
PP_Index <- function (data, class = NA, vector.proj = NA, findex = "HOLES",
                      dimproj = 2, weight = TRUE, lambda = 0.1, r = 1, ck = NA) {
  # Funcao usada para encontrar os indices da projection pursuit, desenvolvida
  # por Paulo Cesar Ossani em 2017/03/27.

  # Entrada:
  # data    - Conjunto de dados numericos sem informacao de classes.
  # class   - Vetor com os nomes das classes dos dados.
  # vector.proj - Vetor projecao.
  # findex  - Funcao indice de projecao a ser usada:
  #           "lda" - Indice LDA,
  #           "pda" - Indice PDA,
  #           "lr" - Indice Lr,
  #           "holes" - Indice holes (default),
  #           "cm" - Indice massa central, 
  #           "pca" - Indice PCA,
  #           "friedmantukey" - Indice Friedman Tukey,
  #           "entropy" - Indice entropia,
  #           "legendre" - Indice Legendre,
  #           "laguerrefourier" - Indice Laguerre Fourier,
  #           "hermite" - Indice Hermite,
  #           "naturalhermite" - Indice Hermite natural,
  #           "kurtosismax" - Indice curtose maxima,
  #           "kurtosismin" - Indice curtose minima,
  #           "moment" - Indice momento, 
  #           "chi" - Indice qui-quadrado,
  #           "mf"  - Indice MF.
  # dimproj - Dimensao da projecao dos dados (default = 2).
  # weight  - Usado nos indice LDA, PDA e Lr, para ponderar os calculos
  #           pelo numero de elementos em cada classe (default = TRUE).
  # lambda  - Usado no indice PDA (default = 0.1).
  # r       - Usado no indice Lr(default = 1).
  # Retorna:
  # num.class   - Numero de classes.
  # class.names - Nomes das classes.
  # findex      - Funcao indice de projecao usada.
  # vector.proj - Vetores de projecao encontrados.
  # index       - Indice de projecao encontrado no processo.

  if (!is.data.frame(data) && !is.matrix(data))
     stop("Entrada 'data' esta incorreta, deve ser do tipo dataframe ou matrix. Verifique!")
  if (!is.na(class[1])) {
    class <- as.matrix(class)
    if (nrow(data) != length(class))
       stop("Entrada 'class' ou 'data' esta incorreta, devem conter o mesmo numero de linhas. Verifique!")
  if (!is.na(vector.proj[1]) && !is.data.frame(vector.proj) && !is.matrix(vector.proj))
     stop("Entrada 'vector.proj' esta incorreta, deve ser do tipo dataframe ou matrix. Verifique!")
  findex <- toupper(findex) # transforma em maiusculo
  if (!(findex %in% c("LDA", "PDA", "LR", "HOLES", "CM", "PCA", "FRIEDMANTUKEY", "ENTROPY",
                      "KURTOSISMAX", "KURTOSISMIN", "MOMENT", "CHI", "MF")))
     # stop(paste("Funcao indice:",findex, "nao cadastrada. Verifique!"))
     stop("Entrada para 'findex' esta incorreta, deve ser: 'lda', 'pda', 'lr', 
          'holes', 'cm', 'pca', 'friedmantukey', 'entropy', 'legendre', 
          'laguerrefourier', 'hermite', 'naturalhermite', 'kurtosismax', 
          'kurtosismin', 'moment', 'chi' ou 'mf'. Verifique!")
  if ((findex %in% c("PCA","KURTOSISMAX", "KURTOSISMIN"))  && dimproj != 1)
     stop("Para os indices 'PCA', 'KURTOSISMAX' e 'KURTOSISMIN', 'dimproj' deve ser 1 (um). Verifique!")
  if ((findex %in% c("MOMENT", "CHI", "FRIEDMANTUKEY", "ENTROPY", "LEGENDRE",
                     "LAGUERREFOURIER", "HERMITE", "NATURALHERMITE")) && dimproj != 2)
     stop("Para os indices 'MOMENT', 'CHI', 'FRIEDMANTUKEY', 'ENTROPY', 'LEGENDRE', 'LAGUERREFOURIER', 'HERMITE' e 'NATURALHERMITE', 'dimproj' deve ser 2 (dois). Verifique!")
  if (findex %in% c("LDA", "PDA", "LR") && is.na(class[1]))
     stop("Para os indices 'LDA', 'PDA' e 'LR', necessita-se de entrada em 'class'. Verifique!")
  if (dimproj > ncol(data))
     stop("dimproj maior que o numero de colunas em data. Verifique!")
  if (!is.logical(weight))
     stop("Entrada para 'weight' esta incorreta, deve ser TRUE ou FALSE. Verifique!")
  if (!is.numeric(lambda) || lambda < 0 || lambda >= 1 )
     stop("Entrada para 'lambda' esta incorreta, deve ser um valor numerico entre [0,1). Verifique!")
  if (!is.numeric(r) || r <= 0 )
     stop("Entrada para 'r' esta incorreta, deve ser um valor numerico maior que zero. Verifique!")
  if (!is.na(class[1])) {
     class.Table <- table(class)        # cria tabela com as quantidade dos elementos das classes
     class.names <- names(class.Table)  # nomes das classses
     num.class   <- length(class.Table) # numero de classes
  } else {
     class.names <- NA # nomes das classses
     num.class   <- NA # numero de classes
  if (findex == "KURTOSISMAX" || findex == "KURTOSISMIN") findex <- "KURTOSI"
  A <- vector.proj

    "LDA" = {
      # Method from the article: Lee, EK., Cook, D., Klinke, S., and Lumley, T.(2005),
      # Projection Pursuit for Exploratory Supervised classification, Journal of
      # Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14(4):831-846.

