# bayesmeta, an R package for Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis.
# Copyright (C) 2023 Christian Roever
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
bayesmeta <- function(y,...)
bayesmeta.default <- function(y, sigma, labels=names(y),
mu.prior.mean=mu.prior[1], =mu.prior[2],
interval.type = c("shortest", "central"),
delta=0.01, epsilon=0.0001,
ptm <- proc.time()
y <- as.vector(y)
sigma <- as.vector(sigma)
labels <- as.vector(labels)
# some preliminary sanity checks:
stopifnot(is.vector(y), is.vector(sigma),
all(is.finite(y)), all(is.finite(sigma)),
all(sigma>=0), sum(sigma==0)<=1,
length(mu.prior.mean)==1, length(, || is.finite(mu.prior.mean), || (is.finite(mu.prior.mean) && (>0)),
(( &
|| (is.finite(mu.prior.mean) & is.finite(,
(is.function(tau.prior) | (is.character(tau.prior) && (length(tau.prior)==1))))
interval.type <- match.arg(interval.type)
stopifnot(length(interval.type)==1, is.element(interval.type, c("shortest","central")))
zerosigma <- (sigma == 0.0)
#if (any(zerosigma)) warning("one of the supplied 'sigma' elements is zero!")
k <- length(y)
if (is.null(labels))
labels <- sprintf("%02d", 1:k)
sigma2hat <- (k-1)*sum(1/sigma^2) / (sum(1/sigma^2)^2 - sum(1/sigma^4)) # Higgins/Thompson (2002), eqn. (9)
maxratio <- max(sigma) / min(sigma)
if ((!any(zerosigma)) && (maxratio > 1000))
warning(paste0("Ratio of largest over smallest standard error (sigma) is ", sprintf("%.0f",maxratio), ". Extreme values may lead to computational problems."))
tau.prior.proper <- NA
if (is.character(tau.prior)) {
tau.prior <- match.arg(tolower(tau.prior),
tau.prior <- c("uniform"="uniform", "jeffreys"="Jeffreys",
"shrinkage"="shrinkage", "dumouchel"="DuMouchel",
"bergerdeely"="BergerDeely", "conventional"="conventional", "i2"="I2", "sqrt"="sqrt")[tau.prior]
stopifnot(is.element(tau.prior, c("uniform", "Jeffreys", "shrinkage", "DuMouchel", "BergerDeely", "conventional", "I2", "sqrt")))
if (tau.prior=="uniform") { # uniform prior on tau:
pdens <- function(t){d<-rep(1,length(t)); d[t<0]<-0; return(d)}
attr(pdens, "bayesmeta.label") <- "uniform(min=0, max=Inf)"
} else if (tau.prior=="Jeffreys") { # Jeffreys prior:
pdens <- function(t){return(apply(matrix(t,ncol=1),1,function(x){return(sqrt(sum((x/(sigma^2+x^2))^2)))}))}
attr(pdens, "bayesmeta.label") <- "Jeffreys prior"
} else if (tau.prior=="BergerDeely") { # Berger/Deely prior:
pdens <- function(t){return(apply(matrix(t,ncol=1),1,
attr(pdens, "bayesmeta.label") <- "Berger/Deely prior"
} else if (tau.prior=="conventional") { # conventional prior:
pdens <- function(t){return(apply(matrix(t,ncol=1),1,
attr(pdens, "bayesmeta.label") <- "conventional prior"
} else if (tau.prior=="I2") { # uniform on I^2:
pdens <- function(t){return(apply(matrix(t,ncol=1),1,
function(x){return(2 * exp(log(sigma2hat)+log(x) - 2*log(sigma2hat+x^2)))}))}
attr(pdens, "bayesmeta.label") <- "uniform prior on I-squared"
} else if (tau.prior=="sqrt") { # sqrt-prior:
pdens <- function(t){d <- rep(0,length(t)); d[t>=0] <- t[t>=0]^(-0.5); return(d)}
attr(pdens, "bayesmeta.label") <- "uniform prior on sqrt(tau)"
} else {
# harmonic mean of squared standard errors:
s02 <- k/sum(1/sigma^2)
if (tau.prior=="shrinkage") { # "uniform shrinkage" prior:
pdens <- function(t){return(apply(matrix(t,ncol=1),1,function(x){return(2*x*s02/(s02+x^2)^2)}))}
attr(pdens, "bayesmeta.label") <- "uniform shrinkage prior"
} else if (tau.prior=="DuMouchel") { # DuMouchel prior:
s0 <- sqrt(s02)
pdens <- function(t){return(apply(matrix(t,ncol=1),1,function(x){return(s0/(s0+x)^2)}))}
attr(pdens, "bayesmeta.label") <- "DuMouchel prior"
} else warning("could not make sense of 'tau.prior' argument")
if (is.element(tau.prior, c("uniform", "Jeffreys", "BergerDeely", "sqrt")))
tau.prior.proper <- FALSE
tau.prior <- pdens
tau.prior.integral <- 1.0 # heterogeneity prior's normalizing constant
dprior <- function(tau=NA, mu=NA, log=FALSE)
# prior density (marginal or joint)
if (all( { # marginal density for mu:
if (is.finite(mu.prior.mean))
result <- dnorm(mu, mean=mu.prior.mean,, log=log)
result <- rep(ifelse(log, 0, 1), length(mu))
else if (all( { # marginal density for tau:
if (log) {
if (is.element("log", names(formals(tau.prior))))
result <- apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1), 1, tau.prior, log=TRUE) - log(tau.prior.integral)
result <- log(apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1), 1, tau.prior)) - log(tau.prior.integral)
else result <- apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1), 1, tau.prior) / tau.prior.integral
else if (is.finite(mu.prior.mean) & !all( { # joint density:
if (is.element("log", names(formals(tau.prior))))
result <- (apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1), 1, tau.prior, log=TRUE) - log(tau.prior.integral)
+ dnorm(mu, mean=mu.prior.mean,, log=TRUE))
result <- (log(apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1), 1, tau.prior)) - log(tau.prior.integral)
+ dnorm(mu, mean=mu.prior.mean,, log=TRUE))
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
else { # joint density (uniform on mu):
if (log) {
if (is.element("log", names(formals(tau.prior))))
result <- apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1), 1, tau.prior, log=TRUE) - log(tau.prior.integral)
result <- log(apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1), 1, tau.prior)) - log(tau.prior.integral)
else result <- apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1), 1, tau.prior) / tau.prior.integral
# check whether tau prior is proper
# (unless obvious from above specification)
# by trying to integrate numerically:
if ( { <- integrate(function(t){return(dprior(tau=t))},
lower=0, upper=Inf,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate,
tau.prior.proper <- (($message == "OK") && ($value > 0))
# if integral is substantially different from 1.0, apply correction:
if (tau.prior.proper && (abs($value - 1.0) >$abs.error))
tau.prior.integral <-$value
likelihood <- function(tau=NA, mu=NA, log=FALSE)
# likelihood function (marginal or joint)
if (all( & all( {
warning("need to supply at least either 'mu' or 'tau'")
else if (all( { # return marginal likelihood (numerical):
loglikeli <- function(taumu)
t2s2 <- taumu[1]^2 + sigma^2
return(-(k/2)*log(2*pi) - 0.5*sum(log(t2s2)) - 0.5*sum((y-taumu[2])^2 / t2s2))
marglikeli <- function(mu)
integrand <- function(t){return(exp(loglikeli(c(t,mu)) + dprior(tau=t,log=TRUE)))}
int <- integrate(Vectorize(integrand),
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate,
lower=0, upper=Inf, stop.on.error=FALSE)
return(ifelse(int$message == "OK", int$value, NA))
result <- apply(matrix(mu,ncol=1), 1, marglikeli)
if (log) result <- log(result)
} else if (all( { # return marginal likelihood (analytical):
logmarglikeli <- function(t)
if ( { # uniform prior
yTerm <- y
varTerm <- t^2 + sigma^2
else { # conjugate normal prior
yTerm <- c(mu.prior.mean, y)
varTerm <- c(^2, t^2 + sigma^2)
if ((t==0) & any(zerosigma)) {
conditionalmean <- y[zerosigma]
} else {
conditionalmean <- sum(yTerm/varTerm) / sum(1/varTerm)
return(-0.5*((length(yTerm)-1) * log(2*pi)
+ sum(log(varTerm))
+ sum((yTerm-conditionalmean)^2 / varTerm)
+ log(sum(1/varTerm))))
result <- apply(matrix(tau, ncol=1), 1, logmarglikeli)
result[tau<0] <- -Inf
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
else { # return joint likelihood:
loglikeli <- function(taumu)
t2s2 <- taumu[1]^2 + sigma^2
return(-(k/2)*log(2*pi) - 0.5*sum(log(t2s2)) - 0.5*sum((y-taumu[2])^2 / t2s2))
result <- apply(cbind(tau,mu), 1, loglikeli)
result[tau<0] <- -Inf
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
dposterior <- function(tau=NA, mu=NA, theta=mu, log=FALSE, predict=FALSE, individual=FALSE)
# posterior density (marginal or joint)
if (all( mu <- theta
if (! (is.logical(individual) && (!individual))) {
indiv.logi <- TRUE
if (is.numeric(individual)) indiv.which <- which(is.element(1:k, individual))
if (is.character(individual)) indiv.which <- which(is.element(labels, match.arg(individual,labels)))
if (length(indiv.which)==0) warning("cannot make sense of 'individual' argument: empty subset.")
else indiv.logi <- FALSE
if (predict & indiv.logi) warning("need to specify either 'predict' or 'individual' argument, but not both.")
if (all( & all( {
warning("need to supply at least either 'mu' or 'tau'")
else if (all( { # return marginal posterior (effect mu, numerical):
if (all( {
warning("'support' not initialized.")
result <- NA
else {
result <- numeric(length(mu))
if (predict) # posterior predictive distribution
for (i in 1:length(mu))
result[i] <- sum(support[,"weight"]
* dnorm(mu[i], mean=support[,"mean"], sd=support[,"sd.pred"]))
else if (indiv.logi) { # individual-effect distribution
musigma <- conditionalmoment(tau=support[,"tau"], individual=indiv.which)
for (i in 1:length(mu))
result[i] <- sum(support[,"weight"]
* dnorm(mu[i], mean=musigma[,"mean"], sd=musigma[,"sd"]))
else # (marginal) posterior distribution
for (i in 1:length(mu))
result[i] <- sum(support[,"weight"]
* dnorm(mu[i], mean=support[,"mean"], sd=support[,"sd"]))
if (log) result <- log(result)
else {
if (predict) warning("'predict' argument ignored!")
if (indiv.logi) warning("'individual' argument ignored!")
if (all( { # return marginal posterior (heterogeneity tau, analytical):
logmargpost <- function(t)
return(ifelse(t<0, -Inf, log(tau.prior(t)) + likelihood(mu=NA, tau=t, log=TRUE)))
result <- apply(matrix(tau, ncol=1), 1, logmargpost) - log(integral)
result[is.nan(result)] <- -Inf
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
else { # return joint posterior:
loglikeli <- function(taumu)
t2s2 <- taumu[1]^2 + sigma^2
return(-(k/2)*log(2*pi) - 0.5*sum(log(t2s2)) - 0.5*sum((y-taumu[2])^2 / t2s2))
logpost <- function(taumu)
return(dprior(taumu[1], taumu[2], log=TRUE) + loglikeli(taumu) - log(integral))
result <- apply(cbind(tau,mu), 1, logpost)
result[tau<0] <- -Inf
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
# compute marginal posterior density's normalizing constant:
integral <- 1.0
integral <- integrate(function(x){dposterior(tau=x)}, lower=0, upper=Inf,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)$value
if ((!is.finite(integral)) || (integral <= 0))
warning("failed integrating marginal posterior (tau)")
pposterior <- function(tau=NA, mu=NA, theta=mu, predict=FALSE, individual=FALSE)
# posterior cumulative distribution function (CDF) of tau
if (all( mu <- theta
if (! (is.logical(individual) && (!individual))) {
indiv.logi <- TRUE
if (is.numeric(individual)) indiv.which <- which(is.element(1:k, individual))
if (is.character(individual)) indiv.which <- which(is.element(labels, match.arg(individual,labels)))
if (length(indiv.which)==0) warning("cannot make sense of 'individual' argument: empty subset.")
else indiv.logi <- FALSE
if (predict & indiv.logi) warning("need to specify either 'predict' or 'individual' argument, but not both.")
if (all( { # numerical integration for tau
if (predict) warning("'predict' argument ignored!")
if (indiv.logi) warning("'individual' argument ignored!")
cdf <- function(x)
# marginal CDF of tau
if (x<=0) p <- 0
else if (x==Inf) p <- 1
else p <- integrate(dposterior, lower=0, upper=x,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)$value
result <- apply(matrix(tau, ncol=1), 1, cdf)
else if (all( { # grid approximation for mu
if (all( {
warning("'support' not initialized.")
result <- NA
else if (indiv.logi) { # individual-effect distribution
musigma <- conditionalmoment(tau=support[,"tau"], individual=indiv.which)
cdf <- function(x)
p <- sum(pnorm(x, mean=musigma[,"mean"], sd=musigma[,"sd"]) * support[,"weight"])
result <- apply(matrix(mu, ncol=1), 1, cdf)
else { # posterior or posterior predictive CDF:
cdf <- function(x)
p <- sum(pnorm(x, mean=support[,"mean"], sd=support[,ifelse(predict, "sd.pred", "sd")])
* support[,"weight"])
result <- apply(matrix(mu, ncol=1), 1, cdf)
else {
warning("need to supply EITHER tau OR mu, not both.")
result <- NA
qposterior <- function(tau.p=NA, mu.p=NA, theta.p=mu.p, predict=FALSE, individual=FALSE)
# posterior quantile function of tau or mu
if (all( mu.p <- theta.p
if (! (is.logical(individual) && (!individual))) {
indiv.logi <- TRUE
if (is.numeric(individual)) indiv.which <- which(is.element(1:k, individual))
if (is.character(individual)) indiv.which <- which(is.element(labels, match.arg(individual,labels)))
if (length(indiv.which)==0) warning("cannot make sense of 'individual' argument: empty subset.")
else indiv.logi <- FALSE
if (all( { # compute tau quantile
stopifnot(all(tau.p>=0), all(tau.p<=1))
if (predict) warning("'predict' argument ignored!")
if (indiv.logi) warning("'individual' argument ignored!")
upper <- 1
if (any((tau.p<1) & (tau.p>0))) {
maxp <- max(tau.p[tau.p<1])
while (pposterior(tau=upper) < maxp) upper <- upper * 2
qfun <- function(p)
stopifnot(p>=0, p<=1)
if (p==0) quant <- 0
else {
if (p==1) quant <- Inf
quant <- uniroot(function(xx){return(pposterior(tau=xx)-p)},
interval=c(0,upper), tol=tol.uniroot)$root
result <- apply(matrix(tau.p,ncol=1),1,qfun)
else if (all( { # compute mu quantile
if (indiv.logi && any(zerosigma) && (indiv.which == which(zerosigma))){
result <- rep(NA, length(mu.p))
result[is.finite(mu.p)] <- y[zerosigma]
stopifnot(all(mu.p>=0), all(mu.p<=1))
if (any((mu.p<1) & (mu.p>0))) {
minp <- min(c(mu.p[mu.p>0], 1-mu.p[mu.p<1]))
# derive minimum/maximum based on variance and Chebychev inequality:
if (predict) {
lower <- sumstats["mean","theta"] - sqrt(1/minp)*sumstats["sd","theta"]*1.1
upper <- sumstats["mean","theta"] + sqrt(1/minp)*sumstats["sd","theta"]*1.1
else if (indiv.logi) {
lower <- y[indiv.which] - sqrt(1/minp)*sigma[indiv.which]*1.1
upper <- y[indiv.which] + sqrt(1/minp)*sigma[indiv.which]*1.1
else {
lower <- sumstats["mean","mu"] - sqrt(1/minp)*sumstats["sd","mu"]*1.1
upper <- sumstats["mean","mu"] + sqrt(1/minp)*sumstats["sd","mu"]*1.1
while (pposterior(mu=lower,predict=predict,individual=individual) > minp)
lower <- lower-sumstats["sd","mu"]
while (pposterior(mu=upper,predict=predict,individual=individual) < (1-minp))
upper <- upper+sumstats["sd","mu"]
qfun <- function(p)
stopifnot(p>=0, p<=1)
if (p==0) quant <- -Inf
else {
if (p==1) quant <- Inf
quant <- uniroot(function(yy){return(pposterior(mu=yy,predict=predict,individual=individual)-p)},
interval=c(lower,upper), tol=tol.uniroot)$root
result <- apply(matrix(mu.p,ncol=1),1,qfun)
else {
warning("need to supply EITHER tau.p OR mu.p, not both.")
result <- NA
rposterior <- function(n=1, predict=FALSE, individual=FALSE, tau.sample=TRUE)
# posterior random number generation for tau and mu
stopifnot(n>0, n==round(n), length(individual)==1,
!is.logical(individual) || !individual)
if (tau.sample) { # draw joint, bivariate (tau,mu) pairs:
samp <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=2, dimnames=list(NULL,c("tau","mu")))
if (is.numeric(individual) | is.character(individual))
colnames(samp)[2] <- "theta"
u <- runif(n=n)
samp[,"tau"] <- apply(matrix(u,ncol=1), 1, function(x){return(qposterior(tau.p=x))})
cond.sample <- function(t)
cm <- conditionalmoment(t, predict=predict, individual=individual)
return(rnorm(n=1, mean=cm[1], sd=cm[2]))
samp[,2] <- apply(matrix(samp[,"tau"],ncol=1), 1, cond.sample)
} else { # draw marginal, univariate (mu or theta) numbers:
samp <- rep(NA, n)
if (!predict & (is.logical(individual) && (!individual)))
meansd <- support[,c("mean","sd")]
meansd <- conditionalmoment(support[,"tau"], predict=predict, individual=individual)
for (i in 1:n) {
j <- sample(1:nrow(support), 1, prob=support[,"weight"])
samp[i] <- rnorm(1, mean=meansd[j,"mean"], sd=meansd[j,"sd"])
post.interval <- function(tau.level=NA, mu.level=NA, theta.level=mu.level,
predict=FALSE, individual=FALSE)
# determine credibility/prediction/shrinkage interval (tau, mu or theta)
if ( mu.level <- theta.level
stopifnot((is.finite(tau.level) & ((tau.level>0) & (tau.level<1)))
| (is.finite(mu.level) & ((mu.level>0) & (mu.level<1))))
method <- match.arg(method, c("shortest","central","evidentiary"))
if (all( { # CI for heterogeneity tau:
if (predict) warning("'predict' argument ignored!")
