
Defines functions webtide predict.tidem tidem tidemConstituentNameFix tidemAstron tidemVuf as.tidem

Documented in as.tidem predict.tidem tidem tidemAstron tidemConstituentNameFix tidemVuf webtide

# vim:textwidth=128:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Class to Store Tidal Models
#' This class stores tidal-constituent models.
#' @templateVar class tidem
#' @templateVar dataExample {}
#' @templateVar metadataExample {}
#' @template slot_summary
#' @template slot_put
#' @template slot_get
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to tides
setClass("tidem", contains = "oce")

    f = "initialize",
    signature = "tidem",
    definition = function(.Object, ...) {
        .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
        .Object@metadata$version <- ""
        .Object@processingLog$time <- presentTime()
        .Object@processingLog$value <- "create 'tidem' object"

#' Tidal Constituent Information
#' The `tidedata` dataset contains Tide-constituent information that is
#' use by [tidem()] to fit tidal models.  `tidedata` is a list
#' containing
#' \describe{
#' \item{`const`}{
#' a list containing vectors
#' `name` (a string with constituent name),
#' `freq` (the frequency, in cycles per hour),
#' `kmpr` (a string naming the comparison constituent, blank if there is none),
#' `ikmpr` (index of comparison constituent, or `0` if there is none),
#' `df` (frequency difference between constituent and its
#' comparison, used in the Rayleigh criterion),
#' `d1` through `d6` (the first through sixth Doodson numbers),
#' `semi`,
#' `nsat` (number of satellite constituents),
#' `ishallow`,
#' `nshallow`,
#' `doodsonamp`,
#' and
#' `doodsonspecies`.
#' }
#' \item{`sat`}{
#' a list containing vectors
#' `deldood`,
#' `phcorr`,
#' `amprat`,
#' `ilatfac`,
#' and
#' `iconst`.
#' }
#' \item{`shallow`}{
#' a list containing vectors
#' `iconst`,
#' `coef`,
#' and
#' `iname`.
#' }
#' }
#' Apart from the use of `d1` through `d6`, the naming and content
#' follows `T_TIDE` (see Pawlowicz et al. 2002), which in turn builds upon
#' the analysis of Foreman (1978).
#' @name tidedata
#' @docType data
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' Foreman, M. G. G., 1978. Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and Prediction.
#' Pacific Marine Science Report. British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean
#' Sciences, Patricia Bay.
#' Pawlowicz, Rich, Bob Beardsley, and Steve Lentz, 2002.  Classical tidal
#' harmonic analysis including error estimates in MATLAB using `T_TIDE`.
#' Computers and Geosciences, 28, 929-937.
#' @source The data come from the `tide3.dat` file of the `T_TIDE`
#' package (Pawlowicz et al., 2002), and derive from Appendices provided by
#' Foreman (1978).  The data are scanned using \file{tests/tide.R} in this
#' package, which also performs some tests using `T_TIDE` values as a
#' reference.
#' @family things related to tides

#' Tidal Current Dataset
#' The `tidalCurrent` dataset contains tidal velocities reported in
#' Foreman's (1978) report (reference 1) on his Fortran code for the analysis of
#' tidal currents and provided in an associated webpage (reference 2).
#' Here, `tidalCurrent` is data frame containing
#' * `time` a POSIXct time.
#' * `u` the eastward component of velocity in m/s.
#' * `v` the northward component of velocity in m/s.
#' @name tidalCurrent
#' @docType data
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(tidalCurrent)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' oce.plot.ts(tidalCurrent$time, tidalCurrent$u, ylab = "u [m/s]")
#' abline(h = 0, col = 2)
#' oce.plot.ts(tidalCurrent$time, tidalCurrent$v, ylab = "v [m/s]")
#' abline(h = 0, col = 2)
#' @author Dan Kelley (reformatting data provided by Michael Foreman)
#' @references
#' 1. Foreman, M. G. G. "Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and Prediction."
#'    Pacific Marine Science Report.
#'    British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Patricia Bay, 1978.
#' 2. \code{https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/documents/data-donnees/tidal-marees/tidpack.zip}
#' @source The data come from the `tide8.dat` and `tide9.dat` files provided
#' at reference 2.
#' @family things related to tides

#' Summarize a tidem Object
#' By default, all fitted constituents are plotted, but it is quite useful to
#' set e.g. p=0.05 To see just those constituents that are significant at the 5
#' percent level.
#' Note that the p values are estimated as the average of the p values for the
#' sine and cosine components at a given frequency.
#' @param object an object of class [tidem], as created by
#' [as.tidem()] or [tidem()].
#' @param p optional value of the maximum p value for the display of an
#' individual coefficient.  If not given, all coefficients are shown.
#' @param constituent optional character vector holding the names
#' of constituents on which to focus.
#' @template tideconst
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return `NULL`
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(sealevel)
#' tide <- tidem(sealevel)
#' summary(tide)
#' }
#' @family things related to tides
    f = "summary",
    signature = "tidem",
    definition = function(object, p = 1.0, constituent, ...) {
        debug <- if ("debug" %in% names(list(...))) list(...)$debug else 0
        version <- object@metadata$version
        ok <- object@data$p <= p | version == 3L
        haveP <- any(!is.na(object@data$p))
        if (missing(constituent)) {
            fit <- data.frame(
                Const = object@data$const[ok],
                Name = object@data$name[ok],
                Freq = object@data$freq[ok],
                Amplitude = object@data$amplitude[ok],
                Phase = object@data$phase[ok],
                p = object@data$p[ok]
            if (debug) {
                cat("For missing(constituent) case, fit is:\n")
        } else {
            i <- NULL
            bad <- NULL
            for (iconst in seq_along(constituent)) {
                w <- which(object@data$name == constituent[iconst])
                if (length(w) == 1L) {
                    i <- c(i, w)
                } else {
                    bad <- c(bad, iconst)
            if (length(bad)) {
                warning("the following constituents are not handled: \"",
                    paste(constituent[bad], collapse = "\", \""), "\"\n",
                    sep = ""
            if (length(i) == 0) {
                stop("In summary,tidem-method() : no known constituents were provided", call. = FALSE)
            i <- unique(i)
            fit <- data.frame(
                Const = object@data$const[i],
                Name = object@data$name[i],
                Freq = object@data$freq[i],
                Amplitude = object@data$amplitude[i],
                Phase = object@data$phase[i],
                p = object@data$p[i]
            if (debug) {
                cat("For !missing(constituent) case, fit is:\n")
        cat("tidem summary\n-------------\n")
        if (version != "3") {
            cat(paste(deparse(object[["call"]]), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n", sep = "")
            cat("RMS misfit to data: ", sqrt(var(object[["model"]]$residuals)), "\n")
            cat("\nFitted Model:\n")
            f <- fit[3:6]
            if (debug > 0) {
            rownames(f) <- as.character(fit[, 2])
            if (haveP) {
                    digits = 3,
                    signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
                    signif.legend = TRUE,
                    P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE, ...
            } else {
                printCoefmat(f[, -4], digits = 3)
        } else {
            cat("\nSupplied Model:\n")
            f <- fit[3:5]
            rownames(f) <- as.character(fit[, 2])
            printCoefmat(f, digits = 3)

#' Extract Something From a tidem Object
#' @param x a [tidem-class] object.
#' @section Details of the Specialized Method:
#' * If `i` is `"?"`, then the return value is a list
#' containing four items, each of which is a character vector
#' holding the names of things that can be accessed with `[[`.
#' The `data` and `metadata` items hold the names of
#' entries in the object's data and metadata
#' slots, respectively. Note that `metadataDerived`
#' holds only `""`, because no derived metadata values
#' are defined for `tidem` objects.
#' * If `i` is `"frequency"` or `"freq"`, then a vector of
#' constituent frequencies is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"amplitude"` then a vector of constituent amplitudes
#' is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"phase"` then a vector of constituent phases
#' is returned.
#' * If `i` is `"constituents"` then a data frame holding constituent
#' name, frequency, amplitude and phase is returned.
#' * If `i` is a vector of constituent names, then the return
#' value is as for `"constituents"`, except that only the named
#' those constituents are returned.
#' @template sub_subTemplate
#' @family things related to tides
    f = "[[",
    signature(x = "tidem", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
        # UNUSED const <- x@data$name
        if (i[1] == "?") {
                metadata = sort(names(x@metadata)),
                metadataDerived = NULL,
                data = c(sort(names(x@data)), x@data$name),
                dataDerived = "frequency"
        if (i[1] == "frequency") {
        } else if (i[1] == "constituents" || sum(i %in% x@data$name) > 0L) {
            all <- with(
                    name = name, freq = freq,
                    amplitude = amplitude, phase = phase
            if (i[[1]] == "constituents") {
            } else {
                return(all[all$name %in% i, ])
        callNextMethod() # [[

#' Replace Parts of a tidem Object
#' @param x a [tidem-class] object.
#' @template sub_subsetTemplate
#' @family things related to tides
    f = "[[<-",
    signature(x = "tidem", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
        callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, j = j, ... = ..., value = value) # [[<-

