
Defines functions .makeObj.tm is.tm .rootLeaf.from.pointer.tm from.pointer.one.lsmodel.tm from.pointer.lsmodel.tm from.pointer.tm as.pointer.tm as.tm.list read.tm write.tm summary.tm as.list.tm print.tm is.subst.mod.tm subst.mods tm mod.backgd.tm bgc.sel.factor apply.bgc.sel unapply.bgc.sel add.ls.mod set.rate.matrix.tm get.rate.matrix.params.tm plot.rate.matrix plot.tm plot.lsmodel.tm setup.branch.site.tm

Documented in add.ls.mod apply.bgc.sel as.list.tm bgc.sel.factor get.rate.matrix.params.tm is.subst.mod.tm is.tm mod.backgd.tm plot.lsmodel.tm plot.rate.matrix plot.tm print.tm read.tm set.rate.matrix.tm setup.branch.site.tm subst.mods summary.tm tm unapply.bgc.sel write.tm

.makeObj.tm <- function() {
  tm <- list()
  class(tm) <- "tm"

##' Check whether an object is of type tm (tree model)
##' @title Tree Models
##' @param x an object to be tested
##' @return TRUE if an object has class "tm", FALSE otherwise
##' @keywords tm
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
is.tm <- function(x) {

.rootLeaf.from.pointer.tm <- function(x, tree) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    stop(".rootLeaf.from.pointer.tm expects list with externalPtr")
  id <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_rootLeaf", x$externalPtr)
  if (is.null(id) || id == -1) return(NULL)
  .Call.rphast("rph_tree_nodeName", tree, id)

# NOTE: tm's are only stored as external pointers with RPHAST functions,
# never by the user.  So from.pointer and as.pointer are internal functions.
# Treemodels stored as external pointers are NOT protected.
# from.pointer and as.pointer do not call freeall.rphast

from.pointer.one.lsmodel.tm <- function(x, i) {
  rv <- list()
  rv[["defn"]] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmodel_def", x$externalPtr, i)
  rv[["subst.mod"]] <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmodel_substMod", x$externalPtr, i)
  val <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmodel_backgd", x$externalPtr, i)
  if (!is.null(val)) rv[["backgd"]] <- val
  rv[["rate.matrix"]] <- rphast.simplify.list(.Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmodel_rateMatrix",
                                                    x$externalPtr, i))
  val <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmodel_sel", x$externalPtr, i)
  if (!is.null(val))
    rv[["selection"]] <- val[1]
  val <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmodel_bgc", x$externalPtr, i)
  if (!is.null(val))
    rv[["bgc"]] <- val[1]

from.pointer.lsmodel.tm <- function(x) {
  numModel <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_num_altmodel", x$externalPtr)
  if (numModel == 0L) return(NULL)
  rv <- list()
  for (i in 1:numModel) {
    rv[[i]] <- from.pointer.one.lsmodel.tm(x, i)
    if (numModel == 1L) return(rv[[i]])

from.pointer.tm <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x$externalPtr))
    stop("from.pointer.tm expects list with externalPtr")
  tm <- .makeObj.tm()
  tm$alphabet <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_alphabet", x$externalPtr)
  tm$backgd <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_backgd", x$externalPtr)
  tm$rate.matrix <- rphast.simplify.list(.Call.rphast("rph_tm_rateMatrix", x$externalPtr))
  tm$subst.mod <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_substMod", x$externalPtr)
  tm$likelihood <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_likelihood", x$externalPtr)
  tm[["alpha"]]<- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_alpha", x$externalPtr)
  tm$nratecats <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_nratecats", x$externalPtr)
  tm$rate.consts <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_rK", x$externalPtr)
  tm$rate.weights <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_freqK", x$externalPtr)
  tm$tree <- fix.semicolon.tree(.Call.rphast("rph_tm_tree", x$externalPtr))
  tm$root.leaf <- .rootLeaf.from.pointer.tm(x, tm$tree)
  selection <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_selection", x$externalPtr)
  if (selection[1]==1) tm$selection <- selection[2]
  site.model <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_site_model", x$externalPtr)
  if (site.model) tm$site.model <- site.model
  lsmodel <- from.pointer.lsmodel.tm(x)
  if (!is.null(lsmodel)) tm$ls.model <- lsmodel

as.pointer.tm <- function(x) {
  rv <- list()
  rv$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_new",
  if (!is.null(x$ls.model)) {
    if (!is.null(x$ls.model$defn)) {
      numModel <- 1L
    } else numModel <- length(x$ls.model)
    for (i in 1:numModel) {
      if (numModel == 1L && !is.null(x$ls.model$defn)) {
        lsmod <- x$ls.model
      } else lsmod <- x$ls.model[[i]]

