mclust1Dplot <- function(data, parameters = NULL, z = NULL,
classification = NULL, truth = NULL, uncertainty = NULL,
what = c("classification", "density", "error", "uncertainty"),
symbols = NULL, colors = NULL, ngrid = length(data),
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
cex = 1, main = FALSE, ...)
p <- ncol(as.matrix(data))
if (p != 1)
stop("for one-dimensional data only")
data <- as.vector(data)
n <- length(data)
if(is.null(classification) && !is.null(z))
classification <- map(z)
if(is.null(uncertainty) && !is.null(z))
uncertainty <- 1 - apply(z, 1, max)
if (!is.null(parameters))
mu <- parameters$mean
L <- ncol(mu)
sigmasq <- parameters$variance$sigmasq
haveParams <- !is.null(mu) && !is.null(sigmasq) &&
!any( && !any(
else haveParams <- FALSE
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(data)
if (haveParams)
G <- length(mu)
if ((l <- length(sigmasq)) == 1) {
sigmasq <- rep(sigmasq, G)
else if (l != G)
params <- FALSE
warning("mu and sigma are incompatible")
if (!is.null(truth)) {
if (is.null(classification)) {
classification <- truth
truth <- NULL
else {
if (length(unique(truth)) !=
length(unique(classification))) truth <- NULL
else truth <- as.character(truth)
classification <- as.character(classification)
U <- sort(unique(classification))
L <- length(U)
{ symbols <- rep("|", L) }
else if(length(symbols) == 1)
{ symbols <- rep(symbols, L) }
else if(length(symbols) < L)
{ warning("more symbols needed to show classification")
symbols <- rep("|", L) }
{ colors <- mclust.options("classPlotColors")[1:L] }
else if(length(colors) == 1)
{ colors <- rep(colors, L) }
else if(length(colors) < L)
{ warning("more colors needed to show classification")
colors <- rep("black", L) }
main <- if(is.null(main) || is.character(main)) FALSE else as.logical(main)
what <- match.arg(what, choices = eval(formals(mclust1Dplot)$what))
bad <- what == "classification" && is.null(classification)
bad <- bad || (what == "uncertainty" && is.null(uncertainty))
bad <- bad || (what == "error" &&
(is.null(classification) || is.null(truth)))
stop("insufficient input for specified plot")
M <- L
"classification" =
plot(data, seq(from = 0, to = M, length = n), type = "n",
xlab = if(is.null(xlab)) "" else xlab,
ylab = if(is.null(ylab)) "Classification" else ylab,
xlim = xlim,
ylim = if(is.null(ylim)) grDevices::extendrange(r = c(0,M), f = 0.1) else ylim,
yaxt = "n", main = "", ...)
axis(side = 2, at = 0:M, labels = c("", sort(unique(classification))))
if(main) title("Classification")
for(k in 1:L)
I <- classification == U[k]
if(symbols[k] == "|")
{ vpoints(data[I], rep(0, length(data[I])), cex = cex)
vpoints(data[I], rep(k, length(data[I])),
col = colors[k], cex = cex)
} else
{ points(data[I], rep(0, length(data[I])),
pch = symbols[k], cex = cex)
points(data[I], rep(k, length(data[I])),
pch = symbols[k], col = colors[k], cex = cex)
"error" =
ERRORS <- classError(classification, truth)$misclassified
plot(data, seq(from = 0, to = M, length = n), type = "n",
xlab = xlab,
ylab = if(is.null(ylab)) "Class errors" else ylab,
xlim = xlim,
ylim = if(is.null(ylim)) grDevices::extendrange(r = c(0,M), f = 0.1) else ylim,
yaxt = "n", ...)
axis(side = 2, at = 0:M, labels = c("", unique(classification)))
if(main) title("Classification error")
good <- rep(TRUE, length(classification))
sym <- "|"
for(k in 1:L)
K <- classification == U[k]
I <- (K & good)
{ if(FALSE)
{ sym <- if (L > 4) 1 else if (k == 4) 5 else k - 1 }
l <- sum(as.numeric(I))
if(sym == "|")
vpoints(data[I], rep(0, l), col = colors[k], cex = cex)
points(data[I], rep(0, l), pch = sym, col = colors[k], cex = cex)
I <- K & !good
{ if(FALSE) { sym <- if (L > 5) 16 else k + 14 }
l <- sum(as.numeric(I))
if(sym == "|")
vpoints(data[I], rep(k, l), col = colors[k], cex = cex)
points(data[I], rep(k, l), pch = sym, col = colors[k], cex = cex)
"uncertainty" =
u <- (uncertainty - min(uncertainty))/
(max(uncertainty) - min(uncertainty) + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
b <- bubble(u, cex = cex*c(0.3, 2), alpha = c(0.3, 1))
classification <- rep(1, length(u))
U <- 1
colors <- palette()[1]
cl <- sapply(classification, function(cl) which(cl == U))
plot(data, uncertainty, type = "h",
xlab = xlab,
ylab = if(is.null(ylab)) "Uncertainty" else ylab,
xlim = xlim,
ylim = if(is.null(ylim)) c(0,1) else ylim,
col = mapply(adjustcolor,
col = colors[cl],
alpha.f = b$alpha),
rug(data, lwd = 1, col = adjustcolor(par("fg"), alpha.f = 0.8))
if(main) title("Uncertainty")
"density" =
if(is.null(parameters$pro) && parameters$variance$G != 1)
stop("mixing proportions missing")
x <- grid1(n = ngrid, range = xlim, edge = TRUE)
plot(x, dens(data = x, modelName = "V",
parameters = parameters),
xlab = xlab,
ylab = if(is.null(ylab)) "Density" else ylab,
xlim = xlim,
type = "l", main = "", ...)