#' Plot a tidem Object
#' Plot a summary diagram for a tidal fit.
#' @param x a [tidem-class] object.
#' @param which integer flag indicating plot type, 1 for stair-case spectral, 2
#' for spike spectral.
#' @param constituents character vector holding the names of constituents that are
#' to be drawn and labelled. If `NULL`, then no constituents will be shown.
#' @template tideconst
#' @param sides an integer vector of length equal to that of `constituents`,
#' designating the side on which the constituent labels are to be drawn. As in
#' all R graphics, the value `1` indicates the bottom of the plot, and
#' `3` indicates the top. If `sides=NULL`, the default, then all labels
#' are drawn at the top. Any value of `sides` that is not either 1 or 3
#' is converted to 3.
#' @param col a character vector naming colors to be used for `constituents`.
#' Ignored if `sides=3`. Repeated to be of the same length as
#' `constituents`, otherwise.
#' @param log if set to "`x`", the frequency axis will be logarithmic.
#' @param mgp 3-element numerical vector to use for `par(mgp)`, and also
#' for `par(mar)`, computed from this.  The default is tighter than the R
#' default, in order to use more space for the data and less for the axes.
#' @param mar value to be used with `[`par`]("mar")`.
#' @param \dots optional arguments passed to plotting functions, not all
#' of which are obeyed.  For example, if \dots contains `type`, that value will be
#' ignored because it is set internally, according to the value of `which`.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(sealevel)
#' tide <- tidem(sealevel)
#' plot(tide)
#' }
#' @section Historical note:
#' An argument named `labelIf` was removed in July 2016,
#' because it was discovered never to have worked as documented, and
#' because the more useful argument `constituents` had been added.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @aliases plot.tidem
#' @family things related to tides
    f = "plot",
    signature = signature("tidem"),
    definition = function(x,
                          which = 1,
                          constituents = c("SA", "O1", "K1", "M2", "S2", "M4"),
                          sides = NULL,
                          col = "blue",
                          log = "",
                          mgp = getOption("oceMgp"),
                          mar = c(mgp[1] + 1, mgp[1] + 1, mgp[2] + 0.25, mgp[2] + 1),
                          ...) {
        dots <- list(...)
        dotsNames <- names(dots)
        data("tidedata", package = "oce", envir = environment())
        tidedata <- get("tidedata") # , pos=globalenv())
        drawConstituent <- function(name = "M2", side = 3, col = "blue", adj = NULL, cex = 0.8) {
            w <- which(tidedata$const$name == name)
            if (!length(w)) {
                warning("constituent \"", name, "\" is unknown")
            frequency <- tidedata$const$freq[w]
            abline(v = frequency, col = col, lty = "dotted")
            if (par("usr")[1] < frequency && frequency <= par("usr")[2]) {
                if (is.null(adj)) {
                    mtext(name, side = side, at = frequency, col = col, cex = cex)
                } else {
                    mtext(name, side = side, at = frequency, col = col, cex = cex, adj = adj)
        opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
        lw <- length(which)
        if (lw > 1) {
        par(mgp = mgp, mar = mar)
        frequency <- x@data$freq[-1] # trim z0
        amplitude <- x@data$amplitude[-1]
        # name      <- x@data$name[-1]
        # Place in frequency order (required for cumulative plot), because user
        # might have given constituents in any order.
        order <- order(frequency)
        frequency <- frequency[order]
        # name <- name[order]
        amplitude <- amplitude[order]
        # print(data.frame(name=name, period=1/frequency, amplitude=amplitude))
        if (!is.null(constituents)) {
            sides <- if (is.null(sides)) {
                rep(3, length(constituents))
            } else {
                rep(sides, length.out = length(constituents))
            col <- rep(col, length.out = length(constituents))
        sides[sides != 1 & sides != 3] <- 3 # default to top
        cex <- if ("cex" %in% names(dots)) dots$cex else 0.8
        # We specify these things directly but they are not parameters of this
        # function, so we must remove them from '...' before passing that to plot().
        if ("cex" %in% dotsNames) dots$cex <- NULL
        if ("type" %in% dotsNames) dots$type <- NULL
        for (w in 1:lw) {
            # message("w=", w, "; which[w]=", which[w])
            if (which[w] == 2) {
                plot(frequency, amplitude,
                    type = "n",
                    xlab = "Frequency [ cph ]", ylab = "Amplitude [ m ]", log = log, ...
                segments(frequency, 0, frequency, amplitude)
                for (i in seq_along(constituents)) {
                    drawConstituent(constituents[i], side = sides[i], col = col[i], cex = cex)
            } else if (which[w] == 1) {
                plot(frequency, cumsum(amplitude),
                    xlab = "Frequency [ cph ]", ylab = "Amplitude [ m ]", log = log, type = "s", ...
                for (i in seq_along(constituents)) {
                    drawConstituent(constituents[i], side = sides[i], col = col[i], cex = cex)
            } else {
                stop("unknown value of which ", which, "; should be 1 or 2")
        if (!all(is.na(pmatch(names(list(...)), "main")))) title(...)

#' Create tidem Object From Fitted Harmonic Data
#' This function takes a set of tidal constituent amplitudes
#' and phases, and constructs a return value of similar form
#' to that returned by [tidem()].  Its purpose is to enable
#' predictions based on published constituent amplitudes
#' and phases.  Since [as.tidem()] does not account for a
#' reference height, it is the user's responsible to account
#' for this after a prediction is made using [predict.tidem()].
#' All the constituent names used by [tidem()] are permitted here,
#' *except* for `"Z0"` (see \dQuote{Description} regarding reference
#' height).
#' To get a list of constituent names, please consult Foreman (1978),
#' or type the following in an R console:
#' \preformatted{
#' data(tidedata)
#' data.frame(name=tidedata$const$name, freq=tidedata$const$freq)
#' }
#' In addition to the above, [as.tidem()] can handle NOAA names
#' of constituents.  For the most part, these match oce names, but
#' there are 4 exceptions: NOAA names
#' `"LAM2"`, `"M1"`, `"RHO"`, and `"2MK3"` are converted to oce names
#' `"LDA2"`, `"NO1"`, `"RHO1"`, and `"MO3"`. The name mapping was
#' inferred by matching frequencies; for these constituents, the
#' fractional mismatch in frequencies was under 4e-8;
#' see Reference 5 for more details.
#' A message is printed if these name conversions are required
#' in the particular use of [as.tidem()].
#' Apart from the standard oce names and this set of NOAA synonyms,
#' any other constituent name is reported in a warning message.
#' @param tRef a POSIXt value indicating the mean time of the
#' observations used to develop the harmonic model. This is rounded
#' to the nearest hour in [as.tidem()], to match the behaviour
#' of [tidem()].
#' @param latitude numerical value indicating the latitude of the
#' observations that were used to create the harmonic model. This
#' is needed for nodal-correction procedures carried out
#' by [tidemVuf()].
#' @param name character vector holding names of constituents.
#' @param amplitude,phase numeric vectors of constituent amplitudes
#' and phases. These must be of the same length as `name`.
#' @param frequency,speed optional numeric vectors giving the frequencies
#' of the constituents (in cycles per hour) or the analogous speeds
#' (in degrees per hour).  Only one of these may be given, and a conversion
#' is done from the latter to the former, if required.  If the frequencies
#' are thus specified, then these are used instead of the frequencies that
#' oce normally used, as defined in `data(tideconst)`. A warning will
#' be issued if the absolute value of the relative frequency mismatch for any
#' given component exceeds 1e-6, and this will occur for any NOAA tables
#' containing the SA component, for which this relative mismatch
#' is approximately 4e-5 (see reference 5).
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return An object of [tidem-class], with only minimal
#' contents.
#' @section Known issues:
#' There are two known differences between [tidem()] and the Matlab
#' `T_TIDE` package, as listed in references 3 and 4.
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: show agreement with tidem()
#' data(sealevelTuktoyaktuk)
#' # 'm0' is model fitted by tidem()
#' m0 <- tidem(sealevelTuktoyaktuk)
#' p0 <- predict(m0, sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["time"]])
#' m1 <- as.tidem(
#'     mean(sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["time"]]), sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["latitude"]],
#'     m0[["name"]], m0[["amplitude"]], m0[["phase"]]
#' )
#' # Test agreement with tidem() result, by comparing predicted sealevels.
#' p1 <- predict(m1, sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["time"]])
#' stopifnot(max(abs(p1 - p0), na.rm = TRUE) < 1e-10)
#' # Example 2: See the effect of dropping weak constituents
#' m0[["name"]][which(m0[["amplitude"]] > 0.05)]
#' h <- "
#' name  amplitude      phase
#'   Z0 1.98061875   0.000000
#'   MM 0.21213065 263.344739
#'  MSF 0.15605629 133.795004
#'   O1 0.07641438  74.233130
#'   K1 0.13473817  81.093134
#'  OO1 0.05309911 235.749693
#'   N2 0.08377108  44.521462
#'   M2 0.49041340  77.703594
#'   S2 0.22023705 137.475767"
#' coef <- read.table(text = h, header = TRUE)
#' m2 <- as.tidem(
#'     mean(sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["time"]]),
#'     sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["latitude"]],
#'     coef$name, coef$amplitude, coef$phase
#' )
#' p2 <- predict(m2, sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["time"]])
#' par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
#' oce.plot.ts(sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["time"]], p0)
#' ylim <- par("usr")[3:4] # to match scales in other panels
#' oce.plot.ts(sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["time"]], p1, ylim = ylim)
#' oce.plot.ts(sealevelTuktoyaktuk[["time"]], p2, ylim = ylim)
#' @references
#' 1. Foreman, M. G. G., 1978. Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and Prediction.
#' Pacific Marine Science Report. British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean
#' Sciences, Patricia Bay.
#' 2. Wikipedia, "Theory of Tides." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_tides
#' Downloaded Aug 17, 2019.
#' 3. Github issue 1653 "tidem() and t_tide do not produce identical results"
#' (https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1653)
#' 4. Github issue 1654 "predict(tidem()) uses all constituents, unlike T_TIDE"
#' (https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1654)
#' 5. Github issue 2143 "mismatch in oce/NOAA frequency of SA tidal constituent"
#' (https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2143)
#' @family things related to tides
as.tidem <- function(tRef, latitude, name, amplitude, phase, frequency, speed, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "as.tidem() START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    if (missing(tRef)) {
        stop("tRef must be given")
    if (missing(latitude)) {
        stop("latitude must be given")
    if (missing(name)) {
        stop("name must be given")
    if (missing(amplitude)) {
        stop("amplitude must be given")
    if (missing(phase)) {
        stop("phase must be given")
    gaveFrequency <- !missing(frequency)
    gaveSpeed <- !missing(speed)
    if (gaveSpeed) {
        if (gaveFrequency) {
            stop("cannot give both speed and frequency")
        frequency <- speed / 360.0
        gaveFrequency <- TRUE
    nname <- length(name)
    if (nname != length(amplitude)) {
        stop("lengths of name and amplitude must be equal but they are ", nname, " and ", length(amplitude))
    if (nname != length(phase)) {
        stop("lengths of name and phase must be equal but they are ", nname, " and ", length(phase))
    # convert from NOAA name to oce name
    # NOAA: LAM2  M1  RHO 2MK3
    # oce:  LDA2 NO1 RHO1  MO3
    tmpNOAA <- c("LAM2", "M1", "RHO", "2MK3")
    tmpOce <- c("LDA2", "NO1", "RHO1", "MO3")
    for (tmpi in seq_along(tmpNOAA)) {
        if (tmpNOAA[tmpi] %in% name) {
            name[name == tmpNOAA[tmpi]] <- tmpOce[tmpi]
            message("converted NOAA name \"", tmpNOAA[tmpi], "\" to oce name \"", tmpOce[tmpi], "\"")
    data("tidedata", package = "oce", envir = environment())
    tidedata <- get("tidedata")
    tRef <- numberAsPOSIXct(3600 * round(as.numeric(tRef, tz = "UTC") / 3600), tz = "UTC")
    oceDebug(debug, "input head(name): ", paste(head(name), collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "input head(phase): ", paste(head(phase), collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "input head(amplitude): ", paste(head(amplitude), collapse = " "), "\n")
    freq <- rep(NA, nname)
    indices <- rep(NA, nname)
    ibad <- NULL
    if (gaveSpeed) {
        oceDebug(debug, "computing frequency from velocity\n")
        frequency <- speed / 360.0
        gaveFrequency <- TRUE
    for (i in seq_along(name)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "adjusting amplitude and phase for constituent \"", name[i], "\"\n", sep = "")
        j <- which(tidedata$const$name == name[i])
        oceDebug(debug, "  inferred j=", j, " from constituent name\n", sep = "")
        if (length(j)) {
            vuf <- tidemVuf(tRef, j = j, latitude = latitude)
            oceDebug(debug, "  inferred vuf=", deparse(vuf), "\n")
            indices[i] <- j
            amplitude[i] <- amplitude[i] * vuf$f
            phase[i] <- phase[i] - (vuf$v + vuf$u) * 360
            if (gaveFrequency) {
                freq[i] <- frequency[i]
                afd <- abs(frequency[i] - tidedata$const$freq[j]) / tidedata$const$freq[j]
                if (afd > 1e-6) {
                    msg <- sprintf("%s: absolute fractional mismatch between specified and built-in frequency is %.3e\n", name[i], afd)
                oceDebug(debug, msg)
            } else {
                freq[i] <- tidedata$const$freq[j]
        } else {
            ibad <- c(ibad, i)
    if (length(ibad)) {
        warning("the following constituents are not handled: \"",
            paste(name[ibad], collapse = "\", \""), "\"\n",
            sep = ""
        indices <- indices[-ibad]
        name <- name[-ibad]
        amplitude <- amplitude[-ibad]
        phase <- phase[-ibad]
        freq <- freq[-ibad]
    oceDebug(debug, "after vuf correction, head(name): ", paste(head(name), collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "after vuf correction, head(phase): ", paste(head(phase), collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "after vuf correction, head(amplitude): ", paste(head(amplitude), collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "END as.tidem()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    phase <- phase %% 360
    res <- new("tidem")
    res@data <- list(
        tRef = tRef,
        const = indices,
        name = name,
        freq = freq,
        amplitude = amplitude,
        phase = phase,
        p = rep(NA, length(name))
    res@metadata$version <- 3
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    oceDebug(debug, "END as.tidem()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Nodal Modulation Calculations for Tidal Analyses
#' Carry out nodal modulation calculations for [tidem()]. This function is based directly
#' on `t_vuf` in the `T_TIDE` Matlab package (Pawlowicz et al., 2002),
#' which inherits from the Fortran code described by Foreman (1978).
#' @param t a single time in [POSIXct()] format, with timezone `"UTC"`.
#' @param j integer vector, giving indices of tidal constituents to use.
#' @param latitude optional numerical value containing the latitude in degrees North.
#' If not provided, `u` in the return value will be a vector consisting of
#' repeated 0 value, and `f` will be a vector of repeated 1 value.
#' @return A `list` containing
#' items named `v`, `u` and `f` as described in the `T_TIDE` documentation,
#' as well in Pawlowicz et al. (2002) and Foreman (1978).
#' @author Dan Kelley translated this from the `t_vuf` function
#' of the `T_TIDE` Matlab package (see Pawlowicz et al. 2002).
#' @examples
#' # Look up values for the M2 constituent in Halifax Harbour, Canada.
#' library(oce)
#' data("tidedata")
#' j <- with(tidedata$const, which(name == "M2"))
#' tidemVuf(t = as.POSIXct("2008-01-22 18:50:24"), j = j, lat = 44.63)
#' @references
#' * Foreman, M. G. G., 1978. Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and Prediction.
#' Pacific Marine Science Report. British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean
#' Sciences, Patricia Bay.
#' * Pawlowicz, Rich, Bob Beardsley, and Steve Lentz, 2002.  Classical tidal
#' harmonic analysis including error estimates in MATLAB using `T_TIDE`.
#' Computers and Geosciences, 28, 929-937.
#' @family things related to tides
tidemVuf <- function(t, j, latitude = NULL) {
    debug <- 0
    if (length(t) > 1) {
        stop("t must be a single POSIXct item")
    data("tidedata", package = "oce", envir = environment())
    tidedata <- get("tidedata") # , pos=globalenv())
    a <- tidemAstron(t)
    if (debug > 0) print(a)
    doodson <- cbind(
        "doodson[1,]=", doodson[1, ], "\n",
        "doodson[2,]=", doodson[2, ], "\n",
        "doodson[3,]=", doodson[3, ], "\n"
    v <- doodson %*% a$astro + tidedata$const$semi
    oceDebug(debug, "tidedata$const$semi[", j, "]=", tidedata$const$semi[j], "\n")
    v <- v - trunc(v)
    oceDebug(debug, "v[1:3]=", v[1:3], "\n")
    if (!is.null(latitude) && !is.na(latitude)) {
        if (abs(latitude) < 5) {
            latitude <- sign(latitude) * 5
        slat <- sin(pi * latitude / 180)
        k <- which(tidedata$sat$ilatfac == 1)
        rr <- tidedata$sat$amprat
        rr[k] <- rr[k] * 0.36309 * (1.0 - 5.0 * slat * slat) / slat
        k <- which(tidedata$sat$ilatfac == 2)
        rr[k] <- rr[k] * 2.59808 * slat
        uu <- tidedata$sat$deldood %*% a$astro[4:6] + tidedata$sat$phcorr
        uu <- uu - trunc(uu)
        oceDebug(debug, "uu[1:3]=", uu[1:3], "\n")
        nsat <- length(tidedata$sat$iconst)
        # nfreq <- length(tidedata$const$numsat)
        # loop, rather than make a big matrix
            "tidedata$sat$iconst=", tidedata$sat$iconst, "\n",
            "length(sat$iconst)=", length(tidedata$sat$iconst), "\n"
        fsum.vec <- vector("numeric", nsat)
        u.vec <- vector("numeric", nsat)
        for (isat in 1:nsat) {
            oceDebug(debug, "isat=", isat, "\n")
            use <- tidedata$sat$iconst == isat
            fsum.vec[isat] <- 1 + sum(rr[use] * exp(1i * 2 * pi * uu[use]))
            u.vec[isat] <- Arg(fsum.vec[isat]) / 2 / pi
            if (isat == 8 && debug > 0) {
                cat("TEST at isat=8:\n")
                cat("fsum.vec[", isat, "]=", fsum.vec[isat], " (EXPECT  1.18531604917590 - 0.08028013402313i)\n")
                cat("u.vec[   ", isat, "]=", u.vec[isat], "       (EXPECT -0.01076294959868)\n")
            "uvec[", j, "]=", u.vec[j], "\n",
            "fsum.vec[", j, "]=", fsum.vec[j], "\n"
        f <- abs(fsum.vec)
        u <- Arg(fsum.vec) / 2 / pi
        oceDebug(debug, "f=", f, "\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "u=", u, "\n")
        for (k in which(!is.na(tidedata$const$ishallow))) {
            ik <- tidedata$const$ishallow[k] + 0:(tidedata$const$nshallow[k] - 1)
            f[k] <- prod(f[tidedata$shallow$iname[ik]]^abs(tidedata$shallow$coef[ik]))
            u[k] <- sum(u[tidedata$shallow$iname[ik]] * tidedata$shallow$coef[ik])
            v[k] <- sum(v[tidedata$shallow$iname[ik]] * tidedata$shallow$coef[ik])
            if (debug > 0 && k < 28) {
                cat("k=", k, "f[k]=", f[k], " u[k]=", u[k], "v[k]=", v[k], "\n")
        u <- u[j]
        v <- v[j]
        f <- f[j]
    } else {
        v <- v[j]
        u <- rep(0, length(j))
        f <- rep(1, length(j))
    if (length(v) < length(u)) {
        warning("trimming u and f to get same length as v -- this is a bug")
        u <- u[seq_along(v)]
        f <- f[seq_along(v)]
    list(v = v, u = u, f = f)

