## Function to fit a partial credit model, see e.g. Masters & Wright (1984)
pcmodel <- function (y, weights = NULL, nullcats = c("keep", "downcode", "ignore"), start = NULL,
reltol = 1e-10, deriv = c("sum", "diff"), hessian = TRUE, maxit = 100L, full = TRUE, ...)
## original function call
mcall <- if(full) else NULL
## argument matching
deriv <- match.arg(deriv)
## process input and data
nullcats <- match.arg(nullcats)
diff <- deriv == "diff"
y <- as.matrix(y)
n_org <- nrow(y)
m <- ncol(y)
ident_items <-, m)
## process weights
if (is.null(weights)) weights <-, n_org) else stopifnot(length(weights) == n_org)
y <- y[weights > 0, , drop = FALSE]
weights_org <- weights
weights <- weights[weights > 0]
n <- nrow(y)
## move categories to zero if necessary, get number of categories per item
mincat <- apply(y, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
if(any(mincat > 0)) {
warning("Minimum score is not zero for all items (", paste(which(mincat > 0), collapse = ", "), "). These items are scaled to zero.")
y[, mincat > 0] <- scale.default(y[, mincat > 0], center = mincat[mincat > 0], scale = FALSE)
oj <- apply(y, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
oj_vec <- lapply(oj, seq, from = 0)
## check for null categories and warn...
nl_cats <- lapply(1:m, function (j) !(oj_vec[[j]] %in% y[, j]))
nl_cats_items <- which(sapply(nl_cats, any))
any_nl_cat_item <- length(nl_cats_items) > 0
if (any_nl_cat_item) {
warning("There are items with null categories (", paste(nl_cats_items, sep = "", collapse = ", "), ").")
## .. then treat according to nullcats (ignore = do nothing)
if (nullcats == "downcode") {
oj <- oj - sapply(nl_cats, sum)
oj_vec <- lapply(1:m, function (j) oj_vec[[j]][1:(oj[j]+1)])
for (j in nl_cats_items) {
missing_scores <- sort(which(nl_cats[[j]]), decreasing = TRUE) - 1
for (score in missing_scores) y[![, j]) & y[, j] > score, j] <- y[![, j]) & y[, j] > score, j] - 1
if (nullcats == "keep") {
all_par <-, sum(oj))
est_par <- !unlist(lapply(nl_cats, "[", -1))
all_par[which(est_par == TRUE)[1]] <- 0
est_par[which(est_par == TRUE)[1]] <- FALSE
oj <- oj - sapply(nl_cats, sum)
oj_vec <- mapply(function(x, y) x[!y], oj_vec, nl_cats, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
oj_max <- sapply(oj_vec, max) # maximum category number (different from number of categories if nullcats == "keep")
## remove unidentified items (only one category used)
unid <- oj == 0
nunid <- sum(unid)
if (nunid) {
y <- y[, !unid, drop = FALSE]
oj <- oj[!unid]
oj_vec <- oj_vec[!unid]
oj_max <- oj_max[!unid]
m <- m - nunid
ident_items[unid] <- FALSE
warning("There were unidentified items (only one category used, ", paste(which(unid), sep = "", collapse = ", "), ").")
mv <- 1:m
## check for missings
y_na <-
any_na <- any(y_na)
## calculate category totals and set starting values from these (calculation accounts for NAs)
## (generalisation of first proposal of Fischer & Molenaar, p. 50. If oj = 1: equal to starting values in raschmodel())
ctot <- vector("list", length = m)
for (j in seq_len(m)) ctot[[j]] <- as.vector(tapply(weights, factor(y[, j], levels = oj_vec[[j]]), sum))
if (is.null(start)) {
start <- lapply(ctot, function (x) - cumsum(diff.default(log(x)))) # delta_jk = log(x_j(k-1) - log(x_jk), beta_jk = cumsum_k=1^k(delta_jk)
start <- unlist(start)
start <- start[-1] - start[1]
start[] <- 0
## calculate person totals, catch missing person scores
rs <- rowSums(y, na.rm = TRUE)
ptot <- as.vector(tapply(weights, factor(rs, levels = 0:sum(oj_max)), sum))
ptot[] <- 0
## unlist ctot, remove first category total (since beta_j0 = 0 for all 0), catch null categories
ctot <- unlist(lapply(ctot, "[", -1))
ctot[] <- 0
## build log-likelihood
if(!any_na) {
## objective function: conditional log-likelihood
cloglik <- function (par) {
## include epsilons for esf when there are nullcats & nullcats == "keep" (see Wilson, 1993)
if (any_nl_cat_item && nullcats == "keep") {
all_par[est_par] <- par
esf_par <- all_par
} else {
esf_par <- c(0, par)
esf_par <- split(esf_par,, oj_max))
