  stopifnot(rownames(catalog) == ICAMS::catalog.row.order$DBS78)

  dinuc.class.col <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "Paired")
  cols <- rep(dinuc.class.col, c(9, 6, 9, 6, 9, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9))
  num.classes <- length(catalog)
  maj.class.names <-
    c("AC", "AT", "CC", "CG", "CT", "GC", "TA", "TC", "TG", "TT")

  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "density") {
    # Calculate rate of mutations per million nucleotides for the catalog
    rate <- catalog[, 1] * 1000000

    # Get ylim
    ymax <- ifelse(max(rate) * 1.3 > 1, 1, max(rate) * 1.3)
    ylab <- "mut/million"
    to.plot <- rate
  } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
    # Set a minimum value for ymax to make the plot more informative
    ymax <- 4 * ceiling(max(max(catalog[, 1]) * 1.3, 10) / 4)
    to.plot <- catalog[, 1]
    ylab <- "counts"
  } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type %in%
             c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
    # Determine the y axis label
    yaxislabel <- ifelse(attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts.signature",
                         "counts proportion", "density proportion")

    # Get ylim
    ymax <- ifelse(max(catalog[, 1]) * 1.3 > 1, 1, max(catalog[, 1]) * 1.3)
    to.plot <- catalog[, 1]
    ylab <- yaxislabel
  # Barplot
  if (ylabels == TRUE) {
    bp <- barplot(to.plot, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylim = c(0, ymax),
                  lwd = 3, space = 1.35, border = NA, xaxs = "i",
                  col = cols, ylab = ylab, cex.lab = 0.8)
  } else {
    bp <- barplot(to.plot, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylim = c(0, ymax),
                  lwd = 3, space = 1.35, border = NA, xaxs = "i",
                  col = cols, cex.lab = 0.8)
  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
    # Write the mutation counts on top of graph
    for (i in 1 : 10) {
      j <- c(9, 15, 24, 30, 39, 45, 51, 60, 69, 78)
      name <- substr(rownames(catalog), 1, 2)
      # Round the total mutation counts in case it is a reconstructed catalog
      text(bp[j[i] + 0.5], ymax * 0.84, xpd = NA, cex = 0.8,
           adj = c(1, 1), labels = round(sum(catalog[name == maj.class.names[i], ])))
  if (grid == TRUE) {
    # Draw box and grid lines
    rect(xleft = bp[1] - 1, 0, xright = bp[num.classes] + 1, ymax,
         border = "grey60", lwd = 0.5, xpd = NA)
    segments(bp[1] - 1, seq(0, ymax, ymax / 4), bp[num.classes] + 1,
             seq(0, ymax, ymax / 4), col = "grey60", lwd = 0.5, xpd = NA)
  if (upper == TRUE) {
    # Draw lines above each class:
    x.left <- bp[c(0, 9, 15, 24, 30, 39, 45, 51, 60, 69) + 1] - 0.5
    x.right <- bp[c(9, 15, 24, 30, 39, 45, 51, 60, 69, 78)] + 0.5
    rect(xleft = x.left, ymax * 1.01, xright = x.right, ymax * 1.08,
         col = dinuc.class.col, border = NA, xpd = NA)
    # Draw mutation class labels at the top of the graph
    text((x.left + x.right) / 2, ymax * 1.123,
         labels = paste(maj.class.names, "NN", sep = ">"), cex = 0.7, xpd = NA)

  # Draw the sample name information on top of graph
  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
    sample.name.y.pos <- ymax * 7.4 / 8
  } else {
    sample.name.y.pos <- ymax * 7 / 8
  text(1.5, sample.name.y.pos, labels = colnames(catalog), adj = 0, cex = 0.8, font = 2)
  if (ylabels == TRUE) {
    # Draw y axis
    y.axis.values <- seq(0, ymax, ymax / 4)
    if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type != "counts") {
      y.axis.labels <- format(round(y.axis.values, 2), nsmall = 2)
    } else {
      y.axis.labels <- y.axis.values
    text(0.35, y.axis.values, labels = y.axis.labels,
         las = 1, adj = 1, xpd = NA, cex = 0.75)
  if (xlabels == TRUE) {
    # Draw x axis labels
    text(bp, -ymax / 80, labels = substr(rownames(catalog), 4, 4),
         cex = 0.5, srt = 90, adj = 1, xpd = NA)
    text(bp, -ymax / 15, labels = substr(rownames(catalog), 3, 3),
         cex = 0.5, srt = 90, adj = 1, xpd = NA)
  } else {
    segments(bp[1] - 1, 0, bp[num.classes] + 1, 0, 
             col = "grey35", lwd = 0.5, xpd = NA)
  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE, plot.object = bp))