#' Astronomical Calculations for tidem
#' Do some astronomical calculations for [tidem()].  This function is based directly
#' on `t_astron` in the `T_TIDE` Matlab package (see Pawlowicz et al. 2002),
#' which inherits from the Fortran code described by Foreman (1978).
#' @param t Either a time in `POSIXct` format (with `"UTC"` timezone,
#' or else odd behaviours may result),
#' or an integer. In the second case, it is converted to a time with
#' [numberAsPOSIXct()], using `tz="UTC"`.
#' @return A `list` containing items named
#' `astro` and `ader` (see the `T_TIDE` documentation).
#' @author Dan Kelley translated this from the `t_astron` function
#' of the `T_TIDE` Matlab package (see Pawlowicz et al. 2002).
#' @examples
#' tidemAstron(as.POSIXct("2008-01-22 18:50:24"))
#' @references
#' * Foreman, M. G. G., 1978. Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and Prediction.
#' Pacific Marine Science Report. British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean
#' Sciences, Patricia Bay.
#' * Pawlowicz, Rich, Bob Beardsley, and Steve Lentz, 2002.  Classical tidal
#' harmonic analysis including error estimates in MATLAB using `T_TIDE`.
#' Computers and Geosciences, 28, 929-937.
#' @family things related to tides
tidemAstron <- function(t) {
    if (length(t) > 1) {
        stop("t must be a single POSIXct item")
    debug <- FALSE
    if (is.numeric(t)) {
        t <- numberAsPOSIXct(t, tz = "UTC")
    d <- as.numeric(difftime(t, ISOdatetime(1899, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0, tz = "UTC"), units = "days"))
    D <- d / 10000
    a <- matrix(c(1.0, d, D^2, D^3), ncol = 1)
    oceDebug(debug, "d=", formatC(d, digits = 10), "D=", D, "a=", a, "\n")
    scHcPcNpPp <-
                270.434164, 13.1763965268, -0.0000850, 0.000000039,
                279.696678, 0.9856473354, 0.00002267, 0.000000000,
                334.329556, 0.1114040803, -0.0007739, -0.00000026,
                -259.183275, 0.0529539222, -0.0001557, -0.000000050,
                281.220844, 0.0000470684, 0.0000339, 0.000000070
            nrow = 5, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE
    astro <- ((scHcPcNpPp %*% a) / 360) %% 1
    oceDebug(debug, "astro=", astro, "\n")
    rem <- as.numeric(difftime(t, trunc.POSIXt(t, units = "days"), tz = "UTC", units = "days"))
    oceDebug(debug, "rem2=", rem, "\n")
    tau <- rem + astro[2, 1] - astro[1, 1]
    astro <- c(tau, astro)
    da <- matrix(c(0.0, 1.0, 2e-4 * D, 3e-4 * D^2), nrow = 4, ncol = 1)
    ader <- (scHcPcNpPp %*% da) / 360
    dtau <- 1 + ader[2, 1] - ader[1, 1]
    ader <- c(dtau, ader)
    list(astro = astro, ader = ader)

#' Change Tidal Constituent Name from T-TIDE to Foreman Convention
#' This is used by [tidem()] to permit users to specify constituent names in either
#' the T-TIDE convention (see Pawlowicz et al. 2002) or Foreman convention
#' (see Foreman (1978). There are only two such instances:
#' `"MS"`, which gets translated to `"M8"`, and `"UPSI"`,
#' which gets translated to `"UPS1"`.
#' @param names a vector of character values, holding constituent names
#' @param debug an integer controlling warnings. If this is zero, then no warnings
#' are issued during processing; otherwise, as is the default, warnings are
#' issued for each conversion that is required.
#' @return A vector of character values of tidal constituent names, in the Foreman naming convention.
#' @references
#' Foreman, M. G. G., 1978. Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and Prediction.
#' Pacific Marine Science Report. British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean
#' Sciences, Patricia Bay.
#' Pawlowicz, Rich, Bob Beardsley, and Steve Lentz, 2002.  Classical tidal
#' harmonic analysis including error estimates in MATLAB using `T_TIDE`.
#' Computers and Geosciences, 28, 929-937.
tidemConstituentNameFix <- function(names, debug = 1) {
    if ("MS" %in% names) {
        if (debug) {
            warning("constituent name switched from T-TIDE 'MS' to Foreman (1978) 'M8'")
        names[names == "MS"] <- "M8"
    if ("-MS" %in% names) {
        if (debug) {
            warning("removed-constituent name switched from T-TIDE 'MS' to Foreman (1978) 'M8'")
        names[names == "-MS"] <- "-M8"
    if ("UPSI" %in% names) {
        if (debug) {
            warning("constituent name switched from T-TIDE 'UPSI' to Foreman (1978) 'UPS1'")
        names[names == "UPSI"] <- "UPS1"
    if ("-UPSI" %in% names) {
        if (debug) {
            warning("removed-constituent name switched from T-TIDE 'UPSI' to Foreman (1978) 'UPS1'")
        names[names == "-UPSI"] <- "-UPS1"