      .Call.rphast("rph_tm_add_alt_mod", rv$externalPtr, lsmod[["defn"]])
      .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmod_set_subst_mod", rv$externalPtr, i,
      .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmod_set_backgd", rv$externalPtr, i,
      .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmod_set_ratematrix", rv$externalPtr, i,
      .Call.rphast("rph_tm_altmod_set_sel_bgc", rv$externalPtr, i,
                   lsmod[["selection"]], lsmod[["bgc"]])

# should we check to make sure it has all the necessary elements and no extra ones?
as.tm.list <- function(l) {
  class(l) <- "tm"

##' Read a tree model from a file
##' @param filename The file containing a tree model
##' @title Read a Tree Model
##' @return An object of class "tm"
##' @seealso \code{\link{tm}}
##' @keywords tm
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/read-tm.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
read.tm <- function(filename) {
  check.arg(filename, "filename", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  x <- list()
  x$externalPtr <- .Call.rphast("rph_tm_read", filename)
  tm <- from.pointer.tm(x)

##' Write a tree model to a file (or to the terminal)
##' @title Wrting Tree Models
##' @param tm An object of class "tm"
##' @param filename The filename to write to (use NULL for output to terminal)
##' @param append Whether to append the tree to the end of the file
##' (if FALSE, overwrites file).  Not used if filename is \code{NULL}
##' @seealso \code{\link{tm}}
##' @keywords tm
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/write-tm.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
write.tm <- function(tm, filename=NULL, append=FALSE) {
  check.arg(filename, "filename", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(append, "append", "logical", null.OK=TRUE)
  tm <- as.pointer.tm(tm)
  invisible(.Call.rphast("rph_tm_print", tm$externalPtr, filename, append))

##' Tree model summary
##' @title Tree Model Summary
##' @param object An object of class tm
##' @param ... Parameters to be passed to/from other functions
##' @seealso \code{\link{tm}}
##' @export
##' @export summary.tm
##' @keywords tm
##' @method summary tm
##' @example inst/examples/summary-tm.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
summary.tm <- function(object, ...) {
  write.tm(object, NULL)

##' Coerce a tree model into a list
##' @title Tree Model to List
##' @param x an object of class tm
##' @param ... arguments to be passed to/from other functions
##' @seealso \code{\link{tm}}
##' @export
##' @export as.list.tm
##' @method as.list tm
##' @example inst/examples/as-list-tm.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
as.list.tm <- function(x, ...) {
  class(x) <- "list"

##' Print a tree model
##' @title Printing Tree Models
##' @param x An object of class \code{tm}.
##' @param aslist Logical.  If \code{TRUE}, print the tree model as a list
##' rather than in tree model format.
##' @param ... arguments to be passed to/from other functions
##' @seealso \code{\link{tm}}
##' @export
##' @export print.tm
##' @keywords tm
##' @method print tm
##' @example inst/examples/print-tm.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
print.tm <- function(x, aslist=FALSE, ...) {
  if (aslist) print(as.list(x), ...)
  else summary.tm(x, ...)

##' Check if a string represents a phast substitution model
##' @title Check Substitution Model Strings
##' @param mod A vector of character strings representing substitution
##' model names to be tested
##' @return A vector of logical values indicating whether each string
##' represents a defined substitution model
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/is-subst-mod-tm.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
is.subst.mod.tm <- function(mod) {
  result <- logical(length(mod))
  for (i in 1:length(mod)) 
    result[i] <- .Call.rphast("rph_subst_mods_is_valid_string", mod[i])

##' List all valid substitution models
##' @title List PHAST Substitution Models
##' @return a character vector with the names of all valid substitution
##' models
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/subst-mods.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
subst.mods <- function() {
  .Call.rphast("rph_subst_mods_list_all", NULL)