      # Ver livro Mingoti pag. 246 para melhor entendimento sobre funcao discriminante de Fisher

      Num.Col   <- ncol(data) # numero de variaveis
      Num.Lin   <- nrow(data) # numero geral de observacoes

      # medias de cada variavel em cada classe
      Mean.class <- matrix(apply(data,2, function(x) tapply(x, class, mean, na.rm=TRUE)), ncol = Num.Col)

      Mean.Var   <- matrix(apply(data,2,mean), ncol = Num.Col) # medias das variaveis (colunas)

      B <- matrix(0, ncol = Num.Col, nrow = Num.Col) # soma dos quadrados entre os grupos
      W <- matrix(0, ncol = Num.Col, nrow = Num.Col) # soma dos quadrados dentro dos grupos
      i <- 1
      while (i <= num.class) {

        Choice.Groups <- which(class == class.names[i]) # seleciona os elementos do grupo

        ni <- ifelse(weight, class.Table[i], Num.Lin/num.class) # peso

        ## Calculo matriz B
        Aux.Calc.B <- Mean.class[i,] - Mean.Var
        B <- B + ni * t(Aux.Calc.B) %*% Aux.Calc.B

        ## Calculo matriz W
        Aux.Calc.W <- as.matrix(data[Choice.Groups,] - matrix(1,class.Table[i],ncol=1) %*% Mean.class[i,])
        W <- W + ni / length(Choice.Groups) * t(Aux.Calc.W) %*% Aux.Calc.W
        i <- i + 1

      if (is.na(vector.proj[1])) {
         Vector.Base <- eigen(MASS::ginv(B + W) %*% B) # para extrair vetores ortogonais

         A <- matrix(as.numeric(Vector.Base$vectors[,1:dimproj]), ncol = dimproj) # vetores de projecao otimos
         # colnames(A) <- paste("Eixo", 1:ncol(A))

      } else A <- vector.proj

      index <- 1 - det(t(A) %*% W %*% A) %*% det(MASS::ginv(t(A) %*% (W + B) %*% A)) # indice de projecao
      # print(index)

    "PDA" = {
        # Method from the article: Lee, EK, Cook, D.(2010), A Projection Pursuit
        # index for Large p Small n data, Statistics and Computing, 20:381-392.

        # Ver livro Mingoti pag. 246 para melhor entendimento sobre funcao discriminante de Fisher

        Num.Col   <- ncol(data) # numero de variaveis
        Num.Lin   <- nrow(data) # numero geral de observacoes

        # medias de cada variavel em cada classe
        Mean.class <- matrix(apply(data,2, function(x) tapply(x, class, mean, na.rm=TRUE)), ncol = Num.Col)

        Mean.Var   <- matrix(apply(data,2,mean), ncol = Num.Col) # medias das variaveis (colunas)

        B <- matrix(0, ncol = Num.Col, nrow = Num.Col) # soma dos quadrados entre os grupos
        W <- matrix(0, ncol = Num.Col, nrow = Num.Col) # soma dos quadrados dentro dos grupos
        i <- 1
        while (i <= num.class) {

          Choice.Groups <- which(class == class.names[i]) # seleciona os elementos do grupo

          ni <- ifelse(weight, class.Table[i], Num.Lin/num.class) # peso

          ## Calculo matriz B
          Aux.Calc.B <- Mean.class[i,] - Mean.Var
          B <- B + ni * t(Aux.Calc.B) %*% Aux.Calc.B

          ## Calculo matriz W
          Aux.Calc.W <- as.matrix(data[Choice.Groups,] - matrix(1,class.Table[i],ncol=1) %*% Mean.class[i,])
          W <- W + ni / length(Choice.Groups) * t(Aux.Calc.W) %*% Aux.Calc.W
          i <- i + 1

        Ws <- (1 - lambda) * W + lambda * diag(diag(W)) # Penalizando W com lambda

        if (is.na(vector.proj[1])) {
            Vector.Base <- eigen(MASS::ginv(B + Ws) %*% B) # para extrair vetores ortogonais

            A <- matrix(as.numeric(Vector.Base$vectors[,1:dimproj]), ncol = dimproj) # vetores de projecao otimos

        } else A <- vector.proj

        NLamb <- Num.Lin*Num.Col * lambda * diag(1,ncol(B))
        index <- 1 - det(t(A) %*% ((1 - lambda) * W + NLamb) %*% A) %*%
                     det(MASS::ginv(t(A) %*% ((1 - lambda) * (W + B) + NLamb) %*% A))
        # index <- 1 - det(t(A) %*% W %*% A) %*% det(MASS::ginv(t(A) %*% (W + B) %*% A))
    "LR" = {
      # Method from the article: Lee, EK., Cook, D., Klinke, S., and Lumley, T.(2005),
      # Projection Pursuit for Exploratory Supervised classification, Journal of
      # Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14(4):831-846.

