## workhorse fitting function
raschmodel <- function(y, weights = NULL, start = NULL, reltol = 1e-10,
deriv = c("sum", "diff", "numeric"), hessian = TRUE, maxit = 100L,
full = TRUE, gradtol = reltol, iterlim = maxit, ...)
## original function call
mcall <- if(full) else NULL
## argument matching
if(missing(reltol) && !missing(gradtol) && !is.null(gradtol)) reltol <- gradtol
if(missing(maxit) && !missing(iterlim) && !is.null(iterlim)) maxit <- iterlim
deriv <- match.arg(deriv)
## original data
y <- as.matrix(y)
## data should be dichotomous
if(any(apply(y, 2, function(x) sum(unique(x) != "NA", na.rm = TRUE) > 2))) {
stop("'y' should only contain dichotomous data.")
k <- k_orig <- ncol(y)
n <- nrow(y)
if(is.null(colnames(y))) colnames(y) <- paste("Item", gsub(" ", "0", format(1:k)), sep = "")
## weights processing
if(is.null(weights)) weights <-, n)
## data and weights need to match
stopifnot(length(weights) == n)
## omit zero weights
weights_orig <- weights
y_orig <- y
y <- y[weights > 0, , drop = FALSE]
weights <- weights[weights > 0]
n <- nrow(y)
## all parameters identified?
if(n < 2) stop("not enough observations")
cm <- colMeans(y, na.rm = TRUE)
status <- as.character(cut(cm, c(-Inf, 1/(2 * n), 1 - 1/(2 * n), Inf), labels = c("0", "0/1", "1")))
status[] <- "NA"
status <- factor(status, levels = c("0/1", "0", "1", "NA"))
ident <- status == "0/1"
names(status) <- colnames(y)
## just estimate identified parameters
y_orig <- y_orig[,ident, drop = FALSE]
y <- y[,ident, drop = FALSE]
k <- ncol(y)
y_na <-
any_y_na <- any(y_na)
if(!any_y_na) {
## compute likelihood/gradient/hessian on aggregated data
## data statistics
cs <- colSums(y * weights)
rs <- rowSums(y)
rf <- as.vector(tapply(weights, factor(rs, levels = 0:k), sum))
rf[] <- 0
## starting values
## contrast: set parameter 1 to zero
if(is.null(start)) {
start <- log(sum(weights) - cs) - log(cs) #previously:# -qlogis(cs/sum(weights))
start <- start[-1] - start[1]
rf <- rf[-1]
cs <- cs[-1]
## objective function: conditional log-likelihood
cloglik <- function(par) {
## obtain esf and apply contrast
esf <- elementary_symmetric_functions(c(0, par), order = 0, diff = deriv == "diff")
g <- esf[[1]][-1]
## conditional log-likelihood
cll <- sum(-cs * par) - sum(rf * log(g))
## catch degenerated cases (typically cause by non-finite gamma)
if( | !is.finite(cll)) cll <- -.Machine$double.xmax
## analytical gradient
agrad <- function(par) {
## calculate esf
esf <- elementary_symmetric_functions(c(0, par), order = 1, diff = deriv == "diff")
## calculate gradient
- colSums(weights * (- y + esf[[2]][rs + 1, , drop = FALSE] / esf[[1]][rs + 1])[,-1, drop = FALSE])
## analytical hessian
ahessian <- function(par, esf) {
## obtain esf and apply contrast
g <- esf[[1]][-1]
g1 <- esf[[2]][-1, -1, drop = FALSE]
g2 <- esf[[3]][-1, -1, -1, drop = FALSE]
## hessian
hess <- matrix(0, ncol = k-1, nrow = k-1)
g1s <- g1/g
for (q in 1:(k-1)) hess[q,] <- colSums(rf * (g2[,q,]/g - (g1[,q]/g) * g1s))
} else {
## compute likelihood/gradient/hessian on individual data
## process NA patterns and calculate static things once
na_patterns <- factor(apply(y_na, 1, function(z) paste(which(z), collapse = "\r")))
na_i <- wi_i <- wi2_i <- cs_i <- rs_i <- rf_i <- k_i <- vector("list", nlevels(na_patterns))