##' Make a new tree model
##' Tree models represent a substitution process along a phylogenetic
##' tree.  They are stored as a list, with components defined by the
##' arguments to this function.
##' @title Tree Models
##' @param tree A character string representing a phylogenetic tree in
##' newick foromat
##' @param subst.mod A character string giving a valid substitution mod.
##' See \code{\link{subst.mods}}.
##' @param rate.matrix A square matrix representing the rate of substitution
##' from one state to the next.
##' @param backgd A numeric vector giving the equilibrium frequencies for
##' each state.
##' @param alphabet A character vector containing all valid states, given
##' in the order they are represented in rate.matrix and backgd.  Defaults
##' to "ACGT"
##' @param nratecats The number of rate categories in the model.  Defaults
##' to 1.
##' @param alpha  If nratecats > 1, weight for each category is computed using
##' a gamma distribution with shape parameter alpha.
##' @param rate.consts The rate for each rate category.  NULL if only
##' one category.
##' @param rate.weights Vector of numeric of length nratecats, determining
##' the weight of each rate category.  Must sum to 1 (will be normalized
##' otherwise).  May be defined implicitly by alpha.
##' @param selection If not NULL, then this is a numeric value giving the
##' selection parameter for this model.  If NULL then there is no selection
##' in the model.  If selection==0.0, means that selection has no effect
##' in the current model, but is part of the model, and by default the
##' selection parameter will be optimized by phyloFit.  The rate matrix
##' is assumed to already be scaled by the selection parameter, if provided.
##' @param root.leaf Usually NULL, but if set to the name of a leaf
##' node in the tree, the tree will be re-rooted at this leaf node.
##' @param likelihood an optional value giving the log likelihood of this
##' model for some alignment.
##' @keywords tm
##' @return An object of class \code{tm} representing a phylogenetic model.
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/tm.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
tm <- function(tree, subst.mod, rate.matrix=NULL, backgd=NULL,
               alphabet="ACGT", nratecats=1, 
               alpha=0.0, rate.consts=NULL, rate.weights=NULL,
               root.leaf=NULL, likelihood=NULL) {
  check.arg(tree, "tree", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(subst.mod, "subst.mod", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(rate.matrix, "rate.matrix", "numeric", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)  #will check later
  check.arg(backgd, "backgd", "numeric", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL) # will check later
  check.arg(alphabet, "alphabet", "character", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(nratecats, "nratecats", "integer", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(likelihood, "likelihood", "numeric", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(alpha, "alpha", "numeric", null.OK=FALSE)
  check.arg(rate.consts, "rate.consts", "numeric", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  check.arg(selection, "selection", "numeric", null.OK=TRUE,
            min.length=1L, max.length=1L)
  check.arg(root.leaf, "root.leaf", "character", null.OK=TRUE)

  if (!is.subst.mod.tm(subst.mod))
    stop("invalid subst mod ", subst.mod)
  matsize <- NULL
  if (!is.null(rate.matrix)) {
    matsize <- as.integer(sqrt(length(rate.matrix)))
    if (matsize*matsize != length(rate.matrix))
      stop("rate.matrix should be square matrix")
    if (!is.matrix(rate.matrix))
      rate.matrix <- matrix(rate.matrix, nrow=matsize, ncol=matsize, byrow=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(backgd)) {
    if (!is.null(matsize)) {
      if (matsize != length(backgd))
        stop("length of backgd should match dimensions of rate.matrix")
  if (!is.null(rate.consts)) {
    if (nratecats != length(rate.consts))
      stop("rate.consts should have length equal to nratecats")
  if (!is.null(rate.weights)) {
    if (is.null(rate.consts))
      stop("rate.weights needs to be specified if rate.consts is specified")
    if (nratecats != length(rate.weights))
      stop("rate.weights should have length equal to nratecats")
  if (!is.null(root.leaf)) {
    if ( ! (.Call.rphast("rph_tree_isNode", tree, root.leaf))) {
      stop("tree has no node named ", root.leaf)

  tm <- .makeObj.tm()
  tm$alphabet <- alphabet
  tm$backgd <- backgd
  tm$rate.matrix <- rate.matrix
  tm$subst.mod <- subst.mod
  tm[["alpha"]] <- alpha
  tm$likelihood <- likelihood
  tm$nratecats <- nratecats
  tm$rate.consts <- rate.consts
  tm$rate.weights <- rate.weights
  tm$tree <- fix.semicolon.tree(tree)
  tm$selection <- selection
  tm$root.leaf <- root.leaf

##' Adjust tree model background frequencies while maintaining reversibility
##' @param tm An object of type \code{tm}
##' @param new.backgd A numeric vector of length 4 giving the background
##' frequencies of A,C,G,T
##' @param gc (Alternative to new.backgd) A numeric value giving the GC
##' content, which is used to calculate new background frequencies.
##' Assumes freq(C)==freq(G)==gc/2, and freq(A)==freq(T)==(1-gc)/2
##' @note Currently only works with models of order 0, without lineage-
##' specific models, and which use the default alphabet "ACGT".
##' @export
##' @example inst/examples/mod-backgd-tm.R
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
mod.backgd.tm <- function(tm, new.backgd=NULL, gc=NULL) {
  if (is.null(new.backgd)) {
    if (is.null(gc)) stop("either new.backgd or gc should be provided")
    if (length(gc) != 1L || gc < 0 || gc > 1) stop("invalid value of gc")
    new.backgd <- c((1-gc)/2, gc/2, gc/2, (1-gc)/2)
  if (length(new.backgd) != 4 ||
      sum(new.backgd < 0) > 0 ||
      sum(new.backgd > 1) > 0)
    stop("invalid background frequencies")
  tm <- as.pointer.tm(tm)
  .Call.rphast("rph_tm_mod_freqs", tm$externalPtr, new.backgd)
  tm <- from.pointer.tm(tm)