## finally: the cll
cll <- - sum(ctot * c(0, par)) - sum(ptot * log(elementary_symmetric_functions(par = esf_par, order = 0, diff = diff)[[1]]))
## catch degenerated cases (typically caused by non-finite gamma)
if ( | !is.finite(cll)) cll <- -.Machine$double.xmax
## static helper variables for analytical gradient
parindex <- unlist(lapply(oj_vec, "[", -1))
itemindex <-, oj)
xmat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = n, ncol = sum(oj))
for (i in 1:n) xmat[i, ] <- y[i, itemindex] == parindex
## analytical gradient
agrad <- function (par) {
## elementary symmetric functions
if (any_nl_cat_item && nullcats == "keep") {
all_par[est_par] <- par
esf_par <- all_par
} else {
esf_par <- c(0, par)
esf <- elementary_symmetric_functions(par = split(esf_par,, oj_max)), order = 1, diff = diff)
gamma0 <- esf[[1]][rs + 1]
gamma1 <- apply(esf[[2]], 2, "[", rs + 1)
if (any_nl_cat_item && nullcats == "keep") gamma1 <- gamma1[, c(TRUE, est_par[-1]), drop = FALSE]
## calculate and return aggregated gradient
return(- colSums((weights * (- xmat + (gamma1 / gamma0)))[, -1, drop = FALSE]))
} else {
## fetch different NA-patterns like Achim does, setup position vector of parameters
na_patterns <- factor(apply(y_na, 1, function(z) paste(which(z), collapse = "\r")))
lev_na_patterns <- levels(na_patterns)
par_pos <-, oj_max)
## setup na_pattern lists for various elements of loglik
m_i <- mv_i <- rs_i <- ptot_i <- ctot_i <- par_i <- oj_max_i <- vector("list", length(lev_na_patterns))
na_obs_i <- weights_i <- est_par_i <- xmat_i <- vector("list", length(lev_na_patterns))
## loop over observed NA patterns, calculate constant things once
for(i in seq_along(lev_na_patterns)) {
## from pattern i: get NA item(s), observations of and weights with this pattern
na_items_i <- as.integer(strsplit(lev_na_patterns[i], "\r")[[1]])
n_na_items_i <- length(na_items_i)
na_obs_i[[i]] <- which(na_patterns == lev_na_patterns[i])
weights_i[[i]] <- weights[na_obs_i[[i]]]
## select subset
if(n_na_items_i < 1) { # no missings
y_i <- y[na_obs_i[[i]], , drop = FALSE]
par_i[[i]] <-, sum(oj_max))
m_i[[i]] <- m
mv_i[[i]] <- mv
oj_vec_i <- oj_vec
oj_max_i[[i]] <- oj_max
} else { # specific NA pattern
y_i <- y[na_obs_i[[i]], -na_items_i, drop = FALSE]
par_i[[i]] <- !(par_pos %in% na_items_i)
m_i[[i]] <- m - n_na_items_i
mv_i[[i]] <- mv[-na_items_i]
oj_vec_i <- oj_vec[-na_items_i]
oj_max_i[[i]] <- oj_max[-na_items_i]
## calculate category totals and person totals for NA-group i
ctot_i[[i]] <- vector("list", length = m_i[[i]])
for (j in seq_len(m_i[[i]])) ctot_i[[i]][[j]] <- as.vector(tapply(weights_i[[i]], factor(y_i[, j], levels = oj_vec_i[[j]]), sum))
ctot_i[[i]] <- unlist(lapply(ctot_i[[i]], "[", -1))
ctot_i[[i]][[[i]])] <- 0
rs_i[[i]] <- rowSums(y_i)
ptot_i[[i]] <- as.vector(tapply(weights_i[[i]], factor(rs_i[[i]], levels = 0:sum(oj_max_i[[i]])), sum))
ptot_i[[i]][[[i]])] <- 0
## calculate helper variables for gradient
parindex_i <- unlist(lapply(oj_vec_i, "[", -1))
itemindex_i <- unlist([[i]], oj[mv_i[[i]]]))
est_par_i[[i]] <- !unlist(lapply(nl_cats, "[", -1)[mv_i[[i]]])
xmat_i[[i]] <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = length(na_obs_i[[i]]), ncol = sum(oj[mv_i[[i]]]))
for (j in 1:length(na_obs_i[[i]])) xmat_i[[i]][j, ] <- (y[na_obs_i[[i]], , drop = FALSE])[j, itemindex_i] == parindex_i
## fun for mapply (calculates cll contributions per na_group with variable par's)
cll_i <- function (ctot_i, par_i, ptot_i, esf_par_i) {
- sum(ctot_i * par_i) - sum(ptot_i * log(elementary_symmetric_functions(par = esf_par_i, order = 0, diff = diff)[[1]]))
## objective function: conditional log-likelihood (build incrementally by looping over the NA-patterns
cloglik <- function (par) {
## add first zero par, then select current parameters
## include epsilons for esf when there are nullcats & nullcats == "keep" (see Wilson, 1993)
if (any_nl_cat_item && nullcats == "keep") {
all_par[est_par] <- par
parx <- all_par
} else {
parx <- c(0, par)
esf_par <- lapply(par_i, function (x) parx[x])
par <- lapply(esf_par, function (x) x[!])