      # Ver livro Mingoti pag. 246 para melhor entendimento sobre funcao discriminante de Fisher

      Num.Col   <- ncol(data) # numero de variaveis
      Num.Lin   <- nrow(data) # numero geral de observacoes

      # medias de cada variavel em cada classe
      Mean.class <- matrix(apply(data,2, function(x) tapply(x, class, mean, na.rm=TRUE)), ncol = Num.Col)

      Mean.Var <- matrix(apply(data,2,mean), ncol = Num.Col) # medias das variaveis (colunas)

      B <- 0 # soma dos quadrados entre os grupos
      W <- 0 # soma dos quadrados dentro dos grupos
      i <- 1
      while (i <= num.class) {

        Choice.Groups <- which(class == class.names[i]) # seleciona os elementos do grupo

        ni <- ifelse(weight, class.Table[i], Num.Lin/num.class) # peso

        ## Calculo matriz B
        Aux.Calc.B <- Mean.class[i,] - Mean.Var
        # B <- B +  ni * sum(abs(Aux.Calc.B)^r)
        B <- B + sum(abs(Aux.Calc.B)^r)

        ## Calculo matriz W
        Aux.Calc.W <- as.matrix(data[Choice.Groups,] - matrix(1,class.Table[i],ncol=1) %*% Mean.class[i,])
        W <- W + ni / length(Choice.Groups) * sum(abs(Aux.Calc.W)^r)
        i <- i + 1

      index <- (B/W)^(1/r) # 1 - (W/(W+B))^(1/r)

    "HOLES" = {

      index <- .C("Holes", row = as.integer(nrow(data)), 
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)), 
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index

      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # d <- ncol(data)
      # index <- (1 - 1/n * sum(exp(-0.5 * rowSums(data^2)))) / (1 - exp(-d/2))
      # print(index)

    "CM" = {

      index <- 1 - .C("Holes", row = as.integer(nrow(data)), 
                      col = as.integer(ncol(data)), 
                      data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index

      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # d <- ncol(data)
      # index <- 1 - (1 - 1/n * sum(exp(-0.5 * rowSums(data^2)))) / (1 - exp(-d/2))
      # print(index)

   "PCA" = {

     index <- .C("IndexPCA", row = as.integer(length(data)),
                 data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index

     # print(index)
     # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
     # index <-  1/length(data) * sum(data^2)
     # print(index)

    "KURTOSI" = {

      index <- .C("Kurtosi", row = as.integer(nrow(data)), 
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)), 
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index

      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # data <- data - mean(data) # centraliza na media
      # M4 <- sum(data^4) # quarto momento
      # M2 <- sum(data^2) # segundo momento
      # index <- (n - 1)^2 * M4 / (n * (M2)^2)
      # print(index)

    "MOMENT" = { # indice dos momentos

      index <- .C("Moment", row = as.integer(nrow(data)),
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)), 
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index

      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # Zalpha <- data[,1]
      # Zbeta  <- data[,2]
      # # Encontra as potencias necessarias
      # Za2 <- Zalpha^2
      # Zb2 <- Zbeta^2
      # Za3 <- Zalpha^3
      # Zb3 <- Zbeta^3
      # Za4 <- Zalpha^4
      # Zb4 <- Zbeta^4
      # # Adquire todos os coeficientes
      # c1 <- n/((n-1) * (n-2))
      # c2 <- (n * (n+1))/((n-1) * (n-2) * (n-3))
      # c3 <- (3 * (n-1)^3)/(n * (n+1))
      # c4 <- (n-1)^3/(n * (n+1))
      # # Adquire todos os termos
      # k30 <- sum(Za3) * c1
      # k03 <- sum(Zb3) * c1
      # k31 <- sum(Za3 * Zbeta) * c2
      # k13 <- sum(Zb3 * Zalpha) * c2
      # k04 <- (sum(Zb4) - c3) * c2
      # k40 <- (sum(Za4) - c3) * c2
      # k22 <- (sum(Za2 * Zb2) - c4) * c2
      # k21 <- sum(Za2 * Zbeta) * c1
      # k12 <- sum(Zb2 * Zalpha) * c1
      # # Encontra os valores
      # t1 <- k30^2 +3 * k21^2 + 3 * k12^2 + k03^2
      # t2 <- k40^2 + 4 * k31^2 + 6 * k22^2 + 4 * k13^2 + k04^2
      # index <- (t1 + t2/4)/12
      # print(index)

