# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
vcov.pvgam <- function(object, ...) {
vcovpvgam(object, ...)
vcovpvgam <-
special = FALSE,
frequentist = FALSE, dispersion = NULL, unconditional = FALSE,
...) {
if (!special) {
return(vcovvlm(object, ...))
warning("vcovpvgam() is only 50% finished")
print("in vcovpvgam; hi 2a")
print( class(object) )
M <- npred(object)
n <- nobs(object, type = "lm")
wz <- weights(object, type = "working") <- model.matrix(object, type = "vlm")
U <- vchol(wz, M = M, n = n)
X.vlm <- mux111(U,, M = M)
X.vlm.aug <- rbind(X.vlm,
model.matrix(object, type = "penalty"))
qr1 <- qr(X.vlm.aug)
qr2 <- qr(X.vlm)
poststuff <-,
object = object@ospsslot$magicfit, w = NULL)
magicfit <- object@ospsslot$magicfit
rV <- magicfit$rV
Vb <- poststuff$Vb
Ve <- poststuff$Ve
hhat <- poststuff$hat
eedf <- poststuff$edf
scale.param <- 1 # Assumed
vc <- if (frequentist) {
mat1 <- solve(crossprod(qr.R(qr1)))
scale.param *
(mat1 %*% crossprod(qr.R(qr2)) %*% mat1)
} else {
Vc <- NULL # Corrected ML or REML is not available.
Vp <- scale.param * tcrossprod(solve(qr.R(qr1)))
Vp2 <- rV %*% t(rV) # * sig2 # For checking
print("max(abs(Vp - Vp2)); should be 0")
print( max(abs(Vp - Vp2)) )
if (FALSE) {
He <- SemiParFit$fit$hessian
He.eig <- eigen(He, symmetric=TRUE)
Vb <- He.eig$vectors %*%
He.eig$vectors) # this could be taken from magic as well
Vb <- (Vb + t(Vb) ) / 2
HeSh <- He - SemiParFit$fit$S.h
F <- Vb%*%HeSh # diag(SemiParFit$magpp$edf)
HeSh <- He
Ve <- Vb
F <- F1 <- diag(rep(1,dim(Vb)[1]))
R <- SemiParFit$bs.mgfit$R
if (unconditional && !is.null(Vc))
Vc else Vp
} # Bayesian
if (is.null(dispersion)) {
sig2 <- 1 # zz
vc <- summary(object)@dispersion * vc / sig2
} else {
sig2 <- summary(object)@dispersion # 1 # zz
vc <- dispersion * vc / sig2
print( head(sort(diag(vc))) )
print( head(sort(diag(Ve))) )
print( tail(sort(diag(vc))) )
print( tail(sort(diag(Ve))) )
print("head(sort(diag(vc))) / head(sort(diag(Ve)))")
print( head(sort(diag(vc))) / head(sort(diag(Ve))) )
print("max(abs(sort(diag(vc)) - sort(diag(Ve))))")
print( max(abs(sort(diag(vc)) - sort(diag(Ve)))) )
setMethod("vcov", "pvgam",
function(object, ...)
vcovpvgam(object, ...))