#' @export
PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS78Catalog <-
  function(catalog, file, plot.SBS12, cex, 
           grid = TRUE, upper = TRUE, xlabels = TRUE, ylabels = TRUE,
           ylim) {
  # Setting the width and length for A4 size plotting
  grDevices::pdf(file, width = 8.2677, height = 11.6929, onefile = TRUE)

  # opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  n <- ncol(catalog)
  opar <- par(mfrow = c(8, 1), mar = c(2, 4, 2, 2), oma = c(3, 3, 2, 2))
  for (i in 1 : n) {
    cat <- catalog[, i, drop = FALSE]
    PlotCatalog(cat, grid = grid, upper = upper, xlabels = xlabels, 
                ylabels = ylabels)

  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))

#' @export
PlotCatalog.DBS144Catalog <- function(catalog, plot.SBS12, cex = par("cex"),
                                      grid, upper, xlabels, ylabels, ylim) {
  stopifnot(dim(catalog) == c(144, 1))
  strand.col <- c('#394398',

  # Sort data in plotting order
  cat <- catalog[to.reorder.DBS.144.for.plotting, 1, drop = FALSE]

  num.classes <- 20
  # maj.class.names <-
  #  c("AC", "AT", "CC", "CG", "CT", "GC", "TA", "TC", "TG", "TT")
  cols <- rep(strand.col, num.classes / 2)

  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
    # Get the counts for each major mutation class
    counts <- cat[, 1]
    counts.strand <- integer(20)
    for (i in 1 : 10){
      idx <- c(0, 18, 24, 42, 48, 66, 72, 78, 96, 114, 132)
      counts.strand[2 * i - 1] <-
        sum(counts[seq(idx[i] + 1, idx[i + 1], by = 2)])
      counts.strand[2 * i] <-
        sum(counts[seq(idx[i] + 2, idx[i + 1], by = 2)])
    # Set a minimum value for ymax to make the plot more informative
    ymax <- 4 * ceiling(max(max(counts.strand) * 1.3, 10) / 4)

    # Barplot: side by side
    mat <- matrix(counts.strand, nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
    bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax), xlim = c(0, 9),
                  width = 0.3, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                  axes = FALSE, ylab = "counts",
                  border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA,
                  cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab"))
  } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type %in%
             c("counts.signature", "density.signature")) {
    # Determine the y axis label
    yaxislabel <- ifelse(attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts.signature",
                         "counts proportion", "density proportion")

    # Get the proportion for each major mutation class
    prop <- cat[, 1]
    prop.strand <- integer(20)
    for (i in 1 : 10){
      idx <- c(0, 18, 24, 42, 48, 66, 72, 78, 96, 114, 132)
      prop.strand[2 * i - 1] <-
        sum(prop[seq(idx[i] + 1, idx[i + 1], by = 2)])
      prop.strand[2 * i] <-
        sum(prop[seq(idx[i] + 2, idx[i + 1], by = 2)])

    # Get ylim
    ymax <- ifelse(max(prop.strand) * 1.3 > 1, 1, max(prop.strand) * 1.3)

    # Barplot: side by side
    mat <- matrix(prop.strand, nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
    bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax), xlim = c(0, 9),
                  width = 0.3, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                  axes = FALSE, ylab = yaxislabel,
                  border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA,
                  cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab"))
  } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "density") {
    # Get the rate of mutations per million dinucleotides for each major mutation class
    rate <- cat[, 1] * 1000000
    rate.strand <- integer(20)
    for (i in 1 : 10){
      idx <- c(0, 18, 24, 42, 48, 66, 72, 78, 96, 114, 132)
      rate.strand[2 * i - 1] <-
        sum(rate[seq(idx[i] + 1, idx[i + 1], by = 2)])
      rate.strand[2 * i] <-
        sum(rate[seq(idx[i] + 2, idx[i + 1], by = 2)])

