# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
setClass("", representation(
"Bcoefficients" = "matrix",
"knots" = "numeric",
"xmin" = "numeric",
"xmax" = "numeric"))
setClass("vsmooth.spline", representation(
"call" = "call",
"constraints" = "list",
"df" = "numeric",
"nlfit" = "", # is the nonlinear component
"lev" = "matrix",
"lfit" = "vlm", # 20020606 was "vlm.wfit"; is the linear component
"spar" = "numeric",
"lambda" = "numeric",
"var" = "matrix",
"w" = "matrix",
"x" = "numeric",
"y" = "matrix",
"yin" = "matrix"))
setMethod("coefficients", signature(object = "vsmooth.spline"),
function(object, ...)
coefvsmooth.spline(object, ...))
setMethod("coef", signature(object = "vsmooth.spline"),
function(object, ...)
coefvsmooth.spline(object, ...))
setMethod("coefficients", signature(object = ""),
function(object, ...), ...))
setMethod("coef", signature(object = ""),
function(object, ...), ...))
setMethod("fitted.values", signature(object = "vsmooth.spline"),
function(object, ...)
fittedvsmooth.spline(object, ...))
setMethod("fitted", signature(object = "vsmooth.spline"),
function(object, ...)
fittedvsmooth.spline(object, ...))
setMethod("residuals", signature(object = "vsmooth.spline"),
function(object, ...)
residvsmooth.spline(object, ...))
setMethod("resid", signature(object = "vsmooth.spline"),
function(object, ...)
residvsmooth.spline(object, ...))
setMethod("predict", signature(object="vsmooth.spline"),
function(object, ...)
predictvsmooth.spline(object, ...))
setMethod("show", "vsmooth.spline",
setMethod("plot", "vsmooth.spline",
function(x, y, ...) {
if (!missing(y)) stop("cannot process the 'y' argument")
invisible(plotvsmooth.spline(x, ...))})
setMethod("predict", "",
function(object, ...), ...))
setMethod("model.matrix", "vsmooth.spline",
function(object, ...)
model.matrixvlm(object, ...))
depvar.vsmooth.spline <- function(object, ...) {
if (!isGeneric("depvar"))
setGeneric("depvar", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("depvar"),
package = "VGAM")
setMethod("depvar", "vsmooth.spline", function(object, ...)
depvar.vsmooth.spline(object, ...))
vsmooth.spline <-
function(x, y, w = NULL, df = rep(5, M),
spar = NULL, #rep(0,M),
i.constraint = diag(M),
x.constraint = diag(M),
constraints = list("(Intercepts)" = i.constraint,
x = x.constraint),
all.knots = FALSE,
var.arg = FALSE,
scale.w = TRUE,
nk = NULL,
control.spar = list()) {
if (var.arg) {
warning("@var will be returned, but no use will be made of it")
missing.constraints <- missing(constraints)
if (!(missing.spar <- missing(spar)) && !missing(df)) {
stop("cannot specify both 'spar' and 'df'")
contr.sp <- list(low = -1.5,## low = 0. was default till R 1.3.x
high = 1.5,
tol = 1e-4,## tol = 0.001 was default till R 1.3.x
eps = 2e-8,## eps = 0.00244 was default till R 1.3.x
maxit = 500 )
contr.sp[(names(control.spar))] <- control.spar