if (! (is.logical(individual) && (!individual))) warning("'individual' argument ignored!")
if (method=="central") # central interval
result <- qposterior(tau.p=c((1-tau.level)/2, 1-(1-tau.level)/2))
else if (method=="shortest") { # shortest interval
intwidth <- function(left)
pleft <- pposterior(tau=left)
right <- qposterior(tau=tau.level+pleft)
opti <- optimize(intwidth, lower=0, upper=qposterior(tau=1-tau.level))$minimum
# catch marginal minimum:
if (intwidth(0) < intwidth(opti))
result <- c(0, qposterior(tau=tau.level))
result <- c(opti, qposterior(tau=tau.level+pposterior(tau=opti)))
else { # evidentiary interval (tau)
expectedLogLikeli <- function(left)
pleft <- pposterior(tau=left)
right <- qposterior(tau=tau.level+pleft)
expect <- integrate(function(x){return(likelihood(tau=x,log=TRUE)*dposterior(tau=x))},
lower=left, upper=right,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)
opti <- optimize(expectedLogLikeli, maximum=TRUE,
lower=0, upper=qposterior(tau=1-tau.level))$maximum
# catch marginal minimum:
if (expectedLogLikeli(0) > expectedLogLikeli(opti))
result <- c(0, qposterior(tau=tau.level))
result <- c(opti, qposterior(tau=tau.level+pposterior(tau=opti)))
else if (all( { # CI for effect mu:
if (method=="central") # central interval
result <- qposterior(mu.p=c((1-mu.level)/2, 1-(1-mu.level)/2), predict=predict, individual=individual)
else if (method=="shortest") { # shortest interval
intwidth <- function(left)
pleft <- pposterior(mu=left, predict=predict, individual=individual)
right <- qposterior(mu=mu.level+pleft, predict=predict, individual=individual)
opti <- optimize(intwidth,
lower=qposterior(mu=(1-mu.level)/50, predict=predict, individual=individual),
upper=qposterior(mu=1-mu.level, predict=predict, individual=individual))$minimum
result <- c(opti, qposterior(mu=mu.level+pposterior(mu=opti, predict=predict, individual=individual), predict=predict, individual=individual))
else { # evidentiary interval (mu)
if (predict) {
warning("evidentiary prediction intervals are not implemented!")
result <- c(NA,NA)
else if ((length(individual)>1) || (!is.logical(individual)) || individual) {
warning("evidentiary shrinkage intervals are not implemented!")
result <- c(NA,NA)
} else {
expectedLogLikeli <- function(left)
pleft <- pposterior(mu=left)
right <- qposterior(mu=mu.level+pleft)
expect <- integrate(function(x){return(likelihood(mu=x)*dposterior(mu=x))},
lower=left, upper=right,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)
opti <- optimize(expectedLogLikeli, maximum=TRUE,
lower=qposterior(mu=(1-mu.level)/100), upper=qposterior(mu=1-mu.level))$maximum
result <- c(opti, qposterior(mu=mu.level+pposterior(mu=opti)))
else {
warning("need to supply EITHER tau.level OR mu.level, not both.")
result <- c(NA,NA)
attr(result, "interval.type") <- method
conditionalmoment <- function(tau, predict=FALSE, individual=FALSE, simplify=TRUE)
# compute conditional posterior moments (mean, sd) of mu for given value(s) of tau
# if (predict==TRUE), moments of the /posterior predictive distribution/ are returned.
# if (individual==TRUE), moments of the conditional posterior /of the study-specific effects/
# (theta[i]) are returned.
# interpret the "individual" argument, derive a "logical" and "numeric" component:
if (all(is.logical(individual))) { # (logical "individual" argument)
indiv.logi <- individual[1]
if (indiv.logi)
indiv.which <- 1:k
indiv.which <- NA
else { # (numerical/character "individual" argument)
indiv.logi <- TRUE
if (all(is.numeric(individual))) # number(s) provided
indiv.which <- which(is.element(1:k, individual))
else if (all(is.character(individual))) # label(s) provided
indiv.which <- which(is.element(labels, match.arg(individual, labels, several.ok=TRUE)))
else warning("cannot make sense of 'individual' argument: funny format.")
if (length(indiv.which)==0)
warning("cannot make sense of 'individual' argument: empty subset.")
if (predict & indiv.logi) warning("need to specify either 'predict' or 'individual' argument, but not both.")
cm <- function(t)
if ((t==0) && any(zerosigma)) {
conditionalmean <- y[zerosigma]
conditionalvar <- 0.0
} else {
if ( { # uniform prior
yTerm <- y
varTerm <- t^2 + sigma^2
else { # conjugate normal prior
yTerm <- c(mu.prior.mean, y)
varTerm <- c(^2, t^2 + sigma^2)
conditionalvar <- 1 / sum(1/varTerm)
conditionalmean <- sum(yTerm/varTerm) * conditionalvar
# compute conditional moments of mu
# (or predictive, if requested):
if (!indiv.logi) {
result <- t(apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1),1,cm))
if (predict) result[,"sd"] <- sqrt(result[,"sd"]^2 + tau^2)
# compute conditional moments of individual, study-specific means:
else {
result <- array(NA, dim=c(length(tau), 2, length(indiv.which)),
dimnames=list(NULL, c("mean","sd"), labels[indiv.which]))
musigma <- t(apply(matrix(tau,ncol=1),1,cm))
# loop over estimates:
zero <- (tau==0)
for (i in 1:length(indiv.which)) {
if (any(!zero)) { # tau > 0
if (sigma[indiv.which[i]] > 0.0) {
result[!zero,"mean",i] <- (y[indiv.which[i]]/sigma[indiv.which[i]]^2 + musigma[!zero,"mean"]/tau[!zero]^2) / (1/sigma[indiv.which[i]]^2+1/tau[!zero]^2)
result[!zero,"sd",i] <- sqrt(1 / (1/sigma[indiv.which[i]]^2+1/tau[!zero]^2)
+ (musigma[!zero,"sd"] * (1/tau[!zero]^2) / (1/sigma[indiv.which[i]]^2+1/tau[!zero]^2))^2)
} else {
result[!zero,"mean",i] <- y[indiv.which[i]]
result[!zero,"sd",i] <- 0.0
if (any(zero)) { # tau = 0
result[zero,"mean",i] <- musigma[zero,"mean"]
result[zero,"sd",i] <- musigma[zero,"sd"]
# simplify array to matrix (if possible and desired):
if ((dim(result)[3] == 1) && (simplify)) result <- result[,,1]
ISquared <- function(tau)
# compute heterogeneity measure "I-squared" as a function of tau
I2 <- rep(NA, length(tau))
I2[tau>=0] <- tau[tau>=0]^2 / (tau[tau>=0]^2 + sigma2hat)
discretize <- function(delta=0.01, epsilon=0.0001, alldivs=TRUE)
# discretize parameter space in order to approximate marginal (mixture) distribution
# via a finite number of mixture components; see also:
# C. Roever, T. Friede.
# Discrete approximation of a mixture distribution via restricted divergence.
# Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26(1): 217-222, 2017.
symKL <- function(mean1, sd1, mean2, sd2)
# (general) symmetrized KL-divergence of two normal distributions
stopifnot(sd1>0, sd2>0)
return((mean1-mean2)^2 * 0.5 * (1/sd1^2 + 1/sd2^2) + (sd1^2-sd2^2)^2 / (2*sd1^2*sd2^2))
divergence <- function(tau1, tau2)
# (symmetrized) divergence b/w two conditionals specified through corresponding tau values
if (!alldivs) { # evaluate divergence based on (conditional) mu posterior only:
cm <- conditionalmoment(tau=c(tau1, tau2))
div <- symKL(cm[1,"mean"], cm[1,"sd"], cm[2,"mean"], cm[2,"sd"])
else { # evaluate divergence based also on (conditional) individual-study
# and predictive mu posterior, and determine the maximum divergence:
# determine array of ALL conditional moments:
cm <- array(c(conditionalmoment(tau=c(tau1, tau2)),
conditionalmoment(tau=c(tau1, tau2), predict=TRUE),
#conditionalmoment(tau=c(tau1, tau2), individual=TRUE)),
conditionalmoment(tau=c(tau1, tau2), individual=(1:k)[!zerosigma])),
#dim=c(2, 2, k+2))
dim=c(2, 2, sum(!zerosigma)+2))
# determine individual divergences and their maximum:
#div <- rep(NA, k+2)
div <- rep(NA, sum(!zerosigma)+2)
#for (i in 1:(k+2))
for (i in 1:(sum(!zerosigma)+2))
div[i] <- symKL(cm[1,1,i], cm[1,2,i], cm[2,1,i], cm[2,2,i])
div <- max(div)
# determine range of interest / upper bound on tau:
if (any(zerosigma)) maxtau <- qposterior(tau.p=1-min(c(epsilon/2, 1-epsilon/2)))
else maxtau <- qposterior(tau.p=1-min(c(epsilon, 1-epsilon)))
# special procedure for 1st bin
# (want zero to be first reference point UNLESS one of the sigma[i] is zero):
if (any(zerosigma)) tau <- qposterior(tau.p=min(c(epsilon/2, 1-epsilon/2)))
else tau <- 0.0
# search for upper bin margin:
upper <- 1
diverg <- divergence(tau, upper)
while (diverg <= delta) {
upper <- upper*2
diverg <- divergence(tau, upper)
ur <- uniroot(function(t){return(divergence(tau, t)-delta)},
lower=tau, upper=upper,
f.lower=-delta, f.upper=diverg-delta,
prob1 <- 0.0
prob2 <- pposterior(tau=ur$root)
# store result for 1st bin:
result <- matrix(c(tau, prob2-prob1),
nrow=1, ncol=2,
tau <- ur$root
# determine following bins (2,...):
bin <- 2
while ((tau <= maxtau) | (bin<=2)) { # (at least 2 support points)
result <- rbind(result, rep(0,2))
# determine bin's reference point:
diverg <- divergence(tau, upper)
while (diverg <= delta) {
upper <- upper*2
diverg <- divergence(tau, upper)
ur <- uniroot(function(t){return(divergence(tau, t)-delta)},
lower=tau, upper=upper,
f.lower=-delta, f.upper=diverg-delta,
tau <- ur$root
result[bin,"tau"] <- tau
# determine bin's upper bound:
diverg <- divergence(tau, upper)
while (diverg <= delta) {
upper <- upper*2
diverg <- divergence(tau, upper)
ur <- uniroot(function(t){return(divergence(tau, t)-delta)},
lower=tau, upper=upper,
f.lower=-delta, f.upper=diverg-delta,
tau <- ur$root
# determine bin's weight:
prob1 <- prob2
prob2 <- pposterior(tau=tau)
result[bin,"weight"] <- max(c(0.0, prob2-prob1))
# sanity check (to catch possible uniroot() failure):
if (result[bin,"tau"] <= result[bin-1,"tau"]) {
warning("DIRECT grid setup seems to have failed.")
tau <- maxtau + 1.0
bin <- bin+1
# re-normalize weights (if necessary):
sw <- sum(result[,"weight"])
if (sw <= 0) {
result[,"weight"] <- rep(1/nrow(result), nrow(result))
sw <- 1.0
if (sw != 1.0)
result[,"weight"] <- result[,"weight"] / sw
accelerate <- FALSE # flag to speed up computations at the cost of a few estimates and a little accuracy
# compute set of tau support points & corresponding weights:
support <- discretize(delta=delta, epsilon=epsilon, alldivs=ifelse(accelerate, FALSE, TRUE))
#if (nrow(support) <= 10)
# warning(paste0("Discretization of heterogeneity parameter space yielded very few (only ",nrow(support),") support points.\n",
# "This *may* indicate numerical problems, e.g. due to a very narrow heterogeneity prior. Please double-check."))
support <- cbind(support,
# compute tau posterior's summary statistics:
sumstats <- matrix(NA, nrow=6, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(c("mode", "median", "mean","sd", "95% lower", "95% upper"),
expectation <- try(integrate(function(x)return(dposterior(x)*x), lower=0, upper=Inf,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)$value, silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(expectation, "try-error")) {
expectation <- NA
variance <- NA
else {
variance <- try(integrate(function(x)return(dposterior(x)*(x-expectation)^2), lower=0, upper=Inf,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)$value,
if (inherits(variance, "try-error"))
variance <- NA
sumstats[c("mean","sd"),"tau"] <- c(expectation, sqrt(variance))
sumstats["median","tau"] <- qposterior(0.5)
sumstats[c("95% lower", "95% upper"),"tau"] <- post.interval(tau=0.95, method=ifelse(accelerate, "central", interval.type))
if (!accelerate) {
if (! is.finite(dposterior(tau=0))) {
sumstats["mode","tau"] <- 0
} else {
maxi <- optimize(function(x){return(dposterior(tau=x))},
lower=0, upper=qposterior(tau=0.9), maximum=TRUE)
if ((maxi$maximum <= 2 * .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
&& (dposterior(0) > maxi$objective)) maxi <- list("maximum"=0)
sumstats["mode","tau"] <- maxi$maximum
rm(list=c("expectation", "variance"))
# compute mu posterior's summary statistics:
if (all(is.finite(support))) {
sumstats["mean","mu"] <- sum(support[,"mean"] * support[,"weight"])
sumstats["sd","mu"] <- sqrt(sum(((support[,"mean"]-sumstats["mean","mu"])^2 + support[,"sd"]^2) * support[,"weight"]))
sumstats["median","mu"] <- qposterior(mu=0.5)
sumstats[c("95% lower", "95% upper"),"mu"] <- post.interval(mu=0.95, method=ifelse(accelerate, "central", interval.type))
if (!accelerate) {
maxi <- optimize(function(x){return(dposterior(mu=x))},
lower=qposterior(mu=0.1), upper=qposterior(mu=0.9), maximum=TRUE)
sumstats["mode","mu"] <- maxi$maximum
# compute mu posterior-predictive distribution's summary statistics:
if (all(is.finite(support))) {
sumstats["mean","theta"] <- sumstats["mean","mu"]
sumstats["sd","theta"] <- sqrt(sum(((support[,"mean"]-sumstats["mean","theta"])^2 + support[,"sd.pred"]^2) * support[,"weight"]))
if (!accelerate) {
sumstats["median","theta"] <- qposterior(mu=0.5, predict=TRUE)
sumstats[c("95% lower", "95% upper"),"theta"] <- post.interval(mu=0.95, predict=TRUE)
maxi <- optimize(function(x){return(dposterior(mu=x, predict=TRUE))},
lower=qposterior(mu=0.1, predict=TRUE), upper=qposterior(mu=0.9, predict=TRUE), maximum=TRUE)
sumstats["mode","theta"] <- maxi$maximum
# compute joint & marginal maximum-likelihood (ML) estimates:
ml.estimate <- rbind("joint"=c("tau"=NA, "mu"=NA), "marginal"=c("tau"=NA, "mu"=NA))
map.estimate <- rbind("joint"=c("tau"=NA, "mu"=NA),
if (!accelerate) {
# search for joint ML:
opti <- optim(sumstats["median",c("tau","mu")],
function(x){return(-likelihood(tau=x[1], mu=x[2], log=TRUE))})
# possibly catch optimum at (tau=0) parameter space margin:
if (any(zerosigma)) {
ml.estimate["joint",] <- opti$par
} else {
upper <- opti$par[2] + 1
while (likelihood(tau=0, mu=upper+1, log=TRUE) > likelihood(tau=0, mu=upper, log=TRUE))
upper <- upper + 1
lower <- opti$par[2] - 1
while (likelihood(tau=0, mu=lower-1, log=TRUE) > likelihood(tau=0, mu=lower, log=TRUE))
lower <- lower - 1
maxi <- optimize(function(x){return(likelihood(tau=0, mu=x, log=TRUE))},
lower=lower, upper=upper, maximum=TRUE)
if (likelihood(tau=opti$par[1], mu=opti$par[2], log=TRUE) > maxi$objective)
ml.estimate["joint",] <- opti$par
ml.estimate["joint",] <- c(0, maxi$maximum)
# marginal ML (mu):
upper <- ml.estimate["joint","mu"] + 1
while (likelihood(mu=upper+1) > likelihood(mu=upper))
upper <- upper + 1
lower <- ml.estimate["joint","mu"] - 1
while (likelihood(mu=lower-1) > likelihood(mu=lower))
lower <- lower - 1
maxi <- optimize(function(x){return(likelihood(mu=x))},
lower=lower, upper=upper, maximum=TRUE)
ml.estimate["marginal","mu"] <- maxi$maximum
# marginal ML (tau):
upper <- ifelse(ml.estimate["joint","tau"] > 0, 2*ml.estimate["joint","tau"], 1.0)
while (likelihood(tau=2*upper) > likelihood(tau=upper))
upper <- upper * 2
maxi <- optimize(function(x){return(likelihood(tau=x))},
lower=0, upper=upper, maximum=TRUE)
if (all(!zerosigma) && (likelihood(tau=0) > maxi$objective))
ml.estimate["marginal","tau"] <- 0.0
ml.estimate["marginal","tau"] <- maxi$maximum
# compute joint maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) estimate:
opti <- optim(sumstats["median",c("tau","mu")],
function(x){return(-dposterior(tau=x[1], mu=x[2], log=TRUE))})
map.value <- dposterior(tau=opti$par[1], mu=opti$par[2])
map.estimate["joint",] <- opti$par
# possibly catch optimum at (tau=0) parameter space margin:
if (all(!zerosigma)) {
if (is.finite(tau.prior(0))) {
upper <- sumstats["95% upper", "mu"]
while (dposterior(mu=upper+1, tau=0) > dposterior(mu=upper, tau=0))
upper <- upper + 1
lower <- sumstats["95% lower", "mu"]
while (dposterior(mu=lower-1, tau=0) > dposterior(mu=lower, tau=0))
lower <- lower - 1
maxi <- optimize(function(x){return(dposterior(mu=x, tau=0))},
lower=lower, upper=upper, maximum=TRUE)
if (maxi$objective > map.value) {
map.estimate["joint",] <- c(0, maxi$maximum)
map.value <- maxi$objective
} else {
map.value <- Inf
map.estimate["joint","tau"] <- 0.0
# possibly catch diverging posterior density
if (! is.finite(map.value)) {
map.estimate["joint","mu"] <- conditionalmoment(tau=map.estimate["joint","tau"])[1,"mean"]
# clean up:
# compute "shrinkage" estimates of theta[i]:
shrink <- matrix(NA, nrow=8, ncol=k,
dimnames=list(c("y","sigma","mode", "median", "mean","sd", "95% lower", "95% upper"),
shrink["y",] <- y
shrink["sigma",] <- sigma
if (all(is.finite(support)) & (!accelerate)) {
for (i in 1:k) {