    # Get ylim
    ymax <- max(rate.strand) * 1.3

    # Barplot: side by side
    mat <- matrix(rate.strand, nrow = 2, ncol = num.classes / 2)
    bp <- barplot(mat, beside = TRUE, ylim = c(0, ymax), xlim = c(0, 9),
                  width = 0.3, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                  axes = FALSE, ylab = "mut/million",
                  border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA,
                  cex.lab = cex * par("cex.lab"))

  # Draw y axis
  y.axis.values <- seq(0, ymax, length.out = 5)
  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type != "counts") {
    y.axis.labels <- format(round(y.axis.values, 2), nsmall = 2)
  } else {
    y.axis.labels <- y.axis.values
  Axis(side = 2, at = y.axis.values, las = 1, labels = FALSE)
  text(-0.35, y.axis.values, labels = y.axis.labels,
       las = 1, adj = 1, xpd = NA, cex = cex)

  # Draw x axis
  xlabel <- c("AC", "AT", "CC", "CG", "CT", "GC", "TA", "TC", "TG", "TT")
  text(bp[seq(1, 20, by = 2)] + 0.16, -ymax / 28,
       labels = xlabel, xpd = NA, cex = cex)

  # Add legend
  legend(bp[7], ymax * 0.95, fill = strand.col, border = "white",
         xpd = NA, bty = "n",
         legend = c("Transcribed strand", "Untranscribed strand"), cex = cex)

  # Draw the sample name information on top of graph
  text(bp[8], ymax, labels = colnames(catalog), xpd = NA,
       font = 2, cex = cex, adj = c(0, 0))

  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE, plot.object = bp))

#' @export
PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS144Catalog <-
  function(catalog, file, plot.SBS12, cex = 1, grid, upper, xlabels, ylabels, ylim) {
    # Setting the width and length for A4 size plotting
    grDevices::pdf(file, width = 8.2677, height = 11.6929, onefile = TRUE)
    # opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    n <- ncol(catalog)
    opar <- par(mfrow = c(4, 3), mar = c(2, 5, 2, 1), oma = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
    for (i in 1 : n) {
      cat <- catalog[, i, drop = FALSE]
      PlotCatalog(cat, cex = cex)

    invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))

#' @export
PlotCatalog.DBS136Catalog <- function(catalog, plot.SBS12, cex,
                                      grid, upper, xlabels, ylabels, ylim) {
  stopifnot(dim(catalog) == c(136, 1))

  # Specify the layout of the plotting
  # invisible(
    layout(matrix(c(7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 5, 6, 11, 1, 2 , 3, 11), 3, 4,
                          byrow = TRUE))
  #  )

  # Define the bases and their colors in plot
  base <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
  base.cols <- c("forestgreen", "dodgerblue2", "black", "red")

  ref.order <- c("AC", "AT", "GC", "CC", "CG", "CT", "TA", "TC", "TG", "TT")
  mut.type <- paste(ref.order, "NN", sep = ">")

  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
    # Calculate the occurrences of each mutation type for plotting
    counts <- matrix(0, nrow = 160, ncol = 1)
    rownames(counts) <- order.for.DBS.136.plotting
    for (i in 1:160){
      if (order.for.DBS.136.plotting[i] %in% rownames(catalog)) {
        counts[i] <- catalog[order.for.DBS.136.plotting[i], ]
      } else {
        counts[i] <- NA

