## ##
## Dimension reduction for model-based ##
## clustering and classification ##
## ##
## Author: Luca Scrucca ##
# GMMDR dimension reduction -----------------------------------------------
MclustDR <- function(object, lambda = 1,
normalized = TRUE, Sigma,
tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
# Dimension reduction for model-based clustering and classification
stopifnot("first argument must be an object of class 'Mclust' or 'MclustDA'" =
inherits(object, c("Mclust", "MclustDA")))
call <-
x <- data.matrix(object$data)
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
lambda <- pmax(0, min(lambda, 1))
# overall parameters
mu <- colMeans(x)
if(missing(Sigma)) Sigma <- var(x)*(n-1)/n
# within-cluster parameters based on fitted mixture model
if(inherits(object, "Mclust"))
type <- "Mclust"
G <- object$G
modelName <- object$modelName
y <- object$classification
cl2mc <- seq(G)
class <- as.factor(y)
par <- object$parameters
f <- par$pro
if(is.null(f)) f <- 1
if(!$hypvol)) f <- f[-length(f)]
# within-group means
mu.G <- matrix(par$mean,p,G)
# within-group covars
if(p == 1)
Sigma.G <- array(par$variance$sigmasq, c(p,p,G))
} else
Sigma.G <- par$variance$sigma
else if(inherits(object, "MclustDA"))
type <- object$type
modelName <- sapply(object$models, function(m) m$modelName)
class <- object$class
class <- factor(class, levels = names(object$models))
y <- rep(NA, length(class))
for(i in 1:nlevels(class))
y[class == levels(class)[i]] <- paste(levels(class)[i],
object$models[[i]]$classification, sep =":")
y <- as.numeric(factor(y))
cl2mc <- rep(seq(length(object$models)),
sapply(object$models, function(m) m$G))
m <- sapply(object$models, function(mod) mod$n)
ncomp <- sapply(object$models, function(mod) mod$G)
G <- sum(ncomp)
f <- vector(length = G)
mu.G <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = p, ncol = G)
Sigma.G <- array(NA, dim = c(p,p,G))
for(i in 1:length(object$models))
ii <- seq(c(0,cumsum(ncomp))[i]+1,c(0,cumsum(ncomp))[i+1])
par <- object$models[[i]]$parameters
if(is.null(par$pro)) par$pro <- 1
f[ii] <- par$pro * m[i]/sum(m)
# within-group means
mu.G[,ii] <- par$mean
# within-group covars
if(p == 1)
{ Sigma.G[,,ii] <- array(par$variance$sigmasq, c(p,p,1)) }
{ Sigma.G[,,ii] <- par$variance$sigma }
SVD <- svd(Sigma, nu = 0, nv = min(n,p))
pos <- which(SVD$d > max(tol*SVD$d[1], 0))
SVD$d <- SVD$d[pos]
SVD$v <- SVD$v[,pos,drop=FALSE]
inv.Sigma <- SVD$v %*% (1/SVD$d * t(SVD$v))
inv.sqrt.Sigma <- SVD$v %*% (1/sqrt(SVD$d) * t(SVD$v))
# pooled within-group covariance
S <- matrix(0, p, p)
for(j in seq_len(G))
S <- S + f[j]*Sigma.G[,,j]
# kernel matrix
M.I <- crossprod(t(sweep(mu.G, 1, FUN="-", STATS=mu))*sqrt(f))
M.II <- matrix(0, p, p)
if(lambda < 1)
for(j in seq_len(G))
M.II <- M.II + f[j]*crossprod(inv.sqrt.Sigma%*%(Sigma.G[,,j]-S))
# convex combination of M_I and M_II
M <- 2*lambda*crossprod(inv.sqrt.Sigma %*% M.I) + 2*(1-lambda)*M.II
# regularize the M_II
# M <- M.I + lambda*M.II
# M <- crossprod(inv.sqrt.Sigma %*% M.I) +
# (1-lambda)*M.II + lambda/p * diag(p)
SVD <- eigen.decomp(M, inv.sqrt.Sigma, invsqrt = TRUE)
l <- SVD$l; l <- (l+abs(l))/2
numdir <- min(p, sum(l > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
basis <- as.matrix(SVD$v)[,seq(numdir),drop=FALSE]
sdx <- diag(Sigma)
std.basis <- as.matrix(apply(basis, 2, function(x) x*sdx))
{ basis <- as.matrix(apply(basis, 2, normalize))
std.basis <- as.matrix(apply(std.basis, 2, normalize))
dimnames(basis) <- list(colnames(x), paste("Dir", 1:ncol(basis), sep=""))
dimnames(std.basis) <- dimnames(basis)
Z <- scale(x, scale = FALSE) %*% basis
out = list(call = call, type = type,
x = x, Sigma = Sigma,
classification = class, mixcomp = y,
class2mixcomp = cl2mc,
G = G, modelName = modelName,
mu = mu.G, sigma = Sigma.G, pro = f,
M = M, M.I = M.I, M.II = M.II,
lambda = lambda,
evalues = l, raw.evectors = as.matrix(SVD$v),
basis = basis, std.basis = std.basis,
numdir = numdir, dir = Z)
class(out) = "MclustDR"
print.MclustDR <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
txt <- paste0("\'", class(x)[1], "\' model object: ")
catwrap("\nAvailable components:\n")
# str(x, max.level = 1, give.attr = FALSE, strict.width = "wrap")
summary.MclustDR <- function(object, numdir, std = FALSE, ...)
