
Defines functions get_num_batch_ranks plot_rec_errors_bar_svd plot_rec_errors_line_svd get_reconstruct_errors_svd determine_ranks_tucker

Documented in determine_ranks_tucker get_num_batch_ranks get_reconstruct_errors_svd plot_rec_errors_bar_svd plot_rec_errors_line_svd

utils::globalVariables(c("num_ranks", "rec_error", "num_iter", "run_type", "error_diff", "total_ranks", "myrsq", "n_factors", "factor_type", "total_n_factors","Status"))

#' Run rank determination by svd on the tensor unfolded along each mode
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @param container environment Project container that stores sub-containers
#' for each cell type as well as results and plots from all analyses
#' @param max_ranks_test numeric Vector of length 2 specifying the maximum number of
#' donor and gene ranks to test
#' @param shuffle_level character Either "cells" to shuffle cell-donor linkages or
#' "tensor" to shuffle values within the tensor (default="cells")
#' @param shuffle_within character A metadata variable to shuffle cell-donor linkages
#' within (default=NULL)
#' @param num_iter numeric Number of null iterations (default=100)
#' @param batch_var character A batch variable from metadata to remove. No batch
#' correction applied if NULL. (default=NULL)
#' @param norm_method character The normalization method to use on the pseudobulked
#' count data. Set to 'regular' to do standard normalization of dividing by
#' library size. Set to 'trim' to use edgeR trim-mean normalization, whereby counts
#' are divided by library size times a normalization factor. (default='trim')
#' @param scale_factor numeric The number that gets multiplied by fractional counts
#' during normalization of the pseudobulked data (default=10000)
#' @param scale_var logical TRUE to scale the gene expression variance across donors
#' for each cell type. If FALSE then all genes are scaled to unit variance across
#' donors for each cell type. (default=TRUE)
#' @param var_scale_power numeric Exponent of normalized variance that is
#' used for variance scaling. Variance for each gene
#' is initially set to unit variance across donors (for a given cell type).
#' Variance for each gene is then scaled by multiplying the unit scaled values
#' by each gene's normalized variance (where the effect of the mean-variance
#' dependence is taken into account) to the exponent specified here.
#' If NULL, uses var_scale_power from container$experiment_params. (default=.5)
#' @param seed numeric Seed passed to set.seed() (default=container$experiment_params$rand_seed)
#' @return The project container with a cowplot figure of rank determination plots in
#' container$plots$rank_determination_plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test_container <- determine_ranks_tucker(test_container, max_ranks_test=c(3,5),
#' shuffle_level='tensor', num_iter=4, norm_method='trim', scale_factor=10000,
#' scale_var=TRUE, var_scale_power=.5)
determine_ranks_tucker <- function(container, max_ranks_test,
                                   shuffle_level='cells', shuffle_within=NULL,
                                   num_iter=100, batch_var=NULL,
                                   seed=container$experiment_params$rand_seed) {

  # check if run tensor formation yet...
  if (is.null(container$tensor_data)) {
    stop("need to run form_tensor() first")

  # set random seed

  # generate reconstruction errors under the null condition
  null_res <- lapply(1:num_iter, function(x) {

    if (shuffle_level == "cells") {

      # pseudobulk with shuffle donor-cell linkages
      container <- get_pseudobulk(container, shuffle=TRUE, shuffle_within=shuffle_within)

      # normalize data
      container <- normalize_pseudobulk(container, method=norm_method, scale_factor=scale_factor)

      # reduce to previously identified vargenes
      container <- reduce_to_vargenes(container)

      if (scale_var) {
        # scale gene expression
        container <- scale_variance(container,
      # apply batch correction if specified
      if (!is.null(batch_var)) {
        container <- apply_combat(container,batch_var=batch_var)

      # build the tensor
      container <- stack_tensor(container)

    tmp_tnsr <- container$tensor_data[[4]]

    # get and store reconstruction errors
    if (shuffle_level == "cells") {
      rec_errors <- get_reconstruct_errors_svd(tmp_tnsr,max_ranks_test,shuffle_tensor=FALSE)
    } else {
      rec_errors <- get_reconstruct_errors_svd(tmp_tnsr,max_ranks_test,shuffle_tensor=TRUE)

  # recompute original tensor if shuffling was done at cell level
  if (shuffle_level == "cells") {
    # get actual reconstruction errors
    container <- get_pseudobulk(container, shuffle=FALSE)

    # normalize data
    container <- normalize_pseudobulk(container, method=norm_method, scale_factor=scale_factor)

    # reduce to previously identified vargenes
    container <- reduce_to_vargenes(container)

    if (scale_var) {
      # scale gene expression
      container <- scale_variance(container,
    # apply batch correction if specified
    if (!is.null(batch_var)) {
      container <- apply_combat(container,batch_var=batch_var)

    # build the tensor
    container <- stack_tensor(container)

  tmp_tnsr <- container$tensor_data[[4]]

  # get and store reconstruction errors
  rec_errors_real <- get_reconstruct_errors_svd(tmp_tnsr,max_ranks_test,shuffle_tensor=FALSE)