if (!all(sapply(contr.sp[1:4], is.numeric)) ||
contr.sp$tol < 0 || contr.sp$eps <= 0 || contr.sp$maxit <= 0)
stop("invalid 'control.spar'") <-
if (missing(y)) {
if (is.list(x)) {
if (anyNA(match(c("x", "y"), names(x))))
stop("cannot find 'x' and 'y' in list")
y <- x$y
x <- x$x
} else if (is.complex(x)) {
y <- Im(x)
x <- Re(x)
} else if (is.matrix(x)) {
y <- x[,-1]
x <- x[,1]
} else {
y <- x
x <- time(x)
xvector <- x
n_lm <- length(xvector)
ymat <- as.matrix(y)
ny2 <- dimnames(ymat)[[2]] # NULL if vector
M <- ncol(ymat)
if (n_lm != nrow(ymat)) {
stop("lengths of arguments 'x' and 'y' must match")
if (anyNA(xvector) || anyNA(ymat)) {
stop("NAs not allowed in arguments 'x' or 'y'")
if (is.null(w)) {
wzmat <- matrix(1, n_lm, M)
} else {
if (anyNA(w)) {
stop("NAs not allowed in argument 'w'")
wzmat <- as.matrix(w)
if (nrow(ymat) != nrow(wzmat) || ncol(wzmat) > M * (M+1) / 2) {
stop("arguments 'w' and 'y' don't match")
if (scale.w) {
wzmat <- wzmat / mean(wzmat[,1:M]) # 'Average' value is 1
dim2wz <- ncol(wzmat)
if (missing.constraints) {
constraints <- list("(Intercepts)" = eval(i.constraint),
"x" = eval(x.constraint))
constraints <- eval(constraints)
if (is.matrix(constraints)) {
constraints <- list("(Intercepts)" = constraints,
"x" = constraints)
if (!is.list(constraints) || length(constraints) != 2) {
stop("'constraints' must equal a list (of length 2) or a matrix")
for (ii in 1:2)
if (!is.numeric(constraints[[ii]]) ||
!is.matrix (constraints[[ii]]) ||
nrow(constraints[[ii]]) != M ||
ncol(constraints[[ii]]) > M)
stop("something wrong with argument 'constraints'")
names(constraints) <- c("(Intercepts)", "x")
usortx <- unique(sort(as.vector(xvector)))
ooo <- match(xvector, usortx) # usortx[ooo] == x
neff <- length(usortx)
if (neff < 7) {
stop("not enough unique 'x' values (need 7 or more)")
dim1U <- dim2wz # 20000110; was M * (M+1) / 2
collaps <- .C("vsuff9",
as.integer(n_lm), as.integer(neff), as.integer(ooo),
as.double(xvector), as.double(ymat), as.double(wzmat),
xbar = double(neff), ybar = double(neff * M),
wzbar = double(neff * dim2wz),
uwzbar = double(1), wzybar = double(neff * M), okint = as.integer(0),
as.integer(M), dim2wz = as.integer(dim2wz), dim1U = as.integer(dim1U),
Hlist1 = as.double(diag(M)), ncolb = as.integer(M),
trivc = as.integer(1), wuwzbar = as.integer(0),
dim1Uwzbar = as.integer(dim1U), dim2wzbar = as.integer(dim2wz))
if (collaps$okint != 1) {
stop("some non-positive-definite weight matrices ",
"detected in 'vsuff9'")
dim(collaps$ybar) <- c(neff, M)
if (FALSE) {
} else {
yinyin <- collaps$ybar # Includes both linear and nonlinear parts
x <- collaps$xbar # Could call this xxx for location finder
lfit <- vlm(yinyin ~ 1 + x, # xxx
constraints = constraints,
save.weights = FALSE,
qr.arg = FALSE, x.arg = FALSE, y.arg = FALSE,
smart = FALSE,
weights = matrix(collaps$wzbar, neff, dim2wz))
ncb0 <- ncol(constraints[[2]]) # Of xxx and not of the intercept