esf_par <- mapply(split, esf_par, mapply(function (x, y) rep(1:x, y), m_i, oj_max_i))
## conditional log-likelihood
cll <- sum(mapply(cll_i, ctot_i, par, ptot_i, esf_par, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
## catch degenerated cases (typically cause by non-finite gamma)
if( | !is.finite(cll)) cll <- -.Machine$double.xmax
## static helper variables for analytical gradient
grad <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = sum(oj))
itemindex <-, oj)
## analytical gradient
agrad <- function (par) {
## elementary symmetric functions
if (any_nl_cat_item && nullcats == "keep") {
all_par[est_par] <- par
esf_par <- all_par
} else {
esf_par <- c(0, par)
esf_par <- lapply(par_i, function (x) esf_par[x])
esf_par <- mapply(split, esf_par, mapply(function (x, y) rep(1:x, y), m_i, oj_max_i))
esf <- mapply(elementary_symmetric_functions, par = esf_par, MoreArgs = list(order = 1, diff = diff), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
## loop over observed NA patterns and calculate gradients
for(i in seq_along(lev_na_patterns)) {
## select gamma zero and first derivatives with rs_i
gamma0_i <- esf[[i]][[1]][rs_i[[i]] + 1]
gamma1_i <- apply(esf[[i]][[2]], 2, "[", rs_i[[i]] + 1)
if (!is.matrix(gamma1_i)) gamma1_i <- matrix(gamma1_i, nrow = 1)
## finally: the gradient for NA group i
if (any_nl_cat_item && nullcats == "keep") gamma1_i <- gamma1_i[, est_par_i[[i]], drop = FALSE]
grad[na_obs_i[[i]], itemindex %in% mv_i[[i]]] <- weights_i[[i]] * (- xmat_i[[i]] + (gamma1_i/ gamma0_i))
return(- colSums(grad[, -1, drop = FALSE]))
## optimization
opt <- optim(par = start, fn = cloglik, gr = agrad, method = "BFGS",
hessian = hessian, control = list(reltol = reltol, maxit = maxit, ...))
## final estimates ...
est <- opt$par
names(est) <- if (is.null(colnames(y))) {
paste("I",, oj), "-C", unlist(lapply(oj, seq_len)), sep = "")[-1]
} else paste(rep(colnames(y)[which(ident_items)], oj), "-C", unlist(lapply(oj, seq_len)), sep = "")[-1]
## FIXME/Z: use parindex instead of unlist(lapply(oj, seq_len))
## at least if nullcats = "keep"?
## ... and (if requested) esf of these ...
if (full) {
if (any_nl_cat_item && nullcats == "keep") {
all_par[est_par] <- est
parx <- all_par
} else {
parx <- c(0, est)
esf <- if (any_na) {
esf_par <- lapply(par_i, function (x) parx[x])
esf_par <- mapply(split, esf_par, mapply(function (x, y) rep(1:x, y), m_i, oj_max_i))
mapply(elementary_symmetric_functions, par = esf_par, MoreArgs = list(order = 1, diff = diff), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
} else {
elementary_symmetric_functions(par = split(parx,, oj_max)), order = 1, diff = diff)
## ... as well as variance-covariance matrix
if (hessian) {
vc <- opt$hessian
## FIXME: how to invert
## #vc <- qr.solve(vc)
vc <- try(chol2inv(chol(vc)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(vc, "try-error")) {
hessian <- FALSE
warning("could not invert Hessian, setting variance-covariance matrix to NA")
if (!hessian) {
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(est), ncol = length(est))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- names(est)
} else {
esf <- NULL
vc <- NULL
## collect results, set class, and return
res <- list(coefficients = est,
vcov = vc,
data = y,
items = ident_items,
categories = lapply(oj_vec, "[", -1L),
n = sum(weights_org > 0),
n_org = n_org,
weights = if (identical(as.vector(weights_org),, n_org))) NULL else weights_org,
na = any_na,
nullcats = if (any_nl_cat_item && nullcats == "keep") lapply(nl_cats, "[", -1L) else NULL,
esf = esf,
loglik = -opt$value,
df = length(est),
code = opt$convergence,
iterations = tail(na.omit(opt$counts), 1L),
reltol = reltol,
call = mcall)
class(res) <- "pcmodel"
print.pcmodel <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
cat("PCM item category parameters:\n")
print(coef(x), digits = digits)
coef.pcmodel <- function (object, ...) object$coefficients
vcov.pcmodel <- function (object, ...) object$vcov
logLik.pcmodel <- function (object, ...) structure(object$loglik, df = object$df, class = "logLik")
weights.pcmodel <- function (object, ...) if (is.null(object$weights)), object$n_org) else object$weights
summary.pcmodel <- function (object, vcov. = NULL, ...) {
## coefficients
cf <- coef(object)
## covariance matrix
if (is.null(vcov.))
vc <- vcov(object)
else {
if (is.function(vcov.)) vc <- vcov.(object)
else vc <- vcov.