if(missing(numdir)) numdir <- object$numdir
dim <- seq(numdir)
if(object$type == "Mclust")
{ n <- as.vector(table(object$classification))
G <- object$G }
{ n <- as.vector(table(object$classification))
G <- as.vector(table(object$class2mixcomp)) }
obj <- list(type = object$type,
modelName = object$modelName,
classes = levels(object$classification),
n = n, G = G,
basis = object$basis[,seq(dim),drop=FALSE],
std = std, std.basis = object$std.basis[,seq(dim),drop=FALSE],
evalues = object$evalues[seq(dim)],
evalues.cumperc = with(object,
{ evalues <- evalues[seq(numdir)]
cumsum(evalues)/sum(evalues)*100 })
class(obj) <- "summary.MclustDR"
print.summary.MclustDR <- function(x, digits = max(5, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
title <- paste("Dimension reduction for model-based clustering and classification")
txt <- paste(rep("-", min(nchar(title), getOption("width"))), collapse = "")
if(x$type == "Mclust")
tab <- data.frame(n = x$n)
rownames(tab) <- x$classes
tab <- as.matrix(tab)
names(dimnames(tab)) <- c("Clusters", "")
catwrap(paste0("Mixture model type: ", x$type,
" (", x$modelName, ", ", x$G, ")"))
print(tab, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
else if(x$type == "MclustDA" | x$type == "EDDA")
tab <- data.frame(n = x$n, Model = x$modelName, G = x$G)
rownames(tab) <- x$classes
tab <- as.matrix(tab)
names(dimnames(tab)) <- c("Classes", "")
catwrap(paste("Mixture model type:", x$type))
print(tab, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
else stop("invalid model type")
catwrap("Standardized basis vectors using predictors scaled to have equal to one:")
print(x$std.basis, digits = digits)
catwrap("Estimated basis vectors:")
print(x$basis, digits = digits)
evalues <- rbind("Eigenvalues" = x$evalues,
"Cum. %" = x$evalues.cumperc)
colnames(evalues) <- colnames(x$basis)
print(evalues, digits=digits)
projpar.MclustDR <- function(object, dim, center = TRUE, raw = FALSE)
# Transform estimated parameters to projection subspace given by
# 'dim' directions
x <- object$x
p <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
G <- object$G
numdir <- object$numdir
if(missing(dim)) dim <- seq(numdir)
numdir <- length(dim)
if(raw) V <- object$raw.evectors[,dim,drop=FALSE]
else V <- object$basis[,dim,drop=FALSE]
mu <- t(object$mu)
if(center) mu <- scale(mu, center = apply(x,2,mean), scale = FALSE)
Mu <- mu %*% V
sigma <- object$sigma
cho <- array(apply(sigma, 3, chol), c(p, p, G))
Sigma <- array(apply(cho, 3, function(R)
crossprod(R %*% V)), c(numdir, numdir, G))
return(list(mean = Mu, variance = Sigma))
predict.MclustDR <- function(object, dim = 1:object$numdir, newdata, eval.points, ...)
