
Defines functions enve.__tribs enve.tribs enve.tribs.test enve.TRIBS.merge plot.enve.TRIBStest summary.enve.TRIBStest plot.enve.TRIBS summary.enve.TRIBS

Documented in enve.tribs enve.__tribs enve.TRIBS.merge enve.tribs.test plot.enve.TRIBS plot.enve.TRIBStest summary.enve.TRIBS summary.enve.TRIBStest

# Use as:
# > # Estimate reference (null) model:
# > tab <- read.table('Ecoli-ML-dmatrix.txt', sep='\t', h=T, row.names=1)
# > dist <- as.dist(tab);
# > all.dist <- enve.tribs(dist);
# > 
# > # Estimate subset (test) model:
# > lee <- read.table('LEE-strains.txt', as.is=T)$V1
# > lee.dist <- enve.tribs(dist, lee, subsamples=seq(0,1,by=0.05), threads=12,
# +    verbosity=2, pre.tribs=all.dist.merge);
# ...
# > 
# > # Plot reference and selection at different subsampling levels:
# > plot(all.dist, t='boxplot');
# > plot(lee, new=FALSE, col='darkred');
# ...
# > 
# > # Test significance of overclustering (or overdispersion):
# > lee.test <- enve.tribs.test(dist, lee, pre.tribs=all.dist.merge,
# +    verbosity=2, threads=12);
# > summary(lee.test);
# > plot(lee.test);
# ...

#==============> Define S4 classes

#' Enveomics: TRIBS S4 Class
#' Enve-omics representation of "Transformed-space Resampling In Biased Sets
#' (TRIBS)". This object represents sets of distances between objects,
#' sampled nearly-uniformly at random in "distance space". Subsampling
#' without selection is trivial, since both the distances space and the
#' selection occur in the same transformed space. However, it's useful to
#' compare randomly subsampled sets against a selected set of objects. This
#' is intended to identify overdispersion or overclustering (see
#' \code{\link{enve.TRIBStest}}) of a subset against the entire collection of
#' objects with minimum impact of sampling biases. This object can be produced
#' by \code{\link{enve.tribs}} and supports S4 methods \code{plot} and
#' \code{summary}.
#' @slot distance \code{(numeric)} Centrality measurement of the distances 
#' between the selected objects (without subsampling).
#' @slot points \code{(matrix)}	Position of the different objects in distance
#' space.
#' @slot distances \code{(matrix)} Subsampled distances, where the rows are 
#' replicates and the columns are subsampling levels.
#' @slot spaceSize \code{(numeric)} Number of objects.
#' @slot selSize \code{(numeric)} Number of selected objects.
#' @slot dimensions \code{(numeric)} Number of dimensions in the distance space.
#' @slot subsamples \code{(numeric)} Subsampling levels (as fractions, from 
#' 0 to 1).
#' @slot call \code{(call)} Call producing this object.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @exportClass 

enve.TRIBS <- setClass("enve.TRIBS",

#' Enveomics: TRIBS Test S4 Class
#' Test of significance of overclustering or overdispersion in a selected
#' set of objects with respect to the entire set (see \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}}).
#' This object can be produced by \code{\link{enve.tribs.test}} and supports S4
#' methods \code{plot} and \code{summary}.
#' @slot pval.gt \code{(numeric)}
#' P-value for the overdispersion test.
#' @slot pval.lt \code{(numeric)}
#' P-value for the overclustering test.
#' @slot all.dist \code{(numeric)}
#' Empiric PDF of distances for the entire dataset (subsampled at selection
#' size).
#' @slot sel.dist \code{(numeric)}
#' Empiric PDF of distances for the selected objects (without subsampling).
#' @slot diff.dist \code{(numeric)}
#' Empiric PDF of the difference between \code{all.dist} and \code{sel.dist}. 
#' The p-values are estimating by comparing areas in this PDF greater than and
#' lesser than zero.
#' @slot dist.mids \code{(numeric)}
#' Midpoints of the empiric PDFs of distances.
#' @slot diff.mids \code{(numeric)}
#' Midpoints of the empiric PDF of difference of distances.
#' @slot call \code{(call)}
#' Call producing this object.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @exportClass 

enve.TRIBStest <- setClass(
    pval.gt   = "numeric",
    pval.lt   = "numeric",
    all.dist  = "numeric",
    sel.dist  = "numeric",
    diff.dist = "numeric",
    dist.mids = "numeric",
    diff.mids = "numeric",
    call      = "call"
  ), package = "enveomics.R"