## Wald test of each coefficient
cf <- cbind(cf, sqrt(diag(vc)), cf/sqrt(diag(vc)), 2 * pnorm(-abs(cf/sqrt(diag(vc)))))
colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
object$coefficients <- cf
class(object) <- "summary.pcmodel"
print.summary.pcmodel <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
show_call <- FALSE
if (is.null(x$call) || !show_call) {
cat("\nPartial credit model\n\n")
} else {
cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
if (any(!x$items)) cat("Excluded items:",
paste(names(x$items)[!x$items], collapse = ", "), "\n\n")
cat("Item category parameters:\n")
printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars, na.print = "NA", ...)
cat("\nLog-likelihood:", format(signif(x$loglik, digits)),
"(df =", paste(x$df, ")", sep = ""), "\n")
cat("Number of iterations in BFGS optimization:", x$iterations, "\n\n")
plot.pcmodel <- function (x, type = c("regions", "profile", "curves", "information", "piplot"), ...)
## check input
type <- match.arg(type)
## just call requested plotting function and pass arguments on
"curves" = curveplot(x, ...),
"regions" = regionplot(x, ...),
"profile" = profileplot(x, ...),
"information" = infoplot(x, ...),
"piplot" = piplot(x, ...))
predict.pcmodel <- function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("probability",
"cumprobability", "mode", "median", "mean", "category-information",
"item-information", "test-information"), ref = NULL, ...)
## check type, process newdata, if NULL, use person parameters of given model object
type <- match.arg(type)
if (is.null(newdata)) {
rs <- rowSums(object$data, na.rm = TRUE)
rs <- rs[0 < rs & rs < sum(apply(object$data, 2, max))]
newdata <- personpar(object, vcov = FALSE)[rs]
names(newdata) <- NULL
nms <- names(newdata)
## threshold parameters, labels and raw probabilities
tp <- threshpar(object, type = "mode", ref = ref, vcov = FALSE)
lbs <- unlist(mapply(paste, names(tp), lapply(tp, function (j) c("C0", names(j))), sep = "-", SIMPLIFY = FALSE), use.names = FALSE)
probs <- ppcm(theta = newdata, delta = tp)
## if requested: compute test/item/category information (see Muraki, 1993, for details and further references)
if (grepl("information", type)) {
m <- length(tp)
clnms <- names(tp)
if (type == "category-information") {
info <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(newdata), ncol = length(lbs))
colnames(info) <- lbs
} else {
info <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(newdata), ncol = m)
colnames(info) <- clnms
for (j in 1:m) {
ojm <- matrix(rep(1:ncol(probs[[j]]) - 1, each = length(newdata)), nrow = length(newdata), ncol = ncol(probs[[j]]))
idx <- grepl(clnms[j], lbs)
iteminfo <- rowSums((ojm - rowSums(ojm * probs[[j]]))^2 * probs[[j]])
if (type == "category-information") {
info[, idx] <- probs[[j]] * iteminfo
} else {
info[, j] <- iteminfo
## return as requested in type, for RM mode, median, mean is the same
"probability" = {
## create (named) matrix with probabilities
probs <-"cbind", probs)
dimnames(probs) <- list(nms, lbs)
"cumprobability" = {
## create (named) matrix with probabilities
probs <- lapply(probs, function (probsj) t(apply(probsj, 1, function (x) rev(cumsum(rev(x))))))
probs <-"cbind", probs)
dimnames(probs) <- list(nms, gsub("(.*)-(.*)", "\\1>=\\2", lbs))
"mode" = {
## create (named) matrix with probabilities
probs <- sapply(probs, apply, 1, which.max) - 1
dimnames(probs) <- list(nms, unique(gsub("(.*)-C[[:digit:]]+", "\\1", lbs)))
"median" = {
## create (named) matrix with probabilities
probs <- sapply(probs, function (probsj) apply(probsj, 1, which.max) - 1)
dimnames(probs) <- list(nms, unique(gsub("(.*)-C[[:digit:]]+", "\\1", lbs)))
"mean" = {
## create (named) matrix with probabilities
probs <- round(sapply(probs, function (probsj) apply(probsj, 1, function (j) sum(j * 0:(length(j) - 1)))))
dimnames(probs) <- list(nms, unique(gsub("(.*)-C[[:digit:]]+", "\\1", lbs)))
"category-information" = info,
"item-information" = info,
"test-information" = matrix(rowSums(info), ncol = 1))
itempar.pcmodel <- function (object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## extract estimated item category parameters and labels, include restricted parameter
cf <- c(0.00, coef(object))
b <- length(cf)
m <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- if (!is.null(colnames(object$data))) colnames(object$data) else paste0("I", 1:m)
oj <- sapply(object$categories, length)
ojc <- cumsum(oj)
## process ref
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1:m
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1:m))
} else if (is.matrix(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == m & ncol(ref) == m)
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?itempar for possible values).")