    "CHI" = {
      if (is.na(ck[1])) {
         # Encontrar a probabilidade de normalizacao bivariada normal sobre cada caixa radial
         fnr <- function(x) { x * exp(-0.5 * x^2) } # veja que aqui a funcao normal padrao bivariada esta em Coordenadas Polares
         ck  <- rep(1,40)
         ck[1:8]   <- integrate(fnr, 0, sqrt(2*log(6))/5)$value/8
         ck[9:16]  <- integrate(fnr, sqrt(2*log(6))/5  , 2*sqrt(2*log(6))/5)$value/8
         ck[17:24] <- integrate(fnr, 2*sqrt(2*log(6))/5, 3*sqrt(2*log(6))/5)$value/8
         ck[25:32] <- integrate(fnr, 3*sqrt(2*log(6))/5, 4*sqrt(2*log(6))/5)$value/8
         ck[33:40] <- integrate(fnr, 4*sqrt(2*log(6))/5, 5*sqrt(2*log(6))/5)$value/8

      index <- .C("chi", row = as.integer(nrow(data)), 
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)), 
                  VecProj = as.matrix(vector.proj),
                  ck = as.double(ck),
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index
      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # x <- as.matrix(data)
      # a <- as.matrix(vector.proj[,1])
      # b <- as.matrix(vector.proj[,2])
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # z   <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 2)
      # ppi <- 0
      # pk  <- rep(0,48)
      # eta <- pi * (0:8)/36
      # delang <- 45 * pi/180
      # delr   <- sqrt(2 * log(6))/5
      # angles <- seq(0, (2 * pi), by = delang)
      # rd <- seq(0, (5 * delr), by = delr)
      # nr <- length(rd)
      # na <- length(angles)
      # j <- 1
      # while (j <= 9) {
      #   # rotaciona o plano
      #   aj <- a * cos(eta[j]) - b * sin(eta[j])
      #   bj <- a * sin(eta[j]) + b * cos(eta[j])
      #   # projeta os dados
      #   z[,1] <- x %*% aj
      #   z[,2] <- x %*% bj
      #   # Converte coordenadas cardesianas em polares
      #   r  <- sqrt(z[,1]^2 + z[,2]^2)
      #   th <- atan2(z[,2],z[,1])
      #   # Encontrar todos os angulos que sao negativos
      #   ind <- which(th < 0)
      #   th[ind] <- th[ind] + 2*pi
      #   # find points in each box
      #   i <- 1
      #   while (i <= (nr-1)) {	# loop over each ring
      #     k <- 1
      #     while (k <= (na-1)) { # loop over each wedge
      #       ind <- which(r > rd[i] & r < rd[i+1] & th > angles[k] & th < angles[k+1])
      #       pk[(i-1)*8+k] <- (length(ind)/n - ck[(i-1)*8+k])^2 / ck[(i-1)*8+k]
      #       k <- k + 1
      #     }
      #     i <- i + 1
      #   }
      #   # find the number in the outer line of boxes
      #   k <- 1
      #   while (k <= (na-1)) {
      #     ind <- which(r > rd[nr] & th > angles[k] & th < angles[k+1])
      #     pk[40+k] <- (length(ind)/n-(1/48))^2/(1/48)
      #     k <- k + 1
      #   }
      #   ppi <- ppi + sum(pk)
      #   j <- j + 1
      # }
      # index <- ppi / 9
      # print(index)


      index <- .C("FriedmanTukey", row = as.integer(nrow(data)), 
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)), 
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index

      # print(index)
      ## Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # R <- 2.29 * n^(-1/5)
      # index <- 0
      # i <- 1
      # while (i <= n) {
      #   j <- 1
      #   while (j <= n) {
      #     rij <- (data[i,1] - data[j,1])^2 + (data[i,2] - data[j,2])^2
      #     Farg <- (R^2 - rij)
      #     x <- ifelse( Farg > 0, 1, 0)
      #     index <- index + Farg^3 * x * Farg
      #     j <- j + 1
      #   }
      #   i <- i + 1
      # }
      # print(index)

    "ENTROPY" = {
      index <- .C("Entropy", row = as.integer(nrow(data)),
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)),
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index
      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # x <- data[,1]
      # y <- data[,2]
      # rho <- cor(x,y)
      # # medias de x e y
      # med.x <- mean(x)
      # med.y <- mean(y)
      # # desvio padrao de x e y
      # sd.x <- sd(x)
      # sd.y <- sd(y)
      # cte <- 1.06 * n^(-1/5)
      # ha <- cte * sd.x
      # hb <- cte * sd.y
      # ### INICIO - Funcao Normal Bivariada ###
      # # termos da funcao normal bivariada
      # Term1 <- 1/(2 * pi * sd.x * sd.y * sqrt(1 - rho^2))
      # Term2 <- -1/(2* (1 - rho^2))
      # fnb <- function(vx,vy) {
      #   Term3 <- ((vx - med.x) / sd.x)
      #   Term4 <- ((vy - med.y) / sd.y)
      #   Term1 * exp(Term2 * (Term3^2 + Term4^2 - 2 * rho * Term3 * Term4)) # funcao normal bivariada
      # }
      # ### FIM - Funcao Normal Bivariada ###
      # Sa <- 0
      # cte <- 1/(n * ha * hb)
      # j <- 1
      # while (j <= n) {
      #   Sa <- Sa + log(cte * sum(fnb((data[,1] - data[j,1]) / ha, (data[,2] - data[j,2]) / hb)))
      #   j <- j + 1
      # }
      # index <- Sa / n + log(2 * pi * exp(1))
      # print(index)

