##' @name BIOMOD_Projection
##' @author Wilfried Thuiller, Damien Georges
##' @title Project a range of calibrated species distribution models onto new environment
##' @description This function allows to project a range of models built with the
##' \code{\link{BIOMOD_Modeling}} function onto new environmental data (\emph{which can
##' represent new areas, resolution or time scales for example}).
##' @param bm.mod a \code{\link{BIOMOD.models.out}} object returned by the
##' \code{\link{BIOMOD_Modeling}} function
##' @param a \code{character} corresponding to the name (ID) of the projection set
##' (\emph{a new folder will be created within the simulation folder with this name})
##' @param new.env A \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame} or
##' \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} object containing the new
##' explanatory variables (in columns or layers, with names matching the
##' variables names given to the \code{\link{BIOMOD_FormatingData}} function to build
##' \code{bm.mod}) that will be used to project the species distribution model(s)
##' \cr \emph{Note that old format from \pkg{raster} are still supported such as
##' \code{RasterStack} objects. }
##' @param new.env.xy (\emph{optional, default} \code{NULL}) \cr
##' If \code{new.env} is a \code{matrix} or a \code{data.frame}, a 2-columns \code{matrix} or
##' \code{data.frame} containing the corresponding \code{X} and \code{Y} coordinates that will be
##' used to project the species distribution model(s)
##' @param models.chosen a \code{vector} containing model names to be kept, must be either
##' \code{all} or a sub-selection of model names that can be obtained with the
##' \code{\link{get_built_models}} function
##' @param metric.binary (\emph{optional, default} \code{NULL}) \cr
##' A \code{vector} containing evaluation metric names to be used to transform prediction values
##' into binary values based on models evaluation scores obtained with the
##' \code{\link{BIOMOD_Modeling}} function. Must be among \code{all} (same evaluation metrics than
##' those of \code{bm.mod}) or \code{POD}, \code{FAR}, \code{POFD}, \code{SR}, \code{ACCURACY},
##' \code{BIAS}, \code{ROC}, \code{TSS}, \code{KAPPA}, \code{OR}, \code{ORSS}, \code{CSI},
##' \code{ETS}, \code{BOYCE}, \code{MPA}
##' @param metric.filter (\emph{optional, default} \code{NULL}) \cr
##' A \code{vector} containing evaluation metric names to be used to transform prediction values
##' into filtered values based on models evaluation scores obtained with the
##' \code{\link{BIOMOD_Modeling}} function. Must be among \code{all} (same evaluation metrics than
##' those of \code{bm.mod}) or \code{POD}, \code{FAR}, \code{POFD}, \code{SR}, \code{ACCURACY},
##' \code{BIAS}, \code{ROC}, \code{TSS}, \code{KAPPA}, \code{OR}, \code{ORSS}, \code{CSI},
##' \code{ETS}, \code{BOYCE}, \code{MPA}
##' @param compress (\emph{optional, default} \code{TRUE}) \cr
##' A \code{logical} or a \code{character} value defining whether and how objects should be
##' compressed when saved on hard drive. Must be either \code{TRUE}, \code{FALSE}, \code{xz} or
##' \code{gzip} (see Details)
##' @param build.clamping.mask (\emph{optional, default} \code{TRUE}) \cr
##' A \code{logical} value defining whether a clamping mask should be built and saved on hard
##' drive or not (see Details)
##' @param nb.cpu (\emph{optional, default} \code{1}) \cr
##' An \code{integer} value corresponding to the number of computing resources to be used to
##' parallelize the single models computation
##' @param seed.val (\emph{optional, default} \code{NULL}) \cr
##' An \code{integer} value corresponding to the new seed value to be set
##' @param \ldots (\emph{optional, see Details)})
##' @return
##' A \code{\link{BIOMOD.projection.out}} object containing models projections, or links to saved
##' outputs. \cr Models projections are stored out of \R (for memory storage reasons) in
##' \code{} folder created in the current working directory :
##' \enumerate{
##' \item the output is a \code{data.frame} if \code{new.env} is a \code{matrix} or a
##' \code{data.frame}
##' \item it is a \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} if \code{new.env} is a
##' \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} (or several \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}}
##' objects, if \code{new.env} is too large)
##' \item raw projections, as well as binary and filtered projections (if asked), are saved in
##' the \code{} folder
##' }
##' @details
##' If \code{models.chosen = 'all'}, projections are done for all calibration and pseudo absences
##' runs if applicable. \cr These projections may be used later by the
##' \code{\link{BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting}} function. \cr \cr
##' If \code{build.clamping.mask = TRUE}, a raster file will be saved within the projection folder.