#' Fit a Tidal Model to a Timeseries
#' The fit is done in terms of sine and cosine components at the indicated
#' tidal frequencies (after possibly pruning to satisfy the Rayleigh criterion,
#' as explained in phase 2 of the procedure outlined in
#' \dQuote{Details}), with the amplitude and phase being
#' calculated from the resultant coefficients on the sine and cosine terms.
#' The scheme was devised for hourly data; for other sampling schemes,
#' see \dQuote{Application to non-hourly data}.
#' A summary of constituents used by [tidem()] may be found with:
#' \preformatted{
#' data(tidedata)
#' print(tidedata$const)
#' }
#' A multi-stage procedure is used to establish the list of tidal
#' constituents to be used in the fit.
#' *Phase 1: initial selection.*
#' The initial list tidal constituents (prior to the pruning phase described
#' below) to be used in the analysis are specified as follows;
#' see \dQuote{Constituent Naming Convention}.
#' 1. If `constituents` is not provided, then the constituent
#' list will be made up of the 69 constituents designated by Foreman as "standard".
#' These include astronomical frequencies and some shallow-water frequencies,
#' and are as follows: `c("Z0", "SA", "SSA", "MSM", "MM", "MSF", "MF",
#' "ALP1", "2Q1", "SIG1", "Q1", "RHO1", "O1", "TAU1", "BET1", "NO1", "CHI1",
#' "PI1", "P1", "S1", "K1", "PSI1", "PHI1", "THE1", "J1", "SO1", "OO1", "UPS1",
#' "OQ2", "EPS2", "2N2", "MU2", "N2", "NU2", "GAM2", "H1", "M2", "H2", "MKS2",
#' "LDA2", "L2", "T2", "S2", "R2", "K2", "MSN2", "ETA2", "MO3", "M3", "SO3",
#' "MK3", "SK3", "MN4", "M4", "SN4", "MS4", "MK4", "S4", "SK4", "2MK5", "2SK5",
#' "2MN6", "M6", "2MS6", "2MK6", "2SM6", "MSK6", "3MK7", "M8")`.
#' 2. If the first item in `constituents` is the string
#' `"standard"`, then a provisional list is set up as in Case 1, and then
#' the (optional) rest of the elements of `constituents` are examined, in
#' order.  Each of these constituents is based on the name of a tidal
#' constituent in the Foreman (1978) notation.  (To get the list, execute
#' `data(tidedata)` and then execute `cat(tideData$name)`.)  Each
#' named constituent is added to the existing list, if it is not already there.
#' But, if the constituent is preceded by a minus sign, then it is removed
#' from the list (if it is already there).  Thus, for example, a user
#' might specify `constituents=c("standard", "-M2", "ST32")` to remove the M2
#' constituent and add the ST32 constituent.
#' 3. If the first item is not `"standard"`, then the list of
#' constituents is processed as in Case 2, but without starting with the
#' standard list. As an example, `constituents=c("K1", "M2")` would fit
#' for just the K1 and M2 components. (It would be strange to use a minus sign
#' to remove items from the list, but the function allows that.)
#' In each of the above cases, the list is reordered in frequency prior to the
#' analysis, so that the results of [summary,tidem-method()] will be in a
#' familiar form.
#' *Phase 2: pruning based on Rayleigh's criterion.*
#' Once the initial constituent list is determined during Phase 1,
#' `tidem` applies the Rayleigh criterion, which holds that
#' constituents of frequencies \eqn{f_1}{f1} and \eqn{f_2}{f2} cannot be
#' resolved unless the time series spans a time interval of at least
#' \eqn{rc/(f_1-f_2)}{rc/(f1-f2)}.  The details of the decision of which
#' constituent to prune is fairly complicated, involving decisions
#' based on a comparison table.  The details of this process are provided
#' by Foreman (1978).
#' *Phase 3: optionally overruling Rayleigh's criterion.*
#' The pruning list from phase 2 can be overruled by the user. This
#' is done by retaining any constituents that the user has named
#' in the `constituents` parameter.  This action
#' was added on 2017-12-27, to make `tidem` behave the same
#' way as the Foreman (1978) code, as illustrated in his
#' Appendices 7.2 and 7.3. (As an aside, his Appendix 7.3 has some errors,
#' e.g. the frequency for the 2SK5 constituent is listed there (p58) as
#' 0.20844743, but it is listed as 0.2084474129 in his Appendix 7.1 (p41).
#' For this reason, the frequency comparison is relaxed to a `tol`
#' value of `1e-7` in a portion of the oce test suite
#' (see `tests/testthat/test_tidem.R` in the source).
#' *Comments on phases 2 and 3*
#' A specific example may be of help in understanding the removal of unresolvable
#' constituents. For example, the `data(sealevel)` dataset is of length
#' 6718 hours, and this is too short to resolve the full list of constituents,
#' with the conventional (and, really, necessary) limit of `rc=1`.
#' From Table 1 of Foreman (1978), this timeseries is too short to resolve the
#' `SA` constituent, so that `SA` will not be in the resultant.
#' Similarly, Table 2 of Foreman (1978) dictates the removal of
#' `PI1`, `S1` and `PSI1` from the list. And, finally,
#' Table 3 of Foreman (1978) dictates the removal of
#' `H1`, `H2`, `T2` and `R2`, and since that document
#' suggests that `GAM2` be subsumed into `H1`,
#' then if `H1` is already being deleted, then
#' `GAM2` will also be deleted.
#' @param t either a vector of times or a [sealevel-class] object
#' (as created with [read.sealevel()] or [as.sealevel()]).
#' In the first case, `x` must be provided.  In the second
#' case, though, any `x` that is provided will be ignored,
#' because sealevel objects contain both `time` and water
#' `elevation`, and the latter is used for `x`.
#' @param x an optional numerical vector holding something that varies with
#' time.  This is ignored if `t` is a [sealevel-class] object,
#' because it is inferred automatically, using `t[["elevation"]]`.
#' @param constituents an optional character vector holding the names
#' of tidal constituents to which the fit is done; see \dQuote{Details}
#' and \dQuote{Constituent Naming Convention}.
#' @template tideconst
#' @param infer a list of constituents to be inferred from
#' fitted constituents according to the method outlined
#' in Section 2.3.4 of Foreman (1978).
#' If `infer` is `NULL`, the default, then
#' no such inferences are made. Otherwise, some constituents
#' are computed based on other constituents, instead of being
#' determined by regression at the proper frequency.
#' If provided, `infer` must be a list containing
#' four elements:
#' `name`, a vector of strings naming the constituents to be
#' inferred; `from`, a vector of strings naming the fitted
#' constituents used as the sources for those inferences (these
#' source constituents are added to the regression list, if they
#' are not already there);
#' `amp`, a numerical vector of factors to be applied to the
#' source amplitudes; and `phase`, a numerical vector of angles,
#' in degrees, to be subtracted from the source phases. For example,
#' Following Foreman (1998), if any of the `name` items
#' have already been computed, then the suggested inference is ignored,
#' and the already-computed values are used.
#' \preformatted{
#' infer=list(name=c("P1","K2"),
#'            from=c("K1", "S2"),
#'            amp=c(0.33093, 0.27215),
#'            phase=c(-7.07, -22.4)
#' }
#' means that the amplitude of `P1` will be set as 0.33093 times the calculated amplitude
#' of `K1`, and that the `P1` phase will be set to the `K1` phase,
#' minus an offset of `-7.07` degrees.
#' (This example is used in the Foreman (1978) discussion of a
#' Fortran analysis code and also in Pawlowicz et al. (2002) discussion
#' of the T_TIDE Matlab code.
#' Rounded to the 0.1mm resolution of values reported in Foreman (1978)
#' and Pawlowicz et al. (2002),
#' the `tidem` results have root-mean-square amplitude difference
#' to Foreman's (1978) Appendix 7.3 of 0.06mm; by comparison,
#' the results in Table 1 of Pawlowicz et al. (2002) agree with Foreman's
#' results to RMS difference 0.04mm.)
#' @param latitude if provided, the latitude of the observations.  If not
#' provided, `tidem` will try to infer this from the first argument,
#' if it is a [sealevel-class] object.
#' @param rc the value of the coefficient in the Rayleigh criterion.
#' @param regress function to be used for regression, by default
#' [lm()], but could be for example `rlm` from the
#' `MASS` package.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return An object of [tidem-class], consisting of
#' \item{const}{constituent number, e.g. 1 for `Z0`, 1 for `SA`,
#' etc.} \item{model}{the regression model} \item{name}{a vector of constituent
#' names, in non-subscript format, e.g. "`M2`".} \item{frequency}{a vector
#' of constituent frequencies, in inverse hours.} \item{amplitude}{a vector of
#' fitted constituent amplitudes, in metres.} \item{phase}{a vector of fitted
#' constituent phase.  NOTE: The definition of phase is likely to change as
#' this function evolves.  For now, it is phase with respect to the first data
#' sample.} \item{p}{a vector containing a sort of p value for each
#' constituent.  This is calculated as the average of the p values for the
#' sine() and cosine() portions used in fitting; whether it makes any sense is
#' an open question.}
#' @section Application to non-hourly data:
#' The framework on which [tidem()] rests on the assumption of data
#' that have been sampled on a 1-hour interval (see e.g. Foreman, 1977).
#' Since regression (as opposed to spectral analysis) is used to infer
#' the amplitude and phase of tidal constituents, data gaps do not pose
#' a serious problem. Sampling intervals under an hour are also not a
#' problem. However, trying to use [tidem()] on time series that are
#' sampled at uniform intervals that exceed 1 hour can lead to results
#' that are difficult to interpret.  For example, some drifter data are
#' sampled at a 6-hour interval.  This makes it impossible to fit for the
#' S4 component (which has exactly 6 cycles per day), because the method
#' works by constructing sine and cosine series at tidal frequencies and
#' using these as the basis for regression.  Each of these series will have
#' a constant value through the constructed time, and regression cannot handle
#' that (in addition to a constant-value constructed series that is used to fit
#' for the Z0 constituent).  [tidem()] tries to handle such problems by examining
#' the range of the constructed sine and cosine time-series, omitting any
#' constituents that yield near-constant values in either of these. Messages are
#' issued if this problem is encountered.  This prevents failure of the regression,
#' and the predictions of the regression seem to represent the data reasonably well,
#' but the inferred constituent amplitudes are not physically reasonable. Cautious
#' use of [tidem()] to infer individual constituents might be warranted, but
#' users must be aware that the results will be difficult to interpret. The tool
#' is simply not designed for this use.
#' @section Bugs:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item This function is not fully developed yet, and both the
#' form of the call and the results of the calculation may change.
#' \item The reported `p` value may make no sense at all, and it might be
#' removed in a future version of this function. Perhaps a significance level
#' should be presented, as in the software developed by both Foreman and
#' Pawlowicz.
#' }
#' @section Constituent Naming Convention:
#' `tidem` uses constituent names that follow the convention
#' set by Foreman (1978). This convention is slightly different
#' from that used in the T-TIDE package of Pawlowicz et al.
#' (2002), with Foreman's `UPS1` and `M8` becoming
#' `UPSI` and `MS` in T-TIDE. To permit the use of either notation,
#' [tidem()] uses [tidemConstituentNameFix()] to
#' convert from T-TIDE names to the
#' Foreman names, issuing warnings when doing so.
#' @section Agreement with `T_TIDE` results:
#' The `tidem` amplitude and phase results, obtained with
#' \preformatted{
#' tidem(sealevelTuktoyaktuk, constituents=c("standard", "M10"),
#'     infer=list(name=c("P1", "K2"),
#'         from=c("K1", "S2"),
#'         amp=c(0.33093, 0.27215),
#'         phase=c(-7.07, -22.40)))
#' }
#' match the `T_TIDE` values listed in
#' Table 1 of Pawlowicz et al. (2002),
#' after rounding amplitude and phase to 4 and 2 digits past
#' the decimal place, respectively, to match the format of
#' that table.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' Foreman, M G., 1977 (revised 1996).
#' Manual for Tidal Heights Analysis and Prediction.
#' Pacific Marine Science Report 77-10.
#' British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Patricia Bay.
#' Foreman, M. G. G., 1978.
#' Manual for Tidal Currents Analysis and Prediction.
#' Pacific Marine Science Report 78-6.
#' British Columbia, Canada: Institute of Ocean Sciences, Patricia Bay,
#' Foreman, M. G. G., Neufeld, E. T., 1991.