dim <- dim[dim <= object$numdir]
if(missing(newdata) & missing(eval.points))
{ dir <- object$dir[,dim,drop=FALSE]
} else if(!missing(newdata))
{ newdata <- as.matrix(newdata)
newdata <- scale(newdata, center = colMeans(object$x), scale = FALSE)
dir <- newdata %*% object$basis[,dim,drop=FALSE]
} else if(!missing(eval.points))
{ dir <- as.matrix(eval.points) }
n <- nrow(dir)
G <- object$G # num. components
nclass <- nlevels(object$classification) # num. classes
par <- projpar.MclustDR(object, dim)
Mu <- par$mean
Sigma <- par$variance
# old version
# cden <- array(NA, c(n, G))
# for(j in 1:G)
# { cden[,j] <- dmvnorm(dir, Mu[j,], Sigma[,,j], log = FALSE) }
# z <- sweep(cden, 2, FUN = "*", STATS = object$pro)
# den <- apply(z, 1, sum)
# z <- sweep(z, 1, FUN = "/", STATS = den)
# new version: more efficient and accurate
z <- array(NA, c(n, G))
for(j in 1:G)
z[,j] <- dmvnorm(dir, Mu[j,], Sigma[,,j], log = TRUE)
# TODO: to be removed at a certain point
# z <- sweep(z, 2, FUN = "+", STATS = log(object$pro))
# logden <- apply(z, 1, logsumexp_old)
# z <- sweep(z, 1, FUN = "-", STATS = logden)
# z <- exp(z)
logden <- logsumexp(z, log(object$pro))
z <- softmax(z, log(object$pro))
zz <- matrix(0, n, nclass)
for(j in seq(nclass))
{ zz[,j] <- rowSums(z[,object$class2mixcomp == j,drop=FALSE]) }
z <- zz; rm(zz)
class <- factor(apply(z,1,which.max),
levels = 1:nclass,
labels = levels(object$classification))
out <- list(dir = dir,
density = exp(logden),
z = z,
uncertainty = 1 - apply(z,1,max),
classification = class)
predict2D.MclustDR <- function(object, dim = 1:2, ngrid = 100, xlim, ylim)
dim <- dim[1:2]
dir <- object$dir[,dim,drop=FALSE]
G <- object$G
par <- projpar.MclustDR(object, dim)
Mu <- par$mean
Sigma <- par$variance
xlim <- range(dir[,1]) # +c(-1,1)*0.05*diff(range(x)))
ylim <- range(dir[,2]) # +c(-1,1)*0.05*diff(range(x)))
xygrid <- cbind(seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = ngrid),
seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length = ngrid))
grid <- expand.grid(xygrid[,1], xygrid[,2])
pred <- predict.MclustDR(object, dim = dim, eval.points = grid)
out <- list(x = xygrid[,1], y = xygrid[,2],
density = matrix(pred$density, ngrid, ngrid),
z = array(pred$z, c(ngrid, ngrid, ncol(pred$z))),
uncertainty = matrix(pred$uncertainty, ngrid, ngrid),
classification = matrix(pred$classification, ngrid, ngrid))
plot.MclustDR <- function(x, dimens,
what = c("scatterplot", "pairs", "contour",
"classification", "boundaries",
"density", "evalues"),
symbols, colors,
col.contour = gray(0.7),
col.sep = grey(0.4),
ngrid = 200,
nlevels = 5,
asp = NULL, ...)
object <- x
x <- object$x
p <- ncol(x)
n <- nrow(x)
G <- object$G
y <- object$mixcomp
class <- as.numeric(object$classification)
nclass <- length(table(class))
dir <- object$dir
numdir <- object$numdir
dimens <- if(missing(dimens)) seq(numdir)
else intersect(as.numeric(dimens), seq(numdir))
if(length(dimens) == 0)
stop("invalid 'dimens' value(s) provided")
{ if(G <= length(mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")))
{ symbols <- mclust.options("classPlotSymbols") }
else if(G <= 26)
{ symbols <- LETTERS }
if(length(symbols) == 1) symbols <- rep(symbols,nclass)
if(length(symbols) < nclass)
{ warning("more symbols needed to show classification")
symbols <- rep(16, nclass) }
{ colors <- mclust.options("classPlotColors") }
if(length(colors) == 1) colors <- rep(colors,nclass)
if(length(colors) < nclass)
{ warning("more colors needed to show mixture components")
colors <- rep("black", nclass) }
what <- match.arg(what, several.ok = TRUE)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# on.exit(par(oldpar))
if(any(i <- (what == "pairs")) & (length(dimens) == 2))
{ what[i] <- "scatterplot" }
if(length(dimens) == 1)
{ what[!(what == "classification" |
what == "density" |
what == "evalues")] <- "classification" }
what <- unique(what)
plot.MclustDR.scatterplot <- function(...)
dir <- dir[,dimens,drop=FALSE]
plot(dir, col = colors[class], pch = symbols[class],
xlab = colnames(dir)[1], ylab = colnames(dir)[2],
asp = asp, ...)
plot.MclustDR.pairs <- function(...)
dir <- dir[,dimens,drop=FALSE]
pairs(dir, col = colors[class], pch = symbols[class],
gap = 0.2, asp = asp, ...)
plot.MclustDR.density <- function(...)
dimens <- dimens[1]
dir <- object$dir[,dimens,drop=FALSE]
par <- projpar.MclustDR(object, dimens)
Mu <- par$mean
Sigma <- par$variance
xgrid <- extendrange(dir, f = 0.1)
xgrid <- seq(min(xgrid), max(xgrid), length=2*ngrid)
dens <- matrix(as.double(NA), length(xgrid), G)
for(j in 1:G)
dens[,j] <- dnorm(xgrid, Mu[j,], sqrt(Sigma[,,j]))
if(object$type == "MclustDA")
d <- t(apply(dens, 1, function(x, p = object$pro) p*x))
dens <- matrix(as.double(NA), length(xgrid), nclass)
tab <- table(y, class)
for(i in 1:ncol(tab))
j <- which(tab[,i] > 0)
dens[,i] <- apply(d[,j,drop=FALSE],1,sum)
plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlab = colnames(dir), ylab = "Density",
xlim = range(xgrid), ylim = range(0, dens*1.1))
for(j in 1:ncol(dens))
lines(xgrid, dens[,j], col = colors[j])
rug(dir, lwd = 1)
plot.MclustDR.contour <- function(...)