#==============> Define S4 methods

#' Enveomics: TRIBS Summary
#' Summary of an \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} object.
#' @param object
#' \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} object.
#' @param ...
#' No additional parameters are currently supported.
#' @return No return value.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @method summary enve.TRIBS
#' @export
summary.enve.TRIBS <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("===[ enve.TRIBS ]-------------------------\n")
  cat("Selected", attr(object, "selSize"), "of",
      attr(object, "spaceSize"), "objects in",
      attr(object, "dimensions"), "dimensions.\n")
  cat("Collected", length(attr(object, "subsamples")), "subsamples with",
      nrow(attr(object, "distances")), "replicates each.\n")
  cat("call:", as.character(attr(object, "call")), "\n")

#' Enveomics: TRIBS Plot
#' Plot an \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} object.
#' @param x
#' \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} object to plot.
#' @param new
#' Should a new canvas be drawn?
#' @param type
#' Type of plot. The \strong{points} plot shows all the replicates, the 
#' \strong{boxplot} plot represents the values found by
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{boxplot.stats}}.
#' as areas, and plots the outliers as points.
#' @param col
#' Color of the areas and/or the points.
#' @param pt.cex
#' Size of the points.
#' @param pt.pch
#' Points character.
#' @param pt.col
#' Color of the points.
#' @param ln.col
#' Color of the lines.
#' @param ...
#' Any additional parameters supported by \code{plot}.
#' @return No return value.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @method plot enve.TRIBS
#' @export 

plot.enve.TRIBS <- function(
  new    = TRUE,
  type   = c("boxplot", "points"),
  col    = "#00000044",
  pt.cex = 1/2,
  pt.pch = 19,
  pt.col = col,
  ln.col = col,
) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  plot.opts <- list(
    xlim = range(attr(x, "subsamples")) * attr(x, "selSize"),
    ylim = range(attr(x, "distances")), ..., t = "n", x = 1
  if (new) do.call(plot, plot.opts)
  abline(h = attr(x, "distance"), lty = 3, col = ln.col)
  replicates <- nrow(attr(x, "distances"))
  if (type == "points") {
    for (i in 1:ncol(attr(x, "distances")))
        rep(round(attr(x, "subsamples")[i] * attr(x, "selSize")), replicates),
        attr(x, "distances")[, i],
        cex = pt.cex, pch = pt.pch, col = pt.col
  } else {
    stats <- matrix(NA, nrow = 7, ncol = ncol(attr(x, "distances")))
    for (i in 1:ncol(attr(x, "distances"))) {
      b <- boxplot.stats(attr(x, "distances")[, i])
          round(attr(x, "subsamples")[i] * attr(x, "selSize")), length(b$out)
        b$out, cex = pt.cex, pch = pt.pch, col = pt.col
      stats[, i] <- c(b$conf, b$stats[c(1, 5, 2, 4, 3)])
    x <- round(attr(x, "subsamples") * attr(x, "selSize"))
    for (i in c(1, 3, 5))
        c(x, rev(x)), c(stats[i, ], rev(stats[i + 1, ])), border = NA, col = col
    lines(x, stats[7, ], col = ln.col, lwd = 2)