#' Harmonic tidal analyses of long time series.
#' International Hydrographic Review, 68 (1), 95-108.
#' Leffler, K. E. and D. A. Jay, 2009.  Enhancing tidal harmonic analysis:
#' Robust (hybrid) solutions.  Continental Shelf Research, 29(1):78-88.
#' Pawlowicz, Rich, Bob Beardsley, and Steve Lentz, 2002.  Classical tidal
#' harmonic analysis including error estimates in MATLAB using `T_TIDE`.
#' Computers and Geosciences, 28, 929-937.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # The demonstration time series from Foreman (1978),
#' # also used in T_TIDE (Pawlowicz, 2002).
#' data(sealevelTuktoyaktuk)
#' tide <- tidem(sealevelTuktoyaktuk)
#' summary(tide)
#' # AIC analysis
#' extractAIC(tide[["model"]])
#' # Fake data at M2
#' library(oce)
#' data("tidedata")
#' M2 <- with(tidedata$const, freq[name == "M2"])
#' t <- seq(0, 10 * 86400, 3600)
#' eta <- sin(M2 * t * 2 * pi / 3600)
#' sl <- as.sealevel(eta)
#' m <- tidem(sl)
#' summary(m)
#' @family things related to tides
tidem <- function(
    t, x, constituents, infer = NULL, latitude = NULL,
    rc = 1, regress = lm, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "tidem(t, x,\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    oceDebug(debug, "      constituents=",
        if (missing(constituents)) {
        } else {
            paste("c(\"", paste(constituents, collapse = "\", \""), "\")", sep = "")
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    oceDebug(debug, "      latitude=", if (is.null(latitude)) "NULL" else latitude, ",\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    oceDebug(debug, "      rc=", rc, ",\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    oceDebug(debug, "      debug=", debug, ") START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    cl <- match.call()
    if (missing(t)) {
        stop("must supply 't', either a vector of times or a sealevel object")
    if (inherits(t, "sealevel")) {
        sl <- t
        t <- sl[["time"]]
        x <- sl[["elevation"]]
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- sl[["latitude"]]
    } else {
        if (missing(x)) {
            stop("must supply 'x', since the first argument is not a sealevel object")
        if (inherits(x, "POSIXt")) {
            warning("tidem() switching first 2 args to permit old-style usage")
            tmp <- x
            x <- t
            t <- tmp
        if (length(x) != length(t)) {
            stop("lengths of 'x' and 't' must match, but they are ", length(x), " and ", length(t), " respectively")
        if (inherits(t, "POSIXt")) {
            t <- as.POSIXct(t)
        } else {
            stop("t must be a vector of POSIXt times")
        sl <- as.sealevel(x, t)
    # Check infer extensively, to prevent weird errors for e.g. an improperly-named
    # constituent.
    data("tidedata", package = "oce", envir = environment())
    tidedata <- get("tidedata") # , pos=globalenv())
    tc <- tidedata$const
    ntc <- length(tc$name)
    # 'infer' sanity-check
    if (!is.null(infer)) {
        if (!is.list(infer)) {
            stop("infer must be a list")
        if (length(infer) != 4) {
            stop("infer must hold 4 elements")
        if (!all.equal(sort(names(infer)), c("amp", "from", "name", "phase"))) {
            stop("infer must contain 'name', 'from', 'amp', and 'phase', and nothing else")
        if (!is.character(infer$name)) {
            stop("infer$name must be a vector of character strings")
        infer$name <- tidemConstituentNameFix(infer$name)
        if (!is.character(infer$from)) {
            stop("infer$from must be a vector of character strings")
        infer$from <- tidemConstituentNameFix(infer$from)
        if (length(infer$name) != length(infer$from)) {
            stop("lengths of infer$name and infer$from must be equal")
        if (length(infer$name) != length(infer$amp)) {
            stop("lengths of infer$name and infer$amp must be equal")
        if (length(infer$name) != length(infer$phase)) {
            stop("lengths of infer$name and infer$phase must be equal")
        for (n in infer$name) {
            if (!(n %in% tc$name)) {
                stop("infer$name value \"", n, "\" is not a known tidal constituent; see const$name in ?tidedata")
        for (n in infer$from) {
            if (!(n %in% tc$name)) {
                stop("infer$from value \"", n, "\" is not a known tidal constituent; see const$name in ?tidedata")
    } # 'infer' sanity-check
    # The arguments seem to be OK, so start the actual analysis now.
    startTime <- t[1]
    endTime <- tail(t, 1)
    years <- as.numeric(difftime(endTime, startTime, units = "secs")) / 86400 / 365.25
    if (years > 18.6) {
        warning("Time series spans 18.6 years, but tidem() is ignoring this important fact")
    standard <- tc$ikmpr > 0
    addedConstituents <- NULL
    if (missing(constituents)) {
        # Default 'name', 'freq', 'kmpr' and 'indices'; drop Z0 because we infer it directly.
        name <- tc$name[standard]
        freq <- tc$freq[standard]
        kmpr <- tc$kmpr[standard]
        indices <- seq(1:ntc)[standard] # NB. Z0 need not be dropped; we work with indices later anyway
        oceDebug(debug, "starting with ", length(name), " default constituents: ", paste(name, collapse = " "), sep = "", "\n")
    } else {
        # Build up 'name'; later, infer 'indices' and thereby 'freq' and 'kmpr'.
        name <- NULL
        for (i in seq_along(constituents)) {
            if (constituents[i] == "standard") {
                # must be first!
                if (i != 1) {
                    stop("\"standard\" must occur first in constituents list")
                name <- tc$name[standard]
            } else {
                constituents <- tidemConstituentNameFix(constituents)
                if (substr(constituents[i], 1, 1) == "-") {
                    # Case 1: removal. Require a valid name, and warn if not in the list already.
                    nameRemove <- substr(constituents[i], 2, nchar(constituents[i]))
                    if (1 != sum(tc$name == nameRemove)) {
                            "\"", nameRemove, "\" is not a known tidal constituent; try one of: ",
                            paste(tc$name, collapse = "\" \"")
                    remove <- which(name == nameRemove)
                    oceDebug(debug > 1, "removed \"", nameRemove, "\"\n", sep = "")
                    if (0 == length(remove)) {
                        warning("\"", nameRemove, "\" is not in the list of constituents currently under study", sep = "")
                    } else {
                        name <- name[-remove]
                } else {
                    # Case 2: addition. Require a valid name, and ignore repeat requests.
                    add <- which(tc$name == constituents[i])
                    if (1 != length(add)) {
                        stop("\"", constituents[i], "\" is not a known tidal constituent (line 1093)")
                    if (!(constituents[i] %in% name)) {
                        name <- c(name, tc$name[add])
                        addedConstituents <- c(addedConstituents, add)
    oceDebug(debug, "will fit for ", length(name), " constituents: ", paste(name, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
    # We let users add "Z0" as a constituent, but we remove it now since the
    # regression will have an intercept and that becomes Z0.
    fitForZ0 <- "Z0" %in% name
    oceDebug(debug, "fitForZ0=", fitForZ0, "\n")
    # All of the names should be valid from the above, but to protect against code changes,
    # we check to be sure.
    if (any(!(name %in% tc$name))) {
        bad <- NULL
        for (n in name) {
            if (!(n %in% tc$name)) {
                bad <- c(bad, n)
        stop("unknown constituent names: ", paste(bad, collapse = " "), " (please report this error to developer)")
    # Infer indices from the names, sort them as in the tidal-constituent
    # table, tc, and then look up freq and kmpr from that table.
    indices <- sort(unlist(lapply(name, function(name) which(tc$name == name))))
    name <- tc$name[indices]
    freq <- tc$freq[indices]
    kmpr <- tc$kmpr[indices]
    nc <- length(name)
    # Check Rayleigh criterion
    interval <- diff(range(as.numeric(sl@data$time), na.rm = TRUE)) / 3600 # in hours
    oceDebug(debug, "interval=", interval, " hours\n")
    dropTerm <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nc) {
        cc <- which(tc$name == kmpr[i])
        if (length(cc)) {
            cannotFit <- (interval * abs(freq[i] - tc$freq[cc])) < rc
            oceDebug(debug, "i=", i, ", name=", name[i], ", kmpr[", i, "]=", kmpr[i], ", cannotFit=", cannotFit, "\n", sep = "")
            if (cannotFit) {
                dropTerm <- c(dropTerm, i)
    oceDebug(debug, "before trimming constituents for Rayleigh condition, name[1:", length(name), "]=", paste(name, collapse = " "), sep = "", "\n")
    if (length(dropTerm) > 0) {
        # Bookmark 1A (see also 1B: link up variables)
        message("Note: the tidal record is too short to fit for constituents: ", paste(name[dropTerm], collapse = ", "))
        indices <- indices[-dropTerm]
        name <- name[-dropTerm]
        freq <- freq[-dropTerm]
        kmpr <- kmpr[-dropTerm]
    oceDebug(debug, "after trimming constituents for Rayleigh condition, name[1:", length(name), "]=", paste(name, collapse = " "), sep = "", "\n")
    # Ensure that any added constituents are in the list, i.e. prevent
    # the Rayleigh criterion from trimming them. (Before work on
    # issue 1350, they would simply be dropped if they failed the Rayleigh
    # criterion. Although that was a sensible choice, it was decided
    # on 2017-12-27, whilst working on issue 1350, to make tidem() do the
    # the same thing as the Foreman 1978 code as exemplified in his appendices
    # 7.2 and 7.3.)
    if (length(addedConstituents)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "addedConstituents=", paste(addedConstituents, collapse = " "), "\n")
        for (a in addedConstituents) {
            # Avoid adding constituents that we already have
            if (!(tc$name[a] %in% name)) {
                if (debug > 0) {
                    message("  tc$name[a=", a, "]=\"", tc$name[a], "\"", sep = "")
                    message("  tc$freq[a=", a, "]=\"", tc$freq[a], "\"", sep = "")
                    message("  tc$kmpr[a=", a, "]=\"", tc$kmpr[a], "\"", sep = "")
                indices <- c(indices, which(tc$name == name[a]))
                name <- c(name, tc$name[a])
                freq <- c(freq, tc$freq[a])
                kmpr <- c(kmpr, tc$kmpr[a])
    oceDebug(debug, "after adding new constituents, ", vectorShow(name))
    oceDebug(debug, "after adding new constituents, ", vectorShow(freq))
    # Ensure that we fit for any infer$from constituents, *regardless* of whether
    # those consitituents are permitted by the Rayleigh criterion.
    if (!is.null(infer)) {
        for (n in c(infer$from)) {
            if (!(n %in% name)) {
                a <- which(tc$name == n)
                indices <- c(indices, a)
                name <- c(name, tc$name[a])
                freq <- c(freq, tc$freq[a])
                kmpr <- c(kmpr, tc$kmpr[a])
                message("fitting for infer$from=", n, ", even though the Rayleigh Criterion would exclude it")
    oceDebug(debug, "after handling 'infer', ", vectorShow(name))
    oceDebug(debug, "after handling 'infer', ", vectorShow(freq))
    # sort constituents by index (which, among other things, ensures that Z0 is at the start, if it exists)
    oindices <- order(indices)
    indices <- indices[oindices]
    name <- name[oindices]
    freq <- freq[oindices]
    kmpr <- kmpr[oindices]
    nc <- length(name)
    oceDebug(debug, "after reordering indices, ", vectorShow(name))
    oceDebug(debug, "after reordering indices, ", vectorShow(freq))
    rm(oindices) # clean up namespace
    if (0L == nc) {
        stop("cannot fit for any constituents")
    elevation <- sl[["elevation"]]
    time <- sl[["time"]]
    nt <- length(elevation)
    x <- array(dim = c(nt, 2 * nc))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(nc))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(dim(x)))
    x[, 1] <- rep(1, nt)
    pi <- 4 * atan2(1, 1)
    rpd <- atan2(1, 1) / 45 # radians per degree
    # tRef <- ISOdate(1899, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0, tz="UTC") # was this ever used?
    # tRef <- centralTime # used previous to "dk" branch early 2018
    tRef <- numberAsPOSIXct(3600 * round(mean(as.numeric(time, tz = "UTC")) / 3600), tz = "UTC")
    hour2pi <- 2 * pi * (as.numeric(time) - as.numeric(tRef)) / 3600
    oceDebug(debug, "tRef=", tRef, ", nc=", nc, ", length(name)=", length(name), "\n")