dimens <- dimens[1:2]
dir <- object$dir[,dimens,drop=FALSE]
par <- projpar.MclustDR(object, dimens)
Mu <- par$mean
Sigma <- par$variance
# draw contours for each class or cluster
plot(dir, type = "n", asp = asp)
for(k in seq(nclass))
i <- which(object$class2mixcomp == k)
parameters <- list(pro = object$pro[i]/sum(object$pro[i]),
mean = t(par$mean[i,,drop=FALSE]),
variance = list(G = length(i), d = 2,
sigma = par$variance[,,i,drop=FALSE]))
surfacePlot(dir, parameters, col = col.contour,
nlevels = nlevels, grid = ngrid,
xlim = par("usr")[1:2], ylim = par("usr")[3:4],
asp = asp, add = TRUE)
points(dir, col = colors[class], pch = symbols[class], ...)
plot.MclustDR.classification.Mclust <- function(...)
if(object$numdir == 1)
dir <- object$dir[,1]
boxplot(dir ~ class, horizontal = TRUE,
col = adjustcolor(mclust.options("classPlotColors"), alpha.f = 0.3)[1:nclass],
border = mclust.options("classPlotColors")[1:nclass],
ylab = "Classification", xlab = "Dir1",
xlim = c(0,nclass+0.5))
points(dir, rep(0,n), pch = "|")
# numdir >= 2
dimens <- dimens[1:2]
dir <- object$dir[,dimens,drop=FALSE]
pred <- predict2D.MclustDR(object, dimens, ngrid,
xlim = extendrange(dir[,1], f = 0.05),
ylim = extendrange(dir[,2], f = 0.05))
pred$classification <- apply(pred$z, 1:2, which.max)
image(pred$x, pred$y, pred$classification,
col = adjustcolor(colors[1:G], alpha.f = 0.1),
xlab = colnames(dir)[1], ylab = colnames(dir)[2],
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", asp = asp)
points(dir, col = colors[class], pch = symbols[class], ...)
plot.MclustDR.classification.MclustDA <- function(...)
dimens <- dimens[1:2]
dir <- object$dir[,dimens,drop=FALSE]
pred <- predict2D.MclustDR(object, dimens, ngrid,
xlim = extendrange(dir[,1], f = 0.05),
ylim = extendrange(dir[,2], f = 0.05))
pred$classification <- apply(pred$z, 1:2, which.max)
image(pred$x, pred$y, pred$classification,
col = adjustcolor(colors[1:nclass], alpha.f = 0.1),
xlab = colnames(dir)[1], ylab = colnames(dir)[2],
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", asp = asp)
points(dir, col = colors[class], pch = symbols[class], ...)
plot.MclustDR.boundaries.Mclust <- function(...)
dimens <- dimens[1:2]
dir <- object$dir[,dimens,drop=FALSE]
pred <- predict2D.MclustDR(object, dimens, ngrid,
xlim = extendrange(dir[,1], f = 0.05),
ylim = extendrange(dir[,2], f = 0.05))
pred$uncertainty[c(1,ngrid),] <- NA
pred$uncertainty[,c(1,ngrid)] <- NA
image(pred$x, pred$y, pred$uncertainty,
col = rev(gray.colors(10, start = 0, end = 1)),
breaks = seq(0, 1-1/nclass, length = 11),
xlab = colnames(dir)[1], ylab = colnames(dir)[2],
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", asp = asp)
points(dir, col = colors[class], pch = symbols[class], ...)
plot.MclustDR.boundaries.MclustDA <- function(...)
dimens <- dimens[1:2]
dir <- object$dir[,dimens,drop=FALSE]
pred <- predict2D.MclustDR(object, dimens, ngrid,
xlim = extendrange(dir[,1], f = 0.05),
ylim = extendrange(dir[,2], f = 0.05))
pred$uncertainty[c(1,ngrid),] <- NA
pred$uncertainty[,c(1,ngrid)] <- NA
image(pred$x, pred$y, pred$uncertainty,
col = rev(gray.colors(10, start = 0, end = 1)),
breaks = seq(0, 1-1/nclass, length = 11),
xlab = colnames(dir)[1], ylab = colnames(dir)[2],
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", asp = asp)
points(dir, col = colors[class], pch = symbols[class], ...)
plot.MclustDR.evalues <- function(...)