## if not given, specify contrast matrix
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(m)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1/length(ref)
## transform estimated item category parameters (= sum of threshold parameters)
## to mean absolute threshold parameters ...
C <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = b)
for (j in 1:m) C[j, sum(oj[1:j])] <- 1/oj[j]
cf <- as.vector(C %*% cf)
## if requested: create adjusted vcov
if (vcov) {
vc <- C %*% rbind(0, cbind(0, vcov(object))) %*% t(C)
## finally apply ref
## if vcov requested: adjust existing vcov
cf <- as.vector(D %*% cf)
if (vcov) {
vc <- D %*% vc %*% t(D)
} else { # else return NA matrix
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m)
## set labels
names(cf) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
## process argument alias
if (!alias) {
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else {
cf <- cf[-ref[1]]
vc <- vc[-ref[1], -ref[1]]
alias <- paste0("I", ref[1])
names(alias) <- lbs[ref[1]]
## setup and return result object
rv <- structure(cf, class = "itempar", model = "PCM", ref = ref, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
threshpar.pcmodel <- function (object, type = c("mode", "median", "mean"), ref = NULL,
alias = TRUE, relative = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## check input
type <- match.arg(type)
## extract relevant informations
m <- sum(object$items)
tp <- c(0.00, coef(object)) ## cumualtive absolute item threshold parameters
b <- length(tp)
lbs <- names(tp)
oj <- sapply(object$categories, length)
ojc <- cumsum(oj)
lbs[1] <- if (lbs[2] == "I1-C2") "I1-C1" else if (lbs[2] == "I2-C1") "I1-C1" else paste0(colnames(object$data)[1], "-C1")
ilbs <- unique(gsub("(.*)\\-(.*)", "\\1", lbs))
clbs <- lapply(oj, function (oj) paste0("C", 1:oj))
## process argument relative
if (relative) {
if (type == "mode") {
## process ref
if (!is.list(ref)) {
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- lapply(oj, seq)
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(ref %in% unlist(clbs))
ref <- lapply(clbs, function (j) which(j %in% ref))
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1:min(oj)))
ref <- split(rep(ref, m), rep(1:m, length(ref)))
} else if (is.matrix(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(ncol(ref) == b && nrow(ref) == b)
ref2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = m)
for (i in 1:m) ref2[[i]] <- ref
ref <- ref2
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
} else {
if (length(ref) < m) stop("Not enough restrictions provided in argument 'ref'.")
else {
for (j in 1:m) {
if (is.null(ref[[j]])) {
ref[[j]] <- 1:oj[j]
} else if (is.vector(ref[[j]]) && is.character(ref[[j]])) {
stopifnot(ref %in% clbs[[j]])
ref[[j]] <- which(clbs[[j]] %in% ref[[j]])
} else if (is.vector(ref[[j]]) && is.numeric(ref[[j]])) {
ref[[j]] <- as.integer(ref[[j]])
stopifnot(ref[[j]] %in% 1:oj[j])
} else if (is.matrix(ref[[j]]) && is.numeric(ref[[j]])) {
stopifnot(ncol(ref[[j]]) == oj[j] && nrow(ref[[j]]) == oj[j])
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
## transform estimated cumulative absolute item threshold parameters
## into relative item threshold parameters
C <- diag(b)
for (j in 1:m) {
if(oj[j] >= 2L) {
for (k in (2:oj[j])) C[c(0, ojc)[j] + k, c(0, ojc)[j] + k - 1] <- -1
C[c(0, ojc)[j] + 1:oj[j], ojc[j]] <- C[c(0, ojc)[j] + 1:oj[j], ojc[j]] - 1/oj[j]
tp <- as.vector(C %*% tp)
## if vcov requested: create adjusted vcov
if (vcov) vc <- C %*% rbind(0, cbind(0, vcov(object))) %*% t(C)
## if not given, specify contrast matrix (block diagonal matrix with item specific contrasts)
D <- diag(b)
if (is.matrix(ref[[1]])) {
for (j in 1:m) D[c(0, ojc)[j] + 1:oj[j], c(0, ojc)[j] + 1:oj[j]] <- ref[[j]]
} else {
for (j in 1:m) D[c(0, ojc)[j] + 1:oj[j], c(0, ojc)[j] + ref[[j]]] <- D[c(0, ojc)[j] + 1:oj[j], c(0, ojc)[j] + ref[[j]]] - 1/length(ref[[j]])
## apply ref
## if vcov requested: adjust vcov too
tp <- as.vector(D %*% tp)
tp <- split(tp,, oj))
if (vcov) {
vc <- D %*% vc %*% t(D)
} else { # else return NA matrix
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = b, ncol = b)
## if cumulative relative item threshold parameters are requested: transform
## relative item threshold parameters to cumulative relative item threshold parameters
if (cumulative) {
tp <- lapply(tp, cumsum)
C <- matrix(0, nrow = b, ncol = b)
for (j in 1:m) {
for (k in 1:oj[j]) C[c(0, ojc)[j] + k, c(0, ojc)[j] + 1:k] <- 1
if (vcov) vc <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
} else stop("Relative threshold parameters not implemented for types other than mode.")