  # plot the results
  all_line_plots <- list()
  all_bar_plots <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(max_ranks_test)) {
    line_plot <- plot_rec_errors_line_svd(rec_errors_real, null_res, i)
    bar_plot <- plot_rec_errors_bar_svd(rec_errors_real, null_res, i)
    all_line_plots[[i]] <- line_plot
    all_bar_plots[[i]] <- bar_plot
  p <- ggpubr::ggarrange(all_line_plots[[1]], all_bar_plots[[1]], all_line_plots[[2]],
                         ncol = 2, nrow = 2)

  # save data and plot
  container$rank_determination_results <- list(rec_errors_real,null_res)
  container$plots$rank_determination_plot <- p


#' Calculate reconstruction errors using svd approach
#' @param tnsr array A 3-dimensional array with dimensions of
#' donors, genes, and cell types in that order
#' @param max_ranks_test numeric Vector of length 3 with maximum number of
#' ranks to test for donor, gene, and cell type modes in that order
#' @param shuffle_tensor logical Set to TRUE to shuffle values within the tensor
#' @return A list of reconstruction errors for each mode of the tensor.
get_reconstruct_errors_svd <- function(tnsr, max_ranks_test, shuffle_tensor) {
  tnsr <- rTensor::as.tensor(tnsr)

  if (shuffle_tensor) {
    # unfold along donor mode
    d_unfold <- rTensor::k_unfold(tnsr,1)@data

    # shuffle values in each column (preserves gene and ct structure)
    for (i in 1:ncol(d_unfold)) {
      d_unfold[,i] <- sample(d_unfold[,i])

    # refold tensor
    tnsr <- rTensor::k_fold(d_unfold,m=1,modes=tnsr@modes)

  mode_rank_errors <- list()

  for (m in 1:length(max_ranks_test)) {
    rnk_errors <- c()
    d_unfold <- rTensor::k_unfold(tnsr,m)@data

    svd_res <- svd(d_unfold)
    d <- diag(svd_res$d)
    for (rnk in 1:max_ranks_test[m]) {
      rec <- as.matrix(svd_res$u[,1:rnk]) %*% as.matrix(d[1:rnk,1:rnk]) %*% as.matrix(t(svd_res$v[,1:rnk]))
      fnorm_relative <- norm(rec - d_unfold, "F")**2 / norm(d_unfold, "F")**2

      rnk_errors <- c(rnk_errors,fnorm_relative)
    mode_rank_errors[[m]] <- rnk_errors


#' Plot reconstruction errors as line plot for svd method
#' @param real list The real reconstruction errors
#' @param shuffled list The reconstruction errors under null model
#' @param mode_to_show numeric The mode to plot the results for
#' @return A ggplot object showing relative reconstruction errors.
plot_rec_errors_line_svd <- function(real,shuffled,mode_to_show) {
  plot_res <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=2,nrow=0))
  for (i in 1:length(shuffled)) {
    shuffle_iter <- shuffled[[i]][[mode_to_show]]
    tmp <- cbind(shuffle_iter,c(1:length(shuffle_iter)),
    plot_res <- rbind(plot_res,tmp)
  colnames(plot_res) <- c("rec_error","num_ranks","num_iter","run_type")

  # append real data
  tmp <- cbind(real[[mode_to_show]],c(1:length(shuffle_iter)),
  colnames(tmp) <- c("rec_error","num_ranks","num_iter","run_type")
  plot_res <- rbind(plot_res,tmp)
  plot_res$rec_error <- as.numeric(as.character(plot_res$rec_error))
  plot_res$num_ranks <- as.numeric(as.character(plot_res$num_ranks))

  if (mode_to_show==1) {
    by_interval <- 2
  } else if (mode_to_show==2) {
    by_interval <- 5
  } else {
    by_interval <- 1

  p <- ggplot(plot_res,aes(x=num_ranks,y=rec_error,group=num_iter,color=run_type)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point() +
    ylim(0,1) +
    xlab("Number of Factors") +
    ylab("Relative Error") +
    labs(color = "Type") +
    ggtitle(paste0('Mode ', as.character(mode_to_show), ' Error')) +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1, max(plot_res$num_ranks), by = by_interval))


#' Plot reconstruction errors as bar plot for svd method
#' @importFrom Rmisc summarySE
#' @param real list The real reconstruction errors
#' @param shuffled list The reconstruction errors under null model
#' @param mode_to_show numeric The mode to plot the results for
#' @return A ggplot object showing the difference in reconstruction errors for
#' successive factors.
plot_rec_errors_bar_svd <- function(real,shuffled,mode_to_show) {
  plot_res <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=2,nrow=0))
  for (i in 1:length(shuffled)) {
    shuffle_iter <- shuffled[[i]][[mode_to_show]]
    diffs <- rev(diff(rev(c(1,shuffle_iter))))
    tmp <- cbind(diffs,c(1:length(diffs)),
    plot_res <- rbind(plot_res,tmp)

  colnames(plot_res) <- c("error_diff","num_ranks","num_iter","run_type")