    "LEGENDRE" = {
      index <- .C("Legendre", row = as.integer(nrow(data)),
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)),
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index
      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # fn <- function(x) { # Funcao Normal
      #   med.x <- mean(x) # medias de x
      #   sd.x <- sd(x) # desvio padrao de x
      #   1/(sd.x * sqrt(2 * pi)) * exp(-0.5 * (x - med.x)^2 / sd.x^2 ) # funcao normal
      # }
      # ya <- 2 * fn(data[,1]) - 1
      # yb <- 2 * fn(data[,2]) - 1
      # PLeg <- function(n, x) { # Polononios de Legrendre ate a ordem 21
      # switch(n + 1
      #     , 1
      #     , x
      #     , 1/2*x^2-1/2
      #     , 5/2*x^3-3/2*x
      #     , 35/8*x^3-15/4*x^2+3/8
      #     , 63/8*x^5-35/4*x^3+15/8*x
      #     , 231/16*x^6-315/16*x^4+105/16*x^2-5/16
      #     , 429/16*x^7-693/16*x^5+315/16*x^3-35/16*x
      #     #, 6435/128*x^8-3003/32*x^6+3465/64*x^4-315/32*x^2+35/128
      #     #, 12155/128*x^9-6435/32*x^7+9009/64*x^5-1155/32*x^3+315/128*x
      #     #, 46189/256*x^10-109395/256*x^8+45045/128*x^6-15015/128*x^4+3465/256*x^2-63/256
      #     #, 88179/256*x^11-230945/256*x^9+109395/128*x^7-45045/128*x^5+15015/256*x^3-693/256*x
      #     #, 676039/1024*x^12-969969/512*x^10+2078505/1024*x^8-255255/256*x^6+225225/1024*x^4-9009/512*x^2+231/1024
      #     #, 1300075/1024*x^13-2028117/512*x^11+4849845/1024*x^9-692835/256*x^7+765765/1024*x^5-45045/512*x^3+3003/1024*x
      #     #, 5014575/2048*x^14-16900975/2048*x^12+22309287/2048*x^10-14549535/2048*x^8+4849845/2048*x^6-765765/2048*x^4+45045/2048*x^2-429/2048
      #     #, 9694845/2048*x^15-35102025/2048*x^13+50702925/2048*x^11-37182145/2048*x^9+14549535/2048*x^7-2909907/2048*x^5+255255/2048*x^3-6435/2048*x
      #     #, 300540195/32768*x^16-145422675/4096*x^14+456326325/8192*x^12-185910725/4096*x^10+334639305/16384*x^8-20369349/4096*x^6+4849845/8192*x^4-109395/4096*x^2+6435/32768
      #     #, 583401555/32768*x^17-300540195/4096*x^15+1017958725/8192*x^13-456326325/4096*x^11+929553625/16384*x^9-66927861/4096*x^7+20369349/8192*x^5-692835/4096*x^3+109395/32768*x
      #     #, 2268783825/65536*x^18-9917826435/65536*x^16+4508102925/16384*x^14-4411154475/16384*x^12+5019589575/32768*x^10-1673196525/32768*x^8+156165009/16384*x^6-14549535/16384*x^4+2078505/65536*x^2-12155/65536
      #     #, 4418157975/65536*x^19-20419054425/65536*x^17+9917826435/16384*x^15-10518906825/16384*x^13+13233463425/32768*x^11-5019589575/32768*x^9+557732175/16384*x^7-66927861/16384*x^5+14549535/65536*x^3-230945/65536*x
      #     #, 34461632205/262144*x^20-83945001525/131072*x^18+347123925225/262144*x^16-49589132175/32768*x^14+136745788725/131072*x^12-29113619535/65536*x^10+15058768725/131072*x^8-557732175/32768*x^6+334639305/262144*x^4-4849845/131072*x^2+46189/262144
      #   )
      # }
      # Jt <- 8#21  # Numero de termos de polinomios de Legendre
      # Term1 <- 0; Term2 <- 0
      # j <- 1
      # while (j <= Jt) {
      #   cte <- (2 * j + 1) * (1/n)^2
      #   Term1 <- Term1 + cte * sum(PLeg(j,ya))^2
      #   Term2 <- Term2 + cte * sum(PLeg(j,yb))^2
      #   j <- j + 1
      # }
      # Term3 <- 0
      # j <- 1
      # while (j <= Jt) {
      #   k <- 1
      #   while (k <= (Jt-j)) {
      #     Term3 <- Term3 + (2 * j + 1) * (2 * k + 1) * (1/n * sum(PLeg(j,ya) * PLeg(k,yb)))^2
      #     k <- k + 1
      #   }
      #   j <- j + 1
      # }
      # index <- 1 / 4 * (Term1 + Term2 + Term3)
      # print(index)