} else {
if (type == "mode") {
## process ref
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1:b
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1:b))
} else if (is.matrix(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == b && ncol(ref) == b)
} else stop("Argument 'ref' can only be a character vector with threshold parameter labels or a numeric vector with threshold parameter indices.")
## transform estimated cumulative absolute item threshold
## parameters to absolute item threshold parameters
C <- diag(b)
for (j in 1:m) {
if(oj[j] >= 2L) {
for (k in (2:oj[j])) C[c(0, ojc)[j] + k, c(0, ojc)[j] + k - 1] <- -1
tp <- as.vector(C %*% tp)
if (vcov) vc <- C %*% rbind(0, cbind(0, vcov(object))) %*% t(C)
## if not given, specify contrast matrix
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(b)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1/length(ref)
## apply ref
## if vcov requested: adjust existing vcov
tp <- as.vector(D %*% tp)
tp <- split(tp,, oj))
if (vcov) {
vc <- D %*% vc %*% t(D)
} else { # else return NA matrix
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = b, ncol = b)
## if cumulative absolute item threshold paramters are requested
## cumulate calculated absolute item threshold parameters and adjust vcov if requested
if (cumulative) {
tp <- lapply(tp, cumsum)
if (vcov) {
C <- matrix(0, nrow = b, ncol = b)
for (j in 1:m) {
for (k in 1:oj[j]) C[c(0, ojc)[j] + k, c(0, ojc)[j] + 1:k] <- 1
vc <- C %*% vc %*% t(C)
} else {
## process ref, create tp list, setup NA vcov
if (!is.null(ref)) warning("Argument 'ref' is not processed for types other than mode.")
tp <- split(tp,, oj))
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = b, ncol = b)
if (type == "median") {
## function to find locations on theta axis
zmedian <- function (theta = NULL, delta = NULL, geq = NULL, ncat = NULL) {
rowSums(ppcm(theta = theta, delta = delta)[, (geq + 1):ncat, drop = FALSE]) - 0.5
## loop though items and find locations by means of zmedian() and uniroot()
for (j in seq_along(tp)) tp[[j]] <- sapply(1:oj[j], function (geq) uniroot(f = zmedian, interval = c(-10, 10), delta = tp[[j]], geq = geq, ncat = oj[j] + 1)$root)
if (type == "mean") {
## function to find locations on theta axis
xpct <- lapply(oj, function (oj) 1:oj - 0.5)
zexpct <- function (theta = NULL, delta = NULL, expct = NULL) ppcm(theta = theta, delta = delta) %*% 0:length(delta) - expct
## loop though items and find locations by means of zexpct() and uniroot()
for (j in seq_along(tp)) tp[[j]] <- sapply(xpct[[j]], function (xp) uniroot(f = zexpct, interval = c(-10, 10), delta = tp[[j]], expct = xp)$root)