    # Calculate maximum count and total counts per mutation class
    df <- data.frame(stats::na.omit(counts))
    colnames(df) <- "counts"
    df$Ref <- substr(rownames(df), 2, 3)
    df1 <- stats::aggregate(df$counts, by = list(Ref = df$Ref), FUN = max)
    df2 <- stats::aggregate(df$counts, by = list(Ref = df$Ref), FUN = sum)
    max.count.per.class <- matrix(df1$x, 10, 1)
    counts.per.class <- matrix(df2$x, 10, 1)
    rownames(max.count.per.class) <- df1$Ref
    rownames(counts.per.class) <- df2$Ref
  } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "density") {
    # Calculate tetranucleotide sequence contexts, normalized by tetranucleotide
    # occurrence in the genome
    rates <- matrix(0, nrow = 160, ncol = 1)
    rownames(rates) <- order.for.DBS.136.plotting
    for (i in 1:160){
      if (order.for.DBS.136.plotting[i] %in% rownames(catalog)) {
        rates[i] <- catalog[order.for.DBS.136.plotting[i], ]
      } else {
        rates[i] <- NA

    # Calculate maxima per mutation class(mut/million)
    df3 <- data.frame(stats::na.omit(rates))
    colnames(df3) <- "rates"
    df3$Ref <- substr(rownames(df3), 2, 3)
    df4 <- stats::aggregate(df3$rates, by = list(Ref = df3$Ref), FUN = max)
    max.rate.per.class <- matrix(round(df4$x * 1000000, 3), 10, 1)
    rownames(max.rate.per.class) <- df4$Ref
  } else {
    stop ('Plotting for DBS136 catlaog with type "', attributes(catalog)$catalog.type,
          '" is not implemented at the current stage.')

  DrawImage <- function(mat) {
    value <- as.numeric(unlist(mat))
    maximum <- max(value[!is.na(value)])
    if (maximum == 0) {
      col.ref <- "white"
    } else {
      col.ref <- "forestgreen"

    image(1:4, 1:4, mat,
          col = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", col.ref))(16),
          axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)

    # Make the background of the plot grey
    rect(0.5, 0.5, 4.5, 4.5 , col = "grey")

    # Plot the image again
    image(1:4, 1:4, mat,
          col = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", col.ref))(16),
          axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, add = TRUE)

  opar <- par(mar = c(1, 2, 2, 0))
  for (i in 1:10){
    # par(mar = c(1, 2, 2, 0))

    if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "density") {
      DrawImage(matrix(rates[(16 * (i - 1) + 1) : (16 * i)], 4, 4))
    } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
      DrawImage(matrix(counts[(16 * (i - 1) + 1) : (16 * i)], 4, 4))

    # Draw the mutation type and number of occurrences on top of image
    text(2, 5.2, mut.type[i], font = 2, xpd = NA)
    if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
      text(3.2, 5.2, paste0("(", counts.per.class[ref.order[i], ], ")"), font = 2, xpd = NA)

    # Draw a box surrounding the image
    segments(c(0.5, 0.5), c(0.5, 4.5), c(4.5, 4.5), c(0.5, 4.5), xpd = NA)
    segments(c(0.5, 4.5), c(0.5, 0.5), c(0.5, 4.5), c(4.5, 4.5), xpd = NA)

    # Draw the base information of the plot
    text(rep(0.2, 4), c(4, 3, 2, 1), base, col = base.cols, xpd = NA)
    text(seq(4), rep(4.8, 4), base, col = base.cols, xpd = NA)

    # Draw the sample name information of the sample
    if (i == 8) {
      mtext(colnames(catalog), at = 5, line =3)

  # Add in additional information
  plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = FALSE, bty = "n", type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
  text(x = 0.5, y = 0.9, "Maxima per class", cex = 1.6)
  ref <- c("TA", "TC", "TG", "TT", "CC", "CG", "CT", "AC", "AT", "GC")

  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "density") {
    text(x = 0.5, y = 0.8, "(mut/million)", cex = 1.2)
    maxima <- numeric(0)
    for (i in 1:10) {
      maxima[i] <- max.rate.per.class[ref[i], ]
      names(maxima)[i] <- ref[i]
  } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
    text(x = 0.5, y = 0.8, "(counts)", cex = 1.2)
    maxima <- numeric(0)
    for (i in 1:10) {
      maxima[i] <- max.count.per.class[ref[i], ]
      names(maxima)[i] <- ref[i]

  text(rep(-0.1, 5), seq(0.7, 0.3, length.out = 5),
       paste(ref[1:5], maxima[1:5], sep = " = "), adj = 0, cex = 1.2, xpd = NA)
  text(rep(0.5, 5), seq(0.7, 0.3, length.out = 5),
       paste(ref[6:10], maxima[6:10], sep = " = "), adj = 0, cex = 1.2, xpd = NA)
  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))

