
Defines functions as.topo read.topo topoInterpolate download.topo

Documented in as.topo download.topo read.topo topoInterpolate

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Class to Store Topographic Data
#' This class stores topographic data, as read with
#' [read.topo()] or assembled with [as.topo()].
#' Plotting is handled with [plot,topo-method()]
#' and summaries with [summary,topo-method()].
#' @templateVar class topo
#' @templateVar dataExample The key items stored in this slot are: `longititude`, `latitude`, and `z`.
#' @templateVar metadataExample {}
#' @template slot_summary
#' @template slot_put
#' @template slot_get
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family classes provided by oce
#' @family things related to topo data
setClass("topo", contains = "oce")

#' @title Global Topographic Data (at Half-degree Resolution)
#' @description
#' Global topographic dataset at half-degree resolution, downloaded from
#' a NOAA server on May 18, 2019.  Longitude, accessible as
#' `topoWorld[["longitude"]]`, ranges from -179.75 to 129.75 degrees north.
#' Latitude (`topoWorld[["latitude"]]`) ranges from -89.75 to 89.75 degrees east.
#' Height (`topoWorld[["z"]]`) is measured in metres above nominal sea level.
#' The coarse resolution can be a problem in plotting depth contours along with
#' coastlines in regions of steep topography. For example, near the southeast
#' corner of Newfoundland, a 200m contour will overlap a coastline drawn with
#' `coastlineWorldFine` from the \CRANpkg{ocedata} package. The solution in such cases is to
#' download a higher-resolution topography file, perhaps using
#' [download.topo()], and then use [read.topo()]
#' to create another `topo` object.  (With other data
#' sources, [as.topo()] may be helpful.)
#' @section Historical note:
#' From late 2009 until May 18, 2019, the `topoWorld` dataset was created
#' with a fairly complicated code that read a binary file downloaded from NOAA
#' (\samp{http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/relief/ETOPO5/TOPO/ETOPO5}),
#' decoded, decimated from 1/12th degree resolution to 1/2 degree resolution, and
#' passed through [matrixShiftLongitude()] to put longitude
#' between -180 and 180 degrees. The new scheme for creating the dataset,
#' (see \dQuote{Source}) is much simpler, and also a much better model
#' of how users are likely to deal with topography files in the more
#' modern netCDF format. Note that the new version differs from the old one
#' in longitude and latitude being shifted by 1/4 degree,
#' and by a mean  elevation difference of under 10m. The old and new
#' versions appear identical when plotted at the global scale that is
#' the recommended for such a coarse topographic file.
#' @name topoWorld
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(topoWorld)
#' @source
#' This is created with [read.topo()], using a file downloaded with
#' \preformatted{
#' topoFile <- download.topo(west=-180, east=180, south=-90, north=90,
#'    resolution=30, destdir=".")
#' }
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(topoWorld)
#' par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
#' plot(topoWorld, location=NULL)
#' imagep(topoWorld)
#' }
#' @family datasets provided with oce
#' @family things related to topo data

    f = "initialize",
    signature = "topo",
    definition = function(.Object, longitude, latitude, z, filename = "", units, ...) {
        .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
        if (!missing(longitude)) .Object@data$longitude <- longitude
        if (!missing(latitude)) .Object@data$latitude <- latitude
        if (!missing(z)) .Object@data$z <- z
        if (!missing(units)) .Object@metadata$units <- units
        .Object@metadata$filename <- filename
        .Object@processingLog$time <- presentTime()
        .Object@processingLog$value <- "create \"topo\" object"

#' Summarize a topo Object
#' Pertinent summary information is presented, including the longitude and
#' latitude range, and the range of elevation.
#' @param object A [topo-class] object.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A matrix containing statistics of the elements of the `data` slot.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(topoWorld)
#' summary(topoWorld)
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to topo data
    f = "summary",
    signature = "topo",
    definition = function(object, ...) {
        cat("\nTopo dataset\n------------\n")
        cat("* Source:          ", object[["filename"]], "\n")
        invisible(callNextMethod()) # summary

#' @title Extract Something From a topo Object
#' @param x a [topo-class] object.
#' @examples
#' data(topoWorld)
#' dim(topoWorld[["z"]])
#' @section Details of the Specialized Method:
#' * If `i` is `"?"`, then the return value is a list
#' containing four items, each of which is a character vector
#' holding the names of things that can be accessed with `[[`.
#' The `data` and `metadata` items hold the names of
#' entries in the object's data and metadata
#' slots, respectively. The `dataDerived`
#' and `metadataDerived` items are each NULL, because
#' no derived values are available for `topo` objects.
#' @template sub_subTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to topo data
    f = "[[",
    signature(x = "topo", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
        if (i == "?") {
                metadata = sort(names(x@metadata)),
                metadataDerived = NULL,
                data = sort(names(x@data)),
                dataDerived = NULL
        if (i == "z") {
            return(x@data$z) # the generic [["z"]] computes as -depth and that requires latitude
        callNextMethod() # [[

#' @title Replace Parts of a topo Object
#' @param x a [topo-class] object.