##' This mask values will correspond to the number of variables in each pixel that are out of their
##' calibration / validation range, identifying locations where predictions are uncertain. \cr \cr
##' \code{...} can take the following values :
##' \itemize{
## \item \code{clamping.level} : a \code{logical} value defining whether \code{clamping.mask}
## cells with at least one variable out of its calibration range are to be removed from the
## projections or not
##' \item \code{} : a \code{logical} value defining whether all not fully referenced
##' environmental points will get \code{NA} as predictions or not
##' \item \code{on_0_1000} : a \code{logical} value defining whether \code{0 - 1} probabilities
##' are to be converted to \code{0 - 1000} scale to save memory on backup
##' \item \code{do.stack} : a \code{logical} value defining whether all projections are to be
##' saved as one \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} object or several
##' \code{\link[terra:rast]{SpatRaster}} files (\emph{the default if projections are too heavy to
##' be all loaded at once in memory})
##' \item \code{} : a \code{logical} value defining whether all projections are
##' to be kept loaded at once in memory, or only links pointing to hard drive are to be returned
##' \item \code{output.format} : a \code{character} value corresponding to the projections
##' saving format on hard drive, must be either \code{.grd}, \code{.img}, \code{.tif} or \code{.RData} (the
##' default if \code{new.env} is given as \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame})
##' }
##' @keywords models projection
##' @seealso \code{\link{BIOMOD_Modeling}}, \code{\link{BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling}},
##' \code{\link{BIOMOD_RangeSize}}
##' @family Main functions
##' @examples
##' library(terra)
##' # Load species occurrences (6 species available)
##' data(DataSpecies)
##' head(DataSpecies)
##' # Select the name of the studied species
##' myRespName <- 'GuloGulo'
##' # Get corresponding presence/absence data
##' myResp <- as.numeric(DataSpecies[, myRespName])
##' # Get corresponding XY coordinates
##' myRespXY <- DataSpecies[, c('X_WGS84', 'Y_WGS84')]
##' # Load environmental variables extracted from BIOCLIM (bio_3, bio_4, bio_7, bio_11 & bio_12)
##' data(bioclim_current)
##' myExpl <- terra::rast(bioclim_current)
##' \dontshow{
##' myExtent <- terra::ext(0,30,45,70)
##' myExpl <- terra::crop(myExpl, myExtent)
##' }
##' # ---------------------------------------------------------------#
##' file.out <- paste0(myRespName, "/", myRespName, ".AllModels.models.out")
##' if (file.exists(file.out)) {
##' myBiomodModelOut <- get(load(file.out))
##' } else {
##' # Format Data with true absences
##' myBiomodData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp,
##' expl.var = myExpl,
##' resp.xy = myRespXY,
##' = myRespName)
##' # Model single models
##' myBiomodModelOut <- BIOMOD_Modeling(bm.format = myBiomodData,
##' = 'AllModels',
##' models = c('RF', 'GLM'),
##' CV.strategy = 'random',
##' CV.nb.rep = 2,
##' CV.perc = 0.8,
##' OPT.strategy = 'bigboss',
##' metric.eval = c('TSS','ROC'),
##' var.import = 3,
##' seed.val = 42)
##' }
##' # ---------------------------------------------------------------#
##' # Project single models
##' file.proj <- paste0(myRespName, "/proj_Current/", myRespName, ".Current.projection.out")