if(main) title("Density")
plot(data, rep(0, n), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
xlim = xlim, main = "", ...)
vpoints(data, rep(0, n), cex = cex)
if(main) title("Point Plot")
mclust2Dplot <- function(data, parameters = NULL, z = NULL,
classification = NULL, truth = NULL,
uncertainty = NULL,
what = c("classification", "uncertainty", "error"),
addEllipses = TRUE,
fillEllipses = mclust.options("fillEllipses"),
symbols = NULL, colors = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
scale = FALSE, cex = 1, PCH = ".",
main = FALSE, swapAxes = FALSE, ...)
if(dim(data)[2] != 2)
stop("data must be two dimensional")
if(is.null(classification) && !is.null(z))
classification <- map(z)
if(is.null(uncertainty) && !is.null(z))
uncertainty <- 1 - apply(z, 1, max)
{ mu <- parameters$mean
L <- ncol(mu)
sigma <- parameters$variance$sigma
haveParams <- !is.null(mu) && !is.null(sigma) &&
!any( && !any(
else haveParams <- FALSE
main <- if(is.null(main) || is.character(main)) FALSE else as.logical(main)
xlim <- range(data[, 1])
ylim <- range(data[, 2])
{ par(pty = "s")
d <- diff(xlim) - diff(ylim)
if(d > 0) { ylim <- c(ylim[1] - d/2, ylim[2] + d/2.) }
else { xlim <- c(xlim[1] + d/2, xlim[2] - d/2) }
dnames <- dimnames(data)[[2]]
{ xlab <- if(is.null(dnames)) "" else dnames[1] }
{ ylab <- if(is.null(dnames)) "" else dnames[2] }
{ G <- ncol(mu)
dimpar <- dim(sigma)
if(length(dimpar) != 3)
{ haveParams <- FALSE
warning("covariance must be a 3D matrix")
if(G != dimpar[3])
{ haveParams <- FALSE
warning("means and variance parameters are incompatible")
mu <- array(mu, c(2, G))
sigma <- array(sigma, c(2, 2, G))
{ if(haveParams)
{ mu <- mu[2:1,]
sigma <- sigma[2:1, 2:1,]
data <- data[, 2:1]
{ if(is.null(classification))
{ classification <- truth
truth <- NULL
{ if(length(unique(truth)) !=
truth <- NULL
else truth <- as.character(truth)
if(charmatch("classification", what, nomatch = 0) &&
is.null(classification) && !is.null(z))
{ classification <- map(z) }
{ classification <- as.character(classification)
U <- sort(unique(classification))
L <- length(U)
noise <- (U[1] == "0")
{ if(L <= length(mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")))
{ symbols <- mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")[1:L]
{ symbols <- c(16,symbols)[1:L] }
else if(L <= 9)
{ symbols <- as.character(1:9) }
else if(L <= 26) { symbols <- LETTERS }
{ if(L <= length(mclust.options("classPlotColors")))
{ colors <- mclust.options("classPlotColors")[1:L]
{ colors <- unique(c("black", colors))[1:L] }
else if(length(colors) == 1) colors <- rep(colors, L)
if(length(symbols) < L)
{ warning("more symbols needed to show classification ")
symbols <- rep(16,L)
if(length(colors) < L)
{ warning("more colors needed to show classification ")
colors <- rep("black",L)
what <- match.arg(what, choices = eval(formals(mclust2Dplot)$what))
bad <- what == "classification" && is.null(classification)
bad <- bad || (what == "uncertainty" && is.null(uncertainty))
bad <- bad || (what == "error" &&
(is.null(classification) || is.null(truth)))
stop("insufficient input for specified plot")
switch(EXPR = what,
"classification" =
plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], type = "n", xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "", ...)
if(main) title("Classification")
for(k in 1:L)
{ I <- classification == U[k]
points(data[I, 1], data[I, 2], pch = symbols[k],
col = colors[k], cex = if(U[k] == "0") cex/2 else cex)
"error" =
ERRORS <- classError(classification, truth)$misclassified
plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], type = "n", xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "", ...)
if(main) title("Classification Errors")
CLASSES <- unique(as.character(truth))
symOpen <- c(2, 0, 1, 5)
symFill <- c(17, 15, 16, 18)
good <- rep(TRUE,length(classification))
if(L > 4)
{ points(data[good, 1], data[good, 2], pch = 1,
col = colors, cex = cex)
points(data[!good, 1], data[!good, 2], pch = 16,
cex = cex)
{ for(k in 1:L)
{ K <- truth == CLASSES[k]
points(data[K, 1], data[K, 2], pch = symOpen[k],
col = colors[k], cex = cex)
if(any(I <- (K & !good)))
{ points(data[I, 1], data[I, 2],
pch = symFill[k], cex = cex)
"uncertainty" =
u <- (uncertainty - min(uncertainty))/
(max(uncertainty) - min(uncertainty) + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
b <- bubble(u, cex = cex*c(0.3, 2), alpha = c(0.3, 0.9))
cl <- sapply(classification, function(cl) which(cl == U))
plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], pch = 19,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "",
cex = b$cex,
col = mapply(adjustcolor,
col = colors[cl],
alpha.f = b$alpha),
if(main) title("Uncertainty")
fillEllipses <- FALSE
{ plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "", ...)