if (zerosigma[i]) {
shrink[c("mean", "median", "mode", "95% lower", "95% upper"), i] <- y[i]
shrink["sd", i] <- 0.0
} else {
musigma <- conditionalmoment(support[,"tau"], individual=i)
shrink["mean",i] <- sum(musigma[,"mean"] * support[,"weight"])
shrink["sd",i] <- sqrt(sum(((musigma[,"mean"]-shrink["mean",i])^2 + musigma[,"sd"]^2) * support[,"weight"]))
shrink["median",i] <- qposterior(mu=0.5, individual=i)
shrink[c("95% lower", "95% upper"),i] <- post.interval(mu=0.95, individual=i)
maxi <- optimize(function(x){return(dposterior(mu=x, individual=i))},
lower=qposterior(mu=0.1), upper=qposterior(mu=0.9), maximum=TRUE)
shrink["mode",i] <- maxi$maximum
# compute marginal likelihood & Bayes factors:
marglik <- NA_real_
bayesfactor <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames=list(c("actual", "minimum"), c("tau=0","mu=0")))
if (tau.prior.proper) {
bayesfactor["minimum","mu=0"] <- likelihood(mu=0) / likelihood(mu=ml.estimate["marginal","mu"])
# check for proper effect prior:
if (is.finite(mu.prior.mean)
&& is.finite(
&& ( > 0)) {
bayesfactor["minimum","tau=0"] <- likelihood(tau=0) / likelihood(tau=ml.estimate["marginal","tau"])
# check for proper heterogeneity prior:
if (tau.prior.proper) { <- integrate(function(t){return(likelihood(tau=t)*dprior(tau=t))},
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate,
lower=0, upper=Inf)
if ($message == "OK") {
marglik <-$value
bayesfactor["actual", "tau=0"] <- likelihood(tau=0) / marglik
bayesfactor["actual", "mu=0"] <- likelihood(mu=0) / marglik
} else {
attr(marglik, "NA.reason") <- "failed computing marginal likelihood"
} else {
attr(marglik, "NA.reason") <- "improper heterogeneity prior"
} else {
attr(marglik, "NA.reason") <- "improper effect prior"
# compute posterior mean inverse-variance weights:
ivweights <- function(tau, idx)
# inverse-variance weights as a function of tau
stopifnot(length(tau)==1, tau>=0)
if (is.finite(mu.prior.mean) && is.finite( {
weights <- 1 / c(tau^2 + sigma^2,^2)
names(weights) <- c(labels, "prior mean")
} else {
weights <- 1 / (tau^2 + sigma^2)
names(weights) <- labels
weights <- weights / sum(weights)
ivweights <- Vectorize(ivweights, vectorize.args="tau")
# compute posterior means:
if (is.finite(mu.prior.mean) && is.finite( {
meanweights <- rep(NA_real_, k+1)
names(meanweights) <- c(labels, "prior mean")
} else {
meanweights <- rep(NA_real_, k)
names(meanweights) <- labels
for (i in 1:length(meanweights)) {
meanweights[i] <- integrate(function(t){ivweights(tau=t, idx=i) * dposterior(tau=t)},
lower=0, upper=Inf,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)$value
# compute "shrinkage weights":
shrinkweights <- function(tau, study.idx, shrink.idx)
# "study.idx" : which study's weight
# "shrink.idx" : which shrinkage estimate
stopifnot(length(tau)==1, tau>=0)
# compute inverse variance weights:
if (is.finite(mu.prior.mean) && is.finite( {
ivw <- 1 / c(tau^2 + sigma^2,^2)
names(ivw) <- c(labels, "prior mean")
} else {
ivw <- 1 / (tau^2 + sigma^2)
names(ivw) <- labels
ivw <- ivw / sum(ivw)
if (any(sigma==0)) { # catch zero sigma case:
s0 <- which(sigma==0)[1]
for (i in 1:length(ivw)) ivw[i] <- 0.0
ivw[s0] <- 1.0
# compute shrinkage weights:
if (tau > 0)
swt <- (sigma[shrink.idx]^(-2)) / (sigma[shrink.idx]^(-2) + tau^(-2))
swt <- 0.0
indic <- rep(0.0, length(ivw))
indic[shrink.idx] <- 1.0
swt <- swt*indic + (1-swt)*ivw
swt <- swt / sum(swt)
if (any(sigma==0)) { # catch zero sigma case:
s0 <- which(sigma==0)[1]
swt <- rep(0.0, length(ivw))
swt[s0] <- 1.0
shrinkweights <- Vectorize(shrinkweights, vectorize.args="tau")
shrinkageweights <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(meanweights), ncol=k,
"shrinkage estimate"=labels))
for (i in 1:nrow(shrinkageweights)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(shrinkageweights)) {
shrinkageweights[i,j] <- integrate(function(t){shrinkweights(tau=t,i,j)*dposterior(tau=t)},
lower=0.0, upper=Inf,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)$value
ptm <- proc.time()[1] - ptm[1]
muprior <- c(mu.prior.mean,
names(muprior) <- c("mean","sd")
# assemble eventual result to be returned:
result <- list("y" = y,
"sigma" = sigma,
"labels" = labels,
"k" = k,
"tau.prior" = tau.prior,
"mu.prior" = muprior,
"dprior" = dprior,
"tau.prior.proper" = tau.prior.proper,
"likelihood" = likelihood,
"dposterior" = dposterior,
"pposterior" = pposterior,
"qposterior" = qposterior,
"rposterior" = rposterior,
"post.interval" = post.interval,
"cond.moment" = conditionalmoment,
"I2" = ISquared,
"summary" = sumstats,
"interval.type" = interval.type,
"ML" = ml.estimate,
"MAP" = map.estimate,
"theta" = shrink,
"weights" = meanweights,
"weights.theta" = shrinkageweights,
"marginal.likelihood" = marglik,
"bayesfactor" = bayesfactor,
"support" = support,
"delta" = delta,
"epsilon" = epsilon,
"rel.tol.integrate" = rel.tol.integrate,
"abs.tol.integrate" = abs.tol.integrate,
"tol.uniroot" = tol.uniroot,
"call" =,
"init.time" = c("seconds"=unname(ptm)))
class(result) <- "bayesmeta"
bayesmeta.escalc <- function(y, labels=NULL, ...)
# apply "bayesmeta()" to an "escalc" object
attri <- attributes(y)
if (all(is.element(c("yi.names", "vi.names"), names(attri)))) { # (for recent "metafor" versions)
var.names <- c(attri$yi.names, attri$vi.names)
} else if (is.element("var.names", names(attri))) { # (for older "metafor" versions)
var.names <- attri$var.names
} else {
stop(paste("Cannont extract \"yi.names\" and \"vi.names\" (or \"var.names\") attribute(s) from escalc object ",
"(check use of the \"var.names\" option).", sep=""))
stopifnot(length(var.names)==2, all(is.character(var.names)))
if (!all(is.element(var.names, names(y)))) {
stop(paste("Cannont find columns \"",
var.names[1],"\" and/or \"",
var.names[2],"\" in escalc object ",
"(check use of the \"var.names\" option).", sep=""))
if (is.null(labels)) {
if (is.element("slab", names(attributes(y[,var.names[1]]))))
labels <- as.character(attr(y[,var.names[1]], "slab"))
result <- bayesmeta.default(y=as.vector(y[,var.names[1]]),
labels=labels, ...)
result$call <-
print.bayesmeta <- function(x,...)
# print a short summary
cat(" 'bayesmeta' object.\n")
cat(paste("\n",x$k," estimates:\n", sep=""))
if (length(x$labels)>10)
cat(paste(c(x$labels[1:10], "..."), collapse=", "))
cat(paste(x$labels[1:length(x$labels)], collapse=", "))
cat(paste0("\ntau prior (", ifelse(x$tau.prior.proper, "proper", "improper"), "):\n"))
if (is.element("bayesmeta.label", names(attributes(x$tau.prior))))
cat(paste(attributes(x$tau.prior)[["bayesmeta.label"]], "\n"))
mu.prior.proper <- (is.finite(x$mu.prior["mean"]) && is.finite(x$mu.prior["sd"]) && (x$mu.prior["sd"] > 0))
cat(paste0("\nmu prior (", ifelse(mu.prior.proper, "proper", "improper"), "):\n"))
if (mu.prior.proper)
cat(paste("normal(mean=",x$mu.prior["mean"],", sd=",x$mu.prior["sd"],")\n",sep=""))
cat("uniform(min=-Inf, max=Inf)\n")
cat("\nML and MAP estimates:\n")
print(rbind("ML joint"=x$ML["joint",],
"ML marginal"=x$ML["marginal",],
"MAP joint"=x$MAP["joint",],
"MAP marginal"=x$MAP["marginal",]))
cat("\nmarginal posterior summary:\n")
if (x$interval.type=="shortest")
cat("\n(quoted intervals are shortest credible intervals.)\n")
cat("\n(quoted intervals are central, equal-tailed credible intervals.)\n")
summary.bayesmeta <- function(object,...)
# print a longer summary
cat(" 'bayesmeta' object.\n")
data <- matrix(c(object$y, object$sigma), ncol=2, dimnames=list(object$labels, c("y","sigma")))
cat(paste("data (", object$k, " estimates):\n",sep=""))
if (nrow(data)<=20)
else {
cat(paste(" [...] (truncated;", object$k, "estimates total)\n"))
cat(paste0("\ntau prior (", ifelse(object$tau.prior.proper, "proper", "improper"), "):\n"))
if (is.element("bayesmeta.label", names(attributes(object$tau.prior))))
cat(paste(attributes(object$tau.prior)[["bayesmeta.label"]], "\n"))
mu.prior.proper <- (is.finite(object$mu.prior["mean"]) && is.finite(object$mu.prior["sd"]) && (object$mu.prior["sd"] > 0))
cat(paste0("\nmu prior (", ifelse(mu.prior.proper, "proper", "improper"), "):\n"))
if (mu.prior.proper)
cat(paste("normal(mean=",object$mu.prior["mean"],", sd=",object$mu.prior["sd"],")\n",sep=""))
cat("uniform(min=-Inf, max=Inf)\n")
cat("\nML and MAP estimates:\n")
print(rbind("ML joint"=object$ML["joint",],
"ML marginal"=object$ML["marginal",],
"MAP joint"=object$MAP["joint",],
"MAP marginal"=object$MAP["marginal",]))
cat("\nmarginal posterior summary:\n")
if (object$interval.type=="shortest")
cat("\n(quoted intervals are shortest credible intervals.)\n")
cat("\n(quoted intervals are central, equal-tailed credible intervals.)\n")
if (any(is.finite(object$bayesfactor))) {
cat("\nBayes factors:\n")
cat("\nrelative heterogeneity I^2 (posterior median):", object$I2(tau=object$summary["median","tau"]), "\n")
plot.bayesmeta <- function(x, main=deparse(substitute(x)),
which=1:4, prior=FALSE,
mulim=c(NA,NA), taulim=c(NA,NA),
# generate forest plot and joint and marginal density plots.
q975 <- qnorm(0.975)
stopifnot(length(mulim)==2, length(taulim)<=2)
if (all(is.finite(taulim))) {
if ((length(taulim)==2) && (taulim[1]>=0) && (taulim[2]>taulim[1]))
taurange <- taulim
else if ((length(taulim)==1) && (taulim>0))
taurange <- c(0, taulim)
taurange <- c(0, x$qposterior(tau=0.995)*1.1)
} else {
taurange <- c(0, x$qposterior(tau=0.995)*1.1)
if (all(is.finite(mulim)) && (mulim[1] < mulim[2])) {
murange <- mulim
} else {
murange <- x$qposterior(mu=c(0.005,0.995))
murange <- murange + c(-1,1)*diff(murange)*0.05
forestPlot <- function(x, main="", violin=violin, leftmargin=8)
original.margins <- par("mar")
plotmargins <- original.margins
plotmargins[2] <- leftmargin
# determine x-axis range:
xrange <- range(c(x$y-q975*x$sigma, x$y+q975*x$sigma,
x$summary[c("95% lower", "95% upper"),c("mu","theta")]))
# empty plot:
plot(xrange, c(-2, x$k)+c(-1,1)*0.5,
type="n", axes=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="", main=main)
mtext(side=1, line=par("mgp")[1], expression("effect"))
# add horizontal line dividing data and estimates:
abline(h=0, col="lightgrey")
# add vertical "posterior median effect" line:
abline(v=x$summary["median","mu"], col="black", lty="12")
if (violin) {
ticklength <- 0.45 # (here: maximum height of gaussian)
maxdens <- c(dnorm(0, sd=x$sigma),
x$dposterior(theta=x$summary["mode","theta"], predict=TRUE))
relmaxdens <- maxdens / max(maxdens)
# density for central 95%
narg1 <- seq(-q975, q975, le=51)
ndens1 <- dnorm(narg1) / dnorm(0)
# density for tails out to +/- 6 sigma
narg2 <- seq(q975, 6.0, le=40)
ndens2 <- dnorm(narg2) / dnorm(0)
relsigma <- x$sigma / min(x$sigma)
for (i in 1:x$k) { # loop over estimates
# right tail:
polygon(x$y[i] + c(narg2,rev(narg2))*x$sigma[i],
x$k-(i-1) + c(ndens2,-rev(ndens2)) * relmaxdens[i] * ticklength,
col="grey", border=NA)
# left tail:
polygon(x$y[i] - c(narg2,rev(narg2))*x$sigma[i],
x$k-(i-1) + c(ndens2,-rev(ndens2)) * relmaxdens[i] * ticklength,
col="grey", border=NA)
# central chunk:
polygon(x$y[i] + c(narg1,rev(narg1))*x$sigma[i],
x$k-(i-1) + c(ndens1,-ndens1) * relmaxdens[i] * ticklength,
col="black", border=NA)
# central vertical line:
lines(c(x$y[i], x$y[i]), x$k-(i-1)+ c(-1,1) * relmaxdens[i] * ticklength, col="grey")
else {
ticklength <- 0.3
# draw horizontal lines for individual-study confidence intervals:
matlines(rbind(x$y-q975*x$sigma, x$y+q975*x$sigma),
rbind(x$k:1, x$k:1), col=grey(0.3), lty="solid")
# draw vertical lines for individual-study effect estimates:
matlines(rbind(x$y, x$y),
rbind((x$k:1)+ticklength, (x$k:1)-ticklength), col="black", lty="solid")
if (violin) {
# draw blob for mean effect estimate:
ticklength <- 0.45 # (here: maximum height of gaussian)
quant <- x$summary[c("95% lower","95% upper"),"mu"]
quant <- c(quant[1]-2*(x$summary["median","mu"]-quant[1]),
arg1 <- seq(quant[1], quant[2], le=50) # left tail
arg2 <- seq(quant[2], quant[3], le=51) # central chunk
arg3 <- seq(quant[3], quant[4], le=50) # right tail
dmode <- x$dposterior(mu=x$summary["mode","mu"])
dens1 <- x$dposterior(mu=arg1) / dmode * relmaxdens[x$k+1]
dens2 <- x$dposterior(mu=arg2) / dmode * relmaxdens[x$k+1]
dens3 <- x$dposterior(mu=arg3) / dmode * relmaxdens[x$k+1]
polygon(c(arg1, rev(arg1)), -1+c(dens1, -rev(dens1))*ticklength, col="grey", border=NA)
polygon(c(arg3, rev(arg3)), -1+c(dens3, -rev(dens3))*ticklength, col="grey", border=NA)
polygon(c(arg2, rev(arg2)), -1+c(dens2, -rev(dens2))*ticklength, col="black", border=NA)
dm <- x$dposterior(mu=x$summary["median","mu"]) / dmode * relmaxdens[x$k+1]
lines(rep(x$summary["median","mu"],2), -1+c(-1,1)*dm*ticklength, col="grey")
# draw blob for prediction interval:
quant <- x$summary[c("95% lower","95% upper"),"theta"]
quant <- c(quant[1]-2*(x$summary["median","theta"]-quant[1]),
arg1 <- seq(quant[1], quant[2], le=50)
arg2 <- seq(quant[2], quant[3], le=51)
arg3 <- seq(quant[3], quant[4], le=50)
dmode <- x$dposterior(theta=x$summary["mode","theta"], predict=TRUE)
dens1 <- x$dposterior(theta=arg1, predict=TRUE) / dmode * relmaxdens[x$k+2]
dens2 <- x$dposterior(theta=arg2, predict=TRUE) / dmode * relmaxdens[x$k+2]
dens3 <- x$dposterior(theta=arg3, predict=TRUE) / dmode * relmaxdens[x$k+2]
polygon(c(arg1, rev(arg1)), -2+c(dens1, -rev(dens1))*ticklength, col="grey", border=NA)
polygon(c(arg3, rev(arg3)), -2+c(dens3, -rev(dens3))*ticklength, col="grey", border=NA)
polygon(c(arg2, rev(arg2)), -2+c(dens2, -rev(dens2))*ticklength, col="black", border=NA)
dm <- x$dposterior(theta=x$summary["median","theta"], predict=TRUE) / dmode * relmaxdens[x$k+2]
lines(rep(x$summary["median","theta"],2), -2+c(-1,1)*dm*ticklength, col="grey")
else {
# draw diamond for mean effect estimate:
ticklength <- 0.4
polygon(x$summary[c("95% lower", "median", "95% upper", "median"),"mu"],
border=NA, col=grey(0.4))
# draw rectangle for effect prediction interval:
ticklength <- 0.2
polygon(x$summary[c("95% lower", "95% lower", "95% upper", "95% upper"),"theta"],
border=NA, col=grey(0.4))
# add axes & bounding box:
axis(2, at=x$k:1, labels=x$labels, las=1)
axis(2, at= c(-1,-2), labels=c(expression("effect "*mu), expression("prediction "*theta[italic(k)+1])), las=1)
axis(1); box()
jointdensity <- function(x, main="")
# range of tau values:
tau <- seq(taurange[1], taurange[2],le=50)
# range of mu values:
mu <- seq(murange[1], murange[2], le=50)
# grid of tau/mu value combinations:
taumu <- expand.grid(tau,mu)
# evaluate posterior density at grid points:
post <- matrix(x$dposterior(tau=taumu[,1], mu=taumu[,2], log=TRUE),
nrow=length(tau), ncol=length(mu))
# determine MAP value:
map.value <- x$dposterior(x$MAP["joint",1], x$MAP["joint",2], log=TRUE)
map.Inf <- !is.finite(map.value)
if (map.Inf) {
map.value <- max(post[is.finite(post)])
warning("Non-finite posterior density, no contour lines drawn.", call.=FALSE)
# draw greyscale image:
image(tau, mu, exp(post), axes=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="", main=main, sub="(joint posterior density)", cex.sub=0.8)
# add the blue lines for conditional mean & 95% confidence bounds:
tau2 <- seq(taurange[1], taurange[2],le=200)
cm <- x$cond.moment(tau=tau2)
lines(tau2, cm[,"mean"], col="blue")
lines(tau2, cm[,"mean"]-q975*cm[,"sd"], col="blue", lty="dashed")
lines(tau2, cm[,"mean"]+q975*cm[,"sd"], col="blue", lty="dashed")
# add green lines for marginal means & 95% confidence bounds:
abline(v=x$summary[c("95% lower", "median", "95% upper"),"tau"],
h=x$summary[c("95% lower", "median", "95% upper"),"mu"],
col="green2", lty=c("16", "44", "16"))
# draw ML estimate:
points(x$ML["joint",1], x$ML["joint",2], col="magenta", pch=4)
# draw MAP estimate:
points(x$MAP["joint",1], x$MAP["joint",2], col="red", pch=3)
if (!map.Inf) {
# add contour lines:
contour(tau, mu, post-map.value, add=TRUE, col="red",
levels=-0.5*qchisq(p=c(0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), df=2),
labels=paste(c(50, 90, 95, 99),"%",sep=""))