#' @export
PlotCatalogToPdf.DBS136Catalog <-
  function(catalog, file, plot.SBS12, cex, grid, upper, xlabels, ylabels, ylim) {
  stopifnot(nrow(catalog) == 136)
  n <- ncol(catalog)

  # Setting the width and length for A4 size plotting
  grDevices::pdf(file, width = 8.2677, height = 11.6929, onefile = TRUE)
  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(oma = c(1, 2, 1, 1))
  # Layout for plotting
  layout(matrix(c(12, 12, 12, 12,
                  7, 8, 9, 10, 7, 8, 9, 10,
                  7, 8, 9, 10, 7, 8, 9, 10,
                  4, 5, 6, 11,  4, 5, 6, 11,
                  4, 5, 6, 11, 4, 5, 6, 11,
                  1, 2, 3, 11, 1, 2, 3, 11,
                  1, 2, 3, 11,  1, 2, 3, 11,
                  24, 24, 24, 24,
                  19, 20, 21, 22, 19, 20, 21, 22,
                  19, 20, 21, 22, 19, 20, 21, 22,
                  16, 17, 18, 23, 16, 17, 18, 23,
                  16, 17, 18, 23, 16, 17, 18, 23,
                  13, 14, 15, 23,  13, 14, 15, 23,
                  13, 14, 15, 23, 13, 14, 15, 23),
                26, 4,byrow = TRUE))
  # Define the bases and their colors in plot
  base <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
  base.cols <- c("forestgreen", "dodgerblue2", "black", "red")
  ref.order <- c("AC", "AT", "GC", "CC", "CG", "CT", "TA", "TC", "TG", "TT")
  mut.type <- paste(ref.order, "NN", sep = ">")
  for (i in 1:n) {
    cat <- catalog[, i, drop = FALSE]
    if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
      # Calculate the occurrences of each mutation type for plotting
      counts <- matrix(0, nrow = 160, ncol = 1)
      rownames(counts) <- order.for.DBS.136.plotting
      for (j in 1:160){
        if (order.for.DBS.136.plotting[j] %in% rownames(cat)) {
          counts[j] <- cat[order.for.DBS.136.plotting[j], ]
        } else {
          counts[j] <- NA
      # Calculate maximum count and total counts per mutation class
      df <- data.frame(stats::na.omit(counts))
      colnames(df) <- "counts"
      df$Ref <- substr(rownames(df), 2, 3)
      df1 <- stats::aggregate(df$counts, by = list(Ref = df$Ref), FUN = max)
      df2 <- stats::aggregate(df$counts, by = list(Ref = df$Ref), FUN = sum)
      max.count.per.class <- matrix(df1$x, 10, 1)
      counts.per.class <- matrix(df2$x, 10, 1)
      rownames(max.count.per.class) <- df1$Ref
      rownames(counts.per.class) <- df2$Ref
    if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "density") {
      # Calculate tetranucleotide sequence contexts, normalized by tetranucleotide
      # occurrence in the genome
      rates <- matrix(0, nrow = 160, ncol = 1)
      rownames(rates) <- order.for.DBS.136.plotting
      for (j in 1:160){
        if (order.for.DBS.136.plotting[j] %in% rownames(cat)) {
          rates[j] <- cat[order.for.DBS.136.plotting[j], ]
        } else {
          rates[j] <- NA
      # Calculate maxima per mutation class(mut/million)
      df3 <- data.frame(stats::na.omit(rates))
      colnames(df3) <- "rates"
      df3$Ref <- substr(rownames(df3), 2, 3)
      df4 <- stats::aggregate(df3$rates, by = list(Ref = df3$Ref), FUN = max)
      max.rate.per.class <- matrix(round(df4$x * 1000000, 3), 10, 1)
      rownames(max.rate.per.class) <- df4$Ref

    DrawImage <- function(mat) {
      value <- as.numeric(unlist(mat))
      maximum <- max(value[!is.na(value)])
      if (maximum == 0) {
        col.ref <- "white"
      } else {
        col.ref <- "forestgreen"

      image(1:4, 1:4, mat,
            col = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", col.ref))(16),
            axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)