plotEvalues.MclustDR(object, numdir = max(dimens), plot = TRUE)
if(interactive() & length(what) > 1)
{ title <- "Dimension reduction for model-based clustering and classification plots:"
# present menu waiting user choice
choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = title)
while(choice != 0)
{ if(what[choice] == "scatterplot") plot.MclustDR.scatterplot(...)
if(what[choice] == "pairs") plot.MclustDR.pairs(...)
if(what[choice] == "contour") plot.MclustDR.contour(...)
if(what[choice] == "classification" & object$type == "Mclust")
if(what[choice] == "classification" &
(object$type == "EDDA" | object$type == "MclustDA"))
if(what[choice] == "boundaries" & object$type == "Mclust")
if(what[choice] == "boundaries" &
(object$type == "EDDA" | object$type == "MclustDA"))
if(what[choice] == "density") plot.MclustDR.density(...)
if(what[choice] == "evalues") plot.MclustDR.evalues(...)
# re-present menu waiting user choice
choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = title)
{ if(any(what == "scatterplot")) plot.MclustDR.scatterplot(...)
if(any(what == "pairs")) plot.MclustDR.pairs(...)
if(any(what == "contour")) plot.MclustDR.contour(...)
if(any(what == "classification" & object$type == "Mclust"))
if(any(what == "classification" &
(object$type == "EDDA" | object$type == "MclustDA")))
if(any(what == "boundaries" & object$type == "Mclust"))
if(any(what == "boundaries" &
(object$type == "EDDA" | object$type == "MclustDA")))
if(any(what == "density")) plot.MclustDR.density(...)
if(any(what == "evalues")) plot.MclustDR.evalues(...)
plotEvalues.MclustDR <- function(x, numdir, plot = FALSE, legend = TRUE, ylim, ...)
object <- x
G <- object$G
f <- object$pro
lambda <- object$lambda
# dim <- if(missing(numdir)) seq(object$numdir) else seq(numdir)
if(missing(numdir)) numdir <- object$numdir
dim <- seq(numdir)
d <- length(dim)
par <- projpar.MclustDR(object, dim = dim, center = TRUE, raw = TRUE)
mu <- par$mean
Sigma.G <- par$variance
M1 <- t(mu) %*% diag(f) %*% mu
l1 <- 2*lambda*diag(crossprod(M1))
S <- matrix(0, d, d)
for(j in seq(G))
S <- S + f[j]*Sigma.G[,,j]
M2 <- matrix(0, d, d)
for(j in 1:G)
{ C <- (Sigma.G[,,j]-S)
M2 <- M2 + f[j] * tcrossprod(C) }
l2 <- 2*(1-lambda)*diag(M2)
l <- object$evalues[dim]
{ if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- range(0, max(l)+diff(range(l))*0.05)
plot(dim, l, type="b", lty = 1, pch = 16, cex = 1.5,
xaxt = "n", ylim = ylim,
xlab = "MclustDR directions", ylab = "Eigenvalues",
panel.first = { abline(v = dim, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")
abline(h = axTicks(2,par("yaxp")),
col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted") } )
axis(1, at = dim, labels = dim)
lines(dim, l1, type="b", lty = 2, pch = 22, cex = 1.5)
lines(dim, l2, type="b", lty = 2, pch = 2, cex = 1.5)
{ legend("topright", lty = c(1,2,2), pch = c(16,22,2),
legend = c("Eigenvalues",
"from means",
"from vars"),
bg = ifelse(par("bg")=="transparent", "white", par("bg")),
inset = 0.01, pt.cex = 1.5) }
out <- list(dim = dim, evalues = l, mean.contrib = l1, var.contrib = l2)
if(plot) invisible(out)
else return(out)
# Auxiliary functions -----------------------------------------------------
ellipse <- function(c, M, r, npoints = 100)
# Returns the cartesian coordinates of points x on the ellipse
# (x-c)'M(x-c) = r^2,
# where x = x(theta) and theta varies from 0 to 2*pi radians in npoints steps.
# local functions
circle <- function(theta, r) r*c(cos(theta),sin(theta))
ellip <- function(theta, r, lambda) lambda*circle(theta, r)
point <- function(theta) c+c(gamma %*% ellip(theta, r, lam))
SVD <- svd(M)
lam <- 1/sqrt(SVD$d)
gamma <- SVD$v
coord <- t(sapply(seq(0, 2*pi, length=npoints), function(th) point(th)))
eigen.decomp <- function(A, B, invsqrt = FALSE)