##' if (file.exists(file.proj)) {
##' myBiomodProj <- get(load(file.proj))
##' } else {
##' myBiomodProj <- BIOMOD_Projection(bm.mod = myBiomodModelOut,
##' = 'Current',
##' new.env = myExpl,
##' models.chosen = 'all')
##' }
##' myBiomodProj
##' plot(myBiomodProj)
##' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
##' @importFrom terra rast subset nlyr writeRaster terraOptions wrap unwrap
##' mem_info app is.factor mask
##' @importFrom utils capture.output
##' @importFrom abind asub
##' @export
BIOMOD_Projection <- function(bm.mod,,
new.env.xy = NULL,
models.chosen = 'all',
metric.binary = NULL,
metric.filter = NULL,
compress = TRUE,
build.clamping.mask = TRUE,
nb.cpu = 1,
seed.val = NULL,
...) {
.bm_cat("Do Single Models Projection")
## 0. Check arguments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
args <- .BIOMOD_Projection.check.args(bm.mod,, new.env, new.env.xy
, models.chosen, metric.binary, metric.filter, compress, seed.val, ...)
for (argi in names(args)) { assign(x = argi, value = args[[argi]]) }
## 1. Create output object ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proj_out <- new('BIOMOD.projection.out', =, =, =,
expl.var.names = bm.mod@expl.var.names,
models.projected = models.chosen,
scale.models = bm.mod@scale.models,
coord = new.env.xy, =
proj_out@models.out@link = bm.mod@link
proj_is_raster <- FALSE
if (inherits(new.env, 'SpatRaster')) {
proj_is_raster <- TRUE
if (proj_is_raster) {
proj_out@proj.out <- new('BIOMOD.stored.SpatRaster')
} else {
proj_out@proj.out <- new('')
## 2. Create simulation directories -------------------------------------------------------------
nameProj <- paste0("proj_",
nameProjSp <- paste0(nameProj, "_",
namePath <- file.path(,, nameProj)
dir.create(namePath, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, mode = "777")
if (!do.stack) {
dir.create(file.path(namePath, "individual_projections"),
showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, mode = "777")
## 3. Define the clamping mask ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (build.clamping.mask) {
cat("\n\t> Building clamping mask\n")
nameMask <- paste0(nameProjSp, "_ClampingMask")
MinMax <- get_formal_data(bm.mod, 'MinMax')
assign(x = nameMask, value = .build_clamping_mask(new.env, MinMax))
if (output.format == '.RData') {
if (proj_is_raster) {
save(list = wrap(nameMask),
file = file.path(namePath,
paste0(nameProj, "_ClampingMask", output.format)),
compress = compress)
} else {
save(list = nameMask,
file = file.path(namePath,
paste0(nameProj, "_ClampingMask", output.format)),
compress = compress)
} else {
writeRaster(x = get(nameMask),
filename = file.path(namePath, paste0(nameProj, "_ClampingMask", output.format)),
datatype = "INT2S",
NAflag = -9999,
overwrite = TRUE)
## 4. MAKING PROJECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (nb.cpu > 1) {
if (.getOS() != "windows") {
if (!isNamespaceLoaded("doParallel")) {
if(!requireNamespace('doParallel', quietly = TRUE)) stop("Package 'doParallel' not found")
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = nb.cpu)
} else {
warning("Parallelisation with `foreach` is not available for Windows. Sorry.")
if (proj_is_raster) {
new.env.wrap <- wrap(new.env) # ensure parallel run compatibility
proj <- foreach( = models.chosen) %dopar% {
cat("\n\t> Projecting",, "...")