startstoppvgam <-
function(object, ...) { <- object@ospsslot$sm.osps.list$
if (!length(
stop("no 'sm.os()' or '' term in 'object'")
all.ncol.Hk <- unlist(lapply(constraints(object, type = "term"), ncol)) <- names(
endf <- rep_len(NA_real_, sum(all.ncol.Hk[]))
names(endf) <- vlabel(,
M = npred(object))
stopstart <- NULL
iptr <- 1
iterm <- 1
for (ii in names(all.ncol.Hk)) {
if (length([[ii]])) {
temp3 <- -1 + iptr + all.ncol.Hk[ii] * length([[ii]])
new.index <- iptr:temp3 # Includes all component functions wrt xk
iptr <- iptr + length(new.index) # temp3
mat.index <- matrix(new.index, ncol = all.ncol.Hk[ii], byrow = TRUE)
for (jay in 1:all.ncol.Hk[ii]) {
cf.index <- mat.index[, jay]
stopstart <- c(stopstart, list(cf.index))
iterm <- iterm + 1
} # for
} else {
iptr <- iptr + all.ncol.Hk[ii]
} # ii
names(stopstart) <- names(endf)
summarypvgam <-
function(object, dispersion = NULL,
digits = options()$digits-2,
presid = TRUE) {
stuff <- summaryvglm(object, dispersion = dispersion,
HDEtest = FALSE, # 20231027
digits = digits,
presid = presid)
answer <-
call = stuff@call,
cov.unscaled = stuff@cov.unscaled,
correlation = stuff@correlation,
df = stuff@df,
sigma = stuff@sigma)
answer@misc$nopredictors <- stuff@misc$nopredictors
answer@ospsslot <- object@ospsslot
slot(answer, "coefficients") <- stuff@coefficients # Replace
coef3 <- stuff@coef3
aassign <- attr(model.matrix(object, type = "vlm"), "assign")
myterms <- names(object@ospsslot$sm.osps.list$
index.exclude <- NULL
for (ii in myterms) {
index.exclude <- c(index.exclude, unlist(aassign[[ii]]))
slot(answer, "coef3") <- coef3[-index.exclude, , drop = FALSE]
if (is.numeric(stuff@dispersion))
slot(answer, "dispersion") <- stuff@dispersion
if (presid) {
Presid <- residuals(object, type = "pearson")
if (length(Presid))
answer@pearson.resid <- as.matrix(Presid)
pinv <- function(V, M, rank.tol = 1e-6) {
D <- eigen(V, symmetric = TRUE)
M1 <- length(D$values[D$values > rank.tol * D$values[1]])
if (M > M1)
M <- M1 # avoid problems with zero eigen-values
if (M+1 <= length(D$values))
D$values[(M+1):length(D$values)] <- 1
D$values <- 1 / D$values
if (M+1 <= length(D$values))
D$values[(M+1):length(D$values)] <- 0
res <- D$vectors %*% (D$values * t(D$vectors)) ##D$u%*%diag(D$d)%*%D$v
attr(res, "rank") <- M
} ## end of pinv
startstop <- startstoppvgam(object)
m <- length(startstop)
df <- edf1 <- edf <- s.pv <- chi.sq <- array(0, m)
names(chi.sq) <- names(startstop)
p.type <- 5 # Frequentist
est.disp <- if (is.logical(object@misc$estimated.dispersion))
object@misc$estimated.dispersion else FALSE
pvgam.residual.df <- df.residual_pvgam(object)
for (i in 1:m) {
p <- coef(as(object, "pvgam"))[(startstop[[i]])] # params for smooth
endf <- endfpvgam(object, diag.all = TRUE) # This is ENDF+1 actually
edf1[i] <- edf[i] <- sum(endf[(startstop[[i]])])
if (FALSE && !is.null(object$edf1))
edf1[i] <- sum(object$edf1[(startstop[[i]])])
V <- if (p.type == 5) {
Ve <- vcov(object, special = FALSE)
Ve[(startstop[[i]]), (startstop[[i]]), drop = FALSE]
} else {
Vp <- vcov(object, special = TRUE, frequentist = FALSE)
Vp[(startstop[[i]]), (startstop[[i]]), drop = FALSE]
if (p.type == 5) {
M1 <- length(startstop[[i]]) # zz
M <- min(M1,
V <- pinv(V, M) # , rank.tol = 1e-5
chi.sq[i] <- t(p) %*% V %*% p
df[i] <- attr(V, "rank")
if (p.type == 5) {
s.pv[i] <- if (est.disp) {
pf(chi.sq[i] / df[i], df1 = df[i], df2 = pvgam.residual.df,
lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