# add axes, bounding box, labels, ...
axis(1); axis(2); box()
mtext(side=1, line=par("mgp")[1], expression("heterogeneity "*tau))
mtext(side=2, line=par("mgp")[1], expression("effect "*mu))
mumarginal <- function(x, main="", priorline=prior)
# range of mu values:
mu <- seq(murange[1]-diff(murange)*0.05, murange[2]+diff(murange)*0.05, le=200)
# corresponding posterior density:
dens <- x$dposterior(mu=mu)
# empty plot:
plot(murange, c(0,max(dens,na.rm=TRUE)), type="n", axes=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="", main=main)
# light grey shaded contour for density across whole range:
polygon(c(min(mu), mu, max(mu)), c(0,dens,0), border=NA, col=grey(0.90))
# dark grey shaded contour for density within 95% bounds:
indi <- ((mu>=x$summary["95% lower","mu"]) & (mu<=x$summary["95% upper","mu"]))
polygon(c(rep(x$summary["95% lower","mu"],2), mu[indi], rep(x$summary["95% upper","mu"],2)),
c(0, x$dposterior(mu=x$summary["95% lower","mu"]),
dens[indi], x$dposterior(mu=x$summary["95% upper","mu"]), 0),
border=NA, col=grey(0.80))
# vertical line for posterior median:
c(0,x$dposterior(mu=x$summary["median","mu"])), col=grey(0.6))
# actual density line:
lines(mu, dens, col="black")
# x-axis:
abline(h=0, col=grey(0.40))
# prior density (if requested):
if (priorline) lines(mu, x$dprior(mu=mu), col="black", lty="dashed")
# add axes, labels, bounding box, ...
mtext(side=1, line=par("mgp")[1], expression("effect "*mu))
mtext(side=2, line=par("mgp")[2], expression("marginal posterior density"))
axis(1); box()
taumarginal <- function(x, main="", priorline=prior)
# range of tau values:
tau <- seq(max(c(0,taurange[1]-0.1*diff(taurange))),
taurange[2]+0.1*diff(taurange), le=200)
# corresponding posterior density:
dens <- x$dposterior(tau=tau)
# empty plot:
maxdens <- max(dens[is.finite(dens)],na.rm=TRUE)
plot(c(taurange[1],taurange[2]), c(0,maxdens),
type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main=main)
# "fix" diverging density:
dens[!is.finite(dens)] <- 10*maxdens
# light grey shaded contour for density across whole range:
polygon(c(0,tau,max(tau)), c(0,dens,0), border=NA, col=grey(0.90))
# dark grey shaded contour for density within 95% bounds:
indi <- ((tau>=x$summary["95% lower","tau"]) & (tau<=x$summary["95% upper","tau"]))
polygon(c(rep(x$summary["95% lower","tau"],2), tau[indi], rep(x$summary["95% upper","tau"],2)),
c(0, min(c(x$dposterior(tau=x$summary["95% lower","tau"]), 10*maxdens)),
dens[indi], x$dposterior(tau=x$summary["95% upper","tau"]), 0),
border=NA, col=grey(0.80))
# vertical line at posterior median:
lines(rep(x$summary["median","tau"],2), c(0,x$dposterior(tau=x$summary["median","tau"])), col=grey(0.6))
# actual density line:
lines(tau, dens, col="black")
# x-axis:
abline(h=0, v=0, col=grey(0.40))
# prior density (if requested):
if (priorline) lines(tau, x$dprior(tau=tau), col="black", lty="dashed")
# add axes, labels, bounding box, ...
mtext(side=1, line=par("mgp")[1], expression("heterogeneity "*tau))
mtext(side=2, line=par("mgp")[2], expression("marginal posterior density"))
axis(1); box()
# main function:
stopifnot(all(is.element(which, 1:4)),
par.ask <- par("ask")
for (i in 1:length(which)) {
if (which[i]==1) forestPlot(x, main, violin=violin, leftmargin=forest.margin)
else if (which[i]==2) jointdensity(x, main)
else if (which[i]==3) mumarginal(x, main, priorline=prior)
else if (which[i]==4) taumarginal(x, main, priorline=prior)
if (i==1) {
dlomax <- function(x, shape=1, scale=1, log=FALSE)
# probability density function for Lomax distribution
stopifnot(length(shape)==1, length(scale)==1,
all(shape>0), all(scale>0))
result <- rep(-Inf, length(x))
result[x>=0] <- log(shape)-log(scale)-(shape+1)*log(1+x[x>=0]/scale)
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
plomax <- function(q, shape=1, scale=1)
# cumulative probability distribution function (CDF) of a Lomax distribution
stopifnot(length(shape)==1, length(scale)==1,
all(shape>0), all(scale>0))
result <- rep(NA, length(q))
result[q<=0] <- 0
result[q>0] <- 1-(1+q[q>0]/scale)^(-shape)
qlomax <- function(p, shape=1, scale=1)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of a Lomax distribution
stopifnot(length(shape)==1, length(scale)==1,
all(shape>0), all(scale>0))
result <- rep(NA, length(p))
result[p==1] <- Inf
result[p==0] <- 0
proper <- (is.finite(p) & (p>0) & (p<1))
result[proper] <- ((1-p[proper])^(-1/shape) - 1) * scale
rlomax <- function(n, shape=1, scale=1)
# random number generation for a Lomax distribution
# (based on inversion method)
stopifnot(length(shape)==1, length(scale)==1,
all(shape>0), all(scale>0))
u <- runif(n)
result <- qlomax(u, scale=scale, shape=shape)
elomax <- function(shape=1, scale=1)
# expectation of a Lomax distribution
stopifnot(length(shape)==1, length(scale)==1,
all(shape>0), all(scale>0))
if (shape > 1)
expectation <- scale / (shape-1)
expectation <- Inf
vlomax <- function(shape=1, scale=1)
# variance of a Lomax distribution
stopifnot(length(shape)==1, length(scale)==1,
all(shape>0), all(scale>0))
if (shape > 2)
variance <- elomax(shape,scale)^2 * (shape/(shape-2))
variance <- Inf
dhalfnormal <- function(x, scale=1, log=FALSE)
# probability density function of a half-normal distribution
result <- rep(-Inf, length(x))
result[x>=0] <- log(2) + dnorm(x[x>=0], mean=0, sd=scale, log=TRUE)
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
phalfnormal <- function(q, scale=1)
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a half-normal distribution
result <- rep(0, length(q))
result[q>0] <- 2.0 * (pnorm(q[q>0], mean=0, sd=scale) - 0.5)
qhalfnormal <- function(p, scale=1)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of a half-normal distribution
result <- rep(NA, length(p))
proper <- (is.finite(p) & (p>=0) & (p<=1))
result[proper] <- qnorm(p[proper]/2.0 + 0.5, mean=0, sd=scale)
rhalfnormal <- function(n, scale=1)
# random number generation for half-normal distribution
return(abs(rnorm(n=n, mean=0, sd=scale)))
ehalfnormal <- function(scale=1)
# expectation of a half-normal distribution
vhalfnormal <- function(scale=1)
# variance of a half-normal distribution
dhalft <- function(x, df, scale=1, log=FALSE)
# probability density function for half-Student-t distribution
stopifnot(scale>0, df>0)
result <- rep(-Inf, length(x))
result[x>=0] <- log(2) - log(scale) + dt(x[x>=0]/scale, df=df, log=TRUE)
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
phalft <- function(q, df, scale=1)
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a half-Student-t distribution
stopifnot(scale>0, df>0)
result <- rep(0, length(q))
result[q>0] <- 2.0 * (pt(q[q>0]/scale, df=df) - 0.5)
qhalft <- function(p, df, scale=1)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of a half-Student-t distribution
stopifnot(scale>0, df>0)
result <- rep(NA, length(p))
proper <- (is.finite(p) & (p>=0) & (p<=1))
result[proper] <- qt(p[proper]/2.0 + 0.5, df=df) * scale
rhalft <- function(n, df, scale=1)
# random number generation for half-Student-t distribution
stopifnot(scale>0, df>0)
return(abs(rt(n=n, df=df))*scale)
ehalft <- function(df, scale=1)
# expectation of a half-Student-t distribution
stopifnot(scale>0, df>0)
if (df>1)
expectation <- exp(log(2)+log(scale)+0.5*log(df)-0.5*log(pi)+lgamma((df+1)/2)-lgamma(df/2)-log(df-1))
expectation <- Inf
vhalft <- function(df, scale=1)
# variance of a half-Student-t distribution
stopifnot(scale>0, df>0)
if (df>2)
variance <- scale^2 * ((df / (df-2)) - ehalft(df=df, scale=1.0)^2)
variance <- Inf
dhalfcauchy <- function(x, scale=1, log=FALSE)
# probability density function of a half-Cauchy distribution
result <- rep(-Inf, length(x))
result[x>=0] <- log(2) + dcauchy(x[x>=0], location=0, scale=scale, log=TRUE)
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
phalfcauchy <- function(q, scale=1)
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a half-Cauchy distribution
result <- rep(0, length(q))
result[q>0] <- 2.0 * (pcauchy(q[q>0], location=0, scale=scale) - 0.5)
qhalfcauchy <- function(p, scale=1)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of a half-Cauchy distribution
result <- rep(NA, length(p))
proper <- (is.finite(p) & (p>=0) & (p<=1))
result[proper] <- qcauchy(p[proper]/2.0 + 0.5, location=0, scale=scale)
rhalfcauchy <- function(n, scale=1)
# random number generation for half-Cauchy distribution
return(abs(rcauchy(n=n, location=0, scale=scale)))
ehalfcauchy <- function(scale=1)
# expectation of a half-Cauchy distribution
vhalfcauchy <- function(scale=1)
# variance of a half-Cauchy distribution
dhalflogistic <- function(x, scale=1, log=FALSE)
# probability density function of a half-logistic distribution
result <- rep(-Inf, length(x))
result[x>=0] <- log(2) + dlogis(x[x>=0], location=0, scale=scale, log=TRUE)
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
phalflogistic <- function(q, scale=1)
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a half-logistic distribution
result <- rep(0, length(q))
result[q>0] <- 2.0 * (plogis(q[q>0], location=0, scale=scale) - 0.5)
qhalflogistic <- function(p, scale=1)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of a half-logistic distribution
result <- rep(NA, length(p))
proper <- (is.finite(p) & (p>=0) & (p<=1))
result[proper] <- qlogis(p[proper]/2.0 + 0.5, location=0, scale=scale)
rhalflogistic <- function(n, scale=1)
# random number generation for half-logistic distribution
return(abs(rlogis(n=n, location=0, scale=scale)))
ehalflogistic <- function(scale=1)
# expectation of a half-logistic distribution
return(scale * log(4))
vhalflogistic <- function(scale=1)
# variance of a half-logistic distribution
return(scale^2 * (((pi^2)/3) - log(4)^2))
drayleigh <- function(x, scale=1, log=FALSE)
# probability density function of the Rayleigh distribution
result <- rep(-Inf, length(x))
result[x>0] <- log(x[x>0])-2*log(scale)-0.5*(x[x>0]/scale)^2
if (!log) result <- exp(result)
prayleigh <- function(q, scale=1)
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Rayleigh distribution
result <- rep(0,length(q))
result[q>0] <- 1-exp(-0.5*(q[q>0]/scale)^2)
qrayleigh <- function(p, scale=1)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of the Rayleigh distribution
proper <- (is.finite(p) & (p>=0) & (p<=1))
result <- rep(NA, length(p))
result[proper] <- scale * sqrt(-2*log(1-p[proper]))
rrayleigh <- function(n, scale=1)
# random number generation for the Rayleigh distribution
return(sqrt(rexp(n, rate=1/(2*scale^2))))
erayleigh <- function(scale=1)
# expectation of a Rayleigh distribution
return(scale * sqrt(pi/2))
vrayleigh <- function(scale=1)
# variance of a Rayleigh distribution
return(scale^2 * (4-pi)/2)
dinvchi <- function(x, df, scale=1, log=FALSE)
# probability density function of a scaled inverse chi distribution
stopifnot(length(df)==1, is.finite(df), df>0,
length(scale)==1, is.finite(scale), scale>0)
idx <- (is.finite(x) & (x>0))
ldens <- rep(-Inf, length(x))
ldens[idx] <- -(df/2-1)*log(2)-lgamma(df/2)-log(scale) -(df+1)*(log(x[idx])-log(scale)) - 0.5*(scale/x[idx])^2
if (log) result <- ldens
else result <- exp(ldens)
pinvchi <- function(q, df, scale=1.0, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a scaled inverse chi distribution
stopifnot(length(df)==1, is.finite(df), df>0,
length(scale)==1, is.finite(scale), scale>0)
return(stats::pchisq(q=(q/scale)^(-2), df=df, lower.tail=(!lower.tail), log.p=log.p))
qinvchi <- function(p, df, scale=1.0, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of a scaled inverse chi distribution
stopifnot(length(df)==1, is.finite(df), df>0,
length(scale)==1, is.finite(scale), scale>0)
return(scale*stats::qchisq(p=p, df=df, lower.tail=(!lower.tail), log.p=log.p)^(-0.5))
rinvchi <- function(n=1, df, scale=1.0)
# random number generation for a scaled inverse chi distribution
stopifnot(length(df)==1, is.finite(df), df>0,
length(scale)==1, is.finite(scale), scale>0)
return(scale * stats::rchisq(n=n, df=df)^(-0.5))
einvchi <- function(df, scale=1)
# expectation of a scaled inverse chi distribution
stopifnot(length(scale)==1, is.finite(scale), scale>0,
length(df)==1, is.finite(df), df>0)
if (df<=1) result <- Inf
else result <- exp(log(scale)+lgamma((df-1)/2)-lgamma(df/2)-0.5*log(2))
vinvchi <- function(df, scale=1)
# variance of a scaled inverse chi distribution
stopifnot(length(scale)==1, is.finite(scale), scale>0,
length(df)==1, is.finite(df), df>0)
if (df<=2) result <- Inf
else result <- scale^2/(df-2) - einvchi(df=df, scale=scale)^2
# Turner & al. prior data:
# ========================
# list of 5 possible intervention comparison types:
ctypes <- c("pharmacological vs. placebo / control",
"pharmacological vs. pharmacological",
"non-pharmacological vs. placebo / control",
"non-pharmacological vs. pharmacological",
"non-pharmacological vs. non-pharmacological")
# list of 16 possible outcome types:
otypes <- c("all-cause mortality",
"obstetric outcomes",
"cause-specific mortality / major morbidity event / composite (mortality or morbidity)",
"resource use / hospital stay / process",
"surgical / device related success / failure",
"withdrawals / drop-outs",
"internal / structure-related outcomes",
"general physical health indicators",
"adverse events",
"infection / onset of new disease",
"signs / symptoms reflecting continuation / end of condition",
"quality of life / functioning (dichotomized)",
"mental health indicators",
"biological markers (dichotomized)",
"subjective outcomes (various)")
# matrix of mu values (see Tab.IV):
meanmat <- matrix(-c(3.95, 3.52, 3.71, 2.34, 2.14, 2.99, 2.71, 2.29, 1.87, 2.49, 2.06, 1.83, 2.54, 2.12, 1.77, 2.70,
4.18, 3.75, 3.95, 2.58, 2.37, 3.23, 2.94, 2.53, 2.10, 2.73, 2.29, 2.06, 2.78, 2.35, 2.00, 2.93,
4.17, 3.74, 3.93, 2.56, 2.36, 3.21, 2.93, 2.51, 2.10, 2.71, 2.28, 2.05, 2.77, 2.34, 1.99, 2.92,
2.92, 2.49, 2.68, 1.31, 1.11, 1.96, 1.67, 1.26, 0.84, 1.46, 1.03, 0.80, 1.51, 1.09, 0.74, 1.67,
3.50, 3.08, 3.27, 1.90, 1.69, 2.55, 2.26, 1.85, 1.43, 2.05, 1.61, 1.38, 2.10, 1.67, 1.33, 2.26),
nrow=16, ncol=5,
dimnames=list(otypes, ctypes))
# matrix of sigma values (see Tab.IV):
sdmat <- matrix(c(1.34, 1.74, 1.74, 1.74, 1.74, 1.74, 1.74, 1.53, 1.52, 1.52, 1.51, 1.52, 1.54, 1.53, 1.52, 1.52,
1.41, 1.79, 1.79, 1.79, 1.79, 1.79, 1.79, 1.58, 1.58, 1.58, 1.58, 1.58, 1.60, 1.60, 1.58, 1.58,
1.55, 1.91, 1.91, 1.91, 1.91, 1.91, 1.92, 1.72, 1.71, 1.71, 1.71, 1.71, 1.73, 1.72, 1.71, 1.71,
1.02, 1.50, 1.51, 1.50, 1.50, 1.51, 1.51, 1.25, 1.24, 1.24, 1.24, 1.25, 1.27, 1.27, 1.24, 1.25,
1.26, 1.68, 1.68, 1.68, 1.68, 1.68, 1.68, 1.46, 1.45, 1.45, 1.45, 1.45, 1.47, 1.47, 1.45, 1.45),
nrow=16, ncol=5,
dimnames=list(otypes, ctypes))
# array of mu/sigma values:
TurnerEtAlParameters <- array(c(as.vector(meanmat), as.vector(sdmat)),
dimnames=list("outcome"=otypes, "comparison"=ctypes, "parameter"=c("mu","sigma")))
# remove obsolete objects:
rm(list=c("ctypes", "otypes", "meanmat", "sdmat"))
TurnerEtAlPrior <- function(outcome=c(NA,
"all-cause mortality",
"obstetric outcomes",
"cause-specific mortality / major morbidity event / composite (mortality or morbidity)",
"resource use / hospital stay / process",
"surgical / device related success / failure",
"withdrawals / drop-outs",
"internal / structure-related outcomes",
"general physical health indicators",
"adverse events",
"infection / onset of new disease",
"signs / symptoms reflecting continuation / end of condition",
"quality of life / functioning (dichotomized)",
"mental health indicators",
"biological markers (dichotomized)",
"subjective outcomes (various)"),
comparator1=c("pharmacological", "non-pharmacological", "placebo / control"),
comparator2=c("pharmacological", "non-pharmacological", "placebo / control"))