if (proj_is_raster) {
new.env <- unwrap(new.env.wrap) # ensure parallel run compatibility
names(new.env) <- bm.mod@expl.var.names
if (do.stack) {
filename <- NULL
} else {
filename <- file.path(namePath, "individual_projections",
paste0(nameProj, "_",,
ifelse(output.format == ".RData"
, ".tif", output.format)))
mod <- get(BIOMOD_LoadModels(bm.out = bm.mod, =
temp_workdir = NULL
if (length(grep("MAXENT$", == 1) {
temp_workdir = mod@model_output_dir
pred.tmp <- predict(mod, new.env, on_0_1000 = on_0_1000,
filename = filename, =,
temp_workdir = temp_workdir, seedval = seed.val,
overwrite = TRUE, =
if (do.stack) {
if (proj_is_raster) {
} else {
} else {
## Putting predictions into the right format
if (do.stack) {
if (proj_is_raster) {
proj <- rast(lapply(proj, unwrap)) # SpatRaster needs to be wrapped before saving
names(proj) <- models.chosen
proj <- wrap(proj)
proj.trans <- proj
} else {
proj <-
names(proj) <- models.chosen
proj.trans <- proj
proj <- .format_proj.df(proj, obj.type = "mod")
if ( {
proj_out@proj.out@val <- proj
proj_out@proj.out@inMemory <- TRUE
## save projections
proj_out@type <- .get_env_class(new.env)
if (!do.stack){
saved.files = unlist(proj)
} else {
assign(x = nameProjSp, value = proj)
saved.files <- file.path(namePath, paste0(nameProjSp, output.format))
if (output.format == '.RData') {
save(list = nameProjSp, file = saved.files, compress = compress)
} else {
writeRaster(x = rast(get(nameProjSp)), filename = saved.files,
overwrite = TRUE, datatype = ifelse(on_0_1000, "INT2S", "FLT4S"), NAflag = -9999)
proj_out@proj.out@link <- saved.files
# now that proj have been saved, it can be unwrapped if it is a SpatRaster
if (proj_is_raster && do.stack) {
proj.trans <- rast(proj.trans)
## 5. Compute binary and/or filtered transformation ---------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(metric.binary) | !is.null(metric.filter)) {
saved.files.binary <- NULL
saved.files.filtered <- NULL
thresholds <- get_evaluations(bm.mod, = models.chosen)
if (!on_0_1000) { thresholds[, "cutoff"] <- thresholds[, "cutoff"] / 1000 }
## Do binary/filtering transformation
for (eval.meth in unique(c(metric.binary, metric.filter))) {
thres.tmp <- thresholds[which(thresholds$metric.eval == eval.meth), ]
rownames(thres.tmp) <- thres.tmp$
thres.tmp <- thres.tmp[models.chosen, "cutoff"]
cat("\n\t> Building", eval.meth, "binaries / filtered")
if (!do.stack) {
for (i in 1:length(proj_out@proj.out@link)) {
file.tmp <- proj_out@proj.out@link[i]
if (eval.meth %in% metric.binary) {
file.tmp.binary <- sub(output.format,
paste0("_", eval.meth, "bin", output.format),
saved.files.binary <- c(saved.files.binary, file.tmp.binary)
writeRaster(x = bm_BinaryTransformation(rast(file.tmp), thres.tmp[i]),
filename = file.tmp.binary,