#' @family things related to topo data
#' @template sub_subsetTemplate
    f = "[[<-",
    signature(x = "topo", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
        callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, j = j, ..., value = value) # [[<-

#' @title Subset a topo Object
#' @description
#' This function is somewhat analogous to [subset.data.frame()].
#' Subsetting can be by `time` or `distance`, but these may not be
#' combined; use a sequence of calls to subset by both.
#' @param x a [topo-class] object.
#' @param subset A condition to be applied to the `data` portion of `x`.
#' See \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A new [topo-class] object.
#' @examples
#' # northern hemisphere
#' library(oce)
#' data(topoWorld)
#' plot(subset(topoWorld, latitude > 0))
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to topo data
#' @family functions that subset oce objects
    f = "subset",
    signature = "topo",
    definition = function(x, subset, ...) {
        subsetString <- paste(deparse(substitute(expr = subset, env = environment())), collapse = " ")
        res <- x
        dots <- list(...)
        debug <- getOption("oceDebug")
        if (length(dots) && ("debug" %in% names(dots))) {
            debug <- dots$debug
        if (missing(subset)) {
            stop("must give \"subset\"")
        if (length(grep("longitude", subsetString))) {
            oceDebug(debug, "subsetting a topo object by longitude\n")
            keep <- eval(expr = substitute(expr = subset, env = environment()), envir = x@data, enclos = parent.frame(2))
            oceDebug(debug, "keeping", 100 * sum(keep) / length(keep), "% of longitudes\n")
            res[["longitude"]] <- x[["longitude"]][keep]
            res[["z"]] <- x[["z"]][keep, ]
        } else if (length(grep("latitude", subsetString))) {
            oceDebug(debug, "subsetting a topo object by latitude\n")
            keep <- eval(expr = substitute(expr = subset, env = environment()), envir = x@data, enclos = parent.frame(2))
            oceDebug(debug, "keeping", 100 * sum(keep) / length(keep), "% of latitudes\n")
            res[["latitude"]] <- x[["latitude"]][keep]
            res[["z"]] <- x[["z"]][, keep]
        } else {
            stop("the subset must be based on longitude or latitude")
        res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste("subset.topo(x, subset=", subsetString, ")", sep = ""))

#' Download and Cache a topo File
#' Topographic data are downloaded from a data server that holds the
#' ETOPO1 dataset (Amante, C. and B.W. Eakins, 2009), and saved as a
#' netCDF file whose name specifies the data request, if a file of
#' that name is not already present on the local file system.  The
#' return value is the name of the data file, and its typical use is
#' as the filename for a call to [read.topo()].  Given the rules on
#' file naming, subsequent calls to `download.topo` with identical
#' parameters will simply return the name of the cached file, assuming
#' the user has not deleted it in the meantime.  Note that
#' `download.topo` uses the `"terra"` and `"ncdf4"` packages,
#' so an error is reported if they are not available.
#' The specified longitude and latitude limits are rounded to 2 digits
#' (corresponding to a footprint of approximately 1km), and these are
#' used in the server request. If the resultant request would generate
#' under 1 row or column in the result, `download.topo` generates an
#' error message and stops.
#' @section Historical note relating to NOAA server changes:
#' 2022 November 13: updated to new NOAA database, with 1/4-minute resolution (a
#' marked improvement over the previous 1-minute resolution).  The revision was
#' framed along similar changes to `marmap::getNOAAbathy()` made earlier today.
#' Thanks to Clark Richards for pointing this out!
#' 2020 May 31: updated for a change in the NOAA query structure, taking
#' hints from `marmap::getNOAAbathy()`.
#' @param west,east numeric values for the limits of the data-selection box, in degrees.
#' These are converted to the -180 to 180 degree notation, if needed.
#' Then, `west` is rounded down to the nearest 1/100th degree, and `east`
#' is rounded up to the the nearest 1/100th degree. The results of these
#' operations are used in constructing the query for the NOAA data server.
#' @param south,north latitude limits, treated in a way that
#' corresponds to the longitude limits.
#' @param resolution numeric value of grid spacing, in geographical minutes.
#' The default value is 4 minutes, corresponding to 4 nautical miles (approx. 7.4km)
#' in the north-south direction, and less in the east-west direction.
#' @template downloadDestTemplate
#' @param format Deprecated, and ignored, as of June 2020.