na_pattern_levels <- levels(na_patterns)
for (i in seq_along(na_pattern_levels)) {
## parse NA pattern
na_level_i <- na_pattern_levels[i]
wi_i[[i]] <- as.integer(strsplit(na_level_i, "\r")[[1]])
wi2_i[[i]]<- if (length(wi_i[[i]]) < 1) 1:k else (1:k)[-wi_i[[i]]]
k_i[[i]] <- length(wi2_i[[i]])
## select subset
na_i[[i]] <- which(na_patterns == na_level_i)
if(length(wi_i[[i]]) < 1) y_i <- y[na_i[[i]], , drop = FALSE]
else y_i <- y[na_i[[i]], -wi_i[[i]], drop = FALSE]
weights_i <- weights[na_i[[i]]]
cs_i[[i]] <- colSums(y_i * weights_i)
rs_i[[i]] <- rowSums(y_i)
rf_i[[i]] <- as.vector(tapply(weights_i, factor(rs_i[[i]], levels = 0:ncol(y_i)), sum))
rf_i[[i]][[[i]])] <- 0
## starting values
if(is.null(start)) {
cs <- colSums(y * weights, na.rm = TRUE)
ws <- colSums(!y_na * weights)
start <- log(ws - cs) - log(cs) #previously:# -qlogis(cs/ws)
start <- start[-1] - start[1]
## convenience function
zero_fill <- function(obj, at) {
if(length(at) < 1) return(obj)
if(is.null(dim(obj))) {
rval <-, length(obj) + length(at))
rval[-at] <- obj
} else {
rval <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(obj) + length(at), nrow = nrow(obj) + length(at))
rval[-at,-at] <- obj
## conditional log-likelihood function for NA pattern i
cll_i <- function (cs_i, par_i, rf_i) {
sum(-cs_i * par_i) - sum(rf_i * log(elementary_symmetric_functions(par_i, order = 0, diff = deriv == "diff")[[1]]))
## objective function: conditional log-likelihood
cloglik <- function(par) {
## initialize return values and extract esf parameters
cll <- 0
par_i <- lapply(wi_i, function(x) if (length(x) < 1) c(0, par) else c(0, par)[-x])
## conditional log-likelihood
cll <- sum(mapply(cll_i, cs_i, par_i, rf_i, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
## catch degenerated cases (typically cause by non-finite gamma)
if( | !is.finite(cll)) cll <- -.Machine$double.xmax
## collect and return
## analytical gradient
agrad <- function(par) {
## initialize return value and esf parameters
rval <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
par_i <- lapply(wi_i, function(x) if (length(x) < 1) c(0, par) else c(0, par)[-x])
esf_i <- mapply(elementary_symmetric_functions, par = par_i, MoreArgs = list(order = 1, diff = deriv == "diff"), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
## loop over observed NA patterns
for(i in seq_along(levels(na_patterns))) {
rval[na_i[[i]], wi2_i[[i]]] <- weights[na_i[[i]]] * (- y[na_i[[i]], wi2_i[[i]], drop = FALSE] +
esf_i[[i]][[2]][rs_i[[i]] + 1, , drop = FALSE] / esf_i[[i]][[1]][rs_i[[i]] + 1])
return(- colSums(rval[, -1, drop = FALSE]))
## analytical hessian
ahessian <- function(par, esf) {
## set up return value
rval <- matrix(0, ncol = k-1, nrow = k-1)
## loop over observed NA patterns
for(i in seq_along(levels(na_patterns))) {
## obtain esf
g_i <- esf[[i]][[1]]
g1_i <- esf[[i]][[2]]
g2_i <- esf[[i]][[3]]
## hessian
hess <- matrix(0, nrow = k_i[[i]], ncol = k_i[[i]])
for (q in 1:k_i[[i]]) hess[q,] <- colSums(rf_i[[i]] * (g2_i[,q,]/g_i - (g1_i[,q]/g_i) * g1_i/g_i))
rval <- rval + zero_fill(hess, wi_i[[i]])[-1, -1]
## optimization
if(maxit > 0L) {
opt <- optim(par = start, fn = cloglik, gr = agrad, method = "BFGS",
hessian = (deriv == "numeric") & hessian, control = list(reltol = reltol, maxit = maxit, ...))