# Generalized eigenvalue decomposition of A with respect to B.
# A generalized eigenvalue problem AV = BLV is said to be symmetric positive
# definite if A is symmetric and B is positive definite. V is the matrix of
# generalized eigenvectors, and L is the diagonal matrix of generalized
# eigenvalues (Stewart, 2001, pag. 229-230).
# Properties:
# V'AV = L
# V'BV = I
# The algorithm implemented is described in Stewart (2001, pag. 234) and used
# by Li (2000).
# References:
# Li, K.C., 2000. High dimensional data analysis via the SIR-PHD approach,
# Stewart, G.W., 2001. Matrix Algorithms: vol II Eigensystems, SIAM.
SVD <- svd(B, nu=0)
# in case of not full rank covar matrix
tol <- .Machine$double.eps
pos <- which(SVD$d > max(tol*SVD$d[1], 0))
SVD$d <- SVD$d[pos]
SVD$v <- SVD$v[,pos,drop=FALSE]
# Computes inverse square root matrix such that:
# t(inv.sqrt.B) %*% inv.sqrt.B = inv.sqrt.B %*% t(inv.sqrt.B) = solve(B)
inv.sqrt.B <- SVD$v %*% (1/sqrt(SVD$d) * t(SVD$v))
} else
{ inv.sqrt.B <- B }
# Compute B^(-1/2)' A B^(-1/2) = UDU'
# evectors = B^(-1/2) U
# evalues = D
A <- t(inv.sqrt.B) %*% A %*% inv.sqrt.B
SVD <- svd(A, nu=0)
list(l = SVD$d, v = inv.sqrt.B %*% SVD$v)
# Subset selection of GMMDR/GMMDRC directions -----------------------------
MclustDRsubsel <- function(object, G = 1:9,
modelNames = mclust.options("emModelNames"),
bic.stop = 0, bic.cutoff = 0,
mindir = 1,
verbose = interactive())
# Subset selection for GMMDR directions based on bayes factors.
# object = a MclustDR object
# G = a vector of cluster sizes for searching
# modelNames = a vector of models for searching
# ... = further arguments passed through Mclust/MclustDA
# bic.stop = criterion to stop the search. If maximal BIC difference is
# less than bic.stop the algorithm stops.
# Two tipical values are:
# 0 = stops when BIC difference becomes negative (default)
# -Inf = stops when all directions have been selected
# bic.cutoff = select simplest ``best'' model within bic.cutoff from the
# maximum value achieved. Setting this to 0 (default) simply
# select the model with the largest BIC difference.
# mindir = the minimum number of diretions to be estimated
# verbose = if 0 no trace info is shown; if 1 a trace of each step
# of the search is printed; if 2 a detailed trace info is
# is shown.
stopifnot("first argument must be an object of class 'MclustDR'" =
inherits(object, "MclustDR"))
hcUse <- mclust.options("hcUse")
mclust.options("hcUse" = "VARS")
on.exit(mclust.options("hcUse" = hcUse))
mc <- = TRUE)
mc[[1]] <- switch(object$type,
"Mclust" ="MclustDRsubsel_cluster"),
"EDDA" ="MclustDRsubsel_classif"),
"MclustDA" ="MclustDRsubsel_classif"),
stop("Not allowed 'MclustDR' type!"))
eval(mc, parent.frame())
MclustDRsubsel_cluster <- function(object, G = 1:9,
modelNames = mclust.options("emModelNames"),
bic.stop = 0, bic.cutoff = 0,
mindir = 1,
verbose = interactive())
drmodel <- object
mclustType <- drmodel$type
lambda <- drmodel$lambda
numdir <- drmodel$numdir
numdir0 <- numdir+1
dir <- drmodel$dir[,seq(numdir),drop=FALSE]
mindir <- max(1, as.numeric(mindir), na.rm = TRUE)
verbose <- as.numeric(verbose)
ncycle <- 0
while(numdir < numdir0)
{ ncycle <- ncycle+1
if(verbose > 0) cat("\nCycle", ncycle, "...\n")
out <- MclustDRsubsel1cycle(drmodel,
G, modelNames,
bic.stop = bic.stop,
bic.cutoff = bic.cutoff,
verbose = if(verbose > 1) TRUE else FALSE)
if(verbose > 0) { cat("\n"); print(out$tab) }
mod <-"Mclust",
list(data = dir[,out$subset,drop=FALSE],
G = G,
modelNames = if(length(out$subset) > 1)
modelNames else c("E", "V"),
verbose = FALSE, ...))
