
Defines functions getformula getQCraw getMSP writeMSP getmzrtcsv getmr

Documented in getformula getmr getMSP getmzrtcsv getQCraw writeMSP

#' Get the mzrt profile and group information for batch correction and plot as a list directly from path with default setting
#' @param path the path to your data
#' @param index the index of the files
#' @param BPPARAM used for BiocParallel package
#' @param pmethod parameters used for different instrumentals such as 'hplcorbitrap', 'uplcorbitrap', 'hplcqtof', 'hplchqtof', 'uplcqtof', 'uplchqtof'. The parameters were from the references
#' @param minfrac minimum fraction of samples necessary in at least one of the sample groups for it to be a valid group, default 0.67
#' @param ... arguments for xcmsSet function
#' @return list with rtmz profile and group infomation
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(faahKO)
#' cdfpath <- system.file('cdf', package = 'faahKO')
#' list <- getmr(cdfpath, pmethod = ' ')
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{getdata}},\code{\link{getupload}}, \code{\link{getmzrt}}, \code{\link{getdoe}}
getmr <-
                 index = FALSE,
                 BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(),
                 pmethod = "hplcorbitrap",
                 minfrac = 0.67,
                 ...) {
                xset <- getdata(
                        path = path,
                        index = index,
                        BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
                        pmethod = pmethod,
                        minfrac = minfrac
                list <- getmzrt(xset, ...)

#' Covert the peaks list csv file into list
#' @param path the path to your csv file
#' @return list with rtmz profile and group information as the first row
#' @seealso \code{\link{getmzrt}}
#' @export
getmzrtcsv <- function(path) {
        dataraw <- utils::read.csv(path, skip = 1)
        sample_name <-
                names(utils::read.csv(path, nrows = 1)[-(1:3)])
        mz <- dataraw[, 2]
        rt <- dataraw[, 3]
        data <- dataraw[, -c(1:3)]
        colnames(data) <- sample_name
        sample_group <-
                c(t(utils::read.csv(path, nrows = 1)[-(1:3)]))
        group <-
                cbind.data.frame(sample_name, sample_group, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        rownames(data) <- dataraw[, 1]
        re <- list(
                data = data,
                mz = mz,
                group = group,
                rt = rt
        class(re) <- "mzrt"
#' Write MSP file for NIST search
#' @param list a list with spectra information
#' @param name name of the compounds
#' @param sep numeric or logical the numbers of spectra in each file and FALSE to include all of the spectra in one msp file
#' @return none a MSP file will be created.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ins <- c(10000,20000,10000,30000,5000)
#' mz <- c(101,143,189,221,234)
#' writeMSP(list(list(spectra = cbind.data.frame(mz,ins))), name = 'test')
#' }
#' @export
writeMSP <- function(list, name = 'unknown', sep = FALSE) {
        writemsp <- function(list) {
                mz <- paste(list$spectra$mz, list$spectra$ins)
                nPeaks <- length(mz)
                        "BEGIN IONS",
                        paste("Name:", list$name),
                        paste("RetentionIndex:", list$rti),
                        paste("Formula:", list$formula),
                        paste("IonMode:", list$ionmode),
                        paste("CHARGE:", list$charge),
                        paste("PrecursorMz:", list$prec),
                        paste("Collision_energy:", list$ce),
                        paste("Num Peaks:", nPeaks),
                        paste("Instrument_type:", list$instr),
                        paste("Spectrum_type:", list$msm),
                        "END IONS",
                        file = zz,
                        sep = "\n"
        if (sep) {
                for (i in 1:floor(length(list) / sep)) {
                        zz <-
                                        name, i, ".msp",                                            sep = ""
                                )), "w")
                        idx <- c(1:sep) + sep * (i - 1)
                        sapply(list[idx], writemsp)
                zz <-
                                name, ceiling(length(list) / sep), ".msp",                                            sep = ""
                        )), "w")
                idx <- sep * floor(length(list) / sep) + 1:length(list)
                sapply(list[idx], writemsp)
                message(paste0("MSP files have been generated."))
        } else{
                zz <-
                        file(file.path(paste(name, ".msp",                                            sep = "")), "w")
                sapply(list, writemsp)
                message(paste0("A data file ",
                               ".MSP has been generated."))