##' BGC+selection factor
##' @param x The cumulative effect of bgc and selection.  If bgc and sel are
##' population-scaled parameters describing biased gene conversion and selection,
##' then x should be sel+bgc for strong mutations, sel-bgc for weak mutations, a
##' and sel for neutral mutations.
##' @return x/(1-e^(-x)), the factor to scale the rate matrix entry by.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @export
bgc.sel.factor <- function(x) {
  ifelse(abs(x) < 1.0e-6,
         1 + x/2 + x*x/12,

##' Apply bgc+selection parameters to a matrix
##' @param m A transition matrix
##' @param bgc The bgc (biased gene conversion) parameter, population-scaled.
##' @param sel The selection parameter (population-scaled)
##' @param alphabet The alphabet used for nucleotide states
##' @return A matrix with bgc+sel applied.  This matrix may no longer be
##' time reversible.
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
apply.bgc.sel <- function(m, bgc=0, sel=0, alphabet="ACGT") {
  if (is.null(bgc)) bgc <- 0
  if (is.null(sel)) sel <- 0
                                    as.matrix(m), alphabet, sel, bgc))

##' Unapply bgc+selection parameters from a matrix
##' @param m A transition matrix
##' @param bgc The bgc parameter which was used to calculate m
##' @param sel The selection parameter which was used to calculate m
##' @param alphabet The alphabet used for nucleotide states
##' @return A matrix reflecting m before bgc and sel were applied.
##' @export
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
unapply.bgc.sel <- function(m, bgc=0, sel=0, alphabet="ACGT") {
                                    as.matrix(m), alphabet, sel, bgc))

##' Add a lineage-specific model
##' Lineage-specific models allow a different substitution model to be
##' defined on a specified set of branches.  An entirely different
##' substitution model can be used, as long as it is of the same order
##' and has the same number of states as the model used in the rest of the
##' tree.  Or, if the same substitution model is used, certain parameters
##' can be optimized separately from the main model, whereas others are
##' shared with the main model.
##' A lineage-specific model is stored as a list with the following
##' elements: defn, rate.matrix, and optional elements backgd,
##' selection, bgc.
##' defn is a character string which defines the model
##' in a way that phast can parse; it is a colon-delimited string with
##' 2 or 3 elements.  The first element indicates which branches the model
##' applies to, the second indicates which substitution model to use or
##' which parameters to optimize if the same substitution model is used
##' (and also may impose boundaries on these parameters).  The optional
##' third element is a list of parameters which will not be optimized by
##' phyloFit.
##' backgd is the initial set of equilibrium frequencies for this model; if 
##' not present, then the equilibrium frequencies will be shared with the
##' main model.
##' selection and bgc are optional parameters for the model with
##' biased gene conversion and selection.  If they are not provided this
##' model is not used.  Note that selection is defined relative to 
##' selection in the main model, if x$selection is not NULL (so the
##' total selection in the lineage-specific model is the sum of
##' the selection value in the main and lineage-specific model.
##' A tree model can have multiple lineage-specific models; if a later
##' model applies to the same branch as an earlier model, then the later one
##' overrides it.
##' All lineage-specific models are stored in the ls.model element
##' of the \code{tm} object.
##' @param x An object of type \code{tm}
##' @param branch If the lineage-specific model applies to a single branch,
##' it can be named here using the name of the node which descendes from the
##' branch.  See \code{\link{name.ancestors}} for naming internal nodes.
##' @param label (Alternative to branch).  The label which identifies the
##' branch(es) which this lineage-specific model should apply to.  Labels
##' are denoted in a tree with a pound sign and label following the node.
##' See \code{\link{label.branches}} and \code{\link{label.subtree}} to
##' add a label to a tree.
##' @param category An integer indicating which category/categories to
##' apply the lineage-specific model.  This only works if x$nratecats > 1.
##' A value of 0 or NULL implies all categories.  Otherwise this can be an
##' integer (or vector of integers) from 1..x$nratecats.
##' @param subst.mod A character string indicating the substitution model to
##' be used for the lineage-specific model.  If \code{NULL}, use the same
##' model as the rest of the tree.  See \code{\link{subst.mods}} for a
##' list of possible substituion models.
##' @param separate.params (Only applies if subst.mod is the same as main model)
##' A vector of character strings
##' indicating which parameters to estimate separately.  Possible values
##' are "kappa", "sel", "bgc", "gap_param", "backgd", and "ratematrix".
##' If backgd, selection, or bgc are provided as arguments, they are
##' automatically considered separate parameters and do not need to be
##' explicitly listed here.  "ratematrix" implies all
##' parameters describing the substitution model (but does not include
##' backgd, sel, or bgc).  Boundaries can be
##' optionally appended to parameter names with brackets, ie, "kappa[1,10]"
##' will set boundaries for kappa between 1 and 10 (see "Parameter
##' boundaries" section of \code{\link{phyloFit}}).
##' If subst.mod is different from the main model, then no parameters are
##' shared with main model.  However the equilibrium frequencies can be
##' shared by setting backgd to NULL.
##' @param const.params A character vector indicating which parameters to
##' hold constant at their initial values, rather than being optimized
##' upon a call to phyloFit.  Possible values are the same as for
##' separate.params, although no boundaries can be given here.
##' @param backgd The initial equilibrium frequencies to use for this
##' model.  If \code{NULL}, use the same as in the main model.
##' @param selection The selection parameter (from the sel+bgc model), 
##' relative to selection in the main model.
##' @param bgc The bgc parameter (from the sel+bgc model).
##' @return An object of type \code{tm}, identical to the input model but
##' with a new lineage-specific model added on.  This lineage-specific model
##' is not validated by this function.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @export
add.ls.mod <- function(x,
                       branch=NULL, label=NULL,
                       subst.mod=NULL, separate.params=NULL,
                       bgc=NULL) {