#' Enveomics: TRIBS Summary Test
#' Summary of an \code{\link{enve.TRIBStest}} object.
#' @param object
#' \code{\link{enve.TRIBStest}} object.
#' @param ...
#' No additional parameters are currently supported.
#' @return No return value.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @method summary enve.TRIBStest
#' @export

summary.enve.TRIBStest <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("===[ enve.TRIBStest ]---------------------\n")
  cat("Alternative hypothesis:\n")
  cat("   The distances in the selection are\n")
  if (attr(object, "pval.gt") > attr(object, "pval.lt")) {
    cat("   smaller than in the entire dataset\n   (overclustering)\n")
  } else {
    cat("   larger than in the entire dataset\n   (overdispersion)\n")
  p.val <- min(attr(object, "pval.gt"), attr(object, "pval.lt"))
  if (p.val == 0) {
    diff.dist <- attr(object, "diff.dist")
    p.val.lim <- min(diff.dist[diff.dist > 0])
    cat("\n   P-value <= ", signif(p.val.lim, 4), sep = "")
  } else {
    p.val.lim <- p.val
    cat("\n   P-value: ", signif(p.val, 4), sep = "")
  cat(" ", ifelse(p.val.lim <= 0.01, "**",
      ifelse(p.val.lim<=0.05, "*", "")), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("call:", as.character(attr(object, "call")), "\n")

#' Enveomics: TRIBS Plot Test
#' Plots an \code{\link{enve.TRIBStest}} object.
#' @param x
#' \code{\link{enve.TRIBStest}} object to plot.
#' @param type
#' What to plot. \code{overlap} generates a plot of the two contrasting
#' empirical PDFs (to compare against each other), \code{difference} produces a
#' plot of the differences between the empirical PDFs (to compare against zero).
#' @param col
#' Main color of the plot if type=\code{difference}.
#' @param col1
#' First color of the plot if type=\code{overlap}.
#' @param col2
#' Second color of the plot if type=\code{overlap}.
#' @param ylab
#' Y-axis label.
#' @param xlim
#' X-axis limits.
#' @param ylim
#' Y-axis limits.
#' @param ...
#' Any other graphical arguments.
#' @return No return value.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @method plot enve.TRIBStest
#' @export 

plot.enve.TRIBStest <- function(
  type =c("overlap", "difference"),
  col  = "#00000044",
  col1 = col,
  col2 = "#44001144",
  ylab = "Probability",
  xlim = range(attr(x, "dist.mids")),
  ylim = c(0, max(c(attr(x, "all.dist"), attr(x, "sel.dist")))),
) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "overlap") {
    plot.opts <- list(
      xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, ..., t = "n", x = 1
    do.call(plot, plot.opts)
    bins <- length(attr(x, "dist.mids"))
      attr(x, "dist.mids")[c(1, 1:bins, bins)],
      c(0, attr(x, "all.dist"), 0), col = col1,
      border = do.call(rgb, as.list(c(col2rgb(col1) / 256, 0.5)))
      attr(x, "dist.mids")[c(1, 1:bins, bins)],
      c(0, attr(x, "sel.dist"), 0), col = col2,
      border = do.call(rgb, as.list(c(col2rgb(col2) / 256, 0.5)))
  } else {
    plot.opts <- list(
      xlim = range(attr(x, "diff.mids")),
      ylim = c(0,max(attr(x, 'diff.dist'))),
      ylab = ylab, ..., t = "n", x = 1
    do.call(plot, plot.opts)
    bins <- length(attr(x, "diff.mids"))
      attr(x, "diff.mids")[c(1, 1:bins, bins)],
      c(0, attr(x, "diff.dist"), 0), col = col,
      border = do.call(rgb, as.list(c(col2rgb(col) / 256, 0.5)))

#' Enveomics: TRIBS Merge
#' Merges two \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} objects generated from the same objects
#' at different subsampling levels.
#' @param x
#' First \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} object.
#' @param y
#' Second \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} object.
#' @return Returns an \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} object.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @export 

enve.TRIBS.merge <- function(x, y) {
  # Check consistency
  if (attr(x, "distance") != attr(y, "distance"))
    stop("Total distances in objects are different.")
  if (any(attr(x, "points") != attr(y, "points")))
    stop("Points in objects are different.")
  if (attr(x, "spaceSize") != attr(y, "spaceSize"))
    stop("Space size in objects are different.")
  if (attr(x, "selSize") != attr(y, "selSize"))
    stop("Selection size in objects are different.")
  if (attr(x, "dimensions") != attr(y, "dimensions"))
    stop("Dimensions in objects are different.")
  if (nrow(attr(x, "distances")) != nrow(attr(y, "distances")))
    stop("Replicates in objects are different.")