overwrite = TRUE,
datatype = "INT2S",
NAflag = -9999)
if (eval.meth %in% metric.filter) {
file.tmp.filtered <- sub(output.format,
paste0("_", eval.meth, "filt", output.format),
saved.files.filtered <- c(saved.files.filtered, file.tmp.filtered)
writeRaster(x = bm_BinaryTransformation(rast(file.tmp), thres.tmp[i],
do.filtering = TRUE),
filename = file.tmp.filtered,
overwrite = TRUE,
datatype = ifelse(on_0_1000, "INT2S", "FLT4S"),
NAflag = -9999)
} else {
if (eval.meth %in% metric.binary) {
nameBin <- paste0(nameProjSp, "_", eval.meth, "bin")
assign(x = nameBin, value = bm_BinaryTransformation(proj.trans, thres.tmp))
file.tmp.binary <- file.path(namePath, paste0(nameBin, output.format))
saved.files.binary <- c(saved.files.binary, file.tmp.binary)
if (output.format == '.RData') {
if (proj_is_raster) {
assign(x = nameBin, value = wrap(get(nameBin)))
} else {
assign(x = nameBin, value = .format_proj.df((get(nameBin)), obj.type = "mod"))
save(list = nameBin,
file = file.tmp.binary,
compress = compress)
} else {
writeRaster(x = get(nameBin),
filename = file.tmp.binary,
overwrite = TRUE,
datatype = "INT2S",
NAflag = -9999)
if (eval.meth %in% metric.filter) {
nameFilt <- paste0(nameProjSp, "_", eval.meth, "filt")
assign(x = nameFilt,
value = bm_BinaryTransformation(proj.trans, thres.tmp,
do.filtering = TRUE))
file.tmp.filtered <- file.path(namePath, paste0(nameFilt, output.format))
saved.files.filtered <- c(saved.files.filtered, file.tmp.filtered)
if (output.format == '.RData') {
if (proj_is_raster) {
assign(x = nameFilt, value = wrap(get(nameFilt)))
} else {
assign(x = nameFilt, value = .format_proj.df((get(nameFilt)), obj.type = "mod"))
save(list = nameFilt,
file = file.path(namePath, paste0(nameFilt, output.format)),
compress = compress)
} else {
writeRaster(x = get(nameFilt),
filename = file.tmp.filtered,
overwrite = TRUE ,
datatype = ifelse(on_0_1000, "INT2S", "FLT4S"),
NAflag = -9999)
### save binary/filtered file link into proj_out ----------------------------
if (!is.null(metric.binary)) {
proj_out@proj.out@link <- c(proj_out@proj.out@link, saved.files.binary)
if (!is.null(metric.filter)) {
proj_out@proj.out@link <- c(proj_out@proj.out@link, saved.files.filtered)
## 6. SAVE MODEL OBJECT ON HARD DRIVE -----------------------------------------------------------
## save a copy of output object without value to be lighter
nameOut <- paste0(, ".",, ".projection.out")
if (! { proj_out <- free(proj_out) }
assign(nameOut, proj_out)
save(list = nameOut, file = file.path(namePath, nameOut))
# .BIOMOD_Projection.check.args---------------------------------------------
.BIOMOD_Projection.check.args <- function(bm.mod,, new.env, new.env.xy,
models.chosen, metric.binary, metric.filter, compress, seed.val, ...)
args <- list(...)