      index <- .C("LaguerreFourier", row = as.integer(nrow(data)),
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)),
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index
      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # rho <- data[,1]^2 + data[,2]^2
      # phi <- atan(data[,2]/data[,1])
      # PLag <- function(n, x) { # Polononios de Laguerre
      # switch(n + 1
      #     , 1
      #     , - x + 1
      #     , x^2-4*x+2
      #     , -x^3+9*x^2-18*x+6
      #     , x^4-16*x^3+72*x^2-96*x+24
      #     , -x^5+25*x^4-200*x^3+600*x^2-600*x+120
      #     , x^6-36*x^5+450*x^4-2400*x^3+5400*x^2-4320*x+720
      #     , -x^7+49*x^6-882*x^5+7350*x^4-29400*x^3+52920*x^2-35280*x+5040
      #     , x^8-64*x^7+1568*x^6-18816*x^5+117600*x^4-376320*x^3+564480*x^2-322560*x+40320
      #     # , -x^9+81*x^8-2592*x^7+42336*x^6-381024*x^5+1905120*x^4-5080320*x^3+6531840*x^2-3265920*x+362880
      #     # , x^10-100*x^9+4050*x^8-86400*x^7+1058400*x^6-7620480*x^5+31752000*x^4-72576000*x^3+81648000*x^2-36288000*x+3628800
      #     # , -x^11+121*x^10-6050*x^9+163350*x^8-2613600*x^7+25613280*x^6-153679680*x^5+548856000*x^4-1097712000*x^3+1097712000*x^2-439084800*x+39916800
      #     # , x^12-144*x^11+8712*x^10-290400*x^9+5880600*x^8-75271680*x^7+614718720*x^6-3161410560*x^5+9879408000*x^4-17563392000*x^3+15807052800*x^2-5748019200*x+479001600
      #     # , -x^13+169*x^12-12168*x^11+490776*x^10-12269400*x^9+198764280*x^8-2120152320*x^7+14841066240*x^6-66784798080*x^5+185513328000*x^4-296821324800*x^3+242853811200*x^2-8051270400*x+6227020800
      #     # , x^14-196*x^13+16562*x^12-794976*x^11+24048024*x^10-480960480*x^9+6492966480*x^8-59364264960*x^7+363606122880*x^6-1454424491520*x^5+3636061228800*x^4-5288816332800*x^3+3966612249600*x^2-1220496076800*x+87178291200
      #     # , -x^15+225*x^14-22050*x^13+1242150*x^12-44717400*x^11+1082161080*x^10-18036018000*x^9+208702494000*x^8-1669619952000*x^7+9090153072000*x^6-32724551059200*x^5+74373979680000*x^4-99165306240000*x^3+68652904320000*x^2-19615115520000*x+1307674368000
      #     # , x^16-256*x^15+28800*x^14-1881600*x^13+79497600*x^12-2289530880*x^11+46172206080*x^10-659602944000*x^9+6678479808000*x^8-47491411968000*x^7+232707918643200*x^6-761589551923200*x^5+1586644899840000*x^4-1952793722880000*x^3+1255367393280000*x^2-334764638208000*x+20922789888000
      #     # , -x^17+289*x^16-36992*x^15+2774400*x^14-135945600*x^13+4594961280*x^12-110279070720*x^11+1906252508160*x^10-23828156352000*x^9+214453407168000*x^8-1372501805875200*x^7+6113871680716800*x^6-18341615042150400*x^5+35272336619520000*x^4-40311241850880000*x^3+24186745110528000*x^2-6046686277632000*x+355687428096000
      #     # , x^18-324*x^17+46818*x^16-3995136*x^15+224726400*x^14-8809274880*x^13+248127909120*x^12-5104345559040*x^11+77203226580480*x^10-857813628672000*x^9+6948290392243200*x^8-40426416827596800*x^7+165074535379353600*x^6-457129482588979200*x^5+816302647480320000*x^4-870722823979008000*x^3+489781588488192000*x^2-115242726703104000*x+6402373705728000
      #     # , -x^19+361*x^18-58482*x^17+5633766*x^16-360561024*x^15+16225246080*x^14-530024705280*x^13+12796310741760*x^12-230333593351680*x^11+3096707199505920*x^10-30967071995059200*x^9+228030257418163200*x^8-1216161372896870400*x^7+4583992867072819200*x^6-11787410229615820800*x^5+19645683716026368000*x^4-19645683716026368000*x^3+10400656084955136000*x^2-2311256907767808000*x+121645100408832000
      #     # , x^20-400*x^19+72200*x^18-7797600*x^17+563376600*x^16-28844881920*x^15+1081683072000*x^14-30287126016000*x^13+639815537088000*x^12-10237048593408000*x^11+123868287980236800*x^10-1126075345274880000*x^9+7601008580605440000*x^8-37420349935288320000*x^7+130971224773509120000*x^6-314330939456421888000*x^5+491142092900659200000*x^4-462251381553561600000*x^3+231125690776780800000*x^2-48658040163532800000*x+2432902008176640000
      #   )
      # }
      # Lt <- 7#21 - 1  # Numero de termos de polinomios de Laguerre, o -1 he para considerar o termo L0
      # Term1 <- 0
      # l <- 0
      # while (l <= Lt) {
      #   Sum1 <- 0
      #   k <- 1
      #   while (k <= Lt) {
      #     Sum1 <- Sum1 + (1/n * sum(PLag(l,rho) * exp(-rho/2) * cos(k * phi)))^2 +
      #                    (1/n * sum(PLag(l,rho) * exp(-rho/2) * sin(k * phi)))^2
      #     k <- k + 1
      #   }
      #   Term1 <- Term1 + Sum1
      #   l <- l + 1
      # }
      # Term1 <- 1/pi * Term1
      # Term2 <- 0
      # l <- 0
      # while (l <= Lt) {
      #   Term2 <- Term2 + (1/n * sum(PLag(l,rho) * exp(-rho/2)))^2
      #   l <- l + 1
      # }
      # Term2 <- 1/(2 * pi) * Term2
      # Term3 <- - 1/(2 * pi * n) * sum(exp(-rho/2)) + 1/(8 * pi)
      # index <- Term1 + Term2 + Term3
      # print(index)