  # append real data
  diff_real <- rev(diff(rev(c(1,real[[mode_to_show]]))))
  tmp <- cbind(diff_real,c(1:length(diff_real)),
  colnames(tmp) <- c("error_diff","num_ranks","num_iter","run_type")
  plot_res <- rbind(plot_res,tmp)
  plot_res$error_diff <- as.numeric(as.character(plot_res$error_diff))
  plot_res$num_ranks <- as.numeric(as.character(plot_res$num_ranks))

  # calculate summary stats
  suppressWarnings(tgc <- summarySE(plot_res, measurevar="error_diff",

  if (mode_to_show==1) {
    by_interval <- 2
  } else if (mode_to_show==2) {
    if (max(tgc$num_ranks) < 20) {
      by_interval <- 2
    } else {
      by_interval <- 5
  } else {
    by_interval <- 1

  p <- ggplot(tgc, aes(x=num_ranks, y=error_diff, fill=run_type)) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black", position=position_dodge()) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=error_diff-sd, ymax=error_diff+sd), width=1,position=position_dodge()) +
    xlab("Number of Factors") +
    ylab("Error(n-1) - Error(n)") +
    labs(fill = "Type") +
    ggtitle(paste0('Mode ', as.character(mode_to_show), ' Error Differences')) +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1, max(tgc$num_ranks), by = by_interval))


#' Plot factor-batch associations for increasing number of donor factors
#' @param container environment Project container that stores sub-containers
#' for each cell type as well as results and plots from all analyses
#' @param donor_ranks_test numeric The number of donor rank values to test
#' @param gene_ranks numeric The number of gene ranks to use throughout
#' @param batch_var character The name of the batch meta variable
#' @param thresh numeric The threshold r-squared cutoff for considering a
#' factor to be a batch factor. Can be a vector of multiple values to get plots
#' at varying thresholds. (default=0.5)
#' @param tucker_type character Set to 'regular' to run regular tucker or to 'sparse' to run tucker
#' with sparsity constraints (default='regular')
#' @param rotation_type character Set to 'hybrid' to optimize loadings via our hybrid
#' method (see paper for details). Set to 'ica_dsc' to perform ICA rotation
#' on resulting donor factor matrix. Set to 'ica_lds' to optimize loadings by the
#' ICA rotation. (default='hybrid')
#' @return A ggpubr figure of ggplot objects showing batch-factor associations and
#' placed in container$plots$num_batch_factors slot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test_container <- get_num_batch_ranks(test_container, donor_ranks_test=c(2:4), 
#' gene_ranks=10, batch_var='lanes', thresh=0.5, tucker_type='regular', rotation_type='hybrid')
get_num_batch_ranks <- function(container, donor_ranks_test, gene_ranks, batch_var, thresh=0.5,
                                tucker_type='regular',rotation_type='hybrid') {
  n_ctypes <- length(container$experiment_params$ctypes_use)
  res <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=2))
  for (r in donor_ranks_test) {
    container <- run_tucker_ica(container, ranks=c(r,gene_ranks,n_ctypes),
                                tucker_type=tucker_type, rotation_type=rotation_type)
    var_exp <- sum(container$exp_var)
    container <- get_meta_associations(container,vars_test=c(batch_var))
    tmp <- cbind(t(container[["meta_associations"]]),rep(r,r),rep(var_exp,r))
    res <- rbind(res,tmp)
  rownames(res) <- NULL
  colnames(res) <- c('myrsq','total_n_factors','var_exp')

  raw_plot <- ggplot(res,aes(x=total_n_factors,y=myrsq)) +
    geom_point() +
    xlab('Total Number of Factors') +
    ylab('Batch Association (r^2)') +
    ggtitle('Factor-Batch Associations') +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

  var_plot <- ggplot(res,aes(x=total_n_factors,y=var_exp)) +
    geom_line() +
    xlab('Total Number of Factors') +
    ylab('Explained Variance %') +
    ggtitle('Explained Variance') +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +

  all_plots <- list(raw_plot)
  for (i in 1:length(thresh)) {
    thr <- thresh[i]
    res2 <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=3))
    for (r in donor_ranks_test) {
      res_sub <- res[res$total_n_factors==r,]
      num_less <- sum(res_sub$myrsq < thr)
      num_greater <- sum(res_sub$myrsq >= thr)
      tmp <- cbind(c(num_less,num_greater),rep(r,2),c('non-batch','batch'))
      res2 <- rbind(res2,tmp)
    colnames(res2) <- c('n_factors','total_n_factors','factor_type')
    res2$n_factors <- as.numeric(res2$n_factors)
    res2$total_n_factors <- as.numeric(res2$total_n_factors)

    thresh_plot <- ggplot(res2,aes(x=total_n_factors,y=n_factors,color=factor_type)) +
      geom_line() +
      xlab('Total Number of Factors') +
      ylab('Number of Factors') +
      ggtitle(paste0('Threshold r^2 = ',as.character(thr))) +
      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), legend.position = c(.15, 0.925)) +
      labs(color='Factor Type') +

    all_plots[[i+1]] <- thresh_plot

  all_plots[[length(all_plots)+1]] <- var_plot

  p <- ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist=all_plots, nrow = 1)

  container$plots$num_batch_factors <- p


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