  # Merge
  a <- attr(x, "subsamples")
  b <- attr(y, "subsamples")
  o <- order(c(a, b))
  o <- o[!duplicated(c(a, b)[o])]
  d <- cbind(attr(x, "distances"), attr(y, "distances"))[, o]
  z <- new(
    distance = attr(x, "distance"), points = attr(x, "points"),
    distances = d, spaceSize = attr(x, "spaceSize"),
    selSize = attr(x, "selSize"), dimensions = attr(x, "dimensions"),
    subsamples = c(a, b)[o], call = match.call()

#==============> Define core functions

#' Enveomics: TRIBS Test
#' Estimates the empirical difference between all the distances in a set of
#' objects and a subset, together with its statistical significance.
#' @param dist
#' Distances as \code{dist} object.
#' @param selection
#' Selection defining the subset.
#' @param bins
#' Number of bins to evaluate in the range of distances.
#' @param ...
#' Any other parameters supported by \code{\link{enve.tribs}}, 
#' except \code{subsamples}.
#' @return Returns an \code{\link{enve.TRIBStest}} object.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @export 

enve.tribs.test <- function(dist, selection, bins = 50, ...) {
  s.tribs <- enve.tribs(dist, selection, subsamples = c(0,1), ...)
  a.tribs <- enve.tribs(
    subsamples = c(0, attr(s.tribs, "selSize") / attr(s.tribs, "spaceSize")),
  s.dist <- attr(s.tribs, "distances")[, 2]
  a.dist <- attr(a.tribs, "distances")[, 2]
  range <- range(c(s.dist, a.dist))
  a.f <- hist(
    a.dist, breaks = seq(range[1], range[2], length.out = bins), plot = FALSE
  s.f <- hist(
    s.dist, breaks = seq(range[1], range[2], length.out = bins), plot = FALSE
  zp.f <- c()
  zz.f <- 0
  zn.f <- c()
  p.x <- a.f$counts / sum(a.f$counts)
  p.y <- s.f$counts / sum(s.f$counts)
  for (z in 1:length(a.f$mids)) {
    zn.f[z] <- 0
    zz.f <- 0
    zp.f[z] <- 0
    for (k in 1:length(a.f$mids)) {
      if (z < k) {
        zp.f[z] <- zp.f[z] + p.x[k] * p.y[k-z]
        zn.f[z] <- zn.f[z] + p.x[k-z] * p.y[k]
      zz.f <- zz.f + p.x[k] * p.y[k]
      pval.gt = sum(c(zz.f, zp.f)), pval.lt = sum(c(zz.f, zn.f)),
      all.dist = p.x, sel.dist = p.y, diff.dist = c(rev(zn.f), zz.f, zp.f),
      dist.mids = a.f$mids,
      diff.mids = seq(
        length.out = 1 + 2 * length(a.f$mids)

#' Enveomics: TRIBS
#' Subsample any objects in "distance space" to reduce the effect of
#' sample-clustering. This function was originally designed to subsample
#' genomes in "phylogenetic distance space", a clear case of strong
#' clustering bias in sampling, by Luis M. Rodriguez-R and Michael R
#' Weigand.
#' @param dist 
#' Distances as a \code{dist} object.
#' @param selection
#' Objects to include in the subsample. By default, all objects are
#' selected.
#' @param replicates
#' Number of replications per point.
#' @param summary.fx
#' Function to summarize the distance distributions in a given replicate. By
#' default, the median distance is estimated.
#' @param dist.method
#' Distance method between random points and samples in the transformed
#' space. See \code{dist}.
#' @param subsamples
#' Subsampling fractions.
#' @param dimensions
#' Dimensions to use in the NMDS. By default, 5\% of the selection length.
#' @param metaMDS.opts
#' Any additional options to pass to metaMDS, as \code{list}.
#' @param threads
#' Number of threads to use.
#' @param verbosity
#' Verbosity. Use 0 to run quietly, increase for additional information.
#' @param points
#' Optional. If passed, the MDS step is skipped and this object is used
#' instead.  It can be the \code{$points} slot of class \code{metaMDS} 
#' (from \code{vegan}).
#' It must be a matrix or matrix-coercible object, with samples as rows and
#' dimensions as columns.
#' @param pre.tribs
#' Optional. If passed, the points are recovered from this object (except if
#' \code{points} is also passed. This should be an \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}}
#' object estimated on the same objects (the selection is unimportant).
#' @return Returns an \code{\link{enve.TRIBS}} object.
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @export