  if (is.null(branch) && is.null(label))
    stop("either branch or label must be provided")
  if (! (is.null(branch) || is.null(label)))
    stop("only one of branch/label should be provided")
  check.arg(branch, "branch", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  check.arg(label, "label", "character", null.OK=TRUE)
  # C code will check that branch/label exist on tree
  if (is.null(branch)) branchArg <- label
  else branchArg <- branch

  category <- check.arg(category, "category", "integer", null.OK=TRUE,
                        min.length=1L, max.length=NULL)
  if (!is.null(category)) {
    nrates <- x$nratecats
    if (is.null(nrates)) nrates <- 1
    if (sum(category < 0 | category > nrates) >= 1L)
      stop("category should be in range [0..,", nrates,"]")
    if (sum(category==0)==0) {
      catstr <- paste(category-1, sep=",")
      if (!is.null(branch)) {
        branch <- sprintf("%s#%s", branch, catstr)
      } else label <- sprintf("%s#%s", label, catstr)

  if (is.null(subst.mod)) subst.mod <- x[["subst.mod"]]
  if (subst.mod != x$subst.mod && !is.null(separate.params))
    stop("separate.params can only be non-NULL when the substitution model is the same as the main tree")
  if (!is.subst.mod.tm(subst.mod))
    stop("unknown substitution mod ", subst.mod)

  if (subst.mod == x[["subst.mod"]]) {
    if (!is.null(selection) && sum(const.params=="sel")==0) {
      if (is.null(separate.params))
        separate.params <- "sel"
      else if (length(grep("^sel(\\[.*,.*\\]+){0,1}$", separate.params)) == 0L)
        separate.params <- c(separate.params, "sel")
    if (!is.null(bgc) && sum(const.params=="bgc")==0) {
      if (is.null(separate.params))
        separate.params <- "bgc"
      else if (length(grep("^bgc(\\[.*,.*\\]+){0,1}$", separate.params))==0L)
        separate.params <- c(separate.params, "bgc")

  defn <- sprintf("%s:%s", ifelse(!is.null(branch), branch, label),
                  ifelse(is.null(separate.params), subst.mod,
                         paste(separate.params, collapse=",")))
  if (!is.null(const.params)) {
    defn <- sprintf("%s:%s", defn, paste(const.params, sep=",", collapse=","))
  origPtr <- as.pointer.tm(x)
  .Call.rphast("rph_tm_add_alt_mod", origPtr$externalPtr, defn)
  newmod <- from.pointer.tm(origPtr)

  # apply selection and/or bgc to ls model if provided
  if (! (is.null(bgc) && is.null(selection))) {
    if (is.null(newmod$ls.model$defn)) {
      nummod <- length(newmod$ls.model)
      lsmod <- newmod$ls.model[[nummod]]
    } else lsmod <- newmod$ls.model

    # newmod$bgc should always be null
    if (!is.null(newmod$selection)) {
      currMat <- unapply.bgc.sel(newmod$rate.matrix,
    } else currMat <- newmod$rate.matrix

    if (is.null(newmod$selection)) total.sel <- 0 else total.sel <- newmod$selection
    if (!is.null(selection)) total.sel <- total.sel + selection
    lsmod$rate.matrix <- apply.bgc.sel(currMat,
                                        bgc=if (is.null(bgc)) 0 else bgc,
    if (!is.null(selection)) lsmod$selection <- selection
    if (!is.null(bgc)) lsmod$bgc <- bgc

    if (is.null(newmod$ls.model$defn)) {
      newmod$ls.model[[nummod]] <- lsmod
    } else newmod$ls.model <- lsmod