spar <- rep_len(if (length(spar)) spar else 0, ncb0)
dfvec <- rep_len(df, ncb0)
if (!missing.spar) {
ispar <- 1
if (any(spar <= 0) || !is.numeric(spar)) {
stop("not allowed non-positive or non-numeric ",
"smoothing parameters")
nonlin <- (spar != Inf)
} else {
ispar <- 0
if (!is.numeric(dfvec) || any(dfvec < 2 | dfvec > neff)) {
stop("you must supply '2 <= df <= ", neff, "'")
nonlin <- (abs(dfvec - 2) > contr.sp$tol)
if (all(!nonlin)) {
junk.fill <- new("",
"Bcoefficients" = matrix(NA_real_, 1, 1),
"knots" = numeric(0),
"xmin" = numeric(0),
"xmax" = numeric(0)) # 20031108
dratio <- NA_real_
object <-
"call" =,
"constraints" = constraints,
"df" = if (ispar == 0) dfvec else rep_len(2, length(spar)),
"lfit" = lfit,
"nlfit" = junk.fill,
"spar" = if (ispar == 1) spar else rep_len(Inf, length(dfvec)),
"lambda" = if (ispar == 1) dratio * 16.0^(spar * 6.0 - 2.0) else
rep_len(Inf, length(dfvec)),
"w" = matrix(collaps$wzbar, neff, dim2wz),
"x" = usortx,
"y" = lfit@fitted.values,
"yin" = yinyin)
xbar <- (usortx - usortx[1]) / (usortx[neff] - usortx[1])
noround <- TRUE # Improvement 20020803
nknots <- nk
if (all.knots) {
knot <- if (noround) {
valid.vknotl2(c(rep_len(xbar[1], 3), xbar, rep_len(xbar[neff], 3)))
} else {
c(rep_len(xbar[1], 3), xbar, rep_len(xbar[neff], 3))
if (length(nknots)) {
warning("overriding 'nk' by 'all.knots = TRUE'")
nknots <- length(knot) - 4 # No longer neff + 2
} else {
chosen <- length(nknots)
if (chosen && (nknots > neff+2 || nknots <= 5)) {
stop("bad value for 'nk'")
if (!chosen) {
nknots <- 0
knot.list <- .C("vknootl2", as.double(xbar),
as.integer(neff), knot = double(neff+6),
k = as.integer(nknots+4),
chosen = as.integer(chosen))
if (noround) {
knot <- valid.vknotl2(knot.list$knot[1:(knot.list$k)])
knot.list$k <- length(knot)
} else {
knot <- knot.list$knot[1:(knot.list$k)]
nknots <- knot.list$k - 4
if (nknots <= 5) {
stop("not enough distinct knots found")
conmat <- (constraints[[2]])[, nonlin, drop = FALSE]
ncb <- sum(nonlin)
trivc <- trivial.constraints(conmat)
resmat <- collaps$ybar - lfit@fitted.values # neff by M <- spar[nonlin] <- dfvec[nonlin]
dim1Uwzbar <- if (trivc) dim1U else ncb * (ncb+1) / 2
dim2wzbar <- if (trivc) dim2wz else ncb * (ncb+1) / 2
ooo <- 1:neff # Already sorted
collaps <- .C("vsuff9",
as.integer(neff), as.integer(neff), as.integer(ooo),
as.double(collaps$xbar), as.double(resmat), as.double(collaps$wzbar),
xbar = double(neff), ybar = double(neff * ncb),
wzbar = double(neff * dim2wzbar),
uwzbar = double(1), wzybar = double(neff * ncb), okint = as.integer(0),
as.integer(M), as.integer(dim2wz), as.integer(dim1U),
Hlist1 = as.double(conmat), ncolb = as.integer(ncb),
as.integer(trivc), wuwzbar = as.integer(0),
as.integer(dim1Uwzbar), as.integer(dim2wzbar))
if (collaps$okint != 1) {
stop("some non-positive-definite weight matrices ",
"detected in 'vsuff9' during the second call.")