if(main) title("Point Plot")
points(data[, 1], data[, 2], pch = PCH, cex = cex)
if(haveParams && addEllipses)
{ ## plot ellipsoids
for(g in 1:G)
mvn2plot(mu = mu[,g], sigma = sigma[,,g], k = 15,
fillEllipse = fillEllipses,
col = if(fillEllipses) colors[g] else rep("grey30",3))
# old version
mvn2plot <- function(mu, sigma, k = 15, alone = FALSE,
col = rep("grey30",3), pch = 8, lty = c(1,2), lwd = c(1,1))
p <- length(mu)
if (p != 2)
stop("only two-dimensional case is available")
if (any(unique(dim(sigma)) != p))
stop("mu and sigma are incompatible")
ev <- eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
s <- sqrt(rev(sort(ev$values)))
V <- t(ev$vectors[, rev(order(ev$values))])
theta <- (0:k) * (pi/(2 * k))
x <- s[1] * cos(theta)
y <- s[2] * sin(theta)
xy <- cbind(c(x, -x, -x, x), c(y, y, -y, -y))
xy <- xy %*% V
xy <- sweep(xy, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu, FUN = "+")
{ xymin <- apply(xy, 2, FUN = "min")
xymax <- apply(xy, 2, FUN = "max")
r <- ceiling(max(xymax - xymin)/2)
xymid <- (xymin + xymax)/2
plot(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], type = "n", xlab = "x", ylab = "y",
xlim = c(-r, r) + xymid[1], ylim = c(-r, r) + xymid[2])
l <- length(x)
i <- 1:l
for(k in 1:4)
{ lines(xy[i,], col = col[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = lwd[1])
i <- i + l
x <- s[1]
y <- s[2]
xy <- cbind(c(x, -x, 0, 0), c(0, 0, y, -y))
xy <- xy %*% V
xy <- sweep(xy, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu, FUN = "+")
lines(xy[1:2,], col = col[2], lty = lty[2], lwd = lwd[2])
lines(xy[3:4,], col = col[2], lty = lty[2], lwd = lwd[2])
points(mu[1], mu[2], col = col[3], pch = pch)
mvn2plot <- function(mu, sigma, k = 15, alone = FALSE,
fillEllipse = FALSE, alpha = 0.3,
col = rep("grey30", 3),
pch = 8, lty = c(1,2), lwd = c(1,1), ...)
p <- length(mu)
if(p != 2)
stop("only two-dimensional case is available")
if(any(unique(dim(sigma)) != p))
stop("mu and sigma are incompatible")
ev <- eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
s <- sqrt(rev(sort(ev$values)))
V <- t(ev$vectors[, rev(order(ev$values))])
theta <- (0:k) * (pi/(2 * k))
x <- s[1] * cos(theta)
y <- s[2] * sin(theta)
xy <- cbind(c(x, -x, -x, x), c(y, y, -y, -y))
xy <- xy %*% V
xy <- sweep(xy, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu, FUN = "+")
xymin <- apply(xy, 2, FUN = "min")
xymax <- apply(xy, 2, FUN = "max")
r <- ceiling(max(xymax - xymin)/2)
xymid <- (xymin + xymax)/2
plot(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], type = "n", xlab = "x", ylab = "y",
xlim = c(-r, r) + xymid[1], ylim = c(-r, r) + xymid[2])
# draw ellipses
col <- rep(col, 3)
polygon(xy[chull(xy),], border = NA,
col = adjustcolor(col[1], alpha.f = alpha))
} else
l <- length(x)
i <- 1:l
for(k in 1:4)
lines(xy[i,], col = col[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = lwd[1])
i <- i + l
# draw principal axes and centroid
x <- s[1]
y <- s[2]
xy <- cbind(c(x, -x, 0, 0), c(0, 0, y, -y))
xy <- xy %*% V
xy <- sweep(xy, MARGIN = 2, STATS = mu, FUN = "+")
lines(xy[1:2,], col = col[2], lty = lty[2], lwd = lwd[2])
lines(xy[3:4,], col = col[2], lty = lty[2], lwd = lwd[2])
points(mu[1], mu[2], col = col[3], pch = pch)
clPairs <- function (data, classification,
symbols = NULL, colors = NULL, cex = NULL,
labels = dimnames(data)[[2]], cex.labels = 1.5,
gap = 0.2, grid = FALSE, ...)
data <- as.matrix(data)
n <- nrow(data)
d <- ncol(data)
classification <- rep(1, n)
classification <- as.factor(classification)
l <- length(levels(classification))
if(length(classification) != n)
stop("classification variable must have the same length as nrows of data!")
{ if(l == 1)
{ symbols <- "." }
if(l <= length(mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")))
{ symbols <- mclust.options("classPlotSymbols") }
else { if(l <= 9) { symbols <- as.character(1:9) }
else if(l <= 26) { symbols <- LETTERS[1:l] }
else symbols <- rep(16,l)
if(length(symbols) == 1) symbols <- rep(symbols, l)
if(length(symbols) < l)
{ symbols <- rep(16, l)
warning("more symbols needed")
{ if(l <= length(mclust.options("classPlotColors")))
colors <- mclust.options("classPlotColors")[1:l]
if(length(colors) == 1) colors <- rep(colors, l)
if(length(colors) < l)
{ colors <- rep( "black", l)
warning("more colors needed")
if(is.null(cex)) cex <- 1
if(length(cex) == 1) cex <- rep(cex, l)
cex <- cex[1:l]
grid <- isTRUE(as.logical(grid))
if(d > 2)
{ pairs(x = data, labels = labels,
panel = function(...)