## 1. Check bm.mod ----------------------------------------------------------
.fun_testIfInherits(TRUE, "bm.mod", bm.mod, "BIOMOD.models.out")
## 2. Check -------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null( {
stop("\nYou must define a name for Projection Outputs")
} else {
dir.create(paste0(, '/proj_',, '/'), showWarnings = FALSE)
## 3. Check new.env ---------------------------------------------------------
.fun_testIfInherits(TRUE, "new.env", new.env, c('matrix', 'data.frame', 'SpatRaster','Raster'))
if (inherits(new.env, 'matrix')) {
if (any(sapply(get_formal_data(bm.mod, "expl.var"), is.factor))) {
stop("new.env cannot be given as matrix when model involves categorical variables")
new.env <- data.frame(new.env)
} else if (inherits(new.env, 'data.frame')) {
# ensure that data.table are coerced into classic data.frame
new.env <-
if (inherits(new.env, 'Raster')) {
# conversion into SpatRaster
if (any(raster::is.factor(new.env))) {
new.env <- .categorical_stack_to_terra(raster::stack(new.env),
expected_levels = head(get_formal_data(bm.mod, subinfo = "expl.var"))
} else {
new.env <- rast(new.env)
if (inherits(new.env, 'SpatRaster')) {
.fun_testIfIn(TRUE, "names(new.env)", names(new.env), bm.mod@expl.var.names, exact = TRUE)
new.env <- new.env[[bm.mod@expl.var.names]]
new.env.mask <- .get_data_mask(new.env, value.out = 1)
new.env <- mask(new.env, new.env.mask)
} else {
.fun_testIfIn(TRUE, "colnames(new.env)", colnames(new.env), bm.mod@expl.var.names, exact = TRUE)
new.env <- new.env[ , bm.mod@expl.var.names, drop = FALSE]
which.factor <- which(sapply(new.env, is.factor))
if (length(which.factor) > 0) {
new.env <- .check_env_levels(new.env,
expected_levels = head(get_formal_data(bm.mod, subinfo = "expl.var")))
## 4. Check new.env.xy ------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(new.env.xy) & !inherits(new.env, 'SpatRaster')) {
new.env.xy =
if (ncol(new.env.xy) != 2 || nrow(new.env.xy) != nrow(new.env)) {
stop("invalid xy coordinates argument given -- dimensions mismatch !")
} else {
new.env.xy = data.frame()
## 5. Check models.chosen ---------------------------------------------------
if (models.chosen[1] == 'all') {
models.chosen <- bm.mod@models.computed
} else {
models.chosen <- intersect(models.chosen, bm.mod@models.computed)
if (length(models.chosen) < 1) {
stop('No models selected')
## check that given models exist
files.check <- paste0(, "/",, "/models/",, "/", models.chosen)
not.checked.files <- grep('MAXENT|SRE', files.check)
if (length(not.checked.files) > 0) {
files.check <- files.check[-not.checked.files]
missing.files <- files.check[!file.exists(files.check)]
if (length(missing.files) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Projection files missing : ", toString(missing.files)))
if (length(missing.files) == length(files.check)) {
stop("Impossible to find any models, might be a problem of working directory")
## 6. Check metric.binary & metric.filter -----------------------------------
if (!is.null(metric.binary) | !is.null(metric.filter)) {
models.evaluation <- get_evaluations(bm.mod)
if (is.null(models.evaluation)) {
warning("Binary and/or Filtered transformations of projection not ran because of models evaluation information missing")
} else {
available.evaluation <- unique(models.evaluation$metric.eval)
if (!is.null(metric.binary) && metric.binary[1] == 'all') {
metric.binary <- available.evaluation
} else if (!is.null(metric.binary) && sum(!(metric.binary %in% available.evaluation)) > 0) {
warning(paste0(toString(metric.binary[!(metric.binary %in% available.evaluation)]),
" Binary Transformation were switched off because no corresponding evaluation method found"))
metric.binary <- metric.binary[metric.binary %in% available.evaluation]
if (!is.null(metric.filter) && metric.filter[1] == 'all') {
metric.filter <- available.evaluation
} else if (!is.null(metric.filter) && sum(!(metric.filter %in% available.evaluation)) > 0) {
warning(paste0(toString(metric.filter[!(metric.filter %in% available.evaluation)]),