} else {
opt <- list(
estimate = start,
minimum = cloglik(start),
hessian = if(deriv != "numeric") ahessian(start, esf) else NULL, ## no numeric Hessian available here
iterations = 0,
code = 4)
## collect and annotate results
cf <- opt$par
names(cf) <- colnames(y)[-1]
if(full) {
esf <- if(any_y_na) {
lapply(levels(na_patterns), function(z) {
wi <- as.integer(strsplit(z, "\r")[[1]])
cfi <- if(length(wi) < 1) c(0, cf) else c(0, cf)[-wi]
order = 2 - (deriv == "numeric" | !hessian),
diff = deriv == "diff")
} else {
elementary_symmetric_functions(c(0, cf),
order = 2 - (deriv == "numeric" | !hessian),
diff = deriv == "diff")
if(any_y_na) names(esf) <- levels(na_patterns)
if(hessian) {
vc <- if(deriv == "numeric") opt$hessian else ahessian(cf, esf)
## FIXME: how to invert
## #vc <- qr.solve(vc)
vc <- try(chol2inv(chol(vc)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(vc, "try-error")) {
hessian <- FALSE
warning("could not invert Hessian, setting variance-covariance matrix to NA")
if (!hessian) {
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(cf), ncol = length(cf))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- names(cf)
} else {
esf <- NULL
vc <- NULL
## collect, class, and return
rval <- list(
coefficients = cf,
vcov = vc,
loglik = -opt$value,
df = k-1,
data = y_orig,
weights = if(identical(as.vector(weights_orig), rep(1L, nrow(y_orig)))) NULL else weights_orig,
n = sum(weights_orig > 0),
items = status,
na = any_y_na,
elementary_symmetric_functions = esf,
code = opt$convergence,
iterations = tail(na.omit(opt$counts), 1L),
reltol = reltol,
deriv = deriv,
call = mcall
class(rval) <- "raschmodel"
## methods
coef.raschmodel <- function(object, ...) object$coefficients
vcov.raschmodel <- function(object, ...) object$vcov
logLik.raschmodel <- function(object, ...) structure(object$loglik, df = object$df, class = "logLik")
weights.raschmodel <- function(object, ...) if(!is.null(object$weights)) object$weights else rep(1, nrow(object$data))
print.raschmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
cat("Rasch model difficulty parameters:\n")
print(coef(x), digits = digits)
worth.raschmodel <- function(object, ...) {
## check if difficulty argument is used, if yes, return warning.
addargs <- list(...)
if ("difficulty" %in% names(addargs)) warning("The argument 'difficulty' is deprecated and not longer used.")
## call itempar
return(itempar(object, ...))
summary.raschmodel <- function(object, vcov. = NULL, ...)
## coefficients
cf <- coef(object)
## covariance matrix
vc <- vcov(object)
else {
if(is.function(vcov.)) vc <- vcov.(object)
else vc <- vcov.
## Wald test of each coefficient
cf <- cbind(cf, sqrt(diag(vc)), cf/sqrt(diag(vc)), 2 * pnorm(-abs(cf/sqrt(diag(vc)))))
colnames(cf) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
object$coefficients <- cf
class(object) <- "summary.raschmodel"
print.summary.raschmodel <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
show_call <- FALSE
if (is.null(x$call) || !show_call) {
cat("\nRasch model\n\n")
} else {
cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
if(any(x$items != "0/1")) cat("Excluded items:",
paste(names(x$items)[x$items != "0/1"], collapse = ", "), "\n\n")
cat("Difficulty parameters:\n")
printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars, na.print = "NA", ...)
cat("\nLog-likelihood:", format(signif(x$loglik, digits)),
"(df =", paste(x$df, ")", sep = ""), "\n")
cat("Number of iterations in BFGS optimization:", x$iterations, "\n\n")
plot.raschmodel <- function (x, type = c("profile", "curves", "regions", "information", "piplot"), ...)
## check input
type <- match.arg(type)
## just call requested plotting function and pass arguments on
"curves" = curveplot(x, ...),
"regions" = regionplot(x, ...),
"profile" = profileplot(x, ...),
"information" = infoplot(x, ...),
"piplot" = piplot(x, ...))
predict.raschmodel <- function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("probability",
"cumprobability", "mode", "median", "mean", "category-information",
"item-information", "test-information"), ref = NULL, ...)