##' Set the rate matrix of a tree model using model-specific parameters.
##' The params argument is a numeric vector with the parameters specific to the
##' model being used.  Here is the meaning of params for each model:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{"JC69","F81": These models have no parameters; params should be NULL.}
##' \item{"K80","HKY85","HKY_CODON": params should be a single value representing the
##' transition-transversion ratio (kappa).}
##' \item{"HKY85+Gap": params should be a numeric vector of length 2; the first
##' element represents the transition/transversion ratio (kappa), and the second
##' is the "gap parameter", the factor by which substitution rates are
##' multiplied if they involve an indel event.}
##' \item{"REV": params should be a numeric vector of length 6 (assuming a
##' model with 4 states).  With n states the vector should be of length
##' n*(n-1)/2.  The first parameter applies to the entry in the 1st row, 2nd
##' column; the next to the 1st row, 3rd column, etc until the end of the
##' first row; the next parameter applies to the 2nd row, 3rd column; etc.}
##' \item{"SSREV": params should be a numeric vector of length 4. Assuming
##' an alphabet "ACGT", the first parameter is the substitution rate from A->C,
##' C->A, T->G, and G->T.  The second is the rate from A->G, G->A, T->C,
##' and C->T,  The third is the rate from A->T and T->A, and the last is
##' C->G and G->C.}
##' \item{"UNREST": params should be a numeric vector of length n*n-n (where
##' n is the number of states.  params fills in the rate matrix starting at
##' the first row going across, skipping diagonals.}
##' \item{"R2": Parameters should be a numeric vector of length 48.  There
##' are 16 states in order AA, AC, AG, AT, CA, ..., TT (assuming alphabet
##' order ACGT).  Parameters are filled in starting row 1, column 2, going
##' across and then down, filling in the matrix above the diagonal, and
##' reflecting into the matrix below the diagonal.  Only cells which
##' represent a substitution which requires exactly one mutation are filled
##' in; cells requiring greater than 1 mutation have rate 0.}
##' \item{"U2": Similar to R2, except parameters are a numeric vector of
##' length 96.  Parameters are filled in starting row 1, column to, going
##' across and then down, filling entire matrix (rather than refelcting
##' across the diagonal)}
##' \item{"R2S": Similar to R2, but with strand symmetry.  params should be a
##' vector of length 24.  Parameters are filled in a similar fashion as R2,
##' except the same parameter applies to substitutions which are strand
##' symmetric.}
##' \item{"U2S": Similar to U2, but with strand symmetry.  params should be a
##' vector of length 48.  Parameters are filled in a similar fashion as U2,
##' except the same parameter applies to substitutions which are strand
##' symmetric.}
##' \item{"R3","R3S","U3","U3S": Similar to R2, R2S, U2, and U2S, except there
##' are 64 states instead of 16.  params should be numeric vector of length
##' 288, 148, 576, or 288, for models R3, R3S, U3, and U3S respectively.}}
##' @param x An object of type \code{tm}.
##' @param params Parameters specific to the substitution model.  Should be a
##' numeric vector of length appropriate for the model.  See details below.
##' @param scale A logical value.  If \code{TRUE}, scale the matrix so that the
##' expected number of mutations per unit time is one per base pair.
##' @return An object of type \code{tm} with a rate matrix set according
##' to params.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
set.rate.matrix.tm <- function(x, params=NULL, scale=TRUE) {
  x <- as.pointer.tm(x)
  .Call.rphast("rph_tree_model_set_matrix", x$externalPtr, params, scale)

##' Get the parameters describing a rate matrix
##' @param x An object of type \code{tm}.
##' @return A numeric vector of parameters which can be used to describe
##' the transition matrix under the substitution model indicated in x.
##' May be NULL for certain models which have no parameters (JC69, F81).
##' The meaning of the parameters is described in
##' \code{\link{set.rate.matrix.tm}}.
##' @note The params returned may not describe the rate matrix passed
##' in, if the rate matrix does not follow the model indicated in x.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz and Adam Siepel
##' @export
get.rate.matrix.params.tm <- function(x) {
  x <- as.pointer.tm(x)
  .Call.rphast("rph_tree_model_get_rate_matrix_params", x$externalPtr)