" Filtered Transformation were switched off because no corresponding evaluation method found"))
metric.filter <- metric.filter[metric.filter %in% available.evaluation]
## 7. Check compress --------------------------------------------------------
if (compress == 'xz') {
compress <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == 'windows', 'gzip', 'xz')
## 9. Check output.format ---------------------------------------------------
output.format <- args$output.format # raster output format
if (!is.null(output.format)) {
if (!output.format %in% c(".img", ".grd", ".tif", ".RData")) {
stop(paste0("output.format argument should be one of '.img','.grd', '.tif' or '.RData'\n"
, "Note : '.img','.grd', '.tif' are only available if you give environmental condition as a SpatRaster object"))
if (output.format %in% c(".img", ".grd", ".tif") && !inherits(new.env, "SpatRaster")) {
warning("output.format was automatically set to '.RData' because environmental conditions are not given as a raster object")
} else {
output.format <- ifelse(!inherits(new.env, "SpatRaster"), ".RData", ".tif")
## 9. Check do.stack --------------------------------------------------------
do.stack <- ifelse(is.null(args$do.stack), TRUE, args$do.stack)
if (!inherits(new.env, 'SpatRaster')) {
if (!do.stack) {
cat("\n\t\t! 'do.stack' arg is always set as TRUE for data.frame/matrix dataset")
do.stack <- TRUE
} else if (do.stack) {
# test if there is enough memory to work with multilayer SpatRaster
test <-
subset(new.env, 1),
n = 2 * length(models.chosen) + nlyr(new.env)
if (test["needed"] >= test["available"]) {
terraOptions(todisk = TRUE)
# option without capture.output but with :::
# ncopies = 2 * length(models.chosen) + nlyr(new.env)
# test <- new.env@ptr$mem_needs(terra:::spatOptions(ncopies = ncopies))
# if (test[1] > test[2]) {
# terraOptions(todisk = TRUE)
# }
} else if (output.format == "RData"){
cat("\n\t\t! 'do.stack' arg is always set as TRUE for .RData output format")
do.stack <- TRUE
return(list( =,
new.env = new.env,
new.env.xy = new.env.xy,
models.chosen = models.chosen,
metric.binary = metric.binary,
metric.filter = metric.filter,
compress = compress,
do.stack = do.stack,
output.format = output.format, = ifelse(is.null(args$, TRUE, args$,
do.stack = do.stack, = ifelse(is.null(args$, TRUE, args$,
on_0_1000 = ifelse(is.null(args$on_0_1000), TRUE, args$on_0_1000),
seed.val = seed.val))
### .build_clamping_mask -------------------------------------------------------
.build_clamping_mask <- function(env, MinMax)
if (inherits(env, 'SpatRaster')) {
## raster case ------------------------------------------------------------
env <- subset(env, names(MinMax))
## create an empty mask
clamp.mask <- app(subset(env, 1), function(x) ifelse(, NA, 0))
ref.mask <- app(subset(env, 1), function(x) ifelse(, NA, 1))
for (e.v in names(env)) {
if (!is.null(MinMax[[e.v]]$min)) { # numeric variable
clamp.mask <- clamp.mask +
bm_BinaryTransformation(subset(env, e.v), MinMax[[e.v]]$max) + ## pix with values outside of calib range
(ref.mask - bm_BinaryTransformation(subset(env, e.v), MinMax[[e.v]]$min)) ## pix with no values (within env[[1]] area)
} else if (!is.null(MinMax[[e.v]]$levels)) { # factorial variable
clamp.mask <-
clamp.mask +
app(subset(env, e.v),
function(x) {
ifelse(as.character(x) %in% MinMax[[e.v]]$levels,
}) ## pix with values outside of calib range
} else if ( | is.matrix(env) | is.numeric(env)) { ## matrix and data.frame case ---------------------------------------------
env <-
# create an empty mask
clamp.mask <- rep(0, nrow(env))
for (e.v in names(MinMax)) {
if (!is.null(MinMax[[e.v]]$min)) { # numeric variable
clamp.mask <- clamp.mask +
bm_BinaryTransformation(env[, e.v], MinMax[[e.v]]$max) + ## pix with values outside of calib range
(1 - bm_BinaryTransformation(env[, e.v], MinMax[[e.v]]$min)) ## pix with no values (within env[[1]] area)
} else if (!is.null(MinMax[[e.v]]$levels)) { # factorial variable
clamp.mask <- clamp.mask + (env[, e.v] %in% MinMax[[e.v]]$levels)
} else {
stop("Unsupported env arg")
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