#' @param server character value specifying the base from which a
#' download URL will be constructed.  It is unlikely that any value
#' other than the default will work, unless it is a similarly-constructed
#' mirrored site.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return String indicating the full pathname to the downloaded file.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' topoFile <- download.topo(west=-66, east=-60, south=43, north=47,
#'     resolution=1, destdir="~/data/topo")
#' topo <- read.topo(topoFile)
#' imagep(topo, zlim=c(-400, 400), col=oceColorsTwo, drawTriangles=TRUE)
#' if (requireNamespace("ocedata", quietly=TRUE)) {
#'     data(coastlineWorldFine, package="ocedata")
#'     lines(coastlineWorldFine[["longitude"]], coastlineWorldFine[["latitude"]])
#' }
#' }
#' @references
#' * Amante, C. and B.W. Eakins, 2009. ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief
#' Model: Procedures, Data Sources and Analysis. NOAA Technical Memorandum
#' NESDIS NGDC-24. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V5C8276M
#' @family functions that download files
#' @family things related to topo data
download.topo <- function(
    west, east, south, north, resolution = 4,
    destdir = ".", destfile, format, server = "https://gis.ngdc.noaa.gov",
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "download.topo(west=", west,
        ", east=", east,
        ", south=", south,
        ", north=", north,
        ", resolution=", resolution,
        ", destdir=\"", destdir, "\"",
        ", server=\"", server, "\") START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    # Code derived from marmap:getNOAAbathy() {
    if (resolution < 0.5) {
        resolution <- 0.25
    } else if (resolution < 1.0) {
        resolution <- 0.50
    database <- if (resolution == 0.25) {
    } else if (resolution == 0.50) {
    } else {
    # } end of marmap-derived code
    oceDebug(debug, "resolution set to ", resolution, " for web query\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "database set to \"", database, "\" for web query\n")
    # The +-0.005 is to get rounding down for west and south, and rounding up for east and north.
    east <- round(east + 0.005, 2)
    west <- round(west - 0.005, 2)
    south <- round(south - 0.005, 2)
    north <- round(north + 0.005, 2)
    if (west > 180) {
        west <- west - 360
    if (east > 180) {
        east <- east - 360
    wName <- paste(abs(west), if (west <= 0) "W" else "E", sep = "")
    eName <- paste(abs(east), if (east <= 0) "W" else "E", sep = "")
    sName <- paste(abs(south), if (south <= 0) "S" else "N", sep = "")
    nName <- paste(abs(north), if (north <= 0) "S" else "N", sep = "")
    resolutionName <- paste(resolution, "min", sep = "")
    if (missing(destfile)) {
        destfile <- paste0(paste("topo", wName, eName, sName, nName, resolutionName, sep = "_"), ".nc")
    destination <- paste0(destdir, "/", destfile)
    oceDebug(debug, "destination=\"", destination, "\"\n", sep = "")
    if (file.exists(destination)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "using existing file \"", destination, "\"\n", sep = "")
        oceDebug(debug, "END download.topo\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    nlon <- as.integer((east - west) * 60.0 / resolution)
    if (nlon < 1L) {
        stop("Cannot download topo file, since east-west (=", east - west, " deg) is less than resolution (=", resolution, " min)")
    nlat <- as.integer((north - south) * 60.0 / resolution)
    if (nlat < 1L) {
        stop("Cannot download topo file, since north-south(=", north - south, " deg) is less than resolution (=", resolution, " min)")
    urlOLD <- paste0(
        server, "/arcgis/rest/services/DEM_mosaics/ETOPO1_bedrock/ImageServer/exportImage",
        "?bbox=", west, ",", south, ",", east, ",", north,
        "&size=", nlon, ",", nlat,
    oceDebug(debug, "OLD url: \"", urlOLD, "\"\n", sep = "")
    # Test on 2022-11-13 with NOAA interface (Halifax Harbour region)
    # https://gis.ngdc.noaa.gov
    # /arcgis/rest/services/
    # DEM_mosaics/DEM_all/ImageServer/exportImage
    # ?bbox=-65.00000,44.00000,-63.00000,45.00000
    # &bboxSR=4326
    # &size=480,240
    # &imageSR=4326
    # &format=tiff
    # &pixelType=F32
    # &interpolation=+RSP_NearestNeighbor
    # &compression=LZ77
    # &renderingRule={%22rasterFunction%22:%22none%22}&mosaicRule={%22where%22:%22Name=%27ETOPO_2022_v1_15s_bed_elev%27%22}
    # &f=image
    url <- paste0(
        server, "/arcgis/rest/services/",
        "?bbox=", west, ",", south, ",", east, ",", north,
        "&size=", nlon, ",", nlat,
    oceDebug(debug, "querying \"", url, "\"\n", sep = "")
    if (!requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("must install.packages(\"terra\") before using download.topo()")
    if (!requireNamespace("ncdf4", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("must install.packages(\"ncdf4\") before using download.topo()")
    r <- terra::rast(x = url)
    oceDebug(debug, "converting data\n", sep = "")
    longitude <- seq(terra::xmin(r), terra::xmax(r), length.out = ncol(r))
    latitude <- seq(terra::ymin(r), terra::ymax(r), length.out = nrow(r))
    z <- t(terra::as.matrix(terra::flip(r, direction = "vertical"), wide = TRUE))
    oceDebug(debug, "saving to \"", destination, "\"\n", sep = "")
    # create netcdf file
    # dimensions
    # side <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("side", units="", vals=2.0)
    fillvalue <- 1e32
    lonDim <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("lon", "degrees_east", as.double(longitude))
    latDim <- ncdf4::ncdim_def("lat", "degrees_north", as.double(latitude))
    Band1 <- ncdf4::ncvar_def("Band1", "m", list(lonDim, latDim), fillvalue, "elevation m", prec = "double")
    nc <- ncdf4::nc_create(destination, list(Band1))
    ncdf4::ncvar_put(nc, "Band1", z)
    oceDebug(debug, "END download.topo()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' @title Interpolate Within a topo Object
#' @description
#' Bilinear interpolation is used so that values will vary smoothly within a
#' longitude-latitude grid cell. Note that the sign convention for
#' `longitude` and `latitude` must match that in `topo`.