# Function to return prior parameters, densities, etc. as proposed in
# Turner et al. Predictive distributions for between-study heterogeneity
# and simple methods for their application in Bayesian meta-analysis.
# Statisics in Medicine 4(6):984-998, 2015.
# (see Table IV).
param <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=2,
if (all(! {
# match the provided arguments:
outcome <- match.arg(outcome)
comparator1 <- match.arg(comparator1)
comparator2 <- match.arg(comparator2)
# list of 3 possible comparators:
clist <- c("pharmacological", "non-pharmacological", "placebo / control")
# index matrix to match pairs of comparators to one of five possible scenarios:
cmatrix <- matrix(c(2,4,1,4,5,3,1,3,NA), nrow=3, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(clist, clist))
# list of 5 possible intervention comparison types:
ctypes <- dimnames(TurnerEtAlParameters)[["comparison"]]
# figure out current comparison scenario:
comparisontype <- ctypes[cmatrix[comparator1, comparator2]]
# assemble function output:
param["tau^2","mu"] <- TurnerEtAlParameters[outcome, comparisontype, "mu"]
param["tau^2","sigma"] <- TurnerEtAlParameters[outcome, comparisontype, "sigma"]
} else { # the "marginal" setting, see p.993
outcome <- comparisontype <- "any"
param <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=2,
param["tau^2","mu"] <- -2.56
param["tau^2","sigma"] <- 1.74
param["tau","mu"] <- param["tau^2","mu"] / 2
param["tau","sigma"] <- param["tau^2","sigma"] / 2
result <- list("parameters" = param,
"outcome.type" = outcome,
"comparison.type" = comparisontype,
"dprior" = function(tau, log=FALSE) {return(dlnorm(tau, meanlog=param["tau","mu"],
sdlog=param["tau","sigma"], log=log))},
"pprior" = function(tau) {return(plnorm(tau, meanlog=param["tau","mu"], sdlog=param["tau","sigma"]))},
"qprior" = function(p) {return(qlnorm(p, meanlog=param["tau","mu"], sdlog=param["tau","sigma"]))})
attr(result$dprior, "bayesmeta.label") <- paste("log-normal(mu=",sprintf("%1.3f",param["tau","mu"]),
", sigma=",sprintf("%1.3f",param["tau","sigma"]),")",sep="")
# Rhodes & al. prior data:
# ========================
# list of 3 possible intervention comparison types:
ctypes <- c("pharmacological vs. placebo / control",
"pharmacological vs. pharmacological",
"non-pharmacological (any)")
# list of 5 possible outcome types:
otypes <- c("obstetric outcome",
"resource use and hospital stay / process",
"internal and external structure-related outcome",
"general physical health and adverse event and pain and quality of life / functioning",
"signs / symptoms reflecting continuation / end of condition and infection / onset of new acute / chronic disease",
"mental health outcome",
"biological marker",
"various subjectively measured outcomes")
# matrix of location parameter values (see Tab.3):
locationmat <- matrix(-c(4.13, 2.55, 2.43, 3.16, 3.00, 2.99, 3.41, 2.76,
4.40, 2.83, 2.70, 3.44, 3.27, 3.27, 3.68, 3.03,
3.99, 2.41, 2.29, 3.02, 2.86, 3.85, 3.27, 2.62),
nrow=8, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(otypes, ctypes))
# matrix of location parameter values for RESPIRATORY DISEASES (see Tab.A.3.1):
locationmat.r <- matrix(-c(6.03, 4.46, 4.33, 5.07, 4.90, 4.90, 5.31, 4.66,
6.31, 4.73, 4.61, 5.34, 5.18, 5.17, 5.59, 4.94,
5.89, 4.32, 4.19, 4.93, 4.76, 4.76, 5.17, 4.52),
nrow=8, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(otypes, ctypes))
# matrix of location parameter values for CANCER (see Tab.A.3.2):
locationmat.c <- matrix(-c(1.57,-0.01, 0.13, 0.60, 0.44, 0.43, 0.85, 0.20,
1.85, 0.27, 0.14, 0.88, 0.71, 0.71, 1.13, 0.48,
1.43,-0.15,-0.27, 0.46, 0.30, 0.29, 0.71, 0.06),
nrow=8, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(otypes, ctypes))
# matrix of scale parameter values (see Tab.3):
scalemat <- matrix(c(2.34, 2.73, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.16, 2.83, 2.58,
2.31, 2.70, 2.46, 2.44, 2.47, 2.14, 2.78, 2.59,
2.11, 2.57, 2.32, 2.27, 2.33, 1.93, 2.66, 2.41),
nrow=8, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(otypes, ctypes))
# matrix of scale parameter values for RESPIRATORY DISEASES (see Tab.A.3.1):
scalemat.r <- matrix(c(2.36, 2.74, 2.51, 2.51, 2.50, 2.17, 2.83, 2.59,
2.31, 2.70, 2.46, 2.45, 2.47, 2.14, 2.78, 2.59,
2.21, 2.57, 2.33, 2.28, 2.33, 1.94, 2.66, 2.41),
nrow=8, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(otypes, ctypes))
# matrix of scale parameter values for CANCER (see Tab.A.3.2):
scalemat.c <- matrix(c(2.45, 2.83, 2.61, 2.61, 2.60, 2.28, 2.93, 2.68,
2.41, 2.79, 2.56, 2.55, 2.57, 2.25, 2.87, 2.68,
2.24, 2.68, 2.45, 2.40, 2.46, 2.08, 2.78, 2.53),
nrow=8, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(otypes, ctypes))
# array of mu/sigma values:
RhodesEtAlParameters <- array(c(as.vector(locationmat), as.vector(scalemat),
as.vector(locationmat.r), as.vector(scalemat.r),
as.vector(locationmat.c), as.vector(scalemat.c)),
dimnames=list("outcome"=otypes, "comparison"=ctypes,
"medical area"=c("other","respiratory","cancer")))
# remove obsolete objects:
rm(list=c("ctypes", "otypes", "locationmat", "scalemat", "locationmat.r", "scalemat.r", "locationmat.c", "scalemat.c"))
RhodesEtAlPrior <- function(outcome=c(NA,
"obstetric outcome",
"resource use and hospital stay / process",
"internal and external structure-related outcome",
"general physical health and adverse event and pain and quality of life / functioning",
paste("signs / symptoms reflecting continuation / end of condition and infection",
"/ onset of new acute / chronic disease"),
"mental health outcome",
"biological marker",
"various subjectively measured outcomes"),
comparator1=c("pharmacological", "non-pharmacological", "placebo / control"),
comparator2=c("pharmacological", "non-pharmacological", "placebo / control"),
# Function to return prior parameters as proposed in
# Rhodes et al.
# Predictive distributions were developed for the extent of heterogeneity in meta-analyses of continuous outcome data.
# Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 68(1):52-60, 2015.
# (see Table 3).
# Technically, this function mostly retrieves the parameters from a pre-defined array,
# the 3-dimensional "RhodesEtAlParameters" array. (This is more convenient than having
# to deal with the array itself, mostly due to partial argument matching, etc.)
# match the provided arguments:
if (all(! { # settings from Tables 3, A.3.1 or A.3.2
outcome <- match.arg(outcome)
comparator1 <- match.arg(comparator1)
comparator2 <- match.arg(comparator2)
area <- match.arg(area)
# list of 3 possible comparators:
clist <- c("pharmacological", "non-pharmacological", "placebo / control")
# index matrix to match pairs of comparators to one of 3 possible scenarios:
cmatrix <- matrix(c(2,3,1,3,3,3,1,3,NA), nrow=3, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(clist, clist))
# list of 3 possible intervention comparison types:
ctypes <- dimnames(RhodesEtAlParameters)[["comparison"]]
# figure out current comparison scenario:
comparisontype <- ctypes[cmatrix[comparator1, comparator2]]
# assemble function output:
location <- RhodesEtAlParameters[outcome, comparisontype, "location", area]
scale <- RhodesEtAlParameters[outcome, comparisontype, "scale", area]
} else { # the general (marginal) setting; see beginning of Sec. 3.3
outcome <- comparisontype <- area <- "any"
location <- -3.44
scale <- 2.59
param <- matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=2,
param["tau^2","location"] <- location
param["tau^2","scale"] <- scale
param["tau","location"] <- location / 2
param["tau","scale"] <- scale / 2
dlt5 <- function(x, location=0, scale=1, log=FALSE)
# density of log-t distribution with 5 d.f.
stopifnot(is.finite(location), is.finite(scale), scale>0)
logdensity <- rep(-Inf, length(x))
proper <- (is.finite(x) & (x>0))
logdensity[proper] <- dt((log(x[proper])-location)/scale, df=5, log=TRUE) - log(scale) - log(x[proper])
if (log) return(logdensity)
else return(exp(logdensity))
plt5 <- function(x, location=0, scale=1)
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of log-t distribution with 5 d.f.
stopifnot(is.finite(location), is.finite(scale), scale>0)
return(pt((log(x)-location)/scale, df=5))
qlt5 <- function(p, location=0, scale=1)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of log-t distribution with 5 d.f.
stopifnot(is.finite(location), is.finite(scale), scale>0)
return(exp((qt(p, df=5)*scale)+location))
result <- list("parameters" = param,
"outcome.type" = outcome,
"comparison.type" = comparisontype,
"medical.area" = area,
"dprior" = function(tau, log=FALSE) {return(dlt5(tau, location=param["tau","location"],
scale=param["tau","scale"], log=log))},
"pprior" = function(tau) {return(plt5(tau, location=param["tau","location"], scale=param["tau","scale"]))},
"qprior" = function(p) {return(qlt5(p, location=param["tau","location"], scale=param["tau","scale"]))})
attr(result$dprior, "bayesmeta.label") <- paste("log-Student-t(location=",sprintf("%1.3f",param["tau","location"]),
", scale=",sprintf("%1.3f",param["tau","scale"]),", d.f.=5)",sep="")
forest.bayesmeta <- function(x, xlab="effect size", refline=0, cex=1,...)
# forest plot for a "bayesmeta" object
# based on the "metafor" package's plotting functions
if (!requireNamespace("metafor", quietly=TRUE))
stop("required 'metafor' package not available!")
metafor::forest.default(x=x$y, sei=x$sigma,
showweight=FALSE, # (IV-weights don't make sense here)
ylim=c(-x$k-4, 1),
level=95, # (95% level is intentionally hard-coded)
rows=seq(-2, -x$k - 1, by = -1),
cex=cex, ...)
metafor::addpoly(x$summary["median","mu"],$summary["95% lower","mu"], ci.ub=x$summary["95% upper","mu"],
rows = -x$k-2.5, mlab=expression("mean effect ("*mu*")"), level=95, cex=cex, ...)
metafor::addpoly(x$summary["median","theta"],$summary["95% lower","theta"], ci.ub=x$summary["95% upper","theta"],
rows = -x$k-3.5, mlab=expression("prediction ("*vartheta[k+1]*")"), level=95, cex=cex, ...)
plotdata <- cbind("95% lower"=x$y-qnorm(0.975)*x$sigma, "estimate"=x$y, "95% upper"=x$y+qnorm(0.975)*x$sigma)
plotdata <- rbind(plotdata, t(x$summary[c("95% lower","median","95% upper"),c("mu","theta")]))
rownames(plotdata) <- c(x$labels, c("mean effect(mu)", "prediction (theta)"))
forestplot.bayesmeta <- function(x, labeltext,
exponentiate = FALSE,
prediction = TRUE,
shrinkage = TRUE,
heterogeneity = TRUE,
digits = 2,
plot = TRUE,
fn.ci_norm, fn.ci_sum, col, legend=NULL, boxsize, ...)
# x : a "bayesmeta" object.
# labeltext : you may provide an alternative "labeltext" argument here
# (see also the "forestplot()" help).
# exponentiate : flag indicating whether to exponentiate numbers (figure and table).
# prediction : flag indicating whether to show prediction interval.
# shrinkage : flag indicating whether to show shrinkage estimates.
# digits : number of significant digits to be shown (based on standard deviations).
# plot : flag you can use to suppress actual plotting.
# ... : further arguments passed to the "forestplot" function.
# a list with components
# $data : the meta-analyzed data, and mean and prediction estimates
# $shrinkage : the shrinkage estimates for each study
# $labeltext : the "forestplot()" function's "labeltext" argument used internally
# $forestplot : the "forestplot()" function's returned value
if (!requireNamespace("forestplot", quietly=TRUE))
stop("required 'forestplot' package not available!")
if (utils::packageVersion("forestplot") < "1.5.2")
warning("you may need to update 'forestplot' to a more recent version (>=1.5.2).")
# auxiliary function:
decplaces <- function(x, signifdigits=3)
# number of decimal places (after decimal point)
# to be displayed if you want at least "signifdigits" digits
return(max(c(0, -(floor(log10(x))-(signifdigits-1)))))
# some sanity checks for the provided arguments:
stopifnot(is.element("bayesmeta", class(x)),
length(digits)==1, digits==round(digits), digits>=0,
length(exponentiate)==1, is.logical(exponentiate),
length(prediction)==1, is.logical(prediction),
length(shrinkage)==1, is.logical(shrinkage),
length(plot)==1, is.logical(plot))
# plotting data (1) -- the quoted estimates:
q95 <- qnorm(0.975)
ma.dat <- rbind(NA,
cbind(x$y, x$y - q95*x$sigma, x$y + q95*x$sigma),
x$summary[c("median", "95% lower", "95% upper"),"mu"],
x$summary[c("median", "95% lower", "95% upper"),"theta"])
colnames(ma.dat) <- c("estimate", "lower", "upper")
rownames(ma.dat) <- c("", x$label, "mean", "prediction")
if (! prediction) ma.dat <- ma.dat[-(x$k+3),]
# plotting data (2) -- the shrinkage estimates:
ma.shrink <- rbind(NA,
t(x$theta)[,c("median","95% lower","95% upper")],
colnames(ma.shrink) <- c("estimate", "lower", "upper")
rownames(ma.shrink) <- c("", x$label, "mean", "prediction")
if (! prediction) ma.shrink <- ma.shrink[-(x$k+3),]
if (exponentiate) {
ma.dat <- exp(ma.dat)
ma.shrink <- exp(ma.shrink)
# generate "labeltext" data table for plot (unless already provided):
if (missing(labeltext)) {
# determine numbers of digits based on standard deviations:
if (exponentiate) {
stdevs <- c(exp(x$y)*x$sigma,
if (prediction) stdevs <- c(stdevs, exp(x$summary["median","theta"])*x$summary["sd","theta"])
} else {
stdevs <- c(x$sigma, x$summary["sd","mu"])
if (prediction) stdevs <- c(stdevs, x$summary["sd","theta"])
stdevs <- abs(stdevs[is.finite(stdevs) & (stdevs != 0)])
formatstring <- paste0("%.", decplaces(stdevs, digits), "f")
# fill data table:
labeltext <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow=nrow(ma.dat), ncol=3)
labeltext[1,] <- c("study","estimate", "95% CI")
labeltext[,1] <- c("study", x$labels, "mean", "prediction")[1:nrow(ma.dat)]
for (i in 2:(nrow(ma.dat))) {
labeltext[i,2] <- sprintf(formatstring, ma.dat[i,"estimate"])
labeltext[i,3] <- paste0("[", sprintf(formatstring, ma.dat[i,"lower"]),
", ", sprintf(formatstring, ma.dat[i,"upper"]), "]")
# add horizontal lines to plot:
horizl <- list(grid::gpar(col="grey"), grid::gpar(col="grey"))
names(horizl) <- as.character(c(2,x$k+2))
# specify function(s) for drawing estimates / shrinkage estimates:
if (missing(fn.ci_norm)) {
if (shrinkage) {
fn.ci_norm <- list(function(...) {forestplot::fpDrawPointCI(pch=15,...)},
function(...) {forestplot::fpDrawPointCI(pch=18,...)})
} else {
fn.ci_norm <- function(...) {forestplot::fpDrawPointCI(pch=15,...)}
# specify function(s) for drawing summaries (diamond / bar):
if (missing(fn.ci_sum)) {
fn.ci_sum <- list(NULL)
for (i in 1:(x$k+2))
fn.ci_sum[[i]] <- function(y.offset,...) {forestplot::fpDrawSummaryCI(y.offset=0.5,...)}
if (prediction)
fn.ci_sum[[x$k+3]] <- function(y.offset,...) {forestplot::fpDrawBarCI(y.offset=0.5,...)}
# specify colors:
if (missing(col)) {
if (shrinkage) {
col <- forestplot::fpColors(box=c("black", "grey45"),
} else {
col <- forestplot::fpColors(box="black", lines="black", summary="grey30")
# specify plotting sizes:
if (missing(boxsize)) {
boxsize <- c(rep(0.25,x$k+1), 0.4)
if (prediction) boxsize <- c(boxsize, 0.2)
if (shrinkage && is.null(legend))
legend <- c("quoted estimate", "shrinkage estimate")
# specify data for plotting:
if (shrinkage) { # (show shrinkage intervals)
mean.arg <- cbind(ma.dat[,1], ma.shrink[,1])
lower.arg <- cbind(ma.dat[,2], ma.shrink[,2])
upper.arg <- cbind(ma.dat[,3], ma.shrink[,3])
} else { # (no shrinkage intervals)
mean.arg <- ma.dat[,1]
lower.arg <- ma.dat[,2]
upper.arg <- ma.dat[,3]
fp <- NULL
if (plot) {
fp <- forestplot::forestplot(labeltext = labeltext,
mean = mean.arg,
lower = lower.arg,
upper = upper.arg,
is.summary = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, x$k), TRUE, TRUE),
hrzl_lines = horizl,
fn.ci_norm = fn.ci_norm,
fn.ci_sum = fn.ci_sum,
col = col,
boxsize = boxsize,
legend = legend, ...)