{ if(grid) grid()
pch = symbols[classification],
col = colors[classification],
cex = cex[classification],
gap = gap,
cex.labels = cex.labels,
...) }
else if(d == 2)
{ plot(data, cex = cex[classification],
pch = symbols[classification],
col = colors[classification],
panel.first = if(grid) grid(),
...) }
invisible(list(d = d,
class = levels(classification),
col = colors,
pch = symbols[seq(l)],
cex = cex))
clPairsLegend <- function(x, y, class, col, pch, cex, box = TRUE, ...)
usr <- par("usr")
if(box & all(usr == c(0,1,0,1)))
oldpar <- par(mar = rep(0.2, 4), no.readonly = TRUE)
box(which = "plot", lwd = 0.8)
if(!all(usr == c(0,1,0,1)))
x <- x*(usr[2]-usr[1])+usr[1]
y <- y*(usr[4]-usr[3])+usr[3]
dots <- list(...)
dots$x <- x
dots$y <- y
dots$legend <- class
dots$text.width <- max(strwidth(dots$title, units = "user"),
strwidth(dots$legend, units = "user"))
dots$col <- if(missing(col)) 1 else col
dots$text.col <- if(missing(col)) 1 else col
dots$pch <- if(missing(pch)) 1 else pch
dots$cex <- if(missing(cex)) 1 else cex
dots$title.col <- par("fg")
dots$title.adj <- 0.1
dots$xpd <- NA"legend", dots)
coordProj <- function(data, dimens = c(1,2), parameters = NULL,
z = NULL, classification = NULL,
truth = NULL, uncertainty = NULL,
what = c("classification", "error", "uncertainty"),
addEllipses = TRUE,
fillEllipses = mclust.options("fillEllipses"),
symbols = NULL, colors = NULL, scale = FALSE,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
cex = 1, PCH = ".", main = FALSE, ...)
if(is.null(dimens)) dimens <- c(1, 2)
if(is.null(classification) && !is.null(z))
classification <- map(z)
if(is.null(uncertainty) && !is.null(z))
uncertainty <- 1 - apply(z, 1, max)
{ mu <- parameters$mean
L <- ncol(mu)
sigma <- parameters$variance$sigma
haveParams <- !is.null(mu) && !is.null(sigma) && !any( && !any(
else haveParams <- FALSE
data <- data[, dimens, drop = FALSE]
if(dim(data)[2] != 2)
stop("need two dimensions")
xlim <- range(data[, 1])
ylim <- range(data[, 2])
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(pty = "s")
d <- diff(xlim) - diff(ylim)
if(d > 0) {
ylim <- c(ylim[1] - d/2, ylim[2] + d/2.)
else {
xlim <- c(xlim[1] + d/2, xlim[2] - d/2)
if(is.null(dnames <- dimnames(data)[[2]]))
xlab <- ylab <- ""
else {
xlab <- dnames[1]
ylab <- dnames[2]
main <- if(is.null(main) || is.character(main)) FALSE else as.logical(main)
if(haveParams) {
G <- ncol(mu)
dimpar <- dim(sigma)
if(length(dimpar) != 3) {
haveParams <- FALSE
warning("covariance must be a 3D matrix")
if(G != dimpar[3]) {
haveParams <- FALSE
warning("means and variance parameters are incompatible")
mu <- array(mu[dimens, ], c(2, G))
sigma <- array(sigma[dimens, dimens, ], c(2, 2, G))
truth <- as.factor(truth)
if(is.null(classification)) {
classification <- truth
truth <- NULL
classification <- as.factor(classification)
U <- levels(classification)
L <- nlevels(classification)
noise <- (U[1] == "0")
if(is.null(symbols)) {
if(L <= length(mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")))
{ symbols <- mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")[1:L]
{ symbols <- c(16,symbols)[1:L] }
else if(L <= 9) {
symbols <- as.character(1:9)
else if(L <= 26) {
symbols <- LETTERS
else if(length(symbols) == 1)
symbols <- rep(symbols, L)
if(is.null(colors)) {
if(L <= length(mclust.options("classPlotColors")))
colors <- mclust.options("classPlotColors")[1:L]
{ colors <- unique(c("black", colors))[1:L] }
else if(length(colors) == 1)
colors <- rep(colors, L)
if(length(symbols) < L) {
warning("more symbols needed to show classification ")
symbols <- rep(16,L)
if(length(colors) < L) {
warning("more colors needed to show classification ")
colors <- rep("black",L)
if(length(what) > 1) what <- what[1]
choices <- c("classification", "error", "uncertainty")
m <- charmatch(what, choices, nomatch = 0)
what <- choices[m]
bad <- what == "classification" && is.null(classification)
bad <- bad || (what == "uncertainty" && is.null(uncertainty))
bad <- bad || (what == "error" && (is.null(classification) || is.null(
warning("insufficient input for specified plot")
badClass <- (what == "error" && (length(unique(classification)) != length(
if(badClass && !bad)
warning("classification and truth differ in number of groups")
bad <- bad && badClass
} else
bad <- !m
warning("what improperly specified")
if(bad) what <- "bad"
switch(EXPR = what,
"classification" = {
plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "", ...)