##' Make a bubble plot of a transition matrix
##' @param x A square matrix representing a continuous-time markov model;
##' rows should sum to zero, with negative values cross the diagonal
##' @param eq.freq A numeric vector giving the equilibrium frequencies
##' of each state.  If provided, the equilibrium frequencies will be
##' plotted along the bottom.
##' @param max.cex A scaling factor which determines the size of the
##' largest circle
##' @param eq.freq.max.cex A scaling factor which determines the size
##' of the largest circle in the equilibrium frequencies.
##' @param alphabet A character vector representing the state names for
##' each row/column of the matrix.  Can either be a vector of size
##' \code{nrow(m)} or a single character string with \code{nrow(m)}
##' characters.  Can also be \code{NULL} for no row/column labels.
##' @param col If \code{NULL}, all circles will be drawn in black.
##' Otherwise, col can be a matrix of the same dimension of \code{m},
##' each entry should indicate the color used for the corresponding
##' cell in the transition matrix.
##' @param eq.freq.col (Only applicable when eq.freq provided).  Should
##' be vector of same length as eq.freq, though values will be recycled.
##' Values in the vector indicate colors to draw the equilibrium frequency
##' bubbles.
##' @param filled If \code{TRUE}, plot filled circles.
##' @param add If \code{TRUE}, add to the existing plot.  Otherwise create
##' a new plot.
##' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{plot}.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @method plot rate.matrix
##' @export plot.rate.matrix
##' @export
plot.rate.matrix <- function(x, eq.freq=NULL, max.cex=10.0,
                             alphabet=NULL, col=NULL,
                             eq.freq.col=NULL, filled=TRUE,
                             add=FALSE, ...) {
  check.arg(x, "x", "matrix", min.length=NULL, max.length=NULL)
  if (nrow(x) != ncol(x)) stop("x should be square matrix")
  m <- x
  check.arg(eq.freq, "eq.freq", min.length=nrow(m), max.length=nrow(m),
  if (!is.null(eq.freq)) {
    if (!is.null(eq.freq.col)) {
      eq.freq.col <- rep(eq.freq.col, length.out=length(eq.freq))
    } else eq.freq.col <- "black"
  if (!is.null(col)) {
    if (nrow(col) != nrow(m) || ncol(col) != ncol(m))
      stop("col should have same dimensions as m")
    col <- as.numeric(col)
  } else {
    col <- "black"
  check.arg(max.cex, "max.cex", "numeric", null.OK=FALSE)
  pch <- 21
  if (filled) {
    bg <- col
    bg.eq.freq <- eq.freq.col
  }else {
    bg <- NULL
    bg.eq.freq <- NULL
  x <- sapply(1:ncol(m), rep, nrow(m))
  y <- matrix(rep(nrow(m):1, ncol(m)), nrow=nrow(m))
  diag(m) <- NA
  m <- sqrt(m)
  m <- m*max.cex/max(m, na.rm=TRUE)

  if (!add) {
    xlim <- c(0.5, ncol(m)+0.5)
    ylim <- c(0.5, nrow(m)+0.5)
    if (!is.null(eq.freq)) ylim[1] <- -1
    plot(as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y), cex=as.numeric(m), xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, bty="n", col=col, bg=bg, pch=pch, ...)
  } else {
    points(as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y), cex=as.numeric(m), col=col, bg=bg, pch=pch, ...)

  if (!is.null(alphabet)) {
    if (length(alphabet) == 1L && nchar(alphabet) == nrow(m)) {
      newalphabet <- character(nrow(m))
      for (i in 1:nrow(m)) newalphabet[i] <- substr(alphabet, i, i)
      alphabet <- newalphabet
    if (length(alphabet) != nrow(m))
      stop("alphabet should be length 1 with nchar==nrow(m) or length nrow(m)")
    for (i in 1:length(alphabet)) {
      mtext(alphabet[i], side=c(3,2), at=c(i, nrow(m)-i+1), las=1, cex=1.2)
  if (!is.null(eq.freq)) {
    eq.freq <- sqrt(eq.freq)
    eq.freq <- eq.freq*eq.freq.max.cex/max(eq.freq, na.rm=TRUE)
    if (is.null(eq.freq.col)) eq.freq.col <- "black"
    points(1:nrow(m), rep(-0.5, length.out=nrow(m)),
           cex=eq.freq, col=eq.freq.col, bg=bg.eq.freq, pch=pch)
    mtext("eq.freq", side=2, at=-0.5, las=1)

##' Make a bubble plot of the transition matrix for a tree model.
##' @param x An object of type \code{tm}.
##' @param show.eq.freq If \code{TRUE}, show bubbles representing equilibrium
##' frequencies along the bottom of plot.
##' @param max.cex A scaling factor which determines the size of the
##' largest circle
##' @param eq.freq.max.cex A scaling factor which determines the size
##' of the largest circle in the equilibrium frequencies.
##' @param alphabet A character vector representing the state names for
##' each row/column of the matrix.  Can either be a vector of size
##' \code{nrow(m)} or a single character string with \code{nrow(m)}
##' characters.  Can also be \code{NULL} for no row/column labels.
##' @param col If \code{NULL}, all circles will be drawn in black.
##' Otherwise, col can be a matrix of the same dimension of \code{m},
##' each entry should indicate the color used for the corresponding
##' cell in the transition matrix.
##' @param eq.freq.col Should
##' be vector of same length as eq.freq, though values will be recycled.
##' Values in the vector indicate colors to draw the equilibrium frequency
##' bubbles.
##' @param filled If \code{TRUE}, plot filled circles.
##' @param add If \code{TRUE}, add to the existing plot.  Otherwise create
##' a new plot.
##' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{plot}.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @example inst/examples/plot-tm.R
##' @method plot tm
##' @export plot.tm
##' @export
plot.tm <- function(x, show.eq.freq=TRUE, max.cex=10.0,
                    alphabet=NULL, col=NULL,
                    eq.freq.col=NULL, filled=TRUE,
                    add=FALSE, ...) {
                   if (show.eq.freq) eq.freq=x$backgd else NULL,
                   add=add, ...)

