
Defines functions label.cols.y checkwz ima veigen wweighted.mean ResSS.vgam matrix.power tapplymat1 eijfun I.col eifun get.arg add.arg remove.arg extract.arg fill4

Documented in add.arg checkwz eifun eijfun extract.arg fill4 fill4 get.arg I.col ima label.cols.y matrix.power remove.arg ResSS.vgam tapplymat1 tapplymat1 veigen wweighted.mean

# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.

fill1 <- fill2 <- fill3 <- fill4 <-
  function(x, values = 0, ncolx = ncol(x)) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  matrix(values, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncolx, byrow = TRUE)

extract.arg <- function(a) {
  s <- substitute(a)

remove.arg <- function(string) {

  nc <- nchar(string)
  bits <- substring(string, 1:nc, 1:nc)
  b1 <- (1:nc)[bits == "("]
  b1 <- if (length(b1)) b1[1]-1 else nc
  if (b1 == 0)
  string <- paste(bits[1:b1], collapse = "")

add.arg <- function(string, arg.string) {

  if (arg.string == "")
  nc <- nchar(string)
  lastc <- substring(string, nc, nc)
  if (lastc == ")") {
    if (substring(string, nc-1, nc-1) == "(") {
      paste(substring(string, 1, nc-2), "(", arg.string, ")",
            sep = "")
    } else {
      paste(substring(string, 1, nc-1), ", ", arg.string, ")",
            sep = "")
  } else {
    paste(string, "(", arg.string, ")", sep = "")

get.arg <- function(string) {

  nc <- nchar(string)
  bits <- substring(string, 1:nc, 1:nc)
  b1 <- (1:nc)[bits == "("]
  b2 <- (1:nc)[bits == ")"]
  b1 <- if (length(b1)) min(b1) else return("")
  b2 <- if (length(b2)) max(b2) else return("")
  if (b2-b1 == 1) "" else paste(bits[(1+b1):(b2-1)], collapse = "")

 eifun <- function(i, n)
    cbind(as.numeric((1:n) == i))

 eifun <-
 I.col <- function(i, n)
    diag(n)[, i, drop = FALSE]

 eijfun <- function(i, n) {
  temp <- matrix(0, n, 1)
  if (length(i))
    temp[i, ] <- 1

tapplymat1 <-
  function(mat, function.arg = c("cumsum", "diff", "cumprod")) {

  if (!missing(function.arg))
    function.arg <- as.character(substitute(function.arg))
  function.arg <- match.arg(function.arg,
                            c("cumsum", "diff", "cumprod"))[1]

  type <- switch(function.arg, cumsum = 1, diff = 2, cumprod = 3,
           stop("argument 'function.arg' not matched"))

  if (!is.matrix(mat))
    mat <- as.matrix(mat)
  NR <- nrow(mat)
  NC <- ncol(mat)
  fred <- .C("tapply_mat1", mat = as.double(mat), as.integer(NR),
             as.integer(NC), as.integer(type))  # , PACKAGE = "VGAM"
  dim(fred$mat) <- c(NR, NC)
  dimnames(fred$mat) <- dimnames(mat)
         cumsum  = fred$mat,
         diff    = fred$mat[, -1, drop = FALSE],
         cumprod = fred$mat)

matrix.power <- function(wz, M, power, fast = TRUE) {

  n <- nrow(wz)
  index <- iam(NA, NA, M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
  dimm.value <- if (is.matrix(wz)) ncol(wz) else 1
  if (dimm.value > M*(M+1)/2)
    stop("too many columns")

  if (M == 1 || dimm.value == M) {
    WW <- wz^power  # May contain NAs

  if (fast) {
    k <- veigen(t(wz), M = M)  # matrix.arg)
    evals  <- k$values   # M x n
    evects <- k$vectors  # M x M x n
  } else {
    stop("sorry, cannot handle matrix-band form yet")
    k <- unlist(apply(wz, 3, eigen), use.names = FALSE)
    dim(k) <- c(M, M+1, n)
    evals  <- k[,  1, , drop = TRUE]  # M x n
    evects <- k[, -1, , drop = TRUE]  # M x M x n

  temp <- evals^power    # Some values may be NAs

  index <- as.vector( matrix(1, 1, M) %*% is.na(temp) )

  index <- (index == 0)
  if (!all(index)) {
    warning("Some weight matrices have negative ",
            "eigenvalues. They will be assigned NAs")
    temp[,!index] <- 1