      # Make the background of the plot grey
      rect(0.5, 0.5, 4.5, 4.5 , col = "grey")

      # Plot the image again
      image(1:4, 1:4, mat,
            col = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", col.ref))(16),
            axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE, add = TRUE)

    for (j in 1:10) {
      par(mar = c(1, 0, 2, 0), pty = "s")
      if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "density") {
        DrawImage(matrix(rates[(16 * (j - 1) + 1) : (16 * j)], 4, 4))
      } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
        DrawImage(matrix(counts[(16 * (j - 1) + 1) : (16 * j)], 4, 4))
      } else {
        stop('Please specify the correct type: "density" or "counts"')

      # Draw the mutation type and number of occurrences on top of image
      text(2.3, 5.2, mut.type[j], font = 2, xpd = NA)
      if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
        text(3.5, 5.2, paste0("(", counts.per.class[ref.order[j], ], ")"),
             font = 2, xpd = NA)


      # Draw a box surrounding the image
      segments(c(0.5, 0.5), c(0.5, 4.5), c(4.5, 4.5), c(0.5, 4.5), xpd = NA)
      segments(c(0.5, 4.5), c(0.5, 0.5), c(0.5, 4.5), c(4.5, 4.5), xpd = NA)

      # Draw the base information of the plot
      text(rep(0.2, 4), c(4, 3, 2, 1), base, col = base.cols, xpd = NA)
      text(seq(4), rep(4.8, 4), base, col = base.cols, xpd = NA)

    # Add in additional information
    text(x = 0.5, y = 1.2, "Maxima per class", cex = 1.6, xpd = NA)
    ref <- c("TA", "TC", "TG", "TT", "CC", "CG", "CT", "AC", "AT", "GC")

    if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "density") {
      text(x = 0.5, y = 1.07, "(mut/million)", cex = 1.2, xpd = NA)
      maxima <- numeric(0)
      for (j in 1:10) {
        maxima[j] <- max.rate.per.class[ref[j], ]
        names(maxima)[j] <- ref[j]
    } else if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
      text(x = 0.5, y = 1.07, "(counts)", cex = 1.2, xpd = NA)
      maxima <- numeric(0)
      for (j in 1:10) {
        maxima[j] <- max.count.per.class[ref[j], ]
        names(maxima)[j] <- ref[j]
    } else {
      stop('Please specify the correct type: "density" or "counts"')
    text(rep(0, 5), seq(0.9, 0.1, length.out = 5),
         paste(ref[1:5], maxima[1:5], sep = " = "), adj = 0, cex = 1.2, xpd = NA)
    text(rep(0.6, 5), seq(0.9, 0.1, length.out = 5),
         paste(ref[6:10], maxima[6:10], sep = " = "), adj = 0, cex = 1.2, xpd = NA)

    # Draw the sample name information of the sample
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    text(0.7, 0.5, colnames(catalog)[i], cex = 1.5, xpd = NA)

  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))

# Plotting functions for ID(insertion and deletion) catalog start here

#' @export
PlotCatalog.IndelCatalog <- function(catalog, plot.SBS12, cex,
                                     grid = TRUE, upper = TRUE, 
                                     xlabels = TRUE, ylabels = TRUE,
                                     ylim = NULL){
  stopifnot(dim(catalog) == c(83, 1))