## if cumulative parameter are requsted, just cumulate ...
if (cumulative) tp <- lapply(tp, cumsum)
## set labels
names(tp) <- ilbs
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
for (i in 1:m) names(tp[[i]]) <- paste0("C", 1:oj[i])
## process argument alias
if (!alias && type == "mode") {
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else {
if (relative) {
i <- split(1:b, rep(1:m, oj))
alias <- vector(mode = "list", length = m)
for (j in 1:m) {
tp[[j]] <- tp[[j]][-ref[[j]][1]]
i[[j]] <- i[[j]][-ref[[j]][1]]
alias[[j]] <- ref[[j]][1]
i <- unlist(i)
vc <- vc[i, i]
names(alias) <- ilbs
} else {
ref1 <- ref[1]
i <- split(1:b, rep(1:m, oj))
item <- which(sapply(i, function (j) ref1 %in% j))
tp[[item]] <- tp[[item]][-which(ref1 == i[[item]])]
vc <- vc[-ref1, -ref1]
alias <- paste0("I", item, "-C", which(ref1 == i[[item]]))
names(alias) <- ilbs[item]
## setup and return result object
rv <- structure(tp, class = "threshpar", model = "PCM", type = type, ref = ref, relative = relative, cumulative = cumulative, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
discrpar.pcmodel <- function (object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## check input
if (!is.null(ref)) warning("Argument 'ref' is currently not processed.") ## all discrpars are fixed at 1 anyways
## extract labels and number of items
lbs <- c("", names(coef(object)))
lbs[1] <- if (lbs[2] == "I1-C2") "I1-C1" else if (lbs[2] == "I2-C1") "I1-C1" else paste0(colnames(object$data)[1], "-C1")
lbs <- unique(sapply(strsplit(lbs, "-"), "[[", 1))
m <- length(lbs)
## process argument alias
if (alias) {
dp <-, m)
vc <- if (vcov) matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = m, dimnames = list(lbs, lbs)) else matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m, dimnames = list(lbs, lbs))
} else {
dp <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
alias <-, m)
names(alias) <- lbs
## setup and return result object
rv <- structure(dp, .Names = if (is.logical(alias)) lbs, class = "discrpar", model = "PCM", ref = ref, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
personpar.pcmodel <- function(object, personwise = FALSE, ref = NULL,
vcov = TRUE, interval = NULL, tol = 1e-8, ...)
# extract item parameters and relevant informations
tp <- threshpar(object, type = "mode", ref = ref, vcov = FALSE)
tp <- lapply(tp, cumsum)
m <- length(tp)
oj <- sapply(tp, length)
ojvl <- lapply(oj, seq)
ojv <- unlist(ojvl)
rng <- 1:(sum(oj) - 1)
y <- object$data[weights(object) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
rs <- rowSums(y)
# calculate person parameters
# iterate over raw scores (from 1 until rmax - 1)
if(is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 1) * qlogis(1 / m * 1e-3) # FIXME: 1e3 enough?
pp <- sapply(rng, function(rawscore) {
uniroot(function(pp) {
rawscore - sum(ojv * exp(ojv * pp - unlist(tp)) /
unlist(sapply(1:m, function(j) { + sum(exp(ojvl[[j]] * pp - tp[[j]])), oj[j])
}, interval = interval, tol = tol)$root
# personwise matches each person with their parameter
if(personwise) {
pp <- pp[match(rs, rng)]
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, length(pp), length(pp))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- seq_along(rs)
rv <- structure(pp, .Names = seq_along(rs), class = "personpar",
model = "PCM", vcov = vc, type = "personwise")
} else {
if(vcov) {
# if vcov is requested, fetch relevant data for loglik
cs <- sapply(1:m, function(j) tabulate(y[, j], nbins = oj[j]))
rf <- tabulate(rs, nbins = sum(oj) - 1)
# remove unidentified parameters
rs <- rs[rf != 0]
rng <- rng[rf != 0]
pp <- pp[rf != 0]
rf <- rf[rf != 0]
# obtain Hessian from objective function: joint log likelihood
cloglik <- function(pp) {
ppx <- lapply(ojvl, function(x) outer(x, pp)) # l * theta_i
- sum(rng * pp) + sum(unlist(mapply("*", cs, tp))) +
sum(rowSums(log(1 + mapply(function(x, y) {
colSums(exp(x - y))
}, ppx, tp))))
vc <- solve(optim(pp, fn = cloglik, hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS",
control = list(reltol = tol, maxit = 0, ...))$hessian)
} else {
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(rng), ncol = length(rng))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- rng
rv <- structure(pp, .Names = rng, class = "personpar", model = "PCM",
vcov = vc, type = "discrete")
guesspar.pcmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
N <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(alias) {
g <- rep(0, N)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(g) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
g <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
alias <- rep(1, N)
names(alias) <- lbs
rv <- structure(g, class = "guesspar", model = "PCM",
alias = alias, vcov = vc)
upperpar.pcmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE,
...) {
N <- sum(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(alias) {
u <- rep(1, N)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(u) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
u <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
alias <- rep(1, N)
names(alias) <- lbs
rv <- structure(u, class = "upperpar", model = "PCM",
alias = alias, vcov = vc)
nobs.pcmodel <- function (object, ...)
bread.pcmodel <- function(x, ...) x$vcov * x$n
estfun.pcmodel <- function (x, ...) {
## get relevant informations
dat <- x$data # completely cleaned (downcoded, null cats treatment, weights) data.
weights_org <- weights(x)
weights <- weights_org[weights_org > 0]
n <- nrow(dat)
m <- ncol(dat)
oj_vec <- x$categories
oj <- sapply(x$categories, length)
npar_all <- sum(oj)
npar_ident <- x$df
ptot <- rowSums(dat, na.rm = TRUE) + 1 # +1 because gamma of score 0 is in row 1.