## check type, process newdata, if NULL, use person parameters of given model object
type <- match.arg(type)
if (is.null(newdata)) {
rs <- rowSums(object$data, na.rm = TRUE)
rs <- rs[0 < rs & rs < ncol(object$data)]
newdata <- personpar(object, vcov = FALSE)[rs]
names(newdata) <- NULL
## compute probabilities with internal function
probs <- prm(theta = newdata, beta = itempar(object, ref = ref, vcov = FALSE))
## add category zero probabilities for consistency with other predict functions
if (type %in% c("probability", "cumprobability", "category-information",
"item-information", "test-information")) {
clnms <- colnames(probs)
rwnms <- rownames(probs)
nc <- ncol(probs)
probs0 <- matrix(0, ncol = 2 * nc, nrow = nrow(probs))
probs0[, seq(from = 2, by = 2, length.out = nc)] <- probs
probs0[, seq(from = 1, by = 2, length.out = nc)] <- 1 - probs
if (type == "cumprobability") {
probs0[, seq(from = 1, by = 2, length.out = nc)] <- probs0[, seq(from = 1, by = 2, length.out = nc)] + probs
probs <- probs0
rownames(probs) <- rwnms
colnames(probs) <- as.vector(t(outer(clnms, c("C0", "C1"), paste, sep = if (type == "probability") "-" else ">=")))
## if requested: compute test/item/category information (see Muraki, 1993, for details and further references)
if (grepl("information", type)) {
m <- length(clnms)
if (type == "category-information") {
info <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(probs), ncol = ncol(probs))
colnames(info) <- as.vector(t(outer(clnms, c("C0", "C1"), paste, sep = "-")))
} else {
info <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(probs), ncol = m)
colnames(info) <- clnms
for (j in 1:m) {
idx <- grepl(clnms[j], colnames(probs))
iteminfo <- apply(probs[, idx, drop = FALSE], 1, prod)
if (type == "category-information") {
info[, idx] <- probs[, idx, drop = FALSE] * iteminfo
} else {
info[, j] <- iteminfo
## return as requested in type, for RM mode, median, mean is the same
"probability" = probs,
"cumprobability" = probs,
"mode" = round(probs),
"median" = round(probs),
"mean" = round(probs),
"category-information" = info,
"item-information" = info,
"test-information" = matrix(rowSums(info), ncol = 1))
itempar.raschmodel <- function (object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## extract cf and labels, include restricted parameter
cf <- c(0.00, coef(object))
m <- length(cf)
lbs <- names(cf)
lbs[1] <- if(lbs[1] == "Item02") "Item01" else colnames(object$data)[1]
## process ref
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1:m
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1:m))
} else if (is.matrix(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == m && ncol(ref) == m)
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?itempar for possible values).")
## if not given, specify contrast matrix
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(m)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1/length(ref)
## apply ref
## if vcov requested: adjust existing vcov
cf <- as.vector(D %*% cf)
if (vcov) {
vc <- D %*% rbind(0, cbind(0, vcov(object))) %*% t(D)
} else { # else return NA matrix
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m)
## set labels
names(cf) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
## items solved by no or all subjects
cf[object$items == "0"] <- -Inf
cf[object$items == "1"] <- Inf
## process argument alias
if (!alias) {
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else {
cf <- cf[-ref[1]]
vc <- vc[-ref[1], -ref[1]]
alias <- paste0("I", ref[1])
names(alias) <- lbs[ref[1]]
## setup and return result object
rv <- structure(cf, class = "itempar", model = "RM", ref = ref, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
threshpar.raschmodel <- function (object, type = c("mode", "median", "mean"), ref = NULL,
alias = TRUE, relative = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## check input
type <- match.arg(type)
## extract relevant informations
cf <- c(0.00, coef(object))
m <- length(cf)
ilbs <- names(cf)
ilbs[1] <- if(ilbs[1] == "Item02") "Item01" else colnames(object$data)[1]
clbs <- "C1"
lbs <- paste(ilbs, clbs, sep = "-")
## process argument relative, type is not relevant for RM because mode = median = mean
if (relative) {
## just check values given in ref
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% clbs))
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(as.integer(ref) %in% 1))
} else if (is.matrix(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == m && ncol(ref) == m)
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
## setup threshold parameters, if ref is a matrix, apply it.
tp <-, m)
if (is.matrix(ref)) tp <- as.vector(ref %*% tp)
tp <- as.list(tp)
## create vcov if requested
if (vcov) {
vc <- matrix(0L, nrow = m, ncol = m)
} else {
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m)
} else {
## process ref
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1:m
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.character(ref)) {
stopifnot(all(ref %in% lbs))
ref <- which(lbs %in% ref)
} else if (is.vector(ref) && is.numeric(ref)) {
ref <- as.integer(ref)
stopifnot(all(ref %in% 1:m))
} else if (is.matrix(ref)) {
stopifnot(nrow(ref) == m && ncol(ref) == m)
} else stop("Argument 'ref' is misspecified (see ?threshpar for possible values).")