#' read in MSP file as list for ms/ms or ms(EI) annotation
#' @param file the path to your MSP file
#' @return list a list with MSP information for annotation
#' @export
getMSP <- function(file) {
        # this part is modified from compMS2Miner's code: https://github.com/WMBEdmands/compMS2Miner/blob/ee20d3d632b11729d6bbb5b5b93cd468b097251d/R/metID.matchSpectralDB.R
        msp <- readLines(file)
        # remove empty lines
        msp <- msp[msp != '']
        ncomp <- grep('^BEGIN IONS', msp, ignore.case = TRUE)
        splitFactorTmp <-
                rep(seq_along(ncomp), diff(c(ncomp, length(msp) + 1)))

        li <- split(msp, f = splitFactorTmp)
        getmsp <- function(x) {
                namet <- x[grep('^NAME: |^TITLE=', x, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                name <-
                        gsub('^NAME: |^TITLE=', '', namet, ignore.case = TRUE)
                charget <- x[grep('^CHARGE=', x, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                charge <-
                        gsub('^CHARGE=', '', charget, ignore.case = TRUE)
                ionmodet <-
                        x[grep('^ION MODE:|^MODE:|^IONMODE:|^Ion_mode:',
                               ignore.case = TRUE)]
                ionmode <-
                                '^ION MODE: |^MODE: |^IONMODE: |^Ion_mode: ',
                                ignore.case = TRUE
                prect <-
                                '^PRECURSORMZ: |^PRECURSOR M/Z: |^PRECURSOR MZ: |^PEPMASS: |^PrecursorMZ: |^PEPMASS=',
                                ignore.case = TRUE
                prec <-
                                        '^PRECURSORMZ: |^PRECURSOR M/Z: |^PRECURSOR MZ: |^PEPMASS: |^PrecursorMZ: |^PEPMASS=',
                                        ignore.case = TRUE
                formt <-
                        x[grep('^FORMULA: |^Formula: ', x, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                formula <-
                        gsub('^FORMULA: |^Formula: ',
                             ignore.case = TRUE)
                npt <- x[grep('^Num Peaks: ', x, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                np <- gsub('^Num Peaks: ', '', npt, ignore.case = TRUE)
                cet <-
                        x[grep('COLLISIONENERGY: |Collision_energy: ',
                               ignore.case = TRUE)]
                ce <-
                        gsub('COLLISIONENERGY: |Collision_energy: ',
                             ignore.case = TRUE)
                rtt <-
                        x[grep('RETENTIONINDEX: |RTINSECONDS: |RTINSECONDS=',
                               ignore.case = TRUE)]
                rt <-
                                        'RETENTIONINDEX: |RTINSECONDS: |RTINSECONDS=',
                                        ignore.case = TRUE
                instrt <-
                        x[grep('Instrument_type: ', x, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                instr <-
                        gsub('Instrument_type: ', '', instrt, ignore.case = TRUE)
                msmt <-
                        x[grep('Spectrum_type: ', x, ignore.case = TRUE)]
                msm <-
                        gsub('Spectrum_type: ', '', msmt, ignore.case = TRUE)
                if (sum(grepl('^Num Peaks: ', x, ignore.case = TRUE)) ==
                    0) {
                        # matrix of masses and intensities
                        massIntIndx <-
                                which(grepl('^[0-9]', x) & !grepl(': ', x))
                        massesInts <-
                                unlist(strsplit(x[massIntIndx], '\t| '))
                        massesInts <-
                        # if any NAs remove from indx
                        mz <-
                                massesInts[seq(1, length(massesInts), 2)]
                        ins <-
                                massesInts[seq(2, length(massesInts), 2)]
                        ins <- ins / max(ins) * 100
                        spectra <- cbind.data.frame(mz = mz, ins = ins)
                                        name = name,
                                        ionmode = ionmode,
                                        charge = charge,
                                        prec = prec,
                                        formula = formula,
                                        np = np,
                                        rti = rt,
                                        ce = ce,
                                        instr = instr,
                                        msm = msm,
                                        spectra = spectra
                } else if (as.numeric(np) > 0) {
                        # matrix of masses and intensities
                        massIntIndx <-
                                which(grepl('^[0-9]', x) & !grepl(': ', x))
                        massesInts <-
                                unlist(strsplit(x[massIntIndx], '\t| '))
                        massesInts <-
                        # if any NAs remove from indx
                        mz <-
                                massesInts[seq(1, length(massesInts), 2)]
                        ins <-
                                massesInts[seq(2, length(massesInts), 2)]
                        ins <- ins / max(ins) * 100
                        spectra <- cbind.data.frame(mz = mz, ins = ins)
                                        name = name,
                                        ionmode = ionmode,
                                        charge = charge,
                                        prec = prec,
                                        formula = formula,
                                        np = np,
                                        rti = rt,
                                        ce = ce,
                                        instr = instr,
                                        msm = msm,
                                        spectra = spectra
                else     {
                                        name = name,
                                        ionmode = ionmode,
                                        charge = charge,
                                        prec = prec,
                                        formula = formula,
                                        np = np,
                                        rti = rt,
                                        ce = ce,
                                        instr = instr,
                                        msm = msm