  indel.class.col <- c("#fdbe6f",

  num.classes <- length(catalog)
  cols <- rep(indel.class.col,
              c(6, 6, 6, 6,
                6, 6, 6, 6,
                6, 6, 6, 6,
                1, 2, 3, 5))
  to.plot <- catalog[, 1]
  catalog.type <- attributes(catalog)$catalog.type
  if (catalog.type == "counts") {
    # Set a minimum value for ymax to make the plot more informative
    ymax <- 4 * ceiling(max(max(to.plot) * 1.3, 10) / 4)
  } else if (catalog.type == "counts.signature") {
    ymax <- ifelse(max(to.plot) * 1.3 > 1, 1, max(to.plot) * 1.3)
  } else {
    stop('\nCan only plot IndelCatalog with "counts" or "counts.signature" catalog.type.')
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(0, ymax)
  } else {
    ymax <- ylim[2]
  # Barplot
  bp <- barplot(catalog[, 1], ylim = c(0, ymax), axes = FALSE, xaxt = "n",
                lwd = 3, space = 1.35, border = NA, col = cols, xpd = NA,
                xaxs = "i", yaxt = "n")
  if (catalog.type == "counts") {
    # Calculate and draw the total counts for each major type
    counts <- integer(16)
    for (i in 1:16) {
      idx <- c(6 * 1:12, 73, 75, 78, 83)
      idx2 <- c(8.9, 23, 37.1, 51.2, 65.3, 79.4, 93.5,
                107.6, 121.7, 135.8, 149.9, 164,
                172.2, 175.5, 182, 191)
      if (i == 1) {
        counts[i] <- sum(catalog[1:idx[1], 1])
      } else {
        counts[i] <- sum(catalog[(idx[i - 1] + 1):idx[i], 1])
      # Round the total mutation counts in case it is a reconstructed catalog
      text(idx2[i], ymax * 0.8, labels = round(counts[i]),
           cex = 0.68, adj = 1, xpd = NA)
  if (grid == TRUE) {
    # Draw box and grid lines
    rect(xleft = bp[1] - 1.5, 0, xright = bp[num.classes] + 1, ymax, col = NA,
         border = "grey60", lwd = 0.5, xpd = NA)
    segments(bp[1] - 1.5, seq(0, ymax, ymax / 4), bp[num.classes] + 1,
             seq(0, ymax, ymax / 4), col = "grey60", lwd = 0.5, xpd = NA)
  # Draw mutation class labels and lines above each class
  maj.class.names <- c("1bp deletion", "1bp insertion",
                       ">1bp deletions at repeats\n(Deletion length)",
                       ">1bp insertions at repeats\n(Insertion length)",
                       "Deletions with microhomology\n(Deletion length)")
  x.left <- bp[c(seq(0, 66, 6), 72, 73, 75, 78) + 1] - 0.5
  x.right <- bp[c(seq(6, 72, 6), 73, 75, 78, 83)] + 0.5
  class.pos <- c((x.left[seq(1, 4, 2)] + x.right[seq(2, 5, 2)]) / 2,
                 (x.left[c(6, 10)] + x.right[c(8, 12)] - 12) / 2,
                 (x.left[13] + x.right[length(x.left)]) / 2)
  category.lab <- c(rep(c("C", "T"), 2), rep(c("2", "3", "4", "5+"), 3))
  category.col <- c(rep(c("black", "white"), 2),
                    rep(c("black", "black", "black", "white"), 3))
  if (upper == TRUE) {
    # Draw lines above each class
    rect(xleft = x.left, ymax * 1.02, xright = x.right, ymax * 1.11,
         col = indel.class.col, border = NA, xpd = NA)
    text((x.left + x.right) / 2, ymax * 1.06, labels = category.lab,
         cex = 0.65, col = category.col, xpd = NA)
    # Draw mutation class labels at the top of the figure
    text(class.pos, ymax * 1.27, labels = maj.class.names, cex = 0.75, xpd = NA)
  # Draw the sample name information of the sample
  if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type == "counts") {
    sample.name.y.pos <- ymax * 7.4 / 8
  } else {
    sample.name.y.pos <- ymax * 7.4 / 8
  text(1.5, sample.name.y.pos, labels = colnames(catalog),
       adj = 0, cex = 0.7, font = 2)