## if not given, specify contrast matrix
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
D <- ref
} else {
D <- diag(m)
D[, ref] <- D[, ref] - 1/length(ref)
## impose contrast
tp <- as.list(D %*% cf)
## create vcov if requested
if (vcov) {
vc <- D %*% rbind(0, cbind(0, vcov(object))) %*% t(D)
} else {
vc <- matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m, dimnames = list(lbs, lbs))
## set labels
names(tp) <- ilbs
for (i in 1:m) names(tp[[i]]) <- "C1"
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
## process argument alias
if (!alias) {
if (is.matrix(ref)) {
## FIXME: Implement alias when ref is a specific constrast matrices -> detect linear dependent columns?
stop("Processing of argument 'alias' not implemented with a contrast matrix given in argument 'ref'.")
} else {
if (relative) { ## just return empty list/matrix as there are not unaliased parameters in the RM
tp <- vector(mode = "list", length = m)
for (i in 1:m) tp[[i]] <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, ncol = 0, nrow = 0)
alias <- as.list(rep(1, m))
names(alias) <- ilbs
} else {
tp <- tp[-ref[1]]
vc <- vc[-ref[1], -ref[1]]
alias <- paste0("I", ref[1], "-C", ref[1])
names(alias) <- ilbs[ref[1]]
## return requested threshold parameters
rv <- structure(tp, class = "threshpar", model = "RM", type = type, ref = ref, relative = relative, cumulative = cumulative, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
discrpar.raschmodel <- function (object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
## check input
if (!is.null(ref)) warning("Argument 'ref' is currently not processed.") ## all discrpars are fixed at 1 anyways
## extract labels and number of items
lbs <- c("", names(coef(object)))
lbs[1] <- if(lbs[2] == "Item02") "Item01" else colnames(object$data)[1]
m <- length(lbs)
## process argument alias
if (alias) {
dp <-, m)
vc <- if (vcov) matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = m, dimnames = list(lbs, lbs)) else matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m, dimnames = list(lbs, lbs))
} else {
dp <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
alias <-, m)
names(alias) <- lbs
## setup and return result object
rv <- structure(dp, .Names = if (is.logical(alias)) lbs else NULL, class = "discrpar", model = "RM", ref = ref, alias = alias, vcov = vc)
personpar.raschmodel <- function(object, personwise = FALSE, ref = NULL,
vcov = TRUE, interval = NULL, tol = 1e-8, ...)
# extract item parameters and relevant informations
ip <- itempar(object, ref = ref, vcov = FALSE)
m <- length(ip)
rng <- 1:(m - 1)
y <- object$data[weights(object) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
rs <- rowSums(y)
# calculate person parameters
# iterate over raw scores (from 1 until rmax - 1), see Fischer & Molenaar, 1995, p. 55
if(is.null(interval)) interval <- c(-1, 1) * qlogis(1 / m * 1e-3) # FIXME: 1e3 enough?