if(main) {
TITLE <- paste(paste(dimens, collapse = ","),
"Coordinate Projection showing Classification")
title(main = TITLE)
for(k in 1:L) {
I <- classification == U[k]
points(data[I, 1], data[I, 2],
pch = symbols[k], col = colors[k],
cex = if(U[k] == "0") cex/3 else cex)
"error" = {
ERRORS <- classError(classification, truth)$misclassified
plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "", ...)
if(main) {
TITLE <- paste(paste(dimens, collapse = ","),
"Coordinate Projection showing Errors")
title(main = TITLE)
CLASSES <- levels(truth)
symOpen <- symb2open(mclust.options("classPlotSymbols"))
symFill <- symb2fill(mclust.options("classPlotSymbols"))
good <- rep(TRUE, length(classification))
if(L > length(symOpen))
points(data[good, 1], data[good, 2], pch = 1, col = colors, cex = cex)
points(data[!good, 1], data[!good, 2], pch = 16, cex = cex)
else {
for(k in 1:L) {
K <- truth == CLASSES[k]
if(any(I <- (K & good))) {
points(data[I, 1], data[I, 2], pch = symOpen[k],
col = colors[k], cex = cex)
if(any(I <- (K & !good))) {
points(data[I, 1], data[I, 2], cex = cex,
pch = symFill[k], col = "black", bg = "black")
"uncertainty" = {
u <- (uncertainty - min(uncertainty)) /
(max(uncertainty) - min(uncertainty) + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
b <- bubble(u, cex = cex * c(0.3, 2), alpha = c(0.3, 0.9))
cl <- sapply(classification, function(cl) which(cl == U))
plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], pch = 19, main = "",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
cex = b$cex,
col = mapply(adjustcolor, col = colors[cl], alpha.f = b$alpha),
TITLE <- paste(paste(dimens, collapse = ","),
"Coordinate Projection showing Uncertainty")
title(main = TITLE)
fillEllipses <- FALSE
{ plot(data[, 1], data[, 2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "", ...)
{ TITLE <- paste(paste(dimens, collapse = ","), "Coordinate Projection")
title(main = TITLE) }
points(data[, 1], data[, 2], pch = PCH, cex = cex)
if(haveParams && addEllipses)
{ ## plot ellipsoids
for(g in 1:G)
mvn2plot(mu = mu[,g], sigma = sigma[,,g], k = 15,
fillEllipse = fillEllipses,
col = if(fillEllipses) colors[g] else rep("grey30",3))
symb2open <- function(x)
symb <- 0:18
open <- c(0:14,0,1,2,5)
open[sapply(x, function(x) which(symb == x))]
symb2fill <- function(x)
symb <- 0:18
fill <- c(15:17, 3:4, 23, 25, 7:9, 20, 11:18)
fill[sapply(x, function(x) which(symb == x))]
randProj <- function(data, seeds = NULL,
parameters = NULL, z = NULL,
classification = NULL, truth = NULL,
uncertainty = NULL,
what = c("classification", "error", "uncertainty"),
quantiles = c(0.75, 0.95),
addEllipses = TRUE,
fillEllipses = mclust.options("fillEllipses"),
symbols = NULL, colors = NULL, scale = FALSE,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
cex = 1, PCH = ".",
main = FALSE, ...)
if(is.null(classification) && !is.null(z))
classification <- map(z)
if(is.null(uncertainty) && !is.null(z))
uncertainty <- 1 - apply(z, 1, max)
mu <- parameters$mean
L <- ncol(mu)
sigma <- parameters$variance$sigma
haveParams <- !is.null(mu) && !is.null(sigma) &&
!any( && !any(
} else haveParams <- FALSE
d <- ncol(data)
G <- ncol(mu)
dimpar <- dim(sigma)
if(length(dimpar) != 3)
haveParams <- FALSE
warning("covariance must be a 3D matrix")
if(G != dimpar[3])
haveParams <- FALSE
warning("means and variance parameters are incompatible")
cho <- array(apply(sigma, 3, chol), c(d, d, G))
truth <- as.factor(truth)
classification <- truth
truth <- NULL
} else
if(length(unique(truth)) != length(unique(classification)))
truth <- NULL
else truth <- as.character(truth)
classification <- as.factor(classification)
U <- levels(classification)
L <- nlevels(classification)
noise <- (U[1] == "0")
if(L <= length(mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")))
{ symbols <- mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")[1:L]
{ symbols <- c(16,symbols)[1:L] }
else if(L <= 9) {
symbols <- as.character(1:9)
else if(L <= 26) {
symbols <- LETTERS
else if(length(symbols) == 1)
symbols <- rep(symbols, L)
{ if(L <= length(mclust.options("classPlotColors")))
{ colors <- mclust.options("classPlotColors")[1:L]
colors <- unique(c("black", colors))[1:L]
else if(length(colors) == 1)
colors <- rep(colors, L)
if(length(symbols) < L)
warning("more symbols needed to show classification ")
symbols <- rep(16,L)
if (length(colors) < L)
warning("more colors needed to show classification ")
colors <- rep("black",L)
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "randProj1"
if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "randProj2"
what <- match.arg(what, choices = eval(formals(randProj)$what))
bad <- what == "classification" && is.null(classification)
bad <- bad || (what == "uncertainty" && is.null(uncertainty))
bad <- bad || (what == "error" && (is.null(classification) || is.null(truth)))
stop("insufficient input for specified plot")
main <- if(is.null(main) || is.character(main)) FALSE else as.logical(main)
nullXlim <- is.null(xlim)
nullYlim <- is.null(ylim)
if(scale || length(seeds) > 1)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(pty = "s")
if(length(seeds) > 1)
par(ask = TRUE)
# if not provided get a seed at random
if(length(seeds) == 0)
seeds <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
seeds <- (seeds - floor(seeds))*1e8
for(seed in seeds)
# B <- orth2(d)
B <- randomOrthogonalMatrix(d, 2)
dataProj <- as.matrix(data) %*% B
if(dim(dataProj)[2] != 2)
stop("need two dimensions")
xlim <- range(dataProj[,1])
ylim <- range(dataProj[,2])
d <- diff(xlim) - diff(ylim)
if(d > 0)
ylim <- c(ylim[1] - d/2, ylim[2] + d/2.)