enve.tribs <- function(
  selection    = labels(dist),
  replicates   = 1000,
  summary.fx   = median,
  dist.method  = "euclidean",
  subsamples   = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
  dimensions   = ceiling(length(selection) * 0.05),
  metaMDS.opts = list(),
  threads      = 2,
  verbosity    = 1,
) {
  # Sanity checks
  if (!is(dist, "dist"))
    stop("`dist` parameter must be a `dist` object.")

  # 1. NMDS
  if (missing(points)) {
    if (missing(pre.tribs)) {
      if (verbosity > 0) cat("===[ Estimating NMDS ]\n")
      if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(
           requireNamespace("vegan", quietly=TRUE))
         ) stop("Unavailable required package: `vegan`.")
      mds.args <- c(
        list(comm = dist, k = dimensions, trace = verbosity)
      points <- do.call(vegan::metaMDS, mds.args)$points
    } else {
      points <- attr(pre.tribs, "points")
      dimensions <- ncol(points)
  } else {
    points <- as.matrix(points)
    dimensions <- ncol(points)

  # 2. Pad ranges
  if (verbosity > 0) cat("===[ Padding ranges ]\n")
  dots <- matrix(
    NA, nrow = nrow(points), ncol = dimensions,
    dimnames = list(rownames(points), 1:dimensions)
  selection <- selection[!is.na(match(selection, rownames(dots)))]
  for (dim in 1:dimensions) {
    dimRange <- range(points[, dim]) + c(-1, 1) *
                diff(range(points[, 1])) / length(selection)
    dots[, dim] <- (points[, dim] - dimRange[1]) / diff(dimRange)

  # 3. Select points and summarize distances
  if (verbosity > 0) cat("===[ Sub-sampling ]\n")
  distances <- matrix(
    NA, nrow = replicates, ncol = length(subsamples),
    dimnames = list(1:replicates, as.character(subsamples))
  cl <- makeCluster(threads)
  for (frx in subsamples) {
    if (verbosity > 1) cat("Sub-sampling at ", (frx * 100), "%\n", sep = "")
    distances[, as.character(frx)] <- parSapply(
      cl, 1:replicates, enve.__tribs, frx,
      match(selection, rownames(dots)), dimensions, dots, dist.method,
      summary.fx, dist

  # 4. Build object and return
      distance = do.call(
        summary.fx, list(as.matrix(dist)[selection, selection])
      points = points, distances = distances, spaceSize = nrow(points),
      selSize = length(selection), dimensions = dimensions,
      subsamples = subsamples, call = match.call()

#' Enveomics: TRIBS - Internal Ancillary Function
#' Internal ancillary function (see \code{\link{enve.tribs}}).
#' @param rep Replicates
#' @param frx Fraction
#' @param selection Selection
#' @param dimensions Dimensions
#' @param dots Sampling points
#' @param dist.method Distance method
#' @param summary.fx Summary function
#' @param dist Distance
#' @return A numeric indicating the \code{summary.fx} value applied to the
#' distance matrix subset
#' @author Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
#' @export

enve.__tribs <- function(
  rep, frx, selection, dimensions, dots, dist.method, summary.fx, dist
) {
  sample <- c()
  if (frx == 0) return(0)
  for (point in 1:round(frx * length(selection))) {
    rand.point <- runif(dimensions)
    closest.dot <- ""
    closest.dist <- Inf
    for (dot in selection) {
      dot.dist <- as.numeric(
        dist(matrix(c(rand.point, dots[dot,]), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE),
             method = dist.method)
      if (dot.dist < closest.dist) {
        closest.dot <- dot
        closest.dist <- dot.dist
    sample <- c(sample, closest.dot)
  return(do.call(summary.fx, list(as.matrix(dist)[sample, sample])))

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