dim(collaps$ybar) <- dim(collaps$wzybar) <- c(neff, ncb)
dim(collaps$wzbar) <- c(neff, dim2wzbar)
wzyb.c <-
zedd.c <- matrix(0, neff, ncb)
Wmat.c <- array(0, c(ncb, ncb, neff))
if (FALSE)
for (ii in 1:neff) {
Wi.indiv <- m2a(wzmat[ii, , drop = FALSE], M = ncb)
Wi.indiv <- Wi.indiv[,, 1] # Drop the 3rd dimension
Wmat.c[,, ii] <- t(conmat) %*% Wi.indiv %*% conmat
one.Wmat.c <- matrix(Wmat.c[,, ii], ncb, ncb)
zedd.c[ii, ] <- solve(Wmat.c[,, ii],
t(conmat) %*% Wi.indiv %*% cbind(resmat[ii, ]))
wzyb.c[ii, ] <- one.Wmat.c %*% zedd.c[ii, ]
ldk <- 3 * ncb + 1 # 20020710; Previously 4 * ncb
varmat <- if (var.arg) matrix(0, neff, ncb) else double(1)
vsplin <- .C("Yee_spline",
xs = as.double(xbar),
yyy = as.double(collaps$wzybar), # zz
as.double(collaps$wzbar), xknot = as.double(knot),
n = as.integer(neff), nknots = as.integer(nknots), as.integer(ldk),
M = as.integer(ncb), dim2wz = as.integer(dim2wzbar), = as.double(, lamvec = as.double(,
iinfo = integer(1), fv = double(neff * ncb),
Bcoef = double(nknots * ncb), varmat = as.double(varmat),
levmat = double(neff * ncb), as.double(,
ifvar = as.integer(var.arg), ierror = as.integer(0),
n_lm = as.integer(neff),
double(nknots), double(nknots), double(nknots), double(nknots),
double(1), as.integer(0),
icontrsp = as.integer(contr.sp$maxit),
contrsp = as.double(unlist(contr.sp[1:4])))
if (vsplin$ierror != 0) {
stop("vsplin$ierror == ", vsplin$ierror,
". Something gone wrong in 'vsplin'")
if (vsplin$iinfo != 0) {
stop("leading minor of order ", vsplin$iinfo,
" is not positive-definite")
dim(vsplin$levmat) <- c(neff, ncb) # A matrix even when ncb == 1
if (ncb > 1) {
dim(vsplin$fv) <- c(neff, ncb)
if (var.arg)
dim(vsplin$varmat) <- c(neff, ncb)
} <- colSums(vsplin$levmat) # Actual EDF used
fv <- lfit@fitted.values + vsplin$fv %*% t(conmat)
if (M > 1) {
dimnames(fv) <- list(NULL, ny2)
dfvec[!nonlin] <- 2.0
dfvec[ nonlin] <-
if (ispar == 0) {
spar[!nonlin] <- Inf
spar[ nonlin] <- vsplin$ # Actually used
fit.object <- new("",
"Bcoefficients" = matrix(vsplin$Bcoef, nknots, ncb),
"knots" = knot,
"xmax" = usortx[neff],
"xmin" = usortx[1])
object <-
"call" =,
"constraints" = constraints,
"df" = dfvec,
"nlfit" = fit.object,
"lev" = vsplin$levmat,
"lfit" = lfit,
"spar" = spar, # if (ispar == 1) spar else vsplin$spar,
"lambda" = vsplin$lamvec, #
"w" = collaps$wzbar,
"x" = usortx,
"y" = fv,
"yin" = yinyin)
if (var.arg)
object@var <- vsplin$varmat
show.vsmooth.spline <- function(x, ...) {
if (!is.null(cl <- x@call)) {
ncb <- if (length(x@nlfit)) ncol(x@nlfit@Bcoefficients) else NULL
cat("\nSmoothing Parameter (Spar):",
if (length(ncb) && ncb == 1) format(x@spar) else
paste(format(x@spar), collapse = ", "), "\n")
cat("\nEquivalent Degrees of Freedom (Df):",
if (length(ncb) && ncb == 1) format(x@df) else
paste(format(x@df), collapse = ", "), "\n")
if (!all(trivial.constraints(x@constraints) == 1)) {
cat("\nConstraint matrices:\n")
} <- function(object, ...) {
coefvsmooth.spline <- function(object, matrix = FALSE, ...) {
list(lfit = coefvlm(object@lfit, matrix.out = matrix),
nlfit =
fittedvsmooth.spline <- function(object, ...) {
residvsmooth.spline <- function(object, ...) {
as.matrix(object@yin - object@y)
plotvsmooth.spline <- function(x, xlab = "x", ylab = "", points = TRUE,
pcol = par()$col, pcex = par()$cex,