    # The sameCriterion was added in January 2023, after this portion of tidem()
    # had been stable for a decade or more.  Also, I am trying to make tidem()
    # do something that (I think) neither Foreman's code nor t-tide does.
    # Therefore, I am putting a long comment here!  Please also see
    # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2034 to learn where this idea of
    # using sameCriterion got started.
    # In the code below, we keep track of any constituents for which the
    # constructed C and S vectors will be constant (or nearly so).  This came up
    # because I was trying to analyse data sampled on a 6-hour interval. That
    # works out to match the S4 period (approximately, but sampling times are
    # not given to an infinite number of digits and neither is the S4 period in
    # this code). Imagine a perfect match.  Then, S and C would both be constant
    # across the times used in the loop.  And that's bad because the regression
    # already has a constant column (for Z0).  The lm() computation then gives
    # NA values for coefficients, p value, etc. for the repeat.  (Luckily, it
    # doesn't just say the matrix cannot be inverted and die!)  The approximate
    # criterion is based on a test case in the context of the local machine
    # epsilon.  I use a criterion of 0.01 because for "good" cases (and my
    # 6-hour test file for drifter data) have C and S span of very nearly 2, but for "bad" cases, it is
    # of order e-7 or so. Any dividing line would do, I think, but maybe for short records
    # the span might not get to be -1 to +1 and so I am choosing 1e-2 as a criterion. This value
    # might need to be revisited.
    iBad <- NULL
    icBad <- NULL
    sdCriterion <- 1e-2
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(sdCriterion))
    # 20230122 danS <- danC <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nc) {
        # 20230122 oceDebug(debug+1, "setting ", i, "-th coefficient (name=", name[i], " period=", 1/freq[i], " h)", "\n", sep="")
        ft <- freq[i] * hour2pi
        C <- cos(ft)
        S <- sin(ft)
        sdS <- sd(S)
        sdC <- sd(C)
        # 20230122 danS <- c(danS, sdS) # FIXME: remove
        # 20230122 danC <- c(danC, sdC) # FIXME: remove
        # 20230122 oceDebug(debug+1, sprintf("    sdC %.4g; sdS %.4g\n", sdC, sdS))
        # Find whether anything is uncomputable. We ignore Z0 because that is handled later.
        if (name[i] != "Z0" && (sdS < sdCriterion || sdC < sdCriterion)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "    ** uncomputable at ", name[i], " (period ", 1 / freq[i], "h) **\n")
            icBad <- c(icBad, 1 + 2 * (i - 1))
            icBad <- c(icBad, 2 + 2 * (i - 1))
            iBad <- c(iBad, i)
        x[, 1 + 2 * (i - 1)] <- C
        x[, 2 + 2 * (i - 1)] <- S
    name2 <- matrix(rbind(paste(name, "_C", sep = ""), paste(name, "_S", sep = "")), nrow = length(name), ncol = 2)
    dim(name2) <- c(2 * length(name), 1)
    colnames(x) <- name2
    #<< cat("The following should be omitted: ", vectorShow(name2[uncomputable], n=20))
    #<< cat("Their indices are", vectorShow(uncomputable, n=20))
    oceDebug(debug, "cleaning up 'x' matrix prior to doing regression\n")
    # Remove problematic constutuents; see https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2034
    if (length(iBad)) {
        message("Note: the sampling interval is too coarse to fit for constituents: ", paste(name[iBad], collapse = ", "))
        # 20230122 browser()
        # 20230122 A<-colnames(x)
        # 20230122 B<-name2
        # 20230122 C<-name
        indices <- indices[-iBad]
        name <- name[-iBad]
        freq <- freq[-iBad]
        kmpr <- kmpr[-iBad]
        nc <- nc - length(iBad)
        oceDebug(debug, "Removing: ", paste(name2[icBad], collapse = ", "))
        x <- x[, -icBad]
        name2 <- name2[-icBad]
        # 20230122 # A check with 6-h case (sandbox/dk/tidem/04_restrict_coefficients.R)
        # 20230122 print(A[!A%in%colnames(x)]) # should be S2_C S2_S S4_C S4_S
        # 20230122 print(B[!B%in%name2]) # should be S2_C S2_S S4_C S4_S
        # 20230122 print(C[!C%in%name]) # should be S2 S4
    # Remove the sine() part of the Z0 constituent, which makes no sense for a constant.
    if ("Z0_S" %in% colnames(x)) {
        x <- x[, -which("Z0_S" == colnames(x))]
        oceDebug(debug, "model has Z0, so trimming the sin(freq*time) column\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "about to do regression\n")
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(colnames(x)))
    model <- regress(elevation ~ x - 1, na.action = na.exclude)
    #>> browser()
    if (debug > 0) {
        cat("regression worked OK; the results are as follows:\n")
    coef <- model$coefficients
    p.all <- if (4L == ncol(summary(model)$coefficients)) {
        summary(model)$coefficients[, 4L]
    } else {
        rep(NA, length = 1L + nc)
    amplitude <- phase <- p <- vector("numeric", length = nc)
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(nc))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(phase))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(name))
    ic <- 1
    for (i in seq_len(nc)) {
        # Z0 has Z0_C but no Z0_S (since zero is a degenerate regression variable)
        if (name[i] == "Z0") {
            if (i != 1) {
                stop("Z0 should be at the start of the regression coefficients. Please report this to developer.")
            j <- which(tidedata$const$name == name[i])
            vuf <- tidemVuf(tRef, j = j, latitude = latitude)
            amplitude[i] <- coef[ic]
            phase[i] <- 0
            p[i] <- p.all[ic]
            oceDebug(debug, "processed coefs at i=", i, ", ic=", ic,
                ", name=", name[i], ", f=", vuf$f, ", angle adj=", (vuf$u + vuf$v) * 360,
                ", amplitude=", amplitude[i], ", phase=", phase[i], ", p=", p[i], "\n",
                sep = ""
            ic <- ic + 1 # only skip forward 1 since Z0 takes 1 column (contrast below)
        } else {
            C <- coef[ic] # coefficient on cos(t)
            S <- coef[ic + 1] # coefficient on sin(t)
            amplitude[i] <- sqrt(S^2 + C^2)
            # Calculate phase from the coefficients on sin() and cos().  Generally,
            #    cos(t - phase) == cos(phase)*cos(t) + sin(phase)*sin(t)
            # By the definition of the regression model, we have
            #    cos(t - phase) == c * cos(t) + s * sin(t)
            # and thus phase is defined by
            #    tan(phase) == s/c
            phase[i] <- atan2(S, C)
            # Adjust amplitude phase, as in ~/src/foreman/tide12_r2.f:405
            j <- which(tidedata$const$name == name[i])
            vuf <- tidemVuf(tRef, j = j, latitude = latitude)
            amplitude[i] <- amplitude[i] / vuf$f
            p[i] <- 0.5 * (p.all[ic + 1] + p.all[ic])
            #<<cat("i=", i, ", ic=", ic, ", name=\"", name[i], "\", p.all[ic]=",
            # p.all[ic], ", p.all[ic+1]=", p.all[ic+1], ", we set p[i]=", p[i],
            # " (the mean)\n", sep="")
            oceDebug(debug, "processed coefs at i=", i, ", ic=", ic, ", name=", name[i],
                ", S=", S, ", C=", C, ", f=", vuf$f, ", angle adj=", (vuf$u + vuf$v) * 360, ",
                amplitude=", amplitude[i], ", phase=", phase[i], ", p=", p[i], "\n",
                sep = ""
            ic <- ic + 2 # skip forward 2 since non-Z0 takes 2 columns (contrast above)
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(phase))
    phase <- phase * 180 / pi
    phase <- ifelse(phase < -360, 720 + phase, phase)
    phase <- ifelse(phase < 0, 360 + phase, phase)
    # Do Greenwich phase correction, if `infer` is TRUE
    C <- unlist(lapply(name, function(n) which(n == tidedata$const$name)))
    vuf <- tidemVuf(tRef, j = C, latitude = latitude)
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(freq))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(phase))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(vuf$u))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(vuf$v))
    phase <- phase + (vuf$v + vuf$u) * 360
    phase <- ifelse(phase < 0, phase + 360, phase)
    phase <- ifelse(phase > 360, phase - 360, phase)
    # Handle (optional) inferred constituents. We know that
    # this list is well-formed because of extensive tests near
    # the start of this function.
    if (!is.null(infer)) {
        if (debug > 0) {
            cat("BEFORE inference:\n")
            print(data.frame(name = name, freq = round(freq, 6), amplitude = round(amplitude, 4)))
        for (n in seq_along(infer$name)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "n=", n, "; handling inferred constituent ", infer$name[n], "\n")
            iname <- which(tc$name == infer$name[n])[1]
            oceDebug(debug, "infer$name[\"", n, "\"]=\"", infer$name[n], "\" yields iname=", iname, "\n", sep = "")
            oceDebug(debug, "iname=", iname, "\n")
            # NOTE: we know that infer$from has been fitted for, because we forced it to be,
            # irrespective of the Rayleight Criterion. Still, we test here, in case the code
            # gets changed later.
            if (infer$from[n] %in% name) {
                ifrom <- which(name == infer$from[n])[1]
                if (infer$name[n] %in% name) {
                    # message("name already in list")
                    iname <- which(name == infer$name[n])[1]
                    # Update, skipping 'indices', 'name' and 'freq', since they are already OK.
                    amplitude[iname] <- infer$amp[n] * amplitude[ifrom]
                    phase[iname] <- phase[ifrom] - infer$phase[n]
                    p[iname] <- p[ifrom]
                    oceDebug(debug, "replace existing ", name[iname], " based on ", name[ifrom], " (", freq[ifrom], " cph)\n", sep = "")
                        "inferring \"", infer$name[n],
                        "\" which is already included in the regression. Foreman says to skip it; unsure on what T_TIDE does\n"
                } else {
                    # We append new values at the end, knowing that they will get
                    # shifted back to their proper positions when we reorder the
                    # whole solution, after handling these inferences.
                    # The first step is to adjust the amp and phase of infer$from; this
                    # is done based on formulae in Foreman (1978) sec 2.3.4. It looks
                    # as though t_tide.m on and after about line 472 is doing a
                    # similar thing, although the numbers do not agree exactly,
                    # as shown in issue 1351, code 1351c.R.
                    # Foreman (1978) sec 2.3.4.
                    # Notation: suffices "1" and "2" refer to "from" and "name" here.
                    i1 <- which(tc$name == infer$from[n])[1]
                    i2 <- which(tc$name == infer$name[n])[1]
                        debug, "tRef=", format(tRef, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                        ", i1=", i1, ", i2=", i2, ", lat=", latitude, "\n"
                    vuf12 <- tidemVuf(tRef, c(i1, i2), latitude = latitude)
                    # vuf2 <- tidemVuf(tRef, i2, latitude=latitude)
                    f1 <- vuf12$f[1]
                    f2 <- vuf12$f[2]
                    oceDebug(debug, "f1=", f1, ", f2=", f2, "\n")
                    # FIXME: what is unit of u and v? t_tide.m:482 suggests it is degrees
                    # Foreman's tide12_r2.f:399 suggests U and V are in cycles,
                    # and this is consistent with Pawlowicz's t_tide.m:451
                    # We convert vu1 and vu2 to be in degrees, as t_tide.m does