pp <- sapply(rng, function(rawscore) {
uniroot(function(pp) {
rawscore - sum(plogis(pp - ip))
}, interval = interval, tol = tol)$root
# personwise matches each person with their parameter
if(personwise) {
pp <- pp[match(rs, rng)]
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, length(pp), length(pp))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- seq_along(rs)
rv <- structure(pp, .Names = seq_along(rs), class = "personpar",
model = "RM", vcov = vc, type = "personwise")
} else {
if(vcov) {
# relevant data for joint loglik approach
cs <- colSums(y)
rf <- tabulate(rs, nbins = m - 1)
# remove unidentified parameters
rs <- rs[rf != 0]
rng <- rng[rf != 0]
pp <- pp[rf != 0]
rf <- rf[rf != 0]
# obtain Hessian from objective function: joint log likelihood
cloglik <- function(pp) {
- sum(rng * pp) + sum(cs * ip) +
sum(rowSums(log(1 + exp(outer(pp, ip, "-")))))
vc <- solve(optim(pp, fn = cloglik, hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS",
control = list(reltol = tol, maxit = 0, ...))$hessian)
} else {
vc <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(rng), ncol = length(rng))
rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- rng
rv <- structure(pp, .Names = rng, class = "personpar", model = "RM",
vcov = vc, type = "discrete")
guesspar.raschmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
N <- length(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(alias) {
g <- rep(0, N)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(g) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
g <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
alias <- rep(1, N)
names(alias) <- lbs
rv <- structure(g, class = "guesspar", model = "RM",
alias = alias, vcov = vc)
upperpar.raschmodel <- function(object, alias = TRUE, vcov = TRUE, ...)
N <- length(object$items)
lbs <- colnames(object$data)
if(alias) {
u <- rep(1, N)
vc <-
if(vcov) {
matrix(0, N, N)
} else {
matrix(NA_real_, N, N)
names(u) <- rownames(vc) <- colnames(vc) <- lbs
} else {
u <- numeric()
vc <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
alias <- rep(1, N)
names(alias) <- lbs
rv <- structure(u, class = "upperpar", model = "RM",
alias = alias, vcov = vc)
nobs.raschmodel <- function (object, ...)
bread.raschmodel <- function(x, ...) x$vcov * x$n
estfun.raschmodel <- function(x, ...) {
## extract data and parameters of interest
par <- x$coefficients
esf <- x$elementary_symmetric_functions
y <- x$data
weights_orig <- weights(x)
y <- y[weights_orig > 0, , drop = FALSE]
weights <- weights_orig[weights_orig > 0]
rs <- rowSums(y)
## analytical gradient
if(!x$na) {
agrad <- weights * (- y + esf[[2]][rs + 1, , drop = FALSE] / esf[[1]][rs + 1])[,-1, drop = FALSE]
} else {
## set up return value
n <- nrow(y)
k <- ncol(y)
agrad <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
## observed NA patterns
na_patterns <- factor(apply(, 1, function(z) paste(which(z), collapse = "\r")))
## loop over observed NA patterns
for(i in seq_along(levels(na_patterns))) {
## parse NA pattern
lev_i <- levels(na_patterns)[i]
na_i <- which(na_patterns == lev_i)
wi_i <- as.integer(strsplit(lev_i, "\r")[[1]])
wi_i <- if(length(wi_i) < 1) 1:k else (1:k)[-wi_i]
## compute gradient per pattern
esf_i <- esf[[i]]
rs_i <- rowSums(y[na_i, wi_i, drop = FALSE])
agrad[na_i, wi_i] <- weights[na_i] * (- y[na_i, wi_i, drop = FALSE] +
esf_i[[2]][rs_i + 1, , drop = FALSE] / esf_i[[1]][rs_i + 1])
agrad <- agrad[, -1, drop = FALSE]
## collect and return
grad <- matrix(0, ncol = length(par), nrow = length(weights_orig))
grad[weights_orig > 0,] <- agrad
### misc. internal functions
## prm: calculate response probabilities for given thetas and betas under the RM.
prm <- function(theta = NULL, beta = NULL)
## check input
stopifnot(!is.null(theta) && !is.null(beta))
## if list input, recurse...
if (is.list(theta)) return(lapply(theta, prm, beta = beta))
if (is.list(beta)) return(lapply(beta, prm, theta = theta))
## calculate probabilities
return(plogis(outer(theta, beta, "-")))
## rrm: calculate response matrices for given thetas and betas under the RM.
rrm <- function(theta, beta, return_setting = TRUE)
## if list input, recurse...
if (is.list(theta)) return(lapply(theta, rrm, beta = beta, return_setting = return_setting))
if (is.list(beta)) return(lapply(beta, rrm, theta = theta, return_setting = return_setting))
## calculate response probabilities and responses (randomized cutpoint like in eRm:::sim.rasch)
n <- length(theta)
m <- length(beta)
probs <- prm(theta = theta, beta = beta)
resp <- (matrix(runif(n * m), nrow = n, ncol = m) < probs) + 0
## return
if (return_setting) list(beta = beta, theta = theta, data = resp) else resp
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