##' Make a bubble plot of a lineage-specific transition matrix of a
##' tree model.
##' @param x An object of type \code{tm}.
##' @param i An integer identifying which element of tm[["ls.model"]] to
##' plot.
##' @param show.eq.freq If \code{TRUE}, show bubbles representing equilibrium
##' frequencies along the bottom of plot.
##' @param max.cex A scaling factor which determines the size of the
##' largest circle
##' @param eq.freq.max.cex A scaling factor which determines the size
##' of the largest circle in the equilibrium frequencies.
##' @param alphabet A character vector representing the state names for
##' each row/column of the matrix.  Can either be a vector of size
##' \code{nrow(m)} or a single character string with \code{nrow(m)}
##' characters.  Can also be \code{NULL} for no row/column labels.
##' @param col If \code{NULL}, all circles will be drawn in black.
##' Otherwise, col can be a matrix of the same dimension of \code{m},
##' each entry should indicate the color used for the corresponding
##' cell in the transition matrix.
##' @param eq.freq.col Should
##' be vector of same length as eq.freq, though values will be recycled.
##' Values in the vector indicate colors to draw the equilibrium frequency
##' bubbles.
##' @param filled If \code{TRUE}, plot filled circles.
##' @param add If \code{TRUE}, add to the existing plot.  Otherwise create
##' a new plot.
##' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{plot}.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @example inst/examples/plot-lsmodel-tm.R
##' @method plot lsmodel.tm
##' @export plot.lsmodel.tm
##' @export
plot.lsmodel.tm <- function(x, i=1, show.eq.freq=TRUE, max.cex=10.0,
                             alphabet=NULL, col=NULL,
                             eq.freq.col=NULL, filled=TRUE,
                             add=FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.null(x$ls.model$defn)) {
    if (i != 1) stop("only one ls.model in x, but i=", i)
    lsmod <- x$ls.model
  } else {
    if (length(x$ls.model) < i)
    stop("not enough ls.models (%i)", length(x$ls.model))
    lsmod <- x$ls.model[[i]]
  if (show.eq.freq) {
    if (is.null(lsmod$backgd)) {
      eq.freq <- x$backgd
    } else eq.freq <- lsmod$backgd
  } else eq.freq <- NULL
                   add=add, ...)

##' Set up a tree model for branch site selection analysis
##' @param mod an object of type \code{tm}
##' @param foreground a character string giving a tree branch name or label
##' identifying foreground branches
##' @param bgc If \code{TRUE}, then use 8 categories of sites; four with bgc
##' in the foreground and four without.
##' @param altModel If \code{TRUE}, then optimize the foreground positive
##' selection parameter (constrained > 0).  Otherwise hold constant at 0.
##' @param init.sel.neg Initial value for negative selection parameter
##' @param init.sel.pos Initial value for positive selection paramter
##' @param init.bgc Initial value for bgc parameter (Ignored if bgc==FALSE)
##' @param init.weights Numeric vector of length three giving the initial
##' weight parameters.  The first two values determine the relative
##' frequencies of negatively, neutral, and positively selected sites.  The
##' last parameter determines the frequency of sites affected by bgc, and is
##' ignored if bgc==FALSE. All values should be >= 0.
##' @return An object of type \code{tm} which can be used as the init.mod
##' argument to phyloFit to perform the branch-site test.
##' @author Melissa J. Hubisz
##' @export
setup.branch.site.tm <- function(mod, foreground, bgc=FALSE, altModel=TRUE,
                                 init.sel.neg=0, init.sel.pos=0,
                                 init.bgc=0, init.weights=NULL) {
  mod <- as.pointer.tm(mod)
  if (!is.null(init.weights)) {
    if (length(init.weights) != 3L && bgc)
      stop("init.weights should be length 3 if bgc==TRUE")
    if (length(init.weights) != 3L && length(init.weights) != 2L && !bgc)
      stop("init.weights should be length 2 or 3 if bgc==FALSE")
    if (sum(init.weights < 0) > 0L)
      stop("all values in init.weights should be >=0")
  .Call.rphast("rph_tm_setup_site_model", mod$externalPtr, foreground, bgc,
               altModel, init.sel.neg, init.sel.pos, init.bgc, init.weights)

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