                    vu1 <- (vuf12$v[1] + vuf12$u[1]) * 360
                    vu2 <- (vuf12$v[2] + vuf12$u[2]) * 360
                    oceDebug(debug, "vu1=", vu1, ", vu2=", vu2, "\n")
                    sigma1 <- tc$freq[i1]
                    sigma2 <- tc$freq[i2]
                    oceDebug(debug, "sigma1=", sigma1, ", sigma2=", sigma2, "\n")
                    # tmp is pi*N*(sigma2-sigma1) in Foreman
                    tmp <- pi * interval * (sigma2 - sigma1)
                    r12 <- infer$amp[n]
                    # FIXME: sign for Foreman?
                    zeta <- infer$phase[n]
                    S <- r12 * (f2 / f1) * sin(tmp) * sin(rpd * (vu2 - vu1 + zeta)) / tmp
                    C <- 1 + r12 * (f2 / f1) * sin(tmp) * cos(rpd * (vu2 - vu1 + zeta)) / tmp
                    oceDebug(debug, "tmp=", tmp, ", S=", S, ", C=", C, ", sqrt(S^2+C^2)=", sqrt(S^2 + C^2), "\n")
                    oceDebug(debug, infer$from[n], "amplitude, old=", amplitude[ifrom], ", new=", amplitude[ifrom] / sqrt(S^2 + C^2), "\n")
                    amplitude[ifrom] <- amplitude[ifrom] / sqrt(S^2 + C^2)
                    oceDebug(debug, infer$from[n], "phase, old=", phase[ifrom], ", new=", phase[ifrom] + atan2(S, C) / rpd, "\n")
                    phase[ifrom] <- phase[ifrom] + atan2(S, C) / rpd
                    # End of Foreman 1978 inference calculation. Now we can define 'name' i.t.o. 'from'
                    iname <- which(tc$name == infer$name[n])[1]
                    oceDebug(debug, "Below is inference for ", infer$name[n], " (index=", iname, ")\n")
                    indices <- c(indices, iname)
                    name <- c(name, infer$name[n])
                    freq <- c(freq, tc$freq[iname])
                    amplitudeInferred <- infer$amp[n] * amplitude[ifrom]
                    phaseInferred <- phase[ifrom] - infer$phase[n]
                    oceDebug(debug, "  ", infer$name[n], "inferred amplitude=", amplitudeInferred, "\n")
                    oceDebug(debug, "  ", infer$name[n], "inferred phase=", phaseInferred, "\n")
                    amplitude <- c(amplitude, amplitudeInferred)
                    phase <- c(phase, phaseInferred)
                    p <- c(p, p[ifrom])
                    oceDebug(debug, "  create ", infer$name[n], " (index=", iname, ", ",
                        tc$freq[iname], " cph) based on ", name[ifrom],
                        " (index ", ifrom, ", ", freq[ifrom], " cph)\n",
                        sep = ""
            } else {
                stop("Internal error (please report): cannot infer ", infer$name[n], " from ", infer$from[n], " because the latter was not computed")
        # reorder by original position in tc
        o <- order(indices)
        indices <- indices[o]
        stopifnot(length(o) == length(name))
        stopifnot(length(o) == length(freq))
        stopifnot(length(o) == length(amplitude))
        stopifnot(length(o) == length(phase))
        stopifnot(length(o) == length(p))
        name <- name[o]
        freq <- freq[o]
        amplitude <- amplitude[o]
        phase <- phase[o]
        p <- p[o]
        if (debug > 0) {
            cat("AFTER inference\n")
            print(data.frame(name = name, freq = round(freq, 5), amplitude = round(amplitude, 4)))
    phase <- phase %% 360
    res <- new("tidem")
    o <- order(freq)
    res@data <- list(
        model = model,
        call = cl,
        tRef = tRef,
        const = indices[o],
        name = name[o],
        freq = freq[o],
        amplitude = amplitude[o],
        phase = phase[o],
        p = p[o]
    res@metadata$rc <- rc
    res@metadata$version <- 2
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = ""))
    oceDebug(debug, "END tidem()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Predict a Tidal Signal
#' This creates a time-series of predicted tides, based on a
#' tidal model object that was created by [as.tidem()] or [tidem()].
#' All the tidal constituents that are stored in `object` are used,
#' not just those that are statistically significant or that have amplitude
#' exceeding any particular value.  In this respect, [predict.tidem()]
#' follows a pattern established by e.g. [predict.lm()].  Note that
#' the constituents in `object` are straightforward if it
#' was constructed with [as.tidem()], but considerably more complicated
#' for [tidem()], and so the documentation for the latter ought to
#' be studied closely, especially with regard to the Rayleigh criterion.
#' @param object a [tidem-class] object.
#' @param newdata vector of POSIXt times at which to make the
#' prediction.  For models created with [tidem()],
#' the `newdata` argument is optional, and if it is not provided, then
#' the predictions are at the observation times given to
#' [tidem()]. However, `newdata` is required  if [as.tidem()]
#' had been used to create `object`.
#' @param \dots optional arguments passed on to children.
#' @return A vector of predictions.
#' @examples
#' # Show non-tidal sealevel signal in Halifax Harbour during
#' # the year 2002. The spike resulted from Hurricane Juan.
#' library(oce)
#' data(sealevel)
#' time <- sealevel[["time"]]
#' elevation <- sealevel[["elevation"]]
#' prediction <- tidem(sealevel) |> predict()
#' oce.plot.ts(time, elevation - prediction)
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' # prediction at specified times
#' data(sealevel)
#' m <- tidem(sealevel)
#' # Check fit over 2 days (interpolating to finer timescale)
#' look <- 1:48
#' time <- sealevel[["time"]]
#' elevation <- sealevel[["elevation"]]
#' oce.plot.ts(time[look], elevation[look])
#' # 360s = 10 minute timescale
#' t <- seq(from=time[1], to=time[max(look)], by=360)
#' lines(t, predict(m, newdata=t), col="red")
#' legend("topright", col=c("black","red"),
#' legend=c("data","model"),lwd=1)
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to tides
predict.tidem <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    debug <- if ("debug" %in% names(dots)) dots$debug else 0
    oceDebug(debug, "predict.tidem() START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    if (!missing(newdata) && !inherits(newdata, "POSIXt")) {
        stop("newdata must be of class POSIXt")
    version <- object@metadata$version
    if (!is.null(version) && version == 3) {
        oceDebug(debug, "object@metadata$version is 3, so assuming the object was created by as.tidem()\n")
        if (missing(newdata)) {
            stop("must supply newdata because object was created with as.tidem()")
        hour2pi <- 2 * pi * (as.numeric(newdata) - as.numeric(object[["tRef"]])) / 3600
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(hour2pi))
        # message("head(hour2pi): ", paste(head(hour2pi), collapse=" "))
        nc <- length(object@data$name)
        res <- rep(0, length(hour2pi))
        for (i in seq_len(nc)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "accounting for constituent[", i, "] = ", object@data$name[i], "\n", sep = "")
            omega.t <- object@data$freq[i] * hour2pi
            a <- object@data$amplitude[i] * sin(2 * pi * object@data$phase[i] / 360)
            b <- object@data$amplitude[i] * cos(2 * pi * object@data$phase[i] / 360)
            res <- res + a * sin(omega.t) + b * cos(omega.t)
    } else if (!is.null(version) && version == 2) {
        oceDebug(debug, "object@metadata$version is 2, so assuming the object was created by tidem()\n")
        if (!missing(newdata) && !is.null(newdata)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "newdata was provided\n")
            freq <- object@data$freq
            name <- object@data$name
            nc <- length(freq)
            tt <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(newdata, tz = "UTC"))
            nt <- length(tt)
            x <- array(dim = c(nt, 2 * nc))
            x[, 1] <- rep(1, nt)
            hour2pi <- 2 * pi * (as.numeric(tt) - as.numeric(object[["tRef"]])) / 3600
            for (i in 1:nc) {
                omega.t <- freq[i] * hour2pi
                x[, 2 * i - 1] <- cos(omega.t)
                x[, 2 * i] <- sin(omega.t)
            colnames(x) <- matrix(rbind(paste(name, "_C", sep = ""), paste(name, "_S", sep = "")), nrow = length(name), ncol = 2)
            if ("Z0_S" %in% colnames(x)) {
                x <- x[, -which("Z0_S" == colnames(x))]
                oceDebug(debug, "model has Z0, so trimming the sin(freq*time) column\n")
            res <- as.numeric(predict(object@data$model, newdata = list(x = x), ...))
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "newdata was not provided\n")
            res <- as.numeric(predict(object@data$model, ...))
    } else {
        if (!("version" %in% names(object@metadata))) {
            warning("prediction is being made based on an old object; it may be wrong\n")
        res <- as.numeric(predict(object@data$model, ...))
    oceDebug(debug, "END predict.tidem()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Get a Tidal Prediction From a WebTide Database
#' Get a tidal prediction from a WebTide database. This only
#' works if the standalone WebTide application is installed,
#' and if it is installed in a standard location. The details
#' of installation are not within the oce purview.
#' There are two methods of using this function.
#' *Case 1:* `action="map"`. In this case, if
#' `plot` is `FALSE`, a list is returned, containing
#' all the `node`s in the selected database, along with all
#' the `latitude`s and `longitude`s. This value is
#' also returned (silently) if `plot` is true, but in that case,
#' a plot is drawn to indicate the node locations. If `latitude` and
#' `longitude` are given, then the node nearest that spot is indicated on
#' the map; otherwise, if `node` is given, then the location of that
#' node is indicated. There is also a special case: if `node` is negative
#' and `interactive()` is `TRUE`,
#' then [locator()] is called, and the node nearest the spot
#' where the user clicks the mouse is indicated in the plot and in the
#' return value.
#' *Case 2:* `action="predict"`. If `plot` is `FALSE`,
#' then a list is returned, indicating `time`, predicted
#' `elevation`, velocity components `u` and `v`,
#' `node` number, the name of the `basedir`, and
#' the `region`. If `plot` is `TRUE`, this list is returned
#' silently, and time-series plots are drawn for elevation, u, and v.
#' Naturally, `webtide` will not work unless WebTide has been installed on
#' the computer.
#' @param action An indication of the action, either `action="map"` to
#' draw a map or `action="predict"` to get a prediction; see
#' \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param longitude,latitude optional location at which prediction is required (ignored if
#' `node` is given).
#' @param node optional integer relating to a node in the database. If `node`
#' is given, then neither `latitude` nor `longitude` may be given.
#' If `node` is positive, then specifies indicates the node. If it is negative,
#' [locator()] is called so that the user can click (once) on the map, after
#' which the node is displayed on the map.
#' @param time a vector of times (in the UTC timezone)
#' at which prediction is to be made.
#' If not supplied, this will be the week starting at the present time,
#' computed with [presentTime()], with a 15 minute increment.
#' @param basedir directory containing the `WebTide` application.
#' @param region database region, given as a directory name in the WebTide
#' directory.  For example, `h3o` is for Halifax Harbour, `nwatl` is
#' for the northwest Atlantic, and `sshelf` is for the Scotian Shelf and
#' Gulf of Maine.
#' @param plot boolean indicating whether to plot.