## helper variables
parindex <- unlist(oj_vec)
itemindex <-, oj)
## calculate gradient
if (!x$na) {
## select gamma zero and first derivatives with ptot
gamma0 <- x$esf[[1]][ptot]
gamma1 <- apply(x$esf[[2]], 2, "[", ptot)
## construct data matrix ('selection' matrix, 0/1, cols = parameters)
if (!is.null(x$nullcats)) { ## null cats & strategy == 'keep', remove column of unidentified par
est_par <- !unlist(x$nullcats)
gamma1 <- gamma1[, est_par, drop = FALSE]
xmat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = n, ncol = npar_all)
for (i in 1:n) xmat[i, ] <- dat[i, itemindex] == parindex
## calculate gradient
agrad <- weights * (- xmat + (gamma1 / gamma0))
} else {
## return value & helper variables
agrad <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = npar_all)
mv <- 1:m
## observed NA patterns
na_patterns <- factor(apply(, 1, function(z) paste(which(z), collapse = "\r")))
## loop through na patterns, select derivatives and calculate gradient
for(i in seq_len(nlevels(na_patterns))) {
## parse NA patterns and setup necessary stuff for gradient calculation
lev_i <- levels(na_patterns)[i]
na_i <- which(na_patterns == lev_i)
n_na_i <- length(na_i)
mv_i <- as.integer(strsplit(lev_i, "\r")[[1]])
mv_i <- if(length(mv_i) < 1) mv else mv[-mv_i]
oj_i <- oj[mv_i]
oj_vec_i <- oj_vec[mv_i]
weights_i <- weights[na_i]
ptot_i <- ptot[na_i]
dat_i <- dat[na_i, , drop = FALSE]
## select gamma zero and first derivatives with ptot_i
gamma0_i <- x$esf[[i]][[1]][ptot_i]
gamma1_i <- apply(x$esf[[i]][[2]], 2, "[", ptot_i)
if (!is.matrix(gamma1_i)) gamma1_i <- matrix(gamma1_i, nrow = 1)
## construct data matrix ('selection' matrix, 0/1, cols = parameters) for NA group i
parindex_i <- unlist(oj_vec_i)
itemindex_i <-, oj_i)
if (!is.null(x$nullcats)) { ## null cats & strategy == 'keep', remove column of unidentified par
est_par_i<- !unlist(x$nullcat[mv_i])
gamma1_i <- gamma1_i[, est_par_i, drop = FALSE]
xmat_i <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = n_na_i, ncol = sum(oj_i))
for (i in 1:n_na_i) xmat_i[i, ] <- dat_i[i, itemindex_i] == parindex_i
## finally: the gradient for NA group i
agrad[na_i, itemindex %in% mv_i] <- weights_i * (- xmat_i + (gamma1_i/ gamma0_i))
## collect and return matrix of initial size with gradients plugged in.
grad <- matrix(0, ncol = npar_ident, nrow = length(weights_org))
grad[weights_org > 0, ] <- agrad[, -1, drop = FALSE]
### misc. internal functions
## ppcm: calculate response probabilities for given thetas and deltas under the PCM.
ppcm <- function(theta = NULL, delta = NULL)
## check input
stopifnot(!is.null(theta) && !is.null(delta))
## if list input, recurse...
if (is.list(theta)) return(lapply(theta, ppcm, delta = delta))
if (is.list(delta)) return(lapply(delta, ppcm, theta = theta))
## calculate probabilities
num <- cbind(0, outer(theta, delta, "-")) # all possible differences, 0 for category zero (\sum_0^0 \def 0)
num <- t(exp(apply(num, 1, cumsum))) # numerator: all possible cumulative sums
denom <- rowSums(num) # denominator: sum over cumulative sums
## rpcm: calculate response matrices for given thetas and deltas under the PCM.
rpcm <- function(theta, delta, nullcats = FALSE, return_setting = TRUE)
## if list input, recurse... (for deltas: one list means several items, two means several groups of items)
if (is.list(theta)) return(lapply(theta, rpcm, delta = delta, nullcats = nullcats, return_setting = return_setting))
if (is.list(delta) && is.list(delta[[1]])) return(lapply(delta, rpcm, theta = theta, nullcats = nullcats, return_setting = return_setting))
## calculate response probabilities
probs <- ppcm(theta = theta, delta = delta)
if(!is.list(probs)) probs <- list(probs)
## calculate response matrices for given set of item
rsp_item_i <- function (probmat_i) { #inline function to calculate responses per item
oj <- ncol(probmat_i) #calculate rsp vector once
rsp <- apply(probmat_i, 1, function (p) = oj, size = 1, prob = p))
if(!nullcats) { #recalculate if null categories not allowed
while (length(unique.default(rsp)) != oj) {
rsp <- apply(probmat_i, 1, function (p) = oj, size = 1, prob = p))
res <- lapply(probs, rsp_item_i)
res <-, res)
if (return_setting)
return(list(delta = delta, theta = theta, data = res))
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