    "HERMITE" = {
      index <- .C("Hermite", row = as.integer(nrow(data)),
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)),
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index
      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # fn <- function(x) { # Funcao Normal
      #   med.x <- mean(x) # medias de x
      #   sd.x <- sd(x) # desvio padrao de x
      #   1/(sd.x * sqrt(2 * pi)) * exp(-0.5 * (x - med.x)^2 / sd.x^2 ) # funcao normal
      # }
      # PHer <- function(n, x) { # Polononios de Hermite
      # switch(n + 1
      #     , 1
      #     , 2*x
      #     , 4*x^2-2
      #     , 8*x^3-12*x
      #     , 16*x^4-48*x^2+12
      #     , 32*x^5-160*x^3+120*x
      #     , 64*x^6-480*x^4+720*x^2-120
      #     , 128*x^7-1344*x^5+3360*x^3-1680*x
      #     # , 256*x^8-3584*x^6+13440*x^4-13440*x^2+1680
      #     # , 512*x^9-9216*x^7+48384*x^5-80640*x^3+30240*x
      #     # , 1024*x^10-23040*x^8+161280*x^6-403200*x^4+302400*x^2-30240
      #     # , 2048*x^11-56320*x^9+506880*x^7-1774080*x^5+2217600*x^3-665280*x
      #     # , 4096*x^12-135168*x^10+1520640*x^8-7096320*x^6+13305600*x^4-7983360*x^2+665280
      #     # , 8192*x^13-319488*x^11+4392960*x^9-26357760*x^7+69189120*x^5-69189120*x^3+17297280*x
      #     # , 16384*x^14-745472*x^12+12300288*x^10-92252160*x^8+322882560*x^6-484323840*x^4+242161920*x^2-17297280
      #     # , 32768*x^15-1720320*x^13+33546240*x^11-307507200*x^9+1383782400*x^7-2905943040*x^5+2421619200*x^3-518918400*x
      #     # , 65536*x^16-3932160*x^14+89456640*x^12-984023040*x^10+5535129600*x^8-15498362880*x^6+19372953600*x^4-8302694400*x^2+518918400
      #     # , 131072*x^17-8912896*x^15+233963520*x^13-3041525760*x^11+20910489600*x^9-75277762560*x^7+131736084480*x^5-94097203200*x^3+17643225600*x
      #     # , 262144*x^18-20054016*x^16+601620480*x^14-9124577280*x^12+75277762560*x^10-338749931520*x^8+790416506880*x^6-846874828800*x^4+317578060800*x^2-17643225600
      #     # , 524288*x^19-44826624*x^17+1524105216*x^15-26671841280*x^13+260050452480*x^11-1430277488640*x^9+4290832465920*x^7-6436248698880*x^5+4022655436800*x^3-670442572800*x
      #     # , 1048576*x^20-99614720*x^18+3810263040*x^16-76205260800*x^14+866834841600*x^12-5721109954560*x^10+21454162329600*x^8-42908324659200*x^6+40226554368000*x^4-13408851456000*x^2+670442572800
      #   )
      # }
      # Ht = 7 #21 - 1  # Numero de termos de polinomios de Hermite, o -1 he para considerar o termo H0
      # Term1 <- 0
      # j <- 0
      # while (j <= Ht) {
      #   Sum1 <- 0
      #   cte <- factorial(j)
      #   k <- 0
      #   while (k <= (Ht-j)) {
      #     Sum1 <- Sum1 + (2^-(j + k))/(cte * factorial(k)) *
      #                    (1/n * sum(PHer(j,data[,1]) * fn(data[,1])))^2 *
      #                    (1/n * sum(PHer(k,data[,2]) * fn(data[,2])))^2
      #     k <- k + 1
      #   }
      #   Term1 <- Term1 + Sum1
      #   j <- j + 1
      # }
      # Term2 <- - 1/n^2 * sum(fn(data[,1])) * sum(fn(data[,2])) + 1/(4 * pi)
      # index <- Term1 + Term2
      # print(index)