} else
xlim <- c(xlim[1] + d/2, xlim[2] - d/2)
"classification" =
plot(dataProj[,1:2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
for(k in 1:L)
I <- classification == U[k]
points(dataProj[I,1:2], pch = symbols[k],
col = colors[k], cex = cex)
TITLE <- paste("Random Projection showing Classification: seed = ", seed)
"error" =
ERRORS <- classError(classification, truth)$misclassified
plot(dataProj[, 1:2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
TITLE <- paste("Random Projection showing Errors: seed = ", seed)
CLASSES <- unique(as.character(truth))
symOpen <- c(2, 0, 1, 5)
symFill <- c(17, 15, 16, 18)
good <- !ERRORS
if(L > 4)
points(dataProj[good, 1:2], pch = 1, col = colors, cex = cex)
points(dataProj[!good, 1:2], pch = 16, cex = cex)
} else
for(k in 1:L)
K <- which(truth == CLASSES[k])
points(dataProj[K, 1:2], pch = symOpen[k],
col = colors[k], cex = cex)
if(any(I <- intersect(K, ERRORS)))
points(dataProj[I,1:2], pch = symFill[k], cex = cex)
"uncertainty" =
plot(dataProj[, 1:2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "", ...)
TITLE <- paste("Random Projection showing Uncertainty: seed = ", seed)
breaks <- quantile(uncertainty, probs = sort(quantiles))
I <- uncertainty <= breaks[1]
points(dataProj[I, 1:2],
pch = 16, col = "gray75", cex = 0.5 * cex)
I <- uncertainty <= breaks[2] & !I
points(dataProj[I, 1:2],
pch = 16, col = "gray50", cex = 1 * cex)
I <- uncertainty > breaks[2] & !I
points(dataProj[I, 1:2],
pch = 16, col = "black", cex = 1.5 * cex)
fillEllipses <- FALSE
plot(dataProj[, 1:2], type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
TITLE <- paste("Random Projection: seed = ", seed)
points(dataProj[, 1:2], pch = PCH, cex = cex)
muProj <- crossprod(B, mu)
sigmaProj <- array(apply(cho, 3, function(R)
crossprod(R %*% B)),
c(2, 2, G))
if(haveParams && addEllipses)
{ ## plot ellipsoids
for(g in 1:G)
mvn2plot(mu = muProj[,g], sigma = sigmaProj[,,g],
k = 15, fillEllipse = fillEllipses,
col = if(fillEllipses) colors[g] else rep("grey30",3))
invisible(list(basis = B,
data = dataProj,
mu = muProj,
sigma = sigmaProj))
surfacePlot <- function(data, parameters,
what = c("density", "uncertainty"),
type = c("contour", "hdr", "image", "persp"),
transformation = c("none", "log", "sqrt"),
grid = 200, nlevels = 11, levels = NULL,
prob = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
col = gray(0.5),
col.palette = function(...) hcl.colors(..., "blues", rev = TRUE),
hdr.palette = blue2grey.colors,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
main = FALSE, scale = FALSE,
swapAxes = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE, ...)