# add heterogeneity phrase at bottom left:
if (heterogeneity) {
tauFigures <- x$summary[c("median","95% lower", "95% upper"), "tau"]
tauFigures <- tauFigures[tauFigures > 0]
formatstring <- paste0("%.", decplaces(tauFigures, digits), "f")
tauphrase <- sprintf(paste0("Heterogeneity (tau): ",formatstring,
" [",formatstring,", ",formatstring,"]"),
x$summary["95% lower","tau"], x$summary["95% upper","tau"])
tvp <- grid::viewport(x=grid::unit(0.0, "npc"), y=grid::unit(0.0, "npc"),
height=grid::unit(2, "lines"),
just=c("left","bottom"), name="heterogeneityEstimate")
grid::grid.text(tauphrase, x=grid::unit(0.0, "npc"), y=grid::unit(0.5,"npc"),
just=c("left", "centre"), gp=grid::gpar(fontface="oblique"))
invisible(list("data" = ma.dat[-1,],
"shrinkage" = ma.shrink[2:(x$k+1),],
"labeltext" = labeltext,
"forestplot" = fp))
forestplot.escalc <- function(x, labeltext,
exponentiate = FALSE,
digits = 2,
plot = TRUE,
fn.ci_norm, fn.ci_sum, col, boxsize, ...)
# x : a "bayesmeta" object.
# labeltext : you may provide an alternative "labeltext" argument here
# (see also the "forestplot()" help).
# exponentiate : flag indicating whether to exponentiate numbers (figure and table).
# prediction : flag indicating whether to show prediction interval.
# shrinkage : flag indicating whether to show shrinkage estimates.
# digits : number of significant digits to be shown (based on standard deviations).
# plot : flag you can use to suppress actual plotting.
# ... : further arguments passed to the "forestplot" function.
# a list with components
# $data : the meta-analyzed data, and mean and prediction estimates
# $labeltext : the "forestplot()" function's "labeltext" argument used internally
# $forestplot : the "forestplot()" function's returned value
if (!requireNamespace("forestplot", quietly=TRUE))
stop("required 'forestplot' package not available!")
if (utils::packageVersion("forestplot") < "1.5.2")
warning("you may need to update 'forestplot' to a more recent version (>=1.5.2).")
# auxiliary function:
decplaces <- function(x, signifdigits=3)
# number of decimal places (after decimal point)
# to be displayed if you want at least "signifdigits" digits
return(max(c(0, -(floor(log10(x))-(signifdigits-1)))))
# some sanity checks for the provided arguments:
stopifnot(is.element("escalc", class(x)),
length(digits)==1, digits==round(digits), digits>=0,
length(exponentiate)==1, is.logical(exponentiate),
length(plot)==1, is.logical(plot))
# extract relevant column names:
attri <- attributes(x)
if (all(is.element(c("yi.names", "vi.names"), names(attri)))) { # (for recent "metafor" versions)
var.names <- c(attri$yi.names, attri$vi.names)
} else if (is.element("var.names", names(attri))) { # (for older "metafor" versions)
var.names <- attri$var.names
} else {
stop(paste("Cannont extract \"yi.names\" and \"vi.names\" (or \"var.names\") attribute(s) from escalc object ",
"(check use of the \"var.names\" option).", sep=""))
stopifnot(length(var.names)==2, all(is.character(var.names)))
if (!all(is.element(var.names, names(x)))) {
stop(paste("Cannont find columns \"",
var.names[1],"\" and/or \"",
var.names[2],"\" in escalc object ",
"(check use of the \"var.names\" option).", sep=""))
if (is.element("slab", names(attributes(x[,var.names[1]])))) {
labels <- as.character(attr(x[,var.names[1]], "slab"))
} else {
labels <- sprintf("%02d", 1:nrow(x))
# extract data to be plotted:
y <- as.vector(x[,var.names[1]])
sigma <- sqrt(as.vector(x[,var.names[2]]))
k <- length(y)
q95 <- qnorm(0.975)
ma.dat <- rbind(NA,
cbind(y, y - q95*sigma, y + q95*sigma))
colnames(ma.dat) <- c("estimate", "lower", "upper")
rownames(ma.dat) <- c("", labels)
if (exponentiate) {
ma.dat <- exp(ma.dat)
# generate "labeltext" data table for plot (unless already provided):
if (missing(labeltext)) {
# determine numbers of digits based on standard deviations:
if (exponentiate) {
stdevs <- exp(y)*sigma
} else {
stdevs <- sigma
stdevs <- abs(stdevs[is.finite(stdevs) & (stdevs != 0)])
formatstring <- paste0("%.", decplaces(stdevs, digits), "f")
# fill data table:
labeltext <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow=nrow(ma.dat), ncol=3)
labeltext[1,] <- c("study","estimate", "95% CI")
labeltext[,1] <- c("study", labels)[1:nrow(ma.dat)]
for (i in 2:(nrow(ma.dat))) {
labeltext[i,2] <- sprintf(formatstring, ma.dat[i,"estimate"])
labeltext[i,3] <- paste0("[", sprintf(formatstring, ma.dat[i,"lower"]),
", ", sprintf(formatstring, ma.dat[i,"upper"]), "]")
# add horizontal lines to plot:
horizl <- list(grid::gpar(col="grey"))
names(horizl) <- as.character(c(2))
# specify function(s) for drawing estimates / shrinkage estimates:
if (missing(fn.ci_norm)) {
fn.ci_norm <- function(...) {forestplot::fpDrawPointCI(pch=15,...)}
# specify function(s) for drawing summaries (diamond / bar):
if (missing(fn.ci_sum)) {
fn.ci_sum <- list(NULL)
for (i in 1:(k+1))
fn.ci_sum[[i]] <- function(y.offset,...) {forestplot::fpDrawSummaryCI(y.offset=0.5,...)}
# specify colors:
if (missing(col)) {
col <- forestplot::fpColors(box="black", lines="black", summary="grey30")
# specify plotting sizes:
if (missing(boxsize)) {
boxsize <- rep(0.25,k+1)
# specify data for plotting:
mean.arg <- ma.dat[,1]
lower.arg <- ma.dat[,2]
upper.arg <- ma.dat[,3]
fp <- NULL
if (plot) {
fp <- forestplot::forestplot(labeltext = labeltext,
mean = mean.arg,
lower = lower.arg,
upper = upper.arg,
is.summary = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, k)),
hrzl_lines = horizl,
fn.ci_norm = fn.ci_norm,
fn.ci_sum = fn.ci_sum,
col = col,
boxsize = boxsize, ...)
invisible(list("data" = ma.dat[-1,],
"labeltext" = labeltext,
"forestplot" = fp))
convolve <- function(dens1, dens2,
delta=0.01, epsilon=0.0001)
# Convolution function from:
# C. Roever, T. Friede.
# Discrete approximation of a mixture distribution via restricted divergence.
# Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26(1):217-222, 2017.
# (a grid is constructed in the first density's domain ("dens1")
# so that the convolution is a sum of "dens2" conditionals,
# weighted by "dens1".)
# some basic sanity checks:
stopifnot(is.function(dens1), is.function(dens2),
is.function(cdf1), is.function(cdf2),
#dens1(-1)>0, dens2(-1)>0,
delta>0, epsilon>0)
symKL <- function(d)
# divergence w.r.t. shifting of the 2nd distribution ("dens2()")
func1 <- function(x)
# integrand for one directed divergence
d2md <- dens2(x-d)
# utilize density's "log" argument, if possible:
if (is.element("log", names(formals(dens2)))) {
logd2 <- dens2(x, log=TRUE)
logd2md <- dens2(x-d, log=TRUE)
} else {
logd2 <- log(dens2(x))
logd2md <- log(d2md)
return(ifelse((logd2>-Inf) & (logd2md>-Inf), (logd2md-logd2)*d2md, 0.0))
func2 <- function(x)
# integrand for other directed divergence
d2 <- dens2(x)
# utilize density's "log" argument, if possible:
if (is.element("log", names(formals(dens2)))) {
logd2 <- dens2(x, log=TRUE)
logd2md <- dens2(x-d, log=TRUE)
} else {
logd2 <- log(d2)
logd2md <- log(dens2(x-d))
return(ifelse((logd2>-Inf) & (logd2md>-Inf), (logd2-logd2md)*d2, 0.0))
int1 <- integrate(func1, -Inf, Inf)
if (int1$message != "OK")
warning(paste0("Problem computing KL-divergence (1): \"", int1$message,"\""))
int2 <- integrate(func2, -Inf, Inf)
if (int2$message != "OK")
warning(paste0("Problem computing KL-divergence (2): \"", int2$message,"\""))
return(int1$value + int2$value)
# determine bin half-width:
step <- sqrt(delta)
while (symKL(step) < delta) step <- 2*step
ur <- uniroot(function(X){return(symKL(X)-delta)}, lower=0, upper=step)
step <- ur$root
# determine grid range via epsilon/2 and 1-epsilon/2 quantiles:
mini <- -1
while (cdf1(mini) > epsilon/2) mini <- 2*mini
maxi <- 1
while (cdf1(maxi) < 1-(epsilon/2)) maxi <- 2*maxi
ur <- uniroot(function(X){return(cdf1(X)-epsilon/2)},
lower=mini, upper=maxi)
mini <- ur$root
ur <- uniroot(function(X){return(cdf1(X)-(1-epsilon/2))},
lower=mini, upper=maxi)
maxi <- ur$root
# determine number of reference points:
k <- ceiling((maxi-mini)/(2*step))+1
# determine reference points:
support <- mini - ((k*2*step)-(maxi-mini))/2 + (0:(k-1))*2*step
# determine bin margins:
margins <- support[-1]-step
# determine bin weights:
weight <- rep(NA, length(support))
for (i in 1:(k-1))
weight[i] <- cdf1(margins[i])
weight[k] <- 1
for (i in k:2)
weight[i] <- weight[i]-weight[i-1]
# the eventual grid:
grid <- cbind("lower"=c(-Inf, margins),
"upper"=c(margins, Inf),
# probability density of convolution:
density <- function(x)
return(apply(matrix(x,ncol=1), 1,
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of convolution:
cdf <- function(x)
return(apply(matrix(x,ncol=1), 1,
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of convolution:
quantile <- function(p)
quant <- function(pp)
mini <- -1
while (cdf(mini) > pp) mini <- 2*mini
maxi <- 1
while (cdf(maxi) < pp) maxi <- 2*maxi
ur <- uniroot(function(x){return(cdf(x)-pp)}, lower=mini, upper=maxi)
proper <- ((p>0) & (p<1))
result <- rep(NA,length(p))
if (any(proper)) result[proper] <- apply(matrix(p[proper],ncol=1), 1, quant)
return(list("delta" = delta, # tuning parameter (maximum divergence)
"epsilon" = epsilon, # tuning parameter (neglected tail probability)
"binwidth" = 2*step, # bin width (constant across bins)
"bins" = k, # number of bins
"support" = grid, # bin margins, reference points and weights
"density" = density, # resulting probability density function
"cdf" = cdf, # resulting cumulative distribution function (CDF)
"quantile" = quantile)) # resulting quantile function (inverse CDF)
funnel.bayesmeta <- function(x,
xlab=expression("effect "*y[i]),
ylab=expression("standard error "*sigma[i]),
zero=0.0, FE=FALSE, legend=FE, ...)
# generate funnel plot from a "bayesmeta" object.
# sanity check:
stopifnot(is.element("bayesmeta", class(x)))
# range of standard error axis:
yrange <- c(0.0, max(x$sigma))
# standard error levels for prediction intervals:
sevec <- seq(from=0, yrange[2]*1.04, le=27)
# compute (RE) prediction intervals
# (for observed "y" values, conditional on standard error):
intRE <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(sevec), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("lower","upper")))
intRE[1,] <- x$qposterior(theta.p=c(0.025, 0.975), predict=TRUE)
for (i in 2:length(sevec)){
conv <- try(convolve(dens1=function(a, log=FALSE){return(x$dposterior(theta=a, predict=TRUE, log=log))},
dens2=function(b, log=FALSE){return(dnorm(x=b, mean=0, sd=sevec[i], log=log))},
cdf1 =function(a){return(x$pposterior(theta=a, predict=TRUE))},
cdf2 =function(b){return(pnorm(q=b, mean=0, sd=sevec[i]))}))
if (all(class(conv)!="try-error")) {
intRE[i,] <- conv$quantile(p=c(0.025, 0.975))
# compute _FE_ prediction intervals
# (for observed "y" values, conditional on standard error):
intFE <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(sevec), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("lower","upper")))
cm <- x$cond.moment(tau=0)
for (i in 1:length(sevec)){
intFE[i,] <- qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975), mean=cm[1,"mean"], sd=sqrt(cm[1,"sd"]^2+sevec[i]^2))
# empty plot:
plot(range(intRE), -yrange, type="n",
ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main=main, axes=FALSE)
# funnels (grey area):
polygon(c(intRE[,1], rev(intRE[,2])), c(-sevec, rev(-sevec)), col="grey90", border=NA)
if (FE) polygon(c(intFE[,1], rev(intFE[,2])), c(-sevec, rev(-sevec)), col="grey80", border=NA)
# grid lines:
lines(c(intRE[1,1], intRE[1,1], NA, intRE[1,2], intRE[1,2]),
c(0,-max(sevec), NA, 0, -max(sevec)), col="grey75", lty="dashed")
abline(h=0, col="darkgrey")
yticks <- pretty(yrange)
abline(h=-yticks[yticks>0], col="grey75", lty="15")
# funnels (outline):
matlines(intRE, cbind(-sevec, -sevec), col=REcol, lty="dashed")
if (FE) matlines(intFE, cbind(-sevec, -sevec), col=FEcol, lty="dotted")
lines(rep(x$summary["median","theta"], 2), range(-sevec), col=REcol, lty="dashed")
if (FE) lines(rep(cm[1,"mean"], 2), range(-sevec), col=FEcol, lty="dotted")
# zero line:
if (is.finite(zero))
lines(c(zero, zero), c(-1,1)*max(sevec), col="darkgrey", lty="solid")
# actual points:
points(x$y, -x$sigma, pch=21, col="black", bg=grey(0.5, alpha=0.5), cex=1)
if (FE && legend)
legend("topleft", c("RE model", "FE model"),
col=c(REcol, FEcol), lty=c("dashed", "dotted"), bg="white")
axis(1); axis(2, at=-yticks, labels=yticks); box()
normalmixture <- function(density,
cdf = Vectorize(function(x){integrate(density,0,x)$value}),
mu = 0,
delta = 0.01, epsilon = 0.0001,
# derive normal mixture where mean (mu) is given (and fixed)
# and the standard deviation (sigma) follows a distribution
# given through "density" or "cdf" argument.
# Mixture approximation is done using the 'DIRECT' algorithm
# described in
# some basic sanity checks:
stopifnot((!missing(cdf) || !missing(density)),
is.function(cdf), delta>0, epsilon>0)
if (missing(cdf) && !missing(density)) {
# check for properness of mixing distribution:
density.integral <- integrate(density, lower=0, upper=Inf,
rel.tol=rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=abs.tol.integrate)
stopifnot(density.integral$message == "OK",
(abs(density.integral$value - 1.0) <= density.integral$abs.error))
nextsigma <- function(sigma=1, delta=0.01)
# analytical solution for next larger sigma value
# for which KL-divergence w.r.t. current sigma is = delta
return(sigma * sqrt(1 + delta^2 + sqrt(delta^2 + 2*delta)))
# determine (minimally required) grid range:
s <- 1
while (cdf(s) <= epsilon/2) s <- s*2
ur <- uniroot(function(x){cdf(x)-epsilon/2}, lower=0, upper=s, tol=tol.uniroot)
lower <- ur$root
while (cdf(s) <= 1-epsilon/2) s <- s*2
ur <- uniroot(function(x){cdf(x)-(1-epsilon/2)}, lower=lower, upper=s, tol=tol.uniroot)
upper <- ur$root
# now fill grid:
grid <- matrix(c(0, NA, lower, NA),
dimnames=list(NULL, c("lower","upper","reference","prob")))
s <- lower
i <- 1
while (s < upper) {
i <- i+1
grid <- rbind(grid, NA)
s <- nextsigma(s, delta=delta)
grid[i-1,"upper"] <- grid[i,"lower"] <- s
s <- nextsigma(s, delta=delta)
grid[i,"reference"] <- s
grid[i, "upper"] <- Inf
grid[,"prob"] <- diff(c(0, cdf(grid[,"upper"])))
grid[,"prob"] <- grid[,"prob"] / sum(grid[,"prob"])
# probability density of mixture:
dens <- function(x)
return(apply(matrix(x,ncol=1), 1,
function(y){sum(grid[,"prob"]*dnorm(y, mean=mu, sd=grid[,"reference"]))}))
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of mixture:
cumul <- function(x)
return(apply(matrix(x,ncol=1), 1,
function(y){sum(grid[,"prob"]*pnorm(y, mean=mu, sd=grid[,"reference"]))}))
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of mixture:
quantile <- function(p)
quant <- function(pp)
mini <- mu-1
while (cumul(mini) > pp) mini <- mu - 2*(mu-mini)
maxi <- mu+1
while (cumul(maxi) < pp) maxi <- mu + 2*(maxi-mu)
ur <- uniroot(function(x){return(cumul(x)-pp)}, lower=mini, upper=maxi, tol=tol.uniroot)
proper <- ((p>0) & (p<1))
result <- rep(NA,length(p))
if (any(proper)) result[proper] <- apply(matrix(p[proper],ncol=1), 1, quant)
result <- list("delta" = delta,
"epsilon" = epsilon,
"mu" = mu,
"bins" = i,
"support" = grid,
"density" = dens, # resulting probability density function
"cdf" = cumul, # resulting cumulative distribution function (CDF)
"quantile" = quantile, # resulting quantile function (inverse CDF)
"mixing.density" = NULL,
"mixing.cdf" = cdf)
if (!missing(density)) result$mixing.density <- density
pppvalue<- function(x,
parameter = "mu",
value = 0.0,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
statistic = "median", # a.k.a. "discrepancy variable"
n = 10,
prior = FALSE,
quietly = FALSE,
parallel, seed, ...)