      index <- .C("NaturalHermite", row = as.integer(nrow(data)),
                  col = as.integer(ncol(data)),
                  data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index
      # print(index)
      # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
      # n <- nrow(data)
      # ### INICIO - Funcao Normal Bivariada ###
      # x <- data[,1]
      # y <- data[,2]
      # rho <- cor(x,y)
      # # medias de x e y
      # med.x <- mean(x)
      # med.y <- mean(y)
      # # desvio padrao de x e y
      # sd.x <- sd(x)
      # sd.y <- sd(y)
      # fnb <- function(vx,vy) {
      #   # termos da funcao normal bivariada
      #   Term1 <- 1/(2 * pi * sd.x * sd.y * sqrt(1 - rho^2))
      #   Term2 <- -1/(2* (1 - rho^2))
      #   Term3 <- ((vx - med.x) / sd.x)
      #   Term4 <- ((vy - med.y) / sd.y)
      #   Term1 * exp( Term2 * ( Term3^2 + Term4^2 - 2 * rho * Term3 * Term4) ) # funcao normal bivariada
      # }
      # ### FIM - Funcao Normal Bivariada ###
      # PNat <- function(n, x) { # Polononios de Hermite Natural
      # switch(n + 1
      #     , 1
      #     , x
      #     , x^2-1
      #     , x^3-3*x
      #     , x^4-6*x^2+3
      #     , x^5-10*x^3+15*x
      #     , x^6-15*x^4+45*x^2-15
      #     , x^7-21*x^5+105*x^3-105*x
      #     , x^8-28*x^6+210*x^4-420*x^2+105
      #     , x^9-36*x^7+378*x^5-1260*x^3+945*x
      #     , x^10-45*x^8+630*x^6-3150*x^4+4725*x^2-945
      #     # , x^11-55*x^9+990*x^7-6930*x^5+17325*x^3-10395*x
      #     # , x^12-66*x^10+1485*x^8-13860*x^6+51975*x^4-62370*x^2+10395
      #     # , x^13-78*x^11+2145*x^9-25740*x^7+135135*x^5-270270*x^3+135135*x
      #     # , x^14-91*x^12+3003*x^10-45045*x^8+315315*x^6-945945*x^4+945945*x^2-135135
      #     # , x^15-105*x^13+4095*x^11-75075*x^9+675675*x^7-2837835*x^5+4729725*x^3-2027025*x
      #     # , x^16-120*x^14+5460*x^12-120120*x^10+1351350*x^8-7567560*x^6+18918900*x^4-16216200*x^2+2027025
      #     # , x^17-136*x^15+7140*x^13-185640*x^11+2552550*x^9-18378360*x^7+64324260*x^5-91891800*x^3+34459425*x
      #     # , x^18-153*x^16+9180*x^14-278460*x^12+4594590*x^10-41351310*x^8+192972780*x^6-413513100*x^4+310134825*x^2-34459425
      #     # , x^19-171*x^17+11628*x^15-406980*x^13+7936110*x^11-87297210*x^9+523783260*x^7-1571349780*x^5+1964187225*x^3-654729075*x
      #     # , x^20-190*x^18+14535*x^16-581400*x^14+13226850*x^12-174594420*x^10+1309458150*x^8-5237832600*x^6+9820936125*x^4-6547290750*x^2+654729075
      #   )
      # }
      # Ht = 10 #21 - 1  # Numero de termos de polinomios de Hermite, o -1 he para considerar o termo H0
      # f.b <- function(x) { # verifica se he par ou impar, retorna vlr zero para impar e outro vlr para par
      #   num <- x/2
      #   if ((ceiling(num) - num) == 0) { # se x for par
      #     (-1)^x * sqrt(factorial(2*x)) / (sqrt(pi) * factorial(x) * 2^(2*x+1))
      #   } else 0 # se x for impar
      # }
      # index <- 0
      # j <- 0
      # while (j <= Ht) {
      #   Sum1 <- 0
      #   cte <- factorial(j)
      #   k <- 0
      #   while (k <= (Ht-j)) {
      #     Sum1 <- Sum1 + (1/n * sum(1/sqrt(cte * factorial(k)) *
      #                    PNat(j,data[,1]) *  PNat(k,data[,2]) *
      #                    fnb(data[,1],data[,2]) - f.b(j) * f.b(k)))^2
      #     k <- k + 1
      #   }
      #   index <- index + Sum1
      #   j <- j + 1
      # }
      # print(index)

    "MF" = {
     # Centraliza na Media e Padroniza os dados por coluna, assim teremos media zero e norma 1
     # Media <- apply(data,2,mean) # vetor com as medias das colunas
     # data  <- sweep(data, 2, Media, FUN = "-") # Centraliza na media
     MC    <- scale(data, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) # Centraliza na media
     SqSum <- sqrt(colSums(MC^2))
     data  <- sweep(MC, 2, SqSum, FUN = "/") # Normaliza os dados ou seja a norma dos vetores he 1
     Pe    <- svd(data)$d[1]  # Encontra o primeiro Valor Singular de data
     data  <- data / Pe # pondera os dados pelo primeiro autovalor
     index <- .C("MF", row = as.integer(nrow(data)),
                 col = as.integer(ncol(data)), 
                 data = as.matrix(data), index = 0)$index
     # print(index)
     # # Codigo abaixo he em R e faz a mesma coisa do codigo anterior de modo mais lento
     # index <- 1/nrow(data) * sum(data^2)
     # print(index)


  Lista <- list(num.class = num.class, class.names = class.names,
                findex = findex, index = index, vector.proj = A)


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