#' @param tformat optional argument passed to [oce.plot.ts()], for
#' plot types that call that function.  (See [strptime()] for the
#' format used.)
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @param \dots optional arguments passed to plotting functions. A common
#' example is to set `xlim` and `ylim`, to focus a map region.
#' @return The value depends on `action`:
#' * If `action="map"` the return value is a
#' list containing the index of the nearest node, along with the
#' `latitude` and `longitude` of that node.  If
#' `plot` is `FALSE`, this value is returned invisibly.
#' * If `action="predict"`, the return value is a list containing a vector
#' of times (`time`), as well as vectors of the predicted `elevation`
#' in metres and the predicted horizontal components of velocity, `u` and
#' `v`, along with the `node` number, and the `basedir` and
#' `region` as supplied to this function. If `plot` is `FALSE`,
#' this value is returned invisibly.
#' @source The WebTide software may be downloaded for free at the
#' Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada) website at
#' `http://www.bio.gc.ca/science/research-recherche/ocean/webtide/index-en.php`
#' (checked February 2016 and May 2017).
#' @section Caution:
#' WebTide is not an open-source application, so the present function was
#' designed based on little more than guesses about the WebTide file structure.
#' Users should be on the lookout for odd results.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' # needs WebTide at the system level
#' library(oce)
#' # 1. prediction at Halifax NS
#' longitude <- -63.57
#' latitude <- 44.65
#' prediction <- webtide("predict", longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude)
#' mtext(paste0("prediction at ", latitude, "N and ", longitude, "E"), line=0.75, side=3)
#' # 2. map
#' webtide(lon=-63.57,lat=44.65,xlim=c(-64,-63),ylim=c(43.0,46))
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to tides
webtide <- function(
    action = c("map", "predict"),
    longitude, latitude, node, time,
    basedir = getOption("webtide"),
    region = "nwatl",
    plot = TRUE, tformat, debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
    debug <- max(0, min(floor(debug), 2))
    oceDebug(debug, "webtide(action=\"", action, "\", ...)\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1 
    rpd <- atan2(1, 1) / 45 # radians per degree
    action <- match.arg(action)
    nodeGiven <- !missing(node)
    longitudeGiven <- !missing(longitude)
    latitudeGiven <- !missing(latitude)
    path <- paste(basedir, "/data/", region, sep = "")
    # 2016-02-03: it seems that there are several possibilities for this filename.
    suffices <- c(".nod", "ll.nod", "_ll.nod")
    nodFiles <- paste(region, suffices, sep = "")
    triangles <- NULL
    for (nodFile in nodFiles) {
        if (1 == length(list.files(path = path, pattern = nodFile))) {
            triangles <- read.table(paste(path, nodFile, sep = "/"), col.names = c("triangle", "longitude", "latitude"), encoding = "latin1")
            oceDebug(debug, "found webtide information in \"", nodFile, "\"\n", sep = "")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "looked for webtide information in \"", nodFile, "\" but this file does not exist\n", sep = "")
    if (is.null(triangles)) {
        stop("cannot find WebTide data file; rerun with debug=1 to see the searched list")
    if (action == "map") {
        if (plot) {
            asp <- 1 / cos(rpd * mean(range(triangles$latitude, na.rm = TRUE)))
            par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
            plot(triangles$longitude, triangles$latitude,
                pch = 2, cex = 1 / 4, lwd = 1 / 8,
                asp = asp, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...
            # Try for a coastline of well-suite resolution, if we have ocedata installed.
            usr <- par("usr")
            bestcoastline <- coastlineBest(lonRange = usr[1:2], latRange = usr[3:4], debug = debug - 1)
            oceDebug(debug, "coastlineBest() suggests using", bestcoastline, "as the coastline\n")
            if (bestcoastline == "coastlineWorld") {
                data(list = bestcoastline, package = "oce", envir = environment())
                coastlineWorld <- get("coastlineWorld")
            } else {
                if (requireNamespace("ocedata", quietly = TRUE)) {
                    data(list = bestcoastline, package = "ocedata", envir = environment())
                    oceDebug(debug, "Using", bestcoastline, "from the ocedata package.\n")
                    coastlineWorld <- get(bestcoastline)
                } else {
                    data(list = "coastlineWorld", package = "oce", envir = environment())
                    oceDebug(debug, "The ocedata package is not available, so using", bestcoastline, "from oce\n")
                    coastlineWorld <- get("coastlineWorld")
            polygon(coastlineWorld[["longitude"]], coastlineWorld[["latitude"]], col = "tan")
            # use lon and lat, if node not given
            if (!nodeGiven && longitudeGiven && latitudeGiven) {
                closest <- which.min(geodDist(triangles$longitude, triangles$latitude, longitude, latitude))
                node <- triangles$triangle[closest]
            if (nodeGiven && node < 0 && interactive()) {
                point <- locator(1)
                node <- which.min(geodDist(triangles$longitude, triangles$latitude, point$x, point$y))
            if (missing(node)) {
                node <- triangles$number
                longitude <- triangles$longitude
                latitude <- triangles$latitude
            } else {
                if (is.finite(node)) {
                    node <- triangles$triangle[node]
                    longitude <- triangles$longitude[node]
                    latitude <- triangles$latitude[node]
                    points(longitude, latitude, pch = 20, cex = 2, col = "blue")
                        pch = 20, pt.cex = 2, cex = 3 / 4, col = "blue", bg = "white",
                        legend = sprintf("node %.0f %.3fN %.3fE", node, latitude, longitude)
            oceDebug(debug, "END webtide()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
            return(invisible(list(node = node, latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude)))
        } else {
            node <- triangles$triangle
            longitude <- triangles$longitude
            latitude <- triangles$latitude
            oceDebug(debug, "END webtide()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
            return(list(node = node, latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude))
    } else if (action == "predict") {
        if (missing(time)) {
            time <- seq.POSIXt(from = presentTime(), by = "15 min", length.out = 7 * 4 * 24)
        } # Q: what about timezone?
        if (missing(node)) {
            if (missing(longitude) || missing(latitude)) {
                stop("'longitude' and 'latitude' must be given unless 'node' is given")
            node <- which.min(geodDist(triangles$longitude, triangles$latitude, longitude, latitude))
        } else {
            latitude <- triangles$latitude[node]
            longitude <- triangles$longitude[node]
        oceDebug(debug, latitude, "N ", longitude, "E -- use node ", node,
            " at ", triangles$latitude[node], "N ", triangles$longitude[node], "E\n",
            sep = ""
        constituentse <- dir(path = path, pattern = "*.s2c")
        constituentsuv <- dir(path = path, pattern = "*.v2c")
        nconstituents <- length(constituentse)
        period <- ampe <- phasee <- ampu <- phaseu <- ampv <- phasev <- vector("numeric", length(nconstituents))
        data("tidedata", package = "oce", envir = environment())
        tidedata <- get("tidedata") # ,   pos=globalenv())
        for (i in 1:nconstituents) {
            twoLetter <- substr(constituentse[i], 1, 2)
            C <- which(twoLetter == tidedata$const$name)
            period[i] <- 1 / tidedata$const$freq[C]
            # Elevation file contains one entry per node, starting with e.g.:
            # tri
            # period 23.934470 (hours) first harmonic
            # 260.000000 (days)
            # 1 0.191244 223.820954
            # 2 0.188446 223.141200
            coneFile <- paste(path, constituentse[i], sep = "/")
            cone <- read.table(coneFile, skip = 3, encoding = "latin1")[node, ]
            ampe[i] <- cone[[2]]
            phasee[i] <- cone[[3]]
            conuvFile <- paste(path, constituentsuv[i], sep = "/")
            conuv <- read.table(conuvFile, skip = 3, encoding = "latin1")[node, ]
            ampu[i] <- conuv[[2]]
            phaseu[i] <- conuv[[3]]
            ampv[i] <- conuv[[4]]
            phasev[i] <- conuv[[5]]
            oceDebug(debug, coneFile, sprintf("%s ", twoLetter),
                sprintf("%4.2fh", period[i]),
                sprintf(" (node %d) ", node),
                sprintf("%4.4fm ", ampe[i]), sprintf("%3.3fdeg", phasee[i]), "\n",
                sep = ""
        elevation <- u <- v <- rep(0, length(time))
        # NOTE: tref is the *central time* for tidem()
        tRef <- ISOdate(1899, 12, 31, 12, 0, 0, tz = "UTC")
        h <- (as.numeric(time) - as.numeric(tRef)) / 3600
        tRef <- 3600 * round(mean(as.numeric(time)) / 3600)
        for (i in 1:nconstituents) {
            twoLetter <- substr(constituentse[i], 1, 2)
            C <- which(twoLetter == tidedata$const$name)
            vuf <- tidemVuf(tRef, j = C, latitude = latitude)
            phaseOffset <- (vuf$u + vuf$v) * 360
            # NOTE: phase is *subtracted* here, but *added* in tidem()
            elevation <- elevation + ampe[i] * cos((360 * h / period[i] - phasee[i] + phaseOffset) * rpd)
            #> lines(time, elevation, col=i,lwd=3) # Debug
            u <- u + ampu[i] * cos((360 * h / period[i] - phaseu[i] + phaseOffset) * rpd)
            v <- v + ampv[i] * cos((360 * h / period[i] - phasev[i] + phaseOffset) * rpd)
            oceDebug(debug, sprintf("%s ", twoLetter),
                sprintf("%4.2fh ", period[i]),
                sprintf("%4.4fm ", ampe[i]), sprintf("%3.3fdeg", phasee[i]), "\n",
                sep = ""
        if (plot) {
            par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
            oce.plot.ts(time, elevation,
                type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = resizableLabel("elevation"),
                main = sprintf("node %.0f %.3fN %.3fE", node, latitude, longitude),
                tformat = tformat
            abline(h = 0, lty = "dotted", col = "gray")
            oce.plot.ts(time, u,
                type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = resizableLabel("u"),
                drawTimeRange = FALSE, tformat = tformat
            abline(h = 0, lty = "dotted", col = "gray")
            oce.plot.ts(time, v,
                type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = resizableLabel("v"),
                drawTimeRange = FALSE, tformat = tformat
            abline(h = 0, lty = "dotted", col = "gray")
            oceDebug(debug, "END webtide()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
                time = time, elevation = elevation, u = u, v = v,
                node = node, basedir = basedir, region = region
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "END webtide()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
                time = time, elevation = elevation, u = u, v = v,
                node = node, basedir = basedir, region = region

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oce documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:09 p.m.