numdir0 <- numdir
drmodel0 <- MclustDR(mod, lambda = lambda)
if(drmodel0$numdir < mindir) break
drmodel <- drmodel0
numdir <- drmodel$numdir
dir <- drmodel$dir[,seq(numdir),drop=FALSE]
# format object using original data
obj <- drmodel
obj$basisx <- MclustDRrecoverdir(obj, data = object$x, std = FALSE)
obj$std.basisx <- MclustDRrecoverdir(obj, data = object$x, std = TRUE)
class(obj) <- c("MclustDRsubsel", class(obj))
MclustDRsubsel1cycle <- function(object,
G = 1:9,
modelNames = mclust.options("emModelNames"),
bic.stop = 0, bic.cutoff = 0,
verbose = interactive())
# Single cycle of subset selection for GMMDR directions based on bayes factors.
stopifnot("first argument must be an object of class 'MclustDR'" =
inherits(object, "MclustDR"))
d <- object$numdir
dir <- object$dir[,seq(d),drop=FALSE]
n <- nrow(dir)
colnames(dir) = paste("[,", 1:d, "]", sep="")
dir.names <- colnames(dir)
BIC <- Model1 <- Model2 <- tab <- NULL; Model1$bic <- 0
bic.stop <- bic.stop + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
bic.cutoff <- bic.cutoff + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
inc <- NULL; excl <- seq(1,d)
model1D <- if(any(grep("V", modelNames))) c("E", "V") else "E"
hskip <- paste(rep(" ",4),collapse="")
if(verbose) cat("\n", hskip, "Start greedy search...\n", sep="")
{ if(verbose)
{ cat(hskip, rep("-",15), "\n", sep="")
cat(paste(hskip, "Step", length(inc)+1, "\n")) }
for(j in excl)
{ # Select simplest model with smallest num. of components
# within bic.cutoff
bic <- mclustBIC(dir[,sort(c(inc, j)),drop=FALSE],
G = G,
modelNames = if(length(inc)>0) modelNames else model1D,
verbose = FALSE) <- (as.matrix(max(bic, na.rm=TRUE) - bic) < bic.cutoff)*1
bestG <- which(rowSums(, na.rm=TRUE) > 0)[1]
bestmod <- which([bestG,,drop=FALSE] > 0)[1]
out <- data.frame(Variable = dir.names[j],
model = colnames([bestmod],
G = G[bestG],
bic = c(bic[bestG,bestmod]),
bic.diff = c(bic[bestG,bestmod] -
Model1$bic -
MclustDRBICreg(dir[,j], dir[,inc]))
Model2 <- rbind(Model2, out)
if(verbose) print(cbind(" " = hskip, Model2), row.names = FALSE)
# stop if max BIC difference is < than cut-off bic.stop
if(max(Model2$bic.diff) < bic.stop & length(inc) > 0)
{ break }
# otherwise keep selecting
i <- which.max(Model2$bic.diff)
inc <- append(inc, excl[i])
excl <- setdiff(excl, excl[i])
tab <- rbind(tab, Model2[i,])
Model1 <- Model2[i,]
Model2 <- NULL
rownames(tab) <- 1:nrow(tab)
colnames(tab) <- c("Variable", "Model", "G", "BIC", "BIC.dif")
subsets <- sapply(1:nrow(tab), function(x) list(inc[1:x]))
return(list(subset = subsets[[length(subsets)]], tab = tab))
MclustDRsubsel_classif <- function(object,
G = 1:9, modelNames = mclust.options("emModelNames"),
bic.stop = 0, bic.cutoff = 0,
mindir = 1,
verbose = interactive())
drmodel <- object
mclustType <- drmodel$type
lambda <- drmodel$lambda
numdir <- drmodel$numdir
numdir0 <- numdir+1
dir <- drmodel$dir[,seq(numdir),drop=FALSE]
mindir <- max(1, as.numeric(mindir), na.rm = TRUE)
verbose <- as.numeric(verbose)
ncycle <- 0
while(numdir < numdir0)
{ ncycle <- ncycle+1
if(verbose > 0) cat("\nCycle", ncycle, "...\n")
out <- MclustDRCsubsel1cycle(drmodel,
G, modelNames,
bic.stop = bic.stop,
bic.cutoff = bic.cutoff,
verbose = if(verbose > 1) TRUE else FALSE)
if(verbose > 0) { cat("\n"); print(out$tab) }
mod <-"MclustDA", list(data = dir[,out$subset,drop=FALSE],
class = object$classification,
G = G,
modelNames = if(length(out$subset) > 1) modelNames
else if(any(grep("V", modelNames)))
c("E", "V") else "E",
modelType = mclustType,
verbose = FALSE, ...))
numdir0 <- numdir
drmodel0 <- MclustDR(mod, lambda = lambda)
if(drmodel0$numdir < mindir) break
drmodel <- drmodel0
numdir <- drmodel$numdir
dir <- drmodel$dir[,seq(numdir),drop=FALSE]
# format object using original data
obj <- drmodel
obj$basisx <- MclustDRrecoverdir(obj, data = object$x, std = FALSE)
obj$std.basisx <- MclustDRrecoverdir(obj, data = object$x, std = TRUE)
class(obj) <- c("MclustDRsubsel", class(obj))
MclustDRCsubsel1cycle <- function(object,
G = 1:9,
modelNames = mclust.options("emModelNames"),
bic.stop = 0, bic.cutoff = 0,
verbose = TRUE)