#' @param longitude Vector of longitudes (in the same sign convention as used in
#' `topo`).
#' @param latitude Vector of latitudes (in the same sign convention as used in
#' `topo`).
#' @param topo A [topo-class] object.
#' @return Vector of heights giving the elevation of the earth above means sea
#' level at the indicated location on the earth.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(topoWorld)
#' # "The Gully", approx. 400m deep, connects Gulf of St Lawrence with North Atlantic
#' topoInterpolate(45, -57, topoWorld)
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to topo data
topoInterpolate <- function(longitude, latitude, topo) {
    if (missing(longitude)) {
        stop("must supply longitude")
    if (missing(latitude)) {
        stop("must supply latitude")
    if (missing(topo)) {
        stop("must supply topo")
    if (length(latitude) != length(longitude)) {
        stop("lengths of latitude and longitude must match")
    bilinearInterp(longitude, latitude, topo[["longitude"]], topo[["latitude"]], topo[["z"]])

#' Plot a topo Object
#' This plots contours of topographic elevation.  The plot aspect ratio is set
#' based on the middle latitude in the plot.  The line properties, such as
#' `land.lwd`, may either be a single item, or a vector; in the latter case,
#' the length must match the length of the corresponding properties, e.g.
#' `land.z`.
#' @param x a [topo-class] object.
#' @param xlab,ylab Character strings giving a label for the x and y axes.
#' @param asp Aspect ratio for plot.  The default is for `plot.coastline` to
#' set the aspect ratio to give natural latitude-longitude scaling somewhere near
#' the centre latitude on the plot. Often, it makes sense to set `asp`
#' yourself, e.g. to get correct shapes at 45N, use `asp=1/cos(45*pi/180)`.
#' Note that the land mass is not symmetric about the equator, so to get good
#' world views you should set `asp=1` or set `ylim` to be symmetric
#' about zero.  Any given value of `asp` is ignored, if `clongitude` and
#' `clatitude` are given.
#' @param clatitude Optional center latitude of map, in degrees north.  If this
#' and `clongitude` are provided, then any provided value of `asp` is
#' ignored, and instead the plot aspect ratio is computed based on the center
#' latitude.  Also, if `clongitude` and `clatitude` are provided, then
#' `span` must be, also.
#' @param clongitude Optional center longitude of map, in degrees east; see
#' `clatitude`.
#' @param span Optional suggested span of plot, in kilometers (must be supplied,
#' if `clongitude` and `clatitude` are supplied).
#' @param expand Numerical factor for the expansion of plot limits, showing area
#' outside the plot, e.g. if showing a ship track as a coastline, and then an
#' actual coastline to show the ocean boundary.  The value of `expand` is
#' ignored if either `xlim` or `ylim` is given.
#' @param water.z Depths at which to plot water contours.  If not provided, these
#' are inferred from the data.
#' @param col.water Colors corresponding to `water.z` values.  If not
#' provided, these will be `"fill"` colors from
#' [oce.colorsGebco()].
#' @param lty.water Line type(s) for water contours.
#' @param lwd.water Line width(s) for water contours.
#' @param land.z Depths at which to plot land contours.  If not provided, these
#' are inferred from the data.  If set to `NULL`, no land contours will be
#' plotted.
#' @param col.land Colors corresponding to `land.z` values.  If not
#' provided, these will be `"fill"` colors from
#' [oce.colorsGebco()].
#' @param lty.land Line type(s) for land contours.
#' @param lwd.land Line width(s) for land contours.
#' @param geographical Logical, indicating whether to plot latitudes and
#' longitudes without minus signs.
#' @param location Location for a legend (or `"none"`, for no legend).
#' @param mgp 3-element numerical vector to use for `par(mgp)`, and also for
#' `par(mar)`, computed from this.  The default is tighter than the R
#' default, in order to use more space for the data and less for the axes.
#' @param mar Four-element numerical vector to be used with
#' [`par`]`("mar")`.