data <- as.matrix(data)
if(dim(data)[2] != 2)
stop("data must be two dimensional")
if(any(type == "level"))
type[type == "level"] <- "hdr" # TODO: to be removed at certain point
type <- match.arg(type, choices = eval(formals(surfacePlot)$type))
what <- match.arg(what, choices = eval(formals(surfacePlot)$what))
transformation <- match.arg(transformation,
choices = eval(formals(surfacePlot)$transformation))
densNuncer <- function(modelName, data, parameters)
{ parameters$variance$cholsigma <- parameters$variance$sigma
G <- dim(parameters$variance$sigma)[3]
for(k in 1:G)
parameters$variance$cholsigma[,,k] <- chol(parameters$variance$sigma[,,k])
cden <- cdensVVV(data = data, parameters = parameters, logarithm = TRUE)
pro <- parameters$pro
pro <- pro[-length(pro)]
# TODO: to be removed at a certain point
# z <- sweep(cden, MARGIN = 2, FUN = "+", STATS = log(pro))
# logden <- apply(z, 1, logsumexp_old)
# z <- sweep(z, MARGIN = 1, FUN = "-", STATS = logden)
# z <- exp(z)
logden <- logsumexp(cden, log(pro))
z <- softmax(cden, log(pro))
data.frame(density = exp(logden),
uncertainty = 1 - apply(z, 1, max))
pro <- parameters$pro
mu <- parameters$mean
sigma <- parameters$variance$sigma
haveParams <- (!is.null(mu) && !is.null(sigma) && !is.null(pro) &&
!any( && !any( && !(any(
{ G <- ncol(mu)
dimpar <- dim(sigma)
if(length(dimpar) != 3)
{ haveParams <- FALSE
warning("covariance must be a 3D matrix")
if(G != dimpar[3])
{ haveParams <- FALSE
warning("means and variance parameters are incompatible")
mu <- array(mu, c(2, G))
sigma <- array(sigma, c(2, 2, G))
else stop("need parameters to compute density")
{ if(haveParams)
{ parameters$pro <- pro[2:1]
parameters$mean <- mu[2:1,]
parameters$variance$sigma <- sigma[2:1, 2:1,]
data <- data[, 2:1]
main <- if(is.null(main) || is.character(main)) FALSE else as.logical(main)
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(data[, 1])
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(data[, 2])
{ par(pty = "s")
d <- diff(xlim) - diff(ylim)
if(d > 0)
{ ylim <- c(ylim[1] - d/2, ylim[2] + d/2) }
{ xlim <- c(xlim[1] + d/2, xlim[2] - d/2) }
dnames <- dimnames(data)[[2]]
{ xlab <- if(is.null(dnames)) "" else dnames[1] }
{ ylab <- if(is.null(dnames)) "" else dnames[2] }
if(length(grid) == 1)
grid <- c(grid, grid)
x <- grid1(n = grid[1], range = xlim, edge = TRUE)
y <- grid1(n = grid[2], range = ylim, edge = TRUE)
xy <- grid2(x, y)
message("computing density and uncertainty over grid ...")
Z <- densNuncer(modelName = "VVV", data = xy, parameters = parameters)
lx <- length(x)
ly <- length(y)
"density" = { zz <- matrix(Z$density, lx, ly)
title2 <- "Density" },
"uncertainty" = { zz <- matrix(Z$uncertainty, lx, ly)
title2 <- "Uncertainty" },
stop("what improperly specified"))
"none" = { title1 <- "" },
"log" = { zz <- log(zz)
title1 <- "log" },
"sqrt" = { zz <- sqrt(zz)
title1 <- "sqrt" },
stop("transformation improperly specified"))
"contour" = {
title3 <- "Contour"
if(is.null(levels)) levels <- pretty(zz, nlevels)
contour(x = x, y = y, z = zz, levels = levels,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
col = col, main = "", ...)
"hdr" = {
title3 <- "HDR level"
z <- densNuncer(modelName = "VVV", data = data,
parameters = parameters)$density
levels <- c(sort(hdrlevels(z, prob)), 1.1*max(z))
plot(x, y, type = "n",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
fargs <- formals(".filled.contour")
dargs <- c(list(x = x, y = y, z = zz,
levels = levels,
col = hdr.palette(length(levels))),
dargs <- dargs[names(dargs) %in% names(fargs)]
fargs[names(dargs)] <- dargs".filled.contour", fargs)
"image" = {
title3 <- "Image"
col <- col.palette(nlevels)
if(length(col) == 1)
{ if(!is.null(levels))
nlevels <- length(levels)
col <- mapply(adjustcolor, col = col,
alpha.f = seq(0.1, 1, length = nlevels))
image(x = x, y = y, z = zz, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
col = col, main = "", ...)
"persp" = {
title3 <- "Perspective"
dots <- list(...)
if(is.null(dots$theta)) dots$theta <- -30
if(is.null(dots$phi)) dots$phi <- 20
if(is.null(dots$expand)) dots$expand <- 0.6
p3d <-"persp",
c(list(x = x, y = y, z = zz, border = NA,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
col = adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = 0.5),
zlab = "Density", main = ""), dots))
ii <- floor(seq(1, length(y), length.out = 2*nlevels))
for(i in ii[-c(1,length(ii))])
lines(trans3d(x, y[i], zz[,i], pmat = p3d))
ii <- floor(seq(1, length(x), length.out = 2*nlevels))
for(i in ii[-c(1,length(ii))])
lines(trans3d(x[i], y, zz[i,], pmat = p3d))
{ TITLE <- paste(c(title1, title2, title3, "Plot"), collapse = " ")
title(TITLE) }
invisible(list(x = x, y = y, z = zz))
uncerPlot <- function (z, truth=NULL, ...)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(pty = "m")
uncer <- 1 - apply(z, 1, max)
ord <- order(uncer)
M <- max(uncer)
plot(uncer[ord], type = "n", xaxt = "n", ylim = c(-(M/32), M),
ylab = "uncertainty",
xlab = "observations in order of increasing uncertainty")
points(uncer[ord], pch = 15, cex = 0.5)
abline(h = c(0, 0), lty = 3)
if (!is.null(truth)) {
truth <- as.numeric(as.factor(truth))
n <- length(truth)
result <- map(z)
bad <- classError(result, truth)$misclassified
{ for(i in bad)
{ x <- (1:n)[ord == i]
lines(c(x, x), c(-(0.5/32), uncer[i]), lty = 1)
blue2grey.colors <- function(n)
# manually selected
basecol <- c("#E6E6E6", "#bcc9d1", "#6c7f97", "#3e5264")
# selected using colorspace::sequential_hcl(5, palette = "blues2")
# basecol <- c("#023FA5", "#6A76B2", "#A1A6C8", "#CBCDD9", "#E2E2E2")
palette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(basecol, space = "Lab")
bubble <- function(x, cex = c(0.2, 3), alpha = c(0.1, 1))
x <- as.vector(x)
cex <- cex[!]