  # Draw y axis
  if (ylabels == TRUE) {
    y.axis.values <- seq(0, ymax, ymax / 4)
    if (attributes(catalog)$catalog.type != "counts") {
      y.axis.labels <- format(round(y.axis.values, 2), nsmall = 2)
      text(-9, ymax / 2, labels = "counts proportion",
           srt = 90, xpd = NA, cex = 0.8)
    } else {
      y.axis.labels <- y.axis.values
      text(-9, ymax / 2, labels = "counts",
           srt = 90, xpd = NA, cex = 0.8)
    text(0, y.axis.values, labels = y.axis.labels,
         las = 1, adj = 1, xpd = NA, cex = 0.75)
  # Draw x axis labels
  mut.type <- c(rep(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6+"), 2),
                rep(c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5+"), 2),
                rep(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6+"), 4),
                rep(c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5+"), 4),
                "1", "1", "2", "1", "2", "3", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5+")
  bottom.pos <- c((x.left[1] + x.right[2]) / 2, (x.left[3] + x.right[4]) / 2,
                  class.pos[3 : length(class.pos)])
  bottom.lab <- c("Homopolymer length", "Homopolymer length",
                  "Number of repeat units", "Number of repeat units",
                  "Microhomology length")
  if (xlabels == TRUE) {
    rect(xleft = x.left, -ymax * 0.09, xright = x.right, -ymax * 0.01,
         col = indel.class.col, border = NA, xpd = NA)
    text(bp, -ymax * 0.15, labels = mut.type, cex = 0.65, xpd = NA)
    text(bottom.pos, -ymax * 0.27, labels = bottom.lab, cex = 0.75, xpd = NA)
  } else {
    segments(bp[1] - 1.5, 0, bp[num.classes] + 1, 0, 
             col = "grey35", lwd = 0.5, xpd = NA)
  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE, plot.object = bp))

#' @export
PlotCatalogToPdf.IndelCatalog <-
  function(catalog, file, plot.SBS12, cex, grid = TRUE, 
           upper = TRUE, xlabels = TRUE, ylabels = TRUE, ylim = NULL) {
  # Setting the width and length for A4 size plotting
  grDevices::pdf(file, width = 8.2677, height = 11.6929, onefile = TRUE)
  n <- ncol(catalog)
  opar <- par(mfrow = c(8, 1), mar = c(2.5, 4, 2.5, 2), oma = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
  for (i in 1 : n) {
    cat <- catalog[, i, drop = FALSE]
    PlotCatalog(cat, grid= grid, upper = upper, xlabels = xlabels, 
                ylabels = ylabels, ylim = ylim)
  invisible(list(plot.success = TRUE))

#' Plot position probability matrix (PPM) for *one* sample from a Variant Call Format
#' (VCF) file.
#' @param pwm A position probability matrix (PPM) for *one* sample.
#' @param title The main title of the plot.
#' @return \code{invisible(TRUE)}
#' @keywords internal
PlotPPM <- function(ppm, title) {
  ppm <- t(ppm)
  x <- seq(1:nrow(ppm))
  plot(x, y = ppm[, "A"], xaxt = "n", xlab = "",
       ylab = "proportion", ylim = c(0, 1), pch = 20, type = "b",
       lwd = 2, col = "darkgreen")
  lines(x, ppm[, "C"], col = "blue", type = "b", pch = 20, lwd = 2)
  lines(x, ppm[, "G"], col = "black", type = "b", pch = 20, lwd = 2)
  lines(x, ppm[, "T"], col = "red", type = "b", pch = 20, lwd = 2)
  abline(h = 0.25, col = "grey50")
  text(x, y = -0.1, labels = rownames(ppm), adj = 1, srt = 90, xpd = NA)
  legend("topright", pch = 16, ncol = 4, bty = "n",
         legend = c("A", "C", "G", "T"),
         col = c("darkgreen", "blue", "black", "red"))
  mtext(text = title, side = 3, line = 0.5)

#' Plot position probability matrices (PPM) to a PDF file
#' @param list.of.pwm A list of position probability matrices (PPM)
#' @param file The name of the PDF file to be produced.
#' @param titles A vector of titles on top of each PPM plot.
#' @return \code{invisible(TRUE)}
#' @keywords internal
PlotPPMToPdf <- function(list.of.ppm, file, titles = names(list.of.ppm)) {
  # Setting the width and length for A4 size plotting
  grDevices::pdf(file, width = 8.2677, height = 11.6929, onefile = TRUE)
  n <- length(list.of.ppm)
  opar <- par(mfrow = c(4, 2), mar = c(4, 5.5, 2, 1), oma = c(1, 1, 2, 1))
  for (i in 1:n) {
    PlotPPM(list.of.ppm[[i]], title = titles[i])

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ICAMS documentation built on April 3, 2021, 5:07 p.m.