#' @param debug Numerical value, with positive values indicating higher levels of
#' debugging.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to plotting functions.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(topoWorld)
#' plot(topoWorld, clongitude = -60, clatitude = 45, span = 10000)
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to topo data
#' @aliases plot.topo
    f = "plot",
    signature = signature("topo"),
    definition = function(x, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp,
                          clongitude, clatitude, span, expand = 1.5,
                          water.z, col.water, lty.water, lwd.water,
                          land.z, col.land, lty.land, lwd.land,
                          geographical = FALSE,
                          location = "topright",
                          mgp = getOption("oceMgp"),
                          mar = c(mgp[1] + 1, mgp[1] + 1, 1, 1),
                          debug = getOption("oceDebug"),
                          ...) {
        if (!inherits(x, "topo")) {
            stop("method is only for objects of class \"", "topo", "\"")
        oceDebug(debug, "plot.topo() START\n", unindent = 1)
        # opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
        # on.exit(par(opar))
        par(mgp = mgp, mar = mar)
        dots <- list(...)
        dotsNames <- names(dots)
        if ("center" %in% dotsNames) {
            stop("please use \"clatitude\" and \"clongitude\" instead of \"center\"")
        gave.center <- !missing(clatitude) && !missing(clongitude)
        gave.span <- !missing(span)
        if (gave.center != gave.span) {
            stop("must give all of \"clatitude\", \"clongitude\" and \"span\", or none of them")
        if (!missing(clongitude) && clongitude > 180) {
            clongitude <- clongitude - 360
        if (!missing(clongitude) && clongitude < -180) {
            clongitude <- clongitude + 360
        if (gave.center) {
            if (!missing(asp)) {
                warning("argument \"asp\" being ignored, because argument \"center\" was given")
            asp <- 1 / cos(clatitude * atan2(1, 1) / 45) #  ignore any provided asp, because lat from center over-rides it
            xr <- clongitude + span * c(-1 / 2, 1 / 2) / 111.11 / asp
            yr <- clatitude + span * c(-1 / 2, 1 / 2) / 111.11
            oceDebug(debug, "gave center; calculated xr=", xr, " yr=", yr, " asp=", asp, "\n")
        } else {
            if (missing(asp)) {
                if ("ylim" %in% dotsNames) {
                    asp <- 1 / cos(mean(range(dots$ylim, na.rm = TRUE)) * pi / 180) # dy/dx
                } else {
                    asp <- 1 / cos(mean(range(x[["latitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)) * pi / 180) # dy/dx
            # Expand
            xr0 <- range(x[["longitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
            yr0 <- range(x[["latitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
            oceDebug(debug, "xr0=", xr0, "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "yr0=", yr0, "\n")
            if (expand >= 0 && max(abs(xr0)) < 100 && max(abs(yr0) < 70)) {
                # do not expand if full map
                xr <- mean(xr0) + expand * diff(xr0) * c(-1 / 2, 1 / 2)
                yr <- mean(yr0) + expand * diff(yr0) * c(-1 / 2, 1 / 2)
            } else {
                xr <- xr0
                yr <- yr0
        zr <- range(x[["z"]], na.rm = TRUE)
        if (gave.center && !is.null(dots$xlim)) {
            stop("cannot give \"xlim\" argument if the \"center\" argument was given")
        if (gave.center && !is.null(dots$ylim)) {
            stop("cannot give \"ylim\" argument if the \"center\" argument was given")
        # auto-scale based on data in window, if window provided
        if (!is.null(dots$xlim) && !is.null(dots$ylim)) {
            xr <- dots$xlim
            yr <- dots$ylim
        # The following is a somewhat provisional hack, to get around a
        # tendency of plot() to produce latitudes past the poles.
        # BUG: the use of par("pin") seems to mess up resizing in aqua windows.
        asp.page <- par("pin")[2] / par("pin")[1] # dy / dx
        oceDebug(debug, "par(\"pin\")=", par("pin"), "asp=", asp, "asp.page=", asp.page, "\n")
        if (asp > asp.page) {
            # FIXME: this seems to have x and y mixed up (asp=dy/dx)
            oceDebug(debug, "type 1 (will narrow x range)\n")
            d <- asp / asp.page * diff(xr)
            xr <- mean(xr) + d * c(-1 / 2, 1 / 2)
            oceDebug(debug, "xr narrowed to:", xr, "\n")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "type 2 (will narrow y range)\n")
            d <- asp / asp.page * diff(yr)
            yr <- mean(yr) + d * c(-1 / 2, 1 / 2)
            oceDebug(debug, "yr narrowed to:", yr, "\n")

        oceDebug(debug, "xr:", xr, "(before trimming)\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "yr:", yr, "(before trimming)\n")
        if (yr[1] < -90) yr[1] <- -90
        if (yr[2] > 90) yr[2] <- 90
        oceDebug(debug, "xr:", xr, "(after trimming)\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "yr:", yr, "(after trimming)\n")
        X <- x[["longitude"]]
        Y <- x[["latitude"]]
        Z <- x[["z"]]
        # Handle repeats modulo 180
        if (X[1] == -180 && X[length(X)] == 180) {
            keep <- seq.int(1L, length(X) - 1)
            X <- X[keep]
            Z <- Z[keep, ]
        # check for prime meridian
        if (sign(prod(xr)) < 0) {
            Z <- rbind(Z, Z)
            X <- c(X - 360, X)