        li <- lapply(li, getmsp)

#' get the data of QC compound for a group of data
#' @param path data path for your QC samples
#' @param mzrange mass of the QC compound
#' @param rtrange retention time of the QC compound
#' @param index index of the files contained QC compounds, default is all of the compounds
#' @return number vector, each number indicate the peak area of that mass and retention time range
getQCraw <- function(path, mzrange, rtrange, index = NULL) {
        cdffiles <- list.files(path, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
        if (index) {
                cdffiles <- cdffiles[index]
        nsamples <- length(cdffiles)
        area <- numeric()
        for (i in 1:nsamples) {
                RAW <- xcms::xcmsRaw(cdffiles[i])
                peak <- xcms::rawEIC(RAW, mzrange, rtrange)
                area[i] <- sum(peak$intensity)

#' Get chemical formula for mass to charge ratio.
#' @param mz a vector with mass to charge ratio
#' @param charge The charge value of the formula, default 0 for autodetect
#' @param window The window accuracy in the same units as mass
#' @param elements Elements list to take into account.
#' @return list with chemical formula
#' @export
getformula <-
                 charge = 0,
                 window = 0.001,
                 elements = list(
                         C = c(1, 50),
                         H = c(1, 50),
                         N = c(0, 50),
                         O = c(0, 50),
                         P = c(0, 1),
                         S = c(0, 1)
                 )) {
                list <- list()
                for (i in seq_along(mz)) {
                        element <- paste(names(elements),
                                         sep = "",
                                         collapse = "")
                        minelement <-
                                vapply(elements, function(x)
                                        x[1], 1)
                        maxelement <-
                                vapply(elements, function(x)
                                        x[2], 1)
                        minelement2 <-
                                paste(paste0(names(minelement), minelement),
                                      sep = "",
                                      collapse = "")
                        maxelement2 <-
                                paste(paste0(names(maxelement), maxelement),
                                      sep = "",
                                      collapse = "")
                        mfSet <-
                                        mzabs = window,
                                        z = charge,
                                        elements = element,
                                        minElements = minelement2,
                                        maxElements = maxelement2
                        formula <- mfSet$formula
                        valid <- mfSet$valid
                        list[[i]] <- formula[valid == 'Valid']


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enviGCMS documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:08 p.m.