alpha <- alpha[!]
x <- (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x) + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
n <- length(x)
r <- sqrt(x/pi)
r <- (r - min(r, na.rm = TRUE))/
(max(r, na.rm = TRUE) - min(r, na.rm = TRUE) + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
cex <- r * diff(range(cex)) + min(cex)
alpha <- x * diff(range(alpha)) + min(alpha)
return(list(cex = cex, alpha = alpha))
grid1 <- function(n, range = c(0, 1), edge = TRUE)
if(any(n < 0 | round(n) != n))
stop("n must be nonpositive and integer")
G <- rep(0, n)
G <- seq(from = min(range), to = max(range), by = abs(diff(range))/(n-1))
} else
lj <- abs(diff(range))
incr <- lj/(2 * n)
G <- seq(from = min(range) + incr, to = max(range) - incr, by = 2 * incr)
grid2 <- function(x, y)
lx <- length(x)
ly <- length(y)
xy <- matrix(0, nrow = lx * ly, ncol = 2)
l <- 0
for(j in 1:ly)
for(i in 1:lx)
l <- l + 1
xy[l,] <- c(x[i], y[j])
vpoints <- function(x, y, col, cex = 1, ...)
xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
symbols(xy$x, xy$y, add = TRUE, inches = 0.2*cex,
fg = if(missing(col)) par("col") else col,
rectangles = matrix(c(0,1), nrow = length(xy$x), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
# Discriminant coordinates / crimcoords -------------------------------
crimcoords <- function(data, classification,
numdir = NULL,
unbiased = FALSE,
X <- as.matrix(data)
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
classification <- as.vector(classification)
stopifnot(length(classification) == n)
Z <- unmap(classification)
G <- ncol(Z)
nk <- colSums(Z)
# overall mean
M <- matrix(apply(X,2,mean), n, p, byrow=TRUE)
# within-group means
Mk <- sweep(crossprod(Z, X), 1, FUN = "/", STATS = nk)
ZMk <- Z %*% Mk
# pooled within-groups covar
W <- crossprod(X - ZMk)
W <- if(unbiased) W/(n-G) else W/n
# between-groups covar
B <- crossprod(ZMk - M)
B <- if(unbiased) B/(G-1) else B/G
# manova identity: (n-1)*var(X) =
# if(unbiased) (n-G)*W+(G-1)*B else n*W+G*B
# generalized eigendecomposition of B with respect to W
SVD <- eigen.decomp(B, W)
l <- SVD$l; l <- (l+abs(l))/2
numdir <- sum(l > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
numdir <- min(p, numdir)
basis <- as.matrix(SVD$v)[,seq(numdir),drop=FALSE]
dimnames(basis) <- list(colnames(X), paste("crimcoords", 1:numdir, sep=""))
proj <- X %*% basis
s <- sign(apply(proj,2,median))
proj <- sweep(proj, 2, FUN = "*", STATS = s)
basis <- sweep(basis, 2, FUN = "*", STATS = s)
obj <- list(means = Mk,
B = B, W = W,
evalues = l, basis = basis,
projection = proj,
classification = classification)
class(obj) <- "crimcoords"
print.crimcoords <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
cat("\'", class(x)[1], "\' object:\n", sep = "")
str(x, max.level = 1, give.attr = FALSE, strict.width = "wrap")
plot.crimcoords <- function(x, ...)
object <- x # Argh. Really want to use object anyway
numdir <- ncol(object$projection)
G <- length(unique(object$classification))
if(numdir >= 2)
clPairs(object$projection, object$classification, ...)
} else
args <- list(...)
cols <- if(!is.null(args$colors)) args$colors
else if(!is.null(args$col)) args$col
else mclust.options("classPlotColors")
cols <- adjustcolor(cols, alpha.f = 0.5)[1:G]
br <- pretty(object$projection, n = nclass.Sturges(object$projection))
x <- split(object$projection[,1], object$classification)
hist(x[[1]], breaks = br, probability = TRUE,
xlim = extendrange(br), main = NULL,
xlab = colnames(object$projection),
border = FALSE, col = cols[1])
rug(x[[1]], col = cols[1])
for(k in seq_len(G-1)+1)
lines(hist(x[[k]], breaks = br, plot = FALSE),
freq = FALSE, border = FALSE, col = cols[k], ann = FALSE)
rug(x[[k]], col = cols[k])
summary.crimcoords <- function(object, numdir, ...)
numdir <- sum(object$evalues > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
dim <- seq(numdir)
obj <- list(basis = object$basis[,seq(dim),drop=FALSE],
evalues = object$evalues[seq(dim)],
evalues.cumperc = with(object,
{ evalues <- evalues[seq(numdir)]
cumsum(evalues)/sum(evalues)*100 })
class(obj) <- "summary.crimcoords"
print.summary.crimcoords <- function(x, digits = max(5, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
title <- paste("Discriminant coordinates (crimcoords)")
txt <- paste(rep("-", min(nchar(title), getOption("width"))), collapse = "")
catwrap("Estimated basis vectors:")
print(x$basis, digits = digits)
evalues <- rbind("Eigenvalues" = x$evalues,
"Cum. %" = x$evalues.cumperc)
colnames(evalues) <- colnames(x$basis)
print(evalues, digits = digits)
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