            # If X runs from -180 to 180, then subtracting 360 will duplicate the -180 value,
            # so we test for repeats. We do not test for a diff of exactly zero, for numerical
            # reasons, and the test for 0.001 times the mean is quite arbitrary, since we
            # are likely looking for a value of 1e-14 or so, which is FAR below the difference
            # we would get in realistic topographic data.
            dX <- diff(X)
            if (any(dX < 0.001 * mean(dX))) {
                delete <- which(dX < 0.001 * mean(dX))[1]
                X <- X[-delete]
                Z <- Z[-delete, ]
        # Data may not extend across plot region
        lon.range <- range(X, na.rm = TRUE)
        lat.range <- range(Y, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (xr[1] < lon.range[1]) xr[1] <- lon.range[1]
        if (xr[2] > lon.range[2]) xr[2] <- lon.range[2]
        if (yr[1] < lat.range[1]) yr[1] <- lat.range[1]
        if (yr[2] > lat.range[2]) yr[2] <- lat.range[2]
        plot(xr, yr, asp = asp, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", axes = FALSE, ...)
        if (debug > 0) {
            points(xr, yr, col = "blue", pch = 20, cex = 3)
        xr.pretty <- pretty(xr)
        yr.pretty <- pretty(yr)
        oceDebug(debug, "xr.pretty=", xr.pretty, "(before trimming)\n")
        xr.pretty <- subset(xr.pretty, xr.pretty >= xr[1] & xr.pretty <= xr[2])
        oceDebug(debug, "xr.pretty=", xr.pretty, "(after trimming)\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "yr.pretty=", yr.pretty, "(before trimming)\n")
        yr.pretty <- subset(yr.pretty, yr.pretty >= yr[1] & yr.pretty <= yr[2])
        oceDebug(debug, "yr.pretty=", yr.pretty, "(after trimming)\n")
        lines(c(xr[1], xr[2], xr[2], xr[1], xr[1]), c(yr[1], yr[1], yr[2], yr[2], yr[1])) # axis box
        xlabels <- format(xr.pretty)
        ylabels <- format(yr.pretty)
        if (geographical) {
            xlabels <- sub("-", "", xlabels)
            ylabels <- sub("-", "", ylabels)
        axis(1, at = xr.pretty, pos = yr[1], labels = xlabels)
        axis(3, at = xr.pretty, pos = max(yr), labels = FALSE)
        axis(2, at = yr.pretty, pos = xr[1], labels = ylabels)
        axis(4, at = yr.pretty, pos = max(xr), labels = FALSE)
        # Use either mtext() or text() to position the label, depending on
        # whether the extra margin space has been placed to the sides
        # of the graph, or above and below it.
        if (0 != nchar(xlab)) {
            if (asp > asp.page) {
                mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = mgp[1])
            } else {
                text(mean(par("usr")[1:2]), yr[1], xlab, pos = 1, offset = mgp[1] + mgp[2])
        if (0 != nchar(ylab)) {
            if (asp > asp.page) {
                text(xr[1], mean(par("usr")[3:4]), ylab, pos = 2, offset = mgp[1] + mgp[2], srt = 90)
            } else {
                mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = mgp[1])
        oceDebug(debug, "xr=", xr, "yr=", yr, "\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "par(yaxp)", par("yaxp"), "\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "par(pin)", par("pin"), "\n")
        # need to clip because contour() does not do so
        xx <- X # x[["longitude"]]
        yy <- Y # x[["latitude"]]
        xclip <- xx < xr[1] | xr[2] < xx
        yclip <- yy < yr[1] | yr[2] < yy
        xx <- xx[!xclip]
        if (length(xx) < 1) {
            stop("there are no topographic data within the longitudes of the plot region.")
        yy <- yy[!yclip]
        if (length(yy) < 1) {
            stop("there are no topographic data within the latitudes of the plot region.")