pchisq(chi.sq[i], df = df[i], lower.tail = FALSE)
if (df[i] < 0.1)
s.pv[i] <- NA
if (est.disp) {
if (p.type == 5) {
s.table <- cbind(edf, df, chi.sq / df, s.pv)
dimnames(s.table) <- list(names(chi.sq),
c("edf", "Est.rank", "F", "p-value"))
} else {
s.table <- cbind(edf, df, chi.sq/df, s.pv)
dimnames(s.table) <- list(names(chi.sq),
c("edf", "Ref.df", "F", "p-value"))
} else {
if (p.type == 5) {
# This case is commonly executed
s.table <- cbind(edf, df, chi.sq, s.pv)
dimnames(s.table) <- list(names(chi.sq),
c("edf", "Est.rank", "Chi.sq", "p-value"))
} else {
s.table <- cbind(edf, df, chi.sq, s.pv)
dimnames(s.table) <- list(names(chi.sq),
c("edf", "Ref.df", "Chi.sq", "p-value"))
} # else
} # for (i)
answer@post$s.table <- s.table
aod <- data.frame(message = 'this does not work yet')
slot(answer, "anova") <- aod
} # summarypvgam()
show.summary.pvgam <-
function(x, quote = TRUE, prefix = "",
digits = options()$digits-2,
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars")) {
show.summary.vglm(x, quote = quote, prefix = prefix,
digits = digits, top.half.only = TRUE)
startstop <- startstoppvgam(x)
m <- length(startstop)
s.table <- x@post$s.table
if (0 < m && length(s.table)) {
cat("\nApproximate significance of smooth terms:\n")
printCoefmat(s.table, digits = digits,
signif.stars = signif.stars, has.Pvalue = TRUE,
na.print = "NA", cs.ind = 1)
M <- x@misc$M
Presid <- x@pearson.resid
rdf <- x@df[2]
cat("\nNumber of linear/additive predictors: ", M, "\n")
if (!is.null(x@misc$predictors.names))
if (M == 1)
cat("\nName of linear/additive predictor:",
paste(x@misc$predictors.names, collapse = ", "), "\n") else
if (M <= 5)
cat("\nNames of linear/additive predictors:",
paste(x@misc$predictors.names, collapse = ", "), "\n")
prose <- ""
if (length(x@dispersion)) {
if (is.logical(x@misc$estimated.dispersion) &&
x@misc$estimated.dispersion) {
prose <- "(Estimated) "
} else {
if (is.numeric(x@misc$default.dispersion) &&
x@dispersion == x@misc$default.dispersion)
prose <- "(Default) "
if (is.numeric(x@misc$default.dispersion) &&
x@dispersion != x@misc$default.dispersion)
prose <- "(Pre-specified) "
cat(paste("\n", prose, "Dispersion Parameter for ",
" family: ",
format(round(x@dispersion, digits)), "\n", sep = ""))
if (length(deviance(x)))
cat("\nResidual deviance: ", format(round(deviance(x), digits)),
"on", format(round(rdf, 3)), "degrees of freedom\n")
if (length(logLik.vlm(x)))
cat("\nLog-likelihood:", format(round(logLik.vlm(x), digits)),
"on", format(round(rdf, 3)), "degrees of freedom\n")
if (length(x@criterion)) {
ncrit <- names(x@criterion)
for (ii in ncrit)
if (ii != "loglikelihood" && ii != "deviance")
cat(paste(ii, ":", sep = ""), format(x@criterion[[ii]]), "\n")
if (is.Numeric(x@ospsslot$iter.outer)) {
cat("\nNumber of outer iterations: ", x@ospsslot$iter.outer, "\n")
cat("\nNumber of IRLS iterations at final outer iteration: ", x@iter,
} else {
cat("\nNumber of IRLS iterations: ", x@iter, "\n")
if (FALSE && length(x@anova)) {
show.vanova(x@anova, digits = digits) # ".vanova" for Splus6
} # show.summary.pvgam()
setMethod("summary", "pvgam",
function(object, ...)
summarypvgam(object, ...))
setMethod("show", "summary.pvgam",
psintpvgam <- function(object, ...) {
if (!isGeneric("psint"))
setGeneric("psint", function(object, ...)
package = "VGAM")
setMethod("psint", "pvgam",
function(object, ...)
psintpvgam(object, ...))
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