# Posterior predictive p-values
# * Gelman & al., Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd edition, Chapter 6,
# Chapman & Hall / CRC, Boca Raton, 2014.
# * Meng, X.-L. Posterior predictive p-values.
# The Annals of Statistics, 22(3):1142-1160, 1994.
# Parameters:
# x : a "bayesmeta" object
# parameter : the parameter to be tested
# value : the null-hypothesized value
# alternative : the alternative to be tested against
# statistic : the figure to be used as "test statistic"
# rejection.region : the test statistic's rejection region. May be
# one of "upper.tail", "lower.tail" or "two.tailed".
# If unspecified, it is set based on the "alternative" parameter
# n : the number of Monte Carlo samples
# prior : flag to request _PRIOR_ predictive p-values
# quietly : flag to indicate command line text output
# parallel : number of parallel processes to use
# ... : further arguments passed to "statistic",
# if "statistic" argument is a function
# some preliminary sanity checks;
# "x" argument:
if (!is.element("bayesmeta",class(x)))
warning("function applicable to objects of class 'bayesmeta' only.")
# "parameter" argument:
if (is.numeric(parameter)){
stopifnot(is.element(parameter, 1:x$k))
parameter <- x$labels[parameter]
parameter <- match.arg(parameter, c("mu", "tau", x$labels))
thetapar <- FALSE
if (!is.element(parameter, c("mu","tau"))) {
thetapar <- TRUE # indicates that parameter concerns one of the "theta" (shrinkage) parameters
indiv.which <- which(is.element(x$labels, parameter)) # index of concerned "theta" parameter
# "value" argument:
stopifnot(length(value)==1, is.finite(value),
(parameter != "tau") || (value >= 0.0))
# "alternative" argument:
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
# "statistic" argument:
statfun <- is.function(statistic)
statNA <- (!statfun &&
stopifnot(statfun | is.character(statistic) | statNA)
if (statNA) {
statname <- "statistic"
} else if (statfun) {
statname <- deparse(substitute(statistic))
} else {
statistic <- match.arg(tolower(statistic), c("t", "q", "cdf", rownames(x$summary)))
if ((parameter=="tau") && (value==0.0)) {
if (alternative != "greater")
warning(paste0("a combination of 'parameter=\"tau\"' ",
"and 'alternative=\"", alternative, "\"' may not make sense!"))
if (statistic == "cdf")
warning(paste0("a combination of 'parameter=\"tau\"', ",
"'value=0.0' and 'statistic=\"cdf\"' does not make sense!"))
# try to speed up 'bayesmeta()' computations by omitting unnecessary CI optimizations:
inttype <- ifelse(is.element(statistic, c("95% lower", "95% upper")),
x$interval.type, "central")
statname <- ifelse(statistic=="q", "Q", statistic)
# "rejection.region" argument:
if (!missing(rejection.region)) {
rejection.region <- match.arg(rejection.region, c("upper.tail", "lower.tail", "two.tailed"))
} else { # decide on rejection region based on hypothesis:
if (statNA | (!statfun && is.element(statistic, c("q"))))
rejection.region <- "upper.tail"
else if (!statfun && is.element(statistic, c("cdf")))
rejection.region <- switch(alternative,
two.sided = "two.tailed",
less = "upper.tail",
greater = "lower.tail")
rejection.region <- switch(alternative,
two.sided = "two.tailed",
less = "lower.tail",
greater = "upper.tail")
stopifnot(is.element(rejection.region, c("upper.tail", "lower.tail", "two.tailed")))
# "prior" argument:
if (prior && (!x$tau.prior.proper || !all(is.finite(x$mu.prior))))
warning("prior predictive p-values require proper priors for effect and heterogeneity!")
if (prior && !is.element(parameter, c("mu", "tau")))
warning("prior predictive p-values are only available for effect (mu) and heterogeneity (tau) parameters!")
stopifnot(!prior || (x$tau.prior.proper && all(is.finite(x$mu.prior))))
# determine a sensible number of parallel processes:
if (missing(parallel)) {
# by default, use "parallel" package if available:
if (requireNamespace("parallel")) {
# by default, use all but one core:
parallel <- max(c(1, parallel::detectCores() - 1))
# but don't use more cores than MCMC samples:
parallel <- min(c(parallel, n))
} else {
parallel <- 1
} else { # otherwise check number of cores & processes:
stopifnot(parallel >= 1)
if (requireNamespace("parallel")) {
if (parallel > parallel::detectCores())
warning("number of requested parallel processes (", parallel,
") is larger than number of cores (", parallel::detectCores(), ").")
if (parallel > n)
warning("number of requested parallel processes (", parallel,
") is larger than number of MC samples (", n, ").")
} else {
warning("failed to load \"parallel\" package.")
seed.missing <- missing(seed)
stopifnot(seed.missing || (seed==round(seed)))
ptm <- proc.time()
if (prior) { # ...conditional prior p(tau | mu)
ptau <- function(tau)
# cumulative distribution function (CDF) of tau prior
stopifnot(length(tau)==1, is.finite(tau), tau>=0)
return(integrate(function(t){x$dprior(tau=t)}, lower=0, upper=tau,
rel.tol=x$rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=x$abs.tol.integrate)$value)
ptau <- Vectorize(ptau)
qtau <- function(p.tau)
# quantile function (inverse CDF) of tau prior
stopifnot(length(p.tau)==1, is.finite(p.tau), p.tau>=0, p.tau<=1)
if (p.tau==0) result <- 0.0
else if (p.tau==1) result <- Inf
else {
upper <- 1.0
while (ptau(upper) < p.tau) upper <- 2*upper
result <- uniroot(function(t){ptau(tau=t)-p.tau},
lower=0, upper=upper, tol=x$tol.uniroot)$root
if (parameter=="mu") { # define functions to generate draws from conditional (tau|mu):
# lookup table for tau conditionals' normalizing constants:
normconst <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2, dimnames=list(NULL, c("mu","const")))
dctau <- function(tau, mu)
# conditional density of (tau | mu)
stopifnot(length(tau)==1, is.finite(tau), tau>=0)
if ((nrow(normconst)>0) && is.element(mu, normconst[,"mu"])) {
const <- normconst[which(normconst[,"mu"]==mu),"const"]
} else {
const <- integrate(function(t){x$dposterior(tau=t, mu=mu)},
lower=0, upper=Inf,
rel.tol=x$rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=x$abs.tol.integrate)$value
normconst <<- rbind(normconst, c(mu,const)) # (change matrix GLOBALLY)
return(x$dposterior(tau=tau, mu=mu) / const)
dctau <- Vectorize(dctau)
pctau <- function(tau, mu)
# conditional cumulative distribution function (CDF) of (tau | mu)
stopifnot(length(tau)==1, is.finite(tau), tau>=0)
return(integrate(function(t){dctau(tau=t, mu=mu)}, lower=0, upper=tau,
rel.tol=x$rel.tol.integrate, abs.tol=x$abs.tol.integrate)$value)
pctau <- Vectorize(pctau)
qctau <- function(p.tau, mu)
# conditional quantile function (inverse CDF) of (tau | mu)
stopifnot(length(p.tau)==1, is.finite(p.tau), p.tau>=0, p.tau<=1)
if (p.tau==0) result <- 0.0
else if (p.tau==1) result <- Inf
else {
upper <- 1.0
while (pctau(upper,mu) < p.tau) upper <- 2*upper
result <- uniroot(function(t){pctau(tau=t,mu=mu)-p.tau},
lower=0, upper=upper, tol=x$tol.uniroot)$root
rctau <- function(mu)
# random number generation for (tau | mu)
return(qctau(p.tau=runif(n=1), mu=mu))
} else if (thetapar) {
# compute conditional posterior, conditional on theta[i]==value:
condy <- x$y
condsigma <- x$sigma
condy[indiv.which] <- value
condsigma[indiv.which] <- 0.0
if (alternative == "two.sided") {
condbm <- bayesmeta(y=condy, sigma=condsigma, labels=x$labels,
# determine realized "test statistic" value in actual data:
if (statNA) {
stat.actual <- NA_real_
} else if (statfun) {
stat.actual <- statistic(x$y, ...)
} else {
if (statistic == "q") {
cochranQ <- function(yi, si)
wi <- 1/si^2
yhat <- sum(yi * wi) / sum(wi)
Q <- sum(((yi-yhat)/si)^2)
stat.actual <- cochranQ(x$y, x$sigma)
} else if (statistic=="cdf") {
if (parameter=="tau")
stat.actual <- x$pposterior(tau=value)
else if (parameter=="mu")
stat.actual <- x$pposterior(mu=value)
stat.actual <- x$pposterior(theta=value, individual=indiv.which)
} else {
if (thetapar) {
if (statistic == "t")
stat.actual <- (x$theta["mean", indiv.which] - value) / x$theta["sd", indiv.which]
stat.actual <- x$theta[statistic, indiv.which]
} else {
if (statistic == "t")
stat.actual <- (x$summary["mean", parameter] - value) / x$summary["sd", parameter]
stat.actual <- x$summary[statistic, parameter]
names(stat.actual) <- statname
# determine at which (prior/posterior) quantile hypothesized value is situated
# (necessary for sampling for single-tailed hypotheses):
if (alternative != "two.sided") {
if (parameter == "mu") {
if (prior) <- pnorm(q=value, mean=x$mu.prior[1], sd=x$mu.prior[2]) # prior quantile
else <- x$pposterior(mu=value) # posterior quantile
} else if (parameter == "tau") {
if (prior) p.tau <- ptau(value) # prior quantile
else p.tau <- x$pposterior(tau=value) # posterior quantile
} else {
p.theta <- x$pposterior(theta=value, individual=indiv.which) # posterior quantile
# the main function:
pppfun <- function(i)
if (! seed.missing) set.seed(seed + i)
# generate data:
sigma <- x$sigma
if (parameter=="mu") { # Null hypothesis concerns effect mu
if (alternative=="two.sided") { # fix effect mu at hypothesized value:
rmu <- value
} else if (alternative=="less") { # draw effect mu from H0's domain's conditional:
if (prior) rmu <- qnorm(runif(1,, 1.0), mean=x$mu.prior[1], sd=x$mu.prior[2]) # prior
else rmu <- x$qposterior(mu.p=runif(1,, 1.0)) # posterior
} else {
if (prior) rmu <- qnorm(runif(1, 0.0,, mean=x$mu.prior[1], sd=x$mu.prior[2]) # prior
else rmu <- x$qposterior(mu.p=runif(1, 0.0, # posterior
# draw tau from conditional (tau|mu):
if (prior) rtau <- qtau(runif(1, 0.0, 1.0)) # prior
else rtau <- rctau(mu=rmu) # posterior
# draw study-specific effects (theta) and effects (y):
rtheta <- rnorm(n=x$k, mean=rmu, sd=rtau)
y <- rnorm(n=x$k, mean=rtheta, sd=sigma)
} else if (parameter=="tau") { # Null hypothesis concerns heterogeneity tau
if (alternative=="two.sided") { # fix heterogeneity tau at hypothesized value:
rtau <- value
} else if (alternative=="less") { # draw effect mu from H0's domain's conditional:
if (prior) rtau <- qtau(runif(1, p.tau, 1.0))
else rtau <- x$qposterior(tau.p=runif(1, p.tau, 1.0))
} else {
if (prior) rtau <- qtau(runif(1, 0.0, p.tau))
else rtau <- x$qposterior(tau.p=runif(1, 0.0, p.tau))
# draw mu from conditional (mu|tau):
if (prior) {
rmu <- qnorm(runif(1, 0.0, 1.0), mean=x$mu.prior[1], sd=x$mu.prior[2])
} else {
cm <- x$cond.moment(tau=rtau)
rmu <- rnorm(n=1, mean=cm[1,"mean"], sd=cm[1,"sd"])
# draw study-specific effects (theta) and effects (y):
rtheta <- rnorm(n=x$k, mean=rmu, sd=rtau)
y <- rnorm(n=x$k, mean=rtheta, sd=sigma)
} else { # Null hypothesis concerns ith "shrinkage" parameter theta
if (alternative=="two.sided"){
rtheta.i <- value
taumu <- condbm$rposterior(n=1)[1,]
} else {
if (alternative=="less") {
rtheta.i <- x$qposterior(theta.p=runif(1, p.theta, 1.0), indiv=indiv.which)
} else {
rtheta.i <- x$qposterior(theta.p=runif(1, 0.0, p.theta), indiv=indiv.which)
condy[indiv.which] <- rtheta.i
condbm <- bayesmeta(y=condy, sigma=condsigma, labels=x$labels,
taumu <- condbm$rposterior(n=1)[1,]
rtau <- taumu["tau"]
rmu <- taumu["mu"]
rtheta <- rnorm(n=x$k, mean=rmu, sd=rtau)
rtheta[indiv.which] <- rtheta.i
#y <- rnorm(n=x$k, mean=rmu, sd=sigma)
y <- rnorm(n=x$k, mean=rtheta, sd=sigma)
# data (y) generated. Now compute statistic:
if (statNA) {
statval <- NA_real_
} else if (statfun) {
statval <- statistic(y, ...)
} else {
if (statistic == "q") {
statval <- cochranQ(y, x$sigma)
} else {
# perform meta-analysis:
bm <- bayesmeta(y=y, sigma=x$sigma, labels=x$labels,
if (thetapar) {
if (statistic == "t")
statval <- (bm$theta["mean", indiv.which] - value) / bm$theta["sd", indiv.which]
else if (statistic=="cdf")
statval <- bm$pposterior(theta=value, individual=indiv.which)
statval <- bm$theta[statistic, indiv.which]
} else {
if (statistic == "t")
statval <- (bm$summary["mean", parameter] - value) / bm$summary["sd", parameter]
else if (statistic=="cdf") {
if (parameter=="tau")
statval <- bm$pposterior(tau=value)
else if (parameter=="mu")
statval <- bm$pposterior(mu=value)
} else
statval <- bm$summary[statistic, parameter]
# statistic computed. Return results:
result <- unname(c(rtau, rmu, statval, rtheta, y))
names(result) <- c("tau", "mu", "statistic",
sprintf("theta[%d]", 1:x$k),
sprintf("y[%d]", 1:x$k))
} # END pppfun()
# break calculations down into smaller bits
# to allow for progress bar updates (unless suppressed)
if (quietly) # (do computations in one go)
idxlist <- list(1:n)
else {
# determine intermediate breakpoints (to update progress bar)
# at multiples of 'parallel':
stopfrac <- c(0.01, 0.02, 0.05, (1:9)/10) # (1%, 2%, 5%, 10%, ...)
stopint <- unique(ceiling(stopfrac * (n/parallel)))
stopint <- c(stopint * parallel, n)
stopint <- unique(stopint[stopint <= n])
# assemble list of indices to process at each stage:
idxlist <- list(1:stopint[1])
if (length(stopint) > 1)
for (i in 2:length(stopint))
idxlist[[i]] <- (max(idxlist[[i-1]])+1):stopint[i]
# the "hot loop":
stat.repli <- NULL
if (parallel > 1) { # initialize cluster:
clust <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel)
#parallel::clusterEvalQ(clust, library("bayesmeta", lib.loc="~/temp/test")) # <-- /!\ HACK!
parallel::clusterEvalQ(clust, library("bayesmeta"))
if (!quietly) { # (initialize progress bar etc.)
cat(paste0(" Generating n=",n," Monte Carlo samples.\n"))
if (n <= 100)
cat(paste0(" /!\\ Caution: a sample size of n >> 100 will usually be appropriate.\n"))
cat(paste0(" Sampling progress",
ifelse(parallel > 1, paste0(" (using ",parallel," parallel processes)"), ""),
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style=3)
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0.0)
for (i in 1:length(idxlist)){
if (parallel == 1) { # simple "sapply()" call
stat.repli <- rbind(stat.repli,
t(sapply(idxlist[[i]], pppfun, simplify=TRUE)))
} else { # parallel computation via "parSapply()":
stat.repli <- rbind(stat.repli,
t(parallel::parSapply(clust, idxlist[[i]], pppfun, simplify=TRUE)))
if (!quietly) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, max(idxlist[[i]])/n)
if (parallel > 1) { # terminate cluster:
# how many replicates are in the "tails" beyond the actualized statistic value:
tail <- factor(rep("no", nrow(stat.repli)),
levels=c("lower", "no", "upper"), ordered=TRUE)
lowertail <- (stat.repli[,"statistic"] <= stat.actual)
uppertail <- (stat.repli[,"statistic"] >= stat.actual)
if (rejection.region=="lower.tail")
tail[lowertail] <- "lower"
else if (rejection.region=="upper.tail")
tail[uppertail] <- "upper"
else { # note: two-sided version is based on equal-tailed rejection region
if (sum(uppertail, na.rm=TRUE) < sum(lowertail, na.rm=TRUE)) {
tail[uppertail] <- "upper"
tail[rank(stat.repli[,"statistic"], ties.method="min") <= sum(uppertail, na.rm=TRUE)] <- "lower"
} else {
tail[lowertail] <- "lower"
tail[rank(stat.repli[,"statistic"], ties.method="max") > (n-sum(lowertail, na.rm=TRUE))] <- "upper"
tail[[,"statistic"])] <- NA
n.tail <- sum(tail != "no", na.rm=TRUE) + sum(
# corresponding p-value:
quant <- ifelse(statNA, NA_real_, n.tail / n)
# null hypothesis:
nullval <- value
names(nullval) <- ifelse(thetapar,
paste0("study effect (",indiv.which,": '",x$labels[indiv.which],"')"),
ifelse(parameter=="mu", "effect (mu)", "heterogeneity (tau)"))
replicates <- list("tau" = stat.repli[,"tau"],
"mu" = stat.repli[,"mu"],
"theta" = stat.repli[,(3+(1:x$k))],
"y" = stat.repli[,(3+x$k+(1:x$k))],
"statistic" =[,"statistic"], "tail"=tail))
colnames(replicates$theta) <- colnames(replicates$y) <- x$labels
colnames(replicates$statistic) <- c(statname, "tail")
ptm <- proc.time() - ptm
if (!quietly) cat(paste0("\n (computation time: ",
sprintf("%.1f",ptm[3]), " seconds = ",
sprintf("%.1f",ptm[3]/60), " minutes.)\n"))
result <- list("statistic" = stat.actual,
"parameter" = c("Monte Carlo replicates"=n),
"p.value" = quant,
"null.value" = nullval,
"alternative" = alternative,
"method" = paste0("'bayesmeta' ",
ifelse(prior, "prior", "posterior"), " predictive p-value (",
ifelse(alternative=="two.sided", "two-sided", "one-sided"), ")"),
"" = deparse(substitute(x)),
# nonstandard-"htest"-elements:
"call" =,
"rejection.region" = rejection.region,
"replicates" = replicates,
"computation.time" = c("seconds"=unname(ptm[3])))
class(result) <- "htest"
uisd <- function(n, ...)
uisd.default <- function(n, sigma, sigma2=sigma^2, labels=NULL, individual=FALSE, ...)