        zz <- Z[!xclip, !yclip]
        zr <- range(zz)
        contour(xx, yy, zz,
            levels = 0, drawlabels = FALSE, add = TRUE,
            col = "black"
        ) # coastline is always black
        legend <- lwd <- lty <- col <- NULL
        if (zr[1] < 0) {
            if (missing(water.z)) {
                if (zr[2] > 0) {
                    water.z <- pretty(c(zr[1], 0))
                    water.z <- water.z[water.z != 0]
                    # Do some tricks to get shelf water as well as deep
                    if (max(water.z) == -1000) {
                        water.z <- c(water.z, -500, -250, -100, -50)
                    } else if (max(water.z) == -500) {
                        water.z <- c(water.z, -400, -300, -200, -150, -100, -50)
                } else {
                    water.z <- pretty(zr)
                water.z <- sort(water.z)
            nz <- length(water.z)
            if (missing(col.water)) {
                col.water <- oce.colorsGebco(nz, "water", "line")
            if (missing(lty.water)) {
                lty.water <- rep(par("lty"), nz)
            } else if (length(lty.water) == 1) {
                lty.water <- rep(lty.water, nz)
            if (missing(lwd.water)) {
                lwd.water <- rep(par("lwd"), nz)
            } else if (length(lwd.water) == 1) {
                lwd.water <- rep(lwd.water, nz)
            legend <- c(legend, water.z)
            lwd <- c(lwd, lwd.water)
            lty <- c(lty, lty.water)
            col <- c(col, col.water)
            contour(xx, yy, zz,
                levels = water.z, lwd = lwd.water, lty = lty.water, col = col.water,
                drawlabels = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...
        if (zr[2] > 0) {
            if (missing(land.z)) {
                if (zr[1] < 0) {
                    land.z <- pretty(c(0, zr[2]))
                    land.z <- land.z[land.z != 0]
                } else {
                    land.z <- pretty(zr)
            nz <- length(land.z)
            if (nz > 0) {
                if (missing(col.land)) {
                    col.land <- oce.colorsGebco(nz, "land", "line")
                if (missing(lty.land)) {
                    lty.land <- rep(par("lty"), nz)
                } else if (length(lty.land) == 1) {
                    lty.land <- rep(lty.land, nz)
                if (missing(lwd.land)) {
                    lwd.land <- rep(par("lwd"), nz)
                } else if (length(lwd.land) == 1) {
                    lwd.land <- rep(lwd.land, nz)
                legend <- c(legend, land.z)
                lwd <- c(lwd, lwd.land)
                lty <- c(lty, lty.land)
                col <- c(col, col.land)
                contour(xx, yy, zz,
                    levels = land.z, lwd = lwd.land, lty = lty.land, col = col.land,
                    drawlabels = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...
        if (!is.null(location) && location != "none") {
            o <- rev(order(legend))
            legend(location, lwd = lwd[o], lty = lty[o], bg = "white", legend = legend[o], col = col[o])
        oceDebug(debug, "END plot.topo()\n", unindent = 1)

#' Read a topo File
#' Read a file that contains topographic data in the ETOPO dataset, as was once provided by
#' the NOAA website (see [download.topo()] for a good server for such
#' files. (As of May, 2020, there does not seem to be a way to download these
#' files from the NOAA website.)
#' The three permitted file types are as follows.
#' 1. An ascii type
#' in which line 1 holds a label (which is ignored), whitespace, and then
#' the number of columns in the matrix (i.e. the number of longitude values),
#' line 2 is similar but for latitude, line 3 is similar but for the westernmost
#' longitude, line 4 is similar but for southernmost latitude, line 5
#' is similar but for cell size, and lines after that hold the grid.
#' 2. A NetCDF format that was once described by NOAA as "GMT NetCDF".
#' 3. A NetCDF format that was once described by NOAA as "NetCDF".
#' @param file Name of a file containing an ETOPO-format dataset. Three
#' types are permitted; see \dQuote{Details}.
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return
#' A [topo-class] object.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' topoMaritimes <- read.topo("topoMaritimes.asc")
#' plot(topographyMaritimes)
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to topo data
read.topo <- function(file, encoding = "latin1", debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply \"file\"")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    oceDebug(debug, "read.topo(file=\"", file, "\") START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    # handle GEBCO netcdf files or an ascii format
    dataNamesOriginal <- list()
    if (is.character(file) && length(grep(".nc$", file))) {
        oceDebug(debug, "this is a netcdf file\n")
        if (!requireNamespace("ncdf4", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("must install.packages(\"ncdf4\") to read topo data from a NetCDF file")
        } else {
            # message("file: \"", file, "\"")
            # "GEBCO NetCDF" (NOT the same as "NetCDF")
            # NOTE: need to name ncdf4 package because otherwise R checks give warnings.
            ncdf <- ncdf4::nc_open(file)
            dataNamesOriginal <- list()
            if ("Band1" %in% names(ncdf$var)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "file has a variable named \"Band1\", so reading longitude as \"lon\", latitude as \"lat\", and z as \"Band1\"\n")
                z <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "Band1")
                longitude <- as.vector(ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "lon"))
                latitude <- as.vector(ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "lat"))
                dataNamesOriginal <- list(longitude = "lon", latitude = "lat", z = "Band1")
                # cat(vectorShow(longitude, "longitude in reading Band1"))
            } else {
                    debug, "file has no variable named \"Band1\", so computing longitude and",
                    " latitude from \"x_range\" and \"y_range\" together with \"spacing\", and reading z as \"z\"\n"
                xrange <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "x_range")
                yrange <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "y_range")
                # zrange <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "z_range")
                spacing <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "spacing")
                longitude <- seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], by = spacing[1])
                latitude <- seq(yrange[1], yrange[2], by = spacing[2])
                z <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "z")
                dim <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(ncdf, "dimension")
                z <- t(matrix(z, nrow = dim[2], ncol = dim[1], byrow = TRUE))
                z <- z[, dim[2]:1]
                dataNamesOriginal <- list(longitude = "-", latitude = "-", z = "-")