# Single cycle of subset selection for GMMDRC directions based on bayes factors.
stopifnot("first argument must be an object of class 'MclustDR'" =
inherits(object, "MclustDR"))
d <- object$numdir
dir <- object$dir[,seq(d),drop=FALSE]
n <- nrow(dir)
colnames(dir) = paste("[,", seq(d), "]", sep="")
dir.names <- colnames(dir)
BIC <- Model1 <- Model2 <- tab <- NULL; Model1$bic <- 0
bic.stop <- bic.stop + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
bic.cutoff <- bic.cutoff + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
inc <- NULL; excl <- seq(d)
model1D <- if(any(grep("V", modelNames))) c("E", "V") else "E"
hskip <- paste(rep(" ",4),collapse="")
if(verbose) cat("\n", hskip, "Start greedy search...\n", sep="")
{ if(verbose)
{ cat(hskip, rep("-",15), "\n", sep="")
cat(paste(hskip, "Step", length(inc)+1, "\n")) }
for(j in excl)
{ # Select simplest model with smallest num. of components
# within bic.cutoff
mod <- MclustDA(dir[,sort(c(inc, j)),drop=FALSE],
class = object$classification,
G = G,
modelNames = if(length(inc)>0) modelNames else model1D,
modelType = object$type,
verbose = FALSE)
out <- data.frame(Variable = dir.names[j],
model = paste(sapply(mod$models, function(m) m$modelName),collapse="|"),
G = paste(sapply(mod$models, function(m) m$G),collapse="|"),
bic = mod$bic,
bic.diff = c(mod$bic -
# (Model1$bic + bic.reg(z2, z1))
Model1$bic -
MclustDRBICreg(dir[,j], dir[,inc]))
Model2 <- rbind(Model2, out)
if(verbose) print(cbind(" " = hskip, Model2), row.names = FALSE)
# stop if max BIC difference is < than cut-off bic.stop
if(max(Model2$bic.dif) < bic.stop & length(inc) > 0)
{ break }
# otherwise keep selecting
i <- which.max(Model2$bic.dif)
inc <- append(inc, excl[i])
excl <- setdiff(excl, excl[i])
tab <- rbind(tab, Model2[i,])
Model1 <- Model2[i,]
Model2 <- NULL
rownames(tab) <- 1:nrow(tab)
colnames(tab) <- c("Variable", "Model", "G", "BIC", "BIC.dif")
subsets <- sapply(1:nrow(tab), function(x) list(inc[1:x]))
return(list(subset = subsets[[length(subsets)]], tab = tab))
# BICreg <- function(y, x)
# { n <- length(y)
# mod <-,n), x), y)
# rss <- sum(mod$residuals^2)
# -n*log(2*pi) - n*log(rss/n) - n - (n - mod$df.residual + 1) * log(n)
# }
MclustDRBICreg <- function(y, x, stepwise = TRUE)
x <- as.matrix(x)
y <- as.vector(y)
n <- length(y)
mod0 <- lm(y ~ 1)
if(ncol(x) >= 1)
{ mod1 <- lm(y ~ 1+x)
{ mod <- step(mod0, k = log(n), trace = 0,
scope = list(lower = formula(mod0),
upper = formula(mod1)),
direction = "forward") }
else mod <- mod1
else mod <- mod0
rss <- sum(mod$residuals^2)
p <- (n - mod$df.residual + 1)
-n*log(2*pi) - n*log(rss/n) - n - p*log(n)
normalize <- function(x)
# Normalize the vector x to have unit length
x <- as.vector(x)
x <- x/sqrt(as.vector(crossprod(x)))
MclustDRrecoverdir <- function(object, data, normalized = TRUE, std = FALSE)
# Recover coefficients of the linear combination defining the MclustDR
# directions. This is useful if the directions are obtained from other
# directions
stopifnot("first argument must be an object of class 'MclustDR'" =
inherits(object, "MclustDR"))
if(missing(data)) x <- object$x
else x <- as.matrix(data)
x <- scale(x, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
numdir <- object$numdir
dir <- object$dir[,seq(numdir),drop=FALSE]
# B <- as.matrix(coef(lm(dir ~ x)))[-1,,drop=FALSE] # ok but old
B <- qr.solve(x, dir)
{ sdx <- sd(x)
B <- apply(B, 2, function(x) x*sdx) }
{ B <- as.matrix(apply(B, 2, normalize)) }
rownames(B) <- colnames(x)
## Define print and summary methods for showing basis coefs
## in the original scale of variables
print.MclustDRsubsel <- function(x, ...)
x$basis <- x$basisx
class(x) <- class(x)[2]
summary.MclustDRsubsel <- function(object, ...)
object$basis <- object$basisx
object$std.basis <- object$std.basisx
class(object) <- class(object)[2]
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