# Compute unit information standard deviation (UISD).
# Arguments:
# nc : studies' sample sizes
# sigma : studies' standard errors
# sigma2 : studies' variances (squared standard errors)
# individual : if `TRUE', study-specific UISDs are returned
# (instead of overall)
all(is.finite(n)), all(is.finite(sigma2)),
all(n>0), all(sigma2>0),
(!individual) |
((length(labels)==0) || (length(labels)==length(sigma2))))
if (individual) {
if (!is.character(labels))
labels <- as.character(labels)
result <- sqrt(n*sigma2)
names(result) <- labels
} else {
result <- sqrt(sum(n) / sum(1/sigma2))
uisd.escalc <- function(n, ...)
# Compute unit information standard deviation (UISD).
# Arguments:
# n : an "escalc" object
stopifnot(is.element("escalc", class(n)))
if (!is.element("ni", names(attributes(n$yi))))
stop("An \"ni\" attribute is required for the \"escalc\" object!")
return(uisd(n=attr(n$yi, "ni"), sigma2=n$vi,
labels=attr(n$yi, "slab"), ...))
ess <- function(object, ...)
ess.bayesmeta <- function(object, uisd,
method=c("elir", "vr", "pr", ""), ...)
# Computation of effective sample sizes; see:
# B. Neuenschwander, S. Weber, H. Schmidli, A. O'Hagan.
# Predictively consistent prior effective sample sizes.
# Biometrics 76(2): 578-587, 2020.
# Note that i_F(theta) here equals 1 / UISD^2
# (where the UISD may or may not vary with theta).
# preliminary sanity checks for provided arguments:
stopifnot(is.element("bayesmeta", class(object)))
if (missing(uisd)) {
stop("\"uisd\" argument need to be specified (either a numeric value or a function)!")
stopifnot(is.vector(uisd) | is.function(uisd))
if (is.vector(uisd)) { # specify function returning a constant:
stopifnot(length(uisd)==1, is.numeric(uisd),
is.finite(uisd), uisd > 0)
uisdFun <- function(theta) {return(rep(uisd, length(theta)))}
} else { # specify a wrapper function (with built-in sanity checks):
uisdFun <- function(theta)
result <- uisd(theta)
if (!is.vector(result) | !is.numeric(result)) {
warning(paste0("Invalid output from \"uisd()\" function: uisd(",theta,")"))
if (!is.finite(result)) {
warning(paste0("\"uisd()\" function needs to return finite values! (uisd(",theta,") <= 0)"))
if (result <= 0.0) {
warning(paste0("\"uisd()\" function needs to return positive values! (uisd(",theta,") <= 0)"))
uisdFun <- Vectorize(uisdFun, "theta")
# determine method:
method <- match.arg(tolower(method), c("elir", "vr", "pr", ""))
# switch:
if (method == "elir") { # "expected local-information-ratio (ELIR)" method:
# specify function "i(p(theta))"
# (equation (3) in Neuenschwander & al. (2020)):
ip <- function(object, theta)
stopifnot(length(theta)==1, is.finite(theta))
# compute Hessian:
hessi <- hessian(function(x){object$dposterior(theta=x,
# note the slight hack here:
margin <- 6 * diff(object$summary[c("95% lower","95% upper"),"theta"])
# (this should -roughly- correspond to a 20-sigma margin)
if ((!is.finite(hessi))
&& (abs(theta-object$summary["median","theta"]) > margin)) {
hessi <- 0.0
# (Hessian is set to zero in case of numerical problems
# AND a ~ 20-sigma difference from median)
ip <- Vectorize(ip, "theta")
# compute expectation (equation (7)):
integrand <- function(x)
# NB: For numerical ease, the integrand is computed in a structured way.
# The integrand results as a product of 3 factors.
# Factors are computed one-by-one, _UNLESS_ one of the factors
# turned out as zero already.
factors <- matrix(0.0, nrow=length(x), ncol=3,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("ip", "uisd2", "density")))
# first, compute density:
factors[,"density"] <- object$dposterior(theta=x, predict=TRUE)
# second, compute i(p(theta)):
zero <- (factors[,"density"] == 0.0)
if (any(!zero)) {
factors[!zero, "ip"] <- ip(object, theta=x[!zero])
# third, compute uisd^2:
zero <- (factors[,"ip"] == 0.0)
if (any(!zero)) {
factors[!zero, "uisd2"] <- uisdFun(x[!zero])^2
# multiply 3 factors:
result <- apply(factors, 1, prod)
expect <- integrate(integrand, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf)
if (expect$message != "OK")
warning(paste0("Problem computing expectation (\"", expect$message,"\")."))
ESS <- expect$value
} else if (method == "vr") { # "variance ratio (VR)" method:
# compute expectation (equation (2)):
if (is.vector(uisd)) {
numerator <- uisd^2
} else {
integrand <- function(x)
# NB: For numerical ease, the integrand is computed in a structured way.
# The integrand results as a product of 2 factors (uisd and density).
# Factors are computed one-by-one, _UNLESS_ one of the factors
# turned out as zero already.
factors <- matrix(0.0, nrow=length(x), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("uisd2", "density")))
# first, compute density:
factors[,"density"] <- object$dposterior(theta=x, predict=TRUE)
# second, compute i(p(theta)):
zero <- (factors[,"density"] == 0.0)
if (any(!zero)) {
factors[!zero, "uisd2"] <- uisdFun(x[!zero])^2
# multiply 2 factors:
result <- apply(factors, 1, prod)
expect <- integrate(integrand, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf)
if (expect$message != "OK")
warning(paste0("Problem computing expectation (\"", expect$message,"\")."))
numerator <- expect$value
denominator <- object$summary["sd","theta"]^2
ESS <- numerator / denominator
} else if (method == "pr") { # "precision ratio (PR)" method:
# compute expectation (equation (2)):
if (is.vector(uisd)) {
denominator <- uisd^-2
} else {
integrand <- function(x)
# NB: For numerical ease, the integrand is computed in a structured way.
# The integrand results as a product of 2 factors (uisd and density).
# Factors are computed one-by-one, _UNLESS_ one of the factors
# turned out as zero already.
factors <- matrix(0.0, nrow=length(x), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("uisd2", "density")))
# first, compute density:
factors[,"density"] <- object$dposterior(theta=x, predict=TRUE)
# second, compute i(p(theta)):
zero <- (factors[,"density"] == 0.0)
if (any(!zero)) {
factors[!zero, "uisd2"] <- uisdFun(x[!zero])^-2
# multiply 2 factors:
result <- apply(factors, 1, prod)
expect <- integrate(integrand, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf)
if (expect$message != "OK")
warning(paste0("Problem computing expectation (\"", expect$message,"\")."))
denominator <- expect$value
numerator <- object$summary["sd","theta"]^-2
ESS <- numerator / denominator
} else if (method == ""){ # "Morita-Thall-Mueller / Pennello-Thompson (MTM.PM)" method:
denominator <- uisdFun(theta=object$summary["mode","theta"])^-2
hessi <- hessian(function(x){object$dposterior(theta=x,
numerator <- as.numeric(-hessi)
ESS <- numerator / denominator
weightsplot <- function(x, ...)
weightsplot.bayesmeta <- function(x, individual=FALSE, ordered=TRUE,
priorlabel="prior mean", main, xlim,...)
# Illustrate posterior mean weights (percentages)
# for overall mean or shrinkage estimates in a bar plot
# (See ).
# Numbers are taken from the bayesmeta object's
# "...$weights" or "...$weights.theta" elements.
stopifnot(length(ordered)==1, is.logical(ordered),
is.numeric(extramargin), length(extramargin)==1, all(is.finite(extramargin)),
if (! (is.logical(individual) && (!individual))) { # individual != FALSE
indiv.logi <- TRUE # (non-empty "individual" specification)
if (is.numeric(individual)) indiv.which <- which(is.element(1:x$k, individual))
if (is.character(individual)) indiv.which <- which(is.element(x$labels, match.arg(individual,x$labels)))
if (length(indiv.which)==0) warning("cannot make sense of 'individual' argument: empty subset.")
else indiv.logi <- FALSE # (the default (overall mean weight))
mu.prior.proper <- all(is.finite(x$mu.prior))
# create empty data frame to hold plotted data:
plotdat <-"label"=rep(NA_character_, ifelse(mu.prior.proper, x$k+1, x$k)),
"weight"=NA_real_, "percentage"=NA_character_, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (!indiv.logi){ # fill in data for overall mean estimate
plotdat[,"label"] <- names(x$weights)
plotdat[,"weight"] <- x$weights
targetparam <- "overall mean estimate"
} else { # fill in data for shrinkage estimate
plotdat[,"label"] <- rownames(x$weights.theta)
plotdat[,"weight"] <- x$weights.theta[,indiv.which]
targetparam <- paste0("shrinkage estimate \"", x$labels[indiv.which], "\"")
if (ordered) { # sort rows in descending order
plotdat[1:x$k,] <- plotdat[order(plotdat[1:x$k,"weight"], decreasing=TRUE),]
plotdat[,"percentage"] <- paste(sprintf("%.1f", plotdat[,"weight"] * 100), "%")
maxweight <- max(plotdat[,"weight"]*100)
if (missing(main)) {
main <- paste0("posterior mean weights (",targetparam,")")
# set figure margins:
if (extramargin != 0) {
parmar <- par("mar")
par(mar = parmar + c(0, extramargin, 0, 0))
if (missing(xlim)) {
xlim <- c(0, maxweight * 1.15)
bp <- graphics::barplot(rev(plotdat[,"weight"])*100, horiz=TRUE,
names.arg=rev(plotdat[,"label"]), las=1,
xlab="weight (%)", ylab="", main=main, ...)
graphics::text(rev(plotdat[,"weight"])*100 + maxweight*0.02, bp[,1],
rev(plotdat[,"percentage"]), adj=c(0,0.5))
traceplot <- function(x, ...)
traceplot.bayesmeta <- function(x, mulim, taulim, ci=FALSE,
col=rainbow(x$k), labcol=col,
meanlabel="overall mean",
meancol="black", meanlabcol=meancol,
stopifnot(missing(mulim) || (length(mulim) == 2),
missing(taulim) || (length(taulim) <= 2),
is.character(ylab), length(ylab)==1,
is.logical(prior), length(prior)==1,
is.logical(infinity), length(infinity)==1,
rightmargin >= 0, ((length(col)==x$k) | (length(col)==1)),
is.character(meanlabel), length(meanlabel)==1,
q975 <- qnorm(0.975)
gridcol <- "grey85"
if (length(col)==1) col <- rep(col, x$k)
if (infinity & any(is.finite(x$mu.prior))) {
warning("mu prior ignored for `tau=Inf' computations!")
if (prior & (!x$tau.prior.proper)) {
warning("Note that plots of improper priors may not be sensibly scaled.")
# convert "taulim" and "mulim" input arguments
# to eventual "taurange" and "murange" vectors:
if (!missing(taulim) && all(is.finite(taulim))) {
if ((length(taulim)==2) && (taulim[1]>=0) && (taulim[2]>taulim[1]))
taurange <- taulim
else if ((length(taulim)==1) && (taulim>0))
taurange <- c(0, taulim)
taurange <- c(0, x$qposterior(tau=0.995)*1.1)
} else {
taurange <- c(0, x$qposterior(tau=0.995)*1.1)
if (infinity) {
xlim <- taurange + c(0, 0.15) * diff(taurange)
infx <- xlim[2] + 0.04*diff(xlim) # the "infinity" x-coordinate
} else {
xlim <- taurange
infx <- NA_real_
if (missing(mulim)) mulim <- NULL
vertlines <- pretty(taurange)
# ensure no tickmarks beyond plotted tau range:
if (max(vertlines) > (taurange[2] + 0.04*diff(taurange)))
vertlines <- vertlines[-length(vertlines)]
mutrace <- function(x)
# vector of tau values:
tau <- seq(max(c(0,taurange[1]-0.04*diff(taurange))),
taurange[2]+0.04*diff(taurange), le=200)
# conditional moments for individual studies (theta_i):
cm.indiv <- x$cond.moment(tau=tau, indiv=TRUE)
# conditional moments for overall mean (mu):
cm.overall <- x$cond.moment(tau=tau)
# determine axis range for "effect" (y-) axis
if (!is.null(mulim) && (all(is.finite(mulim)) && (mulim[1] < mulim[2]))) {
# user-defined:
murange <- mulim
} else {
# based on data:
if (ci){
murange <- range(c(range(cm.indiv[,"mean",]-q975*cm.indiv[,"sd",]),
} else {
murange <- range(c(range(cm.indiv[,"mean",]),
# ensure that estimates are also included:
if (infinity) murange <- range(murange, x$y)
plot(taurange, murange, xlim=xlim,
type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab=ylab, main="", ...)
abline(v=vertlines, col=gridcol)
abline(h=pretty(murange), col=gridcol)
abline(v=0, col=grey(0.40))
# grey CI shading:
if (ci) {
for (i in 1:x$k) {
polygon(c(tau, rev(tau)),
c(cm.indiv[,"mean",i] - q975*cm.indiv[,"sd",i],
rev(cm.indiv[,"mean",i] + q975*cm.indiv[,"sd",i])),
col=grey(0.75, alpha=0.25), border=NA)
polygon(c(tau, rev(tau)),
c(cm.overall[,"mean"] - q975*cm.overall[,"sd"],
rev(cm.overall[,"mean"] + q975*cm.overall[,"sd"])),
col=grey(0.75, alpha=0.25), border=NA)
# individual estimates:
matlines(tau, cm.indiv[,"mean",], col=col, lty=1)
if (ci) {
matlines(tau, cm.indiv[,"mean",]-q975*cm.indiv[,"sd",], col=col, lty=3)
matlines(tau, cm.indiv[,"mean",]+q975*cm.indiv[,"sd",], col=col, lty=3)
# overall mean:
lines(tau, cm.overall[,"mean"], col=meancol, lty=2, lwd=1.5)
if (ci) {
lines(tau, cm.overall[,"mean"]-q975*cm.overall[,"sd"], col=meancol, lty=3, lwd=1.5)
lines(tau, cm.overall[,"mean"]+q975*cm.overall[,"sd"], col=meancol, lty=3, lwd=1.5)
if (infinity) {
labpos.indiv <- x$y
labpos.overall <- mean(x$y)
for (i in 1:x$k)
lines(c(max(tau), infx),
c(cm.indiv[length(tau),"mean",i], labpos.indiv[i]),
col=col[i], lty="13", lwd=1.5)
lines(c(max(tau), infx),
c(cm.overall[length(tau),"mean"], labpos.overall),
col=meancol, lty="13", lwd=2.0)
} else {
labpos.indiv <- cm.indiv[length(tau),"mean",]
labpos.overall <- cm.overall[length(tau),"mean"]
for (i in 1:x$k)
axis(side=4, at=labpos.indiv[i],
labels=x$labels[i], tick=FALSE,
col.axis=labcol[i], las=1)
axis(side=4, at=labpos.overall,
labels=meanlabel, tick=FALSE,
col.axis=meanlabcol, las=1)
taumarginal <- function(x)
# NB: function is (essentially) identical to the one within "plot.bayesmeta()"
# range of tau values:
tau <- seq(max(c(0,taurange[1]-0.04*diff(taurange))),
taurange[2]+0.04*diff(taurange), le=200)
# corresponding posterior density:
dens <- x$dposterior(tau=tau)
# empty plot:
maxdens <- max(dens[is.finite(dens)],na.rm=TRUE)
plot(c(taurange[1],taurange[2]), c(0,maxdens), xlim=xlim,
type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main="")
abline(v=vertlines, col=gridcol)
# "fix" diverging density:
dens[!is.finite(dens)] <- 10*maxdens
# light grey shaded contour for density across whole range:
polygon(c(0,tau,max(tau)), c(0,dens,0), border=NA, col=grey(0.90))
# dark grey shaded contour for density within 95% bounds:
indi <- ((tau>=x$summary["95% lower","tau"]) & (tau<=x$summary["95% upper","tau"]))
polygon(c(rep(x$summary["95% lower","tau"],2), tau[indi], rep(x$summary["95% upper","tau"],2)),
c(0, min(c(x$dposterior(tau=x$summary["95% lower","tau"]), 10*maxdens)),
dens[indi], x$dposterior(tau=x$summary["95% upper","tau"]), 0),
border=NA, col=grey(0.80))
# vertical line at posterior median:
lines(rep(x$summary["median","tau"],2), c(0,x$dposterior(tau=x$summary["median","tau"])), col=grey(0.6))
# actual density line:
lines(tau, dens, col="black")
# y-axis:
abline(v=0, col=grey(0.40))
# x-axis:
lines(taurange + c(-1,1) * 0.04*diff(taurange), c(0,0), col=grey(0.40))
# plot prior density (if requested):
if (prior) {
lines(tau, x$dprior(tau=tau), col="black", lty="dashed")
# add axes, labels, bounding box, ...
mtext(side=1, line=par("mgp")[1], expression("heterogeneity "*tau))
#mtext(side=2, line=par("mgp")[2], expression("marginal posterior density"))
if (infinity) {
axis(1, at=c(vertlines, infx),
labels=c(as.numeric(vertlines), expression(infinity)))
} else {
axis(1, at=vertlines)
# make sure to properly re-set graphical parameters later:
prevpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
# generate actual plot:
graphics::layout(rbind(1,2), heights=c(2,1))
par(mar=c(-0.1,3,0,rightmargin)+0.1, mgp=c(2.0, 0.8, 0))
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