pch = par()$pch, lcol = par()$col,
lwd = par()$lwd, lty = par()$lty,
add = FALSE, ...) {
points.arg <- points; rm(points)
M <- ncol(x@y)
pcol <- rep_len(pcol, M)
pcex <- rep_len(pcex, M)
pch <- rep_len(pch, M)
lcol <- rep_len(lcol, M)
lwd <- rep_len(lwd, M)
lty <- rep_len(lty, M)
if (!add)
matplot(x@x, x@yin, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
for (ii in 1:ncol(x@y)) {
if (points.arg)
points(x@x, x@yin[,ii], col = pcol[ii], pch = pch[ii], cex = pcex[ii])
lines(x@x, x@y[,ii], col = lcol[ii], lwd = lwd[ii], lty = lty[ii])
predictvsmooth.spline <- function(object, x, deriv = 0, = FALSE) {
if (
warning("' = TRUE' is not currently implemented. ",
"Using ' = FALSE'")
lfit <- object@lfit # Linear part of the vector spline
nlfit <- object@nlfit # Nonlinear part of the vector spline
if (missing(x)) {
if (deriv == 0) {
return(list(x = object@x, y = object@y))
} else {
x <- object@x
return(Recall(object, x, deriv))
mat.coef <- coefvlm(lfit, matrix.out = TRUE)
coeflfit <- t(mat.coef) # M x p now
M <- nrow(coeflfit) # if (is.matrix(object@y)) ncol(object@y) else 1
pred <- if (deriv == 0)
predict(lfit, data.frame(x = x)) else
if (deriv == 1)
matrix(coeflfit[,2], length(x), M, byrow = TRUE) else
matrix(0, length(x), M)
if (!length(nlfit@knots)) {
return(list(x = x, y = pred))
nonlin <- (object@spar != Inf)
conmat <- if (!length(lfit@constraints)) diag(M) else
conmat <- conmat[, nonlin, drop = FALSE] # Of nonlinear functions
list(x = x, y = pred + predict(nlfit, x, deriv)$y %*% t(conmat))
} <- function(object, x, deriv = 0) {
nknots <- nrow(object@Bcoefficients)
drangex <- object@xmax - object@xmin
if (missing(x))
x <- seq(from = object@xmin, to = object@xmax, length.out = nknots-4)
xs <- as.double((x - object@xmin) / drangex)
bad.left <- (xs < 0)
bad.right <- (xs > 1)
good <- !(bad.left | bad.right)
ncb <- ncol(object@Bcoefficients)
y <- matrix(NA_real_, length(xs), ncb)
if (ngood <- sum(good)) {
junk <- .C("Yee_vbvs", as.integer(ngood),
as.double(object@knots), as.double(object@Bcoefficients),
as.double(xs[good]), smomat = double(ngood * ncb),
as.integer(nknots), as.integer(deriv), as.integer(ncb))
y[good,] <- junk$smomat
if (TRUE && deriv > 1) {
edges <- xs <= 0 | xs >= 1 # Zero the edges & beyond explicitly
y[edges,] <- 0
if (any(!good)) {
xrange <- c(object@xmin, object@xmax)
if (deriv == 0) {
end.object <- Recall(object, xrange)$y
end.slopes <- Recall(object, xrange, 1)$y * drangex
if (any(bad.left)) {
y[bad.left,] <- rep(end.object[1,], rep(sum(bad.left), ncb)) +
rep(end.slopes[1,], rep(sum(bad.left), ncb)) *
if (any(bad.right)) {
y[bad.right,] <- rep(end.object[2,], rep(sum(bad.right), ncb)) +
rep(end.slopes[2,], rep(sum(bad.right), ncb)) *
(xs[bad.right] - 1)
} else if (deriv == 1) {
end.slopes <- Recall(object, xrange, 1)$y * drangex
y[bad.left,] <- rep(end.slopes[1,], rep(sum(bad.left), ncb))
y[bad.right,] <- rep(end.slopes[2,], rep(sum(bad.right), ncb))
} else
y[!good,] <- 0
if (deriv > 0)
y <- y / (drangex^deriv)
list(x = x, y = y)
valid.vknotl2 <- function(knot, tol = 1/1024) {
junk <- .C("Yee_pknootl2", knot = as.double(knot),
keep = integer(length(knot)), as.double(tol))
keep <- as.logical(junk$keep)
knot <- junk$knot[keep]
if (length(knot) <= 11) {
stop("too few (distinct) knots")
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