            # FIXME(DK 2016-08-20): Sometimes length is off by 1. I am not sure why, and
            # FIXME(DK 2016-08-20): this should be figured out by inspection of files.
            if (length(longitude) == dim(z)[1] + 1) {
                oceDebug(debug, "offsetting longitude of a netcdf topo file by half a step\n")
                warning("offsetting longitude of a netcdf topo file by half a step")
                longitude <- longitude[-1] - diff(longitude[1:2]) / 2
            if (length(latitude) == dim(z)[2] + 1) {
                oceDebug(debug, "offsetting latitude of a netcdf topo file by half a step")
                warning("offsetting latitude of a netcdf topo file by half a step")
                latitude <- latitude[-1] - diff(latitude[1:2]) / 2
            res <- as.topo(longitude, latitude, z, filename = file)
    } else {
        oceDebug(debug, "this is an ASCII (text) file\n")
        # ASCII
        # NOTE: on 2014-11-13 it came to light that the old dataset website
        #          http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/gdas/gd_designagrid.html
        # was no longer working, and that the new one
        #          http://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/wcs-client/
        # seemed to have headers 5 lines long.  However,
        # the code below has a trick to (perhaps) auto-detect whether the header
        # length is 5 or 6.
        nh <- 6
        header <- readLines(file, n = nh)
        if (nchar(header[length(header)]) > 50) {
            # the header is only 5 long, if the last header line is long.
            nh <- nh - 1
            header <- header[1:nh]
        ncol <- as.numeric(strsplit(header[1], "[ ]+", perl = TRUE)[[1]][2])
        nrow <- as.numeric(strsplit(header[2], "[ ]+", perl = TRUE)[[1]][2])
        longitudeLowerLeft <- as.numeric(strsplit(header[3], "[ ]+", perl = TRUE)[[1]][2])
        latitudeLowerLeft <- as.numeric(strsplit(header[4], "[ ]+", perl = TRUE)[[1]][2])
        cellSize <- as.numeric(strsplit(header[5], "[ ]+", perl = TRUE)[[1]][2])
        missingValue <- NA
        i <- grep("nodata", header)
        if (length(i)) {
            missingValue <- as.numeric(strsplit(header[i], "[ ]+", perl = TRUE)[[1]][2])
        zz <- as.matrix(read.table(file, encoding = encoding, header = FALSE, skip = nh), byrow = TRUE)
        rownames(zz) <- NULL
        colnames(zz) <- NULL
        longitude <- longitudeLowerLeft + cellSize * seq(0, ncol - 1)
        latitude <- latitudeLowerLeft + cellSize * seq(0, nrow - 1)
        # z <- t(zz[dim(zz)[1]:1, ])
        z <- t(zz[seq(nrow(zz), 1L), ])
        if (!is.na(missingValue)) {
            z[z == missingValue] <- NA
        res <- as.topo(longitude, latitude, z, filename = file) # FIXME: add units here
    res@metadata$dataNamesOriginal <- dataNamesOriginal
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
        paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "END read.topo\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Coerce Data Into a topo Object
#' @param longitude Either a vector of longitudes (in degrees east, and bounded by
#' -180 and 180), or a `bathy` object created by `getNOAA.bathy()` from
#' the `marmap` package; in the second case, all other arguments are ignored.
#' @param latitude A vector of latitudes.
#' @param z A matrix of heights (positive over land).
#' @param filename Name of data (used when called by [read.topo()].
#' @return A [topo-class] object.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to topo data
as.topo <- function(longitude, latitude, z, filename = "") {
    if (inherits(longitude, "bathy")) {
        bathy <- longitude
        longitude <- as.numeric(rownames(bathy))
        latitude <- as.numeric(colnames(bathy))
        z <- as.matrix(bathy)
    ncols <- length(longitude)
    nrows <- length(latitude)
    # longitudeLowerLeft <- min(longitude, na.rm=TRUE)
    # latitudeLowerLeft <- min(latitude, na.rm=TRUE)
    dim <- dim(z)
    if (dim[1] != ncols) {
        stop("longitude vector has length ", ncols, ", which does not match matrix width ", dim[1])
    if (dim[2] != nrows) {
        stop("latitude vector has length ", ncols, ", which does not match matrix height ", dim[2])
    units <- list(
        latitude = list(unit = expression(degree * E), scale = ""),
        longitude = list(unit = expression(degree * N), scale = ""),
        z = list(unit = expression(m), scale = "")
    res <- new("topo", latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude, z = z, filename = filename, units = units)
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
        paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = "")

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oce documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:09 p.m.