  WW <- mux55(evects, temp, M = M)
  WW[,!index] <- NA

ResSS.vgam <- function(z, wz, M) {

  if (M == 1)
    return(sum(c(wz) * c(z^2)))

  wz.z <- mux22(t(wz), z, M = M, as.matrix = TRUE)
  sum(wz.z * z)

wweighted.mean <- function(y, w = NULL, matrix.arg = TRUE) {
  if (!matrix.arg)
    stop("currently, argument 'matrix.arg' must be TRUE")
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  M <- ncol(y)
  n <- nrow(y)
  if (M == 1) {
    if (missing(w)) mean(y) else sum(w * y) / sum(w)
  } else {
    if (missing(w)) y %*% rep(1, n) else {
      numer <- mux22(t(w), y, M, as.matrix = TRUE)
      numer <- t(numer) %*% rep(1, n)
      denom <- t(w) %*% rep(1, n)
      denom <- matrix(denom, 1, length(denom))
      if (matrix.arg)
        denom <- m2a(denom, M = M)[, , 1]
      c(solve(denom, numer))

veigen <- function(x, M) {

  n <- ncol(x)
  index <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
  dimm.value <- nrow(x)  # usually M or M(M+1)/2

  z <- .Fortran("veigenf",
      values = double(M * n),
      vectors = double(M*M*n),
      wk = double(M*M),
      as.integer(index$row), as.integer(index$col),
      error.code = integer(1))

  if (z$error.code)
    stop("eigen algorithm (rs) returned error code ", z$error.code)
  ord <- M:1
  dim(z$values) <- c(M, n)
  z$values <- z$values[ord, , drop = FALSE]
  dim(z$vectors) <- c(M, M, n)
  z$vectors <- z$vectors[, ord, , drop = FALSE]
  return(list(values  = z$values,
              vectors = z$vectors))

ima <- function(j, k, M) {
  if (length(M) > 1 || M <= 0 || j <= 0 || k <= 0 ||
      j > M || k > M)
    stop("input wrong in ima()")
  m <- diag(M)
  m[col(m) <= row(m)] <- 1:(M*(M+1)/2)
  if (j >= k) m[j, k] else m[k, j]

checkwz <- function(wz, M, trace = FALSE,
                    wzepsilon = .Machine$double.eps^0.75) {
  if (wzepsilon > 0.5)
    warning("argument 'wzepsilon' is probably too large")
  if (!is.matrix(wz))
    wz <- as.matrix(wz)
  wzsubset <- wz[, 1:M, drop = FALSE]
  if (any(is.na(wzsubset)))
    stop("NAs found in the working weights variable 'wz'")
  if (any(!is.finite(wzsubset)))
    stop("Some elements in the working weights variable 'wz' are ",
         "not finite")

  if ((temp <- sum(wzsubset < wzepsilon)))
    warning(temp, " diagonal elements of the working weights variable ",
            "'wz' have been replaced by ", signif(wzepsilon, 5))
  wz[, 1:M] <- pmax(wzepsilon, wzsubset)

label.cols.y <-
           colnames.y = NULL,
           NOS = 1,
           percentiles = c(25, 50, 75),
           one.on.one = TRUE,
           byy = TRUE) {
  if (!is.matrix(answer))
    answer <- as.matrix(answer)

  if (one.on.one) {
    colnames(answer) <-
      if (length(colnames.y) == ncol(answer))
        colnames.y else NULL

  if (is.null(percentiles))
    percentiles <- c(25, 50, 75)  # Restore to the default

  if (!is.Numeric(percentiles) ||
      min(percentiles) <= 0 ||
      max(percentiles) >= 100)
    stop("values of 'percentiles' should be in [0, 100]")

  percentiles <- signif(percentiles, digits = 5)

  ab1 <- rep(as.character(percentiles), length = ncol(answer))
  ab1 <- paste(ab1, "%", sep = "")
  if (NOS > 1) {
    suffix.char <- if (length(colnames.y) == NOS)
      colnames.y else as.character(1:NOS)
    ab1 <- paste(ab1, rep(suffix.char, each = length(percentiles)),
                 sep = "")
  colnames(answer) <- ab1

  if (byy) {
    answer <-
      answer[, interleave.VGAM(.M = NCOL(answer),
                               M1 = NOS),   # length(percentiles)),
             drop = FALSE]

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VGAM documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:09 a.m.